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Showing 23101–23200 of 23650 results

  • Faiths Freedom : A Classic Spirituality For Contemporary Christians


    Faith’s Freedom is a refreshingly personal synthesis of key spiritual concepts written in a truly ecumenical way for the contemporary situation. By avoiding most technical terminology, it formulates for intelligent readers an outlook on God and the world that expresses many foundational insights of classic spirituality in terms understandable to the modern mindset. It translates basic notions like creation, freedom, revelation, sin, and faith into contemporary language, then applies them to prayer, power, possessions, anger, sexuality, evil, and life in the Spirit.

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  • Studying Interpreting And Applying The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


    Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible combines into one volume the popular trilogy by Walter Henrichsen and Gayle Jackson: – A Layman’s Guide to Studying the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Interpreting the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Applying the Bible This book will help students as well as ministers, young people and old alike, as they learn to study Scripture more easily and conveniently. The chapters on studying the Bible help the beginning or experienced Bible student mine God’s Word for its riches through verse analysis, chapter analysis, the overview of a book, the study of a topic, and the study of Bible characters (including charts, diagrams, and other helpful illustrations). The unit on interpreting the Bible explains Bible interpretation based on grammar, history, and theology. The section on applying the Bible moves beyond study to life applications, enabling a person to – be motivated to make personal application – move beyond a “to do” list to an internal desire to obey – consider the risks involved in obeying – use specific application principles.

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  • Prewrath Rapture Of The Church


    1. The Tension And Anguish Surrounding A Consideration Of The Timing Of The Rapture
    2. The Ultimate Absolute Of History
    3. The Options Of “When” Laid Out
    4. The Conflict That Makes It Necessary
    5. But First The Counterfeit
    6. The Background That Must Be Understood
    7. The Question That Had To Be Answered
    8. And What Of The Tribulation Period?
    9. And Then The Day Of The Lord
    10. Cosmic Disturbance
    11. Elijah Must Appear First
    12. The Day Of His Wrath
    13. The 144,000 And A Great Multitude No Man Could Number
    14. The Last Trump
    15. The Apostasy And The Man Of Sin
    16. The Coming And The End
    17. Kept From The Hour
    18. Are Pretribulation Rapture Arguments Really Unanswerable?
    19. The Prewrath Rapture: Why This View Now?
    20. The Prewrath Rapture: Catalyst For Holy Living
    Scripture Index
    About The Author

    Additional Info
    For thirty years a confirmed pretribulationist, he now believes that the Church will have to endure the persecution of the Antichrist: “God never promised Hs children immunity from the trials of this godless world or the assault of the Antichrist. He did promise, ‘greater is he [the Holy Spirit] that is in you, than he that is in the world’ (1 John 4:4). ” In view of the fact that Christians will not escape all of the oppression of the “Tribulation” period, Rosenthal urges godly living in light of a clear understanding of the last days so that we will be prepared for Satan’s intense opposition. Rosenthal does, however, believe that the Church win escape the wrath of God, which will be poured out beginning with the opening of Revelation’s seventh seal sometime during the second half of the “Tribulation” period. “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:9).

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  • Presbyterian Source


    What is central to the Presbyterian identity? The Bible and its reading through the church provide some specific teachings that undergird and nourish the church: the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the promise that God’s Spirit will be with those who believe, the promise of eternal life, human responsibility for the world, and the need to proclaim the gospel. Using twelve biblical passages, Louis B. Weeks helps adult study groups, Bible study groups, and individuals study the Bible as they reflect on who they are as Presbyterians. He explores the Presbyterian tradition, which has used the Bible as a guide, remaining faithful to both the Old and New Testaments. This book is “on target” in providing “threshold knowledge of biblical influences on Reformed theology.” It is “a worthy companion” to Weeks’ To Be a Presbyterian–Virgil Cruz, Professor of New Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

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  • Gospel Treasury Cycle B


    Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters for Cycle B.
    Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.
    This book is part of a three-part set, which follows the Lectionary cycles A, B and C.

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  • John Calvin And The Church


    The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplines and scholarly approaches that touch on the life of the church. Its five sections convey a wide range of interests among the contributors: Calvin and his times, theology, ecclesiology, interpretation of Holy Scripture, and worship and preaching.

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  • Women And The Genesis Of Christianity


    This study explores the role of women in New Testament times. Beginning with the woman’s place in Judaism, in the Hellenistic world, and in the Roman Empire, Witherington demonstrates how Jesus broke significantly with convention in how he viewed women, offering as he did a wholly new conception of the legitimate rights of women in society.

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  • Index Of Watchtower Errors 1879-1989


    Teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and how they differ from historic Christianity are documented in this study of Watchtower publications from 1879 to 1989.

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  • Theology Of The Cross


    A THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS, by Charles Cousar investigates the importance and role of the death of Jesus in the letters of Paul. Cousar attempts to move beyond the category of justifi cation in his understanding of the Pauline writings. Cousar believes that our North American dominant cultural values are massively resistant to a theology of the cross. The author then proposes that a very different set of cate- gories are needed. The shift of categories touches every aspect of life, socio-economic and episetmological as well as ethical.

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  • Love You Forever


    Firefly Books publication

    The mother sings to her sleeping baby: “I’ll love you forever / I’ll love you for always / As long as I’m living / My baby you’ll be.” She still sings the same song when her baby has turned into a fractious 2-year-old, a slovenly 9-year-old, and then a raucous teen. So far so ordinary–but this is one persistent lady. When her son grows up and leaves home, she takes to driving across town with a ladder on the car roof, climbing through her grown son’s window, and rocking the sleeping man in the same way. Then, inevitably, the day comes when she’s too old and sick to hold him, and the roles are at last reversed. Each stage is illustrated by one of Sheila McGraw’s comic and yet poignant pastels.

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  • Fortunes Bride


    Slowly she turned to face the door just as Graham came through at full stride. At the sight of him a wild kind of joy seized her. Graham halted on the threshold. He drew in his breath sharply, and in spite of himself, his pulse thundered at the sight of the tall, willowy figure. The last time he had seen Avril she had been a child. Here in her place was a graceful young woman. “Avril, my dear,” he said, finding his voice. “Welcome home!” Fortune’s Bride, the third in a series of award-winning novels by Jane Peart, is a revision of the story of Avril Dumont, a wealthy young heiress and orphan, who gradually comes to terms with her lonely adolescence. There is romance and heartbreak, true love and fulfillment in this story of Avril’s seemingly unreturned but undaunted love for her bachelor guardian, Graham Montrose. Readers of Fortune’s Bride will be smitten with the charm of the old South as they follow Avril’s development into womanhood, and meet the people who give her a sense of self-worth. So skillfully drawn is the plot of this romance that the reader will suffer form ongoing suspense throughout Avril’s story.

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  • Exodus : A Self Study Guide


    Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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  • Pilgrims Way


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250676ISBN10: 066425067XJ. Barrie ShepherdBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Se Hizo Hombre – (Spanish)


    Here is a fascinating commentary on the life of Jesus. The author presents the political, social and religious setting of the most fascinating period in the history of humankind. The author transports our mind to the first millennium where he makes us live the adventure of the political, social, and religious setting

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  • Imagining A Sermon


    Here is the remedy for trite, boring sermons! Thomas H. Troeger shows how to breathe fresh life into your sermons by harnessing your imaginative powers in a new way. In scores of dynamic workshops, Troeger has shown preachers and seminarians how to create powerful sermons by seizing moments when the heart and mind catch fire. Now, in Imagining a Sermon Troeger share the secrets of capturing the imaginative spirit within you.

    You will discover:
    How to observe daily events that can energize the preaching event
    How to fine-tune your visual and listening skills to fuse televised, scriptural, and remembered images into new truths for your congregation.

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  • Women Of Genesis


    THE WOMEN OF GENESIS 12-50 describes the significant roles of the many women mentioned in the biblical book of Genesis. Through close attention to the literary features of the text, the author depicts Sarah, the daughter of Lot, Hagar, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, Dinah, Tamar, and Potiphar’s wife as integral persons who shaped Israel’s destiny, revealed perspectives on God’s involvement in the course of history, and portrayed human failure, freedom and strength.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 19


    This is the second volume of Wesley’s Journal to appear in the critical edition of The Works of John Wesley. Covering the period from late 1738 to 1743, it documents, in Wesley’s own words, the formative years of the Methodist Revival in Great Britain. Previously unpublished material from Wesley’s private diaries supplements the account in the published Journal of such key events as Wesley’s first adventure in “field preaching,” the growing breach between Wesley and the Moravians, the formation of the first Methodist Societies, the establishment of the New Room in Bristol and the Foundery in London, and the emergence of the “lay preachers” or “circuit riders.”

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  • Jesus Paul And The Law


    Here is a master new Testament scholars decade of research – along with new material – on a major issue on the study of Christian origins. Extended international debate has been concerned with this question: What were the attitudes toward the Jewish law within earliest Christianity?

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  • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


    Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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  • Liberating Exegesis : The Challenge Of Liberation Theology To Biblical Stud


    This important book provides a sampling of liberation theology’s use of biblical texts, relating it to the “standard” methods of interpretation in Europe and America. Divided into four sections, the book sets out contemporary readings of the parable of Jesus influenced by a liberationist perspective; identifies the biblical and theoretical foundations of liberation theology, comparing them with the dominant exegetical paradigm in the first world; explores the way in which liberation exegesis affects reading the canonical accounts of Jesus; and argues that liberation theology cannot be seen solely as a third-world phenomenon.

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  • When You Need To Take A Stand


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250515ISBN10: 0664250513Carolyn BohlerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Romans : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)



    1. Introduction To Paul’s Epistles
    2. Background And Survey Of Romans
    3. Paul’s Burden
    4. The Pagan World And The Self-Righteous Condemned
    5. The Jew Condemned; The Whole World Condemned
    6. Justification Defined And Illustrated
    7. Fruits Of Justification
    8. Principles Of Christian Living
    9. The Practice And Power Of Christian Living
    10. God’s Sovereignty In Saving Jew And Gentile
    11. The Christian Servant
    12. The Christian Citizen
    13. The Christian Brother
    14. Epilogue: Personal Notes
    Bibliography P. 115

    Additional Info
    ROMANS: A Self-Study Guide

    To understand the deeper truths of the Word of God, study the book of Romans. Paul’s letter reveals one important theological truth after another, laying a foundation for the Christian faith. By using this self-study guide you will be able to apply basic Bible doctrine to your everyday Christian experience. You’ll understand more fully subjects such as justification, propitiation, the universality of sin, and the characteristics of the new life in Christ.

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  • Acts : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Geography Of Acts
    1. Background Of Acts
    2. Witnesses For Jesus
    3. The Holy Spirit Poured Forth
    4. A Miracle And A Sermon
    5. The Test Of Conviction
    6. More Tests And Victories
    7. Stephen The Martyr
    8. Philip The Soul-Winner
    9. Conversion Of Saul
    10. The Gospel For Gentiles
    11. Antioch Christians
    12. First Missionary Journey
    13. Jerusalem Council
    14. Second Missionary Journey
    15. Third Missionary Journey
    16. Paul Before The Mob
    17. Paul Before The Council
    18. Paul Before The Governors
    19. Paul Before A King
    20. Voyage To Rome
    21. Paul’s Witness At Rome
    Index Of Topical Studies

    Additional Info
    The book of Acts spans thirty years and is a record of the spread of Christianity from the coming of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost to Paul’s arrival in Rome. This self-study guide will enable you to understand the formation and the development of the church. Patterns of church life and principles for missionary work are among the topics discussed. If you are looking for a comprehensive, challenging tool to use in personal, group, or class Bible study, you’ll find the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series an exciting way to better understand the important truths of God’s Word. Each response-oriented guide in the 39-book series features helpful charts, graphs, maps, and ideas for projects and further study. You’ll refer back to each completed guide as a reference again and again as you study the Scriptures. This study series has enabled millions to effectively explore and understand God’s eternal message, and it continues to be the most widely used tool for Bible study today.

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  • Genesis : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    1. The Book Of Genesis
    2. Creation
    3. The Fall
    4. The Flood; Birth Of Nations
    5. Abraham-Four Great Tests
    6. Abraham’s God Of Promise
    7. Abraham’s Crucial Last Years; Isaac
    8. Jacob Striving For Blessing
    9. Jacob Learning True Blessing
    10. Joseph As Prisoner
    11. Joseph As Benefactor
    12. Joseph As Son And Brother

    Additional Info
    Genesis is the book of beginnings. In it we have the account of the creation of the universe and all that is within it. In the book of Genesis we see god putting into action the plan He has had eternally for mankind. This self-study guide will help you as you study each facet of God’s program through fourteen organized lessons. Charts, maps, and diagrams appear throughout the study guide and ill give you a greater understanding of this unique, foundational book of beginnings.

    If you are looking for a comprehensive, challenging tool to use in personal, group, or class Bible study, you’ll find the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series and exciting way to better understand the important truths of God’s Word. Each response-oriented guide in the 39-book series features helpful, charts, graphs, maps, and ideas for projects and further study. You’ll refer back to each completed guide as a reference again and again as you study the Scriptures. This study series has enabled millions to effectively explore and understand God’s eternal message, and it continues to be the most widely used tool for Bible study today.

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  • Christian Life New Testament


    SKU (ISBN): 9780840721785ISBN10: 0840721781Translation: New King James Version (NKJV)Language: EnglishColor: BurgundyBinding: ImitationFont size: 8Presentation BiblePublished: February 1990Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Memoranda During The War


    Walt Whitman spent much of his time with wounded soldiers, both in the field and in the hospitals. The 40 notebooks he filled became the basis for this extraordinary diary of a medic in the Civil War.

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  • Protest And Praise


    The author contends “that the sacred music of African Americans is of two sorts: protest song and praise song. . . . These categories constitute thebook’s two parts.”

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  • When You Are Alone


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250508ISBN10: 0664250505William Arnold | Margaret Fohl | Editor: Andrew LesterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Living With Aids


    “Terry Boyd has touched theological depths and clear biblical understanding in his book, Living With AIDS: One Christian’s Struggle. A victim of the dread pandemic … Boyd shares the practical reality of his intimate experiences with the illness, his daily struggles to face death, his relationships with others whom he loves, both inside and outside the church, and who risk sharing their love with him in return. His words are not only informative, but inspire any reader to make direct application of faith perspectives no matter how severe, untimely, or unpredicated.

    “His refusal to accept morbidity for whatever days remain for him call us to a commitment to God’s purposes — one day at a time. I could not put the book down. More importantly, it will never release me.”
    Leontine T. C. Kelly
    President, AIDS National Interfaith Network
    Bishop (Retired), San Francisco Area United Methodist Church

    “Terry Boyd’s writings during the last year of his life represent the faith journey of a man who has no illusions. He is going to die and he knows it…. Herein you will read about his spiritual journey, the milestones along the way, the importance of prayer, his ability to rely on God and experience God’s presence. Terry also writes about the fear, bigotry, isolation, and financial hardships which too often follow a diagnosis of AIDS and which persons of faith are called to address.

    “Faith is a rod by which we measure life. When I visit Terry I take a ladder. Thanks for the soul’s embrace, Terry: for that ‘love that flows between two spirits like water in a stream. ‘ “
    Cathie Lyons
    Associate General Secretary
    Health and Welfare Ministries Department
    General Board of Global Ministries
    The United Methodist Church

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  • Joyful Noise


    Organs, choirs, hand bells, trumpets — even a brass quartet — are all possibilities with this versatile service for Easter morning.

    Appropriate for use as a sunrise service or regular Sunday worship, this celebration of Easter joy will leave you and your congregation exulting in the full meaning and significance of Christ’s triumph over death.

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  • Revelation


    SKU (ISBN): 9780806688800ISBN10: 0806688807Gerhard KrodelBinding: KivarPublished: January 1990Augsburg Commentary On The New TestamentPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Finding The Right Words


    What do you say to someone who is facing a death in the family, a divorce, the loss of a job, or a life threatening illness? In this helpful book Wilfred Bockelman gives practical suggestions for offering care and comfort. He discusses many common situations and provides guidelines for using Scripture and sharing your faith as you reach out to others.

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  • Mainstream Protestant Decline


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251505ISBN10: 0664251501Editor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Spiritual Man


    The Spiritual Man is a translation of the only book of any substantial size which brother Watchman Nee himself ever wrote. At the time of writing it he felt this work might be his last contribution to the church, although since then God has graciously overruled. Long after the books initial publication in Chinese our brother once was heard to express the thought that it should not be reprinted because, it being such a “perfect” treatment of its subject, he was fearful lest the book become to its readers merely a manual of principles and not a guide to experience as well. But in view of the urgent need among the children of God today for help on spiritual life and warfare, and knowing our brother as one who is always open to God’s way and most desirous to serve His people with all that God has given him, we conclude that he would doubtless permit it to be circulated in English. Hence this translation.

    Translations used. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible has been used throughout the text unless otherwise indicated. Additional translations where employed are denoted by the following abbreviations-.
    Amplified-Amplified Old Testament
    ASV-American Standard Version (1901)
    AV-Authorized Version (King James)
    Darby-J. N. Darby, The Holy Scriptures.. a New Translation
    Young’s-Young’s Literal Translation

    Soulical and Soulish. The adjectives “soulical” and “soulish” have been used to convey distinctly different meanings. “Soulical” as herein employed pertains to those proper, appropriate, legitimate, or natural qualities, functions, or expressions of man’s soul which the Creator intended from the very beginning for the soul uniquely to possess and manifest. “Soulish” appears in these pages to describe that man in toto who is so governed by the soulical part of his being that his whole life takes on the character and expression of the soul.

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  • Psalms 1-59


    The first volume of Kraus’s magesterial commentary on the Psalms is here made avaliable to English speaking readers. For each psalm the reader will find: bibliography, fresh translation of the Hebrew text, linguistic notes, dis cussion of the form of the passage and its origin, and a verse by verse commentary followed by a statement regarding the theological thrust of the passage. In addition,there is an extensive introduction that deals with the text tradition, titles, poetic form, liturgical functions, and historical allusions of the Psalms.

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  • Genesis 1-11


    Westermann’s commentary on the book of Genesis is divided into three volumes. The first volume comments on Genesis 1-11, which deals with the beginning of the world and the human race. The second volume comments on Genesis 12-36, and deals with the patriarchal story in the figures of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The third volume comments on Genesis 37-50 and touches upon the Joseph story. In each of these volumes Professor Westermann offers an extensive introduction to the social and religious setting of the patriarchal period and an analysis of the shaping of the text of Genesis 12-36. Readers will also find features for each unit of the text as follows: rich bibliography a new translation with linguistic notes analysis of form and setting verse-by-verse commentary word studies and short essays on particular themes theological assessment.

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  • Choices


    Your congregation’s children are the focus of this spectacular service for Christmas Eve.

    Traditional Christmas scripture texts are skillfully interwoven with mimed dramatizations, dramatic dialogs in contemporary language, and familiar hymns and carols in this complete order of worship.

    With something for everyone to do, from pre-schoolers to high school seniors, your children — and their parents — will personally experience the joy of the Christ child’s birth — and the choices which that miraculous event gives us.

    Performance Time: approximately 45 minutes.

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  • Preaching The Miracles Cycle B


    our partner in intelligent, meaningful sermon preparation Cycle B

    The Situation
    The Setting
    Cultural and Historical Contexts
    Other Lectionary Texts For the Day
    Meanings and Derivations of Key Words

    Suggested Sermon Themes
    Sermon Outlines
    Preaching Illustrations

    Nine Miracles Include
    Cleansing a Leper — Mark 1:40-45
    Calming a Sea Storm — Mark 4:35-41
    Healing a Blind Man — Mark 10:46-52

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  • Places Of The Promise


    “The Advent/Christmas story is one that identifies specific places as the font of the rich interactions between God and humanity. The names of such locales are as familiar to us as our own homes.”

    Here are six sermons with accompanying children’s sermons. The series covers Advent 1 through Christmas 1. Each sermon focuses on the particular sphere God used to prepare creation for the gift of Jesus.

    The sermons offer:
    * Texts from Lectionary Cycle B
    * Other suggested texts
    * Suggestions for congregational activities

    The children’s sermons follow an advent wreath-lighting series. Following Christmas, these sermons use the Christmas tree and the creche scene as themes. Each children’s sermon offers at least three objects to use as illustrations.

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  • Palms And Thorns Cycle B


    “Liturgy,” which literally means “the work of the people,” sums up all the ways people have responded to God, including hymns, prayers, laments, invocations and confessions of faith.

    14 Worship Services The Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament contemporizes and brings to life these various forms of worship as the author draws unique canticles, prayers, hymns and responsive petitions from the books of the New Testament. Each New Testament book is allowed to speak with its own voice. For example, the service based on Luke gives voice to the Gospel by the use of four canticles (psalms), and Luke’s own version of the Words of Institution and his truncated version of the Lord’s Prayer are included.

    Also included are a helpful index listing the worship services according to their use in the lectionary and ten sermons for use with these liturgies.

    Contents include:
    Through The Desert Clear A Highway! — The Liturgical Witness Of Luke
    One Lord, One Body — The Liturgical Witness Of The Corinthian Letters
    Lordship And Unity — The Liturgical Witness Of Colossians
    God Is Love — The Liturgical Witness Of First John
    Worthy The Lamb — The Liturgical Witness Of Revelatio

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  • Alive For Everymore


    Alive For Evermore is a collection of seven worship services compiled by CSS. It recognizes the need of pastors to have in one volume, orders of service for important celebrations of the church during Lent and Easter.

    You will find in this compact volume complete services for:
    Ash Wednesday
    Palm Sunday
    Maundy Thursday
    Good Friday (two services)
    Easter Sunrise
    Easter Morning

    Each suggested service includes an order of worship, liturgy, scripture, and hymn possibilities. Copy privileges are available with each service. The seven services include congregation involvement in various forms. The Sunday sunrise service invites participation from a family in the congregation.

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  • Glimpses Through The Dark Glass


    This collection of forty meditations for the days during Lent is a treasury of insightful reflections on the state of Christianity — and challenges to the state of our Christianity.

    Glimpses Through The Dark Glass is the perfect resource for Lenten study groups, pastoral reflections, or personal Bible study.

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  • Pastor : Readings From The Patristic Period


    Patristic theology is primarily pastoral. Yet often the study of writings from the first six centuries of the church is pursued in ways that make the polemical, philosophical, and political aspects stand out. But if one reads around those texts that are profiled in these ways, the pastoral concerns will emerge. Even contemporary interests in social, economic, and deconstructionist approaches locate much of the data for their questions within or near texts that also can be looked at for the descriptions of shepherding the flock. Thus it is likely that any who read ancient Christian literature will find this volume helpful. The introduction is masterful. No other volume known to me does that so well through the translated words of ancient leaders. Whatever historical surveys one finds helpful, they cannot replace this guide. It is done with such competence and flair that specialists who are historians with no particular interest in ministry other than its being a feature of the early church will need to consult it. Those, however, who as believers and ministers are attempting to serve contemporary congregations will devour this book. No seminarian should be without it

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  • Liberating Visions : Human Fulfillment And Social Justice In African Americ


    The four men spotlighted in this book, together with other black religious and political leaders and communities, have developed distinctive and significant traditions of moral thinking and social criticism. Although the principal concern of these thinkers was social justice entailing significant institutional transformations in American society, they were also attentive to the substantive content and formal character of the authentically free life and moral person. The four men highlighted are Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr

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  • Oh The Places Youll Go


    Illus. in full color. “Don’t be fooled by the title of this seriocomic ode to success; it’s not ‘Climb Every Mountain,’ kid version. All journeys face perils, whether from indecision, from loneliness, or worst of all, from too much waiting. Seuss’ familiar pajama-clad hero is up to the challenge, and his odyssey is captured vividly in busy two-page spreads evoking both the good times (grinning purple elephants, floating golden castles) and the bad (deep blue wells of confusion). Seuss’ message is simple but never sappy: life may be a ‘Great Balancing Act,’ but through it all ‘There’s fun to be done.'”

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  • US Lifestyles And Mainline Churches


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250997ISBN10: 0664250998Tex SampleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Presbyterian Predicament


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250973ISBN10: 0664250971Editor: Milton Coalter | Editor: John Mulder | Editor: Louis WeeksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • When You Are Facing Change


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250485ISBN10: 0664250483J. Bill Ratliff | Editor: Andrew LesterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Eye Of The Eagle


    Includes exercises so that we can experience for ourselves the many aspects of vision.

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  • How Faith Matures


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804207508ISBN10: 080420750XCarl NelsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Wild Apples


    A meditation on apples begins with a short history of the apple tree, tracing its path from ancient Greece to America. Thoreau saw the apple as a perfect mirror of man and eloquently lamented where they both were heading.

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  • From Old Revelation To New A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    From old revelation to new takes an important step beyond the studies by Robert Carroll and Michael Fishbane in exploring inner-biblical exegesis. Simon De Vries attempts to solve the problem of ideology and technique in the expansion of prophetic prediction by schools of redactors. By analyzing those prophetic predictions that employ temporal expressions as introductory transitions – expressions such as “in that day,” “behold, days are coming,” and “at the end of days” – De Vries demonstrates how futuristic expectation was expanded and reshaped within the prophetic collection toward an eventual canonical form.

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  • Struggle For Americas Soul A Print On Demand Title


    In this book Robert Wuthnow examines the two major factions in American religion – conservatives and liberals – and analyzes the secular forces shaping both sides. Wuthnow’s clear, perceptive sociological study is prescriptive as well as descriptive, stressing the need to maintain a healthy, honest dialogue in the ongoing tensions between liberals and conservatives.

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  • Annie Oakley : Young Markswoman


    Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Wild West personality Annie Oakley.

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  • Ezekiel A Print On Demand Title


    Hals analyzes in detail the structure and intention of the unusually long prophecies of Ezekiel. Because this prophet genuinely qualifies for the designation “theologian,” Hals devotes much attention to examining Ezekiel’s theological perspective and style. He argues that Ezekiel, despite his proclamations of judgment, is not a prophet of despair. Rather, Ezekiel affirms the stubborn grace of Israel’s sovereign Lord – the God who follows his people into the death of exile and loss of nationhood and promises them life out of death via a new exodus, a new “peoplehood,” and a new temple.

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  • Theological Worlds : Understanding The Alternative Rhythms Of Christian Bel


    By exploring five common Christian perspectives (“theological worlds”), this volume helps readers understand the basis of their own Christian attitudes, identify the sources of their confusions about life and the church, and come to a deeper appreciation of the assumptions and motivations of others.

    Author W. Paul Jones demonstrates that each of the five “theological worlds” has a legitimate basis in both Scripture and tradition. He explores why the “citizens” of each world have great difficulty understanding and accepting the legitimacy of other worlds, and why people of goodwill often misconstrue the words and intentions of others.

    Theological Worlds offers thoughtful insight to all Christians who want to understand and deal effectively with other human beings. Christian educators will appreciate the references to literature–books, plays, songs, poetry–which illustrate the characteristics of residents of the five worlds and point toward ways to achieve nurturing experiences for students and congregations. Preachers will find the volume helpful as a means of crafting sermons that speak to the diversity of experience among their church members.

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  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom


    There is always enough room on your child’s bookshelf for this rollicking alphabet chant that has been a children’s favorite for over thirty years!

    A told B,
    and B told C,
    “I’ll meet you at the
    top of the coconut tree”

    In this lively alphabet rhyme, all the letters of the alphabet race each other up the coconut tree. Will there be enough room? Oh, no–Chicka Chicka Boom! Boom!

    Countless children–and their parents–can joyfully recite the familiar words of this beloved alphabet chant. Bill Martin, Jr., and John Archambault’s rhythmic text keeps the beat with Caldecott Honor illustrator Lois Ehlert’s bold, cheerful art. This winning combination has made the Chicka Chicka series an enduring classic.

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  • Keep It Simple


    These daily meditations are for people in recovery who are either beginning a Twelve Step program or looking for renewal in the basic principles of recovery. Keep It Simple shows how prayer, meditation, and action can bring sobriety and peace to one’s life. Suggested daily activities help readers integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Keep It Simple presents the basics of recovery in terms that allow any reader the chance to enjoy the gifts of sobriety and serenity.

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  • Answers In The Heart


    Offers personal guidance on sexuality, intimacy, and relationships, helping individuals understand feelings, change attitude, and develop spirituality.

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  • Words Of Spiritual Benefit Vol1


    “Blessed is he who seeks a word of benefit and more blessed is he who turns the word into life, lives it and obeys it.” (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III)

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  • Profetas Menores – (Spanish)


    Charles Lee Feinberg is one of the autorities in the United States in Jewish history, language and customes from the Old Testament and biblical profecies. He graduate in cience from Pittsburg University and obtain his master and PhD from a Seminar in Dallas, also he has a masters in Old Testament from South Methodis University and a PhD on archeology and language from the University of John Hopkins.

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  • Logic Of Evangelism


    Abraham argues, in contrast both to the traditional focus on proclamation and to the more recent emphasis on church growth, that evangelism should be construed as primary initiation into the kingdom of God. Fleshing out his thesis by discussing how conversion, baptism, morality, the creed, the gifts of the Spirit, and the classical spiritual disciplines are related to kingdom initiation.

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  • Search For Compassion


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250652ISBN10: 0664250653Andrew PurvesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Campus Ministry


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804215831ISBN10: 0804215839Donald ShockleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Christology Of Peace


    James E. Will shows how peace with justice is evident in the life, message, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The major illuminator of both personal and political peace, Will explains, is Christology. This Christology of peace is a major contribution to the interconfessional dialogue about peace–both Protestant/Catholic and Christian/Jewish.

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  • Servant : Simple Story About The True Essence Of Leadership


    1. The Definitions
    2. The Old Paradigm
    3. The Model
    4. The Verb
    5. The Environment
    6. The Choice
    7. The Payoff
    187 Pages

    Additional Info
    In this absorbing tale, you watch the timeless principles of servant leadership unfold through the story of John Daily, a businessman whose outwardly successful life is spiraliing out of control. He is failing miserably in each of his leadership roles as boss, husband, father, and coach. To get his life back on track, he reluctantly attends a weeklong leadership retreat at a remote Benedictine monastery.
    To John’s suprise, the monk leading the seminar is a former business executive and Wall Street legend. Taking John under his wing, the monk guides him to a realization that is simple yet profound: The true foundation of leadership is not power, but authority, which is built upon relationships, love, service, and sacrifice.
    Along with John, you will learn that the principles in this book are neither new nor complex. They don’t demand special talents; they are simply based on strengthening the bonds of respect, responsibility, and caring with the people around you. Perhaps this is why The Servant has touched readers from all walks of life-because its message can be applied by anyone, anywhere-at home or at work.
    If you are tired of books that lecture instead of teach; if you are searching for ways to improve your leadership skills; if you want to understand the timeless virtures that lead to lasting and meaningful success, then this book is one you cannot afford to miss.

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  • Sermons On Suicide


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250713ISBN10: 0664250718Hardy ClemonsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Cowherding Christians Cycle A


    If you and your parishioners don’t know much about sheep, you might find a shepherding Savior difficult to fathom; but if you grew up on a family farm anywhere in rural America, you might know something about cows. And you just might find it easier to relate to a cowherding Savior. It is this type of familiar, experiential approach to God’s word that makes this collection of model homilies so unique — and so meaningful.
    Messages include:
    – Where Are the Lilies Now?
    – Jesus’ Hospital
    – Cowherding Christians
    – A House for God
    and seven more!
    For use with Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionary texts

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  • 2 Part Invention


    The story of a marriage of true minds and spirits–a brilliant writer’s tribute to lasting love.

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  • Guide To Pronouncing Biblical Names


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819212924ISBN10: 081921292XT. S. K. Scott-CraigBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1989Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Celebrating Life : Catching The Thieves That Steal Your Joy (Student/Study Guide


    1. CELEBRATING THE PRESENT: Catching Discontent
    2. CELEBRATING THE PAST: Catching Regret
    3. CELEBRATING PROGRESS: Catching Perfectionism
    4. CELEBRATING TRIALS: Catching Resentment
    5. CELEBRATING RELATIONSHIPS: Catching Self-Protection
    6. CELEBRATING LEARNING: Catching Narrow-Mindedness
    7. CELEBRATING GOD’S BLESSINGS: Catching Ingratitude

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    NAVPress Publishers Print On Demand Title

    Do any of these things got you down?
    *Discontent *Failure
    *Regret *Unpleasant Relationships
    *Resentment *Anxiety
    *Disappointment *Pressure
    If so, you’re in a perfect position to begin Celebrating Life! Luci Swindoll wants to open your eyes to the many reasons you have for celebrating life. Her enthusiasm will Inspire you, her questions challenge you, and her Insight significantly Impact the way you face each day.

    So come learn how to “catch the thieves that steal your joy.” Begin to enjoy your talents, experiences, relationships, and uniquenesses. Discover the joy of celebrating your past, your present, your blessings, and even your trials! All It takes Is the decision to stop “enduring,” and to start Celebrating Life.

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  • Randall House Bible Commentary The Gospel Of John


    This verse-by-verse exposition commentary on John highlights and explains important Greek words from the original manuscripts as it examines difficult theological concepts.

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  • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 3 Cycle A


    Practical preaching strategies to help the over-burdened parish pastor communicate God’s Word in vital, meaningful ways.
    This is the first volume in CSS’s third series of popular preaching workbooks — Designed to help you get the most out of every moment you spend in sermon preparation.
    Special Features Include:
    – Commentary on Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Common lectionary texts
    – Sermon Starters for First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel texts for every Sunday in Cycle A
    – “Theological Clues” to help you explore the relationships among all the texts for each Sunday
    – Wide Margins and Stay-flat binding for ease of use
    – Overviews of preaching challenges and possibilities for each liturgical season
    – Extensive Bibliography of exegetical and homiletic resources for Cycle A preaching
    – And All-new Insights from one of CSS’s most well-respected and successful authors
    This workbook is an exercise in liturgical, as well as lectionary preaching. It springs from the rationale that most lectionary helps ignore the liturgical setting of the lessons assigned to the various Sundays. It is this author’s contention that the exegetical/homiletical process begins with the church year. The year, cycles, seasons, Sundays, and festivals establish the themes and provide theological clues for worship and, particularly, preaching, especially in the first half of the church year. This approach is the outgrowth of the author’s doctoral dissertation and two of his books, “The Renewal Of Liturgical Preaching” and “The Song And The Story.” Both deal with preaching from the lectionary texts in the context of the worship, work, and lives of the people of God.

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  • Strong At The Broken Places


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804211536ISBN10: 0804211531Stewart GovigBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • New Testament Exposition


    Expository preaching is an elusive ideal. Many preachers aspire to it, few are acknowledged masters. For most a gap exists between the sermon that addresses the needs of the hearers and one that methodically plumbs the depths of Scripture. New Testament Exposition is written to bridge this gap and bring together the disciplines of preaching and exegesis. In this book Liefeld addresses the three main concerns of expository preaching: What is the text saying? How can its message be communicated in ways that are appropriate to the passage, the seeing, and the goals of the sermon? How can the message meet the real needs of the congregation in a way that is consistent with the purpose and function of the text? This book demonstrates how these concerns can be brought together in a sermon, and it is this thoughtful, practical approach that makes the book so valuable to preachers and seminarians. The book is divided into three parts. Part I explores the characteristics of expository preaching. Part II deals with preparing the text and addresses such areas as practical exegesis, exegetical outlines, narratives and compositional patterns, semantic patterns, and underlying assumptions of the text. Part III discusses application of the text by asking, What is the function of the text? What are the needs of the congregation? How can one preach to inner heart needs as well as to the external circumstances facing the congregation? New Testament Exposition is not vague theory, nor is it esoteric study beyond the grasp and time of the busy pastor. Throughout the book Dr. Liefeld reflects his experience in the classroom and pulpit, and his concerns as scholar and pastor are clearly seen in the final chapters of this volume. Chapter 9 examines preaching from difficult texts: How might one handle parables, miracle stories, obscure passages, culturally related texts? The final chapter provides a demonstration of all that is discussed throughout the book by walking the road through the actual preparation for a sermon.

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  • Eucharistic Manual For Children Rites 1-2


    Help young children understand and participate in the prayers, hymns, and responses of the Eucharist. Includes a step-by-step outline with illustrations suitable for coloring.

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  • God The Economist


    An informed and well-written theological treatment of economics. Carefully and creatively, Meeks renders a theological critique of our present situation and offers a constructive vision for God’s ‘law of household’ in our life together.

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  • History Through Eyes Of Faith


    Integrating faith with introductory Western history, this text provides a Christian perspective on the major epochs, issues, and events of Western Civilization. It details the role of the Greeks and Hebrews, Jesus in history, the Renaissance, and more.

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  • From Anticipation To Transfiguration Cycle A


    The Advent season is one of expenctancy and anticipation. But it is not fulfilled completely in the Nativity. For it is not until the Transfiguration that God’s people can even begin to really understand what the fulfillment of God’s promise might mean.
    Joe E. Pennel Jr. takes his reader on that journey “From Anticipation to Transfiguration” with the sensitive insight that Christmas is not the end but the beginning of God’s promise to his people.
    Messages include:
    – Shaped by the Future
    – Away with the Stable
    – The Called Ones
    – Fog-Cleared Moments
    and thirteen more!
    For use with Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Lectionaries.

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  • Fruits Of The Spirit


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819213143ISBN10: 0819213144Evelyn UnderhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Treasures From The Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Matthew : Structure Christology Kingdom


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800623388ISBN10: 080062338XJack KingsburyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Theology And The Justification Of Faith A Print On Demand Title


    This book deals with the epistemological problems of rationality and of theory construction in theology. Van Huyssteen analyzes the principal models of rationality, examines the conceptual models of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gerhard Sauter, and finally discusses the metaphoric nature of religious language and develops criteria for the structuring of a “critical- realist rationality model.”

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  • Rosemary For Remembrance


    15 Chapters In 294 Pages

    Additional Info
    Who was the sinister hand behind Alden Culver’s murder? Regan’s life depends on an answer only thyme will tell…

    Regan Culver’s beloved father has been killed: poisoned – apparently by his own daughter’s hand. Now, following his tragic death, Regan finds herself not only without her father, but horribly and unbelievably accused of his murder. The evidence against her is overwhelming: she is Alden Culver’s primary heir – and the one responsible for bring him a cup of poisoned tea on the last night of his life

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  • Soul Winner : How To Lead Sinners To The Saviour (Reprinted)


    Print on Demand Title

    Winning souls is ”the chief business of the Christian minister” and of every believer in Jesus, wrote Spurgeon. The most compelling preacher of the 1800s, Spurgeon continues to challenge today’s believers. In this classic work, he gives you effective, encouraging instruction on how to share ”the exciting, disturbing, even sensational news” of the Great Commission.

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  • Ablaze For God


    What are the spiritual dynamics of leadership? How can you be more a person of God, aflame for God, anointed and empowered by God — truly a Spirit-filled leader? Here are answers that you will read again and again.

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  • Gospel Treasury Cycle A


    Would you like to add something new, something fresh, to your lectionary worship experience? If you answered “Yes!” you will love this new collection by Andrew Daughters of contemporary poems based on lectionary Gospel texts for Cycle A.
    Use these inspirational poems in your church’s worship service as corporate readings, pastoral prayers, opportunities for lay involvement, or as private meditations. Or duplicate them for insertion in your parish newsletter or bulletin. However you choose to use them, this special collection will add vitality and meaning to your worship experience all year long.

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  • Prophets Bread Cycle A


    From the author of the vastly popular “Gospel Horizons” series, comes this new collection of deeply thoughtful, personal; yet, universal responses to First Lesson lectionary texts for the Advent season.
    Drawn from the author’s own searching questions and sensitive insights, these model homilies will deepen your understanding of the proclaimers and prophets who were sustained by the word of the Lord.
    Messages include:
    – God as Woodcutter
    – The Glance of God
    – What God Sees
    – Six Cloudy Days
    and thirteen more!
    For use with Common Lectionary texts.

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  • Eclipse Of Christ In Eschatology


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802803566ISBN10: 0802803563Adrio KonigBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1989Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • Soul Making : The Desert Way Of Spirituality


    A leading spiritual writer recovers “The Desert Way of Believing” — the spiritual pathway discovered by early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian desert that is still relevant to Christians today. Alan Jones distills the elements that made this fully orthodox way of inner transformation a unique and important part of the early church. Refreshingly readable and filled with rich insights, Soul Making draws together the spirituality of modern literature and elements of psychology. Jones shows how the desert way can become for any spiritual seeker a soul-stretching means of experiencing the “wonder, mystery, and awe” at the heart of the Christian faith.

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  • Introduction To The Old Testament


    A classic in biblical interpretation has been updated for today’s scholars and students. This new edition of INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT, translated by John Bowden, retains the clarity and breadth that has contributed to Alberto Soggin’s reputation as an outstanding biblical authority. He brings this third edition up to date using the latest scholarship, while retaining the same basic approach and divisions used in earlier versions. Aside from covering the books of the Hebrew Old Testament, Soggin also gives an introduction to each of the deutero-canonical books and provides an overview of the history and general problems that have accompanied the Hebrew Bible.

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  • True Image A Print On Demand Title


    This book focuses on the understanding of our humanity (anthropology) in the light of the doctrine of Christ (Christology). Hughes opens with a doctrinal discussion on man’s creation in the image of God, continues by considering the effects of man’s fallenness resulting from the rejection of that image, and concludes with a detailed study on the restoration of the image through the redemption provided by God in Christ.

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  • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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  • Contemporary Images Of Christian Ministry


    CONTEMPORARY IMAGES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY by Donald E. Messer Illuminates five contemporary visions of ministry-n wounded healer, servant leader, political mystic, practical theologian, and enslaved liberator.

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  • Shepherds Of Bethlehem


    This Christmas Eve Candlelight Service takes your congregation to the hills and homes of Bethlehem on the night that Jesus was born. Monologs by local shepherds and their families reflect on the hopes and expectations of the common people who populated that quiet, historic town. Prayers and suggested hymns combine with traditional Christmas readings and the drama of candlelight to create a spectacular and reverent Christmas Eve worship event.

    Staging and costuming can be simple or complex. Includes reading parts for up to eight older youth and adults, and walk-on parts as desired.

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  • Parents Of The Passion


    We have heard from the disciples of our Lord. Each has told us his story time and time again. But what of those who knew Our Lord and his disciples because they had given them their life and nurtured them in Godly homes?

    William Grimbol takes us into the homes of seven families in Palestine. With an eye to stressing values of a godly home and upbringing, the author helps us to imagine how the parents of Thomas, Simon the Zealot, Nathanael, Peter, Judas, James the Less, and Jesus must have felt, seeing their adult children give themselves to a cause which they did not understand — nor, in some cases, appreciate.

    These seven monologs are appropriate for use at Sunday or mid-week worship during the season of Lent. Each is matched with an accompanying order of worship, which the purchaser of this publication may duplicate in quantity for use in the local congregation.

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  • Revelation : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    The Book of Revelation has wielded enormous influence throughout the church’s history—and it still has an urgently-needed message for today. Using up-to-date scholarship, Boring explores the meaning of Revelation as an example of Christian prophecy. He is not so concerned with the bizarre method of apocalyptic that he ignores its central phenomenon—that of the risen Jesus who continues to speak to his churches through the Spirit. Preachers and teachers will especially appreciate the essays on key difficulties in understanding Revelation as a Christian book.

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  • Hear Then The Parable


    By building on the labors of such illustrious predecessors as Adolf J<129>licher, C. H. Dodd, and Joachim Jeremias, as well as the modern findings of Robert Funk, Dan Via, and John Dominic Crossan, Scott provides the most encyclopedic account of the parables in years.

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  • Bible In Politics


    This enlightening book on how to read the Bible politically serves as a prerequisite to Christian political action. Richard Bauckham offers his interpretations of several Bible passage that are politically relevant, and discusses how reading the Bible in a political context can lead to fresh insights.

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  • Of God And Pelicans


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250768ISBN10: 0664250769Jay McDanielBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • 1-2 Timothy And Titus


    This new volume in the tremendously helpful Interpretation series seeks to open the three pastoral epistles to thematic preaching. The theme? Like Paul’s in the three letters, it is how laypeople and clergy can care for the church. Oden tackles the role of women in worship, problems of the rich and poor, the handling of church disruptions, and other contemporary issues.

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