Diccionario Teologico Ilustrad – (Spanish)
Cinco visiones distintas del pensamiento teologico interconectadas entre si para traer un solo y gran diccionario Teologico Ilustrado.
*Diccionario Biblico, con analisis de las grandes doctrinas de la fe cristiana, en primer lugar, desde la misma Biblia, esto es, desde una perspectiva exegetica.
*Diccionario Teologico, con exposiciones de los grandes temas de debate, tanto los dogmas como las herejias, desde la vertiente de la ortodoxia cristiana
*Diccionario Filosofico, con resea en las principales corrientes de pensamiento que han influenciado en la teologia o que han sido influenciadas por esta. Informa de los pensadores mas relevantes, tanto historicos como del cristianismo moderno.
*Diccionario Evangelico, que posee entradas que adoptan la perspectiva biblica netamente evangelica, comunmente aceptada por la mayoria de las iglesias
*Diccionario practicoque presenta la ventaja de ser el primer Diccionario Evangelico de Teologia escrito directamente en espaol. Aporta una mayor riqueza en el lenguaje y un toque distinto en los enfoques propia de la cultura hispana. Muy practico al interrelacionar todas las entradas y temas transversales entre si
Illustrated Dictionary of Theology
Five different visions of theological thought interconnected to bring a single large Illustrated Dictionary of Theology
*Biblical Dictionary, with an in-depth analysis of the great doctrines of the Christian faith, first, from the Bible itself, that is, from an exegetical perspective.
*Theological Dictionary, with expositions of the great topics of debate, both dogmas and heresies, from the point of view of Christian orthodoxy.
*Philosophical Dictionary, with a review of the main currents of thought that have influenced theology or have been influenced by it. It informs about the most relevant thinkers, both historical and of modern Christianity.
*Evangelical Dictionary, which has entries that adopt the purely evangelical biblical perspective, commonly accepted by most churches.
*Practical dictionary that presents the advantage of being the first Evangelical Dictionary of Theology written directly in Spanish. It provides a greater richness in the language and a different touch in the approaches of the Hispanic culture. Very practical to interrelate all entries and cross-cutting themes with each other.
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SKU (ISBN): 9788418810978
ISBN10: 8418810971
Language: Spanish
Franciso LaCueva | Revised by: Alfonso Ropero
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Editorial Vida
Print On Demand Product
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