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    • Million Tiny Moments


      Moms seeking instant encouragement amid their busy lives will find insight on a variety of subjects pertaining to motherhood and the gospel.   Emily A. Jensen and Laura Wifler, cofounders of Risen Motherhood, have hearts for helping moms connect their faith to their motherhood.  A Million Tiny Moments is a curated collection of heartfelt reflections from Emily and Laura, available here for the first time in one convenient place. Moms needing at-a-glance inspiration will find articles addressing the circumstances they are facing right now, including what to do when . . . expectations hurt their motherhood they can’t protect their children they look down on themselves their husband works long hours    Biblically sound and practically relevant, A Million Tiny Moments will help moms apply gospel wisdom to any current situation or struggle that they are going through.    

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    • Son Of Southtown


      Born and raised on the streets of Southtown, two exits from the Mexico border, Sonny Sandoval was always going to go his own way. And as frontman of the platinum selling nu metal band P.O.D.–a group too Christian for the world and too secular for the church–he has broken every mold, defied every expectation, and reached into the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people who wanted to belong to something but never felt like they fit in.

      Sonny’s life has been one lived on the edge between two worlds, a line he has attempted to walk with integrity. Raw and uncut, this memoir tells his true story of growing up in the gritty beauty south of San Diego, his early musical influences and big breaks, his rise to fame and many hardships and struggles along the way.

      From stories of performing in cornfields at the Cornerstone Music Festival to rocking MTV’s Total Request Live with Carson Daly to playing in New York City just weeks after 9/11, and every unglamorous moment in between, this hard-hitting memoir will have you believing that there’s no one right way to follow God’s call. Instead, Sonny’s story will inspire you to be totally and uniquely you at all times, without apology and without compromise–but with passion and integrity.

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    • Here : A Spirituality Of Staying In A Culture Of Leaving


      Lydia Sohn was a serial burn-it-down-and-make-a-fresh-start girl until, when in her late twenties, she encountered the Rule of St. Benedict with its vow of stability, and her world was transformed. Sohn took a pause to consider what she wanted out of life-identity, purpose, community-and had a lightbulb moment: Everything she needed to live the life she desired was already within her reach.

      Here pushes back against our age of constant reinvention and the cultural message that we should do whatever it takes to get wherever we want to go. Instead, Sohn’s message is the opposite: stay. Stay and cultivate the immense potential and beauty that currently lies dormant within your circumstances.

      Sohn understands the allure of nomadism. A nomadic life would protect us from the stress of relational conflicts that inevitably arise when we’re caught in the intricate web of commitments. But the restlessness, FOMO, and disappointment we’re trying to escape always come along for the journey. That’s because they’re not the result of our circumstances; they reside within us.

      Braiding personal narrative and spiritual reflection, Here inspires readers to both embrace and transform their circumstances through commitment and stability-in order that they might find true contentment right where they are.

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    • So God Made A Grandma


      He needed someone with a heart big enough to hold a million moments of joy and sorrow through the years… so God made a grandma.

      Join Leslie Means, founder of the popular website Her View from Home, in this heartfelt follow-up to the national bestseller So God Made a Mother.

      Some relationships are beautiful and full of love, support, and warmth. Some are complicated, yet still honored and transformative. All these stories, told from the perspectives of daughters, friends, grandchildren, and grandmothers themselves–will stir the hearts of anyone who’s had a grandma, who is a grandma, or who knows a grandma.

      You don’t need to be a grandmother to be captivated by the stories on these pages or moved by their depth. This diverse collection of essays celebrates the women who shape us, the women we are, and the women we pray we’ll become. So God Made a Grandma is for the love-givers, the tradition-keepers, the memory-makers, and the timeless love we call our own.

      So God Made a Grandma

      *True stories from women of all ages and stages celebrating grandmas and their enduring legacy of faith, love, and family.

      *Features a beautiful interior design.

      *Makes a perfect gift for any woman in your life–including yourself.

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    • Living Between Hope And Heartache


      When your children are small, a kiss and a bandage can fix almost any hurt. But when they face struggles beyond your reach, how do you help them heal?

      This is a mother’s journey through the heartache of watching her 15-year-old daughter fall into meth addiction. But it’s also a testament to God’s faithfulness.

      Author Jessie Copeland writes, “For two years, I saw my child transform into someone I didn’t recognize-yet my love for her never wavered, even when I couldn’t understand what she was going through. When I felt helpless, I leaned on His strength and discovered the depths of His love for both my daughter and me, learning to trust Him in the midst of our darkest days.”

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    • Shift : Courageously Moving From Season To Season


      Discover a renewed sense of your purpose and the courage to move from what is to what can be.

      We have a tendency to think of our own situation in polarizing terms: good or bad, up or down. We fall into the trap of thinking things are one way or another. We overlook the fact that there are transition times, such as the seasons between graduation and the amazing job, between divorce and remarriage, between a failure and a success.

      The key from getting from one season in life to the next is surviving the shift and recognizing that it’s the period between the mistake and the mastery. Between what happened today and who you become tomorrow. To make the most of the shift, you must be willing to embrace and accept the consequences of past events and relinquish your attempts to alter or compensate for them. You must be willing to shift your paradigm from victim to victor. From survivor to thriver, from loser to chooser.

      Full of relatable stories, practical, easily applicable advice, and deep scriptural insights, The Shift helps readers survive these in-between seasons with the courage that comes only when you’re sure of God’s purpose for your life.

      This newly updated paperback edition of this classic book has three new chapters that help readers go even further in surviving and thriving in the recent shifts in our culture, as well as encouraging them to shift into living a life of legacy and purpose.

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    • Before You Go Any Higher


      We long for mountaintop experiences, but they’re difficult to achieve and impossible to maintain without the rest, nourishment, and strength found in lush, life-giving valleys. GRAMMY Award winner Jonathan McReynolds shows us why having a valley mindset is not what you think–it’s about receiving God’s grace, love, and encouragement as His beloved child.

      Life is full of mountains to ascend, driven by our dreams, ambitions, and callings. But it doesn’t take much for even the strongest climbers to grow weary or lose their way. It’s important to have a “mountain mindset” to help us establish goals, to make steady progress, to achieve success, to do big things for God. A great mission requires from us a little grind, a little hustle, a little competition. But also plenty of time in the valley.

      Most people equate valley moments with difficulty and pain, but a “valley mentality” is different according to Jonathan McReynolds. He’s reached the mountaintop–GRAMMY Award, nationwide tours, millions of followers, and more–but he experienced more refreshment, rest, and encouragement from the Lord off the mountain. He writes, “The valley is not about finishing anything, studying anything, or doing anything, but simply being a child of God.” In Before You Climb Any Higher, readers will discover:

      *Taking breaks from climbing is necessary for your mental health
      *Ways to find rest, renewal, and authentic community in the valley
      *Identity should never be wrapped up in success and accolades
      *How to prepare for the mountain climb with lessons learned in the valley
      *It’s possible to live abundantly in the valley and on the mountain

      We are more than our accomplishments, more than our mountaintop accomplishments. We are sons and daughters of God, who is calling us to rest in the valley, to replenish our souls, to be formed by the Spirit, to discover abundant life that is found only in Him.

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes For Hardworking Women


      There are many hardworking women in our lives who rarely get the affirmation and recognition they deserve! This iteration of our popular Prayers to Share series offers readers a chance to change that, providing heartfelt prayers, selected Scriptures, and inspirational quotes from mother-of-three and business owner Melissa Horvath that are easy to tear and share. These messages are designed to empower stay-at-home moms, non-profit volunteers, dedicated caregivers, striving entrepreneurs, committed students, and other female go-getters who could use a healthy dose of appreciation.

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    • Take What You Need


      A collection of quotes from the writings of critically acclaimed and beloved author Aundi Kolber for encouragement on your journey toward healing

      For when the day is long. When you are afraid. When you don’t know what to say to someone you love. When you feel alone. When you’re questioning everything. When you wonder if God is with you. When the bottom falls out. When you don’t know what’s next. When you do something courageous. When you don’t know how to have hope. When you need to know you can try softer. When you’re learning to show up for yourself.

      May this collection of quotes from therapist and author of Try Softer Aundi Kolber be a balm to your most tender places. A beautiful gift for the hardest days, each page will remind you that no matter where you are on your journey to healing, you are not alone. And while there may not be answers, you will find compassion. You will find reminders of who God created you to be, the belovedness within. You’ll come away feeling a little more empowered to take one more step.

      This book contains:

      *Gentle exercises for getting in tune with your body and feelings,
      *Scriptures to remind you of God’s truth for your life and meet you in your need,
      *Timely and supportive prayers.

      Come and take what you need from these pages. A gentler way is open to you.

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    • Como Crear Una Mentalidad De M – (Spanish)


      La motivacion es mas que un sentimiento: !es un estado mental!

      A traves de este libro conocera y aprendera los secretos para crear una mentalidad de motivacion de la mano de Napoleon Hill, autor de los best sellers internacionales Piense y hagase rico y Mas astuto que el diablo.

      Como cualquier estado mental, la motivacion debe cultivarse mediante la expresion repetida de habitos de pensamiento. Descubra como puede tomar el control del poder de su mente y dirigirlo para conseguir las cosas que desea en la vida, todo ello mediante la aplicacion de sencillos principios y practicas diarias que condicionan su mente para el exito.

      Aproveche la energia del pensamiento para transformar los motivos en deseos ardientes que enciendan su entusiasmo, estimulen su imaginacion y le inspiren a actuar diariamente para alcanzar sus metas. Descubra las claves para:

      *Dejar ir la energia negativa y las creencias limitantes
      *Crear un entorno que le prepare para el exito
      *Superar la procrastinacion y otros bloqueos mentales
      *Atraer oportunidades con una actitud mental positiva
      *Aprovechar los retos y utilizarlos como peldaos hacia el exito
      *Y mucho mas.

      Como crear una mentalidad de motivacion de Napoleon Hill le proporciona las herramientas y tecnicas que necesita para acceder al poder ilimitado de la mente para el logro de sus propositos, de modo que pueda conseguir y mantener la motivacion en el camino hacia sus propositos.

      Motivation is more than a feeling-it’s a state of mind!

      In this book, you will learn the secrets to creating a motivated mindset from Napoleon Hill, author of the international bestselling books Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil.

      Like any state of mind, motivation must be cultivated through the repeated expression of thought habits. Discover how you can take control of your mind power and direct it to attain the things you desire in life-all through the application of simple principles and daily practices that condition your mind for success.

      Harness the energy of thought to transform motives into burning desires that ignite your enthusiasm, stimulate your imagination, and inspire you to take action daily on your goals. Uncover the keys to:

      *Letting go of negative energy and limiting beliefs
      *Creating an environment that primes you for success
      *Overcoming procrastination and other mental blocks
      *Attracting opportunities with a positive mental attitude
      *Leveraging challenges as stepping stones to success

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    • Jesus Doesnt Care About Your Messy House


      The phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” isn’t found in the Bible. Your house can never be good enough to please God–not because you can’t scrub it or declutter hard enough, but because that is never what He was looking for in the first place. Join Dana K. White, author of Decluttering at the Speed of Life, as she works through removing the shame associated with having a messy home and reveling in the grace and love of our Savior.

      This book is for you, if no matter how competent you feel in other parts of your life, you still feel overwhelmed and defeated by your messy home. While it’s true that keeping a clean and organized living space can contribute to a sense of peace and well-being, it should never be equated with your worth, moral standing, or what Jesus thinks about you.

      Dana K. White, trusted by millions for her no-holds-barred cleaning confessions and practical decluttering method wants to:

      *remove any shame or identity crisis associated with disorganization

      *help you understand God’s love and purposeful design for you that is much bigger than any mess in your house.

      Sharing relatable stories, biblical teaching, and practical life application, Dana will help you find a sense of freedom, acceptance, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for you and your house.

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    • Far Beyond Gold


      What fears are standing in your way or holding you back? How do you want to become stronger? Olympic and World champion hurdler Sydney McLaughlin wants to help you answer these questions as she shares her personal story of struggles and victories, of faith and transformation.

      Sydney McLaughlin knows about facing down obstacles. She has mastered not only racing over hurdles on the track but also tackling challenges in her personal life–from lifelong battles with perfectionism and anxiety to persistent questions about her identity and whether she was “enough.”

      Her pursuit of perfection and people-pleasing continued for years until God broke into her story with his overwhelming grace, transforming love, and empowering truth.

      In Far Beyond Gold, Sydney will share aspects of her life story and personhood she has never shared publicly before, offering a more complex picture of who she is. She will inspire you to:

      *Conquer your fears in Christ’s strength
      *Stand strong in your identity in him
      *Push past your perceived limits
      *Overcome the challenges you’re facing

      Experience the story of a woman who shifted from anxiety to boldness, from limits to freedom, and from perfectionism to purpose–and now shows the world that often what we think is impossible is possible with God.

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    • Dont Let Doubt Take You Out


      Even when you don’t know what to think, you will know where to go.

      After reading this book, you will crush the seeds of doubts in your mind, which are telling me that you’re the only one struggling. Likewise, Iyou will gain the invaluable skill of defeating doubt before it takes you out.

      If you think about it, from your earliest memories, doubt was there: on your first day of school and waiting for you in the playground. A word spoken; a look given. Doubt followed you throughout middle school and high school… especially middle school. As an adult, this rival has shown up repeatedly at the important times in your life trying to convince you that you don’t have what it takes. These seeds of doubt about yourself can hold you back and take you out, all the while convincing you that you’re the only one struggling.

      Doubt doesn’t just raise questions about oneself; It can also seep into our relationships with others and with God. When those closest to us let us down or disappoint us, doubt whispers in our ear causing us to question their motives or their loyalty, tempting us to withdraw and isolate ourselves. Doubts about our relationship with God can be an even more difficult force to reckon with on our own. But knowing how to defeat doubt before it takes you out is a critical skill that each of us can and must master.

      Beloved pastor and communicator Todd Mullins knows that doubt screams the loudest in our spiritual lives, often causing us to question what we cannot see, touch, or quantify logically. As a result, our connection with our Creator is disrupted, causing:

      *A disjointed and disconnected life from God
      *A mindset of guilt and shame instead of grace and freedom
      *A heart that isn’t aligned with what God wants for our future

      As senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, Mullins’s experience with doubt is deep and wide. He will help readers identify the source of these struggles and give them the tools to defeat doubt once and for all.

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    • Lasting Ever : Faith, Music, Family, And Being Found By True Love


      Married couple and award-winning musical artists Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink share powerful stories of faith from their family’s journey to encourage you and draw you closer to God.

      With authentic storytelling and hard-won wisdom, Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink illuminate the heartaches and triumphs that have shaped their story as a married couple, as parents, as musicians, and–most of all–as Jesus followers.

      Journey with Cubbie and Rebecca and discover hope for your own story as they wrestle through questions like:

      *How does God redeem life’s big losses, like miscarriage, betrayal, and other traumatic experiences?

      *How do we find true and healthy identity outside of what we do and what people think of us?

      *How can we best honor our marriage and love our family well through seasons of great hardship?

      *On the mountaintops and in the valleys, how do we discover an unwavering commitment to God that is lasting ever?

      Through honest conversations about singlehood, marriage, the purity movement, and living in the spotlight, Lasting Ever offers hope to all of us who face challenges but long to embrace life with a heart attuned to God’s grace.

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    • Glory Too : Poems


      Winner of the Coretta Scott King Award, and New York Times bestselling author Nikki Grimes introduces Glory, Too, a soul-stirring collection of poetry that delves into the depths of faith, hope, and the human experience by one of America’s preeminent black poets.

      In a marriage of poetry, faith, and worship, Ms. Grimes’ poems illuminate the Scriptures that grace every Sunday of the year. Her inimitable voice and imagination offer glimpses of glory we might not otherwise see, throughout the seasons of the year.

      With lyrical precision and spiritual insight, she invites readers on a journey of reflection, weaving together themes of grace, redemption, and the enduring power of God’s love throughout the year.

      As the companion volume to her previous book Glory in the Margins: Sunday Poems, Glory, Too resonates with authenticity and depth, giving testimony to the transformative power of poetry and the enduring hope found in the embrace of God’s eternal grace.

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    • Lower : Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical Humility


      In this inspiring account, a pastor shares how radical humility ignited a sixteen-day revival on a small college campus–and why it is an essential tool for building a closer relationship with God.

      As Zach Meerkreebs ended his sermon on the campus of Asbury University, he challenged, “Do not leave here until you experience the love of God so that you can pour it out.” Several students remained, praying and worshipping, and others joined them until a crowd formed that grew to over 65,000 and covered the campus and small Kentucky town. As the worshipping and praying continued, for sixteen days and nights, the media began reporting on what came to be called the Asbury Outpouring.

      In Lower, Zach shares his experiences at the Outpouring and answers his own question, what sparked this revival? With personal stories, Scripture, testimonies from Asbury, wisdom from other Christian writers, and key insights he has received in quiet moments with Jesus, Zach shows readers the path to radical humility and deeper friendship with God. As we go lower in our pursuit of humility, we can steward spaces prepared for a move of God and shine Jesus to all those who are watching.

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    • This Changes Everything


      From the author of I Take My Coffee Black, a sobering, humorous memoir about learning to let go and embrace the sanctity of life after being diagnosed with Cancer.

      When Tyler Merritt was diagnosed with cancer, everything he thought he knew about what mattered in life changed. This Changes Everything is a humorous and optimistic love letter to this beautiful life.

      Though he made it through a highly invasive surgery and thought he was in the clear, Tyler soon realized that the cancer had other plans. It wasn’t a question of if the tumor would come back for an encore, his doctors told him. It was a question of when. Laced with Tyler’s trademark humor, love of pop culture, and arguably too many musical theater references, This Changes Everything is a story about how wrestling with the idea of death can birth a whole new outlook on life, how we live it, and the urgency that comes when you grasp that time is a precious commodity.

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    • Magic Of Knowing What You Want


      Create the fully aligned, purposeful life you were made to live

      What do you really want? It’s an uncomplicated question until you try to answer it meaningfully. Whether prompted by transition, disruption, or curiosity about how to live more aligned with your values, we’ve all been there, feeling frozen, stuck, or lost in the fog of competing, half-baked desires, unsure how to move forward.

      In The Magic of Knowing What You Want, leadership coach Tracey Gee walks you through a proven framework of identifying, clarifying, and embodying your desires. With interactive exercises, relatable case studies, and thoughtful questions, Gee helps you discover what you really want, teaches you how to turn those desires into action, and shows you that a thriving, abundant life is closer than you think.

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    • Finding God Along The Way


      After spending 300 miles on the Ignatian Camino in Spain with a group whose average age was 67, Christine Marie Eberle returned to the United States with blisters that would fade, friendships that would not, and the conviction that anyone can develop a pilgrim’s heart on this life’s journey.

      This moving and often humorous account of one woman’s pilgrimage encourages readers to reimagine their own life’s path. Follow author Christine Eberle as she joins a group in the autumn of life along the 500-year-old pilgrimage route of St. Ignatius Loyola. Pray with them as they walk toward the rising sun. Raise a glass with them at the end of the day. Seek solitude with them in a crowded pilgrims’ shelter.

      Traversing mountains, deserts, vineyards, and shrines, witness the hard lessons that pave the way for spiritual transformation. Above all, by using the questions sprinkled throughout the chapters, allow Eberle’s journey to reveal your own pilgrim heart–one that does not require hundreds of miles of walking!

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    • Healthy Calling : From Toxic Burnout To Sustainable Work


      When You Don’t Know Who You Are Anymore

      Research shows that people who have a sense of calling are more productive, motivated, and resilient than their peers. But they are also more likely to experience the physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion of burnout. When they do, the impact is more severe and disorienting. Burnout often starts from something very good: a passionate commitment to meaningful work and the skill to make it a reality. But the dark side of calling is that passion and skill without boundaries are like matches to a dry forest, at risk for devastating destruction.

      How can we pursue our callings while managing our risk for burnout? Communication and workplace expert Arianna Molloy explores the nature of a healthy calling and the surprising key to unlocking a more sustainable approach. Humility is essential to a healthy calling, one that involves knowing yourself well, being teachable, and embracing the vulnerability of consistently taking time to rest and reflect. Molloy identifies essential practices and disciplines to recalibrate your calling and transform your work, relationships, and life.

      You don’t have to feel stuck and alone, disoriented in the dark. Let the Caller turn on the lights and return you to health.

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    • 3 Seconds Of Courage


      Riley Kehoe is no stranger to fear. At 10 years old, she survived the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami in Thailand. After that traumatic event killed nearly 230,000 people, she began asking herself each day, What do I want to do with this gift of life I’ve been given? She realized that she could let fear rule over her–or she could choose to have courage.

      Sharing her remarkable personal story, Riley shows you how small acts of bravery can change your life in ways you can’t imagine. They can mean the difference between a life of isolation or one of connection, between playing it safe or taking a bold step forward, between being self-focused or reaching out to help others, between holding a grudge or offering and accepting forgiveness.

      Filled with dramatic and touching stories–such as when Riley performed CPR on a drowned man and brought him back to life and when she climbed onto the ledge of a bridge to talk a young man out of jumping–this book will inspire you to approach every day with a spirit of courage, possibility, and hope.

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    • Anchor Of My Soul


      Where there’s hope, there’s life.
      It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.
      — Anne Frank

      In a world often shadowed by darkness, where the flickering light of hope can seem distant, the pursuit of true hope is not just comforting–it is imperative. Hope’s sustaining force helps us navigate life’s uncertainties and persevere through hardship.

      This beautiful collection weaves together classical and contemporary cherished works of literature, scriptures, poems, and songs paired with beloved works of art, providing opportunities for reflection on three aspects of Hope:

      *A Patient Waiting
      *Taut Expectancy
      *Trustful Anticipation

      With reflective works by Walter Ciszek, Emily Dickenson, Nikki Grimes, O.Henry, Julia Ward Howe, Victor Hugo, James Weldon Johnson, Helen Keller, Marjorie Pickthall, Christian Wiman, and others, interspersed with inspired art by Degas, Doerr, Hassam, Homer, Kandinsky, Pissaro, Redon, George Smith, Van Gogh, Vermeer and others, this stunning treasury provides comfort, joy, and solace in the exploration of hope.

      May you look forward with expectation, not because of assurance for what the future holds, but because of confidence in who holds the future.

      May you find strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

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    • 3 Seconds Of Courage


      Riley Kehoe is no stranger to fear. At 10 years old, she survived the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami in Thailand. After that traumatic event killed nearly 230,000 people, she began asking herself each day, What do I want to do with this gift of life I’ve been given? She realized that she could let fear rule over her–or she could choose to have courage.

      Sharing her remarkable personal story, Riley shows you how small acts of bravery can change your life in ways you can’t imagine. They can mean the difference between a life of isolation or one of connection, between playing it safe or taking a bold step forward, between being self-focused or reaching out to help others, between holding a grudge or offering and accepting forgiveness.

      Filled with dramatic and touching stories–such as when Riley performed CPR on a drowned man and brought him back to life and when she climbed onto the ledge of a bridge to talk a young man out of jumping–this book will inspire you to approach every day with a spirit of courage, possibility, and hope.

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    • Magic Of Knowing What You Want


      Create the fully aligned, purposeful life you were made to live

      What do you really want? It’s an uncomplicated question until you try to answer it meaningfully. Whether prompted by transition, disruption, or curiosity about how to live more aligned with your values, we’ve all been there, feeling frozen, stuck, or lost in the fog of competing, half-baked desires, unsure how to move forward.

      In The Magic of Knowing What You Want, leadership coach Tracey Gee walks you through a proven framework of identifying, clarifying, and embodying your desires. With interactive exercises, relatable case studies, and thoughtful questions, Gee helps you discover what you really want, teaches you how to turn those desires into action, and shows you that a thriving, abundant life is closer than you think.

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    • Power Of Writing It Down


      Discover the power of (finally) getting unstuck, claiming your clarity, and becoming the person whose life you want to live–all through a simple self-care practice you can build into your daily routine.

      For anyone who’s trying to make sense of their life, who wants to get unstuck from the patterns that hold them back, hear this incredible news: everything you need for the freedom you want is entirely within reach. This practice and pathway is free, it’s readily available every day of your life, it takes just minutes of your time, and anyone can do it.

      Author, writing coach, and speaker Allison Fallon’s life transformed when she discovered the power of a daily writing practice. As it turns out, using your words is one of the most powerful means you have for unlocking your life. The Power of Writing It Down is your guide to this transformative tool available to us all. In as little as five to twenty minutes a day, scientific research shows this daily practice can help you:

      *Identify your ruts and create new neurological grooves toward better habits
      *Find fresh motivation and take ownership of your life
      *Heal from past pain and trauma
      *Relieve anxiety and depression
      *Contextualize life’s setbacks and minor frustrations
      *Live a more confident, balanced, and healthy life
      *. . . and so much more

      Drawing from years of coaching hundreds through the writing process–from first-timers to New York Times bestselling authors–Allison shares tried and tested practices for getting started, staying inspired, and using this simple habit to shift how you feel and show up to your life. Pen and paper is simply the method, but the reward is the real magic: new depths of self-discovery, creativity, and intentionality for living.

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    • Loyal In His Love


      When everyone else leaves, Jesus stays. When all fails, Jesus remains.

      Rejection is inevitable. Yet we spend little time considering the significant impact it makes on an individual’s whole self. When we do, we swaddle it in quippy statements and shallow encouragement–meaningful for just a moment. But rejection–like abandonment, betrayal, and estrangement–leaves aching wounds that challenge and forge our most intimate thoughts of who we believe God, others, and ourselves to be.

      In Loyal in His Love, Tabitha Panariso blends biblical truth, candid personal stories, and timeless wisdom forged through personal experience and her vocation as a therapist to invite readers into a new way of living. The heart that suffers rejection can’t be cured. It must be resuscitated. Its condition warrants more than just platitudes–it merits the full attention of a loyal and loving God.

      This isn’t just another Christian self-help book. Though Tabitha makes ample room for the hurting to process their own stories, points them to God’s faithfulness, and challenges the way they think–she doesn’t stop there. Jesus lived a life and death marked by rejection. Yet we remember Him for His compassion and generosity. He was and is proof that we could be remembered that way too. Thus, Tabitha guides readers through the life and death of Jesus as a means of counter-cultural response to the pain of rejection.

      Loyal in His Love ends squarely on the triumph of Christ’s resurrection–not just as an antidote but a daily supplement. His restoration is ours–alive and active in our hearts, bodies, and lives. Each devastating moment of rejection is an opportunity to build bridges that will lead us into and through living hope and transformation.

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    • Prayer And Pen


      The remarkable legacy of Carl Murphy, the acclaimed publisher of the AFRO-American newspaper, will remind you to always find your solace and strength in God. Fifty of Murphy’s prayers, along with other proverbs and words of wisdom, have been lovingly collected in this volume. Murphy’s authentic conversations with God throughout tumultuous moments of the twentieth century showcase the deep faith of this wise businessman and cultural hero.

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    • Making Time : A New Vision For Crafting A Life Beyond Productivity


      We are constantly fed the line that more productivity will bring more ease, satisfaction, and meaning to our lives. But what if all the gold stars and checkboxes are just a distraction? What if we could stop project-managing life and act from our being instead of all our doing?

      If you long to leave the pressure to do enough behind in favor of a life full of meaning, creativity, and joy–a life where you don’t feel rushed because you can’t fall behind–Making Time is for you. You won’t find any life hacks to control your schedule in order to cram in more work. It’s about liberating yourself from the myth that humans are producers and discovering the freedom of being a maker who trusts life as a creative process. In this bold, revitalizing call back to human being, you’ll learn how to:

      – let go of the constant pressure to do more
      – find deeper meaning in how you spend your time and energy
      – resist external noise that crowds out inspiration
      – make what you really desire to make with your time

      You don’t need to do more or try harder. It just takes a new, transformative vision for how to live from your values every day.

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    • Simply Healthy Life


      Are you ready to change your life for the better?

      Do you wish you knew what practices actually lead to a healthier, more meaningful life? With all the information bombarding us, it can be hard to cut through all the noise to discern what’s most important. If only someone you could trust would parse through all the data, test it out in real life, and then cut to the chase about what really works.

      Good news: Health coach and wellness expert Caroline Fausel has spent the past decade researching what it really takes to live a healthy, fulfilled life and create a home where everyone in the family can thrive. What she discovered has changed her life and can make all the difference in yours.

      In A Simply Healthy Life, Caroline shows you how to:

      *Envision what it would look like for you to feel genuinely happy and healthy;

      *Fuel your body so you feel great and integrate exercise in a way that is realistic and shame-free;

      *Create a clutter-free, non-toxic home;

      *Use spiritual practices like Sabbath rest to grow deeper in your relationship with God;

      *Set up your day with habits to reinforce your healthier choices, and more!

      When you make purposeful choices about your health, spiritual growth, and relationships, you will be able to flourish–and help those you love flourish too. Get started today!

      Contains helpful appendix with mental health resources, recipes, and discussion questions for each chapter!

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    • My Happy Journal


      A Peanuts journal featuring positive sentiments, verses, and illustrations.

      My Happy Journal is a beam of sunshine for journalers of all ages looking to write down their happy thoughts, statements of gratitude, and anything else that comes to mind. Featuring the Peanuts gang, this four color lined journal is designed to lift your spirits with selected Scriptures, sentiments about happiness, and fun Peanuts illustrations. Whimsical and heartwarming, it’s perfect for personal reflections or a thoughtful gift for any occasion.

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    • How To Have Your Best Year Ever


      Recognize the value of each day, seize every moment and make each one count towards living the life you’ve always dreamed of!

      Discover the life-changing power of decision and determination in Jim Rohn’s enlightening guide, How to Have Your Best Year Ever.

      Jim Rohn, master motivator and business philosopher, unfolds the blueprint to achieving unparalleled success and fulfillment in every aspect of life. From harnessing the precious value of time and money to mastering life’s five puzzle pieces, this book is a comprehensive roadmap to personal and financial independence.

      The wisdom encapsulated in this book emphasizes the importance of personal progress, cultivating a wealth-filled library, leveraging your five best abilities, and the miracle-working power of words.

      How to Have Your Best Year Ever is mentorship in print.

      The book dives deep into effective goal-setting strategies, achieving financial independence, and the crucial step of taking action toward changing your life for the better. Rohn’s personal anecdotes and the lessons he learned are a testament to the fact that with the right guidance, achieving your dreams is not just possible but inevitable.

      With a blend of sincerity, truth, and an abundance of life-changing ideas and inspiration, Rohn offers strategies for growth, productivity, and happiness.

      Engage with his teachings, apply them to your life, and embark on a journey to a better, more fulfilling future.

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    • 1 Light Still Shines


      My story is not about my past, but about your future, says Marie Roberts Monville.

      In the startling tragedy of the Amish schoolhouse shooting at Nickel Mines, one story has never been told: Marie Roberts Monville, the wife of the man who created such horror, tells her story for the very first time. It is a story of sorrow and destruction, but also one of majestic deliverance, unending compassion, breathtaking forgiveness, and grace-filled redemption.

      Within a solitary moment, Marie Monville realized that life as she knew it was over. What she never anticipated was a tangible encounter with God reaching into her circumstances, through them rewriting all she believed about herself, her faith, and the God she thought she knew. One Light Still Shines reveals three love stories: the innocent love of a devoted wife for a husband in pain, the incomprehensible love of God in the aftermath of massacre and destruction, and the redemptive love of Christ, waiting to unfold in the life of every person who reads this book.

      Marie’s journey since that darkest of days has been invaded with light which shines through these pages into the darkest questions we all face–questions about our past, our value, our identity, and own powerlessness in this fallen world. Come face to face with the Power behind every answer–a love that begs to be received.

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    • Think On These Things


      In this 60-day devotional, you’ll practice the biblical principle of resetting your mind for the renewal of your whole being. Each inspiring reading, written by popular devotional writer Lori Hatcher, invites you to ponder a scriptural truth or unshakable promise that will help you draw closer to God. Discover that when your mind is focused on God and His goodness, you can experience joy and deep peace, no matter what the day holds.

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    • Keep On Keeping On


      Every bodily ache, blurry menu, and grocery trip is a comedic adventure within a dark reality.

      While reading this book, you will be able to face your aches and pains without fear of the future. Additionally, you will be able to confront the challenges of aging with a smile on your face and a laugh-out-loud handbook by your side.

      “This book is not for the young,” Rutland warns with a twinkle in his eye. “Do not let them read it; they cannot bear it.”

      In a world where the challenges of aging loom large, Keep On Keeping On by Mark Rutland offers a laugh-out-loud handbook on how to embrace perpetual youth. This book is not just an ode but a comedic anthem to the sublime revolt against the encroaching darkness, a celebration of the sweet rage that defies the dying of the light.

      For those who have bravely stepped out from behind the impenetrable veil of comforting delusion into a new reality, Rutland’s witty narrative unfolds as a mirror to their experiences. For all of us, age is always ignored until its presence can no longer be denied.

      Throughout this timeless journey, you will embark on a grand adventure to magical locations such as:

      *The grocery store
      *The doctor’s office
      *The diner down the street

      Keep On Keeping On is for those who see that the good night is just around the bend. It is a literary companion for those who understand that the dying of the light is not a poignant literary device but a day-to-day reality. The loss of the beloved delusion is presented with comedic flair, offering a severe dose of reality that is not only relatable but, with Rutland’s comedic touch, surprisingly uplifting.

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    • Get Off The X


      Former CIA intelligence officer and popular author Michele Rigby Assad knows better than anyone what it means to venture into uncharted territory. Now, in her second book, she’s using her experience to help you embrace the often uncomfortable path to success. Get Off the X emboldens you to escape your comfort zone and realize your full potential!

      In her first book, Breaking Cover, Michele introduced the concept “get off the x.” In CIA terms, this is how officers are trained to survive deadly situations: get out of the kill zone as fast as possible. While working in counterterrorism in the Middle East, every day brought a life-or-death situation for Michele. She faced countless obstacles and dangers and had to forge ahead despite fear and uncertainty–or risk death, literally.

      After learning to “get off the x” and use determination and discomfort to fuel a thriving life, Michele calls upon you to do the same. With stories of her time in the CIA and the lives of those whom she encountered, as well as everyday people who found ways to get unstuck in their own lives, she encourages you to stop feeling stuck and take charge of your situation, much like an agent in the field would.

      Get Off the X guides you to:

      *Diagnose what’s holding you hostage in your ‘X’
      *Learn from real-world examples how to escape your ‘X’
      *Nurture a new mindset that thrives in the unknown
      *Discover methods to help you overcome barriers
      *And help others scared to leave their comfort zone

      While it’s hard to leave the comfort zone, it’s even more dangerous to stay there. Every day we make the choice: Will we embrace challenge and hardship for a chance at something greater, or will we stay on the X and face the certain death of our dreams? With Get Off the X, Michele Rigby Assad equips you to make your escape.

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    • Liberate De Tus Miedos – (Spanish)


      No permitas que el miedo te impida alcanzar el exito personal y profesional que estas destinado a alcanzar. Ha llegado el momento de dominar tus miedos y aumentar tu resiliencia para que puedas recuperar el control de tu vida y alcanzar tu vision de exito.

      El miedo es uno de los mayores obstaculos para tu exito, felicidad y realizacion, y es uno de los mas dificiles de combatir. Se arraiga profundamente en el subconsciente y oscurece tus pensamientos dominantes, matizando tus percepciones y, a su vez, tus acciones. Pero el miedo no tiene por que ser el autor de tu historia. Es simplemente una emocion, que puede dominarse y canalizarse para que trabaje a tu favor, en lugar de en tu contra.

      Esta guia contiene los mejores consejos de Napoleon Hill para liberarse de las cadenas del miedo, encontrar oportunidades en la derrota temporal y vivir la vida con determinacion. Aprenderas como:

      *Desarrollar la confianza en ti mismo, la fe y la fuerza de voluntad que necesitas para superar incluso el obstaculo mas dificil;

      *Reducir tu vulnerabilidad ante las influencias negativas de los demas;

      *Conquistar los siete miedos basicos creando nuevos habitos mentales;

      *Filtrar el ruido que te rodea y disipar el panico del Miedo y la Preocupacion;

      *Domina el poder de la fuerza del Habito Cosmico para acelerar tu exito; y,

      *Poner en practica el principio del mastermind para identificar nuevas oportunidades de Colaboracion e innovacion.

      Don’t let fear stop you from achieving the personal and professional success you are destined to achieve. The time has come to master your fears and increase your resilience so you can regain control of your life and achieve your vision of success.

      Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to your success, happiness and fulfillment, and it is one of the most difficult to combat. It takes root deep in the subconscious and obscures your dominant thoughts, coloring your perceptions and, in turn, your actions. But fear doesn’t have to be the author of your story. It is simply an emotion, which can be mastered and channeled so that it works for you, rather than against you.

      This guide contains Napoleon Hill’s best advice for breaking free from the chains of fear, finding opportunity in temporary defeat, and living life with determination. You will learn how to:

      *Develop the self-confidence, faith and willpower you need to overcome even the most difficult obstacle;

      *Reduce your vulnerability to the negative influences

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    • Christ Of The Indian Road Expanded Edition (Anniversary)


      For those searching for truth and a map to help lead them down the path of The Way. For more than one hundred years, E. Stanley Jones has led the way in evangelism by contextualizing Christ in the existing culture, wherever that may be. In The Christ of the Indian Road, he recounts his experiences in India, where he arrived as a young and presumptuous missionary who later matured into a veteran who attempted to contextualize Jesus Christ within the Indian culture. He names the mistake many Christians make in trying to impose their culture on the existing culture. Instead, he makes the case that we learn from other cultures, respect the truth that can be found there, and let Christ and the existing culture do the rest. In his book Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Mission, Stephen Graham, a biographer of Jones, wrote: The Christ of the Indian Road was a frontal assault on the cultural prejudices of most European and American Christian missionaries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jones was one of the first Western Christians to realize that in Asia, Africa, and Latin America the Christian gospel was often betrayed by being enmeshed with the economic and political self-aggrandizement of Western nations. In so doing, Jones declared his moral and intellectual independence from Western political and religious imperialism.

      Introduced by a foreword by Leonard Sweet, this expanded edition includes essays by church leaders reflecting on the impact of Jones’s revolutionary approach to discovering the Jesus already present in each culture and what those learnings mean for the church today. Contributors include: Theodosius Mar Thoma XXII Metropolitan; Rev. John J. Thatamanil; Very Rev. Abraham O. Kadavil, Corepiscopos (Kadavil Achen); Rev. Dr. Shivraj Mahendra; General Secretary Roland Fernandes (UM Board of Global Ministries); and Dr. Sathianathan Clarke.

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    • Once Upon A Time Volume Two


      “Stories have always been about us, a mirror in which we can see ourselves-our hopes and dreams, but also our greatest dilemmas.” In Once Upon a Time: A Collection of Short Stories for Those Trying to Find Their Way Home, Volume Two, retired clinical psychologist Samuel L. Blumenthal, Ph.D. once again illustrates gospel truths through story and the lens of God’s perfect love.

      Sam Blumenthal came to faith in Christ in mid-life, after growing up in a Reform Jewish home in the South. His thirty years as a psychoanalytically-oriented psychologist gives him a unique perspective on the inner workings of the mind and heart. He says, “Since the dawn of man, stories have been pregnant with meaning, much of which has gone unnoticed. But if you are willing to slow down and listen more closely, stories will meet you in the very places you need them and guide you home where you will be healthy and whole.”

      The award-winning author and fellow traveler presents stories to touch hearts and remind us of just how much God desires to be present in our lives. These stories offer us courage to look deeper within ourselves to learn why we think and feel as we do, why we struggle as we do, and what can truly help and redeem us and enable us to find our way home.

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    • Difficult To Conceive


      When Angela Mackey lost not only two babies in early pregnancy, but also her fallopian tubes, she experienced some of the darkest days of her life. In her search for answers, God reached out to her through His Word, and she began to see her infertility struggle with a renewed mind.

      In Difficult to Conceive: A Godly Perspective for the Road Ahead, Angela shares the great spiritual truths God used to heal her heart, renew her mind, and bring her rest for her soul. She also shares signposts to help you discover your way through your own journey with infertility.

      More than a compelling chronicle of Angela’s struggle with infertility,?Difficult to Conceive?is like coming to a friend who gets your pain, grieves with you, and gently points you to the One who can heal your heart. It illuminates godly principles and is rooted in Scripture so you can discover sound tools that will help you and your spouse forge a path through infertility and into a deeper relationship with God.


      *An examination of the deeply personal issues and feelings surrounding infertility
      *How God’s Word will help you see your infertility struggle with a renewed mind
      *How to take your whys to God for comfort, edification, and correction
      *Relevant biblical accounts that offer hope, direction, and inspiration
      *Personal anecdotes of secondary infertility and the use of fertility treatments in a God-honoring way.

      Vulnerable, honest, supportive, and encouraging, Difficult to Conceive meets you wherever you are in the infertility journey.

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    • Difficult To Conceive


      When Angela Mackey lost not only two babies in early pregnancy, but also her fallopian tubes, she experienced some of the darkest days of her life. In her search for answers, God reached out to her through His Word, and she began to see her infertility struggle with a renewed mind.

      In Difficult to Conceive: A Godly Perspective for the Road Ahead, Angela shares the great spiritual truths God used to heal her heart, renew her mind, and bring her rest for her soul. She also shares signposts to help you discover your way through your own journey with infertility.

      More than a compelling chronicle of Angela’s struggle with infertility,?Difficult to Conceive?is like coming to a friend who gets your pain, grieves with you, and gently points you to the One who can heal your heart. It illuminates godly principles and is rooted in Scripture so you can discover sound tools that will help you and your spouse forge a path through infertility and into a deeper relationship with God.


      *An examination of the deeply personal issues and feelings surrounding infertility
      *How God’s Word will help you see your infertility struggle with a renewed mind
      *How to take your whys to God for comfort, edification, and correction
      *Relevant biblical accounts that offer hope, direction, and inspiration
      *Personal anecdotes of secondary infertility and the use of fertility treatments in a God-honoring way.

      Vulnerable, honest, supportive, and encouraging, Difficult to Conceive meets you wherever you are in the infertility journey.

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    • Sacred Storm : When God Speaks Through Radical Disruption


      Christopher Michael Jones shares the parallel wisdom learned from the worlds of hip hop and church: the good news of “Can’t stop, won’t stop” preached by hip hop in the ashes of Reagan-era turbulence, and the good news of God’s faithfulness to teach resilience in the wake of radical disruption.

      “I was pulled back to a time when black youth and young adults like Biggie and I expressed our creative genius through a cultural movement that arose out of the ashes of poverty: hip hop. To us, hip hop was the church. The MC was the preacher. The DJ was the worship host. The B-Boys, breakdancers, and pop-lockers were the liturgical dancers. The journalists and graffiti artists were the scribes. The concert arena was a sanctuary. The bodies who danced to rhythmic anthems of classics like “La Di Da Di,” “Oh, My God!, ” “I Know You Got Soul,” and “Fight the Power” were its members.”

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    • 1 Minuto Para Potenciar Tu Mem – (Spanish)


      A medida que envejecemos, podemos lucir y sentirnos mas jovenes que la generacion de nuestros padres (despues de todo, los 60 son los nuevos 40), pero el declive mental puede comenzar tan temprano como en los 30 aos, y nos influira a todos en algun momento. La buena noticia es la siguiente: igual que la dieta y el ejercicio pueden mantener mas sanos los cuerpos que envejecen, el regimen mental adecuado puede ralentizar, e incluso revertir, el deterioro de nuestra capacidad mental.

      En este libro practico y lleno de esperanza, el Dr. Frank Minirth ofrece ejercicios mentales rapidos y demostrados que ayudan a preservar el enfoque, la memoria y la capacidad mental en cualquier edad.

      As we age, we may look and feel younger than our parents’ generation (60 is the new 40, after all) but mental decline can begin as early as age 30, and it will impact us all at some point. The good news is, just as diet and exercise can keep aging bodies healthier, the proper mental regimen can slow, even reverse, the deterioration of our mental capacity.
      In this practical and hopeful book, Dr. Frank Minirth offers quick and proven mental exercises that help preserve focus, memory, and brainpower at any age. Based solidly on trustworthy scientific insights, these memory boosters will help you retain your current capacity and build memory skills for the future.

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    • How Far To The Promised Land



      For much of his life, Esau McCaulley was taught to see himself as an exception: someone who, through hard work, faith, and determination, overcame childhood poverty, anti-Black racism, and an absent father to earn a job as a university professor and a life in the middle class.

      But that narrative was called into question one night, when McCaulley answered the phone and learned that his father–whose absence defined his upbringing–died in a car crash. McCaulley was being asked to deliver his father’s eulogy, to make sense of his complicated legacy in a country that only accepts Black men on the condition that they are exceptional, hardworking, perfect.

      The resulting effort sent McCaulley back through his family history, seeking to understand the community that shaped him. In these pages, we meet his great-grandmother Sophia, a tenant farmer born with the gift of prophecy who scraped together a life in Jim Crow Alabama; his mother, Laurie, who raised four kids alone in an era when single Black mothers were demonized as “welfare queens”; and a cast of family, friends, and neighbors who won small victories in a world built to swallow Black lives. With profound honesty and compassion, he raises questions that implicate us all: What does each person’s struggle to build a life teach us about what we owe each other? About what it means to be human?

      How Far to the Promised Land is a thrilling and tender epic about being Black in America. It’s a book that questions our too-simple narratives about poverty and upward mobility; a book in which the people normally written out of the American Dream are given voice.

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    • Catching Whimsy : 365 Days Of Possibility


      Learn to pursue joy and savor life’s possibilities. Because you can’t catch what you don’t chase.

      Beloved bestselling author Bob Goff takes you on a yearlong journey into the uplifting, inspiring, and unexpected possibilities waiting for you every day. With his trademark storytelling and winsome take on life, Bob returns with Catching Whimsy, a 365-day devotional where he offers you a daily tap on the shoulder to remind you how over the moon God is about you and your beautiful, often complicated life.

      Catching Whimsy will help you leave behind endless cycles of planning and floundering and instead wake up to the curiosity, delight, and possibility in this marvelous adventure called life. Each day of the year you will be:

      *Inspired by a reading from the Bible that will help root you in God’s Word for the day

      *Captivated and encouraged as Bob tells you stories that connect to your faith and how you can live today with purpose

      *Gently nudged toward a life of satisfaction and possibility by insightful questions and prompts

      You don’t have to stay stuck in ambivalence and paralysis, unsure of the right next step. Instead, get settled in God’s love for you and start journeying, wide-eyed and expectant, into a more meaningful life, a more engaged faith, and a more intentional future. Catching Whimsy will whisper some much-needed truth, hope, and whimsy into your days. You are only one or two decisions away from a more beautiful and winsome life; you just need to decide to access it through a door God leaves ajar for you each day.

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    • I See Myself


      In I See Myself, Joe Bonsall reflects on the contrasts and the crossroads of his life. From growing up in the inner city of Philadelphia to sitting on the front porch of his log home in rural Tennessee. From hanging with a street gang in his teens to surrendering to Christ at a youth camp. From working as a short order cook to headlining sold-out arenas. And now– from running across the stage each night to being sidelined by a neuromuscular disorder that has stolen his mobility. However, despite the changing circumstances of Joe’s life, two things have not changed. His unwavering faith in God. And his ability to inspire others.

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    • Baxters Devotional : 30 Inspirations From America’s Favorite Fictional Fami


      From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, whose 25 million copies sold include numerous books about the popular Baxter family, comes a thirty-day devotional to help readers find the life-giving hope and deeper faith of the Baxter family.

      With the massive success of The Baxters TV show on Amazon Prime Video, Karen Kingsbury heard from tens of thousands of readers who wanted more regarding the faith of everyone’s favorite fictional family.

      Finally, it became clear that there was a piece missing from the Baxter family saga. This is that missing piece. The Baxters Devotional. In this book, not only will you find the list of Bible verses that start each TV episode, but through those verses, you will also go deeper into the trials and triumphs that face the Baxters.

      This devotional can be shared with a group, but it will also be powerful in a personal setting. Because it is in quiet moments that we find some of our greatest growth.

      These thirty devotions include questions, writing prompts, and numerous Scriptures for a deeper biblical exploration. Karen has also added stories from her own life and faith as a part of each reading.

      Even if you have not read the Baxter books or watched The Baxters on Amazon, you will gain much from this devotional. However, if you want to know more, pick up the first book in the Redemption Series – Redemption – or watch The Baxters TV show on Amazon Prime Video
      The Baxters Devotional will certainly deepen your spiritual understanding about the issues we face today. It is the perfect book for a new year, a new you, and a fresh start!

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    • Love Auntie : Parables And Prayers For Sacred Belonging


      Embrace a faith that makes room for all of us.

      Where can we go when the world refuses to see us in our fullness? When culture reduces us to categories and stereotypes and even our churches make us feel like we don’t fit in? If we’re blessed to have an Auntie–someone who, like Jesus, welcomes us wholly and calls us beloved–then we have glimpsed the liberation and divine affirmation of sacred belonging.
      Time and again, Aunties have offered a model for undoing, becoming, and embracing our identities and deepest beliefs. Auntie culture, particularly in Black spaces, is immediately recognizable as an embodied experience where nieces, nephews, and “niblings” feel safe, heard, and seen. Whether we are biological or simply beloved kin, Aunties welcome us in.
      In Love, Auntie, Shantell Hinton Hill–aka Reverend Auntie–offers tender testimonies to a flock of loved ones who have been led to believe they do not belong. Through modern-day parables, prayers, and prompts for reflection, she invites readers to sit alongside the wisdom-bearing of Black women, lovingly known as Aunties, as they carve out space for doubts, questions, and spiritual expression that honor intersecting identities of race, gender, and class. Because trust and believe, Aunties always know how to turn mess into miracles.

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    • When Faith Gets Shaken


      What do you do when life falls apart and it feels as if God has left you? How do you keep going when your faith is rocked to the core?

      Sometimes things get so hard we’re not sure where God is – or what he’s up to. Patrick was facing pain, illness and loss in his family and community; then a series of excruciating operations took him to the brink – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

      Writing during his journey of recovery, Patrick reflects on the true nature of courage as he explores:

      – how we find God in times of suffering
      – how we can know God’s peace when life is anything but peaceful
      – how we allow ourselves the grace to rest when we’re running on empty
      – how we can stay fully present in the moment.

      In doing so, he heartens and encourages us to grasp the love of God at an ever-deeper level.

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    • Overcoming Every Problem


      New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer guides you through 40 promises in the Bible so that no matter what problem you face, you have God’s ultimate wisdom to overcome it!

      Everyone has problems. They may be issues in our relationships, finances, mental and emotional health, physical sickness, and the list goes on. But throughout more than 45 years of studying God’s Word, she has learned how to find the answer for every problem you face in the Bible, and she wants to share it with you.

      In Overcoming Every Problem, Joyce takes you through 40 promises in God’s Word that can give you the ultimate wisdom you need when challenges or difficulties come your way. No matter how big or how deep the pain of your situation may be or how long it’s been affecting you, you’ll be encouraged and inspired to trust God for better days ahead.

      Join Joyce on your journey to discover and put God’s promises to work in your life, so you can overcome every problem you must face!

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    • Defiant Hope : Essays On Life, Faith, And Freedom


      The best writings from George W. Bush’s speechwriter Michael Gerson, a pioneer of the compassionate conservative movement, a champion of Christian engagement, and an eloquent defender of the poor and the marginalized.

      It is not an exaggeration to say that Michael Gerson possessed one of the most important consciences of his generation. As the chief speech writer for George W. Bush, he wrote the words that rallied and ennobled the nation after September 11th. He helped design and champion Bush’s PEPFAR program, which saved upwards of 20 million lives as HIV ravaged Africa. His famous line defending public education was to say that failure would amount to “a soft bigotry of low expectations.” He became one of the nation’s most eloquent columnists, who was never content to do political horse race punditry but devoted himself to the most essential causes of the time, pushing back on the authoritarianism of Donald Trump and pushing for the kind of compassionate conservatism that he dedicated his life to designing.

      Defiant Hope is his writings about the things he loved–humanity, God, his dog, and his boys. Essays feature the immensely complicated sadness when you drop your children off at college for the first time. Another is about his public battle of depression. He also includes chapters about men and women who formed this great procession of Christian Reformers–John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, William Wilberforce, and Olaudah Equiano–and the great causes to which they were devoted, from abolitionism to civil rights.

      What lingers is his gracious voice across all the roles that he played, as David Brooks writes in the introduction. What you hear is “a prophet lamenting iniquity, a father and a friend capable of great bursts of gratitude and appreciation, a Christian who is sometimes buried under sadness and close to despair, but who never loses sight of that distant illuminating beacon of hope.”

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    • Finding Baby Holly


      Holly Marie was forty-two years old the day she found out she was missing.

      At ten months old, Holly Marie was brought to the door of a church by three barefoot women in white robes and head coverings. Adopted by the pastor and raised in a loving Christian home, Holly nevertheless struggled with the ache of not knowing what had happened to her biological parents. She still felt their absence even as she married and started a family of her own.

      When two detectives showed up at the restaurant where she worked and informed her that she had a large family in Florida who had been searching for her for over 40 years, Holly’s past became the reality of her present, and she began the sometimes painful journey of discovering the truth about her origins: Her parents had been brutally murdered, their case still unsolved.

      With the help of law enforcement across four states, forensic genealogists, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and her newly discovered family members, the missing pieces began to come together. Except these-why had her parents been murdered? And who had murdered them? She soon found out that the truth leads not always to answers but sometimes to more questions, that it also brings healing and restoration, and that we must surrender our unknowns to God until, in His perfect timing, all truths are revealed.

      Finding Baby Holly is the true, inspiring story of a wife and mother who was “missing” for over forty years after her parents’ murders, the persistent detectives who never stopped investigating, and the birth family who never lost hope in finding her.

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    • Wake Up To Love


      Joyful meditations to start your day intentionally and wake each morning to your soul with chart-topping GoOD Mornings podcast host Nikki Walton.

      Imbued with spirit, warmth, and unconditional love, Wake Up to Love draws inspiration from many traditions and experiences, opening our awareness to the moment and deepening our connection to spirit.

      Unexpected success created a spiritual crisis for Nikki Walton, which ultimately lead her to search her soul, scour religious texts, and come into closer connection with the divine in her daily life. This inspired GoOD Mornings, 5-minute meditations centering love and spirit to start the day, a popular podcast which has established her as a spiritual leader. She also offers prompts and insight into how this practice has opened her heart to expansiveness and freed her of fear.

      Wake Up to Love gathers the 52 best episodes Nikki has recorded so far, crystalized and accompanied by prompts for further reflection, organized around the principles of:

      *Finding Love
      *Sustaining Love
      *Being Love
      *Spreading Love

      Inviting spirit to enter and casting the glow of God’s love upon us all, Wake Up to Love puts us into the moment in all its radiant joy.

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    • Gods Strength For Hard Times


      Take hold of God’s strength to carry you through the hard seasons and storms of life.

      “Life has its share of joys and laughter-but we also know life’s road is often very rough. Temptations assail us; people disappoint us; illness and age weaken us; tragedies and sorrows ambush us; evil and injustice overpower us. As long as we look only at circumstances, life will be very hard, but when we depend upon His strength and guidance, God will bring peace in the midst of the storms.” -Billy Graham

      When you feel weak or discouraged, you don’t have to face your problems alone! There is infinite power and support awaiting you in Jesus. In this beautiful book filled with inspiring photography, God’s Strength for Hard Times draws on the words of Billy Graham and the Bible to offer you comfort and hope.

      This book is perfect for you or someone you love who is:

      *Going through a difficult season
      *Dealing with grief, loneliness, or loss
      *Looking for a stronger faith, a more-focused purpose, or contentment
      *Needing encouragement as they face the unknown

      No matter what challenges or uncertainties you’re experiencing, God’s strength is available to you. With these encouraging reminders from beloved evangelist and author Billy Graham, and with a foreword from his son, Franklin Graham, God’s Strength for Hard Times will comfort your spirit and lead you to a hopeful future.

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    • Tap Code : The Epic Survival Tale Of A Vietnam POW And The Secret Code That


      Discover never-before-told details of POW underground operations during the Vietnam War told through one airman’s inspiring story of true love, honor, and courage.

      Air Force pilot Captain Carlyle “Smitty” Harris was shot down over Vietnam on April 4, 1965 and taken to the infamous Hoa Lo prison–nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton.” For the next eight years, Smitty and hundreds of other American POWs–including John McCain and George “Bud” Day–suffered torture, solitary confinement, and unimaginable abuse.

      It was there that Smitty covertly taught many other POWs the Tap Code–an old, long-unused method of communication from World War II. Using the code, they could softly tap messages of encouragement to lonely neighbors and pass along resistance policies from their leaders. The code quickly became a lifeline during their internment. It helped the prisoners boost morale, stay unified, communicate the chain of command, and prevail over a brutal enemy.

      Meanwhile, back home in the United States, Harris’s wife, Louise, raised their three children alone, unsure of her husband’s fate for seven long years. One of the first POW wives of the Vietnam War, she became a role model for other military wives by advocating for herself and her children in her husband’s absence.

      Told through both Smitty’s and Louise’s voices, Tap Code shares the riveting true story of:

      *Ingenuity under pressure
      *Strength and dignity in the face of a frightening enemy
      *The hope, faith, and resolve necessary to endure even the darkest circumstances

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    • Cherished Belonging : The Healing Power Of Love In Divided Times


      Over the past thirty years, Gregory Boyle has transformed thousands of lives through his work as the founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang-intervention program in the world. The program runs on two unwavering principles: (1) Everyone is unshakably good (no exceptions) and (2) we belong to each other (no exceptions).

      Boyle believes that these two ideas allow all of us to cultivate a new way of seeing. Every community wants to be a safe place, where people are seen, and then are cherished. By remembering that we belong to each other, we find our way out of chaos and its dispiriting tribalism. Pooka, a former gang member who now oversees the program’s housing division, puts it plainly: “Here, love is our lens. It’s how we see things.”

      In Cherished Belonging, Boyle calls back to Christianity’s origins as a subversive spiritual movement of equality, emancipation, and peace. Early Christianity was a way of life–not a set of beliefs. Boyle’s vision of community isn’t just a space for an individual to heal, but for people to join together and heal each other in a new collective living, a world dedicated to kindness as a constant and radical act of defiance. “The answer to every question is, indeed, compassion,” Boyle exhorts. He calls us to cherish and nurture the connections that are all around us and live with radical kindness.

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    • Gift Of Rejection


      Greatness and mediocrity are separated by one thing–how you respond to rejection.

      People who crumble beneath the weight of rejection never realize their full potential, but people who learn to use rejection as a catalyst experience fulfillment in their lives.

      Nona Jones has experienced her fair share of rejection. Some of her earliest memories are of her mother’s rejection, and those feelings persisted throughout her schooling, her career, and her infertility journey. Things that seemed to come easily to others seemed unavailable to Nona–but what could have taken her down the path of failure actually brought her to her greatest achievements.

      The secret? Seeing rejection as the gift that it is.

      The perfect follow-up to her previous book, Killing Comparison, The Gift of Rejection is a practical guide offering a new, unconventional framework for rejection; instead of being a pain to heal, it becomes a teacher to learn from. Nona shares insightful research, practical steps, and powerful stories from her own life as well as the lives of Bible characters and modern-day trailblazers to help you:

      *Identify the root of rejection and how it’s manifesting in your life
      *Pinpoint when the pain of rejection is triggering you and counter it with truth
      *Respond to rejection with resilience and resolve rather than fear and defeat
      *Anchor your identity in who God is calling you to be

      Rejection is a gift that can help you build resilience, character, and success. The Gift of Rejection will teach you how.

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    • Black Joy Playbook


      Reclaim your joy with this beautifully designed and thoughtful playbook from the author of the NAACP Image Award winner Black Joy.

      We have an ancestral mandate to hold not just the pain and trauma of our experiences as Black people, but to hold the joy and love and peace that is also ours.

      Joy is a weapon, not only for resistance, but also a means for healing–a powerful tool that is all-encompassing and necessary. Black Joy Playbook helps you mine your memories to discover what joy looks and feels like to you and then guides you to re-create it in your present-day life.

      Divided into themes of joy in the body, breath, tears, laughter, and every day, each of the thirty entries includes the following:

      – a short inspiration
      – questions for reflection
      – a meditation
      – space for contemplation
      – suggestions for how to choose joy

      It’s time to chase joy and cultivate it from the inside out!

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    • Cozy Moments To Calm Your Heart


      Some days can feel fruitless and rocky with turmoil-especially the dark days of winter. This third book in DaySpring’s popular Devotional Coloring Book series you will find a moment to pause and reflect on the joy of the winter season. An excellent way to take a deep breath as you take a mental break from the restlessness of life’s daily demands. As you color the beautifully illustrated pages, read encouraging devotions, Scriptures and reflect on the comforting messages that make the empty days of winter feel less gloomy. You’ll feel restored, at peace page after page as you express your creativity and get inspired by selections from God’s Word. This spiral-bound devotional coloring book lays flat and provides the perfect space for coloring, reflection on God’s word, and relaxation. A perfect gift for the holiday season or family Christmas activity.

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    • God Will Make A Way


      Life can be difficult. But does God care?

      Don Moen has learned to lean on God’s promises in good times as well as bad and he says, “You can still trust Him.”

      In his new memoir featuring snapshots from his life and career, Don shares heartfelt stories of gentle comfort for people looking for answers. Don asserts, that God has not forgotten us even when…

      *We face a job loss
      *We go through an unexpected divorce
      *We receive a bad report from the doctor
      *We face the death of a loved one

      As a beloved songwriter and worship leader, Don Moen is the author of classic songs like “Thank you, Lord” and “God Will Make a Way”– the inspiration for this book. He knows what it means to feel anxious, worried, and down. And he knows what it means to persevere and see a new day.

      If you enjoy the encouraging style of Max Lucado, and if you find comfort in the books of Gary Chapman, then you will love reading God Will Make a Way, a new release from Thomas Nelson.

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    • Born To Be Brave


      What if the present cultural setback is really a divine setup for a spiritual comeback?

      Ungodly forces have devastated American culture. The family of faith is feeling intimidated and fearful. Worse, many of us think that nothing can be done about it–that society will inevitably get worse.

      Actor, producer, and conservative activist Kirk Cameron says this hopelessness is completely misplaced. God has given His faithful followers a birthright of courage. If we choose to live in this bravery, we will realign the nation with Christian values.

      With biblical insights and true stories of individuals who acted bravely out of love for God and others, Born to Be Brave equips us to:

      *stop thinking our opponents are too big for us to overcome and start seeing our culture as something we are called to mold.

      *recognize the Christian backstory of America and see how this gives us direction for the future.

      *understand that politics needs the gospel, because real change requires heart transformation.

      *hold on to our God-given compassion for others, even when we face backlash and opposition.

      *boldly engage friends, family, and the community with gospel truths that affect all of society.

      If we’re going to change the nation and the world, we need to move beyond paralyzed outrage and start acting with courage and confidence. God is already on the move, and we can be a part of the big things He is doing. Because we were born to be brave.

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    • Only Love Today


      MORE THAN 100,000 COPIES SOLD!

      New York Times bestselling author Rachel Macy Stafford shares simple words of daily inspiration in this unique, seasonal devotional to help you find new and more connected ways to live undistracted, heart-led, and hands-free every day.

      Rachel Macy Stafford, known to millions as the Hands Free Mama, equips readers to breathe life into what really matters: the ordinary moments in our routine lives and the people in them.

      Her inspiring words fill this beautiful book of short pieces constructed around the seasons of life. From finding daily surrender in the autumn and daily hope in the winter to finding daily bloom and daily spark in the spring and summer, you will always find fresh, beautiful words for your day.

      With a flexible, non-dated devotional structure, Only Love Today offers life-giving words that remind you of the tools you already possess and insights you already have as you seek to find:

      *Clarity when you’re conflicted
      *Unity when you’re divided
      *Faith when you’re uncertain
      *Rest when your soul is weary
      *Meaning in the meaningless
      *A reset button directing you back to what matters most

      Regardless of what you’re experiencing or what season you’re in, in these pages, you’ll find wisdom, encouragement, strength, vision, and clarity to live for what really matters.

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    • Even After Everything


      Exquisitely told and urgently resonant, Even After Everything is a love letter to anyone who has opened their heart only to be hurt. Stephanie Duncan Smith proposes that it’s not through grit or forced resilience that you will find a way forward, but through receiving the full spectrum of our lives, just as we receive the empathy of God-with-us in every moment.

      Duncan Smith’s disorientation began when she lost her first pregnancy on the winter solstice, just as the world readied to celebrate its most historic birth on Christmas. Then a new yet uncertain pregnancy unfolded parallel to the pandemic, until nearly one year to the day of her loss, she gave birth to her daughter at the peak of mortality in their city. These contradictions compelled Duncan Smith into a desperate search for steadiness, which she found in the liturgical year as a grounding force and the promise that we are seen by God in every season.

      In Even After Everything, Duncan Smith traverses the church’s circle of time and reorients herself and us in the sacred story told through Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, and Ordinary Time. She reveals the sacred year–through its endless interplay of love, loss, risk, and resurrection–as a mirror to the human experience, an anchor for turbulent times, and a womb strong enough to encompass every human care. At its heart lives the promise of God-with-us, inviting us into the spiritual practice of taking courage in the trust that we are accompanied in everything, and love will always have the last word.

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    • Confidence Is An Inside Job


      Discover a deep, one-of-a-kind confidence that’s rooted in your relationship with Jesus through inspirational stories, insights, and strategies from podcaster and confidence coach Ashley Henriott.

      “Conquer self-doubt and embrace God’s view of YOU.”-Rebecca George, author of Do the Thing and host of the podcast Radical Radiance

      Has a voice in your head ever told you that you’re not enough? Maybe it’s said the opposite: that you’re too much. Or perhaps you’ve heard both messages at different times in your life. Either way, in those moments you probably felt like something was wrong with you.

      And why wouldn’t you? Media and cultural messages constantly tell women that we must be different than we are to be considered valuable or even acceptable: more of this and less of that. But here’s great news: All of that is a lie, and you are not alone in your struggles.

      Confidence coach Ashley Henriott knows what it’s like to be identified by the opinions of others and to live a life dictated by what they thought of her. However, her determination to break free from those shackles led her to a profound realization: True confidence is an inside job that begins with a woman embracing her own uniqueness and worthiness.

      Through inspirational stories and her trademark humor, Ashley Henriott teaches about three confidence killers-fear, inaction, and comparison-that keep women from stepping into their true potential. Better still, she presents simple and practical strategies you can use to defeat these negative forces, embrace the beauty of who you are today, and live the fulfilling and confident life you desire.

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    • Bright Shining : How Grace Changes Everything


      Grace is hard to define. It can be found when we create ways to find meaning and dignity in connection with each other, building on our shared humanity, being kinder, bigger, better with each other. If, in its crudest interpretation, karma is getting what you deserve, then grace is the opposite: forgiving the unforgivable, favoring the undeserving, loving the unlovable.

      Sadly, we live in an era when grace is increasingly rare. Our growing distrust of the media, politicians, and each other has choked our ability to trust, to accept, to allow for mistakes, to forgive.

      What does grace look like in today’s world, and how do we recognize it, nurture it in ourselves and express it, even in the darkest of times? In this luminously beautiful, deeply insightful, and timely book, Baird explores the meaning of grace and how we can cut through negativity to find it today.

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    • While I Have Your Attention


      Find hope when you see that it is never too late for a new beginning.

      This book is for…

      Every person who has experienced struggle and hardship

      Every person who knew there was more out there than their own surroundings

      Every person who dreamed and wanted more

      Every person who hoped to inspire others

      When Dr. Lucille O’Neal became a mom as a teenager, she knew one thing was true: She would always love her children. That love, as well as a fierce determination to overcome every setback and stereotype along the way, carried her through difficult years of parenthood, the grip of addiction, and the pain of divorce.

      In While I Have Your Attention, an updated memoir, Lucille shares her struggles, disappointments, memories, and proudest accomplishments. Lucille’s remarkable life is the story of a woman who prevailed despite enduring a host of obstacles and trials. And as she shares her incredible story of stepping from poverty and loss into hope and a renewed faith, she will inspire you to keep moving forward even when you come up against seemingly insurmountable challenges in life.

      Along the way, Lucille shares some of her most joyful memories and painful experiences, including:

      *Teenage pregnancy
      *Becoming a grandparent
      *Helping others get more out of life

      Drawing upon her own trials, victories, and second chances, Lucille is passionate about speaking words of encouragement to people of all ages. Whether you want to cultivate a deeper self-love, live with greater confidence, or embrace your purpose more fully, While I Have Your Attention will inspire you to remember that it’s never too late for a new beginning.

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    • Doing It Well


      Do you, or does someone you know, have cancer? Do you want to know how you can help make this rollercoaster ride a little easier?

      Jim did it well. Leaning on God, Jim strived to keep humour and normalcy in everyday life. He walked through the things he was losing with his family, preparing them for the future.

      Are you doing it well?

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    • Miracles And The Holy Spirit


      When William Brasher heard the Holy Spirit’s familiar voice say to him, “Write down everything about miracles,” he at first could only remember a few instances. As he began praying to remember all the miracles God had done in his life, the memories came.

      He recalled being miraculously saved from dying in his childhood after a severe injury caused by broken glass. Other traumatic accidents in his active boyhood came to mind. As he entered adulthood, unexplainable near misses on the road and the job site occurred. A highly dramatic incident took place when the voice of the Holy Spirit gave him direction and a kidnapping was foiled.

      From times when the Holy Spirit gave him words to say to others in need to leading his father to the Lord as he was dying to a miraculous vision that brought comfort when his son died, Bill recounts God’s supernatural intervention in his life and the lives of his family.

      Bill Brasher encourages others to take note of God’s work in their own lives. He says:

      I am a firm believer in miracles. Should you have something happen to you that you would consider unbelievable, don’t just write it off thinking how lucky you were. You may have just received a miracle from the Holy Spirit!

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    • Trust In Every Moment


      Trust in an ever-faithful God is the theme of this devotional, with its faith-filled and challenging real-life accounts mixed with stories from history and anchored in biblical truth. The reader will be encouraged to trust God in adversity and in good times, in known and unknown circumstances, in circumstances fair and unfair, in the impossible or the ordinary. Hope-filled devotions will enlarge your understanding of a God who is worthy of trust, as well as reveal the benefits of trusting him through all we face in life.

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    • Tethered To The Cross


      Tethered to the Cross unveils the deeply rooted philosophy of the “Price of Preachers Charles H. Spurgeon. For nearly forty years, Spurgeon commanded the pulpit at London’s bustling Metropolitan Tabernacle, where his sermons became legendary. But what made his scriptural insights so transformational? The renowned theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier takes us on an enlightening exploration of Spurgeon’s profound interpretative technique. Breimaier reveals how Spurgeon, with unwavering focus, read every passage of Scripture through the lens of the cross of Christ. This cross-centered approach was not merely a method but a mission-a passionate crusade to convert unbelievers through the power of the gospel. With Breimaier as our insightful guide, we are invited to experience the enduring impact of Spurgeon’s teachings, learning how to anchor our own understanding of Scripture in the life-changing power of the cross.

      Spurgeon’s commitment to preaching Christ and Him crucified extended beyond the walls of his church making his life a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of Christianity’s central message. Through Tethered to the Cross, we are inspired to pursue a similar depth of conviction, influencing your community with the same passion and purpose that characterized Spurgeon’s ministry.

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    • Miracles And The Holy Spirit


      When William Brasher heard the Holy Spirit’s familiar voice say to him, “Write down everything about miracles,” he at first could only remember a few instances. As he began praying to remember all the miracles God had done in his life, the memories came.

      He recalled being miraculously saved from dying in his childhood after a severe injury caused by broken glass. Other traumatic accidents in his active boyhood came to mind. As he entered adulthood, unexplainable near misses on the road and the job site occurred. A highly dramatic incident took place when the voice of the Holy Spirit gave him direction and a kidnapping was foiled.

      From times when the Holy Spirit gave him words to say to others in need to leading his father to the Lord as he was dying to a miraculous vision that brought comfort when his son died, Bill recounts God’s supernatural intervention in his life and the lives of his family.

      Bill Brasher encourages others to take note of God’s work in their own lives. He says:

      I am a firm believer in miracles. Should you have something happen to you that you would consider unbelievable, don’t just write it off thinking how lucky you were. You may have just received a miracle from the Holy Spirit!

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    • Slow Living : Cultivating A Life Of Purpose In A Hustle-Driven World


      In Slow Living, New York Times bestselling author Stephanie O’Dea takes her famous slow cooking tips from the crockpot to everyday life to help readers reject hustle culture and develop the practical skills to slow down.

      In today’s world of social media and overconsumption, we are constantly being told that what we have isn’t good enough and that we should continue to hustle for something bigger, better, or more expensive. But what if the key to living a more satisfied life was to simply slow down and listen to your intuition?

      Slow Living: Cultivating a Life of Purpose in a Hustle-Driven World is a how-to guide on creating the life you’ve always dreamt about–one filled with purpose, abundance, and a sense of inner peace. Combining stories from her own life and childhood, along with real client testimonials and transformations from her work as a life coach, O’Dea gives readers actionable steps to envision their future and create long-term, sustainable success in their everyday lives.

      In Slow Living, Stephanie O’Dea provides readers with the tools to:

      *understand slow living and its many benefits.
      *identify their purpose in life.
      *dream big and visualize their future.
      *build a solid foundation for success.
      *stay consistent through the ups and downs of life.
      *find inner peace in a fast-paced world.
      Through simple, actionable changes, Slow Living will help readers create the life they desire–one that is fulfilling, satisfying, and lived with intention.

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    • Blessed Donald J Trump And The Spiritual War


      On July 9th, 2020, Bob Unanue, the CEO of Goya Foods, became the target of cancel culture. His crime? He used the word “blessed” to describe the country under President Donald J. Trump. This is the incredible true story of one man’s belief in standing up for America and doing what’s right.

      One single word–Blessed.

      This was enough to nearly cancel Bob Unanue.

      Unanue may be a humble, philanthropic man determined to better the world, but he is no sheep. The normally mild-mannered CEO stared down the hatred, division, and destruction of cancel culture and came out victorious on the other side.

      Blessed, Donald J. Trump, and the Spiritual War is about the power of courage and faith, and how they shaped one of the greatest stories of Hispanic success in American history and will lead a lost America back to the godly principles that built it.

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    • Undivided : The Quest For Racial Solidarity In An American Church


      The inspiring story of evangelicals in Cincinnati struggling to bridge racial divides in their own church, their community, and across the nation

      In 2016, even as Ohio helped deliver victory to presidential candidate Donald Trump, Cincinnati voters also passed a ballot initiative for universal preschool. The margin was so large that many who elected Trump must have–paradoxically–also voted for the initiative: how could the same citizens support such philosophically disparate aims? What had convinced residents of this Midwestern, Rust Belt community to raise their own taxes to provide early childhood education focused on the poorest–and mostly Black–communities?

      When political scientist Hahrie Han set out to answer that question, her investigations led straight to an unlikely origin: the white-dominant evangelical megachurch Crossroads, where Pastor Chuck Mingo had delivered a sermon the prior year that set in motion a chain of surprising events. Raised in the Black church, Mingo felt called by God, he told Crossroads parishioners, to combat racial injustice, and to do it through the very church in which they were gathered.

      The result was Undivided, a faith-based program designed to foster antiracism and systemic change. The creators of Undivided recognized that any effort to combat racial injustice must move beyond recognizing and overcoming individual prejudices. Real change would have to be radical–from the very roots.

      In Undivided, Han chronicles the story of four participants–two men, one Black and one white, and two women, one Black and one white–whose lives were fundamentally altered by the program. As each of their journeys unfolded, in unpredictable and sometimes painful ways, they came to better understand one another, and to believe in the transformative possibilities for racial solidarity in a moment of deep divisiveness in America. The lessons they learned have the power to teach us all what an undivided society might look like–and how we can help achieve it.

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    • Hey Jesus Its Me


      Instagram star and comedian Ellen Skrmetti shares stories behind her wildly popular “Hey Jesus, It’s Me” sketches of a middle-aged, southern-woman’s opinions on mamas, menopause, and menus–and on giving the Lord a bit of advice about those unspoken prayer requests.

      As a young girl, Ellen Skrmetti loved performing. She starred in plays, sang in the church choir, and even compete in the Miss Mississippi pageant. But backstage at the pageant, she was gripped by severe stage fright and made a deal with God: If you help me get through this, I will never, ever get onstage again. After successfully hitting the high note in “Adelaide’s Lament” from the musical Guys and Dolls, she packed up her drama clothes for good–or so she thought.

      When the pandemic hit, Ellen longed to bring a little joy to the dark struggles the world was facing. She thought about all of times she’d asked Jesus to walk with her through pain and heartache–and how often He’d laughed with or comforted her, even during her blazing hot flashes. So she decided to share that message with others, in 30-second videos on Instagram that quickly went viral.

      Holding a remote control in her hand, Ellen “calls” Jesus with comments and questions, including asking Him not to make her an advance maternal age mama (again) and if He could bless the nourishment of her food to someone else’s body. She also asks for advice when her best friend’s ex-husband’s new wife shows up in the next pew, or what nursing home plans to make when she’s eight years past your first geriatric pregnancy.

      From a pageant queen with stage fright, to viral videos, to her growing popularity as a stand-up comedian with sold-out performances, Ellen’s humor is rooted in southern charm and culture. Her relatable stories in Hey Jesus, It’s Me will bring levity to our lives, or at least some validation that we’re not the only ones asking if we can ghost our relatives in heaven.

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    • When The Fudge Trees Bloom


      “My mother’s land has a million fudge trees on it,” my husband told me. I giggled and pointed out his mistake, but he brushed it aside. His English was good, but delightfully imperfect. How could he mix up fudge with figs?

      “The figs are sweeter than any candy. I will show you.”

      As the plane made its final approach into Beirut, I remembered his proclamation, spoken in accented English. He looked so like Omar Sharif, in spite of his broken nose, as he swept the air with one hand. He was good at proclamations. When he gave me the engagement ring, I’d agreed to go to Lebanon, his homeland, with him, but confessed my misgivings. “I’ll never ask you to stay in a place where you’re not happy,” he’d said. I’d believed him. I hastily brushed away the memories, as well as the unbidden tears. It had been twenty-two years since I was last here. I was not the girl I had been when I first arrived in this ancient city, nor the young, scared mother I had been when I last left, fleeing the bombs. I thought fondly of that girl and mother. I shook my head. Could that have been me? Could only eight years define a life?

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    • Think Like A Girl


      Think your way to a more confident, successful you.

      Women’s brains are different. It’s not one-size-fits both men and women. Yet many women still believe the myths we tell ourselves.

      *Myth: Women make emotional decisions when stressed.
      *Myth: Women suffer more from unhappiness than men.
      *Myth: Women have to act like men to be effective leaders.

      Dispel the myths! Stop underestimating your abilities. Stop downplaying your successes. And stop apologizing.

      In Think Like a Girl, award-winning psychologist, professor, and TEDx speaker Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway will help you discover how:

      *sticking your hand in a bucket of ice can help you make a less emotional decision
      *changing one word can provide a buffer against depressive thoughts
      *adopting a more relationship-centric leadership approach can be better for mental health

      Dare to think differently. Dare to think like a girl.

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    • Unplugged Hours : Cultivating A Life Of Presence In A Digitally Connected W


      No matter what you do for a living, how much time your apps save you, or how much entertainment your phone brings, it is possible to unplug–and find an even better life on the other side.

      In the spring of 2021, Hannah Brencher found herself depleted and exhausted–and she knew the culprit was her constantly plugged-in lifestyle. Like so many of us, Hannah had been turning to her phone to cope with life in a time of isolation and uncertainty. Those coping mechanisms had calcified into habits she didn’t know how to break. Sound familiar?

      That’s when the nudge happened. Turn off your phone and keep turning off your phone. And a challenge was born: 1,000 unplugged hours in one year. Soon after she shared her tracker sheet on her website, thousands of people downloaded it and signed up for their own 1,000-hour challenge.

      Now in The Unplugged Hours, Hannah demonstrates how the act of powering down changed her entire life. It’s a strikingly small thing to do and a surprisingly difficult habit to maintain, but turning off your phone has a substantial impact on your mental health, relationships, time management, and outlook on the world. A powerful weaving of memoir, cultural commentary, and spiritual insights, this life-changing book helps you:

      *Reclaim your ability to be present and engaged with the world around you
      *Swap the hurried, constant pace of technology for a steadier, more rooted way of living
      *Establish your own unplugged rituals and rhythms in daily life
      *Uncover the magic within the ordinary awaiting you just beyond the screen

      The Unplugged Hours gives you the practical ideas and spiritual inspiration you need to stop scrolling and start living.

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    • Reconnected : How 7 Screen-Free Weeks With Monks And Amish Farmers Helped M


      Change your relationship with technology. Change your life.

      Share. Post. Reply…Most of us have gotten so used to notifications and alerts, pings and rings, that even if we don’t want to be on our phones so much, we don’t know what to do about it. The constant flow of information affects our brains, relationships, and emotional well-being. We feel stuck, overwhelmed, overstimulated, and we want a way out.

      Like many of us, podcaster and author Carlos Whittaker had lived for years in an always-on, always-connected world–and he felt more disconnected than ever from God, his community, and even himself. When Carlos Whittaker realized how many hours he was on his phone, he took extreme measures to see how unplugging could change his body and soul.

      In Reconnected, Carlos shares the challenges, surprises, and profound insights of his self-imposed exile from technology, spending nearly two months screen-free at a monastery, an Amish farm, and at home. As you journey with Carlos through this life-changing experiment you will discover:

      *how to retrain yourself to notice the world before you notice your texts;
      *what technology does to your brain and what you can do about it;
      *ways to prioritize in-person relationships even if you need screens for work or school;
      *why turning down your phone’s volume turns up God’s voice in your life;
      *the newfound joy of being bored, getting lost, and not having to Google every question that comes to your mind.

      Blending wisdom from the past, practices of intentionality and community, and Whittaker’s signature engaging communication style, Reconnected will inspire and equip you to reset your life in a tech-saturated world. It’s time to take back control of your life from technology and recover the lost art of being human. You were made for more. This is how you start living again.

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    • When Your World Ends


      How do you rebuild your life after it falls apart?

      Catastrophic events often feel like the end of the world. When we feel like we have nothing left, we sometimes wish for our own end too. Yet God keeps waking us up every morning-a sign that God wants us to keep living when our world ends. We must find our way to the new life that awaits us on the other side of loss. But how?

      Dawn Sanders has traveled this path before and lived to tell the tale-not once but twice. After a divorce and then the sudden death of her second husband, Dawn discovered a buried treasure in Genesis 1: God’s process for creating new life out of chaos. In When Your World Ends, Dawn digs deep into the creation story and unearths a seven-step process by which God brings us out of the void and into new beginnings. With her unique perspective, authenticity, and courage, Dawn meets those who are starting over and guides us into renewed hope.

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    • 365 Bible Verses A Year For 2025


      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. Proverbs 10: 12

      The timeless words of the Bible provide comfort, inspiration, and wisdom. And, in the King James version, an elevated sense of poetry. And paired with beautiful photography, they sing. A dramatic aerial of a curving river illustrates Corinthians 15: 10– But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. Alpine wildflowers accompany Isaiah 65: 24– And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. And a forest at sunset is paired with Mark 3: 35– For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

      ?Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.

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    • How To Talk With Anyone About Anything Workbook (Workbook)


      In this complementary workbook to How to Talk with Anyone about Anything, New York Times bestselling authors Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt give applicable tips on how to have Safe Conversations with everyone.

      For centuries, our methods of communication have resulted in disagreement, which has led to frustration, anxiety, and anger. Conversations have become angry, anxious ones. We see polarization not only in our personal lives and work environment, but certainly in the political arena. Clearly, the world needs a new communication method so people can talk to each other successfully.

      In the How to Talk with Anyone about Anything workbook, Harville and Helen share the wisdom of Safe Conversations and four skills that are structured and teachable:

      *Dialogue: practice shifting from monologue to dialogue to foster safety and collaboration

      *A commitment to zero negativity: convert frustrations into requests by focusing on what they should do, and not on what they shouldn’t do

      *Developing empathy for one another: shift from criticizing by accept one another’s different perspectives

      *Affirmations: transform conflict to connection by using “affirmation” more often in a relationship

      How to Talk with Anyone about Anything offers the keys to unlocking your ability to communicate with others in a new and profoundly different way. And as more of us hone that ability, together, we can bring about a shift in society away from polarization and toward true connection.

      This workbook is not a stand-alone product. How to Talk with Anyone about Anything is needed for the complete experience.

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    • Waiting Room : One Man’s Battle With Prostate Cancer


      When a diagnosis of prostate cancer sends Jake and Darlene into turmoil, their new normal includes sitting in a lot of waiting rooms. They constantly find themselves having to wait for tests, test results, and doctor’s reports. They also create waiting rooms in their own minds where they struggle with fear, anxiety, and worry.

      Since an appointment isn’t necessary to see the Great Physician, they go to Him often and sit with Him in His waiting rooms of grace, hope, trust, praise, and prayer. And when they ask Him to heal Jake, the Lord responds: “Wait.”

      Over time Jake’s body grows weaker, but his faith in Jesus remains strong as he recalls a faithful, loving, and trustworthy God.

      How will this story end? Will Jake experience healing while in this waiting room called life? Or will his healing come when the Lord calls him home?

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    • Color And Pray Proverbs


      Revisit timeless Biblical wisdom as you fill in the pages of Color & Pray Proverbs!

      *Features over 60 beautiful images of ready-to-color line art featuring butterflies, plants, birds, flowers, and more.

      *Each coloring page is accompanied by a verse from the book of Proverbs drawn from the King James version of the Bible to reflect on as you color.

      *Made for adults, but all ages can enjoy!

      *When you’re finished, the book makes a beautiful keepsake for inspiration and reflection.

      Join millions of adults around the world who are rediscovering the simple relaxation and joy of coloring!

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    • Get Your Spark Back


      There is a fire within you. In her newest book, author and influencer Rachel Marie Martin shares deeply personal stories and hard-won wisdom to inspire readers to spark their soul’s fire and live a life of happiness.

      Over the last ten years of writing for her blog, Finding Joy, thousands of readers have asked Rachel, “How do I get my spark back?” In Get Your Spark Back, she answers this question, helping readers lean into and invest in their own stories. Throughout the years, readers have watched as Rachel navigated a divorce, fixed her finances, started a seven-figure business, dealt with estrangement, moved cross-country and remarried. During that time, there came a day when she wondered, “Who am I now? What’s my spark?”

      She set out on a journey to not only rediscover her spark, but also to share the process of self-investment with others. Through personal stories and practical action steps, Rachel not only teaches you how to find and reignite your spark but also how to fan those flames to live a vibrant, happy, and fulfilled life.

      In Get Your Spark Back, Rachel Marie Martin empowers readers to:

      *Identify and reframe self-imposed limitations
      *Embrace uncomfortable thinking and master the art of wondering
      *Discover what truly sets your soul on fire
      *Reframe your relationship with money.
      *Lean into possibilities and set audacious goals
      *Reframe time and create consistent habits
      *Create a soul map
      *Live a life of joy and purpose

      For anyone who has ever felt uninspired and lost or is wondering “What’s next?”, Get Your Spark Back is a transformative and motivational guide to reigniting your inner fire and living with deep happiness, intention, and an all out zest for life.

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    • Now That Shes Gone


      The day your mother dies is the day you acquire a powerful and persistent new companion–grief. It is also the day you become the keeper of a legacy that has the potential to affect generations to come. Between a past you can’t let go of and a future you can hardly find the energy to think about, you stand. The ground may feel shaky, but it is sacred. And it must be tread.

      With vulnerability and honesty, Chelsea Ohlemiller walks you through her own journey of grief at the loss of her mother in order to help you along yours. These raw reflections on heartbreak, love, and hope in the midst of sorrow can help you put words to your own tangled feelings when you are speechless with grief. Chelsea does not couch her narrative in spiritual jargon or edit her feelings into “acceptable” sentiments that ultimately mean nothing and help no one. Instead, she invites you to be radically honest about your anger, disbelief, and sorrow so that you can move forward even if it feels like you will never be able to move on.

      Whether you had a great relationship with your mother or a complicated one, you will find in this book a compassionate and understanding friend for the days, months, and years to come.

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    • Bouncing Forwards : Notes On Resilience, Courage And Change


      Bouncing Forwards offers hope to those who’re facing battles such as mental or physical health challenges, bereavement, the loss of cherished dreams or recovery from trauma.

      Patrick Regan reveals his vulnerability as he shares that making peace with his own ongoing anxiety only came after a period of intense physical, emotional and spiritual pain.

      There is always the temptation to wait for the day when all will be well. Yet becoming preoccupied with the future may well mean missing out on what’s happening in our lives in the here and now. Is it possible to be OK even when life isn’t? Can we thrive, not just once we’ve come through adversity, but right there in the midst of it?

      Exploring resilience, acceptance and emotional agility, Patrick encourages us to believe we can find meaning in some of life’s toughest moments – and the faith to journey on.

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    • I Surrender All


      All To Him I Freely Give

      From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple.

      Because there is a difference.

      Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice.

      The choice that changes everything.

      This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.

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    • Chonda Pierce On Her Soapbox


      Pet peeves been trailing mud all over your nice, bright outlook? Let Chonda Pierce help you clean up your attitude with a little deep-cleansing, sparkling-fresh humor!

      This comedian, singer, and preacher’s daughter has a knack for finding merriment in those little things that can drive anyone crazy. Chonda’s wacky stories won’t just get you laughing so hard you’ll forget what was bugging you. They go deeper, illustrating profound spiritual truths.

      As a Christian, it’s easy to assume that life’s little sticking points shouldn’t aggravate you. It can be hard to go to God with the “petty” details of your day, because they seem exactly that–petty. But God wants you to share all of your life with him. So when your day and your temper both seem like a wet bar of soap–hard to get a grip on–don’t work up a lather! Pick up Chonda Pierce on Her Soapbox instead. You’ll do more than get a chuckle–you’ll discover that God is deeply interested in everything about you.

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    • Can God Do It


      He desires intimacy with us and wants to reveal things to those who seek Him.

      Life is full of uncertainties, closed doors, and tests of faith. Just when we think we have run out of options, God’s boundless grace and power make the impossible possible.

      Viviene Kitson’s Can God Do It? is an inspiring account of endless personal encounters with the God of miracles in the throes of impossible circumstances. You will be encouraged that:

      -The Holy Spirit wants to speak to you every moment of every day,
      -God is waiting for your invitation to intervene in challenging circumstances,
      -Your suffering is no match for His infinite provision, and
      -His unlimited power abounds in your limitations!

      Can God do it? He can, and He will!

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    • Breaking Chains : From The Projects To The Pulpit


      Setting the Captives Free

      After suffering with suicidal thoughts and addictions for many years, Alfred Flett found himself back in the very church he’d attended as a child. Christianity wasn’t practised in his home, but he was made to attend Sunday school, where he heard the life-changing words of John 3:16. But he eventually dropped out of Sunday school and never returned to church until he was an adult.

      The path he chose left him a broken young man, and life seemed hopeless. He tried self-help techniques like psychology and counselling, but nothing seemed to help. His need went beyond the physical and emotional. He was running away from his Creator who had made him for a purpose.

      Have you ever asked yourself: Why am I here? Who created me? What’s my purpose? Alfred found the answer in the person of Jesus Christ. He filled the spiritual vacuum in his life, and He can do the same for you!

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    • Transfusion : The Power Of The Blood


      Julie’s husband Lloyd is a wonderful father and hard worker. He’s living a full life until he wakes up one morning and notices that something isn’t right.

      After many tests, he’s diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a rare blood disease. Not knowing what the future holds, Julie and Lloyd hold on tight to each other and God, trusting that He will make a way for Lloyd.

      This is the true story of a man’s courageous fight and will to live, a couple’s battle between light and darkness, and the hope we all have in Jesus. In these pages you will discover Lloyd and Julie’s journey of finding peace and learning to live a new normal.

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    • Blurred Cross : A Writer’s Difficult Journey With God


      In early 2022, esteemed New Testament scholar Richard Bauckham nearly lost his ability to read–an alarming prospect for a man who considers reading, writing, and scholarly work to be his vocation from God. Despite it being one of the most difficult times of his life, it was also a period in which Bauckham felt closest to God.

      In this beautifully written book, Bauckham combines memoir, theological and biblical reflection, and poetry to offer profound insight into God’s providence amid life’s difficulties. He discusses relevant aspects of his earlier life, delves into the time when his eyesight began to deteriorate, and reflects on issues that arose during that period. The book also includes generous amounts of Bauckham’s own poetry.

      Throughout his experience, Bauckham maintained a close relationship with God and drew nearer to him. His journey with God during this time led him to contemplate God’s purpose for his life and how he can live in a way that reflects his overwhelming sense of gratitude. He shares his story as a way of encouraging others in their own unique walk with God.

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    • Country Road Perspective


      The untamed country road runs endlessly into the horizon. Its beauty steals your breath while the mystery of its adventure lures you forward. Twists and turns promise highs and lows, peaks and valleys – all depending on your perspective. Each step propels your quest to find purpose in the journey. The Country Road Perspective challenges you to look beyond the surface and see God at work through the peaks and valleys of life. Experience both joy and sadness as you walk alongside Jody Vondra’s country road journey from building a family and career to staring down cancer and grief. She shares the sorrow, fear, and hidden blessings of enduring two traumatic events within weeks of each other. She found unexpected strength in weakness, joy in the midst of sorrow, and undeniable purpose in the pain. She offers this book as a testimony to her unwavering faith in God. Her enthusiastic energy uplifts readers as she humanizes herself by sharing honest experiences and the emotions associated with them. Through thoughtful metaphors and beautiful imagery, she communicates deep messages that will resonate with and encourage you. Each chapter includes a character study of biblical giants such as Daniel, Joseph, Naomi, John the Baptist, and Jesus. You will experience their journey on literal and figurative country roads as you discover modern applications of ancient scriptural truths. Each chapter concludes with an epigram, highlighting scriptural nuggets of wisdom, and a moment of reflection designed to help you reflect and internalize the truths read from both Jody and the biblical character’s experiences. Whether you are navigating through seasons of transition and trial or need to find rest in the promises of God, this testimony offers hope. It calls you to elevate your perspective as you trust in the unseen hand of God, who loves you unconditionally.

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    • What I Saw In Heaven


      Heidi Barr didn’t believe in Jesus. No one in her Jewish family did, nor did they want to–especially not her father, who told her that Jesus Christ was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humankind. So when Heidi was in a terrible horseback riding accident and died at age 16, Jesus was the last person she expected to see. Yet she did. And then she returned to life.

      This is the incredible true story of Heidi’s difficult family life, her sudden death, her unexpectedly loving encounter with Jesus, and her return to life on earth as a person completely and irrevocably changed. This is also the story of Heidi loving her father and mother despite their disbelief of and disagreement with her faith. And this is the gripping, beautiful story of her parents’ eventual reconciliation both with Heidi and with God, through the redeeming grace and all-encompassing love of Jesus Christ.

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    • Collecting Confidence : Start Where You Are To Become The Person You Were M


      Showcasing the confidence she’s gathered from her own life journey, Kim Gravel–beloved QVC star and creator of Belle by Kim Gravel and Belle Beauty–invites you to look at yourself with a fresh new lens, encouraging you to start where you are and become the person you were meant to be.

      Bold. Audacious. Warm. Funny. Real. These are just a few words that describe Kim Gravel, entrepreneur, podcaster, TV personality, and host of several number-one hit shows on QVC. The minute she says, Hey, ya’ll, you can feel her authentic personality shining through–but she felt pressure to conform for a stretch of her life. She hid her light and lost her shine. In the aftermath of the pressures of the pageant scene and a toxic failed marriage, Kim found herself alone in a run-down apartment, and it was there that she started to grow closer to God. In the quiet of her tiny Pepto Bismol-pink apartment, she could hear the still, small voice of God–and she listened. And as she listened, her life started to change and she began to discover her purpose, including her first gig as a talk-show host at a community TV station just a few blocks from her apartment. Her purpose was just steps away!

      As Kim says, Struggling doesn’t have to be your badge of honor. No one wants an ill-fitting life. You want to live a custom-made life designed to fit you perfectly….You are beautiful, loved, strong, smart, one of a kind, unique, created for a purpose, protected, empowered, cared for, and important. If your life is not getting bigger, it’s time to change it. Reimagine your life. It’s time to start co-creating your life with the Creator. It doesn’t matter what age you are. You’re never too old to think differently. The best life is ahead of you, not behind you.

      Now Kim’s mission as a global voice is to build up women with words of encouragement, reminding them to trust God, stop struggling, embrace the beauty of who they are and step into their power and purpose. Collecting Confidence will allow readers to:

      *accept the beauty of who they are,
      *glean empowerment from life’s lowest moments,
      *experience biblical wisdom blended with laugh-out-loud humor,
      *and be inspired by no-holds-barred, relatable stories.

      If you’ve lost your way and forgotten who you are, this book is for you. It’s time to be still, listen to God, and start collecting confidence one step, one lesson, one experience, and even one mistake at a time. As Kim says, You can’t be authentic in the world if you c

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    • His Face Like Mine


      Have you ever tasted true freedom?

      Russell Joyce was born with a rare craniofacial disorder called Goldenhar syndrome, where the left side of his face was not formed. Years of patchwork surgeries made him more outwardly presentable, but not without deep pain and physical and emotional scars. But a life-changing encounter broke through to him with a power he never thought possible, in the very place he never thought to look-his broken face.

      This set Russell on a journey to understand what was hindering him and others from experiencing the power of God’s grace and being truly set free. During a season of starting a new church in Brooklyn, New York, he learned how the broken places of our lives can be transformed when Jesus meets us in the realities of our woundedness. God doesn’t love us despite our wounds but through those very wounds. By his scars we are healed, and we can find new depths of freedom in Christ, scars and all.

      A warning: this journey will not be easy. A promise: it will be well worth the risk.

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    • Diary Of An Old Soul Annotated Edition


      In 1880, George MacDonald self-published a long poem in book form-seven-line stanzas for each day of the year expressing his longings, struggles, and joys in everyday life. Now in this deluxe edition, the complete text of MacDonald’s classic devotional resource is available with blank journaling pages and new annotations by Timothy Larsen.

      “Be thou the well by which I lie and rest;
      Be thou my tree of life, my garden ground;
      Be thou my home, my fire, my chamber blest,
      My book of wisdom, loved of all the best;
      Oh, be my friend, each day still newer found,
      As the eternal days and nights go round!
      Nay, nay-thou art my God, in whom all loves are bound!”

      In 1880, the prolific author George MacDonald self-published a long poem in book form as a gift for his friends. He called it, in full, A Book of Strife in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul. It contained a new seven-line stanza for each day of the calendar year, written as prayers expressing MacDonald’s longings, struggles, and joys in everyday life.

      The Diary was originally printed with a blank page facing every page of poetry so that readers could supplement MacDonald’s diary with their own. This feature in particular, along with the spiritual wisdom and literary artistry of the text itself, was beloved by C. S. Lewis, who gave a copy of the book to his future wife, Joy Davidman, as a Christmas gift in 1952.

      Now in this deluxe edition, MacDonald’s classic devotional resource is again available with the blank pages he envisioned alongside the complete text. With a new introduction and explanatory notes by historian Timothy Larsen, the beloved writer’s prayers find new life for enthusiasts and first-time readers alike.

      *Complete text of MacDonald’s classic work-one poem for each day of the year
      *Thoughtful layout with a blank page for journaling opposite each poem
      *Introduction and annotations by historian Timothy Larsen
      *Deluxe features including cloth binding and bookmark ribbon

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    • Feisty And Feminine


      CEO and president of Concerned Women for America Penny Young Nance is ready to change the way women today engage the culture.

      “Today’s conservative women are intelligent, well-educated, compassionate, accomplished, funny, and fearless,” says Nance.

      Feisty & Feminine takes an honest and transparent look at what it means to be a conservative Christian woman, with thoughtful commentary on the real issues confronting you right now.

      Conservative Christian women have never fit neatly into stereotypes. “We’re not the humorless, dim-witted ‘church ladies’ Saturday Night Live has made us out to be,” says Nance. “In fact, we have an opportunity like never before to offer words of redemption to a world gone mad.”

      Are you troubled by this nation’s decreased emphasis on the sanctity of marriage and the abuse of women around the world? Are you concerned that the values of this great nation are slipping away from your children?

      The time is right for this book, and for conservative women–like Esther of the Bible–to stand up, be heard, and make a difference in our culture.

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    • Heaven Beckons : Discover The Glory That Awaits You In The Afterlife


      In my mind, I still can see the field of reunion, as I call it, as plain as day. People meeting loved ones who departed before they. Off they went into the interior of the current heaven, joyous and healed. The laughter of children, the smiles and facial expressions of Jesus, the drying of tears and great joy they found when entering there have all left their mark on me. May the Lord in His own way grant some of this insight to you now, in Jesus’ name.

      Experience a Life-Changing Taste of Heaven

      Have you ever had days when everything that could go wrong does? Are you haunted by pain from losing a loved one? Do you long for blessing and respite from your troubles?

      In our fast-paced, image-driven culture, we’ve lost sight of what truly matters. We only scratch the surface of life, we only see problems, we only trust our own efforts to save ourselves or alleviate our pain. But what if we caught a glimpse of something so grand, so breathtaking, so tremendous and inconceivable that it not only completely changed how we saw ourselves, others, and the time we have on this earth–but also transformed everything about our lives?

      In this stunning, detailed account, author and speaker B.W. Melvin beautifully recounts his incredible near-death experience in Heaven and meeting with Jesus, casting a vision for what awaits you and your loved ones and infusing your weary heart with renewed strength and hope in the faithfulness of God.

      With riveting and humble honesty, Melvin interweaves his awe-inspiring story with biblical truth about life–now and in eternity–encouraging you to dig deeper into what the Scriptures say. Along the way, you will:

      *taste the beauty of heaven now
      *discover the glory that awaits you and your loved ones after death
      *see your troubles in the light of God’s eternal goodness
      *encounter the faithfulness and sovereignty of God
      *grow in your relationship with the Lord
      *experience healing in your heart
      *live with freedom and joy on earth as it is in heaven

      Don’t despair or let pain and troubles overwhelm you. Lift your eyes to the glory of the faithful God who does not leave us orphans in this world–and has prepared a place for us in the world to come.

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    • Do It Anyway


      In this inspiring guide to the power of faithful resilience, Tasha Cobbs Leonard–Grammy Award winner and Billboard’s Gospel Artist of the Decade–shares the secret that helps her persevere: When saying yes to God doesn’t make sense, do it anyway.

      Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway.

      Tasha tells remarkable stories of experiencing this firsthand when she committed to dreams even when they seemed unrealistic, pursued adoption though it looked impossible, navigated the dynamics of a blended family despite challenges, and watched God move in each step of endurance through infertility and depression.

      With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side. Along the way, she equips you with practical tools to help you:

      – Dream big with God again
      – Focus on God’s direction over the loudness of the world
      – Never forget God’s faithfulness, especially in the midst of your hopelessness
      – Don’t let fear of failure force you to quit on your miracle too soon
      – Believe firmly that no mess and no amount of pain is beyond God’s redemption

      Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply weary–there’s a more a hopeful way to live, a bolder way to believe.

      To follow God when the way seems impossible, persevere in faith even when the odds are stacked–this is what it means to “do it anyway.”

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