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Christian Living

Showing 1501–1600 of 9104 results

  • Your Time Is Now


    God has a purpose for you right now.

    You may think you’re not ready to make a difference in God’s Kingdom or that you’re too young for others to take seriously. But that’s not what God thinks.

    At some point, you have to understand your own purpose and significance in the kingdom of God. How does God want to use you? This book uses the Old Testament leader Joshua as a model for stepping up to God’s big calling. Before Joshua, Moses was the one who had spoken to God, performed miracles, and challenged Pharaoh. But at some point, Joshua had to come out to the front. So what did he do? How did he step up? And what steps can you take to seize “now” for yourself?

    Now is your time. If you will be steadfast and unmovable, and always abound in what God is calling you to do, you’ll see that it will not be in vain. He has a plan, a destiny for your life. Now means “not later.” Now means “don’t wait.” God wants to do great things.

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  • Scandal Of Forgiveness


    Containing new material written just for this book and adaptations from his classic, What’s So Amazing About Grace, bestselling author Philip Yancey presents a one of a kind look at forgiveness: what it is . . . why it is so difficult . . why we have to choose this unnatural, scandalous act . . . and why we must approach God again and again, yielding to Him the residue of what we thought we had committed to him long ago. We do so because the Gospel makes clear the connection: God forgives our debts as we forgive our debtors. The reverse is also true: Only by living in the stream of God’s forgiveness will we find the strength to respond with forgiveness toward others. We may speak of forgiveness often, even believing that we are a forgiving person, but do we understand the true depth of it and what it demands of us? Does our life proclaim it as powerfully as our words? We should have no illusions about forgiveness, for it may be the most demanding act in human relationships, the hardest thing we ever do. But for anyone who lives and loves imperfectly–in other words, for all of us–forgiveness offers an alternative to an endless cycle of resentment and revenge. It alone can set us free. Christians can and must reveal the forgiveness the world is searching for. A cease fire between human being starts with forgiveness–the beginning and ending of grace.

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  • Land Is Not Empty


    White settlers saw land for the taking. They failed to consider the perspective of the people already here.

    In The Land Is Not Empty, author Sarah Augustine unpacks the harm of the Doctrine of Discovery–a set of laws rooted in the fifteenth century that gave Christian governments the moral and legal right to seize lands they “discovered” despite those lands already being populated by indigenous peoples. Legitimized by the church and justified by a misreading of Scripture, the Doctrine of Discovery says a land can be considered “empty” and therefore free for the taking if inhabited by “heathens, pagans, and infidels.”

    In this prophetic book, Augustine, a Pueblo woman, reframes the colonization of North America as she investigates ways that the Doctrine of Discovery continues to devastate indigenous cultures, and even the planet itself, as it justifies exploitation of both natural resources and people. This is a powerful call to reckon with the root causes of a legacy that continues to have devastating effects on indigenous peoples around the globe and a call to recognize how all of our lives and our choices are interwoven.
    What was done in the name of Christ must be undone in the name of Christ, the author claims. The good news of Jesus means there is still hope for the righting of wrongs. Right relationship with God, others, and the earth requires no less.

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  • Love Them Anyway


    Don’t fight the culture. Transform it.

    When Pastor “Choco” De Jesus was twelve years old, his Chicago neighborhood erupted in gang violence for three terrible days. On the third day, the mayor called in the National Guard to restore order. When the smoke cleared, only burned-out cars, broken store windows, and hatred remained. Choco felt vulnerable and helpless, and soon he turned to the only source of security, life, and purpose–the love of Jesus.

    Pastor Choco leads out of this deep well of experience. He knows what it’s like to wonder if you’ll live through the day, and he knows how it feels when someone cares enough to step in and provide care and hope. His church is known for showing compassion to people who are often overlooked–or worse, despised–in our culture: prostitutes, gangbangers, the homeless, and others who feel abandoned. And Pastor Choco’s bold love for people has opened doors and allowed him into the highest offices in the land, including at the White House.

    Love is contagious. It breaks through defenses and destroys walls that divide us. Love is costly. It requires time, focus, and intention. Love is uncomfortable. It pushes you beyond your preconceived limitations and understanding. Love is hard. It’s not convenient, and it’s not always safe. But love is beautiful. Love is transformative. Love is the answer. So love them anyway.

    The message of this book will tap into your deepest desires, expose your hesitations, connect you more deeply with God’s love, stimulate your creativity, and help you take bold steps to love the people around you–and your love will change lives.

    Love Them Anyway is designed for individual study, small-group interactions, and church-wide applications that reach every corner of a church’s local community.

    This book will help you confront your prejudices, remove fences, and get the gospel to the marginalized.

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  • This Beautiful Truth


    We live in a broken world. Amid the daily realities of sickness and isolation, disappointment and pain, it can be profoundly difficult to grasp the real goodness of God. But this is where God breaks into our darkness with beauty. In the wonder of creation, in art or film, story or song, in the kindness of his people and the good they create, God breaks into our pain in a tangible way, teaching us to trust his kindness and hope for his healing. Beauty is a voice singing into our suffering, beckoning us toward restoration.

    In This Beautiful Truth, Sarah Clarkson shares her own encounters with beauty in the midst of her decade-long struggle with mental illness, depression, and doubt. In a voice both vulnerable and reflective, she paints a compelling picture of the God who reaches out to us in a real and powerful way through the “taste and see” goodness of what he has made and what he continues to create amid our darkness. “To recognize and trust God’s gift in pain,” she writes, “empowers us to create and love as powerful witnesses to God’s healing love in a hopeless world.”If you want to renew your capacity to recognize and encounter God’s beauty in your life, this hope-filled book will show you the way.

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  • More Than Equals


    “The first step in the reconciliation process,” Spencer Perkins writes, “is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel.”

    When longtime ministry partners and friends Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice began writing More Than Equals in the early 1990s, their goal was to offer an example of how racial reconciliation is possible–and also critical to Christian discipleship. This landmark book tells the stories of two men from very different backgrounds embarking on the complex, costly journey of healing across racial divides. Perkins, who witnessed repeated hypocrisy from white Christians and witnessed his bloodied pastor-activist father after a brutal police beating, wondered how it was possible to love white people. Rice, who grew up as a white missionary kid and thought of himself as progressive, was surprised by the tensions he encountered as a volunteer at a majority-black church–and by his own blind spots. As they served together in an intentionally multiracial ministry, both gained insight into why this work is so challenging and how Christians can do it well, in dependence on God. With biblical grounding, hopeful realism, and practical detail, More Than Equals provides a helpful framework for Christians engaged in the deep ongoing surgery of racial healing. Now available as part of the IVP Signature Collection, this edition includes a new preface by Rice and a study guide for group discussion.

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  • 100 Words Of Affirmation Your Son Needs To Hear


    Every one of us has tremendous power to either build others up or tear them down through the words we speak every day, and nowhere is this more evident than in our families. Are you being purposeful in how you use the power of your words to speak encouragement, strength, and love–breathing life into the heart of your children? Or are careless words having a negative impact on both your kids and your family legacy?

    Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the words that you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter need to hear. These books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire. Start speaking these words into their lives and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.

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  • Breaking Free From Body Shame


    You were made for more than a love/hate relationship with your body.

    It’s one thing to know in your head that you were created in the image of God. Yet it’s quite another to experience this belief in your body, against the cultural ideals of a woman’s worth. And between the two lies a world of frustration, disappointment, and the shame of somehow feeling both too much and never enough in your body.

    Jess Connolly is a bestselling author, sought-after speaker, and trusted Bible teacher who knows this inner conflict all too well, and this book details her journey–and yours–of setting out to discover how to break free from the broken beliefs we all hold about our bodies that hold us back from our fullest life.

    The truest thing about you is that you are made and loved by God. And the truest thing about Him is that He cannot make bad things. This book will help you believe it with your whole self, as Jess guides you through an eye-opening, empowering process of:

    *Renaming what the world has labeled as less-than
    *Resting in God’s workmanship
    *Experiencing restoration where there has been injury
    *And becoming a change agent in partnering with God to bring revival to a generation of women

    Far from a superficial issue, self-image is a spiritual issue, because God has named your body good from the beginning. Whether your struggle is with eating and exercise habits, stress or trauma, infertility or injury, this book makes space for you to experience God meeting you in this tender place, and ring His freedom bell over your body in a whole new way.

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  • Death By Living


    A poetic portrait of faith, futility, and the joy of this mortal life.In this astoundingly unique book, bestselling author N.D. Wilson reminds each of us that to truly live we must recognize that we are dying. Every second we create more of our past-more decisions, more breathing, more love and more loathing, all of it slides by into the gone as we race to grab at more moments, at more memories made and already fading.

    We are all authors, creators of our own pasts, of the books that will be our lives. We stare at the future or obsess about the present, but only the past has been set in stone, and we are the ones setting it. When we race across the wet concrete of time without purpose, without goals, without laughter and love and sacrifice, then we fail in our mortal moment. We race toward our inevitable ends without artistry and without beauty.

    All of us must pause and breathe. See the past, see your life as the fruit of providence and thousands of personal narratives. What led to you? You did not choose where to set your feet in time. You choose where to set them next.

    Then, we must see the future, not just to stare into the fog of distant years but to see the crystal choices as they race toward us in this sharp foreground we call the present. We stand in the now.

    God says create. Live. Choose. Shape the past. Etch your life in stone, and what you make will be forever.

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  • Jesus Speaks : Learning To Recognize And Respond To The Lord’s Voice


    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.~ Jesus, John 10:27

    Countless Christians today are hungry to hear God’s voice. The trouble is, many don’t know how. In a warm and practical way, Jesus Speaks teaches readers how to listen for the voice of Jesus. The book explores the various ways in which Christ speaks today and how His sheep can grow in their ability to recognize and respond to His voice daily.

    By exploring how the disciples interacted with the risen Jesus-from the Gospels to Revelation-Sweet and Viola unpack the myriad of ways the Lord speaks to His people today. They demystify the process, providing practical handles on how you can recognize the voice of Jesus in your own life.

    In 2009, Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola set out on a journey of discovery. They had one goal: to help restore the supremacy and sovereignty of Jesus Christ above all else. Soon after, they released their national bestseller, Jesus Manifesto. Two years later, they released Jesus: A Theography, beautifully establishing that all Scripture unveils a person-the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Speaks is the long-awaited third volume in their JESUS trilogy. Read it and be equipped to hear the voice of your Lord.”He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

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  • Ezra Unleashing The Power Of Praise


    God created us to be worshippers. Our worship is not defined in a corporate setting of our local church gathering but is found in the common places of our lives. It is the praise of our soul that weaves its way through the very fabric of our days from the kitchen sink to the boardroom table.

    Through the Old Testament story of the people of Israel who are released from exile in Babylon, Ezra: Unleashing the Power of Praise is a powerful study of the book of Ezra, along with the minor prophet Haggai, to discover how to reorient your life of worship.

    During this seven-week study, you’ll walk alongside the exiles, and their story will come to life as you experience their return to proper worship through not only the rebuilding of their temple, but the rebuilding of their lives from broken to beautiful. You’ll discover how they gained an identity in God to transform their hearts and minds for a life of worship, and you’ll also learn how to:
    – break free from selfish desires;
    – reorient your worship toward God through daily sanctification;
    – recognize God in the everyday and listen to His voice;
    – realize your identity in Him;
    – keep your heart focused on God;
    – identify misaligned worship.

    With guided Scripture reading, questions, and prayers, this study will revolutionize your view of worship and inspire you to live a life surrendered to God.

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  • Help Your Kids Learn And Love The Bible


    As parents, we deeply desire the best for our kids. We look for the right preschool, teach them to read, and get them involved in extracurriculars. We take our job as parents seriously.

    But are we also putting our time and energy into teaching them the Bible? Leading our kids to life through Scripture is not only doable, it’s an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is studying God’s Word as a family doesn’t have to be hard or overly time-consuming.

    This book will give you the tools and confidence to study the Bible as a family. It will help you identify and overcome your objections and fears, give you a crash course in what the Bible is all about and how to teach it, and provide the tools and techniques to set up a family Bible-study habit.

    You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child’s relationship with the Lord through his Word.

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  • Trust : God’s Unseen Power To Change The World


    Many books have been written on the subject of faith, how to get it and apply it. What makes this book most unique is the fact that the illustrations and examples are both visual and practical, stemming from the author’s first-hand experience. This is not a “theological book”, thought the writing is well grounded in sound theology. This is an “application book” where the reader will be challenged in practical ways to access and apply the faith they have been given in new and deeper ways. The author’s contention is that man was put on this earth for two core reasons as expressed in the book of Genesis: to have intimate fellowship with God and to see God’s Kingdom extended on earth as it is in heaven. The author contends that living with and apply their God-given faith is a key to experiencing both of these callings in greater measure.

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  • I Will Thrive


    Awaken the dormant dreams in your heart and start paving a path toward freedom and healing.

    Sometimes life smacks us upside the head while we are looking the other way. We get knocked down and struggle to get back up. But your past struggles do not determine your future.

    Using the pain of her past, Nicole Crank walks you through the hurdles meant to keep you down, which will, in turn, bring you closer to God. I Will Thrive gives you the courage to look at your past and be able to declare freedom from fear–allowing a daring spirit to rise up in those who have forgotten how to be brave. This freedom awakens the fight that’s inside of you to stand up to the enemy and dream again.

    Regardless of what happened to you or even because of you, God’s plan for you always has a hope and a future, and it never changes. You’ll learn to find healing and happiness in every day.

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  • Land Is Not Empty


    White settlers saw land for the taking. They failed to consider the perspective of the people already here.

    In The Land Is Not Empty, author Sarah Augustine unpacks the harm of the Doctrine of Discovery–a set of laws rooted in the fifteenth century that gave Christian governments the moral and legal right to seize lands they “discovered” despite those lands already being populated by indigenous peoples. Legitimized by the church and justified by a misreading of Scripture, the Doctrine of Discovery says a land can be considered “empty” and therefore free for the taking if inhabited by “heathens, pagans, and infidels.”

    In this prophetic book, Augustine, a Pueblo woman, reframes the colonization of North America as she investigates ways that the Doctrine of Discovery continues to devastate indigenous cultures, and even the planet itself, as it justifies exploitation of both natural resources and people. This is a powerful call to reckon with the root causes of a legacy that continues to have devastating effects on indigenous peoples around the globe and a call to recognize how all of our lives and our choices are interwoven.

    What was done in the name of Christ must be undone in the name of Christ, the author claims. The good news of Jesus means there is still hope for the righting of wrongs. Right relationship with God, others, and the earth requires no less.

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind Workbook


    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? If so, God’s truth can become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    In this twelve-lesson workbook, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel reveals that our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are. Both the Bible and modern science provide evidence that this is true.

    For example, in Philippians 4:8-9, the apostle Paul writes, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” In these three sentences, Paul moves from thought (“think about such things”) to action (“put it into practice”) to experience (“the God of peace will be with you”).

    In recent years, an entire discipline of modern psychology has developed called cognitive behavioral therapy. This breakthrough teaching reveals that many problems, from eating disorders to relational challenges, addictions, and even some forms of depression and anxiety, are rooted in faulty and negative patterns of thinking. Treating those problems begins with changing that thinking. When the Bible and modern psychology say the same thing, we should all pay attention!

    In this workbook, Craig goes deeper into the principles outlined in his book to reveal the strategies he has discovered will change your mind and your life for the long-term. Each lesson includes biblical exploration, reflection and application questions, and practical exercises to help you determine any destructive thought patterns that have and eliminate them from your life.

    God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • Mark : Read Reflect Respond Rest


    Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way.

    “The time promised by God has come at last! . . . The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!” –Mark 1:15 In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel of Mark is presented alongside beautiful full-color photographs and guided meditations by Bible teacher Tracey Gee. Carefully designed as a practical, study-focused version of Alabaster’s other bible books, the Alabaster Guided Meditations invite readers into deeper reflection by incorporating the church’s ancient lectio divina and visio divina traditions. Though the intersection of New Living Translation Bible passages, photography, thoughtfully designed layouts, and meditations, readers are invited to experience the Gospel of Mark anew.

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  • 7 Things I Wish Christians Knew About The Bible


    Answers to the most common questions and misconceptions about the Bible

    Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible is a short and readable introduction to the Bible–its origins, interpretation, truthfulness, and authority.

    Bible scholar, prolific author, and Anglican minister Michael Bird helps Christians understand seven important “things” about this unique book:

    *how the Bible was put together;
    *what “inspiration” means;
    *how the Bible is true;
    *why the Bible needs to be rooted in history;
    *why literal interpretation is not always the best interpretation;
    *how the Bible gives us knowledge, faith, love, and hope; and
    *how Jesus Christ is the center of the Bible.

    Seven Things presents clear and understandable evangelical account of the Bible’s inspiration, canonization, significance, and relevance in a way that is irenic and compelling. It is a must read for any serious Bible reader who desires an informed and mature view of the Bible that will enrich their faith.

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  • Glory Of God Revealed


    The Glory of God Revealed

    As you read The Glory of God Revealed, you will be amazed at the wonderful things Donna Rigney saw and learned on her many spiritual encounters with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Her vivid, detailed accounts of a special golden mountain in Heaven, and all that glorious mountain holds for God’s children who hunger for His glory, will inspire you to become an avid glory seeker. Through her book, you will learn how you, too, can access the glory in your life.

    What is the Glory of God?

    Father explained: “You cannot separate My glory from Me or from who I am. My glory is My essence, My fragrance, My nature and My being. Just as your humanity cannot be separated from you – that is who you are – human; in the same way, My glory cannot be separated from Me. Wherever I am, that is where My glory is.”

    “The days ahead will be marked by My glory. Being flooded with My glory will become commonplace and expected by all. A new addiction will overtake My children – an avarice addiction to My glory! In the days ahead, you will see many transformed from Saul, the persecutor of My people, to Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. Many will leave their ignorance and embrace the wisdom, knowledge and glory of My kingdom.”

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  • Break Every Chain



    Victory is calling.

    The enemy works overtime to keep people bound, exhausted, and frustrated. His goal is to convince believers that God’s promises are for everyone but them. When they believe his lies, they unknowingly partner with him and give him access to their lives. This is how a stronghold is formed.

    The enemy has bound God’s people up long enough. In Break Every Chain, John Eckhardt reveals twenty-five strongholds that commonly hold Christians captive. He exposes the enemy’s tactics and teaches readers to use the power of the Word to drive the devil out and break the chains that hold them back.

    This book empowers readers to stand upon the Word of the Lord, resist the devil, break free of bondage, and experience the blessings and promises of God.

    This book will help you discover the spiritual forces that could be behind your setbacks, failures, and defeats. Your will learn how you may have unknowingly partnered with the devil by believing his lies, and you will experience breakthrough as you begin to replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

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  • Its Not Your Turn


    What do you do when it seems like everybody else is getting their dreams and you’re not?

    You don’t have to be distressed when Instagram comparison makes you feel like others are more successful than you. Heather Thompson Day shows us what we can do to shape ourselves while waiting, so we are ready when it’s our turn. She unpacks social comparison, instant gratification, and generational impatience in a social media world, and teaches how we can cultivate perspectives and practices that will enable us to be more content, patient, and constructive. We can learn to walk slowly and trust God to do his work in us, being more present in our relationships rather than striving for premature image-based success. Your turn will come. Here’s what you can do to get there.

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  • Where Goodness Still Grows


    Where Goodness Still Grows challenges evangelical culture and rediscovers a faith deeply rooted in a return to Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. The evangelical church in America has reached a crossroads. Social media and recent political events have exposed the fault lines that exist within our country and our spiritual communities. Millennials are leaving the church, citing hypocrisy, partisanship, and unkindness as reasons they can’t stay.

    In this book, Amy Peterson laments the corruption and blind spots of the evangelical church and the departure of so many from the faith.

    But she refuses to give up hope.Where Goodness Still Grows dissects the moral code of American evangelicalism and puts it back together in a new way. Amy writes as someone intimately familiar with, fond of, and also deeply critical of the world of conservative evangelicalism. She writes as a woman and a mother, as someone invested in the future of humanity, and as someone who just needs to know how to teach her kids what it means to be good. She reimagines virtue as a tool, not a weapon; as wild, not tame; as embodied, not written. Reimagining specific virtues, such as kindness, purity, modesty, hospitality, and hope, Amy finds that if we listen harder and farther, we will find the places where goodness still grows.

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  • Prophetic Spiritual Warfare


    How do you fight and resist something you can’t see?

    Receive prophetic revelation to combat spiritual warfare in your life! We have a power source that can assist us in conquering the warfare around us. Jesus relied on this power source when He was baptized in the Spirit and fire. The Holy Spirit is our Helper and when we partner with Him in prophetic spiritual warfare, we will conquer and win the battle. Tap into the voice of the Holy Spirit to:
    *Effectively bind and rebuke the enemy
    *Live victoriously as spiritual warfare attacks over your life cease
    *Close demonic portals as you learn how to shut down demonic access
    *Rely on the Holy Spirit to assist you in annihilating spiritual darkness
    *Break the bonds of fear and anxiety as you become a powerful spiritual warrior

    In Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, learn that you are not alone. You have a Helper-the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus also dwells within you. Activate His power today!

    This book will show you that spiritual warfare cannot be done with natural tools, reliance on the strength of the Holy Spirit is needed. You will learn that the battle between the natural and the spiritual realm has a direct impact on how you live and what happens to you.

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Life


    Taking you on a 31-day journey rooted in Christ’s words in John 15, Praying the Scriptures for Your Life will help you find guidance and peace as you pray through life’s trickiest issues, from relationships to finances to what to do with the pain of unanswered prayer. Discover how Scripture can be experienced, not just read!

    In one of his last conversations with his disciples, Jesus urged his followers to “remain” in him. But what does it mean to remain in Christ in our daily lives? In Praying the Scriptures for Your Life, popular Bible teacher Jodie Berndt invites you to experience deeper intimacy with Christ as you allow his words from John 15 to transform your perspective as well as your prayers.

    This reflective 31-day devotional:
    *Gives insight into what it means to abide with Christ every day.
    *Guides you in how to pray the Scriptures and let them shape your choices.
    *Covers topics ranging from relationships to faith to money management.
    *Shows how closeness with Christ equips you to bear fruit through your prayers.
    *Is a reminder that you are created for connection with your heavenly Father.
    *Teaches how abiding is the key to abundance.

    Praying the Scriptures for Your Life is the latest addition to the bestselling Praying the Scriptures series. With short, easy-to-read chapters, the book invites you to read, reflect, and respond as you pray the Scriptures over every area of your life. Discover the peace that comes from abiding in Christ as you sink deep into his Word.

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  • Checking In : How Getting Real About Depression Saved My Life—and Can Sav


    Acclaimed musical artist Michelle Williams shares the intimate, never-before-told story of how, even in the midst of enormous fame and success, she battled depression, leading her to find her true calling as an advocate for mental health–especially her own.

    As a member of Destiny’s Child, one of the top female R&B groups of all time, Michelle Williams felt blessed. After the group disbanded, she continued to create bestselling albums, appear on television shows, and star in theater productions. Though she had always struggled with low moods, in 2018 her depression deepened, and when she found herself planning her own funeral, she checked herself into a treatment facility. There she found the help she needed to live out the incredible story God was writing for her life.

    In her first book, Michelle courageously shares the hidden secrets that nearly ended her life; the importance of her faith, family, and friends; and the lessons she learned about prioritizing her mental health. She is on a quest to increase mental health awareness and urges others to understand the importance of “checking in” with themselves, God, and others. Her candid, often humorous, and incredibly brave book will inspire readers who desire hope for their own difficult times.

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  • Experiencing God 2021 Edition


    When you open this book, you’ll find that you aren’t just reading. No, you are being remade, reoriented, restored from the frustration of what you may have known as stale religion. Captured not by a concept but by your Creator, reborn in relationship.

    Here’s the Experiencing God that has already impacted millions of people. Only it’s bigger, and better, and ready to lead you again-or for the very first time-into an experience with God. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan, and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom.

    After a thorough revision, this landmark volume returns with seven new chapters, as well as dozens of true stories from people who, through this book, have experienced God.

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  • How Happiness Happens


    These are tough times. Amid global isolation, economic downturn, and social unrest, could you use a dose of happy right about now? Learn the secret to lasting joy that will endure through any season of life.

    In How Happiness Happens, Max Lucado shares the unexpected path to a lasting happiness, one that produces reliable joy amidst any life circumstance. Based on the teachings of Jesus and backed by modern research, this book presents a surprising but practical way of living that will change you from the inside out.

    In this book, Max will help you discover:
    *Happiness is not selfish
    *People are a joy
    *There is strength in choice
    *Happiness happens when you give it away

    What are you waiting for? Open the unexpected door to joy and walk in. There’s no better day than today to start your happiest life yet.

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  • Piensa Mejor Sin Pensar Demasi – (Spanish)


    Pensar demasiado no es un rasgo de la personalidad. Es la forma mas disimulada de miedo. Roba tiempo, creatividad y metas. Es la cosa mas cara y menos productiva en la que invierten las empresas sin siquiera saberlo. Y es una epidemia. Cuando el autor mas vendido del New York Times, Jon Acuff, cambio su vida al transformar su habito de pensar demasiado, se pregunto si otras personas podrian beneficiarse de lo que descubrio. Encargo un estudio de investigacion para preguntar a 10.000 personas si tambien tienen problemas con el pensamiento excesivo, y el 99,5 por ciento dijo: “!Si!”

    La buena noticia es que en Piensa mejor sin pensar demasiado, Acuff ofrece un plan probado para convertir en super poder el super problema de pensar demasiado.

    Cuando no controlamos nuestros pensamientos, nuestros pensamientos nos controlan a nosotros. Si nuestros dias estan llenos de pensamientos repetidos sin vigencia, los pensamientos son nuestro peor enemigo, impidiendonos las cosas que realmente queremos. Pero la solucion para pensar demasiado no es dejar de pensar. La solucion es hacer funcionar nuestro cerebro con mejores pensamientos. Una vez que aprendemos a elegir nuestros pensamientos, estos se convierten en nuestros mejores amigos, impulsandonos hacia nuestras metas.

    Si quieres aprovechar el sorprendente poder de pensar demasiado y dar a tus sueos mas tiempo y creatividad, aprende a interpretar los pensamientos repetidos que te definen. Si puedes preocuparte, puedes preguntarte. Si puedes dudar, puedes dominar. Si puedes girar, puedes volar.

    Overthinking isn’t a personality trait. It’s the sneakiest form of fear.
    It steals time, creativity, and goals. It’s the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. And it’s an epidemic. When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff changed his life by transforming his overthinking, he wondered if other people might benefit from what he discovered. He commissioned a research study to ask 10,000 people if they struggle with overthinking too, and 99.5 percent said, “Yes!”

    The good news is that in Piensa mejor sin pensar demasiado, Acuff offers a proven plan to change overthinking from a super problem into a superpower.

    When we don’t control our thoughts, our thoughts control us. If our days are full of broken soundtracks, thoughts are our worst enemy, holding us back from the things we really want. But the solution to overthinking isn’t to stop thinking. The solution is

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  • Praying The Priestly Prayer


    What if you could unlock God’s ancient secret of blessing with a prayer?

    This book will help you understand the full meaning of this ancient prayer and unlock its supernatural power of blessing in your life.

    Learn to unlock God’s blessing and favor on your life in thirty days by praying this “Divine Prayer of the Blessing” over yourself and others in the way God intended so you too can receive the “full supernatural impartation” in the same manner that the children of Israel did!
    In Praying the Priestly Prayer, Warren Marcus explains the deeper meaning of the prayer through his “Amplified Hebrew to English translation” of this ancient scripture and coaches you on how to make this blessing a part of your daily life!

    God wants to be proclaimed over you every day to bring:
    *Supernatural favor
    *And so much more!

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  • 40 Days In The Word And Spirit



    It’s time to rethink how you approach the Christian experience.

    This forty-day devotional will challenge you to confront your traditions, grow your faith, and prepare for what’s ahead.

    As our world grows increasingly uncertain, many are anticipating an unprecedented move of God is just around the corner. Will those who have focused on the Spirit be the catalysts? Or those who have focused on the Word? Perhaps neither!

    This devotional is designed to prepare your heart for a glorious last-days awakening and shake you free from old paradigms that hinder the move of God. Drawing on teaching from his historic 1992 address at Wembley Conference Centre in London, R. T. Kendall takes you on a forty-day journey to make your heart ready for what he prophetically describes as “a coming revival.”

    Usher in a revival that is:
    *Not based on feelings or emotions
    *Inspired by God’s Word
    *Fulfilled through the conviction and direction of the Holy Spirit

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  • Real Jesus : Challenging What You Know About The Greatest Person Who Ever L


    Jesus did not die just so you can go to church on Sunday.

    This book will give you a clear understanding of the real Jesus. Many people’s Christianity is not really about Jesus; it’s something they inherited culturally. You will learn that your relationship with Jesus is deeper than your last attendance in church. You will put Him in the center of everything you do.

    Which Jesus do you follow? What does He believe? Or perhaps just as important, What do you believe about Him? In The Real Jesus, the debut book from pastor and beloved worship leader Jonathan Stockstill, you will have an encounter with the real-life Son of God-the One who loves you more than you could ever imagine.

    After reading The Real Jesus, you will:
    *Understand the difference between the mistaken, miscast, misinterpreted Jesus of our culture and the blood-and-bones Jesus of the Bible

    *Discover a Jesus you may never have truly known-even if you have been following Him for years or decades

    *Enter into a more raw, real, and relevant relationship with the One who loves you and calls you by name

    This book will equip you to see Jesus as He really is and truly understand what it means to be His disciple.

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  • Dont Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table


    Louie Giglio helps you find encouragement, hope, and strength in the midst of any valley as you reject the enemy voices of fear, rage, lust, insecurity, anxiety, despair, temptation, or defeat.

    Scripture is clear: the Enemy is a liar who will stop at nothing to tempt you into poor decisions and self-defeating mindsets, making you feel afraid, angry, anxious, or defeated. It is all too easy for Satan to weasel his way into a seat at the table intended for only you and your King. But you can fight back.

    Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table outlines the ways to overcome those lies so you can find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation. With the same bold, exciting approach to Scripture as employed in Goliath Must Fall and his other previous works, pastor Louie Giglio examines Psalm 23 in fresh ways, highlighting verse 5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

    You can find freedom from insecurity, temptation, and defeat-if you allow Jesus, the Shepherd, to lead the battle for your mind and heart. This spiritual warfare book for those who are leery of spiritual warfare books will resonate with Louie’s core Passion tribe as well as with Christians of all ages who want to live a triumphant life in God.

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  • Creatures Of Habit


    Beloved pastor Steve Poe helps Christians identify and break free from the destructive patterns that are keeping them from the joy-filled, flourishing life Jesus promised.

    We all have both good and bad habits in our life. Creatures of Habit reveals how to remove bad habits and replace them with godly ones. But it’s not a matter of working hard, of “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps.” That approach simply doesn’t work. True transformation is God’s work–our job is to listen, obey, and put into practice what he’s already directing us to do.

    Steve Poe has pastored large, growing churches for more than thirty-four years, and during that time he has counseled hundreds of people. He’s seen that poor choices often become bad habits that in turn cause people a lot of problems. Hundreds of things can become a bad habit in our lives, but Poe focuses on the most common, among them:
    *self-centeredness, and

    Each chapter provides insights, biblical examples, and tangible tools that will help you break the bad habits that can become spiritual strongholds in your life.

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  • Hope We Hold


    TLC’s Counting On breakout stars Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo share their love story, a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives together, and the hope that drives them every day.

    Jinger Vuolo did not have what you’d call a typical childhood. The sixth child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s nineteen, she grew up with the bright lights of television crews in her home, filming the hit TLC show 19 Kids and Counting. Jinger has always been a fan favorite, and now she and her husband Jeremy are the breakout stars of the show’s sequel, Counting On.

    In The Hope We Hold, Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo share the highs and lows of their love story. They open up about the early days of getting to know one another, their long-distance relationship, and the many sleepless nights of their time as new parents. But throughout all their stories, just below the surface, weaving together every triumph and trial of their lives, is the silver thread of hope.

    Though they don’t pretend to have all the answers, they can promise that there is hope in Christ for every person in every walk of life. There is an inheritance of glory, a life richer than we can imagine, if we only walk with Him.

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  • How To Succeed In The Christian Life


    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

    “I have for years felt the need of a book to put in the hands of those beginning the Christian life that would tell them just how to make a complete success of this new life upon which they were entering. I could find no such book, so I have been driven to write one. This book aims to tell the young convert just what he most needs to know. I hope that pastors and evangelists and other Christian workers may find it a good book to put in the hands of young converts. I hope that it may also prove a helpful book to many who have long been Christians but have not made that headway in the Christian life that they long for.”
    – Reuben A. Torrey

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  • Finding Your Yes


    Finding your yes is all about living a life of openness to the invitations of God in our lives.
    Christine Wagoner, a senior leader with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, invites readers to be attentive to the movements of the Spirit and engage with opportunities God gives them. She shares about her own yes moments as well as those of others. And she offers practical tools for moving toward yes. There is a significant journey that gets us from no to yes. It is a profound journey of heart, soul, and mind. A journey filled with risk, excitement, pain, and joy. A journey of growing our character and knowing God intimately. And–with questions both large and small–it’s a journey we take again and again throughout our lives. Would you like to live into your yes?

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  • 40 Days On Being A Four


    “How are you feeling?”

    Christine Yi Suh says that this has always been a hard question. She writes: “The more accurate question for a Four may be, ‘What aren’t you feeling?’ I can grab my prevailing emotion and tell you how I’m doing from that emotion’s point of view (joy, elation, sadness, grief, confusion–you name it!). I live and breathe a kaleidoscope of living, feeling, conflicting emotions.” Many times Fours are labeled “emotionally intense” or “too much,” but for a Four this is just how life is. This is why Fours are ideal companions in the midst difficult times: the death of a loved one, the birth of a baby, transitional seasons in career, relational conflict, and so on. The Enneagram is a profound tool for empathy, so whether or not you are a Four, you will grow from your reading about Four and enhance your relationships across the Enneagram spectrum. Each reading concludes with an opportunity for further engagement such as a journaling prompt, reflection questions, a written prayer, or a spiritual practice.

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  • Reading The Times


    Whenever we reach for our phones or scan a newspaper to get “caught up,” we are being not merely informed but also formed. News consumption can shape our sense of belonging, how we judge the value of our lives, and even how our brains function. Christians mustn’t let the news replace prayer as Hegel envisioned, but neither should we simply discard the daily feed. We need a better understanding of what the news is for and how to read it well. Jeffrey Bilbro invites readers to take a step back and gain some theological and historical perspective on the nature and very purpose of news. In Reading the Times he reflects on how we pay attention, how we discern the nature of time and history, and how we form communities through what we read and discuss. Drawing on writers from Thoreau and Dante to Merton and Berry, along with activist-journalists such as Frederick Douglass and Dorothy Day, Bilbro offers an alternative vision of the rhythms of life, one in which we understand our times in light of what is timeless. Throughout, he suggests practices to counteract common maladies tied to media consumption in order cultivate healthier ways of reading and being. When the news sets itself up as the light of the world, it usurps the role of the living Word. But when it helps us attend together to the work of Christ–down through history and within our daily contexts–it can play a vital part in enabling us to love our neighbors. Reading the Times is a refreshing and humane call to put the news in its place.

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  • 40 Days On Being A One


    What is it like to be an Enneagram One?

    Pastor Juanita Campbell Rasmus reflects on this question in a spirit of honest self-assessment and with a desire for personal and spiritual growth. She draws wisdom from the deep wells of counseling and spirituality using illustrations from both Scripture and life. Each reading concludes with an opportunity for further engagement such as a journaling prompt, reflection questions, a written prayer, or a spiritual practice. Any of us can find aspects of ourselves in any of the numbers. The Enneagram is a profound tool for empathy, so whether or not you are a One, you will grow from your reading about Ones and enhance your relationships across the Enneagram spectrum.

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  • Through A Season Of Grief


    If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve discovered that few people understand the deep hurt you feel.

    Where do you turn for daily comfort and help? Where do you find the tools to move forward? Through a Season of Grief is the first 365-day devotional designed to support and uplift you in that first, most difficult year of bereavement.

    These devotions offer biblical comfort and practical teaching that will enable you to take steps forward toward healing each and every day. You will better understand the grieving process and will receive needed encouragement along the way.

    More than thirty respected Christian professionals-including Kay Arthur, Jack Hayford, and Luis Palau-share their insights on how to walk through the devastation of grief toward wholeness and hope. You will also hear from people like you who lost a loved one and found God’s healing presence in the midst of despair.

    This unique devotional is based on GriefShare , a national grief recovery support group program that has helped more than 100,000 families.

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  • Gods Treasured Possession


    ?Do you know how God sees you?

    Moses is a key character in the unfolding narrative of God’s Kingdom. A foundational leader of God’s people in the Old Testament, he’s held up throughout the New Testament as a man of God, in spite of his flaws. Yet Moses didn’t always believe what God said about him.

    In this biblically balanced book, Terry Virgo invites us to walk in the footsteps of Moses so that, by faith, we can be ready for whatever life brings.

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  • Grace-filled Marriage : Strengthened And Transformed Through God’s Redempti


    Marriage is a beautiful expression of love. Yet it can also sometimes cause us pain. We need God’s help and grace to navigate this most precious of relationships well.

    Interwoven with biblical teaching and practical application, Claire and Steve Musters honestly share their own story of rebuilding a marriage after loneliness, betrayal and separation as well as telling the stories of other couples who have faced specific challenges such as infertility, physical and mental ill health.

    Whether you want to lay good foundations in your marriage, or feel you are struggling and need help, Grace-Filled Marriage will encourage you that God has a new portion of grace and mercy for you each day.

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  • Be With Jesus Be Like Jesus Be For Jesus


    When it comes to the Bible, many people find some of the concepts difficult to understand. There is so much to learn and to understand. Even those who have lived a faith-based life may find it difficult to understand some of its history, especially in the context of the culture in which it was written.

    Author Doug Tweed’s book Be with Jesus, Be Like Jesus, Be for Jesus: A Path to Christian Maturity and the Next Great Awakening is insightful and biblically rooted. It is both an important book and an easily remembered motto for Christians seeking personal spiritual maturity and a great awakening in our nation and world. With the support of over 575 scripture citations, Tweed persuasively asserts that the key to both maturity and revival is agape love that focuses on three things: (1) intimacy, (2) sanctification, and (3) mission.

    Be with Jesus, Be Like Jesus, Be for Jesus: A Path to Christian Maturity and the Next Great Awakening, uses historical and cultural lenses to prepare you for the next Great Awakening as well as to live a better, more faith-filled life in the present. You will find this work as engaging as it is informative.

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  • Through Hell And High Water


    SKU (ISBN): 9781646452279ISBN10: 1646452275April Katherman-RedgraveBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2021Publisher: Redemption Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Repentance : What It Means To Repent And Why We Must Do So


    Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. – Luke 13:5

    It is indifference that leaves people alone and allows them to go their own way. It is love, tender love, that warns them and raises the cry of alarm. The cry of “Fire! Fire!” at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep, but who would complain if that cry was the means of saving his life? The words Except you repent, you will all likewise perish might at first seem stern and severe, but they are words of love, and they could be the means of delivering precious souls from hell.

    1. The nature of repentance: What is it?
    2. The necessity of repentance: Why is repentance needful?
    3. The encouragements to repentance: What is there to lead people to repent?

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  • Unfettered : Imagining A Childlike Faith Beyond The Baggage Of Western Cult


    Western culture is in a tailspin and Christian faith is entangled in it: we do kingdom things in empire ways. Western approaches to faith leave us feeling depressed, doubting, anxious, and burned out. We know something is wrong with the way we do faith and church in the West, but we’re so steeped in it that we don’t know where to begin to break old habits.

    Popular pastor and speaker Mandy Smith invites us to detox from the deeply ingrained habits of Western culture so we can do kingdom things in kingdom ways again. She explores how we can be transformed by new postures and habits that help us see God already at work in and around us. The way forward isn’t more ideas, programs, and problem-solving but in Jesus’s surprising invitation to the kingdom through childlikeness. Ultimately, rediscovering childlike habits is a way for us to remember how to be human.

    Unfettered helps us reimagine how to follow God with our whole selves again and join with God’s mission in the world. Foreword by Walter Brueggemann.

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  • Liberty For All


    Christians are often thought of as defending only their own religious interests in the public square. They are viewed as worrying exclusively about the erosion of their freedom to assemble and to follow their convictions, while not seeming as concerned about publicly defending the rights of Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and atheists to do the same.

    Andrew T. Walker, an emerging Southern Baptist public theologian, argues for a robust Christian ethic of religious liberty that helps the church defend religious freedom for everyone in a pluralistic society. Whether explicitly religious or not, says Walker, every person is striving to make sense of his or her life. The Christian foundations of religious freedom provide a framework for how Christians can navigate deep religious difference in a secular age. As we practice religious liberty for our neighbors, we can find civility and commonality amid disagreement, further the church’s engagement in the public square, and become the strongest defenders of religious liberty for all. Foreword by noted Princeton scholar Robert P. George.

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  • Embodied : Living As Whole People In A Fractured World


    We rarely give thought to our bodies until faced with a physical challenge or crisis. We have somehow internalized the unbiblical idea that the immaterial aspect of our being (our soul or spirit) is inherently good while the material aspect (our body) is at worst inherently evil and at best neutral–just a vehicle for our souls to get around. So we end up neglecting or disparaging our bodies, seeing them as holding us back from spiritual growth and longing for the day we will be free of them.

    But the thing is, we don’t have bodies; we are our bodies. And God created us that way for a reason. With Scripture as his guide, theologian Gregg Allison presents a holistic theology of the human body from conception through eternity to equip us to address pressing contemporary issues related to our bodies, including how we express our sexuality, whether gender is inherent or constructed, the meaning of suffering, body image, end of life questions, and how to live as whole people in a fractured world.

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  • Shopping For Time


    Finding Joy and Fulfillment in All God Has Called You To Do

    Overwhelmed. Miserable. Exhausted. These are the words that women often use to describe their busy lifestyles. How can you keep up with all the demands of work, family, and ministry? Carolyn Mahaney and her three daughters offer biblical hope to women who truly desire to glorify God with their time. These authors present five key practices to help you see that you really can do all that God has called you to do- finding joy, peace, and rest in the One who has designed every season of your life.

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  • Out Of The Cave


    Bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges helps those struggling with depression find liberating solutions by drawing from the life of the prophet Elijah.

    Shame about the dark thoughts swirling in your mind. Guilt about how powerless you feel to overcome negative emotions. Alternating bouts of sadness and numbness. You might be asking, Should a Christian even be having these struggles?

    Depression is the number one health issue in the world today, yet those who suffer are still sometimes stigmatized–especially followers of Jesus. Many assume God’s peace, power, and protection should prevent us from ever feeling anxious, depressed, and afraid. But the Bible teaches otherwise, particularly in its depiction of the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah.

    In Out of the Cave, bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges uses Elijah’s life to show us that everyone is susceptible to depression. Even when we’re walking closely with God, we can still stumble and get lost in the wilderness of tangled emotions. But we don’t have to stay there, because we serve a God who meets us in the darkness. Out of the Cave helps us:
    *remove the stigma of depression and realize we’re not alone;
    *understand the ways our temperament and view of God affect the way we handle depression; and
    *learn a comprehensive approach to wellness-mind, body, and soul-from Elijah’s journey.

    With his trademark blend of Bible-based wisdom, practical application, and vulnerability in sharing his personal struggles, Hodges explores the causes of depression we can’t change, the contributors we can conquer, and offers transformative hope and spiritual power to help us win the battle.

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  • Has God Failed You


    As well-known Christians announce a newfound loss of faith, other believers face increasing pressure or doubt. We feel let down, ashamed to question God’s goodness, and in need of assurance of our faith and answers to our pain.

    From a leading voice on issues facing Christians today comes a frank and insightful discussion about whether it’s okay to doubt God and what to do about it. Michael L. Brown answers the very toughest questions, such as:
    – Why are people leaving the church?
    – Why haven’t my prayers been answered?
    – Why do people have to experience pain?
    – What if there is no God?
    – And more

    These pages will lead anyone who has been hurt, anyone with questions that will not go away, into a wonderful, fresh, life-transforming encounter with the living God.

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  • Becoming A King


    Becoming a King offers men a map to the narrow road of becoming the kind of man to whom God can entrust his kingdom, while also giving women insight and an honest look into their hearts and lives.

    It is God’s design, desire, and intention to empower humans and entrust them to participate in the ongoing creativity of the universe. Yet a look at our history and the world around us shows that the story of most men is being entrusted with power and having that power bring harm to themselves and those under their care.

    What’s gone wrong? When can you entrust a man with power?

    In Becoming a King, Morgan Snyder shares that when we take a deeper pass at the external problems around us, we begin to see the problems within our souls. Yet Morgan suggests there is hope in an ancient path that leads men to become trustworthy kings.

    Journey with Morgan as he walks alongside men (and the women who love and encourage them) to rediscover this path of inner transformation. Becoming a King is an invitation into a radical reconstruction of much of what we’ve come to believe about God, ourselves, and the meaning of life. It’s an invitation to a rare and remarkable fellowship of like-hearted kings and an honest conversation about what power and responsibility look like for men in our world today.

    Traveling the path isn’t cheap. It isn’t easy. It isn’t quick.

    But it is the heroic journey detailed within the pages of Becoming a King that leads to real life; to men becoming as solid and mighty as oak trees, teeming with strength and courage to bring to a hurting world; and to our sons, husbands, brothers, and friends becoming the kind of kings to whom God can entrust his kingdom.

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  • Every Moment Holy Volume 2


    EVERY MOMENT HOLY, Vol. 2: DEATH, GRIEF, & HOPE, is a book of liturgies for seasons of dying and grieving–liturgies such as A Liturgy for the Scattering of Ashes or A Liturgy for the Loss of a Spouse or A Liturgy for the Wake of a National Tragedy or A Liturgy for the Weighing of Last-Stage Medical Options. These are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose and eternal hopes even when, especially when, suffering and pain threaten to overwhelm us.

    -over 100 liturgies for seasons of dying and grieving
    -beautiful leather-bound hardcover
    -over 20 illustrations by Ned Bustard
    -silk bookmark
    -gilded edges

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  • Fault Lines : The Social Justice Movement And Evangelicalism’s Looming Cata


    We are standing on shaky ground.

    As a wave of violent riots protesting the death of a black man at the hands of police shook the nation in the summer of 2020, most Americans were shocked. Christians nationwide, eager to fulfill their God-given calling to bring peace and reconciliation, took to pulpits and social media in droves to affirm that “black lives matter” and proclaim that racial justice “is a gospel issue.”

    But what if those Christians, those ministers, and those powerful ministries don’t know the whole story behind the new movement that’s been making waves in their congregations? Even worse: what if they’ve been duped into adopting a set of ideas that not only don’t align with the Kingdom of God, but stand diametrically opposed to it?

    In this powerful book, pastor, professor, and leading cultural apologist Voddie Baucham explains the sinister worldview behind the social justice movement and how it has quietly spread like a fault system, not only through our culture, but throughout the evangelical church in America. He also details the devastation it is already wreaking–and what we can do to get back on solid ground before it’s too late.

    Whether you’re a layperson who feels like you’ve just woken up in a strange new world and wonder how to engage both sensitively and effectively in the conversation on race, or a pastor who’s wondering how to deal with increasingly polarized factions within your congregation, this book will provide the clarity and understanding you need to either hold your ground, or reclaim it.

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  • Big Bold And Beautiful


    In this immersive and inspirational book for teens, Grammy Award-nominated singer Kierra Sheard shares her hard-won advice on body positivity, spiritual self-care, goal setting, finding your joy, and living boldly in faith, empowering you to grab the life you’re meant to lead.

    Every one of us was born to make a difference. But do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the things the world prioritizes, thinking you don’t match up or you don’t fit into the mold? Or do you wish you had a more supportive family, or positive role models, or access to the things you need emotionally and spiritually to keep going? Kierra Sheard sees you and will teach you how to:
    *Identify your goals, talents, and gifts so you can survive and thrive
    *Deal with societal expectations and focus on what really matters
    *Truly love yourself and find out who you really are as an individual
    *Live your faith loud and proud

    Inside Big, Bold, and Beautiful you’ll find:
    *Short and easy-to-read chapters with deep advice for teens and young women on navigating life, and insightful questions to help you find your path
    *Illustrated feature pages containing stand-alone graphics that highlight key topics for easy reference when you need a boost
    *An ideal gift for those who need encouragement, as well as graduates getting ready for a new phase

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  • Well Watered Woman


    Discover the bottomless, refreshing Well of God’s Word-and experience a fullness and peace beyond your circumstances.In the chaos of our everyday, it can be difficult to live out and apply the truths of Scripture. We want more of Jesus, but we find ourselves looking to our own lives and accomplishments for our worth and identity. And while that may buoy us for a time, we’re often left feeling dried up, discouraged, and longing for more.

    Gretchen Saffles knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and unable to flourish. In The Well-Watered Woman, Gretchen leads us to the Well of fullness, the Word of freedom, and the Way of fruitfulness. She teaches that God’s Word will satisfy us for all eternity.Using Scripture and her own personal story of surrender, Gretchen offers spiritually hungry women tangible tools to not only know Jesus more but to live a life that thoroughly enjoys Him, seeks Him, and follows Him into freedom.

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  • Looking For God In Messy Places


    Hope is the power that gets us out of bed in morning and gives us the courage to face adversity. But often we lose hope in busyness, comparison, stress, and overwhelm-the messy places of life.

    Looking for God in Messy Places by Jake Owensby is a book about hope. How to find it. How to practice it. How to grow in it. How it makes life worth living. Because when we look for God in the middle of the mess, we find hope.

    This book is for anyone who has ever been frozen in place by loss or regret, anyone who has endured suffering, cruelty, or rejection. From word to word and page to page, readers will experience themselves as God’s beloved-so that they can be hopeful.

    From the introduction:
    [This book is] For those whose struggles have been long and for those who are growing weary from heavy burdens. For those facing an unforeseen crisis or for those enduring a slow personal train wreck. For those whose throats have grown raw from crying for justice and for those whose wounds have gone unhealed. This is a book about hope, and I have written it especially for those who refuse to yield to discouragement and despair.

    Topics include:
    *Love and Hope
    *Finding Hope
    *Called to Love
    *Learning to Hope
    *Faith and Hope

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  • Just Pray : How A Life Of Prayer Grows Unshakable Faith


    The answer to your need is locked in prayer.

    While prayer has not been a “hot” topic for many Christians, it is the most substantive course one could ever enroll in. I haven’t met a person who didn’t want to be better. I haven’t spoken to an individual who didn’t want to have the best job and the best spouse, attend the best school, and experience the best life. But in our attempt to have the best, we often look to people to give us what only prayer can give. We look for things that can only be received via spiritual transfer. What we really need is prayer.

    Pastor John Hannah shares insights on how prayer is the most under-utilized tool in the treasure chest of Christianity, and it is a MUST HAVE. Let’s Talk explores the call, the seat, and the warfare of prayer. When you finish this book, not only will you have practical tools to improve your prayer life, but also an encyclopedia of benefits that will help you to experience your best life now.

    This book will show me how to deepen and intensify my prayer life and gain wisdom on how to access heaven on Earth in powerful and yet practical ways.

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  • Living Faith Journal


    A Firm Foundation Publishing Title

    Living Faith Journal: Resurrected Faith includes 40 short devotional readings about faith and how the Lord uses it to transform our lives into the person He created us to be. Your faith will come alive with practical life applications. Prayer for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit will help you not be someone who only hears God’s WORD but does what it says.

    The Living Faith Journal series is designed to help you get more out of your time in God’s WORD. Not only will you be inspired by the daily readings, but each day also has blank pages for you to write what you hear the Holy Spirit saying. You will learn to have a listening ear to hear the Lord speak to you through the scriptures using the simple acrostic W-O-R-D:
    Whisper of God ObservationReal Life Application Daily Prayer

    Begin your Living Faith Journal and hear God’s WORD with resurrected faith to live what you believe.

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  • Uncommon Ground : Living Faithfully In A World Of Difference


    Bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu bring together a thrilling range of artists, thinkers, and leaders to provide a guide to faithful living in a pluralistic, fractured world.

    How can Christians today interact with those around them in a way that shows respect to those whose beliefs are radically different but that also remains faithful to the gospel? Timothy Keller and John Inazu bring together illuminating stories–their own and from others–to answer this vital question. Uncommon Ground gathers an array of perspectives from people thinking deeply and working daily to live with humility, patience, and tolerance in our time. Contributors include:
    *Tish Harrison Warren
    *Kristen Deede Johnson
    *Claude Richard Alexander
    *Shirley Hoogstra
    *Sara Groves
    *Rudy Carrasco
    *Trillia Newbell
    *Tom Lin
    *Warren Kinghorn

    Providing varied and enlightening approaches to reaching faithfully across deep and often painful differences, Uncommon Ground shows us how live with confidence, joy, and hope in a complex and fragmented age.

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  • Fully Known : An Invitation To True Intimacy With God


    We were made for intimacy–spiritual intimacy with God that brings oneness and bears powerful fruit. We were made to know Him and be known by Him, fully. So why do we often feel burnt-out, distant, and disheartened in our journey of faith? How do we cultivate true intimacy with God? And what does His design of physical, sexual intimacy unveil of the full gospel story?

    Sharing Word-backed, Holy Spirit-breathed revelation with humility and openhanded honesty, New York Times bestselling author Mo Aiken walks alongside us through the beauty and power of life lived in active communion with God, rather than the self-seeking, counterfeit faith we’ve settled for. Unpacking eternity-defining concepts that have become confusing, offensive, or altogether ignored–like submission, repentance, sanctification, holiness, and discipline–Mo shows us how God has given us a physical model of spiritual intimacy through His design of marriage, sex, and family. Exposing many roots of selfishness and perversion we see so often in our relationships, both human and divine, she invites us to pure-hearted and transformational communion with our Creator.

    If you’ve felt far from God, caught in broken relationships, dead in religion, and longing to be fully known, join Mo on this journey of return to right-natured intimacy with our First Love.

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  • Preocupate Menos Y Ora Mas – (Spanish)


    Worry-Free Devotional Guide for Women Offers You Calm for an Anxiety-Filled Soul

    This purposeful devotional guide features 180 readings and prayers designed to help alleviate your worries as you learn to live in the peace of the Almighty God, who offers calm for your anxiety-filled soul. Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free every single day-whether you worry about your work, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, or something more.

    Guia devocional para mujeres ofrece calma al alma angustiada

    Esta guia devocional llena de proposito presenta 180 lecturas y oraciones diseadas para ayudar a aliviar las preocupaciones de la mujer mientras aprende a vivir en la paz del Dios Todopoderoso, quien ofrece calma para su alma angustiada. Inspirado por esta promesa de la Palabra de Dios: ” No se preocupen por nada; en cambio, oren por todo. Diganle a Dios lo que necesitan y denle gracias por todo lo que el ha hecho. Asi experimentaran la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podemos entender. La paz de Dios cuidara su corazon y su mente mientras vivan en Cristo Jesus” (Filipenses 4:6-7 ntv), Preocupate menos, ora mas refuerza la verdad de que, con Dios, las mujeres pueden vivir todos y cada uno de los dias sin angustia, ya sea que se preocupe por su trabajo, sus relaciones, sus cuentas a pagar, la agitacion del mundo o cualquier otra cosa.

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  • God Of The Mundane


    It’s OK to not be a “radical” Christian. Our life is not about what we do for God. It’s about what he does for us.

    You’ve heard the message. “If you really loved God, you would be totally committed-do something big, sell your belongings, maybe become a missionary.” Matt Redmond has preached it himself. But here he simply asks: What about the rest of us?

    Through stories of pastors, plumbers, dental hygienists, and stay-at-home moms, Matt finds grace and mercy in chicken fingers, classic films, and smiles from strangers. Ultimately, he convicts us of what he has learned himself…

    There is a God of the mundane, and our life is not about what we do for him. It’s about what he does for us.

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  • Present Truth : A Collection Of Sermons Preached At The Metropolitan Tabern


    Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14).

    Oh, Christians, never be satisfied with being merely saved. Move up! Move on! Go onward to the high mountains, to the clearer light, to the brighter joy! If you are saved and are brought like the shipwrecked mariner to shore, is that enough? Yes, for the moment it is enough to justify the purest satisfaction and the warmest congratulations, but the mariner must seek a livelihood as long as he lives. He must put forth his energy. He must vigorously seek whatever job opportunities open up before him.

    Let it be the same with you. Saved from the depths of sin that threatened to swallow you up, rejoice that you are preserved from death, but be determined that the life granted to you will be active, earnest, vigorous, and fruitful in every good work. Be as diligent as the industrious workers are. Notice that they wake up early in the morning. This man rushes to one place, and that man to another. How direct they speak! How quickly they move about! They will go about their business, and they spare no effort to increase it. Oh, that Christians were half as diligent in the service of God!

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  • Dont Believe The Swipe


    Modern dating is not for the faint of heart. Texting, online dating, dating apps, ghosting, social media, and cancel culture have made what was already an emotionally fraught endeavor even more complicated. It can take a toll on your self-esteem and self-worth.

    But the good news is, you can learn to date with dignity, to refuse to let the “swipe” rule your life, and to stand confident and not settle for less than what you deserve. In this funny, in-your-face, and self-affirming book, Mandy Hale gets honest about common frustrations, fears, foibles, and anxieties about modern dating. She offers life-tested advice about how to flip the script on dating, showing you how learning to love yourself first makes all the difference.

    Dating isn’t just about finding someone you can be happy with in the future, it’s about discovering the amazing, dynamic, whole person you are right now, today. So don’t believe the swipe. Let Mandy help you find love without losing yourself.

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  • Strengthen Your Marriage


    Bestselling authors and trusted relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott help you strengthen and enhance your unique marriage with the perfect companion to your SYMBIS+ Assessment Report.

    The SYMBIS+ Assessment is a powerful and personalized marriage insight tool that covers 17 key areas in your marriage, including well-being, social support, finances, personality, sex, communication, conflict, spirituality, time styles, and more.

    Whether you are debriefing your SYMIBS+ Report one-on-one with your certified Facilitator or in a small group or class, this guidebook is an ideal companion to the SYMBIS+ Assessment. Each chapter perfectly correlates to a page of your report–and they are sure to enhance your experience by helping you deepen your understanding of your results, personalize the concepts, and apply the valuable insights you learn.

    Chock-full of real-life action steps, no-guilt exercises, and fun discussion starters, you’ll discover how to:

    *Utilize the strengths you and your spouse bring to your marriage
    *Navigate your hot-button issues
    *Cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
    *Kick financial worries to the curb
    *Engage in heartfelt and meaningful conversations free of the usual tension

    Whether you have already debriefed your SYMBIS+ Report with a certified SYMBIS Facilitator, or you are about to, don’t miss out on what Strengthen Your Marriage will do for your relationship.

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  • Handing Down The Faith


    A new examination of how and why American religious parents seek to pass on religion to their children

    The most important influence shaping the religious and spiritual lives of children, youth, and teenagers is their parents. A myriad of studies show that the parents of American youth play the leading role in shaping the character of their religious and spiritual lives, even well after they leave home and often for the rest of their lives. We know a lot about the importance of parents in faith transmission. However we know much less about the actual beliefs, feelings, and activities of the parents themselves, what Christian Smith and Amy Adamczyk call the intergenerational transmission of religious faith and practice. To address that gap, this book reports the findings of a new national study of religious parents in the United States. The findings and conclusions in Handing Down the Faith are based on 215 in-depth, personal interviews with religious parents from many traditions and different parts of the country, and sophisticated analyses of two nationally representative surveys of American parents about their religious parenting.

    Handing Down the Faith explores the background beliefs informing how and why religious parents seek to pass on religion to their children; examines how parenting styles interact with parent religiousness to shape effective religious transmission; shows how parents have been influenced by their experiences as children influenced by their own parents; reveals how religious parents view their congregations and what they most seek out in a local church, synagogue, temple, or mosque; explores the experiences and outlooks of immigrant parents including Latino Catholics, East Asian Buddhists, South Asian Muslims, and Indian Hindus. Smith and Adamczyk step back to consider how American religion has transformed over the last 100 years and to explain why parents today shoulder such a huge responsibility in transmitting religious faith and practice to their children. The book is rich in empirical evidence and unique in many of the topics it explores and explains, providing a variety of sometimes counterintuitive findings that will interest scholars of religion, social scientists interested in the family, parenting, and socialization; clergy and religious educators and leaders; and religious parents themselves.

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  • Hinge Moments : Making The Most Of Life’s Transitions


    In life we have moments in time in which we have an opportunity before us to make a change or to respond to a situation.

    According to Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College, what follows these instances will depend intrinsically on the decisions we make and the actions we take. These are what he calls “hinge moments”–opportunities to open (or close) doors to various pathways of our lives. Lindsay maintains that getting these moments right can change our lives for the better, and getting them wrong can pose problems for years to come: “Some transitions have a disproportionate impact on our happiness, our contribution to society, and our family’s well-being.” In these pages Lindsay shares faith-based stories of success and failure from his ten-year study of 550 PLATINUM leaders. He has charted seven phases of transition, providing both practical and spiritual insights for making the most of each stage. In uncertain and tumultuous times, there is no better advantage than wisdom gained early.

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  • Art Of Dying (Expanded)


    Christians can have confidence that because death is not the end, preparing to die helps us truly live. In this well-researched and pastorally sensitive book, Rob Moll explores the Christian practice of dying well, giving guidance for those who care for the dying as well as for those who grieve. This expanded edition includes a new afterword by Rob’s wife Clarissa reflecting on his life, death, and legacy.

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  • Billion Hours Of Good


    A billion hours is equivalent to 114,000 years. That’s how much good we’re going to do together. Just 14 minutes at a time.

    You don’t need more money, or time, or even another election cycle to bring transformational change to your community. What you need is to believe that daily microdoses of good over years and years can create a great return. Stop waiting for the big change moment and seize the good that you can do today.

    Join Chris in pledging 1 percent of your time (14 minutes a day) to make the world a better place. Learn how to solve old problems in new ways, and walk with Chris as he shows you how he started Mercy Project-a nonprofit committed to ending child trafficking in Ghana. See how compassion and care can serve as rocket fuel for deep courage and untapped creativity.

    Our responsibility in a world filled with suffering is to care, show up, and act. Not once, not twice, but a little bit every day for the rest of our lives. Accept this invitation and join a global movement for extraordinary good. Impossible alone. Transformational together.

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  • My Walks With Remi


    My Walks with Remi is a book of devotions illustrated with stunning color images of nature taken during Cindy’s walks in California with her handsome and spirited Portuguese Water Dog, Remi. As Cindy’s first dog, Remi has taught her a lot, but walking in nature with Remi helped her be more aware of God’s presence. The majesty of the mountains, the sparkling blue Pacific Ocean, and the vibrant colors of the flowers that were in perpetual bloom opened her eyes to the inspiration God brought her as he seemed to whisper in her ear, “Look at that!”

    In My Walks with Remi, Cindy shares the life lessons she felt God taught her through photos, reflections, and prayer, as they relate to the images she observed. With Scripture that spans both the Old and New Testaments, the devotions are a witness to how God still speaks to us today. They will uplift and encourage you as you are awakened to God’s presence in the beauty of nature in your life.

    My Walks with Remi will delight your eyes and nourish your soul.

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  • 3 Simple Words


    How can three words have the power to change your life and revolutionize your world?

    What three-word phrases can you think of that could produce this kind of result?

    For many, the short list would include being told they have “won the lottery.” The three words addressed in this book are an invitation to something far surpassing acquiring the stuff of this world. Response to these words will change who you are, how you live, and your understanding of the meaning of life.

    Three simple words sum up Jesus’s invitation to each and every person: “Come, follow me.” Jesus does not call us to merely believe in Him, but rather He asks us to actively follow Him –to chase, pursue, trust, obey, abide in, and love Him.

    Convicted that too many who call themselves believers fail to understand what it should mean to live as a true follower of Jesus, Ed Malone offers guidance and encouragement for knowing Jesus and experiencing fullness of life in a personal, present, spiritual relationship with Him. As a result, you will be transformed by your love for God and His love and grace for you.

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  • Opening To God (Expanded)


    Most Christians want to experience spiritual transformation.

    But many are frustrated by the limited progress of our spiritual self-improvement efforts. We find our praying burdened by a sense of obligation and failure. But prayer is not merely something we do; prayer is what God does in us. Prayer is not just communication with God; it is communion with God. As we open ourselves to him, God does the spiritual work of transformation in us. Spiritual director David Benner invites us to discover openness to God as the essence of prayer, spirituality, and the Christian life. Prayer is far more than saying words to God; all of life can be prayer when offered to God in faith and with openness. Using the four movements of lectio divina, Benner explores prayer as attending, pondering, responding, and being. Along the way he opens us to a world of possibilities for communion with God: praying with our senses, with imagination, with music and creativity, in contemplation, in service, and much more. Learn how prayer can be a way of living. Move beyond words to become not merely someone who prays, but someone whose entire life is prayer in union with God. This expanded edition includes a new afterword and an experiential guide with questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

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  • Lifelong Love : Discovering How Intimacy With God Breathes Passion Into You (Rev


    A good marriage isn’t something found; it’s something made. In this revised and updated edition of the bestselling book A Lifelong Love, author Gary Thomas shares that when couples pursue spiritual purpose and worship it builds lasting intimacy and friendship between them.

    In A Lifelong Love, Thomas takes couples on three essential journeys leading to a strong marriage:
    *The journey toward each other
    *The journey toward God
    *The journey toward love

    Whether readers are feeling discouraged about their marriage or simply want to infuse their relationship with greater spiritual and relational passion, A Lifelong Love offers the guidance they need to embrace the eternal intentions that God has for them.

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  • Signs Of Hope


    Living a life of impact can start small, grow unexpectedly, and contain a simple message of hope. You can make a difference in the world today through small acts of kindness, and this book will show you how.

    Amidst the struggles and busyness of daily life, it can seem impossible to offer hope and happiness to others. Sometimes, living a life of impact seems just out of reach. “What can I possibly do?” we ask.

    Amy Wolff often felt this way–that her personal grief and comfortable life made her unqualified to connect and uplift others. But one day she decided to do something–and that something sparked a nationwide and worldwide movement of encouragement.

    Signs of Hope is an intimate account of the yard signs with encouraging messages she created with her family and placed around their city, and how that act of love has sparked a new journey–helping you find your own way to make a difference and brighten the world.

    In this book, she lays out the heart behind her movement, and how you can also become a giver and taker of hope, offering encouragement, healing, and inspiration to those around you with the resources, talents, and gifts you have. It’s your catalyst to doing something today . . . because there’s no perfect time to help others. The time is now.

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  • Vertical Marriage : The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage


    Honest to the core and laugh-out-loud funny, marriage coaches Dave and Ann Wilson share the one key secret that brought them from the brink of divorce to a healthy and vibrant relationship.

    He never saw it coming. It was the night of Dave and Ann’s tenth wedding anniversary and if asked how their marriage was doing, Dave would have said a 9.8 out of 10 and he even guaranteed Ann would say the same. But instead of giving a celebratory kiss, Ann whispered, “I’ve lost my feelings for you.”

    Divorce seemed inevitable. But starting that night, God began to reveal to Dave and Ann the most overlooked secret of getting the marriage we are looking for: the horizontal marriage relationship just doesn’t work until the vertical relationship with Christ is first.

    As founders of a multi-campus church and marriage coaches with 30 years of experience, Dave and Ann share the hard-earned but easy-to-apply biblical principles that ensure a strong marriage. Written in a funny and highly relatable dialogue between both husband and wife, Vertical Marriage will guide you toward building a vibrant relationship at every level including communication, conflict, intimacy, and romance–though Dave is still figuring that last one out. Through their unique perspectives, they share an intimate, sometimes hilarious and at times deeply poignant narrative of one couple’s journey to reconnecting with God and discovering the joy and power of a vertical marriage.

    For anyone who is married, preparing for marriage, or desperate to save a relationship teetering on the edge of disaster, Dave and Ann offer hope and strategies that really work. Vertical Marriage will give you the insight, applications, and inspiration to reconnect with God together and to transform your marriage to everything you hoped it would be.

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  • Kingdom Men Rising


    God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. He has big plans for you. You believe these things are true. But what is your own responsibility as a man when it comes to becoming all God created you to be? How can you walk in victory and faith and make an impact on others for God?

    Kingdom Men Rising challenges men to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Tony Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God’s Word to clear all obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you’ve been called to live. And along the way, you’ll find your heart stirred to reach for more, no longer settling for a faith that just goes through the motions. The life of King David is used as the book’s foundation, and topics include overcoming temptation, restoration from sin, how to disciple others, and finally how to leave a legacy of faith and godly influence.

    Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Let Kingdom Men Rising help you take the next step in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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  • Leaning On The Promises Of God For Men


    From Super Bowl-winning coach and bestselling author Tony Dungy, a playbook for navigating the game of life as a godly man.

    Men today get pulled in every direction by people and society. Everyone has a different expectation for what a man should be. In this little book, Tony Dungy calls men to “get back to the fundamentals” for navigating the game of life, which he believes are firmly rooted in Scripture. Leaning on the Promises of God for Men will help ground you in your daily interactions, provide encouragement when life get difficult, and help you think about where you’re headed and who you want to be.

    A perfect gift for any father, friend, son, or husband.

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  • When Faith Is Forbidden


    Journey alongside Persecuted Christians

    Take a 40-day journey to meet brothers and sisters who share in the sufferings of Christ. When Faith Is Forbidden takes you to meet a Chinese Christian woman who called six months in prison “a wonderful time,” an Iraqi pastor and his wife just eight days after assassins’ bullets ripped into his flesh, and others from our spiritual family who’ve suffered greatly for wearing the name of Christ. Each stop on this 40-day journey includes inspiration and encouragement through the story of a persecuted believer. You’ll also find space for reflection and a suggested prayer as you grow to understand the realities of living under persecution-and learn from the examples of the bold believers you’ll meet.

    For more than 20 years, Todd Nettleton (host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio) has traveled the world to interview hundreds of Christians who’ve been persecuted for the name of Christ. Now he opens his memory bank-and even his personal journals-to take you along to meet bold believers who will inspire you to a deeper walk with Christ.

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  • Dont Miss The Moment


    Pastor and popular Bible teacher Sheryl Brady helps Christians prepare for, recognize, and cultivate the powerful yet easily overlooked moments when God shows up in their lives.

    Everyone experiences God moments, times when God pulls back the curtain and gives a glimpse of his active presence in their lives. Most of us operate under the misapprehension that these moments are rare occurrences that reveal themselves in grand fashion. We expect bells ringing, lights flashing, and neon signs that point to earthshaking revelations.

    But God often speaks in whispers, strategically and incrementally unveiling his plans, preparations, and purposes through the most unassuming circumstances. The key is to learn how to prepare for, recognize, and be faithful in these moments.

    In Don’t Miss the Moment, Pastor Sheryl Brady reminds Christians that God is real and unwaveringly present in our daily lives. Through biblical teaching and personal stories of God showing up in times of need, she shows how to pursue deeper relationship with the Faithful One so that we can learn to hear his voice and feel his leading, discern when we are in a defining moment, and redirect our hearts and lives toward his plans and purposes.

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  • Puede La Ciencia Explicarlo To – (Spanish)


    Puede la ciencia explicarlo todo? Es una pregunta interesante que John Lennox y mucha gente piensa que si. La ciencia y las tecnologias que ha generado han aportado mucho al mundo: agua limpia; mas comida; mejor asistencia sanitaria; vida mas larga. Y vivimos en una epoca de rapido progreso cientifico que promete resolver muchos de los problemas que enfrentamos como humanidad. Tanto es asi, de hecho, que muchos no ven la necesidad o el uso de la religion y los sistemas de creencias que nos ofrecen respuestas a los misterios de nuestro universo. La ciencia lo ha explicado, suponen. La religion es redundante.

    El profesor de matematicas de Oxford y creyente cristiano, John Lennox, ofrece una nueva forma de pensar sobre la ciencia y el cristianismo que disipa los conceptos erroneos comunes sobre ambos. El revela que no solo no se oponen, sino que pueden y deben mezclarse para darnos una comprension mas completa del universo y el significado de nuestra existencia.

    Can science explain everything?

    This is an interesting question John Lennox and many people ask. Science and the technologies, have spawned, and have delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. We live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so that many see no need for or use of religion and belief systems that offer answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Religion is redundant.

    Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Teens (Expanded)


    Prayer can be your greatest asset and source of wisdom in raising teenagers in today’s world. Now expanded, this book features updated content on issues like pornography, addiction, self-harm, anxiety, rebellion, technology use, dealing with disappointment, and more.It’s never been tougher to be a teenager–or the parent of one. Thankfully, from your teen’s first date to the next time he or she borrows the car keys, you can take your concerns to God through prayer. Drawing on the power of God’s Word, Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens equips you to pray about the difficult issues your teen may face:
    *Relationship challenges
    *Doubts about their faith
    *Sexual purity
    *Substance abuse
    *Eating disorders. . . and much more

    This book also guides you in praying about everything from your teen’s character and safety to the purposes and plans that God has for his or her future.

    Filled with engaging illustrations, biblical insights, and compelling prayer principles, Praying the Scriptures for Your Teens shows how to make the Bible your source for prayers that can powerfully influence your teen’s life. With a grace-filled approach and a warm, personal style, author Jodie Berndt encourages you that there is not a need your teen will face that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word–and that, no matter how far away our kids may be, they are never out of his reach.

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  • Provision Promises


    One moment of God’s favor can turn your life around.

    Are you ready to walk in the abundant life that Jesus came to give you as promised in John 10:10?

    Let your heart be encouraged and refreshed as you delve into the pages of Provision Promises. Packed with bite-sized practical wisdom and faith-filled inspirations from the Word of God, this book will enlarge your revelation of Jesus’ grace and the abundant life you have through His finished work. Meditate on His promises for you today and increase your capacity to receive from your heavenly Father!

    Your provision is wrapped up in JESUS!

    This book will inspire you to experience God’s provision for your life. You will learn to rest in His love and favor toward you and your family.

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  • Joy : God’s Secret Weapon For Every Believer


    The Bible tells us there is ecstatic, extravagant joy eternally in God’s presence. We do not have to experience joy only intermittently, since every fruit of the Holy Spirit is available to us always.

    Georgian Banov knew nothing of this joy. Born and raised in Communist Bulgaria, he escaped miraculously to the United States, where he was embraced by the love and joy of the “Jesus people.” His encounter with God, along with the truth of God’s Word and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, has led him to a life of freedom and holy joy.

    In Joy! Georgian will help you
    *discover God’s goodness and defeat disappointment
    *learn to enjoy God’s loving acceptance and overcome feelings of failure and inadequacy
    *activate supernatural power for your breakthrough and find victory over sin
    *be the hands and feet of Jesus today and do his works of justice in the world–with great joy!

    You can experience God’s joyful heart daily as you walk out your calling with purpose and power.

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  • Outdated : Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed


    Everyone wants to be loved–to find someone who will stick with them through all of life’s ups and downs, someone who is in it for the long haul. But in a world where dating is increasingly based on split-second decisions and geared toward casual relationships rather than marriage, it’s easy for single people to feel discouraged, used, or unworthy of true love and lasting affection. Reality just never seems to match up with our (often wildly unrealistic) expectations.

    Jonathan “JP” Pokluda has counseled thousands of young singles through the pain and heartbreak of dating the world’s way. Now he wants to dispel the myths, misconceptions, and fairy tales you’ve believed about dating and replace them with the truth from the One who invented marriage, created you to crave relationship, and is the very embodiment of true love. With plenty of true stories about relationships healed and love found, this practical book explains God’s purposes for singleness, dating, and marriage and covers why you should date, who you should date, and how you should date.

    If you’re ready to trade the world’s way of dating for the way that actually works, it’s time to begin dating well.

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  • I Am Who The Bible Says I Am I Have What The Bible Says I Have I Can Do Wha


    Three of the greatest spiritual realities that every believer should identify and assimilate into their walk with Christ as they read and study God’s Word include: What the Bible says about our identity as born-again new creatures in Christ, What we have received through the redemptive work of Christ, and What we can do as Christians who are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

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  • Purposeful Sexuality : A Short Christian Introduction


    If God means for us to save sex for marriage, why doesn’t he just zap us with sexuality on our wedding night? Why do most of us experience sexual feelings throughout our adult lives, not just in the safe confines of marriage? Is limiting marriage to the union of a man and a woman anything but outdated prejudice? What is our sexuality actually for? Today’s culture overwhelmingly tells us that sex is essential for human flourishing. Far too often the church perpetuates the same message – as long as you are married. But far from being liberating, this idolising of sex leaves us even more sexually broken than before. With refreshing honesty and clarity, Ed Shaw calls on the church to rediscover its confidence in the Bible’s teaching about our ability to experience or express sexual feelings. He points us to how God’s word reveals that sexuality’s ultimate purpose is to help us better know God and the full power of his passionate love. He shows us how this is surprisingly good news for all our joys and struggles with sexuality.

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  • Silent Cries : Experiencing God’s Love After Losing A Baby


    When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions?

    When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions? One in in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage; one in 200 in stillbirth. And yet, while the church offers resources to cope with suffering generally, there is often an echoing silence when it comes to the trauma of baby loss. ‘When we lost our daughter Edith,’ say Jonny and Joanna, ‘it was painful indeed to find the lack of biblically rooted and pastorally sensitive resources.’ Nothing really hit the mark, so, though tears, they wrote this book. It comes to you, or someone close to you, with a massive hug. It is the authors’ prayer and passion that you will be amazed by our great God as you connect with deep truths from the Bible, bringing healing to your heart, mind and soul.

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  • Christing : Mining The Bible To Reveal The Extravagant Anointing Of The Hol


    Paul White takes us on a gallop through the scriptures, uncovering the many different images used to describe the Holy Spirit. In a fresh and conversational style, peppered with personal stories and the author’s own illustrations, the same dynamic power of God seen throughout the Bible is shown to still be available to us today.

    The Holy Spirit, who is the Christing, is the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus has given us the authority to carry on his work in the world. The awesome power of the Christing is to get the life-giving, oppression-busting, freedom-bringing life of Jesus into the whole world, starting right where we live. Jesus could do all of this himself, or send angels, but for some reason he loves to use people like us.

    This book will encourage and inspire you to live in a deep, passionate relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit. Get ready to release the Christing!?

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  • Prey Tell : Why We Silence Women Who Tell The Truth And How Everyone Can Sp


    Tiffany Bluhm wishes this wasn’t her story to tell. Yet like many women today who are taking action against sexual harassment and sexual assault, it is. Bluhm explores the complex dynamics of power and abuse in systems we all find ourselves in. With honesty and strength, she tells stories of how women have overcome silence to expose the truth about their ministry and professional leaders–and the backlash they so often face. In so doing, she empowers others to speak up against abuses of power.

    Addressing men and women in all work settings–within the church and beyond–popular author and podcast host Tiffany Bluhm sets out to understand the cultural and spiritual narratives that silence women and to illuminate the devastating emotional, financial, and social impact of silence in the face of injustice.

    As readers journey with Bluhm, they will be moved to find their own way, their own voice, and their own conviction for standing with women. They’ll emerge more ready than ever to advocate for justice, healing, and resurrection.

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  • 25 Lies Twentysomethings Need To Stop Believing


    Your twenties are your defining decade, the time in which you are setting the course for the rest of your life it. You don’t want to look back later and realize you ended up somewhere you never intended to go in the first place. How do you block out all the lies, half-truths, and “supposed-to’s” constantly assaulting you from articles, social media posts, and well-meaning friends and family? How do you find something real, something true, something infused with purpose and meaning?

    Funny, vulnerable, and to the point, this book exposes the false beliefs that can derail your current happiness and future impact, like:

    – having big dreams is naive
    – success just happens
    – everyone else is experiencing the success you were supposed to
    – when you fail you’re a failure
    – and many more

    This story-driven book shows you that you’re not alone in your insecurities and second-guessing, then shows you how to replace the lies with the truth–that you can live a life of purpose, earn a good paycheck, leave a legacy, and have fun doing it.

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  • Hopeful Neighborhood Field Guide


    We all live somewhere. And we all want our neighborhoods to flourish.

    Many of us hope (and even pray) for our neighborhoods’ well-being. But how do we actually pursue that? This field guide answers this question by walking you through a simple, powerful process for blessing your own neighborhood. Tony Cook and Don Everts offer six sessions for discovering the gifts of your community, imagining the possibilities, and pursuing the common good. Exercises and assessments provide practical tools for bringing your hopes into concrete reality. Join with others so that together you can increase the well-being of your local neighborhood.

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  • Lead Like It Matters To God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Lead Like It Matters to God by Richard Stearns is about how the values Christian leaders embrace are more important than the success they achieve.

    This eight-session companion study guide explores seventeen values that will transform your leadership. Following the structure of review, reflect, and practice, this dynamic guide also provides discussion starters for groups to have honest conversations about how values-driven leadership not only improves their witness for Christ but also influences culture and creates healthy workplaces where people and teams flourish. Take a look at the seventeen leadership values you will explore in this study guide:

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  • Where Prayer Becomes Real


    If we’re honest, most of us feel bored, distracted, or discouraged in prayer. We look for resources to give us the “right” words or teach us the “right” technique and are disappointed when they don’t seem to help. What we fail to realize is that prayer isn’t a place for us to be good or right, and it isn’t a place for us to perform or prove our worth. It’s a place for us to be honest, present, and known–a place for us to offer ourselves and receive God.

    Spiritual formation experts Kyle Strobel and John Coe want to show you what you’ve been missing when it comes to prayer. In this down-to-earth book, they show you how to fearlessly draw near to a holy God, pray without ceasing (and without posturing), and delight in the experience of being fully known and fully loved. Each chapter ends with prayer projects or practices to help you see a difference in your prayer life, starting now.

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  • Lead Like It Matters To God


    Richard Stearns is a leader who has been tested as a CEO in both secular companies and also as the head of one of the world’s largest Christian ministries.

    After stints as CEO of Parker Brothers and then Lenox, Stearns accepted the invitation to leave his corporate career to become the president of World Vision US, where he became the longest serving president in their seventy-year history. During his tenure there he implemented corporate best practices, lowering overheads while tripling revenues. His leadership in calling the American church to respond to some of the greatest crises of our time, notably the HIV and AIDS pandemic, and the global refugee crisis, challenged Christians to embrace a bold vision for compassion, mercy, and justice. In Lead Like It Matters to God, Stearns shares the leadership principles he has learned over the course of his remarkable career. As a leader who has navigated both secular and sacred spaces, Stearns claims that the values Christian leaders embrace in their workplaces are actually more important than the results they achieve–that God is more concerned about a leader’s character than a leader’s success. With wisdom, wit, and biblical teaching, Stearns shares captivating stories of his life journey and unpacks seventeen crucial values that can transform leaders and their organizations. When leaders embody values such as integrity, courage, excellence, forgiveness, humility, surrender, balance, generosity, perseverance, love, excellence, and encouragement, they not only improve their witness for Christ, they also shape institutions, influence culture, improve team performance, and create healthy workplaces where people can flourish. Through this book, Stearns will inspire a new generation of Christian leaders to boldly take their values into their workplaces to tangibly demonstrate the character of Christ, the love of Christ, and the truth of Christ as they live out their faith in full view of others.

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  • Dugout Devotions 2


    Are you ready for a grand slam?

    Dugout Devotions II inspires you to stand in the batter’s box and knock the curveball out of the park in your own life. These unique interview-based devotions offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the spiritual lives of many of Major League Baseball players. Be inspired by these players:

    *Brian Dozier
    *Robinson Chirinos
    *R.A. Dickey
    *Clayton Kershaw
    *Francisco Lindor
    *Michael Lorenzen
    *Andrew McCutchen
    *Al Oliver, and more!

    Recounting their successes both on and off the diamond, you’ll see their struggles are real, just like yours. Their challenges could knock them down, except for their faith in God. Are you ready to join them on the field and strengthen your faith?

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  • His Mighty Strength


    Popular pastor Randy Frazee shows Christians how to walk day by day in the resurrection power that Jesus experienced.

    Ephesians 1:20 promises Christians access to the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, and yet most believers have little idea what this means in their daily life. In fact, their lives seem anything but empowered as they struggle with everything from depression to calamities to behaviors they can’t shake.

    In His Mighty Strength, Randy Frazee, popular pastor of Westside Family Church, explores Jesus’ time on earth–from incarnation to baptism to resurrection–to uncover the amazing source of his strength, one to which we have access today. Jesus continually sought direction from the Father and found the power to live the Father’s will through the Holy Spirit. His every day was filled with continually saying yes to God, and Frazee shows readers that if they will also say yes, that same resurrection power that flowed through Jesus will also strengthen them, inevitably breaking them out of what is holding them back and changing their lives for good.

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  • Soy Solo Un Cerebro – (Spanish)


    Sharon Dirckx en Soy solo un cerebro? explica como la investigacion moderna esta descubriendo cada vez mas detalles de lo que es nuestro cerebro y como funciona. Estamos viviendo, pensando en criaturas que llevan con nosotros una increible supercomputadora organica en nuestras cabezas.

    Pero, cual es la relacion entre nuestro cerebro y nuestra mente, y en ultima instancia, nuestro sentido de identidad como persona? Somos mas que maquinas? Es el libre albedrio una ilusion? Tenemos un alma?

    La investigadora de imagenes cerebrales Sharon Dirckx expone la comprension actual de quienes somos de biologos, filosofos, teologos y psicologos, y seala una imagen mas amplia que sugiere respuestas a las preguntas fundamentales de nuestra existencia. No solo “que soy?”, sino “quien soy?” y “por que soy?”

    Lea este libro para obtener informacion valiosa sobre lo que la investigacion moderna nos dice acerca de nosotros mismos, o para desafiar a un amigo esceptico con la idea de que somos meramente seres materiales que viven en un mundo material.

    Am I Just My Brain?

    Sharon Dirckx in Am I Just My Brain? Explain how Modern research is uncovering more and more detail of what our brain is and how it works. We are living, thinking creatures who carry around with us an amazing organic supercomputer in our heads.

    But what is the relationship between our brains and our minds–and ultimately our sense of identity as a person? Are we more than machines? Is free-will an illusion? Do we have a soul?

    Brain Imaging Scientist Sharon Dirckx lays out the current understanding of who we are from biologists, philosophers, theologians and psychologists, and points towards a bigger picture that suggests answers to the fundamental questions of our existence. Not just “What am I?”, but “Who am I?”–and “Why am I?”

    Read this book to gain valuable insight into what modern research is telling us about ourselves, or to give a skeptical friend to challenge the idea that we are merely material beings living in a material world.

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  • Cautivante – (Spanish)


    Lo que Salvaje de Corazon hace para los hombres, Cautivante lo hace para las mujeres: liberar sus corazones.

    Este innovador libro ayuda a las lectoras al:
    *Proveer una mirada al diseo glorioso de las mujeres;

    *Describir como el corazon femenino puede ser restaurado;

    *Proyectar una vision del poder, libertad y belleza de una mujer liberada para ser todo lo que esta destinada a ser; y,

    *Sanar los traumas del pasado.

    El mensaje de Cautivante es este: tu corazon importa mas que cualquier cosa en toda la creacion. Los deseos que tenias de nia y los anhelos que todavia sientes como mujer te comunican la vida para la que Dios te creo. El ofrece venir ahora como el Heroe de tu historia, a rescatar tu corazon y liberarte para que vivas como una mujer completamente viva y femenina, una mujer realmente cautivante.


    What Wild at Heart does for men, Captivating does for women: set their hearts free.

    This groundbreaking book helps readers by:
    *providing a look into the glorious design of women;

    *describing how the feminine heart can be restored;

    *casting a vision for the power, freedom, and beauty of a woman released to be all she was meant to be; and

    *healing the trauma of the past.

    The message of Captivating is this: your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman–a woman who is truly captivating.

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  • Wild At Heart Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    The bestselling book that has revolutionized the lives of millions of men, revised and expanded.

    John Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart, and invites men to become most complete selves by:
    *recovering their masculine heart;
    *seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and
    *delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer.

    In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be–dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.

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