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Showing 2101–2200 of 2436 results

  • Longing For Daddy


    Where Was Daddy When You Needed Him?

    The absence of fathers is an epidemic plaguing our society, affecting families from every corner of our world and from all walks of life. Whether our fathers left us entirely during our childhood or were physically present but emotionally distant, those who missed out on an affirming, intimate father-love continue to experience the devastating consequences of that loss.

    Are you angry at the world and don’t know why?
    Do you inadvertently sabotage relationships or smother those closest to you?
    Do you rarely take risks or step out on faith?
    Is there an undercurrent of anxiety in most tasks you perform?
    Do you struggle to connect with God?
    Do you have little or no self-confidence or minimal self-worth?

    For women who answer yes to these questions, the common denominator is often an absent father. Far too many daughters have been stripped of a healthy relationship with their earthly dad. But real healing is within your reach.

    Discover how the absence of your father has impacted your entire life your attitude, your actions, your beliefs, your decisions, and your identity and learn how you can stop resulting negative behaviors, beak free, and experience a confidence-building, empowering love that will heal your hurts and fulfill your deepest longings.

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  • Rebuilding Your Broken World


    What happens when your ideals and desires, plans and strategies, all go awry? From what sources might one find the resolve to begin a rebuilding process? “The fact is,” writes Gordon MacDonald in Rebuilding Your Broken World, “the God of the Bible is a God of the rebuilding process. And not enough broken people know that.” No stranger himself to brokenness, Gordon MacDonald draws from personal experience and discusses the likely sources of pain, the humiliation, and the long- and short-range consequences of a broken personal world. And he offers encouraging answers to the questions everyone asks when their worlds fall apart: Is there a way back?

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  • Talks On The Song Of Songs


    Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), one of Christianity’s greatest mystics and father of what was perhaps the most influential new monastic order of the Middle Ages-the Cistercians-devoted eighteen years of his life to his literary master piece, Sermons on the Song of Songs.

    Although the Song of Songs, a brief book in the Old Testament, contains no explicit mention of God, the passionate love poetry became for Bernard a springboard into a major exposition of Scripture and an illuminated allegory of the spiritual life. Simply said, this gentle saint found God incarnate in every word.

    This volume containing excerpts from each of Bernard’s 86 sermons, joins the Paraclete Christian Classics Series, a highly-acclaimed series devoted to making the great writers of the faith accessible to today’s readers. Offering a fascinating glimpse of Christian theology, these writings encourage us to open ourselves to a new experience of love-the transforming and all-fulfilling embrace of God.

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  • Peacemaking


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931038119ISBN10: 1931038112Douglas NoltBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Credo


    William Sloane Coffin has long fought for social justice and argued that faith must be at the heart of political and intellectual life. Now Coffin gives this record of his remarkable public life, offering his inspiring words on issues ranging from charity and justice, politics, economic issues, the environment, nuclear disarmament, and mortality to the meaning of faith, the church, and a pastor’s responsibility. These brief quotations and excerpts demonstrate the wit, fire, and passion he brought to the task of preaching and the moral commitment he has made to change the world.

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  • Breaking Through Towards Spiritual Maturity


    What is really going on? Have you ever wondered what is going on in your life? What are these things called life and purpose really all about, and what do they have to do with you? Gain a better understanding of God’s intricate and intimate processing for those that He calls His own! This book was written at a time when it seemed to me everything and everyone around me were unraveling. But this unraveling is what has served to drive me into God’s position and purpose for my life. Once you begin to receive and understand the Father’s gentle hand in growing us up, you too can begin walking in your divine purpose!

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  • Breaking Through Towards Spiritual Maturity


    What is really going on? Have you ever wondered what is going on in your life? What are these things called life and purpose really all about, and what do they have to do with you? Gain a better understanding of God’s intricate and intimate processing for those that He calls His own! This book was written at a time when it seemed to me everything and everyone around me were unraveling. But this unraveling is what has served to drive me into God’s position and purpose for my life. Once you begin to receive and understand the Father’s gentle hand in growing us up, you too can begin walking in your divine purpose!

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  • Believer Warrior


    When a believer does not grow spiritually, he becomes a liability to the body of Christ. Just as a newborn baby starts at the infant stage, but with time grows to be a fully mature adult, a newly born-again believer goes through certain growth phases before he becomes a spiritually mature adult. Spiritual growth phases are clearly evident and unmistakable as seen throughout the New Testament epistles. One of the dominant characteristics of a carnal believer is unbrokenness. God allows the chastening process as if to chip away the outer man by periodic pain and affliction in the believer’s life. As the believer grows, he can no longer feel peace while having inward hatred toward others. Spiritual growth is not human perfection, but it is having a willing and obedient heart and mind to walk in the ways of God in spite of the common struggles of life.

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  • Servant First


    Entering the new millennium, men and women across the globe are crying out for a new type of leadership. The old command and control model is dead, and the search for a new approach has begun. In Servant First! Leadership for the New Millennium, John Sullivan develops a practical leadership model based on a careful study of the teaching and practice of Jesus of Nazareth. This upside-down leadership style puts the needs of followers above those of the leader; promotes teamwork, individual dignity, and worth; and results in a synergy of purpose unachievable with the old leadership models. Its application in today’s organizations creates an environment in which people freely choose to create, innovate, and strive for excellence. The book begins with a review of traditional leadership theories and contrasts them with servant leadership. Sullivan shows how modern leadership approaches are molded by the servant-first style of Jesus. The reader is left with a model for leading 21st-century organizations that will unleash the creativity of people working together to achieve common objectives.

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  • 20 Someone : Finding Yourself In A Decade Of Transition


    The decade of your twenties is full of important, stressful, maddening questions: What will I do? Who will I love? Where will I live?

    But maybe there’s a bigger question: Who am I? The fact is, the period of time between your teens and thirties will shape a lot of your character, your calling, and your view of the world.

    Authors Craig Dunham and Doug Serven (recent graduates of their twenties) explain that the difference between a twentysomething and TwentySomeone has to do with the questions we ask. Instead of asking, What will I do? twentysomeones need to ask Who am I? the real question of the twenties.

    Full of personal experience and practical wisdom, TwentySomeone helps you make the most of your twenties while giving you the skills to handle common life experiences like singlehood, first jobs, getting married, having kids, and buying stuff. This is a guidebook that will help you discover who God is calling you to be.

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  • Walk At Work


    Whether you work with your hands or your head, God wants your heart to be at work for Him. However, with all the confrontation, conflict, and frustration in the workplace, too often we leave God out of the equation. Amid the all-out pursuit of our hopes and dreams, we find ourselves wondering, How can my faith sustain me through challenges of work? How can I daily honor God on the job?

    The Walk at Work is a guidebook that combines daily inspirational readings with a seven-step plan for personal spiritual growth to answer those questions about faith at work. Whether you face difficult relationships, job anxiety, or office politics, Andria Hall will show you how to experience success by aligning your priorities with God’s. Through the down-to-earth, practical wisdom in these pages you will:

    * receive daily wisdom from God
    * discover the benefits of praying for others
    * learn how to carry out your God-given tasks in the workplace with integrity
    * unearth a new commitment to honor God in all that you do, say, and think
    * settle your mind and nurture your spirit through timely daily readings

    Excellent as a daily devotional or group study, The Walk at Work also includes a topical index of common work-related challenges, questions for further reflection, and recommendations for additional reading.

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  • What Now Lord


    Now That I Am A Christ Follower The purpose of What Now Lord? is to help you move from where you are now in life toward where God wants you to be. From the non-believer to the most mature Christ follower, my prayer is to help you move forward in your life’s journey and to make the principles in the Bible relevant to everyday living. What Now Lord? takes the reader on a sojourn from “just what is the Gospel” to discovering what God wants us to do once we accept the Gospel. The book is written in a conversational style that candidly takes you along my trek from believing to doubting, drifting away, and coming home again. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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  • Being Latino In Christ


    Orlando Crespo has taken his own journey from Puerto Rico to an immigrant neighborhood in Springfield, Massachusetts, and back again to his Latino roots. In this book he helps readers reflect on their own voyages of self-understanding and what it means to have a mixed heritage from the days of the original Spanish Conquest to the present.

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  • Small Group Idea Book (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830811243ISBN10: 0830811249Editor: Cindy BunchBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Altared Life : Transformed By The Masters Will


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594672187ISBN10: 1594672180L. Spenser SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Contemplative Retreat


    In the depths of their hearts, many people feel a deep longing for God to shape their lives. They are in search of true prayer and personal union with God. In this book, the author offers guidance based on his personal life, spiritual growth, and extensive pastoral experience. Step by step, in ten units, he leads the participant toward an immediate awareness of the reality of God and of his presence. The book can be used as a practical guide for a closed retreat or for a retreat in everyday life. “This book was for me the trigger to begin a spiritual way that has become the foundation of my life.” -Marion Durr, College Student. “His methodical initiation into contemplative prayer is based on solid theological and spiritual foundations.” -J. Neuner, S.J., Theologian, India. “Through his work Franz Jalics let me experience God’s reality anew, and gave me a deeper understanding of spiritual guidance.” -Michael Raske, Theology Professor, University of Frankfurt, Germany. “Such a sound and trustworthy method of introduction to, and practice of, a spiritual way that F. Jalics shows is rare. This book has been a valuable, precious guide for more than ten years in my spiritual life and retreats.” -Michael Messner, S.J. “My reaction to the book was to turn off the radio and TV, for there was too much noise in my life. Now I pray and am happy.” -Ann Nash, Public Nurse and Mother of Twelve. “Through his book Father Jalics showed me a way to a profound spiritual life and led me to a deeper sense of prayer. My relationship to people has essentially improved since.” -Hans G. Wehrens, Lawyer.

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  • Low Road To New Heights


    Wellington Boone, author of the popular, well-reviewed Christian marriage manual Your Wife Is Not Your Momma, delivers the unvarnished truth about what it takes for Christian believers to become Christ-like.

    While becoming a believer in Jesus and joining the Christian faith are a gift of God a person need only accept, following Jesus requires much more. To walk in the footsteps of Jesus means making sacrifices like those he made if one is to imitate the example of Christ every day.

    In The Low Road to New Heights, Wellington Boone elucidates the often difficult path to becoming a true disciple of Christ. Through examples drawn from real life and passages from the Bible, Bishop Boone gets to the heart of the matter: by living a humble life, Christians can conform to the character of Jesus. In an engaging style, Boone offers a serious spiritual regimen a kind of high-energy Christian aerobics routine that will last a lifetime. For those who want to move from being Christians in name only to being spiritually committed followers of Christ, Boone provides the no-nonsense, down-to-earth advice and inspiration they need to achieve their goal.

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  • Questions From The God Who Needs No Answers (Student/Study Guide)


    This fabulous study guide includes eight lessons for individuals or groups. Readers will see how God’s questions in the Old Testament reveal how he longs for us to know him. A wonderful resource!

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  • Ark Of The Rainbow


    Ark of the Rainbow is the story of one man’s search for truth. His experiences in life differ only a little from every man’s and are important only in what they taught him about life, death, and his relationship with God. It was the everyday experiences that led him step by step into a gradual awakening to God’s love and truth. This awakening has enabled him to see himself as God sees him in all honesty, in both his weaknesses and strengths. Readers will see similarities of their life experiences to those of the author’s. Through his examples of encountering and finding God’s hand in all things, they too can gain the encouragement that truth is available to all who seek it. They will discover within themselves the truth that God says will set them free. This truth is available to everyone who has the desire and a need for it strong enough to pursue it in spite of conditioning and obstacles.

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  • Come To Me


    Weariness can wear away at our souls, our dreams, our hopes, our determination, and our joy. Weariness is a thief that steals life. It is a descending staircase that leads us into the deep pit of despair and threatens to leave us there with no way out. But the good news is that the way of Christ is ascending. It is the stairway that leads us out of human despair and into the joy of knowing and serving God. Come to Me: An Invitation for the Weary Soul comes to us from the heart of someone who has seen and experienced the dark shadows of true weariness of the soul and mind. In these pages, the author shares with us God.s solution to human weariness and explains why this invitation from Jesus Christ for us to “come” to Him is an invitation worth considering. Reviewed by: Marie DisBrow for Wordsmith Shoppe “Come to Me, written in an easy-to-read, conversational style, is a devotional aimed at those who are overcome by weariness. In this hectic and stressful world, there is surely a large audience for this book. The author uses experiences in his own life, and those of others, to show how weariness can overcome us. A prayer and Scripture reading conclude each of the fourteen chapters.” “The theme of the book is Jesus’ invitation to the weary in Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I especially appreciated the author’s explanation of a yoke and how taking Jesus’ yoke upon us is not burdensome because it is “custom made” for each individual.” “Beaird encourages setting priorities: God first, then family and other relationships, and even ourselves. He reminds us that Jesus took time to be alone for prayer and refreshing.” “As a caregiver, I’ve often found myself weary and depressed. Reading Come to Me lifted my spirits and pointed to Jesus as the only true solution to the problem of weariness. This little book was very helpful to me, and I’ll read it again and again.” “Mark Beaird is a pastor, columnist, freelance writer, and the author of Let Me Encourage You Today: Daily Devotions and The Pastor’s Collection Sermon Series. Mark and his wife and two daughters reside in Huntsville, Alabama, where he serves as the associate pastor at Life Church International.” (C) Marie DisBrow for Wordsmith Shoppe Are you discouraged, weary, want to give up on the

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  • Incredible Patience Of God


    Many believers become discouraged with the long process of growth in their walk with Christ. In fact, Lane Adams believes it is “the rare spiritual prodigy” who moves rapidly to spiritual maturity. In this refreshing and helpful book, he offers encouragement, candid humor, and practical insight for those who are struggling in their Christian lives. In many ways, some Christians today are indistinguishable from the culture around them.They deny moral absolutes of right and wrong and affirm situational ethics. Their God is one-sided-all blessing and no judgment. In this book, Lane Adams urges Christians to seek a balance between asking for forgiveness and being accountable. The Incredible Patience of God will help Christians rethink their beliefs about sin and repentance, and will assure believers who are sincerely seeking a closer relationship with God.

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  • Building Materials For Life 2


    Seek Meaningful Work
    God’s Rest
    Humble Pride
    Achieve Through Excellence
    Focus Your Power
    Direction In Life

    From Heaven To Earth
    Live Your Faith
    God’s Healing Hand
    Let Your Light Shine
    Taking God’s Name In Vain
    Blessed Are The Meek
    Ask, Seek, And Knock

    Do Something
    Be Responsive
    Go Forth And Make Disciples
    Incarnational Evangelism
    Jesus Is The Idea
    A Bold New Idea

    Life Lessons
    Learn From Mistakes
    Embrace Change
    Anxiety On A Mission
    Fear In The Home
    Anxiety On A Mountain

    Joy Of Children
    True Worth
    Simple Pleasures
    Building Excitement
    Unforgettable Moments
    God’s Grace

    Additional Info
    This collection of forty essays is a continuation of those in Building Materials for Life,
    Vol. I of this series. Volume II continues the series with essays on topics like direction in life, hope, urgency, sorrow, true worth, and simple pleasures. As in the first volume, the topics deal with matters, both religious and secular, that arise in the lives of people everywhere. This second volume provides new building materials that are relevant to issues people face, regardless of station in life, on a regular basis.

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  • Restoring The Broken Hearted


    In her book Restoring the Brokenhearted, Dr. Ouida Walsh offers biblical keys for turning a dysfunctional past into a dynamic future.Teaching from personal and professional experience, Dr.Walsh sheds light on difficult subjects, making them easy to understand and to conquer. This informative book will help you discover: How to identify the root cause of problems A clear description of functional and dysfunctional behavior How to analyze the value of each relationship-past or present The impact of shame and denial upon the human heart How to set boundaries to prevent people from taking advantage Clear and concise steps to take to break free of old habits How to help others find the freedom they are searching for If your heart or the heart of someone you know is in need of healing, Restoring the Brokenhearted is the perfect antidote!

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  • Break Through Prayer


    Prayer is an essential part of the devoted Christian’s life, Cymbala (Fresh Faith) reminds readers, and the Bible sets forth numerous examples of faithful men and women who prayed constantly. In this inspirational guidebook for committed Christians, the author, the pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, writes that he has seen the power and comfort of prayer not only in the Bible but in his own life, as well as in the lives of his church members, many of whom were personally affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Cymbala assures that God wants to hear and answer people’s prayers, and thus people should pray with “certainty” and with “confidence.” He gives guidelines for making effective prayers, and suggests that only supplicants who abide by “God’s spiritual laws” can expect to have their prayers answered. “An unforgiving spirit, bitterness, secret, sexual sins,” he writes, “can stymie our praying.” (This is the reason, he says, that he once refused to pray for a man in his Tabernacle-because he lived “in fornication” with his girlfriend.) Cymbala focuses largely on how to use prayer to become filled with joy and to cast away worries or fears, and he spends much of the book explaining how a life of faithful prayer can result in deep, lasting inner peace. Spiced with lively anecdotes-the heroin addict who found God; the disaffected young man who became a soapbox preacher-and punctuated with pullout quotations, Cymbala’s impassioned message should bring encouragement to the Christian faithful.
    Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.–This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

    Book Description
    Breakthrough Prayer explains the principles and lays out a vision that can revolutionize our lives, enabling us to receive all that God has for us.

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  • Little Pot Of Oil


    Running on Empty? The Holy Spirit’s empowerment comes when we step into the forward motion of God’s love flowing through us-not backwards into our comfortable shell!

    A time comes when we just don’t have anything left over to give. We run out of faith, energy, strength, patience, options, peace, joy, ideas, and even love. So when God’s call comes knocking and our resources seem thin, we tend to hole up and hide from the needs of others. But that’s exactly when God’s greatest blessing is within a single step, according to Jill Briscoe. He’s asking us to obey, senseless as it may seem.

    God has given us what we need to fill up when we run low. It’s the incredible gift of Himself. In this engaging book, Jill Briscoe guides you to a source of ample sustenance. Even as you empty yourself, the Holy Spirit will fill you. And in giving yourself away, you will find life.

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  • Releasing The Rivers Within


    You want to influence others for God. To experience more of the abundant power Jesus promised. To live a life overflowing with God’s presence. To make a difference in the world.

    So why do these desires go unfulfilled? Where can you find the resources you need to experience the exhilaration of utter dependence on God?

    In Releasing the Rivers Within, Dwight Edwards reveals that all the good God wants to dispense through your life finds its origin in the indwelling supernatural resources He has already implanted within you.

    As Jesus told us in John 7:38, every believer has rivers of living waters within, pressing forward and awaiting release. And as you open yourself up and allow God’s life to flow through you, you’ll bring the greatest glory to Him, the most good to others, and the deepest satisfaction to yourself.

    Discover the resources God has placed within you. Release the rivers within and experience life as God intended it: filled to overflowing.

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  • Abide In Christ


    Christians are not supposed to worry, but I admit, as my disease progressed and I became weaker, I did not pass the test. I feared what would happen to my family and me. That was not the “spiritual” way to respond to my circumstances. I had no peace in the midst of the storm. I often asked myself, “Why do I have Multiple Sclerosis?” In the depth of my trial and brokenness, God revealed, through His Word, a single truth that has changed my life-a truth that can change your life too! Learn how to produce genuine fruit. Find rest in the “midst” of the storm. Discover the key to living the Christian life! “Throughout thirty years of ministry, I have sought after daily, practical truths from God’s Word. God has used Forrest to teach this scripturally profound truth that has changed my life.” Rod Hovey Pastor, North Belt Baptist Church “I believe that Christ and the message of abiding in Him, found in this book, is the most needed message for the Church during this hour.” Joe Norvell International Bible Teacher “The answer to a hungry heart…. Forrest has rendered a great service to the Church by carefully instructing us regarding the supremacy of Christ.” Pastor Jim Owen Radio Bible Teacher “I have watched Forrest for nine years-a strong, athletic, determined man who has grown weaker with MS. As he grows weaker, he gets stronger in Christ! He is a true inspiration to others. This book conveys the truth God is teaching him in the midst of suffering.” Robert Norvell Director, Eagle Mountain Training Center

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  • No Smoke Without Fire


    This book deals with apostolic responsibility, which is to recover the welfare of God’s people. The Spirit of the Lord revealed this message. It brings restoration to thousands of souls who are manipulated, tortured, and confused by the enemy called the devil. God said, “My Word must surely come to pass.”This is the time that the power of God’s Word must go forth to break every yoke and burden on many lives, setting them free so they may experience God’s blessings as never before. God said to me, “Son, did you know that many people die in this world without using the blessings prepared for them on the earth?” Some of these blessings are personally designed so that no other individual may use them, and so they pile up in the storehouse of God. This is why God gave me this revelation: to help us live in the fullness of His blessings. This book will help you to pursue, overtake, and recover and also help you to stand out in life. Seize this moment and discover the joy in serving the only true God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Topic Bible Studies 1


    The Topic Bible Studies Addressing Everyday Problems and Questions study series is designed to be thought-provoking to help guide youth into a better understanding of God and themselves, and to deal with everyday issues that we all face. The study is equally appropriate for adults and youth; however, the example situations are primarily aimed at addressing issues that are more specific to youth. The series is interactive and is meant to generate self-examination and discussion. The study focuses on our need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and seeks to reveal how the Lord is active in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The series assists students in discovering how God has made them unique, with their own special qualities and abilities to share with the world. The lessons also extend a challenge for each week to specifically incorporate what they have learned into their daily lives. “A rich resource for personal growth through the Scriptures, and an ever learning self-study that enhances integrity and commitment to Christian ethics, Aaberg’s Studies produce such a valued research in understanding practical truths and terms that its application underscores Christian awareness at a maximized level.” -BISHOP RICHARD D. HOWELL, JR., PRESIDING PRELATE SHILOH TEMPLE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES ROBBINSDALE, MINNESOTA

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  • Gospel For Real Life (Student/Study Guide)


    What difference does the gospel make?

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the door to eternal life, but what difference does it make once we’re inside God’s kingdom? Jerry Bridges says the gospel is the very lifeblood of our walk with God day by day. It is the key to our salvation, for sure, but it is also the power for our daily progress in holiness. In The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry helps you:

    *Experience freedom from the grip of sin and know the joy of pursuing holiness

    *Revel in God’s acceptance of you and participate in His grace as a daily reality

    *Expose the subtle acids of legalism in your life and enjoy the liberty of the cross

    *Understand the crucial doctrines of the gospel and their priceless benefits to you

    *Discover how to “preach the gospel to yourself daily” and so partake of its continuous transforming power

    *Carry the true fullness of the gospel to a desperately needy world around you–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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  • Overcoming Addictive Behavior (Reprinted)


    I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do–this I keep on doing (Romans 7:18-19, NIV). Addiction forges its own chains of pain and problems that grow with each day and seem impossible to overcome. If you are, or someone you know is, a captive of addictive behavior, Neil Anderson and Mike Quarles have both a message of hope and a plan of action. Anyone can be set free from addictive behavior, can experience victory in Jesus, and can become an overcomer in life! The key is to identify the root cause of your problem and, instead of running away from it, run to God! Do this, and your mind and spirit will be renewed; and no matter what you struggle with, you will find your freedom in Christ!

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  • Hunger For The Holy


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Using the imagery of the Book of Psalms as a backdrop, author Calvin Miller explores our hunger for intimacy with our holy God. Insisting that the pathway to God’s holiness is through a journey into our own selves. Miller yet maintains that our end is not to know ourselves but to know Christ. Our hunger for the hold leads us to a table for two in a quiet wilderness. Here, Miller says, we meet as “ardent lovers in the lonely desert of the human heart. There, he speaks as much as we do, and even when both of us say nothing, we are rapt in a welded oneness.”
    In Miller’s inimitable style, he graciously invites up to satisfy our hunger for the holiness of God as we meditate on the psalms and are challenged to know the God of the universe in a personal, intimate relationship

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  • How To Live Right When Your Life Goes Wrong


    224 Pages

    Additional Info
    Despite the abundant availability of both self-help books and Bible study materials, many of us find it difficult to apply what we learn, to make that long head-to-heart journey of change. When we are faced with life’s daily trials, our responses often lack the Christian maturity we desire–showing us clearly just how far we have to go. Is it possible to achieve a deeper, more permanent change of heart?

    Discover the principle that could transform your life through one practical, simple-to-understand and easy-to-remember model. You will:

    – gain a new perspective on the troubles God allows in your life.

    – come to better understand your response to those trials.

    – discover the underlying idols that hamper your efforts to change.

    – learn how to discern the truth of God’s Word.

    – develop the heart response that will draw you closer to God.

    Come on a journey of personal growth and spiritual discovery as your heart is drawn back to a central tenet of the Gospel: Truth isn’t something you learn, but Someone you know. And the Truth will set you free.

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  • Dare To Be True


    224 Pages

    Additional Info
    Dare to Be True doesn’t downplay the difficulty of living honestly in today’s world, but it doesn’t throw in the towel, either. In this challenging but encouraging book, Mark Roberts introduces a bold plan to practice complete honesty in every area of our lives in what we say, in how we live, and in who we are. Combining biblical truth with real-life stories and plenty of practical applications, Roberts helps us experience the rewards of truthfulness personal wholeness, healthy relationships, and deeper intimacy with God. Set out today on the adventure of truthful living, if you dare!

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  • Dream Giver : Following Your God Given Destiny


    Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson shows how to identify and overcome the obstacles that keep millions from living the life they were created for. He begins with a compelling modern-day parable about Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. With the help of the Dream Giver, Ordinary begins the hardest and most rewarding journey of his life. Wilkinson gives readers practical, biblical keys to fulfilling their own dream, revealing that there’s no limit to what God can accomplish when we choose to pursue the dreams He gives us for His honor.

    Are you living your dream- or just living your life?

    Welcome to a little story about a very big idea. This compelling modern-day parable tells the story of Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.

    You, too, have been given a Big Dream. One that can change your life. One that the Dream Giver wants you to achieve. Does your Big Dream seem hopelessly out of reach? Are you waiting for something or someone to make your dream happen?

    Then you’re ready for The Dream Giver.

    Let Bruce Wilkinson show you how to rise above the ordinary, conquer your fears, and overcome the obstacles that keep you from living your Big Dream.

    You were made for this. Now it’s time to begin your journey.

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  • Anointing : Yesterday Today And Tomorrow


    Anointing. While the word has several meanings in the Bible, it always revolves around the idea of the Holy Spirit and His power to change human lives. Each of us has an anointing or a special gift from God. Using it properly is the key to creating what is good, blessing and encouraging others, edifying ourselves, and pleasing the Lord.

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  • Late Have I Loved Thee


    Late Have I Loved Thee is the first collection of Saint Augustine’s varied writings on human and divine love, chosen to reflect his lifelong preoccupation with ordo amoris, the principle of rightly directed love. “My weight is my love,” he writes in The Confessions. He sees our ability to love as disordered by sin, so that we often choose badly what and how to love. Only by recognizing that we are commanded to love God first can any other object of our love be properly ordered, Late Have I Loved Thee draws on the riches found in Augustine’s sermons, letters, treatises, and Scripture commentaries, as well as passages from The Confessions and City of God.

    Augustine (354-430 A.D.) was the most prolific writer of Christian antiquity and the most influential theologian in Church history. In his first encyclical, God Is Love, current Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges his indebtedness to him. When we read Augustine today, we encounter the same direct, eloquent passions his original listeners experienced, infused with his deep sense of human weakness and burning desire for union with God.

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  • Theres Enough Woman Left To Be Your Lady


    Using biblical characters such as the woman with an issue of blood, Junious Epps Jr. shows how women are bleeding with issues that keep them bent over until they reach out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Life knocks us all off balance, sometimes making it hard to get back on our feet. Hot rays of testing can turn a woman’s mind, home, job, and even church life into a wilderness of relentless turmoil. Having felt disconnected, isolated, and not able to make sense of blatant hypocrisy, women realize that the only answer to their survival is to tread the “wilderness” of rejection, which ultimately strengthens them to totally submit to God’s Spirit. Dr. Epps reminds women that in moments of indecision, God offers them a breakthrough revelation that they need to confront their trials and overcome their obstacles. Only in the wilderness can they discover their true path in life, ministry, fellowship, and anointing. There’s Enough Woman Left to Be Your Lady is a companion for every woman who wants to walk through even the most difficult days side by side with her Lord.

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  • Gods Vision Our Calling


    From start to finish, the Bible indicates that there is an immediate connection between God’s long-term vision and our immediate calling. Using Ephesians 4:1-6 as a base, award-winning Bible study writer and educator Janice Catron skillfully uses Old and New Testament passages to explore six aspects of our calling as Christians (relationship, choice, new identity, way of life, competence, and ministry) and how this calling relates to God’s vision. Ideal for individual as well as group study, God’s Vision, Our Calling includes reflection questions at the end of each chapter and the added feature of a pronunciation guide for Hebrew and Greek words. This concise and accessibly written book earnestly challenges us all to recapture God’s vision for the world, the church, and ourselves.

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  • Walking In Humility


    Walking in Humility challenges the believer to follow Christ through walking in submissive obedience to God. All of us must follow the way of Christ “who humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8). With many penetrating discussions of Scripture, illustrations, and quotes, Mike discusses what humility means, and then shows how we can live as God requires (Micah 6:8). “The presentation of humility as it relates to the core Christian truths was both stimulating and challenging…. Mike has a very discipleship-oriented approach to living the Christian life. He didn’t make it sound easy but surely worth the effort.” -Author Ron Bennett, National Leadership Team, The Navigators Church Discipleship Ministry “The insight and hands-on advice included in Mike Vincent’s Walking in Humility provide a guide for individuals who eagerly desire to live as Spirit-filled believers who have determined that life is not about them.” -Pastor Dan Brenton, Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, Georgia (from the Foreword) “Though we often discuss the ideal of humility, we rarely practice it. Jesus lived it…. Mike Vincent shows how we can allow Christ to live His life through us as we yield authority to His will.” -Stephen Doggett, Associate Executive Director, Evangelical Free Church Mission “Walking in Humility by Mike Vincent wonderfully captures the simplicity and challenge of walking humbly with Christ…. It is extremely practical and I would recommend it to anyone who desires to walk with and experience Christ.” -Joe Bucha, Human Resource Associate, Southeast Region, Campus Crusade for Christ

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  • Simplify Your Spiritual Life


    Are you overwhelmed by the weight of the world?
    Let’s face it…we live in a complex world. Technology improves daily, and with it, the pace increases. Surrounded by driving forces, it is no small wonder that our spiritual lives take a hit. But if the weight of the world is hindering your walk with the Lord, maybe now’s the time to step back and evaluate.

    Life on earth was less complex in Jesus’ time. He faced incredible challenges and suffered agonizing trials, but there was simplicity in His relationship with His Father that we can emulate. And in that simplicity we can realize our greatest fulfillment as believers.

    If your Bible study seems as tedious as filing your tax return and your prayer life as wearisome as trying to understand your phone bill, stop. Take a deep breath. Let author Donald Whitney show you how rewarding the simple Christian life can be

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  • Ears To Hear


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819219398ISBN10: 0819219398Little EdwardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Growing In Gods Spirit


    This is the first book in the series. It includes three sermons: (1) A Divine and Supernatural Light, (2) Christian Knowledge, and (3) The Christian Pilgrim. Envisions a life of faith that is infused with a transcendent perspective, delights in the prospect of heaven, and takes seriously the challenge of growing in God’s Spirit.

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  • Blue Like Jazz


    In Donald Miller’s early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God. But when he came to know Jesus Christ, he pursued the Christian life with great zeal. Within a few years he had a successful ministry that ultimately left him feeling empty, burned out, and once again, far away from God. In this intimate, soul-searching account, Miller decribes his remarkable journey back to a culturally relevant, infinitely loving God.

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  • Fire That Ignites


    Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”

    What kind of difference is the Holy Spirit of God making in your daily life?

    You may have heard confusing, even conflicting information about who the Spirit is and what He does. You may feel disconnected from Him, even as you long to experience His dynamic presence and power.

    Here is the practical help you’ve been looking for. With clear, simple teaching straight from the Word of God, Tony Evans shows you how to intimately know the Holy Spirit–His fruit, His power, His guidance–for a life of victory and joy.

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  • Window Of My Soul


    It has been said that if a person can remember ten percent of a speech, he or she is doing well. That certainly goes for me, which is why I regularly take notes. However, many years ago I attended a seminar taught by a dear friend whose teachings I greatly respect. I have remembered one point from that seminar: When you pray, quit asking God, “Help me do this or that” (which doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need help). Rather, ask God, “Commit me to do today what is right.” If I am committed to do what is right each day, God directs me to make better decisions. Of course, I sometimes say or do the wrong thing. After all, I am just a pilgrim here. I ask forgiveness for the mistakes, learn from them, and press on to the goal set before me. I give God all the glory and praise for the words of encouragement He has given to me. As I share them, my prayer is that others will be encouraged as well.

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  • Window Of My Soul


    It has been said that if a person can remember ten percent of a speech, he or she is doing well. That certainly goes for me, which is why I regularly take notes. However, many years ago I attended a seminar taught by a dear friend whose teachings I greatly respect. I have remembered one point from that seminar: When you pray, quit asking God, “Help me do this or that” (which doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need help). Rather, ask God, “Commit me to do today what is right.” If I am committed to do what is right each day, God directs me to make better decisions. Of course, I sometimes say or do the wrong thing. After all, I am just a pilgrim here. I ask forgiveness for the mistakes, learn from them, and press on to the goal set before me. I give God all the glory and praise for the words of encouragement He has given to me. As I share them, my prayer is that others will be encouraged as well.

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  • Hidden Kingdom : Journey Into The Heart Of God


    There are divine moments in life when you turn a corner and are astounded by unexpected, breathtaking vistas that you never imagined. Suddenly your world is changed forever. You have entered a supernatural realm, an eternal dimension, where Jesus is Lord and creation itself shouts His glory. The brilliantly illuminating revelation in this book will catapult you into such an experience. Embark on a voyage of discovery into the mystery of God’s timeless realm. If you want an empowered life, if you dare to engage in a life-changing adventure, this book will lead you on a journey into the heart of God.

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  • Courage To Change


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591607908ISBN10: 1591607906Robert BlairBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Search For Significance


    Now updated! Join the millions who’ve benefited from the classic that Billy Graham said “should be read by every Christian.” Learn how to see your worth through God’s eyes, step off the “performance treadmill,” and discover, through insightful self-inventory exercises, how four false beliefs have kept you from the joy of abundant life in Christ.

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  • Youth Ministry From The Inside Out


    Flash! Ping! Whiz! Pop! Boom! Bang! Crash! Such are the sights and sounds of modern youth ministry. We look for the bigger, the louder, the brighter. And we work long and hard to make our ministry the biggest, the loudest, the brightest. But look out and listen up: God is not caught up in sound and fury. And he doesn’t want to see youth workers disengage–letting the momentum define their purpose. Mike Higgs, reflecting on more than two decades of work with youth, thinks the greatest need among youth workers today is a reminder of who we are. We need to set aside the distractions of an emphasis on performance and focus instead on connecting with God in his work in us, our students and other youth workers. When a renewed spirit shapes our work with youth, our ministry will become less a muddled chorus of strategies and targets, and more a symphony of purpose and practice.

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  • Jesus Drives Me Crazy


    This book is a biblical and theological meditation on the meaning of discipleship a discipleship defined not in terms of those who throng Jesus, but of those who throne Jesus. What it means to “throne him” is to let Jesus drive you crazy crazy in the sense that it goes against how normal people see and function in the world. A disciple is someone who is crazy in love with Jesus. Christians don’t do normal. One of the biggest mistakes a Christian can make is to believe that the way they see the world is the way most other people see the world. We see the world differently. We9re abnormal. We’re weird. We’re eccentric. Christians have an off-kilter view of the world. Loving your enemies, turning the other cheek, going the second mile, living without anger, living without lusting, being strong in the broken places_all these things normal people just have a hard time thinking these thoughts and living these ways. There is the “World According to Normal” where most Christians currently live. This book calls Christians to the World According to NUTS . . . where NUTS is an acronym for Never Underestimate the Spirit.

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  • Habits Of Highly Effective Christians Bible Study Guide


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591607342ISBN10: 1591607345Ron MeyersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Guidelines For Spiritual Discernment


    Are you confused about doctrines, signs, wonders, and manifestations because of differing opinions in the body of Christ? Have you felt troubled in certain situations but could not put your finger on the problem? Do you wonder why the body of Christ is so divided? Do you desire to see reformation come to the Church? As the end of the age draws near, the call for the Church to rid herself of unrighteous judgments toward one another and misperceptions of God is becoming obvious. These constitute the greatest stumbling blocks to what God desires to do in and through the Church before Jesus returns. This book is a journey into understanding what true discernment or judgment is and what it is not. “I found myself stopping and asking for forgiveness in the middle of the pages.” -SAM FENCEROY, PASTOR

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  • Authentic Faith : What If Life Isnt Meant To Be Perfect But We Are Meant To


    “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”–John the Apostle Isn’t it startling how God reveals himself most profoundly in places we least expect to encounter him? He is intent on showing himself Lord in all our circumstances–in the highs and the lows alike. The faith he calls us to is far more than a glowing positivism that shields us from life’s struggles. It is one that guides us into a deepening intimacy with the God who sustains us in the broad sweep of life. Best-selling author Gary Thomas helps us sharpen our spiritual vision and fortify our commitment by examining ten disciplines God uses to forge a fire-tested faith. A biblical view of these disciplines can safeguard us from disillusionment when-not if-difficulties surface in our lives. How we respond will determine the depth and vitality of our walk with God. Sharing scriptural insights, the wisdom of Christians through the centuries, and cogent personal observations, Thomas explores the disciplines of: * Selflessness * Waiting * Suffering * Persecution * Social Mercy * Forgiveness * Mourning * Contentment * Sacrifice * Hope and Fear Drawing liberally from his storehouse of colorful and engaging stories, Thomas brings his topics to life. Find out how a message scrawled on a baseball made a big-league difference to a discouraged young pitcher. Learn how a nineteen-year-old Catholic acolyte, marked by the tragedies of war, grew up to usher in the collapse of Communism in Poland. Read the touching account of feud, reconciliation, and friendship between two of America’s founding fathers. As Gary Thomas reminds us, Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble. Paul exhorted believers to mourn with those who mourn. James wrote that God chooses the poor of this world to be rich in faith. Clearly, faith is about something other than a smooth ride through this fallen world. Rather, authentic faith is shaped, tempered, and purified in the flames of struggle. In a culture sated with blessings and comfort, Authentic Faith reveals the rich benefits that derive from embracing the harder truths of Scripture. This eye-opening look at what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus will encourage you, bolster your faith, and help you rise above shallow attachments to fix your heart on things of eternal worth.

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  • Heaven In The Real World


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Let the reality of Heaven shape your experience on Earth! Through inspiring real-life stories on how the transforming power of Heaven—God incarnate—changes lives, Pastor McLaughlin helps you live a life you wouldn’t dream of giving up, build relationships you’d never think of leaving, and weather difficulties without being washed away by life’s storms.

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  • Right Place The Wrong Position


    “Pastor Berry shares great insight regarding the believer’s fulfillment as one seeks the glory of God. His composition on knowing God’s power and our dependency upon that power demonstrates the need for our deeper faith and unswerving trust in Him…. Pastor Berry further enlightens us on the subject of faith in such a way that each of our relationships with God should be immediately enhanced.He gives a unique overview of how to enter God’s presence and know it without a shadow of doubt. Every believer who is serious about his or her level of discipleship and committed to the purpose of spiritual development should read this book. It will quench the thirst for the watery word of God that gives true satisfaction.” -BISHOP CHARLES E. BROWN, DEAN OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, PRESIDING BISHOP’S OFFICE, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST AUXILIARY BISHOP AND PASTOR OF THE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST “This book is a powerful and passionate study on the Glory of God that relates not only to the message read but also the message lived.The author graciously takes the reader with him on a journey from lack to fulfillment and from pretense to presence.I strongly recommend this book for reading. It will identify the difference between your place and position and will challenge you to know and find His presence.” -PASTOR R. J. HOSTON, BETHESDA CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ROCHESTER, NEWYORK

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  • Right Place The Wrong Position


    “Pastor Berry shares great insight regarding the believer’s fulfillment as one seeks the glory of God. His composition on knowing God’s power and our dependency upon that power demonstrates the need for our deeper faith and unswerving trust in Him…. Pastor Berry further enlightens us on the subject of faith in such a way that each of our relationships with God should be immediately enhanced.He gives a unique overview of how to enter God’s presence and know it without a shadow of doubt. Every believer who is serious about his or her level of discipleship and committed to the purpose of spiritual development should read this book. It will quench the thirst for the watery word of God that gives true satisfaction.” -BISHOP CHARLES E. BROWN, DEAN OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, PRESIDING BISHOP’S OFFICE, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST AUXILIARY BISHOP AND PASTOR OF THE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST “This book is a powerful and passionate study on the Glory of God that relates not only to the message read but also the message lived.The author graciously takes the reader with him on a journey from lack to fulfillment and from pretense to presence.I strongly recommend this book for reading. It will identify the difference between your place and position and will challenge you to know and find His presence.” -PASTOR R. J. HOSTON, BETHESDA CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ROCHESTER, NEWYORK

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  • Habits Of Highly Effective Christians


    Using personal anecdotes from years in foreign missions work, the author shares rich biblical insights into familiar subjects. He makes fasting doable, tells how to pray in the will of God, elevates obedience as the highest criterion for God’s rewards, and defines personal success in terms that eliminate the pride and intimidation that result from comparisons with others. This book turns selfdiscipline into a wonderful key for personal growth, and crises into stepping stones for self-development. These habits can change your outlook, maybe even your world. A companion Bible Study Guide is also available. “If you want to be challenged to think deeper, go further, and live your Christian faith more fully and fruitfully, then run to get this book. With his direct and plainspoken application of Scripture and lessons learned from his own rich life, he will make you think anew about yours. This book will change you. I promise.” -BARBARAWOLFER, HOUSEWIFE, ZEALOUS CHRISTIAN, AND ENGLISH PROFESSOR. “Ron Meyers’ book is a superb resource for maturing Christians who want to be challenged, encouraged, and counseled in living lives that count for Christ. This warm and readable work has all the humanity of a man in love with his Lord and his subject. It is witty and wise, and I heartily recommend it.” -WAYNE MARTINDALE, AUTHOR, C.S. LEWIS SCHOLAR, AND PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AT WHEATON COLLEGE.

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  • Names Of Jesus


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    What’s in a name? In the case of Jesus Christ, rich insights, fresh perspectives, and pathways to intimacy. From “Good Shepherd” to “Lamb of God,” Rubel Shelly explores the various names given to Christ in the Bible and reveals a Christ that will both surprise and challenge you. Shelly, a deeply respected scholar, has researched and written numerous books and commentaries, including the very popular What Would Jesus Do Today? In The Names of Jesus, Shelly uses his unique insight and fervent love for the Scriptures to develop a clear and unobstructed picture of Jesus through the biblical names that describe the One who invites the whole world to come to Him. What Shelly discovers and divulges is that these names and titles reveal the ultimate man, the ultimate Savior, and the ultimate answer to your greatest struggles, fears, and failures.

    Gain a more intimate knowledge of Christ through his many different names in Scripture. New discoveries about Christ await you in this fascinating and insightful book by this highly respected scholar.

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  • Rescued By The Cross


    In This Compelling Book, One Of America’s Most Popular, Influential, And Compelling Youth Evangelists Reveals His Own Incredible Story Of Rescue. This Book, Ken Freeman’s First Release, Offers Hope, Encouragement, And Insight To Young Christians About How To Step Out Of The Past, No Matter How Painful, And Into God’s Purpose. No One Communicates This Message With More Clarity And Vision. Linking A Passionate Plea For An Uncompromised Life Lived In God’s Purpose With A Compassionate Understanding Of Painful Pasts, Freeman Offers A Message Of Hope And Direction To Searching Young People And Those Who Love Them. 239 Pages, Softcover. Howard Publishing.

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  • They Smell Like Sheep


    Jesus the Good Shepherd did not lead his flock from a distance; he got dirty with their problems and struggles. And that, says Anderson, is the only kind of leadership that will move the church forward in the new millennium. The practical leadership principles he shares will help you become the effective leader you’re meant to be!

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  • Daring To Dance With God


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Christians everywhere want to know God more intimately but often don’t know how to overcome the obstacles that keep them arm’s length from their Creator. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling combines biblical insight, vivid imagery, and humorous stories to move you into a celebration of life’s surprises and a rich relationship with the God of the unexpected.

    You will identify with Walling’s witty yet poignant insights on “Five Diseases That Stop the Music” and will find hope in the section on “Three Special Dances for Painful Times.” Ideal for all who long for more in their relationship with God.

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  • Living The Story


    This instructive, practical book explores the meaning of “biblical spirituality,” a spirituality rooted in the Scriptures, in the grand story of God.
    Writing to promote genuine discipleship and an everyday sense of God’s presence, R. Paul Stevens and Michael Green show that biblical spirituality is based on down-to-earth principles meant to foster righteous living at home, at work, wherever one is. They highlight the importance of our being in relationship with the Triune God and discuss how we can be worshipers of Abba God, disciples of Jesus, and temples of the Holy Spirit. The book proceeds through the Old and New Testaments, engaging readers with the discoveries and struggles of people of faith from Adam and Eve to those gathered around the Lamb in the new Jerusalem. Stevens and Green focus throughout on how we can truly live the Word of God so that our own stories become part of God’s great story of love.

    Filled with biblical wisdom and a pleasure to read, “Living the Story” is a winsome invitation to follow God wholeheartedly in every dimension of life.

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  • Quiet Talks On Prayer


    176 Pages

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    In the inimitable and admired style that make S.D. Gordon famous, he explores the creative force unleashed in the quiet place of prayer. More than a book about prayer, it is a book that will inspire. Gordon leads the weary prayer warrior out of the habitual and forced patterns of prayer into a realm where prayer comes to life as the Spirit of God activates it.

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  • Smell Of Sin


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823895ISBN10: 0830823891Don EvertsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Created To Be Gods Friend Workbook (Workbook)


    This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created To Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study in our relatinship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives.

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  • Fresh Faith


    Like a Fountain of Clear Water Cleansing a Stagnant, Cynical Culture . . . FRESH FAITH Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for Jesus, our zeal, our troubled children, our wounded marriages, our broken and divided churches. Born out of the heart and soul of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, the message of Fresh Faith is illustrated by true stories of men and women whose lives have been changed through the power of faith. The same faith that can transform your life-starting today, if you choose.

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  • Fresh Power


    We Need God’s Power Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God moves in our midst. He longs to reveal the mind of God to us and to release heaven’s limitless resources to meet the desperate needs around us. Fresh Power will expand your vision for what God can and will do, and inspire you to pray like never before for God’s power in your church-and in you.

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  • Cat And Dog Theology (Revised)


    The God given traits of cats (You exist to serve me) and dogs (I exist to serve You) are often similar to certain theological attitudes held by many Christians in their view of God and their relationship to Him. Using the differences between cats and dogs in a light-handed manner, the authors challenge this thinking in deep and profound ways. This life-changing book will provide a new perspective and vision for God as we delight in the God who delights in us.

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  • Would You Still Love Jesus If He Sent You To Hell


    This book is designed to promote thanksgiving and meditation by applying Scriptures to everyday life. It should challenge some of our personal views and thoughts on everyday occurrences. So many things go on around us that we often have trouble determining our true convictions. “Is it conviction or guilt?” We know “hell is real,” but do we always “act as if”? Don’t be afraid to allow this book to search your soul. Trust God to show you what’s “at the root” and to prove that “life is short, but eternity lasts forever.” Reading this book will light a fire in your soul that you thought was impossible to light. After you’ve finished, ask yourself those really tough questions: “Is Jesus your friend?” “To drink or not to drink?” and of course, “Would you still love Jesus if he sent you to hell?”

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  • 12 Ordinary Men Workbook (Workbook)


    Pointing to the lives of the disciples – twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things – John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can pattern. In spite of – and sometimes because of – weakness and imperfection – God can and will use his believers to accomplish His work. This hands-on, practical workbook is divided into 12 chapters based on the 12 unique disciples offers the tools needed to train as a true disciple of God. This workbook will help Christians uncover and unleash the power of His word and will in their own lives and the lives of others.

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  • Reign Of Grace


    Thrill to the loving implications of God’s disruptive grace. With bold perspective and soul searching honesty, author Scotty Smith dares us to explore the radical nature of the grace of God, addressing such questions as:

    What does it mean to be a good steward of God’s grace?
    Is God more concerned about my happiness or my holiness?
    When God brings freedom, healing, and peace, what’s supposed to happen next?
    If God’s love is so compelling, what does it compel me to believe, do, and become?

    As believers, we are sometimes more interested in a masseuse rather than a Master. Smith dares to remind us that God’s love is a s disruptive as it is delightful, as demanding as it is delicious! God loves us exactly as we are today, but he loves us too much to leave us where we are. As objects of God’s affection, we are called to live as subjects in his kingdom under the reign of his glorious grace.

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  • Joy : Finding It Keeping It


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591605140ISBN10: 1591605148Bruce GoettscheBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Are You Following Jesus


    What other noted ministers are saying about this book: “With no apologies, Ray Cummings calls today’s Christians on the carpet for the thoughtless compromises that creep into daily life and soil the Savior’s witness. Read through the work and you will find it reading you.” Dr. Harry L. Lucenay -Writer/Conference Speaker/Former Pastor of First Baptist Church -San Antonio, TX. “Dr. Cummings cuts to the heart of the matter. . . . If you are serious about growing in your faith . . . read and learn from Dr. Cummings’ insight and experience.” Dr. Ryan F. Whitley -Pastor of First Baptist Church of Center Point -Birmingham, AL. In Are You Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around? author Ray Cummings has chosen some oxymorons through which God has challenged him in his own personal walk with the Lord. Dr. Cummings focuses each chapter on spiritual evaluations that may help determine whether or not we are truly following Jesus. At the close of each chapter, the character of Christ is contrasted with the actions of many Christians. The goal of this work is that when readers view their inconsistencies in light of God’s unchanging character, they would have a greater desire to be “imitators of Christ” (Ephesians 5:1). May God allow you to be honest with yourself as you personalize this book by seeking to answer the question: “Am I Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around?”

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  • If God Has A Refrigerator Your Picture Is On It (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687026814ISBN10: 0687026814James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Tell Them I Love Them


    Every bit of God’s power and love is available to you–and today! And you aren’t just one of the crowd. God loves you as if you were the only person on Earth. The problem is that, like most people, you may not understand it…or if you know it with your head, you may not feel it with your heart. Now you can. The powerful message in this inspiring book will show you: how to recognize God’s love inside you; how to stop wondering if you’re good enough for God; how you can experience an amazing revelation of God’s love; how to find God even during life’s painful circumstances; and how God’s love will change you forever. Sharing her insights and the revelation that transformed her own life, Joyce Meyer brings you Scripture and other words of wisdom that can open up the window to God’s love…and let its light shine on you, personally!

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  • Straight Talk On Fear


    Many people live their entire lives crippled and bound by fear. Whether it is the fear of dying or the fear of a bad haircut, it makes life miserable! Fear cannot be wished away…it must be confronted and dealt with through the Word of God. We have to show fear that it is not going to rule us! In this powerful book, bestsellng author Joyce Meyer offers answers from the Scriptures and from her own experience revealing the way out of this particular bondage. You will learn how to face fear head-on with the Word of God and use the “keys of the kingdom” to keep it out of your life. Joyce also explains these life-changing truths: Perfect love casts out fear and prayer plays an important role in combating it. Don’t let intimidation and fear rule your life one more day! Break the back of fear and be set free today!

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  • Straight Talk On Depression


    Do you consistently experience hopelessness and boredom for no apparent reason? Or have you experienced so many disappointments you can’t seem to pull yourself out of despair? Whatever the reason for depression, the source is always the same-Satan is ultimately behind it all. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer brings powerful insight from the Scriptures and from her own experience to help you win over depression! You will discover how to walk by faith and not by feelings, the power of willful rejoicing, and the vital role of forgiveness. As believers, joy is not something we try to manufacture-it is something already within us waiting to be released. The victory over depression is yours through Jesus Christ. Rise up in His power and take back your position of joy and freedom today!

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  • Straight Talk On Insecurity


    Do you feel unloved and rejected by those around you and perhaps even by God? When you make mistakes, are you often overwhelmed with the feeling that you are somehow flawed and inferior? Are you threatened by the victories and successes of others? These are all symptoms of a life-crippling condition called insecurity. If you can identify with any of them, there is good news for you–you have picked up the right book! In this life-revolutionizing book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer presents the truth of God’s Word that will set you free from insecurity. You will be empowered to change as you find the courage to be different and keep your flaws in perspective. By realizing that your value lies in who God says you are and not in what you do, you can learn to cope with criticism and lead a fruitful and fulfilled life. Don’t allow insecurity to choke out the seeds of greatness God has planted in you! Let today be the beginning of lifetime of genuine security in Christ’s love!

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  • Straight Talk On Worry


    Worry is a sin that steals your peace, wears you out physically, and even makes you sick. It is the opposite of faith and can do nothing to change your situation. If you are caught in the deadly trap of trying to figure out everything in your life, then this book is for you! Best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines Scripture and personal examples to help you discover how to truly cast your cares upon the Lord. These powerful truths will help you learn how to abide in the secret place of God and rely on Him without neglecting your responsibilities. Joyce also shares advice on how to handle unreasonable fear and worry. You can learn to enjoy your life now and rest assured that in Christ your future is secured!

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  • Straight Talk On Stress


    Are you peaceful and happy one minute and ready to explode the nest? Perhaps you are always exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep. Chances are you are under too much stress. You are not alone! It is impossible to live in this world and not encounter stress. However, we often push ourselves to levels beyond what is normal until our bodies reach a breaking point. In this powerful little book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines biblical truths that will help you overcome your stressful situations as you learn you to recognize the telltale signs of tension. Discover how you can manage stress and learn to bend so you won’t break. Joyce also shares the value of learning to say no, along with vital keys to avoid burnout. Find out how to live life as a human being rather than a human doing! Take control over stress and start enjoying life today!

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  • Straight Talk On Discouragement


    We all have been disappointed when things do not turn out as we had planned. Sometimes it may seem as if everything is going wrong and all our hopes remain unfulfilled. If we do not deal with the disappointment immediately, we give the devil permission to lead us down the path of discouragement and ultimately into devastating depression. Best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines scriptural principles to help you resist the devil before he leads you down the crippling road. These powerful truths will help you discover the differences between godly aggression and satanic oppression and teach you how to resist the devil the first moment he tempts you. You will learn how to deal with disappointment and turn it around into victory! Don’t become an unhappy Christian lying along the roadside of life! You can stand in your authority in Jesus Christ and resist the devil today!

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  • Straight Talk On Loneliness


    Are you experiencing a loss in your life? A loss that has left you feeling alone, crippled, or in despair? Maybe it’s the sudden death of a loved one, the breakup of a close relationship, or maybe the loneliness of feeling misunderstood. There are many reasons people feel lonely, but thank God we can overcome them through His Word! In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer will teach you how to conquer the feelings of loneliness and find renewed strength, hope, and joy through the Lord Jesus. She offers you practical and effective ways to triumph over loneliness and grief so you can live a happy, more fulfilled life. There may be times in life when you feel lonely, but just remember, you’re never alone when God is standing by your side!

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  • Dont Dread : Overcoming The Spirit Of Dread With The Supernatural Power Of


    In this life-changing book, Joyce Meyer reveals the forms dread can take to destroy the abundant life God has provided for you. God’s Word gives you the ability to recognize these “little foxes” and the power to confront them as soon as they appear. Discover how to use the power of God to defeat fear, see even ordinary tasks in a spiritual light, replace dread with a joyful expectancy of God’s rest, and more.

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  • Christian Virtues : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Virtue may not be a word you use every day, but it defines the qualities of a person of character. One of the good things about belonging to God is that he develops virtues in you. In nine sessions Cindy Bunch leads you to investigate–and learn to practice–key Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, justice, courage, moderation, integrity and perseverance.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


    The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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  • Introducing Spiritual Direction


    A clear and practical guide to what happens in spiritual direction.

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  • Envy The Enemy Within (Reprinted)


    Envy might well be termed the silent sin. Because while all of us envy others to some extent, few of us acknowledge our problem out loud, let alone try to overcome it and move forward. Bob Sorge draws upon his own pastoral experience–plus the admitted burden of his own envy–to show why and how it can adversely affect the ministry of a church and even prevent revival in people’s lives. Sorge reveals why comparison of our ministry and spiritual gifts to that of our fellow believers is to be avoided at all costs so that we do not hamstring God’s plan for our growth and the accomplishment of His purposes. This is a must-read for leaders of all churches, great and small–and anyone who wants the peace that comes with a life free of envy.

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  • 1 Holy Fire


    What would happen if you called on God’s Spirit to unleash His power in your life?

    What if you really believed Jesus’ promise that His Spirit would empower you to do even greater miracles than He did when He walked the earth?

    You hold the answers to those soul-stirring questions in your hands. Since the moment that Nicky Cruz-a street-tough gang member in New York City-met Jesus Christ decades ago, he has seen no distinction between the working of God’s Spirit in the Book of Acts and the way that same Spirit works daily in his own life and ministry.

    In One Holy fire, the renowned author of Run, Baby, Run introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He shares never-before-published stories from his life that will quicken your heart and spark your spirit. He challenges you to abandon yourself and live according to the Spirit’s moment-by-moment guidance. And he inspires you to open your heart. . .and let the Spirit ignite your soul.

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  • Kind Of Capernaum


    The world seems to be lamenting the trends that it has unwittingly established, as righteousness is exiled among the nations. Wrongful sowing has brought forth a harvest that has yielded many broken families. Biblical absolutes are being undermined and intolerance has increased toward those who carry an earnest Christian expression. Few aspects of our lives are unspoiled by the indifference to righteousness. Our society has become like Capernaum in rejecting holiness. To many, the only wrong thing is to claim that you are right. Like a crop-eating parasite, sin has eaten away at the consciences of many. Even among professed Christians, many have surrendered their convictions, apologizing when they should be celebrating the truth of God’s Word. Their souls’ defenses have broken down, leaving no barriers against sin in their lives. The people constantly reject the restraints provided by God’s Word, substituting divine truth for a reactionary common sense called “do whatever feels good.” Therefore, one is left to wonder how deeply people must sink into depravity before this Titanic generation turns to God. This book is intended to remind people that knowledge of divine truth will better prepare them to live godly lives, fitting them as citizens for the New Jerusalem.

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  • Cultivating Christian Character


    How to become the person God wants you to be and how to help others to do the same.

    Includes a university-designed survey to measure your character.

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  • Tragedy Of An Unclean Heart


    Tragedy of an Unclean Heart will provide an in-depth focus from a layperson’s view of what an unclean heart is, the roles and differences of sin and iniquity, how it separates us from God, and why God will not allow anyone to enter his kingdom operating in iniquity. It will help you understand the motives of your heart and bring clarity to why things are hidden in you. The book will serve to aid in deliverance from those hidden issues of the heart. You can use the book in conjunction with your Bible or as additional Christian reading for your enjoyment.

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  • Diligently Seeking God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780971371002ISBN10: 0971371008Gary HenryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Atlas Books Print On Demand Product

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  • True Discipleship (Student/Study Guide)


    21 Chapters
    13 Lessons

    Additional Info
    This book clearly explains the principles of New Testament discipleship. The Saviour’s terms of discipleship are not only highly practical but will reward in kowing the peace that passes understanding.

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  • Maximum Discipleship : Learning And Living All The Commandments Of Christ


    Jesus came to serve, not to be served. But He also came to lead people out of darkness into lives of great godly influence in their homes, churches, schools, jobs, and communities. He has planted each of us where we can have the greatest impact upon others around us. There are books on the market about servanthood or leadership, but rarely are the two put together in one text. These have been connected in a practical and teachable fashion to help leaders and believers to know how to function as servants and leaders and greatly influence others wherever the Lord has placed them. Servant leadership principles are intended for all believers to live out in their daily lives and ministries, wherever that may be. You can and will impact and influence your world through these dynamic principles that Jesus taught. We are to be servant leaders at home, on the job, at school, at work, in church, in our communities and nations, and everywhere we go. Therefore, this book will teach leaders and believers the New Testament principles of serving and leading like Jesus so as to impact and influence people like Jesus also. Having lived in Eastern Europe during the height of communism, and being a part of the spiritual transformation now taking place there, the author lays out the biblical basis for transforming communities and nations through servant leadership.

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  • Gods Will : The Mystery Now Made Known


    If someone would come to you with the news that the richest man on earth, having untold wealth, had made you heir to all that he possessed-i.e., land, stocks, bonds, cattle, real estate, motels, hotels, resorts, automobiles, and condominiums in Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Sweden, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and the United States of America, with cash in banks around the world-you, chances are, would become overjoyed, to say the least. Then you would probably doubt that such a will exists. So you begin to check on the validity of such a will, and find it to be real. You now proceed to produce all the necessary documents to prove you are the true heir to this vast sum of wealth. God, your Heavenly Father, has written His Will, and you can be an heir. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, mediator of the Will, and the one who died to validate the Will, rose from the grave, and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, offering God’s Will to you. God is preparing a place for you that will be beyond your grandest imagination.

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  • Soul Survival In A Corrupt And Anti God World


    Are you tired of a meaningless existence trapped in the mundane matrix of life? Are you fed up with watching your generation self-destruct? Then this book is for you, and you share the same vision I do! It is your blood-bought right to break out of mediocrity, obscurity, and defeatist Christianity, and live on the cutting edge of God’s will for your life. We have to learn to soar above the dark, polluted waters of this world, and that’s what Soul Survival is all about.

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  • Heart Set Free


    Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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  • Heart Set Free


    Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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