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Showing 1301–1400 of 2674 results

  • Gods Economy : Gods Miraculous Provision


    There is no lack in God’s economy, and in her book, the author, Alberta Brown Jenkins, talks about the benefits to being a part of God’s family and what it means. She has experienced God’s faithfulness in her life, which has taken her from faith to faith. She will relate God’s promises to the challenges that we are confronted with daily. Her book is designed to bring hope, inspire, encourage, and motivate. She also hopes to serve as a witnessing tool and promote spiritual growth through Bible study, which, she believes, will provide guidance through any crisis.

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  • Francis And Clare


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612614540ISBN10: 161261454XJon SweeneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Paraclete Press

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  • Theres Reason To Be Encouraged


    Do you ever find yourself discouraged, doubtful, helpless or even hopeless? Paul E. Murrell brings you out of those negative feelings with encouraging stories, short devotions, memorable quips, and wonderful verse. In There’s Reason To Be Encouraged, Paul gives you something to lift your spirits, no matter what kind of difficult situation you find yourself in at the moment. You can read the book in a single sitting, but you will want to go back to some parts of it over and over again. There’s Reason To Be Encouraged has been described as a “hot tub for the soul.” As you read, you will be warmed, invigorated, and renewed.

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  • Living Freedom : Losing A Spiritual 10 Lbs


    “Freedom,” the author proclaims, “is meant to be lived!” As a woman, Alison Wallwork is able to speak directly and intimately to the unique troubles faced by women, and she identifies the core problem: the myriad variations of fear. She also outlines the ready solutions presented in God’s Word. In addition to sharing the story of her own life, she provides inspirational testimonies of other women who are “Living Freedom” by putting the precepts of this book-which are drawn directly from The Book-into practice in their daily lives. Baggage-real or imagined, emotional or psychological-is rooted in the burden of spiritual baggage, and shedding it requires a spiritual solution. Every woman should read this, and every man should give it to a woman he loves-though it wouldn’t hurt him to read it himself first! (138)

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  • Mother Gap : A Daughters Search For Connection


    25 Chapters

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    When a daughter feels disconnected from her mother, her heart hurts. There’s an empty spot, a gap, where love should be. Her heart cries out…Mom, I need you! Aren’t I good enough? Won’t you love me for who I am?

    These unresolved emotions set the course for all the daughter’s relationships. Her need for affirmation affects her friendships, her marriage, her children, and future generations. But there is One who can fill the hole in her heart and cover that gap. Jesus offers the emotional healing that makes connection possible. Especially for daughters wounded by their mothers, He becomes a bridge of forgiveness. This is Jessica’s story, shared with candor and compassion. Despite enduring emotional abuse, she experienced the grace to keep reaching for her mom; grace only God could supply.

    Perhaps you have experienced the Mother Gap, or know someone who has. If so, this story is sure to bring encouragement. Jesus meets our heart’s yearnings for connection. He invites us to be free of resentment and bitterness, envy and strife. Each chapter’s personal application questions prompt reflection, and lead to healthier relationships.

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  • God Is Waiting For You


    I have endured through many painful tears as a young girl and now as an adult, but that did not stop me for the passion I have in my heart. I love writing and hope this gets to you the moment that you need it.

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  • For 35 Years I Ran From God


    PART I – My Life For The Devil
    PART II – My Life For The Lord

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    This book is a testimonial of a person that was on the road to hell with his worldly desires and pleasures until he found Jesus and fell in love with HIM and this changed his life forever…

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  • Through The Fire For His Glory


    When promotion comes, all hell breaks loose! You must remember when you feel like giving up God’s word declares in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me.” When God makes such a declaration it doesn’t mean that we won’t experience persecution and attack, but He does declare that when calamity comes we must stand on his word knowing he has already fought our battle, provided a way of escape and that we are more than conquerors. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

    As you delve into each chapter, and meditate on each scriptural nugget tucked away in designated places, allow the Lord to personally speak to you regarding your own situation.

    Through the Fire, for His Glory reveals hurt, healing, disappointment, and frustration, but Evangelist Faye has persevered with a God-given resiliency that has kept her steadfast in the work of the Lord.

    From chapter 1, “Life Begins,” to the final declaration be prepared for a fresh revelation of what it really means to walk by “faith,” trusting GOD in the process, knowing that he is in control.

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  • On The Threshold Of Hope Workbook


    This workbook is for those who have suffered from sexual abuse and desire healing. It can be used by individuals or in small groups. You will find hope as you walk through these pages.

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  • Walk With Me


    Perhaps you feel your testimony isn’t worth sharing. Think again. In a world filled with megachurch preachers, complicated theologies, and distortions of the good news of Jesus, what can a down-to-earth faith look like?

    “Daddy loved to fish. This particular afternoon found me with him at one of the ponds close to our camp house out in the Walker community just off the Transport Cemetery Road. I was at an age where playing on the sandy bank with a stick was every bit as entertaining as fishing.

    Making a little too much noise resulted in a plea to be quiet, but he still kept fishing. I went on playing. The nearby minnows would dart in the shallows right along with dad’s patience when I would stamp my feet. He asked me to stop, and he kept on fishing.

    Maybe I took it as a challenge. I’m not sure now what was going through my head, but in a glaring display of the restlessness of a child, I had to slap my foot on that bank one more time. As he started toward me I knew I’d gone too far.

    I’d made a number of mistakes that afternoon, what was one more? I ran. Up the hill and away from certain doom I went. Not even halfway up the hill, terror took over when I realized he was right behind me. Like a scene from an educational program where a lion is chasing a baby deer, you knew it was not going to end well, and the narrator was going to be talking about how it was nature’s way. Man, did I feel sorry for that deer…”

    Walk With Me is a collection of stories and observations meant to encourage faith, examine your hope, and even laugh.

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  • Open Doors : No Matter What Your Past Holds God Holds Your Present And Your


    Asif and Leaha have written their story in a he said, she said documentation. And in a day and age when so many he said, she said scenarios end up in divorce court, it is refreshing to read how theirs has led to divine appointments and open doors. Their story celebrates the mystery of how God brings two people together, but it also distills practical insights from the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

    As you read their story, you’ll learn to love Asif and Leaha. Their authenticity and passion is infectious. Readng this book is like a long dinner with old friends you haven’t seen in a long, long time. But instead of hearing about last year’s vacation or where they will be sending their kids to college, you will hear stories about what God has done in their lives. This book is both candid and complex. But with each turn of the page, you’ll learn how to walk through the doors God has opened for you.

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  • From The Margins To The Mainstream


    14 Chapters

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    This book is not for everybody. It was written for a select group of Latino youth with a sense of destiny about their future. If that first sentence caught your attention, then you’re most likely the exact type of person I had in mind when I decided I had a message – a story – you needed to hear.

    A story is a powerful thing. If you think about it, our lives are surrounded by stories every day, everywhere we go…..that’s why I wrote this book – hoping that as I tell my story, it will help guide you and connect you sooner to your calling, purpose, and place in the future of our nation sooner rather than later.

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  • I Am In Here



    I sometimes fear

    That people cannot understand

    That I hear.

    And I know

    That they don’t believe I go

    To every extreme

    To try to express

    My need to talk.

    If only they could walk

    In my shoes

    They would share my news:

    I am in here.

    And trying to speak every day

    In some kind of way.

    Though she cannot speak, Elizabeth Bonker writes poetry that shines a light on the hidden inner world of autism and the world around us. I Am in Here is the spiritual journey of a mother and daughter who refuse to give up hope, who celebrate their victories, and who keep moving forward despite the obstacles. Elizabeth’s poetry and her mother’s stirring storytelling combine in this inspirational book to proclaim that there is always a reason to take the next step–with hope.

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  • Its A God Thing Volume 1


    Some things in life have no earthly explanation. It’s just a God thing.
    Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testaments; they hap-pen to everyday people. Series creator Don Jacobson (When God Makes Lemonade) and K-LOVE Radio Network (12 million listeners) have joined together to produce one of the most remarkable collections of modern day miracles ever compiled.
    From a hunter who survived a horrific accident to a mother woken up to escape an attacker, from a soldier guided to safety through unspeakable horrors to a young back-packer who walked free from a terrorist attack, It’s A God Thing presents some of the most amazing stories of God’s hand on our lives.

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  • Redbird : A Memoir


    Here is a warm and personal tale of a young woman who was nurtured and protected through childhood, struggled into single parenthood, and, understandably, played defense with her life. Then, after the loss of someone very important and the despair that darkened her world, and unseen Hand turned on the lights, her outlook on everything changed and she discovered what some people never find – where and who she is suppose to be. Heidi found her way home and it was a little redbird that marked the trail.

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  • Look To The Cross


    Thomas Lawler is a simple guy, but with a vast imagination. Used by God, to write this collection of christian short stories.

    These short stories in this book are powerful to show God’s love for you and show all that Jesus did for you by dying on the cross.

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  • Thoughts And Prayers Of A World Changer


    We all go through trials and tribulations. Many of us think that we are the only ones going through certain hard times. Others of us just have no outlet when it comes to these hard times. Well for some this book is going to show you that you aren’t alone and for others it will give you a way to put your feelings on paper. This book may also serve as a devotional, an encourager, and sometimes pose a challenge for you to rise to. So whether you need encouragement, to be uplifted, or just challenged in your everyday life this book has something for you.

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  • Finding Grace In The Mirror


    12 Chapters

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    Susan has packed this book full of real life experiences that every woman can relate to. She will teach you that you are God’s masterpiece; created for Him and for your spouse.
    This book is an easy read that you’ll want to go back and re-read and hold on to the insights and wisdom as you do.
    This book is truly inspiring and eye-opening.

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  • Woman Standing In The Midst


    With the dawn of each new day comes the search for renewed strength as countless women choose to stand in the midst. Wrestling with a flood of thoughts and emotions are all part of their daily routine in their endeavor to overcome and prevail. Like Pharaoh’s daughter, they may not know the potential or purpose of the one for whom they must stand. Yet through courage and a strange sense of purpose they embrace whatever risks comes with their choice. Our world today is filled with the results and blessings of the fruits of their labor, which often costs them all. The many lives, families, marriages, homes and ministries that continue to thrive around us can be attributed to their sacrifice and selfless struggle. Many stood because they were left to, others stand because they have to but there are those whom the Lord have called to stand as examples and a source of strength to others in the midst. Their heroism must be complemented with a change of attitude and perception, resulting in a cultural transformation in the Body of Christ the Church. For ” There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”.

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  • Will I Ever Find Love Again


    51 Chapters

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    When your world falls down around you . . .

    *A friend’s wife just died. Your mind is blank; you do not know what to say to him.

    Your loved one is starving to death; dying from cancer and you cannot do anything to help. You are the chief caregiver, the problem solver, now absolutely helpless.

    You pray, the heavens are silent. Your anger is deep. God is somewhere else; you have been abandoned. When you needed him most, he took a hike.

    Your loved one left this planet and you feel hurt and angry; the dreams you’ve had are forever gone. And your desperate loneliness is just too much to bear.

    *You wonder, is it possible to find new love on the Internet?

    This Stauffer Story will help you or your friend find the way through extreme difficulties. Learn how to look for and discover God’s fingerprints and hear God’s footsteps while seemingly stuck in the darkened valley. Discover how to find light, love and happiness.

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  • Coffee With Jesus


    Start your day off right with this collection of Coffee with Jesus, the enormously popular online comic strip that reaches thousands of people every day. Get to know Carl, Lisa, Ann and Joe, and other familiar faces, along with a new friend or two, as they sit down with Jesus. You’ll laugh at the quirks and foibles of contemporary faith on display. You’ll also be encouraged to keep your eyes on Jesus, who authored our faith and is actively perfecting it. Featuring classic strips, exclusive new content and a peek behind the strip into the mind of the artist, Coffee with Jesus is the perfect start to your day.

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  • Lessons Of Love (Revised)


    This book was written in response to a call from the Lord to develop a guide to assist lay people in reading through the Bible. If there are any errors, they are totally mine. I pray you will read these lessons with an open heart to God’s voice through the reading of His word. Along the way, many people provided encouragement and guidance. About 100 people participated in the original Bible study conducted through the mail and Internet. Those participants greatly encouraged me during the process of the intense study and development of the written lessons. Many provided funds for the mailings and prayer for my strength to endure the rigorous one-year process. Above all, my parents, Garner and Jean Baker, provided the most support in love and dedication to my vision for the lessons. Thomas Baker, my son, assisted with some of the typing and drawings. Letha Coleman, my daughter, prayed for me and listened patiently to my complaints and words of exhaustion. My eternal thanks to my family and friends who stayed the course and made this book possible. My husband wrote about 35 of the lessons so that I could attend to family emergencies and the lessons could proceed to the Bible study participants on time. Hopefully, these lessons will be a blessing to you.

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  • Beyond The Possible


    In Beyond the Possible, Reverend Cecil Williams, one of the most well-known and provocative ministers in the United States, reflects on his fifty years creating radical social change as the head of San Francisco’s Memorial Glide Church.

    Williams’ innovations, such as HIV testing during services, have drawn protest from more conservative factions within the Methodist Church, but his work in the community has drawn praise from the likes of Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffett.

    Written with Glide Church founding pastor Janice Mirikitani, and with a foreword by Dave Eggers, Beyond the Possible is a book of wisdom, providing lessons that Reverend Williams has learned so that readers can learn to embrace their true selves, accept all those around them, and fully live day to day through social change as worship.

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  • Harriet Beecher Stowe


    So you’re the little woman who started this big war, Abraham Lincoln is said to have quipped when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin converted readers by the thousands to the anti-slavery movement and served notice that slavery’s days were numbered. Overnight Stowe became a celebrity, but to defenders of slavery she was the devil in petticoats.

    Most writing about Stowe treats her as a literary figure and social reformer while underplaying her Christian faith. But Nancy Koester’s biography treats Stowe’s faith as central to her life — both her public fight against slavery and her own struggle through deep personal grief to find a gracious God.

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  • Grace Gold And Glory My Leap Of Faith


    In the 2012 London Olympics, US gymnast Gabrielle Douglas stole hearts and flew high as the All-Around Gold Medal winner, as well as acting as a critical member of the US gold-medal-winning women gymnastics team. In this personal autobiography, Gabrielle tells her story of faith, perseverance, and determination, demonstrating you can reach your dreams if you let yourself soar.

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  • Jesus Feminist : An Invitation To Revisit The Bibles View Of Women


    For centuries, the role of women in the church has been a subdued one, with many limitations. The time has come, argues Sarah Bessey-called an “accidental grassroots voice for postmodern and progressive evangelical women”-to take a new look at Scripture and challenge old assumptions.

    In Jesus Feminist, Bessey shares her spiritual journey, which ranged from growing up in a post-gender-debate home to learning about the worldwide struggles of women and the obstacles even a well-meaning church can pose. Through disarmingly intimate storytelling, she tells how she grew to understand the story of God and the vastness of his work through women. Never one to shy away from the hard questions, Bessey engages critically with Scripture and church practices that are often used against full equality and shares how following Jesus made a feminist out of her.

    Filled with beauty, hard truth, and brave vulnerability, Jesus Feminist urges the church to stop asking “man or woman” as a qualification for ministry and to start helping everyone find freedom in the fullness, hope, glory, and work of Christ.

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  • Homestead : A Memoir


    Joining her husband in the fight to create a home out of a rugged stretch of sagebrush, rattlesnakes, and sand in Eastern Oregon, Jane Kirkpatrick uneasily relinquishes the security of a professional career; the convenience of electricity, running water, and a phone line; and, perhaps most daunting, the pleasures of sporting a professional manicure. But the pull of the land is irresistible, and the couple dreams of gathering their first harvest from a yet-to-be-planted vineyard.

    Rather than the simple life they had envisioned, Jane and Jerry find themselves confronting flood and fire, government bureaucracies, and runaway calves, among other disheartening setbacks. Jane frequently questions the sanity of pioneering in this remote area, known as Starvation Point, and she fights against panic with each trip they make down the seven-mile, boulder-strewn, rut-carved “driveway” she calls “the reptile road,” which threatens to spill them into the ravine with every lurch of the truck.

    But as she learns to navigate her new life, this novice rancher discovers that disappointment, isolation, and danger can’t compete with the generosity of their rural community, the strength of family bonds, and the faithfulness of the God who planted in their hearts the dream of carving a refuge out of an inhospitable land.

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  • Paradigm Shift


    A personal memoir of events that have shaped the life of a practical scientist.The book tells a story, and along the way explores the synthesis Roy Peacock found after he came to faith in Christ. Testing the claims of the Bible in the same way he would any other truth-claims, he finds that God acts as dramatically and speaks as clearly today as he did in Bible times. People are healed spiritually and physically as Roy learns to trust God increasingly in every area of his life.

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  • Paw Prints : Imprinting Into The Lives Of Others


    Paw Prints: Imprinting Into the Lives of Others is a collection of inspirational stories sure to warm the weary soul and bring a smile to tired hearts who are in need of a lift. Author Susan Safrit draws on her deep love for animals (especially dogs!) to demonstrate how the love of God and our love for each other can leave “paw prints” behind us. Examining themes of kindness, servanthood, healing, individual gifts and more in this inspirational book, Safrit compiles an assortment of important lessons that are equally ripe with biblical truth and whimsical charm. Wherever we are, we are never too far for gone for God to leave a mark on our lives-or for us to seize the opportunity to leave one with someone else!

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  • Answering The Call


    Grace on Wings, the only charity air ambulance in the United States, was founded in 2006 when a group of volunteers responded to God’s call on their lives. Since then, the ministry has served 271 patients in crisis from a medical emergency. This book shares their stories and some of the amazing patient transport stories. On a deeper level, it challenges all readers to hear and answer God’s call to love and serve others. “I was most captivated by the stories of the patients helped by the Grace on Wings ministry. Countless times while reading the book, I was reminded of the friends who helped the paralytic go through the roof of a house to be healed by Jesus. Dr. Milstead and his team are the friends in that story.” Rev. Dan McNerney, Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship “I remember well the day Hal presented to me and our senior lender. The deep passion oozed out of him. The love of Jesus and commitment to this ministry was compelling.” Karen Miller, President and CEO, The Farmers Bank “Answering the Call tells the wonderful story of friends who heard God’s call to go beyond the usual, beyond the normal way of life, into an exciting and unique way of serving the Lord and helping people who desperately need help. Jim Milstead shares the challenges, the responses, and the blessings of God as the Grace on Wings team steps forward in faith to do the seemingly impossible. This book is a great read, as it turns our personal thoughts into how we too can answer the call and do the impossible with God’s leading.” Donna Thomas, Christian Vision Ministries For more information or to make a flight request, call 1.877.75.GRACE, find Grace on Wings on Facebook, or visit the ministry website at

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  • Threshold 2 : Time Is Once Go With Truth


    Flying home to New York I pictured my boxes of diaries being delivered, driven like a western covered wagon train slowly rolling across America. Back in hometown the collection of stories grew by searching for a church, new jobs, another dog and stumbling in and out of love.

    January of 2002 after having major surgery I began reading 240 diaries and shaping events. Honoring God by illuminating my trials and blessings was my motive for writing. Telling the story of God’s love became my objective. By 2007 I quit one part time job to carve out quality time as writing matured into a daily labor of love.

    In March 2012 I discovered Westbow Press. Prayerfully putting my manuscript into the hands of their editor’s, the hard work of rewriting progressed. My hope is to encourage those who think they know Jesus as Savior to be sure and obey Him as Lord. Lord willing many more will come to love Him.

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  • Threshold 2 : Time Is Once Go With Truth


    Flying home to New York I pictured my boxes of diaries being delivered, driven like a western covered wagon train slowly rolling across America. Back in hometown the collection of stories grew by searching for a church, new jobs, another dog and stumbling in and out of love.

    January of 2002 after having major surgery I began reading 240 diaries and shaping events. Honoring God by illuminating my trials and blessings was my motive for writing. Telling the story of God’s love became my objective. By 2007 I quit one part time job to carve out quality time as writing matured into a daily labor of love.

    In March 2012 I discovered Westbow Press. Prayerfully putting my manuscript into the hands of their editor’s, the hard work of rewriting progressed. My hope is to encourage those who think they know Jesus as Savior to be sure and obey Him as Lord. Lord willing many more will come to love Him.

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  • Threshold 1 : Time Is Once Reach For Hope


    From a 1974 motorcycle crash in upstate New York my memoir was born. Seven years of diary writing was the only medicine helping me through confusion and memory loss. Slowly the friendship of storytelling filled the diaries with life’s struggles, victories and lost love. Lyric writing naturally flowed out one snowy night and a goal, a dream came alive.

    Traveling to California in 1982 my hopes of a songwriting career thrived for seven years then faded away without knowing God. Through a glorious supernatural gift of God’s grace on 8-20-1989 He brought me into His family. After four years of struggling spiritual growth and recording the love of God, I flew home to New York in 1993. Stories increased proclaiming the truth of how Jesus saves and changes lives.

    Love for God grew through my writing as perseverance blossomed into full dedication. Thankfully telling about God’s love, trials and blessings is one more privilege in life, this path through time.

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  • Threshold 1 : Time Is Once Reach For Hope


    From a 1974 motorcycle crash in upstate New York my memoir was born. Seven years of diary writing was the only medicine helping me through confusion and memory loss. Slowly the friendship of storytelling filled the diaries with life’s struggles, victories and lost love. Lyric writing naturally flowed out one snowy night and a goal, a dream came alive.

    Traveling to California in 1982 my hopes of a songwriting career thrived for seven years then faded away without knowing God. Through a glorious supernatural gift of God’s grace on 8-20-1989 He brought me into His family. After four years of struggling spiritual growth and recording the love of God, I flew home to New York in 1993. Stories increased proclaiming the truth of how Jesus saves and changes lives.

    Love for God grew through my writing as perseverance blossomed into full dedication. Thankfully telling about God’s love, trials and blessings is one more privilege in life, this path through time.

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  • Pilgrimage : My Journey To A Deeper Faith In The Land Where Jesus Walked (Reprin


    An Intimate Look at a Bestselling Author’s Journey to Deeper Faith

    “The opportunity to tour Israel came at a good time. For months, my life has been a mindless plodding through necessary routine, as monotonous as an all-night shift on an assembly line. Life gets that way sometimes, when nothing specific is wrong but the world around us seems drained of color. Even my weekly worship experiences and daily quiet times with God have felt dry and stale. I’m ashamed to confess the malaise I’ve felt. I have been given so much. Shouldn’t a Christian’s life be an abundant one, as exciting as Christmas morning, as joyful as Easter Sunday?”

    With gripping honesty, Lynn Austin shares with readers a private and intimate look at her own struggles with spiritual dryness in a season of loss and unwanted change. As she journeys through Israel, Austin turns to Scripture at each site she visits. Then with a fiction writer’s eye for detail, she seamlessly weaves events and insights from the Word as she finds hope, renewed faith, and a sense of direction for the future.

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  • December 1941 : 31 Days That Changed America And Saved The World


    In the days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, eyes in America were focused on the war in Europe or distracted by the elevated mood sweeping the country in the final days of the Great Depression. But when planes dropped out of a clear blue sky and bombed the American naval base and aerial targets in Hawaii, all of that changed. December 1941 takes readers into the moment-by-moment ordeal of a nation waking to war.Best-selling author Craig Shirley celebrates the American spirit while reconstructing the events that called it to shine with rare and piercing light. By turns nostalgic and critical, he puts readers on the ground in the stir and the thick of the action. Relying on daily news reports from around the country and recently declassified government papers, Shirley sheds light on the crucial diplomatic exchanges leading up to the attack, the policies on internment of Japanese living in the U.S. after the assault, and the near-total overhaul of the U.S. economy for war.Shirley paints a compelling portrait of pre-war American culture: the fashion, the celebrities, the pastimes. And his portrait of America at war is just as vivid: heroism, self-sacrifice, mass military enlistments, national unity and resolve, and the prodigious talents of Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley aimed at the Axis Powers, as well as the more troubling price-controls and rationing, federal economic takeover, and censorship. Featuring colorful personalities such as Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and General Douglas MacArthur, December 1941 highlights a period of profound change in American government, foreign and domestic policy, law, economics, and business, chronicling the developments day by day through that singular and momentous month.December 1941 features surprising revelations, amusing anecdotes, and heart-wrenching stories, and also explores the unique religious and spiritual dimension of a culture under assault on the eve of Christmas. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the closest thing to war for the Americans was uncoordinated, mediocre war games in South Carolina. Less than thirty days later, by the end of December 1941, the nation was involved in a pitched battle for the preservation of its very way of life, a battle that would forever change the nation and the world.

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  • Cat In The Window (Reprinted)


    People love their pets–cats more so than any other (or so the cats would like to think). And if there is anything cat-lovers enjoy almost as much as stroking their beloved feline friends, it’s reading about cats. In the tradition and style of her previous smash hits, Callie Smith Grant brings readers a brand-new collection of uplifting stories about the amazing creatures that warm our hearts–and our laps! With stories from Melody Carlson, Jill Eileen Smith, Robert Benson, Kathi Lipp, and many others, The Cat in the Window offers the perfect excuse to curl up on the couch with a furry friend.

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  • Hobbit Lessons : A Map For Lifes Unexpected Journey


    When Adventure Comes Knocking,Let It In (Despite The Fact It May Make You Late For Dinner)
    Live Courageously (Even If-Especially If-Part Of You Says Not To)
    Be Fond Of Waistcoats, Second Breakfasts, Pocket Handkerchiefs, And Four O’Clock Tea (But Don’t Let Them Become Too Precious)
    Have Your Friends’ Backs (Someone Has Yours)
    Beware-Not All That Glitters Is Gold (And Even Gold Is Not The Treasure You Think) Remember-Not All That Is Gold Glitters (In Fact, Life’s Real Treasures Are Quite Ordinary Looking)
    Recognize You Are Only A Little Fellow In A Wide World (But Still An Important Part Of A Larger Story)
    Find The Enchantment All Around You (Even If You Are Not A Wizard)

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    Millions of fans worldwide have been attracted to the Hobbit for its unique combination of high adventure and profound truths. Tapping the excitement around the highly-anticipated second installment of the Hobbit movie trilogy (in theatres December Tolkien-scholar, Devin Brown, now presents a fast-paced and easy-to-follow presentation of timeless spiritual messages to help navigate your spiritual journey. Peppered with illustrations throughout, Hobbit Lessons offers troll-sized portions of relevance and regular nuggets of good Hobbit sense. The result is a collection of tangible bites of wisdom that are not only deeply moving but also great fun. These lessons on joy, friendship, dedication, sacrifice, and more will appeal to Hobbit fans, parents, teachers, librarians, youth pastors, graduates-and anyone looking for a creative way to explore timeless life lessons and important values of faith.

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  • Grace For Today


    LuxLeather Cover
    Heat-debossed text
    Full-color insides
    366 devotions
    Ribbon marker

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  • Ministry Of A Messy House


    To love one’s neighbour messy makes.’ So writes Amanda Robbie’s father in the poem at the start of this book.Messy is OK, even in a world gone mad with perfectionism. The author looks at ‘messy’ in the context of home, family, children, church, community, meals and celebrations. As someone who has lived in eight homes in four cities andone town, spread across three countries, in the course of her married life, she has had to reassess her priorities regularly and work out what really matters in life.From studying the Scriptures, Amanda has discovered that it’s God’s grace that matters, not our flawless performance or impressive presentation. In fact – dare we say it? – it’s OK to do things imperfectly and even fail. Yes, honestly.This book will lift the burden of guilt from your sagging shoulders. It will free you up to enjoy serving God, imperfectly by this world’s standards, but in a way that pleases our heavenly Father

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  • Close To The Wind


    “Close to the Wind” is a phrase indicating danger, threat, challenge, courage and risk. All of these will be found in this gripping and faith-raising story of Maurice and Hilary Vitty. This book is a wonderful adventure story, it is a true story, and it is a young people’s story guaranteed to shake those who are older land-lubber settlers in the Christian faith for us to get up and go ” for the Lord your God is with you” Josh 1v9. May all who read this faith manual be inspired in faith and good works. Roger. T. Forster Leader and Founder of Ichthus Christian Fellowship Vice President of Tearfund Previous Chairman of the Evangelical Alliance Maurice and Hilary Vitty bring an authentic passion for God and an unwavering resolve to do whatever God enables them to do to make the difference in the lives of people who desperately need help, healing, rescue and a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This book tells a fascinating story of faith, compassion and obedience to the leading of God. Dr Dale Pederson, Pastor First Congregational Church, Peru, IL, Adjunct faculty, the Kings University and SUM Bible College and Seminary. It was in reading Maurices first book , Great Exploits or Trivial Pursuit? That I first gained a vision for living by faith.The depth of community I experienced in SEACARE is something I have never found since-I miss that. I am grateful that my five years onboard the Redeemer helped build a foundation that shaped my heart for many years of ministry ahead. Adam C

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  • Sharecroppers


    An emotionally gripping tale of Arkansas sharecropping, silver dollars, a stolen home and a runaway baby. There was a time of choppin’ cotton under a blistering sun, a time when family entertainment meant humid evenings on the front porch, when your uncldes told tales so funny even the bull frogs chuckled. For those whose roots grow deep in cotton soil, a legacy calls you back.

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  • Cure : Prescription For Life


    Throughout human history, mankind’s greatest struggle has been our willingness to admit our need for God. (Psalm 14:1)
    – Our failure to recognize our need for God has led to a deep spiritual sickness. (Psalm 14:2-3)
    – Until we accept that we have this disease, we won’t recognize our need to find “The Cure.” (Matthew 5:3)

    In the section of Scripture known as “The Beatitudes”, Jesus lays out principles that work much like a doctor diagnosing cancer. By demonstrating the vast difference between the heart of God and the heart of man, He reveals both the depth of our spiritual sickness, as well as the folly of trying to live without God. Like a person who is sick with cancer, it is not until you receive your diagnosis, and accept the fact you have a terminal disease, that you become willing to take the steps necessary to find “The Cure” for your condition. This book explores an important spiritual truth: Once we accept the reality of God’s diagnosis, the only hope of getting better is “The Cure” that Jesus offers!

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  • Unraveling : Hanging Onto Faith Through The End Of A Christian Marriage


    To be a separated or divorced Christian is to be an anomaly, a scandal. No one knows what box to put you in or what to do with you, and this no man’s land-pun intended-can be a very isolating and core-shaking place to dwell. Elisabeth Klein Corcoran knows from experience. After extensive counseling, mentoring, 12-step groups, many tears, and even more prayers, Elisabeth found her 16-year marriage ending in separation and divorce. A believer completely in love with Jesus, Elisabeth was alone, drowning in a sea of emotions, and questioning how to navigate her way through the end of her marriage. Elisabeth walks readers through the varied emotions of being newly single in this collection of vulnerable and hopeful essays, expounding on some of the most common struggles of divorce: anger, faith, guilt, loneliness, and more. What started as an article for, has turned into a calling to soothe broken hearts with stories, prayer, action steps, and Scripture readings, helping readers hold on to profound faith and reassurance in the one Love that will never die. Whether separated, newly divorced, and just considering divorce, women will find hope and comfort in these short, but dynamic readings.

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  • Holy Is The Day


    1. Four In The Furnace
    2. The Widow’s Offering
    3. Refined Like Silver
    4. U-Turn Friends
    5. Even Jesus Went Out In A Boat
    6. Carpe Deum
    7. Exclamation Marks In The Sky!
    8. At The Threshold
    9. The Dear Hunt
    10. Grumble And Trust
    11. Living In The Presence

    Additional Info
    Life pulls us in many directions, sometimes even to the point of pulling our souls apart. We know rest and reflection are necessary for a healthy life-even Jesus took time to get away from the crowds, away from the demands of everyday life, to pray, to spend time with close friends, to sleep. But when Carolyn Weber-emotionally and physically exhausted from managing her career as a college professor, writing her first book and parenting three children under the age of three-hears this truth from a friend, all she can think is: but who will do everything if I don’t? And this sets her on a journey to find the still, small space in each day. In these pages Carolyn reflects on the eternal beauty that lurks within the present. Drawing from literature, history and everyday life, Holy Is the Day is a collection of spiritual reflections that trace the way God’s ever-renewing grace is a gift of the present. Opening it we find poignant stories of endurance, humility, compassion, remembrance and gratitude, as well a harrowing account of near-death experience. Carolyn gives us new eyes to receive the precious gift of the present and give it away to others.

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  • Etched By Silence


    This collection of poems by Wales’ most famous poet-priest, R S Thomas, is interspersed with short reflections and questions for exploration that connect the timeless poetry to the landscape that inspired it. Originally produced locally for visitors to the North Wales village and church where R S Thomas was the parish priest, its appeal extends to all who know and love the raw honesty and sparse, striking style of the poetry, and whose own faith and questions are mirrored in it.

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  • Christmas With The Holy Fathers


    Now in paperback for the first time, Christmas with the Holy Fathers guides readers through Advent, Christmas and Epiphany with the words of Popes past.

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  • Daily Feast Year A


    Feasting on the Word has quickly become the most popular lectionary commentary series in use today. This series of daily devotionals draws from the wealth of writing in the commentaries to present inspirational reflections for each day of the lectionary year.

    Each day of the week contains Scripture passages for the coming Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary, excerpts from the commentaries for reflection, a response, and a prayer. Additional material is provided for each Sunday.

    These handsome volumes are packaged in a soft leather-like cover with rounded corners, a stamped cover, and a sewn-in ribbon to help you keep your place. Daily Feast is ideal for daily meditation, journaling, teaching, and worship preparation.

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  • Keep Calm And Pray Gift Book


    The products in the KEEP CALM Range speak straight to the heart. The designs combine the simple yet unique and recognizable motif with the fine distinction of Spirit-filled encouragement.

    This gift book contains Scripture verses and quotes about the power of prayer.

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  • Eyes Wide Open 1


    I’m always looking for words of inspiration. The words and messages in this book are some of the most uplifting I have ever read Dolly Parton I know of no one in the gospel music field with more heart or integrity than Sheri Easter. I’m sure that these devotions would certainly spiritually enrich the lives of anyone who reads them. Bill Gaither Eyes Wide Open is a series of 52 weekly devotions designed to help you make your moments count. Each week begins with a conversation piece, a story about Sheri’s real life experiences and the ordinary, everyday occurrences in which she looks for God’s fingerprints on her life. Following each story is several scriptures to hide in your heart. It’s a book written by a busy woman for a busy woman. Sheri is a wife and mother of three children. She is a two-time Grammy nominated gospel artist, winner of six Dove Awards, author of Hear My Heart and a breast cancer survivor. She and her husband, Jeff, both come from acclaimed musical families and have been touring now for over 28 years as a couple. She writes a weekly devotion for Sheri has a Masters in Business Leadership and resides in her hometown of Lincolnton, Georgia.

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  • Between A Rock And A Grace Place


    Carol Kent and her husband, Gene, are now living what some would call a heartbreaking life—their son, Jason, a young man who initially had so much promise, is now living out a life sentence for murder in a maximum security prison. All their appeals have been exhausted at both the state and federal levels—humanly speaking, they have run out of options. But despite their hopeless situation, Carol and her husband live a life full of grace. Kent reveals how life’s problems become fruitful affliction where we discover the very best divine surprises, including peace, compassion, freedom, and adventure. Through the Kent’s remarkable ongoing journey, Jason’s riveting letters from behind bars, and true ‘grace place’ stories from the lives of others, Between a Rock and a Grace Place reveals that when seemingly insurmountable challenges crash into our lives, we can find ‘divine surprises’ as we discover God at work in ways we never imagined. With vulnerable openness, irrepressible hope, restored joy, and a sense of humor, Carol Kent helps readers to find God’s ‘grace places’ in the middle of their worst moments.

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  • Strangers To The City


    One of the world’s experts on monastic spirituality, Michael Casey offers wise teachings on what it means to live today in the distinctive path of St. Benedict.

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  • Kingdom Come


    In this world of pain, regret, and brokenness, people regularly wonder about the future. Yet Christians find confidence in one secure truth: Jesus is coming back. Directing readers to this ultimate hope, Phil Ryken encourages Christians to live each day longing for Christ’s return and anticipating the coming of his kingdom. This book overflows with engaging anecdotes, contemporary illustrations, and insightful reflections on Scripture, offering readers a powerful reminder of the glorious future promised to all who trust in Christ and who long for his appearing.

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  • Tenacious : How God Used A Terminal Diagnosis To Turn A Family And A Footba


    Jeremy Williams captured the national imagination by coaching his high school football team to unprecedented heights while combating ALS and caring for a son with spina bifida. This is his family’s inspiring story.

    The story of Jeremy Williams and his family inspires readers by reminding them of the power of one courageous individual to make a difference in many lives, despite all but insurmountable obstacles. The story takes us through the building of an unforgettable football team from a group of despondent underachievers and underprivileged young men, reminiscent of Remember the Titans; the birth and challenges of a son with spina bifida; the national attention brought by the ABC-TV show Extreme Home Makeover, which built a new home for the Williams family; and the amazing and uplifting iinfluence of Jeremy Williams on an entire community. Above all, the story paints a picture of a courageous and faith-driven man no reader will ever forget.

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  • Dangerous (Reprinted)


    One Man’s Extreme Faith Challenges Believers to Live More Radical Lives

    From a warring tribal village in Africa to a Rob Zombie concert to a Guatemalan prison to a bombed out church in Sudan, Caleb Bislow shares firsthand stories of how God is working around the world. Some see Caleb’s life and faith as extreme, but to him, sharing God’s love in the most dangerous and despised places in the world is simply living a life of surrender.

    With humbleness and even some humor, Caleb inspires readers to step out of their comfort zones and take godly risks wherever they are. Rounding out the book are appendixes of organizations to join or support and specific prayer needs around the world.

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  • Unveiling Grace : The Story Of How We Found Our Way Out Of The Mormon Churc


    From a rare insider’s point of view, Mormon Giants in the Land looks at how Latter-day Saints are ‘wooing our country’ with their religion, lifestyle, and culture. It is also a gripping story of how an entire family, deeply enmeshed in Mormonism, found their way out and what they can tell others about their lives as faithful Mormons.

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  • Word Of God Made Plain


    Olive Press Messianic (

    Looking for a daily devotional that will move you to act? That will make your faith alive and full of power? That will reveal new things in the Word-insights you would never see on your own; or things you know, but it revives them and they draw you closer to Jesus and bring the Holy Spirit power back into your spirit? In this book are dynamic devotions that will inspire and empower you to put God’s Word to action in the spirit realm. Are you aware of all the untapped power of God available to you through His Living Word? Study these devotionals to discover it all. Let the Truth sink in until it is part of you and changes the way you think and act.

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  • Gentle Giant Of Dynamite Hill


    These are the firsthand accounts of sisters Helen and Barbara Shores growing up with their father, Arthur Shores, a prominent Civil Rights attorney, during the 60s in the Jim Crow south Birmingham district—a frequent target of the Ku Klux Klan. Between 1948 and 1963, some 50 unsolved Klan bombings happened in Smithfield where the Shores family lived, earning their neighborhood the nickname ‘Dynamite Hill.’

    Due to his work, Shores’ daughter, Barbara, barely survived a kidnapping attempt. Twice, in 1963, Klan members bombed their home, sending Theodora to the hospital with a brain concussion and killing Tasso, the family’s cocker spaniel. The family narrowly escaped a third bombing attempt on their home in the spring of 1965.

    The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill is an incredible story of a family’s unfair suffering, but also of the Shores’ overcoming. This family’s sacrificial commitment, courage, determination, and triumph inspire us today through this story and the selfless service, work, and lives of Helen Shores Lee and Barbara Sylvia Shores.

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  • We Laugh We Cry We Cook


    Becky Johnson and her daughter Rachel Randolph come from a long line of laughter. The female side of her family tree is dotted with funny storytellers, prolific authors, hospitable home cooks, and champion chatters. In We Love, We Laugh, We Cook, Becky—a butter and bacon loving mama—and Rachel—a vegan bean eating daughter—share stories of their crazy, wonderful, and sometimes challenging lives as Rachel becomes a mother herself. Becky is messy; Rachel craves order. Becky forgets what month it is; Rachel is an organizational genius. (At least before baby arrives.) Sprinkled throughout are the lip-smacking, nourishing recipes they love to make and share. From food for a family reunion of thirty, to lunch for a party of one in a high chair, to a hot meal for a sick friend, the authors demonstrate grace, acceptance, and love to others through the bonding gifts of humor, attentive listening, and cooking … whether diners prefer beef or tofu in their stew.

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  • Searching For The Indigenous Church


    “This book bubbles up out of the heart of a man who has been on pilgrimage in Central Asia’s heartland. He has walked the dusty caravan trails he writes about in this perceptive and challenging book . . . . I’ve walked beside him as together we’ve sought to see Christ plant His church among an unreached Central Asian people group . . . . Gene will challenge you to radically rethink what we mean . . . when we speak of indigenous churches.” -John Lee (pseudonym), Missionary, Central Asia

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  • Angels In The Fire


    An Amazing True Story of Angelic Intervention in a Desperate Situation

    The Stadlers’ harrowing journey began with a midnight crash caused by a drunk driver. The odds they would both survive the crash were minimal–a testimony to the miracles that began that night and continued through months of surgeries and hospitalizations. The Stadlers struggled to rebuild their lives, only to face more heartache and loss. But through the hard times, their faith grew as God continued to save them from despair and bring blessings into their lives.

    For everyone seeking a deeper faith or affirmation of their belief in a good God, this book will provide hope and the reassurance that God still ministers through his angels today.

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  • Sorry For Your Troubles


    One of the most engaging voices contemporary spirituality in is that of the Irish poet, Padraig OTuama. This second poetry collection arises out of a decade of his hearing stories of people who have lived through personal and political conflict in Northern Ireland, the Middle East and other places of conflict. These poems tell stories of individuals who have lived through conflict: their loves and losses, their hope and generosity. One poem, Shaking hands was written when Padraig witnessed the historic handshake between Queen Elizabeth II and Martin McGuinness, who has since used the poem publicly. The phrase Sorry for your troubles is used all over Ireland. It comes directly from an Irish phrase, yet Irish has no word for bereavement – the word used is troibloid. So the phrase would be better translated Sorry for your bereavements. With this in mind, this new book speaks evocatively about a time when thousands of people lost their lives and many thousands more lived through the searing pain of grief.

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  • Embraced By The Spirit


    Embraced by the Spirit is a highly insightful book that comes alongside believers who are running on empty, who are hungry for more, and eager to experience all the blessings God has in store. Swindoll is convinced we overlook, even quench important dimensions of the Spirit. To be vital, joyful Christians, he believes we must find a more spontaneous, intimate, and dynamic relationship with God. Swindoll provides new insight as well as drawing on previously published material from his archives to create a fresh take on the Holy Spirit.

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  • Why God Why


    There are hard things in this life. You’ve seen things that cause you to ask, “Why?” Go ahead and ask.

    Pastor Karen Jensen knows firsthand what it is like to experience personal tragedy. In this book she shares with readers that it’s OK to ask why, but it’s not OK to “camp out” there.

    The book will open with Karen’s story: she and her husband were pastors of a church for about four years. She was thirty-seven, and their sons were twelve and thirteen. Her husband went to bed early New Year’s night and by the time she went into the bedroom a little while later, he was dead in the bed. There was no conclusive medical explanation for how he died, but he left Karen to carry on not only as the mother of their two children but as the pastor of the church they had started. Karen uses this personal story as the backdrop for her teaching that will both inspire and challenge Christians who are trying to cope with personal loss and other life-altering circumstances.

    “Things happen. Things are still going to happen. It is not the time to toss in the towel. Keep going. Keep trusting. God is faithful, and you can trust Him.”

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  • ABCs Of Who I Am In Christ For Men And Women


    More than 800 personal “I Am” statements for every day reading or esteem-building. The verses will motivate, encourage and inspire the Christian to walk in agreement with God’s Word. Scripture references are included for further study and edification. Research and usage was primarily from the KJV Bible.

    A little book with powerful truths! Makes a great ministry tool for yourself or one to give away!

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  • Ageless Wits : How She Lived To Be One Hundred And Thirteen Years And Twent


    OUR FAMILY Our family is like a lovely book. Our children are the leaves. Our Parents gives that covered look. That protects us if you please. At first the pages of the book were blank, And purely fair. But soon the pages had a crowded look When you and I appeared there. God sits judgment of our book. He reads what is written there. At each of us he is taken a look. Proudly, carefully, ought we prepare.

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  • Hearts Bouquet


    Thirteen chapters use scriptures, poetry, touching stories and humor so women may grow beautiful flowers in the garden of their hearts.

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  • Father Glorified : True Stories Of Gods Power Through Ordinary People


    Learn the best methods for winning people to Christ with the help of CityTeam Ministries. In a follow up to their book Miraculous Movements, the missionaries of CityTeam share more insights into how best to share God’s love around the world. The authors take you beyond their work in Africa to California to show how the biblical principles used by the early church in the Book of Acts can work for us today.

    This book highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians use faith-based discipleship to reach out in love in their own communities. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel.

    Features include:
    *Biblical principles for reaching new people for Christ
    *Ways to lead people to Christ by leading them through the story of the Bible
    *Stories of Gods work around the world

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  • Secrets To A Happy Life


    Deep, lasting satisfaction and contentment elude many people. In his accessible book, Giovannetti addresses this contemporary issue by guiding readers through the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. He answers the question Is contentment possible? with a resounding yes. Biblical wisdom and practical advice will help the reader find contentment in God rather than circumstances.

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  • Why Me : Reasoning With Gods Sovereignty In The Midst Of Suffering


    Learn to experience joy and peace now.

    The purpose of Why Me? is to encourage readers to worship and thank God passionately even in the midst of trouble.
    * Identify obstacles that need to be conquered
    * How convictions help triumph over temptations
    * Discussion between grace, forgiveness, and restoration
    * Embrace truths and enjoy peace

    Through the study of Joseph’s life, author Kenny Moore seeks to understand his own circumstances out of his control. Moore uses Joseph’s story to teach the reader how he fights through feelings of isolation, learns to trust God, and works through his own battle with cerebral palsy. Why Me? shares Moore’s journey from anger to gratefulness, the struggles and blessings along the way, and provides inspiration that life does not need to be perfect in order to have peace.

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  • Balance : A Story Of Faith Family And Life On The Line


    Nik Wallenda shares how the support of his family and his faith in Jesus Christ keep him balanced as a death-defying stunt performer.

    Nik Wallenda, “King of the High Wire,” doesn’t know fear. As a seventh generation of the legendary Great Wallendas, he grew up performing, entertaining, and pushing the boundaries of gravity and balance.

    When Nik was four years old, he watched a video from 1978 of his great grandfather, Karl Wallenda, walking between the towers of the Condado Plaza Hotel in Puerto Rico, stumbling, and falling to his death because of a faulty balance pole. When Nik heard his father quote his great-grandfather–“Life is on the wire, everything else is just waiting”–the words resonated deep within his soul and he vowed to be a hero like Karl Wallenda.

    Balance is the theme of Nik’s life: between his work and family, his faith in God and artistry, his body and soul. It resonates from him when performing and when no one is looking. When walking across Niagara Falls, he prayed aloud the entire time, and to keep his lust for glory and fame in check, Nik returned to the site of his performance and spent three hours cleaning up trash left by the crowd.

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  • Angels By My Side (Reprinted)


    What does it mean to have “angels watching over you”? A great deal–not only in realms of glory but in practical day-to-day living. Much loved author Betty Malz started with her own phenominal experience of an angelic encounter and found out just how practical their help can be, whether to survive a dangerous situation, to discern the will of God, or to overcome a temptation.

    Angels’ work, as Betty learned, is as versatile as it is timely.

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  • Take My Hand


    Breast cancer survivor Beth Wilson offers her companionship and words of insight to you on your journey through breast cancer. Through journal entries and reflections from her own fight with cancer, Beth invites you to hear her heart as she walks through all the seasons that a diagnosis of cancer can bring-shock, grief, sadness, denial, recovery, and, lastly, joy. From dealing with friends who can’t relate to the feelings that follow a double mastectomy, Beth’s transparent account serves both as inspiration and encouragement. Regardless of where you are on your cancer journey, Beth Wilson is ready to take your hand and guide you through to the end.

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  • Running Over Rocks


    Arising out of many years of giving workshops and retreats on the theme, Ian Adams explores simple spiritual practices that will enable us to live with imagination, adventure and generosity and to keep our balance in life, even when things threaten to overwhelm us. It offers a series of 25 down-to-earth spiritual strategies for everyday living that can help us not just to cope, but see the difficulties that might otherwise derail us as fresh opportunities to let God of the unexpected come in and transform us. Ian Adams drawsn on the life-changing possibilities of the Parables of Jesus and the Beatitudes which upend our usual theories of success and wellbeing. The wisdom and work of monastics and contemplatives, activists and artists, and all who are trying to reshape the world for good today are generously shared here.

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  • Sober Mercies : How Love Caught Up With A Christian Drunk


    Where do you turn for hope when you already have the answer–but the answer isn’t working?

    As a long-time Christian, Heather Kopp never expected to become an out-of-control alcoholic who kept private stashes of booze all over the place–tucked behind books in her study, zipped into a special compartment in her oversized purse, at the back of her closet stuffed inside her boots.

    Even as her career and marriage teetered on the brink, Kopp couldn’t get a grip, desperately hiding the true extent of her drinking from the rest of the world–her husband included. During the day she wrote books about God and prayer and family. At night she’d locked herself in her bathroom to guzzle chardonnay.

    For her, as for many Christians who struggle with addiction, overwhelming shame and confusion only made things worse. Why wasn’t her faith enough to save her? Why didn’t repentance, Bible reading and prayer work? Where was God?

    Meanwhile, as she watched in horror, her grown son descended into his own nightmare of drugs and alcohol. She feared for his life, yet she couldn’t stop drinking long enough to help him–or find a way out for herself.

    Until the day everything changed.

    Engaging, funny and bracingly honest, Kopp shares her remarkable journey into darkness…and back to the light again. Her story reveals the unique challenges and spiritual conundrums Christians face when they become ensnared in an addiction, and the redemption that’s possible when we finally reach the end of ourselves.

    If you love Jesus but shop too much, drink too much, eat too much, crush on men who aren’t your husband, or otherwise fixate on doing things you hate but can’t stop doing, SOBER MERCIES is for you.

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  • Lose Your Quit


    In this motivational book by Danny Cahill, you will be inspired to achieve your goals and dreams. He offers practical steps that will help you to identify those things that hold you back from the very dreams that you wish to create.

    Danny takes you on a journey before and during his time on The Biggest Loser show. He lost 239 pounds and became the Biggest Loser EVER. While on the show, he discovered that the same basic steps he used on the show can help you find success in any area of your life.

    Whether you want to build a successful business, lose weight, or improve your relationships, the same principles to success apply. The only limits that you have are the ones that you place on yourself. So, Lose Your Quit and lose your limits!

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  • Nearing Home : Life Faith And Finishing Well


    But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. -Acts 20:24 (ESV)

    Growing old has been the greatest surprise of my life,” says Billy Graham, known by many as God’s Ambassador. “I would have never guessed what God had in store for me, and I know that as I am nearing home, He will not forsake me the last mile of the way.”

    In Nearing Home this man of faith-now in his nineties-explores the challenges of aging while gleaning foundational truths from Scripture. Billy Graham invites us to journey with him as he considers the golden years while anticipating the hope of being reunited with his wife, Ruth, in his heavenly home that eclipses this world. “When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice,” says the author. “Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Join Billy Graham as he shares the challenges of fading strength but still standing strong in his commitment to finishing life well.

    “Explore with me not only the realities of life as we grow older but also the hope and fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day.” -BILLY GRAHAM

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  • Real Win


    SKU (ISBN): 9781601424822ISBN10: 1601424825Colt McCoy | Matt CarterBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2013Publisher: Multnomah

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  • Heaven Hears


    On June 19, 2001, Ryan Corbin, grandson of Pat Boone, accidently stepped through a skylight and fell three stories onto a cement floor. When he broke through that roof, Ryan fell into a very different life from the one he had before as the beloved son of Lindy Boone Michaelis and first grandson of entertainment icon Pat Boone. As Ryan lingered between life and death in intensive care at UCLA Medical Center, Pat and Lindy decided to take action, in a big way; they went on Larry King Live, shared their faith, and asked millions of TV viewers to pray for Ryan. And so, they prayed. Heaven Hears is an unbelievable story of answered prayer-and it’s not over yet. This book will inspire you to look for answers to prayer and to see God’s miracles.

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  • Harriet


    Amongst fiction historical books and civil war books, you will not find any other as compelling as Harriet. The inspirational stories about family life accompanied by romantic and original poems of love will bring you right into the heart of 1860s America – complete with the danger, romance and inspired religion that characterize those times. You will get completely caught up in Harriet’s life experiences as her family emigrates from Europe on a titanic-like passenger ship, reaching the plains of middle America and confronting the realities of slavery, Indian American conflict and wide open opportunities for the pursuit of happiness.

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  • How The Light Gets In


    “When I begin to write, I open myself and wait. And when I turn toward an inner spiritual awareness, I open myself and wait.” With that insight, Pat Schneider invites readers to contemplate their lives and deepest questions through writing. In seventeen concise thematic chapters that include meditations on topics such as fear, freedom, tradition in writing and in religions, forgiveness, joy, social justice, and death, How the Light Gets In gracefully guides readers through the artistic and spiritual questions that life offers to everyone.

    Praised as a “fuse lighter” by author Julia Cameron and “the wisest teacher of writing I know” by the celebrated writing guru Peter Elbow, Pat Schneider has lived a life of writing and teaching, passion and compassion. With How the Light Gets In, she delves beyond the typical “how-to’s” of writing to offer an extended rumination on two inner paths, and how they can run as one. Schneider’s book is distinct from the many others in the popular spirituality and creative writing genre by virtue of its approach, using one’s lived experience–including the experience of writing–as a springboard for expressing the often ineffable events that define everyday life. Her belief that writing about one’s own life leads to greater consciousness, satisfaction, and wisdom energizes the book and carries the reader elegantly through difficult topics.

    As Schneider writes, “All of us live in relation to mystery, and becoming conscious of that relationship can be a beginning point for a spiritual practice–whether we experience mystery in nature, in ecstatic love, in the eyes of our children, our friends, the animals we love, or in more strange experiences of intuition, synchronicity, or prescience.”

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  • Healing Hearts : A Leading Pediatric Heart Surgeon Learns About The Journey


    For pediatric heart surgeon Hisashi Nikaidoh, MD, a chance encounter near the hospital cafeteria would stay in his mind forever. The woman he ran into had lost her son in this hospital years earlier. Now she was working in the very place that had been unable to save her child’s life. Dr. Nikaidoh was stunned. He wondered how she could tolerate coming here every day. But respecting her privacy, he never asked the question. After losing his own son in a tragic accident several years later, Dr. Nikaidoh struggled terribly under the weight of his own grief. And his thoughts went back to this woman. What did she know that he could learn-this loving mother who seemed to have made peace with her loss? Healing Hearts shares eight mothers’ deeply honest and gut-wrenching journeys through grief-their pain, anger, attempts at solace with alcohol and bad relationships-as well as their decisions to honor their children by committing to lives of service. These stories, and that of the doctor with whom they share a unique bond, serve as testaments to God’s everlasting love and mercy, and guideposts on our own journeys of grief.

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  • It Is Finished (Reprinted)


    In today’s era of pop psychology, most Christians battle temptation and sin through self-help techniques or gritty self-will. Even Wilkerson, through decades of ministry that led hundreds of thousands to salvation and deliverance, struggled to know true peace as he battled his own “besetting sins.” Determined to find victory, Wilkerson came to grasp the stunning reality that the vast love of God provides the spiritual resources believers need to obey his every command.

    Gathered from some of his most prominent sermons, this is one of Wilkerson’s most powerful teachings–one that will redeem countless lives into the life-giving experience of purity.

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  • When God Makes Lemonade


    Do you know someone who needs some encouragement? Perhaps that someone is you.

    In When God Makes Lemonade, author Don Jacobson has collected real-life stories from around the world that show everyday folks discovering unexpected sweetness in the midst of sour circumstances. Some are funny, others are sobering, and more than a few will bring tears of amazement. But these true stories all have one thing in common: hope.

    There’s no question that life gives us “lemons,” like issues with health, employment, and relationships. But when those lemons become lemonade, it’s as refreshing as a cold drink on a hot summer day.

    It’s true that in life “stuff” happens, but as you’ll see in these stories, Lemonade Happens too!

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  • Intentional Walk : An Inside Look At The Faith That Drives The Saint Louis


    An inside look at the faith that guides the all-stars.

    The St. Louis Cardinals have long been one of the most successful franchises in the major leagues. They have won 11 World Series titles and some of the most famous players in the history of the game have worn the storied “Birds on the Bat” uniform.

    While that on-field success has been well documented, Intentional Walk is the first book which goes beyond the story of what happens on the field to take an in-depth look at the men inside the Cardinal uniforms, and examine how their strong Christian faith is one of the driving forces behind their success.

    Intentional Walk features the stories of Adam Wainwright, David Freese, Lance Berkman, Matt Holliday, Carlos Beltran, Jason Motte and other members of the 2012 Cardinals, written as those players and the rest of the team tried to repeat the 2011 world championship. The book talks about how they became Christians and offers their testimony about what it means for them to have God play such a prominent role in their lives.

    Playing for first-year manager Mike Matheny, a strong Christian as well, these men talk about their success and failure, about the challenges that come from playing baseball at the highest level, and how thankful and blessed they are to have that God-given ability. In the end, however, what is far more important to them is their life-long relationship they have established with Jesus Christ.

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  • American Patriots Almanac


    Read here the storied history of these United States. The stories in this book are part of what Abraham Lincoln called the “mystic chords of memory.” They are the symbols that define the essence of the United States, that mark its historic course, and connect its people. The American Patriot’s Almanac is a daily source of inspiration and information about the history, heroes, and achievements that sum up what this nation is all about.

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  • Waking Up In Heaven


    The remarkable story of a woman, plagued with guilt and skepticism, dramatically changed by the nine minutes she spent in heaven.

    God let me see me through His eyes. And in that instant I knew that God had always loved me, through all of those dark and difficult years when I doubted His existence, through every crisis and every heartbreak that made me turn away from Him more. I knew, in that instant, that His love was endless and boundless, and that if He loved me so much, how could I not love myself?

    For most of her life, Crystal McVea was a skeptic whose history of abuse and bad choices made her feel beyond the reach of God-who questioned if God was even real. She had all but given up hope. Then came December 10, 2009-and the moment that changed everything.

    For nine minutes that night, Crystal went into full respiratory arrest. She was unconscious and unable to breathe on her own, unaware of the crisis happening around her as the hospital staff rushed to save her life. Crystal doesn’t remember the trauma or losing consciousness; she just remembers waking up in heaven, next to God.

    Waking Up in Heaven invites readers to witness the relentless pursuit of God in a life that was broken and seemingly beyond hope, an awe-inspiring account of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and the healing power of God’s presence.

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  • Do You Hear What I Hear Knowing Gods Voice And Making It Paramount In Your


    “Sounds are all around us-traffic, sirens, noise. But do you hear the whispers, the sounds only God can create? Do you listen, do you hear? In your heart, God can speak to you. He can strengthen you by giving you grace to make a difference in this busy, noisy world. It is through the Holy Spirit, God’s voice within us, that allows us to be a witness for His Kingdom. Are you ready, what do you hear?”

    You’re invited to join Kathi Lee Grand as she shares her journey, the one she’s experienced with God since 2000. This includes her “spiritual encounters,” when she first began to hear the Holy Spirit through that “still, small voice.” To date she has received thirteen God-inspired words. Each of these words is introduced in a chapter along with the acronym and referenced Scripture verses. Kathi Lee both encourages and challenges readers to explore their own journey as they too seek to hear God’s voice.

    May God richly bless you, as you begin your journey with Him as you also experience His voice.

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  • Limitless : Devotions For A Ridiculously Good Life


    A jaw-dropping testimony from an “unstoppable” young Christ-follower who hasn’t let severe disabilities keep him from a rich, independent, and joy-filled life! Born without arms or legs, motivational speaker Vujicic offers 50 thought-provoking devotions on faith, relationships, career challenges, life balance, anger, health, contentment, self-esteem, dealing with intolerance, and the power of God-given dreams.

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  • Waiting For A Father


    Waiting for a Father tells of the heart-wrenching cry of orphans to belong. For over two decades, Gary Stephens, his wife Helen, and their four biological children lived in Hong Kong, working with Vietnamese refugees. By 1991, they had founded several homes for orphans and were involved in local and international adoptions. In 1992, their work spilled into mainland China, when they learned of baby girls being abandoned in alarming numbers, innocent victims of the one-child policy. Gary and Helen acted, founding an orphanage in a city in southern China.

    The need to empty orphanages became personal for Gary when, in 1996, Gary and Helen met two-year-old Jacob, a Hong Kong Chinese boy who was born without eyes and had been abandoned. They brought him to their home for children with special needs, and Gary and Helen became Jacob’s foster parents. Two years later, in a quiet moment before God, Gary heard a simple command: Change Jacob’s status from foster son to son.

    Gary and Helen filed the paperwork, and on October 31, 1998 his name was officially changed to Jacob Lok Chi Stephens-and he became the youngest of five children in the Stephens family. Now 18, Jacob is still non-verbal and developmentally delayed. Despite this, Jacob brings much joy to his family and even skis with his father.

    Written with Carmen Radley, Waiting for a Father is a story of hope-of people who did not look away, but instead opened their hearts to a child who needed them. It’s an inspiring message and a call to action to help empty the orphanages of the world…one child at a time. Waiting for a Father reveals a place where nationality, language, and color do not matter-that place in the heart of every orphan across the globe.

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  • In His Arms


    When the doctor pronounced, “You have cancer,” Michael Bradford’s world turned upside down. He knew his life would change forever. He didn’t expect to embark on a spiritual journey. Survival required acceptance of his own weakness and reliance on the strength of God. Lifted in the everlasting arms, he struggled down paths of darkness to a haven in the light of God’s love. Michael shared his story of hope with anyone who would listen. Then the Spirit prompted him to write this book.

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  • Do You Want To Be Healed


    So you’ve prayed to God that He will take your pain away, but it just seems as if He wants you to carry that cross forever. Have you ever thought that perhaps God really does want to heal you, but you’re actually standing in the way? Do You Want to Be Healed? Allowing God to Heal Brokenness in Your Life shares a little-known truth about Jesus’ healing ministry-you have to be ready for healing before Jesus will heal you. That means you can’t keep one foot in your dysfunction while crying out to God for help. You have to go all in before Jesus can perform that healing miracle in your life. If you’re ready for that kind of commitment-ready for Jesus to wipe away your tears and heal the brokenness in your soul-take a chance and say, yes, I want to be healed. Newspaper editor, soldier, political consultant, private investigator, intelligence officer, adjunct professor, business owner, senior executive, Bachelors and Masters Degrees-on paper Tom Mann looks like one of the more successful people you will meet. You would never see the dysfunction that consumed him, caused by too many years of neglect and abuse as a child. For years, he thought everyone else was nuts until the day he realized it was actually him. Crying out to Jesus, Tom found healing, but not in some “shabalee-doo, you’re healed” kind of way. No, more like the “Submit yourself fully to Jesus and do things you don’t want to do” kind of way. God has used Tom’s pain for good, giving Tom the ability to powerfully speak into other’s lives about healing. Now he desperately wants you to have the same kind of healing God has given him. Visit

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  • Jesse : A True Story Of Redemption


    Everyone needs a friend like Jesse. Nashville radio personality, LaVern Vivio (a.k.a. U-Turn LaVern), shares a true account of her lifelong friend, Jesse. From her childhood in Western Kentucky through the many ups and downs of jobs, relationships, and family trials, Vivio weaves a folksy, but true story of an enduring, encouraging, and supportive friendship. As you read this book, you will long for a friend like Jesse in your life. Here’s the good news – Vivio shares her secret to finding and developing this kind of life-changing friendship in your own life. Life is tough … and even tougher without a true friend. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet your Jesse. “Jesse is a captivating story of hurt and healing, bitterness and forgiveness, as a tender heart turns calloused and resentful to all but one person – Jesse – a true friend through thick and thin. LaVern opens the curtains of her soul in a courageous way to reveal the story of her heart. I have personally witnessed her walk with through many of the chapters of this story. I love this family, and I love what God has done with LaVern’s heart. I think you will love it too, for it will resonate with your own heart in more ways than you may expect.” Dr. Jimmy Sites Host of Spiritual Outdoor Adventures TV Author of The Heart for Adventure

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  • Godwinks And Divine Alignment


    The mega-bestselling author of the Godwinks series reveals seven steps to growing more closely aligned with God using your internal GPS and becoming more effective, successful, and fulfilled in everything you do.
    It’s happened to you. You received a phone call out of the blue; or you bumped into someone who led you to a new job, a new relationship, or opportunity that totally changed your life. You probably even said, “Wow, what a coincidence I met so and so.” But did you ever stop to ask what caused that person to be right there, at that exact moment, in your path? It was Divine Alignment: the arrangement of coincidences into a pattern of alignment so astonishing they could have come only from a higher source.

    In seven easy-to-follow steps, SQuire Rushnell shows how to navigate life’s thorniest hurdles, rediscover the deep meaning and impact of personal prayer, and develop the conviction and wherewithal it takes to reach your full potential and fulfill your most ambitious dreams.

    In his wonderfully optimistic voice, SQuire shares moving stories that show the awesome strength inherent in what he calls God’s Positioning System, or GPS. All of us, he assures readers, can use our own personal GPS to grow more closely aligned with God to become vastly more effective, successful, and fulfilled in our relationships, careers, and everything we do.

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  • Refuse To Do Nothing


    1.Mama, Slavery Ended With Abraham Lincoln
    2. We’ve Done This Before
    3. But I’m A Soccer Mom, Not An Activist
    4. You Have Advocacy Power
    5. Abolitionist Mamas
    6. Excuses
    7. Thick Skin And Tender Hearts
    8. Not In My Backyard
    9. Who’s Buying?
    10. Be The Nosy Neighbor
    11. Congo, Your Phone, And Child Slaves
    12. Chocolate, Not So Sweet
    13. You Have Purchasing Power
    14. You Have Relationship Power
    15. What Is Still Needed

    Additional Info
    Slavery didn’t end in 1833, when William Wilberforce’s decades-long campaign finally resulted in the Slavery Abolition Act. It didn’t end in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It didn’t end in 1949, when the United Nations declared trafficking “incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person.” The sad truth is, slavery never ended. It just went underground, where it continues to exploit powerless men, women and children in horrific ways throughout the world. Now for the good news: you have power. In Refuse to Do Nothing, “Abolitionist Mamas” Shayne Moore and Kimberly Yim share their stories of coming to terms with the power available to them in their normal, everyday lives to illuminate the shadows where those who traffic in people hidecompel corporations to fight slavery in how their products are mademotivate politicians to fight for human dignitymobilize friends and strangers alike to fight slavery at home and throughout the world Slavery doesn’t end without a fight. But get to know Shayne and Kimberly and their abolitionist friends, and you’ll find the power God grants to all who fight for the powerless, and the joy awaiting those who refuse to do nothing.

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  • Youre Made For A God Sized Dream (Reprinted)


    We all long to live with more purpose, passion, and joy. Yet in the middle of our hectic lives, the God-sized dreams that have the potential to lead us into all God has planned for us are the ones that tend to get lost. With her intimate, approachable style and constant encouragement, popular blogger and author Holley Gerth invites women to rediscover the big dreams God has given them–and then dare to pursue them.

    With the enthusiasm and honesty that we all want from our closest friend, Holley encourages women to overcome excuses–too busy, too late, too far out of my comfort zone–and believe that their God-sized dreams can become reality. She takes readers by the heart and says, “Yes! You can do this! Let’s go!” and then guides them forward with a loving hand. A licensed counselor and certified life coach, Holley insightfully combines inspiration with practical application in this positive book.

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  • Immanuel Moments


    We are living in dark and discouraging times. This darkness has a way of draining us of any hope that we might have for better days. When we do get a glimpse of hope, there seems to an unbeatable giant to face or a raging river to cross. Any hope we have is quickly cast down.

    It is in those moments that God wants to show Himself mighty on our behalf. He wants to rout our enemies and put them to flight. He wants to strengthen us so we stand up and defeat the giants that seem unbeatable. He wants to part the waters so we can cross over into His land of promised blessing and prosperity. He wants to be Immanuel-God with us.

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  • Immanuel Moments


    We are living in dark and discouraging times. This darkness has a way of draining us of any hope that we might have for better days. When we do get a glimpse of hope, there seems to an unbeatable giant to face or a raging river to cross. Any hope we have is quickly cast down.

    It is in those moments that God wants to show Himself mighty on our behalf. He wants to rout our enemies and put them to flight. He wants to strengthen us so we stand up and defeat the giants that seem unbeatable. He wants to part the waters so we can cross over into His land of promised blessing and prosperity. He wants to be Immanuel-God with us.

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  • God In The Mirror (Reprinted)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780801013331ISBN10: 080101333XMiles McPhersonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Publisher: Baker Publishing Group

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  • Christmas Ill Never Forget


    Young Luke desperately wants a horse to call his very own. But as his brother ‘s health steadily grows worse with an unknown illness, what their lives really need is a miracle. Having to do all the chores around the ranch, Luke feels that life is being a little unfair. To add to this, he is being asked to work for a local stable to provide the income needed to enjoy the Christmas holiday. As he works by the sweat of his brow, he soon forms a close bond with one of the horses. Will Luke finally receive the gift he so desperately wants, or will this be his brother ‘s last Christmas? As all these things culminate on Christmas day, Luke will learn a valuable lesson of God’s ultimate plan for their lives.

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