Christian Living
Showing 4601–4700 of 10598 resultsSorted by latest
Real Force : A 40 Day Devotional
$28.55The Force Awakens, the Fall 2015 installment in the Star Wars franchise, promises to excite the longtime enthusiast and enthrall a new generation of admirers. The Real Force comprises forty biblically sound devotions revealing the Christian themes found in the epic Star Wars saga.
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God You Thought You Knew
$22.35Popular Apologist Corrects the Record on What Christianity Is All About
The Christianity our culture rejects may not be true Christianity at all. So many people today believe they have to be good to be accepted by God, or that the Bible is just a list of do’s and don’ts, or that God is far away and unapproachable.
Instead of providing “proofs” about God and the Bible, in this book Alex provides a reason to want to know Jesus. By sharing his own story of the loneliness and alienation of his youth, Alex taps in to universal fears of rejection and loneliness. We all seek acceptance and purpose–and there’s only one solution. Learn how to be anchored in the Truth and security that comes through Christ.
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Last Call : From Serving Drinks To Serving Jesus
$20.00“I had a vision of a faith community where people could have a wider understanding of God and our relationship to him/her. I wanted to create a place where people could state what they believe and what they struggle with–freely. I wanted a community of people who know we don’t all have to agree on everything.”
Jerry Herships, former altar boy who had dreamed of making it big in show biz, tended bar to make ends meet as he worked gigs in comedy and game shows, looking for his big break. After giving up the dream and leaving Los Angeles, he found his way back to the church and discovered God calling him to ministry–but not just any ministry. Now he leads AfterHours Denver, a bar church where people worship with a whiskey in their hand and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to serve Denver’s homeless. Last Call is a story of having and giving up on dreams, finding yourself, and finding how God can use you in unexpected ways.
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Daniel Plan 365 Day Devotional
$16.99Faith is the top essential that makes The Daniel Plan doable and successful for thousands of participants. The Daniel Plan Daily Devotional builds on the faith essential to help participants continue their journey toward whole health and The Daniel Plan lifestyle. With testimonies, anecdotes, and devotional thoughts from Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen, Daniel Plan leaders, team members (Jimmy Pena, Sean Foy, Steve Willis, April O’Neil) and participants, The Daniel Plan Daily Devotional introduces readers to a variety of voices who have seen God transform their health in the areas of faith, food, fitness, focus and friends, as well as leaves the readers with a question of the day about their health. Statistics show that those who journal their health journey lose more weight, so including a question for response will assist readers with progress in their Daniel Plan lifestyle.
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Gran Omision – (Spanish)
$13.99El ultimo mandamiento que Jesus dio a la iglesia antes de ascender al cielo fue la gran comision, el llamado a los cristianos a haced discipulos a todas las naciones. Pero los cristianos han respondido haciendo cristianos, no discipulos. Esto, segun el brillante erudito y reconocido pensador cristiano Dallas Willard, ha sido La gran omision de la iglesia. La palabra discipulo ocurre 269 veces en el Nuevo Testamento, escribe Willard. Cristiano se encuentra tres veces y fue introducido por primera vez para referirse precisamente a los discipulos de Jesus… El Nuevo Testamento es un libro acerca de los discipulos, por los discipulos, y para los discipulos de Jesucristo. Pero la cuestion no es meramente verbal. Lo que es mas importante es que el tipo de vida que vemos en la iglesia primitiva es la de un tipo de persona especial. Todas las garantias y beneficios que el evangelio ofrece a la humanidad presuponen evidentemente esa vida y no tienen sentido realista aparte de ella. El discipulo de Jesus no es el modelo de lujo o de alta resistencia del cristiano -especialmente acolchado, con textura, racionalizado y facultado por la via rapida en el camino recto y estrecho. -l o ella encuentra en las paginas del Nuevo Testamento el primer nivel de transporte basico hacia el Reino de Dios Willard desafia audazmente la idea de que podemos ser cristianos sin ser discipulos, o llamarnos cristianos sin aplicar esta comprension de la vida en el Reino de Dios a todos los aspectos de la vida en la tierra. -l llama a los creyentes a restaurar lo que deberia ser el corazon del cristianismo -ser discipulos activos de Jesucristo. Willard nos muestra que en la escuela de la vida, somos aprendices del Maestro cuya brillantez nos anima a subir por encima del conocimiento tradicional de la iglesia y abrazar el verdadero significado del discipulado -un vida activa, concreta y 24/7 con Jesus.
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Decree : A Thing An It Shall Be Established
$10.00An XP Publishing Title
Is mighty and powerful and is well able to profoundly influence your life! When you receive Christ as your personal Savior, you enter into an eternal and unbreakable covenant with God. At that time, all of His promises are available to you if you receive them by faith.When declarations of the Word are proclaimed over you, the Word is then activated to strengthen your spirit man and to prepare you for an intimate relationship with Him, and for every good Kingdom work. His Word does not return void but accomplishes everything that it is sent to do.
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Parabolas – (Spanish)
$17.99El pastor y maestro John MacArthur ayuda a los lectores a comprender las parabolas de Jesus y como se relacionan con su mensaje completo. Jesus fue un maestro de la narracion, y las parabolas que el conto eran ingeniosamente retratos sencillos de palabras con profundas lecciones espirituales. Entender las parabolas es un asunto crucial para los seguidores de Jesus. Jesus conto parabolas para que su pueblo pudiera comprender su mensaje sobre el reino de Dios con claridad. Expositor maestro y comentarista biblico John MacArthur ha pasado una vida explicando la Palabra de Dios en terminos claros y comprensibles. En este libro el ayuda a los cristianos a entender las lecciones esenciales contenidas en las mas famosos e influyentes historias cortas que el mundo jamas haya conocido.
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Desiring Gods Will (Expanded)
$18.99Foreword By Fr. Thomas Green
Preface: Willing God’s Way
1. Ways Of Willing
2. My Kingdom, Thy Kingdom
3. Love And Will
4. Choosing God
5. Will And Desire
6. Choosing The Cross
7. Developing A Discerning Heart
Epilogue: The Heart Of The Spiritual JourneyAppendix: For Reflection And Discussion
A Four-Session Discussion Guide To Desiring God’s Will
A One-Session Discussion Guide To Desiring God’s Will
NotesAdditional Info
Most people think of God’s will as something to be found or as the receiving of guidance from God when making decisions. Too often, however, the problem is not that we don’t know what God desires for our lives, but rather that we just don’t want to do what we already know he wants. How might our wills be changed so that we become both willing and able to do what God asks of us?In Desiring God’s Will psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner explores the transformation of the will in Christian spirituality. He examines why our desires are disordered and how our human volition can be brought into alignment with God’s intentions so that we willingly choose that which God wants for us. In so doing, Benner shows us that cultivating discernment and being attuned to God’s desires is the path to true life, spiritual health and freedom.
God wants to change our choosing, not just our choices. By aligning our hearts with God’s, we will find liberation from the kingdom of self and instead experience the joy of the kingdom of God.
This expanded edition, one of three titles in The Spiritual Journey trilogy, includes a new epilogue and an experiential guide with questions for individual reflection or group discussion.
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Surrender To Love (Expanded)
$17.99Foreword By M. Basil Pennington
Preface: Surrender, Love And Spirituality
1. It All Begins With Love
2. Love And Fear
3. Surrender And Obedience
4. Transformed By Love
5. Becoming Love
Epilogue: Surrender And The Spiritual JourneyAppendix: For Reflection And Discussion
A Five-Session Discussion Guide To Surrender To Love
A One-Session Discussion Guide To Surrender To Love
NotesAdditional Info
“Only God deserves absolute surrender because only God can offer absolutely dependable love.”In our self-reliant era, most of us recoil from the concept of surrendering to a power or authority outside ourselves. But surrender need not be seen as threatening, especially when the One to whom we surrender is the epitome of goodness and love.
God doesn’t want his people to respond to him out of fear or obligation. Rather, he invites us to enter into an authentic relationship of intimacy and devotion. And so God calls us to move beyond mere obedience-by surrendering to love.
In this profound book, David G. Benner explores the twin themes of love and surrender as the heart of Christian spirituality. Through careful examination of Scripture and reflection on the Christian tradition, Benner shows how God bids us to trust fully in his perfect love. God is love, and he intends for you to live in his love. Surrender to Love will lead you to an unexpected place, where yieldedness to God frees you to become who he created you to be.
This expanded edition, one of three titles in The Spiritual Journey trilogy, includes a new epilogue and an experiential guide with questions for individual reflection or group discussion.
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Claiming Your Inheritance
$18.73Living Under an Open Heaven
How do I hear God’s voice?
As a child of God, hearing the Father’s voice is your spiritual inheritance. The good news is that your Heavenly Father is always talking! In fact, He has a lot to say about your divine purpose in His Kingdom.
For over 40 years, God has used Cherrie Kaylor in both church and corporate settings to help people discover the simplicity and joy of hearing from Heaven. In Claiming Your Inheritance, Cherrie teaches you the powerful, yet simple keys she has learned to hearing God’s voice and putting His Word to work.
Don’t just read the Bible as a book of information… experience the living word of God as life-changing revelation! As you open its pages, you will step under an open heaven and receive prophetic guidance from the Holy Spirit for supernatural living, empowerment to face your everyday struggles, and wisdom to decipher Heaven’s language through dream interpretation.
Tune in to hear the sounds of Heaven and start living out your divine destiny… right now!
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Calla Los No Y Se Feliz – (Spanish)
$9.99Este es un libro para aquellos que suenan vivir una vida feliz y plena y no dejarse limitar por el que diran de la gente ni los prejuicios impuestos por la sociedad. Algunos de los temas del libro: -Como desatar al campeon que todos llevamos dentro – Como alimentar la pasion por la excelencia -Como vencer prejuicios -Como superar los malos pronosticos -La vitalidad del entusiasmo”
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Gods Masterpiece : Weaving Together The Pieces Of Your Life
$10.99Have you ever wondered how you can juggle life and still achieve the purpose God has for you? Are you overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood, career, or marriage? Do you long to live stress-free and still leave your mark on the world? If so, this book is a must-read that will engage you in a personal journey to find your purpose and achieve God’s best for your life. Women from all walks of life will benefit from this practical information on how to reach your divine destiny and accomplish your unique purpose.
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Spirit Soul And Body
$20.00In this exploration of the inner man, Lester Sumrall describes the unity of the human personality. He shows how the three distinct parts of the human person can function in harmony and how to yield each part to our Lord Jesus Christ. Learn how to understand the division of your spirit, soul, and body so that you can live a fulfilling, victorious life.
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Praying Gods Word
$14.99Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done,” and promised, “Ask in my name…and [God] will most certainly give it to you.” But how can you know that your prayers are in line with His will? This book is a treasury of principles and promises taken directly from Scripture. Pastor and author Ed Dufresne lays them out clearly, ready to be applied to your life. Take them with you to your prayer closet, and see for yourself the power in Praying God’s Word!
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Step Into Supernatural Provision
$20.00An XP Publishing Title
Are you experiencing financial lack, loss, or overwhelming debt? Does it feel like there is no way out? Well there is. The very same God who cancelled the debt of your sin at the cross is able to cancel all your debts. The same God who provided a way for you out of darkness and into His light, can provide for all your needs. And He will do it for one simple reason – He really, really loves you!
All through the Bible there are examples of Jehovah Jireh “The Lord Who Provides” meeting the needs of His people even in the most difficult and extreme circumstances.
Whether it was ravens bringing food to Elijah, a widow seeing what she had multiplied to last indefinitely, or multitudes being fed from one boy’s lunch. God promises to open the storehouses of heaven over the lives of His people so that they never lack. That includes you!
You were not created for poverty or financial devastation. You were created to know abundance and blessing. And in this book, Patricia King shares insights from Scripture, testimonies, revelation, and Biblical principles that outline how you can cooperate with God’s promise for abundance and blessing in your life. It is time to step out of financial struggle and enter into miraculous provision and supernatural supply!
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Saint Teresa Of Avila Prayer Book
$17.99Teresa of Avila articulated for all of us the wondrous interior landscape of prayer. Journey with her through a week of prayer and meditation. Pray the psalms and confessions Teresa prayed. Use her words for meditation, and become acquainted with the wisdom of the saints who made such an impact on Teresa’s spiritual growth and practice. Each day of the week includes morning and evening prayer, and there is a topic for every day, based on themes that emerge from Teresa’s life and work.
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Controversies Quieted By The Sword
$38.60The author gives a diligent and careful investigation into the history and teachings of the Christian faith and church as they relate to poignant and timely contemporary controversies and issues facing modern-day Christianity. From questions about the role and place of women in the church and of the church itself, to issues related to homosexuality and the nature of the spirit world, the author provides a detailed and well-refined study that should pique the curiosity of believers and help guide them towards God’s true answers to these complex theological and doctrinal questions.
Inasmuch as Christ, Peter, Paul, and the prophets taught in the simplicity in the Word, some topics they taught were hard to understand or controversial to the traditional reader. The purpose of this book is to shed light upon a few of those controversial subjects in hope of expounding unto the reader the way of God more perfectly.
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Controversies Quieted By The Sword
$15.93The author gives a diligent and careful investigation into the history and teachings of the Christian faith and church as they relate to poignant and timely contemporary controversies and issues facing modern-day Christianity. From questions about the role and place of women in the church and of the church itself, to issues related to homosexuality and the nature of the spirit world, the author provides a detailed and well-refined study that should pique the curiosity of believers and help guide them towards God’s true answers to these complex theological and doctrinal questions.
Inasmuch as Christ, Peter, Paul, and the prophets taught in the simplicity in the Word, some topics they taught were hard to understand or controversial to the traditional reader. The purpose of this book is to shed light upon a few of those controversial subjects in hope of expounding unto the reader the way of God more perfectly.
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Its Not What You Think
$16.99Jesus was most upset at people for seeing but not seeing. For missing it. For succumbing to the danger and idolatry of forcing God into preconceived ideals. What if there were a better way? What if Jesus came not to help people escape the world but rather to restore it? Best-selling author and spoken word artist Jefferson Bethke says that “Christians have the greatest story ever told but we aren’t telling it.” So in this new book, Bethke tells that story anew, presenting God’s truths from the Old and the New Testaments as the challenging and compelling story that it is-a grand narrative with God at the center. And in doing so, Bethke reminds readers of the life-changing message of Jesus that turned the world upside-down, a world that God is putting back together.
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Unleashing Opportunity : Why Escaping Poverty Requires A Shared Vision Of J
$14.98Falls City Press
The Center for Public Justice explores five key areas of injustice. For each issue Gerson explores the breadth of the problem, Summers applies a theological framework for considering solutions, & Thompson tells the story of people who have journeyed through these issues. This book helps everyday Christians realize how they can make a difference.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Kings And Presidents
$13.99This book may not be the kind of thing you can discuss in polite company. How do we deal with it? What if a faithful approach to politics wasn’t simply about who was going to win the next election? How might our political hope change when we encounter a God who offers us a different kind of kingdom?
God isn’t asking the church to be politically uniformed, apathetic, or even bi-partisan. On the contrary. God is asking us to be faithful citizens of the kingdom-a kingdom of surprising hope where the majority of God’s work to save the world will be done.
In Kings and Presidents, authors Tim Gaines and Shawna Songer Gaines helps us recast our political hope by challenging the claim that history is written exclusively by the powerful. Through a careful study of 2 Kings, we will find that trusting in God’s faithfulness is plenty political, and it has real implications for our communities, the world, and the kind of political hope we can find in it all.
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If Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$9.99If is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in “if only,” trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the “what if” attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence. Why? Because the answer to “If God is for us, who can be against us?” is “No one.” God is always on our side. Every day, in every way.
With his trademark enthusiasm and contagious joy, Mark Batterson helps readers overcome feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt because in Christ there is no condemnation. Unpacking the promises of Romans 8, he shows readers that they are more than conquerors–right now and forever. And because of that, the possibilities for their lives are limitless.
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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About God But Were Afraid To Ask (Reprinted
$20.00With a healthy dose of wit and a heaping helping of wisdom, New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas answers questions about Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and much more.
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Forgiven : The Amish School Shooting A Mothers Love And A Story Of Remarkab (Rep
$18.82Who would have believed all the beauty God would create over the nine years since that awful day. On October 2, 2006, a gunman entered an Amish one-room schoolhouse, shooting ten girls, killing five, then finally taking his own life. This is his mother’s story. Not only did she lose her precious son through suicide, but she also lost her understanding of him as an honorable man. Her community and the world experienced trauma that no family or community should ever have to face.
But this is, surprisingly, a story of hope and joy–of God revealing his grace in unexpected places. Today Terri lives in harmony with the Amish and has built lasting relationships that go beyond what anyone could have thought possible. From the grace that the Amish showed Terri’s family from day one, to the visits and ongoing care Terri has given to the victims and their families, no one could have foreseen the love and community that have been forged from the fires of tragedy.
Let Terri’s story inspire and encourage you as you discover the wonder of forgiveness
and the power of God to bring beauty from ashes.Add to cartIn stock (additional units can be purchased)
Reset Your Life
$16.99Do you need to make a new start? Sometimes we feel as if we need to start over, to allow God to do a “hard reset” of our lives. It is possible to return to God and reclaim your relationship with Him. In Reset Your Life: Make a New Start, Joseph W. Walker III uses eight “R’s” (Reset, Return, Review and Recalculate, Reclaim, Redirect, Reinvigorate and Revive, Reinvest, and Reinvent) to teach how you can have a new beginning through faith in God.
Features include:
*The eight “R’s” to a making a new start through faith in God
*End-of-chapter questions for individual thought or group discussionAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Comeback Study Guide
$10.99Feeling like you’ve blown it? Reached the point of no return? That your life hasn’t gone as planned? If so, you are not alone. We all know what it feels like to have life disappoint us and not work out as we’d hoped. We all know what it’s like to long for something different, something better, and something more.
Drawing on his own experiences and pivotal Bible stories, author Louie Giglio shows how God is all about comebacks. Samson had blown it repeatedly; nevertheless, he experiences tremendous triumph at the end of his life. The prodigal son, as Jesus describes him, returns home in disgrace only to be welcomed by his father with open arms-no questions asked. The list goes on: Joseph, Moses and Peter all experienced comebacks. Jesus himself performed the greatest comeback of all by rising from the dead.
God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. He gives hope to the hopeless. Direction to the directionless. Help to those who need help. God is always good, all the time, and His plans will always prevail, even when our plans don’t. He already knows what the solutions are. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or pain or trouble or heartache we encounter, God always offers a new beginning, a change of heart, and a powerful spiritual turnaround. God offers the way forward, and his pathways are always good.
The Comeback proves God can use our mess and still make a masterpiece-and that our current circumstances will not get the final say in our lives.
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Messy Spirituality : Gods Annoying Love For Imperfect People
$19.99So, You Don’t Think You’re a Very Good Christian . . . Do you ever feel like: I don’t pray enough I don’t read my Bible enough I don’t share my faith enough I don’t love God enough I’m not committed enough I’m not spiritual enough Then this book is for you. From the man who knew messiness intimately well, Mike Yaconelli’s book, Messy Spirituality, was written for the silent majority of us who are convinced that we just don’t do Christianity right. We spend most of our lives worried about what we don’t do instead of what we have done, focused on our imperfections instead of God’s fondness for the imperfect. Why? Because we’ve been bombarded with books, movies, podcasts, seminars, and social media convincing us that real Christianity is all about perfection. Michael Yaconelli dares to suggest that imperfection, infiniteness, and messiness are, in fact, the earmarks of true Christianity; that real Christianity is messy, erratic, lopsided . . . and gloriously liberating. What if genuine faith begins with admitting we will never have our act completely together? Maybe messy disciples are exactly the kind of imperfect people Jesus came to earth for and whose company he actually enjoyed–and still enjoys. If you want to find Jesus, look for him in the midst of burned-out believers, moral misfits, religious incompetents . . . men and women whose lives are, well, messy. Messy Spirituality is a classic that offers timeless wisdom and antidotes for the spiritual perfectionism in us all. Here you will find truths that can cut you loose from the tyranny of ought-to’s and open your eyes to the deep spirituality of being loved by the God who meets you and transforms you in the midst of a messy and unpredictable life.
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Imagine Heaven : Near Death Experiences Gods Promises And The Exhilarating (Repr
$16.99It’s obvious from the bookshelves and the big screen that heaven is on everyone’s mind. All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. For decades, he has been studying accounts of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). While not every detail of individual NDEs correlate with Scripture, Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of survivors clearly point to the God of the Bible and the exhilarating picture of heaven he promises.
Imagine Heaven is an inspirational journey through the Bible’s picture of heaven, colored in with the real-life stories of heaven’s wonders. Burke compares gripping stories of NDEs to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will it look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets? This book will propel readers into an experience that will forever change their view of the life to come and the way they live life today. It also tackles the tough questions of heavenly reward and hellish NDEs. Anyone interested in NDEs or longing to imagine heaven more clearly will enjoy this fascinating and hope-filled book.
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Jesus Pope Francis And A Protestant Walk Into A Bar
$17.00Pope Francis has taken the world by storm, captivating Catholics, Protestants, and non-Christians alike. Sneaking out of the Vatican at night, washing the feet of inmates, and taking selfies with young fans is certainly unlike any religious leader we’ve seen in a while, and some of the religious establishment is uneasy about it. The revitalization Francis is bringing to the Catholic Church is not without precedent, however. Jesus had a similar effect in his day, drawing crowds with his humility, kindness, and wisdom–even as he drew the disapproval of established religious leaders. The things that have brought Francis such media attention are the same things that made Jesus so peculiar and attractive in his day.
Thoughtful examination of Jesus’ example and legacy, as well as an honest look at the similarities and differences between Catholic and Protestant faith, invites reflection on the heart of Christianity and how we relate to our fellow Christians. Readers will discover the power of heartfelt joy, radical love, and passion for justice to shake people out of religious complacency and into dynamic, contagious faith. Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk into a Bar looks at what is universal among Christians, what is unique to Catholics and Protestants, and how all Christians can practice understanding and cooperation across differences.
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When God Doesnt Fix It
$19.99Is it possible that good things can come out of our broken dreams?
Worship leader and recording artist Laura Story was faced with her worst fear-her husband, Martin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and would never be the same. Yes, with God all things are possible, but currently there is no cure to restore Martin’s short-term memory, eyesight, and other complications. The fairytale life she had dreamed of is no longer possible. And yet Laura has found joy and a deeper intimacy with Jesus through this and other broken dreams.
Laura’s understanding and faith has grown as she examines what the Scriptures say about God. For years she believed myths such as:
* God always promises happy endings
* We can avoid pain if we serve God
* If we pray hard enough, God will fix our problems
* God can’t use us until our story gets resolved
Laura helps us understand we aren’t the only ones whose lives didn’t turn out as we expected. She examines the brokenness of some of the heroes of our faith-men like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Paul-and shows how despite their flaws and flawed stories, God was able to use them in extraordinary ways. And it was not because of their faith, but because of the faithfulness of their God.
God may not fix everything. In fact, your situation might never change or get better, but you can get better regardless of your situation.
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Man Enough : How Jesus Redefines Manhood
$18.99Man Enough challenges the idea that there is one way to be a man. The masculinity that pervades our church and culture often demands that men conform to a macho ideal, leaving many men feeling ashamed that they’re not living up to God’s plan for them. Nate uses his own story of not feeling “man enough”, as well as sociological and historical reflections, to help men see that manhood isn’t about what you do, but who you are. It’s not about the size of your paycheck, your athletic ability, or your competitive spirit. You don’t have to fit any masculine stereotype to be a real man. In our culture and churches more thoughtful, quieter, or compassionate personalities, as well as stay-at-home dads, are often looked down upon; and sermons, conferences, and publications center on helping men become “real men”. This pressure to have one’s manhood validated is antithetical to Gospel living and negatively affects how men relate to each other, to women and children, and to God. Man Enough roots men in the Gospel, examines biblical examples of masculinity that challenge the idea of a singular type of man, and ultimately encourages men to conform to the image of Jesus-freeing men up to be who they were created to be: a son of God who uniquely bears His image.
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God Of All Comfort
$18.99After losing her fifty-nine-year-old husband to cancer, Dee Brestin wondered if her life was over as well. She ached for God’s comfort but felt utterly alone. Then she discovered a secret that suffering souls through the centuries have learned: She began using psalms and classic hymns to speak the truth to her fretful soul. The truths carried by these timeless songs-many of which Brestin includes in this book-can calm the most fretful spirit. They invite the wounded heart to be quiet before God, to rest like a child in the arms of a loving parent. Each of us must travel down roads of bereavement, betrayal, and broken dreams. The God of All Comfort will help readers find their way into the arms of God. With compassion and spiritual wisdom, Brestin draws on the difficult beauty of her own story as well as her skills as a Bible teacher to offer companionship, comfort, and hope.
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Breaking Good News
$26.60The news is dominated by reports of inhumanity and tragedy. Things seem to go from bad to worse, and hope is hard to find. What is wrong with the world? Despite technological progress, humanity cannot overcome the senseless strife that plagues every generation.
Into this world comes good news that shines so bright it turns the night sky into daylight. The good news is God news! God the Father so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son Jesus to rescue us from sin and eternal punishment.
Many Christians know this good news but keep it to themselves. Yet the good news is too good to not share. Bodanza gives us an example of sharing the good news from his weekly column in a hometown newspaper. Use it to speak boldly, or give it to another to read. The gospel message is timeless and speaks to the ultimate issue of our lives.
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Street God : The Explosive True Story Of A Former Drug Boss On The Run From
$16.99His street name was Daylight. But he was a nightmare. On the streets of New York, darkness and violence reigned. Dimas “Daylight” Salaberrios popped his first pill when he was eleven years old, and just days later, he was selling drugs to his schoolmates. By fifteen, he was facing time at the notorious Rikers Island Prison. It was never safe to turn your back, and Dimas saw only one chance to survive: to become a street god. He would be the richest, most powerful ruler in the hood . . . or die trying.
But in one terrifying moment, with a gun pointed at his head, Dimas had to decide: How far would he go? Was he finished taking reckless chances to rule as a god of the streets? Would he dare to entrust his life to the real God-an even riskier path? Because that God would send Dimas back down the darkest streets he’d ever known on a rescue mission after those still in danger.
Street God is the true story of one man’s against-all-odds journey from the streets to the altar and back again. A modern-day The Cross and the Switchblade for a new generation, it reveals that we’re never too far gone for God to change us-and shows how a single spark can illuminate even the darkest existence.
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Grace Salvation And Discipleship
$31.23Grace Theology Press
Many Bible passages are difficult to understand, especially when it comes to the issues of eternal salvation and following Jesus Christ as a disciple. In “Grace, Salvation, and Discipleship” you will find how to approach over 130 difficult Bible passages. Beginning with a clear understanding of God s grace and using a unique paradigm of A Truth, B Truth, you will discover from the context whether the passage is about salvation or the Christian life. In this book Dr. Charles Bing will help you to answer the questions: Is becoming a Christian the same as becoming a disciple? Do I have to work to earn or keep my salvation? How many good works do I need to prove I am saved? Can I be absolutely certain I am going to heaven? How should I deal with doubts about my salvation? How does sin affect my relationship with God? How can I have a richer experience of God in this life and the next? A correct understanding of salvation and discipleship is crucial to understanding the Bible and growing in the Christian life. Only when we clearly understand what God says can we effectively share a clear gospel, be assured of our salvation, and grow in our relationship with Him.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Reclaiming Surrendered Ground
$15.99Equip Your Family for Spiritual Warfare
Jim Logan used to think spiritual warfare was a radical idea. But in his work as a counselor, he realized just how real it is-especially in the lives of families.
Few families are aware of Satan’s attacks on them. Even fewer know how to withstand them. Is yours ready?
Reclaiming Surrendered Ground is born out of the principles Logan returned to again and again to counsel families under satanic attack. It will help you and your family to discover where you have given ground to the Enemy, reclaim that ground, and then live freely in Christ’s victory.
Don’t let the enemy get a foothold in your family. Read Reclaiming Surrendered Ground and be equipped for battle.
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Girl Meets Change (Reprinted)
$22.50Whether chosen and celebrated–like going off to college or welcoming your first baby–or unexpected and anxiety-inducing–like losing a job or grappling with a broken trust–all change brings stress. Kristen Strong knows about change–especially the kind you didn’t choose or expect. What she’s fought hard to learn over the years is that change is not something to be feared but something to be received as a blessing from a God who, more often than not, works through change, not in spite of it. Strong has learned to see change not as a grievance but as a grace.
In this hope-filled book, she shows women how when we follow God’s will, we receive blessings of contentment, purpose, and renewed strength. She encourages women to see change not as the end of their story but as the scenery for this part of life’s journey. And she offers practical advice for coping with change in every part of life. Anyone who has struggled to adjust to life’s transitions will welcome this warm and personal perspective.
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New Pilgrims : How Immigrants Are Renewing America?s Faith And Values
$31.41Perfectly timed to address the strategic immigration debate that is a major focus of the 24/7 news cycle now and will continue even beyond the 2016 presidential election.
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Becoming Who I Am
$17.95A fresh connection between the Nicene Creed and “real life”
* Author is a popular speaker and retreat leaderOur stories anchor us as we experience the vicissitudes of life. They strengthen us, inspire us, and encourage us as we grow older. This book offers Jesus’ story as a real-life mirror to our own stories, ultimately making God’s story, our story, and our story, God’s story. From Begotten, to Suffering Death, to Glory, and the Life of the World to Come, the author uses spiritual reflections, poetry, and the Nicene Creed to give new meaning to real-life circumstances of identity, pain, family life, dealing with depression, and ultimate healing. Becoming Who I Am encourages us to embrace and tell our whole stories and to discover our divine capacity for true life transformation and joy.
For women’s groups, retreats, individuals
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Short Answers To Big Questions About God The Bible And Christianity
$27.50This accessible reference offers short and to-the-point answers to fifty pressing questions people have about God, the Bible, and Christianity, including:
* Are there errors or contradictions in the Bible?
*Do science and faith conflict?
*Is hell a real place?
*What will heaven be like?
*Is it possible to prove God exists?
*Why did Jesus have to die?
*Does God hate sex?
*Do Christians have to go to church?
*and many moreThis book is for those who want a clear introduction to the essential teachings of Christianity to help them grow in faith and in preparation to share the basics of Christian belief.
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Grave Robber : How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible (Reprinted)
$15.99Do we believe that God still does miracles? Do we expect him to move in miraculous ways in our day-in, day-out lives? Maybe we’d like to see miracles, but it’s hard to see past our problems. All that is about to change, like water into wine. “There are miracles all around us all the time,” says Mark Batterson, “but you won’t see them if you don’t know how to look for them.” Now the bestselling author of The Circle Maker reveals the incredible power of the seven miraculous signs of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Batterson shows how they were not simply something Jesus did in the past, but something he wants to do now, in the present. He shares true stories of people today who are experiencing miracles in their lives. And he brings to light countless miracles, big and small, that we take for granted every day that point us toward the One who healed the sick, calmed the storm, and yes, even raised the dead.But this is more than a book about miracles. It’s a book about the only One who can perform them. Batterson cautions readers, “Don’t just seek miracles. Seek Jesus. And if you seek Jesus, miracles will find you.”Nothing has changed since Jesus called Lazarus out of his tomb four days after his funeral. Our impossible situations still double as God’s greatest opportunity to reveal his glory. No matter how big the problem is, God is bigger still. Anyone who longs to see God work in miraculous ways today will love Batterson’s faith-building, life-giving message.
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Mind Connection Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$13.99This study guide companion to “The Mind Connection,” by #1 “New York Times” bestselling author Joyce Meyer, will help readers utilize the power of positive thinking and explore the connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes. Are your thoughts random and meaningless, or do they affect your life? In THE MIND CONNECTION STUDY GUIDE, Joyce Meyer explores how the quality of your thoughts directly affects your quality of life. What you think affects your entire life by influencing how you relate to yourself, other people, and to God. Joyce expands on the wisdom of her bestsellers Battlefield of the Mind” and Power Thoughts” to show you how to develop and maintain the right mental position–no matter what you face. Through engaging illustrations and lessons, you’ll learn to think with purpose and claim the life you were meant to lead.
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Conexion De La Mente – (Spanish)
$19.99Joyce Meyer, la autora de exitos numero uno del New York Times, explora el poder que ejercen nuestros pensamientos en nuestras vidas y como disfrutar de una existencia mas feliz cuando elegimos pensar positivamente.
Tiene pensamientos al azar y sin sentido, o estos afectan su vida de maneras que todavia no ha entendido? En LA CONEXION DE LA MENTE, Joyce Meyer explica que lo que usted piensa tiene un gran impacto en su forma de hablar, su actitud, sus decisiones y sus emociones. Sus pensamientos afectan su vida entera al influir en como se relaciona consigo mismo, con otras personas, y para con Dios.
Este libro le mostrara como tomar control de sus pensamientos y cosechar los beneficios de una vida mas feliz. Usted aprendera como pensar con proposito en vez de tener una mente pasiva. Ademas, obtendra el entendimiento de lo que Joyce ha extraido de las Escrituras y de su experiencia personal que lo capacitara con una claridad de pensamiento para mantener la posicion mental correcta, no importa las luchas que este enfrentando.
Joyce reconoce que los pensamientos son una de las zonas mas dificiles de la vida para dominar. Pero con la ayuda de Dios, usted puede aprender a guiar su propio pensamiento, recordando que cada uno de sus pensamientos tiene proposito, con la confianza necesaria para reclamar la vida que deseas llevar.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Touching Heaven : A Cardiologists Encounters With Death And Living Proof Of
$34.00How a doctor’s glimpses of eternity confirmed everything he believed about God, suffering, life on earth, and what happens after death.Dr. Chauncey Crandall knows his patients well. When they are dying, he sits at the bedside with them and holds their hands. He prays with them. Sometimes he can feel what they feel and see what they see. At other times his patients have near-death experiences and “come back” with astonishing descriptions of the afterlife. In TOUCHING HEAVEN, Dr. Crandall reveals how what he has seen and heard has convinced him that God is real, that we are created for a divine purpose, that death is not the end, that we will see our departed loved ones again, and that we are closer to the next world than we think.
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Hello Beauty Full
$18.99Are you believing the great lie that God does not, maybe even could not, love you? The real you?
Women struggle under the ongoing weight of “not-enough-ness.”
Not attractive enough. Not smart enough. Not fit enough. Not creative enough. Not good enough. Not sexy enough. Not strong enough. Not whole enough. Not womanly enough. And therefore, not beautiful. We are broken and ashamed to be so.In our eyes, brokenness makes us unlovable and unusable. But in his Word, God is clear that he sees us the way we already are in Christ: deeply loved and abundantly influential. Yet we hang back, believing instead the toxic not-enough labels.
Hello, Beauty Full explodes the shame-based mythology of our “not-enough-ness.”
Instead of believing the hiss of the enemy, women are encouraged to see their beauty the way God does.
Chapters include:
*Voice Lessons: Beauty in Your Unique Personality
*Valuable Vessels: Beauty in Your Physical Body
*A Womb of Your Own: Beauty in Your Creative Purpose
*Scar Stories: Beauty in Your Painful Story
*Have Your Sway: Beauty in Your Influential LegacyChallenged to not settle for emptiness when Jesus came to give life to the full, women will find the freedom they need to accept their identities when they not only hear but embrace God’s heavenly message: “Hello, Beauty Full!”
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How To Worship A King
$16.99Worship is more than music. It is the impetus for everything we do as Christians. It is expressed through every action of our lives and helps us become more Christlike. When we learn to worship God through our life, we become better Christians, ministers, musicians, parents, and mechanics.
Transform every area of your life through worship.
How to Worship a King unfolds a holistic view of worship so you can experience peace, joy, and the richness of living in God’s presence. Be drawn to the heart of God with answers to important questions such as:
*What are praise and worship, and what is my part in them?
*If I’m not a musician or singer, how can I be a worship leader?
*What does the Bible teach about how we come into the presence of God and how we lead other people into the presence of God?Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Intrusive God Disruptive Gospel
$28.23This engaging book guides readers through one of the most colorful books of the Bible, illuminating passages from Acts that show the Christian gospel expressing itself through the lives, speech, struggles, and adventures of Jesus’s followers. The book emphasizes the disruptive character of the Christian gospel and shows how Acts repeatedly describes God as upsetting the status quo by changing people’s lives, society’s conventions, and our basic expectations of what’s possible. Suited for individual and group study, this book by a New Testament scholar with a gift for popular communication asks serious questions and eschews pat answers, bringing Acts alive for contemporary reflection on the character of God, the challenges of faith, and the church.
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Chase : Trusting God With Your Happily Ever After (Reprinted)
$20.00A relatable and dynamic couple help young women understand their value in God’s eyes, believe that God cares about their dating lives, and commit to purity in their relationships.
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Deborah Anointing : Embracing The Call To Be A Woman Of Wisdom And Discernm
$15.99Deborah was unique among women of her time. No other could describe herself as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. She governed God’s people with a nurturing heart and a soldier’s strength. Deborah broke outside of her culture-not out of rebellion-but in obedience to God to set her people free.Rise up in your area of influence and be a pillar in the kingdom of God. Imagine the outcome if women in today’s society boldly took hold of the same discerning spirit, courageous heart, and nurturing gift to see transformation in their homes and workplaces. The Deborah Anointing is available to you to overcome the cultural and social pressures and prejudices that women encounter. Through prophetic teaching and applicable prayers you will experience freedom, healing, and deliverance from:
*Fear and control issues
*Dry seasons in personal life, career, or ministry
*Disappointment, doubt, and indecision
*Delays on the promises of God
*And much more!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Undefeated : Gods Strategy For Successful Living
$13.73Life is full of battles and struggles of all kinds. Undefeated by Dr. Don Wilton leads you straight to the Cross where you will find all you need for success in overcoming life’s battles. Worldly success sometimes leaves one feeling empty and defeated, but with God’s strategy for success, you can live an undefeated life! Are you facing a battle in life? If so, Undefeated will lead you to recognize the real enemy. But you do not have to fight your battles alone. In fact, by following God’s strategy, He will fight them for you, and with Him, you are always Undefeated. Dr. Wilton, a frequent teacher at Bible conferences internationally, provides an in-depth study that will put you on the pathway to successfully conquer life’s battles. Are you ready for a new kind of success?
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Storm Before The Calm
$9.99In this book, Davis addresses life’s turbulent, trying moments by looking at some of Scripture’s most significant “storm stories.” By turning the popular phrase, “the calm before the storm” on its head, The Storm Before the Calm presents a unique take on the significance of life’s storms-grief, job loss, relationship failures, etc.-and how faith in Christ helps us weather them. Davis’s message is clear and challenging: life’s storms prepare us for the calm that follows. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also available when purchasing the book is access to a free Video Trailer and an audio recording of the author’s sermons as another way to experience the weekly message.
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Invisible War : What Every Believer Needs To Know About Satan Demons And Sp (Rev
$17.99Some Christians believe strongly in the existence of demons and spiritual warfare. Others downplay or even ignore the idea. With such divergent views, how are Christians supposed to know the truth about demonic forces at work in this world? The Invisible War examines what every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, offering a balanced look at this controversial subject. This provocative book will help Christians understand what the Bible says about these threats and will show them how they can safeguard themselves and their families through prayer. Now repackaged for a new generation, The Invisible War offers a balanced look at what is going on in the spiritual realm and what believers can do to defend themselves.
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Soul Of Shame
$26.99We’re all infected with a spiritual disease. Its name is shame. Whether we realize it or not, shame affects every aspect of our lives and relationships. It seeks to destroy our identity in Christ, replacing it with a damaged version of ourselves that results in unhealed pain and brokenness. Curt Thompson unpacks the soul of shame, revealing its ubiquitous nature and neurobiological roots. He also provides the theological and practical tools necessary to dismantle shame, based on years of researching its damaging effects and counseling people to overcome those wounds. Thompson’s expertise and compassion will help you identify your own pains and struggles and find freedom from the lifelong negative messages that bind you. Rewrite the story of your life and embrace healing and wholeness as you discover and defeat shame’s insidious agenda.
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Kathryn Kuhlman : The Radio Chapel Years
$18.73Like a treasure chest, this book contains rare and valuable gems of Kathryn Kuhlman’s early years of ministry. From July 1937 to May 1939, Kathryn both ministered at and presided over Radio Chapel, a grand ministry of evangelism, revival, and salvation located in the Heartland of America. Radio Chapel’s spectacular beginning was eclipsed only by its thunderous collapse. This is the story of Kathryn’s early life, marriage, divorce, and her ministry afterwards. Filled with her sermons and articles about her ministry and the Radio Chapel Church, this book is filled with history that possibly hasn’t been shared before this time. Kathryn emerged from the darkest season of her life to become one of the brightest lights the American church has witnessed in modern ministry times. She was a faith pioneer, and the secrets to her victorious life and overcoming faith are seen in this beloved work.
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He Will Give You Another Helper
$17.48Marilyn Hickey presents a comprehensive manual, guiding the believer and non-believer alike into a deeper Spirit-filled walk with God. Practical in nature, Marilyn Hickey illustrates the role of the Holy Spirit and relates His function in the believer’s life today.
Filled with new and refreshing insights into the move of the Spirit in today’s Church, He Will Give You Another Helper will captivate the interest of those pursuing God.
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Sold Out : Live For Jesus
$22.48Do you sometimes feel like you live to exist? Does one day seem to run into the next without much meaning? Do you want more out of life? God desires for us to live each day with meaning. From the moment we wake up, God waits for us to connect with Him. His voice calls, but do we listen? In “Sold Out: Live for Jesus,” Carla McDougal encourages readers to find purpose in life by drawing nearer to Jesus in real and practical ways. As in “My Prayer Chair,” her heartfelt messages and analogies bring laughter, tears, and understanding to God’s Word. Be inspired to live in victory and sold out to Jesus through your thoughts, words, and actions. “Sold Out” not only nourishes the soul but also ignites a purpose for living.
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Ask Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$14.99We live in a skeptical age. People-especially young people-express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight week study, Bishop Scott Jones, author of The Wesleyan Way, partners with his son, Rev. Arthur Jones, to address hard questions that all of us face when considering faith, religion, and the church. This Leader Guide includes everything a group leader needs to plan and facilitate the 8 sessions, helping participants to explore what they have read, to view a video, and to discuss the reading and video with the group. The guide walks leaders through the study format and provides options for tailoring sessions to the time-frame and style of each group.
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Ask Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)
$16.99We live in a skeptical age. People-especially young people-express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight week study, Bishop Scott Jones, author of The Wesleyan Way, partners with his son, Rev. Arthur Jones, to address hard questions that all of us face when considering faith, religion, and the church. The questions include: Can only one religion be true? Why is there suffering and evil? How can I believe in science and creation? How can I believe in a God I can’t prove? Can I trust the Old Testament? Are marriage, sex, and family life religious issues? Was Jesus’ resurrection real? Why do Christians disagree about so many things? The message is strong and clear: Don’t let your questions stop you from accepting God’s invitation to faith. Engage your doubt, and you may find you are closer to God on the other side.
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Gifts Of The Dark Wood
$18.99Have you left the faith you used to have but don’t know what to move toward? When you can’t see the road ahead, do you feel lost and alone? Do you wish you had a group of companions willing to wander with you? Welcome to the Dark Wood. As you journey through the unknown, you may feel tempted, lost, and uncertain. Though commonly feared and avoided, these feelings of uncertainty can be your greatest assets on this journey because it is in uncertainty that we probe, question, and discover. According to the ancients, you don’t need to be a saint or spiritual master to experience profound awakening and live with God’s presence and guidance. You need only to wander. In clear and lucid prose that combines the heart of a mystic, the soul of a poet, and the mind of a biblical scholar, Dr. Eric Elnes demystifies the seven gifts bestowed in the Dark Wood: the gifts of uncertainty, emptiness, being thunderstruck, getting lost, temptation, disappearing, and the gift of misfits. This is a book for anyone who feels awkward in their search for God, anyone who seeks to find holiness amid their holy mess, and anyone who prefers practicality to piety when it comes to finding their place in this world.
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All We Like Sheep
$15.95Two shepherdesses invite you to laugh, cry, and contemplate as you read the stories of what their sheep have taught them about themselves, others, and God. Between the two of them, Marilyn Bay Wentz and her mother, Mildred Nelson Bay, have seven decades of sheep raising experience. Marilyn and Millie’s stories range from hilarious to thought-provoking, but always entertaining and inspiring.
Each of the 45 short chapters includes a vignette from the sheepfold, a spiritual lesson from life experience and Scripture, followed by reflection/discussion questions, and a prayer designed to lead the reader into personal communication with the Good Shepherd.
Dive into these stories individually or with a group, and learn why sheep are mentioned more than any other animal in the Bible.
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Confucius For Christians
$18.99This book by Gregg Ten Elshof explores ways of using resources from the Confucian wisdom tradition to inform Christian living. Neither highlighting nor diminishing the differences between Confucianism and Christianity, Ten Elshof reflects on perennial human questions with the teachings of both Jesus and Confucius in mind.In examining such subjects as family, learning, and ethics, Ten Elshof sets the typical Western worldview against the Confucian worldview and considers how each of them lines up with the teachings of Jesus. Ten Elshof points to much that is deep and helpful in the Confucian tradition, and he shows how reflection on the teachings of Confucius can inspire a deeper and richer understanding of what it really means to live the Jesus way.
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Godly Shaking : Dont Create Waves
$14.98Jesus said in Revelation 21, “I am the alpha and the omega. I am the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is thirsty the fountain of living water of life freely.” And yet, there are so many people that talk about revival, they talk about miracles, they talk about God. We want you to move but we want the power without ever the shaking or the rocking or the rolling. They say they want revival but they say, “Lord, don’t make waves. I’m fine as I am.” There are pastors that are reading and you say, “Yeah, I want revival but Lord don’t rock my boat. I’ve just got it how I want it. I’ve just got that big tither. He’s tithing well, Lord. Don’t make waves!”
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Are You A Follower Of Christ
$14.98Bill Vincent has been burning with the word. The fire of God is going to fall. He wants to tell you that any revival where there is no gospel preached, is no revival at all. Are you hearing this? A gospel that is not preached is no gospel at all. Bill wants to release to you a message that he calls Are You a Follower of Christ. Are you a follower? The bible says in Matthew 25: 1, then the kingdom of heaven shall be liken to 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. At midnight a cry was heard: behold the bridegroom is coming. Go out to meet him.
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Unsearchable Riches Of Christ
$17.48When we find ourselves and sons of God it reveals privileges we would never find any other way. Whether we are men or women, we are all to think like sons of God. 1 John 3:1, 2 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. What a high relationship is that of a son, and what privileges it brings! What care and tenderness the son expects from his Father, and what love the Father feels towards the son.
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Women Of The Bible
$22.99Bestselling, updated, and expanded devotional study, Women of the Bible, by Ann Spangler and Jean E. Syswerda, focuses on fifty-two remarkable women in Scripture-women whose struggles to live with faith and courage are not unlike your own.
Special features in Women of the Bible include:
* A list of all the women of the Bible
* Timeline of the women of the Bible
* A list of women in Jesus’ family tree
* A list of women in Jesus’ life and ministryVital and deeply human, the women in this book encourage you through their failures as well as their successes. You’ll see how God acted in surprising and wonderful ways to draw them-and you-to himself. This year-long devotional offers a unique method to help you slow down and savor the story of God’s unrelenting love for his people, offering a fresh perspective that will nourish and strengthen your personal relationship with him.
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Hands Free Life
$15.99The urge to join society’s frantic pace, maintain digital connections, and check another task off the list as is intense as it is constant. Protecting what really matters is difficult in a world of distraction, but it is not impossible.
After taking steps to let go of daily distraction and become a Hands Free Mama, Rachel Macy Stafford realized just how valuable it truly was. This awareness brought her to a new challenge: maintaining and protecting her hands free life in a world inundated with distraction, perfection, and societal pressures.
In Hands Free Life, Rachel shows you how to:
*create meaningful human connection despite the busyness of life;
*embrace today even though the world tries to convince us we must think ahead to tomorrow, next month, and next year; and
*protect your children’s innocence, your marriage, your faith, and what you value most despite pressures from society and the latent dangers of technology.Whether you are just starting your hands free journey toward a more present and gratitude-filled life or have been at it awhile, the habits and practices outlined in Hands Free Life will benefit anyone striving to grasp what really matters in a world of distraction.
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Most Incredible Witness
$38.60On September 1, 2010, Timothy Pittsford chased a man who had just hit and killed a woman in a crosswalk. Chasing a Prius in his Eclipse through the streets of San Francisco was the biggest event of his life. Little did he know that days later he would also be dead. Yet being a witness was all part of a bigger plan. As the young man who hit the woman saw Tim in his rear view mirror, God was in Tim’s. Learn how Tim’s mother, Emily, deals with losing her son and how her faith is only strengthened by what God has done in her life, including mending her relationship with her daughter.
This manuscript chronicles the author’s journey through grief to ultimate healing after suffering the loss of her son, every parent’s nightmare. With utmost honesty and courage, the author takes the reader through her shock, sorrow, anger, and confusion, along with sharing her family’s story prior to and after her son’s death. Holding nothing back, the author engages with the reader and maintains that connection throughout the manuscript. And through it all, her strong, deep faith in God is palpable and is her powerful testimony today.
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Most Incredible Witness
$15.93On September 1, 2010, Timothy Pittsford chased a man who had just hit and killed a woman in a crosswalk. Chasing a Prius in his Eclipse through the streets of San Francisco was the biggest event of his life. Little did he know that days later he would also be dead. Yet being a witness was all part of a bigger plan. As the young man who hit the woman saw Tim in his rear view mirror, God was in Tim’s. Learn how Tim’s mother, Emily, deals with losing her son and how her faith is only strengthened by what God has done in her life, including mending her relationship with her daughter.
This manuscript chronicles the author’s journey through grief to ultimate healing after suffering the loss of her son, every parent’s nightmare. With utmost honesty and courage, the author takes the reader through her shock, sorrow, anger, and confusion, along with sharing her family’s story prior to and after her son’s death. Holding nothing back, the author engages with the reader and maintains that connection throughout the manuscript. And through it all, her strong, deep faith in God is palpable and is her powerful testimony today.
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Circle Of Peace
$16.99The Church is very good at inviting or challenging people to love their neighbours. It is not so strong on encouraging us to love ourselves. This book illuminates the healing truth that encountering the love of God sets us free to live as we were intended to live – loving ourselves and those around us. Through Bible passages, stories and exercises, the authors encourage us to throw off the sense of apprehension that bothers so many, and to enjoy living to the full in God’s exhilarating company.
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Art Of Holy Pondering
$38.60A deceptively simple read, The Art of Holy Pondering is embedded with insightful nuggets of spiritual truths. Delivered in clear language and citing common life experiences, the author speaks both to those beginning the spiritual quest and to seasoned pilgrims. He shines light on a tested pathway that opens to divine encounter, uncovering what for many has been hidden in plain sight.
Dealing with the realities of the mind and heart, this undertaking offers a key to unlocking attitudes and perceptions that persist in holding us captive to our passions and prejudices. It offers an uncommon spiritual practice that unearths the “more” that the holy desires to reveal in our routine interactions.
In identifying stepping stones that make possible a secure footing in the pursuit of holy insight, this adventure frees the heart for an unfettered response to the divine mystery. Steeped in the learnings of our spiritual fathers and mothers, the text lays out a framework that transforms random ponderings into a coherent pathway for hearing the gentle whisper.
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Art Of Holy Pondering
$15.93A deceptively simple read, The Art of Holy Pondering is embedded with insightful nuggets of spiritual truths. Delivered in clear language and citing common life experiences, the author speaks both to those beginning the spiritual quest and to seasoned pilgrims. He shines light on a tested pathway that opens to divine encounter, uncovering what for many has been hidden in plain sight.
Dealing with the realities of the mind and heart, this undertaking offers a key to unlocking attitudes and perceptions that persist in holding us captive to our passions and prejudices. It offers an uncommon spiritual practice that unearths the “more” that the holy desires to reveal in our routine interactions.
In identifying stepping stones that make possible a secure footing in the pursuit of holy insight, this adventure frees the heart for an unfettered response to the divine mystery. Steeped in the learnings of our spiritual fathers and mothers, the text lays out a framework that transforms random ponderings into a coherent pathway for hearing the gentle whisper.
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Joy Of Heaven 2
$12.00The Joy of Heaven: Book 2 is a picture of Heaven as God revealed to me. The Lord had to open the door into heaven for this story to be written! As you read, I believe that you’ll be inspired by the beauty of heaven and the specialness to it! Felicia is about 8 or 9 years old in stature and Wee Angel is like her name. I tried to paint a picture so that you the reader can envision it! Each person may see and feel the experience differently. As the writer, I feel that I accomplished what I set out to do! Always remember that the Lord is the guide. Now go with me through that doorway —— the doorway into heaven. I hope you enjoy the story! Daniel Leske graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a degree in Physics. He co-authored with Bernadette Sanders the book called “The Author’s Name Isn’t There.” He is also an artist and he has completed three oil paintings on the cup that Jesus drank from in Gethsemane as well as other religious art works. He is a native of Minnesota and currently living there.
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Into The Fray
$18.73In the earliest days of the Christian church, the gospel spread out from Jerusalem in a burst of incredible stories. A man who could calm a stormy sea with a word, who healed the lame and the blind, who raised the ire of the religious leaders, and who even raised people from the dead. Compare this organic, even entertaining, method of spreading the Good News to how we are often encouraged to evangelize today, with clever arguments and our defenses already up in anticipation of rebuttal. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost the plot to the greatest story ever told.
Now Matt Mikalatos invites us back into God’s story, both to find our place in it and to rediscover the wonder that the apostles saw in their listeners as they told the story of Jesus, the Messiah they knew personally and loved fiercely. As they lose themselves in modern retellings of the events of the book of Acts, readers will find that sharing the story is easier and more rewarding than they ever imagined.
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What Love Looks Like
$17.48Moving, Personal Accounts of God’s Love from 12 Noted Leaders
The Church is known for many things. Love is not usually one of them.
Is it possible to show a hungry world the kind of love the Bible promises? Here are candid stories from twelve respected leaders in the renewal today, promising us that the agape love of God is strongly at work–if we are willing to be vulnerable for his honor.
Jesus challenges us to let him pour out his love through willing vessels. These remarkable stories inspire us to become outlets of the love through which Jesus will change the world.
Contributors are Heidi Baker, Stacey Campbell, Mahesh Chavda, James W. Goll, Joan Hunter, Harry R. Jackson Jr., Patricia King, James Maloney, Jackie Pullinger, Mickey Robinson, Doug Stringer, and Barbara Yoder.
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Broken : Restoring Trust Between The Sacred And The Secular
$18.99The growing disconnect between the instructions of Jesus and the actions of his followers has caused a rift. Instead of reaching out beyond our walls, we hold tight to traditions that seem outdated. Instead of exploring other faith perspectives, we shake a judgmental fist at a secular society. Instead of engaging culture in their questions about what our lives should be like, we talk as if God only cares about the next life. As a result, our witness has become as divisive as sin itself. This book is a call to restore the trust that we have lost in our relationships with each other and with God. Expounding on stories from the Bible, history, culture, and his own experiences, Fromholz explores the source of the disconnect and provides a blueprint for reconnection. A snowball fight between soldiers and students demonstrates that trust can overcome fear. The biblical story of Abraham and Sarai shows how restoring trust can restore faith in God. The author’s seventeen-year search for his father sends a powerful message: new trust brings a new future. Through authentic, honest, and challenging prose, Fromholz examines the power trust has in freedom, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Recognizing that we are part of this culture and life around us, Broken will inspire us to be who we were always created to be, connected and restored, so that we can find-and multiply-hope.
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From Heaven To Earth
$18.73In From Heaven to Earth, Adam Thompson shows you how to live life walking in the Spirit in a new and powerful way. Adam has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the word of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus ‘magnified’ through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered extensively in Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs and pastors conferences.
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Be Transformed : Empowering You For Destiny
$12.99Be transformed and empowered for destiny through transformational moments that help identify who you are, what you already have and what you can do. Learn to recognize your value and potential, design your unique life blueprint, survive detours and enhance the lives of others. Be inspired for the extraordinary by scriptural principles, positive affirmations, and challenges to identify potential and master challenges. Learn to focus on what matters most, and leave old habits and mindsets behind. Connect with God’s purposes and realize the power of faith to move you toward your destiny in Him.
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Year Without A Purchase
$22.00The Year without a Purchase is the story of one family’s quest to stop shopping and start connecting. Scott Dannemiller and his wife, Gabby, are former missionaries who served in Guatemala. Ten years removed from their vow of simple living, they found themselves on a never-ending treadmill of consumption where each purchase created a desire for more and never led to true satisfaction. The difference between needs and wants had grown very fuzzy, and making that distinction clear again would require drastic action: no nonessential purchases for a whole year. No clothes, no books, no new toys for the kids. If they couldn’t eat it or use it up within a year (toilet paper and shampoo, for example), they wouldn’t buy it.
Filled with humorous wit, curious statistics, and poignant conclusions, the book examines modern America’s spending habits and chronicles the highs and lows of dropping out of our consumer culture. As the family bypasses the checkout line to wrestle with the challenges of gift giving, child rearing, and keeping up with the Joneses, they discover important truths about human nature and the secret to finding true joy. The Year without a Purchase offers valuable food for thought for anyone who has ever wanted to reduce stress by shopping less and living more.
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Volunteering : A Guide To Serving In The Body Of Christ
$16.99Volunteering can be a rewarding and exciting experience-but to effectively serve you need to understand the why, how, and what of serving others. Based on the principles and training they have utilized at Wooddale Church, pastor Leith Anderson and Jill Fox will help you better understand:
*The importance of prayer in ministry
*Avoiding burnout and serving for the long-term
*Recruiting others to serve in ways that are natural and easy
*Enjoying the “pay’ that is more valuable than money
*Finding your fit and serving out of your strengthsThis short and accessible book will help you to find the resources you need to be inspired and trained to serve in the most vital workforce in the world today-the church of Jesus Christ.
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Vanguard : The Movement And Direction Of The Gospel
$19.98The Vanguard are the forward force in an Army. The Vanguard are the leaders of innovation. The Vanguard sit on the front lines preparing the way. Highly adaptive, pro-active and willing to innovate at a moment s notice. What if these were the essential qualities of the Church living out the great commission? What if instead of playing defense we decided to shift our focus from rear guard and become the Vanguard? The good news of Jesus has only one direction. The gospel moves forward. The Church should herald that good news with the same passion and vigor that Christ did the first time he proclaimed truth. This short book is a word of encouragement, to herald the gospel of Jesus with a Vanguard heart.”
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Gods Promises Are For You
$18.99Do you want to experience healing for your body?
Are you looking for success in your finances and relationships?
Do you want protection from tragedy?
Find out how to win every time. After all, this is what God wants for us!
God’s Promises Are for You examines two main themes, which cover the spectrum of living a successful Christian life:
* Experiencing God’s overflowing blessings in everything, and expecting the supernatural to happen in your life everyday!
* Being spirit-led when you still commit sin.
Richard L. Gill provides answers from God’s Word, answers which will enable you to understand how we function as human beings and what we can do to activate the spirit in our lives. These insights and many more can dramatically increase your ability to live a life directed and empowered by God.
As a bonus, Gill shares keys to unlocking answers to questions that have hounded believers for years. Answers to questions such as:
* Does God do evil?
* How does Jesus live in our hearts?
* How can we experience God’s presence most of the time?
* Can Christians lose their salvation?
* Is God in control of everything?
* How do we receive God’s promises?
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Coping With Your Pain And Suffering
$33.31Life is full of challenges and even as Christians, we are not strangers to pain and suffering. The stories in the Bible have shown us that even favored kings like David and Solomon had their share of ordeals. The apostle, Paul, had to walk a lonely and hardship-filled road on his way to greatness. Job, a person worthy of admiration, went through sickness and almost loses the fight for his faith.
Are you in the grip of pain and suffering? Are you struggling to keep your faith in the midst of all the trials? In this book, Matthew shows us that we can find joy in the journey and live life with a purpose. He will walk us through the lives of the people in the Bible who went through trials and tribulations and have persevered to fight another day in the Grace of God. Matthew will share his own struggles with a mental illness and how he has learned to ride the storm with Jesus. He reveals to us that when the pain seems unbearable, we can find comfort in knowing that we are loved and Jesus is with us every step of the way.
Jesus suffered and died on the cross not just to save us, but to identify with our life as a mortal. If you are wondering what you can look forward to with all the pain in your life, Matthew shares the hope of healing and the rewards of a glorious life in Heave
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Living For Eternity
$33.31Have you ever pondered life beyond the one that we live on this earth? What does living for eternity mean for you as a Christian? Is there more to it than just existing for a short time and then dying? These are questions that must have entered everyone’s mind at one time or another, but being so busy with the challenges of life, it is often relegated to the shelf, to be looked at and evaluated at a much later time. The dilemma is determining how much time we have. The ultimate aim for Christians is to get to Heaven and be in the presence of our God Almighty for all eternity, but not everyone is granted a pass into the Kingdom. We need to begin sowing treasures in Heaven by living a life on earth that is befitting of a Christian. This is simpler than most of us imagine. We do not have to be rich or famous. We only need to bear in mind that we will not get to Heaven by our works here on earth but by putting out trust in the finished works of Jesus. In this book, Matthew provides us with simple ways on how to prepare for our life in eternity. He reminds us that God’s grace is a favor that He bestowed on us at salvation, therefore, we are to release it to others as well. How do we put this into practice? We need to learn how to consistently be Christ to others and to tell people about Heaven’s perfect love story. Living with eternity in mind is the way we are meant to live. It will change our outlook about almost everything. We can see the impact that we can make if we think beyond ourselves and live a day to day life that represents Christ to those who do not know Him.
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Great Cloud Of Witnesses Speak
$38.31Speaking to saints from Heaven might be rare, but in these times, more and more people are starting to experience it. In Biblical times, Jesus had a conversation with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration that was recorded in Matthew 17:1-9. Then, in Matthew 27:50- 53, as Jesus died and the temple veil was torn, scripture records in verse 52: ..”.and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and verse 53: ..”.And coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many…” We are living in times where known prophets are speaking of encounters they have had with departed saints. For many years, Matthew has been having visitations and in recent times, Jesus commissioned him to interview 19 saints that the Holy Spirit brought to earth. These saints, part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1, answered a standard 10 questions each, questions such as: * How do you feel today, being here to speak to the world? * What do you think is special to God? * What do you like about Heaven? * What keys do you consider important for the Christian life? * What advice would you give to people who are struggling? * What message do you have for this generation? Through these interviews and the answers that are given, come and journey and get to know these Biblical characters in a new and fresh way. Let them speak to you of the God they love and the Jesus they worship set within the context of the life they lived on earth and the one they now live in Heaven. The saints interviewed in order of appearance are David, Bathsheba, Leah, Rachel, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Paul, Peter, Mary Magdalene, John, Rahab, Eve, Joshua, Moses, Enoch, Elijah, Mary mother of Jesus, Joseph – father of Jesus, and Job. Come and read what all the fuss is all about!
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Power Of A Praying Kid
$12.99The Power of a Praying Kid is a fun and “kid-friendly” approach to prayer for a very special audience. Written with young hearts in mind, this short, easy-to-read book for 7- to 12-year-olds will help your children learn to talk to God in a way that is meaningful and relational. Interactive call-outs, sample prayers, and places to record their own words to God are sprinkled throughout the pages. Moms and Dads as well as children will love the message of this book for growing-up kids…God wants to hear from them and He listens to their prayers.
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Argument Free Marriage
$19.99New York Times best-selling author Fawn Weaver challenges readers to declare peace in their marriages-and shows how it really can happen. Is an argument-free marriage possible? Fawn Weaver’s answer is yes, absolutely, even when one or both partners are strong willed, independent, and opinionated. (She admits to being all three.) In this groundbreaking book, the best-selling author and award-winning marriage blogger asks readers to invest twenty-eight days in learning how to live together without bickering, blame, angry outbursts, or silent treatments. Fawn begins with the startling premise that, contrary to popular opinion, conflict in marriage is not necessary or inevitable. Then she leads readers on a day-by-day journey toward a more peaceful and supportive relationship. Chapter by brief chapter, she offers fresh perspectives and practical strategies for communicating effectively, building understanding, and defusing anger while at the same time nurturing honesty, vulnerability, and mutual support.
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Power Of A Praying Teen
$15.99Bestselling author Stormie Omartian raised teenagers to adulthood, and her mother’s heart for this age group (14- to 18-year-olds) gives her the perfect foundation for a book on prayer specifically targeting this exciting and challenging time of life. Along with Scripture verses and true stories of teens in action, The Power of a Praying Teen addresses key issues young people face, includingpuritypeer pressureinsecuritybody/self-imagefriendships Each segment of the book concludes with a prayer that teens can follow or use as a model for their own prayers. Easy-to-access chapters focus on what it means to be maturing in all areas of life, including talking to God in prayer. Young men and women just on the cusp of growing up will find the compassion, help, direction, strength, and stability that comes with knowing and hearing from God in The Power of a Praying Teen.
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Voices From The Hospice
$27.00Hospice chaplain Bob Whorton takes us deep into the human experience of suffering and waiting. Framed as a train journey, we are invited to travel through various stations and stop for a while in many different station waiting rooms. The counter-cultural message is that there are difficult situations in our lives which we cannot escape from and must be lived; there are no short-cuts, and the stations must be travelled through one by one. However, in following this path we will find a new orientation to life, and we will find ourselves mirroring the way of Christ. In these pages we listen to the voices of patients and family members in a hospice; they become our teachers. And we listen also to the ancient voice of the psalmist who was well versed in the ways of suffering love.
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Truly Free Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99What Is Keeping You from Being Truly Free?
Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). As believers, we have Christ and never need to be afraid, yet we are not immune to the effects of evil. Even if we’re saved and trust in Christ, we may still find areas in which we just can’t get victory. Maybe it’s a sin we’ve confessed again and again, or a constant struggle with depression, anger, or lust. These long-imbedded patterns of shameful living continue to entangle us day after day, month after month, and even year after year. In Truly Free, bestselling author Robert Morris invites us into a glorious truth-that the promise of being set free from the slavery of sin is a promise to be set free completely. Although evil is real, we have the promise that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus saves us, trains us to resist the power of evil, and delivers us from anything that holds us back. With Jesus, we can be finally free forever.
This study guide is designed for use with Truly Free: A DVD Study (sold separately) and includes leader helps, discussion questions, conversation starters, and between-session activities to enhance application of Robert’s teaching.
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Experiencing God By His Names
$19.98Books on the meaning of God’s many names in the Bible have long been popular with readers. And now, from the author of the popular 31-Day Experiment Bible study, Knowing God By His Names (more than 50,000 sold) comes a devotional exploration of many of the wonderful names of God found in the Bible.
Day by day the reader will enter into a deeper intimacy with the God who loves to reveal Himself to His people through His names.
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Through The Eyes Of A Lion
$19.99What will you do when the unthinkable happens in your life?
They called her Lenya Lion because of her ferocious personality and full head of hair, which had been wild and mane-like since birth. But they never expected their five-year-old daughter to suddenly go to heaven after an asthma attack five days before Christmas. How do you walk out of an emergency room without your daughter? In Through the Eyes of a Lion, Pastor Levi Lusko shares the eye-opening truth of the power of hope in a world that is often filled with pain, suffering, and loss. He says, “This is not a book about death. It’s about life, and through it I want you to see that God made you for a purpose. There is a wild and wonderful calling on your life, a microphone in your hands. Jesus wants you to look at the adventure of your life through his eyes, the eyes of a Lion.” Part memoir but all overtly instructive and deeply inspirational, Through the Eyes of a Lion gives readers the tools they need to live without fear in a world where nothing is certain. Chapter themes include:
*Don’t rely on the naked eye
*Remain planted in the house
*No such thing as a wireless anchor
*Let God use your pain
*Cue the eagleWhat we do in life really does echo in eternity. You are destined for impact, and there’s not a moment to lose!
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Believing Jesus : Are You Willing To Risk Everything A Journey Through The
$18.99Are you truly willing to risk everything? In Believing Jesus, Bible teacher and author Lisa Harper retraces the steps of the apostles in the book of Acts, while throwing in a few of her own crazy adventures along the way. The disciples didn’t have much of a road map after Jesus ascended to heaven, but God’s grace and spirit filled in the gaps as they moved forward. It required their willingness to risk everything to establish a new community that would change the future world.
As a regular speaker on the Women of Faith tour, Lisa has earned a reputation as a true theological scholar and hilarious storyteller-not necessarily in that order! Best-selling author and pastor Max Lucado calls Lisa one of the “best Bible tour guides around.
“Believing Jesus will highlight both of Lisa’s strengths as she tackles every chapter of the Book of Acts with biblical wisdom and modern wit. Lisa keeps it real, telling stories on herself and pointing readers back to Jesus, the only one who can truly lead.
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