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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Making Of American Liberal Theology


      1. Creating A New Mainstream’
      2. Thy Kingdom Com
      3. Post-Ritschlian Religion
      4. In The Spirit Of William James
      5. The Real Is The Personal
      6. Practical Divinity
      7. Revolt Of The Neoliberals
      8. Modern Gospels

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      In this second of a three-volume, comprehensive, landmark history, Gary Dorrien mixes theological and philosophical analyses with historical and biographical detail in interpreting the liberal era of American theology. Exploring American theological liberalism in its heyday, Dorrien emphasizes the diversity of liberal theologians and schools of thought, as well as the central importance of liberal debates over idealism, realism, naturalistic empiricism, and “making Christianity modern.” Breaking with previous interpretations, he treats Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich as theorists of a “neoliberal” position within the liberal tradition.

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    • Reforming Theological Anthropology


      248 pages

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      With the profound changes in today’s intellectual and scientific landscape, traditional ways of speaking about human nature, sin, and the image of God have lost their explanatory power. In this volume F.LeRon Shults explores the challenges to and opportunities for rethinking current religious views of humankind in contemporary Western culture.

      From philosophy to theology, from physics to psychology, we find a turn to the categories of “relationality.” Shults briefly traces this history from Aristotle to Levinas, showing its impact on the Christian doctrine of anthropology, and he argues that the biblical understanding of humanity has much to contribute to today’s dialogue on persons and on human becoming in relation to God and others. Shults’s work stands as a potent effort to reform theological anthropology in a way that restores its relevance to contemporary interpretations of the world and our place in it.

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    • Trinity Guide To The Trinity


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563383953ISBN10: 1563383950William LaDueBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • Gods Unfaithful Wife


      Series Preface
      1. In The Beginning: Human Marriage As “One Flesh”
      2. Playing The Harlot
      3. Committing Great Harlotry
      4. Under Every Green Tree
      5. In Every Public Square
      6. The Ultimate Marriage As “One Spirit”
      7. Concluding Reflections
      Appendix: The Harlot Metaphor And Feminist Interpretation
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Authors

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      The biblical theme of spiritual adultery stands in all its bluntness for a deeply offensive sin–the unfaithfulness of God’s covenant people in departing from Yahweh, their husband, and going after false gods.
      Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. begins by showing how the Genesis vision of human marriage provides the logic and coherent network of meanings for the story of Israel’s relationship with Yahweh. He traces the specific theme of marital unfaithfulness, first through the historical books of the Old Testament and then through the prophets, particularly Hosea, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Turning to the New Testament he also shows how the sad story of Israel’s adultery is transcended by the vision of ultimate reality in Christ and his church–the Bridegroom and the Bride.

      This beautifully written book, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, is marked by careful exegesis and deep sensitivity. It is that rare thing–a work of scholarship that calls readers to love God with an ardor that suffuses all of life.

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    • Friend Of The Bridegroom


      “The Friend of the Bridegroom” offers a compelling theological interpretation of John the Baptist as seen through the eyes of Eastern Orthodoxy. Written by Sergius Bulgakov, the greatest Russian theologian of modern times, this book sheds new light on the mission and meaning of John the Baptist, commonly referred to in Orthodoxy as the Forerunner of the Lord. Bulgakov traces the Baptist’s life from beginning to end — his birth, his preaching of repentance, his baptism of the Lord, his agony, his death, and his veneration in the context of Eastern Orthodoxy. In addition to its use of the Gospel narratives, Bulgakov’s profound portrait of the Baptist is colored by sacred tradition as it is embodied in patristic literature, in liturgy, and in iconography. Yet this is not a work of arcane scholarship intended just for academic readers. Typical of all of Bulgakov’s books, “The Friend of the Bridegroom” is steeped in devotional language and holy awe. In the words of translator Boris Jakim, it is a work of prayer that will stir the souls of Christians everywhere.

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    • It Was At Hand


      In this provocative new book, Michael Riemer uncovers the contradictions of dispensational “end times” theology. Riemer argues that the false emphases the Dispensationalists have placed on the “imminent second coming” and the “Rapture” have led many Christians to a life of finding new ways to spread the Gospel and to bring a blessing to the world, Dispensationalists have inclined Christians toward a bunker mentality – live separate and wait to be spirited away. In plain and engaging language Riemer traces many of the excesses of the Dispensationalists, including their wildly contradictory dating of the end of the world and their wrenching of the context of many prophecies in Scripture. He gives a clear exposition of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks. He also provides an insightful discussion of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, in which he argues convincingly that the original listeners and the first-century church would have understood Jesus’ words of warning in the context of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, not some Tribulation to occur two thousand years later.

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    • Biblical Christianity : A Solid Faith In A Skeptical World


      Biblical Christianity: A Solid Faith in a Skeptical World deals with biblical apologetics and theology. It was written to help skeptics see that there is a strong reason to believe in the Christian faith. It will also help strengthen Christians so they will be solid in their theological beliefs, and will help those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior to put their hope and trust in him today.

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    • Stubborn Theological Questions


      This text addresses three main questions: how we should think and speak about God in a changing and largely secularized world; the nature of the person and incarnation of Jesus Christ – is he fully man and fully God?; and how does a theologian know about God and the destiny of man? It addresses issues such as: the suffering of God; the Cosmic Christ; the pre-existence of Jesus Christ; and the development of the Christian doctrine, as well as presenting the history of those groups and individuals who advanced the discussion of such questions.

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    • Participating In Gods Life


      This book is a very clear and relevant case study of the shaping impact of “secular” philosophies on Christian theology. The authors urge the recovery of a biblical spirituality rooted in the triune nature of God.

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    • Justice Mercy And Humility


      Justice, Mercy and Humility explores the challenge of integral mission among the poor today. It locates the Christian response within a world of alternatives – alternatives at the macro-level of policies and advocacy and the micro-level of lifestyle and affirms the need to integrate ourselves within a total missional response to the poor. Combing case studies from around the world with Jesus’ own teaching and ministry, the book considers what it means for the church to be a countercultural ministry and in doing so raises new questions about what it means to be church.

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    • King Of Gods Kingdom


      This book addresses the problems raised by biblical scholarship concerning Jesus and his mission. Much of Jesus’ ministry remains a mystery; many of the things he said and did do not fit neatly into traditional Christian interpretation. He spoke of the coming of the kingdom of God but what become of this new age which was meant to be tangible and near? The King of God’s Kingdom in part is an attempt to uncover and understand Jesus and His vision. At the same time, Seccombe inspires confidence in the historical Jesus, overcoming much of the confusion that has been created in the last two hundred years. With conviction of the urgency of these issues for the Christian faith today, he presents a solution to the puzzle in the form of an account of Jesus’ ministry years.

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    • Lost Icons


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819219480ISBN10: 0819219487Rowan WilliamsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Devilish Dialogues


      In this intriguing set of “no holds barred” verbal exchanges, advocates for the Lord and the Devil discuss six of Jesus’ parables in a point/counterpoint framework. Clearly delineated opposing points of view shed new light on these familiar stories, and the fascinating format is guaranteed to keep you reading to see how the arguments will develop. The stark contrast of the Devil’s enticements with the Lord’s redeeming message provides a stimulating vehicle for seriously confronting basic issues of faith, while reaffirming the Good News of God’s ultimate victory. The Devilish Dialogues is not only an absorbing resource for personal spiritual growth; it’s also a model for captivating presentations in sanctuary, classroom, and retreat settings, and is especially well-suited for weekly Lenten programming.

      Parables discussed are:
      * The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
      * The Great Feast (Luke 14:15-24)
      * The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
      * The Unprofitable Servant (Matthew 25:14-30)
      * The Parable Of The Sower (Mark 4:1-20)
      * The Wicked Husbandsmen (Mark 12:1-12)

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    • Get Up Off Your Knees


      Get Up Off Your Knees is a thoughtful and provocative collection of sermons by a group of preachers from across the international church spectrum who have been moved to theological reflection on the art and work of U2. This book will appeal to fans of U2, students of homiletics, and everyone interested in the intersection of art, popular culture, and religion.

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    • Heres The Difference (Revised)


      This book will bring into clear focus some of the most important teachings in the Word of God. Here’s The Difference provides 96 careful biblical distintions.

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    • Honest To God (Anniversary)


      1. Reluctant Revolution
      2. The End Of Theism?
      3. The Ground Of Our Being
      4. The Man For Others
      5. Worldly Holiness
      6. ‘The New Morality’
      7. Recasting The Mould

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      The republication of John Robinson’s 1963 volume, Honest To God, invites us to reread this controversial work with fresh eyes in the light of the many trends of this forty-year period toward greater plurality, globalization, and inclusivity in cultural and religious thought. Such a rereading will allow Robinson’s volume to be seen as one that called, not for the discarding of Christian faith in God and Christ, but for a clarification of what is essential to that faith.

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    • All Of Grace


      In All of Grace, C.H. Spurgeon outlines the love of God in such clear, simple language that everyone can understand and be drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based upon our own works brings self-righteousness and coldness of heart. It is free grace and mercy of God that makes the heart glow with warmth and thankfulness for God’s love. The heartfelt goal of this dynamic classis is summed up in Spurgeon’s final cry to the reader, “Meet me in heaven!”

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    • Reconciliation : Restoring Justice


      Whether born in the Mideast, Africa, Asia, or brought home to the streets of America, violent hatreds often threaten to swamp the minimal cooperation needed to foster life and health. Does Christianity have anything besides warmed-over pieties to offer a world torn by estrangement, alienation, and violently opposed worldviews? In this signal contribution to public theology, John de Gruchy, an internationally esteemed political theologian, emphatically affirms the possibility and necessity of reconciliation. For Christians, he says, reconciliation is the center and perennial test of their faith. De Gruchy expands reconciliation’s relevance beyond personal piety and ecclesial harmony to encompass group relations, politics, and even the environment. In all cases, he argues, it involves the restoration of justice. Forged in the recent experience of South Africa, his work delineates the political and ecclesial significance of reconciliation and shows its importance for interreligious relations, addressing victimization, and international peace. Reconciliation will be welcomed by all whose faith leads them to help alleviate the world’s mounting agonies.

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    • Reformation Pastors : Richard Baxter And The Ideal Of The Reformed Pastor


      This work examines Richard Baxter’s understanding and practice of pastoral ministry from the perspective of his own stated concern for ‘reformation’ and in the broader context of Edwardian, Elizabethan and early Stuart pastoral ideals and practice. It investigates Baxter’s major treatise on pastoral ministry and explores the background of each aspect of his pastoral strategy.

      Examines Richard Baxter’s practice of pastoral ministry in the broader historical context of Edwardian, Elizabethan and early Stuart pastoral ideals and practices.

      Far from being novel, Baxter’s practice of pastoral ministry certainly reflects aspects of his puritan predecessor’s practice, if not their rhetoric. The book concludes by considering the impact of Baxter’s pastoral legacy, both on the lives of individual pastors and on the subsequent discussion of ‘puritan’ ministry.

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    • Peculiar People : Growing Up In Churches Of Christ


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591605188ISBN10: 1591605180Charles TurnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Ministry Anointing Of The Prophet Minstrel


      The Ministry Anointing of the Prophet-Minstrel is a Scripture-based study on the office of Prophet coupled with a musical gifting. The author’s experience and study of Scripture will release the anointing that God has ordained for this office, which takes the Body of Christ into a deeper relationship and into the presence of God through worship. When God places the ministries of Prophet and Minstrel into one person, an explosive anointing can be released when properly cultivated. When this anointing is stirred or shaken, as with nitroglycerine, it will explode. Some tasks in the realm of the Spirit are difficult to exercise, but when the Prophet-Minstrel is released to flow, he or she can accomplish with great ease and spiritual ability what may seem difficult for others. Prophet-Minstrels have an anointing to speak words of release and deliverance over the people of God. In addition, they have the authority to activate your ministry destiny and declare victory for the saints. And also as important, the Prophet-Minstrels possess weapons that will cause great damage and defeat to the kingdom of darkness.

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    • Whispers Of Heaven And Heaven According To Matthew


      What will heaven be like? It is hard to say in any detail. It will be more glorious than we can imagine. No previous experiences will do it justice. Still, some of our experiences seem to anticipate heaven in one connection or another. I call these whispers of heaven. They often occur when one least expects them. One should cherish them as if precious jewels. C. S. Lewis observes that God more often employs a carrot than a club. This book serves as a prime case in point. They invite us to take up the journey to the celestial city. Then, when the way becomes difficult, they encourage us to press on. When finally the time draws near, they incite us to finish confidently.

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    • Engaging Augustine On Romans


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563384073ISBN10: 1563384078Editor: Daniel Patte | Editor: Eugene TeSelleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Romans Through History And CulturesPublisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • Tears Of Lady Meng


      Here is a superb example of the new way of doing theology. C. S. Song tells a charming story of long ago and then proceeds to draw some not-so-charming implications for what it means in our time. The ‘safe’ tale turns out to have devastating impact on what we thought was our own secure world. Scripture, tears, prophetic insight, social analysis, politics, hope — all of them are incorporated in this deceptively small package. –

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    • Light Of The Mind


      St. Augustine is not only the bridge that links ancient philosophy and early Christian theology with the thought of the Middle Ages, but one who, in his philosophy and especially in his epistemology, anticipated some of the most important ideas of Descartes and Malbranche, Berkeley and Kant. In this study of the central aspect of St. Augustine’s thought, the author analyzes the various facets of his theory of knowledge and offers a new interpretation of his idea of divine illumination.

      St. Augustine’s views on skepticism and truth, on faith and reason, and on sense perception and cogitation are first examined in order to show their relation to this theory of divine illumination as the ultimate source of truth for man. The proper understanding of the theory of illumination, of how man apprehends the divine ideas, is the most difficult problem in St. Augustine’s epistemology, for he did not formulate any systematic theory of knowledge. Any account of the Augustinian epistemology, Mr. Nash believes, must resolve three paradoxes: how the intellect is both passive and active; how the forms are distinct from – and not distinct from – the human mind; and how man’s mind is and is not the light that makes knowledge possible.

      In explaining the nature of divine illumination, Nash discusses four interpretations that have been advanced; the Thomist (which he rejects as not faithful to St. Augustine’s general philosophy), the Franciscan, the Formalist, and the Ontologist. He argues here for a modified Ontologist view. In his synthesis of Christian theology and Neoplatonic philosophy, St. Augustine held that all creation partakes of truth in varying degrees, that man as the highest part of creation, created in God’s image and thus sharing to some degree the divine nature, is able to know truth through the divine light and the light of his own mind. In attempting to find an answer to the perennial problem of knowledge, St. Augustine, Nash suggests, was struggling to find a theory that would combine the benefits of conceptualism and realism, and his answer was more modern than many have given him credit for.

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    • Gregory Of Nazianzus


      This study on the life and thought of St. Gregory of Nazianzus was written by feminist theologian and Patristic scholar, Rosemary Radford Ruether, as her doctoral dissertation and originally published by Oxford University Press in 1969. The focus of the study is the tension and conflict in the life of Gregory of Nazianzus and his contemporary Christian companions, such as Basil the Great and Gregory Nyssa, between rhetoric and philosophy.

      This is a conflict that has deep roots in Greek culture, going back to the time of Isocrates and Plato. It reflects two major streams of Greek culture, the literary tradition of classical education and public argumentation, with its often specious use of language, and the philosophical search for truth which saw itself as culminating in spiritual communion with the Good, the True and the Beautiful. In the Christian context of the fourth century A.D. this conflict had been translated into a tension between classical literary education, which still shaped the socialization of Christian leaders such as Gregory and informed the patterns of their preaching, and their search for contemplative union with God. Gregory and others spoke of the ascetic life of emerging Christian monasticism as “the philosophical life,” thus incorporating this tension between rhetoric and philosophy into their own lives.

      For Gregory and other Christian leader of his time, Christians should renounce worldly ambition and even Christian positions of power, such as episcopacy, to pursue the separated life of monastic discipline, yet even in this ascetic retirement they found it difficult not to continue to employ the much-loved literary culture of their youthful education. This book shows how this tension played out in Gregory’s own life, including his relation with his friend and school companion, Basil the Great, who shared the quest for the monastic life with Gregory, but later became a bishop and sought to secure his power against church rivals by forcing episcopacy upon both Gregory Nazianzus and his own brother, Gregory Nyssa.

      The volume also studies the way in which Gregory of Nazianzus employs rhetorical conventions to shape his own literary style in his sermons and treatises. It then focuses on the anthropology and cosmology that underlay Gregory’s understanding of the “philosophical life” as a journey of communion with God. In the final chapter it reviews Gregory’s own struggles to find a modus vivendi between the two cultures of clas

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    • Christian Faith And History


      Thomas Olgetree’s Christian Faith and History offers a critical analysis of the views of Ernst Troeltsch and Karl Barth regarding Christian faith and history. Troeltsch and Barth appraoched theology from seemingly antithetical vantage points, but Ogletree seeks to identify overlapping interests in the writing of these two authors, and to suggest a broader framework for understanding that constructively combines the insights of both.

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    • Ways Of Our God


      976 Pages

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      At a time when Old Testament and New Testament studies are considered to be two very different tasks, this major new work by Charles Scobie offers an approach to biblical theology meant to take in the entire sweep of divine revelation.

      Comprehensive in scope, this book covers every aspect of biblical theology. Chapters are devoted first to the nature and task of biblical theology and then to major themes within the biblical message – God’s order, God’s servant, God’s people, and God’s way. Each section of the book also features an extensive system of helpful cross-references. Not only is Scobie’s attempt to bridge the biblical testaments admirable, but he also takes great care to present scholarship that is at the same time informed by, and relevant to, the daily life and work of the church. The result is a book that is relevant to readers everywhere.

      Accessible to teachers, clergy, students, and general readers alike, this book will reinvigorate the study of the Bible as the unified word of God.

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    • Practical Theology For Black Churches


      The rift between black theology, with its social and political concerns, and black churches, with their emphasis on pastoral care and piety, has been growing. Andrew’s offers a way to bridge this gap by redefining the paradigm of church as “refuge” in terms of faith identity that brings together a concern for liberation with a pastoral focus on spirituality. This faith identity emerges from the biblical themes of creation and imago dei, the Exodus narrative, the suffering of Jesus and conversion, and eschatology and the kingdom of God. Andrews’s insightful analysis of the gulf between black churches and black theology reveals the invasive influence of individualism in black religious life as well as the shared values for social change and care of the soul. Notably, it is this influence of individualism that has disrupted communal solidarity and brought about the neglect of liberation ethics within black church life. This practical theology will contribute greatly towards renewing the pastoral and prophetic ministry of black religious life.

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    • Hope In The Holler


      For more than three hundred years, black women have embodied a theology of hope, which has enabled them to overcome a history of abuse and violence. While a theology of hope has been widely discussed in twentieth century theology, it was born in slavery long before Jurgen Moltmann introduced it to America in 1967. Even womanist notions of hope have not explored the theological character of hope in abused black women’s narratives. Crawford argues that hope is the theological construct that moves black women beyond endurance and survival to transformation of their personal and communal realities. This book identifies and analyzes the theological vision of hope voiced within the narratives of enslaved, emancipated, and contemporary black women and brings that vision into discussion with contemporary womanist theologies

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    • Do No Harm


      Among the evils addressed by Christian theology, says Stephen Ray, must be the evil perpetuated by its own well-meant theologies. His important project examines the downside of the category of social sin, especially in theologians’ used of destructive stereotypes that have kept Christians from realizing and engaging the most pervasive social evils of our time–racism and anti-Semitism. To make his case, Ray examines problematic ways in which several theologians describe the reality of social evil. “Theologians,” he contends, “often unwittingly describe (social) sin in terms that may themselves be profoundly racist, sexist, heterosexist, anti-Semitic, and classist.” He contends that they must attend more carefully to the social evils deeply embedded in their own patterns of language and thought. Ray looks specifically to the work of Reinhold Neibuhr and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to document unintended consequences of theology’s oversights and then to Augustine, Luther, and Calvin to analyze the strains and strengths of traditional notions. Not only theologians and ethicists but also ministers and laity will benefit from Ray’s thoughtful reconsideration of the social stance of Christian theology.

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    • Biblical Theology : Retrospect And Prospect


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Ever since Brevard Childs’s 1970 declaration of the crisis in biblical theology, the discipline has faced rumors of its imminent demise. But the patient refuses to die. The doctors continue to argue over how to proceed with treatment and even over whether treatment is worth pursuing, but the patient hangs on. The turn of the millennium appears to be a good time for a fresh assessment of the discipline, where it has been, the status of various questions within it and its future prospects. Scott Hafemann pulls together a crack team of practitioners, scholars from the disciplines of both Old and New Testament studies, to give us a status report. After an introductory essay by Hafemann looking back on recent history, John H. Sailhammer (Southeastern Baptist), Brian G. Toews (Philadelphia College of the Bible), William J. Dumbrell (Presbyterian Theological Centre, Australia), Stephen G. Dempster (Atlantic Baptist), Richard Schults (Wheaton College), Gerald H. Wilson (Asuza Pacific) and M. Jay Wells chart the current state of Old Testament questions. James M. Scott (Trinity Western), Andreas J. KOstenberger (Southeaster Baptist), G. K. Beale (Wheaton College) and Peter Stuhlmacher (TUbingen) examine the state of New Testament studies. Questions surrounding the unity of the Bible are explored by Christopher R. Seitz (St. Andrew’s, Scotland), Nicholas Perrin (Westminster Abbey), Stephen E. Fowl (Loyola-Baltimore), Daniel Pl Fuller (Fuller Theological Seminary) and Ted M. Dornan (Taylor University). The prognosis for biblical theology is then suggested by Paul R. House (Wheaton College) and Graeme Goldsworthy (Moore Theological College, Australia).

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    • Wellbeing


      “This is the first book in the new SCM “”Society and Church”” series, which attempts to make sense of the Church and Christianity in a secular society and context, and explore what the former can legitimately contribute to the latter. “”Wellbeing”” is an absolutely central concept in our secular lives, is used with increasing frequency in all sorts of contexts – eg. the Boots website is “””” – and it is therefore crucial that we understand how it relates to life, meaning and personal identity in the 21st century. Through a combination of story, personal reflection and philosophical analysis, Alison Webster attempts to get “”under the skin”” of wellbeing, and show how the concept is evolving in contemporary culture. She shows how the agenda generated by wellbeing is like that which traditionally has been generated by religion and spirituality: which is why “”meeting spiritual needs”” is such big business in health and social care. Webster argues that the Christian tradition still has much to offer in transf

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    • God And The Crisis Of Freedom


      This book outlines a biblical understanding of freedom and the particular ways in which Christians choose to exercise that freedom in response to major issues confronting the world today. Specifically, Bauckham constructs a Christian understanding of freedom, explores the authority of Scripture in modern and postmodern contexts, and also examines themes of tradition, ethics, oppression, and ecology as they relate to issues of freedom and authority.

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    • Narrative Dynamics In Paul


      The last two decades of the twentieth century have witnessed an increasing interest in the narrative features of Paul’s thought. A variety of studies since that period have advanced “story” as an integral and generative ingredient in Paul’s theological formulations. “Are Paul’s letters undergirded and informed by key narratives, and does a heightened awareness of those narratives help us to gain a richer and more rounded understanding of Paul’s theology?” A team of leading Pauline scholars assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a narrative approach, looking in detail at its applications to particular Pauline texts.

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    • Camino A Emaus – (Spanish)


      A multi-authored, ecumenical book presents a theology of ministry based on the experience of Hispanic communities in the United States, with a variety of essays relating a biblical passage to a specific ministerial theme, such as the transforming power of the Resurrection. (Christianity).

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    • New Christianity For A New World


      SKU (ISBN): 9780060670634ISBN10: 0060670630John SpongBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 9


      148 Pages

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      This series seeks to keep New Testament and early church researchers, teachers, and students abreast of emerging documentary evidence by reproducing and reviewing recently published Greek inscriptions and papyri that illumine the context in which the Christian church developed. Produced by the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre at Macquarie University, the New Docs volumes broaden the context of biblical studies and other related fields and provide a better understanding of the historical and social milieus of early Christianity.

      Volume 9 reproduces, translates, and reviews a selection of Greek inscriptions and papyri that were first published or reissued in 1986 and 1987. The documents gathered here include secular texts as well as texts directly relating to Judaica and ecclesiastica. Some notable entries in this volume:

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    • Resurrection : Theological And Scientific Assessments


      In this volume first-rate scientists and theologians from both sides of the Atlantic explore the Christian concept of bodily resurrection in light of the views of contemporary science.

      Whether it be the Easter resurrection of Jesus or the promised new life of individual believers, the authors argue that resurrection must be conceived as “embodied” and that our bodies cannot exist apart from their worldly environment. Yet nothing in today’s scientific disciplines supports the possibility of either bodily resurrection or the new creation of the universe at large. Cosmology, for example, only forecasts an end to the universe. If persons and the cosmos are to rise up anew in the eschaton, such an event will have to be a willful act of God. Thus, while modern science can offer aid in constructing models for picturing what “resurrection of the body” could mean, the warrant for this belief must come from distinctly theological resources such as divine revelation. Christian faith ultimately gains its strength not from modern science but from God’s promises.

      Bridging such disciplines as physics, biology, neuroscience, philosophy, biblical studies, and theology, Resurrection offers fascinating reading to anyone interested in this vital Christian belief or in the intersection of faith and scientific thought.

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    • Blessed One : Protestant Perspectives On Mary


      Despite her prominence in the Christian narrative, Mary has largely been neglected within the Protestant church. Recent interest in such issues as feminism, spirituality, parenting, and ecumenism, however, force a serious reexamination of Mary’s place in Protestant faith. In this book, widely respected Protestant scholars seek to answer three basic questions: Who is Mary? How does Mary’s story intersect with contemporary life? and What does Mary teach us about God? This thoughtful and highly accessible book will be of great interest to all engaged in the debates of the contemporary church, Protestant and Roman Catholics alike.

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    • Joyful Theology


      )”An intriguing book, well presented and easy to read. Maitland encourages the reader to respond in the only way possible to what God has made—with awe and pure, abundant joy,”—Church of England Newsletter. Maitland has a novelist’s eye for detail and a penchant for celebration.

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    • Ethics (Revised)


      When first published in 1986, McClendon’s Ethics was acclaimed for its Baptist vision: a tradition that emphasizes the church’s distinction from the world and its continuity with the New Testament church. In this revised edition, he offers an even sharper picture of how ethical practices rooted in the gospel shape a uniquely Christian life.

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    • Genesis Of Perfection


      The beginning is everything, and the tale of human beginnings is no exception. We cannot understand our destiny until we find our place within the story of our origins. Two great faths, Judaism and Christianity, trace their heritage back to the very same Garden of beginnings. In this book, Gary Anderson explores both Jewish and Christian readings of account of Adam and Eve and charts how human ends are configured by human beginnings.

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    • Augustine For Armchair Theologians


      In this book, Stephen Cooper provides an overview of the greatest theologian of the early church: Augustine of Hippo. Augustine has had a towering influence in the history of Christianity and his Confessions has long been regarded as one of Christianity’s classic texts. Cooper introduces the life and thought of Augustine through discussing the Confession and shows how many of Augustine’s human struggles are still with us today. He also examines the theological views of Augustine that emerged through the important controversies of his times. By focusing on the Confession, Cooper takes us through Augustine’s journey as we see him losing his way and then finding it again by the grace of God. Augustine shows us what it means to be from God, to be oriented to God, and then brought to God by God. The illustrations throughout the volume enhance this presentation and memorable convey the issues Augustine addresses.

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    • Theology Of Love


      Here is an invitation into a boundless world of inspiration and spiritual enrichment — and, in effect, into the realm of the Spirit-filled life, whose essence is love.

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    • Never Said A Mumbalin Word


      This powerful Lenten devotional is drawn from an ethos forged by the iron grip of sorrow and suffering. Welcome to a spiritual journey through Lent and Holy Week that will lead you to the God who loves us beyond all human understanding. Meditations and spiritual exercises will enrich and empower your faith as you encounter the Christ who suffered and died, and who seeks to live in and with you.

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    • Minding God : Theology And The Cognitive Sciences


      Gregory Peterson introduces these sciences: neuroscience, artificial intelligence, animal cognition, linguistics, and psychology–that specifically contribute to the new picture and their philosophical underpinnings. He shows its implications for rethinking longstanding Western assumptions about the unity of the self, the nature of consciousness, free will, inherited sin, and religious experience. Such findings also illumine our understanding of God’s own mind, the God-world relationship, new notions of divine-design, and the implications of a universe of evolving minds. Peterson is gifted at explaining scientific concepts and drawing their implications for religious belief and theology. His work demonstrates how new work in cognitive sciences upends and reconfigures many popular assumptions about human uniqueness, mind-body relationship, and how we speak of divine and human intelligence.

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    • Understanding And Application Of Westminster Shorter Catechism


      The purpose of this book is to help us view life based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which clearly summarizes all the truths of the Bible’s 66 books. The Shorter Catechism is a model answer for how to live a life of faith: the Scriptures are the foundations of faith and life. Believers, along with their families and children, who have used this catechism, have gained godly fruits of faith in their lives. – Rev. Dong Hee Lee

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    • Revelation Of God


      In a fresh approach, Peter Jensen argues that it is better to follow the biblical categories of the knowledge of God and the gospel than to start from “revelation” as an abstract concept. First, Jensen focuses on revelation, whether special or general, from the viewpoint of the knowledge of God through the gospel. Next, he examines the nature and authority of Scripture and our approach to reading it. Finally, he turns to the revelatory work of the Holy Spirit through illumination. The result is a creative and compelling exposition of the evangelical understanding of revelation for the contemporary scene.

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    • According To Plan


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830826964ISBN10: 0830826963Graeme GoldsworthyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • In Gods Time


      What does Scripture really teach about the last days and the second coming of Christ vis-a-vis what fundamentalist sensationalists assert?

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    • Believing In Jesus Christ


      This book is a clear treatment, in nontechnical language, of the person and work of Jesus Christ, especially focusing on the nature of atonement. The chapters are arranged around several central questions: Who is Jesus? What do the Bible and the church tell us about him? Just what is in the nature of the salvation he offers, and how does it work? Most of all, what difference do the answers to these questions make for the church and for the world?

      The Foundations of Christian Faith series enables readers to learn about contemporary theology in ways that are clear, enjoyable, and meaningful. It examines the doctrines of the Christian faith and stimulates readers not only to think more deeply about their faith but also to understand their faith in relationship to contemporary challenges and questions. Individuals and study groups alike will find these guides invaluable in their search for depth and integrity in their Christian faith.

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    • Masters Indwelling : There Is A Life Of Abundance And Joy


      You’ve accepted Him as Savior and you’re doing everything in your power to live the good Christian life. You go to church, you read your Bible, you pray. You’re doing all the things a Christian should do. You’re living in Christ. But is He living in you? Has He swept and cleared out every cobweb in your life? Or are you tightly gripping the broom yourself? Is your Christian walk just a performance, an act that masks the emptiness inside? He’s called us to more than a game of charades. He’s invited us to taste the joy in the Christ-filled life. You’re already in Christ; now let Him be in you. It’s time for The Master’s Indwelling.

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    • Learning Theology With The Church Fathers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830826865ISBN10: 0830826866Christopher HallBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Reverberations Of Faith


      Pastors, scholars, and thoughtful laypeople seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Word need look no further. Going beyond dictionary definitions, Brueggemann expounds upon the characterizations, complexities, and interrelatedness of 100 Old Testament terms and themes from “Ancestors” to “YHWH”—then goes on to discuss their practical significance to the 21st-century church.

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    • Redating The New Testament


      SKU (ISBN): 9781579105273ISBN10: 1579105270John RobinsonBinding: UnknownPublished: August 2002Publisher: International Preterist Association, Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • Thanksgiving : An Investigation Of A Pauline Theme


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. Thanksgiving As God-Centeredness
      2. Thanksgiving Within The Covental Traditions
      3. Thanksgiving And Covenantal History
      4. A Life Of Thanksgiving
      5. Thanksgiving And The Future
      6. Ingratitude

      Appendix: Pauline Thanksgiving And The Greco-Roman Benefaction System
      The Greco-Roman Patron-Client Network
      Gratitude In The Patron-Client Relationship
      Pauline Thanksgiving And The Patronage Model

      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Biblical References And Ancient Sources
      Index Of Subjects

      Additional Info
      “Be thankful” (Colossians 3:15) is a recurring exhortation in the letters of the apostle Paul. No other New Testament writer gives such a sustained emphasis on thanksgiving-and yet, major modern studies of Paul fail to wrestle with it.

      David Pao aims to rehabilitate this theme in this comprehensive and accessible study, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume. He shows how, for Paul, thanksgiving is grounded in the covenantal traditions of salvation history. To offer thanks to God is to live a life of worship and to anticipate the future acts of God, all in submission to the lordship of Christ. Ingratitude to God is idolatry. Thanksgiving functions as a link between theology, including eschatology, and ethics.

      Here Pao provides clear insights into the passion of an apostle who never fails to insist on the significance of both the gospel message and the response this message demands.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Many Faces Of Christology


      This book surveys the landscape of traditional and contemporary thought about Jesus. Inbody first grounds his survey in a concise discussion of research into Jesus as a historical person and explores the implications and relevance of that research for contemporary christological thought. In chapter two he outlines classical Christology and Trinitarian thought and then provides a preliminary sketch of a contemporary Trinitarian Christology that emphasizes relationship more than understanding the exact nature of God. In chapters three, four, and five, Inbody surveys the basic positions and contributions of evangelical, liberal/process and postliberal (including liberationist), and feminist/womanist christologies. In his final three chapters, Inbody uses Christology to answer three key questions: is atonement theology nothing more than “divinely sanctions abuse?”; what is the relationship of Christianity to Judaism?; and is Christianity the one true path? This critical, mainstream survey provides pastors and seminarians an authoritative and comprehensive volume on the subject.

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    • Faith Of Israel (Reprinted)


      This comprehensive survey introduces students to the theological emphases of the entire Old Testament, from Genesis through Malachi.

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    • Healing A Broken World


      While spirituality is still thought to be primarily a personal quest for holiness and religious experience, it might be thought mere narcissim in an era of widespread need. Moe-Lobeda shows how the advent of globalization places a new horizon on the spiritual quest but, at the same time, has caused an enervation of people’s sense of moral agency. What can I, one person, do to affect such a massive and systemic shift? Far from being a flight from the world, she argues, the classic Christian contemplative tradition can ignite critical vision and creative resistance to the seemingly inevitable march of globalization.

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    • Biblical Theology Of Exile


      Smith-Christopher analyzes the theological significance of the Babylonian exile by taking the Hebrew texts seriously as authentic witnesses to Israel’s experience of exile. In doing so, he seeks to move toward the construction of a “diasporic Christian theology,” which ascribes a more important role to the theme of exile in Christian theology.

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    • Justification Reader


      Oden uses a broad brush to paint his narrowly focused subject—salvation by grace through faith. Athanasius, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Basil, Jerome, and Augustine are just some of the figures Oden cites—church fathers whose teachings were restated nearly verbatim by 16th-century Reformers. An accessible and detailed search for the core of this theological linchpin.

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    • Ancient And Postmodern Christianity


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      The consensual roots of Christianity found in the common understanding of the faith among the early church fathers is the foundation on which the church can and should build in the twenty-first century. Edited by Kennth Tanner and Christopher A. Hall, the eighteen essays found in this volume span theological and ecclesiastical perspectives that emphasize what the various Christian traditions hold in common. This shared heritage is applied to a wide range of topics–from worship and theology to ethics and history and more–that point the way for the people of God in the decades ahead. Ancient & Postmodern Christianity is created in honor of Thomas C. Oden, who has done much in recent decades to promote these ideas with such signal publications as After Modernity . . . What? and the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, which was launched under his editorial direction. Contributing scholars include Richard John Neuhaus, Alan Padgett, J. I. Packer, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Carl Braaten, Stanley Grenz, Bradley Nassif, Thomas Howard and more. Here is a volume that will set a course needed for succeeding generations to restore and renew a living orthodoxy.

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    • Intelligent Design : The Bridge Between Science And Theology


      “Mathematician-philosopher Dembski is author of the acclaimed Design Inference. The present book is a more accessible statement of the argument for nonspecialists. Of particular interest are Dembski’s responses to the objections raised to his arguments. An important book,”—First Things

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    • When God Says War Is Right


      176 pages

      Additional Info
      Across the centuries, how have Christians who follow the Prince of Peace responded to the recurring reality of war? And what guidance do they offer for believers today in the midst of global conflict?

      In When God Says War Is Right, Dr. Darrell Cole offers thorough and highly readable answers. His expert examination focuses on these topics:
      *Relating the character of God with the use of force
      *Determining when and how Christians ought to fight
      *Understanding why Christian virtues are vital when using force
      *Using nuclear weapons for deterrence
      *Learning lessons from World War II, Vietnam, and the 1991 Gulf War
      *Responding to today’s war against terrorism

      Dr. Cole focuses on Romans 13, where Paul commands us to do what is righ” (or good or noble) in regard to our governing authorities, who have legitimate war-making authority. In the case of war, what is right for the Christian? This book answers that essential question. In today’s war-stricken world, Dr. Cole provides timely, trustworthy, and vitally needed guidance for Christians.

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    • Jesus Attitude Towards The Law


      This book provides a critical reassesment and fresh analysis of Jesus’ attitude towards the Law as portrayed in each of the canonical Gospels, Q, Thomas, and the apocryphal Gospels. Representing William Loader’s definitive work on the subject, this comprehensive study presents a clearer picture of Jesus and his message.

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    • Engaging With God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830826971ISBN10: 0830826971David PetersonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Land : Place As Gift Promise And Challenge In Biblical Faith – Second Editi (Rep


      The Promised Land has played an important role in Jewish life from the days of Abraham to the rise of modern Zionism. Brueggemann elaborates on major Old Testament themes—land as gift, as temptation, as task, and as threat—plus tackles how to view the Babylonian exile and the Diaspora.

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    • Dancing With The Sacred


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563383939ISBN10: 1563383934Karl PetersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • United Methodist Doctrine


      Throughout this book, Scott J. Jones insists that for United Methodists the ultimate goal of doctrine is holiness. Importantly, he clarifies the nature and the specific claims of “official” United Methodist doctrine in a way that moves beyond the current tendency to assume the only alternatives are a rigid dogmatism or an unfettered theological pluralism. In classic Wesleyan form, Jones’ driving concern is with recovering the vital role of forming believers in the “mind of Christ,” so that they might live more faithfully in their many settings in our world.

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    • Quest For Plausible Jesus


      Should the dissimilarity between Jesus and early Christianity or between Jesus and Judaism be the central criteria for the historical Jesus? Gerd Theissen and Dagmar Winter argue that the criterion of dissimilarity does not do justice to the single most important result of more than two-thousand years of Jesus research, that the historical Jesus belongs to both Judaism and Christianity. The two authors propose a criterion of historical plausibility so that historical phenomenon under question can be considered authentic so long as it can be plausibly understood in its Jewish context and also facilitates a plausible explanation for its later effects in Christian history. This book is a cooperative project between Dagmar Winter and Gerd Theissen and represents the fruit of many years of their research on the historical Jesus.

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    • Judaism When Christianity Began


      A systematic, holistic introduction to rabbinic Judaism. Offering an illuminating look at beliefs, ritual, symbols, and theology, Neusner’s discussion of revelation and Scripture, the doctrine of God, definition of the holy, chain of tradition embodied in the written and oral Torah, sacred space, and other topics makes first-century Judaism accessible to both scholars and general readers.

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    • Prayer (Anniversary)


      Prayer is one of the central activities of the Christian life. This anniversary edition of Karl Barth’s lectures on the Lord’s Prayer, along with supplementary essays by three Barth scholars, introduces us to what he had to say about this important Christian practice. For Barth, the ultimate aim of all theology is worship, and here he mines the theological and spiritual wisdom of Luther, Calvin, and the Heidelberg Catechism urging us to participate in the work of God through prayer.

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    • Supreme Harmony Of All


      Jonathan Edwards lived in an age in which the doctrine of the Trinity was sometimes openly repudiated and more often quietly ignored. But as this important book shows, Edwards in fact took care to creatively fashion the Trinity into the centerpiece of his Christian life and work. Through her pursuit of Edwards’s writings, especially his lifelong intellectual diary, Amy Plantinga Pauw traces the way Edwards established the basic outlines of his trinitarian thought when he was only twenty years old, and how the doctrine continued to run like a subterranean river throughout his famed career as a pastor and teacher. Recognizing the centrality of the Trinity in Edwards’s thought both nuances our understanding of his Puritan inheritance and challenges the narrowness of Edwards’s enduring legacy as the preacher of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

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    • Didache : Its Jewish Sources And Its Place In Early Christianity And Judais


      This latest addition to the monumental Compendia series offers original thinking and impressive erudition about the Didache. The early Christian manual for baptismal catechesis focuses a valuable lens on the nascent Christian community and early Judaism. In the document’s rules for church morals, ritual, and discipline, Huub van de Sandt and the late, great scholar David Flusser find clues to the evolution of Christianity and Judaism from a shared heritage in Jewish sources. The authors hypothesize that an initial Jewish tractate (the so-called Two Ways tractate) evolved into a composite Judaeo-Christian text (independently circulating until Medieval times) and then into its final form as the Didache in an anti-Jewish, gentile church.

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    • Theologies In The Old Testament


      Internationally renowned scholar Erhard Gerstenberger here offers a radical departure from traditional treatments. Rather than a systematic approach to theological topics in the Old Testament, Gerstenberger discusses its various theological voices rooted in different social settings within ancient Israel: the family and clan, the village, the tribal group, and the kingdom. Further, he discusses the variety of Israel’s views concerning the divine_polytheism, syncretism, and monotheism. Gerstenberger concludes with his reflections on how contemporary theology is informed by the biblical witness and how it must be contextual and ecumenical in order to be authentic.

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    • Protestant Theology In The 19th Century (Reprinted)


      Introduction by Colin E. Gunton

      Interest in Karl Barth is running at unprecedented levels in the English-speaking world, and it is high time that his excellent survey of formative eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Protestant thinkers be made available again to theological students and general readers.

      Featuring an extensive introduction by Colin E. Gunton that recontextualizes and reintroduces Barth’s work for a new generation, this book provides a superb review of the shapers of modern Protestant thought and practice. Barth offers insightful readings of all the most significant figures of the modern period – Rousseau, Lessing, Kant, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Feuerbach, Ritschl, and others – as well as several lesser-known thinkers. Also included here are Barth’s preface to the original 1946 German edition and a translation of his hard-to-find essay “On the Task of a History of Modern Protestant Theology.”

      In addition to providing insight into some of the church’s seminal theologians, this volume offers an excellent look at Barth himself. In capturing Barth’s personal views on doctrine, the church, and intellectual history, the book also provides valuable background reading for those studying Barth’s own theology.

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    • Introduction To Christian Theology


      Students preparing for ministry, both in traditional M.Div. programs and non-traditional certification or training programs, all share a common need for grounding in the theological traditions of the Christian faith. Yet the days when instructors could assume that students arrive in their classrooms with that theological ground already in place are over. Discussion of the two basic building blocks of theological study – the content of the core Christian beliefs, and the tools and methods of “thinking theologically” – requires more and more time when students have little or no prior exposure to them.

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    • Now My Eyes Have Seen You


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. Speaking What Is Right
      2. An Advocate In Heaven?
      3. The Tragic Creator
      4. The Raging Sea
      5. The Shadowlands
      6. Yahweh, Mot And Behemoth
      7. The Ancient Prince Of Hell
      8. Drawing Out Leviathan
      9. The Vision Glorious

      Appendix: Job And Cannanite Myth
      The Significance Of Ugarit For Old Testament Studies
      The Relevance Of The Baal Sagas
      Theological Significance

      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scriptural References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      ‘Now my eyes have seen you.” (Job 42:5)

      Few biblical texts are more daunting, and yet more fascinating, than the book of Job-and few have been the subject of such diverse interpretation.

      For Robert Fyall, the mystery of God’s ways and the appalling evil and suffering in the world are at the heart of Job’s significant contribution to the canon of Scripture. This New Studies in Biblical Theology volume offers a holistic reading of Job, with particular reference to its depiction of creation and evil, and finds significant clues to its meaning in the striking imagery it uses.

      Fyall takes seriously the literary and artistic integrity of the book of Job, as well as its theological profundity. He concludes that it is not so much about suffering per se as about creation, providence and knowing God, and how-n the crucible of suffering-these are to be understood. He encourages us to listen to this remarkable literature, to be moved by it, and to see its progress from shrieking protest to repentence and vision.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Introduction To Theology (Reprinted)


      This classic introduction to theology from an Anglican perspective has been completely revised and updated for this third edition. Organized around the topics of systematic theology, Introduction to Theology begins with an exploration of Scripture, then moves through history and tradition to contemporary debates and reconstructions. As a textbook for introductory courses in seminaries of the Episcopal Church, this book also includes references to The Book of Common Prayer, which Anglicans consider a primary source for theology.
      This new edition pays detailed attention to the many developments in theology since its last revision twenty years ago: the emergence of new perspectives such as womanist, mujerista, narrative, and post-modern theology; the shift in theological methods to incorporate the human sciences, recent critical philosophies, and recent developments in the physical sciences; the ongoing revisions of The Book of Common Prayer and resultant shifts in Anglican identity; and the globalization of theological education, specifically the focus on the Episcopal Church as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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    • Sacrificing The Self


      Acts of martyrdom have been found in nearly all the worlds major religious traditions. Though considered by devotees to be perhaps the most potent expression of religious faith, dying for ones god is also one of the most difficult concepts for modern observers of religion to understand. This is especially true in the West, where martyrdom has all but disappeared and martyrs in other cultures are often viewed skeptically and dismissed as fanatics. This book seeks to foster a greater understanding of these acts of religious devotion by explaining how martyrdom has historically been viewed in the worlds major religions. It provides the first sustained, cross-cultural examination of this fascinating aspect of religious life. Margaret Cormack begins with an introduction that sets out a definition of martyrdom that serves as the point of departure for the rest of the volume. Then, scholars of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam examine martyrdom in specific religious cultures. Spanning 4000 years of history and ranging from Saul in the Hebrew Bible to Sati immolations in present-day India, this book provides a wealth of insight into an often noted but rarely understood cultural phenomenon.

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    • Screening Scripture


      This unique book opens up new ways to see movies in their relationship to sacred texts-not just the Bible, but apocryphal, heretical, and non-western scriptures as well. The writers serve as creative viewers, making original connections between the texts and some of today’s most popular and provocative films, which include: Pleasantville, Total Recall, The Prince of Egypt, Dracular, Patch Adams and many others.

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    • Davids Truth : In Israels Imagination And Memory – Second Edition (Student/Study


      In this completely revised edition of a true classic, Walter Bruggermann thoughtfully examines four different sets of David narratives. Each narrative reflects a particular social context, a particualr social hope, and a particular community. Thus these stories offer a distinctly different “mode of truth” concerning this pivotal biblical figure. The tribe, the family, the state, and the assembly, each has a different agenda and thus draws a very different portrait of the one who helps define them and is defined by them.

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    • Evangelicalism And The Stone Campbell Movement 1


      The Stone-Campbell Movement, also known as the Restoration Movement, arose on the frontiers of early nineteenth-century America. Like-minded Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians abandoned denominational labels in order to be “Christians only.” They called followers to join in Christian unity and restore the ideals of the New Testament church, holding authoritative no book but the Bible and believing no creed but Christ.

      Modern-day inheritors of this movement, including the Churches of Christ (a cappella) and the Christian Churches (independent), find much in common with wider evangelical Christianity as a whole. Both groups are committed to the authority of Scripture and the importance of personal conversion. Yet Restorationists and evangelicals, separated by sociological history as well as points of doctrinal emphasis, have been wary of each other. Evangelicals have often misunderstood Restorationists as exclusivist separatists and baptismal regenerationists. On the other hand, Stone-Campbell adherents have been suspicious of mainstream denominational evangelicals as having compromised key aspects of the Christian faith.

      In recent years Restoration Movement leaders and churches have moved more freely within evangelical circles. As a result, Stone-Campbell scholars have reconsidered their relationship to evangelicalism, pondering to what extent Restorationists can identify themselves as evangelicals. Gathered here are essays by leading Stone-Campbell thinkers, drawing from their Restoration heritage and offering significant contributions to evangelical discussions of the theology of conversion and ecclesiology. Also included are responses from noted evangelicals, who assess how Stone-Campbell thought both corresponds with and diverges from evangelical perspectives.

      Along with William R. Baker (editor) and Mark Noll (who wrote the Foreword), contributors include Tom Alexander, Jim Baird, Craig L. Blomberg, Jack Cottrell, Everett Ferguson, Stanley J. Grenz, John Mark Hicks, Gary Holloway, H. Wayne House, Robert C. Kurka, Robert Lowery, Edward P. Myers and Jon A. Weatherly.

      For all concerned with Christian unity and the restoration of the church, Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement offers a substantive starting point for dialogue and discussion.

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    • Trinity And Subordinationism


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Subordination has been and still is a controversial subject within the church. The concept has been vigorously debated in relation to the doctrine of the Trinity since the fourth century. Certain New Testament texts have made it part of discussions of right relations between men and women. In recent years these two matters have been dramatically brought together. Indeed, today the doctrine of the Trinity is being used to support opposing views of the right relationship between men and women in the church. At the center of the debate is the question of whether or not the orthodox view of the trinitarian relations teach the eternal subordination of the Son of God. In this book Kevin Giles masterfully traces the historic understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity from the patristic age to our own times to help resolve this important question. But he does not stop there. Giles goes on to provide an illuminating investigation of a closely related question–whether or not women, even in terms of function or role, were created to be permanently subordinated to men. By surveying the church’s traditional interpretation of texts relating to the status of women and inquiring into the proper use of the doctrine of the Trinity, Giles lays out his position in this current debate.

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    • Nature Human Nature And God


      In his latest work, the dean of religion and science tackles some of the thorniest issues posed by contemporary thought. Thoroughly conversant with current developments, Barbour offers astute analyses of the shape and import of evolutionary theory, indeterminacy, neuroscience, information theory, and artificial intelligence. He also addresses deeper philosophical issues and the idea of nature itself. Then with characteristic clarity and verve, Barbour advances to the interconnected religious questions at the core of contemporary debate: Are humans free? Does religion itself evolve? Are we immortal? Is God omnipotent? How does God act in nature? Barbour’s creative and constructive work offers hope that newer religious insights and imperatives occasioned by deep interaction with science can address the environmental and global challenges posed by science’s relentless advance.

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    • Scope And Authority Of The Bible


      This volume brings together seven essays which are representative of the author’s style, approach to and outlook on contemporary biblical topics. Characterized throughout by openness of thought and iconoclasm, this collection serves as an introduction to one of the most important issues – the authority of the Bible – facing churches today, as well as the author’s thoughts as a whole.

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    • Love In Hard Places


      D.A. Carson focuses on the aspects of Christian love that are not easy, such as loving your enemies and forgiving those who have hurt you. Whether the wounds come at the hands of a stranger in a distant land, from the neigbor next door, or from someone inside your home, this book helps you understand what biblical love is… and is not. As the author sorts through the diverse ways in which Scripture speaks of Christian love, he shows how that love reflects God’s own love. You’ll see how to love wisely and well, faithfully and biblically in heartwarming situations – how to love even in the hardest places in life.

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    • What Is New Testament Theology


      Does New Testament theology rightly deal with the documents of the New Testament or with something outside the text, such as the unfolding of early Christian religion, the events of salvation history, the historical Jesus in particular, or an understanding of human existence? Is New Testament theology a strictly historical project, a dialectical interaction between historical interpretation and hermeneutical concerns or solely hermeneutical program? This volume by a seasoned biblical scholar not only describes how New Testament theology has been done but provides critiques of the major approaches in the twentieth century as well as his own proposal.

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    • Redemptive Change


      Modern culture fails to offer people the hope of meaningful and enduring change in their lives. Philosophers maintain that people are self-sufficient, that they don’t need God to complete their identities, and that whatever changes they experience are momentary and of no ultimate significance. R.R. Reno counters this modern philosophy, contending that the only meaningful change occurs in Christ. At the moment of atonement, people experience an enduring change that has momentous consequences for their lives. We matter, Reno says, only insofar as we are more dependnet upon and changed by Christ.

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    • Wesleyan Tradition : A Paradigm For Renewal


      In these important essays, a distinguished group of interpreters of the Wesleyan tradition, identify the central convictions and practices of the Methodist movement. Their purpose in making this identification is twofold. First, they insist that these convictions and practices lie at the heart of what the Wesleyan/Methodist family is, and has been. Second, and more important, they claim that in these distinctive beliefs lies the future of the “people called Methodist.” If renewal and growth in witness and mission is to occur, the authors argue, it will come through a reclamation and reinterpretation of such central beliefs as salvation by grace through faith, the authority of Scripture, disciple-making within community, the vocation of Christian holiness, and the church’s mission to the world.

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    • 1st Theology : God Scripture And Hermeneutics


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830826810ISBN10: 0830826815Kevin VanhoozerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 4 Views On Eternal Security


      Does the Bible support the concept of “once saved, always saved,” or can a person lose his or her salvation? How do the Scriptures portray the complex interplay between grace and free will? These and related questions are explored from different angles in this thought-provoking Counterpoints volume.

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    • Difficult But Indispensable Church


      Why is it so difficult to be church today? Of course, Christian community is marked by ennobling worship, mutual care, and joyful celebration. But just as often it is marred by staid routine, insularity, and disagreement over leadership, budgets, ethical stances, or even the shape of congregational prayer itself. Alienation, blame, and power struggles ensue. Is church worth it? In this volume of fresh thinking about life in Christian community, twenty-one theologians from Wartburg Seminary strongly attest to Christ-centered community, offering new views of church as the indispensable site of radical Christian commitment and an essential healer for a hurting world. Reflective churchgoers will find here a virtual theological guide to church renewal. In part 1 the authors show how church can model an alternative vision of community, helping people achieve well-being and health, even as their differences are affirmed. Part 2 gets to the heart of Christian practice through creative discussions of belief, fellowship, encounters with Scripture, preaching, and moral deliberation. Part 3 finds the church in motion in new ways of understanding discipleship and mission near and far. Part 4 shows how a Christ-inspired openness can reveal new perspectives on tough issues of public policy, race and class, and ordination of gays and lesbians. Modeling what they espouse, the authors find unanimity in affirming the strengths of diversity, the unsuspected key to church renewal. Contributors include: James L. Bailey, Karen L. Bloomquist, Norma Cook Everist, Roger W. Fjeld, Ann L. Fritschel, Paul Hill, Peter L. Kjeseth, L. Shannon Jung, Duane H. Larson, Elizabeth A. Leeper, David J. Lull, Craig L. Nessan, James R. Nieman, Daniel L. Olson, Winston Persaud, Duane A. Priebe, Ralph W. Quere, David A. Ramse, Gwen B. Sayler, Thomas H. Schattauer, and H. S. Wilson.

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    • In Our Image


      In Our Image is the first extensive theological engagement with the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Herzfeld probes this new field, which seeks to model human intelligence in computers, for its theological depth. She argues that “At the root of the fascination our current culture has with creating an image of ourselves in an intelligent computer lies a continuing problematic of defining … what it means to be truly human.” She shows how AI continues the classic Christian quest for defining the image of God in humans. Offering a smart, accessible history and typology of research in AI, Herzfeld shows how its rival schools parallel competing options in the theological anthropologies of Niebuhr, von Rad, and Barth. She probes our interest in AI and argues that a relational anthropology informs the best research and the many depictions of AI in science fiction and film. Herzfeld’s exciting work further develops this relational model, in which she finds a needed corrective to the individualistic and narcissistic tendencies of much recent spirituality and the seeds of a human/computer ethic.

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    • Making Of The Creeds


      In lucid and non-technical prose, Young demonstrates how and why the two most familiar Christian creeds – the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed – came into being. She describes how creeds originated in instruction before baptism and have their roots in the New Testament itself. She then shows how the rise of Gnosticism and a tendancy towards fragmentation in the church made a clear statement of faith necessary, as well as outlining the various controversies which led to particular words and phrases being included in the creeds as we now have them. She then describes the construction of the great Christian doctrines of the Trinity and incarnation.

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    • Saint Augustine Of Hippo (Revised)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781853114427ISBN10: 1853114421Gerald BonnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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    • 2000 Years Of Charismatic Christianity


      Overwhelming evidence reveals contemporary Christianity roots in Pentecost! The world is taking notice and realizing that the fastest-growing segment in Christianity has an undeniable history with a pattern and a rich, deep foundation dating back to the New Testament. Explore overwhelming evidence that reveals how the gifts of the Holy Spirit not only have existed in the centuries since the early apostles, but have also survived the Middle Ages, the politicized church of Europe, and have experienced a spectacular revival this century. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity offers convincing evidence that the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movements are rooted in the two-thousand-year history of the church. Those who identify with these movements will be affirmed in the experience of the Holy Spirit and will gain a new respect and appreciation for the movement of which they are a part. Those outside the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements will also benefit by reading this volume in that they will gain an understanding of this movement that Harvard professor Dr. Harvey Cox says is “reshaping religion in the 21st century.”

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    • Faith And Freedom


      Faith and Freedom: An Invitation to the Writings of Martin Luther is the first selection in decades for the general reader from the many dozens of volumes that constitute Martin Luther’s collected works. The selections included here, chosen for their pastoral tone, speak across the centuries and inform the spiritual concerns of today.Drawing on Luther’s Bible prefaces and commentaries, his treatises and sermons, his letters, his “table talk,” and his enduring hymnbook, Faith and Freedom will provide a spiritual resource for anyone seeking the heritage of modern Christian spirituality. Moreover, it requires no specialized knowledge of Reformation theology or Church history. Rich in language, direct, powerful, fresh in ideas, and often disquieting in their effect, the writings of Luther provide compelling reading.

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    • Rhetorical Argumentation In Biblical Texts


      In this volume, the contributors seek a better understanding of how various biblical authors present their arguments, support their claims, and attempt to persuade their readers. Essays in the volume examine rhetorical argumentation in the Hebrew Bible, the Gospels, the pauline letters, and the Book of Revelation, offering striking new readings of these materials.

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