Trinidad En El Nuevo Testament – (Spanish)
En La Trinidad en el Nuevo Testamento, Arthur W. nos instruye sobre La doctrina de la Trinidad, afirmando que hay un solo Dios, y aunque en la unidad de la divina esencia hay tres personas co-eternas e iguales en todo; de la misma sustancia, pero distintas en la subsistencia, ha sido una de las doctrinas mas polemicas, debatidas y controvertidas en la historia de la Iglesia cristiana y el punto mas conflictivo con el judaismo y el Islam
Desde que Tertuliano utilizara por primera vez el termino en el ao 215, la disputa sobre la Trinidad ha sido sin interrupcion, para Gnosticos, Arrianos y otros grupos en los primeros siglos, como para Testigos de Jehova y Unitarios en nuestros dias. A ella se dedicaron concilios enteros, como los de Nicea (325 a.C.), Constantinopla (381 a.C.) o Calcedonia (451 a.C.) dando origen a los grandes Credos.
A raiz, el autor nos brinda un trabajo academico y de investigacion sobre los escritos del Nuevo Testamento y la relacion que se encuentra entre el Padre y el Hijo o en la relacion Padre, Hijo y Espiritu que tuvo como inicios en el N. T.
The Trinity in the New Testament
In The Trinity in the New Testament, Arthur W. teaches us about the doctrine of the Trinity, affirming that there is only one God, and although in the unity of the divine essence there are three co-eternal and equal persons in everything; of the same substance, but distinct in subsistence, it has been one of the most polemical, debated and controversial doctrines in the history of the Christian Church and the most conflicting point with Judaism and Islam.
Since Tertullian first used the term in the year 215, the dispute about the Trinity has been uninterrupted, for Gnostics, Arians and other groups in the first centuries, as well as for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Unitarians in our days. Entire councils were devoted to it, such as those of Nicaea (325 B.C.), Constantinople (381 B.C.) or Chalcedon (451 B.C.), giving rise to the great Creeds.
As a result, the author provides us with a scholarly work and research on the writings of the New Testament and the relationship found between the Father and the Son or in the Father, Son and Spirit relationship that began in the New Testament.
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SKU (ISBN): 9788419055019
ISBN10: 8419055018
Language: Spanish
Arthur Wainwright
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Editorial Vida
Print On Demand Product
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Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it?
Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants us to know that because he is in control, we don’t have to be.
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Una vez que usted reciba la revelacion completa del Dios sobrenatural, usted podra tomar este poder y ganar el mundo para Cristo.
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