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Christian Living

Showing 4901–5000 of 5768 results

  • Walking Wisely Workbook (Workbook)


    From beloved Bible teacher Charles Stanley comes a practical ten-chapter workbook that addresses real life solutions and teaches us how to apply God’s wisdom to our problems as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties.

    In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ.

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  • When The Enemy Strikes Workbook (Workbook)


    From beloved Bible teacher Charles Stanley comes a practical ten-chapter workbook that addresses real life solutions and teaches us how to apply God’s wisdom to our problems as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties.

    In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ.

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  • Destiny


    As God prepares for man to come to earth, he plans his life-his destiny. Man’s life is turbulent, filled with mishaps, unforeseen circumstances, and without direction. Man is lost until he recognizes God’s authority and surrenders his will to God’s will. Not my will but thine be done. LUKE 22:42

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  • Vengeance


    It is not easy to forgive. When someone has hurt you, your first reaction is to retaliate. You want them to pay for what they did. They will pay; the Bible says whatever you sow you will reap. God’s justice is fair. Allow God to avenge you. It is God that avengeth me. PSALM 18:47

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  • Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God


    Many times we find ourselves in a position where we have to make a choice between man and God. If we choose to follow our friends we will be in conflict with God. If we choose to follow the Word of God, we will get into trouble with our friends. The thought of losing a friend is a painful decision. But the thought of losing the blessing of God requires some serious thought. You can live without your friends, but can you live without God? Can you? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. EXODUS 10:31

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  • Wake Up And Smell The Truth


    This book takes a hard-hitting look at our nation’s fall into a liberal, relativist worldview. In it you will find logical arguments as to why liberalism and relativism are illogical. Wake up and Smell the Truth gives a clear understanding of our founding fathers’ worldview. This book is not politically correct, but it is correct nonetheless! The book hits on hotbutton issues such as abortion, taxes, education, United States sovereignty, and many more!

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  • Cost Of Being Anointed


    “I am delighted that an anointed, young man like Jamall Petty can stand not only as a testimony but also as a teacher to share his insights on “The Cost of Being Anointed”. I am pleased to be able to say that he is qualified both from the theoretical and experiential perspective to deal with this important topic, and he does a wonderful job of clarifying what for some could be a confusing issue.” – Bishop Neil C. Ellis – “There were times in my life when I felt as if God had set me up. There were times when God spoke to me and set the stage for me to speak what He had said to me, but the only thing I received as a result was reproach and rebuke. I wondered why God had instructed me on what to say knowing I would be beaten down for it. And God said to me, ‘I am breaking pride out of you, because you must hold a greater regard for my Word than for people’s opinion of you. You must be willing to sacrifice your reputation if you are to walk in obedience to me. “So all of us must understand that we are not called…” By reading this book you shall: Learn how to identify and safeguard yourself from the character flaws of walking in error as an anointed person in this prophetic age. Realize what the process between being anointed to do something and being appointed to do it is supposed to teach you. Come to grips with the purpose of persecution and why it is inseparable from your call.

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  • Princess Cut Diamond


    Do you know that you are a Princess? Yes, YOU! Do you realize that you are responsible for ruling a dynamic, thriving kingdom? Do you understand that as a ruler you have every privilege and power, favor and freedom given to a royal born in nobility? If you are living as a mere peasant, or if the enemy has you fooled into thinking your life will never reach your God-given destiny, then A Princess-Cut Diamond is for you. A Princess-Cut Diamond is a must-have boot-camp training manual for any woman who is living beneath her God-given authority as a daughter of the King. Through hard-hitting, tongue-in-cheek examples, practical illustrations, and colorful parallels, Cami Deni exhorts you to dust off your crown and reclaim your spiritual place in God as His daughter and His Princess!

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  • Selected Biblical Privileges Attitudes And Activities For Christian Living


    This work sets forth selected biblical passages regarding the special privileges, attitudes, and activities available from God to professing Christians. These matters provide the basis for the believer to successfully walk with God and to serve God and fellow men at a high level of performance.

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  • Love And Respect Workbook (Workbook)


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

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  • Dreamality : Heavens Dream Your Reality


    Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, many of us let go of our dreams. We stop trusting that anything will be different. We stop hoping that anything could get better. We stop expecting life to be full of excitement, anticipation, joy, fun, and hope. Optimism is replaced by anger, frustration, and bitterness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Bob Coy, senior pastor of the seventeen thousand member Calvary Chapel of Fort Lauderdale, believes that hope can be revived and we can rekindle in our heart the expectation of something more. Using the biblical story of Joseph as a recurring analogy, Coy looks to God as our dream-deliver as well as the source of our dreams. He asserts that, as we come to understand God’s heart toward us and the bigger picture of our lives, we can reclaim and live out our dreams.

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  • Give God The Glory The Godly Family Life


    This book continues in the tradition of the Give God the Glory! books and devotionals, with a unique focus on the biblical purpose and role of the father, mother, and child(ren). In this book, readers will clearly understand that the man is the foundation of the family, the family is the foundation of the church, and the church is the foundation of our nation. We will glorify God through the family unit and understand our specific roles within the family structure as God intended. To this end, our Heavenly Father is glorified as we, His earthen vessels, demonstrate to the world the beauty and fulfillment of The Godly Family Life.

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  • Prayer Of Jabez (Anniversary)


    It’s a timeless prayer that produces timely results! Bruce Wilkinson takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God’s miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible’s most overlooked heroes of the faith, bursts from unbroken pages of genealogies in an audacious, fourpart prayer that brings him an extraordinary measure of divine favor, anointing, and protection. Readers who commit to offering the same prayer on a regular basis will find themselves extravagantly blessed by God, and agents of His miraculous power, in everyday life.

    Banner Across Corner:

    17 million Jabez series books in print!

    Do you want to be extravagantly blessed by God?

    Are you ready to reach for the extraordinary? To ask God for the abundant blessings He longs to give you? Join Bruce Wilkinson to discover how the remarkable prayer of a little-known Bible hero can release God’s favor, power, and protection. You’ll see how one daily prayer can help you leave the past behind-and break through to the life you were meant to live.

    Story Behind the Book

    When The Prayer of Jabez first released in 2000 and sold nine million copies in two years, Bruce Wilkinson’s mailbox was flooded with countless personal stories of answered prayer. God’s mighty hand was using the prayer to change lives in both small and dramatic ways. Such undeniable testimonies make it impossible to ignore God’s presence, active and alive today! This repack meets the demand that continues to ask for the original bestseller-now with a stunning new look!

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  • In God We Trust


    “There is a tremendous power in the human mind.” Positive power. Life-changing power. Power to overcome all the daily struggles, doubts, and questions we face in this world. From the man who gave us The Power of Positive Thinking comes the source of that power: trust in God.

    The late Norman Vincent Peale, in the same uplifting style that made The Power of Positive Thinking a worldwide bestseller, guides you to ways of building a better, more positive life. “The first step,” he says, “is to fill your life with a positive faith that will help you through anything. The second is to begin where you are.”

    Each chapter of In God We Trust, the last book written by Dr. Peale before he died in 1993, is full of positive, powerful aspirations.

    “When problems confront you,” Dr. Peale says, “you must not allow your mind to acquiesce in defeat, weakly giving up. What seems impossible one minute becomes, through faith, possible the next.”

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  • Our Body Our Life


    Our Body, Our Life was written to help people become spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy and fit and live more greatly for God. Because Christ sacrificed greatly for us, we now have the potential to live greatly for Him. God wants us to be disciples, not just believers, and He rewards those who love Him wholeheartedly and seek Him diligently with abundant, fruitful lives. To live greatly for God, we must commit to mental and spiritual health and fitness, which results when we prayerfully seek God and live our lives His way-daily. While poor physical health and fitness is sometimes unavoidable, it often results from over-eating, under-exercising, and taking poor care of our bodies. Great physical health and fitness is achieved by eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, and taking great care of our bodies and results in an increased capacity to live greatly for God. Because the accumulation of our daily thoughts and actions so greatly impacts our spiritual, mental, and physical health and fitness, we pray that together God will help us practice the 49 life-renewing disciplines in this program and reward us with abundant, fruitful lives lived greatly for Him.

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  • New Heart And A New Spirit


    A New Heart and a New Spirit is about one woman’s encounter with God that led to intimacy and renewal. Her story is one of honesty and humility, as she reveals her own personal struggles with bitterness, anger, fear, depression, and insecurity. Her story is life-changing and inspiring, as it depicts God’s amazing love, and the joy and peace that we can possess, when our hearts are turned toward Him. The author awakens our desire to know God, in a personal way, and to live and walk in His truth. She was once in captivity to emotional pain, but now she is free to proclaim the love of God to others. She invites you to join her on this journey.

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  • On The Periphery Of Death


    On the Periphery of Death: How I Survived Suicide and Depression without Medication or Counseling is a groundbreaking, emotionally intense, awe-inspiring book by Ta’Wand. This book is beneficial to everyone, young and old, believers and non-believers, rich and poor, for its contents transcend all color barriers, denominations, and social-economic levels. You cannot afford to miss this blessing! In the book, Ta’Wand allows you to peek inside her treacherous journey into depression that ultimately led to a suicide attempt. When everyone counted her out, God Almighty stepped in and caused her to triumph over the enemy. The book gives a raw, candid account of what leads someone into depression/suicide but then explodes when Ta’Wand decides to live and not die. It is packed with practical, applicable steps that have been tried and proven to assist anyone who is struggling with depression, knows someone who is struggling with depression, has been a victim of depression, or had loved ones who committed suicide and left them with a lot of questions but no answers. Believe me, you will never be the same after reading this book. It is truly life-changing! Ta’Wand is very excited about this ground-breaking literary work God has birthed inside her spirit. God has placed a mandate upon her to get this book to press. If the book can inspire one person then Ta’Wand’s labor will not have been in vain. She wants you to know that she loves you very much, and she appreciates your precious love, support, and powerful prayers.

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  • Walk


    The Bible has recorded many authentic walks taken by real people. Each walk was taken for a purpose in real time but also for us today to make application in our walks through events, relationships, and circumstances. The Walk chronicles eleven such walks from God’s Word. Experience the intimacy God intended as you take “The Divine Walk,” and follow Abraham as he leads the way on “A Faithful Walk.” Experience God’s power along with Moses on “A Powerful Walk,” and follow Joshua and Caleb as they guide us on “A Confident Walk.” Learn to heed God’s instructions with Joshua as he diligently directs Israel on “An Obedient Walk.” Let David and his mighty men maneuver the way on “An Heroic Walk,” and turn to the words of Psalm 23 for “A Guided Walk.” See Jesus’ model of endurance in “A Persevering Walk,” and find out what it means to be focused as Peter takes “A Focused Walk.” Discover the secret of true servanthood as Jesus prepares His disciples for their coming ministry in “A Servant’s Walk.” And, finally, walk a painful but necessary walk with Jesus to the cross in “The Finishing Walk.”

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  • Childs Walk Into The Light


    Every person born desperately searches for inner peace. The book A Child’s Walk into the Light takes the focus off “self” and places it on Jesus Christ, in whom true peace is found. The book reveals a journey and a walk that leads to the very presence of God. In reality, this pathway is the victory that God has provided for all humanity. The work was written to encourage the believer and enlighten the unbeliever. In addition, the book describes mankind’s struggle with the enemy and how we are able to rejoice in the victory God has given through His Son Jesus Christ. As a result, a spiritually motivated panorama of the human existence is revealed with simple clarity. This discovery depicts the freedom that is truly available through the life of Jesus Christ. The hope that its message brings will resonate deeply into the lives of men and women who desire to satisfy the God-placed longing that only His presence can fill.

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  • Youre On Trial


    You’ve been arrested and now…YOU’RE ON TRIAL! Will you, the defendant, be found GUILTY of NOT GUILTY of possessing the lifestyle of a true Christian? The Jury must decide!

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  • Tragedy And Loss And The Search For Jesus


    Is for those broken in spirit from tragedy and loss who also feel a break in their heart from God. It is for believers who struggle with God’s interaction with tragedy and loss, and are trying to come to terms with His participation.

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  • Here I Am (Reprinted)


    Struggling to discern God’s call is not uncommon. Many people wrestle with understanding what God has planned for them. Here I Am solves part of the mystery by distinguishing between one’s shared vocation and particular life stations. Stations include jobs, situations, and relationships, and they change often. But vocation, for Christians especially, remains the same–to apply faith as caretakers of God’s world.

    Here I Am explains how to be caring followers of Jesus in every station of life. It offers practical ways to strive for excellence, celebrate leisure, nurture community, and cultivate a legacy. This book is for students, those seeking satisfaction in their work, and anyone seeking a renewed sense of God’s call. They will discover how to care about and for the world, participating in God’s renewal of all things.

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  • Soul Obsession : When Gods Primary Pursuit Becomes Your Lifes Driving Passi


    New from the author of the best-selling
    Christian classic, Run Baby Run.

    The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with freeing human hearts enslaved to sin. To truly know God, this must become our life’s driving desire as well our Soul Obsession. And when we fall obediently in step with God, we’ll see Him perform miracles through us to rescue people and give them new life.

    In his powerful new book, internationally known author Nicky Cruz shares powerful personal stories of faithful obedience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances including the amazing story of his mother’s deathbed conversion and healing. You, too, can move past doubts, understand both the natural and supernatural worlds, and develop a faith that can move any mountain, no matter how high or wide or difficult.

    Do we truly understand the power we have at our fingertips? Do we grasp the significance of the message that we bring to a lost world? Do we comprehend how easily evil can be beaten and revoked by simply opening ourselves up to the moving of the Holy Spirit among us? Do we know what God is capable of doing among us?
    If you want to change the world, begin by letting God change you. By letting the passion of Jesus become your passion. By letting the Holy Spirit be your only guide and mentor, every step, every minute of the day. By allowing God to set your heart on fire with a Soul Obsession! Nicky Cruz

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  • Tragedy And Loss And The Search For Jesus


    Is for those broken in spirit from tragedy and loss who also feel a break in their heart from God. It is for believers who struggle with God’s interaction with tragedy and loss, and are trying to come to terms with His participation.

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  • Place Called Knowing


    There is a place God longs to take each of us. Only He can lead us there.
    Take this journey. You are His treasure. Step inside and discover who you are.

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  • Everyday Miracles By Gods Design


    Don’t you wish your body and life came with an Operator’s Manual? In his groundbreaking book, Everyday Miracles by God’s Design, Dr. David Jernigan presents an amazing interweaving of the latest science and the universal truths from God’s Word. This book is a bold step towards the Operator’s Manual you always wanted! Dr. Jernigan’s work transcends and bridges the gaps between science and faith so that everyone can discover the power of their Maker through a truly miraculous life. Learn how to attain and access the ultimate power in the universe. This book will take you on a journey with a worthy destination, one that will last your entire life and beyond.

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  • Everyday Miracles By Gods Design


    Don’t you wish your body and life came with an Operator’s Manual? In his groundbreaking book, Everyday Miracles by God’s Design, Dr. David Jernigan presents an amazing interweaving of the latest science and the universal truths from God’s Word. This book is a bold step towards the Operator’s Manual you always wanted! Dr. Jernigan’s work transcends and bridges the gaps between science and faith so that everyone can discover the power of their Maker through a truly miraculous life. Learn how to attain and access the ultimate power in the universe. This book will take you on a journey with a worthy destination, one that will last your entire life and beyond.

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  • Solomons Gift : A Fathers Hope A Sons Dream A Legacy


    This book explores the process of leaving an incredible legacy of living in a right relationship with God for our children. It is for fathers and all parents, even surrogate parents. It shows how you can have a positive impact on your successors by giving them the knowledge of God and by giving them wise instruction on how to live in obedience to God’s Word. It uses the wonderful father-son relationship of David and Solomon to bring the process to the reader.What better place to go than David, said to be a man after God’s own heart, and Solomon, described as the wisest man who ever lived.

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  • Good Mums Bad Mums


    SKU (ISBN): 9781597813488ISBN10: 1597813486Oluwakemi Ola-OjoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2005Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Love The Greatest Thing


    The Bible from Genesis to Revelation overflows with the message of God’s great love for mankind. That message is to be flowing through every believer’s life. Without God’s agape unconditional love, the Christian’s life is void of power and faith is limited, for they are missing the main ingredient. The “harvest is great” in these last days, and it will take the compassion of Jesus to bring souls in. Every believer who truly wants to be used by God must be “clothed” in love. Only three things will remain when the fullness of time comes: faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love!

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  • My Name Is Keith


    This is a book about my life and how God changed it. I refer to individuals in the Bible and their situations to illustrate how God helps us and guides us by His divine direction. No matter how deep in the pit of sin we sink, the Lord’s arm is always long enough to pull us out of any calamity, if we are obedient to Him. I believe this book will inspire wives to keep lifting up their husbands to the Lord in prayer, no matter how long it takes or how frustrating it becomes. It should help people who feel hopeless and downhearted to realize that it is never too late to turn to the Lord. He’s standing right beside each of us, waiting for us to respond to His call. I trust the book will bring a smile, or perhaps a tear, to the reader. More importantly, I believe it will serve to strengthen the faith of each one who reads it.

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  • Princess Behind The Teardrops


    Your life may travel many dark paths that are paved with long delays and adverse circumstances. Although your life has its personal challenges, your spiritual inheritance entitles you to remain on the throne of faithfulness. Keep in mind, your painful teardrops will be rewarded in due season. The King of Glory highly esteems you as a beloved princess of destiny. If you are a discouraged woman, then this book was designed especially for you. It will encourage your soul with heart-touching testimonies from women who turned obstacles and adversities into stepping stones. It will also inspire you to know that oppositions may come, but “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

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  • Creation Diet : Gods Pattern For Health Happiness And Holiness


    Tired? Overweight? Stressed? Diseased? Depressed? Life out of balance? Then this book is for you! The Creation Diet is not just another diet plan. It reveals step by step how to experience health, happiness, and holiness. The secret? The Bible contains an amazing revelation: the order of the days of creation holds the key to all three! Truly, the creation of the world relates directly to your life today. Let The Creation Diet show you how, from the beginning of time, God revealed the simple pattern of life-changing truths that can restore your health and help you become a new creation. Once in a while a book comes along that is so unique it is destined to have an impact upon the future. The Creation Diet is such a book. Through it Joy Clary Brown reveals the “secret” to health and wholeness. However, the “secret” has been right before our eyes on the pages of the Bible for thousands of years. We simply did not recognize it. I anticipate The Creation Diet will positively affect everyone who reads it and follows its principles. -Randall Moss, M.D., Board Certified Anti-Aging Medicine and Board Certified Bariatrics (Weight Control and Nutrition) Joy Clary Brown’s Bible studies are well-researched, thorough, and contain practical life application as well as doctrinal accuracy. I highly recommend her work to anyone who wants to know truth through God’s Word. -Edna Ellison, Ph.D., Former editor of Royal Service magazine, international speaker, and prolific author (

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  • Creation Diet : Gods Pattern For Health Happiness And Holiness


    Tired? Overweight? Stressed? Diseased? Depressed? Life out of balance? Then this book is for you! The Creation Diet is not just another diet plan. It reveals step by step how to experience health, happiness, and holiness. The secret? The Bible contains an amazing revelation: the order of the days of creation holds the key to all three! Truly, the creation of the world relates directly to your life today. Let The Creation Diet show you how, from the beginning of time, God revealed the simple pattern of life-changing truths that can restore your health and help you become a new creation. Once in a while a book comes along that is so unique it is destined to have an impact upon the future. The Creation Diet is such a book. Through it Joy Clary Brown reveals the “secret” to health and wholeness. However, the “secret” has been right before our eyes on the pages of the Bible for thousands of years. We simply did not recognize it. I anticipate The Creation Diet will positively affect everyone who reads it and follows its principles. -Randall Moss, M.D., Board Certified Anti-Aging Medicine and Board Certified Bariatrics (Weight Control and Nutrition) Joy Clary Brown’s Bible studies are well-researched, thorough, and contain practical life application as well as doctrinal accuracy. I highly recommend her work to anyone who wants to know truth through God’s Word. -Edna Ellison, Ph.D., Former editor of Royal Service magazine, international speaker, and prolific author (

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  • Place Called Knowing


    There is a place God longs to take each of us. Only He can lead us there.
    Take this journey. You are His treasure. Step inside and discover who you are.

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  • Releasing The Prayer Anointing


    The purpose of this book is to guide you step by step through my plan for effective prayer. You will discover your unique, God-given level of prayer power and God will release the prayer anointing upon your life, says Dr. Larry Lea. You’ll discover exciting new insights into Jesus’ model prayer that will create a newfound joy in your prayer life. Dr. Lea can help you reach your full spiritual potential and to better fulfill your God-ordained purposes and destiny in life. A perfect selection for groups studying prayer.

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  • Perfecting Ourselves To Death


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832590ISBN10: 0830832599Richard WinterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2005Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Network Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Network is a six-session dynamic program to help Christians understand who God has uniquely made them to be and mobilize them to a place of meaningful service in the local church. Each participant in Network will work through a series of assessments which leads them to discover their unique blend of spiritual gifts, personal style, and ministry passion

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  • Giant Killers : Crushing Strongholds Securing Freedom In Your Life


    Worship leader Dennis Jernigan opens his heart to help you overcome the persistent problems in your life.

    Persistent sins. Troublesome fears. Powerful addictions. Is there any hope of overcoming these giants that keep us from experiencing God’s freedom?

    Dennis Jernigan enthusiastically answers, Yes. And he shares his personal story to show how God has helped him overcome the giants in his life.

    In Giant Killers you’ll meet Goliath and other giants in the Bible that represent overwhelming problems that plague everyone fear, discouragement, shame, and more. And you’ll discover five God-given stones that, when fired from a sling, are sure to fell these giants.

    Having overcome homosexuality a behavior pattern many consider unchangeable Dennis Jernigan speaks with authority on the subject of defeating spiritual enemies. Through his inspiring devotional approach, you’ll draw closer to God, the source of all power for victory.

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  • New Life After Divorce


    It’s the End of Your Marriage Not Your Life.

    Few experiences bring more pain than divorce. Like the death of a loved one, divorce plunges us into grief and loneliness, heartache and depression. Perhaps worst of all, divorce makes us believe that all that is meaningful and joyful has come to an end. Do not believe it.

    Better Days Are Just Ahead.

    You already know that divorce is one of the greatest challenges you will ever face. Yet it also can trigger tremendous growth in several key areas, including your relationships, the way you see yourself, and how you live out your faith. No one is calling divorce a blessing. But it is something that you will live through and that can help to powerfully transform you into the person God has created you to be.

    Whether you are in the earliest stages of divorce, are newly single again, are processing an earlier divorce, or know someone whose marriage is ending, New Life After Divorce offers encouragement and hope that this new life will be a good life and the promise that healing, strength, purpose, and joy are around the corner

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  • Broken : The Astonishing True Story Of A Broken Degraded Life Redeemed For


    Weep with sorrow and roar with laughter as this pastor’s daughter is snatched from a pursuit of depravity and drawn with loving kindness into a personal relationship with Christ.

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  • Following The Tides To Nourish Your Soul


    Physically we nourish ourselves by keeping our bodies healthy. The same applies to our minds and souls. The ability to properly nourish these three elements- mind, body, and soul-gives us the inner strength to break free from every care. When we fail to nourish ourselves spiritually, the soul becomes damaged and we begin to lose the nourishment we’ve worked so hard for. As you read Following the Tides to Nourish Your Soul, it will help you to remember that the same God who made the waters and the land will see you through any trial or tribulation that you might be faced with from day to day. And even though times may seem difficult, we must keep trying because heaven can be right here on earth, if we keep our eyes on the prize. Mr. Leroy DeShazor, my high school football coach, once said to us that no matter what the outcome after the game, whether we win or lose, we must never give up. He often quoted, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

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  • Following The Tides To Nourish Your Soul


    Physically we nourish ourselves by keeping our bodies healthy. The same applies to our minds and souls. The ability to properly nourish these three elements- mind, body, and soul-gives us the inner strength to break free from every care. When we fail to nourish ourselves spiritually, the soul becomes damaged and we begin to lose the nourishment we’ve worked so hard for. As you read Following the Tides to Nourish Your Soul, it will help you to remember that the same God who made the waters and the land will see you through any trial or tribulation that you might be faced with from day to day. And even though times may seem difficult, we must keep trying because heaven can be right here on earth, if we keep our eyes on the prize. Mr. Leroy DeShazor, my high school football coach, once said to us that no matter what the outcome after the game, whether we win or lose, we must never give up. He often quoted, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

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  • Companions Of Christ


    Are you bogged down in your spiritual journey? Does church seem to hinder more than it helps? Here is a welcoming and realistic guide for all who may be feeling spiritually jaded. Whatever your circumstances, Companions of Christ will show you how to embark on a journey of the heart, starting wherever you happen to be and no matter how unfit for the journey you may feel.

    In Companions of Christ popular British writer Margaret Silf unearths the gold mine of spiritual wisdom to be found in the legacy of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Ignatian spirituality sets out an engagingly down-to-earth vision of connecting with God in everyday life. Neither a recipe for a privatized spiritual life nor an agenda imposed by someone else, the Ignatian vision is centered on companionship, which means literally to “share bread” with another. It latches onto God’s presence in stories, in other people, in the created universe, and even in God’s apparent absence.

    Perfect for those whose faith in God or patience with the church is flagging, Companions of Christ contains very practical teaching on great Ignatian themes – imaginative scriptural meditation, spiritual discernment, and honest prayer. Incorporating helpful spiritual exercises throughout, Silf shows both tentative and seasoned believers how to keep faith despite the odds.

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  • Gods Bold Call To Women


    Over the years, there has been a rising call to women to step forward and embrace the great destiny that God has in store for each of them. In recognition of this, Barbara Yoder has come together with a handful of others, both men and women, who sense the growing importance to release women into their God-given purpose. While some women may feel unworthy of their dreams because of past sins, God tells them to let go and look forward. When she is bathed in His glory, there is no obstacle that can stand in such a woman’s way, and there is nothing that will keep her from the magnificent fulfillment of God’s plan.

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  • Network Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The revised Network participant’s guide is a dynamic six-session process to help Christians understand who God has uniquely made them to be and guide them to a place of meaningful service in the local church. Revised and updated, the enormously popular Network approach has been refined for even greater effectiveness and ease of use.

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  • Prayer : The Cry For The Kingdom (Revised)


    Bringing our needs and desires to God has always stood at the heart of Christian prayer. But why is petitioning God so important? In Prayer: The Cry for the Kingdom noted theologian Stanley Grenz points to petitionary prayer as a crucial way for us to be involved with God’s work in history. At the center of such prayer, Grenz argues, is the cry to God that his kingdom might come into the world.

    Grenz explores key questions that many Christians ask: What does it mean to pray “according to God’s will”? Should we persist in petitioning God for our needs? Does prayer really influence God? In the process of addressing these questions, Grenz offers practical guidance on praying effectively and challenges the contemporary church to recapture what it means to be a church that prays.

    Revised and completely rewritten, with the inclusion of additional material, and now featuring an insightful foreword by Eugene Peterson, Grenz’s Prayer: The Cry for the Kingdom will help readers from every Christian tradition to foster a richer personal and communal life of prayer.

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  • Creative Power Of Your Words


    You are a product of your WORDS. God made you in His image, so the words you speak are CREATIVE, just as God’s words are CREATIVE. You are always speaking either LIFE to your life or DEATH to your life. You are the prophet of your DESTINY! Read and learn how to speak words that will CREATE for you VICTORY over sinful habits; sickness and disease; poverty and lack. Join God’s company of overcoming, joyful, and successful saints through speaking the language of God’s Redeemed-the language of the NEW CREATION!

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  • Code Red : Wars Of The Heart


    Codes are a part of our everyday lives. Medical, health, and emergency services use codes to identify the condition of a patient or situation. For example, Code Red indicates a fire, while Code Blue signifies cardiac or respiratory arrest. While Code Red indicates immediate danger, Code Blue indicates imminent death, both naturally and spiritually. Codes rule the world; namely geneticmorris- bar-government-moral-war and the codes of laws. Code Red applies to situations that are dangerous to one’s spiritual health and welfare. It is a warning to be alert and to take immediate action. Left unresolved, a spiritual Code Red situation can quickly become Code Blue. Both evil codes work to lead every soul unto the most deadly code of all called 666. If the church is to fulfill God’s purpose and win the lost, it must be victorious over Code Red and cleanse itself of all unrighteousness. Hosea 4:6 says that “God’s people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.” A new heart is our best defense and only Jesus Christ can give it to us. Jesus Christ, our “heart specialist,” walked upon this earth healing all Code Red sickness and disease. He died in Code Blue but rose from the dead victoriously on the third day. His victory is our victory! We can now boldly declare war on Code Red even as it has declared war on our hearts. Let the battle begin!

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  • This Was Your Life (Reprinted)


    The awesome reality of the Judgment Seat of Christ, and challenging instruction on having a healthy fear of God and living with eternity in mind.

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  • 30 Day To Taming Your Tongue


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736915601ISBN10: 0736915605Deborah PeguesBinding: Mass MarketPublished: April 2005Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Supernatural Life : Experience The Power Of God In Your Everyday Life


    Cindy Jacobs begins The Supernatural Life with a testimony of her first stirring encounter with the Holy Spirit. Her relationship with God was transformed, giving her the power of the supernatural in her life and the knowledge of how to release it. As in Acts 1:8, the Scriptures came alive to her more than ever before, and she found the capacity to witness boldly. With warmth, humor, and many revealing accounts, Jacobs shows that it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do what God wants you to accomplish in your life. Join the bestselling author of Women of Destiny and discover step by step how to invite the Holy Spirit into your own life for remarkable change.

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  • Free At Last


    So many Christians continue to live in bondage although they’ve been forgiven from sin. It seems we have difficulty grasping the amazing truth of who we are in Jesus Christ. Dr. Tony Evans masterfully communicates the essence of who we become when we receive Jesus Christ as Lord. He helps readers learn how to accept their identities as children of God and live accordingly. In Free At Last, readers will be encouraged that they are not defined or controlled by their actions; they’ve been bought for a price.

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  • Travelers Gift : Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success


    A unique blend of fiction, history, allegory, and inspiration, The Traveler’s Gift has motivated tens of thousands since its release in late 2002. Now this wildly successful parable is available in an affordable trade paper edition.

    David Ponder’s lost his job, his confidence, and his will to live. And just when it seems that things can’t get any worse, they do: his only child falls ill, and he’s involved in a serious car accident. But a divine adventure that includes encounters with seven of history’s most inspirational characters, among them Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus, leaves him with a glimpse of life’s big picture, and seven bits of wisdom with which to confront his future.

    This thought-provoking book encourages readers of all ages to reach their full potential using these simple keys to success.

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  • Living Faithfully : As A Prayer Book People


    Respected priest and Christian educator John Westerhoff offers his wisdom on using The Book of Common Prayer as a guide to faithful living.

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  • United We Stand Divided With God


    As you travel along the pages, join author Dr. John Olenik as he openly shares how God worked through his life to help him gain insight from his personal as well as spiritual struggles and triumphs. He leaves nothing hidden, while shedding light on subjects most of us can relate to, but few ever talk about. By the time you reach the destination, your heart and soul will be enriched beyond overflowing.

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  • Truth About Tolerance


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    We all want to be tolerant. No one wants to be intolerant. But does that mean we have to accept all truth claims as true? Does this virtue rule out having any strongly held moral convictions? In this book Brad Stetson and Joseph G. Conti explore the use and misuse of this important value in academic circles and popular media. They note that the pursuit of truth and the pursuit of tolerance are often taken to be mutually exclusive, and it ends with truth having to give way to tolerance. Stetson and Conti argue just the opposite: that true tolerance requires the pursuit of truth. In the end they demonstrate that Christian conviction about religious truth provides the only secure basis for a tolerant society which promotes truth seeking. Christians can contribute to civil debate without compromising their moral and spiritual convictions.

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  • Call Me If You Need Anything And Other Things Not To Say


    Because they do not know what to say or do, many people feel awkward or shy away from those who are suffering from terminal illnesses or who have experienced loss or other tragedies. With insights from personal experience, Cathy Peterson turns awkward conversations into words of comfort and good intentions into real help and encouragement. She provides sensible advice on everything from sending cards to mowing the lawn to offering condolences, including advice on what not to say.

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  • Scenes From The Life


    Create living illustrations of the Christian life that will make audiences laugh, cry, and even occasionally wince in truthful recognition with this superb collection of comic, dramatic, and seasonal material. Appropriate for any denomination and audience, these brief sketches and monologues examine topics ranging from faith to gossip, from conviction to children’s work, in a humorous and poignant style. The easy-to-stage pieces utilize small casts and can be performed in any setting with minimal costumes and a few simple props, making them accessible to church drama groups of all sizes. Scenes From The Life is a great source for attention-getting sermon introductions, worship enhancers, or just entertaining fun with a message.

    Some of the insightful pieces include:

    ? All Quiet on the Front Pew
    ? The Great Church Trade-In
    ? The Nursery Zone
    ? The Faith Bridge
    ? A Sparrow Falls
    ? Joey The Wise Guy
    …and several more!

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  • Vanishing Conscience : Drawing The Line In A No Fault Guilt Free World


    The bestselling author of The Gospel According to Jesus, MacArthur claims that we have become a people who shift blame, deny guilt, love self and excuse moral failure in this compelling book. The result is diminished integrity and the loss of our ability to experience God’s grace and forgiveness. This explosive book presents biblical solutions to the problem of sin, and leads readers from a life of blame and denial to the true peace and freedom

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  • Fools Gold : Discerning Truth In An Age Of Error


    God’s Word makes it clear that not everything that glitters is gold. In this uncompromising book, John MacArthur and the contributors lay a foundation for biblical discernment and use these principles to assess several current Christian trends. Readers will find honest, biblical analyses of some of today’s most popular Christian books, music, and ideas. They will be equipped with a foundation for biblical discernment that will enable them to make careful distinctions in their thinking about truth.

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  • Time Bandits


    Who Is Stealing Your Time? Each day, there are things you know you have to do. Then there are things you really ought to do, plus things you desperately want to do. But how do we find time for it all? Stuart Briscoe, former senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, presents an outstanding commentary on evaluating our priorities so that the concerns of this world do not rob us of our valuable time. Prioritizing our lives isn’t easy, particularly when we consider the conflict that can arise between doing what is good and being comfortable, popular, and profitable. But Briscoe calls Christians to boldly address any areas of selfishness and to begin to see life through kingdom eyes. When we do, our priorities will change to focus on goodness, righteousness, and truth.
    “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.”
    –Jesus (Matthew 6:33 )
    It sounds great in theory to seek God’s kingdom first, but is it really feasible? So many things rob your precious time that you wonder if you can afford to bump everything else in your life to secondary status.
    But this is not about prioritizing. This is a matter of heart. While you long for harmony in your harried schedule and significance amidst the busyness, God yearns to give them to you. Stuart Briscoe’s insights will guide you to the focused, fulfilling life you long for. Because once you begin seeking the Lord before all else, all else simply falls into place.
    What are you waiting for? You have no time to waste.

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  • Just Wondering Jesus


    What are the questions that are really on the minds of Christians as they try to live out their faith? Author Tom Ehrich challenged readers of his weekly newspaper column and his daily e-mail meditations to pose the questions that they would like to ask Jesus “from the roadside,” as blind Bartimaeus did in the gospel. He received hundreds of responses– not one of them about matters of liturgy, church politics, or canon law. Instead, the questions these ordinary Christians longed to ask Jesus were deeper and more basic: Will I see my late husband in heaven? How can I make my marriage more joyful? Will we ever find peace? What do you want of me? In Just Wondering, Jesus, Ehrich takes 100 of these questions and answers each in the form of a brief meditation/essay, and provides a fascinating glimpse of what is truly on people’s minds and in their hearts. The meditations, based on gospel readings, are valuable for personal devotion and small-group study. Tom Ehrich, a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal, is an Episcopal priest, as well as a writer, publisher, syndicated newspaper columnist, and business consultant.

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  • Connecting : Healing Ourselves And Our Relationships


    In his most significant book to date, Dr. Larry Crabb expands on his lifelong work in the field of psychotherapy to adopt a groundbreaking, but biblical, approach to healing the deep wounds of the soul–an approach that centers around building intimate, healing mini-communities in our lives and churches. Dr. Crabb envisions a day when communities of God’s people–ordinary Christians whose lives connect as husband to wife, brother to sister, friend to friend–will accomplish most of the healing that we now depend on mental health professionals to provide. God has deposited within us the power to heal soul-disease and that power is released to do its work as we relate to each other in revolutionary new ways. In challenging, practical language, Dr. Crabb shows us how. This revised and updated edition now includes a full workbook for those who want to better learn how to connect with the hearts and souls of those around them.

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  • Very Minor Prophet


    This book tackles some hard issues. It addresses issues that most people would not have the courage to address. It asks some difficult questions. It provides a prophetic insight into modern day Christianity in this country that has been absent for awhile. You may not like the observations you read in this book and you may even find them a bit controversial but you cannot argue their truth. It is a call for the people of God to rethink their priorities. As the author explains this call is not a new call for there is nothing new under the sun. Once you read this you will know that the author was truly being led by the Holy Spirit to write this.

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  • Prodigal Returns : Reclaiming Our Wayward


    The Prodigal Returns is a work dedicated to the individuals that return to God after being “out there” on their own. Many people must experience hardships and difficulties before understanding that where they were is actually where they need to remain. The book provides an objective look at challenges and barriers faced by many who truly wish to return to the safety of the community of faith. In essence, we can speculate what is needed for them. But in reality only they can release the pain in the time they feel comfortable. This work offers other views on the thoughts of a returned prodigal.

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  • Difficult People : Dealing With Those Who Drive You Crazy


    Everyone has his or her own set of difficult people. They may be church members, family members, or acquaintances. These people come into our lives like wrecking balls and seem to single-handedly destroy churches, families, and friendships. In this book, written by an experienced father-and-son team, you will find down-to-earth, biblical, and practical strategies for dealing with the difficult people in your life. The authors contend that we can learn how to respond differently to the people who “rub us the wrong way.” Using biblical counsel, the authors give instruction on how to start unlearning our sinful behavior so we can deal with difficult people with the heart of Jesus.

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  • Race For Obedience


    Athletes of the world will tell you about the rigorous exercises to which they submit when they intend to win. Rev. Jim says, “The race is in the running.” First is the thrill of swiftly moving forward with the intent to win. The thrill is also in hearing those who cheer you on as you measure each step of intent to finish first. Then comes a solemn emptiness as we realize someone made it ahead of us. We begin again and get ready for the next race as another threshold arises in the soul to run again. On the spiritual plain, exercises are also needed to win the race. In this book I have attempted to present exercises relevant to a better Christian life. I give substance to the race by suggesting exercises to walk as God would have you walk and to run as He would have you run.

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  • Race For Obedience


    Athletes of the world will tell you about the rigorous exercises to which they submit when they intend to win. Rev. Jim says, “The race is in the running.” First is the thrill of swiftly moving forward with the intent to win. The thrill is also in hearing those who cheer you on as you measure each step of intent to finish first. Then comes a solemn emptiness as we realize someone made it ahead of us. We begin again and get ready for the next race as another threshold arises in the soul to run again. On the spiritual plain, exercises are also needed to win the race. In this book I have attempted to present exercises relevant to a better Christian life. I give substance to the race by suggesting exercises to walk as God would have you walk and to run as He would have you run.

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  • Finding God : The Real Thing


    While hiking high in the mountains, trying to find the elusive and beautiful white mountain goat that I knew was there, low clouds appeared suddenly, totally obscuring my vision. Airplane pilots call it zero zero visibility. Not only is it impossible to find the quarry, but if you proceed in such conditions, you are also in danger of making a wrong choice of direction, leading to one of those precipitous drops so common in these mountains, jeopardizing all your future. The current hazy religious atmosphere is similar. A serious searcher for satisfaction, truth, and the right way is surrounded by false claims, foggy ideas, and contradictory instructions. He cannot see the right way because of the fog, and if he chooses wrong, it can lead in the end to disaster forever. But God has cleared away the clouds in His inspired Book. He is not the author of confusion. Come, look, and allow Him to direct your way. The reward is the abundant life that lasts for eternity. He is the One who loves you the most, knows you the best, and never makes a mistake. Other books by Paul Weimer include With You Always, which is a collection of short accounts of experiences through many years of church planting and flying in Alaska, and The Shepherd and His Sheep, a devotional on John 10.

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  • Warm Wonderful World Of Hospitality


    Be part of the hospitality revival that God is starting in America. Author Robin Mercer shares twenty-five years of experience, showing you how to host dinners and parties with confidence and how to accommodate guests and visitors with grace and ease. She also helps you discover how you can house boarders with preparedness and joy. Whether you are just starting in the ministry of hospitality or are an “old pro,” The Warm Wonderful World of Hospitality will inspire you to fill your house with friends, food, and fun. Time flies fast enough as it is. Don’t let another week go by without expressing Christ’s love through hospitality to someone!

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  • Speaking My Mind (Reprinted)


    Fifteen years ago, Tony Campolo’s 20 Hot Potatoes That Christians Are Afraid to Touch pushed, pulled, and prodded Christians into serious consideration of controversial but critical issues related to the Christian life. Campolo challenged his more than 150,000 readers to re-think their convictions (and prejudices) and to do something about them!

    Dubbed by Christianity Today as “the positive prophet” and “a ferocious critic of Christians left and right,” Campolo lives up to his reputation in this latest book examining some of today’s toughest questions and issues:

    Is evangelical Christianity anti-feminist?
    Is our affluent lifestyle at odds with our faith?
    Is America really in moral decline?
    Is Islam really an evil religion?
    Should Christian parents pull their kids out of public schools?
    Was the war with Iraq a “just” war?
    Speaking My Mind…Tony Campolo at his best.

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  • Battle For The Beginning


    The battle for a true view of the beginning is not optional. Our faith and the future of our world hang on the truth about creation. Dr. MacArthur insists that when naturalistic and atheistic presuppositions are being aggressively peddled as if they were established scientific fact, Bible-believing Christians “ought to expose such lies for what they are and oppose them vigorously.”

    Do you know what you believe about creation? Could you defend your views to those who deny the Genesis account? Battle for the Beginning tackles the tough issues of creation versus evolution by taking an in-depth look at Genesis 1 and comparing it to scientific evidence. In this book find answers to the challenging questions. Learn what the Bible says about how our universe began.

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  • Sacred Sorrow : Reaching Out To God In The Lost Language Of Lament


    23 Chapters

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    At a time when the theme of worship is an everyone’s lips, why do so many still sense that something is missing? Could it be due to the fact we have largely ignored one-third of the Psalms–the fifty psalms of lament? Author, musician, and scholar Michael Card takes readers on a mission to recover this lost language. By investigating the lives of Job, David, Jeremiah, and Jesus, he reveals how lament is a natural and necessary part of our human experience. Find out how voicing sincere yet humble dissatisfactions with earthly suffering can be a cathartic completion of our worship and love of God.

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  • To Be Told (Workbook)


    God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future.
    It Starts with Reading Your Past.

    In this companion workbook to Dr. Dan Allender’s groundbreaking book To Be Told, you will find practical, easy-to-follow exercises to help you explore and embrace the stories of your life. The exercises inside will equip you to:

    *recall past experiences and find the meaning God has written there
    *understand how individual events fit into the bigger themes of your life
    *write down your stories in a way that reflects God’s authorship of your life
    *identify the passions that drive you, and see how God uses them to guide you into the future
    *tell your story in a way that brings glory to God and reveals him to others

    Learn how to read and study your story, and then start telling it to others. God invites you to co-author with him the rest of your life’s story-a story that opens up your future and glorifies God.

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  • Emergents Sacred Way


    Part I: Introduction ………………………………………………..11

    1. The Quest For God ………………………………………………13

    2. What Is Spirituality And How Do You Practice It? ….25

    Part II: Via Contemplativa: Contemplative

    Approaches To Spirituality …………………………………………33

    3. Silence And Solitude …………………………………………….37

    4. Sacred Reading …………………………………………………..47

    5. The Jesus Prayer ………………………………………………..59

    6. Centering Prayer …………………………………………………69

    7. Meditation ………………………………………………………….77

    8. The Ignatian Examen …………………………………………..87

    9. Icons …………………………………………………………………..97

    10. Spiritual Direction ……………………………………………107

    11. The Daily Offi Ce ……………………………………………….117

    Part III: Via Activa: Bodily Approaches To

    Spirituality ………………………………………………………………….125

    12. The Labyrinth ………………………………………………….127

    13. Stations Of The Cross …………………………………………135

    14. Pilgrimage ………………………………………………………..149

    15. Fasting …………………………………………………………….159

    16. The Sign Of The Cross And Other Bodily Prayers …..169

    17. Sabbath ……………………………………………………………179

    18. Service ……………………………………………………………..189

    Epilogue: Developing A Rule Of Life ………………..195

    Notes ………………………………………………………………………..201

    Resources ……………………………………………………………..213

    1. Book Resources …………………………………………………214

    2. Web Resources ………………………………………………….218

    3. A Short List Of Christian Spiritual Classics ………….220

    Additional Info
    Broaden your spiritual horizons.How has spirituality changed in the last 500, 1,000, or even 2,000 years? How can ancient approaches to faith help my relationship with God today?In The Sacred Way, popular author and speaker Tony Jones mines the rich history of 16 spiritual disciplines that have flourished throughout the ages and offers practical tips for implementing them in your daily life. Find encouragement and challenge through time-tested disciplines such as:*Silence and solitude *The Jesus prayer*Meditation*PilgrimageExplore these proven approaches to deepening your faith. As you do, your way of living your spiritual life will never be the same.

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  • Small Group Leadership As Spiritual Direction (Teacher’s Guide)


    SECTION 1: Small Groups: Coming Together For Relationship
    Chapter 1 Soul Hunger
    Chapter 2 Christian Community
    Chapter 3 Today’s Small Groups
    Chapter 4 Small Groups And Spiritual Needs
    Chapter 5 Small Group Dynamics
    SECTION 2: Spiritual Direction: Reviving The Ancient Art
    Interlude 1 A Tale Of Spiritual Direction
    Chapter 6 The Challenges Of Spiritual Direction
    Chapter 7 Spiritual Direction In Practice
    Chapter 8 Spiritual Direction Versus Counseling
    Chapter 9 Cross-Cultural Concerns And Direction
    Interlude 2 A Tale Of Direction Concluded
    SECTION 3: Direction As A Small Group Leadership Style
    Chapter 10 The Bridge To Postmodernism
    Chapter 11 Small Group Issues
    SECTION 4: New Models For A New Era
    Chapter 12The Story-Centered Group
    Chapter 13 The Text-Centered Group
    Chapter 14The Prayer-Centered Group

    Additional Info
    Don’t just LEAD a small group, DIRECT it. Members of your small group look to you for answers. They bring their raw questions and intimate needs to you, looking for wisdom and understanding. How can you encourage your group to consider the Holy Spirit’s voice?”Spiritual direction is an ancient art of being with another person in relationship with God,” writes author Heather Webb. This time-tested practice requires that you remain attentive and open to divine interactions you might otherwise miss. Field-tested through the author’s years of experience, Small Group Leadership as Spiritual Direction will help you:- Avoid common small-group pitfalls- Take on difficult questions- Speak God’s words into others’ lives- Deepen your group’s desire for GodThe exciting discipline of spiritual direction allows you to create a space in which the Holy Spirit can move among your group. As you begin to discern Christ’s call in the lives of others, you will see your ministry with a new perspective and uncover new ways to direct your group, not just lead it.

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  • Broken Wing : Taking The Journey To Spiritual Maturity


    Broken-Wing:Taking the Journey to Spiritual Maturity is written to foster spiritual healing. It is an invitation to a journey that begins by explaining the root causes of spiritual brokenness and the trials that are encountered on the pathway to maturity. It offers practical ways of reaching the place of spiritual abundance. The author includes glimpses of her life, explaining how God healed her spiritual brokenness. Throughout its contents, Clemons addresses the need to establish an intimate relationship with God. Readers will be challenged, but encouraged, to choose to take the journey to spiritual wholeness.

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  • Myth Of The Submissive Christian Woman


    Many women have been lured into trying to live out a mythical version of biblical submission. They appear authentic on the outside, but on the inside they’re chained by misperceptions of the truth that skew their priorities and cause them to doubt themselves. The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman is about living a life surrendered to Jesus by embracing God’s gifts, offering them back to him, and passing them on to others. This book is about living truthfully and freely the abundant life Jesus has promised us as Christians.

    The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman

    Walking with God without Being Stepped On by Others

    God didn’t call you to be a doormat!

    Yes, Scripture calls us to die to self-self-absorption, self-centeredness, self- righteousness, and self-indulgence-but nowhere does Scripture tell us to abandon all of the wonderful God-given gifts and talents that make us who we are.

    In The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman, author Brenda Waggoner dispels the myth that biblical submission requires that women reject who they are and become passive in their relationships with God and others.

    Along the way, the author shatters the misconception that good manners, niceness, and passivity equal godliness and reveals that true biblical submission does not mean submitting to everyone else’s wants, needs, and opinions while ignoring your own. Instead, it means living truthfully by putting God first, submitting yourself to his will, and living your life according to what he desires.

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  • Source Of My Strength


    For those who grieve, He offers comfort. For those who struggle, He offers rest. For those overcome by pain, He offers hope and healing. To those who carry emotional burdens too large for them bear, Christ offers His strength. In this book, Dr. Charles Stanley talks honestly about his own journey through emotional pain and points readers toward the wellspring of strength. He shares his own experiences with grief and shows readers how to overcome the pain, understand the burdens, confront memories, and discover the courage and strength to live freely in God’s love for them. Written from the heart, this book is one of Dr. Stanley’s most personal and triumphant books.

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  • How To Get A Date Worth Keeping


    In How to Get a Date Worth Keeping, Dr. Henry Cloud gets to the heart of the issues dating raises for many readers and gets them on the road to fun and fulfillment in the single life. He explains both stagnant dating (it’s virtually nonexistent) and unfruitful dating (you keep attracting the wrong types or have other unhealthy patterns). But Dr. Cloud doesn’t leave you after giving you explanations; he offers you a program designed to solve your dating woes. If you are single and dating is not working for you, it’s time you find success. Get ready for lots of growth, healing, stretching, and dates!

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  • Experiencing God Through Prayer


    1. Thirsting For God
    2. Scriptural Meditation
    3. Beginning The Journey
    4. The Reward Of Silence
    5. Surviving Dry Periods
    6. The Road To Perfection
    7. The Bitter And The Sweet
    8. Transforming Love
    9. Put Off The Old
    10. The Central Force
    11. Entering Into Effortless Prayer
    12. Remaining Quiet In God’s Presence
    13. Examine Yourself
    14. Distractions
    15. The Formal Prayer
    16. Sacrificial Praying
    17. How To Be Led By The Spirit
    18. Divine Dependence
    19. The Holy Spirit In Prayer
    20. Matters Of The Heart
    21. The Ultimate Goal
    22. Press On To Know God
    About The Author

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    In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. She shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you.

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  • Getting Through The Tough Stuff Workbook


    We live in a time when things are tough for a lot of folks. The boomers are beginning to feel anxiety as they move toward retirement. Many people are facing financial pressure and are up to their ears in debt. We’re having to care for both our kids and our parents.

    Getting Through the Tough Stuff Workbook is designed specifically for those who find themselves within “the tough stuff”. It will guide participants to the encouragement, hope and freedom they are in need of as well as offer an invitation to meet Christ at the crossroads of their lives and move beyond the tough times.

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  • Sabbath Keeping : Finding Freedom In The Rhythms Of Rest


    Eighteen months in Tel Aviv, Israel, where a weekly sabbath is built into the culture, began Lynne M. Baab’s twenty-five-year embrace of a rhythm of rest–as a stay-at-home mom, as a professional writer working out of her home and as a minister of the gospel. With collected insights from sabbath keepers of all ages and backgrounds, Sabbath Keeping offers a practical and hopeful guidebook that encourages all of us to slow down and enjoy our relationship with the God of the universe.

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  • Power Of The Blood Of Christ


    In this classic exploration of the Scriptures, Andrew Murray leads the reader to a complete understanding of the significance and reality of the power of the shed blood of Christ. Astounding results can take place in your life once you have learned about the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. This mighty weapon of spiritual warfare holds the secret to a victorious life.

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  • Jesus In The Margins


    Jesus is our ultimate model for finding identity, acceptance, and legitimacy from the Father. As we pull back the curtain on His life, we discover that Jesus knows what it’s like to be marginalized. He understands how it feels to have society shove you to the side, to not really be accepted, and in the end to be totally rejected. He can identify with life in the margins because when God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, He landed in the margins. On purpose. And He chose to land there because it’s in the margins that broken lives get mended, prisoners are set free, and the poor hear the Good News.

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  • God On Paper


    But what if the Bible were read on its own terms, as a highly personal and unbelievably passionate love story? What if the Bible is really a wild tale of relentless pursuit, the diary of a God who can’t bear to be seperated from the people he loves? In God on Paper you’ll share in a conversation that takes a new look at Scripture, a dialogue that entertains doubts and questions about the value-and the validity-of the Bible. And you’ll encounter an amazing love story of divine proportions

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  • All Creation Rightly Gives You Praise


    All of creation is a gift from God. This book seeks to stress the awe, the wonder, and the mystery of the elements in our world and the universe. The first chapter of Genesis names the fruits of creation, and these are explained in simple detail to help us open our eyes to the wonder and beauty around us, to give thanks and praise to God, and to help preserve these wonders for future generations.

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  • Running To Win


    If you’ve ever wondered if you still have a destiny, or if you’ve felt as if your dreams have been dashed into pieces, this book is for you. If life has left you feeling like a second-class citizen, or if you feel hopeless about your future or incomplete in any way, then get ready for a turnaround. Even if you’ve lived your whole life believing you’re a loser, God has a Word that will equip you to win. God can turn things around for you. He wants to turn your mistakes into miracles. He’s even able to resurrect the dreams you thought were dead. Remember, “Life happens.” Regardless of what may have happened in your past, you’ve been created to win. Today’s the day to accept the call. You’ve been chosen to run. Will you rise to the occasion and run with the full intention to win?

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  • Running To Win


    If you’ve ever wondered if you still have a destiny, or if you’ve felt as if your dreams have been dashed into pieces, this book is for you. If life has left you feeling like a second-class citizen, or if you feel hopeless about your future or incomplete in any way, then get ready for a turnaround. Even if you’ve lived your whole life believing you’re a loser, God has a Word that will equip you to win. God can turn things around for you. He wants to turn your mistakes into miracles. He’s even able to resurrect the dreams you thought were dead. Remember, “Life happens.” Regardless of what may have happened in your past, you’ve been created to win. Today’s the day to accept the call. You’ve been chosen to run. Will you rise to the occasion and run with the full intention to win?

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  • Visionaries : See Believe And Live The Life God Has Ordained For You To Liv


    Vision is getting a glimpse of your future, which will then enable you to aim toward reaching it. Today’s youth are faced with many decisions that can lead them in different directions. Without vision, it is easy to get lost. Living without vision is like driving around in a car not knowing where you are going, spinning your wheels in the same place, and never getting to the place God has called you to. The author challenges you to become a visionary-to grasp a vision of the purpose that God has given you. Once you become a visionary, you will be able to impact your community, church, home, and school. So get ready to see, believe, and live the life God has ordained for you.

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  • Everyday Talk : Talking Freely And Naturally About God With Your Children


    Your responses to life’s circumstances reveal what your heart believes about God. These responses speak louder to your children than family devotions or Sunday school. John Younts provides a primer for reclaiming this “everyday talk” to teach your kids about God in the context of everyday life.

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  • Living On The Ragged Edge


    Here is an intimate glimpse into Solomon’s ancient journal, Ecclesiastes, in which the young king’s desperate quest for satisfaction–in work, in sexual conquest, in all the trappings afforded by his fabulous wealth–was as futile as trying to “catch the wind.” For those struggling with the anxieties and frustrations of our modern era, the good news is that you can find perspective and joy amid the struggle.

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  • Mid Course Correction


    This book is written for those who sense a need for putting order back in their lives again. It offers hope not only for those who have experienced defeat and disappointment in their lives, but also for those who have been “successful” yet yearn for something more. MacDonald focuses on making choices that lead to personal transformation, significant communal relationships, practical service in the kingdom of God, and a revitalized life of faith and worship. He demonstrates that new significance and meaning are available no matter what you situation has been

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  • Spirit Directed Self


    This book teaches us how to harness the motivational power of God’s wave-effect, based on Genesis 1:2. It is an effective tool for daily spiritual enrichment and small group discussions.

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  • Guilty : Keeping Gods Covenant Of Love With Israel


    “Wow! What an incredible story! I knew Jim and Patty loved Israel, but this book is a call-a commitment that transcends hardship, heartache, and history. It’s a call, but more. It’s a clarion call for all of us who love America and Israel to stand up for this vital and strategic relationship.” The Honorable Jack and Joanne Kemp “Guilty! is a courageous book written by a courageous couple. A unique perspective recommended for Jews and Christians alike. A must read!” Senator Jim and Mary Bunning “Guilty! is a wonderful book, the story of a remarkable couple who love each other, love Jesus, and love Israel. Readers will treasure this little volume for its wisdom, historical insights, and humor. It’s one of the most interesting and informative books I’ve read.” Senator Bill and Ellen Armstrong “I echo the remarks in the Summary of your book, ‘The incredible life pilgrimage of Jim and Patty Hutchens gives witness to God’s grace to heal, restore, and re-commission to His service with renewed zeal.’ Indeed. But it also gives witness to man’s ability to respond to God’s healing and restoration.And in the case of the Hutchens, it is a response of obedience, humility, mission, and love.” Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

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  • Learn Or Burn


    My name is William Shlonsky, a Jew who believed God (the Lord) could not exist. At the age of 56 years, I started my search for God. Finally, at the age of 58, I met a man who truly showed and proved to me that Jesus was who he claimed to be. This man, who was a gentile, asked if I was a Jew. I said yes! He told me to look at these scriptures: Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3: 1, and John 1:23. They all struck me in my heart. At that point, the deep spirit of sleep slid off my eyes, fell from my ears, and changed my heart to flesh! At this point, I became a born again believer. As I learned, we all have free will to accept God or reject him. It was a sad day when I said to myself, “Woe to those who I knew but did not believe.” Some I cared for, but I have not seen them in a long while. Through the scriptures, the Lord revealed how we lock the doors to our homes from wicked men, but we don’t even think of the evil spirits who are constantly seeking access to us. Against their attacks, in our own strength, we have no method of defense. And if we don’t come to the knowledge of God (Jesus), these evil, demonic spirits can distract our minds, torment our bodies, destroy our possessions, and tear our lives apart. These unclean spirits long for our misery and destruction. If we don’t accept God’s gift for our lives, his grace will eventually turn to wrath and we will be given up to our own lusts of the flesh and to the control of these evil spirits. This is why and how the Lord led me to write this book, Learn or Burn for in God’s Eye “Brain Rape” Is No Excuse.

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  • Speeding Beyond The Limit


    What does the Bible really teach about how Christian believers are to behave on the earth? SPEEDING BEYOND THE LIMIT? by John L. Langston III John Langston III searches the Scriptures to find an answer to the question, “How should we behave before a holy God?” This study reveals many convicting and sobering glimpses of righteous behavior that brings glory to a righteous God. Included in the author’s expository look at righteous behavior are some rarely recognized, perhaps never thought about aspects of what really pleases God. Were it not for the Bible, we would have no idea what behavior is really acceptable or right in the sight of God. The knowledge of how to respond to God in a worshipful and pleasing way should be the desire of every believer. The question is, are we guilty of speeding beyond the boundaries of what God has chosen to please Him concerning the believer’s earthly behavior? God forbid that anyone who claims to be redeemed by salvation in Christ would not listen to God’s instructions in the Bible, which is meant to guide our daily conduct.

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  • Sin : The Most Destructive Force On Earth


    Sin: The Most Destructive Force on Earth is a revealing expose of the destructive power of sin. It helps readers understand why there is so much evil in people’s lives today. This book identifies what sin is, details its origin, and explains how it came to live in the heart of every man,woman, boy, and girl born on this planet. It also outlines startling examples of the brutal nature of sin in today’s society and offers God’s solution to its deadly effects.

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  • Goal And The Prize


    This book is about having a personal relationship with God. These writings address the reasons why God made us, why He put us here, and what He wants from us. In these chapters, the author discusses the nature of God and our relationship with Him. The purpose is to focus readers on what is really true and important about their relationship with God. This work is meant to cut past the rhetoric of Church doctrines and to zero in on some essential truths that sometimes get lost in or obscured by church teaching. It is the author’s intent to promote fresh thinking on some of the concepts of the Christian faith. Christians should be thoughtful people. They should actually think about what they believe and not simply adopt the beliefs of others. This book attempts to correct some of the wrong messages being sent out by some Christians and churches today. Christians should want to draw people toward faith in God, not drive them away from it.

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