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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • For The Communion Of The Churches


      Encourages Christians to work toward greater unity and fellowship

      Founded by Abbe Paul Couturier in 1937, the Groupe des Dombes is a Protestant-Catholic coalition in French-speaking Europe uniting Reformed, Lutheran, and Catholic scholars in a common spirit of prayer, dialogue, and discernment; their pioneering work has influenced many other official ecumenical dialogues.

      *Brings together an anthology of statements produced by the Group des Dombes from 1971 to 1991, appearing here together in English translation for the first time
      *Expresses the Groupe’s keen insights into the renewal of theology and church life necessary for progress toward full ecclesial unity
      *Invites churches today to strive for more fruitful dialogue and greater harmony

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    • 3 Views On The Rapture


      The rapture, or the belief that, at some point, Jesus’ living followers will join him forever while others do not, is an important but contested doctrine among evangelicals. Scholars generally hold one of three perspectives on the timing of and circumstances surrounding the rapture, all of which are presented in Three Views on the Rapture. The recent prominence of a Pre-Wrath understanding of the rapture calls for a fresh examination of this important but contested Christian belief. Alan D. Hultberg (PhD, Trinity International University and professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology) explains the Pre-Wrath view; Craig Blaising (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary and president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) defends the Pre-Tribulation view; and Douglas Moo (PhD, University of St. Andrews and professor of New Testament at Wheaton College) sets forth the Post-Tribulation view. Each author provides a substantive explanation of his position, which is critiqued by the other two authors. A thorough introduction gives a historical overview of the doctrine of the rapture and its effects on the church. The interactive and fair-minded format of the Counterpoints series allows readers to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each view and draw informed, personal conclusions.

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    • Saved From What


      A provocative yet practical approach to understanding God’s plan of redemption for the human race from Genesis to Revelation.

      This is an intriguing and captivating book that meticulously lays out God’s full plan of redemption from Genesis to Revelation. Readers will be pleasantly taken on an insightful yet riveting journey that answers questions about salvation that they might have yearned to know, wanted to understand or never learned. While many other books with this type of theological content most find boring; this author dynamically presents his information with fresh revelatory insight! The book efficiently incorporates Biblical texts that streams down into a logical flow, engaging the reader both spiritually and intellectually. Saved from what has something for everyone, whether you are a Christian, unbeliever or somewhere in between you will not be disappointed.

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    • Jesus : The Messiah God The Son The Son Of God The Advocate The Mediator Th


      The focus of this book is to examine the question of who Jesus is and what the Bible says on this issue.

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    • Gospel Is For Christians


      The gospel must shape discipleship. Non-gospel messages do not foster spiritual growth. Chase joins a growing group of leaders on mission to help the church rediscover the truth that the gospel isn’t just the power of God to save us; it’s the power of God to grow us once we’re saved.

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    • Jacobs Ladder : On Angels


      Few of the great Russian author Sergius Bulgakov’s writings achieve the lyrical heights of Jacob’s Ladder. In this book, originally published in 1929, Bulgakov discusses the doctrine of angels and their importance for contemporary humanity. He includes reflections on the meaning of love, the sexes, death, and the Christian hope of resurrection, meditating on the Wisdom of God in the creation.

      Jacob’s Ladder completes the development of Divine Sophia and creation begun in The Burning Bush and The Friend of the Bridegroom, which together constitute Bulgakov’s first dogmatic trilogy.

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    • Gospel And The Mind


      By establishing central themes of the West’s Christian inheritance as the basis of the intellectual life, Green shows that any recovery of the life of the mind depends on a recovery of the gospel. History demonstrates that wherever the cross is planted, the academy follows. But history alone cannot demonstrate why this is-and must be-the case. Green engages theology and philosophy to prove that the Christian vision of God, mankind, and the world provides the necessary precondition for and enduring foundation of meaningful intellectual life. The Gospel and the Mind, deeply rooted in Augustinian and Reformed thought, shows that core principles of the West’s Christian inheritance-such as creation and the importance of history, the centrality of a telos to all things, and the logos and the value of words-form the matrix of any promising and sustainable intellectual life. More than a lament of the state of the evangelical mind or even an argument for the primacy of a Christian worldview, The Gospel and the Mind is a paradigm-shifting declaration that the life of the mind starts at the cross.

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    • Soundings In The Theology Of Psalms


      1. The Faithfulness Of The Lord Endures Forever – The Central Theological Witness Of The Psalter
      2. The Single Most Important Text In The Entire Bible – Toward A Theology Of The Psalms
      3. The Destiny Of The Righteous And The Theology Of The Psalter
      4. Theology As Story – Theology And The Canonical Shape Of The Psalter
      5. God At Work In The Word – A Theology Of Divine-Human Encounter In The Psalms
      6. Rethinking The Enterprise – What Should Be Considered In Formulating A Theology Of The Psalms
      7. Theodicy Writ Large – The Psalter And Theodicy
      8. Saying Amen To Vilent Psalms – Patterns Of Prayer, Belief, And Action In The Psalter

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      The many introductions to the psalms available to readers tend to focus on various types and forms of psalms but overlook different theological approaches to the Psalter. This volume brings together leading psalms scholars from Catholic and Protestant traditions and takes into account recent scholarship on the shape and shaping of the Psalter and on the rhetorical interpretation of the Psalms.

      Soundings in the Theology of Psalms is the second of several “Soundings” volumes to be published by Fortress Press. These volumes offer state-of-the-art essays introducing readers to the current state of discussion and debate on various segments of the Bible.

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    • Ecology Of The New Testament


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      God is the Creator of all and cares deeply for all that he has made. His vision for creation is seen through a world teeming with life where eternity is breathed into and through all creation. Jesus teaches that humans must live with a spirit of generosity and restraint; however, a spirit of meanness and greed dominates human culture and leaves nearly 1.3 billion people living on less than $1 a day.

      The politics of globalization based on principles of greed have resulted in the loss of biodiversity, deforestation, and a shortage of food and clean water. Jesus teaches that those who are generous are blessed, and such generosity brings justice to all creation. There cannot be God’s social justice without ecological sanity, and yet we tend to speak of social justice as though non-human creation doesn’t matter. God cares even for the flowers of the field, yet we show contempt for God in our careless plunder of his creation. To love God is to love all that he has made, from our own families to the soil outside our homes.

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    • Divine Complexity : The Rise Of Creedal Christianity



      1. The Primacy Of The Gospel
      Augustinian Critique Of Epistemology
      The Primacy Of The Gospel
      Natural Theology? Divine Simplicity?
      Kataphatic Theology

      2. From Resurrection Kerygma To Gospel Narrative
      The Resurrection Of The Crucified As Hermeneutic
      The Chief Question: Resurrection As The Spirit’s Narration
      Resurrection As Event In The Life Of God
      Resurrection As Possibility In The Life Of The World
      Resurrection As Reality In The Life Of The World
      Resurrection’s Retroactive Causality
      Bultmann’s Objection
      The Gospel As Promissory Narrative

      3. The Scriptures’ Emergence As The Church’s Canon
      Jesus-New And Living Temple
      The Johannine Bridge
      Critique Of Modern Johannine Criticism
      Kasemann’s Dissent
      Hoskyns’s Theological Interpretation Of John
      The Johannine Theology Of The Martyr
      Ignatius, Polycarp, And The Martyrs’ Canon
      The Knowledge Of God In The New Testament

      4. The Trinitarian Rule Of Faith
      Paul As Theologian
      Paul’s “Canon” Of Faith (Galatians 6:16)
      Early Christian Dogma In The Pastoral Epistles
      Martyrological Ethos In The Pastoral Epistles
      Christian “Atheism” In Justin Martyr
      Justin Against Gnosticism
      Irenaeus And The Theology Of The Martyrs
      The First Dogmatics
      The Economy Of God
      The Rule Of Faith And The Trinity

      5. The Confrontation Of Biblical And Philosophical Monotheism
      The Problem Of Christianity And Platonism
      Overview Of Trinitarian Doctrine And Trinitarian Errors
      Two Kinds Of Monotheism: The Living God Of Radical, Or Exclusive,
      Two Kinds Of Monotheism: Divine Simplicity
      Eternal Generation
      Systematic Theology As Systematic Apologetics
      Arius As Consistent Platonist

      6. The Holy Trinity As The Eternal Life
      The Martyriological Background
      The Creed At Nicea 325
      Theology Of Redemption
      Lord And Giver Of Life
      The Homoiousions And The Homoousions
      The Failure Of Biblicism
      The Trinitarian Theology Of The Cappadocians
      Worshipped And Glorified, Together With The Father And The Son

      Postscript: The “Impassible Passibility” Of The Trinity


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      Paul Hinlicky reads the history of the early church as a genuine, centuries-long theological struggle to make sense of the confession of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Protesting a recent parting of the ways between systematic theology and the history of early Christianity, Hinlicky relies on the insights of historical criticism to argue in this historical survey for the coherence of doctrinal development in the early church. Hinlicky contends that the Christian tradition shows evidence of being governed by a hermeneutic of “cross and resurrection.” In successive chapters he finds in the New Testament writings a collective Christological decision against docetism; in the union of Old and New Testaments, a monotheistic decision against Gnostic dualism; in the resulting sweep of the canon a narrative of the divine economy of salvation that posed a trinitarian alternative to Arian Unitarianism; and in the insistence upon the cross of the incarnate Son, a rebuke of Nestorianism.

      This book is written with the student of early Christianity and the development of doctrine in mind.

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    • Trinity Practically Speaking


      Three Gods, or One, or Three-in-One?

      Since the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, many people wonder whether the doctrine is anything more than an intellectual puzzle created by theologians. This book takes readers on a guided tour of the logic leading to understanding God as a Trinity.

      The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Bible (and in Christian experience) are all vital to the reality of salvation. All three save. This point may not seem to be very significant until seen in the light of the basic premise of the entire Bible, namely, that only God can save (Hosea 13:4). There are benefits involved in understanding God as a communion of persons, a circle of love. God is no longer viewed as a distant judge removed from the sorrows of earthly existence. Salvation can be seen as more than mere forgiveness of sins. It also involves a life-transforming communion of divine love. A robust understanding of the Trinity fosters a more full and transformed Christian life.

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    • Letters To A Young Calvinist (Reprinted)


      Who would have guessed that something as austere as Calvinism would become a hot topic in today’s postmodern culture? At the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, new generations have discovered and embraced a “New Calvinism,” finding in the Reformed tradition a rich theological vision. In fact, Time cited New Calvinism as one of “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now.” This book provides pastoral and theological counsel, inviting converts to this tradition to find in Calvin a vision that’s even bigger than the New Calvinism might suggest. Offering wisdom at the intersection of theology and culture, noted Reformed philosopher James K. A. Smith also provides pastoral caution about pride and maturity. The creative letter format invites young Calvinists into a faithful conversation that reaches back to Paul and Augustine, through Calvin and Edwards, extending to Kuyper and Wolterstorff. Together they sketch a comprehensive vision of Calvinism that is generous, winsome, and imaginative.

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    • Remember The Poor


      Combining historical, exegetical, and theological interests, Bruce Longenecker here dispels the widespread notion that Paul had little or no concern for the poor.

      Longnecker’s analysis of Greco-Roman poverty provides the backdrop for a compelling presentation of the importance of care for the poor within Paul’s theology and the Jesus-groups he had established. Along the way, Longenecker calls into question a variety of interpretive paradigms and offers a fresh vision in which Paul’s theological resources are shown to be both historically significant and theologically challenging.

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    • Captive To The Word Of God


      In this book, Miroslav Volf, a systematic theologian, interprets texts of the Christian scriptures and invites others to also delve into, as he puts it, the site of God’s self-revelation for the sake of humanity’s integral salvation.

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    • God In New Testament Theology


      Analyzes the various New Testament conceptions of God and suggests how they can best contribute to a contemporary constructive theology.

      The purpose of the Library of Biblical Theology is to bring the worlds of biblical scholarship and constructive theology together. It will do so by reviving biblical theology as a discipline that describes the faith of the biblical periods on the one hand, and on the other hand articulates normative understandings of modern faith and practice. Thus, volumes in the series will move from a description of God or an element relating to God as it is found in the biblical text, to making a theological judgment based on one’s own contemporary worldview, forged within a community of faith.

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    • Dualities : A Theology Of Difference


      Philosophy and theology have each struggled with the problem of dualism, the assumption that reality can be split in two. Too often, this split places God, spirit, mind, and the masculine in opposition to evil, body, matter, and the feminine. These intellectual divisions support social structures that oppress rather than embrace women, the poor, people of color, and others. With this volume, Voss Roberts expertly shows how comparative theology uproots this dualism and fosters new modes of community built on cooperation instead of oppression.

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    • You Are My People


      Building on recent developments in biblical studies, this book introduces the prophetic literature of the Old Testament against the background of today’s postmodern context and crisis of meaning. Pulsating with anxiety over the empire–Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian–the prophet corpus is a disturbing cultural expression of lament and chaos. Danger, disjunction, and disaster bubble beneath the surface of virtually every prophetic text. Sometimes in denial, sometimes in despair, and sometimes in defiance, the readers of this literature find themselves living at the edge of time, immediately before, during, or after the collapse of longstanding symbolic, cultural, and geo-political structures. These written prophecies not only reflect the social location of trauma, but are also a complex response. More specifically, prophetic texts are thick meaning-making maps, tapestries of hope that help at-risk communities survive.

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    • Controversies In Interreligious Dialogue And The Theology Of Religions


      This book provides a guide and critical extension to contemporary controversies in the theology of religions and interfaith dialogue.aaIt addresses questions raised through certain postmodern theologies (which present an option herein termed particularity), which suggest that the whole enterprise of the theology of religions, as currently understood, is fundamentally misguided and suggest instead an alternative approach. aaPaul Hedges reflects on how the traditional typology for the theology of religions (exclusivism u inclusivism u pluralism) may be rethought and seen as viable, offering a reformulation of it and critically assesses the main line of critique from post-modern theology, that of particularity, and its alternative vision. Finally, he suggests ways forward and considers how these debates impact on the practice in interfaith dialogue.aaInterreligious dialogue is a core subject in most theology and religious studies courses in university departments and theological colleges.

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    • Great Passion : An Introduction To Karl Barths Theology


      Widely regarded as the twentieth century’s greatest theologian, Karth Barth refocused the task of Christian theology and demonstrated its relevance to every domain of human life, from the spiritual to the social to the political. It is precisely the broad sweep of Barth’s theology that makes a book like The Great Passion of such great value – a succinct yet comprehensive introduction to Barth’s entire theological program. Of the many people who write on the life and thought of Karl Barth, Eberhard Busch is uniquely placed. A world-renowned expert on Barth’s theology, he also served as Barth’s personal assistant from 1965 to 1968. As Busch explains, one cannot fully understand Barth the theologian apart from understanding Barth the man. In this book he weaves doctrine and biography into a superb presentation of Barth’s complete work. Busch’s purpose in this introduction is to guide readers through the main themes of the multivolume Church Dogmatics against the horizon of our own times and problems. In ten sections Busch clearly explains Barth’s views on all of the major subject areas of systematic theology: the nature of revelation, Israel and Christology, the Trinity and the doctrine of predestination, the “problem” of religion, gospel and law, creation, salvation, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology. A distinctive feature of the book is the way Busch lets Barth speak for himself, often through surprising quotations and paraphrases. Busch also shows how Barth’s writing should be read as a dialogue, constantly and consciously engaging other voices past and present, both inside and outside the church. Most important, The Great Passion demonstrates that Barth’s thought is still remarkably helpful today.

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    • Baptism In The Holy Spirit (Anniversary)


      Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of James Dunn’s most influential books and has become a classic. Forty years after its original publication it still sparks debate and appears on many Reading lists. In an extensive Preface to this fortieth anniversary edition, James Dunn engages with the debates about the book since it was first published. In Baptism in the Holy Spirit James Dunn argues that water baptism is only one element in the New Testament pattern of conversion and initiation. The gift of the Spirit, he believes, is the central element. For the writers of the New Testament only those who had received the Holy Spirit could be called Christians. For them, the reception of the Spirit was a very definite and often very dramatic experience–the decisive and climactic experience in conversion and initiation–to which Christians were usually recalled when reminded of their Christian faith and experience. James Dunn uncovers the place of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the total complex event of becoming a Christian.

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    • Healing In The Bible


      18 Chapters

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      In the midst of an ongoing debate about health care, what does the Bible say about healing? Here a respected scholar reads biblical texts on health and healing with care and imagination, engaging the reader in lively conversations with the text and with questions of contemporary theological and pastoral concern. Gaiser offers close readings of fifteen key Old and New Testament passages, considering their significance for the church’s understanding of healing and its ministry today. The book examines such significant matters as God’s role in healing, the relation between sickness and sin, healing and prayer, God’s healing and medical science, and healing under the sign of the cross, offering fresh insights for anyone interested in Christian views on healing.

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    • Character Of A Man


      While many books have emphasized Jesus as the Son of God, few have considered his identity as the Son of Man. In this eye-opening book, Bruce Marchiano explores the humanity of Christ and the Jesus-qualities that we can emulate today. As an actor who took on the role of Jesus for the acclaimed film “Matthew, ” he encountered Jesus, the man, in a life-changing way and in this book shares his discoveries. Employing a friendly, conversational style, he explores a biblical view of manhood as evidenced by such characteristics as humility, passion, honor, selflessness, gentleness, and submission.

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    • Theology Remixed : Christianity As Story Game Language Culture


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      Jesus didn’t give his followers a fixed set of statements defining everything they needed to know about the kingdom of God in a neat package. Rather he told stories, made comparisons, drew contrasts. He talked of a mustard seed, of yeast and of a hidden treasure to communicate some of the most important truths of the faith. Jesus didn’t fall back on parables because he lacked the right words. Parables were the exact way Jesus intended to communicate. What pictures or analogies today can give us greater understanding of the Christian faith? Adam English finds fresh insight in four: Christianity as story, game, language, culture. Christianity is like a story with scenery, characters and plots. It’s like a language with vocabulary, grammar and conversation. It’s like a game with rules and players, goals and equipment. It’s like a culture with a distinct way of living, working, playing and loving. No one analogy is complete, but all offer new windows of appreciation for the faith. English gives us a fresh representation of Christian theology that is neither modern nor postmodern, but in dialogue with both in order to articulate what we believe. Here is a book for those who want to grasp Christianity more fully and authentically in a way that illuminates our contemporary cultural context and enables us to make a compelling response.

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    • Vulnerability And Glory


      Vulnerability and risk are global realities. Violence, genocide, famine, and natural disaster indicate the complex vulnerability of earthly existence expressed by the biblical depiction of humans as fragile “earthen vessels.” Culp demonstrates how the entire world is vulnerable to transformation as well as destruction and offers a theological account of how vulnerability is the very basis for life before God. Only when we are truly vulnerable can we witness the grace and glory of God manifested through our resistance to inhumanity, testimony in the midst of suffering, and expressions of delight and gratitude for the good gifts of life.

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    • Westminster Handbook To Martin Luther


      This volume in the Westminster Handbooks to Christian Theology series provides a compact and lucid treatment of the main elements of the theology of Martin Luther (1483-1546). Janz, a top Luther expert, discusses the theological understandings that made Luther a leading figure in the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation. This splendid guide will serve as a welcomed reference for careful and accurate descriptions of the key components of Luther’s theology.

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    • Westminster Handbook To Theologies Of The Reformation


      This unique handbook to Reformation theology provides an accurate and easily grasped entry into the main terms and issues that made this period so important theologically. A variety of Reformation experts succinctly summarize the ideas that led to such explosive changes throughout Europe and the New World. No other volume provides such an easy entry into the key concepts that motivated the main streams of the Protestant Reformation–Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptist. This is a welcome addition to the Westminster Handbooks to Christian Theology series.

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    • Re Imaging Election


      In Re-Imaging Election Suzanne McDonald offers a fresh approach to the doctrine of election from a Reformed perspective, first by seeking greater acknowledgment that election is not only “in Christ” but also “by the Spirit,” and second by building on the scriptural and theological links between the doctrines of election and the image of God.

      On the one hand, McDonald uses a pneumatological lens to analyze the doctrines of election found in John Owen (representing the historic Reformed tradition) and Karl Barth. As a result she claims that the earlier tradition maintains a better scriptural and Trinitarian balance between the work of the Son and the work of the Spirit in election, and also that pneumatological issues rather than christological ones raise the most acute questions for a Reformed approach to the doctrine.

      On the other hand, McDonald draws attention to significant and converging insights concerning the scriptural contours of election and the image of God within contemporary biblical scholarship – insights that challenge aspects of Barth’s approach and that of historic Reformed orthodoxy alike.

      This leads McDonald to develop a constructive proposal that posits representation (representing God to others and others to God) as a fruitful category for understanding the nature and purpose of election. In doing so, she seeks to restore the robust pneumatology characteristic of the earlier Reformed tradition without losing some of the central insights from Barth’s christological re-orientation of the doctrine.

      While Re-Imaging Election is firmly rooted in the Reformed tradition, the re-expression of the doctrine presented here opens up new possibilities for dialogue across the theological spectrum and offers suggestive directions for reclaiming an often divisive doctrine in the life of the church.

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    • In The Days Of Caesar


      In the Days of Caesar is a constructive political theology formulated in sustained dialogue with the Pentecostal and charismatic renewal – one of the most vibrant religious movements at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Amos Yong here argues that the many tongues, practices, and gifts of renewal Christianity offer up new resources for thinking about how Christian community can engage and transform the social, political, and economic structures of the world.

      Yong has three goals here. First he seeks to correct stereotypes of Pentecostalism, both political and theological. Secondly he aims to provoke Pentecostals to reflect theologically from out of the depths of their own Pentecostalism rather than merely to adopt some framework for theological or political self-understanding. Finally Yong shows that a distinctively Pentecostal form of theological reflection is not a parochial activity but has constructive potential to illuminate Christian belief and practice.

      This book’s engagement with political theology from a Pentecostal perspective is the first of its kind. Yong anticipates that the dialogue between Pentecostal theology and political theology will be mutually informative and transformative, opening up uncharted trajectories in both fields.

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    • With Calvin In The Theater Of God


      Join the great Reformer John Calvin in seeing the glory of God on display in the world. John Calvin saw this world as God’s theater where his glory is always on display. Just as “day and night pour forth speech,” the universe and history are not silent either; they tell the glory of God. Reflecting on over 500 years of Calvin’s legacy, John Piper and this book’s other contributors invite us to join Calvin in the theater of God. Stemming from the Desiring God 2009 National Conference, this volume includes chapters by Julius Kim, Douglas Wilson, Marvin Olasky, Mark Talbot, Sam Storms, and John Piper. It touches on topics such as Calvin’s life, the Christian meaning of public life, sin and suffering, the joy of the last resurrection, and Jesus Christ as the denouement of God’s story. Editors John Piper and David Mathis, along with the contributors, make John Calvin’s Christ-exalting perspective on the glory of God accessible to today’s readers. Both Calvinists and other evangelicals interested in the life and work of Calvin will find these essays refreshing and instructive, leading to a robust understanding of the world as the theater of God.

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    • Paul And Virtue Ethics


      In Paul and Virtue Ethics, Daniel Harrington and James Keenan build upon their successful collaboration Jesus and Virtue Ethics to discuss the apostle Paul’s teachings as a guide to interpret theology and ethics today. Examining Paul’s writings, the authors investigate what they teach about the basic questions of virtue ethics: Who am I?; Who do I want to become?; And how do I get there? Their intent is not to provide stringent rules, but to awaken discovery and encourage dialogue.

      The book first considers the concept of virtue ethics-an approach to ethics that emphasizes moral character-and Paul’s ethics in particular. Next, the authors focus on the virtues of faith, love/charity, and hope as treated by Paul and Thomas Aquinas. Closing the book with reflections on the roles of other virtues (and vices) in individual and communal Christian life, the authors discuss various issues in social ethics and sexual morality as they are dealt with in Paul and in Christian virtue ethics today.

      Special features:

      * highlights the practical relevance of Scripture today

      * a unique collaboration between a biblical scholar and a moral theologian

      * an accessible introduction and fresh approach to Pauline studies

      * an engaging and unique approach to virtue ethics

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    • Wording A Radiance


      Daniel W. Hardy was one of the foremost ecclesial theologians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the English-speaking world. ‘Wording a radiance’ is a theology of the Spirit and of the Eucharistic foundations of the Church. It is also the last testament of a great ecclesial theologian, and the editors present his theology in a manner that honours its character as testament. They situate his theology in the context of the last year of his life, which included a spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land and his conscious effort to dictate a brief theology as his parting words to the Church and the academy.

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    • Tokens Of Trust


      In this thematic group of reflections based on the ancient creeds of Christendom, the 104th archbishop of Canterbury once again demonstrates his stature as a scholar with a deep concern for the spiritual welfare of contemporary believers. Author of Grace and Necessity: Reflections on Art and Love, and a former professor of divinity at Cambridge University, Williams here investigates the great themes of the Apostles and Nicene Creeds, from creation to crucifixion, sin to resurrection. But while he does not evade examining the doctrines undergirding these early church confessions, his purpose is to support his central argument: when we do not know whom to trust or where to turn, we can have complete confidence in the reliability of a loving God. “At the heart of the desperate suffering there is in the world,” writes Williams, “suffering we can do nothing to resolve or remove for good, there is an indestructible energy making for love.” At times sober, but rarely inaccessible, the learned archbishop brings a restrained passion to these meditations that will make them more available to readers seeking pastoral guidance along with their theology.

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    • Creation Untamed : The Bible God And Natural Disasters


      1. God Created The World Good, Not Perfect
      2. The God Of The Flood Story And Natural Disasters
      3. Natural Disasters, The Will Of The Creator, And The Suffering Of Job
      4. Suffering And The God Of The Old Testament
      5. God, Faith, And The Practice Of Prayer

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      Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes have plagued the history of the earth. What is God’s role in natural disasters and the human suffering they cause? This is one of the most vexing questions in Christian life and theology. Terence Fretheim offers fresh readings of familiar Old Testament passages–such as creation, the flood, and the suffering of Job–to give readers biblical resources for working through this topic. He shows the God of the Bible to be a compassionate, suffering, relational God, one we can turn to in prayer in times of disaster.

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    • Maturing In Christ


      Maturing in Christ focuses on Christian truth that relates to living a successful spiritual life. Before a Christian can realize a consistent victorious spiritual life some basic truths must be understood: 1) the riches given by God at salvation to live Christ-like; 2) who the spiritual enemies are and how they attack; 3) and how to utilize divine enabling when resisting the enemies in order to live a successful Christian life.

      The Christian has three spiritual enemies: Satan, the world system and the sin nature. Dr. Schafer uses Scripture to identify these adversaries and how to access God’s provisions for the strength to be victorious over them. This expository study of the Word is dedicated to Dr. Schafer’s lifelong desire for saints to live Christ-like.

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    • Luke : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


      Historian and theologian Gonzalez presents the beloved Gospel of Luke, who heralds Jesus’ birth as “good news of great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Gonzalez guides us and challenges us to ask, “What is the modern relevance of this text?” The result is a fascinating and important theological discussion of Luke’s gospel and its relation to the life and proclamation of the church and its members.
      This new series will build on a wide range of sources in areas such as biblical studies, the Christian tradition, popular culture, and the language of Christian worship. Whereas most commentaries emphasize the Bible’s ancient meaning, Belief concentrates on the living Word relative to the theological and ethical concerns of today. Noted scholars representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives will ensure a fresh and invigorating approach to the Bible. Nearly half of the volumes in the series will be written by women, and almost a third will be written by persons of color. Authors include Michael Battle, Anna Case-Winters, Harvey Cox, Miguel De La Torre, Boyung Lee, Thomas G. Long, Daniel Migliore, Stephanie Paulsell, Marcia Riggs, Donald Saliers, Ronald Sider, Leanne Van Dyk, and Allen Verhey.

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    • Spirit And Trauma


      Rambo draws on contemporary studies in trauma to rethink a central claim of the Christian faith: that new life arises from death. Re-examining the narrative of the death and resurrection of Jesus from the middle day–liturgically named as Holy Saturday–she seeks a theology that addresses the experience of living in the aftermath of trauma. Through a reinterpretation of “remaining” in the Johannine gospel, she proposes a new theology of the Spirit that challenges traditional conceptions of redemption. Offered, in its place, is a vision of the Spirit’s witness from within the depths of human suffering to the persistence of divine love.

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    • Worship And The Reality Of God


      Is God missing from our worship? Obstacles to true worship are not about contemporary or traditional music, electronic gadgetry or seeker sensitivity. Rather it is the habits of mind and heart, conditioned by our surrounding culture, that hinder our faith in the real presence of the transcendent God among his people. Sensing a real need for renewal, John Jefferson Davis offers a theology of worship that uncovers the most fundamental barriers to our vital involvement in the worship of our holy God. His profound theological analysis leads to fresh and bracing recommendations that will be especially helpful to all those who lead worship or want to more fully and deeply encounter the glory and majesty of God.

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    • Let The Bones Dance


      Contemporary Christian faith and practice tend to address spiritual, mental, and emotional issues but ignore the body. As a result, many believers are uncomfortable in their own skins. Shoop addresses this “dis-ease” with a theology that is attentive to physical experience. She also suggests how worship services can more fully invite God to inhabit every part of who we are–including our flesh and blood bodies. For when individual Christian bodies are allowed to flourish, so will the unified body of Christ.

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    • Sexuality And The Sacred (Expanded)


      Christian discourse on sexuality, spirituality, and ethics has continued to evolve since this book’s first edition was published in 1994. This updated and expanded anthology featuring more than thirty contemporary essays includes more theologians and ethicists of color and addresses issues such as the intersection of race/racism and sexuality, transgender identity, same-sex marriage, and reproductive health and justice.

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    • Living Hope : The Future And Christian Faith


      “Eschatology,” the theological name for the study of the end-time, often conjures up frightening concepts of the rapture, the final judgment, heaven and hell, Armageddon, and the anti-Christ. Fortunately, author David Jensen’s theological approach offers a brighter perspective on the end-time as a time of hope when we’ll see the full glory of the Kingdom of God, the resurrection of the body, and Christ’s promised return.

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    • Church And Countryside


      “While in recent years much attention among theologians has been focused on the city and on what makes a good city, much of (church) life in Britain takes place in the context of rural communities. In the context of their daily work, clergy find themselves confronted with complex ethical, political and social issues. “”Church and Countryside”” maps out a rural theology that addresses some of the concerns faced by Britain’s rural population and those who minister to them. While other books in this field focus on practical (mission-orientated) aspects of ministry in the countryside, Tim Gibson offers a discussion of some of the relevant issues from the point of view of Christian ethics. An accessibly written and thoroughly researched piece of contextual theology that should become core reading for mission and ministry courses in theological colleges and ministry training courses.”

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    • Discovering The Bible


      Dr. James F. Lacy grew up in Geneva, a small town in South Alabama. He attended Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University) graduating in 1953 with a degree in Agricultural Science and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was immediately called to active duty, serving more than twenty years. In addition to several state-side assignments, he also served in Europe, Korea and Vietnam. After his retirement from the army in 1974, he taught for more than twenty years at Chattahoochee Valley Community College. In addition to teaching history and geography he was chairman of the Social Sciences Department.

      Dr. Lacy’s educational experiences include his BS from API, a MS from Tulane in International Relations and a PhD in History from Auburn University. His foreign languages include Spanish and Portuguese. Dr. Lacy has post-graduate work in geography.

      In the process of preparing for writing this book he traveled to Israel four times. He has traced two of Paul’s three missionary journeys. Throughout Dr. Lacy’s entire life, he has been involved in Bible study and teaching. For more than fifty years he has taught at least one Bible study each week and this includes the years spent in Korea and Vietnam, where regular Bible study was not easy. For the last ten years Dr. Lacy has taught at least three, sometimes four, Bible studies per week.

      Dr. Lacy is a lay person. His main purpose in writing this history of the Bible was to provide lay people with a comprehensive history of the scriptures that would be easy for lay people to read and understand.

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    • Commanding Grace : Studies In Karl Barths Ethics


      In this seminal volume, contemporary theologians revisit the theological ethics of Karl Barth as it bears on such topics as the moral significance of Jesus Christ, the Christian as ethical agent, the just war theory, the relationship between doctrines of the atonement and modern penal justice systems, the virtues and limits of democracy, and the difference between an economy of competition and possession and an economy of grace.

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    • Holy Spirit And Salvation


      Theologians from the early church to the present have written much about the Holy Spirit and Christian salvation. This extensive sourcebook of primary theological texts makes many of these important writings available with a description of their context and importance. Especially valuable are more recent works emerging from theologians in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This global perspective, coupled with the broad selection of writings from the history of theology, makes this the most complete collection of primary source material on these topics.

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    • Melody Of Faith


      The Liturgy Of Creation

      The Luminous Moment Of The Apocalypse

      Divine Therapy

      Mother Of God, Mother Of Holiness

      The Victorious Cross

      The Rhythm Of The Resurrection

      Additional Info
      In the Orthodox Christian faith the elements of liturgy, scripture, hymnody, and iconography are the instruments or voices of a melody of faith. In The Melody of Faith Vigen Guroian introduces his readers to the fundamental beliefs of Orthodox Christianity using the metaphor of melody. / Often drawing on his personal religious experience for illumination, Guroian weaves together the themes of creation and new creation, beginning and end, sin and holiness, Incarnation and deification, sacrifice and salvation. By discussing several iconography traditions and illuminations from ancient gospels, he illustrates how Orthodox Christianity expresses theology in art as well as through language. / The Melody of Faith is a book that not only reflects the spirit of Orthodox Christianity but that also takes the reader to the theological heart of the Orthodox faith.

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    • Dancing Theology In Fetish Boots


      “Marcella Althaus-Reid was one of the most fascinating and controversial theologians of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. Her strong personality and her iconoclastic work inspired a whole generation of theologians in the UK and worldwide. Marcella’s creative life was cut short by her death from cancer in 2009. Yet she lives on, not least in those who have been inspired by her work and continue to engage with it. “”Dancing Theology in Fetish Boots”” draws together a number of world-class scholars and others who engage with the main themes of Marcella’s work and show how the critical and controversial conversations which Marcella has begun can and do continue. It is therefore far more than a Festschrift, but a celebration of an intellectual life Marcella-style.”

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    • Lies Sex And Politicians


      Many Christians write off the Old Testament as an outdated rule book which has little to say to them and has been superseded by the New Testament and the Christian tradition.Lies, Sex and Politicians is for those thinking Christians who want to ‘recapture’ the Old Testament from those who, in wanting to promote it in a particular way (e.g. in the homosexuality debate), have closed it off to the majority.John Holdsworth offers a way into the Old Testament through linking some of the themes found in this very diverse collection of texts with themes found in contemporary culture. This in turn enables readers to engage with the Old Testament as a resource for doing Christian theology and ethics today.Each chapter concentrates on a text-based theme. This leads to exegetical input and discussion of the wider theme in the light of contemporary scholarship. The text is then approached from the direction of some element of contemporary culture or concern. A final suggested exercise aims to bring these elements together in a cr

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    • Jesus The Teacher Within


      While many people have problems with the church – including most churchgoers – the person of Jesus is an indispensable force in the achievement of any authentic spirituality. The conflict between faith and experience is eased in the rediscovery of the essential unity and simplicity at the heart of Jesus’ teachings. Embarking on this journey of rediscovery, this book takes as its starting point a question that Jesus himself asked his disciples, ‘Who do you say I am?’ For the many Christians who have never taken this question seriously, Laurence Freeman explores this question in the light of some of the big issues of religious understanding:the historical reality of Jesus, the experiential reading of the Scriptures, personal conversion,the inner journey.

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    • Getting The Reformation Wrong



      1 The Medieval Call For Reform
      2 The Renaissance: Friend Or Foe?
      3 Carried Along By Misunderstandings
      4 Conflict Among The Reformers
      5 What The Reformers Meant By Sola Fide
      6 What The Reformers Meant By Sola Scriptura
      7 How The Anabaptists Fit In
      8 Reformation In Rome
      9 Changing Direction: From The Reformation To Protestant Scholasticism
      10 Was The Reformation A Success?
      11 Is The Reformation A Norm?
      12 The Reformation As Triumph And Tragedy

      Additional Info
      Getting the Reformation wrong is a common problem. Most students of history know that Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the Wittenberg Church door and that John Calvin penned the Institutes of the Christian Religion. However, the Reformation did not unfold in the straightforward, monolithic fashion some may think. It was, in fact, quite a messy affair. Using the most current Reformation scholarship, James R. Payton exposes, challenges and corrects some common misrepresentations of the Reformation. Getting the Reformation Wrong:places the Reformation in the context of medieval and Renaissance reform effortsanalyzes conflicts among the Reformerscorrects common misunderstandings of what the Reformers meant by sola fide and sola Scripturaexamines how the Anabaptist movement fits in with the magisterial Reformationcritiques the post-Reformational move to Protestant Scholasticismexplores how the fresh perspective on the Reformation could make a difference in today’s churches

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    • Mark : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


      Placher’s commentary offers theological perspectives on what most scholars believe to be the earliest Gospel. The result is an accessibly written commentary focusing on the questions Mark’s Gospel raises for us today. This is sure to be of immense value for all who want to hear the astonishing story Mark tells about “the good news of Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:1).
      This new series will build on a wide range of sources in areas such as biblical studies, the Christian tradition, popular culture, and the language of Christian worship. Whereas most commentaries emphasize the Bible’s ancient meaning, Belief concentrates on the living Word relative to the theological and ethical concerns of today. Noted scholars representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives will ensure a fresh and invigorating approach to the Bible. Nearly half of the volumes in the series will be written by women, and almost a third will be written by persons of color. Authors include Michael Battle, Anna Case-Winters, Harvey Cox, Miguel De La Torre, Boyung Lee, Thomas G. Long, Daniel Migliore, Stephanie Paulsell, Marcia Riggs, Donald Saliers, Ronald Sider, Leanne Van Dyk, and Allen Verhey.

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    • Matrix Of Christian Ethics


      In today’s world, many Christians don’t know how to live ethically, let alone know what ethics is. Christian ethics probes our deepest sensibilities as humans and how we seek the good for others as well as for ourselves as followers of Christ. This book begins to delve into this relevant and contemporary subject through methodological reflection on the commands, purposes, values, and virtues of Christian life in today’s context.

      To address these factors, an integrative approach to ethics is proposed, borrowing from classical ethical models such as consequential ethics, principle ethics, virtue ethics, and value ethics. This is what the authors call a matrix of Christian ethics. This matrix will be played out in a variety of ways throughout the book, from the discussion of the postmodern situation of ethics and values to current proposals for the ongoing development of Christian ethics today. It concludes with some practically oriented guidelines to help the reader consider contemporary ethical questions and conflicts within a framework of biblical wisdom, in view of the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of followers of Christ.

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    • Paradox Of Disability


      The village of Trosly-Breuil in northern France is home to one of the world’s thirty-four L’Arche communities, where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together. In 2007 an impressive assortment of social scientists and theologians gathered there to offer responses to a question posed by the worldwide community’s cofounder, Jean Vanier: “What have people with disabilities taught me?” Their answers are here presented in a diverse collection of essays.

      Editor Hans Reinders emphasizes that these analyses and reflections – like the L’Arche communities that inspired them – are not meant to set apart those with disabilities. Rather, they encourage people of all abilities humbly to acknowledge that to be human is to live with brokenness and limitation – and that to experience true community we must first learn to receive other people as God’s gift.

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    • Beyond Pentecostalism : Crisis Of Global Christianity And The Renewal Of Th


      At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Christianity faces one of its greatest opportunities as well as one of its greatest challenges – the formulation of a global theology. In Beyond Pentecostalism Wolfgang Vondey argues that Pentecostal thought and praxis represent an indispensable catalyst for the realization of this task.

      Accentuating Pentecostalism as a manifestation of what he calls the crisis of global Christianity, Vondey describes the elements of this crisis – manifested chiefly in theology’s turn toward a performance-oriented enterprise – and suggests that the task of overcoming the crisis demands an integration of Pentecostalism in the global theological agenda. This task will inevitably push Christianity beyond the boundaries of the classical Pentecostal tradition. In fact, Vondey suggests, Pentecostalism itself is in the process of going beyond its own historical, theological, sociocultural, and institutional boundaries.

      Informing Vondey’s study throughout is the provocative metaphor of theology with Pentecostal resources as closer to “play” than to “performance.” He therefore engages the social sciences, psychology, philosophy, and ritual and cultural studies as major dialogue partners in developing the theological task for both the Pentecostal and the broader ecumenical global community. Vondey’s goal is not a “pentecostalization” of Christianity but rather a renewal of the theological landscape in light of the significance of Pentecostal voices, thoughts, and practices worldwide.

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    • Razing Hell : Rethinking Everything Youve Been Taught About Gods Wrath And


      Does the idea of hell haunt your dreams and disturb your sleep? Have you ever wondered at the justice (or injustice) of it all? Are you confounded by a God who deems it necessary to send the majority of humanity to burn there forever? If so, then this book is for you.
      Seventy percent of Americans believe in hell, as do ninety-two percent of those who attend church every week. Clearly, it’s a hot topic. Baker offers readers a safe space to contemplate tough issues as we rethink our traditional views of hell. In her candid and inviting style Baker explores and ultimately refutes many traditional views of hell, presenting instead theologically sound ways of thinking that are more consistent with our image of God as a loving creator who desires to liberate us from sin and evil.

      This is an excellent selection for general readers, students, pastors, professors, and grief counselors, and will provide clarity for those with questions about hell, God’s judgment, and what happens to us when we die.

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    • Suffering Obedience And The Origin Of Sin


      This book explores the meaning of obedience based on the biblical teaching from the book of Hebrews that Jesus Christ, as the Son, has to learn obedience from His suffering. The author delves into the various issues surrounding the nature of obedience and weaves them into a discourse on the efficient cause of the sin of the first parents. He draws them together into an assertion that the fall of the first parents in the Garden of Eden is not a possible outcome; it is an inevitable outcome.

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    • 23 Questions About Hell


      23 Questions About Hell contains to-the-point answers to the questions that Bill Wiese has most been asked about hell since his best-selling 23 Minutes in Hell first released. Each answer is based on the Word of God, and the combined answers provide a fresh understanding about some of life’s “Whys” as they relate to hell and eternity. This book will clear up misconceptions and presuppositions about God’s character, and about who goes to heaven, and who doesn’t. It clearly demonstrates that we are held accountable for our decisions in life.

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    • Justified In The Spirit


      A pneumatological, Pentecostal-friendly theology of justification by faith – broadly Trinitarian, ecclesiological, and eschatological in orientation

      The classic debate on justification by grace through faith has historically been limited to the question of whether justification is the reception of forgiveness by faith alone (classically Protestant) or the personal transformation that occurs as we cooperate with grace (traditionally Catholic). While some more recent ecumenical discussions have sought to link the two, many of these efforts have been criticized as patchwork solutions that do not develop precisely how forgiveness and personal transformation via grace find integration under the larger notion of the justification of the sinner. Frank Macchia here seeks to fill that lacuna.

      Inspired by the typically Pentecostal accent on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Justified in the Spirit sets both Protestant and Catholic views within a larger framework, namely, the Spirit of Life as the realm of God’s favor. Since the Holy Spirit is the power of love and communion within the Trinity and between us and God, a pneumatological accent ultimately locates the justification of the sinner within the embrace of the Triune God as a communion of persons. Therefore, the Christological, eccelesiological, social, and ecological implications of justification can be fruitfully developed from the broad spaces of this Trinitarian communion.

      In identifying divine favor with the realm of the Holy Spirit, Macchia here constructs a unique pneumatological theology of justification by faith that is broadly Trinitarian, ecclesiological, and eschatological in orientation.

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    • Revelation Of Angelic Creation


      Move over Augustine! Look out Aquinas! This is the first exegetical work on day one of Genesis to agree with all Scripture. With the profound simplicity of a layman yet the penetrating density of a mystic, this text is a fountain of Scriptural revelation to guide both heart and mind.

      Unparalleled, “The Revelation of Angelic Creation” for the first time draws back the veil on “what” Wisdom is and its composite origin (the first hypostasis); the angelic creation: how it came to be and its composite nature; the “when,” “how,” and “why” of the angelic rebellion and fall, along with the restructuring of the unseen cosmos in the aftermath of said rebellion. Also, for good measure, the two-yes two!-gardens of Eden will be exposed.

      This work will set new theological precedence in all these areas and much more. Scriptural discourse is now forever altered. That which was spoken in the darkness of pre-creation, finally, is brought to light.

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    • Messiah : His Comings


      The Messiah

      The author of this book, The Messiah, wishes to extend an invitation to all Jews to reconsider what the Lord God’s prophets of old had to say relative to the promised Messiah. Is He to be the One who would come strictly as a conquering hero after the similitude of King David or is He, in fact, One Who is even more powerful than that: One Who could not only conquer death but One who could put away even sin for all eternity? Just how big (or small) is the Jewish Messiah?

      The author would also like to extend an invitation to all believers to reconsider realistically a variety of factors, not the least being the Blessed Hope, which hinge and revolve around and upon the seven major Festivals of the Jewish faith. Yeshua Himself said, “Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. For truly I say unto you, ‘Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.'” (Matthew 5:17-18) The seven basic festivals of the Jewish faith are a major part of the law and the prophets.

      Yeshua has fulfilled to the very day the first four festivals and shortly He shall fulfill the last three festivals to the day!

      Perhaps even more important, the author would like to extend to the nonbeliever an invitation to reconsider, in light of all eternity, the path upon which has been chosen. Yeshua extends the following invitation to one and everyone irregardless:

      “Come now, and let us reason together…though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

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    • Neither Calendar Nor Clock


      Adoption of a new confession is a rare event in church history. This book offers an astute inside look at the contemporary Belhar Confession, which arose out of the struggle against apartheid and was drafted in 1982 by the “colored” Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa.

      With clarity and passion Piet Naude presents and comments on the Belhar texts themselves, explores the historical background and theological significance of Belhar, and discusses its continuing reception throughout the world. He also relates the Belhar Confession’s relevance to such current global issues as gender relations, economic justice, and the HIV/AIDS crisis.

      The only up-to-date English-language book on the Belhar Confession – which is gaining significant recognition among North American churches – Neither Calendar nor Clock ultimately shows how this singular African confession powerfully articulates the gospel for the universal church today.

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    • Calvins Ladder : A Spiritual Theology Of Ascent And Ascension


      Are Christians truly invited to share in God or just in his gifts? The language of “participation” has been hotly debated for centuries, many Protestants protesting that aspiring to share in God is akin to attempting to ascend to his level. John Calvin’s theology is often brought in to support this contention. Here Julie Canlis argues that to do so reflects a complete misunderstanding of Calvin. In fact, she says, it is precisely Calvin’s inclusion of participation that makes his theology so robust and spiritually enduring.

      Calvin’s Ladder traces the theme of participation in early Christian spirituality, then reveals how Calvin reworks it into the heart of his Protestant manifesto on theology. This groundbreaking book suggests an entirely distinctive way of conceiving the relation between God and humanity, challenging not only old caricatures of Calvin but also our own self-portraits.

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    • Estudios De Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


      A brief summary of all the doctrine of the Christian faith from Anthropology to Angelology, to Bibliology and Eschatology.

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    • From Nicaea To Chalcedon (Expanded)


      Preface To Second Edition
      1. The Birth Of Church History And Its Sequel
      2. Athanasius And The Shaping Of Nicene Theology
      3. Heroes Of The Faith: The Literature Of The Desert
      4. The Cappadocians
      5. The Temper Of The Times: Some Contrasting Characters Of The Late Fourth Century
      6. The Literature Of Christological Controversy

      Additional Info
      In this volume, a world-renowned scholar of early Christianity updates and expands her classic survey of the writers and writings of the golden age of Greek patristic theology. This reliable guide to Christian literature from the late third century to the mid fifth century is more accessible than specialized works on individual authors but more informative than coverage provided by general histories and reference works. The second edition has been revised throughout for use by a new generation of students and scholars and includes a new chapter and updated bibliographies.

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    • Local Theology For The Global Church


      As the church in the global south continues to grow at a rapid pace, the question of how to develop local theologies becomes more and more urgent. This book charts a path forward through exegetical, theological and cultural analysis by scholars who are wrestling with the issues in their own situations around the globe. The contents were developed under the auspices of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission at the Oxford contextualization consultation.

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    • Baptism In The Reformed Tradition


      This premier work considers the development of the doctrine of baptism in the Reformed tradition. John Riggs studies the major early Reformers, concentrating on Calvin’s views, and then traces the development of the doctrine through the Reformed Confessions, Reformed Orthodoxy, and into Schleiermacher’s thought. Twentieth-century debates are discussed as they illuminate earlier tensions and differing views from the past.

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    • Thinking In Tongues


      In this inaugural volume of the groundbreaking, cutting-edge Pentecostal Manifestos series, James K. A. Smith offers considered advice to pentecostal philosophers and, even more, pertinent pentecostal advice to Christian philosophers.

      Maintaining that implicit in pentecostal and charismatic spirituality is a tacit worldview or “social imaginary,” Smith unpacks and articulates the key elements of this pentecostal worldview and then explores their implications for philosophical reflection on ontology, epistemology, aesthetics, language, science, and philosophy of religion. In each case, Smith demonstrates how the wisdom of pentecostal spirituality makes unique contributions to current conversations in Christian philosophy.

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    • Is Calvinism Good News


      Doubtless it gives the greatest possible offence to common sense or reason, that God, Who is proclaimed as being full of mercy and goodness, and so on, should of His own mere will abandon, harden and damn men, as though He delighted in the sins and great eternal torments of such poor wretches. It seems an iniquitous, cruel, intolerable thought to think of God; and it is this that has been a stumbling block to so many great men down the ages. And who would not stumble at it? I have stumbled at it myself more than once, down to the deepest pit of despair, so that I wished I had never been made a man.

      -Martin Luther(Luther, Martin, The Bondage of the Will, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1957, pg. 217)

      Whether some Christians actually delight in what is commonly known as Calvinism or not I do not know, but I do know that many struggle with it. This book is for those who struggle. Come and enjoy the Good News of the simple message: God loved the world so much that He sent His Son, not to condemn it, but to save it. It is His pleasure to reconcile all things to Himself through the blood of Christ. He is not willing that any perish, but that all come to repentance.

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    • Luther And The Beloved Community


      Is Christian belief tenable today? Is it possible to be a creedal Christian? With the help of Martin Luther, Paul Hinlicky here explores classical Christian beliefs regarding the person and work of Christ and human nature and destiny. He also counters contemporary objections to creedal faith, from the so-called “new perspective on Paul” to Pope Benedict’s rejection of the Augsburg Confession to the continuing challenge of Marx.

      Luther and the Beloved Community does not present Luther’s medieval thought as a possibility for today, but does make him available for the future as a teacher of the faith and a help for tackling contemporary questions of Christian belief. According to Hinlicky, Luther is misused and misunderstood by those of his own tradition and needs to be understood not as “hero of the faith” but rather as the proponent of a beloved community that does not yet fully exist. In performing this makeover, Hinlicky reveals genuine new insights concealed within Luther’s rhetoric.

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    • End Of The World According To Jesus


      In this fascinating work, the author draws some amazing and ground-breaking new insights into Bible prophecy from first century Jewish Apocalyticism and then he presents a radical restructuring of the Book of Revelation that clarifies it as no other book. Dr. Morey unravels the seeming contradictions and mystifying puzzles of biblical prophecy using the Jewish hermeneutical principles that Jesus and the Apostles used in their interpretation of Old Testament prophecy. There is no other book like this today. It explains the Mt. Olivet Discourse and the Book of Revelation in such a way that will astound and delight you. It is “must” read for clear-thinking Christians who want to know what will happen at the End of the World according to Jesus.

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    • Theologys Strange Return


      For two centuries and more our culture has been secular, and no religious doctrine now plays a constitutive part in any established branch of knowledge. Yet if God is dead, he wont lie down, and reminders of the old faith still pervade our language, the built environment, our art and our literature. Most important, themes of the old theology are currently returning to us in new and strange guises. Thus God, the strict Judge who searches our hearts and demands inner integrity, returns in the critical thinking which makes everyone trained it his own hardest taskmaster. Again, the biblical idea that the world is made by the utterance of language returns in modern poetry and linguistic philosophy.aaBy assembling such reminders, Don Cupitt shows that a surprising amount of traditional Christian belief u including a new Grand Narrative, and a non-metaphysical theology u is currently returning to us in secular form.

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    • Bible Natural Theology And Natural Law


      Dr. Robert Morey’s study of natural law and natural theology raises important questions that every Bible-believer will want answered. His careful study and explanation of various Bible passages will yield a useful orientation to the classic arguments furnished us by the Reformers and their faithful heirs.

      Dr. Nelson Kloosterman

      The present volume presents a devastating critique of natural theology and natural law. Its argument is solidly biblical, and its accumulation of biblical data is overwhelming. I hope that God prospers it so that many will read it and take heed.

      Dr. John Frame

      A.W. Tozer said, “the most important thing about any person is what comes into their mind when they think of the word God.” If you digest Dr. Morey’s book, you will think of ‘God’ as the glorious One depicted in Holy Scripture.”

      John G. Reisinger,

      I appreciate Dr. Morey’s emphasis on making the Bible alone the theoretical basis for science and the arts. All throughout the book he consistently points to the Scriptures as the basis for sustaining everything else.

      Dr. Simon Kistemaker

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    • Crucified On Passover


      Did you ever wonder how and why the date for Good Friday is selected each year? Are you aware that the very first Christians did not celebrate Good Friday? Are you aware that they commemorated the crucifixion of Christ each year on the same day that the Jewish people commemorated Passover? Are you aware that in the second century a great debate occurred as to which day of the year was the most appropriate for commemorating the crucifixion of Christ? Are you aware that this debate divided church against church?

      Are you aware that immediately before the occurrence of the Passover that the Lord Himself instructed Moses to institute a Calendar? Did you know that Passover is the central day, the focal point and indeed the very cornerstone of the Calendar instituted by Moses? Do you recognize how the Lord used the day of Passover to foretell the day where He Himself would provide a Passover Lamb for the sake of the entire world?

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    • This We Believe Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Leader guide for eight-week small group study to help you deepen your understanding of United Methodist core beliefs.

      This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice by William H. Willimon For John Wesley, the Bible is the joyfully consistent testimony of God’s never-ending grace and ever-seeking love. Likewise, studying the Bible is more than merely knowing what Scripture says; it is also about living every day as a child of God. Beginning with the Core Terms found in The Wesley Study Bible, author Bishop William H. Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith so that you will have a fresh way to hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ.

      Let this book be your trusted companion to The Wesley Study Bible as you grow to love God with a warmed heart and serve God with active hands.

      Order the separate book for each participant in a small group #9781426706899

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    • Soundings In Kings


      The reigning assumptions in 1970s and 1980s scholarship on 1 and 2 Kings, and indeed on all of the Deuteronomistic history, have come under serious question. How can differing views of that history be reconciled? What sources were available to the authors? Should we call them “authors”? How well do the Books of Kings fit into the larger history of which they are a part; just who composed that history, toward what end, and in what context? How do the assumptions of contemporary interpreters influence the answers we give to those questions? In Soundings in Kings, international scholars pursue these and related questions by examining 1 and 2 Kings as an independent work, identifying new methods and models for envisioning the social location of the authors (or redactors) of Kings, the nature of the intended audience or audiences, and the political and rhetorical implications of its construction. Soundings in Kings demonstrates the role of Kings as a cornerstone work within the Hebrew Bible, a crossroads between prophecy, poetry, wisdom, ancestral and national narrative, and ritual instruction.

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    • This We Believe (Student/Study Guide)


      For John Wesley, the Bible is the joyfully consistent testimony of God’s never-ending grace and ever-seeking love. Likewise, studying the Bible is more than merely knowing what Scripture says; it is also about living every day as a child of God.

      Beginning with the Core Terms found in The Wesley Study Bible, Bishop Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith so that you will have a fresh way to hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ.

      This book can be used as an eight-week, small-group study. A Leader Guide is also available.

      Let this book be your trusted companion to The Wesley Study Bible as you grow to love God with a warmed heart and serve God with active hands.

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    • Gods Formula For Kingdom Living


      Pastor Eugene Hartley is a dynamic Bible Teacher with over 53 years of evangelizing and pastoring churches. He started 6 churches and built 15 buildings for Christ. He is currently the pastor of the CornerStone Church in Stapleton, Alabama. This is a church where Jesus is Lord and your Eternity has already begun!

      Trail of Satan
      The Missing Link
      Complaining Souls under the Alter
      3 People who told the Story of Creation for the first 2500 years
      Where have the Dead gone since Adam?
      What became New in 70 AD.
      Was All the Scriptures fulfilled by 70 AD?
      Does the Bible-History and Science Agree?
      Where did all the Races come from?
      Has The Great Tribulation already happened?
      Who is the Antichrist?
      Revelation Fulfilled by 70 AD 83 years in building the Jewish Temple
      The Sinless Conscience The Perfection of The Believers
      The Missing Signs of the Last Days. End of The World or End of an Age?

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    • God As Author


      God as Author takes a thoughtful literary approach to understanding the Gospel. Gene Fant writes in the preface:

      “Most of us have heard that Christ is ‘the Author and Finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2), so it makes sense that the Gospel would be God’s story. As many a church message board has noted so succinctly, ‘History is His Story.’ In our easy discussions of special revelation, I cannot help but wonder if we
      have missed something awe-inspiring that may be revealed by a reversal of the lens that we turn toward narrative. Perhaps the Gospel is not just like a story; perhaps story, narrative in general, is like the Gospel. My clear conviction is that something stands behind the power of narrative. In fact, I believe that Someone stands behind it. There is an Author whose skill and grace imbues the broad range of the stories that we tell. There is a Father who gave us a story to help us understand our place in this world, a story that points back to Him. His story is, in many ways, the only story that we know. When we use that realization as a foundation for interpreting and generating narrative, it changes everything, including ourselves.”

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    • Practice Resurrection Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Though bringing people to new birth in Christ through evangelism is essential, says Peterson, isn’t it obvious that growth in Christ is equally essential? Yet the American church does not treat Christian growth and character formation with equivalent urgency. We are generally uneasy with the quiet, obscure conditions in which growth takes place, and building maturity in Christ too often gets relegated to footnote status in the text of our lives.

      In Practice Resurrection Peterson brings the voice of Scripture – especially Paul’s letter to the Ephesians – and the voice of the contemporary Christian congregation together to unpack what it means to fully grow up “to the stature of Christ.” Peterson’s robust discussion will move readers to restore transformed Christian character to the center of their lives.

      This helpful study guide is designed to enable small groups in schools or churches – or even individuals – to delve deeper into the timely wisdom of Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ. Peter Santucci here breaks up Peterson’s book into thirteen “sessions,” each of which contains a summary, select quotes to consider, questions for interaction, and a prayer drawn from the text of Ephesians that is covered in the corresponding book chapter.

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    • Contemporary Christologies : A Fortress Introduction


      1. Jesus As Revealer
      Karl Rahner, Dorothee Soelle, Roger Haight

      2. Jesus As Moral Exemplar
      Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carter Heyward, Mark Lewis Taylor

      3. Jesus As Source Of Ultimate Hope
      James Cone, Jon Sobrino, Elizabeth Johnson

      4. Jesus As The Suffering Christ
      Jurgen Moltmann, Douglas John Hall, Marilyn McCord Adams

      5. Jesus As Source Of “Bounded Openness”
      Raimon Panikkar, John B. Cobb Jr., Jacques Dupuis

      Conclusion: Fifteen Christologies Later


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      While many know of the signal contributions of such twentieth-century giants as Paul Tillich or Karl Barth or Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the important work since their time often goes unremarked until some major controversy erupts. Here is a smart and helpful survey of the chief approaches and thinkers in today”s understanding of the person, significance, and work of Jesus Christ.

      Schweitzer offers an insightful introduction to the contemporary context of Christology, in which basic questions in the discipline (and soteriology) are being rethought in light of globalization, postmodernity, and the contemporary experience of evil. He then offers a kind of typology of the current approaches and voices.

      Schweitzer”s volume concludes with a reflection on the recent past and present imperatives of a discipline that virtually defines what Christianity has to offer the present age.

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    • Origins Of Left Behind Eschatology


      The Left Behind books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have swept across the Christian world. But what are the origins of such Left Behind ideas as the pretribulation rapture and the sharp distinction between Israel and the Church? The Origins of Left Behind Eschatology begins by investigating the eschatology behind the Left Behind stories, and selects eight teachings which are essential to that way of understanding the End Times. It then searches through the relevant documents produced by the Early Church and many since the Reformation, looking for the origins of each of those eight ideas and when and how they came together in a system. There are plenty of surprises.

      The Origins of Left Behind Eschatology is a slightly enlarged version of Bennett’s PhD dissertation. It has been called a “clearly argued, thoroughly researched and overwhelmingly convincing thesis”, the conclusions of which “should … dispel much of the uncertainty that has dogged this area of millennial studies.” (Crawford Gribben – author of Rapture Fiction and the Evangelical Crisis).

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    • Chains Of The Prodigal Brother


      Henri Nouwen once wrote, “One of the greatest challenges of the spiritual life is to receive God’s forgiveness.” Why is it that it is so difficult to receive God’s forgiveness? Why is it so hard to truly embrace God’s unmerited affection? Why do Christians so often fall back into performance-based religion? Why is it so challenging to trust God during the hard times in life? What does Genesis really mean by the “knowledge of good and evil,” and how does it keep us from accepting God’s grace? Why does the prayer posture of modern Christianity look like a slave cowering before a cruel master, while the prayer posture of early Christians looked like a little child waiting for his daddy to scoop him up in his arms?

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    • Christian Doctrine (Student/Study Guide)


      The SCM Studyguide Christian Doctrine engages readers by developing theological conversations between his or her own ordinary theology, on the one hand, and the theological resources of ecclesiastical and academic theology, on the other. Students get a clear view of the wide canvas of Christian doctrine, including a range of different theological positions. This study of doctrine helps those who are seeking a form of Christian thinking and spirituality u and possibly ministry u that is true to their own lives, and takes their own hesitations and doubts seriously.a Each chapter is broken up into sections and interspersed with boxes which introduce pertinent extracts from classical and contemporary theologians, together with short exercises or aids to reading these texts, or provide explanations of technical theological terms. Each chapter has questions for reflection and/or discussion, together with suggestions for further reading.

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    • God Reconsidered : The Promise And Peril Of Process Theology


      Process theology carries various meanings for various people. For some, process theology enriches the way Christians understand God and His relationship to the world. It brings clarity to Christian doctrine for both believers and nonbelievers alike.

      But for others, process theology offers a dangerous alternative to traditional Christianity. It borrows heavily from process philosophy and severely detracts from the idea of an all-powerful God.

      GOD RECONSIDERED examines these views of process theology. Comprised of exploratory essays written by theology experts, it insightfully explores the claims for and against this theological approach to Christian faith. Though each writer adds a unique touch to the discussion, together they seek to shed light on the question, “Is process theology a good fit for Christianity?”

      Written in clear and concise language, this engaging conversation invites readers and scholars to reexamine their views on process theology as they seek to effectively communicate the gospel to the ecclesiastical, cultural, and historical contexts in which they work.

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    • Witness Of God


      The Witness of God is a constructive revision of Trinitarian missio Dei theology. In it John G. Flett argues that the neglect of mission as a theological locus has harmful consequences both for understanding the nature of God’s connection with world and the corresponding nature of the Christian community.

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    • Anti Human Theology


      Peter Manley Scott offers a theological and ethical reading of our present situation. Due to the vigour of its re-engineering of the world by its technologies, western society has entered into a postnatural condition in which standard divisions between the natural and the artificial are no longer convincing. This postnatural development is liberating – both theologically and politically. Scott develops an ‘anthropology’ that does not repeat Christianity’s history of anthropocentrism but instead criticises it by exploring the mutual entanglement of animals, humans and other creatures. Deeply disrespectful of traditional centres of power, his ethical critiques of ‘pioneering’ technologies expose their anti-social and anti-ecological tendencies and identify possible paths of oppositional political action. This is ethical theology at its best: deeply informed by theological tradition, immersed in contemporary political-technological problematics in radically oppositional ways, and yet fiercely hopeful of a good outcome for anim

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    • Claiming Abraham : Reading The Bible And The Quran Side By Side


      Many of the Bible’s characters and stories are also found in the Qur’an, but there are often differing details or new twists in the Qur’an’s retelling of biblical narrative. In this compelling book, seasoned theologian Michael Lodahl explores these fascinating divergences to discover the theological difference they make.

      Writing from a Christian perspective that is respectful of the Islamic tradition, Lodahl offers an accessible introduction to Muslim theology and to the Qur’an’s leading themes to help readers better understand Islam. Lodahl compares and contrasts how the Bible and the Qur’an depict and treat certain characters in common to both religions, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. He offers theological reflection on doctrines held in common by Christians and Muslims, such as creation, revelation, and resurrection of the body. Lodahl also explores the Jewish tradition as an important source for understanding the Qur’an.

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    • Nature Of Love


      The themes of love – love from and for God and love for others as oneself – are central to Christian piety and scripture. But most Christian theologians have not systematically placed love and its implications at theology’s core. Thomas Oord argues that love should be the essence of Christian theology. He further concludes that God gives from a nature of love, and this overcomes a host of traditional theological problems (e.g., the problem of evil).

      Written for pastors, undergraduates, and others interested in theology The Nature of Love offers new insights into God’s love for all and contends that the phrase “God is love” stands as the touchstone to good theology and life abundant.

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    • 1 Faith


      IVP Print And Demand Title

      Is the evangelical church drifting away from the unity Christ desires as we fragment into ever-smaller divisions? Packer and Oden believe a significant theological consensus still holds us together. Here they examine 16 theological themes in light of over 75 key statements of faith—from the 1974 Lausanne Covenant to the Amsterdam Declaration of 2000.

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    • Theology Of The Old Testament


      “The remarkable thing about the Old Testament is the persistence of its visions of a better humanity and a better world.” Rather than seek to establish “what people may or may not once have believed in ancient Israel,” John W. Rogerson addresses “the human condition in today?s world,” asking what interpreters are doing today when they invoke the biblical texts. He draws on the insights of modern thinkers, including Benjamin and Bloch, Adorno and Horkheimer, Assmann and Habermas, to explore the dynamics of cultural memory in human communication. In the texts of ancient Israel, Rogerson distinguishes “hot” cultural situations, alive to the remarkable potential of narratives that describe unfulfilled human aspirations to open up horizons of change, from “cold” cultural situations, where those potentialities are closed down to reinforce the institutional structures of the status quo. Moving throughout narrative, legal, wisdom, and prophetic corpora and offering fresh and compelling insights at every step, A Theology of the Old Testament draws out powerful visions of human nature and of the world’s future. Throughout Rogerson poses the challenge: Do these visions require a theological basis to be compelling in today’s world, or can they speak as powerfully beyond the confines of religious belief?

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    • Georgia Harkness : The Remaking Of A Liberal Theologian


      Georgia Harkness (1891-1974) was a Methodist theologian and the first American woman to teach theology at the seminary level. A leader in the ecumenical movement, Harkness strove to make theology accessible to the laity.
      This book is a compilation of writing from early in her career that appeared in publications such as The Christian Century, Religion in Life, and Christendom. Although her theology shifted somewhat during these years, Harkness held fast to her belief that liberal theology would remain “the basic American theology,” a prediction that was out of step in the 1930s but is growing more credible today.

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    • Natural Theology


      William Paley’s classic defense of the teleological argument for the existence of God. His watchmaker analogy is still a favorite of many as a starting point for showing that such complexity cannot possibly have come into existence without an intelligent mind creating it. New foreword by Dr. Doy Moyer

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    • Phenomenology And The Holy


      SCM Veritas engages in critical and original questions of pressing concern to both philosophers and theologians. The major concern of all books in this series is to display a rigorous theological critique of categories not often thought to be theological in character, such as phenomenology or metaphysics which are mainly considered as philosophical categories. All the books in this series aim to illustrate that without theology, something essential is lost in our accounts of such categories not only in the abstract but in the way in which we inhabit the world. Phenomenology and the Holy is a study of the holy which attempts to find this both in the ordinary and in the sublime, thus challenging the reduction of the holy to a discrete and separated field of experience. Phenomenology is a key area of twentieth-century philosophy in which there is a wide interest, not only among philosophers but also among theologians and religious studies scholars.

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    • Grandeur Of Reason


      “The SCM Veritas Series brings to market original volumes engaging in critical questions of pressing concern to theologians as well as philosophers, biologists, economists, and representatives of other disciplines. “”The Grandeur of Reason”” is the most spectacular Veritas volume to date. It presents a world-class cast of contributors debating the question of universalism. The book includes original contributions by Stanley Hauerwas, John Milbank, Graham Ward, Oliver O’Donovan, Michael Northcott, D. Stephen Long and Peter Candler and a foreword by Angelo Cardinal Scola. It attempts to think through the re-hellenization of Christian faith. The collection focuses on the importance of Christian ‘truth’ and the tradition of how faith and reason are bound together in the universal claim of the Gospel. It points toward an authentic understanding of tolerance and ecumenism. The aim of the volume is to establish a path of honest intercultural communication in pursuit of universal truth, guided by the grandeur of reason, and u

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    • Hearing The New Testament (Reprinted)


      The Challenge Of Hearing The New Testament
      Joel B. Green

      Textual Criticism Of The New Testament
      Bart D. Ehrman

      Historical Criticism And Social-Scientific Perspectives In New Testament Study
      Stephen C. Barton

      The Relevance Of Extracanonical Jewish Texts To New Testament Study
      Richard Bauckham

      The Relevance Of Greco-Roman Literature And Culture To New Testament Study
      Loveday C. A. Alexander

      Traditio-Historical Criticism
      Holly J. Carey

      The Use Of The Old Testament By New Testament Writers
      Richard B. Hays And Joel B. Green

      Genre Analysis
      James L. Bailey

      Rhetorical Criticism
      C. Clifton Black

      Modern Linguistics And Word Study In The New Testament
      Max Turner

      Discourse Analysis And New Testament Interpretation
      Joel B. Green

      Narrative Criticism
      Mark Allan Powell

      The Reader In New Testament Interpretation
      Kevin J. Vanhoozer

      Feminist Criticism
      F. Scott Spencer

      African American Criticism
      Emerson B. Powery

      Latino/a Hermeneutics
      Efrain Agosto

      Reading The New Testament In Canonical Context
      Robert W. Wall

      The New Testament, Theology, And Ethics
      Stephen E. Fowl

      Additional Info
      A distinguished group of scholars here introduces and illustrates the array of approaches and methods used in New Testament study today. Standard approaches – text criticism, historical approaches, etc. – appear side by side with newer approaches – narrative criticism, Latino-Latina hermeneutics, theological interpretation of the New Testament, and more. Each chapter introduces a particular approach and then demonstrates how students and pastors can best use it. Five passages from different parts of the New Testament are used as sample texts throughout the book in order to facilitate understanding of the differences among the interpretive strategies. / An instant classic when first published in 1995, Hearing the New Testament has now been revised and updated, including rewritten chapters, new chapters, and new suggestions for further reading.

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    • Death And Afterlife


      Many people fear dying and are uncertain about life after death. In this engaging book, a Catholic theologian addresses perennial human questions about death and what lies beyond, making a Christian case for an afterlife with God. Nichols begins by examining views of death and the afterlife in Scripture and the Christian tradition. He takes up scientific and philosophical challenges to the afterlife and considers what we can learn about it from near death experiences. Nichols then addresses topics such as the soul, bodily resurrection, salvation, heaven, hell, and purgatory. Finally, he addresses the important issue of preparing for death and dying well.

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    • Soul Of Hip Hop


      What is hip hop? It’s a cultural movement with a traceable theological center. Daniel White Hodge follows the tracks of hip-hop theology and offers a path from its center to the cross, where Jesus speaks truth.

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    • Great Theologians : A Brief Guide


      Gerald R. McDermott surveys the teachings of eleven of the greatest theologians down through history from Origen to Karl Barth.

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    • 2 Testaments One Bible (Expanded)


      David L. Baker outlines the problem of the relationship between the Testaments, surveys the relevant history of interpretation, critically examines four main approaches and considers four key themes. This new edition has been thoroughly revised, updated and expanded.

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    • Which Trinity Whose Monotheism


      The last few decades have witnessed a renaissance of Trinitarian theology. Theologians have worked to recover this doctrine for a proper understanding of the God and for the life of the church. At the same time, analytic philosophers of religion have become keenly interested in the Trinity, engaging in vigorous debates related to it. To this point, however, the work of the two groups has taken place in almost complete isolation from one another. Which Trinity? Whose Monotheism? Seeks to bridge that divide. / Thomas H. McCall compares the work of significant philosophers of religion – Richard Swinburne, Brian Leftow, and others – with that of influential theologians such as Ji 1/2rgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, and John Zizioulas. He then evaluates several important proposals and offers suggestion for the future of Trinitarian theology. / There are many books on the doctrine of the Trinity, but no other book brings the concerns of analytic philosophers of religion into direct conversation with those of mainstream theologians.

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    • Rushing Ahead To Armageddon


      The world seems to be on the brink as tensions in the Middle East are escalating daily. Russia is strengthening its ties with China, North Korea, Syria and Iran arming them with sophisticated military weaponry. Russia is building up its armed forces, returning to Cold War military tactics, including reopening ports used by the former Soviet Union. Tensions between Israel and Iran have never been higher with each nation poised to strike against the other in a moment’s notice. Iran’s nuclear ambition is well documented and is becoming a menace on the International stage. With Israel’s very existence at stake, a preemptive strike against Iran’s Russian built nuclear facilities is not out of the realm of possibility. A preemptive strike by Israel could provoke a retaliatory response by Russia and her allies. It seems that in a moment’s notice the events described in Ezekiel 38 & 39 could break out right before our eyes…or is it?

      For many years, contemporary prophecy writers have been telling us that we are living in the last days and the Gog and Magog alliance is one sure sign that the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ are near. However, there is strong biblical evidence that the candidate often identified as Gog, Russia, may not in fact be the candidate that Ezekiel was referring too. Using the Bible as a guide, we can figure out who this obscure person is instead of using today’s newspapers.

      With a long history of well documented failed predictions by contemporary prophecy writers, maybe it’s time that we begin to reevaluate today’s popular interpretation of Ezekiel 38 & 39 in light of the Bible.

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