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Showing 801–900 of 2076 results

  • Sparrow : A Journey Of Grace And Miracles While Battling ALS


    Jennifer Durant, busy career woman, wife, and mom of two, made a drastic Career 2.0 change. In the lexicon of ministry, God called her to be an Episcopal priest, and Jennifer answered. Several years later, in the final weeks of seminary, Durant’s world changed dramatically again, when the persistent weakness in one of her hands was diagnosed as ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease). In Sparrow, completed with her husband, Matthew, Durant recounts her battle and brings the reader with her on her spiritual journey, through her priesthood and ministry, which, despite her illness, continued to her death – with the aid of a speech box, she preached her final sermon on the Sunday before her death. Durant leads readers forward through the confusion of our caffeine-fueled and perpetually exhausted world to discover, as she did, a renewing sense of God-given purpose and sacred light, which even the darkest of circumstances cannot extinguish, a place where, even in silence, God is present, whispering through us. An inspiration to any who suffer from a debilitating disease (or know someone who does) and those who provide pastoral care to others. It is a story of God’s redemption and new life. “

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  • Jesus Today Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Hope shines brightest when our world is darkest.

    This new edition of Jesus Today, the 2013 ECPA Christian Book of the Year, makes bestselling content available to enjoy in a beautiful, large leathersoft format. Jesus Today was written during a very difficult time in Sarah Young’s life. Yet the words of Scripture and Jesus’ own Presence were ever near, bringing her hope and comfort for each new day. The theme of the book is hope.

    Hope shines brightest when our world is darkest. This book is for you if you are feeling insecure or anxious about the conditions around them; hopeless because of problems; helpless due to a lost job, home, or loved one; or who want to start the day with a fresh sense of encouragement. Jesus Today includes 50 quotations about hope from the Bible and from respected Christian authors to provide a “hope boost.” Scripture index included. Now in a large format, with easy-to-read text and a beautiful leathersoft cover.

    Based on truths in Scripture, Jesus Today(R) is written as if Jesus Himself is assuring you that He is in control, that He is good, and that a glorious future awaits all who anchor their hope in Him.

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  • Wrestling With Faith Love And Gators


    “Chad, jump on the gator’s back!” In a split second, a decision had to be made. Did Chad love his future brother-in-law enough to help him control a powerful seven-and-a-half-foot alligator? Ultimately, there was a subconscious devotion that affected his decision. We all face decisions every day. Some of them are small, but others are potentially life-altering. What you decide to do in those split seconds comes down to this: We all have beliefs about life and love, about what is most important, and we all act on those beliefs. In this book, Chad Young addresses what many Christians are missing: being in love with God. The lack of genuine faith and love in the church is the main reason why 59% of college students who grew up with a Christian background are leaving the Christian faith. Chad uses his own faith journey and humorous stories to call you to a deeper, legitimate love for God.

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  • Como Liberar Los Dones Espirit – (Spanish)


    Experimente la gran maravilla de moverse en la gracia de Dios y por medio de ella dia a dia a medida que libera los dones espirituales hoy en un derramamiento del amor y el poder de El.

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  • Gift From Julie


    This book was written to encourage people facing a life-threatening illness, in the case of the author, nonalcohol cirrhosis of the liver. One of my doctors said, “If you don’t get a liver transplant soon, you are going to die.” What a statement to hear from your doctor! This doctor, who is a caring and compassionate person, referred me to the Liver Center at Lahey Clinic in Massachusetts. As I found out, getting a new liver is not quick, and definitely not easy. The power of prayer is evident throughout this entire crisis. Judy received many blessings and miracles throughout this grueling journey. I was told I had Factor 5, which is a blood clotting problem, therefore I could not have a live donor liver. This meant I had to wait and pray a cadaver liver could be found before I would die from liver disease. Through prayers, blessings, and miracles, the doctors said they would do a live-donor liver transplant. My niece became my liver donor after having difficulty finding a donor. If you have ever been thrust into a life threatening situation, this book will interest you.

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  • Growth In The Wilderness


    Life sometimes doesn’t pan out as expected and that is where many emotions can see you unravel. In A Mum in Waiting, Natalia shared of the first eight years of their infertility journey in a very real and raw way. In this book, she recounts the three years to follow where God brought such growth, depth, joy, and beauty from what many would look on and think was a vast wilderness.

    Within the pages you not only see the ups and downs, but also how God brings transformation as only He can. She shows that there is reason to hope, to keep on and pursue a full life. From such brokenness has come great growth. Natalia’s world turned upside down in the most wonderful way.

    Go on the journey with her.

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  • Growth In The Wilderness


    Life sometimes doesn’t pan out as expected and that is where many emotions can see you unravel. In A Mum in Waiting, Natalia shared of the first eight years of their infertility journey in a very real and raw way. In this book, she recounts the three years to follow where God brought such growth, depth, joy, and beauty from what many would look on and think was a vast wilderness.

    Within the pages you not only see the ups and downs, but also how God brings transformation as only He can. She shows that there is reason to hope, to keep on and pursue a full life. From such brokenness has come great growth. Natalia’s world turned upside down in the most wonderful way.

    Go on the journey with her.

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  • Fight For My Soul


    A Fight for My Soul: A True Story of Spiritual Warfare is true story of one person’s experience with spiritual warfare and the spiritual world.

    The author takes you through her personal journey that began after reading a book about hell in October 2005.

    The author describes her encounters with Jesus, the Devil, and an angel in this inspirational book about committing the eternal sin.

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  • Increasing Your Prophetic Gift


    If you are a beginner or have been in the prophetic for years, this book is for you. This book starts out with basic principles of the prophetic ministry. You will discover and be encouraged as you read chapter after chapter of Increasing Your Prophetic Gift. It is time for everyone to tap into their prophetic call and dig to a deeper anointing than ever before. At the end of this book you will read and be activated as you hear the personal experiences of a young prophet. Bill started as a simple minister and increased to a powerful prophetic minister. Bill has prophesied to many and has seen hundreds healed and set free through personal prophetic ministry. It is time for you to increase your prophetic gift today.

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  • Miracles From Heaven


    In time for the motion picture event from the production team that brought us “Heaven is for Real”-starring Jennifer Garner and Queen Latifah-“Miracles from Heaven” is the inspiring true story of healing and family love.
    A remarkable memoir of faith, “Miracles from Heaven” is the true story of one little girl, her journey to heaven, and the astonishing recovery that followed.
    Annabel Beam spent most of her childhood in and out of hospitals with a rare and incurable digestive disorder that prevented her from living a normal, healthy life. One sunny day when she was able to go outside and play with her sisters, she fell three stories headfirst into an old, hollowed-out tree. Implausibly, she survived without a scratch. While unconscious inside the tree, with rescue workers struggling to get to her, she visited heaven. After being released from the hospital, she defied science and had inexplicably recovered from her chronic ailment.
    Includes photo insert, and discussion guide.

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  • On The Incarnation


    During the fourth century, controversy raged in the church regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. On one side were the Arians, led by the Bishop Arius, who argued that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were materially separate from one another. They believed that Jesus had been created out of “non-existence” and thus was not on the same level of divinity as God the Father. In response, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, wrote On the Incarnation, a staunch defense of the full divinity and full humanity of Christ. In simple language and with Scripture as a guide, he argued for the eternal nature of the Trinity and that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God the Father but has existed from the very beginning. Athanasius celebrates the redeeming work that came forth through the God-man, Jesus Christ, and His eternal existence and essential unity with the Father.

    Ultimately, Athanasius was exiled five times by four different Roman emperors due to his defense of the Trinity, but he remained faithful to his beliefs. Today, On the Incarnation is often included on lists of books every Christian should read.

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  • Bumps Are What You Climb On (Reprinted)


    When feelings of frustration, disappointment, or loneliness hit, readers can find powerful encouragement in Warren Wiersbe’s solid teaching. In The Bumps Are What You Climb On, he extracts wisdom from the Bible and helps those who are facing difficult days to respond with faith and hope.

    These thirty brief meditations spark a fresh optimism for facing new challenges. They show readers how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more. With Wiersbe’s uplifting, accessible teaching and empowering challenges, The Bumps Are What You Climb On is also useful as a devotional for any believer, at any time.

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  • Divine Collision : An African Boy An American Lawyer And Their Remarkable B


    In a Ugandan prison for two murders he didn t commit, Henry is losing hope. He pleads with God for a sign. Jim, in California, finds himself saying a small yes to God who brings their two lives together with momentous results.

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  • Whos Your Daddy


    The art of storytelling and writing, which is integral to the development of the Christian church, must be encouraged. This is important because Jesus often used stories to illustrate or make a point. A well-crafted, Bible-based story has the capacity to capture the imagination, inspire, comfort, and encourage.

    Harvey Cox, in The Seduction of the Spirit, is quoted as saying, ‘All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by …religion, whatever else it has done, has provided one of the main ways of meeting the abiding need.’

    Who’s Your Daddy? Bible-Based Stories for Modern Families: Season 1 is well-crafted and inspired and provides an opportunity for all to meet the abiding need to ‘hear and tell’ and to have a story to live by.

    The book is a delightful read for teens and families and can be usefully utilised in organisations such as churches and schools to supplement their existing teaching programmes.

    Season 1 begins with the author’s version of the Christmas story, followed by Vol. 1: Sons, which depicts scenes from the lives of young biblical characters from both the Old and New Testaments. The issues explored are varied – teen identity, self acceptance, mentorship, healing, forgiveness, and commitment.

    Vol. 2: Fathers reflects on some of the issues we all face at some point in our lives, such as self-conflict, the grieving process, self-sacrifice, and surrender to God’s divine will. The book’s climax is the Easter edition of the Who’s Your Daddy series which I can only describe as exceptional.

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  • Joyful In Affliction


    This book contains a selection of inspirational poems written over a period of forty years. “It’s Just Impossible” was her first poem/song and came one dark, dreadful day when the author doubted she could go on. The poem was a miracle that took the sting out of the emotional pain she experienced and turned her weeping into joy.

    This collection of poems covers many topics: self-worth, hope, grace, encouragement, laughter, gratitude, praise, and glory to our Creator and Redeemer. Apart from Him, not one poem would have been written, because the author was simply not capable.

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  • Understanding When Others Dont


    To whatever extent our dreams, expectations, and plans fall short of our reality, there is loss.

    Our idealized dream of life may include avoiding abuse and tragedy, marrying once to the “right” person, having successful careers, having children who mirror our values, and after a long and healthy life, dying peacefully in our sleep.

    But life doesn’t always go that way.

    Life often includes abuse, divorce, premature death, illness, financial setbacks, and unfulfilled dreams. In each situation, there is loss. And loss may be experienced very differently depending on a person’s background and personality.

    Understanding grief and loss, then, may be more complex than you think. This book shows you why and how you can help. It offers a different perspective for people who want to minister to those who are hurting from loss. And along the way, you may learn something about yourself.

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  • Healed From A Bent Condition


    When I was growing up, I attended a Catholic school. One of our daily subjects was catechism. During class, we had to read and discuss the Bible, and we received homework assignments. The subject that excited me most was the miracles of the Bible, especially the ones Jesus performed. To me, there was just something special about this man named Jesus. When I read the Bible, I believed what it said about His miracles. In studying how He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), calmed a raging sea (Mark 4:35-41), fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:30-44), healed a deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37), and restored sight to the blind (Mark 8:22-26), I believe God’s Word. I accepted the fact that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:3).

    I believed then, as I believe now, that Jesus Christ could perform any miracle. It didn’t matter how unbelievable the narratives sounded to other people or how impossible it seemed for others to accept the situations as true. The miracles were true to me. Why? Because of who Jesus is.

    That was the kind of faith I had in Jesus as a child. If nothing is impossible for God, then whatever is impossible for man is fully possible with God. He can take nothing and create something. Whatever is crooked, He can make straight. Whatever is broken, He can make whole. Whatever is cast out, He can take in. Whatever is knocked down, He can pick up. Whatever is way down in the valley, He can put on a mountaintop. God is sovereign. He is the almighty God. He is the great I Am. Think about it: if He could call chaos into order and create something out of nothing just by saying, “Let there be” (Genesis 1:3), it is evident He can do anything-even the impossible.

    During my childhood and adolescence, my faith was strong in the Master Healer. All I desired from God, from the depths of my soul, was for Him to perform what I called a radical, supernatural miracle in my life. I knew He woke me up in the morning and started me on my way, but I was seeking and talking about something deeper than that. I wanted to experience Jesus in the spiritual realm. I wanted to taste heaven down here on Earth, even though I did not understand what that really meant, until I was in a “Bent Over Condition.”

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  • Healed From A Bent Condition


    When I was growing up, I attended a Catholic school. One of our daily subjects was catechism. During class, we had to read and discuss the Bible, and we received homework assignments. The subject that excited me most was the miracles of the Bible, especially the ones Jesus performed. To me, there was just something special about this man named Jesus. When I read the Bible, I believed what it said about His miracles. In studying how He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), calmed a raging sea (Mark 4:35-41), fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:30-44), healed a deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37), and restored sight to the blind (Mark 8:22-26), I believe God’s Word. I accepted the fact that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:3).

    I believed then, as I believe now, that Jesus Christ could perform any miracle. It didn’t matter how unbelievable the narratives sounded to other people or how impossible it seemed for others to accept the situations as true. The miracles were true to me. Why? Because of who Jesus is.

    That was the kind of faith I had in Jesus as a child. If nothing is impossible for God, then whatever is impossible for man is fully possible with God. He can take nothing and create something. Whatever is crooked, He can make straight. Whatever is broken, He can make whole. Whatever is cast out, He can take in. Whatever is knocked down, He can pick up. Whatever is way down in the valley, He can put on a mountaintop. God is sovereign. He is the almighty God. He is the great I Am. Think about it: if He could call chaos into order and create something out of nothing just by saying, “Let there be” (Genesis 1:3), it is evident He can do anything-even the impossible.

    During my childhood and adolescence, my faith was strong in the Master Healer. All I desired from God, from the depths of my soul, was for Him to perform what I called a radical, supernatural miracle in my life. I knew He woke me up in the morning and started me on my way, but I was seeking and talking about something deeper than that. I wanted to experience Jesus in the spiritual realm. I wanted to taste heaven down here on Earth, even though I did not understand what that really meant, until I was in a “Bent Over Condition.”

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  • Youre The Best


    As a child, Houston Nutt looked like a typical tow-headed boy, with blue eyes, a wide forehead, and a cowlick. Even so, there was something unusual about him; he was born into a deep deaf culture, and sign language was his first language. This would be the focus of his life.

    In You’re the Best! author Emogene Nutt, Houston’s wife, pays tribute to this man, who was born during the depths of the Great Depression and eventually became one of the leading figures in expanding opportunities for young deaf students at the Arkansas School for the Deaf. In this memoir, she weaves together treasured family memories, insights, and observations from external sources that place the life of Houston and his family in historical perspective. Emogene reflects on Houston’s accomplishments including leading the ASD basketball team to national prominence and bringing to national attention the athletic skills of legendary player Bennie Fuller.

    Inspiring, heartbreaking, informative, and humorous, this collection of stories honors the life of Houston Nutt who will always be remembered by his signature phrase, “You’re the best,” which he used to encourage countless students. He died in 2005.

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  • Gathering Courage : A Life-Changing Journey Through Adoption Adversity And


    Gathering Courage Media
    Award winning, Gathering Courage, illustrates how perseverance conquered adversity, heartache, and a reading disability. T.A. McMullin’s life is amazing and inspirational. Her journey of overcoming the struggles of adoption, rejection, and foster home loneliness to a life of a distinguished educator brings hope and encouragement to readers.

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  • Understanding When Others Dont


    To whatever extent our dreams, expectations, and plans fall short of our reality, there is loss.

    Our idealized dream of life may include avoiding abuse and tragedy, marrying once to the “right” person, having successful careers, having children who mirror our values, and after a long and healthy life, dying peacefully in our sleep.

    But life doesn’t always go that way.

    Life often includes abuse, divorce, premature death, illness, financial setbacks, and unfulfilled dreams. In each situation, there is loss. And loss may be experienced very differently depending on a person’s background and personality.

    Understanding grief and loss, then, may be more complex than you think. This book shows you why and how you can help. It offers a different perspective for people who want to minister to those who are hurting from loss. And along the way, you may learn something about yourself.

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  • God Is With You Every Day


    It’s easier to face the day when you know God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day is a brand-new 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, and his first new devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment(R) line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage – because God is with you.

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  • When Faith Is Greater Than Fear


    Diagnosed with cancer at age seventeen, Carly’s once stable high school life filled with classes, sports, and friendships, was flipped upside down. Although the trials that came with her treatments were not easy, Carly continually prayed for hope in hardships and peace of mind through the chaos.

    She tells her story by reflecting on the past and enhances the reading by including the journal entries she kept through her diagnosis. Carly wrote this book with the intention of providing courage and support to those undergoing treatment, but she also hopes to offer advice to the family and friends indirectly affected by the patient’s condition.

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  • I Am Strong


    For many, the Christian life looks like this: You call out to God. Your problems get worse. You suffer and wait. Nothing changes. Author John S. Dickerson knows the feeling. A rare health condition drove him to examine the Bible’s claim that “when I am weak, then I am strong.” As a journalist, Dickerson has seen severe human suffering. As a pastor, he has comforted others through unimaginable grief. He wrote I Am Strong to give understanding, hope and strength to the hurting.

    In its chapters, I Am Strong equips you to:
    -Unlock God’s strength for your difficulties.
    -Understand how a loving God will resolve your pain.
    -Know God’s plan to repurpose your pain, injustice and inadequacy.
    -Understand why your suffering does not mean God is punishing you.
    -Overcome life’s circumstances as Christ and Paul did.
    -Discover the life-changing power of God’s strength in your weakness.

    I Am Strong breathes hope and comfort. Much more, it offers daily practices and lifelong vision on which to build an unshakeable life of meaning and peace.

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  • Take The Risk


    No risk, pay the cost. Know risk, reap the rewards. In our risk-avoidance culture, we place a high premium on safety. We insure our vacations. We check crash tests on cars. We extend the warranties on our appliances. But by insulating ourselves from the unknown-the risks of life-we miss the great adventure of living our lives to their full potential. Ben Carson spent his childhood as an at-risk child on the streets of Detroit, and today he takes daily risks in performing complex surgeries on the brain and the spinal cord. Now, offering inspiring personal examples, Dr. Carson invites us to embrace risk in our own lives. From a man whose life dramatically portrays the connection between great risks and greater successes, here are insights that will help you dispel your fear of risk so you can dream big, aim high, move with confidence, and reap rewards you’ve never imagined. By avoiding risk, are you also avoiding the full potential of your life? The surgery was as risky as anything Dr. Ben Carson had seen. The Bijani sisters-conjoined twins-shared part of a skull, brain tissue, and crucial blood flow. One or both of them could die during the operation. But the women wanted separate lives. And they were willing to accept the risk to reach the goal, even against the advice of their doctors. As a child on the dangerous streets of Detroit, and as a surgeon in operating theaters around the world, Dr. Ben Carson has learned all about risk-he faces it on a daily basis. Out of his perilous childhood, a world-class surgeon emerged precisely because of the risks Dr. Carson was willing to take. In his compelling new book, he examines our safety-at-all-costs culture and the meaning of risk and security in our lives. In our 21st-century world, we insulate ourselves with safety. We insure everything from vacations to cell phones. We go on low-cholesterol diets and buy low-risk mutual funds. But in the end, everyone faces risk, like the Bijani twins did with their brave decision. Even if our choices are not so dramatic or the outcome so heartbreaking, what does it mean if we back away instead of move forward? Have we so muffled our hearts and minds that we fail to reach for all that life can offer us—and all that we can offer life? Take the Risk guides the reader through an examination of risk, including:
    *A short review of risk-taking in history,
    *An assessment of the real costs and rewards of risk,
    *Learning how to assess and accept risks, and

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  • I Met God In Hell


    On September 1, 2000, Tim Ehmann, a wild, thirty-five-year touring rock ‘n’ roll musician steeped in the underground entertainment industry overdosed from shooting too many successive speedballs of heroin and crack. He collapsed and died in his upstairs bedroom. Within moments he found himself in a place of inconceivable horror and absolute terror-at the very gates of hell. To his shock, Tim heard and saw many of the old friends he had played and partied with over the years who had previously died untimely deaths from those wild decades. In that moment, God met Tim in hell and pulled him up into His protective arms into the wonders of heaven. Tim was shown his calling and destiny, and resurrected seven hours later. “I was never asking or looking for God my entire life,” recounts Tim. “I never asked for any of this! God is the one who started this relationship with me-and He just wouldn’t leave me alone-no matter what I did!” This miracle-packed book reveals a God whose love proves so out of control that He continually chased and supernaturally protected a man bent on destruction through countless, surreal situations with no other possible explanation for his survival. Since that day, Tim, a highly gifted, prophetic seer, has been experiencing God face to face with ongoing heaven visits and explosive encounters, while being led on many dangerous and sometimes comical front-line adventures with God! Tim Ehmann has a unique friendship with God that is raw and intensely inciting to others, showing just how fun and exciting God and heaven can be!

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  • Mentors Fingerprint : Leave A Mark Make A Difference


    Mentoring is not a choice. It’s a reality. Your life etches a fingerprint on the lives of others, whether you realize it or not. Rich with real-life stories, guiding principles, and practical tools, A Mentor’s Fingerprint will inspire, challenge, and encourage you to leave a lasting, positive mark on the lives you touch. This book will cause you to reflect on the people who have affected your life as they have helped you discover and sharpen your talents and abilities. It will also cause you to think about the people you have influenced and the kind of impact you are having on others.

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  • Miracle Of The Call


    Seventeen Life Stories-Twentieth Century Heroes and Heroines

    You may know the amazing life stories of these heroes and heroines of the twentieth century. Now read the surprising miracle of the call each experienced.

    To Recognize the Call

    Will you hear a voice? Some have. Do you see a vision? Moses saw the burning bush. Does your spirit feel stirred? Or do you feel a tug on your heart? Find out how to tell whether you have received the miracle of the call.

    To Inspire Great Achievement

    Individuals in this book might disagree about what constituted the call on their lives. All seventeen acknowledged that something unusual happened, something beyond themselves. Achievement that betters humanity points to the miracle of the call.

    Ford inspires by saying that we too can be “called” just by listening to the music inside us. If a writer is a skilled servant of words who enables the rest of the world to share others’ greatness, then Ford is an exceptional servant, wrapping great lives in an alluring package with this slim volume of seventeen biographies.

    Miracle of the Call is recommended by the US Review of Books: Professional Book Reviews for the People.

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  • Miracle Of The Call


    Seventeen Life Stories-Twentieth Century Heroes and Heroines

    You may know the amazing life stories of these heroes and heroines of the twentieth century. Now read the surprising miracle of the call each experienced.

    To Recognize the Call

    Will you hear a voice? Some have. Do you see a vision? Moses saw the burning bush. Does your spirit feel stirred? Or do you feel a tug on your heart? Find out how to tell whether you have received the miracle of the call.

    To Inspire Great Achievement

    Individuals in this book might disagree about what constituted the call on their lives. All seventeen acknowledged that something unusual happened, something beyond themselves. Achievement that betters humanity points to the miracle of the call.

    Ford inspires by saying that we too can be “called” just by listening to the music inside us. If a writer is a skilled servant of words who enables the rest of the world to share others’ greatness, then Ford is an exceptional servant, wrapping great lives in an alluring package with this slim volume of seventeen biographies.

    Miracle of the Call is recommended by the US Review of Books: Professional Book Reviews for the People.

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  • Number-One Thing With God


    Some people remember their dreams clearly, while others never do. Some people even see events in their dreams that actually come to pass. The Bible tells stories of those who had dreams. God has spoken to people in dreams as well, and he uses dreams to reveal events that will happen in people’s lives.

    In The Number-One Thing with God, author Ray Fletcher provides an account of the dreams revealed to him by God. Some of these dreams have come true, while others have yet to become a reality. He tells of dreams of beauty and comfort and others that were dreams of terror. Fletcher describes the wonder of what it was like to be with Jesus and see God’s light.

    Fletcher experienced dreams about the future and the end of time that compelled him to issue a warning to others to be ready to face the day of eternal judgment. Through the dreams, God disclosed the most important factor: he wants his people to love him with all their hearts as he loves them. A guide for staying on course, The Number-One Thing with God presents a message about faith and preparing oneself for an eternity with God.

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  • What Was I Thinking


    Seminary professor, radio broadcaster, and former pastor Steve Brown is tired. He confesses, “I’m tired of glib answers to hard questions, irrelevant ‘God words’ and stark, cold foundations on which no house has ever been built.” So he set out to revitalize his faith by reexamining his thoughts and his faith. And he shares his invigorating discoveries with readers. A potent tonic for those whose faith feels flat, What Was I Thinking? fully engages the heart, mind, and soul.

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  • 70 Prayers And Songs To God


    I wrote many prayers and songs when my youngest son was stricken with a debilitating illness. I was in a state of shock, fear, and disbelief. Growing up, all three of my sons were your normal, intelligent, talented young men. At the age of twenty-one my son became ill, and I became desperate. My oldest son was the keeper of my soul! I cried out to God night and day because I was terrified about my son’s future. I have no memory of when I began to write what I was saying to God because there were so many words and tears coming out of me. My heart was in complete control, and so was the Holy Spirit! My son is 90 percent recovered from his illness. To God be the glory.

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  • Dont Blink : The Life You Won’t Want To Miss


    Don t Blink takes the reader on a pilgrimage of discovery that reveals what living life in the moment looks like. John Merritt will help procrastinators, dreamers, and would-be adventurers grab hold of life this day because there are no guarantees about someday. Because heaven and earth are converging in stunning fashion all around us, we have the opportunity to seize the day in all of its infinite possibilities. From exotic places like Cairo to common places like our own backyards, John will illustrate how to squeeze every ounce out of our God-given lives.”

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  • Letters From Samaria


    Louie Crew Clay has been the leading voice in LGBTQ issues in the church over the past forty years; founder of Integrity;
    * Well-loved, well-known Episcopalian
    * Funny, sharp, sad, thoughtful, poignant, historic
    * Afterword by Bishop Mary Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

    Letters from Samaria gathers together much of Louie (Crew) Clay’s best and most influential prose and poetry, written from 1974 until the present day, including an essay composed especially for the volume. Much of the material has not appeared since its original publication in newsletters and other ephemeral sources. It is crisply written and often surprising for its bravery, matter-of-fact self-disclosure, insight, and love. Louie played a pivotal role in transforming The Episcopal Church – and, indeed, Christianity – over the past 40 years. This collection provides a window into Louie Clay’s unlikely and at times shocking ministry throughout the years as history was unfolding.

    For LGBTQ Christians and their allies across denominations, those interested in the history of acceptance, fans of Louie Clay’s writing

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  • Faithing It : Bringing Purpose Back To Your Life


    Your Secret to Facing the Impossible with Confidence!

    What is the size of your storm? If it’s a big storm; then you have a big call, and a big promise. More importantly, you have the ability to get through it! Get ready to hit refresh on your story, your journey, and your life. Turn your storm into an unshakable relationship with God and a ministry that touches people’s lives.
    -from the Introduction by Cora Jakes

    Cora Jakes shares her inspirational story of spiritual growth to set the stage for this life-changing message. Faithing It is not about pretending away your problems-it’s about facing circumstances with confidence because you see them measured next to the chain-breaking, miracleworking power of God.

    Your storms may seem big, but God is bigger.

    Your season may feel dark, but God’s light is shining through.

    Your circumstance may appear hopeless, but nothing is impossible for God!

    By Faithing It, you will discover how to take the very storms that tried to destroy you and turn them into pathways to promotion and divine purpose!

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  • Go Giver Expanded Edition


    The expanded edition of the now-classic business parable that shares the secret for stratospheric success: changing one’s focus from getting to giving and then enjoying the returns that naturally follow.

    First published in 2007, The Go-Giver has become a classic business parable. It’s sold over 250,000 copies in the US and won fans in many organizations. Glenn Beck recently called it “a must-read” for anyone that wants to change the world.

    “Go-Giver” has become shorthand for the kind of person everyone wants to work with, who puts others interests first and focuses on providing value to others, rather than thinking only of making a profit.

    The story introduces us to an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success, but feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be. One day, desperate to land a key sale at the end of a bad quarter, he seeks advice from the enigmatic Pindar, a consultant referred to by his many devotees simply as the Chairman.

    Over the course of the heartwarming tale, Joe learns that changing his focus from getting to giving ultimately leads to unexpected returns.

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  • Gospel In Tolstoy


    We know of no better introduction to the spiritual vision of one of the greatest writers of all time. This anthology vividly reveals as none of his novels, novellas, short stories, plays, or essays could on its own the great Russian novelist s fascination with the life and teachings of Jesus and the gospel themes of betrayal and forgiveness, sacrifice and redemption, death and resurrection.

    Drawn from “War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Resurrection, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, The Kingdom of God Is Within You, Master and Man, Walk in the Light, ” and “Twenty-Three Tales, ” the selections are each prefaced by a contextual note. Newcomers will find in these pages a rich, accessible sampling. Tolstoy enthusiasts will be pleased to find some of the writer s deepest, most compelling passages in one volume.”

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  • Message Maker : Words From A World Away


    Author Leta Rae Pereira is just an ordinary person who never envisioned writing any book of poetry, let alone one where verse after verse flowed freely from her. Even so, this was part of God’s plan and purpose for her all along. The Message Maker presents a collection of her inspiring poems, written to touch and minister to many hungry hearts. Some of her poems, such as The Eleventh Hour relate to events that have touched her life; others consider God’s love and Scriptures and their effect on His children. In the poem Inside Out we learn that when we forget about ourselves and minister to others, the door opens for Jesus to come in and minister to us. Her first poem, Come . . . Follow Me opened the gateway for all of the poems that followed. Each poem has been written with love and spirituality, and each has deeply touched her own prayer life. Now she shares them, seeking to guide you on your own journey and bring you the knowledge of God’s immense love for you.

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  • Wigglesworth Standard


    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry with powerful signs, including cancers being cured, hearing being restored to the deaf, and fourteen people being raised from the dead. This study of Wigglesworth’s life will build and inspire your faith, deepen your compassion, and explode your vision.

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  • Prodigal Son : The Long Way Home


    The Prodigal Son: The Long Way Home reveals lust-the lust for life, lust of the flesh, lust for money, lust for position, the pride of life, hidden family secrets, deception, and deceit- is never satisfied.

    Through all of life’s ups and downs, I realize I’m exactly where God wants me to be. The characters in his book have separate lives seemingly on different paths; however, all of them return home where their lives began.

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  • Forever Eric


    I’m just an ordinary person who grew up in a simple life on a farm. As my life unfolded, I had no idea what was going to happen. Suddenly, my twenty-one-year-old son, Eric, was diagnosed with a rare, terminal cancer and was given two years to live. At the same time, my husband wanted a divorce-just six months after we’d relocated to Florida from Wisconsin, away from my family and friends.

    Since I was raised with Christian values, I surrendered to God for help. I was scared and alone, and I let God lead me. I was taken on a journey guided by many people who came into my life and my son’s life. One of the greatest blessings was a special woman, Elizabeth, who came into my life to help me regain my spiritual life. Friends and good Samaritans also helped me through this confusing time.

    Eric was also given blessings as he gave his life to the University of Wisconsin Cancer Research Department, hoping to help find a cure for cancer. As he was going through cancer research treatments, he continued his artwork. Some of the greatest gifts to him were the music and letters of hope from Jimmy Buffet, which filled Eric’s months with the strength to never give up.

    This special colored edition features some of the gifted artwork that Eric gave to his family and friends before he passed away. They will now be enjoyed forever. You will also learn about what else he gave us during his short life. Come along with me, Eric, and my daughter, Lisa, as we find our way through the two-and-a-half-year journey before Eric passed away.

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  • Jesus Was A Country Boy


    A country music superstar talks about Jesus and the simple, faith-based lessons that he learned from his father. Clay writes with a lack of pretense and a hands-on attitude toward life, drawing from his own humble beginnings and reminding readers what it means to be grounded in faith.

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  • Gift Of Being Yourself (Expanded)


    Foreword By M. Basil Pennington
    Preface: Identity And Authenticity
    1. Transformational Knowing Of Self And God
    2. Knowing God
    3. First Steps Toward Knowing Yourself
    4. Knowing Yourself As You Really Are
    5. Unmasking Your False Self
    6. Becoming Your True Self
    Epilogue: Identity And The Spiritual Journey

    Appendix: For Reflection And Discussion
    A Six-Session Discussion Guide To The Gift Of Being Yourself
    A One-Session Discussion Guide To The Gift Of Being Yourself

    Additional Info
    “Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee.” -Augustine

    Much is said in Christian circles about knowing God. But Christians throughout the ages have agreed that there cannot be deep knowledge of God without deep knowledge of the self. Discerning your true self is inextricably related to discerning God’s purposes for you. Paradoxically, the more you become like Christ, the more you become authentically yourself.

    In this profound exploration of Christian identity, psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner illuminates the spirituality of self-discovery. He exposes the false selves that you may hide behind and calls you to discover the true self that emerges from your uniqueness in Christ. Freeing you from illusions about yourself, Benner shows that self-understanding leads to the fulfillment of your God-given destiny and vocation.

    Rest assured, you need not try to be someone you are not. But you will deepen your experience of God through discovering the gift of being yourself.

    This expanded edition, one of three titles in The Spiritual Journey trilogy, includes a new epilogue and an experiential guide with questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

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  • Forgiven : The Amish School Shooting A Mothers Love And A Story Of Remarkab (Rep


    Who would have believed all the beauty God would create over the nine years since that awful day. On October 2, 2006, a gunman entered an Amish one-room schoolhouse, shooting ten girls, killing five, then finally taking his own life. This is his mother’s story. Not only did she lose her precious son through suicide, but she also lost her understanding of him as an honorable man. Her community and the world experienced trauma that no family or community should ever have to face.

    But this is, surprisingly, a story of hope and joy–of God revealing his grace in unexpected places. Today Terri lives in harmony with the Amish and has built lasting relationships that go beyond what anyone could have thought possible. From the grace that the Amish showed Terri’s family from day one, to the visits and ongoing care Terri has given to the victims and their families, no one could have foreseen the love and community that have been forged from the fires of tragedy.

    Let Terri’s story inspire and encourage you as you discover the wonder of forgiveness
    and the power of God to bring beauty from ashes.

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  • Coming Clean : A Story Of Faith


    “I suppose we’re all drunk on something.”

    Seth Haines was in the hospital with his wife, planning funeral songs for their not-yet two-year-old, when he made a very conscious decision: this was the last day he wanted to feel. That evening, he asked his sister to smuggle in a bottle of gin, and gave in to addiction.

    But whether or not you’ve ever had a drop to drink in your life, we’re all looking for ways to stop the pain. Like Seth, we’re all seeking balms for the anxiety of what sometimes seems to be an absent, unresponsive God–whether it’s through people-pleasing, shopping, the internet, food, career highs, or even good works and elite theology. We attempt to anesthetize our anxiety through addiction–any old addiction. But it often leaves us feeling even more empty than before.

    In Coming Clean, Seth Haines writes a raw account of his first 90 days of sobriety, illuminating how to face the pain we’d rather avoid, and even more importantly, how an abiding God meets us in that pain. Seth shows us that true wholeness is found in facing our pain and anxieties with the tenacity and tenderness of Jesus, and only through Christ’s passion can we truly come clean.

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  • Imagine Heaven : Near Death Experiences Gods Promises And The Exhilarating (Repr


    It’s obvious from the bookshelves and the big screen that heaven is on everyone’s mind. All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. For decades, he has been studying accounts of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). While not every detail of individual NDEs correlate with Scripture, Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of survivors clearly point to the God of the Bible and the exhilarating picture of heaven he promises.

    Imagine Heaven is an inspirational journey through the Bible’s picture of heaven, colored in with the real-life stories of heaven’s wonders. Burke compares gripping stories of NDEs to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will it look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets? This book will propel readers into an experience that will forever change their view of the life to come and the way they live life today. It also tackles the tough questions of heavenly reward and hellish NDEs. Anyone interested in NDEs or longing to imagine heaven more clearly will enjoy this fascinating and hope-filled book.

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  • 15 Milagros Del Amor – (Spanish)


    Hoy en dia vivimos educados en base al miedo. No es ninguna sorpresa que crecemos reprimiendo nuestros suenos y nuestras aspiraciones y simplemente llegamos a aceptar una vida mediocre limitando todo nuestro potencial. Este libro te va a ensenar como transformar la emocion conductora de tu vida que por mucho tiempo ha sido miedo y ego en amor. Una vez que comenzamos a vivir desde esta perspectiva, literalmente, la vida comienza a ser milagrosa, comenzamos a hacer posible lo que antes parecia imposible. El libro esta dividido en una introduccion, 15 capitulos que son los 15 milagros del amor descritos en el libro y finalmente una conclusion o palabras finales. Cada capitulo esta dividido en distintas secciones descritas a continuacion. 1) Explicacion del milagro, sus beneficios etc. a traves de historias. 2) Reflexion respecto a problemas o situaciones de la vida cotidiana y como el milagro puede crear un gran cambio e impacto en nuestra vida 3) Ejercicios y compromisos que el lector podra asumir despues de cada capitulo para comenzar a vivir los milagros del amor y ver los resultados manifestados en su vida.

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  • Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness


    I lived a lie that kept me bound in Satan’s chains most of my life. I was a wretched soul.

    I found my true spiritual destination thru severe loss and much grief..

    I am truly a young woman that has gone through the fire of being purged and cleansed.

    In the face of darkness, God’s marvelous light helps me find inner strength, apply faith and conquer the enemy. I am a young woman and a mother that has transformed myself into the masters use; (Amen).

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  • Experiencing God While Caregiving


    My hope is that this book will be an encouragement for all caregivers, especially those who are facing the prospect of caregiving for the first time. Caregiving can seem overwhelming and lonely. I know there were plenty of times I felt like throwing in the towel as I was caring for my husband, but I knew I couldn’t. No one understands caregiving and the problems that can arise like as someone who has also cared for a loved one. Hopefully this book will give anyone a more creative approach to their journey through the caregiving process.

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  • Experiencing God While Caregiving


    My hope is that this book will be an encouragement for all caregivers, especially those who are facing the prospect of caregiving for the first time. Caregiving can seem overwhelming and lonely. I know there were plenty of times I felt like throwing in the towel as I was caring for my husband, but I knew I couldn’t. No one understands caregiving and the problems that can arise like as someone who has also cared for a loved one. Hopefully this book will give anyone a more creative approach to their journey through the caregiving process.

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  • Street God : The Explosive True Story Of A Former Drug Boss On The Run From


    His street name was Daylight. But he was a nightmare. On the streets of New York, darkness and violence reigned. Dimas “Daylight” Salaberrios popped his first pill when he was eleven years old, and just days later, he was selling drugs to his schoolmates. By fifteen, he was facing time at the notorious Rikers Island Prison. It was never safe to turn your back, and Dimas saw only one chance to survive: to become a street god. He would be the richest, most powerful ruler in the hood . . . or die trying.

    But in one terrifying moment, with a gun pointed at his head, Dimas had to decide: How far would he go? Was he finished taking reckless chances to rule as a god of the streets? Would he dare to entrust his life to the real God-an even riskier path? Because that God would send Dimas back down the darkest streets he’d ever known on a rescue mission after those still in danger.

    Street God is the true story of one man’s against-all-odds journey from the streets to the altar and back again. A modern-day The Cross and the Switchblade for a new generation, it reveals that we’re never too far gone for God to change us-and shows how a single spark can illuminate even the darkest existence.

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  • Soul Of Shame


    We’re all infected with a spiritual disease. Its name is shame. Whether we realize it or not, shame affects every aspect of our lives and relationships. It seeks to destroy our identity in Christ, replacing it with a damaged version of ourselves that results in unhealed pain and brokenness. Curt Thompson unpacks the soul of shame, revealing its ubiquitous nature and neurobiological roots. He also provides the theological and practical tools necessary to dismantle shame, based on years of researching its damaging effects and counseling people to overcome those wounds. Thompson’s expertise and compassion will help you identify your own pains and struggles and find freedom from the lifelong negative messages that bind you. Rewrite the story of your life and embrace healing and wholeness as you discover and defeat shame’s insidious agenda.

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  • Tell Those Who Mourn


    When my oldest son, Tony, was killed, I knew I desperately needed God. I felt lost. It was uncharted territory for me, and I needed guidance. In this book, I share how God guided me through my days of mourning and revealed truths from His Word that gave me hope and continues to sustain me today. Throughout this book, you will also read other testimonies from people who have lived through the crushing reality of losing a loved one. My prayer is that this book will be a blessing and a help to everyone who reads it. This book is, at its heart, my testimony-the reality that our God understands and meets us in the midst of our grief and offers us great hope!

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  • Tell Those Who Mourn


    When my oldest son, Tony, was killed, I knew I desperately needed God. I felt lost. It was uncharted territory for me, and I needed guidance. In this book, I share how God guided me through my days of mourning and revealed truths from His Word that gave me hope and continues to sustain me today. Throughout this book, you will also read other testimonies from people who have lived through the crushing reality of losing a loved one. My prayer is that this book will be a blessing and a help to everyone who reads it. This book is, at its heart, my testimony-the reality that our God understands and meets us in the midst of our grief and offers us great hope!

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  • Choosing Joy : Our Walk Through Tragedy


    Choosing Joy is the true story of a young Minnesota family overcoming the tragic loss of their four-year-old boy. Cameron was beautiful, full of life, strong-willed, creative, thoughtful, and aware of heavenly things that surprised his parents. He was mischievous in the best sense of the word but also understood when people were sad or needed encouragement. He would whisper in their ears, “I think they need Jesus in their heart.” Sadly, his life was cut short in an accident in his own backyard.

    On the night of his death, his parents had to make a choice with broken hearts between anger and joy. They had seen other families lose loved ones and how brokenness, addiction, abuse, divorce, and suicide had followed. With other children to care for, they dismissed the bitterness and feelings of abandonment that had already started to creep in, and they chose joy.

    As the story unfolds, hear the conversations, see through both parents’ eyes, and learn how God revealed His graciousness. Read how they walked through the ups and downs in the months and years that followed, keeping their hope-filled hearts open to be touched by God.

    Choosing Joy will help you rekindle hope, forgive, call on God again, and trust His will.

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  • Choosing Joy : Our Walk Through Tragedy


    Choosing Joy is the true story of a young Minnesota family overcoming the tragic loss of their four-year-old boy. Cameron was beautiful, full of life, strong-willed, creative, thoughtful, and aware of heavenly things that surprised his parents. He was mischievous in the best sense of the word but also understood when people were sad or needed encouragement. He would whisper in their ears, “I think they need Jesus in their heart.” Sadly, his life was cut short in an accident in his own backyard.

    On the night of his death, his parents had to make a choice with broken hearts between anger and joy. They had seen other families lose loved ones and how brokenness, addiction, abuse, divorce, and suicide had followed. With other children to care for, they dismissed the bitterness and feelings of abandonment that had already started to creep in, and they chose joy.

    As the story unfolds, hear the conversations, see through both parents’ eyes, and learn how God revealed His graciousness. Read how they walked through the ups and downs in the months and years that followed, keeping their hope-filled hearts open to be touched by God.

    Choosing Joy will help you rekindle hope, forgive, call on God again, and trust His will.

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  • Girl Meets Change (Reprinted)


    Whether chosen and celebrated–like going off to college or welcoming your first baby–or unexpected and anxiety-inducing–like losing a job or grappling with a broken trust–all change brings stress. Kristen Strong knows about change–especially the kind you didn’t choose or expect. What she’s fought hard to learn over the years is that change is not something to be feared but something to be received as a blessing from a God who, more often than not, works through change, not in spite of it. Strong has learned to see change not as a grievance but as a grace.

    In this hope-filled book, she shows women how when we follow God’s will, we receive blessings of contentment, purpose, and renewed strength. She encourages women to see change not as the end of their story but as the scenery for this part of life’s journey. And she offers practical advice for coping with change in every part of life. Anyone who has struggled to adjust to life’s transitions will welcome this warm and personal perspective.

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  • Unsearchable Riches Of Christ


    When we find ourselves and sons of God it reveals privileges we would never find any other way. Whether we are men or women, we are all to think like sons of God. 1 John 3:1, 2 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. What a high relationship is that of a son, and what privileges it brings! What care and tenderness the son expects from his Father, and what love the Father feels towards the son.

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  • Jesus Pope Francis And A Protestant Walk Into A Bar


    Pope Francis has taken the world by storm, captivating Catholics, Protestants, and non-Christians alike. Sneaking out of the Vatican at night, washing the feet of inmates, and taking selfies with young fans is certainly unlike any religious leader we’ve seen in a while, and some of the religious establishment is uneasy about it. The revitalization Francis is bringing to the Catholic Church is not without precedent, however. Jesus had a similar effect in his day, drawing crowds with his humility, kindness, and wisdom–even as he drew the disapproval of established religious leaders. The things that have brought Francis such media attention are the same things that made Jesus so peculiar and attractive in his day.

    Thoughtful examination of Jesus’ example and legacy, as well as an honest look at the similarities and differences between Catholic and Protestant faith, invites reflection on the heart of Christianity and how we relate to our fellow Christians. Readers will discover the power of heartfelt joy, radical love, and passion for justice to shake people out of religious complacency and into dynamic, contagious faith. Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk into a Bar looks at what is universal among Christians, what is unique to Catholics and Protestants, and how all Christians can practice understanding and cooperation across differences.

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  • 5 Minutes With Jesus Making Today Matter


    Spending time with Jesus will make all the difference in your busy day.We balance so many things day after day-families, jobs, church, sports. Sometimes it feels like there is no time left for the most important thing: spending time with Jesus. But Sheila Walsh will help us do just that through these concise but substantial daily readings.

    Each entry includes Scripture, a brief devotional thought, and a helpful takeaway. Even after just a few minutes of reading, you will have spent time with God’s truth in a meaningful way, and be inspired to think on that truth and live in response to it the rest of the day.

    Sheila is a master of short but profound thoughts such as “Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ,” which have been retweeted time and time again. Readers will be thrilled to find these kinds of encouraging words-along with Sheila’s characteristic approach of combining honesty, vulnerability, and humor with Scripture-in Five Minutes with Jesus. They’ll be reminded of how powerful it is to be in the presence of Jesus, and how much He wants us to stay close to Him every minute of the day.

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  • Coping With Your Pain And Suffering


    Life is full of challenges and even as Christians, we are not strangers to pain and suffering. The stories in the Bible have shown us that even favored kings like David and Solomon had their share of ordeals. The apostle, Paul, had to walk a lonely and hardship-filled road on his way to greatness. Job, a person worthy of admiration, went through sickness and almost loses the fight for his faith.

    Are you in the grip of pain and suffering? Are you struggling to keep your faith in the midst of all the trials? In this book, Matthew shows us that we can find joy in the journey and live life with a purpose. He will walk us through the lives of the people in the Bible who went through trials and tribulations and have persevered to fight another day in the Grace of God. Matthew will share his own struggles with a mental illness and how he has learned to ride the storm with Jesus. He reveals to us that when the pain seems unbearable, we can find comfort in knowing that we are loved and Jesus is with us every step of the way.

    Jesus suffered and died on the cross not just to save us, but to identify with our life as a mortal. If you are wondering what you can look forward to with all the pain in your life, Matthew shares the hope of healing and the rewards of a glorious life in Heave

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  • Living For Eternity


    Have you ever pondered life beyond the one that we live on this earth? What does living for eternity mean for you as a Christian? Is there more to it than just existing for a short time and then dying? These are questions that must have entered everyone’s mind at one time or another, but being so busy with the challenges of life, it is often relegated to the shelf, to be looked at and evaluated at a much later time. The dilemma is determining how much time we have. The ultimate aim for Christians is to get to Heaven and be in the presence of our God Almighty for all eternity, but not everyone is granted a pass into the Kingdom. We need to begin sowing treasures in Heaven by living a life on earth that is befitting of a Christian. This is simpler than most of us imagine. We do not have to be rich or famous. We only need to bear in mind that we will not get to Heaven by our works here on earth but by putting out trust in the finished works of Jesus. In this book, Matthew provides us with simple ways on how to prepare for our life in eternity. He reminds us that God’s grace is a favor that He bestowed on us at salvation, therefore, we are to release it to others as well. How do we put this into practice? We need to learn how to consistently be Christ to others and to tell people about Heaven’s perfect love story. Living with eternity in mind is the way we are meant to live. It will change our outlook about almost everything. We can see the impact that we can make if we think beyond ourselves and live a day to day life that represents Christ to those who do not know Him.

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  • Night That Changed Our Lives


    The Night That Changed Our Lives will take you into what many would consider to be a nightmarish few months. Kelly Garner shares his inspiration, encouragement, and how God has enriched his and his family’s lives throughout this ordeal. God has provided him with a mission of being a leader and disciple, sharing what God has done in his life and what He too can do for others who will give themselves to the Lord. He will be an inspiration to all when they read about his struggles turning into a glorious outcome during his rigorous rehabilitation period that lasted for months.

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  • Night That Changed Our Lives


    The Night That Changed Our Lives will take you into what many would consider to be a nightmarish few months. Kelly Garner shares his inspiration, encouragement, and how God has enriched his and his family’s lives throughout this ordeal. God has provided him with a mission of being a leader and disciple, sharing what God has done in his life and what He too can do for others who will give themselves to the Lord. He will be an inspiration to all when they read about his struggles turning into a glorious outcome during his rigorous rehabilitation period that lasted for months.

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  • From One Survivor To Another To Another To Another


    “You have breast cancer.” Each year thousands of people-women and men-hear those words. It’s likely that some time in your life, a friend or family member will hear those words. It may be you. Although your medical professional and even your brain may be telling you it’s definitely treatable and possibly even curable, it would be natural if your first emotions were panic and fear. Your next thoughts may be How can I deal with this?

    From One Survivor to Another … to Another … to Another … A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Handbook shares the questions, the fears, and the hopes of individuals battling breast cancer. Authors Jean Hulsey and Angelia Hulsey Carpenter are mother and daughter-and breast cancer survivors. Hulsey was diagnosed in 2005 and Carpenter four years later. In this handbook, they tell how they helped each other through their cancer treatments despite living in different states. You will laugh and cry as they share the similarities and differences in their survival journeys. Survivor tips, cosurvivor actions, and journaling pages include everyone in the breast cancer journey.

    Battling breast cancer is stressful, scary, and can sometimes make one feel alone. From One Survivor to Another … to Another … to Another … A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Handbook provides practical information and hope, two things that are pivotal to fighting and winning against breast cancer.

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  • Joy Of Heaven 1


    The Joy of Heaven: Book 1 is a picture of Heaven as God revealed to me. The Lord had to open the door into heaven for this story to be written! As you read, I believe that you’ll be inspired by the beauty of heaven and the specialness to it! Felicia is about 8 or 9 years old in stature and Wee Angel is like her name. I tried to paint a picture so that you the reader can envision it! Each person may see and feel the experience differently. As the writer, I feel that I accomplished what I set out to do! Always remember that the Lord is the guide. Now go with me through that doorway —— the doorway into heaven. I hope you enjoy the story! Daniel Leske graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a degree in Physics. He co-authored with Bernadette Sanders the book called “The Author’s Name Isn’t There.” He is also an artist and he has completed three oil paintings on the cup that Jesus drank from in Gethsemane as well as other religious art works. He is a native of Minnesota and currently living there.

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  • Joy Of Heaven 3


    In the last book of the trilogy, Wee Angel and Felicia continue their journey in heaven. Again they meet wonderful friends of heaven. All the places are special. As one reads and journeys with Wee Angel and Felicia through this story a special joy seems to happen! The book leads to a vision of how heaven is very aware of what’s happening with earth. As the writer, I found it very hard to have the story end and I didn’t want to leave the journey, yet it ended hopefully in joy, that joy of heaven!

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  • Destiny : Step Into Your Purpose (Large Type)


    #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes teaches readers to find order in the steps of life and have the courage to say yes to destiny.

    We all have a destiny. Finding the courage to drive past the challenges, pains, and even the shortcuts of life to the deeper purpose of living is to thrive in one’s divine destiny. Most people have sensed destiny pulling them to just the right place or person. Whether it is the spouse you meet, or the children you bear, or the promotion you receive, everyone has a purpose to pursue. Sometimes it is understanding our destiny that helps us accept what on the surface appears to be failure. In DESTINY, T.D. Jakes shares insight to help readers play the roles they were designed for. Expanding on his #1 bestseller Instinct, Jakes reveals that instinct is the first step to the destiny that awaits.

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  • Destiny Christian Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Bestselling author T.D. Jakes enlightens readers with a new Bible study guide based on the core messages and Christian principles in Destiny.

    In Destiny, Bishop T.D. Jakes teaches readers how to find the courage to step into their destiny and let the divine power of God influence the course of their lives. Most of us probably wish we could control what will happen to us, but all experiences are part of a much bigger plan. In the DESTINY CHRISTIAN WORKBOOK, Bishop T.D. Jakes helps readers forge a deeper relationship with God to understand their own destiny, achieve their God-given aspirations, and ignore life’s distractions. Each interactive chapter offers Biblical strategies to equip readers in their pursuit of a purposeful life. This ultimate companion book will encourage believers and all seekers of faith to acknowledge their predestined purpose. Designed for individual and group study, with an appendix of leader’s notes.

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  • Plain Choice : A True Story Of Choosing To Live An Amish Life


    Raised in a broken family and emotionally overlooked, Sherry Gore grew up without a solid foundation, a prisoner of her own poor choices, and at times without hope. A series of terrible mistakes left her feeling wrecked and alone and a sudden tragedy threw Sherry into an emotional tailspin too powerful to escape.

    Sherry hangs by a thread, unable to see how she can go on living, until it happens: on a morning of no particular significance, she walks into a church and BAM the truth of Jesus’ forgiving love shatters her world and cleaves her life in two: She goes to bed stunned; she wakes up a Christian.

    Unwilling to return to the darkness of her former life, Sherry attacks her faith head on. Soon the life Sherry Gore remakes for herself and her children as she seeks to follow the teachings of the Bible features head coverings, simple dress, and a focus on Jesus Christ. Only then does she realize, in a fit of excitement, that there are others like her. They are called Amish and Mennonite, and she realizes she has found her people.

    The plain choice that Sherry makes is not easy – and life still brings unexpected pain and heartache – but it changes everything for her, as she becomes one of the few people on earth to have successfully joined the Amish from the outside.

    She has found her place. And her story proves that one can return from the darkest depths to the purest light with the power of God.

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  • Where Do I Know You From Billy P


    Made For Grace Publishing
    50+ years of Exciting Memories
    New life is breathed into this captivating memoir presenting the laughter and adventures of Bill Perry, full of twists, turns and thrills along the way. You will find it difficult to put down as you go with Bill on his fifty year journey filled with more ups than downs. From crossing the Atlantic on the QE2, flying on the Super Sonic Concorde from London to New York to getting a hole in one, you will need to buckle up your seat belts and hang on as Bill shares each of these stories and more!

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  • In The Crucible


    God is in the white-hot crucible experiences of our lives.

    There are life experiences that can crush our spirits, overwhelm our emotions, cause our minds to spin, leave our bodies weak o point of collapse, and lead us to cry out, “Lord, I don’t know if I can handle this.” Such experiences can be compared to being in a crucible-a vessel that can withstand the high temperatures needed to melt metal without affecting the essence of the metal. The crucible is the image used in Scripture to describe the spiritual formation work God is doing in our lives. We are not alone in the crucible. God is with us in the midst of it, sustaining us!

    In the Crucible is a journey through such an experience. Walk with the author and see how you too can “see” God in the midst of your hard times and experience the steadfast heart He give us to sustain you. In the Crucible is “a cane” that will help you keep your balance when you wonder how you can continue? (from the Forward by Haddon Robinson.

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  • Making Of A Man


    What exactly is manhood? How do guys get there?

    Tim Brown won the Heisman Trophy at Notre Dame and starred in the NFL for seventeen seasons. He left the game as a Los Angeles and Oakland Raiders legend and one of the most respected men in sports. Now “Mr. Raider” shares his amazing journey-the triumphs, the heartbreaks, the struggles with women, Al Davis, and God-as well as the principles and priorities that made him the man he is today.Much more than a sports memoir, The Making of a Man reveals how faith, family, honor, and integrity have everything to do with true manhood and a life well-lived. Whether you are a rabid fan or have little interest in football, a young boy or already facing the fourth quarter of your life, these pages will both challenge and inspire you to become the man you’ve always known you could be.

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  • Spirituality Of Gratitude


    52 Chapters

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    Fifty-two reflective chapters on the theme of gratitude from the author of Deep-Rooted in Christ.

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  • God Healed Me


    My journey started in 2002, I was a fit and healthy person and started to get discomfort in my right shoulder. After many tests the doctors discovered that I had a large tumour in my shoulder. I was shocked, devastated and very fearful. Was I going to live or was I going to die? I underwent surgery and radiation therapy but the treatments were unsuccessful.

    I cried out to God for help and He heard the cry of my heart. He took me on an amazing journey where I learned so much about faith and trusting in His word. He is a God who is faithful to all His promises. We need to believe Him and not let go, even if our circumstances look grim.

    I was totally healed in January 2007, it was a miracle. God took me from sickness to health and my story will encourage you to never give up and put your trust in Him. God is so faithful!

    My name is Vikki O’Neill and I live in Perth Western Australia. I am an ordinary person who went on an extraordinary journey with God. I am blessed to be happy and healthy today because God miraculously healed me.

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  • Traveling Toward Transformation


    Section One: Honesty With Self Is The Best Policy
    Section Two: The Jackhammer
    Section Three: The Eye Opener
    Section Four: The Cleanser

    Additional Info
    Do you feel far away from God?

    Does anger have you acting out?

    Is guilt holding you hostage?

    Has depression become your best friend?

    Do you feel trapped by the problems of life?

    Traveling Toward Transformation will lead you on a journey toward peace, contentment, and spiritual renewal. As you develop a daily relationship with God, you will be released from the bondage of guilt, frustration, and distrust. Rest in the confidence of God’s ability, as you wait for His plans to be carried out. Learn how to be honest with yourself and God, to develop a thankful heart, and to know the peacefulness of surrendering to His will. Live with a higher perspective as you practice the power of positive thinking and move toward the life God has carved out just for you.

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  • Despierta Tu Heroe Interior – (Spanish)


    Por cientos de anos, escritores, poetas y directores han utilizado principios universales para construir grandes historias; historias que conmueven y conectan. Dichas historias atraen a miles que se sumergen en una narrativa de heroes con un llamado, de vidas con un gran proposito. Pero al mismo tiempo que dichas historias nos llenan, surge en nosotros un vacio, una conviccion de que en la vida hay algo mas, un anhelo de que nuestra vida deberia ser como esas historias. En Despierta tu heroe interior el autor nos revela la Jornada del Heroe junto a principios que han sido utilizados por siglos para escribir grandes historias. El aplicar dichos principios a nuestra propia vida, nos permitira comenzar a vivir una vida emocionante, con proposito, riesgo y aventura; una vida que inspira y vale la pena. Si quieres llevar tu historia al siguiente nivel, si quieres moverte del exito al significado, entonces necesitas comenzar a cambiar el mundo. Te invito a cambiarlo juntos.

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  • Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today


    This book isn’t just about discovering our spiritual gifts, or even receiving them-it’s about releasing them! God wants you to experience the great wonder of moving in and through His grace-on a daily basis.

    As you read, you’ll first gain an overview of spiritual gifts and be introduced to the way the Holy Spirit moves and operates within them. Then you’ll explore the nine most widely recognized spiritual gifts. These are not the only gifts God gives His children, but they are vital to understand and then activate according to His leading.

    Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today is filled with many examples of how the gifts have been used in action, both within the pages of the Bible and in the present day. God desires to pour out His gifts on His people with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This is your opportunity to find out what the Lord can do for you and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.

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  • Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23


    A fresh new update to the beloved classic A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.

    A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 will join Serenity and The Creeds as a beautiful new entry into the Zondervan Gift Timeless Faith Classics line. Combining sophisticated, timeless designs with the sage wisdom of Scripture will make this line a favorite with readers interested in the classic tenants of our faith.

    W. Phillip Keller writes of the loving Shepherd of Psalm 23 who leads his sheep to the green pastures and cool waters. The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want. The truth and comfort of these familiar words spring to life in this excerpted gift edition of W. Phillip Keller’s classic work, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Based on his years as a keeper of sheep, Keller infuses new hope and meaning into our relationship with Christ, the Good Shepherd. As we lie down in green pastures or walk through the shadowy valley, we’re assured that whatever our path, whatever our stumbling, the Shepherd will lovingly guide, carry, and protect us. We can depend on His goodness and mercy all the days of our lives.

    This timeless passage of Scripture has been the topic of countless books, articles, and gift products. Keller’s classic book lends itself seamlessly to the Timeless Faith Classics line with its simple but poignant text, beautiful 4-color photographs, and an updated cover with lots of shiny foil.

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  • Not Eden : Spiritual Life Writing For This World


    Not Eden represents a challenging new appraisal of the methods, purpose and practice of spiritual life writing.

    Part 1 examines some of the traditions that have governed spiritual life writing in the past. A dominant assumption, displayed in many confessional texts, has been that spiritual autobiographies chart a journey away from the concerns of this world towards a deeper understanding of the divine. However, alternative forms of spiritual life writing have always existed alongside these authoritative traditions. In these, spirituality appears as deeply interwoven with the fabric of everyday life. It is embodied, contingent and involves deep connections with others.

    Part 2 consists of a work of spiritual life writing in which the claims made in part one are explored and tested. It constitutes a fully worked example of the way in which spiritual life writing can enable us to face the deepest challenges of this world.

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  • Lost And Found (Reprinted)


    Like every girl, Sarah Jakes dreamed of a life full of love, laughter, and happy endings. But her dreams changed dramatically when she became pregnant at age thirteen, a reality only compounded by the fact that her father, Bishop T.D. Jakes, was one of the most influential megachurch pastors in the nation. As a teen mom and a high-profile preacher’s kid, her road was lonely. She was shunned at school, gossiped about at church. And a few years later, when a fairy-tale marriage ended in a spiral of hurt and rejection, she could have let her pain dictate her future.

    Instead, she found herself surrounded by a God she’d given up on, crashing headlong with him into a destiny she’d never dreamed of. Sarah’s captivating story, unflinchingly honest and deeply vulnerable, is a vivid reminder that God can turn even the deepest pain into his perfection.

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  • Gotas De Sabedoria Para El Alm – (Spanish)


    Gotas de sabiduria para el alma es un paseo por el libro de proverbios. Es andar por los jardines de Dios paseando con el sabio rey Salomon para escuchar sus consejos oportunos. Es recibir todos los dias porciones de ese precioso rocio que viene del cielo; es recibir las refrescantes gotas que emanan de las Escrituras.

    Lea estas meditaciones con la mente abierta a la verdad divina, con el corazon sediento por oir la voz de Dios a traves de la Palabra y con el alma dispuesta a recibir todo lo que Dios le ha preparado. Esas gotas se pueden volver rios que fluyen del trono de Dios para su vida, dirigiendo sus pasos por los caminos rectos de la obediencia y de las bienaventuranzas.
    Gotas de sabiduria para el alma es de una sensibilidad impresionante. Por medio de una coleccion de meditaciones diaria (una para cada dia del ao), el libro abre las cortinas a un panorama de la vida moderna, pero vista por un angulo diferente. Diversas situaciones – gestion del tiempo, educacion y crianza de los hijos, cuidados con la integridad personal, administracion financiera, autoestima, bienestar fisico y espiritual – van goteando a lo largo de lectura y trayendo consuelo y cura para el alma.

    Cada tema es abordado con fundamentos en la Palabra de Dios, proveyendo asi orientacion segura para las exigencias del diario vivir. En estos tiempos de superficialidad y ausencia de compromisos, Gotas de sabiduria para el alma lleva al lector a establecer puntos de partida para encuentros importantes con el projimo, con lo divino y quizas el mas importante, consigo mismo.

    Drops of wisdom for the soul
    Gotas de sabiduria para el almais a walk through the book of Proverbs. It is a walk through Gods gardens with the wise King Solomon to listen to his proper and timely counsel. It is receiving every day a portion of the precious dew that comes from heaven. It is receiving the refreshing drops that come from Scripture.

    Read these meditations with an open mind to the divine truth, with your heart thirsty to hear Gods voice through the Word, and with your soul willing to receive all God has prepared for you. Those drops can become rivers that flow from Gods throne to your life, guiding your steps through the straight paths of obedience and the Beatitudes.

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  • Think Big : Unleashing Your Potential For Excellence


    In Think Big, Dr. Ben Carson prescribes his personal formula for success. And who could better advise than a man who has transformed himself from a ghetto kid into the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon in the world? With an acrostic, Dr. Carson spells out his philosophy of living. Think Big emphasizes how to evaluate and respond to problems in order to overcome them and make the most of your inner potential.

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  • Kelly Tough : Live Courageously By Faith


    Kelly Tough is an intimate, deeply personal account of life inside the Kelly family. The book shares the heart of a young woman-the oldest Kelly daughter, Erin-who has experienced the loss of a sibling and stood by her father’s side as he battled cancer. Never-before-shared photos, journals, and stories will be revealed. Readers will go behind the scenes with the Kelly family and experience their private struggles and failures as well as their determination and passion.

    In this book, readers will see a close-knit family who is not exempt from the realities and struggles of life. How they choose to approach the situations they face shows a real, lasting love and hope that digs deep and goes beyond this temporary life. Kelly Tough is a story of finding strength in weakness, hope in the midst of heartache, and joy in spite of suffering.

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  • Cae Siete Veces Levantate Ocho – (Spanish)


    The winner is the one who refuses to lose. Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight presents 52 key principles, actions, and encouragements that equip readers to develop the perseverance and determination that lead to real success.

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  • Hutterite Diaries : Wisdom From My Prairie Community


    What would it be like to live out Acts 2? To share all your possessions and live in Christian community? In Hutterite Diaries, Linda Maendel offers a rare glimpse into the daily routines and relational faith of her people, the Hutterian Brethren. From stories of working together to bring in the fall potato harvest to laugh-out-loud tales of sisterly love laced with revenge, Maendel invites readers into her Bruderhof, or colony, nestled on the prairie of western Canada. Here children and adults work, play, eat, and worship together, crafting a community of goods and living out an alternative to the individualism and consumerism of mainstream society.

    Because few outsiders know anything about the Hutterites, a plain Christian group related to the Amish and Mennonites, this book offer a rare glimpse into Hutterite life. Maendel’s story invites readers into deeper understanding of this community of faith, and calls us to take seriously the example of Jesus and the early church in our daily living.

    In the Plainspoken series, hear straight from plain Anabaptists as they write about their daily lives and deeply rooted faith. Each Plainspoken book includes “A Day in the Life of the Author” and the author’s answers to FAQs. The Plainspoken series from Herald Press features real-life stories of Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites and other plain Anabaptists.

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  • True And Constant Friends


    Kelley Paul, wife of Senator Rand Paul, celebrates lifelong friendships in a beautifully illustrated book about the female bond. When Kelley Paul arrived on the Rhodes College campus in 1981, she immediately bonded with six women. Three decades of intimate friendship later, Kelley celebrates these relationships and the women who inspired them all. She tells their stories and those of their grandmothers, mothers and sisters, providing a microcosm of women raising families and building lives in 20th- and 21st-century America. The extraordinary lives of Kelley’s and her friends’ role models-from the Southern matriarch to the poor Irish immigrant-are honored in this lovely book which offers oral history along with classic poetry, art, and photography. Throughout, Kelley explores the universal themes of hardship, determination, commitment, family, independence, optimism, friendship and love-and illuminates the power of the female bond that enriches all our lives.

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  • Christ In You


    Christianity has an image problem–but not the way you think. While it’s troubling the way the world sees us, how we see ourselves is the truer problem. We carry secret shames; as a result, our ability to give and receive praise, favor, and abundance depends on how much we think we, and others, deserve.

    Nothing could be more devastating to the Kingdom.

    God–the vast, omniscient, benevolent God of the universe–lives inside us. And if we truly understood what this means, says Eric Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, then we would begin to see ourselves the way he does: worthy.

    Here Johnson helps all Christians move beyond the limitations we place on ourselves, others–and God–and embrace the truth of who we are and who God is. Don’t settle for a defeated, powerless existence. He created you for a passionate, powerful, and purposeful life. Believe this, and trust him, and you can change the world.

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  • Peace In His Presence


    Enjoy favorite quotes from the bestselling devotional.

    Sarah Young’s writings have touched millions of lives. This special and inspiring quote book-pulled from the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional Jesus Calling -includes some of the most treasured and encouraging quotes and selections from the original book and combines them with beautiful photos, design, and Scripture. On each page, you’ll find words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of God’s unending love.

    Whether as a companion piece to the original Jesus Calling devotional or as an introduction for new readers to the treasure of Jesus Calling content, this beautiful gift book is sure to inspire and encourage readers as they discover the gift of enjoying peace in the presence of Christ. As you experience these quotes, you will look forward to your time with the Lord.

    More than 12 million lives have been touched by Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling products, and this book of quotes book is a beautiful addition to this bestselling brand and the perfect gift for fans and new readers alike.

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  • Heaven Is A Breath Away


    The multi-car pileup on a snowy highway should have ended in death. Instead, it changed Valerie Pater’s life forever.

    When a massive pileup on an Arizona highway caused Valerie Paters and her Jeep to be entombed beneath a semi truck in a blinding snowstorm, it seemed certain that her life would soon end. Once extracted from the mangled metal, and suffering from massive injuries, Valerie was hospitalized and placed on life support while doctors waited to harvest her organs. But Valerie was more alive than she had ever been. As she stood in the radiant presence of Jesus, He wrapped her into Himself, assuring her of His love and of the promise that heaven is only a breath away.

    Heaven Is a Breath Away is a thrilling firsthand account of the home that awaits Christians when they draw their last breath here on earth. With open arms, Christ welcomes to heaven those who belong to Him. Rarely has this vision been told in such exquisite detail. It will undoubtedly comfort those who have lost loved ones or are near death themselves. Heaven Is a Breath Away gives hope and encourages faith by sharing the heaven Jesus promised-a real place, magnificent in scope and beauty, permeated with iridescence, and alive with divine energy and love.
    Heaven Is a Breath Away

    is a thrilling firsthand account of the home that awaits Christians when they draw their last breath here on earth. With open arms, Christ welcomes to heaven those who belong to Him. Rarely has this vision been told in such exquisite detail. It will undoubtedly comfort those who have lost loved ones or are near death themselves.
    Heaven Is a Breath Away

    gives hope and encourages faith by sharing the heaven Jesus promised-a real place, magnificent in scope and beauty, permeated with iridescence, and alive with divine energy and love.

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  • Mantenga Viva La Esperanza – (Spanish)


    #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope–the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP! Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things, and help them ground their hope steadfastly in God for limitless joy and possibilities for their lives. As Joyce explains, “Without hope in God, there isn’t much you can do, but with Hope in God, there isn’t much you can’t do.”

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  • Get Your Hopes Up


    #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope–the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP! Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things, and help them ground their hope steadfastly in God for limitless joy and possibilities for their lives. As Joyce explains, “Without hope in God, there isn’t much you can do, but with Hope in God, there isn’t much you can’t do.”

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  • Victory Lap : Growing Old With God


    It happens to all of us if we live long enough. We grow older, with all the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges that implies. But that’s really good news. It means we’re living longer, healthier lives and that we have the opportunity to continue learning and growing and contributing for a long time.

    The Victory Lap is about all that. It’s also about exercise, good diet, sleep. About our need for each other, to be involved with life and to prepare for death and the legacy we leave behind.

    It’s about treasuring life, feeling gratitude to God and the people around us, adjusting to retirement and filling that extra time well. It’s about being honest and real, with ourselves and other people.

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  • 7 Men : And The Secret Of Their Greatness


    In Seven Men, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known-but not well understood-Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel. Written in a beautiful and engaging style, Seven Men addresses what it means (or should mean) to be a man today, at a time when media and popular culture present images of masculinity that are not the picture presented in Scripture and historic civil life. What does it take to be a true exemplar as a father, brother, husband, leader, coach, counselor, change agent, and wise man? What does it mean to stand for honesty, courage, and charity, especially at times when the culture and the world run counter to those values? Each of the seven biographies represents the life of a man who experienced the struggles and challenges to be strong in the face of forces and circumstances that would have destroyed the resolve of lesser men.
    Each of the seven men profiled-George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, John Paul II, and Charles Colson-call the reader to a more elevated walk and lifestyle, one that embodies the gospel in the world around us.

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  • Divided : When The Head And Heart Dont Agree


    The longest distance in the universe is between the head and heart. For Christ-followers, it is the chasm between what we say we believe in our minds and what we truly believe in our hearts: a split between our statements about God and our experience of Him. This divide is everywhere around us, causing untold devastation. It is found in the double lives of believers and in the hypocrisy of church leaders, but mainly we see it in ourselves. It is the default position of every human heart.

    In Divided: When the Head and Heart Don’t Agree, Bill Delvaux exposes this divide and offers strategies to tackle it. The actual journey to cross the divide is sketched out, an epic journey that will take us into our deepest fear and shame and on into the wonder of God’s presence. For becoming undivided is not just another task. It’s the pathway into the very heart of the Father.

    Features include:
    *Strategies for closing the divide between head and heart
    *Specific prayers for each stage of the spiritual journey
    *Thought-provoking questions for spiritual conversation or reflection

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  • Touched By Heaven (Reprinted)


    In the hard times of life, we all long for a glimpse of God–of his face, his glory, his presence with us. Nancy Ravenhill, daughter-in-law of the renowned Leonard Ravenhill, author of Why Revival Tarries, has had a lifetime of such supernatural encounters. Starting during a traumatic childhood, Jesus has met her face to face in her darkest moments, revealing the layers of compassion and love he has for all his children.

    “Through a lifetime of personal experiences with the living God,” she says, “I’ve learned that when we are helpless and alone, Jesus will rescue us and light the path ahead.” Now, for the first time, she shares her remarkable stories and offers encouragement that will leave you astounded–and inspired–by our mighty God, who still reaches out to comfort the hearts of his children.

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  • Hi Mom Did You Miss Me 2


    November 6, 1952. This morning I woke up in the arms of the only girl I have truly loved. If today is the first day of the rest of my life, it is getting off to a great start, isn’t it? Roush chronicled his life through letters to his mother; a mother he had not seen since he was five years old. As a young boy, Joseph, along with his sister and brother, was abruptly sent to a Montana orphanage, never to see his mother again. However, with hope in his heart, he wrote to her as if she was only across the country and shared all his struggles and joys. Follow Joseph as he leaves the Army and starts a new stage of his life-marriage. You’ll be encouraged and inspired by the life journey of one man who overcame painful trials with an attitude of joy and gratitude. His motto is: Life is good. God is great. He says, “While I’ve had many misfortunes and difficulties, God has always been faithful to take care of me and bless me beyond what I could have ever hoped for.”

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  • Hi Mom Did You Miss Me 1


    Joseph Roush was nearly six years of age when he found that he would be housed in The Montana State Children’s home along with four hundred other youngsters. What could he do? What would you do in this situation? He dedicated himself to the task of locating his mother and putting his family back together. He would somehow record everything that would happen to him to share with his mother when they were reunited once again. He knew this could be a long and difficult journey, but he had no idea just how long and difficult it would be. Joseph’s journal should provide some insight into the influence good folks can have over those who face unfortunate events in their lives. Perhaps his experiences both good and bad might give hope to those without hope and direction to the lost.

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  • Journey Of TD Jakes


    Here is a story of what is possible for “those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Thomas Dexter Jakes spent an impoverished childhood in the Appalachian Mountains. Entrepreneurial seeds were
    planted and bore fruit when, as a teenager, he shouldered the responsibilities of running his deceased father’s business. He also overcame the seduction of drugs and crime. From the trials and triumphs of T. D. Jakes, you will learn the power of vision, responsibility, integrity, and faithfulness. More importantly, you will know beyond a doubt that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

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  • Milagros En Ti – (Spanish)


    Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, authors the ultimate book on personal and spiritual success for the 21st century.

    God is at work every minute of the day doing miraculous things in our lives, but few have eyes to see him at work. Using his classic story-driven style, in The Miracles in You, Mark Victor Hansen helps us see life-changing, often daily miraculous events we dismiss as accidents or just plain luck. Once Hansen shows us how to recognize a true miracle when we see it, then we can see actual miracles that are occurring in our own lives – a powerful experience. Finally, the book shows you how to be a miracle in the lives of almost everyone around you. An eye opening read!

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