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    • Developing A Kingdom Mind Set


      In the natural world, the process of appropriating a place for ones own use involves planning, organization, and strategies for implementation. Getting to know the people, language, and culture is a valuable asset for effective communication. Possibly the greatest need in succeeding is the provision of a leader to act or speak on behalf of the new government. A person who is knowledgeable of the government and loyal to its king would be an ideal candidate. The key here seems to be an acknowledgment of and commitment to the process.

      We first see the process of colonization as Gods choice to make earth an extension of heaventhe place created for Him. God is a spirit, and therefore, we understand that He lives in a spiritual place. It is invisible. The extension, however, is visible. It is a garden given to His creation, humankind, with instructions.

      There is evidence that socialization, education, empowerment, and complementary relationships are parts of the preparation process of those who are made representatives of heavens government. Gods design for teaching humankind to think like He thinks is the perfect blue-print.

      It seems that as believers, children of God, and kingdom citizens, we have not completed the process. We must move from being believers to kingdom representatives. We must learn to think like our King, which will be reflected in our behavior. Having developed a kingdom mind-set, we must then help other believers experience the process.

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    • Big Girls Do Cry


      Millions of people in the US have left the Church because of Church Hurt. This problem is at epidemic proportions, yet very few Church leaders are trying to find a cure for this epidemic.

      Big Girls Do Cry tells the story of the deep Church hurt and the healing process of the author and proposes one possible cure for this epidemic: rebuild the Church on a complete foundation based on love.

      When asked, most people will say that Jesus is the full foundation of the Church. That sounds very Biblical, but it is not. Jesus is the Cornerstone of the Church, not the full foundation. Without a full foundation, the Church will collapse and hurt the people within its walls. This book examines what the rest of the Biblical foundation of the Church should be and gives some very practical ways to rebuild those foundations, so fewer people get hurt in the Church

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    • Invest Your Disappointments


      Sometimes our hopes are shattered and expectations fail to be realized. This can lead to disillusionment and discouragement. In extreme circumstances, it may even result in a collapse of faith. We cannot avoid disappointment-but how do we avoid being paralyzed by it? What causes it and what important lessons can we learn from it?

      The Bible never brushes our feelings under the carpet, and neither should we. Disappointment can be extremely painful, but it can also become a source of personal growth and a spur to maturity.

      Paul Mallard addresses the subject with honesty, humanity, and humor, drawing from his thirty years of Bible teaching and pastoral insights. Each chapter contains Mallard’s unique blend of anecdotes, Bible exposition, and practical advice, and concludes with helpful questions for discussion.

      If God folds disappointment into the texture of our lives, it is for a purpose. Understanding ourselves and the causes of our disappointments will give us perspective and courage. Grasping something of God’s purpose will give us patience and hope. We can invest our disappointments in a healthy way so that they bear lasting fruit.

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    • Friend Of Sinners


      Pastor and writer Rich Wilkerson Jr. shines a spotlight on every Christian’s calling to reach the world, seek the lost, and save sinners with Jesus’ scandalous message of the gospel of grace.

      The Bible calls Jesus a friend of sinners. What does that mean? In Friend of Sinners, Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows readers the profound implications of the reality that Jesus calls us friends not because of who we are or what we have done, but because of who he is. While he was on earth, he knew that people needed to belong before they would want to behave. He understood that the power within him was greater than the darkness around him, so he loved fearlessly.

      By following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that he did. His gospel of scandalous grace cannot be overestimated. When we embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally and when we trust him to bring transformation in people’s hearts, we will walk as Jesus walked, experiencing the glory of God in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.

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    • Why No Result


      The book “Why No Result !” deals with the problem of man and the road that leads to it. It examines the different ways the divine mandate of some destinies was destroyed by the destroyer through the power of choice. Choice is one great ingredient of creation that God bequeathed to man because it is elemental to His purpose for man to dominate. This is not without some restraints because whenever God gives an instruction, He speaks of a will or a purpose. Many have lost contact with their destinies because of the particular companionship of distraction which they voyaged into.

      This book explores the different ways through which a great destiny could lose contact with the results-oriented destiny listed for the great one but find so missing. It is a self-examining prospect which seeks to recoil you into the very life that was made up for you on the cross of Calvary. It deals with the great questions of destiny: where are you? With whom are you? Are you hid in the provision? Have you surrendered to the enemy? Are you dead or alive? Where is your command? A sincere self-examination would put your life in a perspective of rerouting to God’s path of fulfillment.

      Detrimental companionship is the genesis of the problem of mankind from time. Where you are can determine what and how your life would be. God wants you to be where He has prepared for you. He does all for you to be in the place of destiny. He did for Adam by creating a garden of fellowship for him and his wife. When Adam failed, God drove the first family from the place. God desires that you and I should get to that place of destiny and that is the reason He has not quitted preparing a good place for you because He craves your fellowship. It is in fellowship that you can get the attention of God and this is the ring that the devil does not want you to be. You must thrive to do all you can to access this because if you do, you would so find the RESULT.

      The result would not come except you take up a fellowship and exert your command which the last chapter deals with. When you have redeemed your destiny by rerouting, the demand of the destiny will place the command in your life. At this point, you would have found your feet on the victory glide. You will be able to deal with all forms of taskmasters which have bogged down your destiny because of a restored fellowship with God.

      This book brings to the fore the indefatigable and all-knowing God who is unlimited in all He does. He created all thi

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    • Here Am I Lord Send Somebody Else


      Being used by God is an adventure you won’t want to miss!
      Major Ian Thomas, a British theologian, teacher, and the founder of Torchbearers Bible Schools, spent seven exhausting years trying to live for Christ when he realized that God actually just wanted to live through Him. He offered this extremely simple advice in considering the Christian life: Go where you are sent, stay where you are put, and do what you are asked.With her trademark warmth and keen sense of humor, esteemed Bible study teacher Jill Briscoe follows Major Thomas’s example to help readers learn how to allow God to live through them, finding their mission field to be right before them-in the space between their own two feet. She uses stories from her own life and of other contemporaries to unpack the story of Moses in helping us better understand our true worth and calling. She asks, “What is your Jerusalem, your Judea, your Samaria? Whether you’re fifty or fifteen, you are called to be God’s light in a troubled world.” This classic work is being updated to include conversation starters and Bible study questions at the end of each chapter.

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    • Message Of The Cross


      Chapter 1:
      God The Creator And The Bible
      God Is The Creator
      I Am Who I AM
      God Is Omniscient And Omnipotent
      God Is The Author Of The Bible
      Every Word Of The Bible Is True

      Chapter 2:
      God Creates And Cultivates Man
      God Creates Human Beings
      Why God Cultivate Human Beings?
      God Separates The Wheat From The Chaff

      Chapter 3:
      The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil
      Adam And Eve In The Garden Of Eden
      Adam Disobeyed With His Own Free Will
      The Wages Of Sin Is Death
      Why Did God Place The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil?

      Chapter 4:
      The Secret Hidden Before Time Began
      Adam’s Authority Handed Over To The Devil
      The Law Of The Redemption Of The Land
      The Secret Hidden Since Before The Beginning Of Time
      Jesus Is Qualified According To The Law

      Chapter 5:
      Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?
      The Providence Of Salvation Through Jesus Christ
      Why Was Jesus Hung On The Wooden Cross?
      No Other Name In The World But “Jesus Christ”

      Chapter 6:
      The Providence Of The Cross
      Born In A Stable And Laid In A Manger
      Jesus’ Life In Poverty
      Whipped And Shedding His Blood
      Wearing The Crown Of Thorns
      Jesus’ Garments And Tunic Nailed Through His Hands And Feet
      Jesus’ Legs Not Broken But His Side Pierced

      Chapter 7:
      The Last Seven Words Of Jesus On The Cross
      Father, Forgive Them
      Today You Shall Be With Me In Paradise
      Dear Woman, Here Is Your Son; Here Is Your Mother
      Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani?
      I Am Thirsty
      It Is Finished
      Father, Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

      Chapter 8:
      True Faith And Eternal Life
      What A Great Mystery It Is!
      False Confessions Do Not Lead To Salvation
      The Flesh And The Blood Of The Son Of Man
      Forgiveness Only By Walking In The Light
      Faith Accompanied With Action Is True Faith

      Chapter 9:
      To Be Born Of Water And The Spirit
      Nicodemus Comes To Jesus
      Jesus Helps Nicodemus’ Spiritual Understanding When Born Of Water And The Spirit
      Three Testifiers: The Spirit, The Water, And The Blood

      Chapter 10:
      What Is Heresy?
      The Biblical Definition Of Heresy
      The Spirit Of Truth And The Spirit Of Error

      Additional Info
      This must-have book provides clear answers to questions often asked by Christians who are curious about things not directly addressed in the Bible. What was God the Creator like before the beginning of time? Why did God create man and let him live on this earth? Why did God place the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden? Why did God send His one and only Son as an atoning sacrifice? Why did God plan the providence of salvation through the rugged wooden cross? These questions and more are resolved by Dr. Jaerock Lee. The book consists of spirit-filled messages of hope and salvation for all who have questions about what God wants from the faithful. As preached by Dr. Lee, the knowledge provided in The Message of the Cross will enlighten you on the deep, wide, and great love God has for His creation.

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    • Forgiveness : Finding Peace Through Letting Go


      If your enemies are starving, feed them some bread; if they are thirsty, give them water to drink. Proverbs 24:17 (CEB) There is nothing more crippling than holding on to anger. Anger, more than any other emotion, has the power to consume all aspects of our lives, distort our sense of purpose, and destroy our relationship with God. In the passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings the same insight that he applied in the bestseller “Why?” to the challenge of forgiveness. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. “Adam Hamilton not only reminds us about the importance of reconnecting the broken pieces of our lives, but shows how the process of grace and forgiveness is possibly our most complete picture of God.” –Shane Stanford, author of Making Life Matter: Embracing the Joy in the Everyday “The heartbeat of the gospel is grace. With practical insight, Hamilton makes grace understandable–both for seeking and for granting forgiveness. I highly recommend this book.” –Melody Carlson, author of Healing Waters: A Bible Study on Forgiveness, Grace, and Second Chances “Adam Hamilton’s book offers clear guidance for believers struggling with the practical application of our biblical imperative to forgive. It is a must-read for both Christian counselors and every person who has something or someone to forgive.” –Jennifer Cisney Ellers, author of The First 48 Hours: Spiritual Caregivers as First Responders “Deeply rooted in the Bible’s testimony about God’s extravagant mercy, this fine little book explores the Christian call to practice both repentance and forgiveness in the image of God. Straightforward and practical, Hamilton vividly sketches the habits of the heart that discipleship requires in our daily relationships with spouses and intimate life partners, family members, friends and strangers.” –Patricia Beattie Jung, Professor of Christian Ethics, Saint Paul School of Theology

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    • True Jesus : The Highest Revelation Of God



      “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord (or Jesus, Jesus – that is to judge all men – John 5:22) shall ENTER into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 and then will I profess into them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended, and the FLOODS came, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock…” (Matt. 7:21-27). Life is a school and the greatest common sense EXAMINATION question that every living soul MUST answer is “Who is Jesus?” in connection with the true God and the true Holy Spirit (Prov. 30:4, John 5:39, Matt. 12:32). The correct answer earns promotion to the promised Everlasting Life (Titus 1:2) while the wrong answer attracts demotion to Everlasting Death. Everlasting Life simply means KNOWING the true Jesus and the true God (John 17:3) before doing His work. If our Lord Jesus should say on that day that He doesn’t know Pastor X and Follower F as in Matt. 7:23, it simply means that both Pastor X and Follower F never knew Him too, even though they claimed they knew Him. What a wasted life and a false confidence to be ashamed of on that day! Worse still is the fact that, then, there will be no more opportunity to repent (see Luke 13:24-30). Now is our LAST OPPORTUNITY to repent (see Luke 13:6-9) and to know who the true Jesus really is so as to ESCAPE the Greatest Judgment on earth and ENTER into the Everlasting Life of Everlasting Righteousness, Everlasting Peace with Unspeakable Everlasting Joy (see Matt. 25:23, Rom. 14:17-18).

      What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be unlimited for true freedom!!!

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    • Guide To Christian Spiritual Formation


      Evan Howard, a noted authority on Christian spirituality, provides a holistic, accessible, and informed introduction to Christian spiritual formation written from a broadly evangelical perspective. Howard joins Scripture with themes of community, spirit, formation, and mission in a single integrative guide. The book includes helpful features such as figures, charts, chapter overviews, and formation-focused questions. Its evangelical-ecumenical and global perspectives will appeal to a wide audience. Resources for professors and students are available through Baker Academic’s Textbook eSources.

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    • Ponga Orden En Su Mundo Interi – (Spanish)


      Alguien ha visto mi tiempo? Lo he perdido. Tenemos horarios, calendarios computarizados, telefonos inteligentes y notas adhesivas para ayudarnos a organizar nuestros asuntos y nuestra vida social diaria. Pero que pasa con la organizacion de la otra parte de nuestras vidas, el lado espiritual? Uno de los grandes campos de batalla se encuentra dentro del interior de cada persona. Los valores de nuestra cultura nos ha hecho creer que las personas ocupadas y publicamente activas en el ministerio son tambien las mas espirituales. Caemos ante la tentacion de prestar mas atencion al mundo externo a expensas del privado y nos involucramos en mas programas, mas reuniones. Nuestras innumerables responsabilidades en el hogar, el trabajo y la iglesia han dado lugar a que mucha gente este al borde del colapso. En este clasico actualizado, Gordon MacDonald equipa a una nueva generacion para vivir la vida desde adentro hacia afuera, cultivando la victoria interna necesaria para la eficacia externa.

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    • Supernatural Power For Everyday People


      Acclaimed writer and pastor Jared C. Wilson reveals how God has a plan for you that involves doing the ordinary, mundane stuff of life in a supernatural way.

      Would it change your life to know that there is a way to live your everyday life supernaturally? Most of us would say “yes,” and Jared C. Wilson’s new book reveals how. For the homemaker wondering how to get through the stress of washing dishes and making meals nobody seems to appreciate; for the cubicle jockey punching her time-card every day wondering if what she does really matters; for the teacher or leader wondering if he is making an impact; for the student afraid of the future; for every believer struggling to get through daily life, Supernatural Power for Everyday People offers the hope of meaning and purpose, and also the promise of power. We can get beyond just “getting by.” We can prevail and live a life of far more joy, contentment, and peace than we ever thought possible.

      A practical book written in a devotional tone, Supernatural Power for Everyday People shows readers how to rely more fully on the power of the Holy Spirit for growth and satisfaction in their lives.

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    • Fierce Faith : A Womans Guide To Fighting Fear Wrestling Worry And Overcomi


      Sometimes Jesus’s call to “fear not” seems like the hardest instruction to follow.

      Some days you faultlessly juggle everything that is your life-kids, husband, house, job, church, friendships, school, pets, appointments, and on and on. Other days the very thought of which ball you’re going to drop puts your anxiety level through the roof. You’re afraid you’re forgetting something.

      And you are: God’s advice to fear not.

      Alli Worthington knows all about the ways a woman can be hard on herself. She shares her own fear struggles with humor and honesty-while offering real strategies for coping with life’s big fears as well as those little everyday worries. She’s got tips to identify fear-based thinking and manage your anxiety, as well as biblical solutions to live a more confident, less worried life.

      Grab a cup of coffee and sit down for some encouragement from a friend. Alli’s no-nonsense, wise advice will lighten your heart and help you cut through the daily clutter of fear and worry to reconnect with your own fierce faith

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    • 2 Seeds : Deepest Truths To Rule The World



      THE TWO SEEDS book takes the Multifaceted Law of Double Reference (the major tool to decode all Scriptures) into another facet with the revelation of the GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYS. Understanding this Law that guides the Law of Faith is what promotes us from Babes Christians to Mature Christians (Heb. 5:13-14, Matt. 13:52). Know for sure that a Babe (a Christian who lives in the flesh) cannot please the Lord (Rom. 8:5-8, 1Cor. 3:1-4) nor reign in life (Gal. 4:1-2). Only the Mature Christian can please the Lord (Heb. 11:6) because he is a possessor of the true Faith. Most things in life have two sides, for example, Head and Tail, Right and Left, Male and Female, Light and Darkness, White and Black, New and Old, Good and Bad, Up and Down, Joy and Sorrow, Positive and Negative, 1st Leg or Coming and 2nd Leg or Coming, Beginning and End etc to make up the TWO WITNESSES of things (see Duet. 19:15, Matt. 18:16, 2Cor. 13:1, Luke 10:1, Eccles. 4:9). One prophet may speak of the Tail or Left or New while the other or even the same prophet speaks differently on the Head or Right or Old e.g. earth is forever (Ps. 104:5, Is. 60:21) and earth is NOT forever (Matt. 24:35, Ps. 102:25-26, Is. 51:6, 2Pet. 3:10) yet no prophet is wrong. Hence, no one should DISAGREE or speak against any Bible prophet just because what you want to hear is different from what you need to hear from the prophet of God. All prophets are like brothers pointing to one Father or like road-signs pointing to one Destination – which is JESUS. Humanity must not be divided on prophets (see 1Cor. 3:4-6) as in many religions with the many denominations. Humanity must be UNITED (Eph. 1:10) on JESUS – the Unification of all things for Global – Peace. Looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2) – the Pointed and not unto any prophet or any man – the Pointer. See 2Pet. 1:20.

      What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be u

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    • Blessed Are The Unsatisfied


      Introduction: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
      1. Jesus Doesn’t Want You To Be Satisfied . . . Yet
      The Blessing Of Need
      2. Sustainable Faith Is Unsatisfied
      The Blessing Of Perspective
      3. Curses And Blessings
      The Blessing Of God’s Heartbeat
      4. How To Live The Unsatisfied Life
      The Blessing Of Focus
      5. Enjoy A Meaningful Life
      The Blessing Of Company
      6. Look For Fulfillment
      The Blessing Of Growth
      7. Appreciate The Gift Of Pleasure
      The Blessing Of Vision
      8. Embrace Contentment
      The Blessing Of Anticipation
      9. Satisfaction Is Coming
      Discussion Guide

      Additional Info
      We know that our material comforts and temporal accomplishments are not enough to fully satisfy us. Momentary pleasures, whether of pure or darker motivations, are fleeting at best. But Christians often hear the idea that following Jesus means that we should be living a life of full satisfaction. How many of us actually experience that kind of life?

      Amy Simpson wants to debunk this satisfaction myth in the church. After forty years of walking with Jesus, she writes, “I am deeply unsatisfied not only with my ability to reflect Jesus, but also with the very quality of my intimacy with him. I strongly suspect that the abyss of my nature has not been entirely satisfied by Jesus.”

      Hers is a freeing confession for us all. Simpson explains that our very unsatisfaction indicates a longing for God, and understanding those longings can bring us closer to relationship with him. And that is where true spiritual health and vitality reside. Read on to discover anew what it truly means to be satisfied in Christ.

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    • Stronger Than The Struggle


      Popular Bible teacher and Bethel Church pastor Havilah Cunnington reveals the truth about spiritual warfare, helping readers discern the source of their struggles and how to do battle with good old-fashioned theology and practical tools for their everyday lives.

      Over the years Bible teacher and Bethel Church pastor Havilah Cunnington has talked to people across the spectrum of Christianity–from those who completely avoid mentioning the devil to those who see him lurking around every corner–and she has seen the dangers of ignoring or misrepresenting Satan’s true power. Whether we talk about it or not, every follower of God is in a war against a very real enemy, one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy. In Stronger than the Struggle, Cunnington shows readers what God’s Word has to say about this issue–and what it doesn’t.

      In a down-to-earth, let’s-get-real approach, the author applies good old-fashioned theology to the tough topic of spiritual warfare and helps readers discern whether their struggles are coming from God, themselves, or the enemy. She teaches them the right questions to ask in order to see adversity from a new perspective and helps them to create realistic battle plans to win every day.An inspiring, personal approach to spiritual warfare, Stronger than the Struggle gives readers practical tools to thrive in the face of hardship, enabling them to put the enemy in his place and start living.

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    • Finding Selah : The Simple Practice Of Peace When You Need It Most


      That something you’ve been looking for in the empty stress of your mad-dash days? It has a name.

      The Psalms call it selah-the pause, rest, or interlude between the notes in a song. More than merely an empty space, selah is a chance to stop and resync with the story and song of God. For all the ways life keeps you running, this word and practice offers a way to re-center yourself on the One who holds all things together and makes all things beautiful.

      Stretched beyond her capacity in caring for a large family in the middle of Manhattan, Kristen Kill was exhausted, depressed, and desperate for a change. Then something sparked within her when she read the Psalms, and found that often all that stood between the psalmist’s cries for help and celebrations of praise was this simple word, selah.

      Join Kristen in Finding Selah for a journey that will transform the way you think about work, rest, and the little spaces in between that make all the difference. This book will show you how to tune your ear to the song God is singing over you, embrace the “selah moments” able to transform your daily rhythms, and most of all, encounter the ultimate Selah in Christ, who stands in the gap between heaven and your most hectic of days. There is hope for the dissonance you feel. Finding Selah will show you not only how to sing a new song, but to live a new way.

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    • Conversations With God 3


      Imagine if you could hear God speak. Imagine if you could sit down and speak to God about a wide range of subjects that are helpful to the Christian faith and have him respond to you.

      Matthew Robert Payne did exactly that over a period of time. He sat down and asked God to open up about the subjects covered in his previous book, Jesus Speaking Today. What follows is a number of intimate conversations with God.

      God shares his heart with Matthew in a way that is raw, honest, and candid. Peek inside the pages to see how God speaks to his friend who is interested in hearing from him. Listen in on these conversations as God gets personal and even emotional about the things that matter to him and that should ultimately matter to everyone.

      Matthew hopes that this book will encourage you to learn to hear from God for yourself and inspire you to journal what God says to you each day.

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    • I Am A Son


      Beloved, now are we the sons of God ( 1Jn. 3:2)

      Spiritual sonship is a position of inheritance in Christ that includes male and female.
      My dearly beloved son,
      You are on a very private, very holy journey. Most do not get what is happening in your heart. That’s ok. Just keep walking, listening, obeying. You are not alone. Many are entering this most incredible way of life. Be careful not to hold to things that no longer fit your new way of living. You are a maturing son. Everything will keep changing. Just when you think you have come to the end of discovery, a brand new beginning comes out of no where. The more you surrender to what you discover, without holding anything back, the more He will show you. His Life continuously rises in the hearts of the yielded, the broken, the faithful, the burning…you. Be at peace my son. Though most do not get it, I AM getting it because I know your heart. It is just like mine.

      The pages of this book offer a view of our faith that few have seen, fewer have understood and even fewer have experienced. The most incredible awakening a person can have is discovering who he is and what is waiting for the authentic believer in the Son of God.

      Hold on-everything is about to change.

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    • Character Of The Christian


      Learn to be a model of Christian maturity.

      D.A. Carson has pointed out that the list of qualifications for elders is “remarkable for being unremarkable.” Why? Because these traits are repeated elsewhere as qualities that ought to characterize all believers.

      Are you growing in godliness? How would you even know?

      A good place to begin is understanding and imitating the character qualifications the Bible lays out for elders. While elders are meant to exemplify these traits, all Christians are to display them. And, with just one exception, each of them is related to character.

      Join me as I explore the Bible to consider how we can better exemplify the highest Christian virtues. As we consider the character of the Christian, we will spur one another on to love, good works, and Christlikeness.

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    • Set An Example


      God means for your life to be a canvas, the setting for a beautiful work of art. And he also expects this work of art to be seen, admired, and imitated…

      I want to speak to you if you are 16 or 18 or in your 20s, if you are in high school or college or just moving into marriage and career. I want to speak to you and want to speak with you.

      There are many ways to invest your time at this stage of your life, but the Bible has convinced me that none is better than the pursuit of godliness. In Paul’s letter to young Timothy, you (yes, you!) are called to be an example to your peers and even to older Christians. He calls you to set an example of maturity and godliness in your speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

      Join me as together we explore these areas and see how they apply to what you think, what you say, what is hidden in your heart, and what is broadcast in your life.

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    • Healthy Living Handbook


      Accessible, practical, and grounded in real life, The Healthy Living Handbook is full of simple everyday ways to live a truly healthy life–body, mind, and spirit. These easy-to-implement lifestyle tips will not only bring the peace, rest, energy, connection, and clarity you’ve been longing for, but help you to live better in every area of life.

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    • 2 Seeds : Deepest Truths To Rule The World



      THE TWO SEEDS book takes the Multifaceted Law of Double Reference (the major tool to decode all Scriptures) into another facet with the revelation of the GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYS. Understanding this Law that guides the Law of Faith is what promotes us from Babes Christians to Mature Christians (Heb. 5:13-14, Matt. 13:52). Know for sure that a Babe (a Christian who lives in the flesh) cannot please the Lord (Rom. 8:5-8, 1Cor. 3:1-4) nor reign in life (Gal. 4:1-2). Only the Mature Christian can please the Lord (Heb. 11:6) because he is a possessor of the true Faith. Most things in life have two sides, for example, Head and Tail, Right and Left, Male and Female, Light and Darkness, White and Black, New and Old, Good and Bad, Up and Down, Joy and Sorrow, Positive and Negative, 1st Leg or Coming and 2nd Leg or Coming, Beginning and End etc to make up the TWO WITNESSES of things (see Duet. 19:15, Matt. 18:16, 2Cor. 13:1, Luke 10:1, Eccles. 4:9). One prophet may speak of the Tail or Left or New while the other or even the same prophet speaks differently on the Head or Right or Old e.g. earth is forever (Ps. 104:5, Is. 60:21) and earth is NOT forever (Matt. 24:35, Ps. 102:25-26, Is. 51:6, 2Pet. 3:10) yet no prophet is wrong. Hence, no one should DISAGREE or speak against any Bible prophet just because what you want to hear is different from what you need to hear from the prophet of God. All prophets are like brothers pointing to one Father or like road-signs pointing to one Destination – which is JESUS. Humanity must not be divided on prophets (see 1Cor. 3:4-6) as in many religions with the many denominations. Humanity must be UNITED (Eph. 1:10) on JESUS – the Unification of all things for Global – Peace. Looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2) – the Pointed and not unto any prophet or any man – the Pointer. See 2Pet. 1:20.

      What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be u

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    • True Jesus : The Highest Revelation Of God



      “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord (or Jesus, Jesus – that is to judge all men – John 5:22) shall ENTER into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 and then will I profess into them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended, and the FLOODS came, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock…” (Matt. 7:21-27). Life is a school and the greatest common sense EXAMINATION question that every living soul MUST answer is “Who is Jesus?” in connection with the true God and the true Holy Spirit (Prov. 30:4, John 5:39, Matt. 12:32). The correct answer earns promotion to the promised Everlasting Life (Titus 1:2) while the wrong answer attracts demotion to Everlasting Death. Everlasting Life simply means KNOWING the true Jesus and the true God (John 17:3) before doing His work. If our Lord Jesus should say on that day that He doesn’t know Pastor X and Follower F as in Matt. 7:23, it simply means that both Pastor X and Follower F never knew Him too, even though they claimed they knew Him. What a wasted life and a false confidence to be ashamed of on that day! Worse still is the fact that, then, there will be no more opportunity to repent (see Luke 13:24-30). Now is our LAST OPPORTUNITY to repent (see Luke 13:6-9) and to know who the true Jesus really is so as to ESCAPE the Greatest Judgment on earth and ENTER into the Everlasting Life of Everlasting Righteousness, Everlasting Peace with Unspeakable Everlasting Joy (see Matt. 25:23, Rom. 14:17-18).

      What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be unlimited for true freedom!!!

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    • Firm Foundation : Genesis 1-3


      A properly formed foundation is the most important part of a building. Foundations are not always readily seen, yet, the structure either will stand or fall when adversity comes its way. In the same sense, faith is built upon a spiritual foundation, the word of God.

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    • Everyday Genesis : Inviting God To Recreate You


      Do you desire to change or completely start over? Starting over is not as difficult as we think. The Genesis account of Creation reveals a divine sequence, showing us the secrets to new life. When we invite the Creator to make us new, we release any blame and regret we carry and embrace His foundation for re-creation, a new life. There we find exactly Who was presiding over the genesis of the earth. He can re-create us with a similar process: first bringing us revelation, then giving us benefits such as purpose and guidance, and finally teaching us to build a legacy. Through the divine sequence of Creation, we can learn simple spiritual disciplines for abiding in Christ and staying in step with the Spirit. If we want to begin again, we start at the Beginning.

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    • Antes De Que Oprima Enviar – (Spanish)


      Cuando aprenderemos? Cada dia encontramos nuevos casos en los que las personas actuan antes de pensar solo para luego arrepentirse. Las redes sociales lo dicen: !se trata de socializar! Los metodos de comunicacion actuales permiten la transmision potencial de cualquier cosa desde Pekin, Illinois a Pekin, China. Pero no solo los fanaticos de Twitter pueden tener este problema. Cada uno de nosotros es capaz de caer presa de esta creciente plaga. Tenemos el potencial de cometer errores al hablar y al escribir. Es el mismo caso si hablamos con un extrano en la carniceria, o por telefono con nuestra madre, o si enviamos un correo electronico a un colega; podemos tener y en efecto tenemos problemas de comunicacion y las personas podrian percibir una idea erronea. Cuando no pausamos lo suficiente para pensar antes de hablar o escribir, a menudo se produce un malentendido y causa una discusion. Terminamos siendo la persona que dice, Conoce esa parte del cerebro que nos impide decir algo que no debemos? Bien, yo no la tengo. Este libro trata de evitar los malos entendidos y facilitar la compresion en la comunicacion. Dicho de otra manera, trata de anticiparse a que las personas reciban la idea equivocada y les permita obtener la idea correcta! Todos necesitamos trabajar en esta area de forma mas intencional. Partiendo de ejemplos externos a conflictos internos, este libro trata las cuatro cosas que debemos pensar antes de comunicar. Es sabio hacernos las siguiente preguntas antes de decir o escribir: * Es verdad? * Es cordial? * Es necesario? * Es claro? Cuando respondemos honestamente a estas cuatro preguntas, pensamos sabiamente antes de hablar. Pero para una exploracion mas profunda, necesitamos conocer mas acerca de nosotros mismos y descubrir por que consciente y subconscientemente caemos en estos problemas de comunicacion en un inicio. Puede que nos soprenda lo que descubramos sobre nosotros mismos. Comenzamos?

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    • Unfold Mysteries Behind Prayer


      Unfold mysteries behind prayer is about those mysteries that the devil does not want you to know about your prayer. The Devil understands that whenever you know these mysteries, you can never stop praying. Unfold mysteries behind prayer exposes you to understand that it is even the perfect will and dream of God to answer your prayer and give you whatsoever you ask from him. Unfold mysteries behind prayer shows you that to answer your prayer is of great joy to God because it brings glory to his name and joy in his heart. He benefits from answering your prayer that is why he said pray without ceasing. Answering your prayer is for his name to be glorified, so any time he answers you, he is doing it because it gives him joy to do it. So you don’t need to bother yourself when you pray because God will answer you and do whatsoever you ask him to do for his name to be glorified and for the joy he will receive from doing it. Before you pray, you will believe that God can do all things including the one you are asking him, because he will benefit from answering your prayers. You will learn how to believe in the efficacy of your prayer through this book. This book will open you to understand that every prayer you pray in the name of Jesus according to his will is answerable by God and you will stop thinking that you are not qualified to receive answers to prayers rather understand that whenever you pray that God expects you to believe in your prayers and he will answer you. And you will understand why the devil is trying to convince you not to believe in your prayers.

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    • Conversations With God 3


      Imagine if you could hear God speak. Imagine if you could sit down and speak to God about a wide range of subjects that are helpful to the Christian faith and have him respond to you.

      Matthew Robert Payne did exactly that over a period of time. He sat down and asked God to open up about the subjects covered in his previous book, Jesus Speaking Today. What follows is a number of intimate conversations with God.

      God shares his heart with Matthew in a way that is raw, honest, and candid. Peek inside the pages to see how God speaks to his friend who is interested in hearing from him. Listen in on these conversations as God gets personal and even emotional about the things that matter to him and that should ultimately matter to everyone.

      Matthew hopes that this book will encourage you to learn to hear from God for yourself and inspire you to journal what God says to you each day.

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    • Limitless : Life With Jesus


      Larry believes we are supposed to understand the Bible, be able to apply it to our daily lives, and get results. The results being-living the abundant life that Jesus has provided for us. He believes that we are supposed to enjoy the blessings of Heaven while we are on the earth.

      This book will take you through the stages of what actually happened to you when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and reveal the wonderful future that your loving Heavenly Father has in store for you.

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    • Apostle John Speaks From Heaven


      The apostle John wrote one of the most loved yet misunderstood books of the Bible. He is a very personable and loving man when you meet him. As the ‘disciple that Jesus loved, ‘ he was very close to Jesus when he walked the earth. Now he is in heaven and is a remarkable saint. In September 2017, he came to visit Matthew and spoke on a number of subjects. These include: -His intimate insights into Jesus -Loving in action -The faithful ones -Being lukewarm -His experiences on Patmos. John does not pull any punches with his words. He is direct and warns the church and believers about the perils that can face a Christian if they love the world instead of loving God. Come and hear John as he shares his heart and warns people so that they don’t walk off a spiritual cliff.

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    • 7 Vs Strategy To Your Full Impact


      The book consists of 7 V’s strategy to your full impact, which are; value meaning you have to be useful by having a revelation of your gifting and skill… The second is verification, now you need evidence or proof of your value and usefulness. You prove your gifting by action, then the third one is validation, now your proved gift and skill gets well supported. We then go to the forth one which is varying, now you have to be different and unique in your product or skill. The fifth is vetting, now you have to be careful and honest because people are looking at you, do you deliver to expectation. We then go to the sixth one which is voting, now you have to be there, do things for your customers so as to be chosen and be the one. Lastly you then get the victory, and you must be thankful.

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    • Apostle John Speaks From Heaven


      The apostle John wrote one of the most loved yet misunderstood books of the Bible. He is a very personable and loving man when you meet him. As the ‘disciple that Jesus loved, ‘ he was very close to Jesus when he walked the earth. Now he is in heaven and is a remarkable saint. In September 2017, he came to visit Matthew and spoke on a number of subjects. These include: -His intimate insights into Jesus -Loving in action -The faithful ones -Being lukewarm -His experiences on Patmos. John does not pull any punches with his words. He is direct and warns the church and believers about the perils that can face a Christian if they love the world instead of loving God. Come and hear John as he shares his heart and warns people so that they don’t walk off a spiritual cliff.

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    • Longing In Me


      Bestselling author and Bible teacher Sheila Walsh unpacks the deepest longings of a woman’s heart and encourages readers to discover God’s relentless pursuit of them through those very longings.

      In The Longing in Me, Sheila Walsh speaks candidly about the trials in her life and intertwines her story with the biblical saga of King David. As both Sheila’s and David’s stories make clear, some cravings are misguided, but they all stem from the same hunger-and they will haunt you until that hunger gets satisfied properly.

      If you keep reaching out to the wrong people at the wrong times in your own life, The Longing in Me will help you understand that your cravings are not the problem. It’s where they lead you that makes all the difference.

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    • Faith Forward Future


      Popular Southern California millennial pastor Chad Veach casts a vision for a future beyond what most dare to imagine and guides readers toward the abundant plans God has for his children.

      Pastor Chad Veach lives in Los Angeles, a place many have dubbed the “City of Broken Dreams.” Each year, thousands of people move there, hoping to make it big, but most fall short of achieving their dreams. This is reflective of the wider world as well. In fact, only 6 percent of people actually end up doing what they dreamed of as a child. The hard truth is, dreams–whether they have to do with relationships, career, or world impact–often don’t pan out. So many are left to wonder, Where do I go from here?

      In this new book, Veach meets readers in the middle of their disappointments, introduces them to the God who throws his arms around them, and offers a new way to define success. He takes them through the words of Jesus and helps them to understand what the Bible says about ambition, purpose, and fulfillment. Then he casts a vision that inspires readers to reach for a better dream than all the broken ones they tried to pursue on their own, challenging them to put their faith in the person of Jesus every day and follow his lead to a brighter future.

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    • Live Like Jesus (Reprinted)


      What if there is more to the Gospel than we imagined? What if a life of more lies not in what you do but in who you are? When you discover the power of your true identity, you will discover a vibrant, thrilling life of impact, adventure, and freedom–a life, like Jesus’, that is connected to and empowered by a God who is and does more than we ever imagined.

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    • Power Of The 72


      Foreword By Darrell Johnson
      Introduction: Welcome To The 72

      Part I: Theology
      1. Faith Comes First
      2. Sent To The Poor
      3. Wolves, Bears, And Crushing Pressure

      Part II: Application
      4. How People Become Christians
      5. Earnest And Powerful Prayers
      6. Friends: Secular To Sacred
      7. Experience: Healing And Hearing
      8. Conversion: Rejoice With Me

      Epilogue: A Final Benediction

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      They were not professionals. They were not celebrities. We don’t even know their names.

      We know very little about them, except that they were ordinary people who were drawn to Jesus. When Jesus asked them to join him in his mission, they stepped up, answered the call, and went out in his name. And amazing things happened as a result.

      They were the 72. And God uses normal people like the 72 to bring good news to the world.

      Pastor and evangelist John Teter explains how Jesus trains ordinary people to accomplish an extraordinary mission. He unpacks the story of the sending of the 72 to reveal how they were equipped in evangelism and discovered opportunities to herald God’s kingdom in concrete and tangible ways. Filled with vivid stories of Teter’s remarkable experiences in ministry and church planting, this book shows how we can live out God’s call and witness the transformation of those around us.

      You too have been called by Jesus. Discover how God empowers you to play your part. Welcome to the 72.

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    • Shaped By God


      God wants your heart.

      The whole Bible teaches truth and awakens emotions, but the Psalms are in a category of their own. They do not just awaken heart; they put it in the foreground. They do not just invite our emotions to respond to God’s truth; they put our emotions on display.

      The Psalms are not just commanding; they are contagious. We are not just listening to profound ideas and feelings. We are living among them in their overflow. We touch pillows wet with tears. We hear and feel the unabashed cries of affliction, shame, regret, grief, anger, discouragement, and turmoil. But what makes all this stunningly different from the sorrows of the world is that all of it–absolutely all of it–is experienced in relation to the totally sovereign God.

      This book is an invitation. God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing contagion of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept his invitation to come.

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    • How To Hear Gods Voice


      The burning question in the thoughts and on the lips of so many Christians is this: “How do I hear the voice of God?” As someone with decades of experience, Matthew has spoken to God for most of his life. In this book, he unpacks his years of knowledge and wisdom on this subject. God had been leading Matthew to write on this topic for years, yet he did not follow through with that directive until a stranger approached him and offered to pay for the production of the book full of questions about hearing from God. Matthew has now written out these questions along with the answers within these pages. With the help of Craig Beeson, a friend who has only recently begun to converse with God, Matthew produced a book to answer the twenty questions written by Lance and to ultimately help you, the reader, start your very own two-way conversations with God. Do you have blockages in your faith that prevent you from hearing God? Do you fear that Satan will speak to you and that you will be deceived if you try to speak to God? Do you want to know what sort of questions to ask God? Do you want to know how to approach him and what to say? These questions and others along with their answers will take you to a new depth in your relationship with God.

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    • Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough (Revised)


      Learn how fasting can strengthen your faith and draw you closer to God, helping you to be a true overcomer in Christ. From the leading authority on fasting, this book gives you the biblical reasons for practicing this spiritual discipline, and introduces you to nine biblical fasts–each designed for a specific physical and spiritual outcome.

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    • Blessed Are The Misfits


      Warning: If modern church culture makes perfect sense to you, and you always fit in seamlessly, don’t read this. As for the rest of us…

      While American church culture (and American culture at large) seems largely designed for the extroverted, it’s estimated that half of the American population is introverted, and they’re often left wondering how, even if, they fit in the kingdom of God. As one of them, popular radio host Brant Hansen brings news. It’s wonderful, refreshing, and never-been-said-this-way-before good news.

      In his unique style, Hansen looks to answer questions that millions of people carry with them each day:
      *If I don’t relate to God as emotionally as others do, is something wrong with me?
      *How does one approach God, and approach faith, when devoid of the “good feelings” that seem to drive so much of evangelical church culture?
      *How does God interact with those who seem spiritually numb?
      *Is the absence of faith-based emotion a sign of that God has moved on or was never there?
      *What if we aren’t good at talking to people about our faith, or good at talking to people at all?
      *What if I’m told I’m too analytical, that I “think too much”?
      *Where does a person who suffers from depression fit in the kingdom? Is depression a sure sign of a lack of faith?

      This book is good news for people who are desperately looking for it. (And for their loved ones!)

      It’s also for those who want to believe in Jesus, but inwardly fear that they don’t belong, worry that don’t have the requisite emotion-based relationship with God, and are starving for good news.

      Blessed Are the Misfits is going to generate discussion, and lots of it. It’s simultaneously highly provocative and humbly personal. It’s also leavened with a distinct, dry, self-effacing humor that is a hallmark of Hansen’s on-air, writing, and public speaking style.

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    • Strength You Need


      Why are we feeling so depleted when God has promised us strength equal to our days?

      Pastor Robert Morgan leads a busy life as a pastor and is also a multitasking caregiver to his disabled wife. Most days he feels exhausted, yet over time God has shown him how to build himself up when he’s worn himself out. He has learned to fully embrace Psalm 84, as he moves from strength to strength. The valleys and the weaknesses are inevitable. Our task is to embrace these as we wait for God to take us to our next time of strength.

      After reviewing the 232 occurrences of the word strength in Scripture, Pastor Robert discovered twelve clear passages that drop anchor in God’s Sea of Strength. Among the kinds of strength available to every believer are:
      *Lifelong Strength: your strength will equal your days (Deuteronomy 33:25)
      *Lasting Strength: they go from strength to strength (Psalm 84:5-7)
      *Imparted Strength: the eyes of The Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9)
      *Joyful Strength: the joy of The Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
      *Timely Strength: God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1)
      *Tranquil Strength: in quietness and trust is your strength (Isaiah 30:15)
      *Renewed Strength: those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31)
      *Recurring Strength: the Lord will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden (Isaiah 58:11)
      *Durable Strength: the Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights (Habakkuk 3:19)
      *Unwavering Strength: Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God (Romans 4:20)
      *Innermost Strength: I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being (Ephesians 3:16)
      *Riveting Strength: I can do all this through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

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    • New Covenant Culture


      Walk in the Power of Your New Covenant Inheritance!

      Even though many Christ followers claim to have received the New Covenant salvation in Jesus they are not yet experiencing the fullness of their New Covenant identity.

      In New Covenant Culture, Jonathan Welton presents a Kingdom manifesto, calling every follower of Jesus into the deeply fulfilling and supernaturally empowered Christian life that the Bible makes available.

      Jonathan Welton calls all believers to embrace their full New Covenant identity:
      *Stop waiting for revival. Experience the signs, wonders and miracles of Scripture right now!
      *Stand firm in your identity. Fully embrace your unconditional acceptance into God s family!
      *Walk in total freedom. Discover the liberating truth of how completely Jesus has set you free!
      *Pray bold prayers. Make powerful declarations that bring circumstances into alignment with Heaven’s perfect will!
      *Live with radical hope. Receive an optimistic vision of the future that overcomes fear associated with the end-times.

      Discover what this supernatural lifestyle looks like and access your inheritance today!

      (Previously published as Normal Christianity)

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    • Martyrs Oath : Living For The Jesus Theyre Willing To Die For


      We are witnessing an astonishing escalation in Christian persecution like we have rarely seen since the first century. Some estimate that every five minutes a Christian is martyred for their faith. Egypt has experienced more Christian persecution in the last three years than in the previous six hundred years combined.

      Johnnie Moore, like many American Christians, didn’t fully appreciate the extent of what was going on until he witnessed a graduation of seminary students in India. Unlike graduation ceremonies in America-where feel-good speeches made by visiting celebrities are featured-this one featured a remarkable oath. It wasn’t an oath to excel. It was an oath to be willing to die, if necessary, for the cause of Christ. This was no empty promise. A placard, next to the speaker’s platform, listed former graduates who had died for the Christian faith. At this graduation Johnnie knew he was witnessing a raw first-century Christianity his comfortable American Christianity had shielded him from. He and his team crisscrossed the world, recorders in hand, to gather reports from dozens of survivors of persecution to see what it means to live for the Jesus Christians around the globe are dying for. It was only then, after hearing their stories and being broken by what he saw, that he could dare to take the martyr’s oath.

      Join Johnnie Moore on this compelling journey to the heart of the Christian faith.

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    • Searching The Scriptures


      Are you getting the spiritual nourishment you need?

      Optimal health requires optimal nutrition. The same is true spiritually speaking. Without sufficient and regular biblical nutrition, our inner lives begin to suffer the consequences. We become shallow and selfish, more demanding and less gentle, and quick to react impatiently, rashly, and angrily. These are telltale signs of inner malnutrition.

      In Searching the Scriptures, respected Bible teacher Chuck Swindoll shows us how to dig deep into Scripture and uncover its profound truths for our lives. He outlines the principles of Bible study that will help you understand God’s Word, apply it, and communicate it clearly to those around you. Too many people try to go it alone, without a guide, for this life and the next. Chuck explains how we can fix our own spiritual meals, then invites us to feast on nourishing truths we can discover in God’s Word.

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    • Fanning The Flame


      Join this pilgrimage to reignite your spiritual lamp with a fresh, empowering faith-a faith that will stand through a time of testing.

      In a time of increasing wickedness in the world, believers are examining their own spiritual health and walk with God. Some of us who once burned brightly for Jesus find ourselves going through the motions, living out a mediocre faith, and even watching our flames burning out. But God’s Word promises “a smoldering wick He will not extinguish” (Matt. 12:20 BSB). He values us and wants to help us identify and remove the obstacles keeping us from intimacy with him and ultimately from fulfilling the purposes he has for our lives.

      Fanning the Flame identifies and addresses the issues which most affect a believer’s spiritual flame: the busyness of life, Christian service, pride, and worldly temptations. Drawing from her forty-year walk with God and travels around the world, Terri brings relevant stories alongside Scriptures to reveal key principles for stirring up and reigniting a Christian’s smoldering embers.

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    • How To Hear Gods Voice


      The burning question in the thoughts and on the lips of so many Christians is this: “How do I hear the voice of God?” As someone with decades of experience, Matthew has spoken to God for most of his life. In this book, he unpacks his years of knowledge and wisdom on this subject. God had been leading Matthew to write on this topic for years, yet he did not follow through with that directive until a stranger approached him and offered to pay for the production of the book full of questions about hearing from God. Matthew has now written out these questions along with the answers within these pages. With the help of Craig Beeson, a friend who has only recently begun to converse with God, Matthew produced a book to answer the twenty questions written by Lance and to ultimately help you, the reader, start your very own two-way conversations with God. Do you have blockages in your faith that prevent you from hearing God? Do you fear that Satan will speak to you and that you will be deceived if you try to speak to God? Do you want to know what sort of questions to ask God? Do you want to know how to approach him and what to say? These questions and others along with their answers will take you to a new depth in your relationship with God.

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    • Kill The Spider


      Are you tired of trying to live for Christ-only to fail time and time again with the same old behaviors? Do you pray for guidance, ask for deliverance, and vow to do better, yet fail to progress?

      As an author, speaker, pastor, and blogger at Ragamuffin Soul, Carlos has lived much of his spiritual life in the spotlight. But, like any Christian, his faith story has its ups and downs. He spent decades trying to figure out how to be a “better person.” Time and time again, he strived for holiness only to get caught in the web of destructive habits, behaviors, and thought patterns.

      But, the buck stops here. Or, rather, the spider is killed here.

      In Kill the Spider, Carlos shares personal material ranging from hilarious, self-deprecating stories to passion-filled wisdom-to show others it’s not enough to try and “stop sinning.” He teaches that knocking out deep-rooted habits and issues comes by treating the issue, not just the symptoms.

      With transparency, humor, and vulnerable stories, Carlos offers a breath of fresh air to any believer looking to finally step into the freedom in Christ. So, sit down. Open the book. And grab a shoe. We’re going on a spider hunt.

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    • Pilgrimage Of A Soul (Revised)


      1 Awakening
      2 Longing
      3 Darkness
      4 Death
      5 Transformation
      6 Intimacy
      7 Union

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      The pain of the world demands our activism, but the urgency of this need can make us increasingly vulnerable to burnout–both personally and communally. In this book Phileena Heuertz offers her own story of a fragmented life–showing how God awakens us to the truth about who we are and who God is, as we embark on the spiritual journey.

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    • Follow The Master


      Follow the Master: How Jesus Made Disciples encourages Christians to make disciples by following Jesus’ example by understanding the things Jesus taught and the way he trained his disciples.

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    • Pro Choices : What To Do When You Dont Know What To Do


      Have you ever made a wrong decision? Have you felt guilty about it afterwards? How do you make right choices and feel good about living a righteous life?

      By definition, the word righteous can be defined as virtue, morality, honesty and decency. These are all good things but there is more to the definition. Righteousness can also be defined as correctness of thinking, feeling and acting. To be righteous, everything you think, feel and do should be right with God. But, how do you accomplish that in your daily life?

      Bishop Anne Gimenez explores the meaning of the word and how we can apply this to our daily lives. She teaches you that with the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life and relying on His strength to make right choices so that you can live right and God can move freely on your behalf. Get ready for your life to transform as you gain a deeper understanding of how and why Jesus told us not only to seek first the kingdom of God but also His righteousness.

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    • Strong Through The Storm


      The Church today is in the middle of a powerful storm, the intensity of which is likely to increase in the future. Many Christians are bewildered and concerned by what they see-a culture that’s become increasingly hostile to biblical Christianity and a church whose vital signs are quickly waning.

      In Strong through the Storm, pastor and bestselling author Jim Cymbala speaks to every Christian who is concerned about the challenges the church is facing in America today. Using powerful stories of people who have been transformed by Christ, Cymbala offers hope, helping Christians to understand that a life surrendered to Christ will not be easily defeated, even in the midst of growing hostility toward Christians. No matter how much spiritual darkness encompasses the world, the light of the gospel cannot be suppressed.

      Some churches are coming at the storm with harsh legalism, but Cymbala explains that the message needs to be grace. We need to understand the spiritual battle we are in and use the right weapons against it, says Cymbala. We are not struggling against the leaders of this world or the people in the battle, we are struggling against our spiritual enemy, and we need to fight with the Word of God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit.

      We don’t need more church growth programs to turn the church around. What’s needed is a transformation so that the gospel is preached, the Holy Spirit is allowed to lead, and lives are changed.

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    • Shalom Sistas : Living Wholeheartedly In A Brokenhearted World


      Like a lot of women, blogger Osheta Moore loved the idea of shalom: God’s dream for a world that is whole, vibrant, and flourishing. But honestly: who’s got the time? So one night she whispered a dangerous prayer: God, show me the things that make for peace…

      In Shalom Sistas, Moore shares what she learned when she challenged herself to study peace in the Bible for forty days. Taking readers through the twelve points of the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto, Moore experiments with practices of everyday peacemaking and invites readers to do the same. From dropping “love bombs” on a family vacation, to talking to the coach who called her son the n-word, to spreading shalom with a Swiffer, Moore offers bold steps for crossing lines between black and white, suburban and urban, rich and poor.

      What if a bunch of Jesus-following women catch a vision of a vibrant, whole, flourishing world? What happens when Shalom Sistas unite?Free downloadable study guide available here.

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    • Shalom Sistas : Living Wholeheartedly In A Brokenhearted World


      SH *l m’ / sis ta: A woman who loves people, follows the Prince of Peace, and never gives up her sass. Shalom, the Hebrew word often translated as “peace,” was a far cry from blogger and podcaster Osheta Moore’s crazy life. Like a lot of women, she loved God’s dream for a world that is whole, vibrant, and flourishing. But honestly: who’s got the time? So one night she whispered a dangerous prayer: God, show me the things that make for peace. In Shalom Sistas, Moore shares what she learned when she challenged herself to study peace in the Bible for forty days. Taking readers through the twelve points of the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto, Moore experiments with practices of everyday peacemaking and invites readers to do the same. From dropping “love bombs” on a family vacation, to talking to the coach who called her son the n-word, to spreading shalom with a Swiffer, Moore offers bold steps for crossing lines between black and white, suburban and urban, rich and poor. What if a bunch of Jesus-following women catch a vision of a vibrant, whole, flourishing world? What happens when Shalom Sistas unite?

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    • Stride : Creating A Discipleship Pathway For Your Church


      Churches of all types around the country are struggling. The more programs they try the more evident it becomes that there is no quick fix or secret formula to help them out of their rut. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Movement, once said, “The way to keep a Methodist alive is to keep him moving.” It is time to recapture this simple yet profound truth and get back to the basics of making fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The authors developed and launched a highly successful pathway to discipleship in their church (Morning Star UMC, in St.Louis). Here, they show others how to create a successful discipleship pathway for their own particular contexts, based on the principles developed at Morning Star. Willard and Scheiner share the process of developing a discipleship pathway that meets individual people where they are. They provide examples of each element and practical instruction on how to plan, implement and sustain the discipleship pathway. The authors are teaching this material in conferences around the UM connection, from New Mexico to Missouri. They also share examples of how the pathway works in other churches.

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    • She Is Free (Reprinted)


      We say we’re free in Christ, but many of us are still living in captivity–to fear, anger, shame, isolation, unforgiveness, and control. We’re good at faking it around others, but we’re exhausted by the ruse. Andi Andrew wants women to break free of their self-imposed prisons and live the lives that are rightly theirs in Christ.

      Sharing her own intentional journey of finding true freedom by surrendering control of her heart and life to the God who welcomed her with open arms, Andrew encourages women to give their pain and brokenness to Jesus. She shows them how to purposefully take captive the lies they have believed and replace them with God’s truth. Compassionate and biblically based, She Is Free is an invitation to women to step fully into the love that sets them free.

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    • Gods Best Kept Secret (Reprinted)


      For many of us, the attempt to live for God can leave us feeling burdened rather than free. Yet that’s not the kind of life God intends for us to experience. What if he never meant for us to try so hard? What if overcoming sin doesn’t rely on our own self-control? What if loving others isn’t about saying and doing all the right things? What if suffering isn’t designed to teach us lessons? What if we could feel closer to God without doing anything?

      In God’s Best-Kept Secret, the founder of Grace Life International explodes our preconceived notions of living the Christian life, freeing us to stop just going through the motions and to experience true fulfillment. Illuminating commonly misunderstood Bible verses, Mark Maulding shows us that following God is not as complicated as we often make it out to be. And, in fact, the answer to our struggles has been hiding in plain sight all along.

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    • Favor


      Many Christians are under the impression that God’s grace and his favor are two different things–that while his grace may be a gift, his favor is something we must earn. This misunderstanding has led to destructive teachings about “prosperity” and blessings, and ultimately to lives that feel unfulfilled and inadequate.

      Pastor Greg Gilbert puts favor back in its rightful place, as God’s gift through Jesus Christ. He shows how the favor that Jesus earned through his perfect life and sacrificial death becomes ours the moment we believe. Knowing we already have God’s favor frees us to live joyous lives no matter what our physical or material circumstances.

      For anyone who has felt beaten down by the burden of trying to earn God’s blessings, this book will provide you with a strong start on a life of confidence in God.

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    • Fiercehearted : Live Fully Love Bravely (Reprinted)


      With strength and vulnerability, bestselling author and speaker helps women understand that they’re stronger than they know, braver than they sometimes feel, and can dare to be true to who God made them to be.

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    • Dance Stand Run


      Grace is always good news. But it’s not cheap-true grace compels us to change. That’s where holiness comes in.

      Beloved writer, speaker, and bestselling coauthor of Wild and Free Jess Connolly will be the first to admit that not long ago, like many women, she grasped grace but she had forgotten holiness. Dance, Stand, Run charts her discovery that holiness was never meant to be a shaming reminder of what we “should” be doing, but rather a profound privilege of becoming more like Christ. That’s when we start to change the world, rather than being changed by it.

      Dance, Stand, Run is an invitation to the daughters of God to step into the movements of abundant life: dancing in grace, standing firm in holiness, and running on mission. Through story and study, Jess casts a fresh vision for how to live into your identity as a holy daughter of God, how to break free of cheap grace and empty rule-keeping, and finally, how to live out your holy influence with confidence before a watching world. Spoiler alert: it’s a beautiful thing.

      For anyone longing to take their place in what God is doing in the world, Dance, Stand, Run will rally your strength, refresh your purpose, and energize your faith in a God who calls us to be like Him.

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    • Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this ten-lesson study guide, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah shows Christians why it is critical in these perilous times to focus more on who they are than simply what they do. In his previous book, Is This the End?, Dr. Jeremiah walked readers through the many cultural and spiritual challenges that are rapidly increasing in this divisive world. Although Jesus made it clear that no one knows the day or the hour of his return, many have been wondering if the end indeed is near.

      Regardless of whether this time is just around the corner or far in the future, the days are challenging to say the least. Many are wondering what will happen next and how Christians are going to be prepared for the societal onslaught that is building against many people of faith. A Life Beyond Amazing answers these questions as Dr. Jeremiah unpacks spiritual principles that help believers develop a strategy for life. He reveals that though human answers have failed them, God has given his wisdom-the ability to do the right thing without a precedent-for these days.

      In addition to cultural application and important updates on crucial issues, this study guide explores nine qualities of character that will carry believers forward. Three of these have to do with their relationship with themselves; three deal with their relationships with other people; and three of them focus on their relationship with God. Each lesson also includes:
      *An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lesson
      *An overview of Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching on the topic being studied
      *Application questions to help individuals and small groups delve into the Bible
      *A Did You Know? section that adds a point of interest to the lesson

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    • Daniel Dilemma : How To Stand Firm And Love Well In A Culture Of Compromise


      Bestselling author and influential pastor Chris Hodges uses the wisdom of the book of Daniel to show Christians how to stand firm in their biblical beliefs while still loving people vastly different from them in attitudes and lifestyles.

      Christians face a major dilemma today. How can they not only stay engaged with the shifting and increasingly ungodly culture around them but also influence it for good? Is there a way to love people with significantly different attitudes and lifestyles without compromising biblical beliefs? From breakfast tables to boardrooms to Bible studies, Christians are wrestling with these questions today on issues such as politics, gender identity, and the nature of marriage.

      Pastor Chris Hodges points readers to the book of Daniel for timely answers and shows how one man with a heart faithful to God remained firm in his faith without yielding to the pagan culture around him or becoming rude, insulting, or mad. Daniel kept God’s standards high and his grace deep-just as Jesus did. Just as we’re called to do when culture shifts.

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    • Joy Model : A Step By Step Guide To Peace Purpose And Balance


      Management consultant and Christian life coach Jeff Spadafora provides a blueprint for building a life of greater joy and delivers a plan for frustrated believers to become joyful followers.

      In The Joy Model Jeff Spadafora lays out a step-by-step path for finding a sense of joy and purpose in everyday life. From creating margin in our schedules that allows us to breathe easier and think more clearly to discovering our true selves and going deeper into our relationships with God and other people, Spadafora shows how the interaction between being and doing provides the key to opening up a life full of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

      Drawing on his years as both a successful businessman and a Christian life coach, Spadafora has developed a concrete, practical model to show the path from joyless to joyful. And in this revolutionary new book, he reveals how to move from frustration and weary service to an over-arching, all-pervading joy in life.

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    • For Sabbaths Sake


      Many Americans balk at the idea of setting aside an entire day for worship, rest, and time with those who matter most to them. In a culture of constant busyness, the lines have blurred between our work and personal lives, and we feel pulled in many directions. Yet we long for more time well spent-unrushed time to be alone, relax with friends and family, and grow closer to God. Many of us seem to have forgotten the ancient spiritual practice that can help us regain balance in our lives: Sabbath. For Sabbath’s Sake dives into the heart of what keeps us from Sabbath. With humor and honesty, J. Dana Trent reveals her own struggles with setting apart a day devoted to God, rest, and community. This book traces the rich history of Sabbath, helps readers find ways to overcome barriers to this spiritual practice, and gives them achievable ways to build Sabbath into their own lives.

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    • Life In The Presence Of God



      Part I: The Biblical Basis
      1. The Secret
      2. The Images
      3. The Exemplar
      4. The Walk

      Part II: How To Practice His Presence
      5. Training
      6. Rewiring Your Mind
      7. Reseeing The World
      8. Reorganizing Your Time
      9. Rejoicing Amid Suffering
      10. Repenting Of Sin
      11. Remaining In Community
      12. Reimagining Life

      Additional Info
      God is everywhere and always with us. So why don’t we experience his presence more?

      Life is full of distractions, and our 24/7 news cycles and social media drown out the voice of God. It’s hard to discern God’s presence amid the hubbub. But experiencing God is not just for the super-spiritual or ultra-mature. Every Christian can learn to cultivate a greater awareness of God in the everyday.

      Ken Boa offers a contemporary guide to practicing the presence of God. Using biblical foundations, living and historical examples, and evidence from neuroscience, Ken reveals how we can walk with God and abide in his presence. We need to rethink how we use our time and technology to make room for God, to train ourselves with new habits that deepen our awareness of God. This book offers not a magical technique but dozens of practical exercises and disciplines that help us draw close to God even in the midst of our cacophonous modern culture.

      Practicing God’s presence is not just for the professionals. It’s for ordinary people like us. And the more we live in God’s presence, the greater our abiding peace and joy.

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    • Healing The Wounded Soul


      Wounds are not just physical. The health of your soul is connected to life.

      Soul wounds are the often unidentified impediments that hold us back. After applying the principles in Healing the Wounded Soul by Katie Souza, you will be able to find a pathway to healing and receive the blessings God is pouring out.

      Katie Souza was a career criminal most of her life, and after being convicted of a number of felonies, she was sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. While serving what would be her final prison sentence, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life. She immediately became an outspoken advocate for Jesus, and her infectious love for Him caused many women inside her cell block to accept Him as their Savior.

      Her story paints a vivid backdrop to the powerful principles found in this incredibly impactful teaching.

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    • Free Of Me (Reprinted)


      We live in a culture that’s all about self, becoming the best “me” I can be instead of becoming like Jesus. This me-centered message affects every area of our lives–our friendships, our marriages, even our faith–and it breaks each one in different ways. The self-focused life robs our joy, shrinks our souls, and is the reason we never quite break free of insecurity.

      In this book, Sharon Hodde Miller invites us into a bigger, Jesus-centered vision–one that restores our freedom and inspires us to live for more. She helps readers
      – identify the secret source of insecurity
      – understand how self-focus sabotages seven areas of our lives
      – learn four practical steps for focusing on God and others
      – experience freedom from the burden of self-focus

      Anyone yearning for a purpose bigger than “project me” will cherish this paradigm-shifting message of true fulfillment.

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    • Is This The End


      The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the End?”

      Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. What on earth is happening? After each new occurrence, the most oft-heard questions are, “Will the world ever be the same again?” and “Where is God in all of this?”

      Over the last few decades, Dr. David Jeremiah has become one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture. And few would dispute that the pace at which things are currently changing is unprecedented. The time has come to accept this new normal, Jeremiah says, and understand how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan for mankind.

      No one can afford to ignore these warnings, but all can better understand the greater story and the role we each play in this changing world. From prophetic clues in Scripture to an understanding of the power of Christ in all believers, this book directs us on a clear path forward.

      The book is split into two sections, each covering items surrounding two important questions. Is This the End of America? and Is This the End of the World? Includes detailed chapters on:
      *ISIS and Radicalized Islam
      *The New Russia
      *The Bleeding of America’s Borders
      *The “Anything Goes” Society
      *Polarization and Divisiveness
      *The Coming of Christ
      *and many more

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    • True Identity (Reprinted)


      Who am I? What makes me special? At a time in life when confusion and awkwardness reign, all teens wrestle with these critical questions. This compassionate book provides wise, biblical answers, helping teens to discover who they really are by emphasizing their identity in Christ above gender, social sphere, and all other ways our culture defines them.

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    • Remarkable Ordinary : How To Stop Look And Listen To Life


      Your remarkable life is happening right here, right now. You may not be able to see it – your life may seem predictable and your work insignificant until you look at your life as Frederick Buechner does.

      Based on a series of mostly unpublished lectures, Frederick Buechner reveals how to stop, look, and listen to your life. He reflects on how both art and faith teach us how to pay attention to the remarkableness right in front of us, to watch for the greatness in the ordinary, and to use our imaginations to see the greatness in others and love them well.

      As you learn to listen to your life and what God is doing in it, you will uncover the plot of your life’s story and the sacred opportunity to connect with the Divine in each moment.

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    • Boundaries Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      This New York Times bestselling and award-winning book helps readers set healthy boundaries in order to be the loving people God created, and now offers a whole new chapter.

      Are you in control of your life?

      Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering: Can I set limits and still be a loving person? How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

      In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book and New York Times bestseller, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. This updated and expanded edition specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

      Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

      Unpacking ten laws of boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

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    • Making New Disciples


      Ten years on from their first book, Evangelism: Which way now? – still a valued and much recommended resource – Mark Ireland and Mike Booker aim to take people a step further. Making New Disciples offers a practical approach, based on careful theological reflection and years of hands-on experience in local church leadership, theological education and the national church. The book is not so much a guide to the available resources, as a wrestling with the paradoxes of evangelism in a changing world, backed up with plenty of stories and specific examples.

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    • Love Is Oxygen


      Love. It’s that thing everyone talks about but very few will ever truly put into action. It’s the fuel with which we are called to live, and it’s the very reason Jesus’ body was brutally broken upon that splintered cross. It’s unbeatable, unrestricted, and hands down the greatest attribute of God. It will transform the way you see life, and it will radically invade the way you see others. The question is, have you discovered and harnessed it the way God intended?

      In Love Is Oxygen, you will engage with the reality of God’s love as something you can know and personally experience. This love transcends fear and circumstances, and it pushes us into places we never imagined. After all, living God’s love is like breathing-it gives life as we breathe it in . . . and then we can’t help but breathe it out to the people around us.

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    • Alive : Hijacked By The Holy Spirit


      Alive: Hijacked by the Holy Spirit is one woman’s personal journey towards God. This true story is a record of Charlotte Benke’s testimony of faith and transformation in Christ using her journal entries. It documents the evolution of change from living as a non-Christian to becoming a follower of Jesus. She receives a new life and walks out her faith in obedience. Struggles, miracles, disappointments, answered prayers, trials, personal growth and sin-it’s a modern day psalm written by a single lady searching for love, acceptance, and the true meaning of life. Alive is a turbulent passage of surrender and self-discovery. Adventures with God arise as Charlotte learns to pray, trust, and obey His will. She navigates through different careers, residences, and church homes, as well as various dating break-ups, seasons of unemployment, U.S. and European travel, making new friends and losing old ones. Charlotte struggles with rejection and spiritual warfare as she renews her mind, grows in faith, and prays for the desires of her heart.

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    • Imagine Church : Releasing Dynamic Everyday Disciples


      Jesus Christ has been the dominant figure in the history of Western culture for two millennia, and his birth the pivot of our calendar. He is the focus of Scripture and the heart of mission, the message that countless Christians cross land and sea, continents and cultures, to deliver.In masterly surveys, John Stott looks at the New Testament witness, at the way the church has portrayed Christ down through the centuries, and at the influence Christ has had on individuals over the last two millennia. Finally, turning to the book of Revelation, he asks what Jesus Christ should mean to us today. Here is the fruit of a lifetime of biblical study, rigorous Christian thought and devotion to the person of Jesus Christ.

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    • Chosen : Live A Life Where You Have Nothing To Lose But Everything To Gain


      Surrender It All to Gain It All

      BraRysheyia, desires to inspire young women, young men, and everyone else to become well acquainted with our Lord and Savior. Getting to know the Lord is the best thing we, the people, could ever do. God’s presence, guidance, protection, and truth during our young lives is something so powerful that we should seek to experience it ourselves. We are the chosen people. God chose each us before we were born to be Holy, Blameless, and Adopted into His Kingdom by Him as His children (Ephesians 1:4-5). Who does not want to live a worry and trouble free life? Nobody. What keeps most people from going all in? Everything that has been placed above God. When is the right time? The time is NOW! Why not surrender it all to gain it all? Do NOT let fear stop you from living the life God wants you to live. How can you live the chosen life? Read the message in this book.

      Be a Chosen One

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    • Saint Francis Holy Fool Prayer Book


      In The Holy Fool’s Prayer Book, St. Francis scholar and admirer Jon Sweeney encourages us to be fools for Christ and provides some resources by which to do it, setting out a plan whereby his readers can let their words and actions run counter to what society expects, because in so doing, they might be most faithfully living the Gospel.

      Readers will encounter stories from the lives of Francis and Juniper, passages from the Gospels, the prophets of the Hebrew Bible, and from St. Paul, who wrote a lot in defense of foolishness in one of his most popular letters: First Corinthians. Sweeney includes all these teachings in the week’s worth of prayer and inspiration, “Seven Themes for Seven Days.”

      Sweeney reminds us that, for people like Francis and Juniper – and even Christ himself – being a holy fool is often not just a way of discipleship but an act of protest. They wanted people to see the truth, and sometimes we wear such thick blinders that we need to be shocked in order to see through them. Sweeney offers these words in the hope that his readers will discover that being a fool can be a way of finding a new source of confidence, away from what the world offers and values, in priorities that are known primarily to others who share in the foolishness, and that they will find freedom as holy fools.

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    • God Soaked Life



      1. The Invitation
      God-Soaked Creation
      Broken People
      God’s Delight
      Over To You

      2. Living Well
      A New Heart
      Love In Everything
      Soul Healing
      Over To You

      3. Honesty In Relationship
      The Truth Deep Within
      Over To You

      4. Close To The Father’s Heart
      Longing Of The Heart
      Intimacy And Separation
      The Journey Into God
      Over To You

      5. God In Everyday Life
      God In All Things
      Learning To See
      Learning Attentiveness
      Over To You

      6. Creating Community
      Love Without Borders
      The Great Commission
      Learning Love In Gentleness
      Over To You: Scripture And Reflection

      7. The Politics Of Love
      Against The Darkness
      Glorious Possibilities
      The Kingdom Today
      Over To You


      Additional Info
      God’s presence permeates our lives and activities. His song of delight reverberates throughout all he has created. As we open our ears to that song, we hear the truth of the gospel spoken to our hearts: the kingdom of God has come to us. Chris Webb, an Anglican priest and retreat house director, wants us all to enter into that kingdom and to experience its freedom. Written with verve, depth, and uncontainable joy, God-Soaked Life invites us to live in the reality of God’s presence in our everyday lives. It’s an invitation into the community of God’s people, into fearless honesty about our own weaknesses and failures, into the daily experience of God through silence, Scripture, and prayer, and into a new life of love and service in the broken world around us. God’s kingdom is not far away, a remote and future promise. It is here, now.

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    • In Step With The Spirit


      Many believers know in their heads that God cares about them. But it’s hard to hold that truth in your heart when you’re worn out and weary from the mundane, everyday battles and struggles–when you lose your temper again or give into that persistent temptation or feel paralyzed by overwhelming circumstances.

      The truth is that the Holy Spirit is right there–waiting for you to let him help. With warmth and encouragement, Sarah Bowling shows how he longs to be part of every situation you face in life, from the exciting, mountaintop experience to day-in, day-out hardships. She’ll help you identify the daily challenges and problems and then match those up to the Holy Spirit for supernatural results. As you see how the Helper moved in the lives of the disciples and apostles, you’ll begin to recognize the uniquely supernatural expressions of the Holy Spirit in your own daily life. Your faith will be encouraged as you discover how a Spirit-led life means Spirit-filled help, no matter what you may face.

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    • Be A Better Leader


      The purpose of this book is to enable Christian leaders to understand their psychological type, using the MBTI (Myers-Briggs) personality indicator, and to use this information to generate new insights into their own experience and performance. It will enable leaders to develop better strategies to maximise their strengths and to work with their recognised weaknesses. A significant amount of stress is experienced by Christian leaders. This book will help them to focus on those aspects of their work that are energising and life-giving. Part One of the book introduces the theories of psychological type and how these apply to Christian leaders. Part Two include detailed profile descriptions of each of the 16 MBTI personality types and explores the ‘comfort zone’ for that type and difficulties experienced by that type ‘outside of the comfort zone.’ Each type description is written with the role of the Christian leader in mind and covers aspects of their role, eg their experiences of worship, prayer, pastoral responsibilities, administration and working with others.

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    • Come And Eat


      Bri McKoy, of the blog Our Savory Life, celebrates the power of the everyday table and shows how, by regularly and intentionally gathering around it, we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus and usher in grace, love, and deep fellowship.

      Raised in the world of takeout and microwaveable meals, like so many busy women Bri McKoy found herself utterly lost in the kitchen and nowhere near using her dining room table as an inviting place of community. However, as she learned how to more intentionally invite not just others but also herself to her table every day, she noticed that the kitchen stopped feeling like a prison cell and started feeling like a sanctuary, that gathering with others around the table, like Jesus often did during his time on earth, had the power to usher in deep relationship and a fuller understanding of God’s love and grace.

      In Come and Eat, Bri invites readers on an adventure of burnt pie, ten-pound bags of onions, and kitchen catastrophes to discover how to transform a common dining-room table into a vehicle that ushers in the presence of Jesus. It’s an invitation with no pressure, no strings attached, no advanced cooking skills or fancy accouterments necessary. Just a healthy appetite and a desire to take a deeper look into the power and ministry that can be found at the table. Combining biblical reflection with engaging personal stories from Bri’s own home, as well as the tables she has joined around the world, Come and Eat shows readers how they can intentionally make their own tables a vibrant source of life.

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    • Mile Wide : Trading A Shallow Religion For A Deeper Faith


      An irresistible call for readers to think bigger and go deeper into faith from TV personality Brandon Hatmaker. Now in trade paper.

      What if we’re just skimming the surface?

      Christianity holds out the promise of a better way and a better day. So we’ve studied, joined more small groups, and checked all the boxes-yet, we’re still hungry for more. What if the gospel we’ve come to know is even deeper than we ever imagined? What if the same gospel that works in us to change us continues to work through us to change everything else?

      Speaking from more than twenty years of experience working in the local church, Brandon Hatmaker leads us past the hurdles between our current lives and the lives we crave. He shows us how Jesus changes everything and how a greater understanding of the gospel leads to deeper faith, richer community, and more fulfilling purpose.

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    • Perfectly Unfinished : Finding Beauty In The Midst Of Brokenness


      Andrea Logan White appeared to be living the “American dream” or what many would call a “perfect life.” However, underneath the happy veneer of the model, actress, and producer, was a subtle, caustic voice leading to emptiness and self-destruction. She was being crushed under the weight of her own drive for “perfection.” Andrea’s remarkable (and often tabloid-worthy) journey that took her from hanging out in the Playboy mansion to finding God at a stop light on Hollywood Boulevard is a page-turner, but it is not the whole story.

      Even discovering Jesus, finding an amazing husband, having beautiful children, and embarking on an exciting career didn’t hold the “happily ever after” Hollywood ending Andrea had envisioned. No matter how successful, how spiritual, how loved, she was still enslaved by a lie the Enemy uses against many of us: she felt she needed to be “perfect” to be accepted by herself, by others, and by God.

      Andrea shares her struggle with life-threatening eating disorders and self-defeating thought patterns, and she reveals the beautiful discovery that God’s love meets us not in our perfection, but in the most unfinished places of our life. In Perfectly Unfinished, Andrea exposes the powerful truth that continues to change her life: God loves us just as we are, just where we are; for it is in the midst of our brokenness and imperfections that Jesus is at work completing us so that we may share fully in his holiness.

      Alongside Andrea, readers discover from the word of God how to join God in the work he is doing in the midst of our unfinished and imperfect lives.

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    • Becoming Christlike


      “God wants people to become like Christ,’ said international preacher, writer and teacher John Stott in a public address at the end of his long life.Peter Lewis is similarly passionate about the Bible’s message – that God has a plan which centres on Jesus and includes each one of us.In this accessible and helpful book, he focuses on the:source of Christlikenessmodel of Christlikenesshelps to Christlikenesscontradictions of Christlikeness andtriumph of ChristlikenessHere, the reader who wants to become like Christ will find radical – sometimes challenging – teaching, practical wisdom and warm reassurance.

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    • Fruitfulness On The Frontline


      Daily life may never be quite the same.In this horizon-expanding, spirit-lifting, heart-warming book Mark Greene serves up a liberating view of how God can and does work in and through us in our daily lives. Whether you’re a student or retired, at the gym or at work, at the school gate or in the supermarket, here is a fresh and original framework for fruitfulness which will open up a host of possibilities to make a difference for Christ among the people you naturally meet in the places you find yourself day by day.Brimming with true stories, the combination of fresh Biblical insight, humour and practical steps will not only spark your imagination; it will enrich your sense of wonder at the greatness and grace of the God who not only gave his life for us, but invites us to join him in his glorious, transforming work.And who helps us as we do.

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    • Ready Steady Grow


      Do you love your church and want to see it thrive?Are you keen to learn from someone whose own church has grown and started others too?Are you ready for the downsides as well as the inevitable joys?Ray Evans takes us on an interesting and exciting journey. He looks at the barriers to growth, as well as the hurdles of reorganization and structural changes that growing churches face. His findings are anchored in the Bible and the real world which we all inhabit.’Many have learned how to lead what they have,’ says Ray, ‘but they don’t know how to take it forward. You don’t see the glass ceilings until you crash into them, and the splinters bring pain everywhere.’In Ray, you will find a humble, wise and warm-hearted guide. This book will not only equip your church to grow, but will help prevent unnecessary disasters.

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    • Complete You : Discover How To Be Whole


      1. Becoming Whole
      2. Wholeness = Peace
      3. Wholeness = Integrity
      4. Wholeness = Good Attitude
      5. Wholeness = Spiritual Warfare
      6. Wholeness = Change

      Additional Info
      Many of us have heard of the promise God has made, what he offers to those who believe in Him: Life. More abundantly.

      Even knowing this, perhaps you struggle with really tapping into that Life, and being truly whole in His love and in His grace. Maybe you have fears, concerns, and guilt that keep you from what God wants for you.

      Whatever it is, this booklet will help lead you to the fullness of the loving relationship with the God who made you. Here is your chance to be the complete you. Don’t miss it.

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    • Princess Diana Speaks From Heaven


      When we were graced on this earth with the people’s princess, Lady, Diana, the world was a brighter place. The world just seemed a whole lot more hopeful when she was here. Tragedy struck on that fateful day when she was taken from us so early in her life.

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    • Blueprint : Easiest Way For Living


      When you don’t know the way, you become a weight to people in their way. The whole world wants to follow Him that know the way. That is the reason, everyone needs to understand his life from bottom-up, and to understand what God and the world really require of him.
      In this book we will be discussing issues under a topic such as: -What is a curse? -Gates of a curse -Define your world -Be creatively alive. To mention a few

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    • Anchored In : Experience A Power Full Life In A Problem Filled World


      As a pastor’s daughter, author, and speaker, Micah Maddox knew about the power of God, but when her father abandoned the family on a Sunday morning and didn’t return, she faced a choice to cling to what she had been taught or turn away from God. Problems paralyze, but the power of God propels us. When we push forward, we can hold onto God during a ripple or a tidal wave in our lives. In Anchored In, Micah focuses on the power and presence of God in our lives as a life preserver in days that are filled with complex problems, people, and perplexing situations. A power-full life is not problem-free. The problems of this world fall under the greatest Power ever known. God’s power grants us permission to navigate anything that comes our way. We only need to anchor into our Savior.

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    • God Shaped Heart (Reprinted)


      The key to spiritual and emotional health is to grasp the truth of God’s transforming love for us and then let that reality influence our own hearts and relationships. It seems simple, but we are experts at complicating simple things. Instead of living lives characterized by love we find ourselves trapped in cycles of shame, violence, and addiction that steal our joy and keep us from loving others–so much so that, by all indications, Christians are living no differently than anyone else when it comes to abuse rates, use of pornography, alcohol and drug addiction, and more.

      Christian psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Jennings wants to release us from this prison. With powerful illustrations from case studies and from Scripture, Jennings shows believers who are stuck in addiction, violence, fear, and broken relationships how to experience true freedom through God’s transforming love to experience greater health, fulfillment, and well-being.

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    • Reading People : How Seeing The World Through The Lens Of Personality Chang (Rep


      If the viral Buzzfeed-style personality quizzes are any indication, we are collectively obsessed with the idea of defining and knowing ourselves and our unique place in the world. But what we’re finding is this: knowing which Harry Potter character you are is easy, but actually knowing yourself isn’t as simple as just checking a few boxes on an online quiz.

      For readers who long to dig deeper into what makes them uniquely them (and why that matters), popular blogger Anne Bogel has done the hard part–collecting, exploring, and explaining the most popular personality frameworks, such as Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, and others. She explains to readers the life-changing insights that can be gained from each and shares specific, practical real-life applications across all facets of life, including love and marriage, productivity, parenting, the workplace, and spiritual life. In her friendly, relatable style, Bogel shares engaging personal stories that show firsthand how understanding personality can revolutionize the way we live, love, work, and pray.

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    • Gift And Task


      The God whom we meet in Scripture is one who gives generous gifts in the wonder of creation, in the miracle of emancipation and reconciliation, and in the surprise of transformation. We are invited to receive those abundant gifts on a daily basis, with a posture of anticipation, awe, and gratitude. In response, we accept the worthy task of daily discipleship.

      Gift and Task is an original collection of 365 devotions by best-selling author Walter Brueggemann, providing the opportunity to consider in critical ways the cost and joy of discipleship. Perfect for daily use, this book begins with the First Sunday of Advent and provides insightful reflection and thought-provoking commentary on the Scriptures for each day of the year. Brueggemann guides disciples with wisdom and encouragement for our never-ending walk along God’s challenging, grace-filled path throughout the Christian year.

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    • Discipleship Matters : Dying To Live For Christ


      An honest look at the Bible’s teaching on discipleship, and how we find deep joy as we consider Jesus, lose our lives for his sake and live counter-culturally.

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    • Beginning Again On The Christian Journey


      A book of practical help and encouragement for anyone looking for a new start in their spiritual journey, or wanting to take that journey further for the first time.

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    • Windows Of The Soul


      This beautifully written book provides a fresh perspective for people who long for a richer experience with the presence of God and deeper meaning in everyday life.

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    • Princess Diana Speaks From Heaven


      When we were graced on this earth with the people’s princess, Lady, Diana, the world was a brighter place. The world just seemed a whole lot more hopeful when she was here. Tragedy struck on that fateful day when she was taken from us so early in her life.

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    • Mary Magdalene Speaks From Heaven


      Numerous bestselling books have been written about Mary Magdalene with many hushed conversations about this mysterious woman who followed Jesus. However, until now, no one has produced a book about who she is in her own words.

      Join Matthew Robert Payne as he brings the words of Mary Magdalene to earth after an interview with her. She discusses topics such as:

      What Jesus was like when he ministered on earth
      What Jesus is like in heaven now
      How you can qualify to go to heaven when you die
      Her message for women on earth
      Her message for men on earth and
      Much more.

      Mary speaks quite candidly about several topics that are not covered in the Gospels, including her former life before Christ, her life with Jesus, and the backstory of her relationship with Jesus. Join her for a look behind the scenes into the times of the Gospels.

      Learn about Mary’s role in heaven and the truth behind the false accounts about her and Jesus in popular books. Find out who Mary really is and let her convince you to rededicate your life to Jesus and his sacred and holy teachings.

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    • Shine : Stepping Into The Role You Were Made For (Reprinted)


      Popular speaker and former Broadway actor invites women to stop performing roles for others and dares them to step into the role of a lifetime–the person God created them to be.

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    • 5 Risks Prebyterians Must Take For Peace


      Believing peacemaking to be an inherent part of discipleship, Presbyterians have taken many valiant stands for peace throughout our history. However, changing global realities, political and military actions, and new weapons of war have made the world less safe than ever. The church must reconsider how to be faithful peacemakers in this changing reality.

      The Presbyterian Church recently spent six years reflecting on peacemaking. Building on past policy documents, people at all levels of the church studied and discussed what peacemaking policies needed to be modified given the world context today. The 2016 PC(USA) General Assembly affirmed five affirmations the church must make to fulfill its peacemaking calling. Those affirmations become risks when truly taken, because their message collides with the demands for continued sacrifice by the powers that be. In this timely resource, author Christian Iosso explains what the five risks are, how they differ from previous positions, and what taking each risk might look like today.

      Ideal for individual or group study, this important resource includes questions for reflection and discussion.

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