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    • Benefit Of Doubt


      God can handle your difficult questions and use them to deepen your relationship with him.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Does it make me a bad Christian if I have doubts?” At some point, almost all of us have had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers, yet we aren’t sure if we are ready to abandon our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself, and in The Benefit of Doubt, he shows us how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table style, Groeschel shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–the questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?

      Doubt is an important part of deepening your faith, but that doesn’t make it an easy process to walk through. If you’re wrestling with doubts, this book, along with God’s transformative power, will help you develop a richer faith, a deeper understanding, and a more authentic relationship with God.

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    • Stop Trying To Be Successful


      Feeling like a failure can be pretty exhausting. But chasing after an ever-elusive “success” in money, power, influence, and accolades? That’s even more so.

      Thankfully there is a better way. In Stop Trying to Be Successful, Pete Portal invites you to recognize the beauty and complexity of the world we live in and to redefine success, choosing love over efficiency, depth over volume and real friendship over cold transactions. It is time for us to remember that true success is not about what we have but about how we live.

      Stop Trying to Be Successful invites us to slow down and evaluate how Jesus’ life and teachings help us discover a different kind of success. Accompanying this book are features designed to help you dig deeper, including:

      *Questions for reflection at the end of each chapter,
      *A link to a free small group video series,
      *Discussion guides to accompany each small group session.

      It’s time to stop falling into the comparison trap and getting bogged down by the world’s many definitions of achievement. You’ll find that Jesus’ life and teaching are the perfect antidote for a world growing sick with the wrong sort of success. Experience a life of Kingdom significance rather than meaningless influence. Be inspired by a renewed sense of purpose. This upside-down success is the kind that will truly satisfy your soul.

      Stop Trying to be Successful was previously released in the UK as How to be (Un)Successful.

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    • Shift : Courageously Moving From Season To Season


      Discover a renewed sense of your purpose and the courage to move from what is to what can be.

      We have a tendency to think of our own situation in polarizing terms: good or bad, up or down. We fall into the trap of thinking things are one way or another. We overlook the fact that there are transition times, such as the seasons between graduation and the amazing job, between divorce and remarriage, between a failure and a success.

      The key from getting from one season in life to the next is surviving the shift and recognizing that it’s the period between the mistake and the mastery. Between what happened today and who you become tomorrow. To make the most of the shift, you must be willing to embrace and accept the consequences of past events and relinquish your attempts to alter or compensate for them. You must be willing to shift your paradigm from victim to victor. From survivor to thriver, from loser to chooser.

      Full of relatable stories, practical, easily applicable advice, and deep scriptural insights, The Shift helps readers survive these in-between seasons with the courage that comes only when you’re sure of God’s purpose for your life.

      This newly updated paperback edition of this classic book has three new chapters that help readers go even further in surviving and thriving in the recent shifts in our culture, as well as encouraging them to shift into living a life of legacy and purpose.

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    • Ive Got Questions


      When your faith as you know it has been commodified, nationalized, scandalized, and rebranded beyond recognition, is it even possible to recover the “good” of Jesus from this cluster of epic proportions?

      Writer and podcaster Erin Moon has questions, and this book is her open letter for anyone who feels iffy, conflicted, or just downright devastated by this disconnect. With empathy, insight, and the therapy of memes and a good laugh, Erin maps out not a rigid prescription but an open-hearted pathway for you to reclaim what you once loved about your faith home and light a match to the rest.

      As it turns out, God is not afraid of your questions. To the contrary, the fullness of the Christian story is found not in a certainty checklist but a vision of a people who wrestle with God. This is the story to which Erin turns and guides you through, as you:

      – understand the good, bad, ugly, and just plain bizarre of your faith origins
      – find permission to lament, ask questions, and name pressure points
      – make peace as you set your own new boundaries and rebuild

      Consider this your open invitation to get gut-level honest about where it started, and heart-level hopeful about where it can go from here.

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    • Tough Topics : 25 Biblical Answers To Controversial Questions


      Biblical answers to common questions your pastor may like to ignore.

      While reading this book, you will find true freedom through the Word of God. Additionally, you will search the Scriptures to see what the Bible says about controversial questions in modern society.

      Countless people are worried, angry, fearful, and just plain confused when it comes to some of the more perplexing issues that life poses and the Bible provokes. Tough Topics provides solid and scriptural answers to 25 such questions. Kelly K. seeks to tackle frustration by looking deeply, not superficially, at what Scripture says, deriving clear and persuasive explanations for these thought-provoking matters.

      In this deep dive into Scripture, you will learn the answers to these tricky questions:

      *Is it a sin for Christians to drink, smoke, or use medical marijuana?
      *Can you lose your salvation?
      *Is it a sin to live together before marriage?
      *Does God hate piercings and tattoos?
      *Do pets go to heaven?
      *Did Judas go to hell?
      *Are aliens real?
      *If Christians divorce, can they remarry?
      *Can Christians watch horror movies or listen to secular music?
      *What is the unforgivable sin?
      *Do you have to be baptized to go to heaven?
      *And more!

      We can’t walk in the total freedom and peace that Jesus died to give us if we have looming questions about our faith that pastors won’t or can’t address from the pulpit. This book will arm readers with the biblical truth they need to feel confident in their walk with the Lord.

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    • Benefit Of Doubt


      God can handle your difficult questions and use them to deepen your relationship with him.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Does it make me a bad Christian if I have doubts?” At some point, almost all of us have had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers, yet we aren’t sure if we are ready to abandon our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself, and in The Benefit of Doubt, he shows us how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table style, Groeschel shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–the questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?

      Doubt is an important part of deepening your faith, but that doesn’t make it an easy process to walk through. If you’re wrestling with doubts, this book, along with God’s transformative power, will help you develop a richer faith, a deeper understanding, and a more authentic relationship with God.

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    • Benefit Of Doubt Workbook (Workbook)


      The strongest faith isn’t one without doubts. The strongest faith is a one that grows through doubts.

      “Am I the only one who has these doubts? What if my friends, family, or others find out I’m doubting–and even deconstructing–my faith in God? What is really true? Can we be sure about anything?” At some point, we’ve all had questions about Christianity and doubts about God. We’re afraid we might never find answers. Yet we’re not sure we’re ready for the undoing of our faith altogether.

      Bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel has walked through the valley of doubt himself. In The Benefit of Doubt Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, he reveals how asking questions, seeking answers, and wrestling with doubt can actually draw us closer to God. With his trademark humor, warmth, and lay-it-all-on-the-table attitude, Craig shares stories from his own life as well as the Bible to help us wrestle with–and find helpful answers to–questions fueling our doubt:

      *What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
      *Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
      *Why would God only provide one way to heaven?
      *Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
      *Why does God sometimes feel so far away?
      *Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
      *How do I know if what I believe is actually biblical?

      Doubt is a normal part of faith, but that doesn’t make it any less intimidating to navigate. So if you’re wrestling with doubts, keep walking, keep knocking, keep asking, and keep seeking. As Craig writes, “I believe everyone–whether a long-term committed Christian or a long-term committed atheist–struggles with doubts. The doubts of a Christ-follower can take the shape of benign curiosity or a malignant tumor. It seems more Christians today are struggling and questioning or deconstructing their faith. I understand these doubts and want to help. It is my hope that this message moves you into a life after doubt and that you experience the fullness of all God has for you.”

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    • Deliverance Defined : How To Lock Up And Lock Out Demons


      In the battle for your soul, are you prepared to cast evil out?

      Drawing from decades of firsthand experience in confronting demonic forces, respected deliverance minister Don Dickerman provides a comprehensive guide to recognizing and defeating evil spirits. In this resource, Dickerman shows readers how to discern the signs of demonic activity, close doorways through which demons enter, and walk in complete freedom. As you read, you will gain invaluable insight on:

      *Four principles of deliverance
      *The setup of demonic kingdoms
      *Ways demons get permission to access people’s lives
      *How to lead a deliverance session
      *Principles for staying free
      *And much more

      As a bonus, Dickerman includes an extensive list of demons he and others have encountered throughout his thirty years of ministry. Naming both lesser-known spirits and notorious rulers of darkness, the list gives insight into the demonic spirits behind a variety of issues from fear and lust to rejection and even some illnesses.

      Featuring prayers and practical guidance, this book is an indispensable resource, designed to equip believers with the knowledge and empowerment to overcome demonic oppression and help others break free.

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    • From Junkie To Jerusalem


      God can take you from wherever you are to beyond what you could ever imagine.

      By the end of this book, you will claim victory over sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Likewise, no matter how far gone you feel, you’ll know that you’re never too far gone for God to restore and redeem you.

      From a drug addict to a prominent pastor and ardent advocate for Israel and the Jewish people, Pastor Larry Huch’s testimony is all about hope and overcoming. It’s a powerful testimony that has been told from the White House to the most violent prisons, from Portland to the Philippines, from the down and out in the streets, and even to the world’s most elite–namely, to President Trump and to Prime Minister Netanyahu.

      Delving into Huch’s tumultuous past, From Junkie to Jerusalem details his abusive background, explains his struggles with anger and addiction, and highlights the profound spiritual awakening that led him to leave behind his former life and embrace Christianity. However, this is not just one man’s story–This is a story of what God can do with the least of us. It’s a story of miracles and being faithful with a little and watching God multiply the loaves and fishes we give Him.

      While reading this motivational testimony, you will:

      *Be at the heart of Huch’s spiritual journey.
      *Learn how you can break free of generational curses.
      *See how God can work miracles in your own life.

      This God story gives readers hope that regardless of their current condition–no matter where they’re from, what they’re going through, or what their children are going through–God has a miracle in the works.

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    • Room For Good Things To Run Wild


      Room for Good Things to Run Wild is the antidote to widespread Christian malaise. If you feel like life is happening to you, that your faith has been reduced to trite platitudes, and that no matter how many new things you try, you still end up with a dissatisfying Christian life, this book offers relief from the mediocrity of Christian living through the sacred and satisfying journey of becoming an every day saint.

      After spending too many days staring at the hamster cage of his uninspired life through the bottom of a glass of Scotch, Josh Nadeau knew there were only 2 ways left to go: further down or finally up. Disillusioned by his faith and disenchanted by the world around him, Josh chose up out of a desperation to discover the Jesus who had formed the saints of old.

      Steeped in literature and doctrine, art and raw daily life and accompanied by original illustrations and living liturgy this book will bring you on the journey back to an embodied theology that understands that we know, not just with our minds, but also with our bodies. From Canada, to England, to Ireland and Spain, Josh follows the Jesus Way, teaching you how to be just as honest about the pain of your life as the pleasure of your life.

      Rediscover the full and wild world that God has created for you in the way He has created you to experience it. Room for Good Things to Run Wild is a call into the Holy Ordinary; a new way to see that wakes the soul and satisfies the body.

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    • Dont Look Back


      Move forward with hope instead of dwelling on the past.

      There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, especially when unexpected change happens and all we want is for things to go back to how they were. But we can’t stop the flow of life, and we can’t stop time. And looking back doesn’t enable us to go back. It just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit.

      In Luke 17:32, Jesus drops three little words: “Remember Lot’s wife.” We don’t know her name, history, or story. All we know is that when she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, she was told not to look back, and she did the one thing she was asked not to do. She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. And out of the 170 women referred to in the Scriptures, she’s the only one Jesus told us to remember.

      With a rallying cry to “Remember Lot’s wife,” Bible teacher, international speaker, activist, and bestselling author Christine Caine will motivate you to stop looking back, to get unstuck, and to keep moving forward into God’s promises and purpose for your life. In Don’t Look Back, Christine will help you to:

      *Stop looking back and start looking to Jesus
      *Invite Jesus in to help you get unstuck from the places and situations that keep you trapped
      *Move on from where you are into all God’s plans, purposes, and promises for your life
      *Look forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith–especially when your world is nothing like it once was

      Jesus is beckoning us onward into the newness of what lies ahead. Stop disqualifying yourself by getting stuck in the past. Don’t Look Back will inspire you to move forward boldly.

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    • Creators Wheel : 7 Phases Of Godly Transformation


      You are a good work in process–God’s process.

      Our world demands faster speeds, quicker deliveries. We want change now, transformation in a moment. But God, who spoke galaxies into existence with a single word, took seven days to bring about His full and magnificent creation–and He takes His time with us.

      Peeling back the layers of God’s creative process, Rick DuBose shows how, just as God reached into that dark and chaotic mess to form space and time, He reaches into the mess of our lives, initiating a process that transforms us into masterpieces. Through practical application and biblical insight, DuBose empowers you to:

      *understand and embrace God’s process modeled in the seven days of creation
      *stop resisting the Holy Spirit’s work and partner with Him
      *prepare for and recognize the seasons of change and growth in your life
      *cultivate patience, appreciation, and perseverance

      God took His time creating this world, layering on new complexities and drawing out order from the chaos. So, too, is He forming you into something truly good.

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    • Woman After Gods Own Heart


      Change Your Priorities, Change Your Life

      A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) has guided millions of women toward God’s will for their lives, helping them experience peace, order, and joy in pursuit of Him. In this enduring work, beloved author Elizabeth George shares God’s Word along with woman-to-woman practical wisdom on how you can pursue God’s priorities in all areas of your life.

      Whether it’s putting God first, strengthening relationships, building a stronger bond with your husband, raising godly children, or growing in service to others, each day offers opportunities to pursue the Lord. As you embrace God’s plans for you, you will find real purpose in a life of prayer and practicing God’s priorities as you become a woman after His heart.

      The Harvest Legacy Collection

      For more than 50 years Harvest House Publishers has provided high-quality books that affirm biblical values, helping countless readers grow spiritually strong. The Harvest Legacy Collection celebrates the lasting influence of select Harvest House titles with deluxe, special-edition releases. These enduring works have collectively impacted millions–and they are sure to inspire readers for years to come!

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    • Loved To Life


      A 40-day journey to move you from barely getting through-to passionately living the fullest life.

      You aren’t alone. God knows what it feels like to be where you are, where you have been. God Himself knows how hard this broken planet is-He’s walked where you’ve walked. But out of those hard, dusty roads emerges a way into the exhilarating life you’ve longed to fully experience. This is the truest story in the whole universe: God is the only One who has ever loved you to death and came to resurrect you into the fullest life you always hoped for. Embark with New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp, on a 40-day spiritual pilgrimage following the entire life of Jesus through the Gospel of John. Loved to Life is an invitation into:

      *40 inspirational, grace- and hope-filled devotionals;

      *40 Bible passages that pilgrimage with Jesus from the beginning to the end of the Gospel of John to encounter and experience Him in a fresh, transformative way;

      *40 original woodcut illustrations to mark each day of the pilgrimage.

      Jesus held the cup that holds the story you never wanted; the pain you wish you and your people had never known; the scars that have forever marred your only heart. For the love of you, Jesus drank this cup of suffering down to love you back to life. Turn and gaze on the One who gave you His whole life-and you’ll find the love you’ve been looking for your whole life.

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    • Lower : Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical Humility


      In this inspiring account, a pastor shares how radical humility ignited a sixteen-day revival on a small college campus–and why it is an essential tool for building a closer relationship with God.

      As Zach Meerkreebs ended his sermon on the campus of Asbury University, he challenged, “Do not leave here until you experience the love of God so that you can pour it out.” Several students remained, praying and worshipping, and others joined them until a crowd formed that grew to over 65,000 and covered the campus and small Kentucky town. As the worshipping and praying continued, for sixteen days and nights, the media began reporting on what came to be called the Asbury Outpouring.

      In Lower, Zach shares his experiences at the Outpouring and answers his own question, what sparked this revival? With personal stories, Scripture, testimonies from Asbury, wisdom from other Christian writers, and key insights he has received in quiet moments with Jesus, Zach shows readers the path to radical humility and deeper friendship with God. As we go lower in our pursuit of humility, we can steward spaces prepared for a move of God and shine Jesus to all those who are watching.

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    • Gods Greatest Bible Promises For Comfort In Difficult Times


      Throughout the course of life we may find ourselves, family, friends, or even strangers amid like’s most difficult circumstances. In these times we are not left without hope, comfort, and encouragement. God’s Greatest Bible Promises for Comfort in Difficult Times presents over one hundred verses to provide anyone with the most powerful messages from an all loving God. Our heavenly Father promises not to forsake us and these verses can be read or spoken out loud any time we are in need. We can experience the unlimited power of God through His Word, nothing that we go through here on earth will keep us from His love.

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    • Take Your Seat At The Table


      Are fears and uncertainties keeping you from reaching for your dreams? In Take Your Seat at the Table, bestselling author Anthony O’Neal reveals the indispensable tools and strategies to take ownership of your decisions and step into the life God wants you to live.

      The table has always been the spiritual, emotional, and relational center of a life well-lived. It’s where the real work of life–from the mundane to the magnificent–is dreamed up, planned out, prayed over, accomplished, and celebrated. And the metaphor of the table is critical throughout Scripture.

      Yet most people aren’t intentional about taking a seat at the table of their own lives–let alone prioritizing the important things that happen around the tables in their homes, at work, and beyond. Utilizing his trademark humor, compelling stories, and lessons from his life, including both his successes and failures, Anthony O’Neal helps readers:

      *become empowered to make the best financial, career, health, emotional, and relational decisions;

      *identify the keys to foster strong relationships with friends and family, build a “work tribe that will help you achieve your goals, and develop a vision for thriving in every phase of life; and

      *discover an eternal quality of life filled with meaning, true abundance (including financial freedom), and joy.

      Just about every significant decision, conversation, prayer, celebration, affirmation, or critical decision takes place around the table–are you ready to take a seat at the head of your own table?

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    • Beautiful Disappointing Hopeful


      Life is both beautiful and disappointing.

      In Beautiful, Disappointing, Hopeful, Drew Hyun explains how the Christian faith provides a lens through which we can understand the beautiful and disappointing world we live in, while offering the kind of promising hope we long for.

      Throughout history we have tried to make sense of the world that we inhabit and how we can navigate through the tension of all that is good and broken in this life. Yet most of our attempts to avoid loss simply lead to greater anxiety–an unresolved fear that we will eventually lose what we most love and need.

      Weaving a rich tapestry of Christian tradition and personal illustrations, Hyun offers Christianity as a true and compelling vision for life that faithfully points the way through loss to true beauty. He presents three deep practices that can build lasting spiritual resilience and help you learn how to grow through life’s losses and disappointments.

      By exploring these contemplative spiritual practices–Gratitude, Grieving, and Grace–as a means of centering your life more fully into a holistic spirituality, you can uncover meaningful responses to the full range of lived experiences that will lead you to a grounded yet transcendent hope.

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    • Fix Workbook : How The Twelve Steps Offer A Surprising Path Of Transformati (Wor


      Life can get messy and painful just when we think we’re doing well. Roots of personal and generational trauma can break the surface again unexpectedly.

      It happened to Ian Morgan Cron in the form of a relapse at an unlikely time in his life: thirty years of sobriety from alcohol, the happy surprise of publishing success, life going well by most measures. Yet despite all his hard work processing the past, it came back to bite him. He began self-medicating under cover of prescription drugs and landed in residential rehab.

      In The Fix Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Ian employs his characteristic humor and pithy wit–along with some agonizing self-disclosure–to guide readers through his own mid-life double-take on the 12 Steps. Yes, they save the lives of addicts by getting users into sobriety. But they also lead individuals into profound spiritual awakenings, as millions of members across eight decades of AA history have testified.

      “I’m not an addiction counselor. I’m not a researcher into the science of addiction. I’m not a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating people with substance-use disorders,” writes Ian. “But my relapse and the solution I found for it are fresh and vivid in my mind. What I’ve gleaned is worth more to me now than ever. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked you to come with me on this journey. If you don’t mind following a gimpy guide who can help you trudge the road to recovery, then I’m your guy.”

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    • Take Your Seat At The Table Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Use this tool to take ownership of your life and become the person God created you to be.

      In Take Your Seat at the Table Study Guide, bestselling author and podcaster Anthony O’Neal provides you with practical tools and guidance if you want to take the message of Take Your Seat at the Table to the next level in your own life.

      Designed to be used in conjunction with Take Your Seat at the Table, this Study Guide is perfect for individuals, small groups, and churches seeking to:

      *Become empowered to make the best financial, career, health, emotional, and relational decisions

      *Identify the keys to fostering strong relationships with friends and family, build a “work tribe” that will help you achieve your goals

      *Develop a vision for thriving in every phase of life

      *Discover an eternal quality of life filled with meaning, true abundance (including financial freedom), and joy

      The Take Your Seat at the Table Study Guide equips you to take charge and step into the life God wants you to live. Just about every significant decision, conversation, prayer, celebration, or affirmation takes place around the table–are you ready to take a seat at the head of your own table?

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    • Lead With Prayer


      Discover the prayer habits of world-changing leaders that will transform your life and your leadership.

      Experienced leaders will tell you that you can’t lead on your own. The pressure, the impossible decisions, the high risks, the temptations, the people, the overwhelming schedule-it’s too much. Some leaders seek outside help. They pray.

      Looking for help in their own leadership, entrepreneur Ryan Skoog, CEO Peter Greer, and executive advisor Cameron Doolittle set out to investigate how leaders pray. What do they say to God? How often do they pray, and for how long? Where do they pray? And how on earth do they make time for prayer? Skoog, Greer, and Doolittle spent three years researching. They logged over one hundred hours of interviews with leaders in six continents who collectively serve in over one hundred countries. They researched or spoke with global entrepreneurs and business executives of Fortune 500 companies, as well as some of the most influential pastors and ministry leaders in the world-leaders such as:

      *Joni Eareckson Tada
      *Philip Yancey
      *Francis Chan
      *John Mark Comer
      *Christine Caine
      *David Green
      *Mark Batterson
      *Among countless others.

      Here in this book, the authors share the spiritual habits, techniques, and practices of these world-changing leaders, revealing specific details of their prayer lives. In addition, the book includes prayers for leaders to use in their own prayer time as well as tools for how to cultivate a personal and organizational commitment to prayer.

      By allowing these men and women to lead us in prayer, we learn not only how to pray but also how to build a culture of prayer wherever we lead. It is only when our businesses, ministries, and churches pray that they will be transformed.

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    • Fix : How The Twelve Steps Offer A Surprising Path Of Transformation For Th


      Did you know that anyone–addicts or non-addicts–can benefit from working the Twelve Steps and find the freedom, joy, and intimacy with God that their hearts long for?

      We all suffer from a sense of spiritual homelessness–a feeling that we’re not fully at home in the world. To cope with our painful feelings and life traumas, we search for quick “fixes” that eventually become habitual, self-destructive behaviors that ultimately create more problems than they solve.

      As a person in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, Ian Cron is no stranger to these destructive habits. It wasn’t until he embraced the Twelve Steps that he found true freedom. He knows from personal experience that Twelve Step recovery is more than just a life-saving strategy for guiding substance users into sobriety. Everybody is addicted to something to numb the discomfort of living in a messed-up world, he says, but the good news is that if you committedly “work the steps,” you will eventually have a vital spiritual awakening that will give you an entirely new and radically beautiful orientation toward the life God has for you.

      If you long for sustainable healing and joy amid life’s messiness, The Fix invites you to:

      *Journey step-by-step through a spiritual curriculum that has helped millions overcome trauma, pain, and brokenness for over eight decades

      *Understand how the Twelve Steps can be a transformative tool not only for people with chemical or behavioral addictions but for anyone who wants to move beyond self-help to a spiritual awakening

      *Catch yourself in the act of self-sabotaging behaviors and understand how each day is a new opportunity to trade in self-willed reformation for grace-powered transformation

      “My original subtitle for this book–Twelve Steps to Unscrewing Your Screwed-Up Life–was a little over the top,” Ian comments. “But anyone who has ever fallen for a quick fix (like drugs, alcohol, porn, overeating, work, religion, people-pleasing, and more) knows firsthand how our self-prescribed treatment plans derail us. They might not be as visible as empty bottles stashed inside a desk drawer, but they are just as life-complicating and soul-crushing.”

      With his characteristic wit and transparent self-disclosure, Ian guides us in learning how to work each of the Twelve Steps so we will finally be given a “new pair of glasses” through which we will be able to see ourselves, others, and the world in a startlingly new way–and ultimately take hold o

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    • Anxiety Algorithm : Turning Your Pattern Of Worry And Stress Into A Pattern


      Imagine a Life Where Anxiety and Stress No Longer Control You

      Experiencing a recurring pattern of anxious thoughts or becoming gripped by worry over a sudden difficult situation can feel overwhelming. But you don’t have to stay under the control of your anxiety. You can create a specific plan to relieve your anxiety and stress–one that is just right for you. It’s what father-and-son authors Ronnie Kent (a medical doctor and behavioral specialist) and James Kent (a therapist) call The Anxiety Algorithm. It is based on Philippians 4:8 in the Bible and is supported by other passages of Scripture and trusted counseling techniques.

      An algorithm is “a step by step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.” Once you understand the foundational principles of The Anxiety Algorithm, you can tailor it to fit your special needs and your particular worry triggers. This book will help you to:

      – Use simple exercises to immediately begin to alleviate anxiety
      – Discover the “Two Steps Back” method to reorient your focus
      – Reshape the way you see and interact with the world
      – Make constructive thoughts your go-to way of thinking
      – Invite the God of peace into your life

      The Anxiety Algorithm provides a clear, effective plan you can turn to whenever you need a mindset of peace or as you seek to address long-standing anxiety and worry. Even in the midst of life’s hurts, setbacks, and challenges, you can experience true fulfillment and joy.

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    • Turning Over Tables


      With keen insight and unwavering conviction, visionary pastor Kathy Escobar guides readers on a Lenten journey inspired by the ways of Jesus to dismantle the systems that perpetuate inequality and injustice.

      From flipping the moneychangers’ tables in the temple to uplifting the poor and marginalized, Jesus’ actions and words turn the world’s idea of power on its head.

      With each week of Lent, readers will dig deeper into Jesus’ challenge to the pervasive influence of privilege and oppression that have dominated since ancient times. Through poignant reflections and thought-provoking practices, readers will discover how they can harness the disruptive power of Jesus’ teachings to effect meaningful change in their communities and beyond. Together, we can turn the tables and build a world where justice, healing, and greater equity reigns supreme.

      With keen insight and unwavering conviction, visionary pastor Kathy Escobar guides readers on a Lenten journey inspired by the ways of Jesus to dismantle the systems that perpetuate inequality and injustice.

      From flipping the moneychangers’ tables in the temple to uplifting the poor and marginalized, Jesus’ actions and words turn the world’s idea of power on its head.

      With each week of Lent, readers will dig deeper into Jesus’ challenge to the pervasive influence of privilege and oppression that have dominated since ancient times. Through poignant reflections and thought-provoking practices, readers will discover how they can harness the disruptive power of Jesus’ teachings to effect meaningful change in their communities and beyond. Together, we can turn the tables and build a world where justice, healing, and greater equity reigns supreme.

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    • Urgency Of Slowing Down


      Discover how to avoid burnout and make space for seeking God. Short, easy-to-read chapters share ways that Christians over the centuries have tapped into the abundant life of Jesus, including practices such as prayer, Sabbath, saying no, gratitude, decluttering, celebration, and worship. Scriptural insights and relatable stories give you healthy habits to resist the hectic and hold on to rest. Pause, exhale, and explore what the Bible says about slowing down.

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    • In Gods Good Image


      Cultural identity matters–to us and to Jesus.

      Culture is all around us. Nothing we think, do, or say exists outside of it. But the story of God is clear: We are all made in God’s good image, and God’s people are meant to be a diverse community. Looking to the example of Jesus, author J. W. Buck offers practical insights into how cultural identity fits into our walk as Christians. No matter where we come from and no matter how complex our cultural narratives, the Scriptures point to the One who embodied a particular identity–of a Jewish man in first-century Palestine–in order to shape our own.
      Jesus teaches those formed by majority culture to humbly embrace their identity as they foster space for others. And he empowers those from minority cultures to resist pressure to assimilate in unhealthy ways and instead live into their God-given identity. God dignifies our culture and wants us to shape it to look more like Jesus. We are meant to be like Jesus in our home culture, in our heart language, and throughout our collective journey to understand how our diversity points us to a better expression of God’s good image.

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    • For The Glory Of God


      Growing up in a small town in Montana, author Stephen Stonehocker loved the outdoors, hiking the mountains, and photographing the beauty of God’s creation. But one question haunted him. Am I the person God created me to be? Is there more to this relationship with God? Stonehocker wrote articles as he explored who God is and who God wanted him to be. In For the Glory of God, Stonehocker shares a compilation of these articles that focus on living the Christian life. He addresses the questions he so often asked himself as he tried to figure out who he is, who God is, and to understand the relationship God wants to have with each of us. Through these stories, Stonehocker provides encouragement and guides you into deeper faith in God and a closer relationship with the creator of the universe. Jesus desires to have a close relationship with each of us. For the Glory of God asks if you are ready to find that relationship with Jesus.

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    • For The Glory Of God


      Growing up in a small town in Montana, author Stephen Stonehocker loved the outdoors, hiking the mountains, and photographing the beauty of God’s creation. But one question haunted him. Am I the person God created me to be? Is there more to this relationship with God? Stonehocker wrote articles as he explored who God is and who God wanted him to be. In For the Glory of God, Stonehocker shares a compilation of these articles that focus on living the Christian life. He addresses the questions he so often asked himself as he tried to figure out who he is, who God is, and to understand the relationship God wants to have with each of us. Through these stories, Stonehocker provides encouragement and guides you into deeper faith in God and a closer relationship with the creator of the universe. Jesus desires to have a close relationship with each of us. For the Glory of God asks if you are ready to find that relationship with Jesus.

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    • J Oswald Sanders


      Three classics for every Christian’s library. Over 1 million copies sold!

      The influence of J. Oswald Sanders is known far and wide across the globe. In this new edition, readers engage with Sanders most essential and influential work: Spiritual Leadership, Spiritual Maturity, and Spiritual Discipleship.

      Spiritual Leadership is a proven classic, presenting the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. Sanders illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others. Featured topics include: the cost of leadership, the responsibility of leadership, the qualities and criteria of leadership, the art of reproducing leaders, and the one indispensable requirement of leadership.

      Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.

      Spiritual Maturity: Spiritual maturity is not a level of growth Christians achieve, but the passion to press on in Christ. In these chapters, J. Oswald Sanders explores the primary source of continual growth. In three parts, structured around the persons of the Trinity, Sanders explores matters like: how we should view God, why our weakness is God’s strength, what it means that Christ prays for us, how to live like an heir of the King, and the role of the Spirit in a Christian’s life. Spiritual Maturity provides clear direction for those desiring to grow strong spiritually.

      Spiritual Discipleship: True disciples pursue their Master. They know that God is watching over their faith, but they also take Scripture’s command seriously: “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you.” They take pains, by His power, to look more and more like Jesus.

      This book will help you to be such a disciple. It examines Jesus’ teaching on what it means to follow Him, helping you become the kind of Christian Jesus wants you to be–not one devised by man or even other Christians. You’ll learn conditions for discipleship, the tests that disciples endure, how disciples pray and grow, the posture and practices of a disciple, and more.

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    • Generosity Practice : A Four-Session Companion Guide To Help You Experience


      Discover the counterintuitive joy and freedom found in generosity-a Practice that reflects our happy, generous God-in this guide from New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer and the team at Practicing the Way.

      In a world driven by consumerism and self-interest, the ancient biblical practice of generosity is both radical and transformative. This Companion Guide to the Generosity Practice from Practicing the Way offers spiritual exercises, reflection questions, and guided readings across four sessions and an optional bonus session. Featuring four engaging video sessions, the Generosity Practice course is designed to be run with your community and is available online for free.

      This guide will help you:

      * Lean into Jesus’ teaching that there is more joy in giving than receiving
      * Identify and combat the culture of consumerism and greed
      * Embrace the biblical concept of stewardship in all areas of life
      * Develop a heart for the poor and marginalized
      * Create a sustainable plan for generous living

      Experience a life of purpose, joy, and deeper connection with God and others through the Practice of generosity.

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    • In Gods Good Image


      Cultural identity matters–to us and to Jesus.

      Culture is all around us. Nothing we think, do, or say exists outside of it. But the story of God is clear: We are all made in God’s good image, and God’s people are meant to be a diverse community. Looking to the example of Jesus, author J. W. Buck offers practical insights into how cultural identity fits into our walk as Christians. No matter where we come from and no matter how complex our cultural narratives, the Scriptures point to the One who embodied a particular identity–of a Jewish man in first-century Palestine–in order to shape our own.
      Jesus teaches those formed by majority culture to humbly embrace their identity as they foster space for others. And he empowers those from minority cultures to resist pressure to assimilate in unhealthy ways and instead live into their God-given identity. God dignifies our culture and wants us to shape it to look more like Jesus. We are meant to be like Jesus in our home culture, in our heart language, and throughout our collective journey to understand how our diversity points us to a better expression of God’s good image.

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    • Delighting In Jesus: Rhythms To Restore Joy When You Feel Broken Bored Or B


      Radiating with joy-this is how we’re meant to live.

      I know I should read my Bible and pray every day, but I’m just not consistent.For many Christians, “daily devotions” and “spiritual disciplines” strike guilt and shame in our hearts. But what if we got it all wrong? What if our Christian experience hinges not on perfect spiritual disciplines, but on the perfect love of a Father who delights in us?

      In Delighting in Jesus, Bible teacher Asheritah Ciuciu invites you to lift your gaze from your to-do list and get to know the One who spun the stars and knows you by name.

      Discover the theological foundation for how we were Created for Delight. You’ll see that throughout Scripture, joy originates from God, pulses at the heart of the gospel, and is promised to us as fruit from God’s Spirit.

      By considering three Robbers of Delight, you’ll trade those things that steal your joy to receive Jesus’ personal invitation to a life of joy with Him-not just someday in heaven, but starting here and now on earth!

      Finally, you’ll learn six practical Rhythms of Delight: joyful practices found in Jesus’ own life that increase our awareness of God’s presence with us, His delight in us, and our continual communion with Him. Forget about rigid formulas-these creative ideas will fit the rhythm of your modern life and lead to freedom to connect with God right where you are.

      If you’re weary or disheartened, this book is for you. Come and drink from God’s river of delights and find in Him the desires of your heart.

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    • Greatest Thing In The World


      Discover the role of love in the Bible and in your own life!

      A Scottish evangelist and writer, Henry Drummond wrote a little sermon on love in 1874 that went on to sell thousands of copies and fascinate readers all over the world. Filled with thoughtful quotations and interpretations from the Bible, The Greatest Thing in the World is an insightful meditation on the role of love as the ultimate source of Christianity. Readers will be moved to reflect upon the way love appears in their own daily and spiritual lives.

      Henry Drummond has inspired generation upon generation with his wisdom–to this day, The Greatest Thing in the World is a balm for hearts everywhere, used for everything from wedding ceremonies to comforting those who grieve. Accept Drummond’s gentle wisdom into your heart, and discover for yourself what the greatest thing in the world truly is.
      This essential edition contains a faithful reproduction of the original and complete text, and includes bonus material by the author and an introduction by the publisher.

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    • Sabbath Practice : A Four-Session Companion Guide To Help You Stop, Rest, D


      In our era of chronic exhaustion, learn how setting aside 24 hours to stop, rest, delight, and worship restores joy and spiritual vitality in this guide from New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer and the team at Practicing the Way.

      This Companion Guide to the Sabbath Practice from Practicing the Way provides a practical, accessible approach to incorporating this life-giving rhythm into your weekly routine. Designed to be used with four engaging video sessions freely available online, this guide offers spiritual exercises, reflection questions, and additional resources to help you and your community experience Sabbath as the best part of your week.

      This guide will help you:

      * Understand the biblical foundations of Sabbath
      * Learn to “stop” and align with a rhythm God built into the fabric of creation
      * Develop personal practices for meaningful rest, play, and communal celebration
      * Resist internal and external forces that war against Sabbath
      * Cultivate a spirit of worship that extends throughout your week

      Discover how setting aside 24 hours can transform every day of your week, leading to a deeper connection with God, others, and your own soul.

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    • How To Ditch The How To


      How can you live your best life, be your best self, achieve your goals and make a lasting difference? There’s lots of advice out there, but does any of it work?

      In her thirties, Tieler Giles moved to New York to build the life she dreamed of and become the person she wanted to be: one self-help strategy at a time. Several years later, exhausted, she discovered the gospel of grace in a powerful, new way.

      In this book, she examines some of the ways in which our culture tells us to pursue happiness, power, identity and love, and shows us how only God’s grace provides what we truly need to learn, grow and live life well.

      Whether you’re a Christian or exploring spirituality, get ready to discover how God has the power to renew our minds, heal our hearts and restore our souls.

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    • Full Hearted Life


      Meaningful answers for life’s big questions. Everyone must ask life’s big questions. Even people who reject any hint of the supernatural and insist that nothing exists apart from matter will have to find meaning for themselves. To put this another way, the defining mark of our secular age is not the absence of belief, but rather the effect on our consciousness of the sheer number of competing belief systems. That effect is fragilization. And so, belief is fragile. We don’t have to believe what we believe. We could believe something else entirely. This book articulates how believing in Jesus gives us a sense of who we are, why we’re here, what the good life is, and how to move toward that good life. This is not traditional apologetics, offering logical proofs that God exists or that Jesus is God incarnate or that all those alternative belief systems are false. Put simply, the aim of this book is to help you see for yourself and to explain to others how Christian belief and Christian practice can make life meaningful.

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    • Commissioned With Power


      The Definitive Guide to Operating in the Gifts of the Spirit

      Do you long to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s gifts in your life? Great confusion, misunderstanding, and false teaching surrounding the spiritual gifts abounds, leaving many believers feeling stranded and powerless.

      The late Gordon Lindsay spent decades helping Christians around the world walk in the fullness of their Holy Spirit inheritance. Now his dynamic, definitive teaching can help you, too.

      In Commissioned with Power, Gordon Lindsay, renowned 20th century Bible teacher and founder of Christ For The Nations, helps you break free of powerless Christianity by understanding, accessing, and wielding the gifts of the Spirit outlined in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.

      In this comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide, you will learn:

      *What each of the nine gifts are
      *Why each gift is important
      *How to operate in each gift in everyday life
      *What the spiritual gifts look like in the modern church
      *How to walk in power and anointing

      Features topics not often covered in standard teaching on spiritual gifts, such as:

      Discerning Angels and Evil Spirits – Supernatural Transportation –

      Different Measures of the Holy Spirit – Various Healing Gifts –

      False Prophets and Prophecies – 21 Reasons Christians Should Speak in Tongues

      Stop delighting the enemy with your ineffective Christianity! Partner with the Holy Spirit to see His gifts and power manifest in your life–and watch the devil run for cover.

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    • Sacred Romance : Coming Home To The God Who Pursues Your Heart (Revised)


      Find the peace, purpose, and connection you crave by slowing down, asking questions, and deepening your relationship with God or discovering it for the first time.

      We have lost touch with our hearts. In the pursuit of efficiency, success, and the busyness of our lives we have only been left with emptiness and longing.

      If you’re feeling lost, disconnected, wounded, broken, or if your heart just aches for something more, you’ve come to the right place. In The Sacred Romance, bestselling authors John Eldredge and Brent Curtis invite you to join them as they explore the greatest love of our lives: a relationship with the God who pursues us.

      The Sacred Romance will guide you through the journey of getting to know yourself and your creator better, asking you:

      *What is this restlessness and emptiness I feel, sometimes after years into my Christian journey?

      *How will my spiritual life touch the rest of my life?

      *What is it that is set so deeply in my heart, that will not leave me alone?

      *When did I stop listening to God’s leading?

      The Sacred Romance is a journey of the heart. It is a journey full of intimacy, adventure, and beauty that will guide you to your fondest memories, greatest loves, noblest achievements, and even deepest hurts. But the reward is worth the risk as you enter into God’s story and accept His invitation to experience His unfathomable love.

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    • Unlimited Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Why limit the only power that’s capable of doing far and above all that we could ever think or imagine?

      After finishing this study guide, I will have the tools I need to repair my relationship, cure my cowardice, and pursue my purpose with the Holy Spirit.

      Based on Benny Tate’s inspiring book, Unlimited, this six-week study guide takes readers on a profound exploration of the Holy Spirit’s role in their lives. Complete with companion videos, this resource will help readers deepen their understanding of the Holy Spirit, develop a more vibrant relationship with Him, and walk in His transformative power.

      In this study guide, readers will discover how the Holy Spirit:

      *can change in their relationships, self-esteem, purpose, and overall direction in life.
      *guides them through adversity and gives victory in spiritual warfare.
      *equips and directs His people, impacting their daily decisions and strengthening them to fulfill their unique calling

      This isn’t just another Bible study–it’s a pathway to unlocking the fullness of life through a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit. With real-life applications, practical examples, and scriptural insights, readers will learn to put theory into practice as they discover what can happen when they embrace the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit.,

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    • Reclaiming Quiet : Cultivating A Life Of Holy Attention


      In a noisy world, the cultivation of quiet may feel like a luxury you do not have. But it is also vital to your spiritual life. When we spend our days distracted by social media, news, entertainment, and jam-packed schedules, we make it nearly impossible to experience the kind of thought life that allows us to grow into the people God created us to be–to become more and more like Jesus. We’re too busy and distracted to notice the people and situations God has placed in our path for our spiritual benefit.

      Reclaiming Quiet is your invitation to discover the profound joy of resisting our cultural obsession with distraction and instead cultivating a life of holy attention. With practical strategies to add stillness, listening, and rest into your daily rhythms, this book shows you how to:

      – care for your inner life
      – listen to the voice of God in the everyday
      – stay grounded in the now while looking with hope and expectation to the future

      You’re more than a viewer, a user, or a consumer. You are a child of God, a recipient of his grace, a disciple who is seeking to follow him more closely. It’s time to reclaim all that. It’s time to seek out some holy quiet.

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    • Beyond Our Control


      Realizing how little control we have over our lives can make us fearful and anxious–or it can lead to greater intimacy with God, a richer prayer life, and a joyful eternal perspective.

      Seasons of grief, pain, and loss of control are inevitable. Despite our best efforts and steadfast faith, reality rarely matches our expectations. In an unpredictable and broken world, how do we cling to a foundation that provides purpose for today and hope for the future?

      In their new book, Beyond Our Control, Michael and Lauren McAfee show us how trusting God brings greater contentment than the illusion of control. With deep and abiding faith, the McAfees draw on their experiences with adoption, infertility, illness, and loss to help readers navigate unexpected circumstances. Offering biblical insights and their powerful story of pain and providence, Michael and Lauren know that no matter what happens–to their family, work, or ministry–everything is as it should be because God is in control, and he is good.

      The McAfees help us:

      *recognize the illusion of control and how it leads to greater anxiety;

      *understand why glorifying God is the richest expectation we can have for our lives;

      *realize that Jesus’ pain on the cross brings hope and healing to the pain we experience now;

      *practice the profoundly comforting spiritual discipline of lament, which makes room for us to process grief; and

      *use times of loss to make more room for God’s work of growing and sanctifying us.

      If you struggle to embrace the life you have rather than the life you wanted, this book invites you to find a deeper peace in God than you could have imagined.

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    • Million Little Miracles Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this companion study guide to Mark Batterson’s A Million Little Miracles, the New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day helps us take note of the many ways God is constantly moving in our midst, revealing his greatness, and reminding us of his goodness.

      Never experienced a miracle? You have never not. In fact, you are one!

      You have never gone a day without a miracle, and you never will. Are you taking miracles for granted, or are you taking them for gratitude? The answer to that question is the difference between the mundane and the miraculous.

      In A Million Little Miracles Study Guide, New York Times bestselling author Mark Batterson helps awaken you to life’s everyday miracles, and more importantly, the God of miracles. You’ll rediscover the God who is bigger than big, closer than close, and gooder than good.

      You can explore the big ideas of each chapter through a four-step process:

      1. Start with a Miracle-focus on how the miraculous points us to God
      2. Study the Words-dig deeper into the core themes of each chapter
      3. Study God’s Word-unpack key ideas through related verses and questions
      4. Carpe Wonder-recapture childlike wonder and apply the content to your everyday life

      Ideal for small groups or personal study, this nine-session participant guide based on Mark Batterson’s book will cultivate a holy curiosity for the millions of little miracles hiding in plain sight.

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    • Million Little Miracles


      Think you’ve never experienced a miracle? The New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day reminds us of the millions of miracles God performs every day and inspires us to live with a clearer sense of identity and purpose.

      In our age of instant access to information, we are in danger of losing our grip on our most ancient emotion-childlike wonder. We need to cultivate a holy curiosity. For what? For everything! Too many of us are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we end up worshiping a god who looks like us, thinks like us, and votes like us. As a result of our impoverished view of God, most of us are only living at half capacity-we let anxiety keep us from purusing our dreams because we can’t see that God is far bigger than our biggest problems and close enough to help.

      In response, Mark Batterson invites us to consider the miraculous work of God going on around us every day. He highlights three aspects of God that we take for granted. God is:

      *Bigger than we think: our complex, interconnected universe speaks to God’s vastness. Mark Batterson shows us how to dream bigger and live more confidently in light of God’s immense power.

      *Closer than we realize: God is not only bigger than your biggest problems, he is close enough to help you face them. This book will help you take inventory of what’s holding you back and a live with a greater awareness of God’s empowering presence.

      *Better than we can imagine: the millions of miracles all around us speak not only to God’s power but also to his love which equips us to live out the dreams he has given us.

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    • Sacred Romance Workbook Updated Edition (Workbook)


      The voice catches us off guard, whether in the middle of the day or the dead of night. It is the voice of God, wooing our hearts with words that seem too good to be true. Listen to me–there is something missing. You long to be in a love affair, a great adventure. You were made for more. You know it.

      Yet another voice, often louder, competes for our attention. The Message of the Arrows has assaulted us since childhood. The enemy knows if he can get us to lose heart, we will lose everything. How are we to make sense of these terribly opposed messages?

      The Sacred Romance pulls the curtain back on the cosmic drama that God’s been weaving since before time began. In this updated companion to the book, you will discover:

      *How your current life is far too safe compared to the larger story God has for you;
      *How to know God as the Great Romancer and embrace his love for you;
      *How the enemy tries to destroy you through the Message of the Arrows; and
      *How to enter into and remain in the Sacred Romance with Jesus.

      The Sacred Romance Workbook is a guided journey filled with questions, exercises, journaling ideas, and explorations of the arts that will lead you into the very heart of God.

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    • Legends Die Young


      Every martyr had surrendered long before their ultimate sacrifice, death.

      This book will help me to grow in faith and strengthen my understanding of all that God is. I will watch as God patches up the wounds of my heart so that I can step fully into the calling and all the plans that He has for my life.

      Legends Die Young unveils the journey every believer embarks on-a battle against forces seeking to separate them from their faith in Jesus. In an era marked by deconstruction and great offense, where the timeless solution lies in the essence of discipleship, this book isn’t just a collection of narratives; it’s a repository of practical wisdom and contemporary tales featuring modern legends in the Christian faith who selflessly sacrificed themselves to ensure the longevity of their faith. It echoes a truth: every martyr had surrendered long before their ultimate sacrifice, death.

      Many books teach you to be a better you; few teach you to lay your life down. Within these pages, readers will explore transcending bitterness, betrayal, and unforgiveness, as well as navigating through the storms of hardship with grace and mercy as our guiding lights. Whether readers are shepherding a small group or leading stadiums, this book underscores the essence of nurturing their heart’s core and fostering an unwavering connection with God-a connection resilient against the cunning schemes of the devil, ensuring a life marked by resounding victory.

      This book aspires to penetrate the very essence of a believer’s soul, igniting in them an unshakable and triumphant faith in Jesus. It’s crafted to profoundly impact readers, equipping them with tangible tools to overcome challenges, accompanied by real-life narratives of individuals who have traversed similar paths.

      “Potential prodigals will never have to eat with pigs if their faith in Jesus is strengthened and they simply can see light at the end of the tunnel of whatever season they are in.” -Brian Barcelona

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    • Reclaiming Quiet : Cultivating A Life Of Holy Attention


      In a noisy world, the cultivation of quiet may feel like a luxury you do not have. But it is also vital to your spiritual life. When we spend our days distracted by social media, news, entertainment, and jam-packed schedules, we make it nearly impossible to experience the kind of thought life that allows us to grow into the people God created us to be–to become more and more like Jesus. We’re too busy and distracted to notice the people and situations God has placed in our path for our spiritual benefit.

      Reclaiming Quiet is your invitation to discover the profound joy of resisting our cultural obsession with distraction and instead cultivating a life of holy attention. With practical strategies to add stillness, listening, and rest into your daily rhythms, this book shows you how to:

      – care for your inner life
      – listen to the voice of God in the everyday
      – stay grounded in the now while looking with hope and expectation to the future

      You’re more than a viewer, a user, or a consumer. You are a child of God, a recipient of his grace, a disciple who is seeking to follow him more closely. It’s time to reclaim all that. It’s time to seek out some holy quiet.

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    • Psalms In An Age Of Distraction


      The psalms endure. Throughout the centuries, Christians have read, prayed, and sung this rich collection of poems. But in our current age of distraction, the daily rhythms of modern life revolve more around screens than biblical texts.

      This book argues that the psalms are poetry for the soul, poetry that shapes us. Beyond highlighting the poetry of the Psalter, the book attends to the theological freight of these poems. As such, we learn to read Scripture more attentively and love God and the world well. The first part of the book explores how we can read the psalms amid the pull of modern distractions. The second part moves psalm by psalm, showing what these poems can teach us about living in a more focused, attentive way.

      This engaging book demonstrates how our thoughts, emotions, and worship of the triune God are sharpened and deepened through the psalms. In an era of dimly lit faces and multitasking, the poetry of Psalms remains ready to train our ears, steady our hearts, and teach us to pray so that we might flourish in Christ. The book includes a foreword by Elizabeth Robar.

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    • Your Jesus Is Too American


      The American church faces a discipleship crisis. Instead of following the values of Jesus, many Christians are chasing after what our culture prizes: power, money, and political influence.

      In Your Jesus Is Too American, Baptist pastor Steve Bezner invites Christians to rediscover what Jesus treasured and incorporate those kingdom values into the church’s witness.

      With a pastoral voice, Bezner shares the lessons he has been teaching in his church community for 11 years–humble service rather than worldly success, healing relationships across religious and ethnic divides, repairing harm against marginalized groups, giving generously, and providing a political witness rooted in the local church. Bezner shows that Jesus’s vision of discipleship points the way toward a different way of being in the world.

      The book offers a welcome perspective for church leaders and congregants alike who are frustrated with the way many churches pursue values that are not in line with Jesus’s teachings and are worried about the American church’s credibility crisis. It includes a foreword by Beth Moore.

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    • 12 Habits For A Sound Mind And Joyful Life


      More than 70 percent of young adults are confused about their identity and destiny. Instead of seeking healing, they’re conforming to the devastating whims of culture.

      Offering real hope and a new road map for inner peace–especially when dealing with identity confusion–licensed counselor and author Diane Arnold takes you on a redemptive, truth-filled journey toward wholeness. Through uplifting teaching and practical exercises, she helps you:

      *discover–and accept–the real you
      *pursue your purpose
      *silence shame
      *experience unconditional love and acceptance
      *find joy, think soundly, and live with courage

      The road to lasting healing isn’t found in culture’s ever-changing map. It’s found in the quiet, narrow path of true peace and transformation.

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    • Bake And Pray


      From God’s provision of manna in the wilderness to Jesus’ miraculous multiplication of loaves, bread functions throughout Scripture as a sign of God’s presence and provision.

      Professional baker and practical theologian Kendall Vanderslice has spent a lot of time reflecting on the connection between the dough that clung to her hands at work and the bread blessed and pressed into her palm at church, ultimately seeing that they both were tangible reminders that God was with her and that God cared.

      Weaving baking science and technique together with theological reflections drawn from a wide range of Christian traditions, Kendall will:

      *teach you how to incorporate bread making into the rhythms of your busy life

      *reveal the ins-and-outs of bread baking while unlocking the spiritual parallels woven into each loaf

      *provide breadmaking liturgies and historical recipes to bake through a variety of liturgical
      *holidays and seasons

      *show how to incorporate baking as a form of prayer in our lives.

      As you follow the steps to bake bread-whether you are a lifelong baker or intimidated by the thought of yeast-you will learn something about the character of God and the life of faith. In Bake & Pray, you will get not only a practical understanding of how to bake bread, but also receive a deeper appreciation for the ways God can shape you in the process.

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    • Viviendo Su Voluntad – (Spanish)


      En Vivir Su voluntad, Sebastian Franz aborda con maestria como glorificar a Dios en todo lo que hacemos y somos, como navegar por los ingredientes necesarios para vivir una vida guiada por el Espiritu Santo y como descubrir el proposito primordial de nuestra existencia.

      Cuando hablamos de cumplir y vivir la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas, para muchos se ha vuelto una carga o algo hasta imposible de encontrar, creyendo que, si erramos en la minima decision, nos salimos de la voluntad de Dios y asi perdemos su guia y proteccion. Pero esto no es asi.

      Cuando leemos la Biblia, nos damos cuenta de que la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas se revela explicitamente en las Escrituras: honrar y reflejar Su gloria.

      En este libro, Franz te ayudara a:

      – Comprender el profundo concepto de la gloria de Dios y su relevancia para la humanidad

      – Obtener ideas practicas sobre como aplicar el concepto de vivir para la gloria de Dios en la vida cotidiana;

      – Aprender como cultivar una profunda conexion con Dios puede conducir a la transformacion personal;

      – Reconocer el papel crucial del Espiritu Santo en la comprension, el aprecio y la manifestacion de la gloria de Dios

      En medio de tiempos donde la verdad es subjetiva, la identidad es atacada y la esperanza escasea, es tiempo de volver a vivir vidas para la gloria de Dios, guiadas por Su Espiritu Santo.

      In Living His Will, Sebastian Franz masterfully addresses how to glorify God in all that we do and are, how to navigate the ingredients necessary to live a life guided by the Holy Spirit, and how to discover the primary purpose of our existence.

      When we talk about fulfilling and living God’s will for our lives, for many it has become a burden or something even impossible to find, believing that, if we err in the slightest decision, we fall out of God’s will and thus lose His guidance and protection. But this is not so.

      When we read the Bible, we realize that God’s will for our lives is explicitly revealed in Scripture: to honor and reflect His glory.

      In this book, Franz will help you to:

      – Understand the profound concept of God’s glory and its relevance to humanity.
      – Gain practical insights on how to apply the concept of living for God’s glory in everyday life;
      – Learn how cultivating a deep connection with God can lead to personal transformation;
      – Recognize the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in understanding, appreciating, and manifesting the glory of God.

      In the midst o

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    • Latter Glory Of God Revealed


      Activate the End-Times Dimensions of God’s Glory and Carry His Weighty Presence

      As the end times rage and Jesus’ second coming draws closer, man’s solutions will fail in a world consumed in chaos. Days of crisis demand a remnant who knows how to live saturated in the realm of God’s glory.

      We need to enter these times with greater intensity for God’s glory to accomplish our calling for this hour!

      Bestselling author, apostle, and notable global leader Guillermo Maldonado releases the end-times blueprint to encounter the raw presence of God’s glory and become marked by Him.

      Apostle Maldonado received this specific burden for the end-times remnant of God. This blueprint is not based on theology or theory, but it’s based on the move of God’s glory he experienced while traveling the globe. You can activate a realm of divine encounter, miracles, deliverance and harvest–a weighty presence where the unsaved see the tangible glory of God and ask: “What must I do to become saved?”

      Inside you will discover how to:

      *Live victoriously in turbulent times by being saturated by God’s glory realm.

      *Discern the difference between God’s presence and God’s glory.

      *Experience dimensions of raw supernatural power where miracles happen with no human effort.

      *Host the powerful presence of God in your everyday life–visibly, powerfully, and tangibly.

      Become a carrier of God’s glory-presence into your sphere of influence and supercharge the atmosphere around you with heaven’s power. Like Moses on the mount, your life will be distinctly marked by the glory of God resting upon you!

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    • Mantles Past And Present


      A Journey Into the World of Mantles

      There is an emphasis in the Spirit regarding the subject of mantles in this end-time hour, and many believers in different parts of the Body of Christ are picking up on it. More and more are asking: “What is a mantle? How do they operate? Who gets a mantle, and who doesn’t? Can a mantle be given away at a minister’s discretion? Can I receive a mantle?”

      Throughout the Church, we hear terms such as “mantles,” “impartations,” and “anointings” used freely, yet there often seems to be little clarity on what each term means and how they differ. Thankfully, as God’s people, we have His Word to turn to for answers and the Spirit of Truth within “…who reveals the profound and hidden things…” (Dan. 2:22 NASB)!

      In his book Mantles Past and Present, Roberts Liardon tackles this challenging subject, drawing on his more than 40 years of experience in ministering the Gospel, studying God’s Word, and fulfilling the divine mandate Jesus gave him as a boy to study the lives of God’s generals.

      Roberts states, “…I present this book as my way to put a brick in the wall of understanding mantles. I invite others to please put their bricks on top of mine, and let’s help build a wall of understanding. That way we can all learn, and the next generations can reap the benefit — because the day of mantles has returned. It is here. Mantles are an important part of the last-day revival, and there has to come an understanding that can help move the Church forward in preparation for Jesus’ soon return!”

      So buckle up! It’s time to take a journey into the world of mantles!

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    • Consider The Lilies


      Find freedom from anxiety as you lift your gaze from the problems and pressures of this world to the changeless and powerful character of your heavenly Father.

      Is my cancer back? Is my job secure? Will I ever get married? Are my children safe? Our lives are often a chronicle of trouble, pain, and uncertainty–and God’s children yearn for peace. Many who wrestle with anxiety and despair know that the Bible calls them to “trust God,” but what does that even mean?

      In Consider the Lilies, pastor, podcaster, and speaker Jonny Ardavanis shows us God’s consistent response to those who are worn down by worry and badgered by melancholy: He proclaims His own character. Drawing on that perspective-shifting model, Jonny offers biblical insight on how to ground our thoughts and fix our gaze on who God is.

      Compassionate, biblical, and timely, Consider the Lilies explores:

      *How dwelling on the character of God is the surest pathway to peace
      *The root causes of anxiety and worry in the Bible
      *What the Bible says about the integration of our physical and spiritual lives
      *Why worry grieves God’s heart as our Father

      Consider the Lilies is for those who long for liberation from their anxiety and fear–and desire to deeply know the God they are called and enabled to trust. If you are starved for hope and gasping for peace, consider the character of your heavenly Father, who welcomes all who are anxious, fearful, and melancholy to trust in Him.

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    • Healing Whats Within


      We can’t always control what happens to us. But we can discover how to heal the hidden hurt it leaves behind.

      If you’re like many of us, you carry a weight of buried pain. Despite looking put together on the outside, you feel secretly fractured within. While you appear strong and resilient on the outside, inside a storm brews of all the ways you’ve been hurt or harmed. There’s a constant churn of unprocessed feelings of shame, anger, grief, or loneliness. And your body tells the story of its struggles in a myriad of aches and ailments. Little by little, you find yourself becoming disconnected from who you truly are. Not knowing what to do with your suffering and fearing you’ll be hurt again, you’ve learned to cope, to numb and suppress the ache within.

      It doesn’t have to be this way. In Healing What’s Within, therapist and professor Chuck DeGroat invites you on a compassionate journey inward to return and retune to the life God created you to live. Along the way, you will discover how to:

      *Gently consider and confront what’s keeping you stuck and blocking the path to joy and flourishing

      *Better understand the relationship between your body and your emotions

      *Experience God as a compassionate witness to your trauma-and his unconditional kindness to wherever you find yourself

      *Discover real rest and renewal as you reconnect with God, others, and yourself.

      It’s never too late to start healing. God’s heart is always ready to help you find your way Home.

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    • Scandal Of The Kingdom


      A major new work by Dallas Willard, the highly anticipated follow-up to his seminal work The Divine Conspiracy. In this groundbreaking book based on teachings he delivered to a church community, Willard delves into the transformative power of Jesus’s parables, revealing how they show us how to live right now in the kingdom of God.

      Drawing from his extensive teachings on spiritual formation, Willard illuminates the timeless wisdom contained within each parable, revealing their profound relevance to contemporary life. With clarity and depth, he guides readers through the subversive messages embedded within these seemingly simple stories, urging us to break free from the grip of worldly values and embrace the radical teachings of Jesus.

      The Scandal of the Kingdom is not just a book–it’s a call to action. Willard challenges readers to move beyond passive acceptance of comfortable dogmas and instead to actively engage with the values of the kingdom of God. He reminds us that the kingdom is not some distant future destination but a present reality, beckoning us, as the parables of Jesus did, to live with a new purpose and intentionality in the here and now.

      Through insightful analysis and practical wisdom, Willard empowers readers to transform their lives and communities by embodying the radical love, compassion, and justice exemplified in Jesus’s parables. This book is a beacon of hope for Christians seeking to deepen their faith and live more authentically in accordance with the teachings of Christ. Willard empowers us to:

      *Become more passionate about living the gospel in the full scope of Jesus’s vision for us
      *Better share the faith of Jesus with those disillusioned with Christianity
      *Unlock the excitement of living in the upside-down kingdom of God
      *Share the gospel of Jesus in the way he did

      A significant new resource for Christians worldwide, this book offers a road map for spiritual growth and renewal in an increasingly complex and challenging world. With its profound insights and transformative message, it is destined to leave a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of believers everywhere.

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    • Well Lived : Shaping A Legacy Of Gratitude And Grace – Reflections From Oxf


      Write a Beautiful Story with Your Life

      You are invited to embark on a journey toward greater service, lasting significance, and wholehearted delight–a life truly well lived!

      In this transformative journey through heartfelt reflections and breathtaking photos, bestselling author Sally Clarkson explores how God’s astounding grace empowers you to lead a joyful life loving and encouraging others. Drawing from her time in Oxford and years in ministry, she offers wisdom on the topics of discipleship, family, hospitality, and cultivating joy that will inspire you to invite God more fully into your own story.

      Wherever you are in your life’s journey, Sally’s encouraging insights will call you to deeper faith and guide you toward a life filled with direction, meaning, courage, and contentment.

      “Our way to this fruitful, flourishing, well-lived life comes when
      we willingly accept the mantle of devotion with a servant’s heart full of love for Him–
      creating beauty again and again, loving, forgiving, sacrificing,
      pouring our lives out to bring light and redemption to our world every day.”

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    • Weekly Rest Project


      Step into a place of rest to restore your weary soul and your anxious mind.

      When was the last time you truly felt rested in your body and in your soul? Do you long to step away from your worries and overwhelm and let God restore your soul? Rest is one of God’s greatest gifts. The Weekly Rest Project is a guided journal that offers mindful reflections and inviting questions to guide you back into a rhythm of life-giving rest with God. With beautifully illustrated journaling pages, you can make space for rest and find God’s restorative peace all year long.

      Each week includes:

      *A biblical theme to focus on–including rhythms of rest, Sabbath, prayer, sleep, and joyful play

      *A powerful Bible verse to help you reflect and meditate

      *Journaling prompts and space to respond–to help you honestly take stock of the role rest plays in your life and allow you space to work through hurry, overwhelm, and chaos to find rest

      This 12-month journal:

      *Showcases beautiful photography and calming colors to help you enter a place of rest and reflection

      *Has a ribbon marker so you never lose your place

      *Is perfect for a self-purchase, quiet time, or Bible study groups

      *Makes a wonderful gift for birthdays, holidays, or when you can sense a friend or family member is weary and in need of encouragement and rest.

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    • Living In Wonder


      The West has become “disenchanted”–closed to the idea that the universe contains the supernatural, the metaphysical, or the non-material. Christianity is in crisis. People today are leaving the Church because faith has become dry and lifeless. But people aren’t leaving faith for atheism. They are still searching for the divine, and it might just be right under their noses.

      In Living in Wonder, thought leader, cultural critic, and New York Times bestselling author Rod Dreher shows you how to encounter and embrace wonder in the world. In his trademark mixture of analysis, reporting, and personal story, Dreher brings together history, cultural anthropology, neuroscience, and the ancient Church to show you–no matter your religious affiliation–how to reconnect with the natural world and the Great Tradition of Christianity so you can relate to the world with more depth and connection.

      He shares stories of miracles, rumors of angels, and outbreaks of awe to offer hope, as well as a guide for discerning and defending the truth in a confusing and spiritually dark culture, full of contemporary spiritual deceptions and tempting counterfeit spiritualities.

      The world is not what we think it is. It is far more mysterious, exciting, connected, and adventurous. As you learn practical ways to regain a sense of wonder and awaken your sense of God’s presence–through prayer, attention, and living by spiritual disciplines–your eyes will be opened, and you will find the very thing every one of us searches for: our ultimate meaning.

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    • God Has A Name


      What you believe about God sets the foundation of the person you will become.

      In God Has a Name, pastor and New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer invites you to rethink many of the prevalent myths and misconceptions about God and weigh them against what God actually tells us about himself. After all, what you believe about God will ultimately shape the type of person you become.

      We all live at the mercy of our ideas, and nowhere is this more true than our ideas about God. The problem is many of our ideas about God are wrong. Not all wrong, but wrong enough to form our souls in detrimental and disheartening ways.

      God Has a Name is a simple yet profound guide to understanding God in a new light–focusing on what God says about himself in the Bible. This one shift has the potential to radically alter how you relate to God, not as a doctrine, but as a relational being who responds to you in an elastic, back-and-forth way.

      John Mark Comer takes you line by line through Exodus 34:6-8–Yahweh’s self-revelation on Mount Sinai, one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. Along the way, Comer addresses some of the most profound questions he came across as he studied these noted lines in Exodus, including:

      *Why do we feel this gap between us and God?

      *Could it be that a lot of what we think about God is wrong? Not all wrong, but wrong enough to mess up how we relate to him?

      *What if our “God” is really a projection of our own identity, ideas, and desires?

      *What if the real God is different, but far better than we could ever imagine?

      No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, God Has a Name invites you to step into a fresh and biblically rooted vision of who God is that has the potential to alter your life with God and shape who you become.

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    • Created To Hear God Journal


      Discover how God uniquely speaks to you and journal through your spiritual journey with pastor and Truth to Table founder Havilah Cunnington.

      Prepare for a spiritual adventure. This guided journal companion to the popular book, Created to Hear God, gives you the tools and space to pay attention to how God speaks to you. Join author and pastor Havilah Cunnington in exploring these life-changing questions:

      *What prophetic personality am I–Hearer, Seer, Feeler, or Knower?
      *How do I develop that personality in my everyday life?
      *In light of who God created me to be, what provisions will best sustain me on my spiritual journey.

      Prayers, scriptures, insights from Havilah, and thoughtful questions help you apply the rich biblical truths from Created to Hear God to your life today. More than a journal, this beautiful book will become a record of your spiritual transformation as you process your wonderings and your fears, the lies you’ve believed and the truths you want to embrace, and the many ways you discover how you were created to hear God.

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    • Shine Your Light


      The greatness of God cannot be contained in mere words. It must be shared through the light He’s given each of us.

      Pastor Joakim Lundqvist beckons readers to embrace their divine purpose and radiate God’s love like never before. Renowned for his storytelling, Lundqvist weaves captivating tales of biblical and historical figures–as well as present-day saints–who dared to shine their light in unique ways, leaving an indelible mark on their eras.

      Shine Your Light challenges you to discover the unique ways you are gifted to radiate God’s love. Are you an Apricot Soft Light Bulb, an Oven Light Bulb, a Crystal Light Bulb, a Party Lamp, or perhaps even a Weird Light Bulb? No matter how God wired you, He created you to shine His light to the world!

      Throughout this inspired guide, you will:

      *Break free from doubt
      *Gain confidence to embrace your unique light
      *Make a lasting difference for Jesus, right here and now

      Uncover the joy and fulfillment that come from understanding your profound purpose and the unique, needed light God has placed within you to transform the world!

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    • I Want To Trust You But I Dont


      New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shows you what to do with your skepticism and distrust so you can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.

      Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it’s also what trips you up after you’ve been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You’re exhausted by other people’s choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you’re wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

      How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it’s not simply about finding better people to walk with. It’s about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don’t become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship. In I Want to Trust You, But I Don’t, Lysa shows you how to:

      *identify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you can pinpoint why you’re feeling uneasy;

      *stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you by asking crucial what if questions to better process your doubts;

      *recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for rebuilding trust; and

      *understand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the betrayals you’ve experienced and start healing from the inside out.

      In a world where so many things feel alarming, this book will give you a peace that isn’t dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

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    • World Of The End


      Now available in trade paper!

      A Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller

      In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope now more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

      Our world is packed with lies and loss of trust. Wars and rumors of war. Devastation and disaster. Pressure and persecution. Lawlessness and lovelessness. Some days it seems like bad news all around. And with bad news comes questions: “Why is this happening? When will it stop? What can we do?” And perhaps the most pressing of all: “Is this the end?”

      In these hope-filled pages, bestselling author, pastor, and respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah focuses our attention not on the problems at hand, but on the hand of God. That’s because Jesus Himself told us what to expect from this season of history when He delivered His Olivet Discourse-a significant sermon that scholars have called “the most important single passage of prophecy in all the Bible.”

      In The World of the End, learn how:

      *The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

      *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

      *The gospels contain the comfort you need to trust that God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

      With his trademark clarity, Dr. Jeremiah reveals exactly what Jesus promised to us-and what He expects of us-as we approach the World of the End.

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    • How The Light Shines Through


      Sad, frustrated, confused, even angry, many Christians struggle today to understand their role in a world that seems so different from what they had been used to. Social and cultural challenges in today’s society has left them feeling ill-equipped.

      How the Light Shines Through will comfort and encourage readers with those feelings, reminding them that they can confidently lean on the elements of the Christian tradition to find their way.

      Written and organized in three sections, How the Light Shines Through:

      *Offers a selected history of how society got to this point and acknowledges the struggle and frustration many Christians feel in the face of a changing culture.

      *Defines three main concerns of our secular age and how they appear in the lives of people around us.

      *Builds on that foundation, and offers strategies for living faithfully as the Church in our modern context, including chapters on evangelism, bridging relational gaps, and overcoming the idol of identity

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    • What About Me Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      With this study guide companion to the book What About Me?, you can experience the true satisfaction and power of living unselfishly with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

      As we go about our daily lives, there is a little voice in our minds that’s always asking, “What about me?” Maybe your voice says, “When is it my turn to be noticed at work?” or “When will someone in this family do something for me?” That voice may be whispering to you about your finances, your job, or your friends, but it is always encouraging you to think about something you don’t have. And sadly, social media and culture in general lead us to focus on this world’s concept of happiness and success-but does it work?

      Could you be sabotaging your own success? What could you do to get out of your own way? And most importantly, what is God’s definition of success? The Bible tells us over and over that the true source of purpose and happiness is a life focused on God and serving others. Instead of asking when it will be our turn to get a raise, be recognized, or finally make it big, it’s time to discover there are more important things on which we should be focusing.

      By walking in this path, we will have more joy, satisfaction, and a closer relationship with God than we could ever imagine!

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    • Run Over By The Grace Train


      Grace is at the center of the Christian faith, and yet it’s so often misunderstood, abused, and misrepresented. This book explores what happens when the incomparable power of God’s grace meets our deepest needs.

      Grace is one of the most important concepts in Christianity, and it’s also one of the most misunderstood, misapplied, and most abused. Run Over By the Grace Train explores the topic of grace: what it is, how we receive it, and how it changes absolutely everything about us. In this deep, spiritually rich book, Joby Martin offers nine key lessons central to understanding God’s grace as the central theme of the Christian life. Joby helps readers dig deep into scripture and understand that we are saved by grace alone, grace can’t be lost, grace does not condemn, and the sinner and the saint both need God’s powerful grace in equal measures.

      Deep, rich, and life-changing, this book written in Joby’s characteristic straight-talk, wry style that entertains as it teaches. Run Over by the Grace Train is an ultimately encouraging, inspiring, and fulfilling look at the power of God’s grace.

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    • Y Que Hay De Mi – (Spanish)


      Experimenta la verdadera satisfaccion y el poder de una vida desinteresada con la autora de exitos de ventas del New York Times y reconocida maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer.

      A medida que avanzamos en nuestro diario vivir, existe una vocecita en nuestra mente que siempre cuestiona: “Y que hay de mi?”. Tal vez algo como: “Cuando llegara mi turno de que me tomen en cuenta en el trabajo?” o “Cuando alguien de esta familia hara algo por mi?”. Esa voz puede estar susurrandote sobre tus finanzas, tu trabajo o tus amigos, pero siempre te anima a pensar en algo que no tienes. Y, lamentablemente, las redes sociales y la cultura en general nos llevan a centrarnos en el concepto de felicidad y exito de este mundo, pero funciona?

      Podrias estar saboteando tu propia alegria, tu proposito, tu exito? Que podrias hacer para salir de tu propio camino? Y lo mas importante, cual es la definicion de exito de Dios? La Biblia nos dice, una y otra vez, que la verdadera fuente de significado y felicidad es una vida centrada en Dios y en servir a los demas. En lugar de preguntarnos cuando sera nuestro turno de conseguir un aumento, ser reconocidos o finalmente triunfar, es hora de descubrir la fuente de la felicidad y la satisfaccion verdaderas y duraderas.

      !Al transitar por esta ruta, tendremos mayor gozo y una relacion mas cercana con Dios de lo que jamas podriamos imaginar!

      Experience the true satisfaction and power of living unselfishly with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

      As we go about our daily lives, there is a little voice in our minds that’s always asking, “What about me?” Maybe your voice says, “When is it my turn to be noticed at work?” or “When will someone in this family do something for me?” That voice may be whispering to you about your finances, your job, or your friends, but it is always encouraging you to think about something you don’t have. And sadly, social media and culture in general lead us to focus on this world’s concept of happiness and success–but does it work?

      Could you be sabotaging your own joy, your purpose, your success? What could you do to get out of your own way? And most importantly, what is God’s definition of success? The Bible tells us over and over that the true source of meaning and happiness is a life focused on God and on serving others. Instead of asking when it will be our turn to get a raise, be recognized, or finally make it big, it’s time to discover the source of tru

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    • Tethered To The Cross


      Tethered to the Cross unveils the deeply rooted philosophy of the “Price of Preachers Charles H. Spurgeon. For nearly forty years, Spurgeon commanded the pulpit at London’s bustling Metropolitan Tabernacle, where his sermons became legendary. But what made his scriptural insights so transformational? The renowned theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier takes us on an enlightening exploration of Spurgeon’s profound interpretative technique. Breimaier reveals how Spurgeon, with unwavering focus, read every passage of Scripture through the lens of the cross of Christ. This cross-centered approach was not merely a method but a mission-a passionate crusade to convert unbelievers through the power of the gospel. With Breimaier as our insightful guide, we are invited to experience the enduring impact of Spurgeon’s teachings, learning how to anchor our own understanding of Scripture in the life-changing power of the cross.

      Spurgeon’s commitment to preaching Christ and Him crucified extended beyond the walls of his church making his life a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of Christianity’s central message. Through Tethered to the Cross, we are inspired to pursue a similar depth of conviction, influencing your community with the same passion and purpose that characterized Spurgeon’s ministry.

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    • I Think I Think


      Deep study of the Word and a gift for bringing lofty concepts down to where the Christian life is really lived are what fueled the preaching and writing of Rev. Reuben Welch for decades. His tenure at what is now Point Loma Nazarene University as both professor and chaplain was incredibly formative for the thousands who sat under his teaching. Welch was sought after as a speaker for college and church revivals, retreats, and conferences throughout the United States. His messages blew a breath of fresh air into the Church of the Nazarene in the 1970s and early ’80s, the impact of which cannot be measured.

      The first section of this volume contains ten previously unpublished sermons, including “He Didn’t Have to Survive” and “Stuff That’s Great from Romans 8.” The second section reprints six sermons from 2 Timothy, first preached at what came to be known as “Reuben’s Rock” in Estes Park, Colorado. All are vintage Reuben. His deep insights, humor, and passion to help us live with joy in the tension of the already-but-not-yet kingdom of God make these sermons both timeless and timely.

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    • What About Me


      Experience the true satisfaction and power of living unselfishly with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

      As we go about our daily lives, there is a little voice in our minds that’s always asking, “What about me?” Maybe your voice says, “When is it my turn to be noticed at work?” or “When will someone in this family do something for me?” That voice may be whispering to you about your finances, your job, or your friends, but it is always encouraging you to think about something you don’t have. And sadly, social media and culture in general lead us to focus on this world’s concept of happiness and success-but does it work?

      Could you be sabotaging your own joy, your purpose, your success? What could you do to get out of your own way? And most importantly, what is God’s definition of success? The Bible tells us over and over that the true source of meaning and happiness is a life focused on God and on serving others. Instead of asking when it will be our turn to get a raise, be recognized, or finally make it big, it’s time to discover the source of true and lasting of happiness and satisfaction.

      By walking in this path, we will have more joy and a closer relationship with God than we could ever imagine!

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    • Soul Care : *Find Life-Giving Rhythms -Live Restored – Avoid Burnout – Disc


      How Full Do You Feel?

      In our fast-paced culture plagued with burnout, stress, and chronic fatigue, we often find that we’re functioning out of emptiness. What would it be like to experience a fullness in our life that was truly lasting and regenerative?

      In Soul Care, licensed counselor Debra Fileta shows you how Jesus’ own life rhythms can guide you to true health and rest, teaching you how to live full rather than empty. Rooted in Scripture and expertly informed by clinical psychology, Soul Care identifies six life-giving practices from the life of Jesus that address your whole person–mind, body, and spirit. As you are guided toward your own practice of biblical self-care, you will learn how:

      *the Bible responds to common myths about soul care
      *a lack of soul care impacts your relationships, ministries, and careers
      *to recognize the signs and signals of burnout and respond proactively with practical solutions

      Empty people cannot fill up others. As you learn to be filled as Jesus was by intentional rhythms and practices, you will experience renewed energy, motivation, and strength to serve others as you never have before!

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    • Learning To Be Loved


      Are you feeling spiritually stuck? Release that frustration and discover a more natural way to relate to God in this biblically grounded, transformative book about how our passionate and creative God offers us gateways–that are already in our lives–to draw us closer to him.

      What if intimacy with God doesn’t begin with us knocking at God’s door but with God knocking down ours? In Learning to Be Loved, author and Spoken Gospel CEO David Bowden and Hobby Lobby’s Mart Green remind us that spiritual growth starts not with our giving but with our receiving.

      This unique and freeing invitation to respond to God’s initiative explores:

      *Common misconceptions that can hold back our spiritual growth

      *Practical “doors”–such as dreams, wounds, and generosity–that are already in your life as ways for you to organically connect with God according to how he has made you

      *A vision of the Christian life that isn’t about doing the right things but learning how receiving God’s love moves us toward the right things

      *Practices to help you partner with God in living your own spiritual story rather than always comparing yourself to other people

      Combining David’s careful study and poetic voice with Mart’s decades of wisdom about the simplicity of a life lived toward God, Learning to Be Loved unites biblical rigor and personal experience to show that intimacy with God isn’t based on our ability to connect with him–but on all the ways he is constantly connecting with us.

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    • Revering God : How To Marvel At Your Maker


      Discover profound insight into God’s attributes and learn practical ways to live a God-centered life that bridges the gap between abstract theology and awe-inspiring devotion.

      The chief reason we exist is to glorify and enjoy God. But for many, God remains a vague cloud of cosmic kindness, a super-sized projection of ourselves into the sky, or an impossible-to-please killjoy. Who is God, really? Who is this being we should thank for our next breath?

      Written in the great tradition of classic discipleship works like A. W. Tozer’s The Pursuit of God, J.I. Packer’s Knowing God, and R.C. Sproul’s The Holiness of God, this discipleship guide stands out as our generation’s invitation to good theology that yields profound, reverent, God-centered living.

      Bestselling author of Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth invites you live a more theologically robust and biblical life as you learn how art, cinema, music, philosophy, psychology, apologetics, church history, and most importantly Scripture, can deepen your understanding and enjoyment of God.

      This book is perfect for those who:

      *Are looking to deepen their faith and understanding of theology.
      *Feel that their grasp of theology has weakened their pure enjoyment of God.
      *Want to rise to the call of selfless discipleship amid the moral chaos of our world.

      Throughout the book, you’ll find stories from brilliant living theologians and leaders, including Joni Eareckson-Tada, Michael Horton, John Perkins, Fred Sanders, each sharing how a particular divine attribute has impacted their personal lives.

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    • Journey To Biblical Masculinity


      As culture attacks men, marriages, and families, the Church has failed to empower men to connect courageously and consistently with the story God wants to write with them.

      Looking to Jesus as the model, Jake Hamiliton casts a fresh vision of Spirit-empowered masculinity that calls men to be who they were created to be. Diving into Scripture, ancient traditions, and the mythological story of Parzival, Jake reveals 12 time-tested pathways God uses to train you to:

      *own the radical responsibility God’s placed on you, no matter the cost
      *use your unique perspectives and personality to fight the evil around you
      *hold your ground with confidence, courage, and conviction
      *no longer be sidelined by shame, addiction, depression, and disconnection
      *live with purpose, clarity, integrity, and boldness

      Biblical masculinity is not toxic. It is modeled in the life of Jesus Christ. It’s what our world needs. It’s time for real heroes to rise up, stand with humble strength, and fight against all odds for your identity, marriage, children, and the Kingdom.

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    • Bring It Out


      There has never been another you. There never will be another you. This means that your Creator has put things in you that he hasn’t put in anyone else. The principles shared in Bring It Out will show you how to take inventory of the gifts, callings, and potential inside of you; clarify the vision of your life; and turn your God-given dreams into reality. Bring It Out helps you:

      *understand that who you are matters even more than what you do
      *know why you’re doing what you’re doing
      *walk away from the familiar to embrace the future
      *stop playing the comparison game
      *find the significance you long for
      *slow down so your soul can catch up to your life
      *embrace front-end pain rather than live with back-end regret
      *and much more

      A different and better future is waiting for you–waiting in you. Are you ready to bring it out?

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    • Fullest Possible Love


      A new and age-old way of practicing the Christian faith.

      What does Wesleyan theology and the Methodist way of life have to do with Benedictine ideas and practices? Renowned teacher Paul W. Chilcote reveals surprising and profound similarities and overlaps in the practices and theological convictions of these two Christian streams. Chilcote is a United Methodist scholar, elder, and serves as a Benedictine oblate. He writes from his own spiritual life, offering a gift to readers who are interested in Methodism and mysticism. Chilcote teaches a remarkable approach to spiritual practice; it is a new and age-old way of practicing our faith.

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    • Count Me In


      Today’s students are constantly pulled toward a life of confusion and half-baked beliefs. But Jesus Christ is calling them to something greater than anything this world can offer. He offers eternal life that includes a living relationship with God, a radical commitment to truth, and a life of love, compassion, and purpose. A radical life that counts now and in eternity.

      Count Me In walks students through the entire Gospel of Luke and Jesus’s bold invitation to follow Him daily, obey Him faithfully, and trust Him completely. Each of the eight chapters focuses on an important element of discipleship, from studying Scripture to sharing Jesus with others. Students will be challenged with:

      * Do I value the right relationships?
      * Do I have a healthy perspective of my earthly stuff?
      * Do I let temptation and sin block my spiritual growth?
      * Do I have a plan to keep my life intentionally grounded in Christ?

      Including reflection questions and discussion guides, this book can easily work for solo readers or group studies. Students should feel inspired to take on a deeper study of Scripture and challenged to take Christ’s call of discipleship seriously in their own lives.

      Jesus chose young followers in the first century and invites today’s generation of young people to follow Him now. To know Him, love Him, and make Him known. To surrender and put Him first in every area. To be a part of His message and His mission to the nations. Count Me In will engage students to hear the amazing call of Jesus and to boldly live out their faith every day.

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    • Devoted To Jesus


      Jesus started His ministry saying, “Come, follow Me,” and finished it by saying, “Go, make disciples.”

      Between these two challenges, His followers learned they could trust Him completely with every area of their lives.

      From the writing team behind The Love Dare and The Battle Plan for Prayer, and the movie producers of The Forge and War Room, comes an exciting new resource for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and become an on-fire, all-in follower of Jesus.

      Have you ever been personally discipled? Do you desire to walk closer to Jesus but wish someone would show you how? How can your faith become a thriving relationship instead of a religious duty? What are the keys to assurance of salvation, abiding in Christ, praying effectively, overcoming trials, and deeply loving others?

      Packed with 52 topical chapters-ideal for reading daily or weekly-and presented with refreshing clarity, Devoted to Jesus is designed to help both new and mature believers grow together. This is a journey you’ll first want to experience yourself and then utilize to invest into others.

      They first learned to be His disciples, then helped others as disciple-makers. . . and so can you.

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    • Pursuit Of Christian Maturity


      In today’s world of shallow pursuits, surface-level social media, and frivolous vanities, too many Christians are distracted from what really counts: a passionate pursuit of Christ. Because of that, the enemy controls us, keeping us and the Church at large from being everything God wants us to be.

      In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A.W. Tozer dives deep into a favorite topic: growing in Christ. With passion and biblical wisdom he equips you to:

      *ignite a true desire for Christ
      *overcome hindrances to your Christian development
      *implement life-giving disciplines
      *grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ

      The deeper you mature in Christ, the less this shallow world can ensnare you. And the more you–and the Church–will truly flourish.

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    • Adore : A Simple Practice For Experiencing God In The Middle Minutes Of You


      A simple, soul-nourishing practice for engaging with God in the middle minutes of your day.

      None of us signed up for a conventional experience with the unconventional God, yet too often the spiritual life can become routine, or dare we say it, even boring.

      For anyone who longs to experience God in the thick of life’s demands, Sara Hagerty’s Adore gives us all permission to admit, I barely know You, God. This honest admission is the first step closer to this familiar stranger. You’ll learn the simple practice of adoration–of starting where you are, and letting the grit of your day greet the beauty of God’s presence.

      Adoration is for the off moments and middle minutes. It’s there for you when you feel rushed at 7:37 a.m. It’s there when you feel overcrowded by your kids or coworkers at 12:17 p.m. It’s there when you feel stuck and frustrated at 5:53 p.m. Adoration is the place where we put how we feel in front of God’s Word and watch what happens to our insides. It’s what you were made for.

      Join Sara in this soul-stirring journey through thirty attributes of God that will help you hone the habit of adoration and see God with fresh eyes. Experience a new way of engaging with God in your everyday. Adore will show you how.

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    • 1 Peter : Surprised By The Church Jesus Is Building


      This book helps followers of Jesus see themselves as Jesus sees them–people indwelled with his Spirit being built up to impact the world. You will move beyond education and knowing things about Jesus to spiritual awakening and transformation through daily immersion in Scripture. J. D. encourages reading the Bible with others and to put spiritual insights into action.

      Daily Seeds 1 Peter includes:

      *48 daily readings from 1 Peter
      *Substantive insights from 1 Peter and a deeper reflection on its meaning
      *Prayers to deepen the influence of Scripture in your life
      *Questions that encourage action in the world

      1 Peter can be used for personal study and in small groups. Meeting weekly with a group is highly recommended to share insights and to encourage one another for greater spiritual impact in the world.

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    • Radical Like Jesus


      You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him– one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

      But how is this possible?

      There’s never been anyone in history as radical as Jesus. From the way that He prayed, to how He interacted with sinners, to His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus was a revolutionary. It’s just who He was. As His followers we are called to be like him. It’s not just something we should aspire to, it’s a reality that we must strive for every day. We can live as Jesus did – be radical like He was – because as Christians, Jesus lives in us and wants to live through us. When Jesus lives his life through us, we begin to do the things that He did.

      And that’s what Radical Like Jesus is all about – putting into practice the rhythms, activities and actions that Jesus modeled throughout His life.

      Radical like Jesus is meant to challenge you with:

      *21 chapters that reflecton the life and actions of Jesus;
      *21 challenges that help you build Christ-honoring routines;
      *21 insights on how your everyday life can become revolutionary.

      Every chapter ends with a Radical Like Jesus Challenge. Some will truly stretch your faith, and all of them will help you live like Jesus lived. Take these challenges individually or do them as a group and you’ll never be the same.

      Live your life on mission. Become radical like Jesus.

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    • Their Finest Hour


      A powerful collection of 30 Bible stories about people whose faith in God brought them their finest hour.

      In today’s world, it’s easy to fall prey to the approval addiction–seeking the praise of others instead of focusing on pleasing God. In Their Finest Hour, best-selling author R.T. Kendall highlights 30 Bible characters who put their trust in God despite their moments of self-effacing vulnerability. Through these stories, we can learn valuable lessons about faith and trusting God even when it isn’t popular or easy to do so.

      You’ll learn the importance of sticking to your convictions, letting God be in control, and trusting His plan for your life through stories of biblical figures, including:

      *Leah, who experienced delayed significance.
      *Rahab, who saw a better future with God’s people.
      *Habakkuk, who was willing to wait on the Lord.

      Their Finest Hour is for ordinary Christians looking to deepen their faith, their understanding of the Bible, and their relationship with God. Relatable stories and personal anecdotes make this book an invaluable resource for pastors, teachers, small groups, and believers seeking inspiration and guidance in their spiritual journey.

      An enlightening and engaging exploration of moments when ordinary people achieved greatness in the eyes of God, Their Finest Hour will inspire you to seek the true honor that comes from God alone.

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    • Heart Of Jesus


      Concise Edition of Dane Ortlund’s Book Gentle and Lowly, Edited for Young Readers, New Christians, and Seekers

      When Christians struggle with sin, they can easily feel that God is close to giving up on them. But in Matthew 11, Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for believers to find rest in him. The good news of the gospel flows from God’s deepest love for his people.

      In this concise book adapted from the bestselling Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund, readers will encounter Jesus’s tender heart for sinners and sufferers. Written for a wide audience-including younger readers, new Christians, and anyone who struggles with reading-it features easy-to-read terms and helpful explanations. The chapters are also short enough to read at bedtime, around the dinner table, or during lunchtime. The Heart of Jesus dives deep into Bible passages that speak of who Christ is, comforting and sustaining readers with the affections of Christ for his people.

      *Adapted from Gentle and Lowly: Smaller chapters and sentences are ideal for younger readers and busy families, as well as those who might have difficulty reading a longer book

      *Provides a Unique Perspective: Confronts readers’ typical thoughts on God’s heart

      *Scripture-Based: Explores passages throughout the whole Bible to give readers a full picture of God’s heart for sinners

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    • Relaxed : Walking With The One Who Is Not Worried About A Thing


      We often try to do a lot for God–without him. Relaxed is a call to let go of spiritual performance, reject our cultural tendency to live under pressure, and find freedom to walk with God and toward God, one gentle step at a time.

      Jesus was never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where he was, trusting and obeying his Father. Could the same be said of us? We long to know peace, purpose, and contentment, but life’s stresses, the world’s discouragements, and our own striving for growth get in the way.

      In Relaxed, pastor and teacher Megan Fate Marshman explores what it means to set aside our addiction to trying to figure everything out and relish a slower, compelling, powerful, and relaxed life with God. As Megan takes us word by word through Proverbs 3:5-6, she helps us discover:

      *The joy of a continual, intimate relationship with God
      *What God calls us to do with the burden of shame and guilt
      *What it looks like to be relaxed in the midst of grief, financial stress, mistakes, and fatigue
      *The freedom and forgiveness of being found “in Christ”
      *How to incorporate rhythms of walking with God into our everyday routines

      God never intended for us to be in control. As we lean away from our own understanding and into an intentionally relaxed spiritual life, we join Jesus in trusting a God who knows what he is doing–and isn’t worried about a thing.

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    • Controlled Burn : Rising From The Ashes To Forge An Unshakable Faith


      What if life’s fires can not only be controlled but can also spur new life? In Controlled Burn, Emmy-winning news anchor and reporter Brooke Martin helps readers navigate their own fires with purpose and emerge stronger than before.

      Confronted with a fatal diagnosis for their unborn baby girl, Brooke Martin and her husband faced an unimaginable choice, grappling with how to move forward amid a sea of unanswerable questions. Yet, in the midst of unspeakable grief, Brooke’s faith and vulnerability not only laid the foundation for her own healing but also for a global movement toward resilience and recovery.

      Controlled Burn: Rising From the Ashes to Forge an Unshakeable Faith weaves together invaluable advice, spiritual insights, and raw truths learned from Brooke Martin’s greatest trials, offering readers guidance to walk through life’s fires and come out unburned.
      Whether in pregnancy, the workplace, marriage, or otherwise, we are bound to experience suffering in life. How we respond can be the difference between our destruction and our growth.

      In Controlled Burn, Brooke Martin will guide readers in:

      *healing and moving forward after tragedy or hardship.

      *gaining a better understanding of their natural talents and gifts.

      *listening for God’s voice in times of adversity and recognizing suffering as an invitation to grow closer to Him.

      *shifting their perspective of pain into a period of self-growth.

      *discovering how to use their own experiences to help others in similar circumstances.
      Controlled Burn proves that miracles can happen when we are willing to surrender ourselves to God and walk into the fire with faith.

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    • Can I Say That


      Can God handle our hardest questions, biggest struggles, and secret doubts?

      We instinctively assume he cannot. We figure giving voice to those things will bring shame, rejection, and distance from him. But what if our hard questions don’t need to function as an off-ramp from Christianity but can lead us closer to his heart? What if he is not afraid of our doubts but instead reveals himself in them?

      In Can I Say That?, Brenna Blain brings her fresh voice to those who feel unsafe or unwelcome in the church, acknowledging the incongruity between the church’s actions and believers’ lived experiences. As a Bible teacher and an advocate for those who have experienced abuse, molestation, and mental health crises, she creates space for readers to be radically honest and ask tough questions–Am I safe here? Why does your presence feel so lonely, God?–while pointing them to biblical, foundational truth.

      Leading the way with her own raw vulnerability and authenticity, Brenna shares her journey of wrestling with God and building intimacy with him as a result. Bravely exploring these deep places with Brenna will help you:

      *Know in your guts that God accepts you as you are–even as you question, struggle, doubt, and hurt

      *Be reassured that he is bigger than anything you face and can handle anything you bring to him

      *Experience his love in the most tender and needy parts of your heart

      *Engage complex questions about the institution of the church, wrestle with its abuses, and advocate for the Body of Christ to more closely reflect his heart

      od sees you and knows you–better than you know yourself. He doesn’t need you to change in order for him to love you. He doesn’t require you to be free of struggles in order for him to be close to you. He wants you to be your true self with him and be willing to engage with him deeply, so he can wow you with the beauty of his heart and character.

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    • Kingdom Kindness : A Movement To Bring Civility To The Culture


      Become Part of a Counterculture of Kindness!

      Selfishness, pride, and hostility dominate the headlines, social media, and everyday interactions. But what if every Christian did one simple act of kindness each week? What if you could spark a revolution just by bringing someone a meal, offering to carry someone’s groceries, or sharing an encouraging word? Or maybe just by listening respectfully to someone you disagree with!

      With rousing encouragement and biblical insight, Dr. Tony Evans shows how, when we let the kindness of God change us, we can change the world. Through real-life examples and practical teaching, he empowers each of us to:

      *choose honor over hate
      *recognize everyday opportunities to spread God’s love
      *discover the courage to step out in kindness

      Kindness is catching. It’s time to let God’s love ignite a countercultural movement that overcomes evil with good.

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    • Tending The Wild Garden


      In a world fixated on outward appearances, discover the joy of cultivating an inward relationship with the Spirit, where virtues like love, joy, and self-control blossom naturally.

      “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” – Galatians 5:22-23a

      The apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture when he describes the fruit of the Spirit but all too often, we reduce this list of virtues into a checklist of attributes to pursue and strive for. However, pastor and author Eugenia Gamble contends that this understanding is backwards. The Holy Spirit is the One who grows and develops those attributes within us as we pursue our relationship with God. By tending that relationship, the virtues of God develop and blossom as a fruit grows on a well-tended tree.

      Tending the Wild Garden explores the true meaning behind each of the virtues in Paul’s list, guiding us to discover anew what it means to be a deeply loved child of God indwelt by God’s Spirit. Gamble helps us to move beyond the checklist mentality of traditional understandings of the fruit of the Spirit, to cultivate our relationship with God, and to uproot the “weeds” that could threaten the flourishing of the fruit in our lives.

      Key Features of this Bible Study:

      *Ten Chapters/Sessions introduce the garden and explore each of the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit

      *Six daily devotions in each chapter with daily Scripture, reflections, and spiritual practices

      *Questions for personal and group discussion

      Let the fruit of the Spirit be more than just words on a page-they’re the living expressions of God’s love within you. Dare to cultivate a life overflowing with love, joy, peace, and so much more.

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    • Sacred Creativity : Inspiration To Reclaim The Joy Of Your God-Given Gifts


      In this gorgeous and inspiring book, the beloved artist behind Spoonful of Faith shows you how to overcome your fears and harness your own creative gifts as an act of worship.

      With thoughtful stories, powerful reflections, hand lettering, and beautiful original artwork, Jena Holliday invites you to discover how you uniquely reflect the heart of a creative God. Using the lessons she’s learned along the way and creative prompts throughout, Jena encourages readers to overcome the pressure to perform, face the fears of failure and imposter syndrome, believe in the gifts that God has given, step forward in creativity, and delight in the fruit that comes from freely creating as an act of worship.

      Each section provides space to digest what you’ve read with thoughtful questions to respond to in words or drawings, an affirmation to encourage you, and a prayer to guide you. With suggested songs to listen to as well, Sacred Creativity is the ultimate invitation to offer your God-given gifts back to the Creator in joyful worship. To yield to the One who Created all, and allow your art, creativity, and life to be a love offering.

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    • When Faith Disappoints


      For anyone who feels the weight of injustice, trauma, and suffering, the founder of the Jude 3 Project invites you to discover how to find hope when you can’t make sense of the pain.

      Living as a Black woman in America, Lisa Victoria Fields understands the tension of relying on God in a broken world. While pursuing her calling in full-time Christian ministry–an often white, male-dominated vocation–she saw the contentions many people have with Christianity. She heard the theological questions, but instead of arguing for her faith, she listened to the barriers and heard the pain in their hearts: Why doesn’t God protect me from suffering and injustice? Others don’t seem to think I have value–does God?

      Now, in her debut book, Fields shows us how emotional pain–often more than theological concerns–is at the root of our doubt. She invites us to bring our deepest soul questions to this journey as she explores:

      – Seven pain points that might be keeping us from faith: a lack of personhood, peace, provision, pleasure, purpose, protection, and power

      – Honest talk about how Christianity doesn’t seem to meet our very valid needs

      – Why wrestling with God doesn’t negate our faith but instead deepens it

      – What it looks like to allow God to bring healing to our pain so we can see Him and others more clearly

      Through vulnerable storytelling and thoughtful use of Scripture, Fields tends to our hurting hearts and offers hope and resolve. She helps us move forward as we cling to a faith that brings us back to the truth of Christianity–not despite the pain of this world but in light of it.

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    • More Than A Carpenter


      He thought Christianity was a sham. Then it changed his life.

      Skeptic Josh McDowell thought Christians were out of their minds. He ridiculed and insulted them, then decided to combat them with his own robust research to disprove the claims of Jesus Christ. To his surprise, he discovered that the evidence suggested exactly the opposite?that Jesus, instead of being simply a first-century Hebrew carpenter, was so much more. Josh went on to write this inspirational book on Christian apologetics, More Than a Carpenter, which has sold over 16 million copies and transformed countless lives.

      Now, in this revised and updated edition, Josh is joined by his son, Sean McDowell, as they tackle the questions that today’s generation continues to ask:

      *”How do I find happiness and meaning in life?”
      *”Is it really possible to know the truth about God and Jesus?
      *”How can Jesus be the only way?”

      Whether you’re a spiritual cynic or a long-time Christian, experience a new perspective on faith through this bestselling, timeless classic on who Jesus really is.

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    • I Surrender All


      All To Him I Freely Give

      From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple.

      Because there is a difference.

      Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice.

      The choice that changes everything.

      This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.

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    • New Royals : Overcoming Insecurity To Become The Woman God Says You Are


      A revolution for women to live confidently in their God-given identity and united in the call to bring goodness to the world, adapted from Born of a Woman, from speaker and pastor of the influential Shoreline City Church.

      “In these pages, you will experience the beauty of a friend who says, ‘Royal sister, take a seat. We have been waiting for you!'”-Charlotte Gambill, pastor, author, and global Bible teacher

      We know women are meant to bring powerful and lasting goodness into the world because God repeatedly called women to do so: He trusted Mary to give birth to Jesus, Esther to save His people, and Deborah to lead His kingdom. Yet so much of our potential is limited by our own insecurity and fear. It’s time for us to stand confident in our stunning worth as royal daughters, unite in community, and walk in the unshakable hope of Christ.

      In a message that’s both vibrant and conversational, Pastor Oneka McClellan reminds us that God has uniquely positioned and gifted women to be a source of life, wisdom, and strength. Through insightful biblical truths and real stories of women showing up in powerful ways, McClellan equips you to:

      *completely trust your God-given identity
      *lead with courage and wisdom in any room
      *fight for the flourishing of others
      *celebrate the greatness in every woman
      *see with eyes of hope that God can redeem any story

      To every woman who’s ever felt held back, pushed down, or disqualified from stepping fully into her purpose, McClellan’s Born Royal offers hope, encouragement, and empowerment. It also sounds a liberating call for each and every one of us-including you-to walk boldly and precisely as the women God has created us to be.

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    • Gods Got You


      During times of transition–such as a move, a divorce, or just a new season of life –you need reminders that even when you feel out of control, God is in control. In this practical guide to navigating uncharted territory, Tracie Miles equips you to say goodbye to the way things once were so you can embrace God’s future for us.

      Beginning again can feel scary, even in the best of times. This biblically based guide equips you for the future God has for you, even if it’s not the one you expected. God’s Got You offers the encouragement you need to:

      *Identify the stumbling blocks that prevent you from moving forward.
      *Use times of transition to become who you’ve always wanted to be.
      *Feel empowered to pursue the desires and dreams in your heart.
      *Map out a life plan for the season ahead.

      At a time when you might be feeling fearful, Tracie helps you find the courage to reinvent yourself. With prompts for goal setting, vision casting, action steps, reflection, and prayer, God’s Got You empowers you to step boldly into the next season of your life.

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    • Para Subir Hay Que Bajar – (Spanish)


      “Ahora, con la ayuda de Dios, sere yo mismo.”

      Estas palabras del filosofo danes Sren Kierkegaard impactan profundamente a Marlena Graves, una escritora, profesora y activista puertorriquea. En estas paginas ella describe el proceso de vaciarse a si misma que le permite subir hacia Dios y convertirse en la verdadera yo a que Dios la llama. Haciendo uso de las profundas tradiciones de los santos cristianos del este y del oeste, ella comparte historias e ideas que han vivificado su transformacion. Para Marlena, la formacion y la justicia siempre van mano a mano en la senda de una vida balanceada de accion y contemplacion.

      Si deseas mas de Dios, este libro ofrece un camino que honra el pasado hacia una vida mas profunda.

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    • Organic Prayer : Make Talking With God A Natural Part Of Every Day


      Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives–when we’re alone or in a crowd, when it’s quiet and when it’s chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don’t.?

      Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:

      *open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?
      *open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?
      *open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?
      *and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?

      Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

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    • Rebecoming : Come Out Of Hiding To Live As Your God-Given Essential Self


      Finding our true selves has become the call of authentic living. But this is where we can get it wrong and inadvertently pursue the wrong things. Living out of our true selves isn’t just about becoming–it’s about unbecoming all the things we believed we had to be to be loved and rebecoming our essential, God-given selves.

      In this practical book, clinical psychologist Dr. Merry C. Lin guides you through a self-discovery process toward life-changing, daily transformation. She shows you how to:

      – understand what motivates you and why you do what you do
      – identify things you do out of fear and self-protection
      – develop true resilience to handle the challenges of life
      – experience joy as you experience success in pursuing your dreams
      – and more

      Ready to live out of your healthiest, most integrated self to fulfill God’s purposes for your life? It’s time to embark on your own journey of rebecoming.

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    • Misled : 7 Lies That Distort The Gospel And How You Can Discern The Truth


      The gospel is under attack today–not only from outside cultural forces but also from within the church. In Misled, popular YouTuber and Bible teacher Allen Parr equips readers to identify and withstand seven of the most common false teachings that undermine the gospel and lead many well-meaning Christians astray.

      For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called “another gospel.”

      The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what he offers, and what he wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus.

      In Misled, Allen Parr weaves together stories from his own spiritual journey and the lives of those he’s ministered to in order to show the painful consequences of following false teachings and to provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the gospel. Readers will

      *learn about seven of the most misleading and harmful messages that run rampant within the church today;

      *be equipped to identify not only “wolves in shepherd’s clothing” who peddle counterfeit gospels, but also well-intentioned teachers whose half-truths are no less harmful to the church; and

      *discover how they can find the freedom, peace, and joy that only comes from embracing the gospel in all its purity and simplicity.

      With the same balanced, Bible-based approach that has made Parr’s YouTube channel a go-to resource, Misled offers clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey–and invites readers to find everything they’ve been searching for in the true gospel.

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