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Christian Living

Showing 7201–7300 of 7972 results

  • Staying Healthy Gods Way


    America is the most unhealthy nation of all industrialized nations. The top three causes of death in the U.S. are heart attack, cancer, and stroke – all self-induced diseases. Americans spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world. Yet, the quality of health in the U.S. is declining. Americans spend billions of dollars searching for good health. Yet, all the money in the world can’t buy good health. The only way to achieve good health is God’s way! God devised a plan for good health thousands of years ago and today it’s still the only plan that promotes long-term health and quality of life. Staying Healthy God’s Way explains God’s requirenments for health and your responsibility to fulfill these requirements. It helps you to set goals, prepare a plan to obtain good health, and motivates you to put your plan into action. This book offers hope for those that feel hopeless about living the abundant life that only God can provide.

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  • Harvesting Spiritual Fruit


    Millions of Americans have turned to books on prayer in hopes of attaining God’s favor and wonderful blessings. In Harvesting Spiritual Fruit – Following God’s Path to True Love, Joy and Peace, Jonathan Niemeyer now takes us beyond prayer to Christian living through a practical application of Galatians 5:22, the fruit of the spirit. Mr. Niemeyer contends that God, although He obviously invites us and even instructs us to come before Him in prayer, is also keenly interested in how we live our lives when not praying as well. He maintains that a simple verse of Paul’s letter to the Galatians holds phenomenal promise for those of us who truly employ the fruit of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control — in our relationships with God, our spouses, our children, our friends and our neighbors. Faithfully applying the fruit of the spirit to our lives is much easier said than done, but the rewards – pure love, joy and peace — can be everlasting!

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  • Royal Conversations : When Daughters Speak To Their King


    Embark on a new journey with God, finding Him in the mundane and ordinary. With eyes of a child, see Jesus in the simplest moments of life. This journey guide is designed to lead Christian women past surface interaction to enjoying Royal Conversations.

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  • Life God Rewards Bible Study (Student/Study Guide)


    This Bible study is a lot more exciting than getting a paycheck and benefits…and infinitely more important. After all, you’re not planning for a lifetime – you’re investing in forever. And God wants it to be great for you! Through these four weeks of insightful group or individual study, Bible teacher and spiritual counselor Bruce Wilkinson clarifies how the choices you’re making today are going to affect the quality of your life in heaven. As you investigate key Scriptures and apply them to your own situation with this visual, interactive resource, you’ll discover the most fulfilling life you’ve ever known

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  • Girl And Her Money


    1. The Funny Thing About Money
    2. Your Money Personality-And You Do Have One
    3. Know The Score
    4. Diets Don’t Work And Neither Do Budgets
    5. Chemo For Debt I: Diagnosis And Treatment
    6. Chemo For Debt II: A Plan That Pays
    7. If Men Are From Home Depot, Women Are From Macy’s
    8. The Road To Wealth: Save Early, Invest Regularly
    9. The Trouble With Stuff
    10. Making Peace With Money
    186 Pages

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    Gals, when you get your paycheck, do you head straight for the bank—or the mall? Is your credit history in ICU? Here’s sound financial guidance from a former stock broker, presented in an engaging and interactive manner that makes money-talk enjoyable! You’ll discover your spending personality, chose a money lifestyle, and more.

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  • When Life And Beliefs Collide


    In Praise of When Life and Beliefs Collide Sooner or later, life9s difficulties bring every Christian woman to God9s doorstep with questions too personal to ignore. “Why does God let me go through such painful circumstances?” “Why does he seem indifferent to my prayers?” We9re tired of spiritual pie in the sky. We want authentic, God-as-he-really-is faith_the kind that holds us together when our world is falling apart and equips us to offer strength and hope to others. When Life and Beliefs Collide raises a long-overdue call for us to think seriously about what we believe about God. With passion, brilliance, and eloquence, Carolyn Custis James weaves stories of contemporary women with episodes from the life of Mary of Bethany to illustrate the practical benefits of knowing God deeply. Examining the misperceptions and abuses that discourage women from pursuing a deeper understanding of God, this insightful book demonstrates how practical and down to earth knowing God can be. “This outstanding book offers the best demonstration that everyone needs theology, the best expository account of Mary and Martha, and the best trajectory for women9s ministry in modern North America that I have yet read.” _James I. Packer “Thoughtful, scholarly, and motivating . . . should inspire and encourage women for years to come.” _Joni Eareckson Tada “You will not think the same way, nor hopefully be the same, after reading this thought-provoking book.” _Vonette Zachary Bright “. . . affirms women in their calling, chosen-ness, and gifting, and makes us know we are cherished and planned for.” _Jill Briscoe

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  • Praying That Receives Answers


    Prayer is what connects us to the Creator. Without prayer we lack His guidance and His power in our lives. We become an ineffective dysfunctional part of the body of Christ. E.M. Bounds has experiences with the results of true, faith-filled prayer. Let him show you how to turn your frustration into praise as you move mountains through life-changing prayer.

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  • Echo Of The Soul


    Few issues have caused the church more difficulty through the ages than those surrounding the human body. Throughout much of Christian history, spiritual seekers have considered the body to be, at best, a hindrance to spiritual enlightenment, and, at worst, an enemy to be suppressed. Many of our contemporary negative preoccupations with physical appearance, image, and sexuality derive from this ancient and habitual denial of the notion that we were created in God’s image.

    In Echo of the Soul bestselling author J. Philip Newell finds that the human body, like creation, is actually the dwelling place of God. Using the Old Testament Wisdom literature, which informed Celtic spirituality’s positive understanding of what it means to be human, Newell looks at each part of the body as a sacred text that reveals something of the Divine. Looking back to a time before Christians began to distrust their physicality, Newell shows that our most ancient texts challenge modern assumptions about love, beauty, sexuality, learning, wisdom, power, and responsibility, and bridges the body/spirit divide.

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  • Abide In Christ


    So many Christians, instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He as offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and experience the unspeakable joy of swelling with the King of Kings. Andrew Murray knew what it meant to be continually in the Father’s presence. Read these thirty-one heart-searching readings and learn how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Him. Accept God’s invitation and live in His blessing and glory instead of shuffling your feet at the gate.

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  • Prostitute In The Pulpit


    This is a groundbreaking book dealing with the roles of the church, the family, and the working mother. It is meant to serve as a call to arms to the elect of God to stand up against the army of Satan. In many ways, it is a cry from the wilderness to the city of the world that Satan is among them. The book details how the world and the false church have rejected the message of Jesus Christ and have perverted the biblical blueprint God has set forth for the family.The simple message of this book is to come out from the modern-day church. The author paints a picture of an unfaithful and adulterous church, which is impersonating the true church of Jesus Christ. The author maintains that the modern-day church is the Great Whore detailed in the book of Revelation, and is convinced that if any stay in fellowship with her, they shall be partakers of her judgement.

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  • Preaching Biblical Wisdom In A Self Help Society


    This book equips preachers to tap into the treasures of the biblical wisdom tradition to counter the claims of a self-help society. The wisdom books and genres of the Bible, long neglected, are now the subject of avid scrutiny by biblical scholars. They’ve turned up the shining insight that the Bible, both Old and New Testament, is brimming with materials that are the ancestors of contemporary slogans and self-help manuals. This is indeed good news! We have proverbs and instruction every bit as vivid and compelling as “Don’t sweat the small stuff”–and for more aware of the depth, complexity, and mystery of life in God’s world. McKenzie demonstrates how Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and other biblical wisdom can provide fruitful opportunities to preach to those who are hungry for wisdom, and often unaware of the richness and depth of the Bible’s wisdom tradition.

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  • Jesus Name Above All Names


    People are healed in the Name, saved in the Name, baptized in the Holy Spirit in the Name – there is Power in the Name of Jesus! But why, then, are so many Christians living a powerless life? Joyce Meyer leads you into the throne room to discover the majesty and wonder found at the right hand of the Father. Learn how faith is a force and how the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in you as a Christian can be released through prayer. Jesus said,”…’all authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth'” and “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (Matthew 28:18; John 14:14 NKJV). Jesus gave us His Name to use when we ask in line with His will. Life transforming? You can expect nothing less from the Giver of all things new. Discover how to release God’s power in your life today, and accomplish great things through Jesus-Name Above All Names!

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  • If Not For The Grace Of God


    Learning to Live Independent of Frustrations and Struggles. Break free from bondage and take hold of all that is yours by the grace of God! You may have heard the term grace defined as “undeserved favor.” While this is true, grace is much more than that. It is the power of God available to meet all your needs. Everything you receive from God must come by grace through faith. In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer explains the power of the grace of God and how you can receive it through faith. Joyce teaches the difference between having faith in God, which will bring you into peace and rest, and having faith in your own abilities, which will bring you into frustration. By applying the principles outlined in this book, you will learn: -What grace is. -The power of grace. -How to be free from worry and frustration. -How to walk in supernatural favor. -How to develop an attitude of gratitude. -How to live a holy life by grace. -Plus much more!

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  • Full Will Of God


    This book reveals the story of Rodger C. Gibbs’ writing and publication of the seven volumes of The Book of Life. It seeks to define what the “Will of God” is in relation to the individual Christian, the Church, for the nation of Israel and for mankind. By reading this book you will find the Truth of the words of Jesus in John 8:32 of the Bible: “and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth (of Jesus) shall make you free (from sin)”.

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  • Women Who Do Too Much (Revised)


    Help and encouragement for overwhelmed women who desire to know what God created them to do_and how to accomplish it How many women are tired of trying to be all things to all people? How often do they feel overwhelmed by busyness, guilt, and stress? In this newly updated edition of Women Who Do Too Much, Patricia Sprinkle shows the woman who does too much how to do less but do it more passionately. First she tackles the larger issues of goals and commitments, helping women determine what God created them to do and helping them focus on doing just that. Then she gives helpful tips on how to handle the demands of everyday life. This updated edition_which is also available on abridged audiocassette_goes deeper into the biblical foundations for managing time and gifts for God9s purposes. There are simpler, faster-to-do exercises at the end of each section, not each chapter. With a warm mixture of practicality and humor, Sprinkle creatively offers hope for all women who need to capture, conquer, and control the ever-running hours on the clock. By the end of the book, time is seen not as a ferocious animal, but as a friend_a precious gift from God.

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  • Power Of A Positive Woman


    16 Chapters

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    Seven power-filled principles to help you make a positive impact in today’s world. Do you want to be a positive woman of powerful influence? Do you want to make a lasting impression on the lives of the people around you? You can become a positive woman-no matter where you find yourself right now-simply by choosing to allow God’s power and strength to pour through you.

    This life-changing book explores seven principles that can help you become a powerful force in your family, your church, your community, and your world. Through biblical teaching, inspirational quotes, and true stories of women just like you, you will learn to incorporate these seven, positive principles in your life as you have a powerful impact on those around you.

    Every woman-including you-has the potential to become a positive, powerful influence in her world. Never underestimate the power of a positive woman. That woman can be you!

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  • God Catchers : Experiencing The Manifest Presence Of God


    Why do some believers experience genuine, life-changing, personal revival while others don9t? In The God Catchers, the sequel to the phenomenal The God Chasers, Tommy explains the difference: “God in a sense plays hide and seek. But like a loving parent, He always makes sure He can be found by those who take the time to look.” Simply put, those who earnestly seek God rather than wait for something to happen find Him. Full of biblical and contemporary accounts of believers who chased God and caught Him, The God Catchers will motivate readers to discover the joy of finding God and having a loving relationship with Him.

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  • Beauty For Ashes (Revised)


    Many people seem to have it all together outwardly, but inside they are a wreck. Their past has broken, crushed, and wounded them inwardly. They can be healed. God has a plan, and Isaiah 61 reveals that the Lord came to heal the brokenhearted. He wants to heal victims of abuse and emotional wounding. Joyce Meyer is a victim of the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Yet today she has a nationwide ministry of emotional healing to others like herself. In Beauty for Ashes she outlines major truths that brought healing in her life and describes how other victims of abuse can also experience God’s healing in their lives. You will learn: * How to Deal with the Emotional Pain of Abuse * How to Understand Your Responsibility to God for Overcoming Abuse * Why Victims of Abuse Often Suffer from Other Addictive Behaviors * How to Grab Hold of God’s Unconditional Love * The Importance of God’s Timing in Working Through Painful Memories.

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  • Secrets To Exceptional Living


    To you want to learn the secrets to leading a powerful, effective, fulfilling and rewarding life- one that will help others achieve their goals as well? God has made available to us the means for leading an exceptional life when we recognize and focus on the things that He tells us are important. It is important to God that we have more love, joy, and peace in our lives- more patience, kindness, and goodness- more faithfulness, humility and self-control. Developing these attributes of God’s nature, the fruit of the Spirit, empowers us to become all that God created us to be. In this book by bestselling author Joyce Meyer you will learn the secrets to growing spiritually like never before. Start impacting your life and the world around you. Family, friends and co-workers will begin noticing the transformation within you and will want to know the Source of this lasting change. Bear fruit and give it to others to taste and see that the Lord is good! When you apply the Word of God and cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, you will begin to lead the exceptional life that God has planned for you.

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  • Still Bored In A Culture Of Entertainment


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823086ISBN10: 0830823085Richard WinterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Root Of Rejection


    112 Pages

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    ESCAPE THE BONDAGE OF REJECTION AND EXPERIENCE THE FREEDOM OF GOD’S ACCEPTANCE. You can be free from the effects of rejection. You will learn: -How to identify the root of rejection. -The causes and results of rejection. -The effects of rejection on your perception of yourself and those around you. -How to tear down the walls rejection causes you to build. -How to avoid the unrealistic expectations of perfection. With the Scriptures as her guide, Joyce will teach you how to recognize rejection and learn how to let Jesus’ healing work begin in you! No one totally escapes rejection. But not everybody has to be damaged by it! In this exciting and powerful book, Joyce Meyer will show you that God has the power to free anyone from the damaging effects of rejection. Our Father has provided a means for us as His children to be delivered from the root of rejection.

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  • Leader In The Making


    Has God Put An Impossible Dream In Your Heart? If God’s hand is on your life, you probably feel like an ordinary person with an extraordinary goal. Your God-given dream is way too big for your abilities. Too big for your budget. Too big for your facilities. Too big to be humanly possible. Joyce Meyer knows from a lifetime of experience that nothing is too big for God. A nationally acclaimed teacher and leader- she’s walked in your shoes. She knows the frustrations and triumphs you’ll experience in your spiritual journey. She’s exceptionally qualified to help you discover how to: -Find your unique calling for ministry. -Determine which spiritual gifts you have been given. -Develop your full God-given potential. -Empower your dreams through effective action. -Encourage and build up the people under your authority. -Manage your attitudes and emotions. -Live a balanced life that honors God in every way. -And much more. Practical, honest and thoroughly realistic, Joyce’s teaching cuts straight to the heart of the issues that matter most. She’ll challenge you to trust God and step out in total obedience to His high calling for your life. If you’re ready to make a powerful difference in your world, ready to give God your utmost, then A Leader in the Making has the guidance you need to succeed.

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  • Me And My Big Mouth


    144 Pages

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    Your Answer is Right Under Your Nose. With God’s Help You Can Master Your Mouth! You and I go through life with an awesome power-like fire or electricity or nuclear energy-right under our noses, one that can produce death or life, depending on how it is used. -Joyce Meyer. By applying the biblical truths outlined in this book, you will learn: -The effect of your words in the natural realm. -How to speak God’s language. -How to break the chains of the past. -How to cross over to victory. -Plus much more! Amos 3:3 (KJV) says, Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Bring your mouth into agreement with God …and begin to walk in victory!
    Is your mouth busy telling about all the troubles in your life? Does it seem as though your mouth has a mind if its own? Put your mouth on a crash course to victory. You can take hold of the words you speak and make them work for you! Me and My Big Mouth will show you how to train your mouth to speak words that will put you over in this life. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer emphasizes that speaking the Word of God must be coupled with living a life of complete obedience to the Word of God in order to see the full power of God flowing in your life.

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  • Secret Power


    Have you ever met someone who stands out from the crowd? They’re strong, confident, and full of peace. Even though they face the same stresses and difficulties as others, they have a joy the others don’t have. They’ve found peace in a chaotic, violent, and stressed world. No matter what the opposition, they seem to pull through with power. What’s their secret? D.L. Moody will show you how to find the power of the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit to guide you, you can live a truly effective life that will touch and inspire those around you.

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  • Keeping Silence : Christian Practices For Entering Stillness


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819219107ISBN10: 081921910XC. W. McPhersonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Appleseeds : A Mentoring Program For Preteen Girls


    “Filled with fun projects and fellowship, this study helps young women develop godly self-esteem, social skills that can be used to disciple others, and Christian characteristics such as honesty, integrity, and servanthood.”

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  • Me And My Big Mouth Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    144 Pages

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    Your Answer is Right Under Your Nose. With God’s Help You Can Master Your Mouth! You and I go through life with an awesome power-like fire or electricity or nuclear energy-right under our noses, one that can produce death or life, depending on how it is used. -Joyce Meyer. By applying the biblical truths outlined in this book, you will learn: -The effect of your words in the natural realm. -How to speak God’s language. -How to break the chains of the past. -How to cross over to victory. -Plus much more! Amos 3:3 (KJV) says, Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Bring your mouth into agreement with God …and begin to walk in victory!
    Is your mouth busy telling about all the troubles in your life? Does it seem as though your mouth has a mind if its own? Put your mouth on a crash course to victory. You can take hold of the words you speak and make them work for you! Me and My Big Mouth will show you how to train your mouth to speak words that will put you over in this life. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer emphasizes that speaking the Word of God must be coupled with living a life of complete obedience to the Word of God in order to see the full power of God flowing in your life.

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  • Enjoying Where You Are On The Way To Where You Are Going


    Learn How to Live a Joyful Spirit-filled Life! Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have reached a specific goal or position in life? Jesus came so that we might have and enjoy life. (John 10:10.) Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. If you have not been enjoying your life to the fullest, it is time to begin! In this book, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences for a powerful teaching on how to enjoy every day on your journey through life. By applying the principles outlined in this book you will learn: -How to make the decision to enjoy life. -How to rid yourself of regret and dread. -How to experience the simplicity of life. -How to find joy during times of waiting. -How to finish your course with joy. -Plus much more! Enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of your heart. So learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going today!

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  • Filled With The Spirit


    Tap Into God’s Power Source by Welcoming the Holy Spirit into Your Life! Have you ever felt dissatisfied in your Christian walk? Have you felt that your love relationship with Christ hit a plateau and there is no power in your prayers anymore? You can experience a deeper level in the Lord, and see life-changing results by learning how to welcome the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence and power into your daily life! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Joyce Meyer overcame an abusive past. She explains from experience the importance of inviting the Third Person of the Trinity to fill your life. This book is a catalyst for those desiring a more power-filled Christian walk. Let bestselling author Joyce Meyer show you how to be filled with the Spirit and speak in tongues. Enjoy this new walk with the Holy Spirit, the person who wants to be your Counselor, Advocate, Strengthener and Forever-Stand-By Friend.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind Updated Edition (Expanded)


    In celebration of selling 3 million copies, FaithWords published a special updated edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND.

    Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to change their lives by changing their minds.

    She teaches how to deal with thousands of thoughts that people think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth-and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

    This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content throughout the book.

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  • What My Parents Did Right


    You can be a great parent!

    The message of this powerful book is that you don’t have to be a perfect person to be a great parent. In it you will find fascinating stories written by people like John MacArthur Jr., Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, Janette Oke, Gary Smalley, Frank Peretti, and many more. From them you’ll learn more than fifty tips to positive parenting–tips you can incorporate in your family today–principles that will help ensure that you, too, do something right!

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  • Long Nights Journey Into Day


    On any spiritual pilgrimage, Christians face tremendous challenges to their faith not just from outside forces, but from their own inner struggles. Pastor White (Life-Defining Moments; Rethinking the Church) convincingly argues that the historical seven deadly sins still occupy a prominent position in most Christians’ lives. White describes these pitfalls in a disarmingly personal style that will leave no reader feeling immune to these common human frailties. Specifically, White expounds upon journeying from anger to restraint, sloth to diligence, gluttony to moderation, envy to security, greed to contentment, lust to self-control, pride to humility. His success in communicating the seriousness of each of these pitfalls is balanced with his pastoral heart, which emanates sincerity and care throughout this solid, if not particularly riveting, read. His suggestions on dealing with anger, for example, are helpful but familiar. White tells readers to defuse anger by accepting that things will not always go their way, realizing that no one else causes another person’s anger, and celebrating the fact that it is possible to rule their own emotions. Overshadowing every caution and cure described here is White’s undimmed confidence in the power of Christ to aid those followers who desire to know God more fully and are thereby freely and joyfully transformed.

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  • Getting It Together


    As modern persons struggle to cope with the many commitments that consume our lives and the increasing–and seemingly insurmountable–demands on our time, Carol Wehrheim offers this much-needed work. In this book she offers a direction toward relief, showing how a Christian foundation of faith can provide a sense of balance amidst the struggle. Chapters include “The Foundation of Your Life,” “Not Enough Time, Too Many Choices,” “Moving Ahead,” “Creative Problem Solving,” and “Keeping On Keeping On.” Each begins with a selection from Scripture and concludes with a spiritual discipline. Including both a participant’s section and a leader’s guide, this book is ideal for group study.

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  • Charmed Life : The Spirituality Of Potterworld


    Potter fever has swept the world and shows no signs of abating. the books and the recent movie have attracted millions of followers and fans, all of them eagerly awaiting the next installments. Along with the widespread enjoyment and appreciation of Harry Potter and his friendships, however, criticism of the series has also emerged. The opposition has focused on two issues; the darkness of the novels and their apparent endorsement of witchcraft and the occult. In A Charmed Life, Francis Bridger, a theologian and pastor, argues that far from promoting the dark arts, the Potter books are firmly based in Christian values, and offer valuable insights into our characters, our relationships, our priorities, and our spirituality.

    Taking readers on an entertaining tour of Potterworld, Bridger shows that each adventure presents new ways of expressing and exploring key spiritual issues, from the meaning of justice, to the need to confront fears, to the debilitating effects of evil. As Harry and his friends deal with one another, face their enemies, cope with their variously dysfunctional families, and experience the common problems o fgrowing up, Bridger domonstrates, it is their intrinsic human goodness, love, and friendship–not wizardry or magic–that allows them to triumph over evil.

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  • Gods Plan My Response


    An illustrated curriculum which guides a teen’s or adult’s steps toward a relationship with God and believer’s water baptism. God’s Plan… My Response is a 100 page, 6×9 inch, workbook style manual that covers the steps to a relationship with God and prepares a student for baptism through research into Scripture. for Jr. Hi through adult

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  • Winning The War Within


    A few moments of illicit pleasure, a few dollars of illegal gain – what can it hurt? The aftermath of our pleasures and gains can wreak spiritual havoc when those indictments are bought at the cost of wrongdoing. In Winning the War Within, Dr. Stanley examines temptation from a biblical perspective and tracks its course from desire to sin to death. He clarifies the distinction between a test or a trial (which may come from God), and a temptation (which never comes from God) and explains God’s solutions for coping with the trials and for triumphing over temptations.Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9036-8).

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  • How To Handle Adversity


    The loss of a job. A rebellious child. A loved one dies. A dear friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A struggling marriage. Financial hardships.The list is endless. When hard times come, we need wisdom to navigate through the shoals of adversity into a safe harbor. And now, in How to Handls Adversity, Charles Stanley offers a practica, biblical approach to help us deal with the troubles common to us all.Adversity is a reality that no one can avoid. Everyone asks why when adversity strikes. Yet Stanley contends, “As much as we all want to know the answer to the why question, it is really not the most significant question. The real question each of us needs to ask is, ‘How should I respond?’Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9094-5)

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  • Gift Of Forgiveness


    Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in The Gift of Forgiveness. as Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.The Gift of Forgiveness reflects the heart of Stanley’s teaching ministry. In this markedly helpful book, Stanley addresses such questions as how to pracitse a life of forgiveness in all you relationships and how to make forgiveness an ongoing, practical experience in your life. Previously published in hardcover (0840790724).

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  • Eternal Security : Can You Be Sure


    Is it possible to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am going to heaven? If my salvation really is secure, can I commit any sin and still go to heaven? Dr. Stanley helps believers understand the issues of grace and works in a compassionate, straightforward manner. Previously published in hardcover (0840790953).

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  • Lists To Live By For Simple Living


    In our fast-paced, complex world, we all are looking for stillness, harmony, gentleness, and peace. The beauty of these eighty thoughtfully chosen lists is that they use simplicity to bring you simplicity – condensing essential information into one-or-two-page lists. The gateway to the path of peaceful living is found in the collection you currently hold! As your life becomes balanced instead of hectic, you will escape the tyranny of the urgent and be able to focus on the things that really matter.

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  • If Youve Got A Dream Ive Got A Plan


    You may be the next Hank Williams, Mozart, and Bob Dylan all rolled up into one. But if you don’t get the right people to hear the songs you’ve written, then the best you can hope for is to be an undiscovered genius.If You’ve Got a Dream, I’ve Got a Plan is written by one of Country Music9s most successful songwriters. In this informative guide, aspiring songwriters will learn:What is a demo? And do I need a demo?What is a single song contract?How do royalty rates work?What is ASCAP? BMI?How much money can I make if my song hits number one on the charts?How do I get the right people to hear my songs?If You9ve Got a Dream, I9ve Got a Plan will not guarantee that you will become a successful songwriter. But it does arm aspiring songwriters with the information they need to enter a highly competitive world, one that is potentially rewarding both financially and artistically sense. It tells what to do, and maybe more importantly, what not to do.Kelley Lovelace is an award-winning songwriter who lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the co-author with Brad Paisley of the book and the song He Didn’t Have to Be. He is also the songwriter of the hits “Wrapped Around” and “Two People Fell in Love.”

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  • How People Grow Workbook (Workbook)


    This companion workbook to How People Grow helps people work through issues of relationships, maturity, emotional problems, and overall spiritual growth.

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  • Secret Of Happiness (Reprinted)


    Happiness. It9s what we all long for, what all human beings seek in our jobs, our relationships, our activities. We try so hard to be happy, and all too often we end up empty and unsatisfied. Why? Because, says Billy Graham in this classic work, we are looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Instead of looking for happiness in the temporal pleasures of this world, we need to learn the secret Jesus taught in the astounding set of teachings we call the Beatitudes _ that true, lasting happiness is a by-product, a bonus that comes when we seek what is really important. Presented with Dr. Graham9s characteristic simplicity, this landmark book teaches us to live above the circumstances of life and rest in the true happiness God wants us to have.

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  • Relentless Love : Gods Faithfulness In The Face Of Human Failure


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    If you are honest enough to admit that you aren’t perfect, this book will guide you to a Redeemer whose love for you isn’t bound by your behavior. If you need to know that God’s love will remain steadfast and true – no matter what – this book is for you. He is pursuing you at his very moment. Are you ready to be found? Open the pages of this book, and open your heart to His relentless love.

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  • 60 Things God Said About Sex


    In many TV shows, the characters move from partner to partner, making sex the be-all and end-all of the male-female relationship. In many magazines, the advertised topics are centered on sex-good sex, better sex, more sex. The entertainment shows are focused on who’s having sex with who. Sex, sex, sex. It’s everywhere! But the only thing that seems to be a definite is that people are trying to find happiness through sexual relationships. God created sex for a specific purpose–and created it good. Sex is a gift from God. The Bible candidly deals with sex (more so than many modern sex manuals!), and this book is forthright in presenting the biblical view of sex as a gift from God, its intended use, and the spiritual parallel of a husband and wife’s sexual union as a symbol of the sacred consummation of Christ and His bride–the church. In this straightforward explanation of the biblical view of sex, Lester Sumrall will show you that the best way to have sex is God’s way. This book is perfect for couples about to get married, parents who think it’s about time to have “that talk” with their child, or anyone who finds that the world’s view of sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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  • How To Be Happy Though Married (Revised)


    Tyndale House Publishers Print On Demand Title

    Marriage was God’s idea, and the best advice on the subject is still to be found in the Bible. In this modern classic, Dr. Tim LaHaye shows a new generation how to develop physical, mental, and spiritual harmony in marriage. This book makes a fine wedding or bridal shower gift. And it’s a good choice for any couple wanting a refresher course on what the Bible says about marriage.

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  • Becoming Christ : Transformation Through Comtemplation


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561012008ISBN10: 1561012009Brian TaylorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Changing For Good


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823079ISBN10: 0830823077Raymond CauseyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Secret Of Intercession


    Intercession is more than persistent prayer. Prayer is mighty, but intercession has the power to move the hand of God. The power to change the world. Andrew Murray will show you how to join in the determined pursuit of God’s will. You will find:
    How to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord
    God’s purpose for your life
    Mighty power in prayer that can influence nations
    How to be persistent in prayer when you can’t immediately see results
    The ability to pray as Christ prayed As you read, your life and faith will be strengthened, and the world around you will feel the effects of your pleading on its behalf. God wants to pour out His blessings and favor on the world.

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  • Jesus Revealed : Know Him Better To Love Him Better


    A sense of comfortable familiarity with the Savior can cloud people’s vision_and even prevent them from drawing closer to Jesus as he really is. His titles and descriptions are heard so often that it’s easy to miss the impact of their true meaning. Even the name Jesus is so well known that it has lost much of its power in believers’ lives.

    But now Jesus Revealed reintroduces readers to the true Son of God, helping them see him with clear vision, so that they can love him more fully and follow him more completely Readers will be surprised and delighted as they get to know the Jesus whose face is clearly revealed through the titles God gave him and the names used for him by his earliest followers.

    In these pages, readers will encounter a Jesus who surprises and unsettles, who comforts and empowers, in astonishingly authentic ways. Each chapter focuses on one aspect of Jesus’ identity_such as Rabbi, Son of Man, Light of the World. As pastor and scholar Mark Roberts explores what’s behind each of these titles, he brings insight into the theological and historical meanings, and then relates them to life today.

    Readers will travel back to first-century Palestine, meet the God-man we know as Jesus, and experience a soul-changing encounter with him. Because to know him is to love him.

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  • He Shines In All Thats Fair (Reprinted)


    How can one account for the presence of goodness in a fallen world? In this robust treatment of common grace, Mouw reinterprets Calvinism for the 21st century.

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  • 10 Commandments : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    God’s rules do more than restrict–they give freedom.

    They are words of prevention and protection.

    They define identity–ours and God’s.

    Each of the studies in this guide by Rob Suggs looks at one of God’s commandments and a Bible passage that will help you better understand how to apply God’s law. As you study these laws, you will encounter God himself.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Encountering Jesus : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    Terrorism. Diseases. Hurricanes.

    Every day the news reinforces what you want to forget–you live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption–with both courage and fear. In these eight studies on Elijah’s life, Douglas Connelly helps you look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever.

    This LifeGuide Bible Study in IVP’s revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “”Now or Later”” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.

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  • Professionalizing Motherhood : Encouraging Educating And Equipping Mothers (Expa


    This newly expanded edition now includes a leader’s guide and group discussion questions in response to the many mom’s groups adopting it as a group source

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  • Battle For The Soul Workbook (Workbook)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591601272ISBN10: 1591601274Rayola KelleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gospel According To The Simpsons (Teacher’s Guide)


    A companion to the best-selling The Gospel According to The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family” this 10-session study, for youth and adults, embarks on an exploration of the religious themes prevalent in the popular animated comedy series. Each session correlates to a chapter in the book and suggests as episode for viewing prior to the discussion. Topics include prayer, morality, God, pluralism, the institutional church, hell and the devil, and the Bible

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  • Discovering The Narrow Path


    In a time when competing and often irreconcilable belief systems seem to dominate all religious conversations in Christianity, N. Graham Standish offers an alternative for leading a spiritual and faithful life. Providing models that embrace elements of many spiritual traditions within Christianity, this book seeks to hold all extremist positions in perfect tension by integrating their essential truths yet also recognizing their flaws. In doing so, Standish surveys the wisdom of the mystics, the practice of forming a Trinitarian faith, the openness of healing traditions, and the value of balancing prayer and action, as well as spirituality, theology, and religion. Complete with two appendices, one a guide for group study and one an introduction to spiritual reading, this book is an essential resource for those seeking spiritual fulfillment.

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  • From Pride To Humility


    Taken from the heart of The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott is this expanded version of the chapter on humility. God has given us a model to follow, in order to be what He wants us to be, and that model is the person of Jesus Christ. The humility of Jesus Christ is His most stunning attribute, and the sin of pride is probably the most detestable to God. Here is an exhaustive list of manifestations of pride, followed by the challengiing attributes of humility. a handy reference guide.

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  • Your Life In God


    In this ultimate book on success, R.A. Torrey shares principles basic to growth and fulfillment in the Christian life. Whether you are establishing a firm spiritual foundation, resolving perplexing doubts, or seeking strength and courage, the author’s counsel and sound teaching will lead you into a successful and fruitful walk with the Lord. Here are the tools that will make your life flourish. Not only will your relationship with God be strengthened, but so will your interactions with other Christians.

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  • Power Of Apology


    SKU (ISBN): 9780471218920ISBN10: 0471218928Beverly EngelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2002Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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  • Joy In Our Weakness (Revised)


    Instead of looking for sensational end-time scenarios or wondering who will be left behind, Dawn sees the Book of Revelation as a comforting story of God’s ultimate victory over evil. Her theology of weakness is particularly relevant for those who struggle with physical limitations and chronic illness.

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  • Released From Bondage


    Bestselling author Dr. Neil Anderson presents life-transforming guidance for anyone seeking freedom from destructive personal or spiritual conflicts. Real-life survivors step forward to tell how they broke free from emotional, mental, and spiritual captivity, finding hope and joy in Christ. Learn how victims survived harsh realities such as childhood abuse, compulsive thoughts and behaviors, eating disorders, sexual disorders and depression. Each unforgettable and true story will help you in your own struggle. Revised edition.

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  • 1st Things First


    First Things First is an invitation to dive into the deeper things of God. Part of that call is allowing God to deal with the deep things in our heart so we can love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. With that process comes, a new definition of success God’s definition rather than the world’s. As we press into God, our destiny and God’s dreams will be released. Is there something inside of you that says there must be more to God than what you are currently experiencing?

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  • Fasting For Financial Breakthrough (Reprinted)


    Shed a spiritual light on some of the biggest problems facing people today: the need to put the role of money in a proper perspective and to solve financial problems. Elmer Towns states at the outset that this is not the primary purpose of fasting and prayer. Instead, it is all about knowing God. It is not about withdrawing prayer on an as-needed basis from some spiritual ATM kiosk. It is about meditation, studying the Scriptures, and communing with God. When we fast and pray in faith, asking for God’s help and provision, He begins to teach us how to become good stewards of what He has provided. Chapter topics include “Fasting to Learn Stewardship,” “Why We Have Money Problems,” and “A Faith Approach to Fasting for Money.” Once we understand why we struggle with money problems, we can do something about it with this practical step-by-step guide.

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  • Life Management For Busy Women Growth And Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide offers clear and inspired steps for women eager to become better stewards of their time and their lives. As a supplemental tool, it compliments all the major sections of the book. Easily adaptable to individual or group study, this guide will help women of all ages, in all stages of life, learn to see and follow God’s blueprint for their lives.

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  • Gods Strength For This Day


    Harvest House Publishers Print On Demand Title

    Dr. Ogilvie’s God’s Best for My Life has helped thousands of readers make prayer and Scripture reading an indispensable, blessed part of their day. In this book, he continues with personal meditations on how to live in the flow of the Lord’s unceasing strength. Each day, readers will find a carefully chosen Scripture, a meditation on an aspect of Christ’s renewing strength, and a “thought for the day” to help put faith into action.

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  • Stories For A Teens Heart 3


    Encourage your teens to make wise choices and put God first with these captivating stories about family, friends, tough times, character, and doing the right thing. Featuring the inspirational cartoons of Chaz Chapman, over 100 selections portray real teens making a difference in the lives of those around them.

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  • For The Love Of Learning


    After more than twenty years homeschooling my children and other people’s children, I am a passionate believer in the combined Charlotte Mason-Classical Education approach to education. I have four grown children and five grandchildren with number six on the way. I started a used homeschool bookstore in 1990 that grew so much that it became the oldest and the largest one in the country. I have discussed every method of homeschooling imaginable with thousands of people nationwide, and I am adamant that this is the best method out there. It will develop a natural “love of learning” that the children will thrive on. I give you a synopsis of both Charlotte Mason and Classical Education and then proceed to show you the similarities and differences and how they can be lovingly combined to give the children a “love of learning” that will never end. I also give you a book list and resources by subject that are not typically found in other lists for your information and use. Anyone who wants to nurture and develop their child’s natural “love of learning” will benefit from this book.

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  • Womans Journey To Abundance


    The journey to inner and outer transformation begins with growing in spiritual wisdom and discernment and cultivating a heart of submission and purity; it leades to bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, realizing and fulfilling God’s unique call on your life, and outwardly reflecting the precious heart of your savior, Jesus Christ. Kimberly Cromwell gives you the Master’s keys to unlock the doors to abundance as she leads you along this exciting and wondrous journey.

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  • Realm Without Rules


    There is no rule you can make to change human behavior. People will do what they want unless their attitude changes. This book has drawn from Leviticus chapter 11 (unclean and clean animals). Each animal represents an attitude, negative or positive. We are what we eat. If we do not eat of Christ’s attitudes, we cannot minister Him to others. Take a journey on a new road the Father wants you to be, a Father pleaser, in whom He is well pleased. May God give the church a new mind-set self-seeking ways, but that finds the Father’s will and purpose for our lives.

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  • Bible And The Comic Vision


    This insightful work examines the variety of ways comedy is employed in the Old Testament. Biblical comedy unveils “a comic vision that oscillates between attack and affirmation, corrective and celebration, ridicule and revel.” Here Whedbee reveals the subtle uses of parody and satire to subversive effect in six biblical books. But “the Bible characteristically does not stop with subversion, for the texts usually drive on toward an affirmation of life and celebration of the wonder and hopefulness of creation. In sum, subversion an celebration typically belong together in a comprehensive view of biblical comedy: subversion often serving to undercut and clear away obstacles to the realization of fertility and forgiveness; and celebration finding expression in festivals of freedom and hope.”

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  • Relationship : Building Bridges To Connect People


    Your journey through RELATIONSHIP: Building Bridges to Connect People (in a small group, individually or in a BMI conference) will draw you closer to the Bridgebuilder, Jesus Christ, and will enhance your relationship with others.

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  • My Body Is The Temple


    “My Body is The Temple: Encounters and Revelations of Sacred Dance and Artistry” is the manifestation of a divine connection between holiness, Sacred Artistry, and transformation-both of oneself and one’s surroundings. It focuses on the sometimes painful, yet eternal benefits afforded to those who dare to keep his or her WHOLE body “Holy Unto the Lord”. In doing so, the Holy Spirit freely provides untapped revelation on God’s secret weapon-our bodies, in which He uses both evangelistically and prophetically in the Arts, in worship, in dreams, and in natural and supernatural spiritual warfare. Within the pages of this book on sacred dance and artistry, ministers, pastors, and laypersons alike obtain a global perspective on the powerful impact that anointed, Sacred Dance can have on one’s spirit, health, household, church, culture, and nation. Spiritual leaders and ministers will especially be drawn to this book, as it provides sound, biblical teaching on the call and authenticity of dance as ministry. It positions the Arts to reclaim its rightful place within the local church and the World. This work is the first of its kind and caliber to be written from a culturally diverse, yet Christian perspective. Students and professors of Christian Arts institutions, seminaries, Bible colleges, and sacred dance ministries will discover a supernatural, unconventional approach to understanding how God uses His creative, artistic Mind to bring about Kingdom purposes. This book can easily be recommended as a required course text in ministerial training on topics related to the various dimensions of worship, Arts, liturgy and inter-cultural ministry.

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  • Doorway To A Dream


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591601197ISBN10: 1591601193Linda Hill-SeayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Heart Affirmations


    In today’s noisy and busy world, the positive thoughts and gentle suggestions in Heart Affirmations help the readers stay centered. These daily affirmations will keep you connected to God and help you live a life of sweet bliss and abundance. As you read these daily prayers and hold them in your thoughts throughout the day, no matter what is going on in your life, you will find your heart opening to receive God’s showers of blessings. Each day can be a joyful experience.

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  • Knowledge Nirvana


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591601081ISBN10: 1591601088Jnris KelleyBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • There Must Be More


    My book was birthed out of an intense longing for more of God than what most of the Church world offers today. There is so much more available than what we have. If you have ever left church wondering, “Is that it, is that all there is?” then this book is a must read for you! My purpose is to challenge you to a deeper commitment and that our church leaders put more on the spiritual table than is being offered. We no longer have to be mediocre Christians, but we can be all God said we could be. We are not just left to read about what God did in the past, but we can cry out to Him, “You are my God also. I want to see You work in my time.” Not only will God hear, He will show His hand strong on our behalf! I offer answers to some difficult questions such as: IS THERE REVIVAL IN AMERICA, OR ARE CHRISTIANS JUST BEING PROSELYTIZED TO LARGE CHURCHES? CHRISTIANS AND POLITICS: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? CHRISTIANS AND MONEY: HAVE WE TAKEN IT TOO FAR? Finally, we conclude with God’s promise of revival before the end-time and with the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to provide us a heavenly home. In Ecclesiastes 7:8 God said our end would be better than our beginning and Ezekiel 36:11 declares He will do better unto you than at your beginning: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. -C.W. Minor

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  • By The Way


    This book is a provocative look at the “who”, “what”, “when”, “where” and “why” of those who have fallen by the wayside and have matriculated into the abyss of hopelessness and despair. An indictment is issued to the churches that should be praying and seeking the peace of their inner cities, and who are not. Special focus is given in the first chapter on how the traditional church has missed the mark of the highway and hedge ministry of Jesus’ commission. As you continue exploring the text you will find the unfortunate acceptance of the generational strongholds of poverty, distorted perceptions of self, and eventual self-destruction passed on by previous generation.

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  • Stone The Builders Rejected


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600664ISBN10: 1591600669Johnnie GoolsbyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gifts Of Gold


    “The life-changing principles of Betty Huizenga’s seminars come to life in book form, offering women an encouraging plan for developing kindness, purity, hospitality and love for their children and husbands.”

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  • How To Be A Christian Without Being Religious (Reprinted)


    Since the days of the early church, Christians have struggled to find a way to be “good”–to please God by their own efforts. They end up carrying a burden God never intended them to bear. And what’s more, their brand of Christianity ends up looking like any other religion of the world–bound by joyless rules and rituals. Fritz Ridenour’s study of the book of Romans provides an antidote to the pharisaical spirit and shows that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. It is not people reaching up, but God reaching down. All Christians can enjoy their birthright when they realize who they are in Christ. The result is a life full of hope, joy, power, and potential.

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  • Road Home : Images For The Spiritual Journey


    In this highly accessible biblical study, Sara Covin Juengst writes on images of the road found in Scripture and explores their implications for the Christian spiritual journey. Juengst examines contemporary issues like risk taking, uprootedness, loneliness. and change, all in light of what it means to be “followers of the way.”

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  • When The Kings Come Marching In (Revised)


    Widely respected for his perspectives on faith in the modern world, Richard J. Mouw stands at the forefront of the “Christ and culture” debate. In When the Kings Come Marching In-here revised and updated-Mouw explores the religious transformation of culture as it is powerfully pictured in Isaiah 60.

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  • I Want To Enjoy My Children


    If you didn’t plan for them-or even if you did-having kids may threaten to spoil the fun of marriage. Henry Brandt and Kerry Skinner’s book shows how to make parenting a fascinating, pleasant journey, wherever it may lead. This biblical, practical guide is based on the truth that parents need help from a resource outside themselves-God. Two popular authors of discipleship books (Skinner writes curriculum for Henry Blackaby Ministries) demonstrate, with anecdotes, examples, and meaningful Bible references, how to develop an inner peace with God to navigate the twists and turns of family life-and make it enjoyable!

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  • Song Of Songs (Student/Study Guide)


    Song of Songs, the latest 8-week Studyguide, gives the reader insight into Song of Songs — one of the richest and most beautiful books of the Bible. This guide offers reflection on the intimacy God intends for marriage and the intimacy God desires to have with us. Written for those who long for more closeness with God and more depth in their relationships. This book is ideal for those who want to learn more about Song of Songs; engaged or married couples seeking a greater understanding of God’s design for intimacy; pastors and counselors looking for a guide to use in pre-marital counseling; and those who want to learn more about God’s desire for intimacy with his children and his Church.

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  • Break Ground


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591601289ISBN10: 1591601282Margaret CalkinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Spiritual Leaders Guide To Self Care


    The Spiritual Leader’s Guide to Self-Care is an ideal companion for clergy, lay leaders, and others who would like guidance about how to make changes in their personal life and ministry but do not want to read a text-heavy book about self-care. The guide addresses seven themes:

    Creating a Life Vision
    Caring for Yourself at Work
    Nurturing Your Relationships
    Caring for Your Spirit and Body
    Caring for Your Finances
    Caring for Your Intellect
    Sustaining a Life Vision
    Readers may work through one of the 52 sections each week or adopt a more leisurely pace. The guide includes journalwriting suggestions, personal reflection questions and activities, guidance for sharing the discovery process with another person, an activity for the coming week, and suggested further resources, such as novels, videos, and Web sites. Foreword by Roy M. Oswald, Alban Institute Senior Consultant.

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  • Operating In The Will Of God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600626ISBN10: 1591600626Mary MurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Win The Culture War


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823161ISBN10: 0830823166Peter KreeftBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Uncommon Achiever : 31 Keys To Obtaining Your Goals In Life


    If You Are Really Interested In Becoming Successful, This Book Will Challenge You To Break Old Habits And Develop New Ones To Unlock Your God-Given Potential. Dr. Murdock reveals the Wisdom Keys for developing the exciting lifestyle of an Uncommon Achiever…What Successful Men Do Daily. A Master Handbook of Success Secrets.

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  • SoulSalsa : 17 Surprising Steps For Godly Living In The 21st Century


    Getting a Christian worldview is all the rage these days. But how about a Christian worldlife? Got one of those?

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  • Sermons : Biblical Wisdom For Daily Living


    The man Time magazine hailed as one of America’s finest preachers presents a collection of forty timeless addresses to guide us through the year. With his characteristic eloquence and compassion, quoting from scripture as well as from T.S. Eliot and Woody Allen, Gomes offers us the tools we need to understand the wisdom of the Bible and the joy and inspiration it can bring to everyday life.

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  • Good Book


    “The Bible and the social and moral consequences that derive from its interpretation are all too important to be left in the hands of the pious or the experts, and too significant to be ignored and trivialized by the uninformed and indifferent.

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  • Praying Gods Will For My Life


    Whether you are praying for specific needs–confidence, protection, forgiveness–or for you to experience the presence and power of God, you will find the perfect prayers contained in this book. With hundreds of prayers grouped according to topic and based entirely on Scripture, you will have within your reach a rich resource of personal, inspirational prayer.

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  • Disciplined Life : The Mark Of Christian Maturity (Reprinted)


    1. Discipline The Key To Power
    2. Discipline The Mark Of Maturity
    3. The Perils Of Discipline
    4. Discipline And Holiness
    5. The Case For Imposed Discipline
    6. How To Become A Disciplined Person
    123 Pages

    Additional Info
    With bold, deft strokes, Dr. Richard S. Taylor penetrates the shallowness of our culture and lays bare the dire need for disciplined living. He deals with all those areas of living that hamper Christians from reaching their full potential, such as overeating, moodiness, erratic emotions, tardiness, lack of submission, and weak priorities. But beyond the habits of daily life, the author presents a clear and practical program for being, from the inside out, a true Christian disciple.

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  • Journey Into The Gateway Of Dimensions


    During a routine research mission to the Great Pomian Forest, a KhaetorianHigh Council Science Officer unwittingly releases an imprisoned evilcreature who resumes his quest to obliterate the governing body of Icaciaand replace it with his demonic rule. Soon afterward, a hidden scroll isdiscovered which reveals the location of the fabled Gateway of Dimensions.When the scroll is stolen by a madman bent on gaining the Gateways power,an eclectic group of scientist-explorers is drawn together in a race againsttime to stop the madman and prevent the evil beast from destroying the veryexistence of Icacia’s many tribes.

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  • Ministry Of Reconciliation


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600305ISBN10: 1591600308Annie BarksdaleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Kissed The Girls And Made Them Cry


    God wants to move us beyond the restraint of the law (which arouses sin) and plant us into a garden of longing–where our sexuality and passion is carefully guarded and cultivated until the time for its awakening.

    How far can I go? It’s the question of a generation wanting straight answers. Often the very questions we ask reveal our hearts better than anything else. In Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, Lisa Bevere tackles these tough issues by moving us from rules to relationship. There is no question we need a renewal of purity, but what we’re doing is not working.

    How far can you go? Ask yourself: What do you ultimately want? Immediate and temporary gratification that wanes with the passage of time? Or passion and exclusive intimacy that endures and intensifies?

    God wants to move us beyond the restraint of the law (which arouses sin) and plant us into a garden of longing — where our sexuality and passion is carefully guarded and cultivated until the time for its awakening. This is a book for every daughter in waiting and every woman who has never known desire in her life and marriage.

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  • 2d Half For The Man In The Mirror


    “Like a good coach at ‘halftime,’ Morley helps men evaluate their past mistakes and provides the kind of practical insights, encouragement, and inspiration that will help them ‘run to win’ the rest of the way–and reach their full potential in Christ.”–Bill McCartney, founder & CEO, Promise Keepers

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  • 7 Seasons Of The Man In The Mirror


    In his phenomenally successful The Man in the Mirror, award-winning author Patrick Morley took men for a close-up on crucial aspects of their manhood and challenged them to establish wise priorities in life. In Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror, Morley shifts the focus to wide-angle. Looking at the broad sweep of life itself, he helps men determine where they are, where they’re headed, and how to get there.

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