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Tim Challies

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  • Pilgrim Prayers : Devotional Poems That Awaken Your Heart To The Goodness,


    Tim Challies–author of Seasons of Sorrow–invites you into a treasure trove of devotional poetry from our spiritual forebearers.

    This curated collection of 50 poems, which Challies has found over years of combing through volumes of poetry new and old, will offer you new language to express both joy and sorrow, praise and lament in any season of life.

    Throughout Pilgrim Prayers, you’ll discover the poetic riches expressed through devotional prayers that celebrate the acts of God and marvel at his ways. This collection is designed for daily devotions and mediations and can be used for addressing specific topics in church gatherings or on special occasions.

    Each entry has an introduction reflecting on the prayer by Challies, helpful explanations of any difficult phrases or words, related Scriptures for study, and a question for application and reflection.

    These prayers, devotional gems of past generations, will bless a new generation of Christians as they seek to grow in love and obedience to the Lord.

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  • Estaciones Sde Afliccion – (Spanish)


    Una mirada honesta al dolor y los miedos, la fe y la esperanza. Combinando narrativa personal, teologia solida y escritura hermosa, este es un libro para cualquiera que haya amado y perdido.

    El 3 de noviembre de 2020, Tim y Aileen Challies recibieron la impactante noticia de que su hijo Nick habia muerto. Un estudiante de 20 aos, del Seminario Teologico Bautista del Sur en Louisville, Kentucky, habia estado participando en una actividad escolar con su prometida, su hermana y amigos, cuando quedo inconsciente y se desplomo en el suelo.

    Ni los estudiantes, ni un medico que estaba de paso, ni los paramedicos pudieron reanimarlo. Sus padres recibieron la noticia en su casa en Toronto e inmediatamente partieron hacia Louisville para estar juntos en familia. Mientras estaba en el avion, Tim, autor y bloguero, comenzo a procesar su perdida a traves de la escritura. En Estaciones de afliccion, Tim comparte reflexiones en tiempo real en el primer ao de duelo, a traves de las estaciones, desde el otoo hasta el verano, presentando a los lectores lo que el describe como el “ministerio del dolor”.

    Estaciones de afliccion beneficiara tanto a aquellos que estan yendo a traves del dolor como a aquellos que consuelan a otros:

    *Vea como Dios es soberano sobre la perdida y es bueno en la perdida

    *Descubra como puede pasar por momentos de dolor manteniendo su fe

    *Aprenda como la doctrina biblica puede funcionar incluso en las situaciones mas dificiles de la vida

    *Comprenda como es posible amar a Dios mas despues de la perdida de lo que lo amaba antes

    Seasons of Sorrow

    An honest look at grief and fears, faith and hope. Combining personal narrative, sound theology, and beautiful writing, this is a book for anyone who has loved and lost.

    On November 3, 2020, Tim and Aileen Challies received the shocking news that their son Nick had died. A twenty-year-old student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, he had been participating in a school activity with his fiancee, sister, and friends, when he fell unconscious and collapsed to the ground.

    Neither students nor a passing doctor nor paramedics were able to revive him. His parents received the news at their home in Toronto and immediately departed for Louisville to be together as a family. While on the plane, Tim, an author, and blogger, began to process his loss through writing. In Seasons of Sorrow, Tim shares real-time reflections from the first year of grief–throu

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  • Run To Win


    Plan to Run, Train to Run…Run to Win

    Anyone can start a race, but it takes planning and training to finish it.

    A good long-distance runner knows the importance of planning his race. As he passes the starting line he is already considering how he will cross the finish line. As he takes his first easy step, he has planned how he will take his last grueling step.

    As a Christian man, you are already running the race of life. You are not competing against other people, but against the deadly enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil. How do you plan to maintain your pace throughout this race? To obtain the prize, you will need to run to the very end. You will need to cross that finish line. And to do that, you will need to plan your race. You will need to plan the ways you will run today so you can continue to run in the difficult days ahead. That is what this book is all about.

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  • Devoted : Great Men And Their Godly Moms



    History tells of women whose love for the Bible shaped its earliest and most prominent teachers. It tells of women who were great theologians, yet whose only students were their children. It tells, time and again, of Christian men who owe much to their godly mothers. Come take a brief look at eleven of them. from the church’s earliest days to now.

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  • Do More Better Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)



    In Do More Better – Student Editon, you will learn: > Common obstacles to productivity > The great purpose behind productivity > 3 essential tools > The power of daily & weekly routines > How to balance, school, family, church, & the rest of life > & much more! It really is possible to live a calm, orderly life.

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  • Next Story : Faith Friends Family And The Digital World (Expanded)


    Even the least technical among us are being pressed from all sides by advances in digital technology. We rely upon computers, cell phones, and the Internet for communication, commerce, and entertainment. Yet even though we live in this “instant message” culture, many of us feel disconnected, and we question if all this technology is really good for our souls. In a manner that’s accessible, thoughtful, and biblical, author Tim Challies addresses questions such as:
    * How has life-and faith-changed now that everyone is available all the time through mobile phones?
    * How does our constant connection to these digital devices affect our families and our church communities?
    * What does it mean that almost two billion humans are connected by the Internet – with hundreds of millions more coming online each year?

    Providing the reader with a framework they can apply to any technology, Tim Challies explains how and why our society has become reliant on digital technology, what it means for our lives, and how it impacts the Christian faith.

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