Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Tony Jones

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  • Teaching Of The 12


    What did the original apostles have to say about the ways that Christians should worship, live, and care for each other? Explore the answers to these questions and more in Tony Jones’ new book written for all Christians who desire to understand what it means to be Christian and worship and live in community with others.

    Tony introduces readers to the Didache, a first century Christian treatise written to give instructions to the fledging churches. This enigmatic text was considered canonical by some of the early Church Fathers (i.e. John of Damascus), but was believed to be unworthy of the canon although recommended reading by others (i.e. Athanasius). Tony takes it apart, section by section, and explains its meaning while making application to the ways and problems and solutions most relevant for Christian churches today.

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  • New Christians : Dispatches From The Emergent Frontier


    Following on the questions raised by Brian McLaren in A New Kind of Christian, Tony Jones has written an engaging exploration of what this new kind of Christianity looks like. Writing “dispatches” about the thinking and practices of adventurous Emergent Christians across the country, he offers an in-depth view of this new “third way” of faith-its origins, its theology, and its views of truth, scripture and interpretation, and the Emergent movement’s hopeful and life-giving sense of community. With the depth of theological expertise and broad perspective he has gained as a pastor, writer, and leader of the movement, Jones initiates readers into the Emergent conversation and offers a new way forward for Christians in a post-Christian world. With journalistic narrative as well as authoritative reflection, he draws upon on-site research to provide fascinating examples and firsthand stories of who is doing what, where, and why it matters.

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  • Emergents Sacred Way


    Part I: Introduction ………………………………………………..11

    1. The Quest For God ………………………………………………13

    2. What Is Spirituality And How Do You Practice It? ….25

    Part II: Via Contemplativa: Contemplative

    Approaches To Spirituality …………………………………………33

    3. Silence And Solitude …………………………………………….37

    4. Sacred Reading …………………………………………………..47

    5. The Jesus Prayer ………………………………………………..59

    6. Centering Prayer …………………………………………………69

    7. Meditation ………………………………………………………….77

    8. The Ignatian Examen …………………………………………..87

    9. Icons …………………………………………………………………..97

    10. Spiritual Direction ……………………………………………107

    11. The Daily Offi Ce ……………………………………………….117

    Part III: Via Activa: Bodily Approaches To

    Spirituality ………………………………………………………………….125

    12. The Labyrinth ………………………………………………….127

    13. Stations Of The Cross …………………………………………135

    14. Pilgrimage ………………………………………………………..149

    15. Fasting …………………………………………………………….159

    16. The Sign Of The Cross And Other Bodily Prayers …..169

    17. Sabbath ……………………………………………………………179

    18. Service ……………………………………………………………..189

    Epilogue: Developing A Rule Of Life ………………..195

    Notes ………………………………………………………………………..201

    Resources ……………………………………………………………..213

    1. Book Resources …………………………………………………214

    2. Web Resources ………………………………………………….218

    3. A Short List Of Christian Spiritual Classics ………….220

    Additional Info
    Broaden your spiritual horizons.How has spirituality changed in the last 500, 1,000, or even 2,000 years? How can ancient approaches to faith help my relationship with God today?In The Sacred Way, popular author and speaker Tony Jones mines the rich history of 16 spiritual disciplines that have flourished throughout the ages and offers practical tips for implementing them in your daily life. Find encouragement and challenge through time-tested disciplines such as:*Silence and solitude *The Jesus prayer*Meditation*PilgrimageExplore these proven approaches to deepening your faith. As you do, your way of living your spiritual life will never be the same.

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