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Showing 20601–20700 of 35035 results

  • Was Jesus A Muslim


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800663254ISBN10: 080066325XRobert ShedingerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Infinito En La Palma De La Man – (Spanish)


    El magico relato de nuestros origenes es probablemente el que mas fascinacion ha inspirado en la humanidad a lo largo de los tiempos. Pero, mas alla de los cuarenta versiculos que la Biblia dedica a Adan y Eva, mas alla incluso de la leyenda, como seria la vida de aquella inocente, valiente y conmovedora primera pareja? Como seria aquel universo primigenio? Cual fue el impulso que motivo a que Eva tomara la manzana prohibida? Y que pensamientos le pasaron por la cabeza a ambos una vez que comprendieron las consecuencias de lo que Eva acababa de hacer? Preparese para adentrar en un mundo fascinante y primitivo que lo llevara al comienzo de todo, a la historia en la que se basa la civilizacion judio-cristiana. Poesia y misterio se dan la mano en esta sorprendente novela que nos presenta al primer hombre y la primera mujer descubriendose y descubriendo su entorno, experimentando el desconcierto ante el castigo, el poder de dar vida y la crueldad de matar para sobrevivir. Esta novela que nos brinda Gioconda Belli es una parabola para nuestros tiempos y para un futuro inesperado que logra cautivar y complacer cada centimetro de nuestra alma.

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  • Light And The Glory (Revised)


    Repackaged Edtiion

    Did Columbus believe that God called him west to undiscovered lands? Does American democracy owe its inception to the handful of Pilgrims that settled at Plymouth? If, indeed, there was a specific, divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today?

    The Light and the Glory answers these questions and many more for history buffs. As readers look at their nation’s history from God’s point of view, they will begin to have an idea of how much we owe to a very few–and how much is still at stake.

    Now revised and expanded for the first time in more than thirty years, The Light and the Glory is poised to show new readers just how special their country is.

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  • 42 Days To A New Life


    America is in the midst of the greatest epidemic of its history. It is not a virus; it is not global warming; it is not obesity, per se. It is the imbalance of fat in our diet that is leading to heart disease, cancer, depression, ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other disorders. * Why are 650,000 Americans dying annually from heart attacks? * Why are 3 young adults committing suicide every day? * Why do we all know of a loved one suffering or dead from cancer? These and many other questions about the decay of America’s health are answered by the imbalance of fat in the western diet. This book explores the background and devastation caused by this fat imbalance that has developed in our lifetime. From alpha to omega, it gives you guidance toward better health, and a new life in 42 days.

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  • Vive Tu Sueno – (Spanish)


    Most people John Maxwell encounters have a dream. In fact, he’s asked thousands about their greatest aspirations. Some describe their dream with great enthusiasm and detail. Others are reluctant, almost embarrassed, to talk about it. Regardless of their zeal or fear, the same question drives every person with a dream: Can I achieve it?

    Sadly, most people have no idea how viable their dream is. They hope to achieve it, yet hope is not a strategy. What people need is a way to test their dream.

    John C. Maxwell ayuda a la gente acontestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplensus suenos.La mayoria de la gente con la que se encuentra John Maxwelltiene un sueno. De hecho, el ha preguntado a miles acerca de las aspiraciones masgrandes que tienen. Algunos describen su sueno con gran entusiasmo y detalle. Otrosse muestran reacios, casi avergonzados de hablar de ello. Independientemente desu celo o temor, la misma pregunta impulsa a cada persona que tiene un sueno: ?Lopodre alcanzar?Tristemente, la mayoria de la gente no tiene idea de loviable que su sueno es. Espera alcanzarlo, pero la esperanza no es unaestrategia. Lo que la gente necesita es una manera de poner a prueba su sueno.En !Vive tu sueno!, Maxwell trae a la realidad eltema del sueno personal. Brinda a los lectores direccion poderosa y practicapara sus vidas guiandoles a traves de diez preguntas que les ayudaran a crearun camino claro y convincente hacia su sueno.

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  • Healing By Design (Revised)


    Your body CAN heal itself! The world system is currently training you to be sick. Are you still participating?

    Radically restore your body’s health by tapping into its built-in healing mechanisms. Learn how your system works, how to take control of your healing and how to maintain your God-given health like never before.

    It doesn’t matter if the problem is a chronic degenerative condition, trauma, childhood obesity, ADHD, a neurological problem or any other type of disease. The body has the ability to heal itself if proper balance can be restored. This understanding will revolutionize your healthcare, right down to how you feed, cleanse and protect your cells.

    GET READY! Everything you once believed regarding healthcare is about to change. Armed with biblical principles and medical facts, you’ll have the tools you need to make better health choices for yourself and your family from now on.

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  • Easter Experience Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Paint yourself into the story and transform Easter into a truly life-changing experience. Once you experience the story of Easter, absolutely everything in your life changes. The Easter Experience is a unique, DVD-driven study which brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching. This companion to The Easter Experience small group DVD follows the six 20-minute episodes, providing additional information, discovery questions, and tips for helping your small group grow spiritually and bond with each other as well as with the eternal message of Easter. Also available are the Easter Experience Church Program and the Easter Experience Ministry Devotional.

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  • Alphabet Of Grace


    With characteristic eloquence and insight, Buechner presents a three-part series of reflections that probe, through the course of one day, the innermost mysteries of life. Blending an artist’s eye for natureal beauty, the true meaning of human encounters, and the significance of occurances (momentous or seemly trival), with a wealth of personal, literacy, biblical, and spiritual insights, he offers a matchless opportunity for readers to discover the hidden wisdom that can be gleaned through a heightened experience of daily life.

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  • Mistaken Identity : Two Families One Survivor Unwavering Hope


    The stunning true story of two families trading places from graveside to bedside.

    Five lives were lost in a tragic accident involving a Taylor University van, and one young woman, severely injured and comatose, was rushed to the hospital. Families, faculty, students, and communities grieved their losses and joined in prayer and hope as the one young woman, Laura Van Ryn, fought for her life in a hospital bed. The national news spread the story, and people everywhere shared the grief and the hope.

    Five weeks passed for the Cerak family. Believing they had buried their daughter, the Ceraks clung to their faith and worshipped God through their tears, learning to look forward with hope to an eternal reunion with their lovely daughter Whitney. They spent weeks in mourning and grief, slowly moving toward healing.

    Five weeks passed for the Van Ryns. Keeping a constant bedside vigil over their precious daughter Laura, they sat and prayed and hoped. They rejoiced at each tiny advance toward recovery. They celebrated each sign of Laura’s healing.

    And then the shock! “Okay, Laura, I would like you to write your name for me,” the occupationaltherapist said. W-H-I-T-N-E-Y.

    An event that could be seen as pure tragedy becomes a celebration of life’s unfathomable gifts and mysteries.

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  • Genesis 2


    Genesis is not merely an Old Testament book. Genesis is the beginning of the Bible’s macro-narrative, the over-arching narrative which stretches from the creation in Genesis 1 and 2 to the new creation in Revelation 21 and 22. To read Genesis as Christian Scripture requires that we also read Genesis in light of its meaning for Christians who know Jesus Christ to be the ultimate seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:16).

    This section of Genesis differs from chapters 1-11 in two main ways. First, it deals with the chosen family, the precursor to the nation of Israel. Second, it focuses much more on the lives of individual characters who come to life on its pages. A predominant theme in this section of Genesis is the concept of election or “chosenness,” referring to God’s choice of particular individuals as the human channels of his blessing to the entire world. Often God’s choice runs counter to the human choice. Isaac is chosen over Lot and Ishmael; Jacob over Esau; Judah over his older brothers Reuben, Simeon and Levi. Joseph, the tenth son, is elevated above his brothers. The chosen nation descends from a series of individuals chosen for other reasons than their order of birth or expected social status. Israel is a chosen nation descended from the unlikely and improbable choices that God made of individuals. This theme of God’s surprising choices binds the narratives of Genesis together and hints at the humility that the chosen nation Israel must have toward their own election.

    Unlike the earlier section of Genesis where human characters are little more than types, in this section of Genesis we have full-fledged characters such as Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph and Judah. With fullfledged characters comes the complexity and ambiguity of such characters. The characters in Genesis are not portrayed as good Christian people! They were not Christians and their narrative portrayals are not simplistic. The lessons we learn from them come as much from their weaknesses and mistakes as it does from their moral examples. The characters of Genesis are not white-hatted heroes riding white horses or black-hatted villains riding black ones. The message of Genesis is elsewhere than in simplistic moralizing.

    Genesis 12-50 makes clear that even the chosen family is itself significantly sinful. This prepares the ground for the Bible’s great surprise ending. God himself, in his son Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham, took on flesh and b

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  • Ripe Fields : Promise And Challange Of Latino Ministry


    Timed to be launched at 2009 General Convention, Juan Oliver definitive look at the history and potential future of Latino ministry in the Episcopal Church comes at an opportune time. With Latino ministries growing around the country in all traditions, and with increasing resource and programmatic offerings being allocated to serve those communities, this highly descriptive handbook profiles the culture, faith, and importance of this emerging minority.

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  • Spilt Milk : Devotions For Moms


    Spilt Milk is a collection of brief, hilarious stories and meditations mixed with biblically based applications that encourage women in their spiritual journey. Written by a Gen-X mom, these stories remind busy mothers that God’s grace is always there in the messes and marvels of life, love, and being a mom.

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  • 7 Deadly Spirits


    T. Scott Daniels, pastor of a Los Angeles megachurch, contends that corporate bodies like churches form an individual spiritual personality of sorts. Cultural influences can impact the collective spirit or attitude of a congregation, either hindering it from becoming all God intends it to be or setting it free to glorify God.

    In this practical work, Daniels examines the nature of the seven representative “angels” of the churches addressed in Revelation to show how congregations can escape the principalities and powers that hold them captive. The book encourages working pastors, church leaders, and ministry students to consider a systems approach to church leadership–one that takes seriously the powers at work within local congregations–and offers suggestions for transformation.

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  • Real Enemy : A Novel


    Work has become Police Chief Brill Jessup’s favorite distraction from trying to forgive her husband’s infidelity. But when seven people in her town go missing, her tireless investigation threatens her family and she’s forced to confront the real enemy.

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  • Saved From Mediocrity


    When I used to read in Romans seven where Paul writes about his struggle with sin, I would very much identify with his words… life for me was a struggle. Sure, I was a Christian, but the joy, contentment, and abundance that was promised in the Bible was not a reality. Financial hardship, relational frustrations, and confusion about what God expected of me were driving a wedge in my relationship with my Savior-and it needed to change! What must I do, I thought, to move from a Romans seven life to a Romans eight Spirit-filled life, free from the burdens that were weighing me down? This book records the journey I made from that burden-filled life into a Spirit-filled life using the Biblical book of Joshua as a backdrop. You too can find this freedom by taking one simple step of faith into the perfect will of God!

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  • Eating With The King


    Don’t you wish you could just eat whatever foods you want without feeling guilty? You can! God wants eating healthy to be a simple, easy, and joyful expression of your faith, not a guilt-ridden lifestyle of complicated and expensive diet methods. It’s not a matter of the stomach. It’s a matter of the heart. God created food to help you, not hurt you. Eating with the King is a 40-day journey to seeing food as the fuel source God intended, not something to love more than Him. Each day, Terri Rockwell offers you a slice of the Bread of Life with a side dish of practical tips on following God-given hunger and fullness cues. Packed with scriptures pertaining to food, you will discover how to let Christ fill you with His love, instead of looking to food for comfort. Experience the freedom to eat what you enjoy without condemning yourself as “bad.” Having a healthy body is as simple as eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full! Think she’s kidding? You shall know the truth; and the truth shall set you free. (John 8:32) What do you have to lose? Taste and see that the LORD is good!

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  • Seek Him Find Him Everywhere


    A collection of poems that extols the power and glory of God, our Creator. Seek and find Him, learn to understand Him by way of references to His Holy Word. Walk and talk with Him in nature and in everyday circumstances. Experience the wonders of His unconditional love and you will learn to love and serve Him in return. Your life will be transformed.

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  • I Hear I Obey


    God always speaks clearly, simply, and concisely, in His Word. His Words always carry with them great meaning for you and me. His words also are written in such a way so that we can understand and obey them. In the book, I Hear I Obey, you will learn the importance of obedience, on every level, especially to God. You will also discover how the words “to hear” tie directly in with our obedience. You see, we must first hear God’s Word, before we can obey Him. Join with me, step by step, as we learn how to obey the Master’s voice and graduate from His School of Obedience. Also discover the importance of family to God. By making family a priority in our lives, we are obeying God.

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  • Pursuing Your Passion


    In this book, Pursuing Your Passion, as a child of God, you will learn how to identify your passion. More importantly, however, you will learn valuable lessons that will be encountered along the way. Throughout this book, we will explore the passion and pursuit of Nehemiah in God’s Word. Learn how God develops a servant’s heart in all of us first and foremost. Through studying God’s Word, see how obstacles we face must come, to see what we’re really made of, and how these obstacles can actually strengthen our passion. Walk with me, as we read about Nehemiah’s passion, and how he pursued it. Dare to take a risk, and step out in your own passion. Are you ready to pursue your passion? Get ready to embark upon an adventure!

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  • What Label Are You Wearing


    All of us wear some kind of fashion label down the red carpet of life. Whether we realize it or not, we have an audience watching us each day to see what we’re wearing. Are we wearing the label of fear, or confidence? Are we wearing the label of selfishness, or grace and love? Do people in the audience know we are labeled “Child of God?” Does it show? In this book, What Label Are You Wearing?, we will learn about what’s in a label, which ones should stick and which ones should be torn off. We will learn the meaning of wearing the label “Made In Christ, Inc.”

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  • On The Way


    ENJOY the journey and you’ll live LONGER. Enjoy the journey and the LIFE you live will be BETTER. Enjoy the JOURNEY and others will enjoy being with YOU! Life is too precious to be missed. But many believe it is in the accomplishments and achievements; in the destinations that we find what we are looking for. But what about the journey? What about all the time, people and seemingly insignificant events that occur on the way? On the Way: How You Live the Journey Makes the Destination Matter, encourages us to take a closer look at how we live — To examine what we miss. Then it calls to our hearts to return to another way, the way of the Savior — the On the Way pattern of living. So put on your walking shoes, grab your backpack and get ready to go! This journey is going to be good!

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  • Tongues Inside Out


    Framed within an inspiring true story of spiritual awakening and deliverance from the clutches of organized crime, Tongues Inside-Out is a practical Biblical guide regarding why Christians can, but most don’t resume Man’s lost friendship with God by exercising his gift of speaking in tongues. Like Abraham’s willingness to take a sign of the righteousness he had by faith, the book makes the case why tongues is likewise a voluntary sign of the circumcision of the heart that all born again Christians already received by grace. The book challenges all Christians that Christ Jesus has never stopped calling for us to step out in faith from our dispensational boats to walk on spiritual waters with unfailing trust that will allow their born again human spirits to pray and worship from the inside-out, causing a never ending spiritual conversation with God in the cool of the day in his Garden.

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  • Tongues Inside Out


    Framed within an inspiring true story of spiritual awakening and deliverance from the clutches of organized crime, Tongues Inside-Out is a practical Biblical guide regarding why Christians can, but most don’t resume Man’s lost friendship with God by exercising his gift of speaking in tongues. Like Abraham’s willingness to take a sign of the righteousness he had by faith, the book makes the case why tongues is likewise a voluntary sign of the circumcision of the heart that all born again Christians already received by grace. The book challenges all Christians that Christ Jesus has never stopped calling for us to step out in faith from our dispensational boats to walk on spiritual waters with unfailing trust that will allow their born again human spirits to pray and worship from the inside-out, causing a never ending spiritual conversation with God in the cool of the day in his Garden.

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  • Diary Of A Dead Beat Dad


    Born into a family of eight children and raised in a single-parent home, the author arrived during a time when it was quickly becoming common for many dads to either leave their homes or wander off and create multiple families. Diary of a Dead Beat Dad demonstrates what happened as a direct result of the breach in the author’s well-to-do family.

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  • Diary Of A Dead Beat Dad


    Born into a family of eight children and raised in a single-parent home, the author arrived during a time when it was quickly becoming common for many dads to either leave their homes or wander off and create multiple families. Diary of a Dead Beat Dad demonstrates what happened as a direct result of the breach in the author’s well-to-do family.

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  • Where Angels Roost


    It is the spring of 1932 during the Great Depression. Jonathon Jackson’s mother can’t afford to keep him in Dallas, and as a puny twelve-year-old kid, he can’t get a job. She buys him a Continental Bus ticket and sends him to East Texas to live with her parents. Through the voice of Jonathon “Sonny” Jackson, this story captures the bond between a boy and his family, a boy and his horse, and the innocence of adolescent love.

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  • Walk Right Through It


    Walk Right Through It reveals the special bond between a mother and a daughter. I am proud to say my beautiful mother was my best friend and confidante. The result of our relationship and her challenge with MS has led to the book you are now holding. I am honored to tell our story – a transformation through the valley of death to the resurrection of a life now lived to the fullest. You will be encouraged in your faith, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh and find comfort and healing. Readers of all ages will be inspired as I recount this journey of my life, the day my true love walked into my life at the age of 45, and an ignited passion for a personal relationship with God. Life has a way of twisting and turning us in several directions. The way we navigate our journey determines the outcome.

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  • Where Angels Roost


    It is the spring of 1932 during the Great Depression. Jonathon Jackson’s mother can’t afford to keep him in Dallas, and as a puny twelve-year-old kid, he can’t get a job. She buys him a Continental Bus ticket and sends him to East Texas to live with her parents. Through the voice of Jonathon “Sonny” Jackson, this story captures the bond between a boy and his family, a boy and his horse, and the innocence of adolescent love.

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  • Milk Of His Word


    In this book, we will learn the six basic doctrines of Christ. We must learn these doctrines to get our flesh under our feet. This writing reveals many issues concerning our walk with the Lord as we grow into His image through trials and tribulations, mostly brought on by ourselves and our ignorance.

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  • Just Thinking Out Loud


    Ken Qualls Just Thinking Out Loud is a compilation of articles about various aspects of Christian thought and life. It takes a look at our foibles, follies and flaws and gently encourages us to remember that we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious the author stands firmly on the Word of God and understands the grave responsibility Christians have to rightly interpret it. He strongly believes that we owe it to the world to be equipped to give an intelligent, well-reasoned explanation for the faith we profess. This book inspires, admonishes, encourages and edifies. The reader will quickly sense the passion Qualls has for the Bible and his compassion and respect for both fellow believers and unbelievers.

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  • Will You Make Me A Bride


    Gracia Kaersenhout-Domini, called by God to stand in His ministry, when she was just a 16 year old girl. At that time she couldn’t understand the purpose and the meaning of the calling, but God’s power rested upon her. She was faced with many insecurities in her childhood, but since she had Jesus as Lord, He kept her and protected her from much danger. She spent most of her childhood and teen years evangelizing in a Children’s Choir, but it was until 1999 she started writing Christian poetry and has touched many lives.

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  • Old Texts Through New Eyes


    Christians frequently slaughter freedom of conscience with fanatical dogmatism. It is not uncommon for various fellowships of God’s people to lay an embargo on freedom in favor of their own exclusive doctrine or understanding of the Scriptures. One objective of this book is to set Christians free from sectarianism. The views set forth in this book are not bound by party ties. It is my desire that these writings will assist Christians in their desire to escape the prevailing forms of radicalism manifested by so many sincere and devout believers.

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  • Word Became Flesh


    The Word Became Flesh is a devotional from the Gospel of John for the 40 days of Lent. It traces the life of Christ from the 1st chapter of John through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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  • I Am That I Am


    TIMES UP (Don’t Wait Too Late) Each of us has a timer at the beginning of life, that’s activated the day of our birth. And we all have only a set number of years! To enjoy this life, as we journey here on earth! Each moment that passes cannot be recovered. Neither can each heartbeat pumping blood through our veins! As we live and grow and breathe every day, there’s lots of knowledge and wisdom to be gained. Yet, many of us miss out on so much! Caught up in drama! Paralyzed with heartache and pain! While the clock on our timer is steadily winding down, we have no one but self to blame. Just when we discover that we’ve lived a life less ordinary and so far beneath all that we were created to be. The timer goes off and the grim reaper says, “Your time’s up! Come follow me!” I AM THAT I AM A JOURNEY THROUGH ADD-OL’-LESS-SENSE… is a distinct poetic novel of inspirational truths as described through a personal journey of discovery: the secret of destiny and the revelation of purpose, through a collection of inspired writings.

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  • Christian Basics 101


    Christian Basics 101 is a concise survey of foundational tenets of the Christian faith designed to enhance spiritual growth and service. Its thirteen lesson format makes it an excellent resource for pastor classes, Sunday School curriculums, and Camp/Retreat studies.

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  • Journey Of Faith


    This is a moving, inspiring true story of a healing miracle from God as well as two out-of-body spiritual experiences with Jesus. John Jones, a Christian Realtor in Macon, GA was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver-a terminal illness- in June 2006. He was told by his doctor he only had a few months to live, was prohibited from working, from driving a car, and from having any visitors in his home. In February 2007, he had a liver transplant, two heart attacks and kidney failure all within three weeks. Read about how God miraculously healed John and how God loves you and wants to save and heal you. You will be inspired and encouraged and your faith will grow as you read about John’s miraculous Journey of Faith.

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  • God Speaks : Words For The Journey From The Fathers Heart


    In God Speaks: Words for the Journey from the Heart of the Father, author Deborah A. Gaston shares with the reader the “God-side” of dialogues with the heavenly Father. This is a compilation of words of encouragement, instruction, healing and hope that allow the reader to experience in an even greater way the love that God has for His children. The selections in this book will help believers make sense of many of the circumstances in life that the Father uses to form Christ’s image in us and to perfection us. Through these words you will see that all things do indeed work together for good to them that love the Lord. You will be strengthened by these words from the Father’s heart, and will inspired to know Him in a deeper way.

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  • And The Word Was Made Flesh


    The much awaited event in the Biblical prophecy is the rapture of the Church. Knowledgeable teachers and preachers of the Bible and those who are serious followers of world events are convinced that this the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ. This book shows the way to be saved, to escape the great tribulation that will follow immediately after the rapture and not be left behind!

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  • Chosen In Him


    “Chosen in Him.” This is the book that America has been waiting for! Another motivational masterpiece bordering on the lines of “Pursuit of Happiness.” This is one for the entire family. It is not only a motivational story but also a love story that warms hearts with an identifiable and inescapable tragedy that has touched the lives of many. The experiences in “Chosen in Him,” takes us on a reflective Siddharthian journey as we see how an American family bounces back from a tragedy of the unexpected death of a young wife and mother named Necie, who leaves behind her beloved husband James and their four children: James II, Jude, Candace, and Jonathan.

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  • Goals In Christ


    In a spiritual act of calling the United States of America to account, Jesus Christ pulls the veil off of our nation’s two names and flag. He sets before us the command to repent and to pray, that through Goals in Christ, Jesus Christ now stands in the gap between us and the Father.

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  • God Letters : 101 Devotionals For Sinners And Hypocrites Just Like Me


    God Letters 101 Devotionals for Sinners and Hypocrites Just Like Me is a collection of daily devotonals that will bring the reader to a new understanding of grace.

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  • God Letters : 101 Devotionals For Sinners And Hypocrites Just Like Me


    God Letters 101 Devotionals for Sinners and Hypocrites Just Like Me is a collection of daily devotonals that will bring the reader to a new understanding of grace.

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  • Jezebel In Our Midst


    Tired of Wrestling with Jezebel? Do you wonder why you find yourself pinned so often when the Word says you have the victory? Would you like to be free from the spirit of Jezebel in your life? Find how to silence this principality entirely! Discover that the Lord has His own objectives and just as He strengthened Elijah, He can do the same for you. Gain strategies that are vital for the defeat of this deceptive and hidden enemy of the church.

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  • Camino Hacia La Riqueza En Acc – (Spanish)


    More people will become millionaires through entrepreneurship in the next few years than in the past 200 years combined. And you can be one of them. Get access to business guru Brian Tracy’s proven formula to start, build, manage, and grow your business successfully. By taking these specific actions that lead to business success, you can achieve your dreams of perpetual wealth.

    Topics include:
    Selecting the right product or service
    Getting ahead of the competition
    Closing more sales than ever before
    Determing accurate costs and setting appropriate prices
    Eliminating unnecessary costs and expenses
    Testing your market quickly and inexpensively
    Advertising and attracting more prospects
    Getting the money to grow your business
    Increasing profitability

    El doctor Charles Stanley ensena a los lectores a confiar en el inmutable caracter de Dios y les muestra como eso puede cambiar sus vidas.Todas las decisiones que tomamos se basan en innumerables detalles, suposiciones y creencias. “?Deberia aceptar el trabajo?”, pregunta ella. “?Deberia mudarse nuestra familia a otro estado?”, se pregunta el. Luego evaluamos los datos y las circunstancias y sacamos nuestras conclusiones. En esta obra, En armonia con Dios, el doctor Stanley anima y desafia a los lectores a enfocar la vida desde un nuevo angulo: conociendo y considerando el caracter de Dios. Si sabemos quien es Dios y lo que esta planeando, ya habremos tomado muchos pasos hacia su respuesta y el plan que tiene para nuestras vidas.

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  • Driving The Career Highway


    As leaders of prestigious executive search firms and organizational consulting firms, Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin have decades of experience working with people who failed to see the signs of trouble in their careers-or to read them right. These two experts have distilled the twenty most compelling problems and situations that can cause a person to detour, stall, get lost, or crash and burn on their career highway.

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  • Hundred Years Of Happiness


    SKU (ISBN): 9781595545022ISBN10: 1595545026Nicole SeitzBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Praying With The Body


    Pray with more than your mind. Pray like a psalmist.

    While most books about prayer are meant to be read, this one is an invitation to move in prayer by expressing the Psalms with motion. This creative approach will take you beyond your “head” into your entire being, as a way of expanding your relationship with God. Roy DeLeon, who has been guiding others in this active prayer practice for years, guides you with helpful drawings, scripture texts, and explanations. Working together, these elements invite you to try a new and different way of knowing God. These meditations and reflections will connect you to your deepest needs, to your hunger and longing for contentment, for freedom from fear, and for peace. As Roy says, “May this book help you to “rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

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  • Not So Fast


    Frenzied families find themselves fragmented in this high-speed, fast-paced, goal-oriented society. Even while racing to second jobs, appointments, lessons, practices, games and clubs, we crave an antidote. How do we counteract the effects of our over-committed culture? Replenish our depleted selves? Restore our rushed relationships?

    Not So Fast: Slow-Down Solutions for Frenzied Families explores the jarring effects of our high-speed, high-pressured, highly-scheduled lives and offers refreshing alternatives. Author Ann Kroeker relates her own story of how embracing a slower everyday pace has resulted in a richer, fuller, and more meaningful life.

    Practical ideas and insight will spark creativity and personal reflection. Plus, ponder real-life stories from parents who put the brakes on the high-speed lifestyle and reaped the rewards of richer relationships. Not So Fast offers hope that families struggling with hurried hearts and frantic souls can discover the rejuvenating power of an unrushed life.

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  • Power And Poverty


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    In this wide-ranging, challenging book Dewi Arwel Hughes unpacks a convicting thesis: that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us. He then provides biblical perspectives to enable you to both understand the causes of poverty and help in overcoming it.

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  • Agorafobia – (Spanish)


    Following the theme of the book The Emerging Generation, Junior Zapata describes what he considers to be the condition of many Christians in Latin America concerning daily personal evangelism, and talks about how the Christian church should lose its fear of the world and how to approach the “pre-believer” culture, as he calls it.

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  • Class With Drucker


    Hailed as “a warm and useful read,” A Class with Drucker brings to life invaluable advice from the world’s greatest thinker and writer on management. From 1975 to 1979, author William Cohen studied under the great Peter Drucker and became the first graduate of his doctoral program. What Drucker taught him literally changed his life. In a matter of a few years, he was recommissioned in the Air Force and rose to the rank of major general. Eventually, he became a full professor, management consultant, multibook author, and university president-all while maintaining a nearly lifelong friendship with the master. In A Class with Drucker, Cohen shares many of Drucker’s teachings that never made it into his countless books and articles, ideas that were offered to his students in classroom or informal settings. Cohen expands on Drucker’s lessons with personal anecdotes about his teacher’s personality, lack of pretension, and interactions with students and others. He also shows how Drucker’s ideas can be applied to the real-world challenges managers face today. Enlightening and intriguing, this book will enable anyone to gain from the timeless wisdom of the inspiring man himself.

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  • Life In The Blender


    “How do I put it all together? How do I keep it together?” Whether it’s a blended family or the daily struggle to keep a balance between job and family, every woman experiences “blending” on some level.Drawing from personal “his, mine and ours” experience, Grammy Award-winning singer and Women of Faith speaker Sandi Patty provides insight on how to stay focused when life threatens to spin out of control. A much-needed resource for any woman in a blended family.Birthed in heartache, delivered with biblical insight, candor, grace, and personal humor, Life in the Blender provides acceptance and the message, “you are not alone.”

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  • Peace Building By Between And Beyond Muslims And Evangelical Christians


    I. Introduction
    Mohammed Abu-Nimer And David Augsburger

    II. Peace-Building, Nonviolence, And Conflict Resolution

    The Practices Of Forgiveness And Reconciliation In Conflict Transformation
    David Augsburger
    Response To Augsberger
    Karim Douglas Crow
    Muslim Perspectives On War And Peace
    Ayse Kadayifci
    Response To Kadayifci
    Glen Stassen

    III. Religious Diversity And Identity

    The Qur’anic Perspective On Religious Pluralism
    Riffat Hassan
    I Am As My Servant Thinks Of Me
    Rabia Terri Harris
    Response To Hassan And Harris
    Wilbert Shenk
    Social Location And Christian Identity: Some Historical Perspectives
    Wilbert Shenk And Alvin C. Dueck
    Response To Shenk And Dueck
    Jimmy Jones

    Interfaith And Intra-Faith Dialogue

    Theological Foundation Of Interfaith Dialogue And Peaceful Coexistence: The Koran’s Universal Perspectives
    Osman Bakar
    Fear And Muslim-Christian Conflict Transformation: Resources From Attachment Theory And Affect Regulation
    Evelyne Reisacher
    Toward Mutual Respectful Witness
    Dudley Woodberry
    The Right To Religious Conversion: Between Apostasy And Proselytization
    Abdul Rashied Omar
    Response To All Articles
    Asma Afsaruddin
    Response To Bakar And Omar
    Dudley Woodbury

    V. Contemporary Issues, Case Studies

    Rethinking Human Rights: A Common Challenge For Muslims And Christians
    David Johnston
    Let Peace Flourish: Descriptive And Applied Research From The Conflict Transformation Grant
    Al Dueck, Kevin Reimer, Josh Morgan, And Steve Brown
    Abrahamic Faiths: Models Of Interfaith Dialogue In The U. S.
    Muhammed Shafiq
    Response To All Articles
    Ghulam Haider Aasi And David Johnston

    Concluding Remarks


    Additional Info
    This timely work addresses sensitive issues and relations between Muslims and Christians around the world. The book uniquely captures the opportunity for Christians and Muslims to come together and discuss pertinent issues such as pluralism, governance, preaching, Christian missionary efforts, and general misperceptions of Muslim and Christian communities. Joint authorship and discussion within the book is used to offer dialogue and responses between different contributors. This dialogue reveals that Christians and Muslims hold many things in common while having meaningful differences. It also shows the value of honestly sharing convictions while respecting and hearing the beliefs of another.

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  • Moral Dilemmas : An Introduction To Christian Ethics


    How can we make decisions that are consistent with our basic values? We must first, Wogaman says, identify basic moral presumptions that can guide our thought as we face moral dilemmas. These basic moral presumptions include equality, grace, the value of human life, the unity of humankind, preferential claims for the poor and marginalized, and the goodness of creation. The burden of proof, he argues, must be borne by decisions that are contrary to such presumptions.

    Wogaman then illustrates how moral decision making works on the personal, national, and global levels and in communities of faith. He pulls into the conversation difficult ethical issues such as divorce, sexuality, abortion, political choices, economic justice, affirmative action, homosexuality, nuclear disarmament, economic globalization, global warming, international security, environmental policies, and military power. In the process, he provides a smart and helpful guide to Christian ethical behavior.

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  • Intimate Mystery : Creating Strength And Beauty In Your Marriage (Student/Study


    Table Of Contents
    1. A Man’s Best Friend . . . Is Not A Dog
    2. The Meaning Of Marriage
    3. The Matrix Of Marriage
    4. Leaving: Making Space For Faithfulness
    5. Leaving: Walking Away From Home
    6. Weaving: Connecting Communication
    7. Weaving: Bringing Our Souls Together
    8. Cleaving: United Into One Flesh
    9. Cleaving: Playing With Glory
    10. In The Garden
    Bonus: The Goal Of Marriage Bible Studies

    Additional Info
    Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this brief, simple and engaging introduction to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Following the “leave, weave and cleave” imagery of the Bible, they help couples learn how to leave their parents, weave a life together and cleave to each other.

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  • Journey To The Well (Reprinted)


    Since Samaria is a land of many springs, Marah could have gone to the local well. Instead she went a mile out of her way in the heat of the day to draw her water, avoiding the other women who drew their water in the cool of the morning. Who was she? It was this woman that Jesus chose as the first person to whom He would reveal Himself as Messiah. Was there more to this woman than we have supposed?

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  • Chickens Guide To Talking Turkey With Your Kids About Sex


    Family commentator and humorist Dr. Kevin Leman and human sexuality expert Kathy Flores Bell team up to write a book for parents on teaching their pubescent children (ages 8 to 14) about sex.

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  • Building A Winning Sales Force


    Sales force effectiveness drives every company’s success, but keeping a sales organization at the top of its game is a constant challenge. As experts in the field, Andy Zoltners and Prabha Sinha have helped sales leaders around the world perfect their sales strategy, operations, and execution. Combining strategic insight with pragmatic advice, Building a Winning Sales Force provides current and aspiring sales leaders with innovative yet practical solutions to many of the most common issues faced by today’s sales organi-za-tions. The book shows readers how to: assess how good their sales force really is * identify sales force improvement opportunities * implement tools and processes that have immediate impact on sales effec-tive-ness * attract and retain the best salespeople * design incen-tive compensation plans * set goals * manage sales perform-ance * motivate the sales force With practical advice and case studies of companies that have conquered even the most challenging obstacles, Building a Winning Sales Force will enable every company to drive sales and stay competitive.

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  • Adam : He Died Once To Stop The Killer Now He Is Dying Again To Save His Wi


    ackling near-death experiences and demon possession, NY Times best-selling author Ted Dekker delivers a riveting thriller of sin and salvation.FBI behavioral psychologist Daniel Clark has been made famous by his arguments that religion is one of society’s greatest antagonists. What Daniel doesn’t know is that his obsessive pursuit of a serial killer known only as “Eve” will end in his own death at Eve’s hand. Twenty minutes later Daniel is resuscitated, only to be haunted by those twenty missing minutes of life. It soon becomes painfully clear that the only way to stop Eve is to recover those missing minutes by dying . . . again. What isn’t nearly as clear is just how many times he will have to die to discover the truth, not only about Eve, but about himself. Daniel will have to face haunting realities about demon possession in the modern world–and reevaluate his own prejudice against religion–to stop the killer.

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  • Midnight In Madrid


    U.S. Treasury agent Alexandra LaDuca (Conspiracy in Kiev) is back crisscrossing Europe in pursuit of an ancient relic stolen from a Madrid museum-and the chilling secrets behind its theft. With a new partner, danger, and betrayal at every turn, Alex must make the toughest decision of her life-whom should she trust?

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  • Way Of Perfection (Anniversary)


    The most accessible translation of this book by the great St. Teresa of Avila, The Way of Perfection includes her rich theological insight as well as her infectious humor and light-heartedness. Throughout, her subject is how to make progress in the contemplative life- that is, in fact, what she calls the “way of perfection.”

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  • Heart Of Passion (DVD)


    SKU (UPC): 5099926706399Louie GiglioBinding: Video DVDPublished: March 2009Passion Talk #Publisher: Capitol Christian Music Group

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  • Walk This Way


    Forty daily readings from inspirational Christians past and present on the theme of following Jesus. Reflections from St. Augustine to Martin Luther King; from Thomas a Kempis to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

    Jesus calls us to a life of radical discipleship. He invites us to follow him and learn his ways. This book provides 40 days worth of daily readings from Christians — past and present — who have walked that path with Jesus.

    Here you will find insight from:
    – early Christian leaders (e.g., Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine)
    – mystics (e.g. St. Theresa, St. John of the Cross, Thomas a Kempis)
    – Monks (e.g. St. Benedict, St. Francis)
    – Reformation giants (John Calvin)
    – Puritans (e.g. John Bunyan),
    – Evangelicals (e.g. Wilberforce, Catherine Booth, Spurgeon)
    – Novelists (Dostoyevsky) and poets (Herbert)
    – Liberation theologians (e.g. Gutierez),
    – Modern spiritual guides and radicals (Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Henry Nouwen, Brian McLaren)

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  • Gods Favor 4 Teen Girls


    If, you’re A, Teenage Girl, A, Parent, A Pastor, A Sunday School Teacher, A Christian Counselor, or A Youth Pastor, or simply a person, who loves teenage girls, and have a desire to minister to them in a loving way the wait is now over God’s Favor 4 Teen Girl’s has arrived. God’s Favor 4 Teen Girl’s is a journal for teenage girl’s to inspire them in a spiritual way with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to address issues of low-self-esteem, self-worth, body image, and their thought processes. This Christ Centered Journal will help your teenager get closer to God with load’s of fun-filled scriptures, and personal questions. God’s Favor 4 Teen Girl’s is also suited for Bible Study purposes. As, your very special teenage girl moves through her Christian journey with her relationship with Jesus Christ, and comfort from the Holy Spirit, and this journal her life will be forever changed from the inside out.

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  • King Saul Spirit


    I cannot understand how people with Jesus in their hearts can be impatient, angry, deceitful, jealous, prideful, and self-willed. Many are rebellious to God’s Word. They’re going out of their way to destroy each other and their churches. I see Christians hurt, criticize, gossip, and judge each other every day. Churches are splitting up because of infighting–church members disagreeing with and destroying one another. Too many ministers are leaving the pulpit and missing God’s call on their lives. Do we have to fight each other? There is no scripture that says we should. Something is wrong when Christians are being used to destroy Christians. Something must be behind this destruction process. So, why are Christians giving in to this attack? This book will help you to identify and understand how to counterattack this evil demonic attack from the “King Saul spirit”.

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  • School Of Mentoring And Leadership 3


    This book talks about the care that the Lord has for every one of us. It teaches you to pay attention to other people and exercise tolerance towards their shortcomings. You will learn the importance of love and the true meaning as you read this book.

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  • Prophecy In Order


    The world is changing and what does it mean? Does the Bible tell us what will happen next? Is there any truth to what the Bible says? As a Christian, should I be concerned with things to come? Pastor Page’s goal is to give a Biblical, chronological understanding of prophecy, the ability to apply it to our everyday life so that we can share the Truth with lost sinners around us. If it is your desire to learn what has happened, what is happening and what will be, there is no better way than to put “Prophecy in Order.”

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  • Love : The Ultimate Gift


    Have you ever felt unloved, unlovable, or questioned the sincerity of someone’s love for you? Unsure how to love? If you answered yes, this book will help you understand the true meaning of love. It is imperative to know what love means before we can give or receive it. The world is in a crisis and needs a miraculous change. The gift of love is the only thing that can save it. Do you believe you can make a difference? Yes you can, if we all come together in love. As you read this book, think of different ways you can love others. Are you willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes to make this world a better place? We all need some form of reference that reminds us on a daily basis how to live with joy, compassion and truth, because Love is truly The Ultimate Gift.

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  • Understanding Haitian Voodoo


    Part textbook, part life-story, part theological expose, Understanding Haitian Voodoo comes from a much-respected Haitian gentleman who writes as a lawyer, judge, and evangelist who cares deeply about his people and their bondage in Voodoo. “Voodoo is not simply a myth, toward which we can remain indifferent. It is not just popular culture that we should teach and practice in schools through dances and songs. The gods of Voodoo are not simply idols or harmless gods. They are real beings, intelligent beings, they lust after worship and are full of cruelty.” With testimonies from Voodoo priests, followers, witch doctors and more, Understanding Haitian Voodoo is a deep observation of Haitian Voodoo through the eyes of Christian faith, molded in Haitian theology that is biblical, contemporary, relevant and transformational. From his identity as a Christian believer and as a Haitian, proud of his culture, traditions, language and customs, author Emmanuel Felix brings a remarkable contribution to a better understanding of the relationship of Voodoo to Haitian culture, to Christianity, to zombies, community life, religions and beliefs, identity and more. The final conclusion of this majestic work confirms all that man seeks is found in the Almighty God Jehovah, through Jesus Christ, and in Him alone, no matter a man’s race, culture and beliefs. Whether you’re planning to visit Haiti, seeking to pray more intelligently for the work of the Gospel or are simply looking to learn more about the Haitian people, this book is a must-read. Read this book prayerfully, with a Bible at your side and an eye on the realities of life in Haiti.

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  • Understanding Haitian Voodoo


    Part textbook, part life-story, part theological expose, Understanding Haitian Voodoo comes from a much-respected Haitian gentleman who writes as a lawyer, judge, and evangelist who cares deeply about his people and their bondage in Voodoo. “Voodoo is not simply a myth, toward which we can remain indifferent. It is not just popular culture that we should teach and practice in schools through dances and songs. The gods of Voodoo are not simply idols or harmless gods. They are real beings, intelligent beings, they lust after worship and are full of cruelty.” With testimonies from Voodoo priests, followers, witch doctors and more, Understanding Haitian Voodoo is a deep observation of Haitian Voodoo through the eyes of Christian faith, molded in Haitian theology that is biblical, contemporary, relevant and transformational. From his identity as a Christian believer and as a Haitian, proud of his culture, traditions, language and customs, author Emmanuel Felix brings a remarkable contribution to a better understanding of the relationship of Voodoo to Haitian culture, to Christianity, to zombies, community life, religions and beliefs, identity and more. The final conclusion of this majestic work confirms all that man seeks is found in the Almighty God Jehovah, through Jesus Christ, and in Him alone, no matter a man’s race, culture and beliefs. Whether you’re planning to visit Haiti, seeking to pray more intelligently for the work of the Gospel or are simply looking to learn more about the Haitian people, this book is a must-read. Read this book prayerfully, with a Bible at your side and an eye on the realities of life in Haiti.

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  • Book Of Jesus


    The Book of Jesus is about His love for all mankind and how Jesus waits to embrace us in pure and holy love and to warn those of Satan, who seeks to kill and destroy our very souls.

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  • From Riches To Rags And From Rags To Riches


    Visit any city whether it is large or small you will find the homeless. Why are they there and who are these people? They come from all walks of life. They could be attorneys, doctors, professors, highly educated, ministers, even successful businessmen or women. Who have fallen from riches to rags. The author William (Bill) Taylor , after having a dream of seeing such a one sleeping under wreck car hoods near a junk yard. Seeing this person get up and cross a parking lot and begins to dig in a dumpster in search for food, when the owner of the restaurant brings him a plate of food. This inspired the author to create a character. To walk in his shadow as he brings him from Riches to Rags and Rags to Riches. It is an inspiring story.

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  • Automated Cars : Prophesied By William Branham


    Since the beginning of times man always had a deep longing to know the future. As God forbids fortune telling, he nevertheless sends prophets to prepare his people. One of the prophets in the twentieth century was a Pentecostal Pastor called William Branham. In 1933 he received seven prophetic visions on end time events. In the fourth vision he saw cars running automatically on American highways. Cars had no steering wheel and the front passengers were turned backwards playing some kind of game. The roof was completely transparent and cars were egg shaped. This prophecy is now in the process of being fulfilled. In 1997 a dozen of cars moved automatically on a Californian highway. The technology is now present to help establish these highways. Science will soon accomplish what God foretold. This book explains scientifically how and when science will fulfill this prophecy in the twenty first century.

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  • Reaching People And Touching Lives Around The World


    During these times of worldwide turmoil, Christians who have a desire to serve as global witnesses for Christ can boldly step forward, knowing that God’s mandate to all believers is growing closer to fulfillment. God has given His Church everything needed to do as He commanded. Now is the time to go, because there is a window of opportunity. This book will provide enlightenment in the areas where change must take place so that the body of Christ can make a united global effort to take on the challenges of this world.

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  • Just Thinking Out Loud


    Ken Qualls Just Thinking Out Loud is a compilation of articles about various aspects of Christian thought and life. It takes a look at our foibles, follies and flaws and gently encourages us to remember that we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious the author stands firmly on the Word of God and understands the grave responsibility Christians have to rightly interpret it. He strongly believes that we owe it to the world to be equipped to give an intelligent, well-reasoned explanation for the faith we profess. This book inspires, admonishes, encourages and edifies. The reader will quickly sense the passion Qualls has for the Bible and his compassion and respect for both fellow believers and unbelievers.

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  • Hidden Mysteries Of The Honey Bee


    commercials and even in the world news. What are the hidden mysteries? All scholars recognize that God uses types and shadows to hide His mysteries. Example: Joseph’s life is a great foreshadow of Christ. Joseph was a firstborn son, miracle birth, beloved son, shepherd, sold for silver, falsely accused etc. God told us to “consider the ant, the sparrow, lilies of the field etc,” I wonder what else we have missed out on because we haven’t taken the time to explore His writings to us. A truly amazing never before revealed foreshadow using the humble honeybee. Do you know which one you are? Queen Bee – Her Supreme Majesty, Ruler Over Local Hive # 7 Worker Bee – “Girl, they sure have named you right! Workaholic or what! Can you say, ‘slave!'” or Drone – The Slow Moving Dirigible. Alias: Buzzy Blimp or Hurly Burly Bee!

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  • Angel Tracks In The Himalayas


    Few know the price of the Gospel like Gary Shepherd. This is a life-changing story of what it really takes to follow God’s call. You may never look at your Bible the same way again… Gary’s simple faith, captured in eloquent detail, will make you feel as if you are right in the center of the action: facing the King Cobra, hearing the witch scream, feeling the searing bullets. If you have ever wondered, in an age of relativism and limp-wristed Christianity, where the real Kingdom is operating-then read these pages. With honesty and craftsmanship, Gary relates his journey in a way that will comfort those who have served and know… and inspire those whose time has yet to come.

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  • Beloved Come Closer


    This book is designed to be used as a devotional to stimulate spiritual growth. It will demonstrate how scriptures can be used in our daily walk with God and acquaint the reader with more scriptures. It can also be just relaxing reading after a busy day. For the person who is seeking to know the Lord better, this book will be a great inspiration. The poems will refresh your spirit and bring you closer to God.

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  • How To Discover Your Personal Life Mission


    Morgan and Johnson’s Personal Life Mission System(TM) or “PLM” has been used to help thousands of people find clarity and direction for their careers and lives. They have used this system in personal consulting and group training for over fifteen years and have had the joy of watching many clients, associates, and friends find their passions and live their dreams. You will discover nine major areas of your personal design and life-story that make you a unique person with a unique purpose. You will discover your best kind of work and the group of people whom you want to help the most. Finally, you will use all of this insight of how God has made you to write your own Personal Life Mission Statement. Your PLM Statement will become the guiding light for the best things you will accomplish in life for the rest of your life.

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  • Sinners


    A welcome and innovative contribution to New Testament Studies! Greg Carey sets forth an excellent and innovative example of how to read the character of Jesus from a literary, historical, and theological perspective, with an emphasis on ethics of interpretation for the postmodern world. This bold study is not afraid to take on the topic of Jesus and examine Jesus’ responses to those considered “sinners” in the New Testament. Carey engages traditional topics such as the social and theological concept of sin, sinners and the impure, and the sinlessness of Jesus but he does so with an interpretative twist that brings fresh insight to the New Testament. Carey also examines more postmodern topics such as the masculinity of Jesus, the representation of how early Christians interacted with their neighbors, and with what it means for contemporary Christians take on a sinner consciousness, and its effects upon ecclesial communities and the world at large. In the wake of much conflict throughout the world and the quick casting of the Other as “sinner,” Carey’s work serves as an creative and important study on how to use the New Testament to promote peace rather than intolerance.

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  • Actitud 101 – (Spanish)


    Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses form others. Author John C. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person’s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership.

    Los grandes lideres comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demas tengan las respuestas apropiadas.

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  • Journey In Grace


    If your heart had a throne, who would be on it? You, someone else, or Jesus? Take this “Journey in Grace” and discover how to quit trying to live for Jesus and let Him live through you. It’s supposed to be easy and light, but we have made it hard and heavy. As you embark on this “Journey,” you will make discoveries such as: the secret to Jesus living; how to quit trying; what God has already done for you through Jesus; how to find out who you really are and why you’re here; and how to be who you always wanted to be and do what you always wanted to do. Don’t let another day go by before starting on your “Journey in Grace” and finding out what first-century disciples knew and millions of today’s followers of Jesus are discovering about living by grace through faith.

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  • Leaders Who Last


    Is helping others overrated? Is ministry a recipe for burnout? How can pastors last the course? Author and pastor Margaret Marcuson introduces the notion of “sustainable ministry,” which trains and empowers pastors to focus on their inner resources for proactive leadership, instead of trying harder to help, fix or change others.

    Leaders Who Last draws upon the author’s own pastoral experience and leadership, plus a significant analysis of leadership in both families and churches over generations. Interviews with current church leaders punctuate chapters on stress, spiritual practice, church triangles, relationships, selfawareness, money, and creating a climate where true change can take place.

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  • Naming The Child


    SKU (ISBN): 9781557255853ISBN10: 1557255857Jenny SchroedelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Ha : Humor For The Lighter Side Of Life


    When sweating the small stuff gets to be a way of life, this book can help keep things in perspective. Packed with anecdotes, quotes, and more, Ha! can make even the grayest day full of sunshine with it’s humorous look at the lighter side of life. A great gift for the lover of laughter in your life!

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  • Hugs For Grandparents


    This addition to the the “Hugs” series is perfect for grandparents of all ages. With touching stories, such as “Grandmother’s Bible,” “Saying Goodbye,” and “Jewel Remembers,” this heartwarming book reminds grandparents of the vital role they play in the lives of their families and hugs their hearts with reminders that they are loved and appreciated. Like the other books in the “Hugs” series, this book is divided into seven topical sections, and each section contains a delightful story, a paraphrased scripture, an uplifting quote, and an inspirational message. Do you know a grandparent who needs a hug today? Share a hug that will be a blessing for a lifetime!

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  • God Of The Towel


    Since childhood, you’ve sung the words, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” The tune is as familiar as your own mirrored reflection. But sometimes we have difficulty believe that the creator and sustainer of the universe could be bothered with people like you and me — much less really love us. But when God put on flesh and entered our world, he washed dirty feet, he soothed suffering souls, and he forgave fallen sinners. His message is loud and clear — he loves us! Jim McGuiggan’s passionate, devotional readings draws you beyond the commands, the laws, and the history and paint and insightful portraits of God that reveal his tender heart of love.

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  • Untroubled Heart : Finding A Faith That Is Stronger Than All My Fears


    Micca Campbell knows all too well the unpredictable nature of life. As the 21-year-old mother of an infant son, her world was shattered when she lost her husband to a tragic accident. Reeling from her loss, Micca feared for her future, and struggled to overcome her aching loneliness. Yet in her darkest moment, she discovered God’s remedy for our deepest fears.

    Micca presents a woman’s guide for living a carefree, worry-free life. She explores the anxieties of every woman’s heart from insecurities, to finances, to marital challenges, to raising healthy children. With her distinctive southern flair and casual humor, Micca shares remarkable insights for finding freedom from fear. You’ll be encouraged to lay down your worries, trust in your Heavenly Father, and embrace a life marked by peace and joy.

    Bible Study Questions at the end of each chapter.

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  • Dropping Your Guard


    Charles Swindoll unveils a biblical blueprint for rich relationships in this life-changing classic. In this updated version of his best-selling book, Swindoll poignantly and honestly portrays the need for authentic love and transparency.

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  • John Calvin : A Pilgrims Life


    Table Of Contents
    1. Orphan (1509-1533)
    2. Pilgrim (1533-1536)
    3. Stranger (1536-1538)
    4. Refugee (1538-1541)
    5. Preacher (1541-1546)
    6. Victim (1546-1549)
    7. Widow (1549-1551)
    8. Patient (1551-1554)
    9. Sailor (1555-1559)
    10. Soldier (1559-1564)

    Additional Info
    Professor and renowned Reformation historian Herman Selderhuis has written this book to bring Calvin near to the reader, showing him as a man who had an impressive impact on the development of the Western world, but who was first of all a believer who struggled with God and with the way God governed both the world and his own life.

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  • Introducing Paul : The Man His Mission And His Message


    Table Of Contents
    1. What Is Paul?
    2. A Funny Thing Happened On The Road To Damascus
    3. The Stories Behind The Story
    4. Reading Someone Else’s Mail
    5. The Royal Announcement
    6. The Crux Of The Gospel
    7. The Return Of The King
    8. One God, One Lord: Monotheism And The Messiah
    9. Living A Life Worthy Of The Gospel: The Ethics Of Paul
    10. Gospelizing: Paul’s Spirituality
    Scripture Index
    Author Index

    Additional Info
    Michael F. Bird suggests that if the Paul we claim to know looks and sounds a lot like us, it’s probably a sign that we don’t know him as well as we think. In this book Bird offers an animated and penetrating survey of Paul’s life and teaching, including the principal issues and themes in Paul’s theology.

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  • Desperately Wicked : Philosophy Christianity And The Human Heart


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Patrick Downey explores the biblical writings of Genesis and the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah, the Greek tragedies, Plato, Aristotle, and political philosophers–such as Rousseau, Hobbes, Nietzsche and Rene Girard–to seek answers to the profound question, What is the human heart like?

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  • Out Of Darkness Into Light


    An introduction to the major themes and passages of the holy book of Islam, this book invites readers of any religion-or none-to meditate on verses of the Quran as support for spiritual practices and growth. It guides the reader through the rich tapestry of the Quran, weaving through a number of themes, including the mystery of God, surrender to the divine will, and provisions for the spiritual journey. Quranic verses are supplemented by sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, the words of Rumi and other Sufi poets, and relevant quotations and insights from Jewish and Christian sources. The book also offers practical suggestions for expanding and strengthening one’s spiritual sinews.

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  • Science And Religion Primer


    A Science and Religion Primer is a unique resource: an encyclopedia, an annotated bibliography, and a survey of the relationship between two equally complex fields. Editors Heidi Campbell and Heather Looy begin their work with four chapters from expert contributors: history of the science and religion dialogue, role of philosophy in science and theology, and science and technology in light of religion. Entries cover such diverse topics as philosopher of science Karl Popper, the anthropic principle, Gaia, theodicy, hermeneutics, Intelligent Design, and more. Professors and students of theology, religion, and science–at both the undergraduate and graduate levels–will welcome this contribution. A Science and Religion Primer is an accessible and affordable contribution to interdisciplinary studies and provides a respectful conversation between science and faith.

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  • Michal : Shes In Love With Her Fathers Worst Enemy Will It Cost Her Everyth (Rep


    As the daughter of King Saul, Michal lives a life of privilege–but one that is haunted by her father’s unpredictable moods and by competition from her beautiful older sister. When Michal falls for young David, the harpist who plays to calm her father, she has no idea what romance, adventures, and heartache await her.

    As readers enter the colorful and unpredictable worlds of King Saul and King David, they will be swept up in this exciting and romantic story. Against the backdrop of opulent palace life, raging war, and desert escapes, Jill Eileen Smith takes her readers on an emotional roller-coaster ride as Michal deals with love, loss, and personal transformation as one of the wives of David. A sweeping tale of passion and drama, readers will love this amazing story.

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  • Widows Hope


    A bright new voice shares a tender love story set in the rolling green fields of Ohio Amish country. After the death of her husband, Hannah Brown is determined to make a new life with her sister’s family. But when she sells her farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and moves with her sheep to Ohio, the wool unexpectedly starts to fly. Her deacon brother-in-law finds just about everything about Hannah vexing. When his widower brother shows interest in the young and beautiful widow, the deacon turns to prayer for guidance. Hannah thought she could never love again, until she meets the strong, gentle farmer. Unfortunately, Seth Miller’s only interest is in Hannah’s sheep. He is content in his bachelor state and slow to recognize his daughter’s need for a new mother. Yet God offers Seth the perfect solution to their problems if he could only open his heart again…and love.

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  • Apologetics For A New Generation


    Many teenagers leave home for college but don’t take their faith with them. Popular writer and speaker Sean McDowell offers a solution for this problem: a new way of approaching faith that addresses the questions the emerging generation is asking and that incorporates a radically humble and relational approach. An impressive list of contributors, including Dan Kimball (They Like Jesus but Not the Church) and David Kinnaman (unChristian), show that today’s apologetics must employ… a clear connection with everyday life an invitation for people to express their doubts and wrestle with tough questions a culturally savvy understanding of the way secular people view Christians an engaging methodology that captures the imagination before engaging the mind a strong emphasis on the resurrection and how it changes everything This resource is imperative for leaders who are ready to engage a new generation with the claims of Christ.

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  • Quiet Confidence For A Womans Heart


    This inspiring devotional journey through Psalm 23 encourages women to walk ever more closely with God. Bestselling author Elizabeth George shows women 12 truths that will help them in every season of life.

    As readers discover how David, a man of faith and failure, overcame his challenges and built his trust in God, they will uncover strength for their own journey as they embrace promises of

    provision for all that a woman needs
    healing of brokenness and past wounds
    comfort for the trials
    protection for their physical and spiritual journey
    guidance for decisions and choices

    God’s assurances create a powerful foundation for every woman to stand on and depend on as they live out a life of faith and hope with an unfailing confidence in Christ.

    Formerly Powerful Promises for Every Woman.

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  • Preaching From Memory To Hope


    In this compelling and hard-hitting book, respected preacher and teacher Tom Long identifies and responds to the most substantive theological forces and challenges facing preaching today. The issues, he says, are fourfold: the decline in the quality of narrative preaching and the need for its reinvigoration; the tendency of preachers to ignore Gods action and presence in our midst; the return of the churchs old nemesis, Gnosticism, evidenced in todays new spirituality; and the absence of eschatology in the pulpit.

    Long once again has his finger on the pulse of American preaching, demonstrated by his creative responses to these challenges. Whether he is calling for theologically smarter and more ethically discerning preaching, providing a method of interpretation that will allow pastors to recover the emphasis on God in our midst, or encouraging a kind of interfaith dialogue with gnosticism, he demonstrates why he has long been considered one of the most thoughtful and intelligent preachers in America today.

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  • Old Testament Prophets For Today


    Carolyn Sharp offers a brief introduction to each of the Bible’s prophets and their prophetic books, developing the theological themes present in each with an eye toward how the prophetic message is relevant today. Sharp understands that prophets can be mediators to connect us with the holiness of God, idealists whose desires for humanity call us to new heights of God s desire, and companions for us in the confusing journey through our complicated world. The book contains study questions for group or individual use.

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