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Christian Living

  • Balanced Christianity (Expanded)


    Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more emotional. Some focus on structure while others focus on freedom. And some champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott’s classic statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together in biblical, faithful ways.

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  • Evangelicals On Public Policy Issues


    Six politically diverse evangelical Christians model a better way to do politics: respectful conversation about twelve public policy issues that uncover common ground and illuminate remaining disagreements.

    Current political discourse is broken, characterized by nasty sound bytes, demonizing the opposition, and holding to fixed positions that resist the discovery of the common ground needed for governing. In this volume, six evangelical Christians model a better way, informed by the belief that the call of Christians to love their neighbors should create a welcoming space for persons to talk respectfully about their disagreements.

    The six Christians, who situate themselves at various points along the political spectrum, completed a nine-month “Alternative Political Conversation” on the website on the following topics: the federal budget deficit, immigration, religious freedom, Syria and Iran, Israel and Palestine, poverty in the US, marriage, health care, K-12 education, gun control, abortion, and the role of government.

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  • Jumpstart : Your Way To Healthy Living With The Miracle Of Super Foods New


    A step-by-step plan to supercharge every area of your health Everybody wants to look and feel their best. Jumpstart! takes a multipronged approach to heath and wellness that provides impressive results quickly. Emphasizing the connection between mind, body and spirit, the author shows you how to:
    *Reset your weight to its optimal level
    *Reprogram your mind for success
    *Tap into the most powerful power source

    When you start to drop the excess pounds and cleanse your body of stress and toxins, your body will begin to function at its optimal level, revving up your metabolism and immune system. Jumpstart! your health and get excited about the new life that is just around the corner!

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  • Dudes Guide To Manhood


    As if we hadn’t noticed, manhood is in deep trouble.
    Dudes, look around: The trail we once traveled from boyhood to maturity is now so over-grown, it’s almost impossible to trace. Our vision is blurred, rendering the map that previ-ous generations followed unreadable. Our compass needles are flying in circles, making navigation impossible. We are stuck in dense, dangerous woods, and our communities-the wives, children, friends, and colleagues we could be influencing-are suffering as a result.
    It can be tempting to give up and simply exist, but take heart: Now is not the time for men to abandon our quest. We can discover the path to true masculinity-to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
    In The Dude’s Guide to Manhood, pastor and author Darrin Patrick charts a course back toward real manliness, mapping out a vision to help men find significance and influence in today’s broken, mixed-message culture.

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  • Called To Be Saints


    Chapter 1: Called To Be Saints: The Need For A Compelling Theology Of Holiness
    Chapter 2: Union With Christ
    Chapter 3: Holy People Are Wise People: An Invitation To Sapiential Holiness
    Chapter 4: Called To Do Good Work: An Invitation To Vocational Holiness
    Chapter 5: Learning To Love: An Invitation To Social Holiness
    Chapter 6: Joy And The Ordering Of The Affections: An Invitation To Emotional Holiness
    Appendix 1: Congregations And Transformation: The Church And The Call To Spiritual Maturity
    Appendix 2: Christian Higher Education: A Passion For Wisdom And Spiritual Transformation

    Additional Info
    Evangelicals are known for their emphasis on conversion. But what about life after conversion and beyond justification? Desperately needed is a comprehensive theology of the Christian life from beginning to end, along with the means of formation and transformation. In Called to Be Saints, Gordon Smith draws on a distinguished lifetime of reflecting on these themes to offer us a theologically rich account of our participation in the life of Christ. Both profound and practical, this book is a trinitarian theology of holiness that encompasses both justification and sanctification, both union with Christ and communion with God. Smith unfolds how and why Christians are called to become wise people, do good work, love others and enjoy rightly ordered affections. If holiness is the ongoing journey of becoming mature in Christ, then there is no better guide than Smith. Christians in every walk of life will find this a rich resource for learning what it means to “grow up in every way . . . into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).

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  • Satisfied : Discovering Contentment In A World Of Consumption


    Why does a contented, satisfied life feel so evasive? What deep hungers drive the reckless purchasing habits, out of control accumulation, and crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us? And why are we often driven more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy?

    For many in the recent economic financial crisis a series of lifestyle adjustments became necessary as hours were slashed at work and paychecks diminished. Vacations were simplified or canceled, even important purchases had to be delayed and any extras were put on hold.

    In the midst of paring back and cutting down there lies the critical question: Will a spirit of resentment and complaint invade our heart or can deep, inner joy prevail, even as our dreams seem to fade? Is it possible to live a deeply satisfied life as possessions and opportunities slip away?

    Followers of the Christ, living in the first century world, also wrestled with issues related to material longings. For Christians living in Ephesus, Philippi, and Laodicea, the tendency to find their identity through accumulation and comparison was alive and well. These powerful longings are addressed in numerous places in the storyline of scripture — a storyline that points us toward material and financial sanity and the pathway to true abundance and deep satisfaction.

    Satisfied will draw richly from seven passages of scripture, exploring the way in which these messages were received by the original readers and the way these passages can transform the way we view wealth, accumulation, and ultimate contentment today.

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  • Comprehensive Guide For Watchmen


    12 Chapters

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    This book is a useful guide to prepare readers to become better Christians. The author combines personal experiences with her theological experience to inform readers of better prayer, dissects the Lord’s Prayer, illustrates spiritual gifts from God, and strengthen spiritual weaknesses. The author’s insightful commentary explaining biblical content, and the action plans in the book create an interactive read many readers will revisit.

    The Five Powerful Ps for Prayer and Intercession


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  • Choices We Make


    An uplifting new guide that will assist you in making choices that are positive choices for a joyous, peaceful eternity, supported by scriptural teachings, and spiritual conviction. With a myriad of choices to succeed in this world, it leaves little time to ask, is this what God wants for me? Yet He allowed your creation, and everyone and everything has a purpose. What’s yours? Perhaps if you find out what God’s plan is for the end times, you might just want to know how to take the first step in becoming completely successful in God’s purpose for you. Who knows you may be the next Abraham, Martin, John, Moses or the Little Drummer Boy – can’t ever tell; until you ask God. Start on YOUR pathway to success – ask the ONE in control. Born at home with umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, everyone present afraid to unwrap it until the doctor arrived and unwrapped it. About 18 months old with my mother in California having just sent my dad off to Japan. Miles away from home (Kansas) became sick and mom told by doctor to pray for me, but most likely I would die, land lady of boarding house contacted her priest, who gave me last rights. After graduating from high school was off to see the world and all it contained, a prodigal son; was in the Navy, got married, divorced, went back to the military joined the Air Force, met and married my wife of 36 plus years, now have 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, all are gifts from God. Has my life been perfect? No, because I am not perfect. Have I made wrong choices? Repeatedly. Why? Because I failed to find out what God’s plan was! Numerous failures to grasp the bar offered in my job cycles, 2 massive heart attacks including open-heart surgery; then finally I said okay God I’m all yours use me wherever I’m needed. Now I enjoy telling others just how much God really does love each and every one of us. So please don’t be hard headed like me; learn early on how much more of life you can enjoy, because you have been willing to ask God, not me, nor anyone else, only the most sacred Triune God (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) to become the center peace of your life and live in the abundance of His love and forgiveness. God’s love and blessings – Pastor Ben

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  • Through The Fire For His Glory


    When promotion comes, all hell breaks loose! You must remember when you feel like giving up God’s word declares in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me.” When God makes such a declaration it doesn’t mean that we won’t experience persecution and attack, but He does declare that when calamity comes we must stand on his word knowing he has already fought our battle, provided a way of escape and that we are more than conquerors. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

    As you delve into each chapter, and meditate on each scriptural nugget tucked away in designated places, allow the Lord to personally speak to you regarding your own situation.

    Through the Fire, for His Glory reveals hurt, healing, disappointment, and frustration, but Evangelist Faye has persevered with a God-given resiliency that has kept her steadfast in the work of the Lord.

    From chapter 1, “Life Begins,” to the final declaration be prepared for a fresh revelation of what it really means to walk by “faith,” trusting GOD in the process, knowing that he is in control.

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  • In The Shadow Of Eternity


    A Candid Look at Holding on to the Call of God through Three Cultures, Divorce and Cancer! In the Shadow of Eternity will be remembered as a summary of Jeff Beacham’s final words to his family, friends and the body of Christ. This book provides a candid and transparent look at the stark realities of life through the eyes of a man who loves God, who loves life and who loves people; a man who trusts confidently in his God, no matter what; a man determined to finish his race well. Jeff does a masterful job depicting the framework of his life, culture and the many transitions experienced in his walk of faith. Rarely are we privileged to meet a man of such fire, passion, courage, covenant, commitment and hope. Jeff’s example is an encouragement to all to run their race well, to fulfill their call and destiny, no matter what!

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  • Desperate For Gods Presence


    This is a revelatory book that Bill Vincent has released to be a help to those who want a deeper hunger for the things of God. Desperate for God’s Presence is sure to stir up all who take it and apply it to their lives. Everywhere we look, the Church is in desperate need to get a passion for God’s Presence. After writing a five book series on the presence of God, Bill has learned that there is always more. No matter where you are in the things of God you need more of Him. We Pray that this book will cause you to hunger for what God has available in His Presence. As you read this book you will…. Be changed by God’s Presence. Get revelation of how atmospheres are important in experiencing the Presence of God. Learn how to have your own encounters. See Revival impact our lives, churches, families, schools, governments and businesses today! Understand that obedience is always key to God’s Presence and so much more.”

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  • Understanding The Quiet Time


    Dr. Dag Heward-Mills, an exceptional Christian leader, reveals one of his secrets. “If anybody were to ask me what the greatest secret of my relationship with God is, I would say, without any hesitation, that it is the power of the quiet times I have with Him everyday.” He has decided to write this book so that you too can benefit from the power of quiet time.

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  • All In Student Edition


    The Gospel costs nothing—it’s a free gift compliments of God’s grace. But while it doesn’t cost anything, it demands everything—including that we go ‘all in,’ a term that means placing all that you own into the game of life. And that’s where many of us get stuck. What if we miss out on what this life has to offer? The truth is, the only thing you’ll miss out on is everything God has to offer. Inside these pages, Mark Batterson shares vivid stories of people going all in for a greater purpose, ranging from the against-all-odds defense of Little Round Top in the Civil War to the lives of biblical characters like Shamgar and Moses and Elijah and Caleb and … Judas. The message of All In Student Edition is simple: if Jesus is not Lord of all then Jesus is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing. It’s now or never. Jesus gave all of Himself for you on Calvary’s cross. He wants all of you in return. In essence, your life is not your own—but it can be more amazing than you ever dared imagine if you decide to go all in.

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  • Faith The Link With Gods Power


    Some believe that simply having faith is an entitlement to blessing and prosperity. Others believe that faith in oneself is all that is needed in life. Still others contend that faith is a cosmic force that breeds superhuman, super-spiritual, invincible power. It is none of these.

    Faith is not something requiring you to believe in what you know is not true, nor is it believing something for which there is no evidence. The Bible-a book all about faith-provides the evidence that makes faith so vital, so important, and so astounding.

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  • Calling : Fulfilling Your God Given Assignment


    19 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Are you seeking God for what it is that you are called to do?
    * Do you know what you are called to do, but have yet to say yes to the Lord?
    * Are you running from or running towards your calling?
    * Are you among the chosen of God who are well on the way to fulfilling your calling?

    In the book “The Calling,” Minister Linda Wilder shares powerful information that will encourage you, insight you, and challenge you to say yes to the assignment that is upon your life. Everyone has a Calling. Not everyone knows the significant of their story. God has written your story. He is a Master Builder with a blue print for your life. The Lord has gifted you with a set of tools to use in the up building of His Kingdom. Only He has instructions for who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why he has called you to do just what it is He is calling you to do. It is up to you to discover what your gifted tools are and how to use these gifts that God has given you to fulfill the calling that is upon your life. This book will inspire you with revelation that will help you on the way to writing your very own “Called Story.” Are you ready to answer the call? If your answer is yes, to God be the glory. For many of you that have already answered “Yes” to the Lord and you are operating within your calling. Be uplifted while allowing the revelation from this book to empower you and give you a fresh perspective while on your journey to writing your individual “Called Story.”

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  • Open Doors : No Matter What Your Past Holds God Holds Your Present And Your


    Asif and Leaha have written their story in a he said, she said documentation. And in a day and age when so many he said, she said scenarios end up in divorce court, it is refreshing to read how theirs has led to divine appointments and open doors. Their story celebrates the mystery of how God brings two people together, but it also distills practical insights from the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

    As you read their story, you’ll learn to love Asif and Leaha. Their authenticity and passion is infectious. Readng this book is like a long dinner with old friends you haven’t seen in a long, long time. But instead of hearing about last year’s vacation or where they will be sending their kids to college, you will hear stories about what God has done in their lives. This book is both candid and complex. But with each turn of the page, you’ll learn how to walk through the doors God has opened for you.

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  • Are We Preaching Another Gospel


    From the author’s perspective the answer to Are We Preaching “Another” Gospel? is a resounding, “Yes.” “It isn’t that we don’t understand the basic tenants of Christianity,” she writes, “but that we have added to them.”

    We used to joyfully proclaim, “Christianity isn’t a religion. It’s a relationship with Jesus Christ,” but if this is so, then why are so many Christians today “miserable”? Why do they have a sense that God is far off or lack confidence that He loves them? What happened to the joy they knew “the hour they first believed”? Why does their “relationship” with Jesus actually seem more like a “religion”-a very difficult, demanding, and unsatisfying religion? Why are so many believers, even though they love Jesus with all of their hearts, giving up on “church” or simply attending out of duty or tradition?

    The answers to these questions found in the content of this book are challenging-not that they are difficult to understand-but that our long-held traditions and false beliefs which keep getting passed on from generation to generation stand in our way of perceiving the truth. Jesus said that knowing the truth would set us free, but if our teaching nullifies that truth, bondage follows. So it is reasonable for us, the church, to consider whether or not what we teach is the “grace of Christ” that sets believers free or whether we are preaching “another” gospel which is tying God’s people in hundreds of painful and complicated knots.

    So, let the journey begin toward rediscovering the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)! Be prepared to be stretched, challenged, and then set free into the glorious good news of your relationship with God.

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  • Bonhoeffer Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this four-session video-based small group Bible study, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas will help you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and speaking and how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but how his beliefs continue to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world today.

    Filmed on location in Germany, Metaxas will take you on a religious journey of Bonhoeffer’s faith and why it has captured so many people’s imaginations and how it has inspired the Christian faith of so many today. Pulling themes from all of his major books, Metaxas helps us understand why these spiritual truths meant so much to Bonhoeffer and how they can be an inspiration and challenge to our faith.

    This companion study guide will lead you and your group deeper into the video content (sold separately) with session-by-session discussion topics, personal reflection, and between-session studies to enhance the group experience.

    Sessions include:
    What is the Church?
    Life Together
    God Says Yes / Cheap Grace
    Religionless Christianity

    Designed for use with Bonhoeffer: A DVD Study.

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  • Love Worth Giving


    Low on Love?

    Finding it hard to love? Someone in your world is hard to forgive? Is patience an endangered species? Kindness a forgotten virtue? If so, you may have forgotten a step — an essential first step. Living loved.

    God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And his love — if you let it — can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving.

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  • You Dont Have To Be Perfect To Follow Jesus


    Discipleship means being like the Big Twelve disciples, right? But when you read the Gospels and Acts, it’s clear the disciples weren’t always on top of things. In fact, the disciples were clueless, selfish, erratic, inconsistent, and faithless at least half the time. But Jesus loved them and used them all the more for it. Author Mike Yaconelli scrubs away centuries of sentimental buildup and shows there’s hope for us too. In this updated thirty-day devotional, you’ll experience thirty character traits that are marks of a disciple, from boldness to weakness to preparedness. Each reading includes an event from Scripture, a description of that day’s trait, first-person commentary, the obvious and not-so-obvious truth lesson, and questions and journaling space that invite you to ponder and write about your experience.

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  • Gods At War Student Edition


    In this student edition of gods at war, Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of not a fan, helps us recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives. What keeps us from truly following Jesus Christ is that our hearts are pursuing something or someone else like money or popularity. While these pursuits may not be the ‘graven images’ of old, they are in fact modern day idols. Behind the sin you’re struggling with, the fear you’re dealing with, the lack of purpose you’re living with is a false god that is winning the war for your heart.

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  • Its A God Thing Volume 1


    Some things in life have no earthly explanation. It’s just a God thing.
    Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testaments; they hap-pen to everyday people. Series creator Don Jacobson (When God Makes Lemonade) and K-LOVE Radio Network (12 million listeners) have joined together to produce one of the most remarkable collections of modern day miracles ever compiled.
    From a hunter who survived a horrific accident to a mother woken up to escape an attacker, from a soldier guided to safety through unspeakable horrors to a young back-packer who walked free from a terrorist attack, It’s A God Thing presents some of the most amazing stories of God’s hand on our lives.

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  • Faith Rooted Organizing


    The bible of social action, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, mobilizes people around self-interests and common enemies. This strategy is troubling to people of faith. So here historian Peter Heltzel and community organizer Alexia Salvatierra offer a vision for social action that values loving God and loving our neighbor as ourself.

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  • Hands Free Mama


    Do you find yourself reaching for your phone instead of talking and playing with your children? Do you spend more time looking into electronic screens than into the eyes of your loved ones? Has your pursuit of the perfectly-orchestrated life replaced time spent making meaningful connection and memorable life experiences? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Millions of people are experiencing technology as the new addiction. What matters most in life is lost among electronic gadgets, overloaded schedules, and unrealistic social pressures.
    But this isn’t the way it has to be. Popular blogger and writer, Rachel Stafford knows, because she experienced a life-changing journey in her efforts to break away and she shares her steps to freedom in Hands Free Mama. This book provides the awareness, motivation, and tools to get free from the chains of daily distraction and live a more fulfilled and meaningful life. In July 2010, Rachel began practicing simple strategies that enabled her to momentarily let go of daily distractions and initiate meaningful human connection. With each small step, a profoundly transforming reaction occurred. She was able to see how both external and internal distractions were sabotaging her happiness and preventing her from bonding with the people she loves. The addictive grip that her technology and an overly full schedule had on her life began to loosen with each step in her journey. That is when she discovered the power of living “Hands Free.”

    Hands Free Mama is the digital society’s answer to finding balance in a media-saturated, perfection-obsessed world. It empowers all of us to choose what matters over distraction by offering real and meaningful ways to live a present, authentic, and intentional life…..

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  • Power In The Promises


    Going through tough times? Wonder where God is when you’re struggling?

    There is a solution—God’s solution: Live by the promises in God’s Word.

    The Bible is chock-full of God’s promises to every believer to help you overcome any obstacle you’ll ever face—and to rejoice during your good times.

    In Power in the Promises, you’ll learn how to rely on God’s Word as you deal with:
    * Fear
    * Disappointment
    * Rejection
    * Family Struggles
    * Financial difficulties
    * Poor health
    * Guilt

    And much more. You’ll also learn how to receive God’s joy, experience His love, and grow in faith as you begin to believe, say, and pray the promises from the Bible. Living by the promises of God will change your life…for good…

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  • War Within : Gaining Victory In The Battle For Sexual Purity (Expanded)


    Sexual sins are some of the most difficult to conquer. They’re also some of the most destructive-leaving individuals, marriages, families and churches devastated. Facing sexual temptations daily, too often unfaithful in thought or deed, persistently assaulted by the world, the flesh and the Devil, can men and women today possibly win the war for sexual purity?
    This courageous book offers a resounding “YES!” It also provides a battle strategy based on the promises and power of God-and on the author’s experiences in breaking a 25-year long struggle with sexual sin. Newly revised and expanded, this book will lead you to a new level of purity and will encourage you that in this terribly private struggle, you are never alone.

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  • Living Life Well


    SKU (ISBN): 9781628717747ISBN10: 1628717742James LoveBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • But God : The Forty Things That Happen To You The Instant You Became A Chri


    Positional Truth Series Chapter 1
    Positional Truth Series Chapter 2
    Positional Truth Series Chapter 3
    Positional Truth Series Chapter 4
    Positional Truth Series Chapter 5
    Positional Truth Series Chapter 6

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    Do you desire victory in your walk with God? Do you want to see God’s kingdom move forward? Well Believer you do not lack an experience nor do you need to get something more from God. The moment you became a Christian forty wonderful positional truths instantly became yours. You already have everything you need. As presented in Eph. 1:3 “We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.” And in Col. 2:10 “In Him you have been made complete.” So the secret to growth, the secret to victory and the secret to seeing the gospel and the kingdom of God move forward is learning how to apply what is already true of you. We need to learn how to draw on the position that is already ours in Christ. We need to step out in faith presenting ourselves to the reality of the forty things that happen to a believer the instant they become a Christian. In “But God…” you will learn what those forty positional truths are and how they can by faith become real in your life.

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  • God And Men No Holds Barred


    52 Chapters

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    God and Men: No-Holds-Barred is not your typical devotional book. It is highly probable that you will be greatly challenged with God and Men: No-Holds-Barred. The objective is to encourage you to become more Christ-like in your living. Through reading God and Men: No-Holds-Barred, it is guaranteed that you will become more convicted either with living by the world’s standards or by God’s standards. The book will not allow you to remain neutral.

    It attempts to answer the question, “How does the Bible describe a Real Christian Man?” Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected. Since men do not naturally read books, it is highly recommended that you read the book with someone else. This introduces a joint accountability to read the book through. Husbands and wives are strongly recommended to share this method of reading through the book.

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  • Blood Covenant : An Unbreakable Covenant Of Gods Love


    12 Chapters

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    This book will seal the Blood Covenant in your thinking and will make you sure of your place in the heavenly kingdom. The Blood Covenant is very real and it gives us the confidence to approach God, our Father, like 1 John 5:14-15 tells us we can. We have a place in God that no one can take away. And that place is guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

    If we don’t understand our Blood Covenant, we struggle to achieve our victory. With our Blood Covenant firmly implanted in our thinking, we understand that we can’t lose.

    So, sit back and enjoy. You will be blessed.

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  • Face To Face


    Face to Face is about how you look at yourself. Looking at yourself negatively inhibits you from prospering in the will of God. God has so much more in store for you. Let’s see what God says about you and your future life. His picture of you is so much bigger and so much better than you might realize. Victory belongs to you. In this book you will get a better perception of how to find value and self-worth with the Word of God.

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  • Rebuilding The House Of The Lord


    Excerpt from Chapter 1:
    Have you been hanging out in that old, worn-out, broken-down house that always needs fixing, where there are cracks and dents in the walls, maybe even holes? It’s where you often hear the sound of creaking and moaning and groaning, like blame, guilt, condemnation, fear, doubt, and unbelief….As you look around, everything seems to be in disarray and disorder and you feel overwhelmed, as you seem to have lost control, lost ambition, lost heart, and certainly lost vision….Why in the world would you linger there in that dark dreary place? Take heart! A provision for a new house has been made for you! When you invite Jesus to live in your heart, He invites you to step out of the old house and into the new one, created in Christ Jesus!…..

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  • Legal Pathway Of God


    The author, a retired Special Agent of the FBI, explores the legal pathway from Genesis through Revelation that God was required to follow to accomplish His will and purpose for man. He Biblically documents how God was legally limited by His holy nature and His covenants with man in His efforts to provide man the opportunity to be restored to a righteous relationship unto Himself. A multitude of religions exist worldwide asserting that all of them lead to an eternal spiritual relationship with God. Is there more than one God who exercises authority over this world? As the end of this Age approaches God offers irrefutable proof, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, of the legal pathway that man must follow to experience intimate spiritual fellowship with Him.

    The author communicates with empowerment that is infectious. Readers will stay absorbed in this well written book and will value the author’s insights and his creativity in illustrating Truths that the Holy Spirit has given to him to share with us from God’s Word. The many values incorporated in the book can be used by readers to perform a final self-evaluation.

    The author received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit while serving at FBI Headquarters. He immediately began to experience God’s miracle working power. The Lord gave him an insatiable desire to investigate His Word. The Holy Spirit confirmed God’s Word with miracles of healing and with signs and wonders. He started a Bible study in the J. Edgar Hoover building and has taught the word of God in home groups and churches. He remains committed to sharing the Good News.

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  • Winning Over Fear


    This life guide explores the realm of fear within people, what prompts people to embrace fear instead of God and how to overcome fear to allow God to lead their lives. The author describes several factors that will impose fear upon people, from uncertainty of oneself to results stemming from life experiences, as well as biblical wisdom to demonstrate why giving God the reins of one’s life bring freedom and peace.

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  • You And Your Destiny


    YOU AND YOUR DESTINY is not just a book about you and I, it’s about your destiny and how to control your life to live for God and be faithful until death. Whether you’re getting close to the corner office or just starting your career, these inspiring stories, fascinating examples and amazing tips will help you in ways you never imagined. You will learn how to make daily decision for your life and also to always put God in the center of every decision taken.

    This book is a must read “YOU AND YOUR DESTINY” will bring you a total transformation and will change the way you think, act and live, it’s a wake-up call for anyone who wants to improve their daily living and strengthen their relationship with God, it’s a powerful book building with strong words of faith to keep you moving from day to day to a better career in life. It will give you power and strength to face whatever life may bring to your way, and then you will shout victory all the way to the end.

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  • Samson : The Modern Day America


    SKU (ISBN): 9781628715491ISBN10: 1628715499Stephen WilliamsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • More Life : Breaking Free From The Spirit Of Death


    A Personal Odyssey Of Discovery
    Unmasking The Spirit Of Death
    Christians Under The Influence
    When It Begins
    Operating Under The Influence
    Breaking Free
    Staying Free
    Evicting The Squatters
    Prayer Essentials: Embracing Life
    Bibliography & Suggested Readings

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    Discover the power of More Life!

    Based upon Embracing Life Ministries’ popular book, Breaking Free…from the spirit of death by Jonathan Hunter, this new Guidebook Edition offers clear and practical leader’s notes, interactive questions and prayers for group participation…all in one book.

    More Life! equips you to effectively identify and confront destructive influences in your life…feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness. Join with others and learn how to receive and respond to the Father’s great love found in Christ through the gift His indwelling Holy Spirit.

    The result: you are liberated from dominating, detrimental influences and freed for the abundant life Jesus promises us in John 10:10.

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  • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


    27 Chapters

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    Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

    Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

    * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
    * How the love of God can change our thinking
    * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
    * The three types of faith
    * The Master Teachings of God

    This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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  • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


    27 Chapters

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    Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

    Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

    * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
    * How the love of God can change our thinking
    * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
    * The three types of faith
    * The Master Teachings of God

    This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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  • You Are Not An Abandoned Project


    God Of Remembrance
    When God Remembered Zion
    The Word For Your Situation
    Failure Is An Orphan
    The Case Of Jabez
    God Is Too Big To Fail
    Faith That Works
    Power Of God
    Your Turn To Laugh

    Additional Info
    This book is dedicated to all believers in the world who are getting ready to move to the next level.
    The economic depression, terrible situation, political tension and myriad of crises in our society and in all the nations of the world today have made a lot of people including believers to feel neglected, forgotten and abandoned by God Almighty.

    God is not an author of confusion but only allows some tests and trials in our lives for us to learn a lesson and glorify Him.

    Your life will be transformed as you embark on this journey and grow in spirit and the thought of being forsaken will disappear while His words increase.

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  • Biblical Antidotes To Lifes Toxins (Anniversary)


    14 Chapters

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    This illuminating and challenging book is filled with sound biblical counsel, engaging illustrations, and practical suggestions as to how, with God’s enabling, we can face and overcome some of life’s most vexing – and universal – challenges. Glenn Gunderson’s pastoral wisdom and compassionate spirit shine through on every page of this eminently readable guidebook.

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  • Unexpected : Navigating Life’s Unforeseen Turns


    How is life shaping you?

    Adversity doesn t discriminate. Live long enough and adversity happens to all of us—a healthy marriage crumbles, a child becomes an addict, a meaningful friendship abruptly ends, a parent s health rapidly deteriorates, a business venture goes bad, a routine check-up reveals cancer, a long-awaited child arrives deformed—and how we navigate through these times ultimately determine who we become.

    The author writes, Over the years, I ve observed a variety of ways people have responded to difficulty and as a result, have been shaped by it. Some become hardened, others more humble. Some become cynical, others more grateful. Some grow to resent life; others discover a deeper purpose to life. Some wilt, others bloom. Some learn to hate, others learn to love. Some become hopeless; others become resilient. Some are blown off course; others are moved toward their destiny. It s not a question of if life shapes us, only a question of how.””

    On a routine trip to a women s Bible study, Ken s wife of twenty-five years was killed in a car accident. At the time of the accident, Ken was forty-seven years of age, the father of two adult children, and the pastor of a large and growing congregation. Using his own story, as well as his thirty plus years of experience in pastoring hundreds of others through adversity and tragedy, Ken in his new book “Unexpected: Navigating Life s Unforeseen Turns” will help you navigate through your unexpected turns in life and in the process become the person you hope to become.”

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  • Restless : Because You Were Made For More


    A practical plan to identify the threads of your life and how to intentionally weave them together for God’s glory and purposes.

    Restless explores the fact that God has called each of us to do great things in his name, and then helps us discover what that might mean for each of us individually. Jennie says, “We are called to dream but we’re afraid to. But because we are called, when we don’t act on it we become restless-restless to find purpose, to make a difference in the world, to matter.”

    Jennie doesn’t suggest women add one more thing to their to-do list, but instead invites them to stop and listen where they are. She frees them to be themselves and to see themselves as valuable. In addition to this permission to dream she helps them get over themselves and their issues and then offers a simple process on highly designed journal pages to identify the raw materials-the unique threads-they’ve been given by digging into five areas:

    Using her own story and that of women with whom she has walked through this process as examples, Jennie weaves in the story of Joseph the dreamer and how God used his threads to fit into the greater story of God. Untangling the threads of our lives and assembling them together in one place reveals a beautiful plan designed by the Creator himself:
    God’s Agenda + my threads + the need + the Holy Spirit = my purpose

    And since living out our purpose is often filled with uncertainties Jennie addresses the doubts, fears, and challenges that hold women back from what they’ve been called to do. This repositioning of their lives is not a promise that all things will be perfect, or will go perfectly, but a promise that it will be the start of the best part of life-the part that completes what we were made for.

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  • Rethink How You Think (Reprinted)


    Did you know most of our patterns of behavior are set by the time we are six years old? No wonder it’s so hard to change! Even when we’re committed to making a change in life, it’s always an uphill battle. But there is a secret to lasting change that God gave us long before modern neuroscience and self-help gurus were the norm.

    Rethink How You Think is for anyone who has been frustrated by an inability to change habits, overcome fears, or keep up new healthy patterns of living and thinking. Dr. David Stoop shows readers that the true way to lasting change is in the renewing of our minds, which we accomplish when we faithfully read God’s Word and meditate on it daily. He clearly shows how to move from fear to love, from resentment to gratitude, from lust to purity, from loneliness to connection, from idolatry to contentment, and from mistrust to trust. Anyone eager to find change that lasts will welcome this practical and encouraging message.

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  • Satisfied Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    I’ll be happy after: the promotion… the new house… the next vacation… a different car… you fill in the blank. Why is a contented, satisfied life so evasive? What deep hungers drive the out of control accumulation, reckless purchasing habits, and crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us? And why are we often driven more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy? Filmed at biblically significant historical sites in Turkey and Greece and in the United States, this six-session, video-based Bible study provides an inspiring and transformative vision for living a deeply contented life in the midst of our consumer-driven, materialistic and often shallow culture. Pastor Jeff Manion weaves masterful contemporary storytelling with rich biblical, historical, and cultural background, revealing the similarities between the struggles of today’s culture with that of the New Testament churches. Satisfied explores the way in which the messages to the New Testament churches were received by the original readers and how these passages can alter the way we view wealth, accumulation, and ultimate contentment today. This study guide contains video notes, individual or group reflection questions, and between session personal projects enhancing your journey through each of the video sessions, taught by Jeff Manion.

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  • 21 Day Financial Fast


    In The 21-Day Financial Fast, award-winning writer and Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary has a field-tested financial challenge for you. For twenty-one days, you will put away your credit cards and buy only what you need to survive. With Michelle’s guidance during this three-week financial fast, you’ll discover how to:
    *Break bad spending habits
    *Plot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash Plan
    *Avoid the temptation of overspending for college
    *Learn how to prepare their elderly relatives and themselves for future long-term care expenses
    *Be prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens Fund
    *Stop worrying about money and find the priceless power of financial peace

    As you discover practical ways to achieve financial freedom, you’ll experience something even more amazing—your faith and generosity will increase as well.

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  • Bait Of Satan 20th Anniversary Edition


    The twentieth-anniversary edition of one of our most popular books The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God-offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. With testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, the book will inspire readers to stay free from offense and its destructive power, answering tough questions like: ·     Why am I compelled to tell “my side” of the story? ·     How can I fight thoughts of suspicion or distrust? ·     What can I do to stop rehearsing past hurts? How can I regain trust after someone deeply offends me?

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  • Beast Tech : Is The Mark Of The New World Order Secretly Under Development


    Most people today are familiar with radio-frequency identification (rfid) technology that is increasingly expanding within public and private firms as a method for verifying and tracking inventory and people.
    Yet how many know a plan exists for widespread adoption of human microchipping beginning in the year 2017?

    While testimony has been given that safeguards are in place to ensure privacy in connection with implantable biometric identification, some believe confidentiality is the last thing internal radio transmitters will protect-that in fact the plan to microchip humanity smacks of the biblical mark of the Beast.

    Has an end-times spirit indeed been pushing for adoption of this technology this generation?

    Students of eschatology (the study of end-times events) find it increasingly difficult to dismiss how this all looks and feels like movement toward fulfilling Revelation 13:16-17: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

    Now, as newer versions of rfid-like transmitters become even more sophisticated-adding other “prophetic” components such as merging human biological matter with transistors to create living, implantable machines, the authors of this book-a former police detective and a bestselling prophecy writer-have come to believe the possibility that the mark of the Beast will arrive through a version of this technology is substantial.

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  • Listening Prayer : Learning To Hear The Shepherds Voice


    Listening Prayer is a Bible-based method of hearing Gods precious voice, so relationships can be healed and personal struggles overcome. The simple technique presented is so appealing that after the first few pages readers are eager to begin their own journal. Often people are afraid to ask, Father, what do You want me to know? Even more daunting is the question, Lord, what do You see when You look at me? Over and over, His answers bring tears to eyes and healing to hearts.

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  • Reclaiming The Gospel At Home


    King David’s imprint on the history of Israel is significant. Scripture reveals that he was a “man after God’s own heart.” We see David as a young shepherd boy, a friend of Jonathan, and a servant to King Saul. Ultimately, we follow his journey as King of Israel. Many of the episodes from his life are set within the context of his often complicated family, affording opportunities to see David’s personal successes as well as his heartbreaking failures. The scriptural account of his life provides many insights and reveals that biblical manhood is a noble pursuit achievable even in the most challenging of situations. The men contributing chapters to this book are godly men who shepherd God’s people as pastor. They have a unique perspective on the challenges confronting men in their congregations. As they lay the lens of scripture over David’s life experiences and build a bridge to the experiences confronting men today, they provide wise biblical counsel to help men develop a passion for becoming godly men of faith personally, in their homes, and in their communities.

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  • Listening Heart : Hearing God In Prayer


    Listen to My heart in the quiet of your heart . . .More. Life is full to overflowing, but we crave an illusive more. Via social networking, airwaves, and TV, our culture tells us to strive for more stuff, more activities, more adventure–you name it. Yet we are often left feeling unfulfilled and wanting. Empty, even. With so many demands for our attention, it is difficult to quiet our minds long enough to hear the still, small voice of our loving Father, and to listen to the One who desires to bring us so much more than the noise of everyday life.

    Judy Gordon Morrow discovered the more when her world was turned upside down and she knelt before God to seek Him and ask for His help. More than a decade ago, in tear-stained notebooks, she began to pen God’s responses to her desperate prayers. Now, in The Listening Heart, Judy invites you to spend a year hearing from the God Who Speaks–the God who wants to speak to you. Each daily devotion echoes the Father’s love and care for you, offering hope, comfort, encouragement, and more–a rich closeness with God that will satisfy the longings of your heart.

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  • Case For A Creator Study Guide Revised Edition


    ‘My road to atheism was paved by science… but, ironically, so was my later journey to God.’ Former atheist Lee Strobel has discovered that science, far from being the enemy of faith, now provides a solid foundation for belief in God. New scientific discoveries point to the incredible complexity of our universe, a complexity best explained by the existence of a Creator. This revised six-session video study invites participants to encounter this evidence delivered in a compelling conversational style. Join Strobel in reexamining the theories that once led him away from God. Pastors, small group leaders, and individuals seeking resources that answer tough questions about the existence of God will find compelling answers in the Case for a Creator study. Designed for use with the Case for a Creator Revised: A DVD Study. The six sessions include: Science and God Doubts about Darwinism The Evidence of Cosmology The Fine Tuning of the Universe The Evidence of Biochemistry The DNA and the Origin of Life

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  • Case For Christ Study Guide Revised Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Skeptics dismiss the Jesus of the Gospels by claiming there is no evidence in the case for Christ. Lee Strobel disagrees. The former legal journalist and one-time atheist knows how to ask tough questions. His own search for truth about Jesus led him to faith in Christ. Now Strobel invites you and your group to investigate the truth about Jesus Christ leading to the facts that guided Strobel from atheism to faith in Christ. In this revised six-session video study, participants will journey along with Strobel on a quest for the truth about Jesus. Rejecting easy answers, you will sift through fascinating historical evidence as you weigh compelling expert testimony. In the end, groups may very well see Jesus in a new way—and even, like Strobel, find their life transformed. Pastors, small group leaders, and individuals will find compelling answers for their questions about Jesus in this revised study guide, to be used in coordination with The Case for Christ Revised: A DVD Study (sold separately).

    The six sessions include:
    The Investigation of a Lifetime
    Eyewitness Evidence
    Evidence Outside the Bible
    Analyzing Jesus
    Evidence for the Resurrection
    Reaching Your Verdict

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  • Food Triggers : End Your Cravings, Eat Well And Live Better


    A licensed psychologist and certified addictions counselor, Epstein brings insights learned through her own battle with addictive eating to deliver tangible action steps to overcome eating issues. It is written for people who are currently battling an unhealthy relationship with food. Food Triggers is full of practical applications from Scripture, genuine compassion and true stories of struggle and success. The book helps readers understand that addictive eating is a physical, emotional and spiritual problem that must be addressed on all three levels in order to achieve true freedom. Food Triggers isnt just another diet book; it is truly a food addicts roadmap to the Promised Landthe land of success, peace and total freedom.

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  • Makers Diet Revolution


    The Maker’s Diet Revolution is the long awaited sequel to The Maker’s Diet that Jordan Rubin’s fans are ready for.Jordan will share everything he has learned in the years since he wrote The Maker’s Diet, including:
    *Health and Diet Tips
    *Why our nation’s food supply is compromised
    *The importance of organic foods
    *Choosing the best water sources
    *Raising healthy children, healing chronic illnesses and much more!
    *His Popular Health Myths and Truths

    Jordan Rubin is a renowned natural health expert and NYT best-selling author of The Maker’s Diet.

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  • Executing God : Rethinking Everything Youve Been Taught About Salvation And


    Why did God have to murder his only son to pay our debts? What kind of vengeful, violent God can only be satisfied by vicarious blood atonement? In Executing God, theologian Sharon Baker presents a biblically based and theologically sound critique of popular theories of the atonement. Concerned about the number of acts of violence performed in the name of God, Baker challenges cultural assumptions about the death of Jesus and its meaning to Christians. She ultimately offers a constructive alternate view of atonement based on God’s forgiveness that opens up salvation to a wider group of people.

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  • Case For Faith Study Guide Revised Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Does believing in Christ mean refusing to ask hard questions in the midst of doubt? Doubt is familiar territory for Lee Strobel, the former atheist and award-winning author of books for skeptics and Christians. But he believes that faith and reason go hand in hand, and that Christianity is a defensible religion. In this six-session revised small group Bible study, Strobel explores the most common emotional obstacles to faith in Christ. These include the natural inclination to wrestle with faith and doubt, the troubling presence of evil and suffering in the world, and the exclusivity of the Christian gospel. They also include this compelling question: Can I doubt and be a Christian? Through compelling personal stories and experts testimony combined with reflection and interaction, Christians and spiritual seekers will learn how to overcome these obstacles, deepen their spiritual convictions, and find new confidence that Christianity is a reasonable faith. Designed for use with The Case for Faith Revised: A DVD Study (sold separately).

    Sessions include:
    The Challenge of Faith
    Dealing with Doubt
    Evil and Suffering, Part 1
    Evil and Suffering, Part 2
    Why Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
    The Power of Faith

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  • Freedom Of Simplicity (Revised)


    In this warm and inviting guide to creating a more human style of living, Foster guides readers on the simple path toward finding God by learning to listen, to give, to understand, to show compassion, and to accept what they already have.

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  • Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl


    Is something missing in your life?

    Lysa TerKeurst knows what it’s like to consider God just another thing on her to-do list. For years she went through the motions of a Christian life: Go to church. Pray. Be nice. She longed for a deeper connection between what she knew in her head and her everyday reality, and she wanted to personally experience God’s presence.

    Drawing from her own remarkable story of step-by-step faith, Lysa invites you to uncover the spiritually exciting life for which we all yearn. With her trademark wit and spiritual wisdom, Lysa will help you:
    *Learn how to make a Bible passage come alive in your devotional time.
    *Replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence, and praise.
    *Stop the unhealthy cycles of striving and truly learn to love who you are and what you’ve been given.
    *Discover how to have inner peace and security in any situation.
    *Sense God responding to your prayers.

    The adventure God has in store for your life just might blow you away.

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  • Love Does Study Guide


    In “Love Does,” a five-session, video-based small group study, you will discover the whimsy of “New York Times” best-selling author Bob Goff through a sometimes humorous, thought-provoking, meaningful lesson that makes faith in God simple and real.

    You will discover the paradigm shifts, musings, and stories from one of the world’s most delightfully engaging and winsome people. What fuels his impact? Love. But it’s not the kind of love that stops at thoughts and feelings. Bob’s love takes action, just like Jesus did. Bob believes “Love Does.”

    When “Love Does,” life gets interesting. Light and fun, unique and profound, the lessons drawn from Bob’s life and attitude just might inspire you to be secretly incredible too.

    This companion study guide is designed for use with “Love Does” A DVD Study and will lead you and your group deeper into the video content (sold separately) with video notes, group discussion questions, and between session personal reflections and actions to enhance the group experience.

    Sessions include:
    1.I’m With You
    2.Not Defined by Our Failures
    3.God’s Audacious Love
    4.The Story
    5.That’s What Love Does

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  • Inhabiting Eden : Christians The Bible And The Ecological Crisis


    In this thoughtful study, respected Old Testament scholar Patricia K. Tull explores the Scriptures for guidance on today’s ecological crisis. Tull looks to the Bible for what it can tell us about our relationships, not just to the earth itself, but also to plant and animal life, to each other, to descendants who will inherit the planet from us, and to our Creator. She offers candid discussions on many current ecological problems that humans contribute to, such as the overuse of energy resources like gas and electricity, consumerism, food production systems-including land use and factory farming-and toxic waste. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and a practical exercise, making it ideal for both group and individual study. This important book provides a biblical basis for thinking about our world differently and prompts us to consider changing our own actions.

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  • Ultimate Girls Body Book


    Girls’ bodies do the craziest things! They spin perfect pirouettes or fall flat right in front of class. As girls’ bodies start to grow up and go through some wild changes, you might be wondering things like: Why don’t I look like her? When will I become a woman? And how can I handle that talk my parents want to have—you know, the talk? Yikes! The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book answers all the important questions you want answers to but would rather not ask, mixing fun with great advice for growing girls—from a Christian perspective. This easy-to-use and easy-to-understand handbook is designed for girls heading into and through puberty — and for their parents. Two trusted Christian family physicians answer over thirty-five questions that girls frequently ask about their changing bodies and emotions. You’ll find answers that are medically reliable and Biblically sound … answers that you can trust in a world where so much information to young ladies is both misleading and harmful.

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  • Teen To Teen For Teen Guys


    What more encouraging way to gain perspective than by talking to someone who has been there, especially when that someone is one of your peers.Written expressly for teens by teens, this unique 365 day devotional is filled with personal experiences that are relatable and heart-felt.In addition to learning teen to teen how to deal with difficult issues and maneuver the often trying path to adulthood, each devotion leads teens to move into a deeper relationship with Christ as they recognize that He is the answer to life’s problems and strife. Through the stories of others, teens see how God works in our lives when we open ourselves to Him.The devotion includes hundreds of teen authors and teens love reading what their peers have written. This devotional creates a safe, social atmosphere for teens to learn that they are not alone and that God is at work in their lives. Teens learn from other’s failures and triumphs how to make the right choices. The impetus for this devotional is to help teens understand how God can and does work in their lives.

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  • Teen To Teen For Teen Girls


    What more encouraging way to gain perspective than by talking to someone who has been there, especially when that someone is one of your peers.Written expressly for teens by teens, this unique 365 day devotional is filled with personal experiences that are relatable and heart-felt.In addition to learning teen to teen how to deal with difficult issues and maneuver the often trying path to adulthood, each devotion leads teens to move into a deeper relationship with Christ as they recognize that He is the answer to life’s problems and strife. Through the stories of others, teens see how God works in our lives when we open ourselves to Him.The devotion includes hundreds of teen authors and teens love reading what their peers have written. This devotional creates a safe, social atmosphere for teens to learn that they are not alone and that God is at work in their lives. Teens learn from other’s failures and triumphs how to make the right choices. The impetus for this devotional is to help teens understand how God can and does work in their lives.

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  • Living Single


    There are more singles today in our nation than ever. Yet, they are often marginalized in our Christian culture. But God’s view of singlehood is not the same as how many may view it. He places a very high value on His singles, and we should too.

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  • Confident Heart Devotional (Reprinted)


    Built on the hope-infusing truths found in the 2012 Retailer’s Choice Winner, A Confident Heart, Renee Swope’s new 60-day devotional takes women on a journey toward lasting confidence. Swope has expanded her popular “When I say–God says” statements and Scriptures, and offers women a daily thought-map to help them exchange their most common and crippling self-doubts with God’s transforming truths.

    Like having a conversation with a friend and mentor, Renee’s authentic style and soul-stirring devotions include personal stories, powerful biblical teaching, and real-life application wrapped around one of God’s promises each day to help readers:
    *live confidently in their God-given roles, relationships and responsibilities
    *break free from people-pleasing and performance-based living
    *believe God’s promises and apply his truth in their daily lives
    *trust the certainty of God’s truth over their circumstances and emotions

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  • Tell Them I Still Am


    In this book are simple, true events as told by a woman who dared to believe and simply ask GOD for help. Donna Loyd shares how GOD answered her cries and turned tragedies into triumphs. These events were not mere coincidences. They were orchestrated by GOD who is not an imaginary friend. HE is a FATHER, concerned with every detail providing every need. Just as HE multiplied the loaves and fishes, HE is willing to multiply to meet our needs whether shoes, watermelons, or even boxes. We hope these accounts encourage and inspire you to dare to develop an intimate relationship where you feel comfortable enough to ask GOD to help in your time of need. He is waiting anxiously for you come to know Him as your own personal “I AM.”

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  • 7 Money Rules For Life


    Americans young and old are flunking their finances. A shocking 77 percent live paycheck to paycheck with no savings. And 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, while 49 percent could cover less than one month’s expenses if they lost their income. In the face of this bleak financial picture, bestselling author and finance expert Mary Hunt offers 7 Money Rules for Life(R). This no-nonsense and encouraging book gives readers the keys to get their money under control and get prepared financially for the rest of their lives. In her warm and engaging style, Hunt takes everything that she’s learned over the past twenty years and boils it all down. Presented in a conversational style and readable in a weekend, this book offers applications for each of the seven rules as well as practical advice for how to recover from past financial mistakes. These simple, unchanging, basic rules work in every financial situation, for every income level, and for every stage of life.

    Money mastery isn’t really that hard. 7 Money Rules for Life(R) can help readers change their futures from uncertain to rock-solid with principles they can apply right away.

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  • Disunity In Christ


    Despite Jesus’ prayer that all Christians “be one,” divisions have been epidemic in the body of Christ from the beginning to the present. We cluster in theological groups, gender groups, age groups, ethnic groups, educational and economic groups. We criticize freely those who disagree with us, don’t look like us, don’t act like us and don’t even like what we like. Though we may think we know why this happens, Christena Cleveland says we probably don’t. In this eye-opening book, learn the hidden reasons behind conflict and divisions. Learn: Why I think all my friends are unique but those in other groups are all the sameWhy little differences often become big sources of conflictWhy categorizing others is often automatic and helpful but can also have sinister side effectsWhy we are so often victims of groupthink and how we can avoid itWhy women think men are judging them more negatively than men actually are, and vice versaWhy choices of language can actually affect unity With a personal touch and the trained eye of a sociologist, Cleveland brings to bear the latest studies and research on the unseen dynamics at work that tend to separate us from others. Learn why Christians who have a heart for unity have such a hard time actually uniting. The author provides real insight for ministry leaders who have attempted to build bridges across boundaries. Here are the tools we need to understand how we can overcome the hidden forces that divide us.

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  • Prayer Praise And Promises (Reprinted)


    The Psalms have always held a special place in worship. From expressions of joy and thanksgiving to heart-wrenching pleas for mercy and strength, these poetic verses have been the basis of Christian worship for millennia.

    You can experience the riches of the Psalms every day with Prayer, Praise & Promises. In this classic book, Warren W. Wiersbe plumbs the depths of the Psalms and adds personal devotions and reflections you will want to savor all year long.

    If, like the saints of old, you yearn to make the Psalms a part of your daily expression of love and gratitude to God, this book is the place to start.

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  • Doing The Right Thing


    According to author Scott B. Rae in Doing the Right Thing, our culture is in an ethical mess because we’ve neglected moral training and education. This book proposes that there is such a thing as moral truth, that it can be known, and that it can be put into practice. Looking specifically at the areas of medicine, the marketplace, public life, education, and the family, Rae shows how foundational ethical principles can guide you in making moral day-to-day decisions. Informed by Scripture and calling for a renewed understanding of the importance of the Christian faith in moral training, Doing the Right Thing issues a call for cultivated virtue that can bring about both better lives and a better society.

    You will find yourself examining the ways in which ethical and character issues relate to your life. As a result, you will be better equipped to promote virtue in your own spheres of influence and the culture at large.

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  • Pursued : Gods Divine Obsession With You


    Christian faith isn’t blind obedience to a set of rules and regulations; it is entering into a relationship with a God who pursues us-not to punish, but to love. As the leader of Central Christian Church in the self-proclaimed “Sin City, U.S.A.,” Jud Wilhite has seen it all, and he knows that no matter how far someone has strayed from God, God always remains in passionate pursuit. Using the biblical prophet Hosea’s marriage, commanded by God, to an unfaithful prostitute as a metaphor for God’s unwavering love, PURSUED compellingly illustrates God’s plan for every person-to be freed to become his or her own unique self through intimate togetherness with the living, loving God.

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  • iGods : How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual And Social Lives (Reprinted)


    Today the world is literally at our fingertips. We can call, text, email, or post our status to friends and family on the go. We can carry countless games, music, and apps in our pocket. Yet it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by access to so much information and exhausted from managing our online relationships and selves.

    Craig Detweiler, a nationally known writer and speaker on media issues, provides needed Christian perspective on navigating today’s social media culture. He interacts with major symbols, or “iGods,” of our distracted age–Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Pixar, YouTube, and Twitter–to investigate the impact of the technologies and cultural phenomena that drive us. Detweiler offers a historic look at where we’ve been and a prophetic look at where we’re headed, helping us sort out the immediate from the eternal, the digital from the divine.

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  • Jesus Feminist : An Invitation To Revisit The Bibles View Of Women


    For centuries, the role of women in the church has been a subdued one, with many limitations. The time has come, argues Sarah Bessey-called an “accidental grassroots voice for postmodern and progressive evangelical women”-to take a new look at Scripture and challenge old assumptions.

    In Jesus Feminist, Bessey shares her spiritual journey, which ranged from growing up in a post-gender-debate home to learning about the worldwide struggles of women and the obstacles even a well-meaning church can pose. Through disarmingly intimate storytelling, she tells how she grew to understand the story of God and the vastness of his work through women. Never one to shy away from the hard questions, Bessey engages critically with Scripture and church practices that are often used against full equality and shares how following Jesus made a feminist out of her.

    Filled with beauty, hard truth, and brave vulnerability, Jesus Feminist urges the church to stop asking “man or woman” as a qualification for ministry and to start helping everyone find freedom in the fullness, hope, glory, and work of Christ.

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  • How To Conduct Spiritual Warfare


    Have you ever been oppressed by a spiritual or physical infirmity and couldn’t seem to break free? Have you ever wondered how Satan works against believers? Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ call to “free the captives” means for believers today?

    In this book, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom that she’s gathered in her years of ministry on how to conduct spiritual warfare. Along with sharing personal experiences and testimonies of people who have broken free from spiritual strongholds, she equips readers to distinguish between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Join her in discovering how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare, exploring such questions as…

    *Who is the enemy?
    *How do I recognize Satan’s strategies?
    *How do I discern and try the spirits?
    *By whose authority do believers work?
    *How important is faith in spiritual warfare?
    *And so many more!

    This book will prepare you to take action. Every power must yield to the risen Christ. Equipped with His power and authority, you can cast out demons and set the oppressed free-you can walk in victory!

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  • Dark Threads The Weaver Needs


    Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world?

    At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer took on this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, it caused him to look upon her afflicted, helpless form, and ask, O my God, why?

    In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.

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  • Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This signature book, now with DVD and participant’s guide, from Joanna Weaver has consistently hovered at the top of the CBA bestseller list since its release in 2000, selling more than 900,000 copies to women, churches, ministries, and small groups. Written specifically for women and the issues they face, this book appeals to women at every stage on their faith journey as they strive to live more fully in the truths they believe.

    Thoughtful and personal, practical and encouraging, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World looks at contrasting sisters of the Bible-Mary and Martha, the friends of Jesus-to gently show readers how they can deepen their devotion, strengthen their service, and experience less stress and greater joy.

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  • Strangers At My Door


    Jesus Told Us Where to Find Him. Just Look for an Outcast.

    His first followers knew that Jesus could be found with the fatherless, the widows, and the hungry and homeless. He said that he himself was a stranger, and commended those who welcomed him. If he really meant these things, what would happen if you opened your door to every person who came with a need?

    Jonathan and Leah Wilson-Hartgrove decided to find out. The author and his wife moved to the Walltown neighborhood in Durham, North Carolina, where they have been answering the door to anyone who knocks. When they began, they had little idea what might happen, but they counted on God to show up.

    In Strangers at My Door, Wilson-Hartgrove tells of risks and occasional disappointments. But far more often there is joy, surprise, and excitement as strangers become friends, mentors, and helpers. Immerse yourself in these inspiring, eye-opening accounts of people who arrive with real needs, but ask only for an invitation to come in.

    You will never view Jesus and the people he cares about the same way again.

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  • Pursuit Of God (Reprinted)


    The Pursuit of God is the enduring Christian classic written by renowned pastor and theologian A. W. Tozer. More than 65 years later, the words Tozer penned on a train from Illinois to Texas echo across the decades to resonate with power in the heart of anyone longing for a deeper experience with God. This devotional masterpiece is at once thought-provoking and spirit-enlivening, an invitation to think deeply about your faith even as you come alive to God’s presence surrounding, sustaining and–yes–pursuing you. “This book is a modest attempt,” Tozer wrote, “to aid God’s children so to find Him.” If you are hungry, The Pursuit of God will lead you to the only One who can satisfy the soul.

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  • Heaven Wins : Heaven Hell And The Hope Of Every Person


    Who Will Be Saved? Who Will Be Lost? The past few years have seen the release of several high-profile books, including Love Wins (Rob Bell) and God Wins (Mark Galli), that attempt to clarify what the Bible teaches about the ultimate destiny of individuals after this life. Don Richardson believes the arguments posed by these authors do not account for all the biblical evidence. In Heaven Wins, the bestselling author of Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts offers a faith-enhancing, scripturally grounded perspective that changes everything. Are a majority of people destined for hell, as many Christians assume, or will heaven harvest the greater part of mankind? Could it be that the Good News is even better and more expansive than we have dared to hope? The answer may surprise you!

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  • Art Of Spiritual War


    Know the enemy. Anticipate his attack.

    Expert linguist Dr. Andrew Farley has discovered a device containing thousands of archived files that reveal a worldwide spiritual conspiracy. Operation Screwtape, the largest of these files, details an intelligent scheme to steal, kill, and destroy.

    At great personal risk to himself and his reputation, Dr. Farley has translated this document and made it available to the world. What you do with this information is up to you.

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  • Finding Your Voice


    Need clarity on what to do next? It’s not that there are no options, or nobody give you advice. On the contrary, the choices can be overwhelming. What’s important is knowing what is right for YOU in your season. Say “NO” to the noise and “YES” to your life.

    Lost that “spark” somewhere along the way? You are an unique gift to the world – discover clarity of direction and shine!

    Joel Boggess has Master’s degrees in counseling and business. He has been a life and career coach since 2006. In addition to his own journey, Joel offers a number of real-life accounts of the growth and success his clients have experienced. These stories bring to life the truths he offers. Highly relatable and immediately applicable, Finding Your Voice will help you get back in touch with the real you to live your best possible life. You will learn:

    How to get “unstuck” and move forward to the life you were born to live;
    How to take control of your schedule and live a life with less chaos and more meaning;
    How to make better decisions for work, home and family, and to be at peace with your life direction;
    How to identify unique gifts and skills that enable you to make a difference in the world.

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  • Treasure In Living Water 2


    Treasure In Living Water, Volume 2 is a continuation of more wonderful, inspirational messages from the Lord with accompanying artwork, to lift you up. Enjoy!

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  • Falling Upward : A Spirituality For The Two Halves Of Life A Companion Jour


    A valuable new companion journal for the best-selling Falling Upward
    In Falling Upward, Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or “gone down” are the only ones who understand “up.” The Companion Journal helps those who have (and those who have not) read Falling Upward to engage more deeply with the questions the book raises. Using a blend of quotes, questions for individual and group reflection, stories, and suggestions for spiritual practices, it provides a wise guide for deepening the spiritual journey. . . at any time of life.

    Explains why the second half of life can and should be full of spiritual richness

    Offers tools for spiritual growth and greater understanding of the ideas in Falling Upward

    Richard Rohr is a regular contributing writer for Sojourners and Tikkun magazines

    This important companion to Falling Upward is an excellent tool for exploring the counterintuitive messages of how we grow spiritually.

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  • God Where Is My Boaz


    Stephan Speaks LLC

    No more waiting for your Boaz, start preparing to receive the man and amazing relationship God has waiting for you. Get your copy of the bestselling book “God Where Is My Boaz?” today! It’s a straight forward book that women everywhere are calling a blessing to read.

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  • Wall Around Your Heart


    Family members hurt us. Friends betray us. Fellow Christians deceive us. But Jesus provides a path through the pain-the Lord’s Prayer.

    In The Wall Around Your Heart, Mary DeMuth shows you that you can reach wholeness and healing in the aftermath of painful relationships by following the road map of the Lord’s Prayer. You’ll walk through story after story of hurt people who are led through biblical truth into amazing, life-sustaining, joyful growth.

    Life is hard. People can be mean and petty and awful. But they can also be amazing and beautiful and sacrificial. God is good. He is faithful. You can trust him with your relationships. “He’ll send people to call out what is hard in your heart,” Mary shares. “And that’s a gift to you.”

    Allow God to access the wall around your heart. Dare to say, “Tear down the bricks, Lord, whatever it takes.” Pray first. Ask for bravery-for yourself and for others. Risk engaging despite your hurt. Seek the shelter of Jesus.

    You don’t have to resign yourself to your wounds! You can rise above the pain. You’ll usher in a new life-an openhearted way of relating to others that expands the kingdom of God. In the process, you’ll draw closer to Jesus, be healed, and become an agent of healing to others.

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  • God Loves You Circle


    Healthy Life Press
    God Loves You Circle is an uplifting series of short stories based on the life of the author and her family. Learn to find God in unlikely places, and draw miraculous encouragement from daily life. You will laugh; you will cry; but most of all, you will draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Come rest in the arms of the Lord and learn how God Loves You Circle.

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  • 1 Family Under God


    There is a crisis in America today.
    Families are failing, the divorce rate is rising, marriage is being re-defined, and roles are no longer properly understood. And because of this crisis, far too many of our nation’s children are growing up without a proper blueprint of the family. They are growing up without answers to questions like, “How do I become a man” or “What does a good wife look like?”
    There are answers to this crisis, and there is a road map to becoming a family under God.
    One Family Under God: Preserving the Home as God Intended will unveil the foundational issues within our homes and point you to lasting solutions. Dr. Tony Evans will help you understand the concept and importance of family as God intended and how the state of the family directly impacts our nation.

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  • When Helping Hurts


    With more than 200,000 copies sold, When Helping Hurts is a paradigm-forming contemporary classic on the subject of poverty alleviation and ministry to those in need. Emphasizing the poverty of both heart and society, this book exposes the need that every person has and how it can be filled. The reader is brought to understand that poverty is much more than simply a lack of financial or material resources and that it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve the problem of poverty.

    While this book exposes past and current development efforts that churches have engaged in which unintentionally undermine the people they’re trying to help, its central point is to provide proven strategies that challenge Christians to help the poor empower themselves. Focusing on both North American and Majority World contexts, When Helping Hurts catalyzes the idea that sustainable change for people living in poverty comes not from the outside-in, but from the inside-out.

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  • Making Our Connections


    Travel has always borne a cost and yet humanity has been persistently nomadic and movement and journeying have been reliable signifiers of spiritual obedience. As a race, we have been perpetually on the move, driven by need or by divine instruction or both. In the last two hundred years, more of us have had the option to travel, and travel as an unnecessary but somehow worthwhile pursuit became an exotic and romanticised luxury in the twentieth century. This is a book about how that romance of travel has become replaced by its commodification, a symbol of consumerism and a parade-society, a mode of societal dis-ease. It is a book about what has been lost in this process, particularly in terms of social and theological relations, and what could be gained by travelling less or travelling differently. Where does the tradition of spiritual journeying sit in relation to budget airlines and package holidays? Is it all part of holy travel, what Satish Kumar has called love miles, or is the journey now part of a purchase rather than providence? The author argues that there is a higher moral value to living locally and travelling little. Faith is best nurtured and community is best built in a less-travelled world and that our responsibility to the earth and to each other is to stay at home more and work in our neighbourhood. Enchantment (and obedience) is on our doorsteps if only we reclaim what it was we were originally seeking to find by leaving home: elsewhere can be literally around the corner, the divine in the everyday if only we stop to listen

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  • Women Living Well


    Women desire to live well. However, living well in this modern world is a challenge. The pace of life, along with the new front porch of social media, has changed the landscape of our lives. Women have been told for far too long that being on the go and accumulating more things will make their lives full. As a result, we grasp for the wrong things in life and come up empty.

    God created us to walk with him; to know him and to be loved by him. He is our living well and when we drink from the water he continually provides, it will change us. Our marriages, our parenting, and our homemaking will be transformed.

    Mommy-blogger Courtney Joseph is a cheerful realist. She tackles the challenge of holding onto vintage values in a modern world, starting with the keys to protecting our walk with God. No subject is off-limits as she moves on to marriage, parenting, and household management.

    Rooted in the Bible, her practical approach includes tons of tips that are perfect for busy moms, including:
    *Simple Solutions for Studying God’s Word
    *How to Handle Marriage, Parenting, and Homemaking in a Digital Age
    *10 Steps to Completing Your Husband
    *Dealing With Disappointed Expectations in Motherhood
    *Creating Routines that Bring Rest
    *Pursuing the Discipline and Diligence of the Proverbs 31 Woman

    There is nothing more important than fostering your faith, building your marriage, training your children, and creating a haven for your family. Women Living Well is a clear and personal guide to making the most of these precious responsibilities.

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  • My Moms Letters From Heaven


    This is not one of those books about heaven that will make you question whether you will get there. The next life is no mystery-there are people in heaven, some of the same people that were here on earth. While physical forms change, personalities and characters remain for eternity. Soon after his mother died, Gerry Klassen found himself writing a letter from her perspective… and the letters just kept coming. She shares all about the hilarious episodes and different scenarios that make her able to connect with every kind of person imaginable, from Roman soldiers to famous leaders of the Bible to Jesus Himself. She gives her son a heavenly perspective that makes him realize… there’s nothing going on down here that God’s love cannot bring to a perfect and peaceful conclusion up there.

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  • New Testament Words For Today


    It’s remarkable how much the Lord can say to us in only five words of Scripture. Scattered throughout the Bible are small phrases that pack a punch. They teach truths, uncover human frailties, reveal God’s grace, and even expose the schemes of the Enemy.

    Bestselling and beloved author Warren Wiersbe offers one hundred concise but nourishing devotions that zero in on powerful, five-word statements from the New Testament. Each devotion is quickly digested, easily remembered, and leaves a lasting impact. Believers who are hungry for more of God’s Word will use this book of bite-sized meditations for daily encouragement and renewal as they search for the will of God in their lives.

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  • Holy Luck


    Throughout his many years in pastoral ministry, Eugene Peterson has found that almost everything he does as a pastor — preaching, teaching, praying, counseling, writing — involves words. To keep himself attuned to the power of words and to help him use language accurately and well, Peterson both reads and writes poetry.

    Holy Luck presents three inspirational collections of Peterson’s poems, most of which have never before been published, in one transcendent volume:
    *Holy Luck (poems based on the Beatitudes)
    *The Rustling Grass (poems about uncovering the Kingdom of God in the ordinary)
    *Smooth Stones (occasional poems about “discovering significance in every detail encountered while following Jesus”)

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  • Let Hope In


    Your past is not your past if it’s still impacting your present.

    Do you ever feel as though your life has become a broken record? You’re hearing the same song play over and over again? Nearly every human being on earth has likely spent some time on the carousel of pain. Whether you’re dealing with the guilt and regret of your own sinful choices, or you’re sitting in the shame of someone else’s deceitful actions, God wants to bring you healing. Pastor Pete walks us through the process of transformation, teaching us that if pain is not transformed, it will only be transferred. He reveals God’s truths in this process through the biblical accounts of Joseph and David. Pete identifies the process of changing your life by these 4 choices:
    Choice #1: Choosing to Transform Instead of Transfer
    Choice #2: Choosing to Be Okay With Not Being Okay
    Choice #3: Choosing to Trust Rather Than Please
    Choice #4: Hurt People, Hurt People, But Free People, Choose to Free People

    Whether you’re looking for a new beginning or just ready for a renewal in your walk with God, Pete shows us that anything is possible when you learn how to make new choices and let hope in.

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  • 10 Ways To Prepare Your Son For Life


    Steve Chapman, bestselling author of family-oriented books, offers 10 principles drawn from the Bible and personal experience to encourage today’s dads to engage with their children and help them…
    *know they are loved and secure
    *understand who Jesus is and how to become His followers
    *develop their gifts and talents
    *make wise choices
    *discover that helping people is fun and rewarding
    *accept responsibility and be successful
    *grow up to become godly men, great husbands, and loving dads

    Whether just starting out or well into the parenting journey, fathers will appreciate the practical information, hands-on suggestions, and often humorous examples Steve shares to help them raise sons who will become men of integrity and honor.

    Formerly 10 Things I Want My Son to Know

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  • Busy Moms Guide To Prayer


    Surely you know someone who is an amazing prayer warrior but finds herself caught in the battle of day-to-day chores. . . and then winds up feeling like she has short-changed her prayer life because she has been slaying the dragons that cross her path in daily life. She’s one of the busiest people you know, who truly cares about the people in her life. . . and in her children’s lives. . . and in her friends’ lives. Lisa Whelchel has now given us (and our prayer warrior friends) a tool that can be used to leverage those rare and treasured moments of free time when we want to pray, but simply don’t know where to begin. The Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer helps organize our prayer priorities so that we can pray in a practical and effective way and be confident that our petitions are covering people and issues that are important to us. Lisa has provided the framework, you get to provide the content, and the Holy Spirit will provide the power!

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  • What Is The Meaning Of Sex


    Sex is a big deal. And in our postmodern, post-Christian culture, Christians are feeling the pressure to ditch their traditional beliefs and conform to society’s evolving views on sexuality and gender. Responding to the pressure with conviction and clarity, this book spells out the Bible’s teaching on sex from a biblical perspective, arguing that the ultimate goal of all human sexuality is the glory of God. After outlining key biblical standards and explaining the true purposes for sex (procreation, pleasure, love, etc.), the latter portion of the book explores controversial issues such as homosexuality, the transgender movement, and polygamy. Firmly rooted in the pages of Scripture, this book sets forth a compelling vision of sexuality that is both soul-satisfying and God-glorifying.

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  • Jesus Greater Than Religion


    Abandon dead, dry, rule-keeping and embrace the promise of being truly known and deeply loved.

    Jefferson Bethke burst into the cultural conversation in 2012 with a passionate, provocative poem titled “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.” The 4-minute video literally became an overnight sensation, with 7 million YouTube views in its first 48 hours (and 23+ million in a year). The message blew up on social-media, triggering an avalanche of responses running the gamut from encouraged to enraged.

    In Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in the poem-highlighting the difference between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, beginning with the unvarnished tale of his own plunge from the pinnacle of a works-based, fake-smile existence that sapped his strength and led him down a path of destructive behavior.

    Bethke is quick to acknowledge that he’s not a pastor or theologian, but simply a regular, twenty-something who cried out for a life greater than the one for which he had settled. Along his journey, Bethke discovered the real Jesus, who beckoned him beyond the props of false religion.

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  • Letting Go Of Your Limitations


    A Basic How-To on Experiencing God’s Supernatural Power and Grace

    It is all too easy for believers to get “stuck” in their Christian walks. Many feel they have tried everything and still are not walking in the flow of the Spirit they long for. They resolve to try harder–but this rarely brings results.

    In this candid and encouraging field guide for weary travelers, Sandie Freed offers specific steps out of self-effort and into supernatural power. This well-known author and teacher shows how false belief systems and demonic spirits hinder believers from claiming their spiritual authority and inheritance. With insightful exposition, Freed also explores the life of the apostle Paul, explaining how religion, legalism, and intellectualism rob the Church of power.

    It is the right of every child of God to demonstrate his Spirit and power. Freed shows believers how to leave ineffectiveness and limitation behind forever and walk in the sure steps of victory.

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