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Sermones Selectos De C H Spurg – (Spanish)
$39.99Incluye ademas el correspondiente bosquejo para cada sermon. La brillantez de la oratoria de Spurgeon, su utilizacion magistral de ilustraciones y anecdotas dentro del contexto argumental, su profundidad teologica y su peculiar vigor a la hora de presentar el mensaje claro y simple del Evangelio constituyen no tan solo una valiosa herencia para los pastores y predicadores de nuestros dias, sino tambien un modelo homiletico incomparable para los estudiantes de seminarios.
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Sermones Selectos De C H Spurg – (Spanish)
$32.99La recopilacion y transcripcion impresa de los sermones del gran predicador C. H. Spurgeon ha ocupado siempre un lugar preferencial en la biblioteca de los pastores de habla inglesa a lo largo de las ultimas generaciones. Editorial CLIE los hace accesibles ahora tambien a los pastores de habla espaola. Este primer volumen de una extensa serie, que en un futuro incluira toda la obra de pulpito del justamente apodado Principe de los Predicadores, contiene mas de cien sermones completos, ordenados tematicamente (oracion, fe, perdon, arrepentimiento, familia, Iglesia, misiones, angeles, demonios, segunda venida, etc.), complementados con un Indice Escritural -de los versiculos claves a partir de los cuales se desarrollan los temas- y un Indice de Titulos, que sin duda facilitaran la busqueda de los sermones a cualquier predicador. Incluye, ademas, el correspondiente bosquejo para cada sermon. La brillantez de la oratoria de Spurgeon, su utilizacion magistral de ilustraciones y anecdotas dentro del contexto argumental, su profundidad teologica y su peculiar vigor a la hora de presentar el mensaje claro y simple del Evangelio constituyen no tan solo una valiosa herencia para los pastores y predicadores de nuestros dias, sino tambien un modelo homiletico incomparable para los estudiantes de seminarios.
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2000 Year Old Preacher Cycle B
$19.93“I am old and ready to die. To be truthful, I have been ready to die for years, but right now, I feel ready as I have never been before.”
This quote was taken from one of David Leininger’s sermons titled “Simeon: A Monologue,” in which he takes at one of the most well-known stories in the Bible, Jesus’ Visit to the Temple, and looks at it from a new perspective. Throughout The 2000 Year Old Preacher, he invites his audience to do the same, observing this holiday season from a new angle.
Consider the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her status as the favored one of God. In his sermon, “Mary’s Complaint,” Leininger references how the favored mother of Jesus does not complain during her complications as she carries the Son of God, but continues to praise His name and remain grateful for the privilege that she had been given.
Leininger uses a variety of topics to ask his congregation to view their lives from a new perspective, using sermons such as:
*Advent 3: Hark the Herald…What? (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
*Nativity of Our Lord: God Bless Santa! (Luke 2:1-20)
*Epiphany 5: Heroines of the Faith (Mark 1:29-39)So take a step back from viewing the forest and look at the trees, have a seat at the feet of God, and experience new worlds that Leininger paints with his words of wisdom throughout The 2000 Year Old Preacher.
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Gratitude On The Prairie Cycle B
$18.68“But faith in Christ calls us out of solitary pursuits. Faith in Christ calls us to proclaim Christ where the hurt is the worst, where despair is the deepest, where hope has never been born. We can’t sit under our telescope or at our desk and respond fully to Christ. We have to feel the brokenness around us. We have to be touched, even wounded by it” (page 15). Thomas Willadsen challenges his readers to look at Christ’s sacrifice for us in a new way, to feel the brokenness and challenges that Jesus suffered for us. The challenge of being a Christian is that it is not always easy to spread the good news of God’s love for us.
However, Willadsen points out that this call to spread Christianity has its rewards, even if we do not realize them at first. “You may discover that you have interests and abilities you didn’t realize. You will make new friends and deepen existing friendships. You will learn–I insist on that! –and you will be given opportunities to respond to Christ’s call, to Christ’s sacrifice” (21). No matter the place you are in your life or your destination, Willadsen encourages us as Christians to love others, and to be as Christ for everyone we interact with. Though this might not be easy, Jesus’ ministry wasn’t simple either. Become like Christ through your actions. Love like Christ through your words. Suffer like Christ when people reject you. But overall, remember that you are loved by Christ.
Sermon titles include:
*”It’s Lonely at the Top” (Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22, Psalm 124, Mark 9:38-50, Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29)
*”Seeing with the Eyes of Faith” (Psalm 34: 1-8, 19-22, Jeremiah 31:7-9, Psalm 126, Mark 10:46-52)
*”Steadfast Change” (1 Samuel 1:4-20, 2:1-10, Hebrews 10:11-25, Mark 13:1-8)
Fourteen sermons based on the Gospel lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary (Cycle B) for the second half of the season after Pentecost are included in this single volume. The reader will find these messages inspiring, thought-provoking and comforting. The content of this book will be useful for sermon preparation, study groups and for personal devotions.
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Funeral Sermons That Proclaim And Celebrate
$16.18“So today we gather to share our love and our stories with one another. We come to hear the voice of the Good Shepard reflected in the voice of family and friends. We cry together and we laugh together and we know that in both we are embraced in the arms of our loving God.”
Taken from one of George Reed’s many funeral sermons that make up Funeral Seermons that Proclaim and Celebrate, Reed teaches that the passing of a loved one should not be seen as the end of a life, but rather the beginning of a new chapter in which the deceased has been reborn with God in heaven. Throughout his book, he encourages his audience to remember their late relatives and friends through their memories, of all the good times spent together. He reminds us of how the deceased’s actions display God’s presence in the world. Their life, though beautiful like a rainbow, similarly cannot last forever, but the memories of that rainbow lives on in our memories long after its passing. “We will miss the physical presence of NAME but we know that the joy of this rainbow will continue in the presence of God for all eternity and that someday we will again enjoy the fullness of that blessing.”
No matter who your loved one is, or how you want them to be remembered, Reed has offered the guidelines on how to honor them perfectly, using sermons such as:
– “Comfort My People” (Isiah 40:1-8)
– “Many Rooms” (John 14:1-4, 18-19, 25-27)
– “God’s Fullness Within Us” (Ephesians 3:14-21)Throughout this time of grief and mourning, Reed encourages us to remember peaceful memories of our loved ones with whom we will be reunited in heaven.
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Collected Sermons Of Walter Brueggemann Volume 3
$44.00This collection features sixty sermons by Walter Brueggemann, preached mostly in the last five years. For his final public appearances, he preached at various churches and the Festival of Homiletics, including his last address there in 2018. Most of these are based on lectionary texts, with numerous sermons on Advent-Christmas and Lent-Easter texts. Preachers will find inspiration in the handful of sermons covering special occasions or themes, including confirmation, evangelism, and funerals.
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Collected Sermons Of David Bartlett
$46.00This collection of fifty-two sermons shows beloved New Testament scholar David Bartlett at his best. Bartlett, who died in 2017, spent his career teaching and mentoring preachers at The University of Chicago Divinity School, Yale Divinity School, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and Columbia Theological Seminary, as well as serving as a pastor in American Baptist churches. Thus, he has generations of friends and former students who knew him for his quick wit, passion for justice, and deep knowledge of the Bible.
Those traits show through in these sermons. As Nora Tisdale says in the foreword: “All of the sermons in this volume give witness to David’s passion for preaching that is solidly grounded in the biblical text. Most of them actually begin, as Karl Barth urged preachers to begin, with the biblical text. If they don’t begin there, they always get there fairly quickly. And David’s interpretations of texts often surprise the reader with their freshness and clarity.”
In addition to individual sermons, several multiweek sermon series, including a series on Who Is Jesus? and Great Words of the Faith, are included.
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Sermones Actuales Sobre Pedro – (Spanish)
$13.99El Apostol Pedro, mas conocido como el apostol sanguineo, fue el primero de los discipulos en hacer una confesion mesianica del Seor Jesucristo, cuando le dijo: Tu eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente (Mt. 16:16). En otras palabras, le expreso Tu eres el Mesias y eres Hijo del Dios que vive. Y Jesus lo tuvo que alabar: Bienaventurado eres, Simon hijo de Jonas, porque no te lo revelo carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que esta en los cielos (Mt. 16:17).
Pedro se parece a muchos de nosotros. En el nos vemos identificados en nuestras ligerezas, nuestras fallas, nuestras oportunidades; y sobre todo en el deseo de querer agradar a nuestro Seor Jesucristo. !Es todo un personaje en el colegio apostolico! Uno con el cual reimos y tambien lloramos.
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Sermones Actuales Sobre Pablo – (Spanish)
$16.99Despues de Jesucristo, el “autor y consumador de la fe”, Pablo de Tarso, es el desarrollador de la fe cristiana. Aun los criticos seculares ven a Saulo de Tarso como “El teologo del cristianismo”. Fue defensor de la inclusion de los gentiles a la fe cristiana, abogando a favor de estos para que fueran parte de la iglesia sin pasar por los rituales judios. De esa manera libro a los gentiles de judaizarse. Este libro presenta una serie de sermones expositivos-textuales que combinan la exegesis contextual, la exegesis historica y la exegesis linguistica, con la aplicacion practica y devocional.
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Gospel Sermons : On Faith The Holy Spirit And The Coming Kingdom
$24.00If you want to pick a theological fight with someone, enter into a discussion about eschatology. You’ll encounter a kaleidoscope of opinions and, more likely than not, outright disagreement. On one end of the spectrum there are the doomsday naysayers who, in warning us to get ready for the end, have determined in advance the very signs of Christ’s return. On the other end are those who idealize God’s future to such an extent that it has virtually no relevance for faith.
Enter Johann Christoph Blumhardt. Blumhardt cuts through both end-time speculation and eschatological indifference with a passionate plea to make room, here and now, for God’s coming kingdom. Blumhardt’s whole approach toward “last things” is so out of the ordinary that it fills one with an authentic exhilaration that defies the staid confines of conventional Christianity. These sermons articulate not just a theology of hope but are refreshing, compelling insights into the prophetic vision of the great outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh. With confidence and holy expectation, Blumhardt reminds us that we can experience now, and even hasten on, the presence of God’s future. We need only pray for it, watch for it, and live for it. It is at hand!
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Wedding Sermons And Marriage Ceremonies Volume 2
$21.18When a pragmatic planner like Rev. Derl Keefer and skilled homily writer like Dr. Randall Hartman collaborate, the effect is a resource that provides all the nuts and bolts of a wedding ceremony with the power and beauty of meaningful scripture woven throughout.
For ministers working with couples who desire a high degree of direction, Wedding Sermons and Marriage Ceremonies, Volume 2 is ideal as each ceremony includes top-to-bottom instructions, from processional music to the sermon, vows, prayer and recessional. It is also a treasure trove of ideas for couples who need a spark of inspiration to develop a unique ceremony of their own.
Each of the 12 ceremonies in this volume is centered on a unique theme based in scripture.
Titles include:
*God’s Law of Love (Ceremony 1)
*Establishing a Lifetime of Value (Ceremony 2)
*Prescription for a Successful Marriage (Ceremony 7)
*Marriage Is More Than a Dream – It Is Love (Ceremony 8)
*God: The Foundation of Marriage (Ceremony 9)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sermones Actuales Sobre La Mue – (Spanish)
$14.99Un libro de sermones para predicar de forma tematica, sobre la muerte y el luto en la Biblia. El proposito del libro es ayudar al predicador a tratar un tema delicado como es la muerte. Para los creyentes ha sido tema de ensayo. Desde el pulpito, el pastor nos recuerda que debemos estar preparados para ese dia, cuando la muerte sera una cita con la eternidad. Obra escrita con un lenguaje y estilo actual que nos ayuda a aprender, educarnos e inspirarnos con la Palabra de Dios.
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God Is : Meditations On The Mystery Of Life, The Purity Of Grace, The Bliss
$36.00Your God is too small-way too small! What if God is not a human-like personal being but the God Beyond God of the Christian mystical traditions? What if God is the ultimate reality beyond all beings, including beyond all divine beings, indeed beyond all Being? It’s a mind-bending idea. Speaking of God as a human-like personal being is much easier but people who care about the deepest mystical understandings of God within our traditions need to make the effort to speak about the God Beyond God, despite the difficulties. This book makes the attempt to speak of the God Beyond God in the language of the sermon, using metaphor and potent imagery tuned to the existential intensities of human life. The God Beyond God is closer to us than our jugular veins, vividly present in every moment of our lives. These sermons are practical and moving, and they also resonate with the most rigorous theological understandings of ultimate reality. Their deconstruction of our convenient fantasies about a divine being make these sermons emotionally intense and perhaps not suitable for beginners in the journey of faith. But veteran believers can breathe deeply in the air of these meditations, relaxing into the bliss of engaging ultimate reality without delusions, without deflections, and without controlling the object of our worship.
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God Is : Meditations On The Mystery Of Life, The Purity Of Grace, The Bliss
$16.00Your God is too small-way too small! What if God is not a human-like personal being but the God Beyond God of the Christian mystical traditions? What if God is the ultimate reality beyond all beings, including beyond all divine beings, indeed beyond all Being? It’s a mind-bending idea. Speaking of God as a human-like personal being is much easier but people who care about the deepest mystical understandings of God within our traditions need to make the effort to speak about the God Beyond God, despite the difficulties. This book makes the attempt to speak of the God Beyond God in the language of the sermon, using metaphor and potent imagery tuned to the existential intensities of human life. The God Beyond God is closer to us than our jugular veins, vividly present in every moment of our lives. These sermons are practical and moving, and they also resonate with the most rigorous theological understandings of ultimate reality. Their deconstruction of our convenient fantasies about a divine being make these sermons emotionally intense and perhaps not suitable for beginners in the journey of faith. But veteran believers can breathe deeply in the air of these meditations, relaxing into the bliss of engaging ultimate reality without delusions, without deflections, and without controlling the object of our worship.
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Luke Alive Volume 2
$19.93“Do you feel as though God favors you? That He is on your side? That He is always with you?”
These are the questions Robert Blair asks in the 13 sermons in Luke Alive, Volume 1e Alive, Volume 1. They cut straight to the Christian heart. They address our greatest fear: that we might not be good enough for God. That we might not enjoy his favor.
Blair does not stop short at dismissing our fears with a casual overview of grace. He addresses where they come from, a natural drive to earn favor, to work toward something we can never fully attain ourselves. The Gospel of Luke shows us what we can “earn” with our actions and what we can’t.
In the sinful woman who cries at Jesus’ feet and cleans them, we see the image of genuine gratitude for forgiveness. In the healing of the crippled woman, we discern that it’s always time to do good for other people.
Luke Alivee Alive guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.
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Luke Alive Volume 1
$19.93“Do you feel as though God favors you? That He is on your side? That He is always with you?”
These are the questions Robert Blair asks in the first of 13 sermons in Luke Alive, Volume 1. They cut straight to the Christian heart. They address our greatest fear: that we might not be good enough for God.That we might not enjoy his favor.
Blair does not stop short at dismissing our fears with a casual overview of grace. He addresses where they come from, a natural drive to earn favor, to work toward something we can never fully attain ourselves. The Gospel of Luke shows us what we can “earn” with our actions and what we can’t.
In Mary, the Mother of Jesus we have an image of what it means to be chosen, to be given the Lord’s favor. In Jesus’ proclamation of the year of the Lord’s favor at Nazareth we see that, favored as we may be, there is a kind of favor we can earn when we seize the opportunity. In the story of Jesus and his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath we learn that we do not earn favor by following rules.
That’s when it gets really exciting.
Luke Alive guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.
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Watch This Cycle C
$19.93It is often challenging to discuss with new believers – or even seasoned believers – the meatiest parts of Christian theology. You can’t exactly answer these questions in the course of an elevator ride.
“What is the Holy Spirit? How does it work?”
“What does it mean for God to be in three persons?”
“Are demons really in the world? What are Christians supposed to do about demon possession?”
Dave Zuchelli draws from the Gospels of Luke and John to give you tools to wrestle with these questions. Whether from the pulpit, in a small group or personal conversation, the sermons inWatch This!remind us to enter into discussion with humility. To sit with our guests at the last seat at the table.
The Lord will meet you there.
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Rebellious Faith Cycle C
$22.43“Go against the grain.”
This is what Mark Ellingsen wants your church to hear in A Rebellious Faith. It isn’t merely odd or contradictory in the eyes of the world to live a Christian life. It is offensive.
To go against the grain – by discounting our accomplishments, carrying no shame in the light of grace, considering no one outside of God’s love – is to sometimes make people who worship hard work, the quest for perfection and exceptionalism deeply uncomfortable.
And that is a very good thing.
Ellingsen begins with the irrevocable truth that the ashes we put on our living bodies at the beginning of the Lenten season represent the death we all deserve. From there, he leads your congregation through the brazenly offensive, un-American ideas presented in the New Testament.
Confession does not shame and isolate us, it liberates us. Bearing the cross of our sin is not a burden, but a blessing in the knowledge the Lord has paid the ultimate price for our sin. The Resurrection does not make anyone exceptional. It unites us all whether or not we are ready to enter Heaven together.
A Rebellious Faith reminds us thatthe war is already won, and we are to live as brave sinners whose Savior cannot be overcome.
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Preaching As Resistance
$19.9930 new sermons to empower your prophetic voice for solidarity and justice. As nationalism, patriarchy, and alt-right fear-mongering threaten our troubled nation, the pulpit has again become a subversive space of sacred resistance. In this provocative and powerful collection of sermons from diverse pastors across America, hear the brave and urgent voice of Christians calling for radical change rooted in love, solidarity, and justice. Preaching as Resistance resists, confronts, and troubles the dangerous structures of authoritarianism and oppression crashing in from all sides – and proclaims the transformation, possibility, and hope stirring in the gospel of Christ. From big-steeple churches in big cities to rural congregations in red states, preaching as resistance is practiced in a wide variety of social contexts and preaching styles, inspiring and equipping listeners to respond to the call of justice. Ideal for pastors and church leaders, Preaching as Resistance also provides the opportunity to experience hopeful, welcoming Christian voices rooted in the gospel values of love, solidarity, and justice. In these challenging times when Christianity is so often misrepresented, misunderstood, and misused for unjust agendas, take heart and find your own voice in this collection of resistance sermons from everyday pastors across the country. Contributors: Emily Bowen-Marler, Amy Butler, Jeff Chu, Aric Clark, Wil Gafney, Sarah Tron Garriott, Richard Gehring, Molly Housh Gordon, Cassandra Gould, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Anna Holloway, Jesse Jackson, Sandhya Jha, Jin S. Kim, Kenji Kuramitsu, Jose F. Morales, Gary Peluso-Verdend, Alton B. Pollard III, Micki Pulleyking, Susan Russell, Leah D. Schade, Darryl Schafer, Austin Shelley, David Swinton, Laura Jean Truman, Richard Voelz, Alexis James Waggoner, Lori Walke, Michael W. Waters, Erin Wathen, Layton E. Williams, Brian Zahnd
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Last Days Cycle C
$19.93Do you serve people who feel like underdogs?
The story of Jesus’ last days on Earth, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, provide some of the New Testament’s most powerful inspiration for the “underdogs” among us.
Richard A. Hasler draws from a deep well of modern-era stories to illustrate Jesus’ words of comfort and hope to people who seemed foolish, destined to lose in life.
Learn how Albert Schweitzer “wasted” his gifts to become a missionary to equatorial Africa; how Feodor Dostoevsky depended on the grace of God to create beautiful work out of a broken life; how one young believer ministered to a woman living with a family of Satanists in an unlikely place; and more.
These 12 sermons included in The Last Days reminds us we have the strength to serve, persevere and trust in Jesus Christ, even when doing so looks foolish, because we follow the king of underdogs … until the last days and forevermore.
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Meeting God At The Mall Cycle C
$19.93Americans are mired in idolatry. This is perhaps at no time more evident than during the Christmas season.
What idols do we worship? We often point out the consumerism that eclipses the meaning of the holiday, but as Mary Austin points out, there are others that might escape our notice. Perfectionism, that belief that if we can host the perfect holiday party or keep a perfect house, for example;thesefalse gods, we often believe will offer us wholeness. Busy-ness, too, can give us a false sense of worth.
These sermons use the words and actions of Paul to call out these false gods, to reveal our idolatry and its cause: our longing for the true source of peace. Once we have determined the cause of our love/hate relationship with the Christmas season, we can begin to pursue the counter-cultural cure.
Meeting God at the Mallting God at the Mall shows us there is no obstacle too great to prevent us from finding our way back to the peace we can find only in our loving Savior.
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Focus On Jesus Cycle C
$21.18Every time Rev. Derl G. Keefer preaches a Christmas sermon, he asks himself the same question. Why did Jesus come to earth?
It’s the question that Jesus’ earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, must have asked themselves over and over. They struggled to understand why, when he was 12 years old, he would leave their care to join the scholars of the temple.
His answer served to refocus his own parents on who he really was.”Did you not know,” he asked them, “that I must be about my Father’s business?”
The 15 sermons contained in Focus on Jesus will provide four answers to the question of why he came by revealing the nature of the Father’s business as described in the Gospel of Luke:
*Jesus came to be the fulfillment of prophecy.
*Jesus came to be our Messiah.
*Jesus came to be our Savior.
*Jesus came to be the human face of God.This Advent season, utilize Keefer’s clear, simple teaching style in Focus on Jesus to help those seeking Jesus understand who he is, and to reignite the passion that first brought members of your congregation into his arms.
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Shouting Joy To The Storm Cycle C
$19.93How are we to respond when the violent storm of change rolls into our lives?
Should we hide from the storm? Hide in the status quo?
As this volume of sermons reminds us, that is not the way of the Christ.Followers of Jesus are called to believe that our greatest treasure ought not be found in the comfort of worldly life as we make it. The Lord calls us instead to step outside and face the coming storm, as he did.
When we do, we face all manner of fears in a world that does not like its order challenged. Mockery when we follow God; poverty when we stop worshipping money; grief when we are vulnerable enough to love the oppressed.
Shouting Joy to the Storm reminds us that, just as the Father partnered with the Son to bring him through the storm of Calvary, so he will bring us through our storms. We are not in this for a mere lifetime. We are in it for the long haul.
“They shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beasts of the land devour them. They shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid (Ezekiel 34:28, ESV).”
Sermons include:
*Long View – The Long Haul(Luke 13:31-35)
*What Is Truth? (John 18:1-19, 42)
*Death Shall Be No More (John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Concerning Sin Righteousness And Judgment
$15.29Part 1 Concerning Sin…
Chapter 1 Salvation
The Creator God And Man
The Wall Of Sin Between God And Man
The True Meaning Of Salvation
The Method Of Salvation
The Providence Of Salvation Through Jesus ChristChapter 2 The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit
Who Is The Father God?
Father God – The Supreme Director Of Human Cultivation
Who Is The Son, Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ The Savior
Who Is The Holy Spirit, The Helper?
The Work Of The Holy Spirit, The Helper
God The Trinity Fulfills The Providence Of SalvationChapter 3 Works Of The Flesh
Things Of The Flesh And Works Of The Flesh
Works Of The Flesh That Keep Man From Inheriting The Kingdom Of God
Evident Works Of The FleshChapter 4 “Therefore Bear Fruit In Keeping With Repentance”
Bear Fruit In Keeping With Repentance
Do Not Suppose Abraham Is Your Father
“Every Tree That Does Not Bear Good Fruit Is Cut Down And Thrown Into The Fire”
The Fruit In Keeping With Repentance
People Who Bore The Fruits In Keeping With RepentanceChapter 5 “Abhor What Is Evil; Cling To What Is Good.”
How Evil Is Displayed As Sin
To Cast Out Evil And Become A Person Of Goodness
An Evil And Adulterous Generation That Craves A Sign
The Forms Of Evil We Should AbhorGlossary 1
Part 2 Concerning Righteousness…
Chapter 6 Righteousness That Leads To Life
Righteousness In God’s Sight
The One Act Of Righteousness Which Saves All Of Mankind
The Beginning Of Righteousness Is Believing In God
The Righteousness Of Jesus Christ Which We Must Emulate
The Way Of Becoming A Righteous Person
The Blessings For The RighteousChapter 7 The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
To Become A Truly Righteous Person
Why Do We Need To Become Righteous?
The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
How To Possess Spiritual Faith
Ways To Live By FaithChapter 8 To The Obedience Of Christ
Fleshly Thoughts Which Are Hostile Toward God
“Self-Righteousness” – One Of The Prime Fleshly Thoughts
Apostle Paul Broke Down His Fleshly Thoughts
The Righteousness Which Comes From God
Saul Disobeyed God With Fleshly Thoughts
The Way To Fulfill God’s Righteousness Through FaithChapter 9 He Whom The Lord Commends
He Whom The Lord Commends
To Be Approved By God
Nail Your Passions And Desires On The Cross
The Patriarchs Who Were Righteous Before GodChapter 10 Blessing
Abraham, The Father Of Faith
God Considers Faith As Righteousness And Gives His Blessings
God Makes QualityAdditional Info
Today, there are many people who go on with their lives not even knowing what sin is, what righteousness is, and what judgment is all about. Even those who go to church don’t have assurance of salvation, and they live secular lives–just like everyone else in the world. Furthermore, they do not lead Christian lives that are righteous according to God, but righteous according to what they think is righteous. So Concerning Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment is the first book of the Holiness and Power sermon series which deals with how we can lead a successful Christian life by receiving forgiveness for our sins and by accomplishing the righteousness of God in our lives.To confirm this teaching with evidence of His power, in the first session of the first day of our revival in 1993, God promised the blessing of conception for dozens of couples who were married for 5-6 years, and even as long as10 years without conceiving a child. By the end of the revival, almost all of these couples conceived and began raising families.
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Footsteps Of The Lord 2
$17.50Author’s Note: Following In His Footsteps…
ForewordChapter 11 Jesus Saves Lazarus
1. The Death Of Lazarus (11:1-16)
2. Lazarus Walks Out Of The Tomb (11:17-44)
3. The Conspiracy To Kill Jesus (11:45-57)Chapter 12 The Victorious Entry Into Jerusalem
1. Mary Prepares For Jesus’ Burial (12:1-11)
2. The Entrance Into Jerusalem (12:12-36)
3. The Teaching Of The Messiah (12:37-50)Chapter 13 The Last Passover Supper
1. Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet (13:1-20)
2. “One Of You Will Betray Me” (13:21-30)
3. “A New Commandment I Give To You” (13:31-38)Chapter 14 Jesus, The Way, The Truth, And The Life
1. Jesus Comforts The Disciples (14:1-15)
2. Promise Of The Helper, The Holy Spirit (14:16-31)Chapter 15 Jesus Is The True Vine
1. The Parable Of The Vine And The Branches (15:1-17)
2. The Disciples And The World (15:18-27)Chapter 16 The Helper, Holy Spirit
1. The Coming And Ministry Of The Holy Spirit (16:1-15)
2. The Prophecy Of Jesus’ Death And Resurrection (16:16-24)
3. Jesus, Who Had Victory Over The World (16:25-33)Chapter 17 Jesus’ Intercessory Prayer
1. A Prayer For Taking Up The Cross (17:1-5)
2. A Prayer For The Disciples (17:6-19)
3. A Prayer For The Believers (17:20-26)Chapter 18 Jesus, Who Suffered
1. Judas Iscariot, The One Who Betrayed Jesus (18:1-14)
2. Jesus Stands Before The High Priests (18:15-27)
3. Jesus Stands Before Pilate (18:28-40)Chapter 19 Jesus On The Cross
1. Pilate Authorizes The Death Sentence (19:1-16)
2. Jesus Is Nailed To The Cross (19:17-30)
3. Jesus Is Buried In The Tomb (19:31-42)Chapter 20 Jesus, Who Resurrected
1. The People Who Came To Visit The Empty Tomb (20:1-10)
2. The People Who Met The Risen Lord (20:11-23)
3. “Because You Have Seen Me, Have You Believed?” (20:24-31)Chapter 21 The Lord’s Love For His Disciples
1. The Lord Appears At The Sea Of Galilee (21:1-14)
2. Do You Love Me? (21:15-25)Epilogue: The Ascension And Another Helper
Additional Info
“After finishing the Passover meal and comforting the disciples and giving them several more lessons, Jesus began teaching about the work of the Holy Spirit. He told them that the Holy Spirit would come to convict and rebuke the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.”Footsteps of the Lord 2 is a book compiled from Dr. Jaerock Lee’s series “Lectures on the Gospel of John”(from John chapter 11 21). The Lord’s ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection are well explained in this book so that readers can be guided to the way of salvation, and receiving answers, love, and blessings.
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Footsteps Of The Lord 1
$17.50Author’s Note
ForewordChapter 1. The Son Of God Who Came To This World
1. Jesus, The Word That Became Flesh (1:1-18)
2. The Testimony Of John The Baptist (1:19-34)
3. The Followers Of Jesus (1:35-51)Chapter 2. Jesus Performs The First Sign
1. The Wedding Feast In Cana (2:1-12)
2. Stop Making My Father’s House A Place Of Business (2:13-25)Chapter 3. The Secret To Being Born Again
1. The Conversation With Nicodemus (3:1-21)
2. The One Who Descends From Heaven (3:22-36)Chapter 4. Jesus’ Method Of Evangelism
1. Jesus’ Conversation With The Samaritan Woman (4:1-26)
2. Jesus Teaches His Disciples (4:27-42)
3. The Second Sign In Cana (4:43-54)Chapter 5. The Sign At The Pool Of Bethesda
1. The Man Who Was Healed After 38 Years Of Sickness (5:1-15)
2. The Jews Who Persecuted Jesus (5:16-30)
3. Jesus’ Testimony For The Jews (5:31-47)Chapter 6. The Bread Of Life
1. The Sign Of The Two Fish And Five Loaves (6:1-15)
2. Jesus Who Walked On Water, And The Crowd Who Followed Him (6:16-40)
3. Eating The Flesh Of The Son Of Man And Drinking His Blood For Eternal Life (6:41-59)
4. The Disciples Who Left Jesus’ Side (6:60-71)Chapter 7. The Teaching At The Feast Of Tabernacles
1. Jesus Goes To Jerusalem In Secret (7:1-13)
2. Jesus Reveals Himself At The Temple (7:14-31)
3. The Jews Try To Capture Jesus (7:32-53)Chapter 8. The Truth Will Make You Free
1. Jesus Forgives The Woman Who Committed Adultery (8:1-11)
2. Jesus’ Message For The Jews (8:12-30)
3. The Freedom In The Truth (8:31-47)
4. The Jews Try To Stone Jesus (8:48-59)Chapter 9. Jesus Heals A Blind Man
1. Go, Wash In The Pool Of Siloam (9:1-12)
2. The Blind Man Who Was Healed And The Pharisees (9:13-34)
3. Being Spiritually Blind (9:35-41)Chapter 10. “I Am The Good Shepherd”
1. The Parable Of The Good Shepherd (10:1-21)
2. “I And The Father Are One” (10:22-42)Additional Info
“God, who existed in the form of the Word, made Himself into the Triune God for the cultivation of man, and as the Trinity, He began the work of creation.”Footsteps of the Lord 1 is a book compiled from Dr. Jaerock Lee’s series “Lectures on the Gospel of John”(from John chapter 1 10). This book vividly describes the Lord’s ministry. The secret of Jesus’ origin as well as the spiritual meaning embedded in Jesus’ birth, public ministry are well explained in this book so that readers can be guided to the way of salvation, and receiving answers, love, and blessings.
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Power Of God
$12.94Message 1. To Believe In God (Hebrews 11:3)
Message 2. To Believe In The Lord (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Message 3. A Vessel More Beautiful Than A Jewel (2 Timothy 2:20-21)
Message 4. The Light (1 John 1:5)
Message 5. The Power Of The Light (1 John 1:5)
Message 6. The Eyes Of The Blind Will Open (John 9:32-33)
Message 7. People Will Get Up, Leap, And Walk (Mark 2:3-12)
Message 8. People Will Rejoice, Dance, And Sing (Mark 7:31-37)
Message 9. The Unfailing Providence Of God (Deuteronomy 26:16-19)
Additional Info
“How can we accomplish the heart of God who is light, receive His power, and lead countless people to the way of salvation? First, we must not only avoid every kind of evil and accomplish sanctification, but also achieve the good of the heart and long for the uppermost good. Next, we must accomplish spiritual love.”The Power of God has attempted to introduce the process in which one meets God and receives His power, the different levels of power, the Most High Power of Creation that goes beyond the limit permissible for a creature human being, and the places at which His power is manifested.
The power of God the Creator descends upon an individual as much as he resembles God who is light.
Furthermore, when he becomes one in spirit with God, he can manifest the kind of power Jesus manifested. This is because in John 15:7, our Lord tells us, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Lamp : Messages Of Love Drawn From The River Of Light
$18.57Part 1. With The Light
Part 2. Clear Sky, Blue Sea
Part 3. The Gifts Given To Us
Part 4. The Lamp In Our Life
Part 5. The Best Designer
Part 6. Happiness And Sharing Love
Part 7. Hope For Heaven
Additional Info
“Just like lamps that shed light on the streets in the dark of night, the Word of God sheds light that tell us what to do in this complicated world and guides us to the right way.”Lamp is a compilation of Dr. Jaerock Lee’s column series that had appeared on Korea’s major daily newspapers including The Chosun Ilbo, The Joong-Ang Daily, The Dong-A Ilbo, and The Hankook Ilbo. This book composed from a column series provides the reader with 7 “points of fulfillment’ necessary to receive God’s answers and blessings. These include but are certainly not limited to: love of God; mysteries of God’s creation; solutions to various problems in human life; guidelines to reach eternal life; life of spreading the fragrance and light of the Christ; ways to receive wisdom from above; and hope for the kingdom of heaven.
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Living Pulpit
$34.99Fifty years of preaching excellence in one volume.
The Living Pulpit collects sermons from representative preachers in the Stone-Campbell Movement–pastors affiliated with the Churches of Christ, the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)–over the past 50 years. The fourth volume in a series that began in 1868, this collection of sermons from 40 ministers, reviewed by a diverse team of scholars, captures the theological themes and changing approaches to preaching across the Movement’s three streams. Emerging from an era of mutual suspicion, the three streams have developed a better understanding, shared mutuality and respect for each stream’s unique qualities, and cooperated in many venues, qualities reflected in this collection. The Living Pulpit 2018 helps preachers and scholars recognize where preaching has been–and why it has been there–in each stream, and where preaching appears to be going in a new mission field for Christianity and the Unity Movement.
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Worship In Spirit And Truth
$12.94Chapter 1 Spiritual Worship That God Accepts
Chapter 2 Old Testament Offerings As Recorded In Leviticus
Chapter 3 The Burnt Offering
Chapter 4 The Grain Offering
Chapter 5 The Peace Offering
Chapter 6 The Sin Offering
Chapter 7 The Guilt Offering
Chapter 8 Present Your Body A Living And Holy Sacrifice
Additional Info
God tells us, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:45; 1 Peter 1:16), and desires each of us to wholly understand the laws on offerings recorded in Leviticus and lead a sacred life. I hope you will come to understand every aspect of offering in Old Testament times and worship in New Testament times. I also hope that you will examine the manner in which you worship, and come to worship God in a way that is pleasing to Him.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Against Such Things There Is No Law
$14.11Chapter 1. To Bear The Fruit Of The Spirit
Chapter 2. Love
Chapter 3. Joy
Chapter 4. Peace
Chapter 5. Patience
Chapter 6. Kindness
Chapter 7. Goodness
Chapter 8. Faithfulness
Chapter 9. Gentleness
Chapter 10. Self-control
Chapter 11. Against Such Things There Is No LawAdditional Info
This work Against Such Things There Is No Law lets you easily understand the spiritual meanings of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) along with specific examples.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The nine fruits of the Holy Spirit are like a signpost in our journey of faith and a standard to check the extent to which we have cultivated the heart of God. Our inner being will be renewed and we will enjoy true freedom in the truth as we bear each of the fruit of the Spirit.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Speak Forth With The Original Voice
$11.00Chapter 1 Origin
Chapter 2 Heavens
Chapter 3 Triune GodExamples Of The Bible I Events That Took Place When The Gate Of The Second Heaven Opened In The First Heaven
Chapter 4 Justice
Chapter 5 Obedience
Chapter 6 FaithExamples Of The Bible II The Third Heaven And The Space Of The Third Dimension
Chapter 7 Who Do You Say I Am?
Chapter 8 What Do You Want Me To Do For You?
Chapter 9 It Shall Be Done For You As You Have BelievedExamples Of The Bible III The Power Of God, Who Possesses The Fourth Heaven
Additional Info
This work Speak Forth with the Original Voice is the last book of the series ‘Holiness and Power’. It shows you the way to experience the power of God through the original voice. There are also introduction of the actual works of God’s power so the readers can apply the principle in their everyday lives. There are also ‘Examples of the Bible’ which will help the readers understand the spiritual realm and the principles in receiving the answers.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Love : Fulfillment Of The Law
$14.11Part 1 Significance Of Love
Chapter 1 Significance Of Love
Chapter 2 Fleshly LovePart 2 Love As In The Love Chapter
Chapter 1 The Kind Of Love That God Desires
Chapter 2 Characteristics Of Love
Chapter 3 Perfect LovePart 3 Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law
Chapter 1 The Love Of God
Chapter 2 The Love Of The ChristAdditional Info
“Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10)This work Love: Fulfillment of the Law will be teaching us about the spiritual love.
In Part 1 “Significance of Love,” it looks into various forms of love that are found between husband and wife, parents and children, and among friends and neighbors, thereby giving us an idea of the difference between fleshly love and spiritual love. Part 2 “Love as in the Love Chapter,” categorizes 1 Corinthians 13 into three parts. The first part, ‘The Kind of Love that God Desires’ (1 Corinthians 13:1-3), is the introduction to the chapter that puts an emphasis on importance of spiritual love. The second part, ‘Characteristics of Love’ (1 Corinthians 13:4-7), is the main part of Love Chapter, and it tells us the 15 characteristics of spiritual love. The third part, ‘Perfect Love’, is the conclusion of the Love Chapter, which lets us know that faith and hope are needed temporarily while we are marching towards the kingdom of heaven during our lives on this earth, while love lasts eternally even in the kingdom of heaven.
Part 3, ‘Love is Fulfillment of the Law’, explains what it is to fulfill the Law with love.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sermones Actuales Sobre Animal – (Spanish)
$21.99Un libro actual de sermones para predicar de forma tematica sobre los animales en la Biblia con un lenguaje y estilo contemporaneo. Su proposito es brindar una base a partir de la cual el predicador pueda modificar, intercalar y adecuar a cada comunidad eclesial el mensaje o sermon que se quiere comunicar. Esta dividido tematicamente en los siguiente sgrupos:
* Primera parte: Los animales
* Segunda parte: Los peces
* Tercera parte: Las aves
* Cuarta parte: Los insectos
* Quinta parte: Los anfibios y reptiles
* Sexta parte: Bestias del apocalipsisEste libro busca ayudar al predicador en su ministerio de compartir el Evangelio, en la era actual de la globalizacion y postmodernidad. El proposito no es de dar un sermon o mensaje cerrado o listo para el predicador, sino mas bien el poder dar una base a partir de la cual poder modificar, intercalar y adecuar a cada comunidad eclesial el mensaje o sermon que se quiere comunicar.
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Jeremiah-Lamentations NIV Preacher Edition
$39.99What if you could study Jeremiah & Lamentations with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God’s Word. This is much more than a commentary – it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource. Inside each volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, you’ll find: A verse-by-verse outline alongside each passage of Scripture that draws out key concepts. In-depth commentary synthesized from hundreds of trusted sources, including Matthew Henry, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon…and many more. Thoughts designed to provide practical application of Scripture for your congregation. Deeper studies that expand on original Greek sources, provide historical background, and explain key points. An Outline & Subject Index designed for topical study – perfect for quickly creating messages on a particular theme. There’s a volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible series for nearly any sermon you can imagine. Explore the full series on our website at
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Like A Phoenix Cycle B
$21.18The season after Pentecost has had several different names over the years. It has been called “Ordinary Time,” which meant that the Sundays were numbered, not that they were common or mundane. It has been called “Kingdomtide” as the celebration of the imminent nature of God’s Kingdom breaking forth in the world as both present and future reality. And it has sometimes just been called “The Time after Pentecost.” Whatever we choose to call it, it is often felt as a slow-down, or a sag in the enthusiasm and energy of the church. Rarely does anything new begin in the summer. It’s a time of waiting for vacations to end and school to begin again so we can get back to the business of doing ministry. The sermons in Like A Phoenix offer the goal of bringing new vigor and vitality into the life of the church even in the hot months of the year when everything and everyone is calling us to slow down and take it easy.
Since the season after Pentecost is drawn out it may be more difficult to come up with sermon ideas. This book will help ease the burden. A busy pastor will have more time to focus things other than sermon preparation, especially during the summer, with vacation time in full-swing.This book may be used for:
Sermon preparation
Independent or group study
Inspirational readingSome Sermon Titles Include:
Together in One Place (Acts 2:1-21)
Meeting Jesus (John 3:1-17)
Meet the Rose Family (Mark 3:20-35)
Little Start, Big Finish (Mark 4:26-34)
A Non-anxious Presence (Mark 4:35-41)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Hearers To Kneelers To Chosen Cycle B
$16.18CSS author, Ron Love’s Hearers to Kneelers to Chosen: The Transformed Life provides Second Lesson sermons for Cycle B for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. These sermons are filled with spiritual guidance and will help you serve your own congregation with fresh ideas.
Some sermon titles include:
“Cathedra” (1 Corinthians 1:3–9)
Wavering Notes by an Uncertain Trumpet (1 Corinthians 1:3–9)
Standing in the Forecastle (1 Thessalonians 5:16–24)
Soli Deo Gloria (Romans 16:25–27)
Abba! Father! (Galatians 4:4–7)
Our Magic Mirror (1 Corinthians 6:12–20)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Saints Alive : Claiming The Saints For Protestant Preaching
$16.18Over 20,000 visit the unincorporated farming community of Maria Stein, Ohio every year to visit the National Shrine of the Holy Relics, which displays around a thousand relics of Roman Catholic saints. Rev. Dr. Alex A. Gondola, Jr. would often visit this peaceful setting and, as he watched devotees come to honor these figures and pray, he realized he didn’t quite “get it.” Could there be spiritual enrichment for him, a Protestant, in a place like this?
Discover the answer for yourself in Saints Alive: Claiming the Saints for Protestant Teaching, sermons from a year Rev. Gondola devoted to preaching on one saint per month. He offers this volume as a companion for pastors and group leaders prepared to take a deep dive into matters of faith, calling and the hope Christ offers the world through his humblest of servants, from St. Augustine to Mother Teresa.
Seasonal sermons include:
St. Patrick: “Christ in All Things” for Lent
Nicholas of Myra: “An Advent Saint” for Advent
You and I: “Called to Be Saints” for Year End/New Year’s DayAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Mark His Word Cycle B
$19.93Jesus told his apostles to “count the cost” of following him. For the twelve, it meant leaving their jobs, their homes and families. It meant literally taking up a new life and leaving the old one behind.
What is the cost of following Jesus today?
Frank Ramirez challenges the modern Church as he explores that question in Mark His Word: Cycle B Sermons for Proper 16 through Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts. Using analogies from the space race to a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov to the diary of a Civil War-era abolitionist preacher, Ramirez paints a variety of pictures of what it looks like to act in allegiance to the cause of Christ, to answer the call of the Holy Spirit no matter the consequences.
The pastor who utilizes Mark His Word will see a church reinvigorated in time for Advent, prepared to step forth courageously into the world to live and speak truth to a world dying to know it.
Lessons Include:
“No Turning Back” (John 6:56-69)
“For Us or Against Us?” (Mark 9:38-50)
“Give Thanks for What?” (Matthew 6:25-33)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Imagining The Gospels Cycle B
$17.43Imagining the Gospels: Cycle B Sermons for Lent and Easter Based on the Gospel Texts is the latest from Rev. Timothy W. Ayers. As a pastor who writes his messages while also writing novels, children’s books, and short dramas, Rev. Ayers found himself working hard to visually create the picture of what was hap-pening in the gospel accounts. Why? These were people lis-tening to Jesus. They would have had emotions about the topics. They would have had little things they recognized when Jesus spoke about lambs, shepherds, and vines. Much like our congregants, there would be nods of recognition toward experiences in their lives. His goal was to get the listener to imagine themselves, with their feelings, and their rea-sons for being in church, to better use their cognitive skills, inside the stories.
At other times, Ayers sought to take them on a week by week journey through the Easter season. He didn’t assume they have a relationship with Christ. He didn’t assume they are vibrant, serving members of the congregation. He only assumed that the listener is seeking something they do not have. He was attempting to take them one step further on a journey from week to week.
At times Rev. Ayers brings humor to the scene in order to lighten the mood of the listener. The body relaxes when we laugh and that helps us to hear the message. Imagining the Gospels hopefully will achieve this.
This book will make life easier for any busy pastor during the Lent and Easter season, by providing a sermon for each and every Sunday, when attendance is likely to be at its highest.
This book has several intended uses:
Sermon ideas
Inspirational reading
Bible study with individuals or groupsSome Sermon Titles Include:
Beginning The Lenten Journey (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
Tearing The Sky To Get To You (Mark 1:9-15)
Did I Say That Out Loud? (Mark 8:31-38, Mark 9:2-9)
The Road To The Passover (John 2:13-22)
A Nod Of Recognition (John 3:14-21)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Redemption To Transformation The Journey Of Lent And Easter Cycle B
$17.43If the Lenten journey is traversed successfully, then we can fully enter into the celebratory time of Easter. Yet, even as we observe these events we must acknowledge that the challenges of the Christian life are ever present. We should never forget British writer G.K. Chesterton’s admonition in What’s Wrong with the World (1910), “The Christian life has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” The Easter season reminds us that despite the triumph of Christ there will always be challenges to our belief. We seemingly cannot believe unless we see; yet we know that faith often is beyond proof and, thus, beyond sight as well. We are also challenged to discover ways of transforming problematic situations and what appears to be defeat into triumph through the grace of God. Additionally, this great season of grace teaches us that we must continually evaluate what we do and keep our eyes fixed on Christ and his mission and message. Finally, as Jesus ascends to the Father, we come to realize that the Lord’s work in not complete and, therefore, each day presents us with the opportunity to do something to complete the master’s work.
The cycle B second lesson sermons of Reverend Richard Gribble’s Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter represent an understanding of the challenges presented us through this highly significant and very special journey. The church in its wisdom gives us this opportunity annually to review where we are and, after ascertaining our present position, the challenge to move to higher realms that are more consistent with our common Christian call to holiness. It is hoped that these reflections will be helpful to you as together we travel the path from Lent to Easter, and eventually to Christ and eternal life.
Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter provides a second lesson sermon for every Sunday of cycle B, which will provide the following advantages:To give busy pastors ideas for their sermon creation
To make the day-to-day life of being a pastor easier
To free up time for counseling, visitation, or just your own leisureSome Sermon Titles Include:
Suffering Leads to Victory (1 Peter 3:18-21)
Enduring the Trails of Faith (Romans 4:13-25)
The Cost of Discipleship (Philippians 2:5-11)
Sacrifice Leads to Life (Hebrews 10:16-25)
Rising to New Life (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Isaiah 2 NIV Preacher Edition
$39.99What if you could study Isaiah with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (NIV), you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God’s Word. This is much more than a commentary – it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource. Inside each volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, you’ll find: – A verse-by-verse outline alongside each passage of Scripture that draws out key concepts. – In-depth commentary synthesized from hundreds of trusted sources, including Matthew Henry, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon…and many more. – Thoughts designed to provide practical application of Scripture for your congregation. – Deeper studies that expand on original Greek sources, provide historical background, and explain key points. – An Outline & Subject Index designed for topical study – perfect for quickly creating messages on a particular theme. There’s a volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible series for nearly any sermon you can imagine. Explore the full series on our website at
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World According To Jesus Cycle B
$16.18Jesus is the embodiment of what God means for our world. The gospel writers who penned the first four books of the Christian scriptures have given us a variety of insights into who Jesus was and is, and why he matters for contemporary humankind. Every thoughtful person defines the world according to him- or her-self. This series of sermons aims to present ‘the world according to Jesus.’
It is hoped that clergy tasked with proclaiming the good news of Jesus, and who follow the three-year lectionary cycle of gospel texts, will find the cycle B gospel sermons of The World According to Jesus: Twelve Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany as useful starting points for creative preaching. This will easily lighten the load for any pastor on the go during the busy season of Advent, when the holidays are in full-swing.
Uses for this book:
Sermon ideas or sermon starters
Inspirational reading
Independent and group Bible studySome Sermon Titles Include:
Stay Awake! (Mark 13:24-37)
Don’t Get Stuck! (Mark 1:1-8)
Get Out of the Jungle! (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
Jesus Matters (Luke 1:26-38)
Don’t Miss This (Luke 2:1-14 (15-20))Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
So That You May Believe
$19.93The sermons in this book employ a variety of homiletic strategies and form. They are theologically sound, engaging, and instructive for exploring various sermon constructions and preaching approaches. Teachers of homiletics and biblical interpretation can use these sermons as examples of unique strategies for interpreting and teaching the gospel.
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Psalm 3 NIV Preacher Edition
$39.99What if you could study the Psalms with your favorite Bible scholars from across the ages? With The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, you can! This unique resource is designed to empower pastors and leaders to effectively preach and teach God’s Word. This is much more than a commentary — it takes the best scholarly works available and combines them in a single resource. Inside each volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible you’ll find: A verse by verse outline alongside each passage of Scripture that draws out key concepts. In depth commentary synthesized from hundreds of trusted sources, including Matthew Henry, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon…and many more. Thoughts designed to provide practical application of Scripture for your congregation. Deeper studies that expand on original Greek sources, provide historical background, and explain key points. An Outline & Subject Index designed for topical study — perfect for quickly creating messages on a particular theme. There’s a volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible series for nearly any sermon you can imagine. Explore the full series on our website at:
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Thatll Preach : 5 Simple Steps To Your Best Sermon Ever
$13.99Experienced preacher, teacher and author, Charley Reeb, gives readers a 5-step plan for writing and delivering a sermon that can transform lives for Christ. He covers preparation, sermon structure, storytelling, and how to ‘preach with presence’. He examines lectionary and topical preaching models, and shows the reader how to determine which model to use; he further instructs the reader to use the 5-step plan for each model. Finally, That’ll Preach! offers sermon outlines and full sermons, as examples to illustrate the book’s teaching. The entire book stems from the author’s view that sermons must be engaging in order to be effective. This laser focus results in a book that is powerful and immediately useful, concise and purposeful. It is a book for every preacher.
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Unique Time Of God
$41.00World War I changed Karl Barth’s theology forever. In this book William Klempa presents for the first time in English thirteen sermons that offer Barth’s unique view and commentary on the Great War. Barth saw the war as “a unique time of God,” believing it to represent God’s judgment on militarism. The sermons reveal a deep strain of theological wrestling with the war’s meaning, as Barth comes to see the conflict as the logical outcome of all human attempts to create God in our own image. As it demonstrates a decisive shift in Barth’s early theology, this volume is essential for anyone who wishes to understand the twentieth century’s greatest theologian.
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God At Work Cycle A
$16.18The lectionary Gospel readings for the first third of the season after Pentecost (Pentecost Sunday through Proper 12-Cycle A) launch us immediately into a series of teachings by Jesus, many in the form of a parable, about what it means to follow him in the Kingdom of God. Only three of the eight readings, for example, narrate distinct events in the ministry of Jesus. Given the heavy pedagogic emphasis in the other eight lections, it would be easy to treat discipleship as a thing or an object to be studied at a safe, intellectual distance. Nothing could be further from what author Kevin Mohr believes the Holy Spirit wants us to experience as we grapple with these readings. The parables and teachings of Jesus in Matthew, chapters seven through thirteen, illustrate what began at Pentecost: God is at work in the world through those who believe in Jesus Christ. Through these musings the reader might be able to catch enough of a glimpse of God at work to be caught up again into what God is doing in Christ Jesus through his church.
The sermons presented in God At Work are generally more topical or thematic than expository. All of them have been edited from their original context of sermons shared with the people of English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bluffton, Ohio. But the liveliness and spirit of these messages have not been lost in the editing.
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Preaching The Luminous Word
$37.99Insights from one of the most distinctive and eloquent scholar-preachers of our time Inviting serious theological engagement with texts from all parts of the Christian Bible, Preaching the Luminous Word offers fifty-one engaging sermons from noted preacher Ellen F. Davis. A brief preface sets each sermon in its geographic and liturgical context, highlights distinctive themes, and draws attention to elements of structure and rhetorical style. The sermons are arranged in canonical order and cover a wide scope of texts – Torah, Prophets, Writings (including Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Song of Songs, and Job), Gospels, Epistles, and Revelation. Also included in the volume are five choice essays by Davis that discuss various aspects of biblical preaching. At once accessible, theologically informed, and richly instructive, these sermons will engage Christian readers at any stage of their faith journey.
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Choosing To Be Grateful Cycle A
$16.18In this latest collection of Cycle A gospel sermons for Pentecost (last third), Albert Butzer shows that we Christians live our lives with one leg in the ancient and sacred world of the Bible and the other leg in our modern, scientific world. The job of the preacher is to make holy sense of the intersection of these two worlds. It is a great honor and a sacred responsibility to do this, as well as a weekly lesson in humility.
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Surprise Surprise Surprise Cycle A
$16.18But What Of Lazarus? (John 11:1-45)
For The Glow Of It (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
Friday (John 18:1-19:42)
Learning To Walk In The Dark And Remembering The Dark Is As Day To God (Matthew 26:14– 27:66)
Nicodemus Came By Night (John 3:1-17)Additional Info
Two voices, fourteen sermons…The lives of David and Marian Plant have been intertwined for 46 years, their mutual ministries, for even longer. Their voices were shaped by their ministry experiences that began together in shared, co-pastorate positions, and then matured into individual settled ministry positions and then again, moved into their own specialties of the last 20 years: Marian, in the teaching ministry and David in the interim and church revitalization ministry. Marian’s voice is one practiced well from a traditional setting of pulpit with written text in hand. David’s voice is one practiced in a relational style of informal conversation, often done without notes, and in back and forth dialogue with the gathered worshipers.
Their latest work, Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! provides fourteen cycle A gospel sermons for Lent/Easter. In these sermons you will see the mix of the lives of the Plants, committed to social justice, the important context of the role of the church as that which speaks for Christ, and the importance of the need for individuals to take up the challenge of living their faith more fully. There is no doubt that their mutual passions for addressing the ills befalling our culture and our world were foremost on their minds, and they could not but help influence one another’s work by virtue of their lives lived in the practice of ministry and marriage. They offer these words to you, as colleagues in ministry, even if only a sentence is valuable to you.
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Grace And Peace Cycle A
$22.43Easter may be the highest holy day in the life of the church but in American culture that honor goes to Christmas. Christians often find themselves trying to straddle the divide between Christmas as “Christ Mass” and Christmas as a family gathering and a retail extravaganza. In Grace and Peace, Dean Feldmeyer’s latest collection of sermons for Cycle A, the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are celebrated by acknowledging the secular, cultural parts of the season and, at the same time, they are first and foremost celebrations of God’s incarnation in the living Christ.
Sermon titles included
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! (Matthew 24:36-44)
Less Fear; More Fruit (Matthew 3:1-12)
Preparing the Way (Matthew 11:2-11)
The New Moses (Matthew 1:18-25)
Jesus Incognito (Matthew 25:31-46)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Beyond Fairness Cycle A
$16.18The stories of Jesus continue to challenge listeners toward new and better ways of living. The sermons of Beyond Fairness: The Stories Of Jesus express these stories, with joyful seriousness, in the hope they will encourage faithful discipleship. Preachers, teachers, and all who want to engage the stories of Jesus, will find these sermons to be bread for their journey beyond fairness toward grace for all.
Beyond Fairness includes sermons for Pentecost (middle third). These sermons could also be used by adult forums and small group Bible studies for helpful conversation.
Some sermon titles included in Beyond Fairness:
You Feed the Hungry (Matthew 14:13-21)
Stepping into Liminal Space (Matthew 14:22-33)
Who Are You Following (Matthew 16:21-28)
One Feisty Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
What Are We Protecting? (Matthew 21:33-46)
The Stop and Think Chair (Matthew: 18:15-20Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Feasting On The Word Childrens Sermons For Year A
$24.00Many pastors are confused about what to say during children’s time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children’s Sermons for Year A offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children’s sermon. After explaining the purpose of the children’s sermon, noted Christian educator Carol Wehrheim provides a story for each Sunday of the church year based on the Revised Common Lectionary. In addition, she provides a few stories for special moments in the church’s life, such as when a mission group is commissioned, church leaders are ordained, or a death occurs. This resource provides pastors and other church leaders with fresh, engaging stories that children will understand and enjoy.
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Psalm 3 KJV Preacher Edition
$39.99This eagerly anticipated volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) covers chapters 107-150 of the Psalms and is part three of a three-part series.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) is much more than a commentary – it’s a comprehensive resource for expository and topical preaching.
Each volume organizes key points of Scripture passages in a systematic outline form, along with content synthesized from 200+ Bible commentaries, language sources, and reference works.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) includes inspirational sermon points, practical life applications and dozens of supporting scriptures in every section.
This volume includes Psalms chapters 107-150 and contains Scripture printed in King James Version (KJV).
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So Great A Cloud Of Witnesses
$27.43Chapters Included In This Book:
The Supplanter: Jacob
My House Will Serve The Lord: Joshua
The Sword Of The Lord: Gideon
The Outsider: Ruth And Boaz
The Sweet Singer Of Israel: DavidAdditional Info
One of the insights of people of faith is that God is active in history as he seeks to bring creation into conformity with his purpose. There have been those in every age who have discovered something of God’s purpose and have attempted to pass it on. Sometimes, God’s activity has been reported in supernatural terms, but fully as often, the activity of God is revealed in the faithful actions of human beings. For that reason, the Old and New Testaments are filled with the experiences of individuals who have discovered God’s presence in their individual circumstances.David Rogne’s So Great A Cloud of Witnesses will give readers an appreciation for the people of faith who are presented, and humbly recognize the cost borne by so many to deliver the faith to us. They are a great cloud of witnesses. They have played their part in relaying the faith to subsequent generations, and they are now filling the stands in the heavenly arena, eager to see how we continue the race.
Witnesses have been chosen from varied backgrounds so that it may be seen that people from all walks of life are called to live faithfully and to witness to God’s truth. The entire known story of some of these individuals, such as Joseph, the husband of Mary, may be just a few verses of Scripture. Some, such as the Wiseman and the Emmaus disciple, are not even named. Nevertheless, their witness is important. Rogne attempts to give life to the testimony of these less-well-known witnesses by giving them names and employing a little imagination. In every case, the subjects tell their stories as they might have experienced them.
Chapters included in this book:
The Supplanter: Jacob
My House Will Serve the Lord: Joshua
The Sword of the Lord: Gideon
The Outsider: Ruth and Boaz
The Sweet Singer of Israel: DavidAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sermones Actuales Sobre Las Pa – (Spanish)
$17.99La obra contiene 43 sermones basados en las parabolas de Jesus, con el proposito de contribuir a la renovacion del predicador, pastor, o lider cristiano facilitando ideas actuales y sugerentes para crear nuevas predicaciones con una aplicacion actual a nuestros dias.
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Fresh From The Word
$31.99Fresh From the Word gathers together Rosalind Brown’s acclaimed reflections on the Sunday Lectionary readings which appeared in the Church Times every week for three years. Now expanded and arranged for use in any liturgical year, and with an additional section for saints’ days and festivals, this comprehensive preaching companion provides an inspiring resource for worship throughout the year.
Noted for their insightful, distilled wisdom and practical focus, these scripture reflections draw on the breadth of the Christian spiritual tradition to illuminate the Lectionary readings and open up their meaning for Christian living today, offering a trusted guide for all who share in the ministry of the word.
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Psalm 2 KJV Preacher Edition
$39.99This eagerly anticipated volume of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) covers chapters 42-106 of the Psalms and is part two of a three-part series.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) is much more than a commentary – it’s a comprehensive resource for expository and topical preaching.
Each volume organizes key points of Scripture passages in a systematic outline form, along with content synthesized from 200+ Bible commentaries, language sources, and reference works.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) includes inspirational sermon points, practical life applications and dozens of supporting scriptures in every section.
This volume includes Psalms chapters 42-106 and contains Scripture printed in King James Version (KJV).
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Psalm 2 NIV Preacher Edition
$39.99This volume is part two of a three-volume series. Psalms Vol. 3 (ch. 107-150) is currently in progress and will be available late 2016.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) is much more than a commentary – it’s a comprehensive resource for expository and topical preaching.
Each volume organizes key points of Scripture passages in a systematic outline form, along with content synthesized from 200+ Bible commentaries, language sources, and reference works.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible(R) includes inspirational sermon points, practical life applications and dozens of supporting scriptures in every section.
This volume includes Psalms chapters 42-106 and contains Scripture printed in New International Version (NIV).
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God With Skin On
$21.18In these nineteen Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany gospel sermons, pastors can find ways to help expose to their congregations the truth that can transform the world: living a life that serves as light and hope.
Rev. Andrews says “it is a privilege and joy to reveal a God with skin on — a fleshy word that gets up off the pages of the Bible and walks into our lives.”
God With Skin On for Cycle C by Susan Andrews will help any pastor looking
* fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
* preaching illustrations
* a clearer understanding of scripture passages
* adult study and discussion groups
* personal devotions and Bible study on each Sunday’s readings.Some of the sermon titles in this book are:
* The Future Present (Luke 1:39-45 [46-55])
* How Intelligent Is God’s Design? (Matthew 2:1-12)
* Holy Happiness (Luke 6:17-26)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Collected Sermons Of Walter Brueggemann 2
$44.00This collection presents over fifty powerful sermons from one of the most trusted preachers today, Walter Brueggemann. In it, Brueggemann continues his task of making the biblical text available to the church. He sees preaching as a performance of God’s good rule that, in an act of utterance and receptive listening, mediates the truthful, joyous reality of that rule. The sermons are organized according to the church year, starting with sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany and followed by sermons for Lent and Easter and then Pentecost and Ordinary Time. Sermons for other occasions, such as ordinations, weddings, and graduations, are also included, along with a Scripture index. Whether a pastor or a person in the pew, the reader will find inspiration, reflection, and wisdom in Brueggemann’s powerful words.
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Inhale Comfort Exhale Hope
$16.18Death rarely comes with simple answers, for its arrival is always a bold reminder that we live in an imperfect world. Yet there is hope found in the Savior, and in his promise we can be certain that the limitations of this world cannot shackle the power of God.
In the ten funeral homilies of Inhale Comfort, Exhale Hope! Mark Powell exposes the secrets of a broken world, reminding us that in the midst of the mess and the chaos, God’s presence delivers a redeeming hope. Powell doesn’t believe that the funeral homily should ever be an attempt to lecture or evangelize; rather, he asserts it’s a time to remind the brokenhearted to rely on solid scriptural truths found in the words of Jesus:
We will not be left orphaned. Death has no victory. We will be with the Lord forever.
The homilies in this volume will aid the pastor in preparation of funerals for:
* an unexpected death
* an elderly Christian
* the death of someone unknown to the pastor
* a suicide
* a child
and more.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Psalm 1 KJV Preacher
$39.99We have just released PSALMS – Volume 1 from our best-selling commentary of all time, The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. If you’ve been collecting the volumes in this breakthrough set, you know that the Psalms are the only remaining books to be released. This is the first of 3 volumes on the Psalms and it covers Psalms 1-41.
Wait until you see the beautiful outline and supporting study materials for the beloved 23rd Psalm. It’s no wonder The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is the world’s #1 sermon outline tool, with over 1 million copies in print. Only the POSB gives you detailed sermon outlines for every Bible passage with outlined sub-points, supporting Scripture, commentary and practical applications. It has become a favorite for not only preachers, but students and Bible teachers too.
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Psalm 1 NIV Preacher Edition
$39.99We have just released PSALMS – Volume 1 from our best-selling commentary of all time, The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. If you’ve been collecting the volumes in this breakthrough set, you know that the Psalms are the only remaining books to be released. This is the first of 3 volumes on the Psalms and it covers Psalms 1-41.
Wait until you see the beautiful outline and supporting study materials for the beloved 23rd Psalm. It’s no wonder The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is the world’s #1 sermon outline tool, with over 1 million copies in print. Only the POSB gives you detailed sermon outlines for every Bible passage with outlined sub-points, supporting Scripture, commentary and practical applications. It has become a favorite for not only preachers, but students and Bible teachers too.
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Food Foretelling Followers And Fulfillment Cycle B
$18.68The Sermon Titles Included In This Book Are:
Am I Eating Manna Or Bread From Heaven? (John 6:35, 41-51)
Who Do You Think He Is? (John 6:51-58)
Just Who Does This Guy Think He Is? (John 6:56-69)
Garbage In… Garbage Out Or You Are What You Eat (Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23)
Who Does Jesus Belong To Anyway? (Mark 7:24-37)
Six Days To Make A Decision For Christ (Mark 8:27-38)
Speaking Truth To Power And Hope To The Powerless (Mark 9:30-37)
Gouge-Your-Eye-Out Sunday (Mark 9:38-50)
And They Lived Happily Ever After… Or Did They? (Mark 10:2-16)Additional Info
Who is Jesus?
How do we care for the powerless?
Are we called to serve others?
Can we be redeemed from sin?Food, Foretelling, Followers, and Fulfillment: Jesus on His Way to Jerusalem revisits these daring ideas spoken by a man on his way to the cross. Jesus always challenged the presuppositions of those around him. He had come to transform the world in a way that no one had expected, and Jesus’ bold truths laid the foundations of the early church.
McCracken-Bennett sets out to answer those questions as he leads churches through the events of the middle of the season after Pentecost. The author exposes his conviction that a culture of discipleship can only be created through a careful understanding of Jesus’ character and mission. Through insightful dialogue, McCracken-Bennett considers the weight of Jesus’ words for anyone who claims to be a follower and challenges pastors and congregations to examine well-known scriptural truths in new and thought-provoking ways.
Whether one is looking for a sermon resource or simply pursuing a thoughtful reflection on scripture, Food, Foretelling, Followers, and Fulfillment: Jesus on His Way to Jerusalem expands our vision of Jesus by weaving a deep historical knowledge of scripture with present-day narratives and exposing the sustaining relevance of Jesus’ words in today’s culture.
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Ordinary Time With Jesus Cycle B
$18.68The Sermons Included In This Book Are:
Jesus’ No-Nonsense Guide To Being Rich (Mark 10:17-31)
Jesus’ No-Nonsense Guide To Success (Mark 10:35-45)
Jesus’ No-Nonsense Guide To Discipleship (Mark 10:46-52)
Free Indeed! (John 8:31-36)
The Lazarus Experience (John 11:32-44)
A Cross-Shaped Life (Mark 12:28-34)
Why Bother? (Mark 12:38-44)
No, We’re Not There Yet (Mark 13:1-8)
Jesus: The Original Superhero? (John 18:33-37)
No Reason To Worry (Matthew 6:25-33)Additional Info
Nothing about Jesus was ordinary.
He defied the expectations of religious leaders.
He embraced the castaways.
He surrendered to a crude wooden cross.It is extraordinary, then, that more than 2,000 years beyond his death and resurrection, his words continue to transform — even in the most mundane moments of our lives. Inevitably, discouragement finds its way to our hearts. We get caught up in the demands of life, and we often forget that we can find Jesus in our everyday moments of work, play, and home.
Yamasaki’s Ordinary Time with Jesus presents ten sermons for the season after Pentecost (last third) that beautifully weave the gospel scriptures with our daily experiences. She reminds us to surrender our ideas, our hopes, and our expectations to Jesus as she closes each sermon with a simple prayer, emphasizing total dependence upon Christ.
Pastors can rely upon each sermon found within the pages of Ordinary Time with Jesus to challenge both themselves and their congregations to live a “cross-shaped life,” one that reaches up to God and out to others. Whether looking for a sermon resource, a private devotional, or a small-group study, readers will be refreshed by Yamasaki’s commitment to scriptural authority as it intersects with her relevant understanding of today’s culture. Throughout each sermon, Yamasaki invites readers to journey with her, confidently proclaiming the magnificence of an extraordinary God living and breathing in ordinary times.
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Sermons For Special Days
$21.18David Rogne’s Sermons for Special Days presents a wonderful opportunity for pastors and congregations to connect faith to their everyday lives.
If all truth is God’s truth, then David Rogne has compiled a marvelous resource that reaffirms this fact. Rich with literary and historical reference, each sermon seeks to engage listeners as it recounts events and stories, beautifully weaving modern and applicable themes within scriptural truths. While Rogne has designed his sermons to be delivered on special days — New Year’s Day, Mission Sunday, and Father’s Day, to name a few — the power of each sermon extends well beyond those events as Rogne reminds us that in order to have a life well lived, we must constantly examine the life we are living. A life lived in submission to Christ requires an obedience to the Great Commission, carrying the salvation message into the darkest parts of our world with a clear understanding of God’s message and a deep respect for those who have gone before us.
The unique aspect of Rogne’s collection of sermons is that they are not confined to the pulpit, for each sermon can be used in a small group setting or in private devotionals. Rogne’s reliance upon history, literature, and scripture will enlighten any student of the word, and each sermon will encourage congregations to embrace a dig-deep approach toward God’s truth.
The titles included in this book are:
New Year’s Day — Taking Stock (Acts 24:24-27)
Mission Sunday — Reaching Out (Romans 10:1-15)
Heritage Sunday — Charles Wesley (Psalm 100)
Mother’s Day — Soul-Shaping (Ephesians 6:1-4; 2 Corinthians 4:6-10)
Bible Sunday — Does God Have a Word for You! (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
Memorial Sunday — Heroes (Hebrews 11:1–12:2)
Music / Choir Recognition Sunday — Say It with Music (Ephesians 5:17-20)
Father’s Day — Good Foundations (Ephesians 5:25–6:4)
Independence Day — God’s Country (1 Peter 2:9-16)
Labor Sunday — More than Making a Living (Ecclesiates 2:18-23; John 5:17)
Stewardship Sunday — Increasing the Joy (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)
World Communion Sunday — Communion by the Sea (John 6:5-15, 25-35)
Reformation Sunday — Great Scot! (Malachi 3:1-4)
Thanksgiving Sunday — When the Good Times Roll (Deuteronomy 8:11-18)
Christmas Eve — Are You Ready for Christmas? (Titus 2:11-15)
Christmas — The Child with Four Names (Isaiah 9:1-7)Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Preaching The Farewell Discourse
$29.99Through the lens of John the Apostle’s Farewell Discourse found in John 13:31 – 17:26, seminary professor L. Scott Kellum provides a step-by-step illustration of how to produce an expository sermon series in Preaching the Farewell Discourse.
Kellum begins with foundational tools that will aid the journey from text to exposition and then describes how to employ discourse analysis to a hortatory document (like the Farewell Discourse) or an expository document.The latter part of the book finds Kellum implementing the theory on the Farewell Discourse of John’s Gospel, examining the process in three sections: analyzing the text, interpreting the text, and preaching the text.
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Quotable Wesley
$18.99What did John Wesley think about alcohol, music, and popularity? What are his thoughts on education, free will, and joy? From ‘absolution’ to ‘zeal,’ Quotable Wesley is a treasury of quotations taken from Wesley’s letters, sermons, tracts, and journal entries on a variety of wide-ranging topics. Here is an essential resource for teachers, Christian leaders, pastors, and laypeople fascinated by the insights of this remarkable founder of the Methodist movement. Useful for sermon preparation, teaching, and individual reflection, this book is designed to supplement the library of anyone interested in Wesley and his work.
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12 Sermones Selectos De John M – (Spanish)
$14.99Los 12 sermones selectos de John MacArthur, estan ordenados cronologicamente, comienzan con una introduccion al contexto historico en que se predicaron y luego el sermon completo. Son actuales, contemporaneos y practicos, de circunstancias que vivimos hoy en dia, y con los que podra aprender, educarse e inspirarse a traves del estilo de predicacion de John MacArthur. Una forma biblica y profunda basada, tal y como el y Gracia a Vosotros consideran, en que: “La palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz, mas cortante que toda espada de dos filos -” Hebreos 4:12
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Preaching Judges
$14.99Lucas Park Books
Judges is crisis literature, reflecting a time of violence and confusion very much like our own. Preachers confronted by the Bible’s dark side will discover guidance and inspiration for sharing the book’s messages with their congregation.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sermon Workbook : Excercises In The Art And Craft Of Preaching (Workbook)
$27.99Both experienced and novice preachers need a new approach for sermon development skill-building. A Sermon Workbook offers a unique and flexible resource that is instantly accessible and useful for anyone tasked with the proclamation of the Word. The workbook format can be used in a linear fashion, beginning to end. Or readers can pick and choose the chapters to tailor-fit their own needs. In either case, readers build skill upon skill, working through inventive and engaging exercises first developed and taught at Yale Divinity School. The book addresses the skills and arts that are essential for effective preaching in our multi-tasking, multi-ethnic, sound-byte society. It offers theological clarity about why we preach, and what matters most. The creative, collaborative, and charming authors present the principles as they do in their classroom: in two voices-one male and one female–with the two complementing and supporting one another.
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Without Apology : Sermons For Christs Church
$35.93Sermons from one of the country’s best-known theologians – 17 sermons, from “Saints” and “Letting Go,” to “Recognizing Jesus/Seeing Salvation” and “Clothe Your Ministers in Righteousness” – Two bonus presentations on “Leadership” and “A
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Sermons Of John Wesley
$57.99With an eye on serious Christian development, Kenneth Collins and Jason Vickers have arranged this collection of the sermons of John Wesley in terms of the way of salvation in general and the “ordo salutis” in particular. This book contains the sermons that John Wesley approved, in addition to the standard 52 of the North American tradition, organized to correspond to the logic of Christian discipleship and formation. The editors include an outline and short introduction to each sermon detailing its importance and context. Sermons include “Sermon on the Mount,” which is key to understanding Wesley’s ethics, “Free Grace,” “On Working Out Our Own Salvation,” and “The Danger of Riches.” The book is designed to enhance the reader’s understanding of Wesleyan practical theology and written in an accessible style that will be appealing to the wider Wesleyan family of churches. Also included are all of the 44 standard sermons of the British tradition.
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Gymnasium Of Christ
$23.52“Exercise thyself unto piety [or godliness]; for bodily exercise is profitable for a little, but piety [godliness] is profitable for everything, having promise of life of the present one and of that to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). People nowadays are most conscious of the need to engage in physical exercise, but unfortunately God’s people are considerably negligent regarding the need for spiritual exercise. They may have had some experience of being in the school of Christ where they learn something of God’s truth mentally, yet they are quite ignorant when it comes to the gymnasium of Christ where through spiritual exercise they may learn of Christ himself and grow up in Him daily. This causes them to be large in head but small in feet. They know a lot but advance very little along the pathway towards spiritual maturity.
In view of this disappointing situation, brother Stephen Kaung gave a series of twenty messages on the necessity for Christians to be attendees and participants daily in the gymnasium of Christ.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Jiffy For Eternity Cycle A
$22.43Dr. Leslie Holmes is one of America’s finest scholar preachers, an impelling communicator in both the spoken and, as you will witness, the written word. He writes as he speaks — with conviction, warmth, and insight.
Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie
Former Chaplain, United States SenateDr. Leslie Holmes has a keen mind coupled with a heart that burns with passion for evangelism.
Dr. R.C. Sproul
Author and TheologianDr. Holmes’s belief in the eternal verities of the Christian faith is exciting. His ability to take those truths and apply them in a practical, life-changing way is refreshing.
Dr. Steve Brown
Author, Professor of Preaching, and Founder of Key Life MinistriesRobert Leslie Holmes provides a refreshing look at the message of the cross in his sermons for Cycle A Lent and Easter seasons, A Jiffy for Eternity. Written for preachers by a preacher, A Jiffy for Eternity provides deep, exegetical analysis to each sermon and delivers truths in a way that are stunningly relevant to today’s reader.
Rich with both authority and passion for exploring the word of God, A Jiffy for Eternity carefully balances scriptural and historical investigations to consistently lead the reader toward compelling insights and biblically anchored understandings. Holmes’ love for the word of God is starkly evident throughout each sermon, and his deep knowledge of biblical history and interpretation remind the reader of the timeless truths of God’s word.
“In his name, God has entrusted us with an ‘obligation’ about the message that supersedes every other message in the world. In his name, God gives us the Holy Spirit who makes the message we preach new for every generation.” Holmes does not declare this pastoral obligation easily, for he has experienced firsthand the difficult task of delivering fresh life into ancient words. But the word of God is an “immoveable rock of trust,” and in that conviction, Robert Leslie Holmes presents a series of sermons that seek to transform the hearts and lives of the church with well-worn truths that remain ever-fresh and ever-new.
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To Drown Hell And Burn Heaven Cycle A
$16.18To Drown Hell and Burn Heaven beautifully illustrates the ability of holy language to change lives. With a lyrical voice and deeply personal reflections, Kristin Borsgard Wee challenges the reader to look beyond the text in order to allow the ancient idea of a transforming “white fire” to move us and to equip us in our faith.
For over 25 years, Kristin Borsgard Wee has taught the scriptures, and she believes that the images and ideas within language often “question our domesticated version of God.” When we permit ourselves to navigate through those questions and process their truths, our hearts, minds, and spirits can then begin to mimic Jesus — simply because we can answer his piercing question: “Who do you say I am?”
Throughout To Drown Hell and Burn Heaven, Wee offers personal and historical insights to expand scriptural understandings of God’s sovereignty, grace, and love. Wee combines a lifetime of discipleship, experience, and wisdom into the nine sermons for the middle third of the Season after Pentecost (Propers 15-23). These meditations can be used in corporate and private worship alike. Wee lets the familiar, ancient stories of Jesus call the believer into a life truly transformed by the power of the kingdom.
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1 Plus One Plus One
$24.93In this collection of 85 wedding sermons that could be read simply for enjoyment and encouragement, One+One+One draws upon the personal experience of author and retired pastor, Gary Fehring, to remind us of the joy and beauty of the marriage covenant.
Fehring has collected a decade’s worth of wedding sermons, each carefully crafted around the love of couples preparing to say, “I do.” As Fehring reminds each couple to place God at the center of their marriage, he invariably reminds his reader that marriage is about companionship. One+One+One highlights faith, love, gratitude, sacrifice, and countless other attributes that are deeply rooted within the Christian faith. These are the essence of a lasting marriage. Fehring’s honest and endearing voice speaks to us from the pages of these sermons, reminding us that marriage is beautiful and calling us back to the bold love proclaimed in our marriage vows.
One+One+One is a worthy resource for any pastor looking to deliver fresh and engaging messages to a bride and groom, and the truths contained within each sermon will undoubtedly inspire newly- and golden-wed alike.
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Homiletical Beat : Why All Sermons Are Narrative
$18.99Promoting the idea of sermon as narrative, Eugene Lowry’s first book, The Homiletical Plot, became one of the most influential preaching books of the latter part of the 20th century. While the sermon as narrative has become conventional preaching wisdom, it is largely misunderstood. Sermons are, by definition, narratives and as such, they have plots. At the same time, the sermon is not a story. While similar in many ways, narratives and stories are distinct. Therefore, to think of narrative preaching as merely one of many homiletical styles is to misunderstand and reduce the nature of the sermon. The sermon is more than just an option for the preacher; rather, it is, by definition, a narrative because it happens in time, not in space. This changes everything because the sermon ceases to be something a preacher constructs, like a thesis or even a painting. Instead, it is more like a piece of music – something a preacher plays within intuitively, to a constant beat – time after time, week after week. In light of this revelation, what are new strategic aims for sermon preparation and delivery?
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1000 Bosquejos Para Predicador – (Spanish)
$37.48Editorial CLIE has made the most valuable sermon outlines from Samuel Vila available to all preachers in one volume. There are six sections: Bible Study, Christian Edification, Evangelism, Doctrines, Special Occasions and Devotionals. Each section is subdivided by topic so that the pastor can find a detailed outline on a topic of interest.
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Parables For Today
$16.00The parables of Jesus seem to be an unending source of inspiration for teachers and preachers and it is possible to return to them again and again to find a new message in them. That is certainly the experience of Professor Hunter who, after the great success of his Preaching the New Testament (which was reprinted within its first year of publication), has here produced a second series of sermons on the best-known Gospel parables. Those who know his books already will need no further prompting; those who do not will find him here on his best form, the clarity of insight in no way dimmed by the years of experience.
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They All Were Looking For A King Cycle C
$16.18In this volume of sermons prepared by Wayne Brouwer, the reader will find illustrations that help to explain God’s message in new and interesting ways. Finding stories and word pictures that more easily tie into the Lectionary readings for each Sunday will help the person in the pulpit make his sermon more compelling to the people in the pews.
In They All Were Looking for a King, the author brings the reader new insights to the age-old message surrounding the birth of Christ. As Christians eagerly anticipate the arrival of the babe of Bethlehem, Brouwer explores the gospel from new perspectives that the reader will find to be invaluable. These messages will be helpful in a variety of ways:
Illuminating illustrations and sermon starters
Group Bible study
Personal devotions
Sermon titles included in this collection are:
A Cry in the Dark
A Dance in the Desert
Creating Community the Hard Way
Many others for the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
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Navigating The Sermon Cycle C
$43.68For each Sunday in Cycle C, the writers and editors of “Charting the Course,” an integral part of Emphasis: A Lectionary Preaching Journal from CSS Publishing Company, delve into the heart of the lectionary readings, providing you, the pastor with in-depth lectionary-based commentary; relating several fresh, solid ideas — based squarely on the lectionary texts — for creating sermons that speak powerfully to your audience. The team of Navigating the Sermon looks for overall topics for the entire Cycle C church year that hold the readings together. Then, they zero in on the theme and the specific scripture links, suggesting directions for the sermon and worship service. Since a single application for each week may not provide what you are looking for at that particular time, Navigating the Sermon in most cases suggests several ideas, giving you the opportunity to select the one that matches your specific needs.
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God Spoke To Abraham
$42.99Sixty superlative sermons on familiar Old Testament texts.
Many Christian preachers today largely neglect the Old Testament in their sermons, focusing instead on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ teachings and activities. As Fleming Rutledge points out, however, when the New Testament is disconnected from the context of the Old Testament, it is like a house with no foundation, a plant with no roots, or a pump with no well.
In this powerful collection of sixty sermons on the Old Testament, Rutledge expounds on a number of familiar Old Testament passages featuring Abraham, Samuel, David, Elijah, Job, Jonah, and many other larger-than-life figures. Applying these texts to contemporary life and Christian theology, she highlights the ways in which their multivocal messages can be heard in all their diversity while still proclaiming univocally, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.”
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Collected Sermons Of Walter Brueggemann
$44.00In addition to being one of the world’s leading interpreters of the Old Testament, Walter Brueggemann is a skilled and beloved preacher. This collection of sermons demonstrates Brueggemann’s fidelity to biblical texts, which come alive with meaning in our contemporary world. Throughout, Brueggemann also reflects on his preaching.
The book features a biblical index as well as a foreword by Samuel Wells of Duke University who writes: “Enjoy this volume from a master exegete, a master theologian, and a master preacher. They really are neat sermons. And they’re for you.”
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Sermons From Job
$25.00Leroy Nixon, the translator of these sermons wrote, “Of all the sermons by Calvin, the 159 on the book of Job have probably been the most famous. They express clearly his sense of the majesty of God. To work with them over the past three years has been a rich and exciting spiritual experience. . . If the reader gets only a fraction of the benefit which came to the translator, the reader will be amply rewarded. Calvin’s piety is well expressed in the sermons titled, ‘The Lord Gave; the Lord has taken Away’; ‘Blessed is the Man whom God Corrects’; ‘Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him;’ ‘Does Not God Count My Steps’; ‘ and ‘The Right Use of Affliction.’ Pervading these sermons is the prayer and conviction that whatever comes to pass may all be for the glory of God.”
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God In The Present Tense Cycle B
$16.18One of the enduring legacies of the Revised Common Lectionary is its ability to draw different parts of scripture together to form a coherent narrative, drawing congregations from around the world into the life-changing message of faith in Jesus Christ. Each element of the lectionary brings its own point of view into this message, giving us insights into its origins, the impact on its original hearers, as well as its relevance for our lives today. In the gospel message, we see the drama of Jesus’ life and ministry and are challenged to join in it.
God in the Present Tense covers the middle third of the Pentecost season, examining the ministry of Jesus as presented in the gospels of Mark and John. In this collection of sermons, Carter endeavors to show how these passages are not confined to a singular moment in history, but instead are relevant and valuable in our own time, as well. Jesus’ ministry was not just for first-century Palestine but for all people everywhere throughout time. These sermons will lift the stories off the page and give them new life in our present time.
This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
– Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
– Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
– Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
– Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotionsThis sermon collection includes:
The Meal that Stays with You
Welcoming the Child
Welcome to the Household
… and many more!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Leap Over A Wall
$15.99Of all the characters in the Bible, it is David who is most human. His life is lived on the “rough-edged actuality” of real life, and his relationship with God is an energetic one. Through the passions, the trials, and the lyrical poetry of this beloved figure, we gain powerful insights into the role of God in our own lives.
In this inspirational volume, Professor Eugene H. Peterson, translator of The Message, uses stories from David’s epic life as vivid lessons in everyday faith and spirituality. Exploring David’s experiences of friendship, grief, love, sin, and suffering, as well as sanctuary, beauty, and wilderness, he reawakens us to the enduring truths behind these beloved stories.
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Collected Sermons Of Fred B Craddock
$40.00This collection of more than fifty of Fred Craddock’s sermons provides a glimpse of a master preacher at work. Amazingly, only one of the sermons was preached from a manuscript written in advance, as Craddock considered a sermon to be an event in the world of sound. As a result, the selections here wonderfully reflect and preserve Craddock’s voice and engage readers with all the immediacy of the spoken word.
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Courageous Compassion : A Prophetic Homiletic In Service To The Church
$33.31A wonderfully intelligent, forceful book, bringing together masterful sermons by noted preacher Jerry Taylor and responses by world-renowned scholars.
Jerry Taylor’s preaching is characterized as a ”Compassionate Prophetic Voice” delivered in the traditional African American form: ”Start slow, stay low, rise higher, and end in fire.” His preaching is intelligent and wedded to the biblical text, effectively engaging listeners before exploding with persuasion.
COURAGEOUS COMPASSION provides examples of ten of Taylor’s best-crafted sermons, including ”The Curse of Babel,” ”They That Wait upon the Lord,” ”Alive to God,” and ”Courageous Compassion.” Respected theorists, biblical scholars, and denominational leaders have responded to each sermon, providing analysis, homiletic insight, reflections from the tradition of Black preaching, and comments on what Taylor is ”doing right.”
This volume accents the work of one homiletic practitioner whose work demands careful reflection and wide distribution. Its lively writing style, and its use of concrete images and examples to connect serious reflections with Taylor’s sermons, also serves as an example of how listeners and readers can interact with such rich preaching.
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Word Has Come Down
$16.18Lent holds a central place in the worship of many Christians. After the joyful celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, it is vital for Christians to set aside time to repent, meditate, and reflect on the fact that Jesus’ life was a buildup to the ultimate sacrifice of himself on the Cross for our sins. In The Word Has Come Down, Huener guides participants through the ashes of repentance of Ash Wednesday, journeying through the Last Supper of Maundy Thursday and the crucifixion of Good Friday, culminating in the revelation of the risen Jesus at Easter. Along the way, Huener stops to look at each of the main characters in these events, people like Caiaphas, Peter, Judas, Pontius Pilate, and the women at the tomb, allowing each one to tell their side of the story. Huener explores each character in detail, allowing each one to flesh out this central event in Christian history. Whether used for congregational worship, small group study, or personal Lenten devotions, The Word Has Come Down will draw its readers into the beauty, agony, and triumph of Lent and Easter. Beth Huener is the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Oregon, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. She has also served at other Lutheran parishes in Ohio and West Virginia.
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To The Cross And Beyond
$18.68In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the gospel lesson, we return to the fountainhead, bringing the congregation back to where Christianity began. Like the first disciples, we walk with Jesus, hearing his words and witnessing his miracles as we journey to the Cross.
To the Cross and Beyond takes us through Jesus’ final days on earth as recounted in the Sundays of Lent and Easter. David O. Bales explores some of the gospel’s best-known moments as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the Cross and then the empty tomb.
This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotionsThis insightful collection of sermons includes:
Looking Down on God
Putting the World Back Together
Jesus’ Prayer: The Pause in the Battle
… and many more!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Show And Tell Cycle A
$18.68In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — The First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the first reading, the congregation returns to the heritage of our faith as described in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament book of Acts. We travel with the children of Israel as they take their first steps in faith, reliving the highs and lows of that journey with them. Through studying this part of scripture, we can see our own journey of faith played out by an entire nation.
Show-and-Tell guides us through some of the earliest accounts in the Bible in Genesis and Exodus, as well as the prophetic words of Isaiah and Ezekiel. During the Easter season, the first readings also explore the beginnings of Christianity as recounted in Acts. By taking us back to the beginning, Dr. Everett offers insight and encouragement into how we can live out our faith today.
This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotionsSermons in this volume include:
Will This Be on the Test?
A Breath of Fresh Air
Stuck in Park
… and many more!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
What Can We Believe Cycle A
$16.18In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the second lesson, we become witnesses to the growth and development of the early church as described in the epistles of Paul and the other apostles. As the early Christians take their first steps in their faith, we too learn how to travel on our own journey with Christ.
As part of the Sermons on the Second Readings, Series III, Cycle A series, What Can We Believe? guides us through the last third of the season of Pentecost as James L. Killen Jr. explores the second lessons from Proper 23 through Thanksgiving, bringing the lectionary cycle year to its conclusion.
This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
* Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
* Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
* Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
* Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions
This insightful collection of sermons includes:
What Can We Believe about the Christian Life?
What Can We Believe about the Reign of Christ?
What Can We Believe about Stuff?
… and many more!
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Preaching Christ From Ecclesiastes (Reprinted)
$33.99As Sidney Greidanus points out here, Ecclesiastes is especially relevant for our culture – the Teacher confronts enticements like materialism, secularism, hedonism, human autonomy, and self-sufficiency. But how can preachers convey these important teachings to their congregations in a helpful way? / Sidney Greidanus here does preachers a great service by providing the foundations for one or more series of expository sermons on Ecclesiastes. He breaks the book down in several ways, including: the boundaries of each preaching text, the text’s theme and goal, various ways to move to Christ in the New Testament, detailed exposition of the fifteen literary units, and application for today
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Novel Preaching : Tips From Top Writers On Crafting Creative Sermons
$28.00Fiction writers are highly creative people who have learned the discipline of translating their ideas into effective communication. That same combination of creativity and skill comes into play for preachers crafting their sermons.
In this lively and accessible book, Alyce McKenzie explores how fiction writers approach the task of writing novels: how they develop ideas, find their inspiration, and turn the spark of a creative notion into words on paper that will captivate the masses. McKenzie shows how preachers can use the same techniques to enhance their own creativity and to turn their ideas into powerful, well-crafted sermons.Novel Preaching offers a wealth of advice from successful fiction writers, including Isabelle Allende, Frederick Buechner, Julia Cameron, Annie Dillard, Natalie Goldberg, Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Joyce Carol Oates, and Melanie Rae Thon, and also includes sample sermons from McKenzie.
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Word In Small Boats
$22.99“The word travels in small boats, the thought and speech of human beings, living the life of faith like any other believe but set aside for this ministry.” (from the introduction) / Oliver O’Donovan has been preaching and teaching for over three decades, committed to the perpetual voyage that is the service of the Word of God. In The Word in Small Boats O’Donovan offers 32 occasional sermons he has preached over the past twenty or so years. / Content headings: / The Mission of God’s Word / The Community of God’s Word / Tradition, Truth, and the Public / Launched upon Life by God’s Word
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