Books (Other Language)
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Guerir Les Traumatismes Manuel – (Other Language)
$28.31Le Manuel de l’animateur pour la formation avancee est destine aux animateurs certifies, qui participent a une formation avancee du ministere d’accompagnement des personnes traumatisees, base sur la Bible, de Trauma Healing Institute. Ce manuel est utilise avec le Manuel de l’animateur pour les groupes d’accompagnement et Guerir les traumatismes: ce que l’Eglise peut faire – Recits en provenance d’Afrique. Ce manuel aide a preparer les animateurs a demarrer en toute confiance un ministere des groupes d’accompagnement. Il aide egalement les formateurs a developper un programme complet d’accompagnement des personnes ayant vecu des traumatismes – des premieres sessions de sensibilisation aux sessions de formation, et jusqu’aux reunions de la Communaute de Pratique.
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Guerir Les Traumatismes Manuel – (Other Language)
$21.65Guerir les Traumatismes: Ce que l’Eglise peut faire propose une approche pratique qui s’appuie a la fois sur la Bible et sur les principes de la sante mentale pour trouver la guerison de Dieu pour les blessures du coeur. Cette approche a ete testee sur le terrain depuis 2001 avec des responsables d’Eglises catholiques, orthodoxes, protestantes et independantes. Il a ete adapte dans plus de 150 langues et cultures a travers le monde. Il constitue une base solide pour restaurer les vies et les relations. Il s’agit du livre principal du ministere d’accompagnement des personnes traumatisees base sur la Bible de Trauma Healing Institute. Il doit etre utilise par les participants adultes d’un groupe
d’accompagnement ou d’une session de formation, animes par des animateurs certifies qui utilisent le Manuel de l’animateur pour les groupes d’accompagnement. Recits en provenance d’Afrique Cette edition du livre reprend les histoires originales et peut etre utilisee efficacement dans les villes, les villages et les zones de conflit.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Ein Christlicher Leitfaden Zur – (Other Language)
$21.58A T2Pneuma Publishers LLC Title
Spiritualitat ist gelebter Glaube ob im Gebet, in der Andacht, oder in der Begegnung mit unseren Mitmenschen. Dabei verleiht unser Glaube unserer Spiritualitat eine Struktur, ahnlich wie die Knochen der Haut, die sich uber sie erstreckt, eine Struktur geben.
Christliche Spiritualitat beginnt bei Gott, nicht bei uns.
Die folgenden Seiten beleuchten die christliche Spiritualitat im Kontext von taglichen Andachten. Zu jedem Thema gibt es biblische Textstellen, Reflexion, Gebet, und Diskussionsfragen. Wo es angebracht ist, werden Hinweise fur weitere Studien angeboten. Die ersten vier Kapitel (Einfuhrung, das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis, das Vaterunser, und die Zehn Gebote) umfassen vierzig Tage und eignen sich daher zum Studium wahrend der Fastenzeit.
Die gesamte Studie umfasst funfzig Tage, und kann an Ostern begonnen und bis Pfingsten fortgefuhrt werden.
Hore die Worte; gehe die Schritte; erlebe die Freude!
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Marvelous Mustard Seed Korean Edition – (Other Language)
$10.00“A child plants a mustard seed in an empty garden. It is an itty-bitty seed. It isn’t anything very special–yet.”
Discover the surprising potential of one small seed in The Marvelous Mustard Seed. Based on Jesus’ parable of the Mustard Seed, this inspiring children’s book shows young readers that one tiny seed–just like one small child–carries a world of potential. The Marvelous Mustard Seed features ethnically diverse characters and includes a special note for parents and teachers.
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Historia Dentro De Ti – (Other Language)
$15.99Tu historia importa. Tu vida cuenta. Tu vida puede inspirar el futuro. Cuando no somos capaces de contar nuestra historia, cuando no escribimos las paginas de nuestra vida con intensidad y con intencionalidad… cuando no perseguimos aquello que queremos… cuando dejamos de aprender y dejamos de crecer… le estamos robando al mundo todo ese tesoro que esta dentro de nosotros. No hay nadie que sea demasiado pequeo, demasiado joven o demasiado pobre como para no cambiar el mundo con su historia.
En La historia dentro de ti, Xavier Cornejo se nos presenta como un apasionado e inspirador escritor con una exquisita e inusual habilidad: expresar los principios aprendidos en su caminar editorial en una ruta que parece bifurcarse, y de repente va fundiendose en una. Esa es la ruta hacia escribir la historia de tu vida y vivir el libro de tu historia. Conoce a un escritor experto que te cuenta su historia acerca de los principios que descubrio ayudando a grandes escritores a contar la historia dentro de ellos. Xavier te enseara, como el mejor maestro y un gran amigo, todo lo que necesitas saber para vivir tu historia mientras la escribes y escribir tu historia mientras la vives.
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Who Counts Korean Edition (Reprinted) – (Other Language) (Reprinted)
$10.00Who Counts? is now available in Korean! This popular children’s book offers a creative retelling of three popular parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. As young readers count to help the characters find what’s missing, Who Counts? teaches that every one of us counts in God’s eyes and that everyone should feel counted.
The stories are beautifully illustrated with modern-day characters and a diversity of ethnicities so that all children will be able to see themselves in the stories. A special note for parents and teachers is included.
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What Is Grace Bengali Translation – (Other Language)
$6.23A Michael W. Nordman Title
This book presents a cute illustration of the different meanings of the word “grace.” As we venture through some of our darling little character’s life and imagination, we see adorable examples of this. As she explores some practical applications of the various meanings of the word “grace” it leads her to take a look at God’s grace, in Jesus. The book has been translated for the children in Bangladesh and others who speak Bengali, to read in their own language. The use of homonyms in English translates very well because Bengali uses the same root word for the various meanings of the word grace, like in English. It is a fun learning adventure.
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Invites Au Banquet Du Seigneur – (Other Language)
$21.23Tous les chretiens savent que Jesus a institue une celebration avec du pain et du vin. Certains l’appellent le repas du Seigneur, d’autres l’appellent la cene, la communion ou l’eucharistie. Pourquoi les chretiens participent-ils encore a cette celebration de nos jours? Quel en est le sens? Et qu’est-ce que cela nous apprend sur le ministere de Jesus Christ?
Professeur Christian A. Eberhart repond a ces questions par l’etude des textes fondateurs. Il nous immerge tout d’abord dans les textes du Nouveau Testament qui font reference au dernier repas de Jesus. Puis la quete de sens nous mene dans l’Ancien Testament, ou nous poursuivons la recherche sur les themes de la Paque juive, des rituels sacrificiels et de l’expiation. Ces textes nous offrent des cles determinantes pour la comprehension du pardon des peches a l’oeuvre durant la communion. Pr Eberhart montre aussi que cette celebration instituee par Jesus est un repas ritualise. Par consequent, il explore aussi les fonctions sociales des repas communautaires dans l’antiquite greco-romaine. Au final, la communion apparait tel un puissant symbole, encore pertinent de nos jours, qui transmet l’amour de Dieu et l’ideal d’une societe inclusive.
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Jezus Het Onbekende Verhaal – (Other Language)
$19.93Fiola Publishers
Most people know Jesus from the gospels in the Bible. In our times, writings have been found that show a very different Jesus, much more spiritual, showing us the way to our inner selves This novel tells a lot about Jesus’ childhood. The recently discovered manuscripts help shape the story. Also available in English, “Jesus, the untold story.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
More Than Makeup Workbook – (Other Language)
$10.00How does one girl from Mississippi become a Millionaire? The answer is found in More than Makeup: A Guide to Finding Strength and Leadership within You, a personal account of Independent Elite Executive National Sales Director Emeritus, Pat Fortenberry’s, life from her modest upbrining to a millionaire career with Mary Kay. Through a unique blend of coaching, personal insight, and anecdotes, Pat shares the lessons she learned: how to experience growth, enhance personal strength, and become a better leader, offfering an honest look at the key experiences and values she has absorbed in her thirty-year Mary Kay business. Driven to succeed, she became one of the top leaders in an entire sales force, earned an excess of $9 million, and touched the lives of tens of thousands of women. Readers will follow as Pat transforms herself from stay-at-home mom–tired of having more month than money–to successful consultant working from home–illustrating that potential is rich and success is More than Makeup.
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LEssentiel Anabaptiste – (Other Language)
$17.99What is the essence of Anabaptism?
Jesus. Community. Reconciliation. These sum up the core values of Anabaptist faith and life, writes pastor Palmer Becker in this concise new resource. In Anabaptist Essentials, Becker introduces readers to the key convictions and practices of Anabaptism, the Christian tradition of the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren in Christ. From the believers within a sixteenth-century movement to those today who try to follow Jesus, create community, and practice peace, Anabaptists have a rich witness to offer the wider world. Designed for study by small groups and for use as a resource for Christian formation and conversation, this clear, readable guide to what makes Anabaptism unique will equip readers to live out a more radical commitment to Jesus.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Psalms (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Jonah-Malachi (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Hosea-Obadiah (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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1-2 Chronicles (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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1-2 Kings (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.
The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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1-2 Samuel (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.
The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Genesis (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Deliez Le Et Laissez Le Aller – (Other Language)
$15.00Believers across this nation and around the world are overwhelmed, oppressed, struggling, and defeated in their attempt to live the abundant life Christ came to give them. I am convinced, however, that if more churches would embrace the ministry of deliverance and employ a systematic approach in offering deliverance, the results would be phenomenal. Instead of an army of weak and ineffective believers, a new generation of bold conquerors set free by God and empowered to set others free world arise.
Dr. Moussa Toure has released a powerful weapon against the prince of darkness in his new book, Loose Him and Let Him Go, intellectually prepared to analyze the problems and research the issues, Dr. Toure is experienced in the subject of deliverance and addresses herein the controversies that unfortunately surround and hinder the ministry of deliverance
If you, and an individual, or your church need theological and practical help to remove one of the major obstacles to spiritual growth- demonic oppression- this is the book for you!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Numbers (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Exodus (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Leviticus (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.
The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Joshua-Ruth (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Deuteronomy (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Acts (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Mark (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Tresor En Heritage – (Other Language)
$37.48Cette histoire est veridique. Il s’agit de mon temoignage vivant… C’est ainsi que debute Un tresor en heritage, le recit d’une jeune femme native de la Cote d’Ivoire et elevee dans la pauvrete, mais encouragee par son pere – un homme de foi – a caresser ses reves les plus fous et a ne jamais dire
jamais . Odile Koudou vous invite a arpenter les sentiers du village ou elle est nee, a faire l’experience des sites pittoresques, des bruits et de la nature authentique de l’Afrique, et a revivre l’histoire d’un homme remarquable qui l’a inspiree a devenir une femme extraordinaire. En gardant ses paroles a l’esprit et en refusant de se laisser abattre par son origine modeste, elle a gravi les echelons pour occuper une position prestigieuse et privilegiee en Amerique, elle s’est mariee dans une famille eminente, et elle enrichit maintenant la vie d’autres personnes avec ses benedictions . Ayant cet exemple sous les yeux, quiconque a ete eleve dans la pauvrete saura qu’il est possible de renverser la malediction et de mener une vie d’excellence.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Tresor En Heritage – (Other Language)
$24.98Cette histoire est veridique. Il s’agit de mon temoignage vivant… C’est ainsi que debute Un tresor en heritage, le recit d’une jeune femme native de la Cote d’Ivoire et elevee dans la pauvrete, mais encouragee par son pere – un homme de foi – a caresser ses reves les plus fous et a ne jamais dire
jamais . Odile Koudou vous invite a arpenter les sentiers du village ou elle est nee, a faire l’experience des sites pittoresques, des bruits et de la nature authentique de l’Afrique, et a revivre l’histoire d’un homme remarquable qui l’a inspiree a devenir une femme extraordinaire. En gardant ses paroles a l’esprit et en refusant de se laisser abattre par son origine modeste, elle a gravi les echelons pour occuper une position prestigieuse et privilegiee en Amerique, elle s’est mariee dans une famille eminente, et elle enrichit maintenant la vie d’autres personnes avec ses benedictions . Ayant cet exemple sous les yeux, quiconque a ete eleve dans la pauvrete saura qu’il est possible de renverser la malediction et de mener une vie d’excellence.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Fur Die Nachste Generation – (Other Language)
$15.61Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 NLT
It is natural for every church to follow a path that leads to more funerals than baptisms. Actually, with thousands of churches worldwide closing their doors every year, every church is potentially on a path to extinction.
For A New Generation is not about changing your church’s statement of faith or core beliefs. It is about evaluating and changing, as needed, your church’s programs, ministries, traditions and practices to more effectively reach the next generation.
Written to both church leaders and members, it presents a pathway to allow the reader to become a catalyst in creating a church that will thrive for generations to come. It is based on the assumption that accepting the status quo is the greatest threat to your church’s core mission and, perhaps, to the very survival of your church.
Any church leader or member, no matter the denomination, can benefit from working through the challenging questions posed in For A New Generation. Andy Stanley
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Hebrews-James (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life Series guides readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday lives. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Galatians Philemon (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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John (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.
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Unforgettable Memoirs : My Life Shanghai Local Church And Watchman Nee – (Other
$27.48The unforgettable Memoirs: My life, Shanghai Local Church, and Watchman Nee, is a story of serious introspection and exploration of a precious spiritual heritage. The events surrounding the Local Church Movement and its leader Watchman Nee are an important chapter in the Chinese church’s 20th century history. This is a book of invaluable personal and spiritual recollections.
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Lay Training Manual Lay Exhorter – (Other Language)
$19.99This exhorter training manual is the second-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.
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Lay Training Manual Lay Elder – (Other Language)
$19.99This elder training manual is the third-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.
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Korean Lay Training Manual Deacon – (Other Language)
$19.99This deacon training manual is the first-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.
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16 Fatos Sobre A Presenca De D – (Other Language)
$7.0016 Facts About The Presence Of God B233 God Is Not A Presence…He Is A Person With A Presence. His Presence Is Evidence of His Person. You Will Learn: > Your Focus Is Corrected In The Presence of God > The Presence of God Is Critical To Your Spiritual Life > Heaven And Earth Respond To The Presence of God > You Must Pursue The Presence of God > And Much More!
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That Man Who Came To Us – (Other Language)
$14.10That Man Who Came to Us tells the story of the life of Jesus Christ through traditional Thai art. Featuring black and white line drawings inspired by an art form born in northern and central Thailand, That Man tells the story of Christ as fully God, yet fully human. Artist Sawai Chinnawong employs the regions’ popular distinctive artistic style originally used to depict Buddhist moral principles and other religious themes.
A meditative and teaching tool, That Man is a simple yet powerful book that communicates Christ in both the Thai and English languages. The book also includes cultural notes and scripture references for further study. By depicting Christ in the context of Thai tradition, That Man proves the many ways Christ is present-and can be found-in every culture.
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Conflict Management And Resolution For Churches – (Other Language)
$15.99Building mature congregations through relationship development.
This book provides the biblical view of the conflict in general and the biblical ways of conflict managements and resolution.
“To build a mature community through relationship development”
Chapter 1. Basic Understanding of the Relationship Development
*Even God experiences conflicts? Biblical understanding of conflict
*God’s way of relationship development – From conflict to maturityChapter 2. Structure of Conflict and Reconciliation
*Structure of Conflict 1 – Causes, Facilitators, and Symptoms
*Structure of Conflict 2 – Symptoms of each stage of conflict development
*Structure of Reconciliation 1 – Causes, Facilitators, and Symptoms
*Structure of Reconciliation 2 – Human Needs and Degrees of SatisfactionChapter 3. Structure of Relationship and Dialogue
*Structure of Relationship and Dialogue
*Structure of the Word of God – Story of the Salvation of HumansChapter 4. Relationship Development and Understanding of Human Emotion
*How to detach you feeling from facts
*What should I do when I am angry? Understanding of Anger and Anger Management
*Emotional Flow of a healthy communityChapter 5. Steps of Relationship Development
*Overlook, Denial, and Direct Conversation
*Emotional Detachment
*Church Law
*ReconciliationChapter 6. Forgiveness
*God’s Forgiveness and Human Forgiveness
*Steps for the Forgiveness
*Apology – Language of Apology
*Cross – Language of LoveAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Institutes Of The Christian Religion 1541 French Edition – (Other Language)
$64.99SKU (ISBN): 9780802807748ISBN10: 0802807747Language: FrenchJohn CalvinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product
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Gnraux Andafiavaratra Et La Fr – (Other Language)
$19.99Partis quelque part de la Polynsie orientale aux environs du XIIIe sicle, le peuple Hova de Madagascar a navigu sur des milliers de kilomtres avant d’amarrer un jour sur les ctes orientales de Madagascar dans l’Ocan Indien. Chasss par les autochtones, ils se sont tablis dfinitivement sur les Hautes-Terres centrales de l’le et se sont allis avec les Vazimba, un peuple aborigne lui-aussi originaire de la Polynsie. Ensemble, ils ont b ti un systme monarchique dont les ralisations avaient impressionn les rares explorateurs trangers venus leur contact pour la premire fois au XVIIIe sicle. Sous l’impulsion de leur jeune roi Radama le Grand, et soutenus par l’Angleterre, ils ont achev la conqute de Madagascar en 1824. Les successives et sanglantes rvolutions de palais au sein de la monarchie Hova ont fini par propulser au pouvoir des gnraux de pre en fils issus de la dynastie des Andafiavaratra, descendants des monarques du royaume aborigne d’Analamanga et des patriarches du clan Tsimiamboholahy du royaume d’Avaradrano. Les gnraux Andafiavratra et leurs souverains ont dfendu jusqu’au bout l’indpendance de l’le de Madagascar au XIXe sicle, face aux vises coloniales de la France dans l’Ocan Indien. Ce livre dcrit les vnements historiques qui avaient contribu la gloire et la chute de la dynastie des Andafiavaratra cette poque-l et la stratgie coloniale mise en oeuvre par la France tout au long du XIXe sicle afin de conqurir l’le de Madagascar en septembre 1895.
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Tres Regras Simples – (Other Language)
$6.99Now available in Portuguese, in Three Simple Rules – A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley’s General Rules for today’s readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God.
This simple but challenging look at three commands, “do no harm, do good, stay in love with God,” calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.
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Trinta E Um Segredos De Uma Mu – (Other Language)
$12.00Este Estudo dar a voc uma nova perspectiva. Aprenda 31 Segredos de Sabedoria com a hist ria da vida de Rute, uma mulher memor vel por sua persist ncia, esp rito ensin vel e busca por intimidade.Descubra como essas pr ticas Chaves de Sabedoria podem ser aplicadas a sua vida hojeatrav?’s de…Escolhas Corretas Disposi o Em EsperarRespeito ?’s Orienta es Recebidas E Muito Mais…!Voc Est Prestes A Ver Seus Sonhos Realizados
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3 Simple Rules – (Other Language)
$6.99Now available in Korean, in Three Simple Rules – A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley’s General Rules for today’s readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God.
This simple but challenging look at three commands, “do no harm, do good, stay in love with God,” calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.
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Trois Regles Simples – (Other Language)
$6.99Now available in French, in Three Simple Rules – A Wesleyan Way of Living, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley’s General Rules for today’s readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God.
This simple but challenging look at three commands, “do no harm, do good, stay in love with God,” calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.
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Polity Practice And Mission Of The United Methodist Church (Revised) – (Other La
$31.99This revised edition addresses ways in which historical developments have shaped–and continue to shape–the organization of the church. Incorporating the actions of The United Methodist General Conference, 2004, the book discusses continuing reforms of the church’s plan for baptism and church membership, as well as the emergence of deacon’s orders and other changes to ordained ministry procedures. The text is now cross-referenced to the 2004 Book of Discipline, including the revised order of disciplinary chapters and paragraph numbering. Denominational statistics are updated, along with references to recent works on The United Methodist Church and American religious life.
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O Melhor Dia Da Minha Vida – (Other Language)
$7.00Uncover The Mystery Concerning The Holy Spirit. The only Person you are capable of satisfying! He is the only Person you are required to obey your entire lifetime. Changes Will Occur In Your Life As You Make Him Your Focus. A Condensed Digest!
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As 3 Coisas Mais Importantes E – (Other Language)
$15.0017 Fatos Que Voc Deve Saber Sobre O Esp rito Santo A Grandiosa Arma Que O Esp rito Santo Deu A Voc 15 Fatos Sobre O Amor Do Esp rito Santo 17 Fatos Que Todo Crist o Deve Saber Sobre Ofender O Esp rito Santo 17 Fatos Que Voc Deve Saber Sobre A Un o 3 Maneiras Que O Esp rito Santo Fala Com Voc 8 Importantes Fatos Sobre O Seu Des gnio
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Lei Do Reconhecimento – (Other Language)
$15.0047 Chaves Para Reconhecer O Companheiro Que Deus Aprovou Para Voc * 14 Fatos Que Voc Deve Saber Sobre Seus Dons E Talentos* 17 Fatos Importantes Que Voc Deve Lembrar Sobre Suas Fraquezas* 10 Chaves De Sabedoria Que Mudaram Minha Vida * 24 Poderosos Fatos Sobre Um Sonho Incomum Dentro De Voc * 6 Fatos Que Voc Deve Saber Sobre A Administra o Do Seu Tempo* 46 Fatos Importantes Que Voc Deve Saber Sobre A Solu o De Problema
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Segredos Do Homem Mais Rico Qu – (Other Language)
$15.0010 Fatos Importantes Voc Deve Reconhecer Sobre Suas Limita es Pessoais*10 Qualidades De Empreendedores Incomuns*7 Chaves Para Ajud -Lo Para A Ter xito Com Outros*7 Passos Imediatos Para Organizar Seus Sonhos*9 Chaves De Negocia o Que Ajudar o Qualquer Pessoa Adquirir O Quiser*7 Fatos Sobre Excel ncia Que Podem Modificar Sua Vida Para Sempre*A Habilidade Mais Importante Que Um Administrador Deve Possuir…E Muito Mais!
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Jesus Und Der Taufer – (Other Language)
$196.00This German language title presents a new interpretation of Luke’s theology and ethics. The author demonstrates how Luke develops his theological agenda by contrasting the teaching of Jesus with that of John the Baptist. Throughout his writing, Luke develops his own theology of liberation, which he uses to try and win over the followers of John the Baptist to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John and his followers preached with threats of judgment while Jesus is depicted as a forgiving pastoral leader–the good shepherd.
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Cathechetical Helps Simplified Chinese – (Other Language)
$33.31A 26-lesson study guide on Luther’s Small Catechism. Sections cover the Law and Gospel, Apostles’s Creed, the Lords Prayer, the sacraments, Martin Luther, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and more. Lessons provide hymns, prayers, proof texts and a review.
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Lagloire – (Other Language)
$22.48A must for those desiring to enter new dimensions of praise and worship and for those who want to know the glory realm. This bestseller has crossed every denominational barrier and has launched revival the world over.
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