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Showing 20001–20100 of 35035 results

  • Team Jesus : Planting Churches The Master’s Way


    Church planting is best taught by church planters and Paul Kim is one of the best. Over the last thirty years, he has led the churches of which he has been pastor to start twenty-five churches in the United States, Korea, Japan, Central Asia, and East Asia. Of the twenty-five, twenty-two are still alive and well, an almost unheard of survival rate in church planting annuals. Kim attributes this success to planting churches the “Jesus way,” using teams composed of “homegrown workers” who are trained and mentored by the mother church to plant daughter churches. While his primary focus has been on multicultural church planting, the principles Kim has learned both from his experience and from his study of how the Master began the first church are applicable in any church planting endeavor. For Kim, church planting is not theory but a divine mandate. This book reveals his heart and clearly spells out the Master’s plan for church planting.

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  • Antichrist And The Second Coming


    What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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  • Antichrist And The Second Coming


    What if the commonly held beliefs concerning the Antichrist are mistaken? The Antichrist and the Second Coming looks at the Antichrist and the Second Advent of Christ from a preterist (i.e., past fulfillment) perspective and provides a unified interpretation of the little horn, the prince to come, the king of the North, and the man of lawlessness. McKenzie shows how the Antichrist was ultimately a spiritual ruler from the abyss (Rev. 11:7) that worked through Titus in his three-and-a-half-year destruction of the Jewish nation (AD 67-70; cf. Dan. 9:26). This spirit of Antichrist was about to come out of the abyss in the first century (Rev. 17:8 NASB) and was destroyed by the Second Advent of Jesus in AD 70 (a spiritual event). Continue reading to see how McKenzie convincingly makes the biblical case for this fascinating and controversial position, and what it means for us today.

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  • Numbskull


    Imagine every concerned parent’s worst nightmare: your child crippled by drug addiction, hounded by dealers and gangsters, and wanted by the police. Any concerned parent would stretch his resources to help that child overcome his addiction and start a new life. Any Christian parent would cry to the Lord for help. But what would you do if your parents just didn’t care? What if your parents were addicts, too?

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  • Omega Generation : Living At The End


    The apostolic generation of the 21st century is an omega generation. They live at the end of God’s purpose and work their way back to their current earthly position. They live at the omega dimension before and during the execution of God’s purpose in the natural realm. The omega dimension is their dwelling place and they call it home. They live in the heavens while functioning in the earth. Their sight has been elevated and their spirit catapulted and established in eternity. They have nailed their spirit and mind to the omega of the purposes of God while physically performing and outworking them in the natural. As far as they are concerned, what they are doing for God in the earth is a done deal, and they draw their strength from this mentality, truth and understanding. They are not running towards an uncertain future, but from the future, they move swiftly to the present. From the omega they alpha the purpose of the Father powerfully on earth, bringing them to an ultimate finish within divinely prescribed time. While many start and are unsure about finishing, this generation finish before they start. They are a generation that lives at the end.

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  • What About My Life


    Are you a take-charge, brillant person with a great future? You might not be, but you do have a life worth living. Being in charge has to do with your character. What you do with each step of your life depends on your character! Men, I challange you to read this entire book because it will change your life.

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  • Bewitched : Yet Chosen For A Greater Destiny


    At a time when trust and integrity is at an all time low, the light of Truth still prevails over the dawn of deception. The Bewitchments, enchantments, sorceries and charms may be ever so alluring and attractive until one cannot help but to be inundated by its graces. What human on earth does not desire Knowledge, Power and Prosperity? Who is not hungry for Love and Acceptance; and thirsty for the supernatural? There awaits in the spirit world angelic beings to accompany you on your journey of life into that unknown and intriguing realm; but will they be ministers of darkness ushering you to a darker doom of Bewitchment? Or will they be ministers of light ushering you into a brighter tomorrow? Read this in-depth testimony of a life that was changed from Bewitchment to Enrichment and from Gloom to Glory and make your choice!

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  • Bewitched : Yet Chosen For A Greater Destiny


    At a time when trust and integrity is at an all time low, the light of Truth still prevails over the dawn of deception. The Bewitchments, enchantments, sorceries and charms may be ever so alluring and attractive until one cannot help but to be inundated by its graces. What human on earth does not desire Knowledge, Power and Prosperity? Who is not hungry for Love and Acceptance; and thirsty for the supernatural? There awaits in the spirit world angelic beings to accompany you on your journey of life into that unknown and intriguing realm; but will they be ministers of darkness ushering you to a darker doom of Bewitchment? Or will they be ministers of light ushering you into a brighter tomorrow? Read this in-depth testimony of a life that was changed from Bewitchment to Enrichment and from Gloom to Glory and make your choice!

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  • 99th Step To My Fathers Hill


    The eventual and ultimate call of Jesus is to search His heart and to intertwine your heart with his heart. To reach the heart of Jesus you should be willing for martyrdom-you will be called to climb the mountain of the Lord where no flesh will ever exalt. In the mountain of the Lord, in the darkness of your soul, the God of the Universe will share the intimacies of His heart. This book is for those who are willing to give up everything for Jesus. This book is for those who dare to walk up the hill of the Father against the odds of this world. This book will challenge academicians, scientists, philosophers and truth- seekers to look for the Truth whose flesh was nailed on to a wood.

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  • Bible Proof : Every Real Christian Needs The Real Baptism With The Holy Gho


    Bible Proof: Every Real Christian Needs the Real Baptism with the Holy Spirit & POWER A Scriptural Perspective! In this book you will receive Bible proof that receiving the “gift of the Holy Spirit” is separate from receiving “the gift of eternal life”. It will also make it clear why those who have not yet received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues cannot possibly comprehend nor believe in the same supernatural faith the same way that the early church believed it, while those who have received, believe it all in its entirety exactly as it is written in the Bible. * Every REAL Christian needs this! Don’t miss out on this wonderful gift from God. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues will enable you to understand the New Testament with all the workings of the Holy Ghost as a present day reality.

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  • Good News : A Fresh Perspective For The 21st Century


    From the dawn of time human beings have been interested in the news; learning about current events, locally and around the world. News has been disseminated orally, in print, on film, television and now in cyberspace. Sadly, much of the breaking news in recent months has not been positive. We have been inundated with a barrage of bad news. In the midst of these challenging times, there is one news outlet that has remained constant. It is the Word of God. It is timeless, relevant and eternal. It is the good news.

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  • Outcasts


    “You will marry Fidel.” Her father’s menacing tone was all too loud and clear. “Yesterday I gave him my word.” Victoria’s long black hair flew over her shoulder as the fifteen-year-old met her father’s angry glare. His hands were hurting her arms, as he continued to grasp her tightly. Her once-beautiful, soft brown eyes were wild with fear and hate. With all of her heart she wanted to die rather than succumb to his demand. But, she had no choice-no choice at all! Fidel and Victoria-in their remote Central American village-are bound by fear and traditions that have held their people captive for generations. At the words of mysterious outsiders, the tiniest spark of hope ignites within Victoria’s heart. But, defying a deadly taboo, Fidel and Victoria are forced into exile-evading those who seek to destroy their family. Through the pages of this Christian fiction-though the year is 1972-you will step into another world and experience life through the eyes of people who have been suspended in time by isolation. You will be caught up in adventure and intrigue as two worlds finally collide.

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  • Shattered Soul : My Life With Dissociative Identity Disorder


    Come with Eve as she travels through the 54 years of her life, a life of sadness and pain as well as great victory and joy. Clearly what the devil meant for evil God turned into good. There is nothing quite like experience to make us doubt and reject God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is nothing quite like experience to prove the truth of God’s word. Climbing the mountain of obstacles to reach the destination of faith is exhausting, frightening, maddening at times, and at the same time exhilarating, powerful and joy producing. None of any of these things were possible in the author’s strength. Indeed her journey through hopelessness and helplessness drove her deeper and deeper into her loving Savior’s arms. You may not be able to put this book down once you start it but hang in there and you will feel the thrill of victory of Jesus over the devil in Eve’s life.

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  • Back To Faith


    “Maintaining veneration for Calvin, this work resolves inherent contradictions to the Gospel found in the Reformed tradition. Lybrand reiterates “faith alone in Christ alone,” and works accompanying salvation are “normal but not necessary” while cogently requiring the reader to reexamine theological traditions. My prayer for the mindful Reformer: Read and wrestle with these words. Be willing to abandon all, for the clarity of the Gospel cannot be undervalued.” Jay Quine, ThM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary President, College of Biblical Studies “Fred Lybrand’s analysis of the common saying, ‘Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is not alone,’ exposes the logical and biblical fallacies inherit in Calvin’s famous statement. With careful exegesis he dissects James’ discussion of faith and works with fresh insight into this controversial passage.

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  • Escape To Pray


    “Come apart by yourselves into a desert place, and rest awhile.” Mark 6:31 “Escape to Pray!” is a book that gives insight into the prayer life of Jesus. His prayer life influenced thousands! As Jesus dialogued faithfully with the Father, the sick were healed; the bound set free; the dead regained life and those who were lost, believed. This is a phenomenal testimony and model for all believers today. As we live in a fast paced society, we are constantly bombarded with ‘issues of life’ that distracts our attention. We must therefore press our way into a prayer life that is pleasing to God. This often requires us to escape from our busy, hectic schedules to a quiet, isolated place just to dialogue with our Savior. Prayer then will rejuvenate us, revive and strengthen us as well as influence the lives of others for whom we pray. As Jesus prayer life produced powerful results, the same will happen for us. Just be faithful in prayer and watch our Great Intercessor continue to do an awesome work!

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  • Spiritual Warfare 1


    This Spiritual Warfare Book “is a wonderful resource for those who are serious about their walk of victory.” Apostle Dorothy Matthews, N.C. Apostles, Bishops and Pastors ascribe the title, “God’s General” to Dr. Elsie Clark, because of her numerous books and spiritual warfare teachings across the years. She explains spiritual warfare, strategically so you will gain absolute victory. This book will take you to the next level in spiritual warfare training. Two known people were raised from the dead through Dr. Clark’s spiritual warfare teachings through documented letters from Pastor Clara Milton, VA – Connie Adams of CA. Letters of book endorsements were written to attest to Dr. Clark’s powerful teachings on spiritual warfare by Bishop Leon Harris/Pastor Ruth Harris, NY – Pastor Donald Fozard – NC, Apostle Dorothy Matthews, NC – Pastor Clara Milton, VA – Apostle Sandra Appleberry, MI – Dr. Kathy Curran, MO – Yvonne Stephens (Minister) VA – Mable Oliphant (Christian Entrepreneur).

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  • Inner State


    Ten years of crimeless society is broken by the murder of Holly Smith. Without clear evidence or motive, Dray Townsend turns to God, family, and friends to solve the case before the accused is taken away forever. Dray learns how important seeking God’s guidance is. It may cost him his best friend’s life. The Inner State is a novel about the future that will make you eager to turn the pages.

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  • Baptize By Blazing Fire


    During 30 days of continual prayer at The Lord’s Church in So Incheon, Korea, Pastor Yong-Doo Kim and his congregation experienced a revival that changed their lives. During that time they also experienced intense spiritual warfare and supernatural manifestations. In Baptize by Blazing Fire Pastor Kim and members from his congregation share some of their experiences and guidelines for walking in the supernatural realm of miracles.

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  • Streets Of Fire


    The release of Streets of Fire could not be better timed; we need his story now! If you are COP (i.e., Constable on Patrol) Bob understands you. If you like intrigue, grit, excitement and nail biting action, read on! If you are a father, Bob’s a great example: his three sons prove that. If you are a young person looking for a roll-model, Bob’s book is for you. If you are a hooker being controlled by your pimp, or an addiction, please read on. If you are a College student looking for a quick and exciting read, this is it! Or, if you are simply tired of insipid books that don’t carry much weight nor deliver much punch, and you are looking for a book that delivers entertainment, counsel, intrigue, suspense, and-the occasional shock factor–then this book is for you!

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  • Road To Unafraid


    Jeff Struecker, a “Black Hawk Down” hero, the Army’s Top Ranger, now an Army Chaplain, relates his own tales from the frontlines of every U.S. initiative since Panama, and tells how God taught him faith from the front in fear-soaked times. As readers go on-mission with Struecker through his harrowing tales, they will learn how to face their own fears with faith in a mighty God. Just as he told one of his charges in Mogadishu: “The difference between being a coward and a hero is not whether you’re scared, it’s what you do while you’re scared.”

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  • Saddams Secrets


    General Sada paints a picture of Hussein, his regime-and his country-that is at once personal and truthful, compelling and sobering.

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  • Way We Will Be 50 Years From Today


    The world is an uncertain place, which is why the future and the unknown absolutely fascinate us. Veteran television journalist Mike Wallace asked the question “What will life be like 50 years from now?” to sixty of the world’s greatest minds. Their responses offer a fascinating glimpse into the cultural, scientific, political, and spiritual moods of the times. Edited and with an introduction by Mike Wallace, this book provides an imaginative and thought-provoking look into our collective soul and the critical issues that underlie our hopes, prayers, fears, and dreams for life in the 21st century.
    Contributors include former presidents, leading scientists, noted writers and artists, respected religious leaders, and current political figures, including:

    Vint Cerf, Vice President of Google; known as a “Father of the Internet”
    Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., a geneticist who led the Human Genome Project
    Dr. Wanda Jones, Director of the Office on Women’s Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    Ray Kurzweil, an inventor whose developments include the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind and the first text-to-speech synthesizer
    General James E. Cartwright, Commander of United States Strategic Command
    Kim Dae-jung, the former President of the Republic of Korea
    Ronald Noble, Secretary General of Interpol
    Norman Borlaug, Nobel Peace Prize winner; called “the father of the Green Revolution”
    Carol Bellamy, former Executive Director UNICEF, first former volunteer to serve as director of Peace Corp, and current president and CEO of World Learning
    Gerardus ‘t Hooft, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University in the Netherlands; Nobel Prize in Physics
    Craig Newmark, Internet pioneer and founder of craigslist

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  • Upside Living In A Downside Economy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781426703058ISBN10: 1426703058Michael SlaughterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2009Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gift Of Presence


    Unfortunately, suffering is a part of living. None of us have escaped this fact. Even so, it’s difficult to know how to console someone going through a broken place.

    In The Gift of Presence, Bishop Joe Pennel offers practical help to give confidence and skill to clergy and laity serving the broken hearted. With a central message on the importance of simply being there, Pennel combines practical “how-to’s” with prayers, readings, and services. This small, casebound book outlines real ways to help through planning visits, writing notes, finding scriptures and prayers to read, avoiding cliches, and thinking through the theology of God, humans, and suffering.

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  • Doctrine In Experience


    A fresh way to look at the ministry of The United Methodist Church.

    United Methodism is often accused of having an incoherent theological center. By examining the history and salient features of the church, this book says that United Methodist theology is actually appropriated from its experience as a missional corporate body. This allows United Methodist to do theology in new ways and to better adapt to its multivalent contexts.

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  • Nelsons New Testament Survey


    Each book of the New Testament is introduced and investigated with scholarship and biblical faithfulness. Includes all the information usually found in a Bible handbook – author, date, historical background, purpose, outline – but it goes much further.

    The authors provide an exposition of every passage in the New Testament, written in contemporary, understandable language. Sidebars and inserts offer other valuable reference material such as lists of the parables of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, and key theological principles.

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  • Discovering Church Planting


    In Discovering Church Planting, J. D. Payne explores the biblical, historical and missiological principles of global church planting as well as unfolding practical strategies for confronting contemporary challenges to our vital task in reaching a lost world.

    This comprehensive introduction to church planting shows the reader how to apply effective, international church planting practices to specific contexts. J. D. speaks from personal experience, research and training and focuses on crucial issues every planter should consider. His well researched and easy to understand concepts are crucial for anyone who takes seriously the call of Scripture to Declare His glory among the nations and His marvelous deeds to all peoples.

    Section I: Discovering Biblical and Theological Foundations
    Section II: Discovering Missiological Principles
    Section III: Discovering Historical Paradigms
    Section IV: Discovering Contemporary Issues

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  • All Shall Be Well


    Approaches emotional and vocational wellness from a faith perspective, unlike majority of general-market wellness books.
    Uses established and well-recognized CREDO model as framework.
    CREDO has established partnerships with the Presbyterian Church and othe rmainline denominations.
    This relevatn, timely, and substantive book addresses the CREDO approach to wellness.

    Chapters explore the theology of wellness and identity, core values, creativity and passion, renewal, emotional health, spiritual practices, balance, transformation, and fitness.

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  • Days Of Grace


    Author is recognized for using Benedictine wisdom to cope with the challenges of chronic illness.

    Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, this book invites readers to reflect on living with illness. The heart of the book is a collection of thirty meditations, followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. The meditations voice the difficulties and the challenges of living with illness, and call the reader toward a deepening understanding, compassion and generosity. While the meditations intend to offer comfort, they are also written from the conviction that God invites us to grow even in these circumstances. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These thirty meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms.

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  • Judaism The First Phase


    Most studies of how early Judaism related to the non-Jewish world and how it was perceived by others start no earlier than the Hellenistic period. Joseph Blenkinsopp argues that we must go further back, to the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and its temple and the liquidation of the political and religious infrastructure – monarchy, priesthood, scribalism, prophecy – which had sustained the Judean state for centuries.

    Moving beyond the ideologically driven approaches of scholars over the past two centuries, he explores such pragmatic issues as the emergence of a distinctive group identity in the aftermath of the fall of the Judean state, the degree of continuity-discontinuity between national identity before the exile and competition among distinct group for legitimacy after it, and the historical realities behind the idea of a “restoration” in a fundamentally different world, with neither monarchy nor statehood and a much-diminished temple.

    Judaism, the First Phase is a fresh – and potentially stunning – look at Jewish origins, tracing the legacy of Ezra and Nehemiah. Ideal for scholars and students.

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  • ChurchMorph


    It is estimated that 80 percent of churches across the theological spectrum are either stalled or in decline. In ChurchMorph, internationally respected church observer Eddie Gibbs goes beyond an analysis of the causes to show how many churches and faith communities are actually breaking the downward trend. He expertly maps current converging church movements–emerging and missional churches, mainline renewal groups, megachurches, urban mission, new monasticism, alternative worship, and expanding networks–and offers a positive assessment of the reshaping of today’s church.

    Gibbs argues that more is required of Western churches than adopting new programs if they are to missionally engage within their context. The church must re-image itself, resulting in its reconfiguration and a comprehensive change in its self-understanding; it must morph in order to be defined by its mission in the world. Gibbs identifies trends that provide signs of the kingdom, reflecting on how different ecclesial communities are working out what it means to be “church” in a post-Christendom environment. He provides a range of examples from North America and the United Kingdom to offer encouragement and assurance that God has by no means abandoned his church.

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  • Desiring The Kingdom (Reprinted)


    Philosopher James K. A. Smith embarks on a journey to reshape the whole notion of Christian education in Desiring the Kingdom. This text is the first of three volumes that will ultimately provide a comprehensive theology of culture. The entire set will address crucial concerns in ontology, anthropology, epistemology, and political philosophy. Desiring the Kingdom focuses on the themes of liturgy and desire. The author contends–as did Augustine–that human beings are “desiring agents”; in other words, we are what we love. Postmodern culture is saturated with liturgy, but in places such as malls, stadiums, and universities. While these structures influence us, they do not point us to the best of ends. Smith aims to recover a worldview based on counter-formation to these secular liturgies. His ultimate purpose is to re-vision Christian education as a formative process and redirect us to the summum bonum (the highest good)–namely, God himself. Desiring the Kingdom will reach a wide audience; professors and students in courses on theology, culture, philosophy, and worldview will welcome this contribution. Pastors, ministers, and other church leaders will appreciate Desiring the Kingdom as well.

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  • Kairos Preaching : Speaking Gospel To The Situation


    Sometimes lectionary preachers struggle when situations present themselves in parish life. A congregational member dies, two lives are joined in marriage, a contentious social justice issue demands attention, or a public event like 9/11 shakes us to the core. Although lectionary and worship allow us to deepen our appreciation for the Bible and the themes and emphases of the Christian calendar, they sometimes fail to allow preachers to speak the gospel directly to the situations that occupy their congregations. This book is designed to help pastors and seminarians discover resources they already have to unpack situations and understand them theologically in light of their task of preaching the gospel.

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  • Dress For Anna


    Every little girl loves a pretty new dress, and my daughter Anna was no exception. Trembling with emotion, she ripped open the department store bag that contained her new dress, tights, shoes, and undergarments. Then she pulled out the lavender floral print dress, caressing the silk lining and rubbing her face in the soft fabric.

    ?Platya,? she whispered. Dress. The quiet was only momentary, though as the reality of the situation sank in. ?Platya,? she then cheered. ?Halya doma.? Halya is going home.

    Although it was the first time in her life that she had ever owned any piece of clothing, it was not the dress that brought such emotion, but what it represented. The new dress meant that it was finally the day that Halya (whom we would name Anna) would leave the orphanage and travel home to live with her new family. It was a day she had awaited for over three years, and a day that I had worked for nearly as long.

    A Dress for Anna: The Redemption of the Life of a Ukrainian Orphan tells the fascinating story of how God led Deborah and Rob Amend to adopt a handicapped preschooler from an orphanage in Ukraine, and intricately knit her into their family. Beginning with the circumstances that opened their hearts to adoption, continuing through the entire process, and culminating with the difficult adjustments for Anna as she experiences life in a new culture, this book honestly shares the struggles, grief, and joy the Amend family faced as they followed God down the rocky path of international adoption.

    This powerful narrative not only provides readers with a clear understanding of the often challenging aspects of adoption, particularly for special needs children, it also offers inspiration by illustrating just how much an average, ordinary family can do when listening to God and following His call.

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  • Calvin


    Abingdon Pillars of Theology is a series for the college and seminary classroom designed to help students grasp the basic and necessary facts, influence, and significance of major theologians. Written by noted scholars, these books outline the contrxt, methodology, organizing principles, primary contributions, and key writings of people who have shaped theology as we know it today.

    John Calvin (1509-1564) continues to be read and discussed because he illumines our human experience. Although inseparatable from his context, Calvin’s theology speaks for itself, thus identifying ways Calvin remains a living voice for those who struggle with the meaning of Christian faith.

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  • Theology Liberation And Genocide


    “The Reclaiming Liberation Theology series claims that Liberation Theology is alive and well and continues to produce new and challenging material. In “”Theology, Liberation and Genocide””, Mario Aguilar, one of the leading liberation theologians of the current generation, asks how it can be possible to do theology in the face of atrocities such as the genocide in Rwanda. He argues that the traditional ways of doing theology (‘high theology’) no longer work and that theology now has to take place at the periphery rather than in the social, cultural and political centre. In this book, Aguilar seeks further to unfold the new agenda for liberation theology as set by Ivan Petrella and others. The series editors are Ivan Petrella (University of Miami) and Marcella Althaus-Reid (University of Edinburgh).”

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  • Testament To Freedom


    Dietrich Bonhoeffer was only thirty-nine years old when he was executed in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, yet his courage, vision, and brilliance have greatly influenced the twentieth-century Church and theology. Particularly through his bestselling classic, The Cost of Discipleship, Bonhoeffer profoundly shaped such minds and movements as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Leonardo Boff, civil rights and leberation theology.

    A Testament to Freedom, completely revised and expanded for this edition, includes previously untranslated writings, excerpts from major books, sermons, and selected letters spanning the years of Bonhoeffer’s pastoral and theological career. This magnificent volume takes readers on a historical and biographical journey that follows Bonhoeffer through the various stages of his life–as teacher, ecumenist, pastor, preacher, seminary director, prophet in the Nazi era and, finally, as martyr in pursuit of peace and justice.

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  • Your Power In The Holy Spirit


    John G. Lake was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost in miraculous ways. Here is a glimpse of unparalleled outpouring of Holy Spirit power when operating through a completely yielded life. Drawing upon his vast ministry experiences, Lake presents an enlightening look at how God desires to use His people mightily to minister to a dying world. Through his insightful words, you will discover how you can personally… –Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit –Be filled with the overcoming life of Christ –Be a more powerful witness for Christ –Overcome all the schemes of Satan –Exercise authority over evil spirits in Jesus’ name –Trust God to meet all your needs –Find true purpose for your life –Develop a faith for miracles –See people powerfully saved, healed, and delivered –Transform your world for Christ You, too, can bring salvation and healing to many hurting, hungry people in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. Discover the exciting opportunities available to believers everywhere, and experience God’s powerful and miraculous ways!

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  • Love Came Down


    BONE CHINA CHRISTMAS MUG: Durable bone china is lighter in weight, but has greater strength and higher chip-resistance than most other ceramics; dishwasher safe

    HOLDS 14-OUNCES: Measures 3.75-Inches high, microwave and dishwasher safe

    GLOSSY RED INTERIOR: Holiday greenery wreath; red print reads “Love Came Down”

    GIFT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Add to a gift basket with hot cocoa, gourmet coffee or fill with candies for a gift they will love

    FAITHWORKS AT CREATIVE BRANDS: Gifts and d cor for every day and every occasion that encourage, resonate and uplift the soul; look for additional items to coordinate or simply inspire from Faithworks at Creative Brands

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  • Thrill Of Hope


    BONE CHINA CHRISTMAS MUG: Durable bone china is lighter in weight, but has greater strength and higher chip-resistance than most other ceramics; dishwasher safe

    HOLDS 14-OUNCES: Measures 3.75-Inches high, microwave and dishwasher safe

    GLOSSY RED INTERIOR: Holiday greenery wreath; red print reads “Thrill of Hope”

    GIFT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Add to a gift basket with hot cocoa, gourmet coffee or fill with candies for a gift they will love

    FAITHWORKS AT CREATIVE BRANDS: Gifts and d cor for every day and every occasion that encourage, resonate and uplift the soul; look for additional items to coordinate or simply inspire from Faithworks at Creative Brands

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  • Comfort And Joy


    BONE CHINA CHRISTMAS MUG: Durable bone china is lighter in weight, but has greater strength and higher chip-resistance than most other ceramics; dishwasher safe

    HOLDS 14-OUNCES: Measures 3.75-Inches high, microwave and dishwasher safe

    GLOSSY RED INTERIOR: Holiday greenery wreath; red print reads “Comfort and Joy”

    GIFT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Add to a gift basket with hot cocoa, gourmet coffee or fill with candies for a gift they will love

    FAITHWORKS AT CREATIVE BRANDS: Gifts and d cor for every day and every occasion that encourage, resonate and uplift the soul; look for additional items to coordinate or simply inspire from Faithworks at Creative Brands

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  • Peace On Earth


    BONE CHINA CHRISTMAS MUG: Durable bone china is lighter in weight, but has greater strength and higher chip-resistance than most other ceramics; dishwasher safe

    HOLDS 14-OUNCES: Measures 3.75-Inches high, microwave and dishwasher safe

    GLOSSY RED INTERIOR: Holiday greenery wreath with 2 cardinals; red print reads “Peace on Earth”

    GIFT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Add to a gift basket with hot cocoa, gourmet coffee or fill with candies for a gift they will love

    FAITHWORKS AT CREATIVE BRANDS: Gifts and d cor for every day and every occasion that encourage, resonate and uplift the soul; look for additional items to coordinate or simply inspire from Faithworks at Creative Brands

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  • Jesus And Creativity


    The lively interest today in the historical figure of Jesus is rarely matched by theological advances in understanding his person and significance for our own time and worldview. Gordon Kaufman takes up this challenge in this bold, speculative work.

    Despite the fabled difficulties of traditional Christological terms, Kaufman seeks to re-envision the symbol of Jesus within the contemporary scientific worldview. Building on his notion of God as simply creativity, he here locates the meaning of Jesus’ salvific story within an evolving universe and a threatened planet.

    Outside the dualistic categories of the biblical worldview, he finds, the enormously creative and influential figure of the historic Jesus can play a vital role in the emergence and development of the cosmos and human history. Within that role, he argues, Jesus, his relation to God, and his centrality to Christian faith become clearer and our own lives and actions take on a new meaning.

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  • Living Christianity : A Pastoral Theology For Today


    This thoughtful, uniquely formatted volume takes a serious look at the need for accessible, pastorally relevant theological reflection on the chief mysteries that inform Christian living today.

    The book addresses four specific Christian doctrines: creation, Christology, sin, and church, offering historical background and systematic framework for understanding what is at stake in each for contemporary Christians. Further, each chapter presents the reader with a discussion, and an example, of a basic tool used in thinking through the Christian faith theologically. The chapter on creation involves biblical hermeneutics; the chapter on Christology explains systematic theology; the chapter on sin describes differences between Protestant, Roman Catholic, and liberation theologies. The overarching framework of the text also introduces the reader to postliberal narrative theology and then moves into how this type of theology can be developed in current pastoral settings into a vision of theology as performed within the lives of Christians.

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  • Have You Ever Seen A Hearse Pulling A Trailer


    You know the old saying, “You can’t take it with you when you go.” So instead of putting our faith in material things that we can acquire, let’s put our faith in God and focus on the things in life that money can’t buy.

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  • Showdown With Nuclear Iran


    A terrifying examination of how Iran’s president (a radical Shiite zealot) believes he has a “divine mission” to usher in the apocalypse and thereby herald the second coming of a Shia Muslim messiah-and how he is trying to achieve this by building his arsenal and threatening to cripple America and destroy Israel in a nuclear holocaust.

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  • Unveiling The Mysteries Of The Blood Of Jesus Christ


    This book covers the blood of Jesus Christ from the very beginning of creation. It shows that the entire Bible is about Jesus Christ and his blood that purchased man’s redemption. The reader will not only be introduced to important aspects of the significance of His blood but also to the significance of the very lineage from which He came. The summation of these facts is that contrary to how it may often seem, there is still Power in the Blood of Jesus.

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  • Life Beliefs And Divine Detours Of A Tennessee Mountain Man


    From his youth in the remote mountains of Tennessee on the northern border of the Cumberland Plateau to his career and retirement in upstate South Carolina, Dr. Anderson’s memoir takes us on an awesome journey from his earliest memories and humble beginnings to a fulfilled life achieved by his commitment to his faith and the “pursuit of excellence” in everything he does. He entices the reader with his jewels of wisdom, beliefs and blessings as he weaves his way through the adversities and divine detours of a rewarding life, championed by a compassionate and tolerant wife and influenced by a number of supportive and inspiring mentors along the way. From the beginning he charges boldly into the issues of circumstances, choices, interdependence, uniqueness and diversity and leads us on an inspiring trip through social and spiritual maturity into the resulting faith, hope and dreams of a disciplined and reflective life.

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  • Discovering Your Hidden Power


    Emmy award winning news anchor and motivational speaker Julian Phillips chronicles periods in his own life to demonstrate how the power of the scriptures helped him through personal trials and crisis. Dr. A.R. Bernard, Senior pastor of New York Christian Cultural Center unlocks the keys to harness the power of the words in scriptures that deal with life’s many challenges.

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  • Flat Earth And Genesis


    Predestination has caused disagreement between Christians for centuries. By understanding the Genesis creation, we can now resolve this debate. God’s Word fits perfectly when we recognize why the two creation accounts are written differently. Explore the beginning chapters of Genesis and how a correct understanding of the Hebrews and early Christians leads us to resolve many other puzzles.

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  • Peace In The Valley


    Peace in the Valley is a collection of thirty short devotions to provide comfort, strength, hope, peace and guidance for the hospice patients and their families.

    As a Hospice Chaplain, I realize that many people in this season for life become disconnected from a local church. Some have had poor health for several years and are no longer able to attend church or be part of the fellowship. Others never attended church or never placed their trust in God before, but in their situation the find themselves seeking a relationship with God.

    These devotions are designed to guide you through this journey and help you cope with your situation in a constructive, joyous, faith-filled way. It is my hope that this book will encourage you to give of your gifts, talents, and wisdom and leave a beautiful legacy of love to your family.

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  • More


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434765383ISBN10: 1434765385Simon PonsonbyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2009Publisher: David C. Cook Print On Demand Product

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  • Hoodwinked : How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture


    For a century, “progressive” writers and filmmakers-multiculturalists like Ward Churchill and Alex Haley, sexual revolutionaries like Kinsey and Margaret Mead, quasi-Marxists like Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore, and radical naturalists like Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carson-have been using falsehood and fraud as their principal weapons in their assault on traditional American culture. For years, an unconnected squad of literary detectives, anthropologists, scientists, and historians, has been picking off the frauds and their enablers one by one. Taken together, the work of these critics is devastating. Jack Cashill’s Hoodwinked synthesizes their dogged research and reveals the depth and breadth of the corruption at the very foundation of contemporary intellectual culture.

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  • Red : The Heroic Rescue (Anniversary)


    5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

    “We have stepped off the cliff and are falling into madness.” Thomas Hunter is caught between two shocking realities, each facing a meltdown of epic proportions. When he dreams in one world, he awakens in the other. In one reality, Thomas is a respected military leader urgently trying to deliver the vastly outnumbered Forest People from an agonizing calamity that will end life as they know it. In the other, he’s trying desperately to work with the world’s top leaders to stop the release of the deadliest airborne virus ever created. The earth’s population is facing the worst global crisis in history. This virus has a three-week latency period, and only ten days remain before its deadly power is unleashed. Thomas must find a way to change history–or face the destruction of two worlds.

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  • Buddhism : A Christian Exploration And Appraisal


    In this clear introduction to Buddhism, Keith Yandell and Harold Netland lay out the central metaphysical claims of this significant world religion and then offer a concluding chapter which offers an honest comparison with Christianity.

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  • Jonathan Edwards And The Ministry Of The Word


    Historian Douglas Sweeney examines the life and work of Jonathan Edwards, opening us to understand how Edwards’s profound and meticulous study of the Bible securely anchored his powerful preaching, lively theological passions and discerning pastoral work.

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  • Nature Of Doctrine (Anniversary)


    The Nature of Doctrine is one of the most influential works of academic theology of the past fifty years. Originally published in 1984, this book sets forth the central tenets of a post liberal approach to theology, emphasizing a cultural-linguistic approach to religion and a rule theory of doctrine. In addition to his account of the nature of religion, Lindbeck also addresses the resolution of historic doctrinal conflict among Christian communities, the relationship between Christianity and other religions, and the nature and task of theology itself. A programmatic work in what is now known as postilberal theology, The Nature of Doctrine has generated wide debate across the academy and the church and has influenced a generation of leading contemporary theologians and scholars of religion. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition includes an introduction by theologian Bruce D. Marshall, a new afterword by the author, and a complete bibliography of Lindbeck’s work.

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  • Power To Heal


    ” [Those who believe] will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” -Mark 16:18

    There are many medical options available today for healing the body and mind, but few accomplish true healing-and none bring creative restoration. Many people live in the cycle of dependency and the endless search for relief, even allowing the fear of losing their healing to take hold after a small success.

    With wisdom, revelation from God, and plenty of scriptural support, Joan Hunter reveals powerful truths about healing and being whole. There is good news! God wants to heal every person. His power is limitless, His plan is great, and He will provide for everything. We simply have to accept his vision and believe.

    God knows everything, including the root causes of our diseases. Sin gives the devil permission to attack our bodies with sickness. God wants you to come before him in humble repentance and receive healing. He wants you to become the person He designed you to be.

    Through this powerful book, you will…
    ” Gain complete and utter freedom from every type of oppression.
    ” Experience the unmatched power of forgiveness.
    ” Understand why blocks to healing exist in the church.
    ” Become proficient in prophesying the Word over yourself and others.
    ” Learn to sense the constant anointing, love, and power of God.
    ” Break the cycle of dependency and end the constant search for relief.
    ” Embrace the secure authority and anointing that every believer possesses.
    ” Allow God to reveal to you the causes of your sickness.
    ” Learn how to break personal and generational curses.

    You are qualified simply because God has called you. He is not looking for your ability; He’s looking for your availability. God believes in miracles. Do you?

    “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” -Ephesians 1:18-19

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  • Practising The Principles Of Prayer


    At one time or another we’ve all prayed for something. Did any of those prayers ever go unanswered? Have you ever wondered why? What are the seven things you must believe that get answers to prayer? Practicing the Principles of Prayer covers all seven and much more. Did you know that according to the Bible:
    * you never pray alone
    * prayer isn’t meditation – it’s conversation
    * 95% of prayer is talking and asking
    * prayer is out loud
    * your eyes are open

    There are many books on the subject of prayer, but this one is different. It is a clear, practical, biblical guide to prayer. These aspects of the subject are covered in depth:
    * Prayer to the Father
    * Prayer through the Son
    * Prayer in the Spirit
    * Prayer against the devil
    * Prayer with the saints
    * Prayer by myself
    * Prayer for others
    * Prayer without hindrance

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  • Broad Place : An Autobiography


    Jurgen Moltmann’s life and work have marked the history of theology after the Second World War in Europe and North America like no other. He is the most widely read, quoted, and translated theologian of our time. Now, after celebrating his eightieth birthday, he looks back on a life engaged in and forging a Christian response to the tumult and opportunities of our age. In his autobiography Moltmann tells his engaging and searching life story, from his Hamburg youth in an unconventional parental home up to the “incompleteness” of the present moment. Yet his narrative also sheds light on the creative arc of Moltmann’s work, on the journey of his own theological development from its beginnings after World War II through the beginnings of political theology and, most phenomenally, the advent of the theology of hope.

    A wide-ranging document alert to the deeper currents of his time and ours, Moltmann’s work is also an engrossing reconsideration of a life full of intense experience and new beginnings.

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  • 1-2 Timothy-Titus : 13 Studies For Individuals And Groups


    With a scholar’s mind and a pastor’s heart, Tom. Wright walks you through 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind. Perfect for group use or daily personal reflection, this study uses the popular inductive method combined with Wright’s thoughtful insights to bring contemporary application of Scripture to life.

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  • From Sea To Shining Sea


    Repackaged Edition

    In From Sea to Shining Sea history buffs are transported back to the post-revolutionary era to discover how God intervened on behalf of a struggling nation. This fast-paced, absorbing narrative and sequel to the bestselling The Light and the Glory covers that fragile time in America’s history from 1787 to 1837 when a newborn nation faced challenges and overcame her growing pains by clinging to her Christian heritage.

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  • Holy Ground : A Liturgical Cosmology


    Now available in paperback, Holy Ground illumines how the central symbols and interactions of Christian liturgy yield a new understanding and experience of the world and contribute to a refreshed sense of ecological ethics-a Christian sense of the holiness of the earth itself.

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  • Encounter With The New Testament


    An exemplary text, Russell Pregeant’s Engaging the New Testament (1995) has provided a rich interdisciplinary New Testament introduction for upper-level and graduate students, incorporating a wide range of methods?literary, historical, psychological, theological, and social-scientific, and critically perceptive introductions to each of the New Testament writings.

    Encounter with the New Testament adapts and abridges the best features of that textbook for beginning undergraduate students – surveying approaches to biblical studies, and discussing historical and cultural backgrounds, the historical Jesus, and the rise of the resurrection faith with attention to extracanonical materials. The textbook includes charts, maps, illustrations, reading suggestions, and more.

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  • Diablo Demonios Y Guerra Espir – (Spanish)


    La iglesia de Cristo Jesus esta en crisis. Muchas
    congregaciones se estan dividiendo y estan
    disminuyendo en numero. Los matrimonios se estan
    tambaleando. La inteligencia biblica se encuentra yendo
    hacia abajo. Donde esta el poder? Donde estan los
    milagros? Que le ha sucedido a la iglesia de nuestros dias?
    El autor Tom Brown dice que hemos olvidado nuestro
    deber de compartir la mision de Cristo Jesus-de derrotar
    al adversario que gobierna este mundo. Hoy en dia,
    muchas iglesias rehusan mencionar al diablo o ensear
    acerca de la realidad de satanas. El resultado de esto es
    una iglesia anemica y muy debil que lucha para convertir
    a todos aquellos que estan dudando, para rescatar a los que
    se encuentran en crisis, o que esta luchando para poder
    testificar acerca de la liberacion de las almas oprimidas que
    se encuentran en las garras del diablo.
    A traves de este libro, tu vas a aprender como poder:
    * Darte cuenta que Jesus echo fuera demonios y les enseo
    a Sus discipulos que hicieran lo mismo
    * Poder entender los planes y engaos del diablo
    * Aprender la diferencia que existe entre los demonios y los
    angeles caidos.
    * Poder conocer si los cristianos pueden ser poseidos por
    * Poder entender la forma como la iglesia le esta cediendo
    terreno a satanas.
    * Descubrir como poder ser completamente libre
    The church of Jesus Christ is in crisis. Congregations are splitting and decreasing in size. Marriages are crumbling. Biblical intelligence is on the decline. Where is the power? Where are the miracles? What has happened to today’s church? Author Tom Brown argues that we have forgotten that our duty to share the mission of Jesus Christ-to defeat the adversary who rules this world. Today, too many churches refuse to mention the devil or teach about the reality of Satan. The result is a weak and anemic church that struggles to convert doubters, rescue those in crisis, or witness the deliverance of oppressed souls in the clutches of the devil.

    Through reading this book, you will:
    * Realize that Jesus drove out demons and called His disciples to do the same
    * Understand the plots and plans of the devil
    * Learn the origins of and differences between demons and fallen angels
    * Know whether Christians can be possessed by demons
    * Understand how the church gives up ground to Satan
    * Discover how to be free

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  • White : The Great Pursuit (Anniversary)


    5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

    “Never break the circle.” For two realities, time is running out. In one world, a lethal virus threatens to destroy all life as scientists and governments scramble to find an antidote. In the other, a forbidden love could forever destroy the ragtag resistance known as The Circle. Thomas can bridge both worlds, but he is quickly realizing that he may not be able to save either. In the mind-bending conclusion to the Circle trilogy, Thomas must find a way to rewrite history as he navigates a whirlwind of emotions and events surrounding a pending apocalypse. The fate of two worlds comes down to one man’s choice–and it is a most unlikely choice indeed. Life. Death. Love. Nothing is as it seems. Yet all will forever be transformed by the decisions of one man in the final hours of the Great Pursuit.

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  • Black : The Birth Of Evil (Anniversary)


    5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

    Enter an adrenaline-laced epic where dreams and reality collide Fleeing his assailants through deserted alleyways, Thomas Hunter narrowly escapes to the roof of a building. Then a silent bullet from the night clips his head . . . and his world goes black. From the blackness comes an amazing reality of another world–a world where evil is contained. A world where Thomas Hunter is in love with a beautiful woman. But then he remembers the dream of being chased through an alleyway as he reaches to touch the blood on his head. Where does the dream end and reality begin? Every time he falls asleep in one world, he awakes in the other. Yet in both, catastrophic disaster awaits him . . . may even be caused by him. Some say the world hangs in the balance of every choice we make. Now the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance of one man’s choices.

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  • Girl In The Orange Dress


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    “Chosen.” “Special.” Those are the words Margot Starbuck used to describe herself as a child adopted into a loving family. And when her adoptive parents divorced, her dad moved east, and her mom and dad each got remarried, she told herself that she was extra loved, since she had more than two parents and people in different times zones who cared about her.

    But the word she really believed about herself was rejected. First by her birthparents. Then by her adoptive father-when he moved away. Then by her stepfather. Then by her birthfather a second time, when she tried to invite him into her life.

    Most of all, Margot felt rejected by God the Father, who she also suspected could not be trusted.

    With a good dose of humor and a willingness not to take herself too seriously, Margot Starbuck offers us an exuberant, frank and, at times, poignant romp as she searches for the Father who will not fail. You are invited to come along.

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  • Sounding Forth The Trumpet


    Repackaged Edition

    Sounding Forth the Trumpet brings to life one of the most crucial epochs in America’s history–the events leading up to and precipitating the Civil War. In this enlightening book, readers live through the Gold Rush, the Mexican War, the skirmishes of Bleeding Kansas, and the emergence of Abraham Lincoln, as well as the tragic issue of slavery.

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  • John : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry. It features individual commentaries by many of today’s best-known scholars and practitioners, including Walter Brueggemann, Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, Fred B. Craddock, M. Eugene Boring, Thomas G. Long, Patrick D. Miller, Richard B. Hays, and William H. Willimon, among others. All volumes are available in hardcover by single title or set, or on CD-ROM. And now, WJK Press is pleased to announce the rollout of this popular series in paperback, with several titles slated for reissue each year.

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  • Bible Among Other Myths


    Many modern scholars say Israelite religion simply mirrors that of other West Semitic societies. Dr. John N. Oswalt believes the root of this attitude lies in hostility to the idea of revelation. This accessible book reasserts the biblical concept of a transcendent God who breaks into time and space and reveals himself in and through human activity.

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  • Introduction To The Bible


    Many current Bible “intro” volumes focus more on theories about the biblical text than on the text itself. They lack the simplicity that has become increasingly crucial as basic biblical literacy has declined. Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin seek to remedy that problem by turning readers back to the text at hand. Their Introduction to the Bible surveys the content of all the biblical books, section by section, focusing on the Bible’s theological themes.

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  • Key Principles Of Biblical Fasting


    Discover the Purpose and Power of Fasting

    Do you desire to feel His presence, hear His voice, sense His pleasure?

    Since ancient times, fasting has been considered an essential means of drawing near to God. But this spiritual discipline involves much more than abstaining from food; it goes right to the heart of genuine faith. Through this invigorating study, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the principles behind this practice and be equipped to make fasting a key part of your relationship with God.

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  • How Do You Know Gods Your Father


    This brand new Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. As Kay explains, “Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it.” Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking–and your life.

    The key to lasting peace, confidence, and joy in the Christian life is knowing for sure who you are and Whose you are. This step-by-step walk through 1 John can help you discover whether or not you are a true child of God.

    By taking note of the way the Bible describes the differences between God’s children and those of Satan, you can gain clearer insight into where you stand with God. Through this study you will see how your lifestyle will reflect the character of the One to whom you belong.
    Dig into the Apostle John’s first letter with Kay Arthur and David and B.J. Lawson. And discover what it means to walk in the light instead of darkness.

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  • 1 Corinthians : 13 Studies For Individuals And Groups


    With a scholar’s mind and a pastor’s heart, Tom Wright walks you through 1 Corinthians in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind. Perfect for group use or daily personal reflection, this study uses the popular inductive method combined with Wright’s thoughtful insights to bring contemporary application of Scripture to life.

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  • Hollywood Worldviews : Watching Films With Wisdom And Discernment


    Updated & Expanded

    In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of his popular book, Brian Godawa guides you through the place of redemption in film, the tricks screenwriters use to communicate their messages, and the mental and spiritual discipline required for watching movies.

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  • Unseen : A Novel


    T.L. Hines’s distinct “Noir Bizarre” brand is where supernatural thriller meets mystery. Lucas Freund is a loner with an odd habit: he’s an urban explorer. But while visiting the hidden areas of public buildings is a hobby for others, it’s a way of life for Lucas. He lives inside those hidden areas–the utility chases, the abandoned storage rooms, the ceiling ductwork. Then Lucas meets other urban explorers and discovers a group that has taken the concept to a new level: they infiltrate homes and watch the people inside. Lucas is appalled that these unseen watchers don’t offer help when it is needed. But when he is approached by a federal agent who knows about his own past, he has no choice but to infiltrate the Creep Club. Things take a deadly turn when Creep Club members start to die. Even worse, all signs point to Lucas as the killer. Will he be able to prove his own innocence . . . or will he be the next victim?

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  • Love Acceptance And Forgiveness (Reprinted)


    How can the church be a healing force in the world? In this longtime bestseller, now revised and updated, authors Jerry Cook and Stanley C. Baldwin suggest that it is only when believers admit their own brokenness that they can love, accept, and forgive those who are hurting around them and put out the welcome mat to their community. They offer clear teaching about the church in a hurting world. As veteran leaders who practice these principles, they speak from experience, not theory. Through touching true stories and practical guidelines for connecting with fallen, sinful people, Cook and Baldwin announce the good news. The church is not broken, and it is the broken people who can change the world.

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  • 1-2 Thessalonians : 13 Studies For Individuals And Groups


    With a scholar’s mind and a pastor’s heart, Tom Wright walks you through 1-2 Thessalonians in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind. Perfect for group use or daily personal reflection, this study uses the popular inductive method combined with Wright’s thoughtful insights to bring contemporary application of Scripture to life.

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  • Filosofia Y Cristianismo – (Spanish)


    Analyzes the relationship between subject matters, their common interests as well as their differences. These are not opposing viewpoints, but rather both must play a role in developing an integrated vision of Christian truth. This work aims to enrich the understanding of every Christian reader.

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  • Lost Chords : The Parish Choir Tries Its Best


    Here are 23 new stories, written with characteristic affection and wit, which will greatly entertain Reg’s loyal and eager readers. Bellowing basses, lead singers at least a line ahead of everyone else, temperamental organists, mildewing sheet music and fusty robes – welcome to the world of the local church choir. There is no better observer of the volatile relations between the clergy, the choir, the organist and the congregation than Reg Frary who has seen it all in almost seventy years’ first hand experience of sitting in the choir stalls Sunday by Sunday. This is an ideal Christmas gift for anyone who sings in an amateur choir (and the more amateur, the better).

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  • Heaven In Ordinary


    George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of English spirituality’s most treasured voices and, with his contemporaries Lancelot Andrewes Izaak Walton and Nicholas Ferrar, he epitomises the best of the 17th century Anglican tradition – learned, holy and self-effacing. Before settling down as a country parish priest – a calling that was cut short by his early death aged 39 – he was a complex character who led a varied life in politics and academia. His inner tensions resulted in memorable writing and a rich spirituality. Here, Philip Sheldrake explores themes in Herbert’s work that stand out as most important: his deep biblical and liturgical roots, his Christ-centred spirituality, his emphasis on the importance of the everyday, his strong sense of place, his understanding of discipleship, his approach to prayer, and, his spirituality of service. Richly illustrated with excerpts from his poetry, prose and letters, this volume offers a comprehensive study guide to one of the most loved poetic voices.

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  • Journey : Walking With The Walkers


    This is the inspiring story and intimate look into the lives of the Walkers, missionary evangelists to the world. David and Kathy share good times and bad; you wil laugh and cry at their adventures at home and away, and share their trials and triumphs of raising children as they traveled.

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  • Journey : Walking With The Walkers


    This is the inspiring story and intimate look into the lives of the Walkers, missionary evangelists to the world. David and Kathy share good times and bad; you wil laugh and cry at their adventures at home and away, and share their trials and triumphs of raising children as they traveled.

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  • And Heaven Stood Silent


    It was a bitter cold December night. The wind howled through the trees as the Artic air blew with the fierceness of a hurricane. Storm clouds gathered on the horizon as the forces of good and evil were about to collide. I could hear the howling of a lone wolf and the hooting of a wise owl as they warned both man and beast alike about the creatures that were on the move this bitter cold evening. While mortal men slept, totally oblivious to the warnings and movements of the creatures not of the realm of man, one person was called upon to witness and to intercede in the drama about to unfold; a drama unknown to mortal man, but one forever logged in the annuals of the highest courts of the heavenly realms…. The inevitable was about to take place…. All of Heaven Stood Silent… The fate of mankind was about to be sealed as the left side of the scale started to reach its lowest extreme. In who’s favor would the scales of justice tip? Discover who really holds the key to the fate of mankind in this powerful, touching tale written by Native American Christopher Billiot. Read the amazing story that “came” in the early morning hours to this boat captain as he was navigating the inland waterways, in the summer months prior to 9/11. There are no accidents!

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  • Gods Fragrance : The Fragrance Of Life


    I have come to know that accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. Once you have accepted Christ, obedience to God is essential. We will never be fully successful in living life according to our Father’s standards because we have a sin nature. The key to this is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in all that we do, remembering to ask God to forgive us when we stumble, and wholeheartedly repenting of our sins. Jesus has given us the power to have life instead of life having us. As children of God, we should always be willing and prepared to share our testimony on coming to know Christ.

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  • Gods Fragrance : The Fragrance Of Life


    I have come to know that accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. Once you have accepted Christ, obedience to God is essential. We will never be fully successful in living life according to our Father’s standards because we have a sin nature. The key to this is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in all that we do, remembering to ask God to forgive us when we stumble, and wholeheartedly repenting of our sins. Jesus has given us the power to have life instead of life having us. As children of God, we should always be willing and prepared to share our testimony on coming to know Christ.

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  • Poultice


    Dr. Suttles offers a current Christian apologetic, an explanation of deeply held beliefs which come from a lifetime of cross cultural ministry and work in the field of appropriate technology. His perspective combines years of ministry from Haiti to French Guiana to Mexico to India and Romania with studies in cultural anthropology and industrial technology as well as theology. His heartfelt thoughts of his father, an old, Southern minister – builder are woven together in a lifetime fascination with the study of comparative religions and cultures. The resultant apologetic results in a unique, challenging series of answers to some of life’s most difficult questions today. It challenges the church to re-examine its purpose for being and re-establish itself on a new covenant of grace and love. It poses a challenge to the political, educational, social, and physical sciences. “The Poultice” is a well thought out, revealing commentary on time and eternity to anyone who is searching for more understanding and a reason for our existence here on planet Earth.

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  • En Un Espacio De Tiempo – (Spanish)


    Connie Ramon’s writing debut is an inspirational story based on her personal journal, which introduces the reader to a personal struggle of faith and support for a friend whose friendship was relatively new to her. The journey started upon learning that her friend had been abducted. Connie was compelled (and as she later realized, called to serve) to be vigilant in prayer and offer encouraging words that she hoped would reach her friend spiritually. In doing so, she takes us on a journey of faith in which she often struggled with her own impatience. Despite her own family tragedy and other personal issues, she offered relentless support to her friend and her family reassuring them that God’s hand was at work even in the darkest times. Connie learned lessons to last a lifetime as she progressed from fear, anger and pain to faith, perseverance and sacrifice. Ultimately, Connie exhorts us all to share a message of faith, hope and support with anyone who experiences any type of bondage or suffering.

    Connie Ramon nos presenta una historia para inspirar basada en su diario personal, a traves de la cual ella comparte con el lector su lucha personal creada por su impuesta intercesion de fe y apoyo hacia una persona que era relativamente una desconocida para ella. Su trayectoria empezo al saber que esa persona habia sido secuestrada. Connie se sintio obligada (y como mas adelante descubrio, llamada a servir) a mantener una vigilia de oracion y a ofrecer palabras de aliento las cuales ella deseaba fervientemente que alcanzaran a su amiga espiritualmente cada dia. Al hacerlo, ella nos lleva en un recorrido de fe en el cual frecuentemente luchaba con su impaciencia. A pesar de su vida personal y afrontar desgracias en su propia familia, ella continuo ofreciendole un apoyo incesante a su amiga y familia, asegurandoles que la mano de Dios estaba obrando aun en los momentos mas tenebrosos y dificiles. Connie aprendio lecciones para toda la vida al progresar del miedo, indignacion y congoja a la fe, a la esperanza, a la perseverancia y al sacrificio. Finalmente, Connie nos exhorta a todos a compartir este mensaje de fe, de esperanza y de apoyo con cualquier persona que este atravesando por alguna opresion, dificultad o sufrimiento. Connie Ramon crecio en un hogar cristiano y conocio al Seor siendo una nia. Connie sirvio como tesorera en una pequea iglesia en Miami por 4 aos. Connie estudio Administracion de Empresa en Trinity International University (Chicago), obten

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  • Start Your Day With God


    Always busy and on the move? Slow down and take a moment to meditate on the Word of God. Start your day off with God before getting too busy, rushing from one event or meeting after another. God desires to speak to you: He wants you to know Him better and truly discover who you really are in Him. Jesus prayed to the heavenly Father not to take us out of this world, but that He would keep and protect us from the evil one. Jesus also asked the Father to sanctify us, and the only way we can be truly sanctified is in the Word. “Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.” (John 17:17) So be encouraged to start your day with God, discover the truth of God’s Word for yourself, and learn more about yourself and your daily assignment in the Lord.

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  • Responding 12 Step Recovery


    A One-Year Commitment for Life

    Responding Recovery is a Jesus-centered 12-step program. You are about to embark on a journey that will begin to unfold in your life on a moment-by-moment basis. As you begin on your commitment to the program, you will find your Higher Power, Jesus Christ, to be more than a concept, more than a belief, and more than just one of many ways to recovery. You will begin to see that He is your only hope for eternal life, as well as for recovery from the chains of life that seem to bind you at this time. Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book is an avenue God can use to begin to reveal His plan, purpose, and destiny in your life. However, as you continue in your search for truth, the big, big, book, the Bible, will reveal the way to have a relationship with God that brings eternal life and life more abundantly. Your journey will unveil God, the author of the Bible, and His desire to live in you through a relationship with Jesus. It is one thing to be living above dysfunctional behaviors, but it is yet another to be free from the cause of what makes you do what you do. You will also find that while being clean and sober or free from dysfunctional behaviors is important, when you stand before God in the next life, Jesus will be your only entrance into heaven, if He lives in you by His Spirit.

    Please keep in mind that this process of recovery will require commitment on your part for the long haul. As you know, you did not get to where you currently are overnight. The process of recovery can have immediate results, but often recovery will unfold on a day-by-day basis. However, the good news is the many, many promises of God’s Word (the Bible) that never fail.

    For example, as you commit your ways to a relationship with Him and His helping power, He promises to keep your commitment for you. The Bible says, “I know in whom I believe and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I commit until that Day” (2 Tim. 1:12). When this verse speaks of “that day,” it is referring to the second coming of Christ. In other words, your commitment will be held by God until the end of this life on earth.

    Responding Recovery has a focus on the life of Jesus. The Word of God reveals how the living Word (Jesus) can live in us, bringing about wholeness and delivering from addictions, damaged emotions, and ultimately the tyrannical hold of sin’s grasp.

    Responding Recovery uses each of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as a “theme” but then

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  • Broken Beads On My Moccasins


    If the stars don’t shine, God is the guiding light. If the ocean fails to come home to the shore, God has a plan. If the sun ceases to rise and fall, God’s love prevails. And if a child is born among the weeds and thorns of alcoholism, God can make the garden beautiful. Through all the chaos and confusion of life, His promise of “I will never leave you or forsake you” holds true. This book is a collection of creative writings, cartoons, and inspirational insights that journeys the author’s life from toddler to present. The prevailing theme is that God is in control and showers His children with daily encouragements to love one another as He has loved us. This reminder may come from the gentleness of moonlit snowfall or the comprehension of an autistic child-but it is the great commission carried out from the broken and softened hearts of His children.

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  • Battle For Moses Dead Body


    This book does not allege to have all the answers concerning the mystery surrounding the dead body of Moses; it simly asks the relevant question and offers scriptural implications and applications. The book is intended to be a reference book, an inspirational book, and a workbook.

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  • Blessed With Bipolar


    “I cracked up – for the first time – on June 4, 1988, three weeks short of completing my Masters degree in Psychology. Some would say I had a nervous breakdown. The psych ward doctors said it was major depression. I say that I saw just how evil my sin is in the eyes of God and it scared the hell out of me . . . I cobbled together some mad reality and blew a fuse . . . I lost my mind, never to be the same again. Thanks be to God! Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!”

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  • College Conquerors Handbook


    The College Conqueror’s Handbook provides rock-solid advice on how to: * study for college level exams * write papers * choose courses * balance academic and social life * manage money, time, and resources It clearly explains the needs and benefits of establishing and maintaining an ambitious outlook, a positive attitude, and taking the right actions while in college. This easy to read book walks students through the steps required in order to conqueror college. After all, why survive college when you can conquer it?

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  • Journey


    The Journey is the story of one Christian couple’s journey through a medical crisis-one as the patient and the other as the advocate/caregiver. Along the way they are supported in prayer by family members, friends, and even strangers. It is the story of God’s provision, His mercy, His love, His grace, His peace, and even His joy in the midst of life’s storm. Even while the characters in the story were experiencing the difficulties of their crisis, God was able to use the circumstances to help grow their faith and help them experience peace. He was also able to use the writer to witness and minister to others along the way who were also in crisis and hurting. This story is intended as an encouragement to any Christian going through a trial, whether it is a similar crisis or not. God’s love and faithfulness apply to any situation. Fellow Christians will be encouraged as they see how God is able to meet every need, even when days are the darkest.

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  • Kluffords Holler


    Southern humorist Darrell Sroufe brings this delightful little tale about a tiny Smoky Mountain town called Klufford’s Holler, a community so far in the backhills, backwoods and backward old time ways that hardly anyone knows or cares it’s there at all. Well… hardly anyone until now.

    A fictional story set within actual historical events, Klufford’s Holler tells a witty, creative and heart touching tale about the culture, traditions and religion of mountain people who’s lives have always been the same for generations. Then all of a sudden, powerful forces from the outside world come to take the whole region over. Why? Because there’s a whole lot more to things than may appear!

    Klufford’s Holler is a story filled with southern culture humor, lovable mountain townsfolk, some evil villains, a heroic town preacher, a mysterious old hermit and a wealth of Messianic imagery. The story not only entertains, but also educates the reader about the intriguing history of the Smoky Mountains in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. The very real part the region played in winning WWII is an amazing story all in itself!

    The town of Klufford’s Holler is a place you’ll never forget. This wonderful little tale will make you laugh, keep you in suspense and leave you in awe of the God of the universe who cares for even the most common folks. It’s a story you’ll want to read over and over again, so go ahead and get started. See ya’ll in the mountains!

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  • 10 : Capturing The Heart Of Your Wife


    If King David was known for being a man after God’s own heart, what would it look like if a husband became a man after his wife’s heart? Join the exciting adventure of making your marriage all it was meant to be. Whether you want to simply improve it or you’re in dire need to save it, this simple step-by-step approach will help you have the best relationship you can imagine. It can help you build a love into your marriage that will thrive in each season of life. EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE LOST THAT LOVING FEELING. The format of TEN lends itself to great one-on-one marriage discipleship or mentoring. It also has action provoking questions at the ends of each chapter, which means that TEN can be used in a small group format and can be very interactive for your group study. May God bless your efforts in making your marriage great.

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  • Love Family Adventures


    Love Family Adventures is filled with wonderful characters like Flibby the butterfly, Zippidy the dragonfly, mean old Flash the toad, Comfort the Holy Spirit and so many more. Through the events of their daily lives these characters each learn the truth about who they are and how to live. As you read their stories you will get to learn new things for yourself. See what Abba thinks about the Cruel Gang. See what happens when Victory, the hummingbird, spots a big problem in the Love Family. Find out if Flubby, the caterpillar, decides to make a big change and what surprises she could get if she does. Jump in and see what things happen in all the characters lives that might just be happening in yours too. Love Family Adventures is full of good things especially for you. Read together, talk over what you learned and have lots of fun!

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  • Terror And The Triumph


    The scrolls of Mary of Magdala have been found! Two thousand years ago, a unique child was born into a world of unimaginable disregard for human life. Vengeful gods and cruel kings ruled over the desperate masses for whom life was short, hopeless and brutal. This is the story of how that young man came to stand at the crossroads of change and then ultimately choose an untrod path to show humanity how to lift itself up from the squalor of its existence.

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