Love and Marriage
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Como Amarme Y Amar A Los Demas – (Spanish)
$15.99EEl verdadero amor es un estilo de vida, mas que una emocion. Involucra la expresion de nuestro mas profundo aprecio por otro ser humano. Es una manera especial de actuar, de sentir, y de pensar. Es la mejor forma de darnos a la otra persona, sin herir, humillar ni lastimar. Porque el amor piensa, razona, reflexiona y nos conduce a una relacion extendida en el tiempo.
“El amor crece a partir de verme como una persona realizada, plena, llena, feliz y completa. Esto es lo que me potencia para buscar a una persona con las mismas caracteristicas y asi compartir un proyecto de vida donde no dependamos, sino que nos complementemos. Entonces el amor hacia los demas se inicia en el amor hacia mi mismo”, resume Sixto Porras al presentar el tema de su nuevo libro, Como amarme y amar a los demas, un analisis profundo y aleccionador de lo que es en verdad el amor. Este libro te llevara a conocer los fundamentos de lo que hasta hoy pensaste que era tan solo una emocion que puede causarte una gran felicidad o sumirte en una triste decepcion.
“El amor se aprende mientras caminamos juntos, es una decision que hay que cultivar, defender y proteger.”
True love is a lifestyle, rather than an emotion. It involves the expression of our deepest appreciation for another human being. It is a special way of acting, feeling, and thinking. It is the best way to give ourselves to the other person, without hurting, humiliating or hurting. Because love thinks, reasons, reflects and leads us to an extended relationship in time.
“Love grows from seeing me as a fulfilled, full, full, happy and complete person. This is what empowers me to look for a person with the same characteristics and thus share a life project where we do not depend, but complement each other. Then love for others begins in love for myself”, summarizes Sixto Porras by presenting the theme of his new book, How to love myself and love others, a deep and sobering analysis of what love really is. This book will take you to know the basics of what until today you thought it was just an emotion that can cause you great happiness or plunge you into a sad disappointment.
“Love is learned while walking together, it is a decision that must be cultivated, defended and protected.”
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Historia Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)
$16.99Erase una vez que el matrimonio era para siempre. Era un pacto que entretejia juntos a un hombre y a una mujer. Este entretejido hacia a ambos mas fuertes, mas nobles, y mas vibrantes expresiones de quienes fueron creados para ser. Serian mejores juntos que cada cual por su lado. La ceremonia nupcial era solo el principio. Era la puerta para edificar su felicidad para siempre. Cada decision y accion eran diseadas para construir la vida que su union representaba. Marido y mujer caminaban hacia lo desconocido con sus corazones, manos y voces entrelazados para expresar el amor del Creador. Como perdimos el contacto con esta profunda historia de amor? En La Historia del Matrimonio, John y Lisa Bevere te invitan a redescubrir el plan original de Dios.
Once upon a time, marriage was forever. It was a covenant that knit one man and one woman together. This weaving made both stronger, nobler, and more vibrant expressions of who they were created to be. They were better together than either had been on their own. The wedding ceremony was but a beginning. It was the gateway to build their happily ever after. Each choice and action was designed to construct the life their union represented. Husband and wife walked into the great unknown with hearts, hands, and voices intertwined to express the love of their Creator. How did we lose touch with this profound love story?
In The Story of Marriage, John and Lisa Bevere invite you to rediscover God’s original plan. Whether you’re married, single, or engaged, your story is a part of His. Interactive book includes:
*Daily devotionals
*Questions for group discussion
*Tools for mapping your dream marriage
*Steps for writing your story well.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
13 Mujeres Con Las Que Nunca D – (Spanish)
$19.99“He who finds a wife finds a good thing” does not mean every woman qualifies as a good wife.
As mother to two sons and grandmother to six grandsons, Mary Colbert has thought a lot about the types of women she would want them to wed. Filled with humor and insight, Colbert reveals 13 types of women men should avoid. At the same time she holds a mirror up for women to search themselves to see if they might be:
*Blinded Brenda
*Holy Holly
*Prideful Peggy
*Addicted Debbie
*Married Mindy
*Lazy Lucille
*Nervous Nellie
*Dominating Donna
*Trophy Tina
*Chatty Cathy
*Broke-as-a-Joke Julie
*Lying Linda
*Sad SallyAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Haga Guerra Espiritual Por Su – (Spanish)
$20.00Una batalla espiritual en el frente del hogar
El indice de divorcio en Estados Unidos ronda el 52 por ciento. Casi la mitad de todos los nios nacen fuera del matrimonio. Algo va muy mal. La Biblia declara que la ilegitimidad produce una maldicion sobre una familia por diez generaciones. Si eso es cierto, las familias americanas estan inmersas en una batalla espiritual y ni siquiera lo saben.
Casado durante casi cincuenta aos, Richard Ing ha aconsejado a cientos de parejas y es tambien un experto en guerra espiritual. Ha identificado las maneras en que Satanas y sus demonios atacan el matrimonio mediante batallas en comunicacion, intimidad, rechazo, y el equipaje que llevamos de nuestro pasado.
Este no es un libro sobre psicologia cristiana y consejeria, sino mas bien un contraataque directo contra el reino de la oscuridad y los deseos de la carne. Va al grano al identificar la verdadera fuente de la mayoria de nuestros conflictos en el matrimonio y el modo en que nuestras actitudes se llevan casi a todas nuestras relaciones, tanto dentro como fuera del matrimonio. Saca a la luz los espiritus malignos que Satanas usa para destruir matrimonios y como podemos ser liberados de ellos.
A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front
The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.
Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.
This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.
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Buena Pelea – (Spanish)
$28.55Discover the secret to a genuinely happy marriage! Drawing on extensive research and their years as marriage counselors, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott uncover common misbeliefs about marital conflict, showing couples how a “good fight” actually enriches a relationship, making it stronger. Men and women will learn what pitfalls to avoid, how to use conflict for good, and how to diffuse anger and hurt feelings. Filled with practical advice that couples can implement quickly and easily, The Good Fight helps husbands and wives build a relationship where harmony outweighs tension and peace finds a home.
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Poder Del Amor – (Spanish)
$14.99La mayoria de los matrimonios con el pasar del tiempo se sumergen en la mediocridad de la rutina, el desencanto, y el egoismo. Descubrir El poder del amor te llevara a caminar en dimensiones de gozo, proposito y disfrute jamas soados.
El poder del amor ayudara los lectores a recuperar el brillo perdido de su vida conyugal y miraran su futuro con mayor entusiasmo compartiendo en su matrimonio honra, generosidad, comunicacion, intimidad, tolerancia y benignidad.
With the passing of time most marriages get immersed in the mediocrity of routine, disillusionment, and selfishness. To discover the power of love El poder del amor will lead them to walk in dimensions of joy, purpose and enjoyment never dreamed of.
El poder del amor will help readers to recover lost passion in their marriage. It will help them look into their future more enthusiastically.
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31 Horrores Que Cometen Las Mu – (Spanish)
$15.99Family counselor Norma Pantojas unveils strategies to deal with the most common mistakes that men and women make.
This book discusses the most common relationship mistakes that men and women make, using real case studies from Pantojas’ counseling practice. It offers tools for identifying and overcoming these problem areas. Men and women can complement each other and be happy together if they understand the hidden struggles in their lives and realize that these issues are what drive them to act without thinking. By putting the strategies described in this book into practice, couples will see their relationships renewed and flourish.
Every man can be renewed and every woman can flourish with the loving touch of God in his or her heart!
La consejera de familia Norma Pantojas revela estrategias para lidiar con los errores mas comunes que cometen los hombres y las mujeres.
Este libro nos presenta los errores mas comunes que cometen los hombres y las mujeres en sus relaciones mostrandonos como ejemplo diferentes casos reales atendidos en consejeria. Ofrece herramientas para que pueda identificarlos y superarlos. Hombres y mujeres pueden complementarse y ser felices si descubren los conflictos ocultos que hay en sus vidas y que son los que les impulsan a actuar sin conciencia. Poniendo en practica las estrategias que se ofrecen en este libro lograran hacer renacer y florecer su relacion.
!Todo hombre puede renacer y toda mujer puede florecer con el toque amoroso de Dios en su corazon!
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5 Dias Para Un Matrimonio Feli – (Spanish)
$14.995 dias para un matrimonio feliz is for anyone who needs help organizing a family, whether their own or someone else’s, including couples, young singles seeking advice about how to establish a home, educators, family support organizations, etc. This book’s main objective is to provide principles that give a framework for married life, and its approachable, narrative style reads almost like a novel.
With true wisdom from above, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz gives us the fundamentals for a happy marriage in 4 parts as follows:
Part 1: A wise man and my crisis
Part 2: Columns of marriage
Part 3: Communication as a great column for the family
Part 4: How to deal with hurts and crisis in the family5 dias para un matrimonio feliz va orientado a todos aquellos que buscan la forma de consolidar la familia. Sea la suya o la de otros. Matrimonios, jovenes solteros que buscan principios para establecer su hogar, educadores, instituciones de apoyo a la familia, etc. El objetivo fundamental es proveer de principios que sirvan de columnas para el matrimonio, y hacerlo en un estilo narrativo que resulte facilmente asimilable, de ahi la forma novelada de este trabajo. Con la verdadera sabiduria de lo alto, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz nos da los fundamentos para un matrimonio feliz en 4 partes de la siguiente manera:
Parte Primera: El sabio y mi crisis
Parte Segunda: Columnas del matrimonio
Parte Tercera: La comunicacion es una gran columna para la familia
Parte Cuarta: ?Como gestiono mi familia?Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Ministerio Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)
$21.23En El Ministerio del Matrimonio, el Dr. Jim Binney ofrece soluciones biblicas a las comunes luchas conyugales. El afirma que los matrimonios fracasan porque estan fundamentados en el egoismo en lugar del servicio. El mundo presenta el matrimonio como felicidad a cualquier coste, sin embargo, la Biblia presenta el matrimonio como compromiso a cualquier coste.
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52 Maneras De Tener Relaciones – (Spanish)
$13.99As married couples, we all desire passion in our relationship, but with the pressures of careers, kids, and day-to-day commitments, who has the time or energy to create it? Well-known sexual therapists, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner do. They provide you with a host of inventive and exciting ideas to help you rekindle passion in your marriage.
!Encienda la pasion en su matrimonio! Como matrimonios, todos deseamos pasion en nuestras relaciones, pero con el apremio de la profesiones, los ninos y los compromisos diarios, ?quien tiene el tiempo o la energia para alcanzarlo? !Los doctores Clifford y Joyce Penner, reconocidos terapeutas sexuales! Y en este libro ofrecen toda una gama de ideas creativas e interesantes para ayudar a reavivar la pasion en el matrimonio.
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Amor Y Respeto (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)
$14.99Introducing the much-anticipated workbook to the groundbreaking book by the same title, Love & Respect.
Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended. Using Dr. Eggerich’s breakthrough techniques, this workbook provides excellent study material, whether for a group or for individual couples, as they seek to understand each other and God’s plan for their lives together.
Descubra el secreto mas grande para un matrimonio exitoso.
Los estudios psicologicos lo afirman, y la Biblia lo ha estado diciendo durante mucho tiempo. Descifrar el codigo de comunicacion entre marido y mujer implica entender una cosa: que el respeto incondicional es tan poderoso para el como el amor incondicional lo es para ella. Es el secreto del matrimonio que cada pareja busca pero que muy pocas encuentran. Basado en Efesios 5.33 en un estudio biblico y psicologico profundo, el Dr. Eggerichs revela el poder del amor y el respeto incondicional y como la pareja puede beneficiarse de un matrimonio que Dios desea. Utilizando las innovadoras tecnicas del Dr. Eggerichs, este cuaderno provee una excelente guia de estudio tanto para grupos o parejas que buscan entenderse y el proposito de Dios en sus vidas.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Orando A Traves De Los Temas M – (Spanish)
$16.99Encuentra sanidad y restauracion para tu relacion mas intima.Orando a traves de los temas mas profundos del matrimonio examina 15 problemas que amenazan los matrimonios de hoy en dia. Ayuda a la pareja a aprender a orar de tal manera que su relacion quede protegida de los problemas que pueden conducir a una relacion infeliz o al divorcio. Para los que ya luchan en estas areas, este libro les ayudara a encontrar la sanidad y la restauracion que Dios les tiene.
Find healing and restoration for your most important relationship.
Orando a traves de los temas mas profundos del matrimonio looks at 15 serious threats to today’s marriages and helps either husbands or wives learn how to pray in a way that will protect their relationship from these problems, problems that can lead to unsatisfying marriages or often divorce. For those who are already struggling in these areas, this book will help them find the healing and restoration God has for them.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Descifre El Codigo De La Comun – (Spanish)
$16.99Communication between couples has been dissected in thousands of books and articles, so why does it remain the number one marriage problem? “Because,” says Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, “most spouses don’t know that they speak two different languages. They are sending each other messages in ‘code,’ but they won’t crack that code until they see that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens to hear the language of respect.” Dr. Eggerichs’ best-selling book, Amor y respeto, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other based on Ephesians 5:33: “The husband must love his wife…and the wife must respect her husband.” In Descifre el codigo de la comunicacion he shows couples how to speak each other’s distinctly different language: respect for him, love for her. The result is mutual understanding and a successful, godly marriage.
La comunicacion entre las parejas se ha analizado minuciosamente en miles de libros y articulos, entonces, por que continua siendo el problema numero uno en el matrimonio? Porque, dice el doctor Emerson Eggerichs, la mayoria de los conyuges no saben que hablan dos idiomas distintos. Se envian mensajes “codificados”, pero no descifran el codigo hasta que se dan cuenta que ella escucha para oir el lenguaje del amor y el escucha para oir el lenguaje del respeto. El libro de gran exito de ventas del doctor Eggerichs, Amor y respeto, desencadeno una revolucion en la manera en que las parejas se relacionan entre si basada en Efesios 5.33: El marido debe amar a su esposa… y la esposa debe respetar al marido. En Descifre el codigo de la comunicacion el ensea a las parejas a hablar el idioma evidentemente distinto del otro: respeto para el, amor para ella. El resultado es comprension mutua y un matrimonio exitoso y devoto.
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Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)
$13.99Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.
Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.
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