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Social Issues

Showing 701–797 of 797 results

  • Witnessing For Peace


    The rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel/Palestine has dashed hopes of any imminent peace or even accommodation between the Israeli people and the Palestinian people. A leader in Palestinian Christianity, and an outspoken advocate of nonviolence and of Palestinian rights, Bishop Munib Younan directly addresses this situation and its imperatives. Born of Palestinian refugee parents and raised in Jerusalem, Younan has spent his life pastoring Palestinian Christians and searching for nonviolent solutions in this complex and volatile religious and political scene. In this volume, Younan presents first the historical and social context of the Palestinian situation, beginning with the not-well-known story of Arab Christianity and his own background. He elaborates his own theology of nonviolence, centered in the idea of martyria–heeding a call to justice, inclusion, and forgiveness. He illustrates the notion with dramatic and often tragic episodes and shows how it can address key issues in the current struggle with Israel over statehood, land, and refugees. Younan’s model of Christian nonviolence also has demonstrable benefits in addressing terrorism, interreligious strife, and global peacemaking. Younan’s is a voice all Christians of conscience should hear.

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  • Daughters Of Hope


    In this deeply moving book, Kay Strom and Michele Rickett tell the stories if persecuted Christian women from around the globe. From Africa to the Middle East to Asia, they give voice to our sisters persevering under the yoke of oppression and injustice. Each section provides specific prayer points and practical action steps to equip us to respond.

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  • Recovering Biblical Ministry By Women


    According to a Christianity Today reader survey about gender roles: Seventy-eight percent of respondents think: “Christian leaders need to speak out on proper roles for men and women.” Eighty-eight percent agreed: “There is a lot of confusion about male and female roles in the Christian world today…. The key actors in the evangelical debate have clearly reached an impasse.” (March 2002) This book proposes careful but clear biblical answers to all questions: It is based on the inerrancy of Scripture and rejects the deculturizing hermeneutic. It is not egalitarian. It provides irrefutable exegetical evidence for the husband’s authority in marriage. It affirms family values. It is not radically complementarian. It provides in depth refutation of eighty-five different objections and restrictions to ministry by women in the church. It frees women to serve Christ fully. Dr. John H. Armstrong, President: “Reformation and Revival Ministries, Inc.” “I have found it the most satisfying exposition of the Holy Scriptures on this subject that I have read in thirty years of thought and exegetical work.”

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    Black Coffee Press
    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Treasures Of War


    How many millions of Americans must lose their lives while fighting religious ideology wars and “evil gods”? The worldwide media are filled with stories on the evil committed by religious-based terrorism against innocent people. Bureaucrats often compromise their positions on fundamental values because they fear the underground terrorist cells. I vowed to tell the stories of the ruthless “living evil gods” and their divine worshipers during World War II and the unimaginable horrors of war and sacrifices made by the American and Allied soldiers and their families. “Living evil gods” invaded and looted nations of their treasures to finance battles and to conquer and destroy enemies. Many war crimes were brushed aside by corrupt American and Allied military and political leaders. Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Christian, and Shinto all profess peace. However, when a radical group of any religion seeks power over nonbelievers, it reverts to terror to conquer and maintain its disciples. America should use its God-given powers to remove fanatical groups that use terrorist methods to destroy our freedoms.

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  • Rising Above The Violence


    We can choose to be proactive or reactive in solving our conflicts with the people we interact with each day. My purpose in writing this book is to help the people in this country realize that we need to prevent violence, not just react to it. Violence is permeating the lives of all people living in America today. I grew up in a home that was sometimes violent, sometimes angry, and sometimes hostile, but in our own way we were striving to find a better way to live our lives and love one another.Most families in our society today are in the same situation. I believe that God brought me through the many different trials that I share in this book so that I could identify with many of the hurts that we all experience in life. If I had not experienced these trials, how could I effectively counsel with those who are going through them?

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  • Wellbeing


    “This is the first book in the new SCM “”Society and Church”” series, which attempts to make sense of the Church and Christianity in a secular society and context, and explore what the former can legitimately contribute to the latter. “”Wellbeing”” is an absolutely central concept in our secular lives, is used with increasing frequency in all sorts of contexts – eg. the Boots website is “””” – and it is therefore crucial that we understand how it relates to life, meaning and personal identity in the 21st century. Through a combination of story, personal reflection and philosophical analysis, Alison Webster attempts to get “”under the skin”” of wellbeing, and show how the concept is evolving in contemporary culture. She shows how the agenda generated by wellbeing is like that which traditionally has been generated by religion and spirituality: which is why “”meeting spiritual needs”” is such big business in health and social care. Webster argues that the Christian tradition still has much to offer in transf

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  • Mom I Hate My Life


    Navigating an adolescent daughter’s emotional life is one of a mom’s toughest challenges. A teenage girl’s volatile emotions can seemingly toss her and you like a hurricane. When a scary external world and a turbulent internal world collide, the result is sometimes overwhelming and confusing. What can you do to protect your relationship with your daughter, guide her through this chaotic time, and assure her you are truly on her side?

    Your Adolescent Daughter’s Struggles Can Help Her and You to Grow and Thrive.

    The good news is you are equipped with the most powerful resource available for maintaining and developing connection with your daughter: a mother’s heart. Learn how you can use hand-in-hand mothering skills to become the ally your daughter needs parenting out of love, not fear and find out how you both can experience dramatic, life-changing growth in the process.

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  • Capital Punishment Student (Student/Study Guide)


    This short-term study comes at a time when there is considerable national debate and commentary on the administration of the death penalty. This study combines Bible study with compelling stories from persons who have been directly affected by capital crimes to help adults form and/or reform their thinking on capital punishment. It looks at various denominational views and nations’ politics related to the issue, as well as providing several suggested plans for action.

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  • When God Says War Is Right


    176 pages

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    Across the centuries, how have Christians who follow the Prince of Peace responded to the recurring reality of war? And what guidance do they offer for believers today in the midst of global conflict?

    In When God Says War Is Right, Dr. Darrell Cole offers thorough and highly readable answers. His expert examination focuses on these topics:
    *Relating the character of God with the use of force
    *Determining when and how Christians ought to fight
    *Understanding why Christian virtues are vital when using force
    *Using nuclear weapons for deterrence
    *Learning lessons from World War II, Vietnam, and the 1991 Gulf War
    *Responding to today’s war against terrorism

    Dr. Cole focuses on Romans 13, where Paul commands us to do what is righ” (or good or noble) in regard to our governing authorities, who have legitimate war-making authority. In the case of war, what is right for the Christian? This book answers that essential question. In today’s war-stricken world, Dr. Cole provides timely, trustworthy, and vitally needed guidance for Christians.

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  • How Soils Work


    No book yet published has attempted to bring together the basic tenets of soils and agronomy with the essential elements of godly-love.

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  • Alternative Therapies For HIV AIDS


    SKU (ISBN): 9781562291785ISBN10: 1562291785Michael McCannBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Pneuma Life Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Win The Culture War


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823161ISBN10: 0830823166Peter KreeftBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Cutting Edge Bioethics A Print On Demand Title


    This new book from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics, including the current debate surrounding stem cell research.

    Fifteen noted scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today’s new and controversial work in biomedicine-xenotransplantation, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and more-and evaluate from a Christian perspective both the science and the ethical questions it raises. Designed to orient general readers to the current state of biomedical research, Cutting-Edge Bioethics is must reading for anyone wishing to confront and wrestle with the challenging moral issues posed by this ever-advancing field.

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  • Wrath Of Jonah


    Internationally renowned scholar Erhard Gerstenberger here offers a radical departure from traditional treatments. Rather than a systematic approach to theological topics in the Old Testament, Gerstenberger discusses its various theological voices rooted in different social settings within ancient Israel: the family and clan, the village, the tribal group, and the kingdom. Further, he discusses the variety of Israel’s views concerning the divine – polytheism, syncretism, and monotheism. Gerstenberger concludes with his reflections on how contemporary theology is informed by the biblical witness and how it must be contextual and ecumenical in order to be authentic.

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  • Who Is My Enemy


    Who Is My Enemy? is designed as a popular level introduction to eight current flash-point issues in our culture. The book provides a summary overview designed to enable the reader to respond to the issues as Christ would–not by resorting to privitization of our faith, or abdication, but to engagement that leads to transformation. The book is designed to help Christians understand how the world is thinking in order to begin to develop an appropriate Christian response to each issue. Rather than presenting simplistic either/or answers, the book recognizes that each issue contains elements that biblical Christians can strongly support and also strongly oppose. The hot topics are: pluralism, postmodernism, New Age explosion, evolution, abortion/euthanasia, feminism, homosexuality, therapy idolatry, and materialism. Picture it as an extended newscast reporting on each issue and weaving biblial perspective throughout.

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  • Tales Of Vandelite


    Welcome to the fantasy kingdom of Vandelite, a realm of adventure, allegory and symbolism. These are the stories of forbidden caverns and perilous pathways. They are the tales of adventurers who pursue the highest treasures of hope, healing, and a higher purpose.

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  • Future Of Criminal Justice


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281054831ISBN10: 0281054835Christopher Jones | Peter SedgwickBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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  • Watching What We Watch


    Television has eclipsed the church and school as the most dominant storyteller in our culture. Watching What We Watch discusses the various aspects of “reading” television, helps us to understand how television creates meanings, and teaches us to assess the truth and value of those meanings. Watching What We Watch provides an accessible framework for analyzing television theologically and from the perspective of our values and beliefs. A team of experts uses examples from popular television shows to to explore the forces that drive television production and to challenge viewers to consider what things they should appreciate about television and what things they should call into question.

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  • House Of Cards


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561799237ISBN10: 1561799238Tom RaabeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Focus On The Family

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  • Earth Habitat : Eco Injustice And The Churchs Response


    This single volume gathers theologians from around the world to address three pressing questions: How can Christianity and Christian churches rethink themselves and their roles in light of the endangered earth? What “earth-honoring” elements does justice- oriented Christianity have to contribute to the common good? And how can communities and churches respond creatively and constructively on a local level to these vast global forces? This volume captures the chief themes and presentations from the October 1998 conference on social justice, ecology, and church entitled “Ecumenical Earth” and held at Union Theological Seminary. Among the 18 contributors to this trailblazing conference are Rasmussen and Hessel, James Cone, Kusumita Pedersen, Brigitte Kahl, Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi, Steven Rockefeller, Havid Hallman, Ernst Conradie, Peggy Shepard, and Troy Messenger.

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  • Justice Men Owe Women


    This new Sacred Energies volume shows how the world’s major religious traditions, though largely patriarchal, can also serve as a profound resource for redressing gender injustices. This reassessment must be taken up by men themselves. The heritage of our sacred texts speaks in a male voice and almost always to male advantage. Men therefore owe it to themselves to extricate themselves from this complicity and to ask, as does this book, how our scriptures, founding prophets, and ancestors can be used today to further justice in relations between the genders.

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  • Gifted By Otherness


    Gay and lesbian Christians are in the awkward position of trying to explain themselves to two mutually hostile audiences. On the one side, the gay-lesbian community is often deeply suspicious of anyone connected with Christianity. On the other side sits the church, which often wishes that gays and lesbians would go away, or at least disappear into the woodwork quietly. But the gay and lesbian community has a unique vocation in today’s church, one of challenging the church to be inclusive of all God’s children–the central message of the Gospel. Based on retreats they have presented to churches and seminaries, authors L. William Countryman and M.R. Ritley explore what it means to affirm, not merely accept, being gay or lesbian, as well as Christian. This pro-active and self-affirming book provides new hope for the lesbigay community, their families and their communities, confidently appropriating and re-telling the biblical story of this unique and gifted minority’s spiritual journey.

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  • Letters Across The Divide (Reprinted)


    In this stirring book, two friends–a black minister and a white businessman–discuss candidly the hang-ups, stereotypes, and sins that inhibit interracial friendships. Some people may think that racism is no longer a problem in our society, but David Anderson and Brent Zuercher make an effective case for just the opposite: both black and white people still harbor wrong assumptions and resentments toward each other.

    Believing that the church is called to a deeply felt reconciliation between the races, Anderson and Zuercher strive to understand each other. They hash out their differences, giving voice to feelings most of us have had but would never express out loud. The result is a book that provokes thought, arouses emotion, and ultimately spurs actions, stressing that the most effective way of dealing with the many facets of racial reconciliation is through real and connected friendships.

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  • Who Killed Homer


    For over two millennia, familiarity with the literature, art, philosophy, and values of the classical world has been synonymous with education itself. But today classical education is rapidly disappearing from American high school and university curricula, and as a result we are in danger of becoming illiterate about the ideas that created Western civilization.

    In Who Killed Homer? acclaimed classicists Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath explain what has been sacrificed, who did it and why. Hanson and Heath argue that if we lose our knowledge of the Greeks, then we lose our understanding of who we are. With straightforward advice and informative readings of the great Greek texts, the authors show how we might still save classics and the Greeks for future generations. Who Killed Homer? is must reading for anyone who agrees that knowledge of classics acquaints us with the beauty and perils of our own culture.

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  • Genetic Turning Points A Print On Demand Title


    360 Pages

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    Human genetic intervention could be considered a microcosm of the larger field of bioethics. According to James Peterson, “it raises almost all the basic issues addressed in a standard bioethics course, from informed consent to the goals of medicine.” Peterson argues that it is imperative to view human genetic intervention from an ethical framework, particularly as the technology in that intervention advances at an exponential rate.

    Peterson’s goal in Genetic Turning Points was to tie together some of the various questions related to human genetic intervention (better known, perhaps, as genetic manipulation or genetic engineering). He begins with a look at medical technology and moves on to major issues including genetic research, genetic testing, genetic drugs, and genetic surgery (physical manipulation of human genes in the body). The issues are raised in a progressive approach. Genetic research is the foundation for genetic testing and genetic drugs, thus issues related to genetic research are looked at first, and then issues related to genetic testing and drugs. Since genetic surgery techniques are still being perfected, and are not as available as the other technologies, Peterson looks at this vital issue last.

    Christians, according to LeRoy Waters, have tended to view human genetics from one of two positions (not usually both): cosmic theology and casuistic analysis. Cosmic theology simply means looking at the grand scheme of God’s plan for humanity; casuistic analysis is that which addresses the questions of practice. Peterson hopes to bring the two positions together in a cogent and effective manner. He feels that one’s understanding of God’s plan for humanity (our purpose) shapes the concrete decisions of life (the practice). Ideally, Christians should be aware of both how purpose shapes practice and how practice questions purpose. Thus, Peterson sees the medical and ethical issues as eminently practical, but defined and shaped by one’s metaphysical beliefs.

    Genetic Turning Points is laid out in a progressive manner, but topics can stand on their own. Chapters are generally short and the indexes and cross-references allow one to find a particular topic quickly and easily. Since there are fifteen chapters, the book easily lends itself to undergraduate or postgraduate study (one chapter a week), but is not solely for students. It is also for professionals (doctors, clergy, etc.) and for educated lay people. Its information is timely and it

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  • Season To Heal


    This is a book for women who struggle to come to grips with the lingering emotional pain of an abortion. It assures readers that their pain is a valid, natural response to abortion, that they can find relief from it, and that healing is a realistic hope.
    Publisher Marketing: This is a book for women who struggle to come to grips with the lingering emotional pain of an abortion. It assures readers that their pain is a valid, natural response to abortion, that they can find relief from it, and that healing is a realistic hope.

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  • Act Of God Active God


    This book raises in a straighforward fashion the faith-related questions that victims/survivors of natural disasters have as a result of their experiences. Is the disaster an “act of God”? Did God cause the disaster? If God is all powerful, why did God allow it to hapen? Dr. Gary Harbaught provides insights and understandings to help persons of faith to struggle with that seeming contradiction. Instead of seeing disasters as “acts of God”, he shows that when disasters occur, God in fact is active: active in and through our questions, confusion, and doubts; active in and through our responses and actions; active in and through the community; and active in and through people of faith.

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  • Invasion De Otros Dioses – (Spanish)


    Encourages readers to stand firmly against the New Age Movement’s second tidal wave.

    Exhortacion a permanecer firmes contra la segunda marejada de la Nueva Era.

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  • Tony Evans Speaks Out On Gambling And The Lottery


    Just a lottery ticket…a few hours at the racetrack…a quarter in a slotmachine. It’s fun. It’s legal. And you just might strike it rich! As the number of lotteries and casinos skyrockets, you may wonder whether gambling might be an innocent pastime after all. Even if you never play, you can’t escape the issues. Will you vote to allow riverboat casinos? Can you help the relative who spends rent money ON Lotto tickets? Should your church sponsor a raffle to raise funds? Tony Evans cuts through pro-gambling hype-and anti-gambling cliches- with clear, biblical counsel. Discover God’s perspective on today’s get-rich-quick schemes-and His sure path to treasures that last.

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  • Science And Christianity


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Can you be a faithful Christian and a believer in contemporary scientific theory? Six scholars address this controversial question, offering four different views on the uneasy relationship between science and faith. Their discussion of creationism, science and Christian theology, the “God hypothesis,” and the partnership between science and Christianity will help you shape an informed opinion.

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  • Final Roar


    SKU (ISBN): 9780805423617ISBN10: 0805423613Bob BrinerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2000Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • 1950 : Crossroads Of American Religious Life


    1. Journey To The Heart Of A Century
    2. Heir Of The 1930s And 1940s: Depression, World’s Fair, And War
    3. Things Old And New: Intellectual Life In 1950
    4. Lies, Spies, And The Junior Senator From Wisconsin
    5. The Protestant Establishment
    6. The Church Of The Triple Crown
    7. The Week The World Might Have Ended
    8. African American Religion Before The Beginning
    9. Evangelicals On The Rise
    10. Judaism In Midpassage
    11. Getting Ready For The 1950s And 1960s

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    The year 1950 saw the height of the postwar religious boom in America and also the depths of the Cold War. It was a year when religious enthusiasm and postwar affluence coexisted with anxiety about global communism and an ever-present nuclear threat. McCarthyism, the advent of the hydrogen bomb, and the onset of the Korean War provoked ardent and diverse responses from religious leaders and occasioned lively debate in flourishing religious journalism.

    Ellwood’s 1950 is a cultural time capsule, recovering the impetus for many of today’s trends, remembering endings and beginnings, and documenting many other developments in American religious life fifty years ago. It highlights the parallels and divergences between religious culture then and now.

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  • I Gave Dating A Chance


    In recent years, “dating” has become a dirty word in many Christian circles. So dirty, in fact, that young believers are now encouraged simply not to date. This position has provoked an open debate among teens, their parents and youth workers, and single adults. For a great number of them, many questions remain unanswered.
    -“Lord, what do I do with this desire to date?”
    -“Can dating be an option for young adults who love the Lord and long to please Him?”

    Is not dating really the only acceptable option in God’s eyes? The answer, assures author and youth pastor Jeramy Clark, is a resounding “No!”

    The time has come for a sound, biblical, and practical approach that balances out the extreme perspectives: dating without responsibility versus a complete withdrawal from the dating process. Learn how you can confidently pursue healthy dating relationships that are characterized by holiness and integrity–and ultimately bring glory and honor to God–in I Gave Dating a Chance.

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  • Loving Enemies


    Randy and Joyce Klassen are deeply concerned about the state of the world in which their children and grandchildren will be living. This book is a manual to help strengthen and expand the reality of justice and peace in our world.

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  • Parents In Pain



    244 Pages In 13 Chapters Divided Into 3 Parts

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    When your kids are in trouble, you’re in trouble.
    A police car rolls up in front of your house-with your son in it.
    A voice on the phone says your daughter is all right but won’t tell you where she is-and then hangs up.
    A wallet disappears from your dresser and you’re sure who took it-at least somewhat sure.

    How do we deal with the guilt, frustration, anger and inadequacy that inevitably grip us when our children are in trouble?

    John White offers comfort to parents of children with severe problems-alcoholism, homosexuality, even suicide. With practical suggestions, he helps parents deal with their feelings and decide what to do in tough situations.

    A book of comfort and counsel to parents in pain.

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  • Chris Chrisman Goes To College


    Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith-both intellectual and personal-almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men, two of them Christians and the other self-styled atheist forge a common bond in the quest for truth. In the process they confront some of the dominant ideologies of the secular university.

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  • Unaborted Socrates


    A rejuvenated Socrates appears in modern Athens and with three worthy opponents–a doctor, a philosopher, and a psychologist–investigates the arguments surrounding abortion. Logic joins humor as Socrates challenges the standard rhetoric and passion of the contemporary debate.

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  • Meaning Of The Millennium


    Prof Clouse has brought together four proponents of the four major millennial views:each view has had both a long history and a host of Christian adherents through the years. George Ladd presents historic premillennialism. Hoyt writes on dispenstional premillennialism.

    Boettner retired theologian discusses the postmillennial view. And finally Hoekema describes the amillennial position. After each essay the other three writers respond from their own perspective. This book is a debate among key Christian scholars on the meaning of the millennium.

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  • Reclaiming Friendship : Relating To Each Other In A Frenzied


    SKU (ISBN): 9780836136302ISBN10: 0836136306Ajith FernandoBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Understanding Your Muslim Neighbor


    11 Chapters

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    “The tree of fear grows in the land of ignorance.”
    -Muhammad Arif Zakaullah

    We often fear what we do not understand. And there is much about Islam that Western Christians do not understand. The resulting fear can breed mistrust and suspicion and create chasms between us.

    As disciples of Jesus, we believe we are called to be peacemakers. So how do we build bridges of compassion and respect to cross these chasms of belief and practice?

    Understanding Your Muslim Neighbor explores the rise of Islam as a major world religion, what Muslims believe, and how those beliefs are at times similar to Christianity and at other times different. Robert McCroskey also gives tips for showing hospitality to your Muslim neighbors, along with concrete examples of what to say-and what not to say-when in conversations of faith with your Muslim friends.

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  • Truth Is Stranger Than It Used To Be


    In this book the authors survey postmodern culture and philosophy, offering lucid explanations of such difficult theories as deconstruction. They are sympathetic to the postmodern critique, yet believe that a gospel stripped of its modernist trappings speaks a radical world of hope and transformation to our chaotic culture. This book is for those who wonder what postmodernism is and how biblical Christians might best respond.

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  • Millennial Maze


    In THE MILLENIAL MAZE, Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four positions held by evangelicals–postmillennialism, dispensational premillenialism, historic premillennialism and amillenialism. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each position, he seeks to cut a new path through the maze that reaffirms the valid insights of each and sounds a fresh note of hope in an age of shattered illusions.

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  • Gospel According To Peanuts


    1. The Church And The Arts
    2. “The Whole Trouble”: Original Sin
    3. The Wages Of Sin Is “Aaaughh!”
    4. Good Grief?
    5. The Hound Of Heaven
    6. Concluding Unscientific Postscript

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    In this unique, engaging book Robert Short examines the insights to be found in the comic strip “Peanuts” and makes an expanded comment on these wonderfully imaginative parables of our times.

    Highlighting his remarks with selected cartoons, Short looks at the antics of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, et al. from a Christian perspective, revealing a surprisingly prophetic meaning behind their otherwise hilarious activities.

    While these lovable cartoon characters have enjoyed an almost unparalleled popularity–becoming pop culture icons of the highest order and entering the global consciousness practically as family members–Short’s book also has found a place in the hearts of many readers, with sales now totaling more than ten million copies.

    Whether coming to the book for the first time or taking a second look, a delightful experience awaits in this modern-day guide to the Christian faith, fully illustrated with Peanuts.

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  • Blessed Are The Poor


    Laurie Green considers a number of key biblical texts as well as recent research on poverty in the UK and asks what the Church’s ministry among the poor would need to look like in order to be true to the gospel. The book ends with practical outcomes for pavement-level ministry.

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  • I Have A Dream


    SKU (ISBN): 9780062505521ISBN10: 0062505521King Martin Luther Jr.Binding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Spiritual Mentoring : A Guide For Seeking And Giving Direction


    As we seek God together we come to know him more deeply. Spiritual-mentoring relationships bring together a mature Christian and a younger Christian who desire to grow in Christ. In their friendship, each learns to follow Christ more closely. Spiritual mentoring is an age-old practice that Keith Anderson and Randy Reese introduce in a way that fits life today. Each chapter of their book draws on the work of a different classical spiritual writer. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and others offer timeless spritual insights from centuries past.

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  • Perfect 10 : Blessings Of Following Gods Commandments In A Postmodern World


    1. God’s Law In A Postmodern Society
    2. The First Commandment, Part 1
    3. The First Commandment, Part 2
    4. The Second Commandment
    5. The Third Commandment
    6. The Fourth Commandment
    7. The Fifth Commandment
    8. The Sixth Commandment
    9. The Seventh Commandment
    10. The Eighth Commandment
    11. The Ninth Commandment
    12. The Tenth Commandment
    13. Culture Shift

    256 Pages

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    1. God’s Law In A Postmodern Society
    2. The First Commandment, Part 1
    3. The First Commandment, Part 2
    4. The Second Commandment
    5. The Third Commandment
    6. The Fourth Commandment
    7. The Fifth Commandment
    8. The Sixth Commandment
    9. The Seventh Commandment
    10. The Eighth Commandment
    11. The Ninth Commandment
    12. The Tenth Commandment
    13. Culture Shift

    256 Pages

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  • Millennium Myth : Hope For A Postmodern World


    From a classical historian comes a reasoned analysis of the millennium. Wright argues that to celebrate the forthcoming millennium with integrity does not mean preparing for the world’s end; instead, we must challenge our prevailing cultural story and symbols. He contends that millennium hype is a mask for “postmodernity,” and constructs a practical response.

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  • How The News Makes Us Dumb


    IVP Print on Demand Title

    This eye-opening book is for everyone dissatisfied with the state of the news media, but especially for those who think the news actually does inform them about the real world. Read it, and you may never again know the tyranny of reading the daily newspaper or tuning in to the nightly news.

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  • Pastoral Care Of Gays Lesbians And Their Families


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. Fills a gap in the Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling series, addresses the needs of both gays and lesbians and their families, and involves congregations in the pastoral ministry to gays, lesbians, and their families.

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  • Liberating The Future


    In this volume, liberation theologians succinctly map the liberation terrain for the new century. Writing from a variety of standpoints (the African American community, feminist stuggles, and social locations in Europe, North America, and Latin America) these thinkers reflect on the vastly changed context of and challenges to liberation.

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  • Way Of The Modern World


    God has nothing to do with the real business of life. In the big picture, he’s irrelevant. This is what Professor Craig Gay calls “practical atheism”—The Way of the (Modern) World—and it’s corroding almost every aspect of our society. So how can a Christian survive in such a godless environment without losing faith? Gay presents a biblical strategy for standing firm, helping you to live a righteous life in the world but not of the world.

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  • Human Disability And The Service Of God


    Human Disability and the Service of God is an important contribution to the growing literature on religion and disabilities. In this volume major Christian scholars across the biblical, historical, theological, and pastoral fields bring their areas of expertise to bear on the challenge of a holistic ministry that will no longer marginalize persons with disabilities.

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  • With Liberty For All


    This book is an excellent guide to the church-state debate of today, and deepens that discussion by examining the root causes of disagreement about what freedom of religion means in America.

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  • Seeing Through The Median


    In my experience, I have found very few self-avowed Christian writers who interact with cultural studies theory using its terminology and concepts. Warren attempts this in his text and for the most part, I believe he succeeds. He leaps off from Stuart Hall’s notions about commodities, production, and hegemony to challenge religious people to consider how they interact with their culture. Although the title would suggest that Warren’s analysis is limited to media, he also deals with the related areas of image interpretation and advertising to move people to think about the hegemonic structures of culture in which they live.
    The only shortfall of the book was the chapter on metaphor. Although this is an important topic in and of itself, I didn’t think that it fit with the overall subject matter of Warren’s text.

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  • Soul Survivors : An African American Spirituality


    At the roots of African American Christian life is a powerful force of soul, a dynamic spirituality that provides joy and hope. Soul Survivors asks readers to widen and sharpen the lenses through which they discern black culture and to reaffirm the strong positive features of African American spirituality found in our culture.

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  • Woman Battering


    This is a comprehensive resource for pastoral care in response to the trauma of woman-battering. Theologically grounded and practically applied, Woman Battering is the perfect combination to equip pastors and pastoral counselors to minister with battered women and battering men.

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  • All Gods Children


    Racism is as contemporary a problem as the church burnings on the nightly television news, but it is not a new problem. A century ago, many people used the Bible to defend racist beliefs and practices. Now, Steven McKenzie insists that the Bible’s true message leads Christians away from the evils of racism and narrowness of bigotry to God’s vision of humanity, free from racial division.

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  • Discovering Images Of God


    In the middle of a predjudice society, the experiences of lesbians and gays who give and recieve care can provide powerful resources for all people to develop their images of God. Larry Graham has interviewed lesbians and gays across the country and has discovered a new sense of God at work through all people. These insights bring new images of God that are more true, more faithful, and more deeply connected to the joys and pains of everyone’s life.

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  • Religion Feminisim And The Family


    Despite the tension between some proponents of feminism and organized religion, particularly in regard to family life, little has been written to view religion, feminism, and the family simultaneously. Drawing on history, theology, and the social sciences, the contributors to this volume analyze the impact of feminism on the experience of family life in its religious dimension. Religion, Feminism, and the Family is designed to stimulate discussion on both the contemporary women’s movement and the future of the American family.

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  • Victims And Sinners


    More than one million Americans participate in nearly 50,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups in America. Addiction recovery groups such as A.A. often rely on religious themes in their work, offering a form of spirituality as a way to deal with life’s problems. Many recovery groups borrow selectively from theology because the full Christian doctrine of sin can be alienating for those in recovery. Linda Mercadante offers a theological critique of addiction recovery programs and proposes an alternate view of addiction that avoids both excessive blame and excessive victimization. This book is for pastoral counselors, clergy, laypersons, and recovery group members wanting to reassess addiction recovery from a theological perspective. It offers a wake-up call to the church to take seriously the need to establish recovery groups and to construct a language for better dialogue.

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  • Why America Needs Religion A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    What is wrong with America? It has often called itself a Christian nation, yet its social and moral problems are legion. The increasing rates of crime, juvenile delinquency, teenage pregnancy, sexual promiscuity, and divorce are frequently linked to the declining importance of religious belief. But is there more than a presumed link between the strength of personal religiousness and moral behavior? Yes, says Guenter Lewy, and the large quantity of empirical data in existence which establishes that link ought to move people – Christians and non-Christians alike – to sit up and take note.

    In this trenchant analysis of the moral decline of modern America, Lewy describes the moral crisis caused by secular modernity and points to the role of religiousness – especially Christian religiousness – as a necessary bulwark against today’s social ills. This work is all the more intriguing in that Lewy is an agnostic who has nonetheless concluded that a society that cuts itself off from the religious roots of its moral heritage is doomed to decline.

    Lewy traces the rise of secularism in Western society, focusing particularly on the cult of individualism, and describes the social consequences of the weakened role of religion. He demonstrates that the crisis of the family and the rise of the underclass in our inner cities are linked to the decline of traditional values and shows, on the basis of surveys and other empirical data, that genuine religiousness can ward off some of the corrosive effects of modernity. Lewy concludes by calling on Christians, adherents of other faiths, and true humanists to join forces in the struggle to reverse the current ethos of radical individualism that threatens the moral integrity of our society.

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  • Christianity And Civil Society


    In this book, well-known author Robert Wuthnow considers three aspects of the relationship between Christianity and civil society:
    *whether civil society is in jeopardy and what effects Christianity’s declining influence has on civil society
    *whether Christians can be civil in the face of conflicts that have arisen among religious groups in the public arena and the so-called culture wars that many in the media have been discussing
    *growing multiculturalism in the United States, how Christians are responding to this new diversity, and how Christianity can regain a critical voice for itself in these debates

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  • Casting Stones : Prostitution And Liberation In Asia And The United States


    A cross-cultural study of the global sex industry which brings fresh analysis and new approaches to this system of exploitation, along with a theological critique of doctrines of sin and karma.

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  • Driven By Hope


    In this book, James Dittes invites men to embrace and celebrate their spiritual – and decidedly masculine – way in the world.

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  • Deliver Us From Evil


    Comprehend and confront the devastation of societal evil. From a slave woman in 19th-century America to a female patient of Freud, Poling explores the history of resistance to racial and gender oppression. Identifying Jesus as a model for the marginalized, he calls for prophetic acts of solidarity toward healing and justice.

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  • 7 Deadly Lawsuits


    During the last two decades, American law has undergone some startling developments that will affect all church leaders and religious organizations, regardless of denomination. Reacting to events allegedly occurring in the church counseling office or board room, the American public is suing its religious leaders and organizations at an unprecedented rate.

    7 Deadly Lawsuits is about preventing lawsuits against clergy, religious professionals, churches, and religious organizations. The book, however, is not about “how to fight back.” Thomas Taylor leaves this to the lawyers, once the alleged damage is done. Instead, this book is about how clergy, religious professionals, and religious organizations can be educated about the kinds of lawsuits that are typically levied against them. Taylor then shows how to avoid such costly legal involvement. The final chapter discusses “responding to lawsuits.”

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  • Sense Of The Divine


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829811001ISBN10: 0829811001James GustafsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1996Publisher: Pilgrim Press/ United Church Press Print On Demand Product

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  • You Have Stept Out Of Your Place


    This book fills an important gap in American women’s history. The author manages to discuss four centuries of women’s experience in the United States clearly, inclusively, and with both a sensitivity to feminist issues and a faithfullness to women’s own experience that ensures this book will have a wide readership. This book spans a broad range of geographic, ethnic, racial and denominational range of American women’s religious experiences and contributions and attempts to preverse the intregrity and diversity of their voices. In the absense of strong counterevidence, the author has assumed that American women were basically telling the truth about who they were, what they did, and why they did it.

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  • Not My Own A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This timely, tough-minded work examines the implications of the church’s distinctive characteristics in relation to the most heated moral crisis of our age. Writing from an ecumenical perspective, the authors explore the traditional “marks” of the church – the Word and the sacraments – and ask what difference the church can and should make in the lives of human beings affected by abortion. No other book has approached the issue of abortion from this perspective; no other book offers such sound practical help.

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  • Welfare In America A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    Between 1992 and 1995, the Center for Public Justice, a Christian civic-education and public-policy think tank undertook an extended project named the Welfare Responsibility Inquiry. In May 1994, the project hosted a conference in Washington, DC, on “Public Justice and Welfare Reform.” The project involved, at its center, a group of scholars who met periodically to discuss the issues involved. Those scholars then wrote the papers which are collected in Welfare in America.

    “Welfare in America,” James Skillen writes, “argues that assistance to the needy does not, and should not, come primarily from government. Government, whether at federal or state levels, should help hold people accountable to their various institutional and personal responsibilities rather than fill in for every failure.” The range of topics addressed in Welfare in America is extensive. Though no reader will agree with everything here, those whose calling requires them to think through this issue with care will be wise to include Welfare in America in their list of books to be read.

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  • Childs Song


    This book is about reconciliation and the healing of the child self–“the mutilated soul”–that all adults carry within themselves. Using the biblical image of the Garden, the author draws from the same biblical tradition that has contributed to the physical and emotional abuse of children to envision and initiate the healing process.

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  • Vanishing Boundaries : The Religion Of Mainline Protestant Baby Boomers


    This in-depth survey provides a vivid overview of the religious world of the Baby Boomers. The authors worked with a national sample of persons confirmed in the Presbyterian Church, examining the religious faith of the Baby Boomers and exploring the reasons they gave for leaving or staying in the church. The authors identify eight types of young adults-half of them churched and the other half unchurched. Their findings provide some unexpected results.

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  • Using Gods Resources Wisely


    New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the environmental crisis and how it relates to social relations, especially in urban settings. Walter Brueggemann explores readings from Isaiah and how they relate to the environment and urban crisis. He approaches the readings as an artistic-theological history of the city of Jerusalem–a case study of urban environmental crisis that resulted from a lost sense of covenantal neighborliness. Reflecting on Jerusalem, its failure, demise, and prospect, Brueggemann uncovers some alarming parallels in today’s urban cities, and offers a demanding but hopeful challenge to faith.

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  • Beyond Charity : Reformation Initiatives For The Poor


    The common stereotype is that the Reformers separate public and private morality and were indifferent to the ethical import of social structures and institutions. Beyond Charity calls this understanding into question by providing an analysis of the historical situation and translationof primary documents. The medieval point of view, formed by piety of achievement, idealized poverty — either as voluntary renunciation or as almsgiving. In either case the material effects on actual poverty were slight, and the religious endorsement of poverty precluded urban efforts to address this growing problem. The Reformers impelledby their theology, developed and passed new legislative structures for addressing social welfare needs. The key to their undertakings was the conviction that social ethics is the continuation of community worship. In the first half, this book sets forth the medieval context, details Luther’s critique of the profit economy of his day, and analyzes the actual social welfare programs that issued from his theology. The second half provides translations of selected legislative programs from the church orders of the Reformation.

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  • Culture Wars : The Struggle To Define America


    A riveting account of how Christian fundamentalists, Orthodox Jews, and conservative Catholics have joined forces in a battle against their progressive counterparts for control of American secular culture.

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  • Co-Dependence


    The explosive bestseller that revolutionized our understanding of the addictive process. With a new introduction addressing the backlash to the co-dependency movement.

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  • Womens Reality : An Emerging Female System


    Defines the Female System as an emerging reality–a system in which women are valued, first-class citizens. Now with a new foreword by Carol S. Pearson.

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  • Abuse Of Power


    Chapter Titles Are:
    1. Hearing The Silenced Voices
    2. Power And Abuse Of Power
    3. “Karen”: Survivor Of Sexual Violence
    4. Stories Of Recovering Perpetrators
    5. The Schreber Case: Methods Of Analysis
    6. The Search For Self
    7. The Search For Community
    8. The Search For God
    9. Ministry Practice And Practical Theology

    Additional Info
    Pastoral care instruction and observation from a therapist of survivors of sexual abuse.

    “The Abuse of Power is ‘must’ reading for clergy and denominational officials…. Weaving case stories with theory, Poling demonstrates that sexual abuse of children is not a private matter, but very much a matter for society and church–a question of structure and ideology, not just of individual character. He is not afraid to tackle the tough question: Does the image of God sacrificing Jesus on the cross contribute to abusive parent-child relationships?…If pastors and church officials read this book the church will change.” –Karen Lebacqz, Pacific School of Religion

    “For the exploitation of women and children to stop, men must be willing to break ranks with all forms of privilege that sanction male dominance. James Poling does so by deconstructing his own sense of male entitlement, by refusing to distance himself from perpetrators, by allowing survivors of sexual and domestic violence to speak with their own voices, by giving us profound words of hope, and by articulating a powerfully healing theology wrought through the depths of his own struggle with one of the worst evils in our society. His courageous and compassionate work reveals the love and hope that is born of solidarity across the boundaries of gender, sexual orientation, race, and economics….The psychological, political, spiritual, and theological power of this book is such that all educators, ministers, therapists, and Christians must read it.” –Rita Nakashima Brock, Hamline University

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  • Witness For Peace


    In this graphic, thought-provoking book, Ed Griffin-Nolan depicts the experiences of Witness for Peace (WFP), a group of Americans who bore witness to the war in Nicaragua–an event that resulted in the killing and wounding of many innocent Central American civilians. Griffin-Nolan explains how WFP participants spent weeks in the war zones in order to understand the impact of U.S. policy on simple people living, as one member of the group phrased it, “at the end of a gun barrel.” He describes how WFP participants labored to bring stories of war back to the United States, and how many of them lost their jobs and even their marriages in the process. He concludes by showing that the efforts of WFP saved lives and possibly prevented “another Vietnam” from developing in Central America.

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  • Social Ministry (Revised)


    This work challenges pastors, seminarians, and active members of the laity to rethink the social character of their ministry. Dieter Hessel calls on parish communities to “meet human need with good Samaritan love while acting for justice with prophetic boldness.” In this updated edition, Hessel assesses major new developments that have occurred in both church and society since the first publication of Social Ministry. He gives special attention to the uncertainty that churches face today in regard to their public role.

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  • Good News To The Poor


    This provocative volume illuminates a dimension of John Wesley’s theology that has received insufficient attention: his deep and abiding commitment to the poor. By focusing on the radical nature of Wesley’s “evangelical economics,” Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., provides an important corrective to the view that Wesley was concerned with the salvation of souls only, and not also with the social conditions of human beings.

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  • Addictive Organization


    Schaef and Fassel show how managers, workers, and organization members exhibit the classic symptoms of addiction: denying and avoiding problems, assuming that there is no other way of acting, and manipulating events to maintain the status quo.

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  • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


    Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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  • US Lifestyles And Mainline Churches


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250997ISBN10: 0664250998Tex SampleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Keep It Simple


    These daily meditations are for people in recovery who are either beginning a Twelve Step program or looking for renewal in the basic principles of recovery. Keep It Simple shows how prayer, meditation, and action can bring sobriety and peace to one’s life. Suggested daily activities help readers integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Keep It Simple presents the basics of recovery in terms that allow any reader the chance to enjoy the gifts of sobriety and serenity.

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  • Sermons On Suicide


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250713ISBN10: 0664250718Hardy ClemonsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Justice In The Unjust World


    Have we heard the cry for justice that rises from humanity suffering from varieties of injustice: economic, sexual, political, cultural, verbal? Or, what is more, have Christians on occasion, knowingly or unknowingly, acquiesced in – or even contributed to – injustice?

    By means of powerful and dramatic use of biblical images and models, Dr. Lebacqz sets before us the justice of God and God’s call for us to heed the cry of the suffering and to work for justice in an unjust world.

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  • Building A Christian Worldview 1


    Clearly sets forth the key elements of a biblical view of the world and life, and contrasts them with prominent notions of God, man, and truth throughout history.

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  • Christian Attitude Toward War


    Brings biblical and historical data to bear upon issues of war and peace, pacifism, military force, civil disobedience, and nuclear weapons.

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  • Theology For A Nuclear Age


    The possibility of a nuclear holocaust has brought humankind into a radically new, unprecedented, and unanticipated religious situation. Gordon D. Kaufman offers a cogent and original analysis of this predicament, outlining specific proposals for reconceiving the central concerns and symbols of Christian faith. He begins with an account of a visit to Peace Park in the rebuilt city of Hiroshima. Reflecting upon this experience, Kaufman foresees that further use of nuclear weapons will result not in rebuilding but in annihilation of the human enterprise.

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  • Best Things In Life


    Peter Kreeft’s Socrates probes the contemporary values of success, power and pleasure.

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  • Toward A Christian Political Ethics


    The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.

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  • Making Peace In The Global Village


    Well-known author Robert McAfee Brown’s compelling, hard-hitting book activates the Christian conscience in support of peacemaking. An excellent group study resource, Making Peace in the Global Village is for everyone serious about peacemaking in the world today.

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  • After Suicide


    This constructive guide offers much-needed information and clinically tested advice for those struggling to cope in the aftermath of a suicide. Written in clear, everyday language, it presents the facts and demonstrates how to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, bewilderment, and shame. It shows how to live as survivors of a suicide, how to explain the event to children, and how to reconcile the death with religious beliefs. Also included is an Anniversary Memorial Service that enables family members to recommit themselves to life. After Suicide presents positive steps that can help family and friends find strength together as they readjust and return to healthy, productive living.

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