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Encuentro Con Melanchthon – (Spanish)
$5.95Si no conoces a esta enorme figura histo rica, deberi as conocerla, y el Dr. Keith es el hombre adecuado para presenta rtela. La importancia de Philipp Melanchthon para la Reforma, adema s de su i ntima amistad con Marti n Lutero, es imposible de sobrestimar. No obstante, recibe poca atencio n, y la que recibe no siempre es positiva ni justa, por decir lo menos. Por lo tanto, a modo de introduccio n, este folleto contiene una breve biografi a de Melanchthon, acompa ada de selecciones de su obra traducidas desde el lati n por el Dr. Keith. Este material tambie n puede encontrarse en el sitio web de 1517. Complementa bien los dos episodios del po dcast The Thinking Fellows dedicados a Melanchthon.
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Biografia De Charles Spurgeon – (Spanish)
$21.23Libro de Juan Carlos de la Cruz sobre la Biografia de Charles Spurgeon, su vida ministerial y los sucesos mas remarcados de sus mas de cuatro decadas.
Escribir una biografia es una tarea compleja para intentar dibujar en unas pocas hojas con palabras la vida de alguien, y tarea complicada cuando hay poca informacion documental y testimonial del biografiado. Pero analizar la vida de un personaje del cual existe tanta informacion, como el caso de Carlos H. Spurgeon, probablemente complique mas la situacion. Tenemos sus decenas de libros (cerca de 200 entre escritos y editados), sus miles de sermones, sus decenas de articulos de revistas, sus diarios, sus cartas, una enorme biografia escrita por su esposa y su secretario, y, literalmente, cientos de trabajos biograficos y criticos de toda extension imaginable sobre este personaje. Podriamos decir, de forma muy coloquial, que a “Spurgeon se le puede encontrar hasta en la sopa”.
Pero biografias bien trabajadas de Spurgeon en espaol, no hay muchas y menos actuales. En esta obra pretendemos actualizar y ampliar al denominado “El Principe de los Predicadores” al publico moderno en lengua hispana.
Trabajamos este libro en forma de una cronologia detallada desde la infancia hasta su madurez.
Cada capitulo se ordena por:
*Su vida
*Su teologia,
*Su ministerio de enseanza,
*Su predicacion,
*Su vida familiar,
*Su vida de oracion
*Sus otros ministeriosTe invitamos a emprender esta aventura inolvidable para conocer la vida de Carlos H. Spurgeon, el cual debe estar entre las biografias que no te puedes dar el lujo de no conocer.
Charles Spurgeon’s Biography
This book by Juan Carlos de la Cruz, on the Biography of Charles Spurgeon, his ministerial life and the most remarkable events of his more than four decades.
Writing a biography is a complex task to try to draw someone’s life on words, and complicated task when there is little documentary and testimonial biographical information. But, analyzing the life of a character of which there is so much information, such as the case of Carlos H. Spurgeon, probably complicates the situation further. We have dozens of his books (about 200 between writings and edits), thousands of his sermons, dozens of his magazine articles, his diaries, his letters, a huge biography written by his wife and his secretary, and literally hundreds of biographical works and critics of every imaginable extension of that character. We could say in a very colloquial way
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Canta Sobre Mi – (Spanish)
$23.68Desde 1988, he estado compartiendo pUblicamente la historia de cOmo salI de una identidad percibida homosexual. Por quE? Porque recuerdo siendo un nio y preguntAndome si la libertad fuera posible. La iglesia no tenIa respuestas. El mundo no tenIa respuestas. La comunidad gay solo tratO de hacerme renunciar y aceptar Esto como una identidad innata. Sin embargo, algo en lo profundo de mI seguIa llamando a la puerta de mi corazOn diciendo: “Debe haber algo mAs. Este no puede ser su destino e identidad final. “Cuando Dios me encontrO con la Verdad del poder transformador de Jesucristo, y comencE lo que llamo mi viaje increIble, comencE a darme cuenta de que el mundo y las filosofIas del hombre me habIan mentido. DespuEs de siete aos de libertad en mi haber, el Seor me pidiO que comenzara a compartir mi historia pUblicamente porque habIan otros que sentIan lo mismo que yo: que debIa haber algo mAs. Este libro es para aquellos que quieren quieren tener una experiencia con Dios de una manera Intima y transformadora independientemente de si alguna vez han luchado con la atracciOn al mismo sexo, sin quererla. Esta es mi historia, mejor dicho es la historia de la redenciOn que se encuentra al conocer Intimamente a Jesucristo.
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Juan Calvino – (Spanish)
$13.99Este libro es un recuento puntual de la vida y obra del reformador franco-ginebrino que presta especial atencion a sus origenes familiares, sus anos formativos y el rumbo que tomo al convertirse en uno de los humanistas devotos de su pais natal. Tambien se presentan los fuertes conflictos que tuvo antes de ser ubicado como quien consolido la Reforma.
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Martin Lutero – (Spanish)
$18.73Una historia desde los inicios de Martin Lutero hasta la epoca moderna. Donde se aprecia claramente, como los valores de la reforma y el protestantismo han influido en la Modernidad y en temas tan actuales como: La vocacion, el trabajo, el capitalismo, la democracia. Un excelente libro de Historia del Cristianismo desde la Edad Media a la Modernidad, y a su vez un excelente libro de sociologia sobre los valores en los que descansa la modernidad.
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Tan Diferente Como Yo – (Spanish)
$15.99Un vagabundo peligroso, sin hogar que crecio recogiendo algodon en interminable esclavitud.Un comerciante de arte de lujo acostumbrado al mundo de Armani y Chanel. Una mujer valiente con un sueno obstinado. Una historia tan increible que ningun novelista se atreveria a sonar con ella. Comienza fuera de una choza de quema de plantaciones en Louisiana… un bar “honky-tonk” al este de Texas. . .y, sin lugar a dudas, en el corazon de Dios. Se desarrolla en una hacienda de Hollywood. . . una galeria de Nueva York de lujo… un contenedor de basura de la ciudad. . . un rancho de Texas.Va directo al grano con el dolor, la traicion y la brutalidad, pero tambien brilla con un cambio de vida inesperado a base de el amor. Esta increible historia que ahora se vuelve a contar incluye ademas una entrevista con los autores y una guia para el lector que es perfecta para el estudio individual o en grupo.
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Fallen – (Spanish)
$28.55After more than a decade as a victim of the commercial sex industry, Annie Lobert shares not only her redemption story but those of others involved in sex trafficking.
Annie Lobert was not so different from most girls. She grew up in a small town and had common struggles with friends, school, and boys. Her home was filled with turmoil, and, as happens far too often, she was sexually abused by a family friend. She knew heartache, but she didn’t know love. Sadly, Annie’s story is not uncommon. Young people are stumbling into the arms of the waiting world of the sex industry. Human sex trafficking and involvement in the sex industry – whether by choice, force, or coercion – is a sad world full of broken dreams.
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Sacada Del Polvo – (Spanish)
$16.45No desperdicies tu dolor,”” dice Avis Goodhart, autora del libro: “‘Sacada del Polvo: Alguien poco probable para ser misionera’. Ella no lo desperdicio – y tu tampoco deberias hacerlo.” A pesar de un trasfondo de abuso infantil, dislexia e infidelidad matrimonial, Avis realizo su primer viaje internacional de misiones a la edad de cincuenta anos. La Iglesia, la Escuela y el Orfanato que ella fundo en el norte del Peru, fue el resultado tanto de su dolor como de su obediencia radical al Senor, sacando del polvo a miles de personas. Esta convincente historia es de una mujer comun y corriente, quien sirve a Dios de una manera extraordinaria. Ella te desafiara, te inspirara y te empoderara para que: Elimines las excusas en tu vida. Reconozcas que en el Reino de Dios, la disponibilidad importa mas que la habilidad. Permitas que tu dolor te conduzca a la obediencia. Sirvas al Senor con la misma pasion mostrada por una misionera poco probable.
“Don’t waste your pain,” says unlikely missionary Avis Goodhart. She didn’t – and neither should you. Despite a background of childhood abuse, dyslexia, and marital infidelity, Avis took her first international mission trip at age fifty. The church, school, and orphanage she later founded in northern Peru, all products of both her pain and her radical obedience to the Lord, have brought thousands of others out of the dust. This compelling story of an ordinary woman who serves God in extraordinary ways will challenge, inspire, and empower you to: * Eliminate excuses from your life * Recognize that in God’s kingdom, availability matters more than ability * Allow your pain to produce – not prevent – your obedience * Serve the Lord with the same abandon shown by one unlikely missionary
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Drucker Y Yo – (Spanish)
$28.55In 1982 a young, ambitious East Texas entrepreneur, whose business is growing at double-digit rates, decides there must be more to life. So, oddly enough, he writes a letter to the man whose books he most treasures-Peter F. Drucker, father of modern management theory and practice. As they meet over the years, Buford sees that “Drucker is to management what Shakespeare is to literature.” Their relationship progresses from paid consultant to mentor to close friend.
Drucker & Me tells how two men discover a mutual passion and strategy that will literally change the world. Their disappointment with corporate America leads them to embrace the non-profit sector, including one of the most important developments in the last 30 years-the megachurch movement. Believing non-profit organizations change lives, they begin work with Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and others to design a new management model for non-profits in the twenty-first century.
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Bonhoeffer – (Spanish)
$23.99From the New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, a groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler.
A definitive, deeply moving narrative, Bonhoeffer is a story of moral courage in the face of the monstrous evil that was Nazism.
After discovering the fire of true faith in a Harlem church, Bonhoeffer returned to Germany and became one of the first to speak out against Hitler. As a double-agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Fuhrer, and was hanged in Flossenberg concentration camp at age 39. Since his death, Bonhoeffer has grown to be one of the most fascinating, complex figures of the 20th century.
Bonhoeffer presents a profoundly orthodox Christian theologian whose faith led him to boldly confront the greatest evil of the 20th century, and uncovers never-before-revealed facts, including the story of his passionate romance.
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Fe De Barack Obama – (Spanish)
$14.99Discover the unapologetically Christian and liberal Barack Obama-and how he represents the changing face of religion in American politics.
You’d have to live in a cave to have avoided hearing about Barack Obama’s woes as he deals with the crises arising from the close mentor relationship he had with the senior pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. How, people ask, could Sen. Obama represent as president people of all races, when he attended for 20 years a church permeated by a defining, if understandable, spirit of anger toward white America? There is, however, much more to the senator’s faith than this one issue. As early as 1994, as he delivered a powerful speech to the Democratic National Convention in Boston, he was taking a stand for his faith: “We worship an awesome God in the Blue States… Those of us on the political Left who believe in a woman’s right to choose an abortion and who defend the rights of our gay friends and who care for the poor and who trust that big government can be a tool of righteousness-we also love God… No longer will we be painted as the non-believers” In The Faith of Barack Obama, Stephen Mansfield explores Obama’s religious faith without political or ideological bias. Because if a man’s faith is sincere, it is the most important thing about him, and it is impossible to understand who he is and how he will lead without first understanding the religious vision that informs his life.
Descubra al Barack Obama que es cristiano y liberal sin ningun reparo en admitirlo -y como el representa el rostro cambiante de la religion en la politica estadounidense.
Barack Obama enfrento ciertas tribulaciones mientras trataba con la crisis causada por su ex pastor, el doctor Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. ?Como pudo el senador Obama asistir durante 20 anos a una iglesia impregnada por un definitivo (aunque comprensible) espiritu de ira hacia los blancos de Estados Unidos? Hay, sin embargo, cosas mucho mas importantes en la fe del senador que tan solo este tema. En La fe de Barack Obama, Stephen Mansfield explora la fe religiosa de Obama sin inclinaciones politicas o ideologicas. Su premisa basica es esta:ASi la fe de un hombre es sincera, entonces es el factor que mas lo define. En consecuencia, es imposible entender como dirigira Barack Obama sin primero entender la vision religiosa que informa su vida.
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Casi En Casa – (Spanish)
$14.99“I never thought I would live to be this old.”
In this moving narrative, Billy Graham once again takes up the pen not only to share his personal experience of growing older but also teach us some important lessons on how to view our time here on Earth. He says that the Bible makes it clear that God has a specific reason for keeping us here. So what is His purpose for these years, and how can we align our lives with it? How can we not only learn to cope with the fears and struggles and growing limitations we face but actually grow stronger inwardly in the midst of these difficulties?
In what may be his most powerful message of the last decade, Billy Graham speaks to all on this side of Heaven as he covers the importance of four key areas:
Building strong foundations and understanding the gift of years
Facing life’s transitions, including the passing of years, retirement, and when loved ones die
Making wise decisions
Understanding our glorious hope“In this book I invite you to explore with me not only the realities of life as we grow older but the hope and fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day. I pray that you and I may learn what it means not only to grow older, but, with God’s help, to grow older with grace.”
“Nunca pense que viviria hasta esta edad”
En esta conmovedora narracion, Billy Graham vuelve a tomar la pluma no solo para compartir su experiencia a esta edad, sino que tambien nos ensea algunas lecciones importantes sobre como ver nuestro paso aqui en la tierra. Dice que la Biblia es clara en que Dios tiene una razon especifica para tenernos aqui. Asi que cual es Su proposito para estos aos, y como podemos alinear nuestras vidas con ese proposito? Como podriamos no solo aprender a lidiar con los temores y dificultades, y con los multiples obstaculos, sino tambien a volvernos mas fuertes por dentro en medio de estas dificultades?
“En este libro te invito a explorar conmigo no solo las realidades de la vida conforme vamos envejeciendo sino tambien la esperanza y satisfaccion, e inclusive el gozo que podemos tener cuando aprendemos a ver estos aos desde la perspectiva de Dios y descubrimos Su fortaleza para sostenernos cada dia. Pido a Dios que tu y yo podamos aprender lo que significa no solo llegar a la ancianidad, sino hacerlo en la gracia de Dios”.
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Hijo De Hamas – (Spanish)
$16.99A gripping account of terror, political intrigue, and unthinkable choices.
Hijo de Hamas is the gripping true story of a Hamas insider who rejected his violent destiny and is now risking everything to expose the secrets of the extremist Islamic organization to show the world a way to peace. Since he was a small boy, Mosab Hassan Yousef has had an inside view of this deadly terrorist group. The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular leader, young Mosab assisted his father for years in his political activities while being groomed to assume his legacy, politics, status, and power. But everything changed when Mosab turned away from terror and violence and embraced instead the teachings of another famous Middle East leader. In Hijo de Hamas, Mosab Yousef, now called “Joseph,” reveals new information about the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his own role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland, the dangerous decision to make his newfound faith public, and his belief that the Christian mandate to “love your enemies” is the only way to peace in the Middle East.
Una conmovedora historia de terror, intriga politica y decisiones impensables.
Hijo de Hamas es la conmovedora historia verdadera de un miembro del movimiento Hamas que rechazo su violento destino y ahora lo arriesga todo al exponer los secretos de la organizacion extremista islamica para mostrarle al mundo un camino hacia la paz. Mosab Hassan Yousef conoce este devastador grupo terrorista internamente desde que era un nio pequeo. Como hijo mayor de Sheikh Hassan Yousef, miembro fundador y el mas famoso lider de Hamas, el joven Mosab ayudo a su padre por aos en sus actividades politicas mientras era preparado para asumir su legado, ideologia, estatus y poder. Pero todo cambio cuando Mosab dio la espalda al terror y a la violencia, y acogio en su lugar las enseanzas de otro famoso lider del Medio Oriente. En Hijo de Hamas, Mosab Yousef, ahora con el nombre de “Joseph”, da a conocer nueva informacion sobre la organizacion terrorista mas peligrosa del mundo y revela la verdad sobre su propio papel, la dolorosa separacion de su familia y de su tierra natal, la peligrosa decision de hacer publica su nueva fe, y su creencia de que el mandato cristiano de “amar a tus enemigos” es el unico camino hacia la paz en el Medio Oriente.
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Resistencia Y Gracia Cara – (Spanish)
$14.99This book is about the life and thoughts of one of the most influential and historical people of the 20th century in regards to moral ethics. The author covers four chapters of the most important aspects of Dietrich Bonheoffer’s biography; his thoughts, his spirituality, his faith and the historical context of his life
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Lunes Con Mi Viejo Pastor – (Spanish)
$16.99A totally burned-out young preacher reignites his faith and gathers wisdom for life while spending successive Mondays with an eighty-three-year-old pastor.
“Deep inside in some uncertain part of my soul persisted this strange exhaustion that was difficult to explain and hard to endure,” writes pastor and author Jose Luis Navajo. Thinking of quitting the ministry, Navajo doesn’t know where to turn until he begins meeting with a seasoned man of the cloth-his “old pastor”-who, through successive Monday visits, offers a legacy of wisdom in the form of 15 unique principles. In lyrical prose, Navajo shares the personal anecdotes, fables, and deep spiritual insights offered by the old pastor and his wife. By turns funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking, Mondays with My Old Pastor is a comfort to anyone who struggles in his or her walk with God. As readers follow Navajo’s journey from desperation to rejuvenation, they will find themselves similarly transformed and inspired. This moving, beautifully written account is sure to reignite every soul’s longing for renewal.
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Martin Lutero Su Vida Y Su Obr – (Spanish)
$14.99This biography of Luther is considered the best written in the Spanish language to date. It includes illustrations from that era, an index of Luther’s writings and several documents from that time, including the famous 95 Thesis.
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Cuba El Capitulo Mas Largo – (Spanish)
$16.99Dictator or liberator? Charitable genius or tyrannical oppressor? Marcos Antonio Ramos takes a balanced approach to exploring Cuba’s monumental leader, Fidel Castro, and the historical context surrounding his influence. Ramos writes from a vantage point within Cuba and yet also from the outside world’s perspective to present a man who has been at once hated and loved, ignored and embraced by his contemporaries around the world.
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