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    • High View Of Scripture


      1. Evangelicals, Traditionalism, And The Bible
      2. Introducing New Testament Canon Formation
      3. Canon And Ecclesiology
      4. A Closed Second-Century Canon?
      5. Two Important Fourth-Century Lists
      6. Inspiration And Inerrancy
      Appendix: The Fathers, Scripture, And Inspiration

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      This book shows the diverse histories of the canon’s historical development and its subsequent twenty-first century implications for an evangelical “high view of Scripture”.

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    • Reading The Bible With The Dead


      Many Christians would describe themselves as serious and regular readers of the Bible. Yet, if we are honest, we have a tendency to stick with the parts of the Bible that we understand, leaving vast tracts of Scripture unexplored. Even when following a guide, we may never reach into the Bible’s less-traveled regions, passages marked by violence, tragedy, offense, or obscurity. Where our modern minds shy away from, however, ancient, medieval, and Reformation commentators dove into. In fact, they often displayed strikingly contemporary interests and sensitivities to the difficulties, meaning, and moral implications of the Bible’s most difficult narratives. Reading the Bible with the Dead presents a remarkably engrossing exploration of these passages through the eyes of those who came before. In doing so, readers will be left with a conviction that the legacy of the faithful interpreters of the past can guide and challenge readers and hearers today.

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    • Hermenueutical Spiral : A Comprehensive Introduction To Biblical Interpreta


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830828265ISBN10: 0830828265Grant OsborneBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2006Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Tradition Scripture And Interpretation


      Introduces readers to the seminal, primary sources of Christian antiquity, focusing specifically on lesser-known texts from the first through sixth centuries.

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    • Reading Scripture With The Church


      Part 1: Essays
      Part 2: Responses

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      Four top scholars wrestle with the hermeneutical issues related to a Christian approach to careful reading and understanding of Scripture.

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    • Between Philosophy And Religion 1


      Introduction: The Challenge Of Spinoza To Modernity
      The Bible And Hermeneutics
      The Ontological Argument And Modernity: The Relationship Between Thought And Existence
      Conclusion: Hermeneutics And Ontology
      Appendix 1: Critical Commentary On Works Relating To Spinoza, The Bible, And Modernity
      Appendix 2: Strauss On The Bible, Philosophy, And Modernity


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      In Between Philosophy and Religion Volumes I and II, Brayton Polka examines Spinoza’s three major works-on religion, politics, and ethics-in order to show that his thought is at once biblical and modern. Indeed, Polka argues that Spinoza is biblical only insofar as he is understood to be one of the great philosophers of modernity and that he is modern only when it is understood that he is unique in making the interpretation of the Bible central to philosophy and philosophy central to the interpretation of the Bible. This book and its companion volume are essential reading for any scholar of Spinoza.

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    • Engaging The Bible


      Bringing together some of the leading luminaries in feminist, womanist, and multicultural critical biblical studies in this book, each woman describes her unique perspective and offers her reading of a particular biblical scene. This is an ideal text for courses on feminist and multicultural biblical interpretation and includes discussion questions for each chapter and a list of suggested readings.

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    • Seeing The Word


      Taking full account of more recent approaches and historical-critical methods, the author proposes a rethinking of the way students and scholars should approach the New Testament.

      A timely prophetic plea for an ‘evangelical catholic reading of the text in our own time’

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    • Biblical Hermeneutics


      SCM Studyguide to Biblical Hermeneutics offers entry-level undergraduates a framework for interpreting the Bible. The book goes beyond offering guidance on how to do exegesis, and is intended as a practical tool to help readers develop good interpretative strategies for themselves. As such it features pedagogical tools such as Try it Out boxes to assist students to develop a tested and thought-through overall interpretative strategy of their own. Market-tested to ensure a good coverage of the typical topics found on a standard level-one hermeneutics course, SCM Studyguide to Biblical Hermeneutics is designed as a practical and comprehensive companion to coursework, be that within a secular institution, a theological institution or within Church reading groups. The authors set out from the beginning to make clear that interpretation of the Bible is largely affected by the reader’s own situation and therefore, the text is designed to guide the reader through the myriad of accepted methods of interpretation, no matter what the reader’s own perspective or situation may be.

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    • Romance She Wrote


      Andre LaCocque, professor emeritus of Hebrew Scriptures at Chicago Theological Seminary, has written an intriguing hermeneutical essay on the Song of Songs, concluding that it was the work of a single Hebrew poetess writing about eros love.

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    • When Deborah Met Jael


      When Deborah Met Jael defines and situates the significant elements that might constitute lesbian-identified readings of scripture. Deryn Guest explores the instability of the lesbian label and the concept of a “lesbian sensibility” while defending the need to retain the ‘lesbian’ identifier despite shifts to queer terminology. An exploration of the differing social locations of lesbian-identified hermeneutics, noting in particular the adverse positions of lesbians socially, economically and religiously, grounds the subsequent proposal of three principles (and accompanying reading strategies) that might characterize lesbian-identified hermeneutics. These principles, which are not to be read as progressive linear movements but rather as interweaving commitments, include a commitment to a hermeneutic of hetero-suspicion, a commitment to strategies of appropriation, a commitment to the disruption of sex-gender binaries and a commitment to making a difference (which involves a willingness to confront the issue of biblical authority). Throughout, the author evaluates strategies that have been used to date by lesbians reading scripture, identifying those strategies that are most likely to provide empowerment contemporary lesbians in a variety of social contexts and she engages closely with relevant biblical texts to demonstrate how these strategies can be applied.

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    • Discovering The Holy Spirit In The New Testament


      The role of the Holy Spirit in the development of the early church was absolutely crucial as the New Testament documents were being written and circulated. However many first-century believers, often unacquainted with the Old Testament, had little knowledge of the work of God’s Spirit. Therefore the New Testament writers sought to explain his character and mission in the events they recorded and through the letters they penned. Nevertheless, many Christians today have only a vague understanding of the Holy Spirit-the comfort he offers, the gifts he imparts-but few could articulate his vital role in the life of every believer.

      Taking a “text-driven” approach, Warrington moves beyond the controversy and sensationalism associated with charismatic phenomena, to examine the third person of the Trinity himself. Progressing from Matthew to Revelation, this in-depth study allows the scriptures to speak out of their original contextual situations and into our lives today.

      Readers will gain an appreciation of the Spirit as a complex, wise, creative, powerful, and personal member of the Godhead who is sent to equip, empower, affirm, inspire, gift, and ultimately transform the people of God.

      Each chapter concludes with helpful study questions and a useful bibliography.

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    • Cross Cultural Paul


      The apostle Paul was a cross-cultural missionary, a Hellenistic Jew who sought to be “all things to all people” in order to win them to the gospel. In this provocative book Charles Cosgrove, Herold Weiss, and K. K. Yeo bring Paul into conversation with six diverse cultures of today: Argentine/Uraguayan, Anglo-American, Chinese, African American, Native American, and Russian. No other book on the apostle Paul looks at his thought from multiple cultural perspectives in the way that this one does. From the introduction outlining the authors’ cultural backgrounds to the conclusion drawing together what they learn from each other, Cross-Cultural Paul orients readers to the hermeneutical struggles and rewards of approaching texts cross-culturally.

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    • Short Introduction To Hermeneutics


      Hermeneutics defines the rules used to search out the meaning of Scripture. Throughout church history, interpreters have approached biblical interpretation in different ways, using different tools and methods. This book conveniently and accessibly surveys major biblical interpreters and approaches to hermeneutics from the patristic period to the present days. It provides a theoretical basis for understanding the processes of hermeneutics in different faith traditions.

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    • Evangelicals And Scripture


      By definition, a high view of Scripture inheres in evangelicalism. However, there does not seem to be a uniform way to articulate an evangelical doctrine of Scripture.

      Taking up the challenge, Vincent E. Bacote, Laura C. Miguilez and Dennis L. Okholm present twelve essays that explore in depth the meaning of an evangelical doctrine of Scripture that takes seriously both the human and divine dimensions of the Bible. The essays, selected from the presentations made at the 2002 Wheaton Theology Conference, approach this vital subject from three directions. Stan Grenz, Bruce McCormack and Donald Dayton consider the history of evangelical thinking on the nature of Scripture. John Brogan, Kent Sparks, J. Daniel Hays and Richard Schultz address the nature of biblical authority. Finally, Bruce Benson, John Franke, Daniel Treier and David Alan Williams explore the challenge of hermeneutics, especially as it relates to interpreting Scripture in a postmodern context.

      Together these essays provide a window into current evangelical scholarship on the doctrine of Scripture and also advance the dialogue about how best to construe our faith in the Word of God, living and written, that informs not only the belief but also the practice of the church.

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    • Matthew : Storyteller Interpreter Evangelist (Revised)


      For the past ten years, the well-received first edition of this commentary has offered readers a way to look at scriptural texts that combines historical, narrative, and contemporary interests. Carter explores Matthew by approaching it from the perspective of the “authorial audience”-by identifying with and reading along with the audience imagined by the author. Now an updated second edition is available as part of a new series focusing on each of the gospel writers as storyteller, interpreter, and evangelist.

      This edition preserves the essential identity of the original material, while adding new insights from Carter’s more recent readings of Matthew’s gospel in relation to the Roman Imperial world.

      Four of the seventeen chapters have been significantly revised, and most have had minor changes. There are also new endnotes directing readers to Carter’s more recent published work on Matthew. Scholars and pastors will use the full bibliography and appendix on redaction and narrative approaches, while lay readers will appreciate the clear and straightforward text.

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    • Interpreting The Truth


      Using the model of “reading other people’s mail,” L. William Countryman proposes that we read the letters of the New Testament as an ongoing conversation between the text itself and the modern interpreter and the community.

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    • Letter From Gods Power Seat


      Revelation of Christ-Not the Antichrist! “Do you know how many times the term antichrist is mentioned in Revelation? Not a single time!” says Jokim Schnoebbe. “The book is the revelation of Jesus Christ that came through Him, is about Him, and will lead to Him. It is my presupposition that Christ-centeredness always brings me one step closer to the truth.” In this interpretive paraphrase, Jokim Schnoebbe repeats the text of Revelation in his own words, replacing the symbolism with plain language, expounding and interpreting the meaning of the text. A Letter from God’s Power Seat does not speculate about current events but paints an astounding picture of Jesus Christ and His gospel. The reader is left in awe at who Jesus is and what He has done-for us. The book is also a challenge to overcome the world and “live radically and uncompromisingly.”

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    • Conquering Bible Interpretation


      Tired of feeling frustrated about Bible interpretation? Do you feel it is too difficult and time consuming? Do you have a fear of getting the wrong interpretation, or a mentality that interpretation is only for theologians? With the proper tools, interpretation can be easy and done in less time than one thinks. Bible study is fun and exciting. Interpretation in not something to be feared; rather we can eagerly approach it knowing that God is ready, willing and able to help. This book equips you with the essential principles necessary to interpret the Bible for yourself with ease and accuracy. Find all the essential principles right at your fingertips. Topics include general, grammatical, historical, and theological principles of interpretation. A perfect Bible companion to help you conquer Bible interpretation!

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    • Interpreting Galatians : Explorations In Exegetical Method (Reprinted)


      Addresses the key issues surrounding the exegesis of Galatians and other Pauline epistles, exploring how literary, historical, and theological factors impact interpretation.

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    • Appealing To Scripture In Moral Debate A Print On Demand Title


      240 Pages

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      Arguing from scripture is one of the ways that Christians test their moral judgments. But are all methods of appealing to the Bible equally valid and effective? In this book Charles Cosgrove looks at the church’s long tradition of moral debate and analyzes five important hermeneutical rules that guide contemporary use of scripture in ethical argument. After introducing the nature of moral arguments generally, Cosgrove devotes one chapter to each of the five rules of biblical interpretation that make ethical appeals to scripture persuasive. He sets forth each rule’s rationale, provides examples of its operation, and subjects it to critique. Based not only on the work of biblical scholars and Christian ethicists but also on Cosgrove’s own experience with debates in classrooms, churches, and other Christian contexts, this volume is a valuable aid to readers who employ moral reasoning in real-life settings.

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    • Bible In Modern Culture Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


      A Print On Demand Title

      Historical critical method in Biblical Scholarship has been a Pandora’s box for the intellectual life of the church. No achievement of modern scholarship has been more effective in understanding the Bible, yet it has also seriously challenged a church trying to preserve the integrity of its cherished theological traditions. In this critically acclaimed book Roy Harrisville and Walter Sundberg trace the development and drama of historical-critical method by surveying the major figures who created and employed it- from Baruch Spinoza in the seventeenth century to present-day interpreters. This expanded second edition of The Bible in Modern Culture includes three new chapters detailing the work of Adolf Schlatter, Paul Ricoeur, and Brevard Childs

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    • 1st Theology : God Scripture And Hermeneutics


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830826810ISBN10: 0830826815Kevin VanhoozerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Making Sense Of The Bible


      Knowing what kind of material you are reading is critical to knowing how it should be interpreted. Johnson fully discusses the eight major biblical forms of literature—wisdom, liturgical, legal, prophetic, historical, apocalyptic, epistolary, and Gospel. Valuable findings for multiple purposes.

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    • Bible In A World Context A Print On Demand Title


      In the West, the Bible is largely read and studied abstractly, without context. This is unfortunate since the meaning and value of Scripture are rooted, first, in the contextual situations of its readers. The West has much to learn from voices in places like Latin America, Africa, and Asia, where people are reading and studying the Bible in direct relation to the often trying circumstances of their daily lives.

      The Bible in a World Context is an engaging work that offers a fresh look at the subjects of Bible reading and hermeneutics from a global perspective. Three rising scholars representing three distinct geographical regions each contribute to the volume a programmatic essay on hermeneutics and a shorter Bible study on Luke 2:1-20, the account of Jesus’ birth. In showing the role that context plays in interpretation, these chapters demonstrate a contextual hermeneutics that brings familiar biblical texts to life in new and important ways.

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    • Biblical Hermeneutics


      With the revival of preterist interpretation of Bible prophecy, Terry’s book once again is gaining an audience. It was the textbook of choice for most seminaries through the 1970s. Even dispensational schools used it. Together with Terry’s Biblical Apocalyptics, you’ll have the foundation for sound biblical interpretation.

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    • Biblical Interpretation Then And Now


      Examines the use of the Bible in the early church and relates apostolic and patristic interpretation to contemporary trends in hermeneutics.

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    • Biblical Interpretation Past And Present


      608 Pagers

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      Standing at the beginning of the third millennium, the call to draw biblical interpretation back into the heart of the church is being sounded. The Bible and its interpretation belong to the church. Gerald Bray has written this comprehensive guide to the history of biblical interpretation out of the conviction that biblical interpretation and Christian doctrine go hand in hand. His account is history with a clear message.

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    • Theology Hermeneutics And Imagination


      This book explores the contemporary crisis of biblical interpretation by examining modern and postmodern forms of the ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’. Garrett Green looks at several thinkers who played key roles in creating a radically suspicious reading of the Bible. After Kant, Hamann and Feuerbach comes Nietzsche, who marked the turn from modern to postmodern suspicion. Green argues that similarities between Derrida’s deconstruction and Barth’s theology of signs show that postmodern suspicion ought not to be viewed simply as a threat to theology but as a secular counterpart to its own hermeneutical insights. When theology attends to its proper task of describing the grammar of scriptural imagination, it discovers a source of suspicion more radical than the secular, the hermeneutical expression of God’s gracious judgement. Green concludes that Christians are committed to the hermeneutical imperative, the never-ending struggle for the meaning of scripture in the hopeful insecurity of the faithful imagination.

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    • Linguistics And Biblical Interpretation


      Contemporary linguistics is increasingly enlightening for biblical studies, but till now there’s been no intelligible introduction for non-linguists. This new book shows how three linguistic principles (the concept of meaning, the significance of author, text, and reader in the search for meaning, and the use of discourse analysis in determining meaning) can illumine Scripture. Each principle is illustrated with examples from the Bible and from ordinary speech. Even laypeople will be fascinated!

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    • Modern Preacher And The Ancient Text


      How to choose and isolate a coherent section of Scripture, outline the main points, decide on a universal principle, choose alternate ways to preach the material (e.g., didactive, narrative, or textual), and deliver it in a creative, imaginative fashion.

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    • Promise Of Hermeneutics


      Who authored the text of this world and what does it mean? Roger Lundin, Anthony Thiselton, and Clarence Walhout tackle this question in The Promise of Hermeneutics. Focusing on the debate between contemporary evangelical Protestant hermeneutics and postmodern interpretation theory, they argue that our search for meaning lies within the context of history and can only be defined by our biblical understanding of God.

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    • To Each Its Own Meaning (Expanded)


      This single volume introduces the reader to the most important methods of biblical criticism by giving equal time to historical and literary approaches.

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    • Protestant Biblical Interpretation (Reprinted)


      The Prophets of Israel has established itself as a reliable introduction to prophecy and prophets in Israel. Students will now be able to acquire this useful textbook in a more affordable paperback edition.

      According to Leon Wood, a continuity exists between Israel’s earlier nonwriting prophets and its later prophets. Both must be studied to acquire a thorough understanding of Israelite prophecy.

      This assertion, for which the author of this study marshals considerable evidence, underlies the entire text of this significant volume. Instead of concentration upon the prophetic writings, the author focuses on the prophets themselves, both those who recorded their messages and those who did not. A study of the [prophets] themselves is most worthwhile, he writes, for when one sees them as people, in the day and circumstances in which they lived, he has a distinct advantage for understanding what they wrote.

      The book begins with an informative introduction to the Israelite prophets represented in the canon; the author then discusses the nonwriting prophets of both the premonarchy era (including Miriam, Deborah, and Samuel) and the monarchy period (including Gad, Nathan, Ahijah, Iddo, Shemaiah, Azariah, Hanani, Jehu, Jahaziel, Eliezer, Elijah, Micaiah, Zechariah, and Elisha).

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    • Return To Babel


      Each of the ten historically significant biblical texts (five OT, five NT) are interpreted by Latin America, African, and Asian biblical scholars. These international scholars draw on their heritages-proverbs, songs and tales from their cultures-to shed light on the Christian Bible and tradition.

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    • Letters Of Paul (Large Type)


      This resource is intended to help people who are reading through Paul’s letters for the first time or are reading them again for a new look. It is designed to give the context of these letters, enabling readers to better interpret them. It is also designed to assist the non-specialist work through these sometimes difficult epistles. This 4th edition contains an expansion of the chapter, “Currents and Crosscurrents”, additions to the bibliography, as well as changes to the language and references in each chapter, bringing up to date this valuable resource.

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    • Speaking The Truth In Love


      How can the Christian faith be translated into new languages and into new cultural forms? How much of Christian faith is culturally conditioned and how much is universal? What role should the Bible play in encouraging or in limiting diverse expressions of Christian faith? What does it mean to speak of the gospel as truth in a world that declares that religious speech can never be true, but only “true-for-me”?

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    • Bible In Christian North Africa


      “Tilley gives us new insight into the Donatist church by focusing attention on the surviving Donatist sources and on the religious dimension of the Donatist controversies. She persuasively shows how Donatist interpretations of scripture correlate with changes in the social setting of their church.”

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    • Reading The Old Testament (Expanded)


      Reading the Old Testament is intended for students who have already learned some of the techniques of biblical study and who wish to explore the wider implications and aims of the various critical methods currently in use. It provides an independent assessment and comparison of the latest development against the old, with chapters on form criticism, redaction criticism, canonical criticism, structuralism, reader-response criticism, and postmodern approaches.

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    • New Horizons In Hermaneutics (Anniversary)


      Dr. Anthony Thiselton’s thorough approach to the growing discipline of hermeneutics takes account of a comprehensive range of theoretical models of reading and interpretation. He evaluates both the foundations on which they rest and their practical implications for Old and New Testament reading. Building on his earlier influential work, The Two Horizons, Dr. Thiselton examines theories of texts, semiotics and literature, the legacy of Patristic and Reformation hermeneutics, and the use of socio-critical theory, liberation theology, and Marxist, feminist, and black hermeneutics, and discusses every major hermeneutical theorist. This exhaustive and rigorous critique will prove valuable to anyone undertaking advanced research in hermeneutics, including teachers and students of theology and language or literary theory.

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    • Rightly Divided : Readings In Biblical Hermeneutics


      22 Chapters
      320 Pages

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      Everyone who studies and teaches the Bible has a responsibility to accurately interpret and communicate God’s message. Understanding the principles of sound interpretation, therefore, is of vital importance. Pastors, Bible teachers, and anyone who studies the Scriptures will appreciate the helpful guidance of this new collection of contemporary and classic scholarship. “Rightly Divided” brings together the insights of twenty-one experience Bible scholars in the fiels of hermeneutics, providing a basic overview of hermmenuetics and also addressing specific issues of interpretation.

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    • Interpreting The Symbols And Types (Revised)


      The number seven, the color red, the tabernacle, the Morning Star . . . when symbols like these appear in Scripture, are Christians meant to understand them on more than one level? In this easy-to-use guide, Conner translates “the language of the divine” for believers seeking subtle shades of biblical meaning

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    • Foundation Of Contemporary Interpretation


      Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation seeks to identify and clarify the basic problems of interpretation that affect our reading of the Bible today. This unique volume provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of the field of general hermeneutics. Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation examines the impact of specific academic disciplines on the interpretation of the Bible. Previously published as separate volumes, its various sections explore the interface between hermeneutics and literary criticism, linguistics, history, science, and theology. Included in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, each with its own separate table of contents, are: -Has the Church Misread the Bible? — Moises Silva -Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation — Tremper Longman III -God, Language, and Scripture — Moises Silva -The Art of Biblical History — V. Philips Long -Science and Hermeneutics — Vern S. Poythress -The Study of Theology — Richard A. Muller. These six sections cover the interface between hermeneutics and the major disciplines.

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    • Look To The Rock


      The Bible is one book, not two separate testaments; so the Old Testament is essential for understanding the New. In this stimulating book on the Old Testament background to Christ, Alec Motyer shows how Jesus is the king expected, who brings in the kingdom looked for in the Old Testament; is both the image and the Word of God; conquers sin and death, and brings the disordered creation to its prefect consummation. To neglect the Old Testament, the author maintains, is to have an impoverished view of the glory of Christ.

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    • Biblical Interpretation : A Road Map


      Biblical Interpretation: A Roadmap is a guide to discovering and asking the key questions – about biblical texts, about readers of the Bible, and about the interaction of the two – that forms the basis of biblical interpretation today. These questions are organized around three fundamental assumptions that govern the authors’ approach to reading the Bible: the biblical texts arise from particular historical, social, and cultural settings: the reader likewise reads from a specific setting; and neither the diversity of the texts nor the multitude of readers stands in isolation one from the other. Tiffany and Ringe here offer an approach to biblical interpretation that takes both the texts and the reading context seriously, guiding and encouraging readers to draw upon the expertise and authority of their own life experiences and contexts. They also recognize that wide-ranging experiences and contexts are necessarily involved in biblical interpretation, showing how critical engagement with those contexts, in all their historical, social, and cultural diversity, is itself an unavoidable and invaluable part of the interpretative process.

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    • Exegetical Fallacies (Reprinted)


      Updated explanations of the “sins” of interpretation teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.

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    • Reading From This Place Volume 2


      Biblical studies are proving to be a test case of the large interpretive issues of how one’s “location”-social, cultural, ethnic, and gender-affects one’s reading of the text and its import. Segovia and Tolbert gather in this volume leading biblical interpreters from around the globe to address the complex hermeneutical and religious questions attendent to this paradigm shift.

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    • Interpreting The Scriptures


      “What does the Bible mean?” the answer to this question are many and varied. Most Christians are agreed on the fact that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to be understood by them and assimilated into their lives. However, where they differ greatly is concerning the meaning of the Scripture. The differing viewpoints are virtually countless. Since one’s doctrine stems from one’s interpretation of the Bible and all interpretation is guided by various rules, it seems that the Christian community should be focusing its attention more on the field of hermeneutics – the science of interpreting Scripture. It is this need that provides the basis for this textbook on hermeneutics. This book assumes that a working knowledge of hermeneutics coupled with an illuminating unction of the Holy Spirit will enable those who interpret Scripture to come to a harmonious Knowledge of the truth.

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    • Reading From This Place Volume 1


      This volume, and the international one to follow, signals the critical legitimation of reading strategies that supplement or modify or even in some ways dethrone the historical- critical paradigm that has dominated academic biblical studies for 200 years. It will provide immediate and enduring guidance to scholars and students sorting through the complex epistemological, social, historical, and religious questions that issue from this paradigm shift.

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    • Long Ago God Spoke


      Does the Old Testament have any message for us today, or is it just ”war, gore, and old folklore”? In this innovative introduction to the Old Testament and its theology, Holladay gives you a better understanding of the many truths that lie hidden within that long first section of the Bible. 352 pages, paper from Fortress.

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    • Hollywood Dreams And Biblical Stories


      Powerful culture critique of the Hollywood dream factory comparing celluloid heroes and heroines with those in Scripture while elaborating on American mythology, history, and self-understanding. Commenting on many familiar films, this is a provocative discussion starter.

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    • Theological Hermeneutics : Development And Significance


      A comprehensive introduction to the history and significance of hermeneutical thinking in theology. Discusses text interpretation throughout history and the significance of text linguistics in a modern and postmodern context.

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    • Biblical Hermeneutics


      Contending that the science of the study of God’s Word is in a muddled state, Maier offers a Christian understanding of biblical hermeneutics. In this scholarly volume, he addresses the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the role of the canon, the historicity of the Bible, and current discussions of revelation and criticism.

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    • Taking The Bible Seriously


      J. Benton White surveys the many Protestant approaches to the Bible and then focuses on the issues raised by modernists and fundamentalists in this century. He gives special attention to the Protestant’s struggle with the question of how the Bible should be understood. By doing this, he helps individuals examine this crucial question and allows them to draw their own conclusions. White focuses on Martin Luther’s affirmation of the “Protestant principle” of the Bible alone, then follows debate up to the present.

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    • Introduction To New Testament Textual Criticism (Revised)


      Since its original publication 30 years ago, Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism has known no equal. In it, Greenlee covers the sources and transmission of the N.T. text, the establishment and theory of the critical text, Palaeology, praxis, and the collation and classification of manuscripts. This revised edition features an expanded and reordered presentation of the principles of textual criticism, and variants are based on the text of UBS4.

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    • Cultural Church : Winds Of Change And The Call For A New Hermeneutic


      14 Chapters

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      In what direction are we being blown by the winds of change now wafting through the church?

      Is the church influencing culture, or is culture influencing the church?
      What lies behind current calls for a “new hermeneutic”?
      Is there a better way to understand Scripture?

      With calls for sweeping change in the way we understand Scripture, this just may be the most important book of the decade. It is must reading for every church leader and Christian concerned with the future of the church at the brink of a new century!

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    • Engaging The Powers


      In this magnificent finale to this trilogy, Walter Wink engages the Powers with brilliant exegesis and a profoundly creative nonviolence, revealing the way to the Powers’ and our own transformation. Wink on the Powers is a classic resource for activist and scholar alike.

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    • Gospel And Spirit (Reprinted)


      For those who believe the Scriptures are the inspired word of God with a message relevant for living today, nothing is more crucial than understanding sound principles of interpretation. Disagreement arises when people and groups differ over how one gets at that message and what that message is. In this collection of essays and lectures, Dr. Gordon Fee offers hermeneutical insights that will more effectively allow the New Testament to speak on its own terms to our situation today.

      This is not a collection of subjective, theoretical essays on the science of interpretation; rather, these essays target issues of practical, and sometimes critical, concern to Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and anyone interested in letting the Bible speak to today’s situation. Fee brings to the task what he himself advocates: common sense and dedication to Scripture. Readers already familiar with some of these essays, like “Hermeneutics and Common Sense: An Exploratory Essay on the Hermeneutics of the Epistles,” will welcome its reappearance. Others will appreciate the challenge of essays such as “The Great Watershed: Intentionality and Particularity/Eternality: 1 Timothy 2:8-15 as a Test Case,”an essay defending the role of women in ministry, or “Hermeneutics and Historical Precedent: A Major Issue in Pentecostal Hermeneutics.” Anyone wanting to wrestle with key issues in New Testament interpretation will want to read this book.

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    • Study Of Theology


      The Study of Theology address two major concerns — the place of biblical hermeneutics and practical theology. The author discusses the hermeneutical implications of biblical, historical, systematic, and practical theology and presents a case for the relationship between exegesis and the other theological disciplines. However, the relationship between hermeneutics and practical theology is also essential. According to the author, “the traditional forms of theology and preaching frequently fail the tests of exegesis and contemporary theologizing while, at the same time, most contemporary theology and exegesis fails to address directly the needs of the church.” Muller presents a case for the structure of hermeneutics and argues that it is essential to the church because “theological training as a whole . . . ought to reflect the life of the church and be of value to the life of the church.”

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    • Preaching The Tradition


      This book compares the addresses in the Books of Chronicles with similar material in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah and in the post-exilic prophets. Dr. Mason contends that there are many features of style, theme, and purpose in these latter books that closely echo features found in the addresses. The striking parallels suggest that the later material has been influenced by homiletical style and preaching practice in the second temple period. Mason shows how the careful reinterpretation of tradition kept faith alive for the post-exilic community in the most challenging circumstances.

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    • New Testament In Its Literary Environment


      This volume in the Library of Early Christianity examines the literary techniques that were common during the development of the New Testament, and how these techniques influenced Scripture.

      The Library of Early Christianity is a series of eight outstanding books exploring the Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts in which the New Testament developed.

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    • 2 Horizons


      This lucidly written survey of hermeneutics includes a thorough examination of the extent of the contribution of philosophy to the interpretation of the Bible, as well as a detailed original treatment of the work of Heidegger, Bultmann, Gadamer, and Wittgenstein. Notes; full bibliography; indexes.

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