Showing 25601–25700 of 25915 resultsSorted by latest
Hospital Handbook (Revised)
$24.95Hospital visitation is a vital part of any church’s ministry. Written for the divinity student, the beginning or experienced pastor, and the lay person, this helpful handbook offers comprehensive guidance on many important aspects of pastoral care of the hospitalized.
In The Hospital Handbook, readers will find valuable advice and practical information on how to understand the hospital’s structure, gain access to its systems, and establish a rapport with staff, as well as explanations of hospital protocol and etiquette. The authors also explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of illness, and specific information on the needs of particular kinds of patients, including children, adolescents, substance abusers, plus AIDs, psychiatrics, and terminally ill patients. Resources for prayer, scripture readings, and sacraments are included.
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Irish Red
$7.99Called runt, misfit, and troublemaker, Big Red’s son Mike escapes from a training kennel to join the two men he loves in their forest retreat and proves he has the intelligence and skill expected of the offspring of a famous Irish setter.
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Reason And Imagination In C S Lewis A Print On Demand Title
$26.99The first study of C. S. Lewis to offer a detailed examination of Till We Have Faces, Peter J. Schakel’s new book is also the first to explore the tension between reason and imagination that significantly shaped Lewis’s thinking and writing.
Schakel begins with a close analysis of Till We Have Faces which leads the reader through the plot, clarifying its themes as it discusses structure, symbols, and allusions.
The second part of the book surveys Lewis’s works, tracing the tension between reason and imagination. In the works of the thirties and forties reason is in the ascendant; from the early fifties on, in works such as the Chronicles of Narnia, there is an increased emphasis on imagination – which culminates in the fine “myth retold,” Till We Have Faces. Imagination and reason are reconciled, finally, in works of the early sixties such as A Grief Observed and Letters to Malcolm.
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Church Is You And I
$9.93“The Church Is You and I “is a simple but significant Confirmation service and message. The service reflects on the meaning of Confirmation in terms of our relationship to the church. Confirmation is seen as covenant — an affirmation of our new covenant with God and the church. That covenant calls us to service. It is this theme of service and mutual sharing that is found in the message. The church is seen as people — not as buildings. The sermon/message is written in poetic form and may be presented in dialogue fashion using three voices or many voices.
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Hear The Good News
$9.93Hear the Good News is a fine volume of worship services for this important week within the church year. The services are particularly significant because they are based on the premise that God’s word, scripture, is dynamic and lively. Therefore, the author has provided dramatic readings of the narratives as found in the synoptic gospels. In addition, other portions of scripture are used as antiphonal hymns and liturgies. Brief introductions to the scripture passages are presented, either for oral sharing or for use in the bulletin; the congregation is also given opportunity to participate in the proclamation of the scripture texts. This is a creative and prayerful worship series for Holy Week.
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Handbook On The Basic Bible Texts
$22.84This volume provides the complete text of key Scripture passages that form the basis for theological study. The text used is the highly readable and modern New International Version. The verses listed are grouped by the classical categories of systematic theology (e.g., God, Christ, Salvation); on disputed points, verses from which the major theological views derive are given. Footnotes provide clarification and brief commentary on verses as appropriate. This work is intended to assist the theological student who might not take the time to look up the verses cited in systematic theologies, but it will also be useful to anyone seeking to better understand the major themes of Scripture.
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Crisis And Catharsis
$33.00For the first time in complete form, the results of recent analyses of the Apocalypse are presented in a way that is easily understood by the beginning student and challenging to the scholar looking for a fresh approach. In a clear and vivid manner, Adela Yarbro Collins discusses the authorship of the book of Revelation, when it was written, the situation it addressed, the social themes it considered, and the psychological meaning behind apocalyptic language.
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Students Dictionary For Biblical Theological Studies
$14.99This dictionary contains nearly thirteen hundred entries, covering the whole field of Old and New Testament studies. The entries range from technical grammatical terms to obscure theological jargon and are often terms that are difficult to find in other dictionaries. Wherever possible, cross reference, is made to related or equivalent terms. The majority of entries include a brief description of explanation of the term and an example from the Old and/or New Testament. Hebrew and Greek words are transliterated so that the dictionary can be used easily by students at any level, whether they have studied the languages or not. The New International Version is used for all biblical quotations.
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They Found The Secret
$19.99“The exchanged life.” Hudson Taylor first used the term to describe what it means to know Christ as our sufficiency in all things. Taylor is but one of the many Christian luminaries who have discovered Christ as the secret to abundant living. John Bunyan, Andrew Murray, Amy Carmichael, Oswald Chambers, Charles Finney-behind the varied lives and personalities of these and other men and women lies a common theme, a pattern that leads from desperation to the abundant life Jesus promised. From their stories, we too can find the path to deeper faith and a more vital relationship with God. In They Found the Secret, Raymond Edman presents the lives of twenty well-known and little-known Christians. “The details of their experience of the crisis of the deeper life are delightfully different,” Edman writes, “yet their testimony to the reality of the joy and power of the Spirit-filled life is unanimous . . . It is [the Lord] who satisfies the longing soul. He is the secret of the exchanged life!”
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Life Of Jesus Christ
$15.99Many biographies of Christ’s life have been published through the years, but most have lasted only a short time. This volume, first printed in 1880, continues to be in demand. The Life of Jesus Christ is known in every English-speaking country and has been translated into many foreign languages. The reasons for its continued success are not hard to find. The details of Christ’s life are presented in a clear and flowing style and are molded into an easily comprehended whole. Doctrinally sound, vivid in detail, as authentic as study and research can make it, this work will long hold the place it won when first written by this noted Scottish theologian. Chapter titles are: – The Birth, Infancy, and Youth of Jesus – The Nation and the Time – The Final Stages of His Preparation – The Year of Obscurity – The Year of Public Favor – The Year of Opposition – The End Hints for Teachers and Questions for Pupils conclude this work.
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2 Christmas Plays
$16.18The Lost Feeling Of Christmas echoes themes from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to the extent that a grumpy senior citizen is forced, through a confrontive dream, to come to terms with what the time of Christ’s nativity is really all about. The messenger who speaks most forcefully to him is, of all things, his cat.
A Lot Of Christmas Love speaks to a world where poverty and broken families are too painfully in evidence. A family has suffered the disappearance of husband and father. Those who are left to help mother and children cope find their relationships are strained, particularly as the Christmas season comes again. Like God, who comes disguised at Christmastime, this play includes a visit from a stranger in extraordinary dress.
These two Christmas plays combine traditional biblical content from the Christmas cycle of stories with contemporary life. Each is a full program, taking approximately one hour to produce, and each involves a wide spectrum of participants from the congregation, including one or more choirs or singing groups. Those who purchase this two-play set will have a pair of excellent Christmas dramas from which to choose, both created by a professor of theatre arts at Penn State University at Mount Altos, Pennsylvania.
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Philippians : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching
$40.00In this commentary, Fred Craddock focuses on the text of Philippians rather than on conversations among scholars about the text. His commentary on the text differs from many other commentaries in that issues of authorship, date, place of writing, integrity, of purpose are dealt with at points where the text itself raises these issues. In order to assist those who preach, Craddock gives special attention to passages that appear in most lectionaries. Further, he draws attention to the theology of Paul as reflected in all of his letters wherever it enlightens or is enlightened by the text. Craddock helps the reader understand what it meant for an apostle and a church to be partners in the gospel.
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Isaiah 1 : Chapters 1-32
$24.00This prophetic Old Testament book begins by telling the reader that it is the “vision” of Isaiah. The use of the word “vision,” John F. A. Sawyer explains, conveys to the reader that regardless of when the prophet lived, “his ‘words’ go beyond the immediate historical circumstances of his day.” Sawyer argues that we as modern readers also are being addressed.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Meaning Of Creation
$39.00Conrad Hyers offers a welcome respite from the counter-productive effects of extremism that surround the creation issue. Focusing on the creation texts from the book of Genesis, Hyers interprets the biblical account in light of its relationship to its culture, context, and purpose.
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12 Prophets 1 (Revised)
$24.00Taken together, the Twelve Prophets offer a panoramic view of Israel’s religion during one of the most critical periods in the Israelites’ history. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah are the figures considered in this first of Peter C. Craigie’s two-volume work. Although differing in substance as well as style, these prophetic books are united in their common purpose: the declaration of the word of God to the people of God.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Life Of Saint Paul
$24.99This volume is fittingly a part of James Stalker’s trilogy The Life of Jesus Christ, The Trial and Death of Jesus Christ, and The life of St. Paul, for the apostle Paul is the interpreter of the entire purpose of Christ’s coming. This book has been recognized by many as the leading popular biography of the greatest preacher of the Christian church. It is informative and heartwarming in its treatment of the life and ministry of Paul. Chapter titles include the following: – His Place in History – His Unconscious Preparation for His Work – His Conversion – His Gospel – The Work Awaiting the Worker – His Missionary Travels – Picture of a Pauline Church – His Great Controversy — Hints for Teachers and Questions of Pupils conclude this work.
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Rudolf Bultmann : Intrepreting Faith For The Modern Era
$45.00Bultmann’s pioneering study of the New Testament initiated a new era in biblical studies in the 20th century. Together with Karl Barth, Bultmann broke with liberal theology, but his often misunderstood programe of demythologization took him in a radically different direction from Barth. In many respects Bultmann set the agenda for biblical theology in the decades following World War II. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bult mann’s thought. It presents the essential Bultmann for stu dents and the general reader. Roger Johnson’s introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Bultmann in his historical context, chart the deve lopment of his thought and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole. Substantial selections from Bultmann’s work illustrate key themes: God as ‘Wholly Other’; Jesus and the Eschatalogical Kindgom; Existentialist interpretation; Kerygma; Faith and Modernity in conflict; Demythologizing: controversial slogan and theological focus.
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1-2 Chronicles
$24.00Taking a look at the setting, form, and content of I and II Chronicles, J. G. McConville describes how these two often neglected books present God’s purpose for his people at a crucial time in their history–the period of restoration after the Exile.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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On The Move With Jesus
$16.18“On the Move with Jesus” is a book of epistle lessons come to life through the spoken word and the use of an easy-to-find object that means something to children. Wesley Runk, in the style that has made him famous and brought the gospel to many thousands of children, offers this volume of 52 object lessons from the Bible to help the pastor communicate with God’s little ones.
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1-2 Timothy Titus 2 Thessalonians
$30.41Written for lay people, students, and pastors, ACNT brings the finest and newest scholarship on the New Testament into an accessible and useful format. Laypeople will use it as a resource for Bible study at home and at church. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the New Testament. And pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation. Strong topical overviews, discussions of the basic message of each biblical book, and section-by-section explanations ensure that the Word of God remains central to the life of the church
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Dawn Of Apocalyptic
$50.00The Phenomenon Of Apocalyptic In Israel: Its Background And Setting
Excursus: Apocalyptic Eschatology In The Later Apocalyptic Writings
Excursus: The History Of Prophecy In Israel
Isaiah 56-66 And The Visionary Disciples Of Second Isaiah
A. A Third Isaiah?
B. The Ideal Community Envisioned By The Disciples Of Second Isaiah
1. Isaiah 60-62
Excursus: Textual Reconstruction And Prosodic Analysis
2. Isaiah 57:14-21
C. The Ideal Undermined By Opposition (63:7-64:11)
D. Tension Within The Community Grows (58 And 59)
1. Isaiah 58:1-12
2. Isaiah 59:1-20
E. The Schism Widens, Vindictiveness Increases, Hope Is Deferred, And The Seeds Of Apocalyptic Eschatology Are Sown (65:1-25)
F. Controversy Over The Building Of The Temple And Expulsion From The Cult (66:1-16)
G. The Conflict Grows Acrimonious (56:9-57:13)
H. The Other Edge Of The Sword: Judgment Against The Nations (63:1-6)
The Origins Of The Post-Exilic Hierocracy
A. The Second Group Competing For Control Of The Restoration Cult
B. The Sociological Background Of The Post-Exilic Struggle
C. The Rise Of The Hierocratic Party Of The Zadokites
D. Ezekiel: The Pre-Exilic Zadokite Temple Structures Transformed Into A Hierocratic Program Of Restoration
E. Haggai And Zechariah: The Hierocratic Temple Program Receives Prophetic Legitimation
F. Bitter Controversy And The Zadokite Move To Reform The Hierocratic Tradition Along Narrowly Exclusive Lines
G. The Chronicler: The Victorious Hierocratic Party Returns To A More Conciliatory Position
Zechariah 9-14 And The Development Of The Apocalyptic Eschatology Of The Visionaries
A. The Historical And Sociological Background Of The Continued Struggle
B. In Defense Of A New Approach To The Oracles Of Zechariah 9-14
Excursus: Past Biblical Research On Zechariah 9-14
C. A Divine Warrior Hymn Drawing On The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth (9:1-17)
D. The Divine Warrior Hymn Applied To The Inner-Community Polemic (10:1-12)
E. A Taunt Against Foreign Nations Redirected Against Israel’s Leaders (11:1-3)
F. A Commissioning Narrative Transformed Into A Prophecy Of Doom (11:14-17 And 13:7-9)
G. An Apocalypse Molded By The Inner-Community Struggle (12:1-13:6)
Excursus: The Textual Problem Of Zechariah 12:2 And An Alternate Interpretation
H. An Apocalypse Structured Upon The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth And Reflecting Bitter Inner-Community Conflict (14:1-21)
Excursus: Revealed Secrets
Excursus: The Redactional Framework Of Third IsaiaAdditional Info
In challenging both traditional and contemporary notions of the nature and history of the Biblical apocalyptic literature, Professor Hanson begins by saying that the origins of apocalyptic cannot be explained by a method which juxtaposes seventh and second century compositions and then proceeds to account for the features of the latter by reference to its immediate environment. “The apocalyptic literature of the second century and after is the result of a long development reaching back to pre-exilic times and beyond, and not the new baby of second century foreign parents. Not only the sources of origin, but the intrinsic nature of late apocalyptic compositions can be understood only by tracing the centuries-long development through which the apocalptic eschatology developed from prophetic and other even more archaic native roots.”In this ground breaking study, Professor Hanson focuses on one strand which can be seen running through the heart of many of the so-called apocalyptic works, the strand of apocalyptic eschatology. He seeks to demonstrate that the rise of apocalyptic eschatology is neither sudden nor anomalous, but follows the pattern of an unbroken development from preexilic and exilic prophecy.
By means of a detailed analysis of the Hebrew text and a new translation of it into English, Professor Hanson demonstrates why scholars must look again at the apocalyptic eschatology. This contextual-typological approach will call for a reexamination of many opinions about this literature.
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Strength Of The Weak
$34.00Bringing together issues of religion and life, politics and personal identity, feminism and liberation theology, Dorothee Soelle presents a powerful critique of modern society, striking at dehumanizing elements that combine to oppress both women and men. Over the years, Soelle had challenged European and American readers with incisive commentary on a variety of social, ethical, literary, and theological topics. This work embodies the constant drive to radicalization and the passionate involvement that have always been the hallmark of her writing.
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He That Is Spiritual
$21.41Few books have been more warmly received by Bible teachers and students. He That is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unfolds the biblical teaching concerning spirituality — what it is, and how it is secured. Nothing could be more important to Christians than the theme of this book. Its sound teaching corrects many false impressions and presents a scriptural pattern for the full life in Christ.
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Leviticus Everymans Bible Commentary
$14.98Have you ever resolved to read through the entire Bible, only to abandon your resolution when you reached the long, detailed passages of Leviticus? Or wondered why God included all those lists of ceremonial laws and instructions in His inspired Word? What can those dictates possibly mean to Christians today?Schultz’s clear, step-by-step study of this Old Testament book will convince you that, among those complicated instructions to the people of Israel, God does have a message for you. Take a closer look at those rituals and rules. The study of Leviticus can give you a deeper, richer understanding of the holiness of God and His desire and provision for fellowship with His people. Nothing could be more relevant to your life.
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All Our Losses All Our Griefs
$27.00Grief as a lifelong human experience is the scope of this absorbing book. Kenneth R. Mitchell and Herbert Anderson explore the multiple dimensions of the problem, including origins of grief, loss throughout life, dynamics of grief, care for those who grieve, and the theology of grieving. This examination of the process of grief is enriched by vivid illustrations and case histories of individuals whose experiences the authors have shared.
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Ministry And Music
$28.00This readable, practical book covers every aspect of church music from congregational singing to the roles of the choir and church organist, how to select a hymnal, how to plan a worship service including music, what kind of music to select, and much more. By knowing these things the minister, choir director, organist, and music committee together create worship services that lead to the Christian growth of their congregation, small or large.
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Old Testament And Criticism A Print On Demand Title
$20.99Although many conservative scholars have had reservations about biblical criticism since its rise a century ago, Carl Armerding contends that critical rationalism need not be antithetical to belief in a divinely inspired Word of God. Indeed, says Armerding, the evangelical scholar – mediating the traditional conservative view and the rational critical view of Scripture – is able to use all the tools of historical, philological, and literary study, while still retaining biblical categories of revelation, inspiration, and history.
Armerding applies this synthesis of approaches – the traditional and the critical – to four major branches of criticism: literary (or source) criticism, form criticism, structural analysis, and textual criticism. Cautioning against misuse of these critical methods, he demonstrates how each method can be conscientiously used by faithful scholars to enrich their understanding of the Old Testament text. Of great value to scholars, students, and pastors, Armerding’s work promises to enrich study of the Old Testament much as George Eldon Ladd’s book (The New Testament and Criticism) has enriched study of the New.
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Cinderella And Her Sisters
$35.00Seated in her nest of ashes, Cinderella embodies human misery. The essence of inner and outer nobility, she is the envy of her cruel stepmother and her ugly sisters. Using this familiar story, Ann and Barry Ulanov explore the psychological and theological aspects of envy and goodness. In their interpretation of the tale, they move back and forth between internal and external issues–from how feminine and masculine parts of persons fit or do not fit together to how individuals conduct their lives with those of the same and opposite sexes: how they conflict, compete, or join harmoniously.
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Better Childrens Sermons
$24.00The author of the popular resource, Creating Children’s Sermons, continues his efforts to communicate the message of faith to the youngest members of the church. Believing that adult faith–or lack of faith–is directly linked to childhood experiences, Bucky Dann discusses the importance of reaching children with the word of God, and including them in the church’s worship and sacraments. The lessons in this book are organized around fourteen themes that profoundly affect all human beings.
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Isaiah 1-12 A Commentary (Revised)
$60.00The Old Testament Library is a scholarly treatment of the scriptures. This is the first of two volumes on Isaiah by Otto Kaiser. This volume begins with no introductory articles but includes within the text linguistic, historic, and critical analysis of Isaiah. This is a text good for any interested scholar.
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Apocrypha Text Edition
$11.99Discover the “hidden” texts of the Old Testament Apocrypha and expand your knowledge of the world of the Bible. Those already familiar with the Apocrypha may want this volume to supplement a Bible that does not contain them.
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Inductive Preaching : Helping People Listen
$25.00“I spend hours in my study and on my knees preparing sermons, but when I preach them no one listens. What’s wrong? Why aren’t I getting through? Why do I see blank stares, daydream reveries, nodding heads as soon as I open my mouth to preach? I know my messages are biblically sound. I’m sure I’m preaching what God has laid on my heart. But it’s not being received. What’s wrong? What can I do?”
Sound familiar? If you’re a preacher, you probably know the feeling. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn to preach in a way that will be readily, even eagerly, received by your congregation.
It’s all here: what inductive preaching is, how it works, why it’s effective, who’s used it-including Jesus, Peter, Paul, Augustine, St. Francis, Wesley, Edwards, and Moody, to name only a few. Also included are:
* Step-by-step guidelines for constructing an inductive sermon
* Two sample inductive sermons
* A list of 96 inductive preachers from 20 centuries
* A strategy for making traditional sermon structures inductive
* A checklist of inductive characteristics.
The principles in this book can dramatically increase your sermon effectiveness-turn apathy into involvement, make listeners out of the listless. Inductive preaching is preaching that works!
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Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament
$40.00The Bible Knowledge Commentary answers these and other questions about the Scriptures, discussing all the Bible verse by verse and often phrase by phrase. In addition, maps, charts, and diagrams help you grasp the meanings of the biblical text. Unlike most others this commentary is by authors from one school-Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary-popular in style and scholarly in content-will deepen your understanding of God’s written Word. The Bible Knowledge Commentary will be welcomed by a wide spectrum of Bible students, from the beginner, who will find it easy to understand and easy to use, to the advanced, who will find it consistently thorough and reliable. The readable style, combined with careful scholarship, make this a Bible study aid I and others will add to our “most-used” shelf of books.
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How To Mobilize Church Volunteers
$24.98This insightul, practical book by Marlene Wilson , and international authority on volunteerism, will help you answer questions about volunteers in the church. This new book for all churches points out common problems, establishes management principles, answers questions, and offers a plan to turn the volunteer challenge into a reality.
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Tithing : Call To Serious Biblical Giving
$19.99R. T. Kendall believes that all Christians are called to tithe. What is more, he is convinced that the church would be revitalized and the world transformed if all Christians did begin to tithe. Dr. Kendall combines this bold claim with biblical, theological, and practical implications of tithing. Tithing is sometimes regarded as threatening, but it emerges in this book as both challenging and inspiring. Numerous exciting testimonies are told, all demonstrating in individual lives the principle that underlies tithing. “You cannot outgive to the Lord.”
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$35.00The Daily Study Bible is designed to be a scholarly but readable series of commentaries on the Old Testment. This is the companion set of texts for the Barclay’s New Testament commentaries. These texts are written by conservative scholars and focus on the authority of the scriptures. This commentary on Ezekiel is done by Peter Craigie. It begins with an introduction to the book, discussing the person of Ezekiel and the message conveyed by this book. The following text gives a verse by verse interpretation of Ezekiel, opening up its meaning to the reader.
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Libro De Los Hechos – (Spanish)
$19.99The book of Acts is much more that a simple step between the Gospels and the epistles. That is what this author believes. While writing this book, the author had in consideration the needs of ministers and lay people. This book, which everyone has been waiting for, is a great tool to understand and bring to the actual life the “acts of Jesus resurrected by the Holy Spirit in the church and through it.”
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Slavery Sabbath War And Women
$29.99This book consists of four case issues in biblical inter pretation: slavery, Sabbath, war, and women. In a highly readable style the author shows how opposite sides of each issue can be supported through the use of the biblical texts. Through each chapter and issue, the reader is confronted with the question of how cultural setting and traditional teaching determine biblical understanding.
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Moral Maze : A Way Of Exploring Christian Ethics
$16.99Moral decisions present the individual with a maze of possibilities which can be overwhelming. The increasing complexity of modern life makes it difficult for Christians to know what is ethically right and how to make the right choices. David Cook, in this straightforward and very readable book, examines the main causes of the moral dilemmas in which we so often find ourselves. Not only does he provide an excellent introduction to moral philosophy and its leading schools of thought, but he also examines the sources of Christian principles. How can this Christian use the Bible as a guide to ethical problems? What role should the Church and tradition play? Dr Cook concludes that despite the numerous choices surrounding us, Christian values still offer an authoritative alternative. In the final section, a method is suggested for moral decision making at a practical level, drawing on Edward de Bono’s innovative thinking techniques, and this is applied to the questions of abortion and euthanasis. The Moral Maze is a first-class textbook for students of ethics in universities and theological colleges, and the ideal introduction to how to make moral decisions for the general reader.
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Faith Of The Old Testament
$48.00Intended as a student textbook on the religion of Israel, Werner Schmidt’s The Faith of the Old Testament is especially relevant to theology. A great deal of attention is given to ideas of God and there are ample references to Old Testament texts.
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Toward A Christian Political Ethics
$26.66The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.
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Union With Christ A Print On Demand Title
$21.99How can a person who lived nearly two thousand years ago radically change a human life here now? How can Jesus of Nazareth radically affect us, as persons, to the depths of our being? How can he reach out over the great span of time that divides us from him and change us so profoundly that we become “new creatures” in him?
The answer, according to the Apostle Paul, lies in the fact that Jesus Christ enters into union with us. Lewis B. Smedes believes that union with Christ is at once the center and circumference of authentic human existence. Union with Christ is Smedes’ probing and sustained exegetical study of what Paul means when he speaks of our being in Christ and Christ being in us. Hailed as “a thoughtful, discerning, and thoroughly scriptural study” when it was first published in 1970 under the title All Things Made New, the book has been greatly streamlined in this edition. By judiciously cutting away what now strikes him as “scholarly clutter,” Smedes has produced a carefully condensed version of his earlier work while retaining its basic substance.
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$52.00The Interpretation commentary series is designed for modern preachers. This volume begins with an introductory section which discusses Mark as a gospel, the message of Mark, the structure of the book and the book as it relates to other gospels. The commentary itself is designed to give the preacher practical help in communicating the message of Mark. A good work for preachers.
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Chemistry Of The Blood
$17.99The Chemistry of the Blood is one of Dr. M. R. De Haan’s most widely read books. In it, his scientific background is uniquely combined with his skillful exposition of Scripture to correlate Scripture and science. In addition to the title chapter on The Chemistry of the Blood, Dr. De Haan also discusses such intriguing themes as “The Chemistry of Tears,” “The Chemistry of the Bible,” “The Chemistry of Man,” and other striking truths.
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Undisturbed Soldier
$10.95The Undisturbed Soldier is a chancel play for Lent which allows us to witness Jesus’ arrest, interrogation, beating, and crucifixion through the eyes of two Roman soldiers who took part in most of these events. In the interaction between these soldiers and two Jewish women, the challenge of believing in Jesus is brought to the surface. At the end of the play, three of these persons are convinced that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead while one remains “undisturbed” by it all. The Undisturbed Soldier will give an audience much food for thought concerning one’s own response to the life and death of Jesus.
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At Noon On Friday
$11.18At Noon On Friday is a volume of reflections on the seven last words of Jesus as he hung on the cross. In his usual masterly fashion, Dr. Richard C. Hoefler holds up before his listeners the cross of Christ and calls for a devotional response not merely an intellectual one. The goal of these sermons is to prompt something important, different and decisive to happen to both speaker and listener. They were written in such a way as to create an experience of participating in the three hours our Lord suffered. In the author’s words: “The seven words of Christ are like seven panels of one single stained glass window, reflecting forth the light of the total act of our Lord’s crucifixion.”
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Primary Speech : A Psychology Of Prayer
$35.00This book seeks to define prayer not only as a very broad-based reaching out to God, but also, and perhaps more importantly, as a coping tool which people can utilize, day to day, to achieve harmony in their lives. It is a book about prayer as a means of drawing near to God that is written by people who know what they are talking about from experience.
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Passion Play
$14.93Passion Play offers a series of six brief sketches for Lent or Holy Week which focus on three people who knew Jesus very well: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Through their eyes we see some of the major events of the Gospel, in particular those final days in the life of Jesus. Passion Play is a simple production; characters wear modern day dress and there is only one “set.” Passion Play presents a sensitive insight concerning Jesus’ affect on others, in his life and in his death on a cross.
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Psalms 2 : Chapters 73-150
$25.00In presenting the last half of the Psalter, George A. F. Knight discusses the meaning of the Psalms in the Old Testament, their application in the New Testament, and their challenge for today’s readers. Psalms 73 to 150 belong to the later period of Israel’s experience of God’s steadfast love, recalling the story of how ordinary, sinful people responded in both faith and denial to God’s actions. Now, reflecting on the Psalms with the help of this exciting commentary, the reader can glimpse the total pattern of God’s redemptive plan as it unfolded and as it has continued throughout history.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today
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$24.00Although the name of the book of Numbers derives from the lists and census data contained therein, Walter Riggans shows that this biblical book, rich in content, is best understood in the context of the Pentateuch as a whole. In this incisive commentary, the author describes the people of Israel during their trials in the wilderness, throughout the period of adjustment, and into the time of settlement. He illustrates that the underlying theme of Numbers is the gracious providence of the Lord who cares for Israel in spite of constant rebellion by the people and their leaders.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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$25.00This illuminating study enables the reader to better understand the vocation and message of an extraordinary prophet. The message Ezekiel delivered to the people of Babylon centered on the holiness of God. Even though he foretold doom and judgement, the prophet held out the promise of hope, based on the continuing mercy and forgiveness of God.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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New Covenants Power
$7.95The New Covenant’s Power presents worship services and other resources for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise. Maundy Thursday – “Christ’s Power for New Community” – focuses on the Lord’s Supper and the command to love one another; Good Friday “Christ’s Power for New Covenant Compassion” – emphasizes the actual events of the crucifixion; Easter Sunrise – “Christ’s Power for New Celebration” – rejoices in Christ’s triumph over sin and death. Each of these powerful themes is carried out through the use of symbols, hymns, scripture, and communal prayers. This little volume will give liturgy planners and ministers all the tools they need for Holy Week worship services that are unified in structure, in theme, and in sensitivity to the events being commemorated and celebrated.
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Martin Luther : An Introduction To His Life And Work
$41.66Luther’s impact on theology and history was monumental, his writings was prodigious, his character was complex. The need for a critical overview of Luther’s life and work, particularly concerning his writings and theology, is now met in Bernhard Lohse’s comprehensive introduction. Beginning with an overview of Luther’s world, Lohse summarizes the course of the reformer’s life, highlighting the findings of Luther research and the questions that still surround this 16th century figure. Attention is given to all the major writings, their relative importance, genre, and historical context. The author expertly guides the reader through significant issues in Luther’s theology and discusses landmark contributions to the interpretation of Luther. Editions, translations, and other aids for the study of Luther are clearly described and a select bibliography of related works in English is appended.
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Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)
$15.99This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.
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4 Views Of Christ Print On Demand Title
$16.991. Matthew’s View
2. Mark’s View
3. Luke’s View
4. John’s View
5. The Common Testimony
127 PagesAdditional Info
In this book Dr. Jukes squarely faces and effectively deals with the problem of the differences which characterize the four Gospels. Viewing these differences as what one might expect when four different eyewitnesses testify concerning an event, Andrew Jukes goes on to demonstrate that they are further accounted for by the fact that each author had a distinct and specific purpose in view in writing his account.Each Gospel is examined, its specific purpose fully discussed and its contents ably amplified. In the process, a wealth of information is presented which is both informative and inspirational.
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Centering Prayer : Renewing An Ancient Christian Prayer Form
$20.00A book that combines the best of Eastern Christian spiritual exercises with a spirituality for the world of today, Centering Prayer offers practical suggestions for overcoming the problems that discourage people from praying well.
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Worship As Pastoral Care
$29.99Demonstrates how worship and pastoral care can be blended to sustain and enrich each other.
Using insights gained from pastoral care and pastoral psychology, William H. Willimon explores what happens to people when they become involved in Christian worship. True pastoral care, he shows, cannot take place apart from an active worshiping community of faith.
Worship as Pastoral Care sensitizes pastors to the many ways Christian worship and pastoral care methods can be blended to enrich and support one another. It encourages pastors to broaden their understanding of corporate worship and to become aware of the importance of their role as priests.
To illustrate his concepts, Dr. Willimon examines four familiar acts of worship: the funeral, the wedding, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. The psychological dimensions are discussed and suggestions are given on ways pastors can nurture and sustain their congregations through these services.
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Royal Way Of The Cross
$16.99It is very profitable to have realized what one is; but do not add to that weakness, which is inseparable from our human nature, an estrangement from the very means of strength. Only hearken inwardly to him and despise boldly that which is despicable.”
Above all, Francois Fenelon desired to love God. Out of this love came a desire to share the truth of a life lived in the light of the Cross. His individual writings document his desire to find truth through the love of his Creator; corporately, they comprise a masterpiece of a recorded spiritual journey.
The Royal Way of the Cross is written with an unblinking honesty that distinguishes it from the murky intellectualism that pervaded the time, and it is this truthfulness that gives this work its enduring appeal. Arrestingly written, The Royal Way is an exceptional account of a man who saw the hand of God in all things and was intimately acquainted with “the royal way of the Cross.”
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Gods Power Through The Laying On Of Hands
$12.48If you’ve never laid hands on anyone, you will want to after you read this book, and if you’ve never had hands laid on you, you will want to have this done when you hear the simple teaching on the laying on of hands. Norvel Hayes is sometimes blunt in his comments, but his purpose is to make all of us take another look at what the Bible really says. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James version of the Bible.
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Readings In Christian Humanism
$71.66From biblical times to the present day, the massively influential and engaging tradition of Christian reflection on the value of being human is presented here. With its primary documents, carefully selected and edited by a team of experts, Readings in Christian Humanism fully represents the variety and vitality of the humanistic tradition found in historic Christianity. Bringing together highlights from the almost unlimited gallery of Christian humanist thinkers as stimulants to our own imaginations, this anthology also boldly sets claim to a ground for Christian humanism today.
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Tabernacle In The Wilderness
$15.99Manufactured On Demand Title
While the Old Testament presents many types of the person and work of Christ, few are as detailed and as instructive as the Tabernacle, the offerings, and the priesthood. John Ritchie’s classic study illuminates a richly rewarding area of Old Testament studies.
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$24.99Baptism is a gift from God to the church. If it is not, why make such a fuss about it? We may as well abolish the practice and thus put an end to the confusion and competing notions that surround it. Baptism is God’s gift to the church, Christ’s act within the church. This is a fundamental assumption. Now we must try to make sense of such a bold assertion. Few issues within the church are as controversial as baptism. By which method should it be administered? At what age? What if one changes denominations? Laurence Stookey sifts through the confusion and rhetoric to offer this practical, biblically sound guide to baptism. He examines the sacrament from historical, theological, and pastoral perspectives, and looks at how it has been altered through the ages. Stookey also suggests possible reforms, practices that need restoring and proper occasions for the service.
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Reason To Believe
$14.9910 Chapters
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Do Christians have good answers for the really tough questions?Dr. R. C. Sproul believes they do. In this unique book he deals with the most common objections to the truths of the Christian faith:
– Has science disproved the existence of God?
– Does the Bible contradict itself?
– Why does God allow suffering?
– Is there only one way to God?
– Why do people need religion when life is going smoothly?
– Do Christians have a good answer to evil and suffering?
– How does the church explain all its hypocrites?REASON TO BELIEVE is no collection of “pat answers with a few proof texts.” Each of the questions is dealt with in a separate chapter, which includes a special capsule summary that gives the kernel of each argument. It is an excellent resource for those in visitation and calling programs and a “must” book for those who want to do more than scratch the surface of Christian truths.
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Understanding The Bible (Revised)
$24.991. The Purpose Of The Bible
2. The Land Of The Bible
3. The Story Of The Bible (Old Testament)
4. The Story Of The Bible (New Testament)
5. The Message Of The Bible
6. The Authority Of The Bible
7. The Interpretation Of The Bible
8. The Use Of The Bible192 Pages
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This book answers foundational questions: Who wrote the Bible? What is its message? Why is it thought to be a “holy” book? How does one read and interpret it? Best of all, though, you’ll broaden your vision of Jesus Christ, the focal point of Scripture. How? By better understanding the geographical, religious, and historical concerns that shaped the world in which he lived. You’ll see Jesus as never before: both as a man of his times and culture, and as the culmination of a divine providence that prepared the way for the ministry of the Messiah. Written by renowned preacher, writer, and apologist John Stott, this new, expanded edition includes – Questions at the beginning of each chapter to help you focus – New, up-to-date maps for the chapters on history and geography – An index to help you speedily access areas of interest.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
1-2 Samuel Everymans Bible Commentary
$12.48The books of Samuel focus on the lives of three men: Samuel, Saul, and David. They are first seen as individuals rising in their respective careers. As time passes, their lives more frequently interact and become interwined with each other.
J. Carl Laney covers these two books section by section, often pausing to clear up a difficult passage that would mean trouble to the reader. This volume is complete with many maps that prove to be an invaluable aid to the reader in helping him to plot out where the action of a particular chapter is taking place.
Dr. Laney helps the reader to understand the anguish and agony David experienced as a result of the division of his household and the rebellion of his son Absalom. We can see how Saul met his ultimate downfall as king because of his reliance upon outside sources for guidance instead of implicitly trusting in the Lord. One also sees the godly Samuel who, nevertheless, was unable to keep his own household in order.
Contemporary lessons are plentiful in these two Bible books andavailable to those who take the time to study their truths.”
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Creeds Of The Churches (Reprinted)
$65.00Creeds of the Churches offers, in one comprehensive volume, the major Christian statements of faith from biblical times to the present. The third edition has been updated to include the Athanasian Creed, the London Confession, the Frankfurt Declaration, and the Lima Text, among others. A brief introduction to each creed explains its place in the developing theology of the Christian community.
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1-2 Samuel : Print On Demand Title
$24.00The books of Samuel present a drama in which the principal players are the God of Israel, the prophet Samuel, and the first kings of Israel, Saul and David. In his masterful commentary David F. Payne shows that this Old Testament book combines history and theology as it narrates Samuel’s virtues, Saul’s defeats, and David’s successes in relation to God’s activities during an important phase in the life of Israel.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Genesis 2
$25.00In this second of two volumes on the book of Genesis, John Gibson examines epics of faith as portrayed primarily by Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. He considers the dramatic stories of Genesis in their historical context, relates them to the New Testament, and shows their applicability to today’s church. Illustrated by maps, with suggestions for further reading, this companion to Genesis, Volume 1, also by Gibson, makes the happenings in Genesis as relevant to today’s men and women as they were to the people of ancient times.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Psalms 1 : Chapters 1-72
$25.00For George A. F. Knight, reading the Psalms is a “glorious and exciting experience.” Writing in this spirit, he captures the beauty of these timeless hymns of praise and conveys both their original meaning and their application for today. Knight show how these songs of salvation speak as eloquently for today’s men and women as they did for the first of God’s Chosen People.
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Escuela Domincal Dinamica – (Spanish)
$8.99Written by one of the nation’s foremost Christian education writers, this book addresses the biblical philosophy behind the Sunday School ministry. It also develops the practical aspects that are imperative to any successful program.
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$24.00“Exodus,” writes H. L. Ellison, “is in many ways one of the most important and spiritually interesting books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of how God freed his people from Egypt and bound them to himself by a covenant. We are given insight into how this link with God modified the people’s traditional law, how God’s grace reacted to a broken covenant, and how we should approach God in worship.”
Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
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Other Gospels : Non Canonical Gospel Texts
$35.00This anthology of gospel literature contains texts that are not a part of the New Testament but are of great importance for the study of Christian origins. Containing some of the writings from the Nag Hammadi library, these sixteen texts constitute what remains of the non-canonical Gospels from the first and second centuries. They transmit sayings of Jesus and relate stories about Jesus.
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Harmony Of The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ
$28.55The goal of this volume is to help you better know Jesus by getting a clearer picture of him through the four Gospels — the books that directly depict his life, his ministry, and his heart. Scripture is set with Scripture in chronological order, revealing the harmony of the biblical accounts and bringing the person of Jesus into greater focus. Featuring harmonized Bible texts from the New International Version, this book first introduces and then follows the identical outline of the life of Christ used in The Words and Works of Jesus Christ by J. Dwight Pentecost. This simple, logical presentation of the complete parallel text with the outline greatly simplifies your study of Christ’s life. A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ is ideal for use with The Words and Works of Jesus Christ and makes an outstanding parallel Scripture text for any study of the Gospels or the life of Christ
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Creating Childrens Sermons
$24.00Using everyday items such as balloons, flashlights, and bubble gum, Bucky Dann–a pastor popular with both children and adults–demonstrates in fifty-one simple lessons how children can begin to understand the teachings of Jesus, Bible truths, and even the meaning of atonement and discipleship.
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