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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Barth For Armchair Theologians


      “Most of the English-speaking world still has a ‘cartoonish’ understanding of Karl Barth. How appropriate, then, that a book with actual cartoons should appear to demolish the stereotypes. John Franke’s Barth for ArmchairTheologians offers an accurate, insightful, and at times whimsical introduction to the great thinker from Basel.” Joseph L. Mangina, Wycliffe College, Toronto, author of Karl Barth: Theologian of Christian Witness Written by experts but designed for the novice, the Armchair series provides accurate, concise, and witty overviews of some of the most profound moments and theologians in Christian history. These books are essential supplements for first-time encounters with primary texts, lucid refreshers for scholars and clergy, and enjoyable reads for the theologically curious. This volume introduces readers to the life and thought of Karl Barth (1886-1968), one of the most important theologians since the Reformation era. Featuring the Armchair series’ characteristic whimsical illustrations, Barth for Armchair Theologians surveys Barth’s theology as it emerges and culminates in his monumental Church Dogmatics as well as how his theology continues to be interpreted in the present day. John R. Franke is Professor of Theology at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. He is coauthor with Stanley J. Grenz of Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context also published by Westminster John Knox Press.

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    • Saved From Sacrifice


      A carefuly argued, truly groundbreaking exploration of Christ’s death and of atonement theology.

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    • Hospitality : The Heart Of Spiritual Direction


      In this latest addition to the Spiritual Directors International Series, professional spiritual directors and those in formation programs learn to extend traditional forms of hospitality by living out its deeper meaning as they explore ways in which the spirit of hospitality enriches the spiritual direction experience.

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    • Doctrine Of Justification By Faith


      Print on demand
      John Owen presents one of the most rigorous defenses of the Reformed doctrine of justification ever written. This reprint of The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, taken from the 19th century edition produced by the Presbyterian Board of Publications, will serve as a welcome improvement for many readers. Latin and Greek quotations have been moved to footnotes, and English translations are given for those large blocks of material that Owen left untranslated. It also contains a new introductory essay by Carl R. Trueman, which analyzes Owen’s treatment of justification in light of the highly charged debates of his day. While Owen’s work is technical and challenging, this edition is an effort to make his profound exposition more manageable.

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    • How Not To Speak Of God


      With sensitivity to the Christian tradition and a rich understanding of postmodern thought, Peter Rollins argues that the movement known as the “emerging church” offers a singular, unprecedented message of transformation that has the potential to revolutionize the theological and moral architecture of Western Christianity.

      How (not) to Speak of God sets out to explore the theory and praxis of this contemporary expression of faith. Rollins offers a clear exploration of this embryonic movement and provides key resources for those involved in communities that are conversant with, and seeking to minister effectively to, the needs of a postmodern world.

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    • Emergent Theology For Emerging Churches


      Explaining that an emergent theology is messianic, revelational, kingdom-coming and eschatological, this book adresses many of the concerns of those looking for a church that is contemporary, yet true to the gospel.

      If you wrestle with the challenges that face the church in these “postmodern” days, you will benefit from this book.

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    • Liturgical Theology : The Church As Worshiping Community


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827633ISBN10: 0830827633Simon ChanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2006Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Paul On The Cross


      Even as theologians have become more critical of classic theories of atonement, biblical scholars have continued to rely upon such theories as a basis for interpreting Paul’s teaching regarding salvation and the cross. In this vital volume, Brondos looks to the recent advances in New Testament scholarship to argue for an alternative understanding of Paul’s doctrine of salvation and the cross.

      Paul, says Brondos, understood Jesus’ death primarily as the consequence of his mission: to serve as God’s instrument to bring about the long-awaited redemption of Israel, in which Gentiles throughout the world would also be included. For Paul, Jesus’ death is salvific not because it satisfies some necessary condition for human salvation, as most doctrines of the atonement have traditionally maintained, nor because it effects some change in the situation of human beings or the world in general. Rather, Jesus’ God responded to Jesus’ faithfulness unto death by raising him, thereby ensuring that all the divine promises of salvation would be fulfilled through him.

      Jesus’ death forms part of an overarching story culminating in the redemption of Israel and the world. It is this story, and in particular what preceded and followed Jesus’ death on the cross, that makes that death redemptive for Paul.

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    • Clear And Present Word


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface
      1. Oh Sweet Obscurity: The Absurdity Of Claiming Clarity Today
      2. The Effective Communicator: God As The Guarantor Of Scriptural Clairty
      3. It Is Not Beyond You: The Accessible Word Of The Living God
      4. Engaging The Hermeneutical Challenge
      5. The Sharp Double-edged Sword: Restating The Clarity Of Scripture Today
      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      By almost any measure, a bold and confident use of the Bible is a hallmark of Christianity. Underlying such use are a number of assumptions about the origin, nature and form of the biblical literature, concerning its authority, diversity and message.

      However, a lack of confidence in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is apparent in Western Christianity. Despite recent, sophisticated analyses, the doctrine is ignored or derided by many. While there is a contemporary feel to these responses, the debate itself is not new.

      In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Mark Thompson surveys past and present objections to the clarity of Scripture; expounds the living God as the Guarantor of his accessible, written Word; engages with the hermeneutical challenges and restates the doctrine for today.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • We With Our Children


      Print on demand

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    • Postmodernism 101 : A First Course For The Curious Christian (Reprinted)



      Why Read About Postmodernism
      Premodern And Modern Minds
      The Postmodern Turn Against Reason
      Truth, Power, And Morality
      Language And Thought
      Inquiry And Interpretation
      Culture And Irony
      History And Hope

      For Further Reading

      Additional Info
      An accessible introduction to the ideas of postmodernism and postmodernism’s relationship to Christianity.

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    • Cross Examinations : Readings On The Meaning Of The Cross Today


      In today’s theological landscape the significance of the cross has become strongly affirmed and radically questioned. This exciting volume gathers theologians and historians who have thought through these critical and constructive issues: Do traditional understandings of the cross valorize suffering or violence? Are the older soteriological models, which see redemption as a kind of ransom or debt satisfaction, fitting for the contemporary worldview? Do they produce a piety that acquiesces in needless suffering, or does the cross precisely meet the massive suffering and injustice of today’s world?

      Following an expert introduction to the issues and options by editor Marit Trelstad, each author addresses the Christian symbol of the cross in the context of current theological, sociological, political, or environmental issues.

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    • Philosophy And Theology


      In this clear, concise, and brilliantly engaging essay, renowned philosopher and theologian John D. Caputo addresses the great and classical philosophical questions as they inextricably intersect with theology – past, present, and future.
      Recognized as one of the leading philosophers, Caputo is peerless in introducing and initiating students into the vital relationship that philosophy and theology share together. He writes, “If you take a long enough look, beyond the debates that divide philosophy and theology, over the walls that they have built to keep each other out or beyond the wars to subordinate one to the other, you find a common sense of awe, a common gasp of surprise or astonishment, like looking out at the endless sprawl of stars across the evening sky or upon the waves of a midnight sea.”

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    • Aquinas Summa Theologica 1


      The SCM Briefly series is a series of summarized texts that are commonly used on theology and philosophy A level and Level One undergraduate courses in the UK. As students are less likely today to come to these subjects with language experience, the Briefly series, summarising the meaning of the original texts, is a painless and quick way to get to grips with what the philosophers were writing about. The language throughout is modern and approachable, but the books manage to avoid “dumbing down” by including line by line analysis and short quotes to give students a feel for the original. In addition each book begins with an introduction, which provides a context for the writer and his writings, the chapters contain summaries to ensure the student has a context for that particular piece of writing, and each book also contains a glossary of terms. Aquinas’ Summa Theologica is his most famous work. It was intended as a manual for beginners as a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of that time and consists of a summary of the reasonings for almost all points of the Catholic faith. It is the fullest presentation of his views and covers the widest range of subjects – reason, sin, just war to name but a few – in detailed philosophical language. He worked on it from 1265 until the end of his life in March 1274. When he died he had reached Question ninety of Part III, on the subject of penance. The work is in three parts, dealing firstly with questions of God, then in part II with man’s striving for the highest end, and in the third part with Christ and the union between human and divine. Each part is structured as a series of questions and assertions and relies heavily upon key thinkers and writers at that time, including Aristotle, St Augustine, Dionysius and Rabbi Moses.

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    • Future Of Liberation Theology


      There is a notion amongst some academics that Latin American Liberation Theology has had its day, a dream killed off by the Nicaraguan and Salvadoran revolutions, the 1989 demise of socialism and the “end of history” claims of the champions of capitalism. However in this book Petrella proves this to be an ill-conceived notion, and shows that this theology can be reinvented to bring its preferential option for the poor into the real world. The actualisation of historical projects is possible by adopting the methods developed by the Brazilian champion of critical legal studies, Robert Unger. Doing so will entail the rejection of these theologians’ unitary concepts of a despised and rejected capitalism and a canonized and accepted socialism. Petrella argues for a reconstruction of these concepts and those of democracy and property too. He closely analyses the differences in democracy and capitalism as practised across the USA and Europe in support for the reconstruction of these concepts bringing about far-reaching suggestions for the future of liberation theology.

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    • In Search Of Humanity And Diety


      This book is a collection of essays to celebrate 50 years of John Macquarrie’s publishing with SCM Press. A considerable influence on many current thinkers and theologians, John Macquarrie’s work in areas as diverse as Christology, mysticism and ecclesiology are celebrated here. With contributions from around the world, including tributes from 25 theologians, this collection is a reflective and enlightening survey of one man’s achievements that will be as enjoyable to the theology student as to the church goer.

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    • Turning Points


      Is there meaning to life? Is history just random? Where does my life fit in? These are topical questions in any age, but particularly so in our postmodern era. Vaughan Roberts
      addresses these questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the “turning points” in history, from creation to the end of time.

      This does not read like a normal history book. It does something far more important, to help you see history as God does, so that you might fit in with His plans for the world.

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    • Man Of Sin


      Who is the Antichrist and when will he come? Find out with this thorough, biblical examination of the doctrine of the Antichrist. From the author of A Case for Amillenialism.

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    • Skeptical Passionate Christian


      In the tone of a much-loved college chaplain, Michael F. Duffy takes his readers through a personal theological journey, exploring what it means to discern and live out a thoughtful, informed, and responsible faith. Encouraging Christians to develop and commit themselves to a critically developed vision of God, Duffy introduces the basic intents, questions, and conversation partners in theology, providing guidance on how to responsibly engage each one. Finally, he utilizes the skills he introduces to lead his readers through an exploration of vocation-whether God calls, whether God calls each of us individually, and, if so, what God calls us to.

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    • Como Se Formo La Biblia (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)



      2.Hebreos: Una Introduccion A La Epistola
      3.Prologo: La Intervencion De Dios En La Historia (1.1-4)

      4.Primera Seccion: La Superioridad Del Hijo (1.5-2.18)
      A. El Hijo Es Coronado Rey (1.5-14)
      B. Exhortacion A Reconocer La Autoridad Del Hijo (2.1?)
      C. La Solidaridad Del Hijo Con La Humanidad (2.5-18)

      5.Segunda Seccion: Cristo Es Nuestro Sumo Sacerdote (3.1-5.10)
      A. Jesus, El Sumo Sacerdote Fiel (3.1-6)
      B. Advertencia Contra La Incredulidad (3.7-4.13)
      C. Jesus, El Sumo Sacerdote Compasivo (4.14-5.10)

      6.Tercera Seccion: El Sumo Sacerdocio De Jesucristo (5.11?.39)
      A. Advertencia Contra La Pereza (5.11-6:20)
      B. Jesus, Sumo Sacerdote Sequn El Orden De Melquisedec (7.1-28)
      C. Jesus, El Sumo Sacerdote Perfecto (8.1-9.22)
      D. La Eficacia Del Sacerdocio De Cristo (9.23-10.18)
      E. Exhortacion A Acercarse A Dios (10.19-1=39)

      7.Cuata Seccion: La Perseverancia (11.1-12.13)
      A. La Fe (11.1-40;
      B. Puestos Los Ojos En Jesus (12.1-13)

      8.Quinta Seccion: Orientacion Para La Vida Cristiana (12.14-13.19)
      A. Exhortacion A La Santidad (12.14-29)
      B. Exhortacion A La Solidaridad (13.1-19)

      9.Conclusion: Bendicion Y Despedida (13.20-25)

      Bibliografia Comentada

      Additional Info
      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Dissident Discipleship : A Spirituality Of Self Surrender Love Of God And L


      Explains and advocates for a tri-polar spirituality-Christian life and energy centered on God, care of self, and care of neighbor.

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    • Rapture : Fact Of Fiction


      As each year passes there arises one relentless question concerning the rapture: “Where is the rapture?” This question will always be answered by those who teach the rapture with a statement like “it could happen anytime, so be ready-it will come as a thief in the night.” But will it? Does God’s Word teach that Jesus will come on a secret trip to snatch His Bride from this planet? If so, why is there so much confusion concerning the rapture? Is our God a God of confusion? If Jesus is coming on a secret trip, why did He not say so clearly and unmistakably? The truth is simple. Jesus did make perfectly clear the events surrounding His return, and it has nothing to do with a secret trip. In this book you will discover the truth of God’s Word concerning the rapture

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    • Coming Islamic Invasion Of Israel


      Writing 2,500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel predicted a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel in the last days. The third book in Mark Hitchcock’s fascinating prophecy series explains the relevance of this prediction to today’s world. First, he establishes how the current global scene sets the stage for this event and focuses on the identity of the invading nations (those mentioned in Ezekiel are like a Who’s Who of Israel’s current enemies). Hitchcock then considers the time and motives for their attack. Finally, he discusses God’s dramatic intervention that will pave the way for the Antichrist’s worldwide empire.

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    • Holy People : A Liturgical Ecclesiology


      Introduction: Liturgical Ecclesiology And Its Importance

      PART ONE: A People-Church In Liturgical Perspective
      *With All, In Every Place
      *The Practice Of Assembly

      PART TWO: One People – Liturgy And Church Unity
      *Knowing Something Together
      *Unity And Liturgical Pattern
      *The Practice Of Unity

      PART THREE: Holy People – Liturgical Assemblies And Earth’s Peoples
      *Assembly, Baptism, And Culture
      *Assembly, Eucharist, And Culture
      *The Practice Of Holiness


      Additional Info
      This sequel to Gordon Lathrop’s highly successful Holy Things is an exercise in liturgical theology, viewing the activities of worship as a means of defining and discussing the concept “church.” It centers on community and assembly to discuss the sacraments. It focuses on ecumenism and inculturation as central test cases for a liturgically derived idea of church.

      In hopes of invigorating the local church, Lathrop explores the meaning of the term “church,” the relationship of the local liturgical assembly and other Christian assemblies (catholicity); the personal and communal character of liturgical assembly; the unity of the churches; the critical principles of liturgy and culture; openness to what is radically other; and liturgical evangelization. Lathrop’s work grounds a notion of church that is personal yet communal, universal, but not triumphalistic.

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    • Modern Christian Thought Volume 1


      This widely acclaimed introduction to modern Christian thought, formerly published by Prentice Hall, provides full, scholarly accounts of the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with solid historical background and critical assessments.

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    • Wisdom In Theology


      In this book, respected Old Testament scholar Ronald Clements explores and elucidates a much-debated subject a the place and significance of the Old Testament wisdom writings in Jewish and Christian theology. Based on the Didsbury Lectures delivered by Clements at British Isles Nazarene College in October 1989, ‘Wisdom in Theology’ first looks at the wisdom tradition in terms of its ancient Near Eastern background, it distinctiveness in Israelite life, and its historical development. Clements then discusses major wisdom themes under various headings: (1) wisdom and the world, (2) wisdom and health, (3) wisdom and politics, (4) wisdom and the household, and (5) wisdom and the divine realm. In explicating the unique role of the wisdom tradition, particularly in post-exilic Israel, Clements shows how wisdom, as opposed to the torah and prophecy, provided the Jews of the dispersion with the basis for a new, noncultic, universalistic worldview. Clements’s scholarly discussion demonstrates to modern readers how much is yet to be learned regarding the inheritance of wisdom from the ancient world.

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    • I Wonder Why He Had To Die


      Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Who was He? Why did He come to live on our planet for 33 years, only to die a cruel death on a Roman cross? How do the Jews figure into all of this, and why does Jesus’ name cause people to rise up in praise, fall down on their knees in worship, or call out a curse against Him?

      This book addresses these questions, first raised by a fourth grade student on a field trip when he saw a crucifix in a museum.

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    • Communion : Your Covenant Connector


      A believer’s quest for spiritual power and physical and mental deliverance can be found in the two elements that represent the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ!

      It’s time for us as believers to understand the origin and power that God has placed in the Bread and Cup of Jesus.

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    • Communion : Your Covenant Connector


      A believer’s quest for spiritual power and physical and mental deliverance can be found in the two elements that represent the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ!

      It’s time for us as believers to understand the origin and power that God has placed in the Bread and Cup of Jesus.

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    • Transforming Spirituality : Integrating Theology And Psychology (Reprinted)


      This theory-driven, interdisciplinary text explores the concept of spiritual transformation through the lenses of theology and psychology.

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    • Shadow Of The Antichrist


      Discusses the influence that Friedrich Nietzsche’s anti-Christian philosphy has had on the church of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

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    • Jesus And The Father


      1. An Introduction To The Contemporary Debate On The Trinity
      2. What The Bible Says About The Trinity And What It Does Not Say
      3. The Rejection Of The Subordinationism In The Historic Tradition
      4. The Rejection Of The Eternal Obedience Of The Son In Tradition
      5. How Are The Divine Persons Differentiated
      6. Should The Subordination Seen In The Incarnation Be Read Back Into The Eternal Or Immanent Trinity
      Conclusion: Where Do We Go From Here
      Appendix: Is God Male

      Additional Info
      In the last 30 years, more has been written on the doctrine of the Trinity than any other doctrine. Christian theologians of all persuasions have come to recognize it as the primary doctrine of the Christian faith. It is “our” doctrine of God.

      In this book, the author wrestles with related quesitons that now divide the evangelical community.

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    • Language Of Symbolism (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780801046469ISBN10: 0801046467Pierre Grelot | Translator: Christopher SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2006Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Experience Of God


      Charts the paradoxes and possiblities of our experience of God.

      Probes human language and silence, adoration and alienation, to find the root of all our experience in God and its special character in Christian encounter with Jesus.

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    • Hiding Place : The Sinner Found In Christ


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      The Old Testament gives us several names or titles for God. For instance, God is called Jehevah-Tsidkenu, the LORD our righteousness. In this insightful book, John Macfarlane demonstrates how these Old Testament names of God are best expressed and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Concerning God as our righteousness, Macfarlane shows how Jesus provides the necessary righteousness for guilty sinners to stand acceptable before a Holy God. Other names of God treated are Jehovah-Jireh (the LORD will provide), Jehovah-Rophi (the LORD my healer), Jehovah-Shalom (the LORD our peace), Jehovah-Nissi (the LORD my banner), and Jehovah-Shammah (the LORD is there). In treating these titles of God, Macfarlane opens up the way of salvation, exhibiting Christ as the safe hiding place of sin-weary souls.

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    • John Calvin As Teacher Pastor And Theologian


      An exploration of the ways in which John Calvin’s roles as both teacher and pastor shaped his writings and theology.

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    • Conversations With Barth On Preaching


      Readers of William H. Willimon’s many books have long discovered the influence of Karl Barth, one of the most significant theologians of the twentieth century. In this new book, Willimon explores that relationship explicitly by engaging Barth’s work on the pitfalls and problems, glories and grandeur of preaching the Word of God. This Swiss theologian, says the author, expressed one of the highest theologies of preaching of any of the great theologians of the church. Yet too much of Garth’s understanding of preaching lies buried in other sources. Willimon brings this material to light, introducing readers to Barth’s thought on both the meaning and the practice of preaching.

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    • Alone In The World


      In Alone in the World? – first given as the 2004 Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinburgh – J. Wentzel van Huyssteen develops the interdisciplinary dialogue that he set out in The Shaping of Rationality (1999), applying this methodology to the uncharted waters between theological anthropology and paleoanthropology.

      Among other things, van Huyssteen argues that scientific notions of human uniqueness help us to ground theological notions of human distinctiveness in flesh-and-blood, embodied experiences and protect us from overly complex theological abstractions regarding the “image of God.” Focusing on the interdisciplinary problem of human origins and distinctiveness, van Huyssteen accesses the origins of the embodied human mind through the spectacular prehistoric cave paintings of western Europe, fifteen of which are reproduced in color in this volume.

      Boldly connecting the widely separated fields of Christian theology and paleoanthropology through careful interdisciplinary reflection, Alone in the World? will encourage sustained investigation into the question of human uniqueness.

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    • Spirits Of Globalization


      Spirits of Globalization provides a contemporary, trans-cultural and inter-disciplinary attempt to answer questions about the connection between the forces that drive globalisation and the phenomenal growth of Pentecostalism. It looks at links between the liberation movement and the Pentecostal movement, asks questions about the implications of the Pentecostalization of religion in the global age, is the growth of Pentecostalism a form of adaptation or resistance to post-modern capitalism? Does it represent recourse to the firm and rigid religiosity of pre-modernity, or rather a leap of faith into the fragmented post-modern conditions in the poor mega-cities of the globe?

      The book doesn’t merely raise the issues for discussion but attempts to provide answers. Taking the seminal work of Harvey Cox on Pentecostalism as a starting point, theologians and sociologists of religion from four continents discern the ‘spirit of globalization’ 100 years after Max Weber wrote his groundbreaking analysis on the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism.

      Photography for this book cover is reproduced by kind permission of Rune Eraker.

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    • Fracture : The Cross As Irreconcilable In The Language And Thought Of The B


      Since the advent of formal biblical criticism, many have come to see the crucifixion as merely one event in the process of religious development. Yet for the New Testament writers it was so much more, representing a radical break that forever affected their perception of God and the world.

      In this book Roy Harrisville examines the thought worlds of the New Testament writers, showing how the cross fractured their previously held ideas, causing a profound reorientation centered on the story of the cross. Focusing chronologically on Paul, the Synoptic writers, John, and the authors of Hebrews and 1 Peter, Harrisville demonstrates changes in the writers’ understanding of sacrifice, law, Hellenism, apocalyptic, and other areas – changes that created the new values of the radically different Christian community.

      An insightful work of careful critical scholarship, Harrisville’s Fracture will appeal to anyone interested in reviewing the New Testament’s witness to that which lies at the heart of earliest Christian confession and which has provoked such bitter conflict in history.

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    • Theology For Liberal Presbyterians And Other Endangered Species


      In this witty, accessible, and concise book, theologian Doug Ottati argues that liberal Presbyterians and other liberal Protestants still have much to contribute to the contemporary world. Offering an alternative to evangelical and conservative thought that he believes now pervades the larger culture, Ottati presents what he sees as the foundations of liberal, theological thought. Writing out of the Reformed tradition and a theology of grace, he addresses current issues such as evangelism, the ordination of homosexuals, and the war on terrorism. Most important, the book is a call to liberal Presbyterians and other liberal Protestants to restate, rethink, and revise traditional theologies and beliefs in the face of contemporary knowledge and realities. This book is ideal for individual or group study.

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    • Shaping The Christian Life


      This insightful study explores how worship practices can transform and renew the lives of those who worship. Emphasizing how religious affections provide us with orientation in the world, Hotz and Mathews show how worship can shape our religious affections so that we can live to the glory of God and in a harmonious relationship with God’s creation.

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    • Gods Life In Trinity


      Probes new ways of understanding the triune character of God.

      Jurgen Moltmann’s distinctive insights in trinitarian theology – especially about the relations within God and God’s presence in creation – are revolutionary for theology and set the stage for these further explorations. The esteemed group of contributors in this volume probes new ways of understanding the triune character of God.

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    • Remarriage After Divorce In Todays Church


      A biblical and practical case for three main evangelical views on remarriage after divorce Among born-again christians

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    • Evidence For Christianity


      Whether debating Marxists, college professors, or Islamic apologists, Josh McDowell’s hallmark has always been to walk boldly into enemy territory and speak truth. This book is based on the expectation that, with a growing number of adults becoming increasingly skeptical toward Christianity, there is a need for a solid body of persuasive evidence to be presented to them. This is a sourcebook for doubting seekers as well as current believers who need persuasive information to share with friends. Evidence for Christianity is McDowell’s compelling answer to the hard questions so many Christians are afraid to discuss.

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    • Resurrecting Excellence : Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry


      Christians are of two minds about excellence. We commend excellent teaching, seek out excellent health care, and celebrate excellence in the arts. When a Christian life or congregation is described as excellent, however, we suspect that ambition or success may be getting the better of us.

      Resurrecting Excellence aims to rekindle and encourage among Christian leaders an unselfish ambition for the gospel that shuns both competition and mediocrity and rightly focuses on the beauty, power, and excellence of living as faithful disciples of the crucified and risen Christ. Drawing on ancient traditions and on contemporary voices, L. Gregory Jones and Kevin R. Armstrong offer both a theology of excellence and compelling portraits of pastors, lay leaders, and congregations that embody “a more excellent way.”

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    • Shepherds After My Own Heart


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      I. Background
      II. Biblical Prototypes
      III. YHWH, The Messiah And Promises Of A Second Exodus
      IV. The Shepherd Messiah, His Followers And The Second Exodus
      V. Following And Serving The Shepherd-Lamb
      VI. Concluding Observations And Reflections

      Appendix A: Mesopotamian Deities With Shepherd Titles
      Appendix B: Mesopotamian Kings With Shepherd Titles And Epithets
      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      Shepherds After My Own Heart is a full-length academic treatment of the theme of the shepherd/pastor throughout the whole of scripture. It comprises a detailed study of Ancient Near Eastern understandings of this powerful metaphor, its uses and development in the Old Testament and its employment by the apostolic writers to describe the messianic significance of Jesus Christ, both in his earthly ministry and in his ascended and apocalyptic Lordship over church and world. In doing so, it articulates key elements of a biblical theology of pastoral ministry and leadership.

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    • Schleiermacher


      Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) has long been considered the father of modern theology. In an implicit dialogue with the reader, Terrence Tice demonstrates that Schleiermacher is also very much our contemporary struggling with the same questions we do today: What has God done for us all in Christ? and How should I respond?

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    • Covenant Of Peace


      One would think that peace, a term that occurs as many as one hundred times in the New Testament, would enjoy a prominent place in theology and ethics textbooks. Yet it is surprisingly absent. Willard Swartley’s Covenant of Peace remedies this deficiency, restoring to New Testament theology and ethics the peace that many works have missed.

      In this comprehensive yet accessible book Swartley explicates virtually all of the New Testament, relating peace – and the associated emphases of love for enemies and reconciliation – to core theological themes such as salvation, christology, and the reign of God. No other work in English makes such a contribution.

      Swartley concludes by considering specific practices that lead to peacemaking and their place in our contemporary world. Retrieving a historically neglected element in the Christian message, Covenant of Peace confronts readers anew with the compelling New Testament witness to peace.

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    • Violence Hospitality And The Cross


      Taking seriously contemporary critiques of traditional atonement theology, Boersma argues that the cross is the ultimate expression of divine hospitality.

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    • Whos Afraid Of Postmodernism (Reprinted)


      The philosophies of French thinkers Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault form the basis for postmodern thought and are seemingly at odds with the Christian faith. However, James K. A. Smith claims that their ideas have been misinterpreted and actually have a deep affinity with central Christian claims. Each chapter opens with an illustration from a recent movie and concludes with a case study considering recent developments in the church that have attempted to respond to the postmodern condition, such as the ”emerging church” movement. These case studies provide a concrete picture of how postmodern ideas can influence the way Christians think and worship. This significant book avoids philosophical jargon and offers fuller explanation where needed. It is the first book in the Church and Postmodern Culture series, which provides practical applications for Christians engaged in ministry in a postmodern world.

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    • Confessions Of A Christian Humanist


      Answers the question – How can one genuinely follow Jesus today, and what does that mean about one’s lifestyle, social and politcal commitments, and ethical stance?

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    • Augustine


      For many, all theology subsequent to Augustine is a footnote. He is influential, even today, because of his doctrinal formulations. Even more importantly, Augustine was a stimulating thinker and constant inquirer. Starting with his philosophical interest in Platonism, which set the framework for his thinking, Eugene TeSelle examines the major themes of Augustine’s thought following a more or less chronological order including human fulfillment, evil, creation, the human self, the church and its doctrines, the course of human history, and the relation of Christianity to political matters. Even those who think he may have been wrong in his conclusions can respect Augustine’s willingness to confront problems and think through their implications.

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    • Christ In Focus


      Christ in Focus demonstrates why the figure of Christ is so central for Christian faith and thought. It starts by asking what constitutes the focus or centre of Christian theology? In opposition to the way in which the trinity is being reasserted as the lynchpin of Christianity, this book argues that Christianity loses its soul when it is not Christocentric.

      Part One examines the way in which Christian theology works methodologically. Christology may not be the starting point of a systematic Christian theology, but this book argues that it must be the focus. The dangers in seeking to maintain a Christocentric focus are drawn out as a catalogue of distortions of Christocentricism.

      Part Two turns attention to the kind of Christology needed to sustain such a radical Christocentricism. In a series of critical dialogues, with the work of Schleiermacher, Rauschenbusch and Brock respectively, the author develops a corporate Christology adequate for today. It is argued that talk of ‘dependence upon Christ’ has, to date, turned Christians inward, or found them appealing to a past, isolated male saviour figure. In critiquing such an approach, an understanding of the contemporary Christ is developed; Christ as an empowering presence, for the many communal settings in which people live their lives today.

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    • Theology Today : Reflections On The Bible And Contemporary Life


      In this collection of his essays from the popular and respected journal Theology Today, longtime editor Patrick D. Miller offers insights into the basic human condition. His reflections range from popular culture (the popularity of Seinfeld) to political matters (the proper public role for the Ten Commandments) to the sublime (the connection between poetry and faith). The wit and wisdom of this internationally respected biblical scholar come through clearly in this collection, as we learn anew about how God works in the world around us.

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    • Personal Identity In Theological Perspective


      The turbulence and confusion of contemporary life should motivate us to ask the big questions of life anew and to reexamine the disastrous naturalism of the twentieth century. This volume gathers well-known thinkers from a breadth of confessional Christian traditions who share a passionate interest in better understanding the nature of persons.

      The contributors to Personal Identity in Theological Perspective aim to recover the ancient biblical account of human beings as made “in the image of God.” Their essays fall naturally into three divisions – retrieving historical discussions of human identity, presenting contemporary challenges to a distinctively Christian anthropology, and offering constructive proposals toward a richer understanding of persons. This volume will provoke discussion and debate on the fundamental question What does it mean to be human?

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    • Eat This Book Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The second part of Peterson’s rich conversation on spiritual theology offers a nourishing entree into the formative, life-changing art of spiritual reading.

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    • Historicism : The Once And Future Challenge For Theology


      Traces the history of historicism and its various meanings from the German Enlightenment through its Continental and distinctly American developments to its contemporary postmodern incarnations.

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    • Meaning Of Revelation


      This reissue of a twentieth-century classic by H. Richard Niebuhr emphasizes an understanding of God’s revelation that takes seriously both the Bible itself and modern ideas about the nature of history. The book argues that God’s revelation is “confessional history.” The source and setting of basic Christian convictions lie within a historical framework. By his focus on revelation as personal experience, Niebuhr served as the igniting force for views of future theological movements that are still prevalent more than forty years after his death. First published in 1941, this masterful work is now enhanced with a new introduction by Douglas F. Ottati, which sets Niebuhr’s work in the context of his other writings and explores the significance of this book.

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    • Baptized In The Spirit


      1. Spirit Baptism And Pentecostal Theology – Returning To Our Central Distinctive
      2. The Kingdom And The Power – Expanding The Boundaries Of Spirit Baptism
      3. Christ As The King And The Spirit As The Kingdom – Spirit Baptism In Trinitarian Perspective
      4. Signs Of Grace In A Graceless World – The Spirit Baptized Church
      5. Baptized In Love – The Spirit Baptized Life

      Additional Info
      Baptized in the Spirit creatively discusses the most recent trends in Pentecostal and charismatic theology, especially as this newer theological thinking confronts ecumenical and contextual challenges. The volume makes a sincere attempt to integrate a concentration on the Holy Spirit with evangelical truth and the practical challenges of obedience to the gospel in various cultural and social contexts. More than simply a survey of Pentecostal and charismatic discussions of theology, it is suggestive of how a more robust foundation for the Spirit in life can renew Christian theology in the twenty-first century. Macchia begins by focusing on the significance of the Holy Spirit in reciprocal and mutual work with the Son in fulfilling the will of the Father. He shows how the pneumatological emphases in Pentecostal and charismatic theology can help to correct the tendency in Western Christianity to subordinate the Spirit to the Word. Beginning from this foundation, Macchia demonstrates how this mode of thinking affects all the other elements of the theological enterprise, such as hermeneutics, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Baptized in the Spirit engagingly demonstrates how contemporary trends in Pentecostal and charismatic thinking can aid the cause of ecumenism and global Christianity.

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    • Discovering The Bible


      Discovering the Bible has everything you’re looking for in a survey of the Bible. It examines the Bible’s amazing message and story of faith in a way that will captivate readers and impel them to learn more. Thorough, sound biblical scholarship combined with an eye-catching format and easy-to-understand writing style make this textbook a must-have for every Christian’s library.

      In Discovering the Bible, you’ll find:

      Objectives defined for each lesson
      Personal questions to help you relate the Bible to your life
      Sidebars to explain theological points
      Keywords identified and defined on each page
      Study questions for review of the material
      Summary statements at the end of each chapter
      Listing of resources for further study at the end of each chapter
      Colorful pages and images that make it attractive to read
      Short, well-organized chapters

      464 pages.

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    • Christ Plays In 10 Thousand Places Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The foundational book in Peterson’s five volume series reunites spirituality and theology in a cultural context that has torn apart these two vital faces of Christian faith.

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    • Crossing The Threshold Of Divine Revelation


      The last few decades have seen a revolution in debates about the rationality of Christian belief. Among the array of current options for justifying religious belief, however, nearly every one assumes that a general theory of knowing and a minimal version of theism must be adopted before the rationality of Christian belief can be tackled.

      In Crossing the Threshold of Divine Revelation William J. Abraham confronts both of these assumptions, arguing that epistemology must begin with its particular target of inquiry – in Abraham’s case the full-blooded “canonical theism” of the early, undivided Christian church. He argues, moreover, that special divine revelation forms a crucial threshold at the entrance to the epistemology of Christian belief. Sure to intrigue philosophers, theologians, and curious students, Abraham’s robust vision of Christian faith provides a creative solution to many of the current difficulties in philosophy and theology.

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    • Transforming The Powers


      Applies suggestive analysis to economics, politics, and government, war and peace, personal ethics and ecological and social justice.

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    • Bonhoeffer Legacy : Post Holocaust Perspectives


      Sequel to The Bonhoffer Phenomenon
      Analyzes the historical record and Bonhoeffer’s maturing theology and shows how Bonhoeffer’s self-critical theology relates to the later advent of post-Holocaust theologies, with their sharply posed challenges to traditional Christian supersessionism.

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    • Faith Has Its Reasons


      Ever since the apostle Paul addressed the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers in Athens, relating the Christian worldview to a non-Christian world has been a challenge. And despite Peter’s charge to be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15), most Christian laypeople have left apologetics-the defense of the faith-to the ecclesiastical pros.

      Faith Has Its Reasons is a study of four different models of how apologetics should be done, an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, and a proposal for integrating the best insights of each. Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman have assembled a wealth of information about what Christians believe and how to present that faith to an unbelieving world. Remarkable both in its depth of content and ease of accessibility, Faith Has Its Reasons gives Christian laypeople the tools to address such critical questions as:
      Why is belief in God rational despite the prevalence of evil in the world?
      What facts support the church’s testimony that Jesus rose from the dead?
      Can we be certain Christianity is true?
      How can our faith in Christ be based on something more secure than our own understanding without descending into an irrational emotionalism?

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    • Finding God In The Questions


      Does God exist? What’s God like? What difference does it make? With the training of a scientist, inquisitive mind of a journalist, and faith of a Christian, Dr. Timothy Johnson focuses on Finding God in the Questions. Join him on this personal journey as he reflects on God the Creator, explores the significance of Jesus, and shares how his faith has shaped his career as a physician and ABC News medical editor.

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    • Letters To New Pastors


      Presenting true-life pastoral experiences as correspondence from a fictional mature minister, Jinkins’s heartwarming work provides new clergy the insights of a wise and seasoned guide. Exploring questions about cultivating a personal spiritual life, balancing conflicting demands, and navigating between culture and faith, he delves deeply into the struggles, surprises, and rewards of congregational leadership.

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    • Metaphor Of God Incarnate (Revised)


      In this groundbreaking work, John Hick refutes the traditional Christian understanding of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Hick, Jesus did not teach what was to become the orthodox understanding of him: that he was God incarnate who became human to die for the sins of the world. Further, the traditional dogma of Jesus’ two natures-human and divine-cannot be explained satisfactorily, and worse, it has been used to justify great human evils. Thus, the divine incarnation, he explains, is best understood metaphorically. Nevertheless, he concludes that Christians can still understand Jesus as Lord and the one who has made God real to us. This second edition includes new chapters on the Christologies of Anglican theologian John Macquarrie and Catholic theologian Roger Haight, SJ.

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    • Paul Meets Muhammad (Reprinted)


      Explores the topic of the resurrection through the creative device of a live computer aided debate between the Apostle Paul and Muhammad, prophet of Islam.

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    • In Defense Of The Gospel (Expanded)


      The Lordship Salvation controversy continues to provoke debate across a broad spectrum of evangelical Christianity. For much of the last decade advocates of Lordship Salvation have dominated the forum. Few resources have been available to those who are alarmed over the spread of the Lordship interpretation of the gospel. A defense of the gospel has been sorely needed. This book is that defense! Lou Martuneac has dealt extensively with this subject since 1988. In this volume he answers many questions that comprise the debate from a balanced biblical perspective. Key Bible passages and major doctrines such as faith, repentance, and belief are studied in depth. Related issues such as Calvinism, carnality, discipleship, and contending for the faith are given serious consideration. This book is well researched, well organized, well documented, and clearly presented. This volume will be a valuable study and reference tool for the pastor, layman, or college classroom.

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    • Text And Task


      Practical, scriptural and contemporary, Text and Task is a series of essays on Scripture and mission. It aims to show the significance of reading the biblical text appropriately and with faithful engagement for our theology and missiology.

      A team of biblical scholars suggests ways forward in areas such as the implicit missional narrative of David and Goliath, the story of Solomon and his Temple-building, the genre of lament, the explicit gracious message of the prophet Isaiah, Paul’s understanding of divine call and gospel, and the place of mission as a hermeneutic for reading the Bible. Theological chapters engage the issues of the Trinity and the unevangelized, the missional dimensions of Barth’s view of election, the gospel’s loss of plausibility in the modern West, the place of reaching in mission, and the idea of belonging to a church community before one believes the gospel.

      Drawing together scholars from the fields of biblical studies, theology, sociology and homiletics, Text and Task relates critically engaged textual reading to contemporary ongoing Christian life, thought and mission.

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    • Fundamentalism Terrorism And The Future Of Humanity


      Fundamentalism is a significant topic for our times. Leonardo Boff seeks to understand and explain the phenomenon in all its 21st-century forms, and to identify its causes and possible solutions.

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    • Theology Of Work


      Through dialogue with Moltmann, Pope John Paul II, and others, this book develops a genitive theology of work, presenting a theological definition of work and a model for a theological ethics of work that shows work nature, value and meaning now and eschatological. Work is shown to be a transformative activity consisting of three dynamically interrelated dimensions the instrumental, relational, and ontological.

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    • Theology Of Word And Spirit


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827510ISBN10: 083082751XDonald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • New Covenant New Community


      The concept of “covenant” is a crucial component in understanding God and His actions throughout salvation history. New Covenant, New Community looks at covenant in the Old and New Testament and makes a substantial contribution to biblical and theological studies in this area. It is an introduction to the covenant theology of the Old Testament, Second Temple Judaism, the New Testament, and the early Fathers, exploring the implications
      for contemporary theology.

      What are the elements of continuity and discontinuity in terms of the covenant concept between the Old and New Testaments? What are the implications of a biblical
      understanding of covenant for the community of faith-then and now? These are just a few of the many questions Grabe addresses in this far-reaching, wellresearched, and highly accessible study.

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    • Strange Scriptures : That Perplex The Western Mind (Reprinted)


      10 Chapters In 118 Pages

      Additional Info
      Because the Bible describes a culture very different from that of Western countries today, what it says is sometimes puzzling to modern readers. In many cases, however, the ways in which Near Eastern merchants and farmers carry on their daily work have hardly changed over the intervening centuries since the inspired authors wrote. The aim of this interesting volume is to clarify familiar scriptural phrases and texts by explaining some unusual Eastern customs, thereby shedding new light on the unchanging truth of God’s Word.

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    • Concise History Of Christian Doctrine


      Justo L. Gonzalez, one of today’s best interpreters of church belief and history, lays out the answers to questions crucial to understanding Christian belief. First, what are the core Christian doctrines, and what convictions from the heart of Christian identity? Second, what are the historical contexts in which these doctrines first rose to prominence, and how have they developed across the history of the church? Finally, what claims do these doctrines continue to place on Christian belief and practice in the 21st Century? This book will serve the needs of students in church history, historical theology, and systematic theology classes in college settings, as well as seminaries and theological schools.

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    • Christianity 101 : Tracing Basic Beliefs


      This compact book for laity introduces the major concepts of the Christian faith in a quick, easy-to-read fashion. The author begins with a brief overview of Christian history from biblical times to the present, with references to key people and events that shaped the faith. He follows this with sections on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. For each of these topics, he sketches the basic ideas of the Bible and then shows how Christians in different centuries and contexts have applied these ideas to their own lives and circumstances.

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    • Good News From The Barrio


      In a world divided by race, ethnicity, gender, violence, and hate, Harold Recinos’s Good News from the Barrio explores the ways in which the good news of the gospel is at work in Latino barrios. He challenges Christians to listen to the gospel in these contexts and offer a prophetic witness to the nation and the church.

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    • Cost Of Certainty


      The Cost of Certainty explores a fundamental ambiguity in mainstream Christian teaching: although the church claims that God’s love is unconditional, he only accepts those who believe in Jesus Christ and have repented of their sins. This gospel of conditional love breeds anxiety and polarization.

      Young shows how this demeans the true message of the gospels. He argues for the recovery of a spirituality of uncertainty and unconditional love as a basis for a renewal of contemporary Christian faith and practice.

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    • Atonement And Intercession Of Jesus Christ


      Print On Demand Title

      This is a classic statement on two pivotal doctrines of the Christian faith. William Symington thoughtfully considers Christ’s atonement and intercession, and provides a clear analysis of both. When looking at the atonement, he begins by defining its substitutionary nature, then addresses objections to it, its necessity, and the ample scriptural evidence of its reality. He proceeds with a closer study of Christ’s sufferings and their value, extent, and outcome. Symington aptly closes by discussing Christ’s work of intercession as the continued efficacy of His atoning sacrifice.

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    • Holy Scripture


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827527ISBN10: 0830827528Donald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Joseph Wise And Otherwise


      This book offers a careful literary reading of Genesis 37-50 that argues that the Joseph story contains both strong covenant themes and many wisdom-like elements. The author examines how these “wisdom-like elements” relate to the story as a whole. Chapter 37 establishes that God will cause Joseph to rise to prominence. The intriguing story of Tamar in chapter 38 is seen as a kind of microcosm of the entire Joseph story, with Tamar securing life, justice, and reconciliation through her wise initiatives, leading ultimately to the preservation of the line of promise. Joseph’s public use of wisdom is considered in chapters 39-41, where he uses power successfully and with discernment. Joseph’s private use of wisdom occupies chapters 42-45, as Joseph brings about change in his brothers and extends forgiveness to them. Chapters 46-50 complete the story by weaving the concerns of the previous chapters into the fabric of God’s purposes for his covenant people.

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    • Church


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827565ISBN10: 0830827560Donald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Holy Spirit : Works And Gifts


      In The Holy Spirit: Works & Gifts Donald Bloesch aptly brings together his grasp of historical and systematic theology as well as his deep concern for spirituality. The fruit of a lifetime of study and devotion, this book masterfully interweaves biblical study, historical overviews and reflection on contemporary developments and issues to shed light on faith in God, the Holy Spirit. On a topic that sadly threatens to divide the church, Bloesch strives to build bridges between the various traditions of Christian faith, especially between Reformed theology and the Pentecostal movement.

      This wide-ranging and in-depth reflection on the presence, reality and ministry of the Holy Spirit serves as a landmark guide to those seeking a faithful theological understanding of the Holy Spirit as well as those searching for a renewing and empowering hope for the church of Jesus Christ.

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    • Jesus Christ : Savior And Lord


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827541ISBN10: 0830827544Donald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • God The Almighty


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827534ISBN10: 0830827536Donald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Ministry In The Image Of God


      Stephen Seamands shows how trinitarian theology transforms our perception and practice of vocational ministry.

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    • Last Things : Resurrection Judgement Glory


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827572ISBN10: 0830827579Donald BloeschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Christian FoundationsPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Partings Of The Ways


      The Parting of the Ways is James Dunn’s classic exploration of the important questions that surround the emergence of Christian distinctiveness and the pulling apart of Christianity and Judaism in the first century of our era. The book begins by surveying the way in which questions have been approached since the time of F C Baur in the nineteenth century. The author then presents the four pillars of Judaism: monotheism, election and land, Torah and Temple. He then examines various issues which arose with the emergence of Jesus: Jesus and the temple; the Stephen affair; temple and cult in earliest Christianity; Jesus, Israel and the law; ‘the end of the law’; and Jesus’ teaching on God. The theme of ‘one God, one Lord’, and the controversy between Jews and Christians over the unity of God, lead to a concluding chapter on the parting of the ways. The issues are presented with clarity and the views and findings of others are drawn together and added to his own, to make up this comprehensive volume.

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    • Full Gospel Fractured Minds


      Glorify God with your mind as well as your heart and spirit. Do you sometimes feel you have to check your intellect at the church door, leaving reason behind to embrace the Christian faith? Do you hunger for a “full gospel” that includes the mind as well as heart and spirit? Full Gospel, Fractured Minds? challenges charismatic and Pentecostal believers to discover the power of a well maintained mind-a mind on fire-to match a heart on fire and to create a life that operates within the full counsel of God. Nañez shows how human reason helps us understand and interpret his Word as well as defend the gospel. He shows what the Bible teaches about the mind, and explores the backgrounds of nineteenth-century and modern culture, anti-intellectualism, Pentecostal history and beliefs, and popular misconceptions about human intellect in relation to the Christian faith. Full Gospel, Fractured Minds? helps men and women practice a Christian faith that reflects the whole person and the full gospel.

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    • Whats Theology Got To Do With It


      Theology can be a loaded word for mainline Protestant congregations. It often suggests the dogmatic or implies fault lines for conflict. But when unleashed from its narrow academic sense, “theology” offers a powerful way to get at many of the issues that impact the health and vitality of congregations.

      Anthony Robinson carefully defines theology as the “core convictions” that help members of a congregation understand their common perspective and shared identity. Theology is the foundational Christian experience, the wisdom that both forms and transforms lives. Rather than avoiding theology, congregations should openly express their beliefs and values to clarify their purpose, argues Robinson. Instead of trying to define the boundaries of belief, a “center-set” congregation will zero in on a reasonably clear core faith.

      He examines the problems that occur when congregations are reluctant to focus on theology and are unsure of their beliefs. They risk having a weak identity with nothing at stake. They risk being little more than an exclusive social club. Absent core convictions, structure replaces Spirit, indirection replaces healthy dialogue, and agendas replace leadership.

      Central to the book is the notion that Christianity is a revealed religion apart from our own personal preferences. The Bible as Scripture offers a doorway to God and a critical unifying narrative. The Trinity, as a powerful metaphor, provides a balanced approach to fulfilling a congregation’s purpose. Core convictions about God as creator, the person and work of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are crucial to a congregational vitality.

      Too many mainline Protestant churches are theologically “underfunded.” Congregations are strengthened when what they believe backs what they do. Indeed, theology, it turns out, has everything to do with it.

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    • Ecstasy And Intimacy


      Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

      Countering the generic “spirituality” so popular today, Edith Humphrey presents an authentic Christian spirituality that draws on Scripture and the profound riches of the Christian tradition – Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. Humphrey shows how Christian spirituality is rooted in the Trinity, in the ecstasy (“going out” of oneself) and intimacy (profound closeness with another) marking the relations between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

      The book embodies a banquet of excerpts from the greatest spiritual writers in history – such luminaries as St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, Julian of Norwich, St. Teresa of Avila, the Wesley brothers, Thomas Merton, and Alexander Schmemann. Humphrey’s elegant prose, laced with stories and images from her own life, beautifully uncovers the ways in which God’s trinitarian life informs all human communion. Each chapter ends with questions for further reflection and discussion.

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    • Apuntes In Honor Of Justo L Go – (Spanish)


      Brings together an impressive array of Latina/o scholars from across the disciplines to articulate a comprehensive construction of Latino theology.

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    • Loves Me Loves Me Not


      It hurts when the one you love doesn’t love you back. It’s hard to be the object of someone’s desires when you just don’t feel the same way. How should Christians deal with these situations? There are hundreds of books describing how to build lasting relationships or how to lead a chaste life as a single person. There are very few books, however, describing how to deal with unrequited live. Smit fills this void with her book, tackling the universal human experience with intelligence, sympathy and wit. An accessible book, valuable as a tool for youth pastors, singles group leaders, college students, and students of human sexuality, marriage and family.

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    • Narrative Criticism Of The New Testament


      Narrative criticism is a relatively recent development that applies literary methods to the study of Scripture. James Resseguie suggests that this approach to reading the Bible treats the text as a self-contained unit and avoids complications raised by other critical methods of interpretation.
      Resseguie begins with an introductory chapter that surveys the methods of narrative criticism and how they can be used to discover important nuances of meaning through what he describes as a “close reading” of the text. He then devotes chapters to the principal rhetorical devices: setting, point of view, character, rhetoric, plot, and reader. Readers will find here an accessible introduction to the subject of narrative criticism and a richly rewarding approach to reading the Bible. Paperback, 272 pages.

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    • Teologia Evangelica 1-2 – (Spanish)


      Christians of today don’t face the same problems and challenges as in past eras, and it’s not just a matter of making adjustments. We also must analyze the demands of modern thought and culture in order to provide a fair and balanced answer to a constantly changing world. This book is not partial to any current stream of theology. Rather, it objectively presents several points of view on evangelical and conservative theology.

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    • Back To Jerusalem


      Napoleon once said “When China is moved it will change the face of the globe.” Today those words are becoming a reality through the powerful spiritual vision of the Chinese church to send 100,000 missionaries across China’s borders to complete the Great Commission, even in this generation.

      Here Brother Yun, Peter Xu Yongze, and Enoch Wang, three Chinese house church leaders who between them have spent more than 40 years in prison for their faith, explain the history and present-day reality of the Back to Jerusalem movement. Christians everywhere who are called to fulfill the Great Commission will be thrilled by this testimony and inspired to live bolder lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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    • He Came Down From Heaven


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Drawing on expert scholarship Dougles McCready makes the important debate surrounding the Christian orthodox conviction of Christ’s preexistence accessible to students and other nonexperts who want to know the evidence and arguments for this central doctrine of Christian faith.

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