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    • Theology For The Social Gospel


      This book is udoubtedly the author’s most enduring work. It is here that the author, the father of the social gospel in the United States, articulates the theolgoical roots of the social activism that surged forth from mainline Protestant churches in the early part of this century. Skillfully examining the great theological issues of the Christian faith–sin, evil, salvation, the kingdom of God–the author offers a powerful justification for the chuuch to fully engage society.

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    • Situation Ethics : The New Morality


      Igniting a firestorm of controversy upon its publication in 1966, Fletcher’s work was hailed by many as a much needed reformation of morality and as an invitation to anarchy by others. Proposing an ethic of “loving concerns” Fletcher suggests that certain acts, such as lying, adultery, and killing, may be morally right, depending on the circumstances. Fletcher’s provocative thesis remains a powerful force in contemporary discussions of morality.

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    • Ideology In America


      In this prophetic and inspiring call to justice, peace, and economic democracy, Alan Geyer proposes strategies for mainline churches and ecumenical institutions as they encounter assaults from conservative religious groups. Carefully tracing the changing political and social landscape of America since the era of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, and the role of the Christian Right in that change. Geyer denounces the smug creed that “business is good; government is bad.” With passion and trademark clarity he urges all people of goodwill to renew their commitment to the poor and the disadvantaged

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    • Nature And Destiny Of Man 1


      Reissue of Niebuhr’s immensely influential masterpiece. Anthropology was Niebuhr’s strongest suit, and this powerful overview highlights creation, the fall, the tension between finis and telos, pride and sensuality, hence the ambiguity of all social institutions.

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    • Erotic Justice : A Liberating Ethic Of Sexuality


      Ethicist Marvin Ellison argues compellingly that current crises in family, personal life, and sexuality are related to our culture’s prevailing attitudes about human sexuality. According to Ellison, the culturally sanctioned power dynamics involved in sexuality are a form of social oppression and share common ground with racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and cultural elitism. He proposes a liberating Christian ethic of erotic justice that goes beyond the prevailing patriarchal paradigm. This ethic at once affirms sexuality’s positive role in life and acknowledges that issues of justice and love are identical.

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    • New Testament Ethics


      Neither Jesus nor Paul developed a formal ethical system, yet each left a moral legacy that forms the core of New Testament ethics. In this book, Frank Matera examines the ethic found in the teachings of Jesus and Paul. He explores the broad range of moral concerns found in these writings and finds an identifiable unity that underlies the ethical teachings of both.

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    • Moral Vision Of The New Testament


      A leading expert in New Testament ethics discovers in the biblical witness a unified ethical vision — centered in the themes of community, cross and new creation — that has profound relevance in today’s world. Richard Hays shows how the New Testament provides moral guidance on the most troubling ethical issues of our time, including violence, divorce, homosexuality and abortion.

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    • Lifes Living Toward Dying A Print On Demand Title


      In the past several years our culture’s long-standing prohibitions against suicide and euthanasia have been seriously challenged. A great tidal change in morality and law may be occurring as the courts seem to be creating a new right – the individual’s right to die. Life’s Living toward Dying responds to this challenge. Vigen Guroian discusses society’s moral confusion over the meaning of death and gives a Christian alternative for care of the dying that is consistent with the strong value that the Christian church has ascribed to human life.

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    • Economic Justice : Selections From Distributive Justice And A Living Wage


      During the first half of the twentieth century, John A. Ryan advocated minimum wage legislation and child labor restrictions and was very much involved in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. More closely connected with the makers of national economic policy as a Catholic moral theologian than his better-known Protestant contemporaries. Walter Rauschenbusch and Reinhold Niebuhr, his influence has been extensive in American public policy. This volume brings to readers pertinent selections from Ryan’s classic works. It will be particularly relevant to today’s readers concerned about the place of religious faith in economic policy.

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    • Readings In Christian Ethics


      Readings in Christian Ethics presents in one volume the most consequential ethical writings from the earliest days of Christianity through the late twentieth century. Introductory material for each selection is provided to help set each piece in its proper historical and social context.

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    • Religion And Medical Ethics A Print On Demand Title


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      This book gathers the reflections of seven of the nation’s most significant moral theologians in the field of bioethics – James M. Gustafson, Stanley Hauerwas, Stephen E. Lammers, Karen Lebacqz, Warren T. Reich, David H. Smith, and Allen Verhey. The outgrowth of The Institute of Religion’s 1993 conference on ethics in medicine and technology, these essays and reports from working groups look back at the contributions of theology to bioethics in the past and set an agenda for theological reflection on bioethics in the future.

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    • Stewards Of Life


      Sondra Wheeler has written an extordinary introducation to bioethics. She defines with clarity the central bioethical principles of autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justie, while at the same time maintaining intergrity with the christian story. The book includes difficult clinical cases, drawn from real life, which give it depth; it portrays bioethical problems in technicolor. This book is recommended for pastors, hosptials and chaplains.

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    • Character In Crisis


      In Character in Crisis, William P. Brown helps to demonstrate that the aim of the Bible’s wisdom literature is the formation of moral character, both for individuals and for the community. Brown traces the theme of moral identity and conduct throughout the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, with a concluding reflection on the Epistle of James in the New Testament, and explores a range of issues that includes literary characterization, moral discourse, worldview, and the theology of the ancient sages. He examines the ways in which central characters such as God, wisdom, and human beings are profiled in the wisdom books and shows how the characterizations impart ethical meaning to the reading community, both ancient and modern.

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    • Christian Social Ethics In A Global Era


      In this challenging book, four highly respected think discuss the need for a renewal of Christian ethical reflection in a dramatically changed world and articulate their distinctive point of view on how this can responsibly be done. Christian Social Ethics in a Global Era is thus both a call for renewal in our thinking and acting, and an introduction to the issues that must be addressed by any meaningful response to our new global situation.

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    • Solar Ethics


      SKU (ISBN): 9780334026181ISBN10: 0334026180Don CupittBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1995SCM ClassicsPublisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Empowerment Ethics For A Liberated People


      Cheryl Sanders sharpens the agenda of black liberation by offering both a fresh reading of historical black religion and a distinctive approach to Christian ethics. Arguing that the experience of oppression has been the catalyst for black moral life and thought, Sanders traces several paths that African American Christians have taken in moving from victimization to moral agency: testimony, protest, uplift, cooperation, achievement, remoralization, and ministry.

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    • Reconstructing Christian Ethics


      One of the major British theologians and ethicists of the nineteenth century, F. D. Maurice was a forerunner of the contemporary ecumenical movement. His writings and work were an articulation of his theology, which emphasizes the inclusiveness of Christianity despite ideological divisions within the Christian community. Maurice proposed a primary unifying principle, based on the dynamic love of God for humankind in all its diversity, that would bring the various Christian traditions into a catholic whole. This volume brings to readers a selection of Maurice’s moral writings based on his theological worldview. It is the only anthology of his ethical writings currently available.

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    • Readings In Christian Ethics Volume 2 (Reprinted)


      Essays explore how interpretations affect casuistry, and cover issues related to abortion, reproductive technologies, euthanasia, sexuality, race, gender, social justice, the environment, civil disobedience, capital punishment, and war.

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    • Ethics In Business


      Childs shows how businesspeople can bring their religious convictions to bear on business life and economics without being overbearing, provincial, or dogmatic. Tackling such topics as competition, regulation, environment, risk, truth-telling, whistle-blowing, leadership, discrimimination affirmative action, and conflict resolution,Childs is neither preachy nor simplistic. This is the book that will at last help businesspeople to push “beyond conventional morality” and infuse character into corporate culture.

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    • Ethics


      This book is recognized as a major contribution to Christian ethics. Bonhoeffer illustrates that God’s design is to be found in the Church, the family, labor, and government. His will permits man to live as man before God, in a world God made, with responsibility for the institutions of that world.

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    • In Praise Of Virtue A Print On Demand Title


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      In this resourceful and illuminating exploration of the biblical virtues, Benjamin W. Farley examines both the Old and the New Testament and applies their teachings on moral character to the Christian life today. In the process, Farley critically reviews the current philosophical and theological interest in virtue, engages the Aristotelian, Thomist, and modern views of virtue, incorporates and responds to feminist concerns, and discusses the importance of the biblical virtues for our pluralistic age.

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    • Soul In Society


      Gary Dorrien’s major work addresses the roots of and remedy to the current crisis in American Christian social ethics. Focusing on the story of American liberal Protestantism, the book examines in fascinating depth the three major movements in this century—the Social Gospel, Christian Realism, and Liberation Theology—in a way that also brings African American, feminist, environmentalist, Catholic, and other voices into the increasingly multicultural quest.

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    • Not My Own A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely, tough-minded work examines the implications of the church’s distinctive characteristics in relation to the most heated moral crisis of our age. Writing from an ecumenical perspective, the authors explore the traditional “marks” of the church – the Word and the sacraments – and ask what difference the church can and should make in the lives of human beings affected by abortion. No other book has approached the issue of abortion from this perspective; no other book offers such sound practical help.

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    • Wealth As Peril And Obligation A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church – the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

      Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament’s moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

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    • On Behalf Of God A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely work develops a stewardship model of Christian ethics that delivers solid biblical insight into the moral controversies surrounding such biological issues as assisted reproduction, genetics, technology and experimentation, human sexuality, and environmental care. By applying the three divine commands of Genesis 1 and 2 – to fill, rule over, and care for creation – to the most recent research in biology, the authors bridge the expanding gap between science and ethics.

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    • Ethics Of Biblical Interpretation


      Daniel Patte argues here that when male European-American scholars interpret the Bible to produce a universally legitimate reading, they silence the Bible itself. Their reading practices exclude feminist, African American, and other so-called “minority” readings, as well as the interpretations of conservative and liberal laity. He further claims that ethical accountability requires recognizing that all exegesis consists of bringing critical understanding to ordinary readings, especially faith interpretations. Patte concludes that biblical studies must affirm the legitimacy of diverse ordinary readings and lead to an open discussion of the relative value of these readings.

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    • Morality And Beyond


      This work confronts the age-old question of how the moral is related to the religious. In particular, Tillich addresses the conflict between reason-determined ethics and faith-determined ethics and shows that neither is dependent on the other but that each alone is inadequate. Instead, Tillich reveals to us the gift that came with the arrival of Christ: a new reality that offers a power of being in which we can participate and out of which true thought and right action are possible. Paul Tillich (1886-1965) taught at several German universities before emigrating to the United States. In the United States, Tillich taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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    • From Christ To The World


      New! An exciting introductory reader with selections from key thinkers on Scripture, tradition, philosophy, science, methodology, sex, medicine, politics, economics, and environment. From classic sources to the contemporary.

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    • Feminist Theological Ethics


      This reader documents ongoing feminist ethical and theological discussions on a wide range of issues including womanist, mujerista, and ecofeminist. Volume includes contributions from over twenty distinguished women scholars.

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    • Spirituality Of African American People


      Current interest in Afrocentricity is but one moment in the longstanding post-colonial search by African peoples, both on the continent and in the diaspora., for cultural beacons. Pre-eminent black social ethicist Peter Paris here sharpens and focuses that quest on African “spirituality”–that is, the religious and moral values embodied in African experience and pervading traditional African religious worldviews. From extensive comparative research and personal travel, Paris shows how such values were retained and modified in the diaspora, most notably in African American religious and moral thought and its practice. Traditional understandings of God, ancestral spirits, tribal community, family belonging, reciprocity, personal destiny, and agency have not only survived great cultural upheavals but remarkably even been enriched and enlivened. Paris’ pan-African focus, careful scholarship, and his eye for ultimate values in varying cultural milieus combine here to model comparative cultural analysis and to clarify cultural foundations of black ethical life.

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    • Biblical Christian Ethics


      After examining what Scripture teaches about the goals and motives of Christian living, the author addresses moral dilemmas, human-life issues, sexuality, economic justice, and truthfulness.

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    • Old Testament Ethics


      Using five different Old Testament stories as paradigms for correct ethical behavior, Waldemar Janzen provides a comprehensive way of understanding the ethical message in the Old Testament. The five models of the good life he uses are the holy life (the priestly paradigm), the wise life (the sapiential or wisdom paradigm), the just life (the royal paradigm), the serving and suffering life (the prophetic paradigm), and the familial paradigm. Janzen demonstrates that all five paradigms are linked because the familial paradigm represents the comprehensive end of all Old Testament ethics.

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    • Holy Spirit And The Christian Life


      This rare volume provides a concise statement of the major ideas of one of the greatest Protestant thinkers of the twen tieth century, Karl Barth. Divided into three parts, it presents Barth’s lecture ” The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life”. Discussion begins with the unity of the persons of the Trinity and the implications this unity has for human conduct This volume emphasizes Barth’s focus on the trinitarian char acter of God’s self-revelation. Barth insists there is no way to get behind or beyond the fact that God is revealed to us in three distinct ways, yet with a unity that cannot be divided. He claims that we can finally look only to God’s self-disclosure as the reliable basis for Christian ethics.

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    • Moral Fragments And Moral Community


      From the publisher: Western society today lives from community fragments and moral fragments alone, and these fragments are being destroyed more quickly than they are being replenished. Larry Rasmussen assesses the long-term reasons for this situation and then proposes the forms and tasks that churches can undertake to help mend and improve civil society. This book, which had its origin in the Hein/Fry Lectures in 1991–92, functions both as an assessment of the moral climate in America today and also as a proposal for the church in contemporary society

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    • Passion And Reason


      Grace Cumming Long provides us with a Christian ethics from the perspective of women’s experience, rooted in passion and reason, emotion and research. Through a collage of autobiographical narratives and feminist theologies Cumming Long constructs an unconventional approach to moral questioning, using the arts of cooking, painting, quilting, and weaving to illuminate how Christians must be creative in finding faithful ways to respond to God and to the social crises of our day. She examines welfare, reproductive choice, addiction, handicapping conditions, and AIDS within her ethical framework, and maintains that cooperation, dependence, creativity, and the compassionate use of power are the theological values Christians bring to an ethics that move us beyond patriarchy.

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    • Christian Ethics : A Historical Introduction


      This one-volume history of Christian ethics is the only comprehensive resource currently available to survey major thinkers, movements, and issues from the early church to the present. Topics discussed are: the legacies of Christian ethics, the ethics of early Christianity, the Reformation and Enlightenment, eighteenth and nineteenth-century rationalism and evangelism, Christian ethics in the twentieth century, and Christian ethics toward the third millennium.

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    • Radical Monotheism And Western Culture


      This classic work of H. RICHARD NIEBUHR, one of the most influential theological ethicists of the 20th century, anticipates the substance of his mature thinking. NIEBUHR provides a thorough analysis of faith as confidence and loyalty and the forms as henotheism, polytheism, and radical monotheism. He answers directly the question “How is faith in God possible?”

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    • New Genesis : Theology And The Genetic Revolution


      How should living things and our own human nature be changed in the hands of those who can alter them genetically? How do we set limits, and what goals are legitimate pursuits? Neither the science of genetics nor the theory of evolution can answer these questions alone. This book’s contribution to a theological understanding of science and technology helps in showing how Christian theology can provide a solid frameword for considering these issues.

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    • Islam And War


      This book explores questions regarding the justice of war and addresses the lack of comparative perspectives on the ethics of war, particularly with respect to Islam. John Kelsay begins with the war in the Persian Gulf, focusing on the role of Islamic symbols in the rhetoric of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He provides an overview of the Islamic tradition in regards to war and peace, and then focuses on the notion of religion as a just cause for war.

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    • Love Your Enemies


      Lisa Sowle Cahill examines the issues surrounding the meaning of being a disciple of Jesus as it relates to pacifism and just war. She brings together strands from church history, biblical scholarship, and theology to show how Jesus’ words led to both pacifism and just war theory. Landing on the side of pacifism, Cahill argues for the ideal of the kingdom of God brought near at the Sermon on the Mount. Lisa Sowle Cahill is Professor of Christian Ethics at Boston College.

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    • Basic Christian Ethics


      This series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important, otherwise unavailable texts – English – language texts and translations that have fallen out of print, new translations, and collections of significant statements about problems and themes of special importance – in an easily accessible form. With these volumes scholars and teachers will be able to use classic texts more extensively as they train new generations of theolgians, ethicists, and ministers.

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    • Religious Liberty : Catholic Struggles With Pluralism


      Includes Murray’s most important statements on religious freedom and two essays. One on religious freedom, originally suppressed by the Vatican and published here for the first time. The second is a discussion on human dignity – how it is defined and how it functions as the phiolsophical foundation of religious freedom, newly translated into English. This fascinating collection will help readers look back at past struggles over religious liberty and forward to dilemnas presently facing the church

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    • Liberation Ethics : Sources Models And Norms


      Based on in-depth interviews with key liberation theologians, as well as comprehensive research, Schubeck offers a critical yet sympathetic evaluation of liberation theology’s normative content by looking at how liberation theologians actually use their foundational sources-praxis, social analysis, and Scripture.

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    • War In The 20th Century


      This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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    • Ethics In The Age Of Technology


      The Gifford Lectures have challenged our greatest thinkers to relate the worlds of religion, philosophy, and science. Now Ian Barbour has joined ranks with such Gifford lecturers as William James, Carl Jung, and Reinhold Neibuhr. In 1989 Barbour presented his first series of Gifford Lectures, published as Religion in an Age of Science. In 1990 he returned to Scotland to present his second series, dealing with ethical issues arising from technology and exploring the relationship of human and environmental values to science, philosophy, and religion and showing why these values are relevant to technological policy decisions.

      In examine the conflicting ethics and assumptions that lead to divergent views and technology, Barbour analyzes three social values: justice, participatory freedom, and economic development. He defends such environmental principles as resource sustainability, environmental protection, and respect for all forms of life. He present case studies in agriculture, energy policy, genetic engineering, and the use of computers. Finally, he concludes by focusing on appropriate technologies, individual life-styles, and sources of change: education, political action, response to crisis, and alternative visions of the good life.

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    • Body Theology


      James Nelson offers an incarnational way of doing theology. He takes body experiences seriously and views sexuality as central to the mystery of human experience and to the human relationship with God.

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    • Passion For Justice


      By focusing on the idea of justice in the words of three important American Christian social thinkers, Beckley has achieved several worthy ends. He refines the systematic issues in Christian thinking about justice and elates them some current discussions and proposals of his own. The reader is informed and illumined by this insightful analysis.

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    • Professor Reinhold Niebuhr


      In this book, Ronald Stone breaks new ground by providing a fresh survey of Reinhold Niebuhr as a professor, demonstrating that this vocation was central to Niebuhr’s lifework. This book reveals Niebuhr’s passion for the development of an intellectually equipped, socially concerned Christian ministry.

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    • Ethics Religion And The Good Society


      People living in a pluralistic age are aware of diversity among themselves and consider it both natural and enriching for humankind. However, there are many disagreements that create ethical questions on the nature of human good, religion and public morality, and more. Joseph Runzo, with the help of a diverse group of contributors, skillfully deals with these ethical issues.

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    • Bible And The Moral Life


      The Bible helps to shape our understanding of Christian responsibility. However, different church bodies and individuals who claim scripture as an authority on ethics often reach different conclusions about moral life. In this book, C. Freeman Sleeper describes how the Bible can be used as a guide to moral life. He shows how various church bodies use the Bible to speak to specific contemporary ethical issues and deals directly with the question of the authority of the Bible by taking up the teaching of four basic styles of moral reflection–law, prophecy, apocalypse, and wisdom. Sleeper reviews the way that church bodies developed and used social policy and draws a distinction between the way churches speak to their own constituency and the way they speak to the world. He considers in detail the ethics of nuclear war and abortion. Practical exercises are also provided throughout the book.

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    • Life On The Line A Print On Demand Title


      Ethicist John Kilner draws on biblical materials to develop a basic ethical approach for dealing with difficult end-of-life situations and the allocation of limited medical resources. Arguing that a biblically based medical ethics must be God-centered, reality-bounded, and love-impelled, Kilner grapples honestly with the personal and social dilemmas that arise in the face of death. Topics covered include euthanasia, suicide, quality of life, living wills, and the distribution of vital treatments.

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    • Love And Justice


      The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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    • 6 Billion And More


      Susan Power Bratton draws on information from demographers, economists, ecologists, and sociologists to argue that individuals should use Christian values when dealing with the regulation of human population. In this easy-to-read analysis, the author reviews a number of issues and provides case studies and discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

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    • John Wesleys Social Ethics


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687204946ISBN10: 0687204941Manfred Marquardt | Translator: John Steeley | Translator: W. Stephen GunterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1992Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Lines In The Sands


      Based on the debates of bishops, church councils, and scholars who reflected on policy alternatives and invoked theological and ethical perspectives on the Gulf crisis, Lines in the Sand focuses on moral issues surrounding the Persian Gulf War. Alan Geyer and Barbara Green present a penetrating case study of foreign policy, military policy, moral argument, and religious discourse, while arguing that the “just war” tradition offers only partial aid for Christian reflection in matters of war and peace.

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    • Just Peacemaking : Transforming Initiatives For Justice And Peace


      Glen Stassen believes Christians should direct their energies toward finding a set of criteria and a model for a “just peace” instead of “just war.” He bases his just peace theory on the new reality of our world, on recent biblical interpretation, and on the experiences of people who lived in the face of oppression and nuclear threat, and who – together with political scientists, Christian ethicists, and activists – fashioned realistic steps of peacemaking. He addresses real-life issues and especially uses the Sermon on the Mount and the book of Romans as models for establishing just peace in the face of conflict.

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    • Envisioning The New City


      This book compiles essays by over thirty urban pastors, community organizers, seminary professors, and church leaders. Their essays seek to present creative opportunities for urban ministries to bring hope and renewal to their congregations and communities.

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    • Christianity And The Social Crisis


      Walter Rauschenbusch was the primary architect of the Social Gospel, a movement that responded to the changing social and industrial conditions in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He presents, in this book, his path-breaking and prophetic interpretation of Jesus and the kingdom, and his understanding of troubling conditions that call the church to faithful witness and work toward meaningful political and economic reforms.

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    • Social Teaching Of The Christian Churches 2


      More than a history of Christian ethics, this history of the Christian era relates ideas such as the changing structures of church and society, showing the mutual influences between ideas, social forces, and institutions.

      The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.

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    • Loving Nature : Ecological Integrity And Christian Responsibility


      The ecological crisis is a serious challenge to Christian theology and ethics because the crisis is rooted partly in flawed convictions about the rights and powers of humankind in relation to the rest of the natural world. James A. Nash argues that Christianity can draw on a rich theological and ethical tradition with which to confront this challenge.

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    • Clergy Ethics In A Changing Society


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251611ISBN10: 0664251617Editor: Russell Burck | Editor: James Wind | Editor: Paul ComenischBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Toward Old Testament Ethics


      Biblical ethics is a subject that has been almost totally neglected in this century. Only six men have written a major work on Old Testament ethics in the last hundred years, and only two of these works, both written before 1900, are in English. This lack of materials on Old Testament ethics serves to underscore the significance of Walter Kaiser’s Toward Old Testament Ethics. Dr. Kaiser has no illusions about providing a simple solution to questions of Old Testament ethics. He is familiar with the complexities of this subject and begins his work in Part I by addressing such questions as: How can ethics be defined? Is there an overarching structure to ethics as presented in the Old Testament, or is there only an unrelated series of laws? Do ethics of the Old Testament have any relevance for us today? What are the exegetical principles to be used in a study of Old Testament ethics? Part II examines the moral texts of the Old Testament, in particular the Decalogue, the book of the covenant (Exodus 20:22–23:33), and the law of holiness (Leviticus 18–20). Dr. Kaiser unfolds the intention of these various laws, showing how they relate to each other and form a framework for ethics. Part III explores the content of Old Testament ethics, namely, how holiness relates to worship, work, relationship, social justice, the sanctity of life, marriage and sex, wealth, use of the truth, and motives for action. Moral difficulties in the Old Testament present stumbling blocks to many who read these books. How are we to relate to a God who, at times, seems fickle, deceptive, and hateful? How are we to champion the offensive view of women and slaves, the particulars of God choosing Israel, and the imprecations that appear from time to time in the biblical texts? Reponses to these and other difficulties from Part IV. The book concludes with a discussion of Old Testament law and New Testament believers. Dr. Kaiser shows how these laws, written thousands of years ago, still challenge God’s people to live holy lives.

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    • Matters Of Life And Death


      Using a bioethical approach, John Cobb Jr. tackles some of the most controversial issues facing society and the church today–something theologians have often failed to do in the past. His four major topics are animal well-being, death with dignity, the moral status of the fetus, and sexual activity outside of marriage.

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    • Let Justice Roll Down


      First full-scale treatment of the Old Testament and Christian ethics in English since 1923. Tackles the tough questions of holy war, slavery, subservience of women, capital punishment, and more.

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    • Sex In The Parish


      Karen Lebacqz and Ronald Barton examine the gift of sexuality in relation to the parish and the dynamics of sexual desire and temptation. Included in this book are the expreiences of a pastor who did not set appropriate limits; explainations of how the pastoral role affects sexual contact between pastor and parishioner; suggestions for a framework of ethical analysis; an examination of questions for women in ministry, single pastors, and pastors who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual; and a review of ethical issues related to persons who carry responsibilities for the structures of ministerial practice.

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    • Making Moral Decisions


      The question “what am I to do?” needs the balance and completion of “what are we to do?” With clarity and insight Jersild addresses the particular need of our time; a greater awareness of our interdependence as a world community. Using critical incidents or cases to illustrate ethical points, Jersild examines such contemporary issues as euthanasia, employment and one’s sense of vocation, homosecuality, and more.

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    • Professional Ethics In Context


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251437ISBN10: 0664251439Binding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Recovery Of Virtue


      By developing a philosophical reconstruction of the moral philosophy that underlies the Secunda Pars of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas, Jean Porter illuminates Aquinas’ theory of morality and shows its relevance to contemporary Christian ethics.

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    • Church With Aids


      This book looks at the experiences of people with AIDS as a means of examining the way Christianity views the problem and deals with it on both personal and community levels. This book begins by sharing the experience and ministry of those living with AIDS. Also presented is a series of theological reflections on what living with AIDS means for the renewal of the church. Russell also asks how the traditional church might be seen differently by those struggling with AIDS. The final section, is designed as a tool for study and discussion groups.

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    • Theology Of Peace


      This gift from one of the greatest twentieth-century Protestant theologians, Paul Tillich, is a collection of hopeful, realistic writings on peace from the years Tillich spent in America. Beginning in 1937, the book documents Tillich’s pre-World War II hope and resistance to Hilter and moves to the time before his death in 1965, when Tillich preached frequently on hope. It includes the first public political speech in America, on anti-Semitism, essays on planning for peace, and criticism of the peace thought of John Foster Dulles and Pope John XXII. The essays on nuclear weapons and German boundary questions illustrate the continuing timeliness of Tillich’s thought.

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    • Come Let Us Reason (Reprinted)


      God created logic and calls Christians to orderly thinking. On this premise, a simplified study of logic prepares readers to reason thoughtfully and to spot illogic in an argument.

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    • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


      Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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    • Ethics In Ministry


      1991 Academy of Parish Clergy Book Award recipient. ”Deserves commendation and a large readership. The authors have touched sensitively on a wide range of issues with a wisdom that is practiced and practical.”—Christian Ministry. Deals with truth-telling, authority, salary, burnout, confidentiality, and more.

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    • Role Relationship Of Men And Women


      Sets forth the biblical teaching concerning the role relationship of men and women, including the evidence for submission and headship in marriage and in the church.

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    • Christian Moral Judgment


      J. Philip Wogaman understands the uncertainty surrounding most moral questions. He believes, however, that religious faith makes a difference in one’s ethics, that Christian character is fundamental to decision-making, and that it is possible to arrive at judgements on today’s complex moral problems in light of Christian faith. This book includes chapters on the centrality of moral character and virtue, as well as on the contribution of theology to ethics.

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    • Bible In Politics


      This enlightening book on how to read the Bible politically serves as a prerequisite to Christian political action. Richard Bauckham offers his interpretations of several Bible passage that are politically relevant, and discusses how reading the Bible in a political context can lead to fresh insights.

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    • Of God And Pelicans


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250768ISBN10: 0664250769Jay McDanielBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian Ethics In The Protestant Tradition


      Drawing upon forty years of experience teaching ethics, Waldo Beach provides a basic introduction on Chriostian ethics. He has designed a challenging work that grapples with the ethical questions surrounding modern day problems from the perspective of Protestant theology and tradition. His two part format is especially helpful for study. Part I challenges readers to recover the Christian heritage in the midst of highly secularized American culture. Part II applies Christian faith and ethical principles to modern ethical problems and issues.

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    • Moral Exhortation : A Greco Roman Sourcebook


      What did the moral teachings of the early Christian writers have in common with the works of the pagan philosophers and orators of their time? Illustrating both parallels and contrasts, Malherbe excerpts many primary source materials that have not been easily available and makes this accessible with concise and penetrating introductions.

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    • Pastoral Ethics : Professional Responsibilities Of The Clergy


      Like most community leaders, clergy are constantly asked to make decisions that have far-reaching effects. For clergy, the matter is particularly complicated because of the many arenas in which they operate–counseling, church management, community affairs, ecumenical relationships, denominational politics, and others.

      In Pastoral Ethics, Gaylord Noyce looks at clergy as professionals, and shows what can be learned from the professional ethics of other disciplines. He also demonstrates the special responsibilities (and opportunities) that affect those who are ordained. A book at once practical and prophetic, Pastoral Ethics is the standard for a new generation.

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    • Religion And Violence (Reprinted)


      Robert McAfee Brown’s Religion and Violence is a comprehensive introduction to the ethical and moral questions that abound at the intersection of violence and religion. Brown discusses such important issues as nuclear war, terrorism, capital punishment, and revolution.

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    • Ministerial Ethics And Etiquette (Revised)


      Now revised, Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette has been hailed as “an authoritative standard,” the book that “answers almost every question of ministerial ethics which may arise.” Nolan Harmon, who has authored each successful edition since 1928, studied the ethical codes of conduct of five major denominations and secured the expert opinions of eighty-six leading pastors, Harmon uses this wisdom to show ministers how to conduct themselves etically in virtually every phase of ministry.

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    • Making Ethical Decisions


      Each day individuals make choices that have moral implications. Whether the choices concern major or minor issues, they involve questions that often confuse Christians. This practical book helps establish a basis for ethical decision making by providing principles and showing how those principles can be applied.

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    • Sacramental Ethics : Paschal Identity And The Christian Life


      This remarkable little book remains a classic, a wise and concrete reflection on the life of faith as a real way of life, grounded in the communal encounter with the grace of God in public worship. Look here to see again what word and sacrament have to do with daily life. Read here to think again how the paschal movement of Christ from death to life can pull us along, converting us to the care and embrace of the world.

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    • 6 Theories Of Justice


      Dr. Lebacqz surveys three philosophical approaches to justice: John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism, the “contract” system of John Rawls, and the “entitlement” views of Robert Nozick. These are followed by analysis of three theological approaches: that of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, of Reinhold Niebuhr, and the liberation theologian Jose Porfirio Miranda. A comparison of the effectiveness of each approach in providing direction for facing and dealing with contemporary issues and situations adds to the usefulness of this volume

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    • Great Reversal A Print On Demand Title


      There is no denying, writes Allen Verhey, that churches today are called to discern the shape and style of life “worth of the gospel of Christ” in the twentieth century. Even in the face of changing situations and new moral problems to address, the contemporary church stands self-consciously in a tradition of which the New testament is a normative part.

      In this major new study of New Testament ethics, Verhey examines first of all the ethic of Jesus, for it is there that the tradition begins. He then analyzes the different forms in which the early church handed down the memory of Jesus’ words and deeds in the development of a moral tradition. Next he deals with that tradition as it came to canonical expression in the New Testament writings.

      In the last part of the book Verhey focuses on the use of the New Testament in the continuing moral tradition of the church, surveying proposals for the use of Scripture, identifying the critical methodological questions, and defending a “modest proposal” for the use of Scripture.

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    • 4 Modern Prophets


      Four Mordern Prophets explores the life and thought of four twentieth-century Christian leaders who epitomize the struggle for freedom and justice. William Ramsay summarizes the work of these four modern thinkers and challenges us to join in the struggle.

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    • Christian Attitude Toward War


      Brings biblical and historical data to bear upon issues of war and peace, pacifism, military force, civil disobedience, and nuclear weapons.

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    • Westminster Dictionary Of Christian Ethics


      The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics is an invaluable reference work. Included are articles on basic ethical concepts; biblical and theological ethics; philosophical traditions; major non-Christian religious traditions; psychological, sociological, political, and other concepts important to Christian ethics; and, finally, substantial problems, such as war, usually including both information and options. With 620 entries cover a spectrum of topics that concern thinking people everywhere, providing clear, concise and accurate information about ethical concerns.

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    • Professional Ethics : Power And Paradox


      Karen Lebacqz here offers a logical yet eminently human framework for ethical decision making. Quoting and clarifying the thoughts of the field’s top authorities, Dr. Lebacqz summarizes the issues and questions that have, until now, served as the boundaries of debate. Then she moves beyond that; formulating new questions, demonstrating why the answers to those questions are critical, laying the groundwork for what eventually emerges–a new way of perceiving and resolving complex ethical questions.

      Professional Ethics: Power and Paradox utilizes the “praxis” method of analysis. An actual ethical dilemma is offered, then treated theoretically throughout the text in order to demonstrate how a professional decision involving the dilemma might be reached.

      Central to the ethical framework offered here is the focus on three steps toward a decision: action (what are the available alternatives?); character (what does it mean to be a professional in relation to the question?); and structure (how do structures limit or modify the alternatives?). The resolution of these and related, subordinate questions, Dr. Lebacqz asserts, is the foundation of a new framework for ethical decision making.

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    • Bonhoeffer And South Africa


      In this stimulating book, John W. de Gruchy points out the relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thought for the life of the church in South Africa, engaging in dialogue the theology of Bonhoeffer and the theology of South Africa. Both Bonhoeffer’s theology and his life bore witness to the need for Christians to come face to face with the pressing political and social issues of the day. Bonhoeffer believed that to bear an authentic witness to Christ in certain settings was to go against the stream; the church in South Africa, says de Gruchy, faces the challenge to be just such a “troublesome witness.” He finds in Bonhoeffer’s theology direction and liberation for the oppressed as well as for the privileged, who need to be “freed for others.” Throughout, the book demonstrates the abiding significance of Bonhoeffer’s theology, which, according to de Gruchy, derives from the fact that he was, before all else, a witness to Jesus Christ.

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    • Human Medicine : Ethical Perspectives On Todays Medical Issues (Revised)


      This completely revised and expanded edition offers an up-to-date analysis of developments in biomedical technology of the past ten years.

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    • Moral Maze : A Way Of Exploring Christian Ethics


      Moral decisions present the individual with a maze of possibilities which can be overwhelming. The increasing complexity of modern life makes it difficult for Christians to know what is ethically right and how to make the right choices. David Cook, in this straightforward and very readable book, examines the main causes of the moral dilemmas in which we so often find ourselves. Not only does he provide an excellent introduction to moral philosophy and its leading schools of thought, but he also examines the sources of Christian principles. How can this Christian use the Bible as a guide to ethical problems? What role should the Church and tradition play? Dr Cook concludes that despite the numerous choices surrounding us, Christian values still offer an authoritative alternative. In the final section, a method is suggested for moral decision making at a practical level, drawing on Edward de Bono’s innovative thinking techniques, and this is applied to the questions of abortion and euthanasis. The Moral Maze is a first-class textbook for students of ethics in universities and theological colleges, and the ideal introduction to how to make moral decisions for the general reader.

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    • Toward A Christian Political Ethics


      The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.

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    • Making Peace In The Global Village


      Well-known author Robert McAfee Brown’s compelling, hard-hitting book activates the Christian conscience in support of peacemaking. An excellent group study resource, Making Peace in the Global Village is for everyone serious about peacemaking in the world today.

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    • Embodiment : An Approach To Sexuality And Christian Theology


      Addressing the theological implications of human sexuality, this comprehensive and imaginative treatment sets both traditional and unconventional sexuality issues within context of God’s fulfilling grace. A book for pastors and counselors who wish to think constructively about human sexuality. James B. Nelson is Professor of Christian Ethics at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. He has a Ph.D. from Yale University.

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    • Biblical Ethics : Ethics For Happier Living


      SKU (ISBN): 9780892650149ISBN10: 0892650141F. Leroy ForlinesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1973Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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    • Ethics Of Martin Luther


      This item is part of Lutheran Reformation 500

      This comprehensive, systematic survey of Luther’s ethical thought and teaching clearly discusses all the major ethical issues that concerned Luther. Contemporary readers will be especially interested in what the Reformer has to say about the Christian’s attitude toward secular society, toward the state, and toward war. The Ethics of Martin Luther offers scholars and nonspecialists alike a much-needed explanation of Luther’s ideas.

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    • Theological Ethics Volume 2


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800662653ISBN10: 0800662652Helmut ThielickeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1969Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Theological Ethics Volume 1


      This first volume of Helmut Thielicke’s important and influential ethics, presents the classical problems of Theological Ethics: the relationship of autonomous and Christian ethics, of secularism and faith, of dogmatics and ethics; ethical principles in the light of the Christian doctrines of creation and the fall; justification and sanctification; and ethical norms and the problem of natural law. As Paul Tillich accurately predicted in his review of Thielicke’s work, it has become “a standard in ethical theology” and, as Paul Althaus observed, it is both profound and fully engaged in the concrete practice of Christian life.

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