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    Church Life

    • Accion Social – (Spanish)


      Algunas personas ven el trabajo social de la iglesia local como el patito feo de nuestra fe; como algo que se debe hacer pero que nadie quiere hacerlo. Aun mas, hay quienes consideran que este tipo de ministerio no es necesario y que eltrabajo de ofrecer ayuda social le corresponde al gobierno y a otras agencias no gubernamentales pero nunca a la iglesia. Por estas razones, en este libro presento las bases y los fundamentos necesarios para responder a estas formas de pensar y tratar de cambiar la percepcion de que el objetivo de la iglesia es solamente espiritual, sin ninguna implicacion social. De la misma manera, espero que las sugerencias y metodos aqui presentados sean utiles para desarrollar ministerios de accion social que sirvan para aliviar las necesidades y sufrimientos de nuestro pueblo hispano y de la gente pobre y vulnerable que se encuentra en las comunidades a las cuales ministramos.

      Some people see the social work of the local church as “the ugly duckling” of our faith; something that should be done but no one stepping forward to do it. Others look to our state and local governments handle this work. Written in Spanish, this book presents the basics to respond to these methods of thinking, and to attempts to change the perception that the objective of the church is only spiritual, without any social responsibility. Suggestions and methods are presented to equip social action teams to aid the needs and sufferings the Hispanic community and the vulnerable and poor of our communities.

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    • Iglesias Culturas Y Liderazgo – (Spanish)


      What is lacking for leadership in multicultural churches?

      When Moses left Egypt he was leading a “mixed multitude.” The first followers of Jesus also soon learned that the Holy Spirit was leading them to cross the traditional boundaries that separated the diverse cultures of their time.

      This book focuses above all on the churches of the United States and on the way in which these churches should remain faithful to the calling of God within their current context. We live in a nation that is culturally diverse, and almost all of our cities and our neighborhoods are witnesses of that diversity. That diversity is evident in our mass media outlets, in our shopping malls and in our schools. Even though it may be less noticeable in our churches, it is increasingly visible there as well. In this book, we want to pay more attention, looking with God’s wisdom and faithfulness at the intercultural life that is developing within each church and also at the relationships between the different churches and their neighbors.

      We have all grown and developed within a historical context of prejudices and racism. We have these influences in our minds and our hearts, and often these are reflected in our actions, our decisions and our words. The authors believe that the presence of the kingdom of God on the earth, which was introduced in the life, death and resurrection of Christ, is a presence that must be characterized by a ministry of reconciliation. These things are what motivated these authors to write this book. They wanted to encourage church leaders to create an atmosphere in which the initiatives of reconciliation would become more evident within the internal life of the churches, in our missionary work, and within our neighborhoods and cities.

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    • Corazon Del Padre – (Spanish)


      El Coraz?n del Padre es un libro que todos aquellos que quieran ser iluminados por el poder de la verdadera paternidad tienen que leer. Este es un libro con un sentido directo y claro que captura de manera simple, pero profunda, uno de los temas m?s importantes y menos entendidos por el Cuerpo de Cristo en este Siglo XXI. El pastor Joshua Rodr?guez logra inspirarnos y evaluar nuestras relaciones a trav?s de su experiencia propia en un tiempo cuando la verdadera paternidad ha sido distorsionada por hombres — amantes de s? mismos — que han confundido lo que es la paternidad con el paternalismo. Como Ester, Dios ha iluminado al autor para crear esta joya literaria en un tiempo como ?ste para venir al rescate de muchos hijos que esperan por el coraz?n de un verdadero padre. Este libro debe ser parte de la biblioteca personal de cada ministro.

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    • Mujeres En El Ministero – (Spanish)


      Presents four viewpoints regarding the role of women in the church. They are the traditionalsit, those who favor male leadership, those who favor joint leadership, and those that see women as equal to men in regard to leadership in the church.

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    • Teologa De La Salsa – (Spanish)


      Lucas Park Books
      La Teologia de la Salsa: Rumba, postmodernidad & evangelio contiene doce ensayos que resenan y critican canciones tradicionales de “Salsa,” la musica tropical afro-caribena. Cada ensayo combina critica social, analisis biblico y reflexion teologica, entrelazados con la biografia del autor. El libro termina con una reflexion sobre el lugar de la musica popular en la reflexion teologica. Este libro, prologado por el cantante Tony Vega, es un testimonio de fe que busca hablar al corazon de todos los “salseros.”

      La Teologia de la Salsa: Rumba, postmodernidad & evangelio contains twelve essays that review and critique standard songs of the genre called “Salsa,” which is tropical Afrocuban music. Each essay blends social commentary, biblical analysis and theological reflection, weaved with the author’s biography. The conclusion of the book is a theological reflection about the place of popular music in theological reflection. This book, which prologue was written by the renowned Salsa singer Tony Vega, is a testimony of faith that intends to speak to the heart of all “salseros.””

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    • Cinco Practicas De Congregacio – (Spanish)


      People are searching for a church shaped and sustained by Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. These fundamental practices, now available in Spanish, are critical to the success of congregations. Their presence and strength demonstrate congregational health, vitality, and fruitfulness. By repeating and improving these practices, churches fulfill their mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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    • Arte De La Evangelizacion – (Spanish)


      Evangelism should be adjusted to the life of the local church. This implies integral discipleship. It is not just about winning souls for Christ but also to start a process of discipleship that leads the new believer to the riches of the Christian faith.

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    • Pasion Por Las Almas – (Spanish)


      Passion for Souls, a classic, has impacted millions of people by energizing them regarding worldwide evangelism. The churches which have put these principles to work have been revolutionized.

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    • Crecimiento De La Iglesia Mas – (Spanish)


      Yonggi Cho, pastor of the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, was a Buddhist who was dying of tuberculosis when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

      He was also healed and became a fervent evangelical pastor. “Growing the Wold’s Largest Church” is the story of what he did to grow the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, a dynamic congregation, from a group of five people underneath a tent in 1958 until today.

      The number of members is close to one million.

      The mission and the methods are not exclusive to Korea, but can be applied in any place.

      The book explains the emphasis of the church in : -daily prayer, -worship full of vitality, -Biblical doctrines, -the ministry of laymen, -practical evangelism, -help for those in need

      Pastors, students and laymen will have a better perception of the function of the church that is producing results in the life of new Christians. Daughter of the missionaries John and Maxine Hurston, Karen Hurston was only seven years old when she went to the first worship service that would become the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido. After receiving her Masters from the University of South California she became an ordained minister for the Assembly of God churches.

      After being part of Yonggi Cho’s pastor’s committee for five years, she now directs Hurston Ministries and Consultation Services.

      She has taught at conferences as well as services in churches around the world, and participates in conferences with other leaders like Yonggi Cho, Jack Hayford, Thomas Zimmermamn, Win Arn y Ralph Wilkerson.

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    • Como Hablar En Publico Sin Tem – (Spanish)


      The Christian needs preachers that are not afraid to present their ideas to clients, colleagues and bosses at work, and when they talk about their faith and values to friend and family members at church and in any other situation. Speaking with confidence in public would help you to not be afraid to talk in a group, and to have a style that is natural and dynamic so you can inform, inspire or persuade others.

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    • Mucho Mas Que Numeros – (Spanish)


      The term “Church growth” has quickly become popular, yet what is it? Who shares from his own personal experience in pioneering the largest church in the world.

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