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    • Beyond The Salvation Wars


      God has provided salvation, but when does it begin? What is required of us? Can we lose it? These and other disputed questions have divided Christians for centuries. Matthew W. Bates has already shown that the gospel is about King Jesus and that faith includes allegiance. In Beyond the Salvation Wars, he unpacks additional truths from the Bible and the early church to describe how salvation happens.

      Bates offers a new model, encouraging Protestants and Catholics toward long-term unity. But his proposal contains strong medicine: it doesn’t sugarcoat current Protestant and Catholic errors but diagnoses with precision for the future health of the church.

      By using accessible writing and stories, Bates shows what Scripture teaches about baptism, election, regeneration, assurance, and justification. A companion to his previous book, Gospel Allegiance: What Faith in Jesus Misses for Salvation in Christ, this book will appeal to those who want to discover core truths about how we are saved–for their personal journey as well as for final Christian unity. A discussion guide with questions for classes and groups will be available.

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    • Evangelism In An Age Of Despair


      “Evangelism” is a contested, even conflicted word. But churches are declining in numbers and resources. What if we aren’t thinking about evangelism in the right way, culturally or theologically? This book contextualizes evangelism in our late modern times and reimagines what the call to outreach means in today’s world.

      Our sad times are made sadder by the realization that our all-out pursuit of happiness has made us stressed, anxious, lonely, and depressed, says leading practical theologian Andrew Root. The French thinker Michel de Montaigne taught us to focus on making ourselves happy, but Blaise Pascal pointed out that we are creatures of soul as much as self–so happiness does not satisfy. Root offers a vision for how a theology of consolation can shape a hopeful approach to evangelism. We all need consolation, others to care for us in our sadness; if we can find such a minister and lean into our sorrow, we will find the presence of Jesus Christ.

      Root uses a fictional church to show rather than tell us how consolation evangelism works. For support he looks to the ministries of Gregory of Nyssa and his sister Macrina, Jean Gerson, Johann von Staupitz, and Martin Luther, who all contend that consolation is central to our transformation into the life of God.

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    • Never Alone : Sharing The Gift Of Community In A Lonely World


      We have never been more connected–yet we have never felt more alone.

      Isolation is the great soul wound of our time. As Christians, we know that the church has a unique gift to offer a hurting world: communal life in Jesus. This gift has the power to heal our loneliness and isolation. It is good news for the lonely, the isolated, the struggling. So why does it often sound like bad news to those who need it most?

      Perhaps because we have misunderstood what the good news actually is–and how we ought to be sharing it. We have collapsed evangelism into offering a golden ticket to some postmortem destiny. But the goodness of the gospel we are called to share is about so much more: shalom, wholeness, and the peaceable kingdom of Christ breaking into the world. This is the gift of communal life in Jesus. A gift that re-ligaments us back together with God and one another.

      Never Alone unpacks how we can be spiritual guides who help people heal, love, and unleash imagination to create better lives and communities. We all can be instruments to bring healing and wholeness to people’s lives in today’s epidemic of loneliness and isolation.

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    • It Is Finished


      Now available in trade paper!

      A Publishers Weekly and ECPA Bestseller

      Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

      Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

      *What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, “It is finished”–what was finished at the cross?

      *When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

      *What does this man’s death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

      *What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

      *What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

      Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: “What will I do with this man, Jesus?”

      Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can’t change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

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    • On The Go Bible Games And Activities For Kids


      On-the-Go Bible Games & Activities for Kids

      Perfect for kids ages 6 to 10, this book is jam-packed with Bible-based pencil-and-paper games to challenge and amuse, entertain and educate.

      Here are dozens of crosswords, word searches, secret codes, fill-in-the-blanks, and coloring pages, each one based on the very important Bible book of Romans.

      Looking for something fun to do? Sharpen your pencil and tackle On-the-Go Bible Games & Activities for Kids!

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    • Food And Holiness


      A Clay Bridges Press Title

      Food & Holiness examines how something as commonplace as food can become an idol when we place it above our relationship with God. A subject often overlooked in Christian circles, author Charlene Ralph sheds light on the subtle but powerful temptation to idolize food.

      How can we recognize if we are worshiping food? A key question to ask ourselves is: “Do I sometimes feel guilty about what I’m eating?”

      Charlene shares her own personal journey, one in which she often answered “yes” to that question-until 2007, when she made a decision never to eat in conflict with her conscience again. Through years of growth and transformation, she has come to a place where her love for God far outweighs any attachment to food, and she rarely, if ever, feels guilty about what she eats.

      Food & Holiness is the fruit of this ongoing journey, offering a roadmap to help others break free from the grip of food idols and learn to love God more deeply than anything else. Charlene’s prayer is that this book will guide you toward freedom and fulfillment in your relationship with both food and God.

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    • Living Between Hope And Heartache


      When your children are small, a kiss and a bandage can fix almost any hurt. But when they face struggles beyond your reach, how do you help them heal?

      This is a mother’s journey through the heartache of watching her 15-year-old daughter fall into meth addiction. But it’s also a testament to God’s faithfulness.

      Author Jessie Copeland writes, “For two years, I saw my child transform into someone I didn’t recognize-yet my love for her never wavered, even when I couldn’t understand what she was going through. When I felt helpless, I leaned on His strength and discovered the depths of His love for both my daughter and me, learning to trust Him in the midst of our darkest days.”

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    • Problem And Promise Of Freedom


      The Problem and Promise of Freedom offers a public theology that challenges the church to be a holy, loving, and generous witness to a world bound by visions of self-absorbed autonomy and materialism.

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    • Perfect Is Boring And It Tastes Like Kale


      Jess Johnston used to feel alone in her mess. Then, in a random burst of courage, she started sharing those insecurities and struggles out loud, and what she found shocked her. Again and again, women replied, “Me too! I thought I was the only one!”

      Women are really hard on themselves. We often believe that if we just “did better,” “worked harder,” and “were less messy/flawed/human,” our lives would be infinitely better and we’d receive the belonging we crave, but the exact opposite is true. It isn’t our lack of perfection that isolates us; rather, it’s our authenticity about our imperfections that brings us together.

      With honesty, heart, and humor, Johnston takes on the lies she’s believed and the lessons she’s learned (and is still learning), including:

      * if I’m rejected, I will die. (We won’t.)

      * I’m a junior varsity adult, and the best spot for me is usually the bench. (Nope, we’ve got to get in there and play.)

      * my job is to keep people happy and make sure they like me. (Excuse me while I go hide in my closet and have an anxiety attack.)

      Jess Johnston reminds us that the answers are in us already, in accepting that we’re a lot-a lot of mess, and a lot of great too.

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    • What Is The Bible


      In this vibrant picture book adventure, the authors of the #1 New York Times bestseller What Is God Like? invite children to learn about the Bible-what it tells us about God and what God says about us!

      Children have been wondering about the Bible for centuries. What do all these long-ago stories have to do with each other-and with me? This whimsical and lyrical book, inspired by the work and ideas of the late Rachel Held Evans and completed by her good friend Matthew Paul Turner, explains that the Bible is a big library of amazing stories about God, the world, and Jesus. When you read those stories, you will understand the world differently-and you can make the world different too.

      What Is the Bible? is a spectacular journey, guiding children to see how God’s story and our own lives are delightfully intertwined. Kids and parents alike will see that God’s story is big enough to be found all over the world and close enough to find in our own hearts.

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    • Benefit Of Doubt


      God can handle your difficult questions and use them to deepen your relationship with him.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Does it make me a bad Christian if I have doubts?” At some point, almost all of us have had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers, yet we aren’t sure if we are ready to abandon our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself, and in The Benefit of Doubt, he shows us how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table style, Groeschel shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–the questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?

      Doubt is an important part of deepening your faith, but that doesn’t make it an easy process to walk through. If you’re wrestling with doubts, this book, along with God’s transformative power, will help you develop a richer faith, a deeper understanding, and a more authentic relationship with God.

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    • Stop Trying To Be Successful


      Feeling like a failure can be pretty exhausting. But chasing after an ever-elusive “success” in money, power, influence, and accolades? That’s even more so.

      Thankfully there is a better way. In Stop Trying to Be Successful, Pete Portal invites you to recognize the beauty and complexity of the world we live in and to redefine success, choosing love over efficiency, depth over volume and real friendship over cold transactions. It is time for us to remember that true success is not about what we have but about how we live.

      Stop Trying to Be Successful invites us to slow down and evaluate how Jesus’ life and teachings help us discover a different kind of success. Accompanying this book are features designed to help you dig deeper, including:

      *Questions for reflection at the end of each chapter,
      *A link to a free small group video series,
      *Discussion guides to accompany each small group session.

      It’s time to stop falling into the comparison trap and getting bogged down by the world’s many definitions of achievement. You’ll find that Jesus’ life and teaching are the perfect antidote for a world growing sick with the wrong sort of success. Experience a life of Kingdom significance rather than meaningless influence. Be inspired by a renewed sense of purpose. This upside-down success is the kind that will truly satisfy your soul.

      Stop Trying to be Successful was previously released in the UK as How to be (Un)Successful.

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    • Gods Perfect Peace


      May God’s peace give you stillness,
      May God’s peace keep you calm.

      Imagine the soothing power of a little child hearing words of blessing spoken over them from the day they are born. Written in lyrical rhyme and filled with delightful animal illustrations, Bedtime Blessings: God’s Perfect Peace offers this gentle book of loving childlike blessings.

      Based on 2 Thessalonians 3:16, Bedtime Blessings: God’s Perfect Peace invites parents, grandparents, and other loved ones to speak words of blessing over their little ones at bedtime, wrapping them in the sure knowledge and reassurance of God’s perfect peace before they go to sleep. This story reminds children that the peace of God comforts them every hour of every day.

      Bedtime Blessings: God’s Perfect Peace includes:

      *Charming and whimsical animal illustrations
      *A presentation page
      *Scriptural content based on 2 Thessalonians 3:16
      *Multiple blessings for parents and grandparents to pray over their child
      *Room to personalize each blessing with a particular child’s name

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    • Shift : Courageously Moving From Season To Season


      Discover a renewed sense of your purpose and the courage to move from what is to what can be.

      We have a tendency to think of our own situation in polarizing terms: good or bad, up or down. We fall into the trap of thinking things are one way or another. We overlook the fact that there are transition times, such as the seasons between graduation and the amazing job, between divorce and remarriage, between a failure and a success.

      The key from getting from one season in life to the next is surviving the shift and recognizing that it’s the period between the mistake and the mastery. Between what happened today and who you become tomorrow. To make the most of the shift, you must be willing to embrace and accept the consequences of past events and relinquish your attempts to alter or compensate for them. You must be willing to shift your paradigm from victim to victor. From survivor to thriver, from loser to chooser.

      Full of relatable stories, practical, easily applicable advice, and deep scriptural insights, The Shift helps readers survive these in-between seasons with the courage that comes only when you’re sure of God’s purpose for your life.

      This newly updated paperback edition of this classic book has three new chapters that help readers go even further in surviving and thriving in the recent shifts in our culture, as well as encouraging them to shift into living a life of legacy and purpose.

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    • Ive Got Questions


      When your faith as you know it has been commodified, nationalized, scandalized, and rebranded beyond recognition, is it even possible to recover the “good” of Jesus from this cluster of epic proportions?

      Writer and podcaster Erin Moon has questions, and this book is her open letter for anyone who feels iffy, conflicted, or just downright devastated by this disconnect. With empathy, insight, and the therapy of memes and a good laugh, Erin maps out not a rigid prescription but an open-hearted pathway for you to reclaim what you once loved about your faith home and light a match to the rest.

      As it turns out, God is not afraid of your questions. To the contrary, the fullness of the Christian story is found not in a certainty checklist but a vision of a people who wrestle with God. This is the story to which Erin turns and guides you through, as you:

      – understand the good, bad, ugly, and just plain bizarre of your faith origins
      – find permission to lament, ask questions, and name pressure points
      – make peace as you set your own new boundaries and rebuild

      Consider this your open invitation to get gut-level honest about where it started, and heart-level hopeful about where it can go from here.

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    • Lets Go Bible Adventures


      God gave us the Bible to help us see
      God’s love never changes–it’s strong as can be!

      Let’s Go! Bible Adventures is a rhyming storybook that tells real Bible stories and contrasts Bible-times transportation with modern-day vehicles. Trucks, trains, tractors, as well as bulldozers, boats, hot-air balloons, motorcycles –and of course ice cream trucks –will capture the attention of children ages two to five.

      Gathering children and loving adults together to read this array of Old and New Testament Bible stories will become the favorite part of your family’s day. Through these Bible stories, all of which remain true to the real Bible story, every member of your family will come to understand the depth of God’s care for them. Featuring:

      *40 real Bible stories faithfully told by Valerie Ellis and illustrated by Carolina Farias: 20 stories from the Old Testament and 20 stories from the New Testament.

      *Full color, delightful illustrations of Bible times and modern-day vehicles.

      *Rhyming text with a songlike resonance that will keep everyone’s attention.

      *A fun repeating refrain that children will love to “read” aloud with you–“We’re on an adventure with God. Let’s go!”

      So let’s go! Begin your family’s exciting journey discovering God’s Word with Let’s Go! Bible Adventures today.

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    • Whispers Of Fortune


      In a land of gold and grit, can two hearts uncover the true treasure?

      In 1875 California, Brody MacKenzie arrives at the Two Harts Ranch on a mission to find his runaway brothers, worried they may have fallen into harm. Instead, he discovers them thriving at the ranch’s school and orphanage under the care of Ellie Hart, a woman with a heart as resilient as the land she calls home. His options limited, Brody reluctantly takes on the role of ranch doctor, and he forms an unexpected bond with Ellie, who’s kept a steady eye on Brody’s two rapscallion brothers. When the boys show him a mysterious journal that has been guiding their travels and may hold the key to a lost treasure, Brody and Ellie are captivated by the possibility of a thrilling adventure.

      With winter approaching and his brothers threatening to bolt again, Brody and Ellie race against time to decipher cryptic clues and unearth the hidden fortune. But along the way, old adversaries resurface, threatening their newfound affection and the safety of those at the ranch.

      Whispers of Fortune is a kisses-only western historical romance with plenty of witty banter, action-packed adventure, and a heartwarming happily-ever-after. It’s the first book in the Golden State Treasure series and can be read as a standalone.

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    • Here Be Dragons


      From the New York Times bestselling author of Nobody’s Cuter than You comes a poignant, deeply personal story about trusting God to heal generational wounds so you can be a strong, loving presence for your teenage daughter.

      In medieval times, uncharted waters were marked on maps as Here Be Dragons to signify that no one knew what dangers might lie ahead. Melanie Shankle quips that the years spent raising our teenage daughters could be labeled the same due to the uncertainties before us.

      Like a lot of moms, Melanie found herself in need of a parenting map when her teenage daughter, Caroline, entered her sophomore year of high school where she encountered relentless mean girls and brutal heartache. While trying to equip her daughter to deal with the toxic social dynamics of high school, Melanie was hit with a cruel realization: The shame, criticism, and verbal abuse she had endured throughout her own life was wrought by one particular mean girl-her own mother.

      Melanie hoped to raise her daughter to be a warrior, and she realized she couldn’t do that unless she became healthy enough to fight her own dragons. She invites you into her story as she explores her complex family dynamics, discovering what it takes for any of us to survive and ultimately thrive in spite of wounds that remain. This was the beginning of her journey of trusting God to help break generational cycles that had told the women in her family to find their value in everything but His love.

      Filled with personal stories and written in the same whimsical and honest style Melanie is known for, Here Be Dragons will have you both laughing out loud and crying-sometimes on the same page-as you confront the challenges of raising your own strong, independent daughter while fighting dragons along the way.

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    • Appreciate These Things


      In a world tense with anger and division, how can we preserve our sense of well-being and inject a little more kindness into our daily interactions?

      Pastor Jill J. Duffield finds an answer in the apostle Paul’s guidance in Philippians 4:8: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

      Thinking about, looking for, appreciating these eight things can reorient our hearts and minds in ways that nurture compassion for ourselves, those in need, and those with whom we are inclined to disagree. Duffield leads the way with stories and insights that will transform your outlook on the world-and maybe even the world itself.

      With eight chapters of five reflections each, Appreciate These Things can serve as a daily devotional, an eight-week group study, or an accessible, inspirational individual read.

      Access free digital resources, which include a sermon series guide, group study videos and a Spotify playlist from the author, and images that enrich worship or group study at

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    • Astronaut Hayleys Brave Adventure


      An imaginative, inspiring, and beautifully illustrated picture book from the youngest
      American to ever orbit the earth–cancer survivor Hayley Arceneaux–who learned that if we are willing to be scared and brave at the same time, extraordinary things are possible.

      A fantastic fictional space story inspired by the author’s real-life experiences, Astronaut Hayley’s Brave Adventure is the perfect book for young readers who have big dreams and even bigger hearts.

      Like every child, Hayley has to learn to be brave in ordinary ways, like facing the first day of school or trying a new sport. But when Hayley gets sick–really sick–she has to learn to be brave in not-so-ordinary ways. When Hayley is invited to become an astronaut and travel to outer space, she knows she is up for the challenge. But she’ll need all her courage to handle what’s in store!

      Astronaut Hayley’s Brave Adventure will inspire children everywhere to reach for the stars, to aspire for the impossible, and to seek new friends and new adventures wherever they are!

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    • Compact Bible Value Edition


      The KJV Compact Bible, Value Edition is economically priced and features a compact design that slips easily into a pocket, backpack, or carry bag, making this Bible the perfect blend of readability and portability.

      The KJV Compact Bible, Value Edition features the authorized version of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

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    • En Espiritu Danto Y Fuego – (Spanish)


      En Espiritu Santo y fuego es una obra exhaustiva escrita por Jorge Canto Encalada que sumerge al lector en el rico mundo teologico del movimiento pentecostal.

      Este libro, fruto del profundo compromiso del autor con su tradicion, ofrece una exploracion detallada y perspicaz de temas fundamentales para el pentecostalismo, como el bautismo del Espiritu Santo, la gracia preveniente y la pneumatologia.

      Con un enfoque academico solido y una pasion palpable por su tema, Canto Encalada aborda tanto las doctrinas clasicas como las tendencias contemporaneas dentro del pentecostalismo, en especial en America Latina.

      Este libro ofrece una exploracion profunda y unica de la teologia del Espiritu Santo, destacandose por:

      *Incorporar voces desde los Padres de la Iglesia hasta la erudicion contemporanea

      *Incluir informacion pertinente tanto de la teologia medieval como de la Reforma protestante

      *Extensa investigacion bibliografica cuidadosa

      *Hacer un analisis teologico riguroso

      *Ayudar a entender las complejidades de la doctrina pentecostal

      *Ofrecer una vision equilibrada y completa de la experiencia del Espiritu Santo

      Descubre un libro con una valiosa contribucion al estudio academico del pentecostalismo, que tambien sirve como recurso practico para pastores, lideres y estudiantes de teologia interesados en profundizar su comprension de la obra del Espiritu Santo en la vida y la mision de la iglesia.

      Con su estilo claro y accesible, En Espiritu Santo y fuegoinvita a los lectores a reflexionar sobre su propia experiencia espiritual y a explorar las riquezas de la tradicion pentecostal en el contexto contemporaneo.

      Es una obra imprescindible para aquellos que deseen comprender mejor el papel central del Espiritu Santo en la fe y la practica pentecostal, y para quienes buscan enriquecer su conocimiento teologico con una perspectiva informada y comprometida con la tradicion pentecostal. Con su combinacion de erudicion teologica y pasion por la experiencia espiritual, En Espiritu Santo y fuego se posiciona como una obra de referencia indispensable en el campo de la pneumatologia pentecostal.

      In the Spirit and in Fire

      In the Spirit and in Fire is a comprehensive work authored by Jorge Canto Encalada that immerses readers in the rich theological world of the Pentecostal movement.

      This book, a testament to the author’s deep commitment to his tradition, offers a detailed and insightful exploration of foundational themes for Pentecosta

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    • Parables : Putting Jesus’s Stories In Their Place


      Read the stories of Jesus in a new light.

      When Jesus taught in parables, he was doing more than telling simple morality tales. His stories were grounded in the world in which he lived and his vision of the Kingdom of God. This book explores six parables that give us a window into Jesus’s message and movement, and, once they are heard in their own context, ask what they might mean for us today. Parables include: the New Wine and Wineskins, the Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Wedding Party, the Workers in the Vineyard, and the Wicked Tenants. Other components for the study include a leader guide and teaching video are available.

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    • Grateful Heart : 60 Reasons To Give Thanks In All Things


      Discover that gratitude in all circumstances is possible. Find a grateful attitude even during the worst of times by focusing on the truth that God’s nature never changes. These sixty devotions will help you know greater joy in God’s gifts and gain a deeper appreciation of His character as you explore His goodness throughout creation and His promises in His Word. Take a fresh look at how to be thankful one day at a time!

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    • Tough Topics : 25 Biblical Answers To Controversial Questions


      Biblical answers to common questions your pastor may like to ignore.

      While reading this book, you will find true freedom through the Word of God. Additionally, you will search the Scriptures to see what the Bible says about controversial questions in modern society.

      Countless people are worried, angry, fearful, and just plain confused when it comes to some of the more perplexing issues that life poses and the Bible provokes. Tough Topics provides solid and scriptural answers to 25 such questions. Kelly K. seeks to tackle frustration by looking deeply, not superficially, at what Scripture says, deriving clear and persuasive explanations for these thought-provoking matters.

      In this deep dive into Scripture, you will learn the answers to these tricky questions:

      *Is it a sin for Christians to drink, smoke, or use medical marijuana?
      *Can you lose your salvation?
      *Is it a sin to live together before marriage?
      *Does God hate piercings and tattoos?
      *Do pets go to heaven?
      *Did Judas go to hell?
      *Are aliens real?
      *If Christians divorce, can they remarry?
      *Can Christians watch horror movies or listen to secular music?
      *What is the unforgivable sin?
      *Do you have to be baptized to go to heaven?
      *And more!

      We can’t walk in the total freedom and peace that Jesus died to give us if we have looming questions about our faith that pastors won’t or can’t address from the pulpit. This book will arm readers with the biblical truth they need to feel confident in their walk with the Lord.

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    • Before You Go Any Higher


      We long for mountaintop experiences, but they’re difficult to achieve and impossible to maintain without the rest, nourishment, and strength found in lush, life-giving valleys. GRAMMY Award winner Jonathan McReynolds shows us why having a valley mindset is not what you think–it’s about receiving God’s grace, love, and encouragement as His beloved child.

      Life is full of mountains to ascend, driven by our dreams, ambitions, and callings. But it doesn’t take much for even the strongest climbers to grow weary or lose their way. It’s important to have a “mountain mindset” to help us establish goals, to make steady progress, to achieve success, to do big things for God. A great mission requires from us a little grind, a little hustle, a little competition. But also plenty of time in the valley.

      Most people equate valley moments with difficulty and pain, but a “valley mentality” is different according to Jonathan McReynolds. He’s reached the mountaintop–GRAMMY Award, nationwide tours, millions of followers, and more–but he experienced more refreshment, rest, and encouragement from the Lord off the mountain. He writes, “The valley is not about finishing anything, studying anything, or doing anything, but simply being a child of God.” In Before You Climb Any Higher, readers will discover:

      *Taking breaks from climbing is necessary for your mental health
      *Ways to find rest, renewal, and authentic community in the valley
      *Identity should never be wrapped up in success and accolades
      *How to prepare for the mountain climb with lessons learned in the valley
      *It’s possible to live abundantly in the valley and on the mountain

      We are more than our accomplishments, more than our mountaintop accomplishments. We are sons and daughters of God, who is calling us to rest in the valley, to replenish our souls, to be formed by the Spirit, to discover abundant life that is found only in Him.

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    • God Didnt Make Us To Hate Us


      A first-of-its-kind devotional for the disenchanted, disillusioned, and deconstructed

      Countless Christians are deconstructing the fear-based faith they were handed, but many don’t want to give up on God-they want to love and be loved by Jesus without hateful or abusive theology. If you’re one of those believers, this feminist, anti-racist, LGBTQ-affirming devotional will take you on a journey of spiritual re-enchantment. Featuring 40 devotions on God’s radical and liberating salvation, it’s here to help you heal your church hurt, restore your sense of community, and embrace Jesus’s heart-healing forgiveness. Move beyond rigid religion and reconnect with the undeniable truth that predates and will outlive all the toxic theology in the world: God made you to love you.

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    • Abundant Life Journal


      From popular mental health advocate and lifestyle creative Anh Lin, this thirty-week guided journal offers intentional practices and activities for you to pause and celebrate the abundant life you already have

      It’s no secret that we are overworked, overstimulated, and stressed out. We long to fill our days with pursuits that bring us joy or peace, but too often, we barely scratch the surface on the tasks we have to do and miss out on doing the fun and life-giving things we want to do. But what if we could grasp that abundant life–right now?

      Drawing from her own experience of healing from depression and surrendering the chase for “the good life,” popular DIYer, lifestyle influencer, and mental health advocate Anh Lin created the Abundant Life Journal, which repeatedly sold out on her online store The Hooga Shop. Now with a refreshed design and newly added features, the journal invites readers to build a flourishing life filled with purpose and emotional soundness right where they are. Each of the thirty weeks includes an encouraging devotion, a Scripture verse, and a prayer, followed by fun activities that include:

      *coloring pages
      *designed quotes
      *guided reflections
      *bullet journaling
      *to-do lists

      With a peace-filled and “girl, I’m with you” tone, this resource is a literary hug, an invitation for respite, and a chance to pause and celebrate the abundant life we already have.

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    • Benefit Of Doubt


      God can handle your difficult questions and use them to deepen your relationship with him.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Does it make me a bad Christian if I have doubts?” At some point, almost all of us have had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers, yet we aren’t sure if we are ready to abandon our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself, and in The Benefit of Doubt, he shows us how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table style, Groeschel shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–the questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?

      Doubt is an important part of deepening your faith, but that doesn’t make it an easy process to walk through. If you’re wrestling with doubts, this book, along with God’s transformative power, will help you develop a richer faith, a deeper understanding, and a more authentic relationship with God.

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    • Benefit Of Doubt Workbook (Workbook)


      The strongest faith isn’t one without doubts. The strongest faith is a one that grows through doubts.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Can we be sure about anything?” At some point, we’ve all had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers. Yet we’re not sure we’re ready for the undoing of our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself. In The Benefit of Doubt Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, he reveals how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table attitude, Craig shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *How do I know if what I believe is actually biblical?

      Doubt is a normal part of faith, but that doesn’t make it any less intimidating to navigate. So if you’re wrestling with doubts, keep walking, keep knocking, keep asking, and keep seeking. As Craig writes, “I believe everyone–whether a long-term committed Christian or a long-term committed atheist–struggles with doubts. The doubts of a Christ-follower can take the shape of benign curiosity or a malignant tumor. It seems more Christians today are struggling and questioning or deconstructing their faith. I understand these doubts and want to help. It is my hope that this message moves you into a life after doubt and that you experience the fullness of all God has for you.”

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes For Hardworking Women


      There are many hardworking women in our lives who rarely get the affirmation and recognition they deserve! This iteration of our popular Prayers to Share series offers readers a chance to change that, providing heartfelt prayers, selected Scriptures, and inspirational quotes from mother-of-three and business owner Melissa Horvath that are easy to tear and share. These messages are designed to empower stay-at-home moms, non-profit volunteers, dedicated caregivers, striving entrepreneurs, committed students, and other female go-getters who could use a healthy dose of appreciation.

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    • Dear Single Mom Youre Doing Great


      This DaySpring devotional reminds single moms that you are loved by God and not alone.

      As a single mom you have hopes and dreams for yourself and for your kids. The work is hard, the days are long, and appreciation for your efforts are rare. This devotion is designed to remind you that even as a single mom you have God’s full attention. He has not forgotten your dreams or what you want for your kids. He sees your challenges, frustrations and appreciates your work as a mom. Through this 90 day devotional you’ll be encouraged, empowered, and strengthened in the complete love of God on your single mom journey.

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    • Take What You Need


      A collection of quotes from the writings of critically acclaimed and beloved author Aundi Kolber for encouragement on your journey toward healing

      For when the day is long. When you are afraid. When you don’t know what to say to someone you love. When you feel alone. When you’re questioning everything. When you wonder if God is with you. When the bottom falls out. When you don’t know what’s next. When you do something courageous. When you don’t know how to have hope. When you need to know you can try softer. When you’re learning to show up for yourself.

      May this collection of quotes from therapist and author of Try Softer Aundi Kolber be a balm to your most tender places. A beautiful gift for the hardest days, each page will remind you that no matter where you are on your journey to healing, you are not alone. And while there may not be answers, you will find compassion. You will find reminders of who God created you to be, the belovedness within. You’ll come away feeling a little more empowered to take one more step.

      This book contains:

      *Gentle exercises for getting in tune with your body and feelings,
      *Scriptures to remind you of God’s truth for your life and meet you in your need,
      *Timely and supportive prayers.

      Come and take what you need from these pages. A gentler way is open to you.

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    • Compact Bible Value Edition


      The KJV Compact Bible, Value Edition is economically priced and features a compact design that slips easily into a pocket, backpack, or carry bag, making this Bible the perfect blend of readability and portability.

      The KJV Compact Bible, Value Edition features the authorized version of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

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    • Perfect Savior : Celebrating The Living Hope Of Easter – Morning And Evenin


      Deepen your celebration of Easter with 40 days of morning and evening devotions that guide you beyond the crucifixion. Beginning with God’s eternal plan to save His people and concluding with Jesus’s resurrection, these readings will inspire meaningful contemplation about the power of Christ’s purpose. Be encouraged to draw near to the Savior and experience the hope He offers even in the midst of darkness.

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    • Blessings For Women


      Start each day with an uplifting promise of God’s unwavering love and faithfulness! Nourish your soul with 100 biblical assurances that His provision, presence, and protection are always with you. Each brief blessing-along with its accompanying Bible verse and short prayer-gives renewed hope and comfort as you hold tightly to Him. You can also share this gift of strength, encouragement, and faith with the busy moms and cherished loved ones in your life.

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    • Nunca Solos – (Spanish)


      Family Is Divinely Inspired

      Family is God’s design for us. But imagine a world without family. What would it be like? You would never attend a family reunion. You would have no one to invite to your wedding. You would have no spouse to commit your life to. No children or grandchildren. You would not gather with family for special holiday celebrations. You might feel alone. Isolated. As if you didn’t belong. But that isn’t what God had in mind, so He established the family.

      In Never Alone, Dr. Albert Reyes explores scripture to help us find God’s plan and design for the family. Using the Bible as his guide and stories of real families with his ministry at Buckner International, Dr. Reyes guides you on a journey of discovery. Discover that family is a gift from God with the power to inspire hope. Find God’s plan for your family.

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    • Hot Mess Express


      Discover Your Menopause Survival Kit: Laugh, Learn, and Thrive!

      You may have involuntarily found yourself on the Hot Mess Express, but you can take control of your journey and enjoy the ride. Or at least, survive the roller-coaster known as menopause with laughter. Unlike our grandmothers and moms, who never talked about this natural process, Sally takes us on a dive into the humorous yet practical journey of menopause.

      Learn about symptoms, treatments, and self-care strategies–from diet and exercise to beauty tips–all enriched with real-life stories that inform and entertain. Empower yourself to discuss health concerns confidently–Is hormone replacement therapy right for me? Would it tame these mood swings? And, why is it so hot in here? Whether you’re in your forties or approaching sixty or beyond, this comprehensive guide offers relief and clarity in navigating the ups and downs of menopause. Embrace The Change with a smile and practical solutions that make a difference–from head to toe.

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    • Real Life Discipleship


      Is your church making disciples . . . who make disciples . . . who make disciples?

      Real-Life Discipleship explains what should happen in the life of every Christian and in every small group so that the church becomes an army of believers dedicated to seeing the world saved. With the overriding goal to train disciples who know how to make more disciples, this book offers proven tools and strategies from Real Life Ministries, one of America’s fastest-growing churches.

      In this book, you will learn:

      *How to create churches that succeed and grow
      *How to intentionally disciple believers in every stage of their spiritual development
      *How to find and develop leaders in your church

      This book also contains these helpful features:

      *A summary and profile of each stage of spiritual growth
      *Recommended resources for disciple-makers
      *Spiritual facts
      *A presentation of the gospel

      Discover what the Bible says about true and effective discipleship with these strategies and practices in this great church resource.

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    • Large Print Thinline Bible Value Edition


      The CSB Large Print Thinline Bible, Value Edition is economically priced, easy to carry, and easy to read, featuring large 11-point type and a thinline design that slips easily into a backpack, tote bag, or purse. Breakthroughs in typography and paper manufacturing contribute to a thinline Bible that combines readability, portability, and durability.   FEATURES:   Convenient, thinline design  Durable Smyth-sewn, lay-flat binding  Two-column text format  Topical subject headings  11-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Footnotes  Ribbon marker  “Where to Turn” section with Scripture references for common life issues  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  6.125″ x 9.1875″ page size    The CSB Large Print Thinline, Value Edition features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 

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    • Large Print Thinline Bible Value Edition


      The CSB Large Print Thinline Bible, Value Edition is economically priced, easy to carry, and easy to read, featuring large 11-point type and a thinline design that slips easily into a backpack, tote bag, or purse. Breakthroughs in typography and paper manufacturing contribute to a thinline Bible that combines readability, portability, and durability.   FEATURES:   Convenient, thinline design  Durable Smyth-sewn, lay-flat binding  Two-column text format  Topical subject headings  11-point type size  Words of Christ in red  Footnotes  Ribbon marker  “Where to Turn” section with Scripture references for common life issues  Presentation page for gift-giving  Full-color maps  6.125″ x 9.1875″ page size    The CSB Large Print Thinline, Value Edition features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 

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    • Spring Song


      Spring’s song is coming again, and award-winning recording artist Ellie Holcomb knows that we’re all invited to sing along! Her lyrical words encourage young readers to watch as the world slowly wakes-from the trees and flowers to the birds and bunnies-and to know that the new life of spring also retells the story of God’s Son.

      Along with this board book, Ellie will release companion children’s music. Her joyous celebration encourages young readers to delight in God’s gift of springtime and to realize that each bird and bloom is a reminder that His love can make all things new.

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    • Lit Up With Love


      Every single person hungers for divine love–even if they don’t know it. So why do we find it so hard to share the healing work of Christ?

      If you’ve longed to share your Christian faith authentically but found fear holding you back, you are not alone. Many of us long to make a meaningful impact for Christ in our communities but feel inadequate, awkward, and afraid of accidentally causing offense. How can we communicate the life-giving invitation of Jesus in a better way?

      In Lit Up with Love, Dr. Derwin Gray provides a guide for sharing the Gospel with authenticity and love. Uncover the true motivation behind sharing your faith–the boundless love of God for humanity and His desire for reconciliation. Learn how to communicate the invitation of Jesus to a hurting world, and discover how to manage the tension of fear while sharing Christ’s love in an authentic way–by embracing and living out the love you’ve received from Jesus and sharing it with others.

      Lit Up with Love will empower you to share your faith through:

      *Love-Powered Evangelism: Rather than employ fear-based approaches or pressure tactics, emphasize the infinite love of God and his desire for reconciliation

      *A Holistic Approach: Understand that evangelism is a way of life, a living testimony to what Jesus has done for us, not a one-time event and learn how to integrate evangelism and discipleship.

      *A Church Implementation Kit: Equipped with practical downloadable assets, this book empowers churches to apply its principles and embark on a transformative evangelism movement.

      The more we are lit up with love, the more we will share Christ and the hope that he brings. Whether you’re a seasoned follower of Jesus or just starting on your journey, Lit Up with Love will empower you to become a beacon of light in a world desperate for love and belonging.

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    • Como Crear Una Mentalidad De M – (Spanish)


      La motivacion es mas que un sentimiento: !es un estado mental!

      A traves de este libro conocera y aprendera los secretos para crear una mentalidad de motivacion de la mano de Napoleon Hill, autor de los best sellers internacionales Piense y hagase rico y Mas astuto que el diablo.

      Como cualquier estado mental, la motivacion debe cultivarse mediante la expresion repetida de habitos de pensamiento. Descubra como puede tomar el control del poder de su mente y dirigirlo para conseguir las cosas que desea en la vida, todo ello mediante la aplicacion de sencillos principios y practicas diarias que condicionan su mente para el exito.

      Aproveche la energia del pensamiento para transformar los motivos en deseos ardientes que enciendan su entusiasmo, estimulen su imaginacion y le inspiren a actuar diariamente para alcanzar sus metas. Descubra las claves para:

      *Dejar ir la energia negativa y las creencias limitantes
      *Crear un entorno que le prepare para el exito
      *Superar la procrastinacion y otros bloqueos mentales
      *Atraer oportunidades con una actitud mental positiva
      *Aprovechar los retos y utilizarlos como peldaos hacia el exito
      *Y mucho mas.

      Como crear una mentalidad de motivacion de Napoleon Hill le proporciona las herramientas y tecnicas que necesita para acceder al poder ilimitado de la mente para el logro de sus propositos, de modo que pueda conseguir y mantener la motivacion en el camino hacia sus propositos.

      Motivation is more than a feeling-it’s a state of mind!

      In this book, you will learn the secrets to creating a motivated mindset from Napoleon Hill, author of the international bestselling books Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil.

      Like any state of mind, motivation must be cultivated through the repeated expression of thought habits. Discover how you can take control of your mind power and direct it to attain the things you desire in life-all through the application of simple principles and daily practices that condition your mind for success.

      Harness the energy of thought to transform motives into burning desires that ignite your enthusiasm, stimulate your imagination, and inspire you to take action daily on your goals. Uncover the keys to:

      *Letting go of negative energy and limiting beliefs
      *Creating an environment that primes you for success
      *Overcoming procrastination and other mental blocks
      *Attracting opportunities with a positive mental attitude
      *Leveraging challenges as stepping stones to success

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    • Deliverance Defined : How To Lock Up And Lock Out Demons


      In the battle for your soul, are you prepared to cast evil out?

      Drawing from decades of firsthand experience in confronting demonic forces, respected deliverance minister Don Dickerman provides a comprehensive guide to recognizing and defeating evil spirits. In this resource, Dickerman shows readers how to discern the signs of demonic activity, close doorways through which demons enter, and walk in complete freedom. As you read, you will gain invaluable insight on:

      *Four principles of deliverance
      *The setup of demonic kingdoms
      *Ways demons get permission to access people’s lives
      *How to lead a deliverance session
      *Principles for staying free
      *And much more

      As a bonus, Dickerman includes an extensive list of demons he and others have encountered throughout his thirty years of ministry. Naming both lesser-known spirits and notorious rulers of darkness, the list gives insight into the demonic spirits behind a variety of issues from fear and lust to rejection and even some illnesses.

      Featuring prayers and practical guidance, this book is an indispensable resource, designed to equip believers with the knowledge and empowerment to overcome demonic oppression and help others break free.

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    • From Junkie To Jerusalem


      God can take you from wherever you are to beyond what you could ever imagine.

      By the end of this book, you will claim victory over sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Likewise, no matter how far gone you feel, you’ll know that you’re never too far gone for God to restore and redeem you.

      From a drug addict to a prominent pastor and ardent advocate for Israel and the Jewish people, Pastor Larry Huch’s testimony is all about hope and overcoming. It’s a powerful testimony that has been told from the White House to the most violent prisons, from Portland to the Philippines, from the down and out in the streets, and even to the world’s most elite–namely, to President Trump and to Prime Minister Netanyahu.

      Delving into Huch’s tumultuous past, From Junkie to Jerusalem details his abusive background, explains his struggles with anger and addiction, and highlights the profound spiritual awakening that led him to leave behind his former life and embrace Christianity. However, this is not just one man’s story–This is a story of what God can do with the least of us. It’s a story of miracles and being faithful with a little and watching God multiply the loaves and fishes we give Him.

      While reading this motivational testimony, you will:

      *Be at the heart of Huch’s spiritual journey.
      *Learn how you can break free of generational curses.
      *See how God can work miracles in your own life.

      This God story gives readers hope that regardless of their current condition–no matter where they’re from, what they’re going through, or what their children are going through–God has a miracle in the works.

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    • Jesus Doesnt Care About Your Messy House


      The phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” isn’t found in the Bible. Your house can never be good enough to please God–not because you can’t scrub it or declutter hard enough, but because that is never what He was looking for in the first place. Join Dana K. White, author of Decluttering at the Speed of Life, as she works through removing the shame associated with having a messy home and reveling in the grace and love of our Savior.

      This book is for you, if no matter how competent you feel in other parts of your life, you still feel overwhelmed and defeated by your messy home. While it’s true that keeping a clean and organized living space can contribute to a sense of peace and well-being, it should never be equated with your worth, moral standing, or what Jesus thinks about you.

      Dana K. White, trusted by millions for her no-holds-barred cleaning confessions and practical decluttering method wants to:

      *remove any shame or identity crisis associated with disorganization

      *help you understand God’s love and purposeful design for you that is much bigger than any mess in your house.

      Sharing relatable stories, biblical teaching, and practical life application, Dana will help you find a sense of freedom, acceptance, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for you and your house.

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    • Room For Good Things To Run Wild


      Room for Good Things to Run Wild is the antidote to widespread Christian malaise. If you feel like life is happening to you, that your faith has been reduced to trite platitudes, and that no matter how many new things you try, you still end up with a dissatisfying Christian life, this book offers relief from the mediocrity of Christian living through the sacred and satisfying journey of becoming an every day saint.

      After spending too many days staring at the hamster cage of his uninspired life through the bottom of a glass of Scotch, Josh Nadeau knew there were only 2 ways left to go: further down or finally up. Disillusioned by his faith and disenchanted by the world around him, Josh chose up out of a desperation to discover the Jesus who had formed the saints of old.

      Steeped in literature and doctrine, art and raw daily life and accompanied by original illustrations and living liturgy this book will bring you on the journey back to an embodied theology that understands that we know, not just with our minds, but also with our bodies. From Canada, to England, to Ireland and Spain, Josh follows the Jesus Way, teaching you how to be just as honest about the pain of your life as the pleasure of your life.

      Rediscover the full and wild world that God has created for you in the way He has created you to experience it. Room for Good Things to Run Wild is a call into the Holy Ordinary; a new way to see that wakes the soul and satisfies the body.

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    • Dont Look Back


      Move forward with hope instead of dwelling on the past.

      There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, especially when unexpected change happens and all we want is for things to go back to how they were. But we can’t stop the flow of life, and we can’t stop time. And looking back doesn’t enable us to go back. It just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit.

      In Luke 17:32, Jesus drops three little words: “Remember Lot’s wife.” We don’t know her name, history, or story. All we know is that when she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, she was told not to look back, and she did the one thing she was asked not to do. She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. And out of the 170 women referred to in the Scriptures, she’s the only one Jesus told us to remember.

      With a rallying cry to “Remember Lot’s wife,” Bible teacher, international speaker, activist, and bestselling author Christine Caine will motivate you to stop looking back, to get unstuck, and to keep moving forward into God’s promises and purpose for your life. In Don’t Look Back, Christine will help you to:

      *Stop looking back and start looking to Jesus
      *Invite Jesus in to help you get unstuck from the places and situations that keep you trapped
      *Move on from where you are into all God’s plans, purposes, and promises for your life
      *Look forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith–especially when your world is nothing like it once was

      Jesus is beckoning us onward into the newness of what lies ahead. Stop disqualifying yourself by getting stuck in the past. Don’t Look Back will inspire you to move forward boldly.

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    • Rachel Friedman Is Not The Queen


      In this heartwarming chapter book, Rachel celebrates Purim–and learns the joy of sharing the stage.

      Rachel is so excited about Purim, and she’s especially excited to star in her Hebrew school’s Purim spiel! She’ll get to dress up like a queen and put on a play in front of everyone.

      But when her teacher announces the cast, Rachel doesn’t get the leading role of Queen Esther–her best friend Maya does! Rachel has to learn how to step aside and let someone else be the star of the show in this laugh-out-loud story about friendship.

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    • What About The Children


      Multiracial identity brings both gifts and challenges-for kids and their parents.

      Beyond questions about skin tone and other physical characteristics, children may wonder where they fit in the world and why people treat them differently. Parents may find themselves ill-equipped for situations they never faced in their own childhoods. What about the Children? deftly provides families formed by interracial marriage or transracial adoption with the guidance and tools they need to help their children embrace, celebrate, and confidently navigate all parts of their heritage.

      Author Nicole Doyley shares the challenges of growing up biracial without much guidance for navigating her Black and white worlds as well as the intentionality with which she and her Jamaican husband raise their children. Drawing on a wealth of personal anecdotes, expert insights, and practical advice, she illuminates five core values to help multiracial families thrive. From raising one’s own awareness of cultural differences to humbly seeking a diverse community of support to honestly preparing children for specific aspects of racism, What about the Children? covers both the basics and nuances of raising children with a sense of pride in their heritage and a strong, resilient sense of self.

      Each chapter includes examples featuring families of various multiracial makeups, questions for readers to reflect on, and suggestions of age-appropriate action steps.

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    • How To Fast


      We’ve forgotten how to fast, and it has not only cost us the potency of our prayers and profound benefits to our bodies but has ultimately disconnected us from a practice essential to the faith of the early saints and to our Lord Jesus Himself. While fasting is often dismissed as just another diet trend, Pastor Reward Sibanda clarifies what true spiritual fasting is-and what it is not. He explains why we should fast and how to biblically fast so we can experience deeper communion with God.

      Sibanda draws from his own twenty-one-day fasting experiences, engaging anecdotes, Scripture, and scientific insights to reveal how fasting, when accurately and prayerfully practiced,

      * engages the soul, serves the spirit, and benefits the body

      * resets our biological rhythms and increases our physical well-being, even to the cellular level

      * is the most holistically transformative experience a Christian can undertake

      Whether you’re new to fasting or a seasoned practitioner, this book-which includes a daily fasting guide-provides invaluable insights that will renew your relationship with God and enrich your faith. Discover for yourself this life-changing gift!

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    • Once A Castle


      Worlds collide and lives are changed as portals between our reality and the magical land of Ternival fray in the spellbinding sequel to the Christy Award finalist Once a Queen, called “a fresh, delightful new tale for our wonder-hungry era” by Mitali Perkins.

      A few years after Eva Joyce and Frankie Addison discovered the existence of portals to other worlds, Frankie’s younger siblings, together with some new friends, make discoveries that will change their lives, and at least two worlds, forever.
      Jack, Tilly, and Elspeth Addison just want to stay out of trouble (well, mostly, at least), but trouble keeps finding them.

      Meanwhile, Arash, a newcomer to the Addisons’ English village, tries to discover the secret his grandfather is hiding while keeping his own secrets from everyone. And Zahra, a Ternivali teenager, faces a crisis in her world, but before she can put things right, she’s rudely catapulted into the weirdest place she’s ever seen–where everyone seems to think she’s the weird one.

      Soon their stories get tangled together, and the teens must discover if they can bridge their differences and find, in themselves and one another, what it takes to put things right. Because it’s not only their lives at stake but also the fate of their home–and of more than one kingdom.

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    • Artisan Collection Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      A large print NIV journal edition Bible that captures the elegance of nature. Exquisite from the inside out, the NIV Artisan Collection Bible, Large Print invites you to journal or draw alongside Scripture. The beautiful floral cover is designed to celebrate the beauty of the world around us, while the interior features a single-column typesetting in the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface. The larger print size is easy to read as you study and make your notes in the wide margins.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Stunning floral coverLined, wide margins for journaling, notes, and artSingle-column formatThick cream paper for note-taking and artworkWords of Jesus in redTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 10

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    • Artisan Collection Bible Large Print Comfort Print


      A large print NIV journal edition Bible that captures the elegance of nature. Exquisite from the inside out, the NIV Artisan Collection Bible, Large Print invites you to journal or draw alongside Scripture. The beautiful floral cover is designed to celebrate the beauty of the world around us, while the interior features a single-column typesetting in the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface. The larger print size is easy to read as you study and make your notes in the wide margins.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Stunning floral coverLined, wide margins for journaling, notes, and artSingle-column formatThick cream paper for note-taking and artworkWords of Jesus in redTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 10

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    • 10 Dates To Your Soulmate


      Say goodbye to ghosting, gaslighting, games, and guilt from past mistakes in dating relationships. 10 Dates to Your Soulmate uncovers how you can get from a first date to knowing someone is your soulmate in 10 dates or less.

      Finding forever love doesn’t have to feel impossible. 10 Dates to Your Soulmate is a road map that gets you past first dates, providing practical dating tips and strategies, as well as insightful questions and observations to help you not only identify a good partner, but also recognize your own roadblocks to love (and move past them once and for all).

      In this book, relationship therapist and celebrity matchmaker Dr. Christie Kederian presents a research-backed and proven step-by-step process that will help you:

      *Get clear about who you are, what you’re looking for, and your expectations for a relationship

      *Evaluate your past and understand how previous relationships may be holding you back from creating love with someone new

      *Explore attachment wounds, fears, and vulnerabilities that often come to the surface early in a relationship

      *Identify common self-protective strategies that are no longer helping you and distinguish trauma responses from true red flags

      *And, after 10 dates, help you understand how to approach the future of the relationship with confidence and clarity

      Learning about someone’s character is a lifetime endeavor, but in knowing how to ask the right questions and show up authentically, you will more quickly–and less painfully–grow a deeper relationship with your date and with yourself.

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    • Believe : Why Everyone Should Be Religious


      Do you ever wish you had more faith, but struggle to make religious belief fit with modern assumptions about the world and human life? With a rare combination of empathy, open-mindedness, and persuasive argument, Ross Douthat offers a blueprint for thinking one’s way from doubt to belief.

      As a columnist for the New York Times who writes often about spiritual topics for a skeptical audience, Ross Douthat understands that many of us–whether we are agnostic, somewhat religious, or longtime believers–want to have more faith than we do. But we think we can’t believe the way our ancestors did, knowing what we know now–can we?

      With clear and straightforward arguments, Believe shows how religious belief makes sense of the order of the cosmos and our place within it, illuminates the mystery of consciousness, and explains the persistent reality of encounters with the supernatural.

      Douthat argues that in light of what we know today it should be harder to not have faith than to have it. With empathy, clarity, and rigor, Douthat explores:

      *Why nonbelief requires ignoring what our reasoning faculties tell us about the world
      *How modern scientific developments make a religious worldview more credible, not less
      *Why it’s entirely reasonable to believe in mystical and supernatural realities
      *How an open-minded religious quest should proceed amid the diversity of religious faiths
      *How Douthat’s own Christianity is informed by his blueprint for belief

      Highly relevant for our current moment, Believe offers a pathway for thinking your way from doubt into belief, from uncertainty about our place in the universe into a confidence that we are here for a reason.

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    • Story Of Reality Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


      Study the narrative backbone of the Christian story and how all the plotlines of that story are resolved in the end.

      Biblical Christianity is more than just another private religious view. It’s more than just a personal relationship with God or a source of moral teaching. Christianity is a picture of reality. It explains why the world is the way it is. When the pieces of this puzzle are properly assembled, we see the big picture clearly.

      This six-session, video-based study guide (DVD/streaming video sold separately)–based on the theological observations of his book, The Story of Reality–Gregory Koukl guides you and your group through the narrative arc of reality. Throughout this experience, you’ll learn:

      *The vital answer to the question: What is Christianity?
      *The five basic elements forming the plotline of the entire Christian story.
      *How the Christian story explains why there’s evil in the world.
      *The precise reason why Jesus is the only way of salvation.
      *Why biblical faith is not a leap of wishful thinking.
      *Reasons why the story’s record of the life and resurrection of Jesus is reliable.
      *How the biblical view of reality is the best explanation for the way things are.

      This video-based study is designed to be experienced in a group setting or any small gathering and includes outlines of the video teachings, reflections, self-assessment exercises, discussion questions, and other activities to help you understand the concepts and put them into practice.

      Participants in this course will come away with a more grounded understanding of biblical reality and a greater appreciation for the Christian tradition.

      This study guide has everything you need for a full personal or group experience.

      *The study guide itself–with thoughtful introductions, questions for personal reflection and application, and discussion questions for leading a group or team.

      *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

      Sessions and video run times:

      1 – Introduction: Reality (21 min)
      2 – Part One: God (23 min)
      3 – Part Two: Man (30 min)
      4 – Part Three: Jesus (19 min)
      5 – Part Four: Cross (23 min)
      6 – Part Five: Resurrection (20 min)

      Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after [insert 5 years after OSD]. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. V

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    • Street Smarts Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


      Building on Street Smarts, this study guide by Gregory Koukl will take you deeper, teaching you the strategies for productive conversations with those who challenge your convictions on a variety of issues. The focus is on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. It then provides individual strategies to exploit those shortcomings by offering model questions and sample dialogues to help guide believers in genial, yet persuasive, conversations.

      This study guide has everything you need for a full personal or group experience.

      *The study guide itself–with thoughtful introductions, questions for personal reflection and application, and discussion questions for leading a group or team.

      *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

      Sessions and video run times:

      1 – Getting Ready for the Street (33 min)
      2 – Questions Keep You Safe (34 min)
      3 – Intel for Navigating the Street (23 min)
      4 – Atheism: The Best Explanation for the Way Things Are? (37 min)
      5 – Evil: Atheism’s Fatal Flaw (29 min)
      6 – Jesus the Son, Christ the Savior (32 min)
      7 – The Bible: Ancient Words, Ever True? (24 min)
      8 – God: The Science Stopper? (29 min)
      9 – Abortion: Only One Question (41 min)
      10 – Marriage, Sex, Gender, and Common Sense (41 min)

      Streaming video access code included.

      Access code subject to expiration after [insert 5 years after OSD]. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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    • Saving Truth Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


      How Christians can guard their own minds against the lies that surround us and defend truth and clarity to a world that rejects both.

      By accurately describing the Culture of Confusion, the rise of the “post-truth” mindset, and how it has affected our society, author Abdu Murray will awaken you and your group to the plight we find ourselves in and challenge Christians to steer away from contributing to such a culture by instead finding hope in the clarity that Christ offers.

      In this eight-session, video-based study (DVD/streaming video sold separately) is designed to take you deeper into the topic of meaning and clarity through personal reflection and Scripture engagement and will:

      *Help you understand the post-truth mindset and how it infects and affects us all.

      *Equip you with facts and knowledge about the various areas of life where we are steeped in a post-truth mindset and losing our bearings as a culture, specifically: our freedom, our humanity, our sexuality, faith and science, and religious pluralism.

      *Explain how the message of Jesus can answer our deepest questions, and how the actions of Jesus can bring truth and clarity to a post-truth culture desperately in need of objective, biblical truth.

      Increasingly, Western culture embraces confusion as a virtue and decries certainty as a sin. Those who are confused about morality are progressive pioneers. Those who are confused about spirituality are praised as tolerant. And those who express certainty about any of these issues are seen as bigoted, oppressive, or intolerant.

      For individuals or groups who feel like they’re enmeshed in the culture of confusion, the Saving Truth Study Guide sheds light on the way to see through the fog that surrounds us–by seeing Jesus and his message as the fixed point of reference that we so desperately need.

      This study guide has everything you need for a full personal or group experience.

      *The study guide itself–with thoughtful introductions, questions for personal reflection and application, and discussion questions for leading a group or team.

      *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

      Sessions and video run times:

      1 – The Blossoming of the Culture of Confusion (19 min)
      2 – Confusion and the Church: Seductions of a Post-Truth Mindset (22 min)
      3 – Confusion’s Consequences – Getting Freedom Wrong (18 min)
      4 – Clarity about Freedom (19 min)
      5 – Clarity about Human Dignity (22 mi

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    • Good For Nothing Puddle


      In this powerful picture book about a girl experiencing loss, The Good for Nothing Puddle helps children explore the nature of grief and loss and leads them to find hope and redemption from pain.

      When a girl loses the thing she loves the most, her tears gather into a puddle around her feet that follows her everywhere she goes. At first, she tries her best to make it go away, but it is inescapable. She even cries out to God to take it away. Eventually, a puppy, a farmer, and an artist stumble upon the girl and her puddle. Each one finds the puddle extremely useful in their own way and slowly the girl begins to understand that her “good for nothing” puddle might just be good for something after all! As she learns to accept her grief, she begins to find happiness again. Filled with moments of sorrow and joy, The Good for Nothing Puddle is a powerful metaphor for dealing with difficult emotions and navigating grief while holding onto faith.

      The Good for Nothing Puddle:

      *Is for children who have experienced loss of any kind, big or small
      *Was reviewed and endorsed by a Christian counselor specializing in child therapy
      *Teaches children as well as adults how to find hope in darkness
      *Is filled with lively and dramatic illustrations
      *Is great for families as well as Sunday school classes and church libraries, and anyone struggling to find God amid sadness

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    • Matthew : Living Everyday As Jesus Taught Us


      Matthew’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus as the Messiah who is righteous, who called his followers to enter into his kingdom, and who sends out his disciples to extend the mission of justice and righteousness to others. Exploring the links between the time these words were written and our own times, Scot McKnight uncovers the enduring relevance and importance of Matthew’s Gospel for our lives today.

      In the New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series, widely respected biblical scholar Scot McKnight combines interpretive insights with pastoral wisdom for all the books of the New Testament. Each volume provides:

      *Original Meaning. Brief, precise expositions of the biblical text and offers a clear focus for the central message of each passage.

      *Fresh Interpretation. Brings the passage alive with fresh images and what it means to follow King Jesus.

      *Practical Application. Biblical connections and questions for reflection and application for each passage.

      The NIV is used as the primary Bible text, but McKnight also includes insights from his own translation of the entire New Testament. Each Bible study features a short, compact, clear exposition that both summarizes the whole and gives the reader a clear focus for what is central to the passage.

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    • Prayer Of Unwanting


      An astute, lively book about the Lord’s Prayer–the ancient Christian prayer that helps us get over ourselves, which is sometimes exactly what we didn’t know we needed.

      Sometimes we imagine prayer as a magical incantation–a way to change our circumstances. We try to pray our way toward success, safety, health, or love. But what if true prayer is more about undoing our desires for power and profit than indulging them? What if the purpose of prayer isn’t to give us what we want but to change the very heart of our wanting?

      Novelist and pastor David Williams leads us toward a new encounter with the prayer Jesus taught us to pray. Prayed through millennia by believers in groups and alone, the Lord’s Prayer speaks precisely to our age. Jesus taught his followers this prayer for a reason, and this same prayer rings true to those of us with a hunch that our desires are being endlessly manufactured, manipulated, and managed. If we are to be good little consumers, our hunger must be endless. We want because we are afraid of not having enough. We want because we feel compelled to have more than our neighbor. We want power over others. Our broken wanting can break the world. So Jesus gave us the prayer we need: one that repairs and reorients our longings.

      With stories from scripture, whimsical anecdotes, and pastoral wisdom, Williams guides us into profound interaction with each line of the Lord’s Prayer. Questions and ideas for ways to experience the Lord’s Prayer can facilitate and deepen group conversation and individual prayer. There’s power in the Lord’s Prayer, Williams testifies, even if it’s a power we have yet to understand.

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    • Word That Loves You


      The Word That Loves You, Begin is a book that provides verses from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible about six important topics. The chapters are The Fall, Forgiveness, Faith, Fruit of the Spirit, Finding Others for Salvation and Frequent Prayer. Study questions and commentaries related to each important topic are included. The purpose is to emphasize the topics as addressed by the Holy Bible and God’s Word. It hopes to encourage the reading of God’s Word and the Holy Bible. This book provides only a small example of what can be learned from reading the Holy Bible and God’s Word.

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    • IVP Atlas Of Bible History Second Edition


      Open Your Understanding of the World of Scripture

      The story of the Bible is inextricably linked to the land. To understand biblical history, we need to understand how the people, events, and geography interacted to form that ancient world.

      Spanning three thousand years of biblical history, The IVP Atlas of Bible History reveals the many fascinating ways that history and archaeology confirm and complement the Bible’s story. Taking a narrative approach, the atlas traces the unfolding of major events in the Old and New Testaments, from Abraham’s wanderings in Canaan and Egypt to Paul’s missions and the founding of new churches. It covers the many places of the world of the Bible, from Spain to Iran, from Yemen to Greece. Scholarly insights presented in a readable style add depth and color to our understanding of key people and stories in Scripture.

      Features and benefits you’ll find in The IVP Atlas of Bible History:

      *Ninety-seven maps to help understand the biblical narrative and provide background information

      *More than 150 color photographs, panoramic illustrations, and site plans, plus a range of battle plans and small artworks

      *Special features on subjects such as the peoples and languages of the Bible that will deepen understanding of geography, landscape, climate, culture, and religion.

      This is the perfect companion for anyone seeking a clear, reader-friendly, visual introduction to the history of the Bible.

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    • Ready As You Are


      Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer, leaders of the online community Her True Worth, issue a liberating call to stop waiting for permission to pursue your God-given purpose and to step into your calling today with what you already have in hand.

      Are you eager to walk in the calling and purpose God has for your life but are feeling uncertain? Maybe you’re not sure if you’re educated enough, or if it’s the right time, or if you even have the authority to take a step forward. Perhaps you’re at a standstill and are holding out for ideal conditions, or even an invitation, before you act.

      In Ready As You Are, Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer say it’s time to stop waiting to live on mission. God wants to use you now, right where you are, with the tools you already have. In this book, they’ll help you . . .

      *Discover that obedience is rarely about feeling prepared or confident but about doing scary things scared

      *Understand the difference between your macro purpose and your micro purpose

      *Explore four biblical ways to combat your natural trauma responses when the Enemy tries to sidetrack you

      *Recognize what you already have in your hand and what God can do when you offer that up to Him

      God wants yielded vessels, not perfect ones with the just-right set of qualifications. If you desire to live a life of abundance and mission, Ready As You Are will help you walk forward in surrender and make much of your little. God will fill in the gaps, as you choose to believe that He is who He says He is and He does what He says He’ll do.

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    • Rachel Friedman Is Not The Queen


      In this heartwarming chapter book, Rachel celebrates Purim–and learns the joy of sharing the stage.

      Rachel is so excited about Purim, and she’s especially excited to star in her Hebrew school’s Purim spiel! She’ll get to dress up like a queen and put on a play in front of everyone.

      But when her teacher announces the cast, Rachel doesn’t get the leading role of Queen Esther–her best friend Maya does! Rachel has to learn how to step aside and let someone else be the star of the show in this laugh-out-loud story about friendship.

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    • Far Beyond Gold


      What fears are standing in your way or holding you back? How do you want to become stronger? Olympic and World champion hurdler Sydney McLaughlin wants to help you answer these questions as she shares her personal story of struggles and victories, of faith and transformation.

      Sydney McLaughlin knows about facing down obstacles. She has mastered not only racing over hurdles on the track but also tackling challenges in her personal life–from lifelong battles with perfectionism and anxiety to persistent questions about her identity and whether she was “enough.”

      Her pursuit of perfection and people-pleasing continued for years until God broke into her story with his overwhelming grace, transforming love, and empowering truth.

      In Far Beyond Gold, Sydney will share aspects of her life story and personhood she has never shared publicly before, offering a more complex picture of who she is. She will inspire you to:

      *Conquer your fears in Christ’s strength
      *Stand strong in your identity in him
      *Push past your perceived limits
      *Overcome the challenges you’re facing

      Experience the story of a woman who shifted from anxiety to boldness, from limits to freedom, and from perfectionism to purpose–and now shows the world that often what we think is impossible is possible with God.

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    • Simon Peter : Flawed But Faithful Disciple


      Simon Peter?an ordinary fisherman who heard an extraordinary call.

      He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man.

      And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a new book and six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. In addition to the Leader Guide and DVD components for adult studies, corresponding youth and children’s resources, sold separately, can be used to create a churchwide study.

      Chapters Include:

      The Call of the Fisherman
      Walking with Jesus in the Storm
      Bedrock or Stumbling Block?
      “I Will Not Deny You”
      From Cowardice to Courage
      The Rest of the Story

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    • Our Daily Bread For Kids


      Help kids ages 6 to 10 find Jesus all throughout the Bible in 90 devotions-from His role at creation, to Old Testament prophecies and metaphors about the coming Savior, to the birth of God’s Son. With engaging illustrations, prayer prompts, easy-to-understand Scripture verses, and fun facts, kids will see Jesus in God’s big plan for the world and its people!

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    • Prayers For Your Children


      In 90 days of prayers drawn from much-loved Bible passages, James Banks guides you to speak God’s words back to Him as you pray for children of any age. Pastor, parent, and grandparent James uses his deep knowledge of Scripture to address your child’s vital needs, such as growing a loving relationship with Jesus and experiencing His direction and protection. This updated hardcover edition is a perfect gift for parents and grandparents.

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    • Dont Let Doubt Take You Out


      Even when you don’t know what to think, you will know where to go.

      After reading this book, you will crush the seeds of doubts in your mind, which are telling me that you’re the only one struggling. Likewise, Iyou will gain the invaluable skill of defeating doubt before it takes you out.

      If you think about it, from your earliest memories, doubt was there: on your first day of school and waiting for you in the playground. A word spoken; a look given. Doubt followed you throughout middle school and high school… especially middle school. As an adult, this rival has shown up repeatedly at the important times in your life trying to convince you that you don’t have what it takes. These seeds of doubt about yourself can hold you back and take you out, all the while convincing you that you’re the only one struggling.

      Doubt doesn’t just raise questions about oneself; It can also seep into our relationships with others and with God. When those closest to us let us down or disappoint us, doubt whispers in our ear causing us to question their motives or their loyalty, tempting us to withdraw and isolate ourselves. Doubts about our relationship with God can be an even more difficult force to reckon with on our own. But knowing how to defeat doubt before it takes you out is a critical skill that each of us can and must master.

      Beloved pastor and communicator Todd Mullins knows that doubt screams the loudest in our spiritual lives, often causing us to question what we cannot see, touch, or quantify logically. As a result, our connection with our Creator is disrupted, causing:

      *A disjointed and disconnected life from God
      *A mindset of guilt and shame instead of grace and freedom
      *A heart that isn’t aligned with what God wants for our future

      As senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, Mullins’s experience with doubt is deep and wide. He will help readers identify the source of these struggles and give them the tools to defeat doubt once and for all.

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    • Lions Army : Discover The Ways Of The Spirit For The Last Days


      This book reveals the reality of two realms, the physical and the spiritual.

      Both are deeply intertwined, with events in the spiritual realm directly impacting the physical world. While nations rise against nations, political scenarios threaten our freedoms, and darkness overtakes our culture by calling good evil and evil good, there is hope. We can turn back this wave of darkness, but the answer is a spiritual one.

      The good news is that the Lord Jesus, the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5), has an army– the Lion’s Army–into which we, as His children, have been called. To be effective in this army, we must embrace our assignments and be trained to wage effective spiritual warfare, impacting the physical realm. Our nation and culture are at stake. Through a series of open visions, the Lord granted Mike Thompson insight into the spiritual dimension, pulling back the curtain on the battle waging in the heavenliess and revealing how we can access the truths needed for victory.

      This book teaches you how to discover the ways of the Spirit for the last days. You will:

      *Discover how to walk in the Spirit and hear the voice of God
      *Obtain keys to healing, miracles, favor, and prosperity
      *Learn to recognize demonic strategies and deceptions
      *Utilize the godly weapons given to you for effective spiritual warfare

      The battle has begun; the spiritual war is raging–are you ready to fight?

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    • Anti Greed Gospel


      Racism is not about hate and ignorance. It’s about greed. And it always has been.

      Black Christian historian Malcolm Foley explores this idea in The Anti-Greed Gospel, showing how the desire for power and money–what some call “racial capitalism”–causes violence and exploitation.

      Foley reviews the history of racial violence in the United States and connects the killings of modern-day Black Americans to the history of lynching in America. He helps the contemporary church wrestle with the questions racial violence brings up: How can we become communities that show generosity and resist greed? What is the next step in the journey for racial justice?

      Readers will walk away with a better understanding of how they can resist greed that exploits others, love their neighbor more completely, and build communities of deep solidarity, anti-violence, and truth telling.

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    • Preaching From The Cross


      Much has been written about the life, ministry, and theology of the apostle Paul. But what about Paul specifically as a preacher? How did he understand his commission from the risen Lord Jesus to preach the gospel, and how did he put it into practice? Further, what lessons can contemporary preachers learn from Paul about the theology and practice of preaching to help them be more faithful messengers of God’s Word?

      As a leading Pauline scholar and practicing pastor, Frank Matera has considered these questions, and he offers this short, accessible book to pastors and students as wise and helpful guidance. Matera explores a Pauline theology of preaching, focusing on three main questions: Why did Paul preach? What did he preach? And how did he preach? He also explores Paul’s preaching as the ministry of the new covenant. He identifies and explores seven themes of Paul’s preaching, which in turn offer key practical insights for preaching in a Pauline way. Readers are encouraged to “preach from the cross,” making the crucified Christ their focus and their model, demonstrating what they preach by their own cruciform lives.

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    • Colossians And Philemon


      The Spirit who inspired the authors of the New Testament is at work today around the globe, as evidenced by the explosive growth of pentecostal, charismatic, and renewalist movements; the number of adherents is now estimated at more than half a billion. There is a clear need for a balanced, affordable, and accessible commentary series aimed at Christians who identify as Spirit-filled.

      The Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series emphasizes how we listen alongside ancient audiences for the Spirit’s voice in our time and contexts. Written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition, these commentaries explore how God works in the biblical texts and how Christians can expect God to work today, even if in new or culturally surprising ways. Series editors are Holly Beers, Westmont College, and Craig S. Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary.

      In this addition to the series, respected New Testament scholar Holly Beers engages Colossians and Philemon in their ancient setting and explores their message for Spirit-filled Christians today. Images, illustrations, and sidebars on pentecostal/charismatic/revival history or insights are included.

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    • God Of Story


      Many of us have been taught to read Scripture as a collection of information that needs to be categorized, systematized, and analyzed verse by verse, concept by concept. But the Bible isn’t a jigsaw puzzle, and it wasn’t written in just Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. It was also written in the language of story. And as with every good story, we get to meet colorful characters, unravel mysteries, and see the world from a different point of view. It all makes more sense when understood from the perspective of storytelling.

      In The God of Story, Daniel Schwabauer explores the narrative principles of theme, context, characterization, voice, and plot as a lens for understanding the cosmic story arc of God’s relationship to humanity. By including creative retellings of biblical stories, he demonstrates how to engage Scripture with imagination.

      For a fresh approach to reading the Bible and discovering how its stories connect to your own, start by learning to see God as the master storyteller.

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    • Marriage You Want


      We all want a marriage that feels like home. We long for a partner who is there for us through all of life’s challenges and griefs, who is in on all our inside jokes, who delights in the family we’ve built together, who looks with hope toward the future with a shared faith and an arm firmly around our shoulders. But how do we get there? What actually works in the real world and honors the picture of marriage found in Scripture?

      Based on the findings of their meticulous research, Sheila Wray Gregoire and Dr. Keith Gregoire dispel the pervasive myths about what makes a happy marriage. Rather than relying on gender stereotypes, they look at what actually creates intimacy, emotional health, and connection, asking deeper questions that lead to real healing and growth in your relationship with your spouse.

      With enlightening stories, survey results, and practical tools, this book will help readers create a marriage they love. And with the evidence-based, Scripture-honoring advice in this book, that just may be closer than you imagine.

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    • Never Alone : Sharing The Gift Of Community In A Lonely World


      We have never been more connected–yet we have never felt more alone.

      Isolation is the great soul wound of our time. As Christians, we know that the church has a unique gift to offer a hurting world: communal life in Jesus. This gift has the power to heal our loneliness and isolation. It is good news for the lonely, the isolated, the struggling. So why does it often sound like bad news to those who need it most?

      Perhaps because we have misunderstood what the good news actually is–and how we ought to be sharing it. We have collapsed evangelism into offering a golden ticket to some postmortem destiny. But the goodness of the gospel we are called to share is about so much more: shalom, wholeness, and the peaceable kingdom of Christ breaking into the world. This is the gift of communal life in Jesus. A gift that re-ligaments us back together with God and one another.

      Never Alone unpacks how we can be spiritual guides who help people heal, love, and unleash imagination to create better lives and communities. We all can be instruments to bring healing and wholeness to people’s lives in today’s epidemic of loneliness and isolation.

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    • Guilty Until Innocent


      Justice has been served . . . unless the accused is innocent.

      Life in prison is often a nightmare, but Joe Moore believes he is just where God intends him to be. Twenty-five years ago, while high on meth, he makes one terrible mistake after another, culminating in the brutal murder of a young, influential couple. Today, Joe is a radically different person, thriving in his role as a ministry leader and role model to his fellow inmates.

      After being fired from two previous law firms, young lawyer Ryan Clark and his wife, Paige, have settled into a small North Carolina town. Hired by a distant relative, Ryan is committed to connecting with the right clients and handling the mundane tasks while his cousin Tom takes on the high-profile cases.

      But when critical health issues land Tom in the hospital, Ryan is forced to take the helm at the law firm–just in time for the town’s biggest case in history to be reopened. Joe Moore’s niece has been doing some digging and, convinced that her incarcerated uncle is innocent, insists that Ryan relaunch the investigation immediately.

      After Ryan meets with Joe, both men receive threats that put their own lives–as well as the lives of those around them–in danger. It appears that together they’ve pulled back a dark curtain that hides a deeper evil than anyone in town suspects exists. Now they must determine if continuing with the case is worth the risk–and if the cost of proving one man’s innocence is too great when the lives of so many others would be placed in mortal danger.

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    • Biblia En Accion – (Spanish)


      The Action Bible New Testament features 88 fast-paced narratives and stunning full-color art, taking readers from Jesus’s miraculous birth to Paul’s letters to the thrilling words and images of Revelation.

      Designed from The Action Bible, this version of The Action Bible New Testament offers vibrant color, bold design, and biblical truth for kids, teens, visual learners, spiritual seekers, and anyone eager to know more about God’s Word.

      Solid, proven content, fast-paced narratives with a clear chronological progression, striking artwork, and a great portable format make this graphic Bible an unique and dramatic rendering of the greatest story ever told.

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    • Testament : 30 Days Of Remembrance


      This immersive journey into worship and reflection pairs daily devotions from Darlene Zschech with her iconic songs, offering a powerful combination of Scripture, music, and personal insights to deepen your faith.

      Song and Scripture come together in this beautiful interweaving of worship, faith, and spiritual growth. Testament is a unique devotional experience that provides:

      *Thirty devotions that expand on themes in Darlene’s songs such as “Shout to the Lord,” “In Jesus’ Name,” and “Here I Am, Send Me”

      *Biblical insights into why God calls us to worship individually and communally

      *Daily spiritual nourishment and application through stories and reflections from Darlene

      *QR codes that lead to a multi-sensory devotional time incorporating Darlene’s songs and additional content

      With her years of experience and passion for worship, Darlene brings a rich perspective to every devotion in Testament as she connects the messages of her songs with the truths of Scripture.

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    • Lasting Ever : Faith, Music, Family, And Being Found By True Love


      Married couple and award-winning musical artists Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink share powerful stories of faith from their family’s journey to encourage you and draw you closer to God.

      With authentic storytelling and hard-won wisdom, Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink illuminate the heartaches and triumphs that have shaped their story as a married couple, as parents, as musicians, and–most of all–as Jesus followers.

      Journey with Cubbie and Rebecca and discover hope for your own story as they wrestle through questions like:

      *How does God redeem life’s big losses, like miscarriage, betrayal, and other traumatic experiences?

      *How do we find true and healthy identity outside of what we do and what people think of us?

      *How can we best honor our marriage and love our family well through seasons of great hardship?

      *On the mountaintops and in the valleys, how do we discover an unwavering commitment to God that is lasting ever?

      Through honest conversations about singlehood, marriage, the purity movement, and living in the spotlight, Lasting Ever offers hope to all of us who face challenges but long to embrace life with a heart attuned to God’s grace.

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    • Action Bible Study Bible


      Within these pages … you’ll read the most amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail with dramatic illustrations from comic book artist, Sergio Cariello.

      You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. And, within your life, you will see God in action! Combined with the complete text of the ESV Bible, The Action Bible Study Bible ESV includes these amazing features:

      What About This?
      Gain insights to tough questions about faith

      Unlock It!
      Who did what, when, and where … and why it matters

      Guess It!
      Person, place, or thing-take the challenge with 5 clues

      Reflect on Bible themes and how they apply now

      Ancient Archives
      Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?

      Experience the Drama
      Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations captures the imagination and transports you to another time

      Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, and more!

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    • Action Bible Study Bible


      Within these pages … you’ll read the most amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail with dramatic illustrations from comic book artist, Sergio Cariello.

      You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. And, within your life, you will see God in action! Combined with the complete text of the ESV Bible, The Action Bible Study Bible ESV includes these amazing features:

      What About This?
      Gain insights to tough questions about faith

      Unlock It!
      Who did what, when, and where … and why it matters

      Guess It!
      Person, place, or thing-take the challenge with 5 clues

      Reflect on Bible themes and how they apply now

      Ancient Archives
      Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?

      Experience the Drama
      Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations captures the imagination and transports you to another time

      Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, and more!

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    • Action Bible Study Bible


      Within these pages … you’ll read the most amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail with dramatic illustrations from comic book artist, Sergio Cariello.

      You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. And, within your life, you will see God in action! Combined with the complete text of the ESV Bible, The Action Bible Study Bible ESV includes these amazing features:

      What About This?
      Gain insights to tough questions about faith

      Unlock It!
      Who did what, when, and where … and why it matters

      Guess It!
      Person, place, or thing-take the challenge with 5 clues

      Reflect on Bible themes and how they apply now

      Ancient Archives
      Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?

      Experience the Drama
      Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations captures the imagination and transports you to another time

      Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, and more!

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    • Action Bible Study Bible


      Within these pages … you’ll read the most amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail with dramatic illustrations from comic book artist, Sergio Cariello.

      You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. And, within your life, you will see God in action! Combined with the complete text of the ESV Bible, The Action Bible Study Bible ESV includes these amazing features:

      What About This?
      Gain insights to tough questions about faith

      Unlock It!
      Who did what, when, and where … and why it matters

      Guess It!
      Person, place, or thing-take the challenge with 5 clues

      Reflect on Bible themes and how they apply now

      Ancient Archives
      Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?

      Experience the Drama
      Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations captures the imagination and transports you to another time

      Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, and more!

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    • Roots And Rhythm


      A beautifully crafted memoir unveiling the ancestral, musical, and spiritual roots of Grammy Award-winning music producer Charlie Peacock.

      In this artful memoir, Grammy Award-winning music producer Charlie Peacock flexes his literary chops and gives readers the gritty backstage stories they crave: biographical anecdotes, geeky trivia, and how the hits were written and recorded (from jazz to rock and pop). Threaded throughout is Peacock’s unique ancestral and spiritual story–the roots. Like Coltrane, Dylan, and Bono before him, Peacock reveals a Christ-affection while refusing genres too small for his music.

      Peacock, the great-grandson of a Louisiana fiddler, is an American musical polymath. He’s been the young jazz musician sitting at the feet of trumpeter Eddie Henderson and pianist Herbie Hancock; the singer-songwriter plucked from the Northern California punk/pop underground by legendary impresarios Bill Graham and Chris Blackwell; a pioneering, innovative contributor to the nascent rise of gospel rock in the 1980s; and the genre-busting producer behind such diverse artists as Al Green, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Chris Cornell, Audio Adrenaline, The Civil Wars, Switchfoot, Turtle Island Quartet, and John Patitucci.

      Roots and Rhythm includes Peacock’s seminal NorCal days, the story of indie labels Exit and re: think, his first decade as a Nashville producer (1989-1999), and his essential role in the 21st-century folk/Americana boom (The Civil Wars, Holly Williams, The Lone Bellow). While his exploits and achievements grace the book (including the story of Amy Grant’s “Every Heartbeat” and the evergreen “In the Light”), Peacock is hardly the only character. Instead, he writes as a Joan Didion-style essayist, weaving together a quintessential American story. Beat poet Gary Snyder, evangelist Billy Graham, producer T Bone Burnett, saxophonist Wayne Shorter, and writers Wendell Berry and Isabel Wilkerson all appear in this sweeping tale where ancestry, migration, teenage love, Jesus, and Miles Davis collide.

      The book is an invitation to all, including aspiring musicians: embrace the roots and rhythm of our own lives, letting the music and God’s insistent love lead us to gratitude and wonder.

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    • Mighty Like Gideon


      Diving deep into the gripping account of Gideon in Judges 6-8, veteran revivalists and pastors Steve Gray and J. D. King reveal the fundamental truth that we all have a spiritual thirst–and how and where we choose to quench that thirst determines our destiny. Leading you to the shores of timeless biblical truth, Gray and King invite you to jump headfirst into the rejuvenating waters of spiritual encounter, transformation, and activation, equipping you to- rekindle your relationship and connection with God- discover your God-given calling – align with his divine purposes- regain your spiritual footing – nurture your unique spiritual gifts- rise above any circumstance to step into your destinyYour river of testing awaits. Seize this moment, revive yourself in the Lord’s empowering, life-giving streams, and become mighty like Gideon.

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    • Creators Wheel : 7 Phases Of Godly Transformation


      You are a good work in process–God’s process.

      Our world demands faster speeds, quicker deliveries. We want change now, transformation in a moment. But God, who spoke galaxies into existence with a single word, took seven days to bring about His full and magnificent creation–and He takes His time with us.

      Peeling back the layers of God’s creative process, Rick DuBose shows how, just as God reached into that dark and chaotic mess to form space and time, He reaches into the mess of our lives, initiating a process that transforms us into masterpieces. Through practical application and biblical insight, DuBose empowers you to:

      *understand and embrace God’s process modeled in the seven days of creation
      *stop resisting the Holy Spirit’s work and partner with Him
      *prepare for and recognize the seasons of change and growth in your life
      *cultivate patience, appreciation, and perseverance

      God took His time creating this world, layering on new complexities and drawing out order from the chaos. So, too, is He forming you into something truly good.

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    • Dawn Of Grace


      From her earliest days, Mary Magdalene has known fear and loss at a level so deep she has no hope of surfacing. Bound to the demons within her and incapable of freeing herself, Mary walks in shadow–until one day she encounters a healer, a rabbi who is radically different from the religious leaders and family members who could do nothing to help her. One touch from Jesus and Mary is never the same.

      Now Mary’s one mission in life is to serve the one who freed her. She is determined never to leave his side, fearing that if she loses him, she’ll return to her former bondage. Even when the unthinkable happens and her savior is arrested and sentenced to execution, she cannot abandon him as so many others did. Let her be buried in his tomb, for she cannot live without him.

      On the brink of despair, Mary is about to discover that while the life of faith is never perfect, perfect love casts out fear–and Jesus makes all things new.

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    • Welcome To The Honey B And B


      After years in San Jose, Jewel McKerry is going home to Oregon to help care for her father who has early onset dementia. Easier said than done. Jewel’s 13-year-old daughter is upset about the move. Her absentminded beekeeper dad is a humorous handful. Her mom is overworked and overwhelmed. Her finances are stretched tight. And, according to her father, the neighbors are troublesome.

      To make some needed money, Jewel convinces her parents to turn the decrepit farmhouse into a B&B. Soon her old high school flame turned contractor steps in to help, but Jewel questions whether he is trustworthy. Those “troublesome” neighbors–a handsome widower and his teenage daughter–just might be the key to making all this work?

      Along the way, they’ll all discover that it takes a village to keep a man with dementia (and a goofy sense of humor) from unraveling everything!

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    • Storm Warning


      Haunted by a half-forgotten past, former army photographer Remi Grant works at an isolated storm-watching lodge on the rugged Washington coast when she receives a mysterious puzzle piece. This piece might hold the key to unlocking a disturbing incident she struggles to remember-an event that drove her into hiding. As heavy storms approach, Remi must focus on the present rather than dwell on the past.

      When a mysterious man at the lodge saves her life twice, Remi becomes suspicious and confronts him. Former military pilot Hawk Beckett, seeking perspective after a personal catastrophe at his commanding officer’s suggestion, finds himself caught in the fiercest storm to hit the coast in a decade. As they face the storm together, they discover they’re not alone at the lodge.

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    • Overdue Match


      If the covers of every romance book ever published hadn’t convinced librarian Evangeline Kelly that she isn’t heroine material, her fiance calling off their wedding when she lost her hair to alopecia did. But what’s a girl head over heels for love to do when her feelings are unrequited? Matchmake, that’s what. Armed with library patrons’ check-out histories, she’s determined to make at least one love connection–even if it’s not her own.

      Tattoo artist Tai Davis is used to people judging him with a single glance, so it doesn’t surprise him when the town’s quirky new librarian does the same thing and believes his bad-boy reputation without giving him a chance. He can’t help being intrigued by her, though, so when he discovers Evangeline’s secret matchmaking scheme, he’s not above striking a bargain with her. She just has to agree to one date with him for every time she uses his hometown knowledge to set up library patrons on a romantic rendezvous. The deal is made, but in the process, they both might learn you can’t judge a book–or each other–by the cover.

      With humor, heart, and plenty of charm, Sarah Monzon presents a delightful romantic comedy that proves sometimes the best love stories are the ones we least expect.

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    • How To Study Your Bible


      Your Guide to Richer Bible Reading

      Beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur’s inductive study method has helped millions of people discover the truth of God’s Word for themselves. This bestselling and dynamic guide, cowritten with David Arthur and Pete De Lacy, invites readers of all Bible literacy levels to dive deeper into God’s promises.

      Become an active participant in God’s Word as How to Study Your Bible helps you cultivate the skills of observation, interpretation, and application. This life-changing way of understanding and exploring Scripture will inspire you to live boldly and confidently in God’s truth.

      The Harvest Legacy Collection

      For more than 50 years Harvest House Publishers has provided high-quality books that affirm biblical values, helping countless readers grow spiritually strong. The Harvest Legacy Collection celebrates the lasting influence of select Harvest House titles with deluxe, special-edition releases. These enduring works have collectively impacted millions–and they are sure to inspire readers for years to come!

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    • Woman After Gods Own Heart


      Change Your Priorities, Change Your Life

      A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) has guided millions of women toward God’s will for their lives, helping them experience peace, order, and joy in pursuit of Him. In this enduring work, beloved author Elizabeth George shares God’s Word along with woman-to-woman practical wisdom on how you can pursue God’s priorities in all areas of your life.

      Whether it’s putting God first, strengthening relationships, building a stronger bond with your husband, raising godly children, or growing in service to others, each day offers opportunities to pursue the Lord. As you embrace God’s plans for you, you will find real purpose in a life of prayer and practicing God’s priorities as you become a woman after His heart.

      The Harvest Legacy Collection

      For more than 50 years Harvest House Publishers has provided high-quality books that affirm biblical values, helping countless readers grow spiritually strong. The Harvest Legacy Collection celebrates the lasting influence of select Harvest House titles with deluxe, special-edition releases. These enduring works have collectively impacted millions–and they are sure to inspire readers for years to come!

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    • Understanding The Times


      A Wake-Up Call as We Approach the End Times

      In a world descending deeper into uncertainty and darkness, concern about what the future holds continues to grow. How does Bible prophecy equip us to face the coming chaos with readiness and hope?

      Understanding the Times examines what Scripture makes known about the last days and what that means for you today. Sharing insights from her 40-year journey of watching the Bible’s predictions about a final generation fall into place, author and prophecy expert Jan Markell helps you:

      *discern the signs of the end times as stated in the Bible
      *understand prophecy and the last days in clear and practical terms
      *live wisely and uncompromisingly in a confused culture
      *rest in the assurance that in spite of perilous times, God’s end-times calendar is unfolding exactly as He planned

      Whether you are new to Bible prophecy or a longtime student, this timely message will embolden you to be salt and light in the short time we have left, filling you with wisdom for today and confidence for the future.

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    • Farm Fresh Charcuterie Spreads


      From the author of The Grace-Filled Homestead Cookbook comes this collection of more than 40 recipes for creative and delicious charcuterie spreads featuring fresh, wholesome ingredients.

      More than just a foodie trend, charcuterie boards fit the way we cook and eat today. These popular platters offer variety, style, convenience, and flavor for home cooks looking to share some delicious food with their friends and family.

      Lana Stenner, creator of The Grace-Filled Homestead, invites you to try these unique recipes for boards, platters, and grazing tables featuring simple, healthy, seasonal ingredients. You’ll discover holiday-themed recipes; specialty boards for butter, cheese, and even edible flowers; and step-by-step instructions for Lana’s famous Grace-Filled Homestead grazing table.

      Enjoy the best food the farm has to offer with less prep and cleanup. Start building your spread today!

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    • Trauma Aware : A Christian’s Guide To Providing Help And Care


      Hope and Help for Trauma Sufferers and Supportive Helpers

      What is trauma? How can we recognize it, and how do we offer help that is biblically faithful and empathetic?

      Licensed and trauma-trained counselor Eliza Huie equips you with biblical foundations and clinical insights to help you better understand trauma and offer care to those suffering from its debilitating effects. Trauma can entangle the soul, freeze the body, and cloud the mind. In the face of this struggle, Trauma Aware emerges as an essential resource. This compassionate and informative book demystifies trauma, helping you to:

      *understand the vitally interactive connections between brain, body, and soul

      *promote healing with the aid of assessments, calming practices, and an array of practical tools

      *improve care for others with proven strategies that lead to growth and change

      Whether you’ve personally experienced trauma or desire to help those who have, Trauma Aware serves as an accessible guide that will provide you with practical direction on a path to recovery.

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    • When Culture Hates You


      Jesus Warned the World Would Hate Christians

      “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you” (John 15:18).

      As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the public square. But our perseverance for the common good–a good defined by God alone–is more important than ever in a culture that embraces darkness.

      When Culture Hates You is a call for Christians to unashamedly pursue righteousness in society out of our love for others. In this timely resource, author Natasha Crain will help you:

      *make sense of cultural hostility by better understanding the roots of secular outrage on issues like Christian nationalism, social justice, abortion, transgenderism, and sexuality

      *advocate for the godly functioning of society with greater biblical, cultural, and civic understanding

      *take concrete action for the common good with more than 35 practical ideas to get you started

      As Christians, our calling is to speak truth in the face of hostility. Not because we want to “war” with culture but because we love both God and others.

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