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Showing 20201–20300 of 35035 results

  • Rapture : A Dangerous Deception


    Many who teach the “rapture” theory increase the confusion by using terms such as “the coming of Christ,” “the return of Jesus,” “the appearance if Jesus,” and “the second coming of Jesus.” This book is about the idea the all Christians will be physically removed from the earth to heaven, along with the resurrected dead Christians, to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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  • Gente Comun – (Spanish)


    The Bible’s most extraordinary stories feature very ordinary people. Mary, Peter, Matthew, Joseph, Nicodemus, the woman at the well, David, Esther, Job, the Samaritan woman, John, the rich young man . . . In this “best-of-his-best” collection, Lucado illuminates these personalities in his trademark down-to-earth style. A wonderful invitation to the heartland of God’s Word!

    Algunas de las historias mas poderosas de la Bibliacobraran vida para los lectores de hoy mediante estas selecciones inspiradorasde los escritos de Max Lucado.Max proporciona una mirada irresistible a los momentos mas impactantes de lanarrativa biblica, tomada de sus escritos de mas de veinte anos. Al final decada capitulo se ofrecen preguntas para guiar el estudio mediante las cuales ellector puede profundizar en las Escrituras.Se narran historias extraordinarias de lossiguientes personajes: Maria, Pedro, Mateo, Jose, Nicodemo, la mujer samaritana,David, Ester, Job, Juan, el joven rico y otros.

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  • I AM Says You Are


    I AM Says, “You Are…” guides women through discovering and embracing their rock solid identity in Christ. This 30-day devotional study will teach you to identify patterns of thinking which contradict who God says you are. In the process, you will learn to replace unhealthy thought patterns, which CJ calls the trash, with the treasure of truth found in Scripture. I AM Says, “You Are…” is for women of all ages and in all life stages. For the woman who is solid in her identity I AM Says, “You Are…” reinforces it. For the woman who is struggling to find her identity I AM Says, “You Are…” defines it. For the woman who needs a word of encouragement for today I AM Says, “You Are…” gives it.

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  • Heart Like Jesus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849929489ISBN10: 0849929482Max LucadoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Learning From The Stranger


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802824639ISBN10: 0802824633David SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • Making Great Decisions


    Best selling author T.D. Jakes turns his attention and teachings to the topic of relationships and the issues that need resolving once you’ve learned to use the spiritual and psychological tools for reevaluating your place in life and for repositioning yourself for a life without limits.

    Relationship decisions come down to five crucial components, according to Bishop Jakes: Research: gathering information and collecting data Roadwork: removing obstacles and clearing the path Rewards: listing choices and imaging their consequences Revelation: narrowing your options and making your selectionRearview: looking back and adjusting as necessary to stay on course
    Before You Do gets you on the right track to making decisions that you’ll be proud of and reap the benefits of for the rest of your life, as will the generations that follow you. He gives you insight on how to reflect, discern, and decide the next step to take to have a strong and enduring love, marriage, and family.

    The Bishop takes a spiritual and practical approach to inherently emotional issues such as the outside influences on our relationships, e.g., in-laws, friends, and former spouses; coping with anger; parenting; financial concerns; negotiating high-profile lives; and so many more of the issues people face every day. His special brand of counseling and teaching appeals to the faith-based community and beyond, reaching millions who receive his wisdom in all media, especially books.

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  • Something To Smile About


    SKU (ISBN): 9780785297444ISBN10: 0785297448Zig ZiglarBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Gathering Of Finches


    Based on historical characters and events, A Gathering of Finches tells the story of a turn-of-the-century Oregon coastal couple and the consequences of their choices, as seen through the eyes of the wife, her sister, and her Indian maid. Along the way, the reader will discover reasons to trust that money and possessions can’t buy happiness or forgiveness, nor permit us to escape the consequences of our choices. The story emphasizes the message that real meaning is found in the relationships we nurture and in living our lives in obedience to God.

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  • Epistle To The Hebrews And Christian Theology


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802825889ISBN10: 0802825885Editor: Richard Bauckham | Editor: Daniel Driver | Editor: Trevor HartBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • Gregorian Chant : A Guide To The History And Liturgy


    Gregorian Chant offers a detailed tutorial in the history and liturgy of Gregorian chant for musicians and musicologists, clergy and liturgists, passionate participants, and others who are interested in the revival of chant in the church, today.

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  • In The Shadow Of The Enemy


    Mrs. Crenshaw is one of the cruelest people in Dodge City except maybe Thomas Gatlin himself! But Mrs. Crenshaw has a particular dislike for Maggie Daniels. When Maggies father decides to take another coal mining job just like the one that nearly cost him his life Maggie vows to stop him, even if it means working for Mrs. Crenshaw.The eleven year-old girl finds herself laboring in the shadow of a woman she calls her enemy. To make matters worse, Maggie must look after Mrs. Crenshaws troublesome nephews, Cecil and Elbert, who are set on getting her fired. Surrounded by enemies, Maggie does the only thing she can She heaps coals of kindness upon them. But will this help them find God? Or will Maggie find herself the victim of a dangerous trap?

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  • Hunger And Happiness


    In a world where there is so much food, why are so many people hungry? Amidst so much plenty, why aren’t people happier? L. Shannon Jung insists that the two questions – one having to do with physical hunger, the other with spiritual want – are related. Hunger and Happiness exposes the altrocities of a global food system whereby the affluent “feed” at the expense of others, but then goes on to explore how complicity in the hunger of others contributes to the “spiritual malnourishment” of those who otherwise are well fed. Chapters address particular aspects of a global food policy that insures cheap food for some at great expense to many others. Jung considers the psychological and theological implications of such policy and after assessing the moral ramifications of cheap food, offers possibilities for alleviating physical hunger in the world and spiritual malaise in our lives.

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  • Looking Anxiety In The Face


    In this simple book, Herb Brokering comes face-to-face with many of his own anxieties and in the process teaches readers to quiet the noisy worries they confront in their own lives. While books on anxiety abound, the very personal and pastoral nature of this book sets it apart from the others. Beginning with the very first page, readers realize the presence of imagination and hope as Brokering puts words to his own angst. In doing so, he truly offers wisdom for all who worry.

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  • Rut Esdras Nehemias Y Job – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

    Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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  • Como Estudiar La Biblia – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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  • Church Rituals Handbook


    Accent the participation of the whole family of faith by discovering the meaning and blessing of holy rituals!
    The Church Rituals Handbook provides pastors with a meaningful tool for the services they perform as shepherds of the flock of God. Covering a wide array of services, from less common rituals to the more known practices, this updated and expanded edition gives pastors immediate practical helps to service preparation. This helpful resource includes: instructions, an order of service, suggested hymns, Scripture readings and ecitations for:
    The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
    The Reception of Church Members
    The Sacrament of Baptism
    Includes Calls to Worship, Offertories Ideas and Prayers and lesser known rituals
    John Wesley’s Covenant Service
    A Service of healing
    Service of Reconciliation
    Seasonal services including Advent, Easter, and Christmas

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  • Did The Resurrection Happen


    This book presents the full content of the third and final debate between philosopher Antony Flew–who was, until 2004, one of the world’s most prominent atheists–and Christian philosopher Gary Habermas. Included as well are transcripts of the Q & A session with the audience afterward, a 2004 conversation between Habermas and Flew shortly after Flew’s much-publicized change of position to theism, as well as editor David Baggett’s assessment and analysis of the full history of Habermas and Flew’s interactions.

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  • Slaying The Giants In Your Life


    Giants plague today’s church and while they may not wield spears and shields, they are fearsome, causing far too many of God’s children to stumble in their walks. In Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us to stand valiantly against the giants that seek to terrorize today’s believers. Dr. Jeremiah weaves gripping real-life stories of contemporary giant slayers who came face-to-face with their own Goliaths: temptation, doubt, procrastination, and jealousy. In each, you will discover afresh the eternal unwavering promise of God to overcome those giants.

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  • Con Fe – (Spanish)


    Mayte Prida ya era una reconocida presentadora de television con una prometedora carrera periodistica. Estaba recien divorciada, con dos hijos pequenos, vivia en el pais de las oportunidades y tenia grandes suenos. Repentinamente, a los 38 anos de edad, fue diagnosticada con cancer de seno en estado avanzado y sin contar con un seguro medico. Su vida cambio para siempre. Aprendio a transformar la adversidad en oportunidad. Conocio el significado de la perseverancia y la determinacion. No fue una victima de las circunstancias y se convirtio en una verdadera guerrera. Aprendio a oir la voz de su alma, a actuar por decision propia y a seguir su corazon. En Con Fe, el lector podra aprender de la manera en la cual Mayte enfrento adversidades y podra utilizar esas lecciones en su vida cotidiana aplicandolas a cualquier situacion dificil. Con Fe es un testimonio de lucha y crecimiento espiritual que enriquecera la vida de quienes lo lean.

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  • Behold A White Horse


    “My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). This book is not meant for those who refuse to step out of their box, but instead cling onto their blinders, believing that the world is exactly as they have always been taught it is. Rather, it is specially written for those who discern that things are not exactly as they seem, and are dedicated to the pursuit of truth and knowledge. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”(Ephesians 6:12). “Behold a White Horse” is a roller coaster ride engaged in a myriad of related topics. The reader will be taken all the way back to ancient Babylon – the foundation of all secret societies, and continue on through Egypt and Rome. Other topics covered are ceremonial magick, kundalini power and evil spirits, the Talmud, Kabbalah, the apostasy of the Christian church today, alchemy, Papal Rome and the Catholic church, false prophets of the world, televangelists – wolves in sheep’s clothing, & pagans in the pulpit.” ” Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” (Romans 1:25) “This work is spiritually based, using many scriptures. It is the prayer of the author that through careful reading of these pages, the reader can connect the dots into a whole new level of discernment to help guard against demon traps and the many devices of Satan. Knowledge is power and the truth really does set you free.”

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  • Marriage At The Crossroads


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In this unique book Aida and William Spencer and Steve and Celestia Tracy, two couples from the differing perspectives of egalitarianism and soft complementarianism, share a constructive dialogue about marriage in practice. They cover a variety of topics like marriage discipleship, headship and submission, roles and decision-making, and intimacy in marriage.

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  • Captains Bride


    Elsa Anders’s dream of marrying Peder Ramstad is about to come true. But as this independent, strong-willed woman discovers her own creative gifts–a love for travel, painting, and the sea–can she find happiness with a captain who insists upon leaving her safely on shore?

    Leaving their home in Norway behind, Elsa and Peder embark on a new life in with their closest friends, including: Kaatje Jansen, a woman seeking a new beginning for the sake of her marriage and for the child growing within her; Elsa’s sister Tora, a sly young vixen who knows exactly what she wants–and exactly how to get it; and Karl Martensen, a man torn between his friendship for Peder and a forbidden, secret love for Elsa, a man tormented by emotions that threaten to ruin them all.

    From the gentle hills of Bergen, Norway, to the rocky coast of Camden, Maine, and across the crashing, danger-filled waves of the open sea–experience an epic saga of perseverance and passion, faith and fidelity, in the Northern Lights series: the new historical series by Lisa Tawn Bergren.

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  • Defenseless Christianity


    Entering a field of ongoing controversy, this book dares to offer a new model or vision-defenseless Christianity-for understanding Anabaptism, both present and past. The authors contend that an Anabaptism defined as defenseless Christianity should be seen as a nonviolent Christian movement with a world-reconciling theology even though some first-generation Anabaptists were not pacifists.

    Since a prime characteristic of Anabaptism is the call to shape Christian practices within the story and life of Jesus Christ, the authors describe Anabaptism in a way to speaks to every Christian, whether or not they belong to one of the historic peace churches. The authors believe that the defenseless Christianity of historic Anabaptism has much to offer contemporary peace churches as well as the Christian church as a whole.

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  • Red Letter Revolution


    Jesus came to start a movement not a religion.” Jesus came to start a revolutionary movement of love, not the stifling, compliantly docile religion that is far too prevalent in our world today. To Jesus, poverty, racism, economic disparity, violence, classism, sexism and all other forms of injustice and oppression cannot be tolerated in the revolutionary kingdom reign of God. The question that the “Red Letter Revolution” asks is this, “Are we willing to continue in the revolutionary path of Jesus and labour on behalf of the oppressed of our day, no matter what the personal cost? Or, will we ignore the cries of the poor or even worse, go the way of the religious institution and blindly walk our way through a world of need?” In “The Red Letter Revolution” the reader will be challenged to join Jesus’ radical movement by submitting his or her life to the words of Jesus written in red that are found in certain versions of the Bible. It dreams of a global movement in which “Red Letter Christians” gather together to worship Jesus, listen to his voice and do his works. And, it lays down a practical plan in which these “red letter” groups can impact their cities, nation and world especially in the lives of the poor and oppressed. Red Letter Christianity is God’s dream for every nation in our world. Are you up for the challenge to join the revolution in acting out the words of Jesus locally, nationally and globally? If you are then this book is for you.

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  • Story Of Holy Island


    Kate Tristam is a well-known island resident whose talks on the history of Lindisfarne hold visitors spellbound. A historian and a priest in the Church of England, she is ideally qualified to tell the remarkable story of this captivating place. From its misty beginnings as part of the mainland in the Stone Age right up to the present day, this popular history covers: its formation as an island, the Roman and Anglo-Saxon eras, the influence of Columba and Iona, Lindisfarne’s own apostle, Aidan, the making of the Lindisfarne Gospels, Cuthbert, Cedd, Chad and Aidan’s other followers, Hilda and the community at Whitby, Bede and the monastic tradition, the coming of the Vikings, the Benedictine years, the dissolution of the monasteries, and more.

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • From Trials To Triumphs


    How did Cosmas and Charity Maduka create the Coscharis phenomenon despite the challenges inherent in their background and the vicissitudes of a developing country? Unarguably one Nigerian whose entrepreneurial skills have touched virtually every sector of the Nigerian economy.

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  • Getting Ready For Love


    ARE YOU READY FOR LOVE? In our eagerness to experience love, we seldom check whether we have made ourselves ready to love, be loved, and to be in love. In this book, L. Spenser Smith gives scriptural and personal insights on the proper order of love- Loving God, Loving Ourselves, and Loving Others. Special to this offering, he shares some of the private writings of his late sister, Gwendolyn Townsend, and together they delightfully and often wittingly take the reader on a journey of the heart and spirit to learn how to prepare themselves for love and building intimate relationships.

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  • It Just Doesnt Make Sense


    Healing in the aftermath of a great loss is not easy. When the love of my life was lost to a brain tumor, grief recovery became unimaginable. Through the process of writing, I am helping myself to heal and documenting information that may help others. This book records the events and feelings we experienced during the three months and two weeks from diagnosis to the death of my wife. The role of doctors, friends, family, and pastors is presented, along with the tools and techniques that helped us to traverse this “valley of the shadow of death.” If you do not share our Christian faith, the tools, techniques, and experiences are still worth reading. The battle with cancer is difficult. Shared experience is a useful weapon in battle.

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  • Back From The Edge


    Back From the Edge was written by and for a Christian wife dealing with her spouse’s infidelity. From the “why me” stage to the place where you defer your will to that of God’s plan, this book walks you through the Bible, encouraging you to redirect your focus from the pain of the situation to the promise of a sovereign God. Jacquie Caldwell writes with refreshing honesty and poignant understanding. She kindly, yet clearly, challenges those who have been wounded through marital infidelity toward biblical thinking as well as living. Her purpose for sharing from her experience is to bring back to a watching world the true picture of Christ and the Church. Readers will find themselves loved and encouraged through Jacquie’s writing. Her practical and biblically based Study Guides at the end of each chapter will also help the reader to move forward with excellent application of Scripture.

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  • Prophet And The President


    The Prophet and the President In the time of a crumbling economy, a nonexistent morality, and human frailty, what we need is a man, a man with God’s plan. In times past, … Jehovah God has not been silent. He has always had a man standing in the shadow of history, a man with His plan. We have heard President Obama’s plan, we have heard from the Congress and the Senate. Now it is time to hear from Heaven, and we need a Word from God.

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  • Prophet And The President


    The Prophet and the President In the time of a crumbling economy, a nonexistent morality, and human frailty, what we need is a man, a man with God’s plan. In times past, … Jehovah God has not been silent. He has always had a man standing in the shadow of history, a man with His plan. We have heard President Obama’s plan, we have heard from the Congress and the Senate. Now it is time to hear from Heaven, and we need a Word from God.

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  • What God Is Not


    The purpose of the book is to inspire dialog about God along with logical, honest thinking by chiseling away at common misconceptions and even self-delusions that tragically separate us from one another and cripple spirituality. Four basic questions are confronted about God: How does God exist, where does God exist, how do we relate to God, and what is God’s relevancy? Even though these concepts can be challenging and provocative, Donald Ashe writes in a style that’s easy to read and leaves you wanting more. Donald Ashe is an ordained minister living in Southern California where he teaches philosophy.

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  • Belda


    Belda Deblu is a beautiful, young Christian woman living in 18th century France. She lives with her loving mother and father, Colette and Pierre Deblu, and her servant and best friend, Madeleine. Belda has just become engaged to Charles Onea, a wealthy and handsome young man. However, not all is as perfect as it seems. The night of their engagement party, Belda tells Madeleine that Charles is cold and distant to her and she does not want to marry him. With Madeleine’s advice, Belda determines to tell her parents the next day. That night, while Belda is sleeping, dark, shadowy figures appear at her balcony door and Belda’s life is changed forever!

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  • Lady Anne


    Anne was born in the beautiful and peaceful kingdom of Catalina. When her parents died, she was adopted by Queen Annabelle, the kingdom’s kind and wise ruler. Take a journey with her as she grows from an adorable toddler into a sweet young girl, and then into a beautiful young woman who must make tough decisions about her future. Join Anne as she discovers that God’s plan for our lives is greater than anything we could ever imagine.

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  • Flocks Feed Feast


    The LORD Is My Shepherd 23The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

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  • Kingdom Of God


    By the time Jesus was twelve years old, He was so well grounded in the Word that all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding. Parents and guardians can use this devotional as a resource to lead family devotions if they have a young family or to train and disciple younger children who cannot read. This daily devotional is also a tool that children can use to develop a personal time of fellowship with God as soon as they are able to read on their own. As soon as children can read for themselves, they can develop the habit of beginning each day by planting a seed from God’s Word in their hearts. In obedience to Jesus’ command, we as parents need to do our part faithfully to make disciples of our children, ensuring that they are rooted firmly in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Jesus also said, “Here is what God’s kingdom is like. A farmer scatters seed on the ground. Night and day the seed comes up and grows. It happens whether the farmer sleeps or gets up. He doesn’t know how it happens. All by itself the soil produces grain. First the stalk comes up. Then the head appears. Finally, the full grain appears in the head. Before long the grain ripens. So the farmer cuts it down, because the harvest is ready.” (Mark 4:26-29 NIRV).

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  • Creation Under Fire From Within The Church


    This book picks up where the Creation vs. Evolution debate leaves off for the Christian. Without rehashing the debates, this book moves forward with what the Bible says and what it does not say about the subject of creation! This book will equip you in answering today’s pressing questions, with the simplicity of God’s Word. This book also sounds the alarm to the Body of Christ on one of Satan’s most successful lies ever perpetrated on humanity by exposing a dreadful theory called “uniformitarianism” and how it has infected the Body of Christ. Why does what we believe about origins matter? This book brings answers to tons of tough questions and sets the story straight. We invite you to see these answers uncovered from the Bible alone!

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  • Journey To A New Heart


    One morning in June of 1989, Louise was on her knees praying for her husband, Fred. Her prayer was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. While still on her knees, Louise reached for the telephone receiver and recognized the voice of her husband’s golfer friend. Fred had been taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital emergency room. When Louise arrived at the hospital, she learned that Fred had suffered another major heart attack. The damage to Fred’s heart proved to be extensive. Six years earlier, Fred had quadruple heart by-pass surgery following his first heart attack. The prognosis for their future looked grim-until God intervened and took them on an amazing journey to a “new heart” for Fred. This is an inspirational, true story of God’s never-ending faithfulness to fulfill His precious promises.

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  • Water From A Rock


    On the Holy Highway Driving down a country highway Loving the open road Hadn’t passed another car in miles Rolled down the window Cranked up the radio put the pedal to the metal With a full head of steam barreling down the highway full speed ahead And then it happened The impact was momentous I was transported! 3 inches off the seat I flew my neck snapped I bit my tongue Spilled my coffee The record on the radio started skipping I saw smoke And then the car died I got out to look around . . Realized I had to look up To see the sky And to my chagrin There was me and my car Deep in the belly of a pothole! So I set myself down And decided to write a story. PL Pearce The author is a refreshingly new, and unique writer has followed life’s road from the cornfields of Kansas through Oklahoma to West Texas where there are plenty of open roads and an abundance of potholes.

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  • Jesus Lives : Ask Me How I Know


    Are you confident in your faith that Jesus is the Son of God? Or do you want to know Him even more? Do you want to discover new things, unveil mysteries, and deepen your understanding of your Savior? How did Jesus of Nazareth change the lives of the people He encountered and impact mankind, generation after generation, unlike no other person in history? Why did four fishermen lay down their nets and leave everything to follow Him? Why did Matthew change from a tax collector hated by Jewish society to a faithful disciple who targeted his Gospel for the Jews? How did John change from a disciple who desired greatness to a man who wouldn’t write his own name in his Gospel? What was it like to hear Jesus teach or to recognize Jesus’ voice? How would you have handled the night of terror in the garden, His arrest, trial, and then crucifixion? To answer these questions, Jesus Lives spans the life of Christ from the beginning (John 1:2) to His birth, through His life on earth as Rabbi, Miracle Worker, Storyteller, Jewish Messiah, and Passover Lamb, and that He is our Covenant Partner and Coming King, and much more. This study is for you to have a fresh revelation of Jesus, to get your identity through Christ, to develop intimacy with God, and to worship Him passionately! Join the adventure of Jesus Lives! This 10-week in-depth, interactive study includes daily assignments and 11 weekly video sessions, portions of which were taped in Israel and Egypt, the two countries where Jesus lived.

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  • Taiwan Connections : Fond Memories


    These are the stories of thirty ordinary men and women from the cities and rural towns of America. They met, fell in love, married, and started families – the American Dream. Then they experienced the call of an extraordinary God and followed where He led, to a far-away, undeveloped country filled with breath-taking beauty, exotic smells, strange sights and a charming, inspiring people – Formosa – Beautiful Island – Taiwan. The experiences chronicled in this book occurred during war and peace, victory and defeat, disappointment and excitement, as these couples sought to live out their obedient response to God’s call in a strange land. These are stories of fear and calmness, of loss and gain, of failure and success, of hurt and blessings, of faith and doubt. These are stories of tears and of laughter, watching their children grow up, and growing old together, and how they learned to depend on the faithfulness of their extraordinary God.

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  • Dont Miss Your Life


    Readers should fasten their seatbelts for this warm, fun, provocative, heartwarming ride. In Don’t Miss Your Life, Charlene Baumbich reminds women through the art of storytelling to slow down, let go, and say “YES” to life! She encourages women to mine their own stories and discover the hand of God at work, wooing them to live life to the full.

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  • Job : A Man Of Heroic Endurance


    Best selling author Charles Swindoll unveils the life and trials of Job and helps readers understand the key to developing heroic endurance. The trials of Job are legendary. One righteous man suffering so many calamities, so much heartache. Though many have heard about Job and his trials, not all people truly understand what those trials were about and what God was trying to accomplish through them. Job himself was confused about it all. What did I do to deserve such suffering? he cried out. Eventually, though, through tough questions and unexpected answers from God, Job gained new insights on suffering, patience, and endurance. And, more important, he learned how deeply he was loved by God, a lesson available for every Christian wounded by or in the midst of a trial.

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  • Where Is God When You Hurt


    Job loss, financial havoc, economic uncertainty, and a life filled with pain, suffering, depression, worry and despair… this is what many Americans are facing and feeling today. In the midst of all of this, many are wondering: Where is God and why did he let these things happen? In this soul stirring and eye opening book, you will find answers to these questions and more. So take the next step and discover where God is during your trials and tribulations.

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  • Sacred Time : Living In The Presence Of God


    There is a tremendous hunger among Christians today for deeper encounters with the living Christ. We want desperately to know Him so that we can better serve and follow His will for our lives. Unfortunately, the practice of communing with the Lord doesn’t always come naturally. So, how do we structure our lives so we are prepared for, and responsive to His presence?

    Sacred Time guides you in the discipline of prayer, silence, Sabbath, simplicity and other yielding spiritual practices. Authors Jim Hampton and Amy Brothers provide unique insight into how these ancient traditions can be relevant for Christians today.

    Discover what it means to be in passionate pursuit of intimacy with God.

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  • Postmodern And Wesleyan


    Change is in the air and it may entail a radically different way of looking at life. The most common word to describe this change is “postmodernism.”
    Postmodern and Wesleyan? is both an exploration and an internal dialogue. Essays written by differing voices explore various dimensions of postmodernism as they relate to theology, church, practices, communities, and missions.

    Each section includes a critical response by a respected Wesleyan leader to the ideas expressed. Dr. Leonard Sweet concludes each section with comments to continue the conversation.

    This important conversation piece invites churches, pastors, and laity to explore together how the Christian faith might shape both the present and the future.

    By providing a forum for engaging issues, both important and difficult, Postmodern and Wesleyan? offers a voice to some of the most creative thinkers in the movement and a help to Christians deciding the direction they must go in order to share the good news of God’s love.

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  • Our Watchword And Song


    This study of the growth of the Church of the Nazarene traces the denomination s doctrinal roots to the English Reformation and then explores the church’s historical, intellectual, and doctrinal development.

    Giving special attention to the church s distinctive belief in entire sanctification and emphasis on education, the authors colorfully retell the story of the church from its humble origins in Pilot Point, Texas, to its expansion into an international community reaching the world through a warm-hearted faith.

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  • Diseasing Of Americas Children


    How parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the “ADHD Establishment” regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them. The issue of diagnosing children with behavioral diseases that do not conform to a scientific definition of disease, and then medicating them is a scandal ready to erupt. In The Diseasing of America’s Children, popular family psychologist, speaker, and best-selling author John Rosemond joins with pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel to uncover the fiction and fallacy behind attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), early-onset biopolar disorder (EOBD), and the drugs prescribed to treat them. Rosemond and Ravenel will: reveal the pseudo-science behind these diagnoses explain how parents, teachers, and even professionals are deceived expose the short- and long-term dangers behavioral drugs pose to children discuss how America’s schools are unwittingly feeding the diagnostic beast reveal the simple, common sense truth behind these behavior problems and give parents a practical program for curing these problems without drugs or dependence on professionals.

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  • How To Pray


    This is your opportunity to go beyond ordinary prayer and into the supernatural realms of prayer to touch God and release the supernatural in your life.

    How to Pray covers subjects not normally found in traditional books on prayer. From his 60 years of experience in global ministry, author Dr. Morris Cerullo shares how you can receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing, a powerful anointing that will spill over into dimensions of your life that have only been known by Old Testament prophets.

    You will discover how to:

    – Recognize and deal with hindrances to prayer.

    – Persevere in prayer.

    – Go to a new, higher level of intercession.

    – Enter into throne room intercession.

    – Use the Lord’s Prayer to intercede.

    You will never again experience defeat in your prayer life!

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  • Introduction To Pastoral Counseling


    Grounded in empirical research and richly illustrated with case studies, this introduction continues the theoretical, practical, and theological expansion of Pastoral Care and Counseling. Because of increasing cultural diversity and the fact that more training is done outside of seminaries in non-seminary related colleges and universities, there is fragmentation in the discipline. This makes a coherent orientation to pastoral care and counseling as a ministry increasingly difficult. To address this confusion, author, Loren Townsend, calls us to readdress basic understandings. He also makes the case that pastoral identity can function as a unifying concept.

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  • Redeemed Bodies : Women Martyrs In Early Christianity


    Why do religious people choose paths that lead to their deaths as martyrs? Why do some who are killed for their faith become known and revered while others do not? Gail Streete asks these important and disturbing questions in the context of early Christianity, looking at the stories of martyred women such as Thecla, Perpetua, and Felicitas, women whose stories helped shaped Christian faith for centuries, yet are all but forgotten in the modern world. Streete reclaims these stories and relates them to tragic instances of martyrdom in our own world, pulling from stories as diverse as the victims of Columbine and female suicide bombers in the Muslim world. What do their deaths mean, and why do we find their stories so moving?

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  • Seeing Things Johns Way


    The emotionally evocative power of the book of Revelation has been often noted and even experienced by interpreters, but until now it has never been systematically explored. The strange visions of the book of Revelation provide some of the most difficult passages of the New Testament, yet Christians have long been fascinated by its power and provocative pronouncements. David deSilva analyzes how the book argues and persuades us to see the world through the eyes of John, and suggests that the study of ancient rhetoric is particularly valuable in understanding the book of Revelation. Professor deSilva interprets the book of Revelation as a rhetorical and communicative strategy to persuade a particular audience for specific goals. Throughout this analysis, he pursues John’s construction of his own authority, John’s use of emotion and logic, and his attempt to shape the formation of the reader. Despite the complexities of Revelation, deSilva has produced a remarkably clear text sure to cause readers to rethink their view of Revelation.

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  • Any Minute : A Novel


    Sarah Harper is driven to achieve success no matter what the cost. She wants to do good and not hurt the people she loves–especially children and her husband, Joe–but her desire to succeed in her career too often leaves little time for family.

    One cold, autumn afternoon, all of that changes when Sarah’s car plunges off a bridge and into a river. She is presumed dead by those on the “outside,” but Sarah’s spirit is still very much alive. What she discovers on the other side transforms everything about Sarah’s view of life–past, present, and future.

    When Sarah is revived, she is a changed woman. And the unsuspecting world around her will never be the same again.

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  • Spiritual Intelligence : A New Way Of Being


    According to philosopher Danah Zohar, who coined the idea of spiritual intelligence, we live in a “spiritually dumb” culture. How can we find meaning from meaninglessness, hope from despair, reconciliation from alienation, and wholeness from fragmentation? In this book, Brian Draper asks how ordinary people-whether religious or not-can nudge themselves (or be gently nudged) to live on a daily basis with increasing integrity, wholeness, and well-being-in other words, to become more spiritually intelligent. The book is split into four main sections: “awakening,” “seeing your world afresh,” “living the change,” and “passing it on.” The narrative style is contemplative, reflective, and engaging.

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  • Covenant Economics : A Biblical Vision Of Justice For All


    The Bible deals with all aspects of life indivisibly. In the last generation biblical scholars broadened the usual focus on religious issues with more attention to the “social world” of biblical texts. Much less attention was given to economic issues reflected in the Bible. And biblical scholars did not make the limited amount of research on economic issues in the Bible generally accessible to educated readers, clergy and lay. This book does just that, allowing pastors, students, and interested laity to form an understanding about the economics of the Bible and its clarion call for economic justice for all, an issue that is sure to resonate during today’s trying economic times. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading are included in this volume-a work that will spark lively conversation.

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  • 99 Things To Do Between Here And Heaven


    Having a bad day? Having a bad year? With this warm and thoughtful volume, Kathleen Long Bostrom offers 100 simple exercises that will boost your spirits and, more important, strengthen your spirit–that essential part of you that connectsyou to God.
    Here are one hundred practical exercises to help readers nurture their souls, a practice too often ignored as we deal with the day-to-day minutia of our lives. Each imaginative entry contains a practical step to boost the spirit, a relevant Scripture passage for reflection, a quotation to reflect on, a fun factoid related to the exercise, and ample space for journaling.

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  • Good And Beautiful God


    How To Get The Most Out Of This Book
    1. What Are You Seeking?
    Soul Training: Sleep
    2. God Is Good
    Soul Training:Silence And Awareness Of Creation
    3. God Is Trustworthy
    Soul Training: Counting Your Blessings
    4. God Is Generous
    Soul Training: Praying Psalm 23
    5. God Is Love
    Soul Training: Lectio Divina
    6. God Is Holy
    Soul Training: Margin
    7. God Is Self-Sacrificing
    Soul Training; Reading The Gospel Of John
    8. God Transforms
    Soul Training: Solitude
    9. How To Make A Pickle
    Soul Training: Slowing Down
    Appendix: Small Group Discussion Guide

    Additional Info
    Turning to the Gospels, James Bryan Smith invites you to put your ideas about God to the test to see if they match up with what Jesus himself reveals about his Father. Once you’ve discovered the truth in Scripture, Smith leads you through a process of spiritual formation that includes specific activities aimed at making these new narratives real in your body and soul as well as your mind.

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  • We Believe In One Lord Jesus Christ


    This volume offers patristic comment on the first half of the second article of the Nicene Creed, concerning the person of Christ. Readers will gain insight into the history and substance of what the early church believed about Jesus as the God-Man.

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  • We Believe In One God


    This volume offers partristic commentary on the first article of the Nicene Creed. Readers will gain insight into the history and substance of what the early church believed about God the Father.

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  • Commentaries On Romans And 1-2 Corinthians


    Table Of Contents

    Additional Info
    This Ancient Christian Texts volume, translated and edited by Gerald L. Bray, is the first of two that will offer a first English translation of the anonymous fourth-century commentary on the thirteen letters of Paul. Widely viewed as one of the finest pre-Reformation commentaries on the Pauline Epistles, this commentary, until the time of Erasmus, was attributed to Ambrose. It was Erasmus who gave the author the epithet Ambrosiaster (“Star of Ambrose”).

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  • It Gets Easier And Other Lies We Tell New Mothers


    There is no question that being a mother is challenging, but this fun, frank, and prescriptive guide tries to do the impossible and make new motherhood easier. Featuring interviews with hundreds of moms and candid stories from author Claudine Wolk’s own experiences as a mother, It Gets Easier!…and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers mixes humor, honesty, and insider strategies that will give new moms a “leg-up.” This upbeat and entertaining book drives home the point that new moms are not alone and that there are things they can do to make motherhood a little more controllable and lot more enjoyable. It addresses such issues as: * “The Talk” you need to have with your husband before you give birth * what you really need to know about labor and delivery * the importance of a baby schedule (no matter what anyone else says) * the 6 Baby Commandments that can foster good eating and sleeping habits * 5 new mom mantras that will help keep you sane * body image after giving birth * how to keep housework to a minimum Complete with resources for further exploration and a helpful glossary, this funny, irreverent book will help ease every new mother’s frustration.

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  • Time To Surrender


    After a season of loss and restoration, Claire and Max Beaumont find themselves in a season of letting go.Claire and Max Beaumont nearly lost it all, but their marriage and their homestead have now been restored. As they grow in love, they watch as their children feel the effects of their reconciliation:Their son Danny falls in love and lets go of his pride .Daughter Jenna lets go of preconceived notions about marriage when her husband, Kevin the marine, is injured in Iraq. All the Beaumonts ultimately learn that letting go is the best way to receive back healed relationships.

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  • Silver Birches : A Novel


    When David Herrick receives an invitation to a reunion from a long-forgotten acquaintance, his first reaction is to refuse. He isn’t feeling very sociable since his wife, Jessica, died six months ago. But the invitation comes from Angela, one of his wife’s oldest friends-and mysteriously, she has something for him from his beloved Jessica. Reluctant but curious, he visits Headly Manor. When the friends gather, they no longer resemble the fresh-faced group of twenty years ago. One has been deserted by her husband, another has lost his faith, and another is filled with anger and Bitterness. As they have less than forty-eight hours with each other, they decide to be vulnerable and bear their souls. This poignant and moving story blends Adrian Plass’s rich style of writing with his knack for addressing the deep issues we all face, such as faith, grief, love … and fear.

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  • When Athens Met Jerusalem


    Table Of Contents
    Introduction: Athens And Jerusalem
    1 Building Athens: Philosophy Before Socrates
    2 The Death Of A Good Man
    3 The Ideal Philosopher: Plato And His Teachings
    4 Follow The Logos Wherever It Leads
    5 In Love With The Good
    6 The City In Words: On Justice
    7 The Likely Story: The Timaeus
    8 Breaking With The Master: Aristotle And The “Other” Path
    9 The Middle Way: Aristotle’s Ethics
    10 Preparing The Way For Christ: Hellenistic Philosophy
    11 A Postscript: Where Do We Go From Here?

    Additional Info
    John Mark Reynolds’s book When Athens Met Jerusalem provides students a well-informed introduction to the intellectual underpinnings of Western civilization and highlights how certain intellectual trends are eroding those very foundations.

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  • Wrestling With The Questions


    One of the best ways of introducing theology is through direct student engagement with the most exciting works of contemporary religious reflection. We can learn to think theologically from the giants. Gregory Higgins’ work, a fresh edition of his earlier The Tapestry of Christian Theology, does just that. Loosely arranging his work around ten key biblical themes, Higgins catches the spirit and verve of ten contemporary theologians. In successive chapters he introduces these important thinkers, the movements or schools they inspire or represent, and the overarching theological question posed by their work. This key correlation yields a pedagogical strategy that enables students not only to explore contemporary theology and think theologically but also personally to probe ten important challenges to Christian discipleship today.

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  • Unsettling God : The Heart Of The Hebrew Bible


    In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israel gave witness to its encounter with a profound and uncontrollable reality experienced through relationship. This book, drawn from the heart of foremost Old Testament theologian Walter Brueggemann’s Theology of the Old Testament, distills a career’s worth of insights into the core message of the Hebrew Bible. God is described there, Brueggemann observes, as engaging four “partners”-Israel, the nations, creation, and the human being-in the divine purpose. This volume presents Brueggemann at his most engaging, offering profound insights tailored especially for the beginning student of the Hebrew Bible.

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  • Power For Living


    You’re already equipped with the power to live a victorious life—just tap into the Source! Encouraging you to trust God’s ways above your own, Jakes shows how to access the energy of the Holy Spirit so you can overcome the challenges you face and shine as a beacon of hope, love, and joy in the world.

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  • Complete Julian Of Norwich


    The most engaging and complete collection available of this 14th century English mystic

    The Revelations of Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman – in this case, by a 14th century recluse who recounts the poignant, subtle, and radical insights granted to her in sixteen visions of the crucified Christ as she lay on what was believed to be her deathbed. Julian’s miraculous recovery from that illness then led to twenty more years of reflection and contemplation on those revelations and finally to her writing a detailed account of her mystical experience.

    Her work – in the same Middle English as her contemporary Geoffrey Chaucer – is dense, deeply intuitive, and theologically complex. The Complete Julian is the first book to offer a modern translation of all of Julian’s writings (including her complete Revelations), a complete analysis of her work, as well as original historical, religious, and personal background material that helps the reader comprehend the depth and profundity of her life and work.

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  • 1 In A Million Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    One in a Million: Journey to Your Promised Land – Member Book by Priscilla Shirer provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the group video sessions of this discussion-driven women’s Bible study. Priscilla encourages participants to fully engage in the abundant life God has waiting for those who will allow Him to take the lead in daily living. One in a Million is an opportunity for you to experience your deliverance from strongholds, to conquer your wilderness living, and to claim your God-given inheritance.

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  • Bookmans Tale


    “Ronald Blythe has spent his life among the artists and writers of his native Suffolk. His books, especially the bestselling “”Akenfield””, have given East Anglia a distinctive literary voice. Here we accompany Ronald through the lanes of Constable country, we observe him in his study following his early morning writing routine, we meet John Clare, Traherne and countless other writers who continue to influence him, we join him in the ancient tradition of Anglican worship season by season, and luxuriate in the simple beauty of his ancient farmhouse and its garden, made by the artist John Nash. Literature, poetry, spirituality and memory all merge to create exquisite stories for our times.”

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  • Labour Of Obedience


    This important study of key Anglican Benedictine Communities in the first half of the 20th century provides a vital record of how the Anglican Communion dealt with an issue that was as divisive in its day as today’s disputes over sexuality and women bishops, and explores the origins of the influential Anglican Papalism movement. It was the heyday of Anglo-Catholicism in the Church of England. Religious life was flourishing for the first time since the Reformation. The first shock came when the Abbot of Caldey, a flamboyant character noted for luxurious tastes, and his monks went over to Rome. Nashdom – the great Benedictine community to which Gregory Dix belonged and, in many ways, the ultimate expression of Anglo-Catholicism – threatened to do likewise over the crisis of the Church of South India where the very idea of priestly ordination and identity was being challenged. Thanks to Archbishop William Temple the crisis was averted, the monks of Nashdom stayed and the scene was set for Anglican Papalism to enter the stag

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  • From Glory To Glory


    From Glory to Glory, the Joe Lewis Story is an account of Joe’s journey from the glory of the world to the glory of God. The account starts with the beginning details of his life and proceeds through his serving in the United States Air Force and ending with the planning to form several evangelistic ministries. The account contains descriptions of supernatural events, humor, despair, and joy. Joe Lewis was born on August 6, 1961 in Burlington, Vermont. He grew up mostly in Huntington Center, Vermont near Camel’s Hump Mountain. He did very well in school and with a four-year Air Force scholarship obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Computer Science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Joe served five years in the Air Force during which he went to Undergraduate Pilot Training for a while and ended his service as a captain at the Pentagon working directly for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He then went through several years of depression and including homelessness on the street. Today, Joe is involved in evangelism, inventing, and writing.

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  • From Glory To Glory


    From Glory to Glory, the Joe Lewis Story is an account of Joe’s journey from the glory of the world to the glory of God. The account starts with the beginning details of his life and proceeds through his serving in the United States Air Force and ending with the planning to form several evangelistic ministries. The account contains descriptions of supernatural events, humor, despair, and joy. Joe Lewis was born on August 6, 1961 in Burlington, Vermont. He grew up mostly in Huntington Center, Vermont near Camel’s Hump Mountain. He did very well in school and with a four-year Air Force scholarship obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Computer Science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Joe served five years in the Air Force during which he went to Undergraduate Pilot Training for a while and ended his service as a captain at the Pentagon working directly for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He then went through several years of depression and including homelessness on the street. Today, Joe is involved in evangelism, inventing, and writing.

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  • Prodigal Son Prodigal Daughter Come Back Home


    In the back of many Christians mind, they will question whether or not to return back home as the Prodigal Son did according to the scriptures. In this practical but biblical examination of where you stand with God, you’ll get a clear picture of the calling that God has for you before the foundation of the world. “Prodigal Son, Prodigal Daughter, Come Back” home will show you that God has the final say so in your life. He is standing at the door waiting for you to return to a powerful life of unexpected moments with Him. You can become a powerful instrument of God’s love both to the church and a dying world through reconciliation. We can hear His voice, know His heart and understand His will for our lives but are we ready to truly return back home. The purpose of God’s interaction with His creation can be summed up in one word, restoration. It does not matter what happen in the past, what matters now is the next step that you are going to take in coming back home.

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  • Life After The Hangover


    Alcoholism/sin or sickness? Bill Martin lived twenty-five years in the hell of alcoholism. He tells of his tormented dark side and those who were touched by it. He shares the night he believes good and evil fought at the foot of his bed for his very soul. It seems miraculous that his salvation took place in Egypt, where so many other lost souls had wandered aimlessly. Then the glorious victory when he met Jesus, in the shifting sands of the Sinai desert while standing on a drilling rig as the hot winds blew away his money and his pride, in the land of Moses.

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  • Hey Dummy


    A Testimony of an Overcomer There are few things more devastating to a child’s fragile self-esteem than being humiliated before classmates and called a “dummy” by friends, teachers, and even family members. But millions of bright, sensitive, learning disabled children live this nightmare everyday–clinging to the hope that one day, they might achieve their life goals. Everyone has a turning point in their life. For me it came through a newly discovered faith in God and one special teacher who helped me to realize that I had strength to overcome incredible odds including: – A dysfunctional family environment – A paralyzing learning disability – Severe stuttering – Rejection by fellow students and adults Once encouraged and made to feel important, my natural abilities blossomed and I progressed from being unable to read aloud, to becoming an honor student and winning speech tournaments.

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  • Mercies And Exhortations


    Poetry expresses the deepest of emotions. It reveals the passionate core of what the writer is feeling and thus is able to carry the reader to feel those same emotions. With both the words spoken and the unspoken words, it allows the reader to transcend and unite in those emotions. Just like a song can touch your heart and cause you to connect with it in such a way to say, “Wow, that is what I am feeling”; poetry also touches our hearts in that same way. This collection of poems has been written over a period of many years. As a collection it expresses one major theme-that God is faithful, full of mercy and grace even when the obstacles of life may have created pain, sorrow, or doubt. It displays the frailties of a human spirit that can be overcome when united with an all-powerful God of Love. In this, the poetry becomes a song of praise to a faithful God who truly knows the best plan for your life and mine.

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  • Messenger : Tragedy Births Destiny


    Ben Hecht finds his destiny in the midst of his greatest sorrow. In a hospital room God visits the young truck salesman and places a monumental purpose before him. His call is to be God’s messenger to this world, to expose sin and to demonstrate the love of the Father. Extraordinary miracles follow Ben as he listens to and follows God’s instruction. He is lead to San Francisco CA to the largest church with the most famous televangelist in the world. God uses Ben to bring down this man whose pride has led many people astray. You will be encouraged in your walk with God. Your sense of awe will be awakened as you see God use an average man to do mighty things on this earth. You will find your destiny in the midst of this book. You will read this book repeatedly and want to share it to everyone you know.

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  • Messenger : Tragedy Births Destiny


    Ben Hecht finds his destiny in the midst of his greatest sorrow. In a hospital room God visits the young truck salesman and places a monumental purpose before him. His call is to be God’s messenger to this world, to expose sin and to demonstrate the love of the Father. Extraordinary miracles follow Ben as he listens to and follows God’s instruction. He is lead to San Francisco CA to the largest church with the most famous televangelist in the world. God uses Ben to bring down this man whose pride has led many people astray. You will be encouraged in your walk with God. Your sense of awe will be awakened as you see God use an average man to do mighty things on this earth. You will find your destiny in the midst of this book. You will read this book repeatedly and want to share it to everyone you know.

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  • Grace Track : Tracking God Grace Through The Old Testament


    Before the earth had form or light… Before the first evening or morning… Before land or seas… Before the sun, moon, or stars… Before the first bloom burst forth, or beast… Before time… Before history… Before Adam…before sin… There was grace…There was Jesus!

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  • Blessing In Flames


    Author Ron Cervero will touch your heart and soul with his expressive and profound book of poetry.

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  • How Successful People Think


    The perfect, compact listen for today’s fast-paced world, How Successful People Think (derived from Maxwell’s previous book, Thinking for a Change) will teach listeners the 11 secrets successful people know. Arranged in an easy-to-follow format, America’s leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, will teach listeners how to expand their thinking and achieve their dreams.

    The 11 keys to successful thinking include:
    Big-Picture Thinking – seeing the world beyond your own needs and how that leads to great ideas
    Focused Thinking – removing mental clutter and distractions to realize your full potential
    Creative Thinking – thinking in unique ways and making breakthroughs
    Shared Thinking – working with others to compound results
    Reflective Thinking – looking at the past to gain a better understanding of the future.

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  • Sinner : A Paradise Novel


    It has been predicted that Christians will one day be hated even in the land of the free. Now that day has arrived with the help of Marsuvees Black. When a string of racially motivated lynchings threatens to tear the country apart, two stunningly gifted orators, Darcy Lange and Billy Rediger, sweep into Washington and demand that the constitution be modified to allow for a law that will end the widespread violence.Racial and religious speech that undermines others’ beliefs must be classified as hate speech and must be severely punished. But out of the desert comes one man, Johnny Drake, who refuses to deny his faith in Christ through silence. Now the whole world watches as Christianity faces a showdown not seen since the times of the early church.

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  • Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2


    Lost in Translation The Book of Revelation Through Hebrew Eyes is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith. This is the second in a three-volume series that will cover the entire book of Revelation in awe-inspiring detail, expounding and expanding on familiar verses in Gods Word that have been misunderstood and misconstrued for many years. Or, in some cases, linking together verses and concepts that have been repeatedly overlooked. In this volume the authors explore the first half of Revelation from the perspective they established so clearly in Volume 1 that of a Hebrew God speaking through a Hebrew believer to an audience that was intimately familiar with the Hebrew language, culture, customs, and concepts that form both the literal and the metaphorical foundation for vast portions of Revelation. *Who are the 144,000, anyway? What will be their true function in the End Times? *Who is the Bride of Messiah? Does that designation automatically include everyone who accepts salvation, no matter when or where? *What does the book of Revelation really tell us about two vastly different and completely separate sequences of events that transpire at one and the same time, in entirely different places yet all as integral parts of the same vast panorama of end-times happenings? How do the Wedding and the Judgments fit together if they even DO? These are just some of the questions to which youll find plausible, sensible, biblically sound answers in this volume. Please join us, right now, for another voyage of discovery unlike anything youve embarked on before, even if you’ve already read volume 1

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  • Moses : A Man Of Selfless Dedication


    Best-selling author Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses, showing the principles that guided his life and service to God and how readers can apply them daily. Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses. The Moses who tried to decline his assignment from God. The Moses who dazzled Pharoh. The Moses who received the Ten Commandments. The Moses who was disobedient and weak. The Moses who was the greatest leader of God’s people in all of history. Through his faith and selfless dedication, Moses continually chose to follow God’s will through difficult and seemingly impossible situations. Readers will discover the principles that guided Moses’s life and service to God and learn how to apply them daily.

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  • Be Like Tree Planted


    Like trees, we go through seasons in our lives, each one preparing and shaping us for the next. Journey back to the beginning of the third day of Creation and see how we were created by God to grow, expand, multiply, and flourish. In clear, inspirational prose, McClure uses personal anecdotes and Bible stories to explore why we should listen to the word of God, why God belongs on the top of our family tree, and how best to live our lives.

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  • Deacons In The Liturgy (Revised)


    Revision of a highly regarded, stape resource on the diaconate by the leading authority in the Episcopal Church.

    Reflects new liturgical changes in the Episcopal Church

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  • Transitional Ministry : A Time Of Opportunity


    Multi-denominational look at transitional ministry

    Professional resource for local and national judicatory leaders, local congregational leaders, clergy

    Transition is the word we use to describe the time following significant change. In congregations, that change might be the departure of the pastor, a catastrophe such as Hurrican Katrina or 9/11, or simply the changes caused by growth. Transition calls for clergy with special training to respond to the needs generated by the special time. “Task, training, and time limit” are the hallmarks of transitional ministry. Trained intentional interim clergy must have the skill and experience to lead congregations during transition.

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  • Notes From The Tilt A Whirl


    A visual, poetic exploration of the narrative nature of the world and the personality of the Poet behind it all. When Nate Wilson looks at the world around him, he asks “What is this place? Why is this place? Who approved it? Am I supposed to take it seriously?” What could such an outlandish, fantastical world say about its Creator? In these sparkling chapters, Wilson gives an aesthetic examination of the ways in which humanity has tried to make sense of this overwhelming carnival ride of a world. He takes a whimsical, thought-provoking look at everything from the “magic” of quantum physics, to nature’s absurdities, to the problem of evil, evolution and hell. These frequently humorous, and uniquely beautiful portraits express reality unknown to many Christians-the reality of God’s story unfolding around and among us. As the author says, “Welcome to His poem. His play. His novel. His comedy. Let the pages flick your thumbs.”

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  • Together In Prayer


    Andrew R. Wheeler lays the groundwork for establishing a responsible, meaningful prayer ministry in your small group. Here you’ll find guidelines for praying in groups, common pitfalls of communal prayer and suggestions for spurring your group onward.

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  • Readers Guide To Calvins Institutes


    2009 marks the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, and throughout the year scholars from around the world are gathering to discuss Calvin and his influence. Calvin’s Institutes is one of the great classics of Christian theology. Here a leading Calvin expert offers an affordable guide to reading the Institutes (keyed to the McNeill/Battles translation).

    The book includes annotations to selected readings that offer readers a streamlined introduction to the heart of Calvin’s theology. Dividing the Institutes into thirty-two portions, the author has chosen an average of eighteen pages to be read from each portion to cover the whole range of the Institutes and provide readers with passages critical to understanding Calvin’s theology. The notes guide readers through the text, concentrating on the sections chosen for reading, summarizing the material, and drawing attention to the most significant footnotes in the McNeill/Battles edition. An introduction and questions at the beginning of each portion direct the reader’s attention to important points, and a brief guide at the end of each portion suggests further reading. The book will serve professors and students of the Institutes; courses in Calvin, Reformed theology, and historical theology; and readers seeking a guide to the Institutes.

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  • Gospel In Human Contexts


    While the gospel is timeless truth, it enters into ever-changing and widely varied human contexts. The missionary who desires to meaningfully communicate the gospel to particular humans needs to understand people and the particular influences–social, cultural, psychological, and ecological–that shape them. Further, we must understand ourselves and the influences that have shaped us, since our own contexts influence how we understand and transmit the gospel message. Therefore, we must master not only the skill of biblical exegesis but also the skill of human exegesis. That task is the topic of this book, the summation of a lifetime of experience and thinking by a world-renowned missiologist and anthropologist, the late Paul Hiebert.

    As he develops what he terms a “missional theology,” Hiebert discusses differing views of contextualization, social identity and how we view “others,” developments in anthropological thinking through the years, and the impact of postmodernism and globalization. Seeking to equip the reader for the task of human exegesis, he introduces a systems approach to the task of understanding cultural contexts, discusses practical and helpful research methods, and proposes the paradigm of mission as cultural mediation. Here is valuable insight for students preparing for the mission field.

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  • Early Judaism : Texts And Documents On Faith And Piety


    Jewish writings from the period of Second Temple present a rich and potentially overwhelming variety of first-hand materials. George W. E. Nickelsburg and Michael E. Stone, experts on this formative period, have updated their classic sourcebook on Jewish beliefs and practices to take into account current thinking about the sources and to include new documents, including texts from Qumran not available in the first edition, in a brilliantly organized synthesis.

    Included are chapters on Jewish sects and parties, the Temple and worship in it, ideals of piety and conduct, expectations concerning deliverance, judgment, and vindication, different conceptions of the agents of God’s activity, and the figure of Lady Wisdom in relationship to Israel.

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  • As We Believe So We Behave


    When it comes to our faith, what exactly do we believe? Many Christians might be hard-pressed to give a coherent answer to that question… at least on their own. Yet we do clearly articulate our faith week in and week out during worship as we repeat the familiar affirmations in the Apostles’ Creed. And we not only give voice to these statements, we also live them — since belief and behavior are inextricably linked, even if we are not always aware of it. For example, if we believe that we will be burned when we touch a hot iron, then we will avoid touching it. What we believe determines how we behave.

    If we truly believe the creed, how does that affect our behavior? If we truly believe in “one God, the Father almighty” or in “Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,” how do our lives reflect that belief? As We Believe, So We Behave examines each tenet of the Apostles’ Creed and illuminates how it affects what we say and do on a daily basis. Leininger demonstrates that the faith statements embedded in the creed are not dry collections of ancient words mumbled quietly every Sunday. Rather, they are vibrant and vital elements in our walk with God, impacting every aspect of our lives

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  • John Calvin : Reformer For The 21st Century


    Many would argue that a true understanding of contemporary Christian thought is impossible without a basic understanding of John Calvin’s contributions. Now, just in time for the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth, William Stacy Johnson, a leading theologian, offers this clear and fundamental study of Calvin’s insights as a primer for those with little or no knowledge of his work. Calvin is more than just a figure from history. His life and work-both infused with his passion for the reform of the church-had a continuing impact through the centuries, not only on the church but on society in general. Enhanced with questions for discussion and a handy glossary, this volume is sure to be an invaluable resource for those who seek an accessible way into a deeper understanding of Calvin’s role in the development of today’s Christian faith.

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  • Preaching The Atonement


    Preaching the Atonement is a unique teaching tool that offers a theological discussion of ten important Bible passages connected with the sacrifices of Christ. It brings historical and literary questions about the text into dialogue with Christian tradition in order to draw out the implications of the passage for preaching the doctrine today. In each chapter, a complete sermon on the passage in question is presented, followed by a commentary that sets the sermon in the context within which it was preached and highlights the strategy of the preacher in the theological interpretation of the text and its incorporation into the rhetoric of the sermon.

    Sermons are provided by the authors as well as David Southall, Spurgeon’s College, London, UK; Kent Anderson, Northwest Baptist Seminary, British Columbia, Canada; A. Katherine Grieb, Virginia Theological Seminary; and David Schlafer, Episcopal priest and preaching consultant, Washington, D.C.

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  • We Believe In God And In Christ Not In The Church


    This English translation from the Dutch volume is a study of a quotation by St. Augustine as it was understood in the late medieval period. De Kroon focuses on how this quotation was interpreted by two theologians: Wessel Gansforth (d. 1489), the Northern humanist and theologian connected to the devotio moderna and the Brethren of the Common Life, and Martin Bucer (d. 1551), the Protestant reformer who further developed Gansforth’s ideas. This study is accompanied by a series of shorter texts, all showing the reception of Augustine’s phrase in late medieval theology and contrasting it with Gansforth’s understanding of it, which Bucer was to adopt. With his commented edition of sourcetexts, de Kroon throws a new light on the links between late medieval and Reformation thought, demonstrating how a fully fledged reformer like Bucer used the works of medieval theologians. In fact, this is the first work to point to a concrete case of Gansforth’s influence on the Reformation.

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  • Library Edition New Testament


    The New English Bible, completed in 1970, was the culmination of more than twenty years’ work by scholars and literary advisers representing the major Protestant churches of the British Isles. An authoritative translation made directly from the best Hebrew and Greek texts and founded on all the resources of contemporary scholarship, it aimed to present the full meaning of the original in clear and natural modern English. This approach marked a departure from the prevailing Bible translation philosophy and to this day the NEB has a significant place in the history of the Bible in English. The New English Bible is now reissued in this classic ‘Library Edition’ format to coincide with the reissue of the complete Cambridge Bible Commentaries series, which was itself based on the NEB text.

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  • Jesus And Philosophy


    “Around twenty years or so after his death, the fiery and interesting Jewish teacher Jesus of Nazareth was made into the personification of his own teaching, and given an exalted cosmic status. Within a few decades he had been so completely buried by supernatural beliefs about himself that in all the years since it has been very difficult to make out his own voice, and quite impossible to take him seriously as a thinker. “”Jesus and Philosophy”” asks on the basis of recent reconstructions of his teaching, what was Jesus’ moral philosophy? What was his world view? And, is he a big enough figure in the history of ethics to survive the end of the classic ecclesiastical beliefs about him? The author, Don Cupitt, argues that Jesus will be bigger after Christianity, which blocked the realization of just how revolutionary a figure he was.”

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