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    Science and Faith

    • New Explorations In The Lost World Of Genesis


      Updating and expanding upon his previous work on origins, this riveting volume from John H. Walton marks the eighth entry in his bestselling Lost World Series, which has sold more than 125,000 copies.

      For over a decade, John Walton’s books The Lost World of Genesis One and The Lost World of Adam and Eve have shaped readers’ understanding of the ancient Near Eastern world and its implications for modern scientific origins debates. But more than simply engaging the creation/evolution debate, these works explored questions related to interpretation of Genesis through ancient eyes, the theological purpose of a seven-day creation account, the historicity of Adam and Eve, and the history of interpretation of the creative narratives.

      In New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis, Walton provides comprehensive and timely updates on the latest developments and research, including:

      *a summary of positions addressed in his previous books on origins
      *new insights, clarifications, and illustrations based on current scholarship
      *answers to frequently asked questions

      Engaging the latest scholarship as well as questions that his proponents and critics alike have raised, New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis provides a relevant update that will benefit students, professors, and pastors as they continue to explore questions of origins and their implications for the Christian life.

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    • Age Of AI


      Are robots going to take my job? How are smartphones affecting my kids? Do I need to worry about privacy when I get online or ask Siri for directions? Whatever questions you have about AI, The Age of AI gives you insights on how to navigate this brand-new world as you apply God’s ageless truths to your life and future.

      We interact with artificial intelligence, or AI, nearly every moment of the day without knowing it. From our social media feeds to our smart thermostats and Alexa and Google Home, AI is everywhere–but how is it shaping our world?

      In The Age of AI, Jason Thacker, associate research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, helps us navigate our digital age in this thoughtful exploration of the social, moral, and ethical challenges of our ongoing interactions with artificial intelligence.

      Applying God’s Word to this new AI-empowered age, Thacker sheds light on:

      *How Christian truth transforms the way we use AI
      *How AI affects us individually, in our relationships, and in our society at large
      *How to navigate the digital age wisely

      With theological depth and a wide awareness of the current trends in AI, Jason is a steady guide who reminds us that while technology is changing the world, it can’t shake the foundations of the Christian faith.

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    • Defending Sin : A Response To The Challenges Of Evolution And The Natural S


      The conflict between the natural sciences and Christian theology has been going on for centuries. Recent advances in the fields of evolutionary biology, behavioral genetics, and neuroscience have intensified this conflict, particularly in relation to origins, the fall, and sin. These debates are crucial to our understanding of human sinfulness and necessarily involve the doctrine of salvation. Theistic evolutionists have labored hard to resolve these tensions between science and faith, but Hans Madueme argues that the majority of their proposals do injustice both to biblical teaching and to long-standing doctrines held by the mainstream Christian tradition.

      In this major contribution to the field of science and religion, Madueme demonstrates that the classical notion of sin reflected in Scripture, the creeds, and tradition offers the most compelling and theologically coherent account of the human condition. He answers pressing challenges from the physical sciences on both methodological and substantive levels. Scholars, pastors, students, and interested lay readers will profit from interacting with the arguments presented here.

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    • Tres Puntos De Vista Sobre La – (Spanish)


      Para los cristianos, los temas planteados por los diferentes puntos de vista sobre la creacion y la evolucion constituyen un reto. Puede una tierra joven ser reconciliada con un universo que aparenta tener billones de aos de edad? Apunta la evidencia cientifica a un Dios que diseo el universo y la vida en toda su complejidad?

      Tres puntos de vista sobre la creacion-evolucion trata con preocupaciones como estas y otras similares mientras analiza las tres escuelas dominantes del pensamiento cristiano. Los proponentes del creacionismo de la tierra joven, del creacionismo de la tierra antigua y de la evolucion teista presentan cada uno sus diferentes perspectivas, nos dicen por que la controversia es importante, y describen la interaccion entre estas comprensiones de la ciencia y la teologia. Cada punto de vista es criticado por diferentes eruditos, y la discusion completa es resumida por Phillip E. Johnson y Richard H. Bube. Con su dialogo respetuoso y provocador entre los contribuyentes, el foro de contrapuntos ofrece un enfoque ideal para que consideres las fortalezas y debilidades de cada aseveracion.

      Three Views on Creation and Evolution

      For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a “young earth” be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity?

      Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and similar concerns as it looks at three dominant schools of Christian thought. Proponents of young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution each present their different views, tell why the controversy is important, and describe the interplay between their understandings of science and theology. Each view is critiqued by various scholars, and the entire discussion is summarized by Phillip E. Johnson and Richard H. Bube. With its respectful and thought-provoking dialogue between the contributors, the Counterpoints forum offers an ideal approach for you to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each stance.

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    • What Hath Darwin To Do With Scripture


      Believe it or not, the book of Genesis might have been the most Darwinian text in the ancient world. And throughout the opening books of Scripture, we find ideas that would also become prominent insights of the biologist Charles Darwin interlaced with the Bible’s one-of-a-kind origin story. Key plot markers come to the surface again and again, driving the history of Israel and the Jesus movement forward to its cosmic completion.

      Biblical scholar Dru Johnson calls us beyond typical creation-versus-evolution debates to explore the conceptual worlds underlying both Scripture and evolutionary science. He points toward remarkable continuities and discontinuities between the Bible’s central concerns and those of Darwin and modern science-ideas so fundamental that they can easily escape our notice.

      The Hebrew creation accounts, Johnson argues, weave together three key themes on the origins and development of humans and animals, themes that are also essentially Darwinian:

      *the connection among scarcity, cooperation, and violence
      *the fitness of creatures to their environments
      *the genealogical aims of sexual reproduction

      Can the ideas of Scripture and evolutionary science be mutually illuminating? When we enter deeply into the metaphysical imagination of the biblical authors, we discover surprising ways in which the two accounts converge-and conflict.

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    • Dawn: : A Proton’s Tale Of All That Came To Be


      This is an adventure that began almost fourteen billion years ago, one that so often threatened to fail. It’s truly a miracle I’m still here. Despite everything, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss one second of it. And the best is yet to come.

      With the help of an extraordinary narrator, you’re invited to discover the wonder and drama of the history of the cosmos. In this story we follow the journey of one proton who comes into existence at the beginning of creation and makes it all the way through history to today. By becoming a part of atoms and molecules that turn up at some of the universe’s most important moments, our friend Proton witnesses emerging galaxies, the origin of life, its evolution into a wild diversity of life forms, the first human beings, the birth and life of Jesus, the beginnings of the Christian church, all the way up to the present day. Through it all, the mysterious, seemingly unbelievable plans of the Creator continue to unfold. . . .

      Combining its authors’ mind-bending scientific knowledge, storytelling skills, and insights from theology, Dawn provides a fresh look at the fundamentals of cosmology, evolutionary biology, and the good news of God in one overarching adventure–in the form of a gripping story. Readers who love both science and Scripture will discover an engaging, thought-provoking tale that reminds us we each have a big place in God’s plan of creation–even if we’re very, very small.

      BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity invite us to see the harmony between the sciences and biblical faith on issues including cosmology, biology, paleontology, evolution, human origins, the environment, and more.

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    • Maravilla De La Creacion – (Spanish)


      En este cautivador libro que da seguimiento al devocional para nios !Cuan grande es nuestro Dios!, el fundador del movimiento Passion Louie Giglio nos ofrece mas hechos cientificos fascinantes y verdades biblicas que fomentan la fe sobre la maravilla de la creacion de Dios.

      En La maravilla de la creacion, los nios encontraran un nuevo deleite en la creatividad de Dios con 100 devocionales que exploran:

      *Animales: desde pajaros guias de miel, hasta serpientes voladoras y rinocerontes blancos

      *Espacio: desde agujeros negros hasta lunas volcanicas y estallidos de rayos gamma

      *Personas: desde ilusiones opticas, hasta congelamiento cerebral y nuestro sistema inmunologico (incluyendo germenes, virus y vacunas)

      *Tierra: desde rios arcoiris y lava azul, hasta glaciares flotantes

      *!Y mucho, mucho mas!

      Con ilustraciones atractivas y fotografias impactantes, este libro divertido e informativo es ideal para nios de 6 a 10 aos. Cada uno de los 100 devocionales presenta un hecho cientifico o una actividad facil para explorar la fe, un breve versiculo biblico y una oracion para terminar. Con una cubierta en relieve brillante y un marcador de cinta, La maravilla de la creacion:

      *Es ideal para nios amantes de la ciencia, nios amantes de la Biblia y cualquier nio listo para profundizar en la fe

      *Continua una serie devocional muy querida de la cual se han vendido mas de medio millon de ejemplares

      *Es una gran adicion a un plan de estudios CTIM, (Ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas), de educacion en el hogar o una rutina de lectura para antes de dormir

      Mientras los nios se sumergen en este devocional impresionante, !se sorprenderan de las muchas maravillas que Dios ha hecho!


      In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

      In this book, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:

      *Animals: from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
      *Space: from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
      *People: from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems
      *Earth: from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
      *And much, much more!

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    • Wonder Of Creation


      In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

      Well-known for his powerful messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and be in awe of God’s creation. In The Wonder of Creation, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:
      *Animals–from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
      *Space–from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
      *People–from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems (including germs, viruses, and vaccines)
      *Earth–from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
      *And much, much more!

      With engaging illustrations and striking photography, this fun and informative book is ideal for children ages 6-10. Each of the 100 devotions features a scientific fact or an easy activity for exploring faith, a short Bible verse, and a closing prayer.

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    • 7 Days That Divide The World 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      Now revised and updated–John Lennox’s acclaimed method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture.

      What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day?” Are the seven days in Genesis 1 a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old as cosmologists believe, am I denying the authority of Scripture?

      With examples from history, a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into the particular significance of the creation of human beings, Lennox suggests that Christians can heed modern scientific knowledge while staying faithful to the biblical narrative. He moves beyond a simple response to the controversy, insisting that Genesis teaches us far more about the God of Jesus Christ and about God’s intention for creation than it does about the age of the earth.

      With this book, Lennox offers a careful and accessible introduction to a scientifically-savvy, theologically-astute, and Scripturally faithful interpretation of Genesis.

      Since its publication in 2011, this book has enabled many readers to see that the major controversy with which it engages can be resolved without compromising commitment to the authority of Scripture. In this newly revised and expanded edition, John clarifies his arguments, responds to comments and critiques of the past decade since its first publication. In particular, he describes some of the history up to modern times of Jewish scholarly interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative as well as spelling out in more detail the breadth of views in the Great Tradition of interpretation due to the early Church Fathers. He shows that, contrary to what many people think, much of the difficulty with understanding the biblical texts does not arise from modern science but from attempting to elucidate the texts in their own right.

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    • Darwins Pious Idea


      Cogent, provocative take on the hot-button subject of evolution

      According to British scholar Conor Cunningham, the debate today between religion and evolution has been hijacked by extremists: on one side stand fundamentalist believers who reject evolution outright, and opposing them are fundamentalist atheists who claim that Darwin’s theory rules out the possibility of God.

      Both sides are dead wrong, argues Cunningham, who is at once a Christian and a firm believer in the theory of evolution. In Darwin’s Pious Idea Cunningham puts forth a trenchant, compelling case for both creation and evolution, drawing skillfully on an array of philosophical, theological, historical, and scientific sources to buttress his arguments.

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    • Baby Dinosaurs On The Ark


      A scientific look at creationism from a former creationist

      According to a recent Gallup Poll, almost 40 percent of Americans believe that sometime in the last 10,000 years Earth and humankind were created in their present form-the rationale being that this is (presumably) the story told in the book of Genesis. Within that group, any threatening scientific evidence that suggests otherwise is rejected or, when possible, retrofitted into a creationist worldview.

      But can this uncomfortable blend of biblical literalism and pseudoscience hold up under scrutiny? Is it tenable to believe that the Grand Canyon was formed not millions of years ago by gradual erosion but merely thousands of years ago by the Great Flood? Were there really baby dinosaurs with Noah on his ark?

      Janet Kellogg Ray, a science educator who grew up a creationist, doesn’t want other Christians to have to do the exhausting mental gymnastics she did earlier in her life. Working through the findings of a range of fields including geology, paleontology, and biology, she shows how a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis simply doesn’t mesh with what we know to be reality. But as someone who remains a committed Christian, Ray also shows how an acceptance of the theory of evolution is not necessarily an acceptance of atheism, and how God can still be responsible for having created the world, even if it wasn’t in a single, momentary, miraculous event.

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    • Fearfully And Wonderfully


      Discover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books!

      The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles-your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Now Gold Medallion winners Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image have been completely revised and updated to offer a new audience timeless reflections on the body.

      Join renowned leprosy surgeon Dr. Paul Brand and bestselling writer Philip Yancey on a remarkable journey through inner space-a spellbinding account of medical intervention, pain and healing, and the courage of humanity. Discover here the eternal truths revealed by our seemingly ordinary existence. The human body is a window into the very structure of God’s creation and a testament to God’s glory.

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    • Thriving With Stone Age Minds


      What does God’s creation of humanity through the process of evolution mean for how we think about human flourishing?

      The emerging field of evolutionary psychology remains controversial, perhaps especially among Christians. Yet according to Justin Barrett and Pamela Ebstyne King it can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and our distinctively human purpose. In Thriving with Stone Age Minds, Barrett and King provide an introduction to evolutionary psychology, explaining the importance of key concepts such as hyper-sociality, information gathering, and self-control. They then combine insights from evolutionary psychology with resources from the Bible and Christian theology, all focused on the question, What is human flourishing? When we understand how humans still bear the marks of our evolutionary past, new light shines on some of the most puzzling features of our minds, relationships, and behaviors. One key insight of evolutionary psychology is how humans both adapt to and in turn alter our particular environments, or “niches.” In fact, we change our world faster than our minds can adapt–and then gaps in our fitness emerge. In effect, humans are now attempting to thrive in modern contexts with Stone Age minds. By integrating scientific evidence with wisdom from theological anthropology, Barrett and King argue, we can learn to close up nature-niche gaps and thrive, becoming more what God has created us to be.

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    • Genealogical Adam And Eve


      Evolutionary science teaches that humans arose as a population, sharing common ancestors with other animals. Most readers of the book of Genesis in the past understood all humans descended from Adam and Eve, a couple specially created by God. These two teachings seem contradictory, but is that necessarily so? In the fractured conversation of human origins, can new insight guide us to solid ground in both science and theology?

      In The Genealogical Adam and Eve, S. Joshua Swamidass tests a scientific hypothesis: What if the traditional account is somehow true, with the origins of Adam and Eve taking place alongside evolution? Building on well-established but overlooked science, Swamidass explains how it’s possible for Adam and Eve to be rightly identified as the ancestors of everyone. His analysis opens up new possibilities for understanding Adam and Eve, consistent both with current scientific consensus and with traditional readings of Scripture. These new possibilities open a conversation about what it means to be human.

      In this book, Swamidass:

      *untangles several misunderstandings about the words human and ancestry, in both science and theology

      *explains how genetic and genealogical ancestry are different, and how universal genealogical ancestry creates a new opportunity for rapprochement

      *explores implications of genealogical ancestry for the theology of the image of God, the fall, and people “outside the garden”

      Some think Adam and Eve are a myth. Some think evolution is a myth. Either way, the best available science opens up space to engage larger questions together. In this bold exploration, Swamidass charts a new way forward for peace between mainstream science and the Christian faith.

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    • Eyes Of The Heart


      Growing up in a world shaped by science and technology, young people may easily lose sight of God. Or, as this book shows, their “eyes of the heart” can become opened like never before. With wit and insight, Russell Haitch offers a model for unifying faith and science that does not compromise either good science or Christian convictions.

      In Eyes of the Heart: Seeing God in an Age of Science, Haitch puts this model to the acid test by showing how it resolves long-standing (and still heated) issues of creation and evolution.Compelling stories and clear explanations make this book appealing to a wide audience, including parents, youth workers, and young people themselves. The ideas are deep–Haitch covers a lot of ground, from Einstein and Hawking to Augustine and Hildegard of Bingen. But the book’s arguments are easy to follow, and its bite-size chapters are enjoyable to read.

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    • Puede La Ciencia Explicarlo To – (Spanish)


      Puede la ciencia explicarlo todo? Es una pregunta interesante que John Lennox y mucha gente piensa que si. La ciencia y las tecnologias que ha generado han aportado mucho al mundo: agua limpia; mas comida; mejor asistencia sanitaria; vida mas larga. Y vivimos en una epoca de rapido progreso cientifico que promete resolver muchos de los problemas que enfrentamos como humanidad. Tanto es asi, de hecho, que muchos no ven la necesidad o el uso de la religion y los sistemas de creencias que nos ofrecen respuestas a los misterios de nuestro universo. La ciencia lo ha explicado, suponen. La religion es redundante.

      El profesor de matematicas de Oxford y creyente cristiano, John Lennox, ofrece una nueva forma de pensar sobre la ciencia y el cristianismo que disipa los conceptos erroneos comunes sobre ambos. El revela que no solo no se oponen, sino que pueden y deben mezclarse para darnos una comprension mas completa del universo y el significado de nuestra existencia.

      Can science explain everything?

      This is an interesting question John Lennox and many people ask. Science and the technologies, have spawned, and have delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. We live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so that many see no need for or use of religion and belief systems that offer answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Religion is redundant.

      Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.

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    • Science And The Doctrine Of Creation


      Exploring the theological reception of developments of modern science, this collection of studies from the Henry Center’s Creation Project examines how influential modern theologians-from the turn of the nineteenth century through the present-have engaged the scientific developments of their times in light of the doctrine of creation.

      Can Christians take seriously the claims of modern science without compromising their theological integrity? Can theology contribute to our understanding of the natural world without reducing the doctrine of creation to a few flashpoint issues? While there is no shortage of works that treat the intersection between science and religion, little attention has been paid to the theological reception of developments of modern science. Yet a deeper look at the history of Christian thought offers a wealth of insight from theological giants for navigating this complex terrain. Science and the Doctrine of Creation examines how influential modern theologians-from the turn of the nineteenth century through the present-have engaged the scientific developments of their times in light of the doctrine of creation. In each chapter a leading Christian thinker introduces readers to the unique contributions of a key theologian in responding to the assumptions, claims, and methods of science.
      Chapters include
      *Kevin J. Vanhoozer on T. F. Torrance
      *Katherine Sonderegger on Karl Barth
      *Craig G. Bartholomew on Abraham Kuyper
      *Christoph Schwobel on Wolfhart Pannenberg

      Edited by Geoffrey Fulkerson and Joel Chopp of the Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding, this book grows out of the Henry Center’s Creation Project, which promotes biblically faithful and scientifically engaged dialogue around the doctrine of creation. From Warfield’s critical appraisal of Darwinian evolution to Pannenberg’s pneumatological reflections on field theory, these studies explore how Christians can think more carefully about the issues at stake using the theological resources of their traditions.

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    • 3 Views On Christianity And Science


      When it comes to relating Christianity to modern Western culture, perhaps no topic is more controversial than the relationship between Christianity and science. Outside the church, the myth of an age-old conflict between science and Christianity is nearly ubiquitous in popular culture and can poison the well before a fruitful dialogue can begin. Within the church, opposing viewpoints on the relation between Christianity and science often lead to division and rancor.

      Three Views on Christianity and Science addresses both types of conflict. Featuring leading evangelical representatives, it presents three primary options for the compatibility of Christianity and science and models constructive dialogue on the surrounding controversial issues.

      The highlighted contributors and their views are:

      Michael Ruse, Independence View–When functioning correctly, science and Christian theology operate independently of each other, seeking answers to different questions through different means.

      Alister McGrath, Dialogue View–Though the natural sciences and Christian philosophy and theology function differently, they can and should inform each other.
      Bruce L. Gordon, Constrained Integration View–Science, philosophy, and theology all contribute to our understanding of reality. Their interactions constrain each other and together present an optimally coherent and integrated picture of reality.

      By engaging with the viewpoints of the contributors, readers will come away with a deeper understanding of the compatibility of science and Christianity, as well as of the positions of those who disagree with them. Scholars, students, pastors, and interested laypeople will be able to make use of this material in research, assignments, sermons and lessons, evangelism, and apologetics.

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    • My Golf Balls Grew Eyes


      Does God exist?

      This book explores and compares the teachings of evolution by Charles Darwin (1807-1882) in “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, to the beliefs of William Paley (1743-1805) in “Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity”. It also examines if increased scientific knowledge in the last one hundred and fifty years adds credence to Darwinism and/or to intelligent design. It likewise explores whether Intelligent
      Design and evolution are compatible.

      How can something come from nothing?

      This book evaluates some problematic areas of Darwinism such as the origin of sex, conciseness, empathy, mammary glands, instincts and also the existence of irreducible complexity with the cell, walking, teeth, etc.

      Is the Judaic Christian Bible factual and is God revealed?

      This book confirms the accuracy of the Bible with the discovery of the Dead-Sea-Scrolls in 1948 and God reveals himself through the fulfilment of prophecy especially concerning Jesus Christ.

      Finally, what does a living God want from us?

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    • My Golf Balls Grew Eyes


      Does God exist?

      This book explores and compares the teachings of evolution by Charles Darwin (1807-1882) in “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, to the beliefs of William Paley (1743-1805) in “Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity”. It also examines if increased scientific knowledge in the last one hundred and fifty years adds credence to Darwinism and/or to intelligent design. It likewise explores whether Intelligent
      Design and evolution are compatible.

      How can something come from nothing?

      This book evaluates some problematic areas of Darwinism such as the origin of sex, conciseness, empathy, mammary glands, instincts and also the existence of irreducible complexity with the cell, walking, teeth, etc.

      Is the Judaic Christian Bible factual and is God revealed?

      This book confirms the accuracy of the Bible with the discovery of the Dead-Sea-Scrolls in 1948 and God reveals himself through the fulfilment of prophecy especially concerning Jesus Christ.

      Finally, what does a living God want from us?

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    • God Stephen Hawking And The Multiverse


      Hutchings and Wilkinson explain the key elements of Stephen Hawking’s physical and mathematical theories and relate his ideas to traditional Judaeo-Christian concepts of God.

      Stephen Hawking kept breaking rules. Given two years to live, he managed another 54. He wrote about quantum cosmology – and sold 20 million books. He could not speak, yet the world recognized his voice.

      Hutchings and Wilkinson shine light on his extraordinary ideas. The result is a story of black holes, origins, many universes, and Big Questions.

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    • Why Science And Faith Need Each Other


      Science and faith are often seen as being in opposition. In this book, award-winning sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund questions this assumption based on research she has conducted over the past 15 years. She highlights the ways these two spheres point to universal human experiences, showing readers they don’t have to choose between science and Christianity.

      Breathing fresh air into debates that have consisted of more opinions than data, Ecklund offers insights uncovered by her research and shares her own story of personal challenges and lessons. In the areas most rife with conflict–the origin of the universe, evolution, climate change, and genetic technology–readers will find fascinating points of convergence in 8 virtues of human existence: curiosity, doubt, humility, creativity, healing, awe, shalom, and gratitude. The book includes discussion questions for group use and to help pastors, small group leaders, and congregants broach controversial topics and bridge the science-faith divide.

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    • Outgrowing Dawkins : God For Grown-Ups


      A timely and succinct critique of Dawkins’ latest book, exposing the main flaws in his vision.

      In his new book Outgrowing God, Richard Dawkins purports to demolish the claims of mainstream religion, starting with belief in a Creator. All of life’s big questions can apparently be answered by science. But does he even understand what he rejects? Rupert Shortt’s answer in Outgrowing Dawkins is a resounding ‘No’. The high priest of New Atheism quite literally doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because the deity he rejects is a childish parody. From this flow many further muddles and straw man arguments. Shortt’s incisive rebuttal includes positive suggestions for advancing an often-sterile debate.

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    • Wormwood Prophecy : NASA, Donald Trump, And A Cosmic Cover-Up Of End-Time P


      Does the Bible predict an asteroid…or something else?

      This book will challenge your interpretation of end-times theology and help you sharpen your understanding in light of current times.

      Does Revelation 8:10-11 describe an asteroid?

      Is the Wormwood star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? Are NASA and high-level government officials aware of an asteroid that is on a collision course with our planet? Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? Do the prophecies from ancient cultures and religions across the globe all point to a catastrophic planetary event that has scientists and politicians taking extreme preventative measures under the public radar?

      Earth is not currently prepared for the scope of impact that may be just around the corner, and people in high places know it…

      But what will the biblical Wormwood actually be? Traditional scholarly interpretation claims it will be an asteroid. Others postulate that the eschatological poisoning of one-third of all Earth’s waters and the devastation of our planet’s ecology might not be as detectable as we may believe: it could hit suddenly and without warning, like an angel of God appearing in the sky with fire and light, bringing judgment in an instant.

      Follow Thomas Horn as he blazes a trail through these questions and many others, posing answers that very few in the church today are willing to provide.

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    • Confidence In Christ


      Recent developments in a wide range of sciences such as physics, astronomy, archaeology, and human genome DNA studies continue to reveal that what the Bible has been saying all along–and all alone–is exactly correct. As scientific discoveries have been exploding over the last several decades, the evidence supporting the Bible and the Christian faith is growing right in step with these new findings. The closer science draws to the ultimate truth, the closer it draws to the Bible and to revealing just how correct the Bible is concerning the origin of the universe, life, and the historicity of Jesus Christ.

      Confidence in Christ starts at the beginning of time and proceeds chronologically, pointing out exciting scientific evidence to support the Christian faith. The easy-to-understand format addresses a number of questions, including: How did the universe begin; does the big bang theory eliminate God; is humankind millions or thousands of years old; and is there credible evidence outside the Bible for Jesus?

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    • God And The Brain


      Does cognitive science show that religious belief is irrational? Kelly James Clark brings together science and philosophy to examine some of humanity’s more pressing questions. Is belief in God, as Richard Dawkins claims, a delusion? Are atheists smarter or more rational than religious believers? Do our genes determine who we are and what we believe? Can our very creaturely cognitive equipment help us discover truth and meaning in life? Are atheists any different from Mother Teresa? Clark’s surprising answers both defend the rationality of religious belief and contribute to the study of cognitive science.God and the Brain explores complicated questions about the nature of belief and the human mind.Scientifically minded, philosophically astute, and reader-friendly, God and the Brain provides an accessible overview of some new cognitive scientific approaches to the study of religion and evaluates their implications for both theistic and atheistic belief.

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    • Return Of The God Hypothesis


      The New York Times bestselling author of Darwin’s Doubt and Intelligent Design scholar presents groundbreaking scientific evidence of the existence of God, based on breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology.

      In 2004, Stephen C. Meyer, one of the preeminent scientists studying the origins of life, ignited a firestorm of media and scientific controversy when a biology journal at the Smithsonian Institution published his peer-reviewed article advancing the theory of Intelligent Design. Then, in his two bestselling books, Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt, he helped unravel a mystery that Charles Darwin did not address: how did life begin? and offered further scientific proof to bolster his arguments on the history of life and our origins, concluding that life was designed.

      In those previous books, Meyer purposely refrained from attempting to answer questions about “who” might have designed life. Now, in The Return of the God Hypothesis, he brings his ideas full circle, providing a reasoned and evidence-based answer to the ultimate mystery of the universe, drawn from recent scientific discoveries in physics, cosmology, and biology.

      Meyer uses three scientific points to refute popular arguments put forward by the “New Atheists” against the existence of God:

      The evidence from cosmology showing that the material universe had a beginning.
      The evidence from physics showing that, from the beginning, the universe was been “finely tuned” to allow for the possibility of life.
      The evidence from biology showing that since the universe came into being, large amounts of genetic information present in DNA must have arisen to make life possible.
      In analyzing the evidence from these three fields, Meyer reveals how the data support not just the existence of an intelligent designer of some kind-but the existence of a theistic creator.

      The Return of the God Hypothesis features 20-30 black-and-white line drawings, charts, and photos.

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    • 1 Race One Blood Revised And Updated (Revised)


      One Race, One Blood reveals the origins of the horrors of discrimination, the biblical truth of “interracial” marriage, as well as the proof revealed in the Bible that God created only one race. Explore the science of genetics, melanin and skin tone, affected by the history of the Tower of Babel and the origin of people groups around the world.

      Ethnic cleansing, genocide, “racial” conflicts have taken place from colonialism to Nazi Germany to modern day. We are a society, nation, and world in continued conflict. We are increasingly being identified and divided by designations of “racial” groups. Many of these unfortunate divisions have been fueled by the troublesome threads of “scientific” racism which emerged from Darwinian evolution.

      Education can teach, workshops can inform, laws can protect, but what is the defining answer to ending the notion of “racial” division? Since racism is a heart issue – a sin issue – it is one that only the truth of God’s inerrant Word will overcome.

      “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth….” (Acts 17:26 KJV)

      Within these compelling pages, Dr. A. Charles Ware, founder of Grace Relations, a ministry of The College of Biblical Studies, and Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis – US, examine the historical roots of racism that have permeated evolutionary thought, and the Bible’s powerful response to this disturbing issue. Together they address the Christian worldview regarding “race” from a compassionate and uniquely compelling biblical and scientific perspective and reveal the most empowering answers to bridging “racial” divisions.

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    • Does Science Undermine Faith


      Many people assume that science ‘disproves’ the idea of God, and that we no longer need faith in order to understand the world or why we are in it. Roger Trigg examines these assumptions and considers whether recent developments in science may in fact support religious faith. He goes on to consider the increasing scientific evidence for the inherent orderliness and comprehensibility of the universe, which leads him to ask an even more radical question: Might there be aspects of religious belief that can help to support our science?

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    • Creator Revealed : A Physicist Examines The Big Bang And The Bible


      In The Creator Revealed, author and physicist Dr. Michael G. Strauss explores central questions about science and faith in simple and entertaining language, showing how modern scientific discoveries about the origin and design of the universe proclaim the character of God and agree with the biblical story of creation. For the Christian confronted with possible inconsistencies between faith and science, and for the skeptic who believes modern science has shown that belief in God is unnecessary, The Creator Revealed can demonstrate the glory, power, and wonder of God by looking at science, the Bible, and the effect that truth has on people’s lives. Reconciling the truth of scripture with the truth of science can change your perspective and your life. The message of The Creator Revealed will expand your idea of who God is, increase your faith in him, and provide a way to share this revelation of God in creation with others.

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    • Fool And The Heretic


      The Fool and the Heretic is a deeply personal story told by two respected scientists who hold opposing views on the topic of origins, share a common faith in Jesus Christ, and began a sometimes-painful journey to explore how they can remain in Christian fellowship when each thinks the other is harming the church. To some in the church, anyone who accepts the theory of evolution has rejected biblical teaching and is therefore thought of as a heretic. To many outside the church as well as a growing number of evangelicals, anyone who accepts the view that God created the earth in six days a few thousand years ago must be poorly educated and ignorant–a fool. Todd Wood and Darrel Falk know what it’s like to be thought of, respectively, as a fool and a heretic. This book shares their pain in wearing those labels, but more important, provides a model for how faithful Christians can hold opposing views on deeply divisive issues yet grow deeper in their relationship to each other and to God.

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    • Epiphany Before Time Zero


      An American Freedom Publications LLC Title

      This book became necessary for me because my professional training, personal observations and industry experience created an awareness of the truths of the physical world. This could have put me at odds with my faith tradition and community worship. Community worship demanded a belief in the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God in the Holy Bible.

      My community worship was, and is, as an Evangelical Protestant. Evangelical Protestantism, is a worldwide, trans-denominational movement within Protestant Christianity which maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ’s atonement for our sin. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or “born again” experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God’s revelation to humanity, and in spreading the Christian message.

      In my mind, the “belief in the authority of the Bible” did not encompass worship of the Bible. My worship has been directed at the Creator of the Universe, my Creator and ultimate Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I did not have any problems with the Bible but, I did have problems with the Fundamentalist literal interpretation of its contents, in particular, that professed by the Young Earth Creation sect. In my professional career, my eyes had seen physical evidence of a much older earth and mathematical computations that supported that observation. However, this did not rule out a spiritual belief. I was not going to let the physical corrupt the spiritual or vice versa.

      The older earth concept, cosmology, mathematics and scientific visualization all point to a beginning, and so does the Bible. A beginning of the cosmos raises the question: “What came before that beginning, before time began?”

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    • Supersymmetry Or Chaos


      Areli Media Title

      This book is a scientific investigation of the evolutionary cosmological model regarding the origin of our universe and the Judeo-Christian cosmological model in Genesis. It details a historical analysis of the major dogmatic assumptions that have been considered scientifically sound since the Enlightenment but have proved to be false by recent discoveries. Supersymmetry or Chaos explains the concept derived from the general theory of relativity that time is not a universal constant. In doing so, the book shows that time in the universe is passing at different rates, depending on what area you inspect and how stretched space is in that specific coordinate. It thus shows that on the outskirts of our universe where space is stretched the most, time is running proportionally faster. So the outskirts of our universe may have had a history of 13 billion to 15 billion years, while the Earth-Sun system at the denser center of the universe would have only existed for several thousand years. The warping of spacetime therefore explains why galaxies at the edge of our universe are much older than Earth.

      Supersymmetry or Chaos will also refute the evolutionary assumption that gravity was the major force in creating stars and explains the power of the electromagnetic force as the principle tool that God used to create our universe. It explains the power of Birkeland currents in plasma that allow it to create solid matter instantaneously. The book also goes through the six days of creation, providing evidence that the Judeo-Christian cosmological model described in Genesis is consistent with hard science. In summary, Supersymmetry or Chaos provides Jews and Christians a reference that denudes the evolutionary theory as a metaphysically motivated model that begins with assumptions not corroborated by science.

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    • Modern Technology And The Human Future


      1. Machine Technology And Human Being
      2. The Momentum And Inertia Of Modern Technological Development
      3. The Technological World View
      4. Remembering Where We Are And Who We Are
      5. What On Earth Shall We Do?
      A Personal Conclusion
      Epilogue: On Eucharistic Embodiment
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Technology is not neutral.

      From the plow to the printing press, technology has always shaped human life and informed our understanding of what it means to be human. And advances in modern technology, from computers to smartphones, have yielded tremendous benefits. But do these developments actually encourage human flourishing?

      Craig Gay raises concerns about the theological implications of modern technologies and of philosophical movements such as transhumanism. In response, he turns to a classical affirmation of the Christian faith: Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, took on human flesh. By exploring the doctrine of the incarnation and what it means for our embodiment, Gay offers a course correction to the path of modern technology without asking us to unplug completely.

      The doctrine of the incarnation is not neutral either. It presents us an alternative vision for the future of humanity.

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    • Understanding Scientific Theories Of Origins


      List Of Figures
      List Of Tables
      List Of Sidebars

      Part 1: Getting Started On The Journey
      1. Principles And Methods Of Biblical Interpretation (John H. Walton)
      2. A Comprehensive Doctrine Of Creation And Implications For Scientific Study (Robert C. Bishop)
      3. Knowledge And Faith In Pursuing Origins Questions (Robert C. Bishop)
      4. Creation Through The Lenses Of Science And Theology (Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 2: Cosmic Origins
      5. Cosmic Origins: Genesis 1:1-2:4 (John H. Walton)
      6. Electromagnetic Radiation And The Scale Of The Universe (Robert C. Bishop)
      7. The Expanding Universe (Robert C. Bishop)
      8. The Big Bang Model And Contemporary Cosmology (Robert C. Bishop)
      9. Lives And Deaths Of Stars And Fine-Tuning (Robert C. Bishop)
      10. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origins Of The Universe (Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 3: Origin And Geologic History Of Earth
      11. Origin Of The Earth And Solar System (Stephen O. Moshier)
      12. Historical Roots Of Geology: Catastrophism And Uniformitarianism (Stephen O. Moshier)
      13. The Genesis Flood (John H. Walton)
      14. The Rock Cycle And Timescales Of Geologic Processes (Stephen O. Moshier)
      15. Rocks Of Ages: Measuring Geologic Time (Stephen O. Moshier)
      16. Plate Tectonics: A Theory For How The Earth Works (Stephen O. Moshier)
      17. Reading Earth’s History In Rocks And Fossils (Stephen O. Moshier)
      18. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On Earth History (Stephen O. Moshier And Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 4: Origin Of Life On Earth
      19. From Spontaneous Generation To Abiogenesis (Larry L. Funck)
      20. Prebiotic Chemistry: Preparing The Primordial Soup (Larry L. Funck)
      21. Biological Information: Proteins And Nucleic Acids (Larry L. Funck)
      22. Alternative Scenarios For Life’s Origin (Larry L. Funck)
      23. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origin Of Life (Larry L. Funck)

      Part 5: Origin Of Species And Diversity Of Life
      24. Development Of The Theory Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      25. The Modern Synthesis Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      26. Exploring The Evidence About Evolution: Phylogeny And Fossils (Raymond J. Lewis)
      27. Development Of An Extended Synthesis Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      28. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origin Of The Diversity Of Life (Raymond J. Lewis And Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 6: Human Origins
      29. Human Origins: Genesis 2-3 (John H. Walton)
      30. Human Origins: Evidence From Physical Anthropology (Stephen O. Moshier)

      Additional Info
      The question of origins remains a stumbling block for many. But just as the Psalmist gained insight into God’s character through the observation of nature, modern scientific study can deepen and enrich our vision of the Creator and our place in his creation. In this often contentious field Bishop, Funck, Lewis, Moshier, and Walton serve as our able guides.

      Based on over two decades of teaching origins together in the classroom, the authors present a textbook exploring mainstream scientific theories of origins in astronomy, cosmology, chemistry, geology, biology, physical anthropology, and genetics. While many authors engage origins from a Christian perspective, this is the first work offering a full-fledged discussion of the scientific narrative of origins, from the Big Bang through humankind, accessible to a lay audience in biblical and theological perspective.

      Topics include

      Principles of biblical interpretation
      Close readings of relevant Genesis texts
      A comprehensive Trinitarian doctrine of creation
      Cosmic origins
      The geologic history of Earth
      The origin of life on Earth
      The origin of species and diversity of life
      Human origins
      New creation and creation care
      Science education

      Rather than the familiar scenario where science and faith compete, this book seeks to diffuse tensions by taking the inspiration and authority of the Bible seriously while respecting and honoring God’s revelation through creation. Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins gives the reader a detailed picture of the sciences of origins along with how they fit into the story of God’s creative and redemptive action.

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    • Teologia De La Creacion Del Un – (Spanish)


      rata la cuestion de Dios, pero orientada tan solo a su relacion con el Cosmos; y prescinde explicita y radicalmente de su relacion con el hombre.

      La intencion de esta obra consiste en “determinar” la naturaleza de Dios en su relacion con el universo.

      Concreta y analiza los denominados atributos cosmicos de Dios. Se analiza el problema, o los problemas, del universo a lo largo de la historia humana desde la perspectiva propiamente cientifica.

      Para ello, se ofrece un estudio historico aceptablemente pormenorizado de las conexiones, los acuerdos y los desacuerdos, entre el concepto de Dios y el concepto del Universo, y la de su posible relacion.

      The intention of this book is to determine the nature of God in His relationship to the universe.

      It focuses on and analyzes the so-called “cosmic” attributes of God. It analyzes the problem, or problems, of the universe in all human history, from a properly scientific point of view.

      And offers an acceptably detailed historical study of the connections, agreements, and disagreements of the concept of God and the concept of the universe and their possible relationship.

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    • Principio Segun Genesis Y La C – (Spanish)


      Una interpretacion cientificamente perspicaz, teologicamnete sagaz y biblicamente fiel a Genesis.

      Con ejemplos tomados de la historia misma, una breve pero completa exploracion de las principales interpretaciones, y una mirada al significado particular de la creacion de los seres humanos, Lennox sugiere que los cristianos pueden prestar atencion al conocimiento cientifico moderno, mientras permanecen fieles a la narrativa biblica. Va mas alla de una sencilla respuesta a la controversia, e insiste en que Genesis nos ensea mucho mas respecto al Dios de Jesucristo y sobre la intencion de Dios en la creacion que sobre la edad del planeta Tierra.

      An interpretation scientifically clever, theologically astute, and biblical faithful, of Genesis.

      What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day?” Is it a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, am I denying the authority of Scripture? In response to the continuing controversy over the interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis, John Lennox proposes a succinct method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture.

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    • Creation And Doxology


      The doctrine of creation is crucial to the Christian faith, but it has often been maligned, misinterpreted, or ignored.

      Some, such as pagan philosophers and Gnostics, have tended to denigrate the goodness of the material world. More recently, new questions have emerged regarding human origins in light of the Darwinian account of evolution. What does it mean today to both affirm the goodness of God’s creation and anticipate the new creation?

      The Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) seeks to assist pastors in the study and production of biblical and theological scholarship for the theological renewal of the church and the ecclesial renewal of theology. Based on the third annual CPT conference, this volume brings together the reflections of church leaders, academic theologians, and scientists on the importance-and the many dimensions-of the doctrine of creation.

      Contributors engage with Scripture and scientific theory, draw on examples from church history, and delve into current issues in contemporary culture in order to help Christians understand the beginning and ending of God’s good creation.

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    • Nobody Wrote This Book


      Pet Call Veterinary Care
      This book scientifically defends Biblical Creation and refutes all forms of evolution as an explanation for the origin of the universe, the earth, and life on the earth,

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    • Can A Scientist Believe In Miracles


      1. A Spiritual Journey
      2. Are There Realities Science Cannot Explain?
      3. What Is Faith?
      4. Do Scientists Have Faith?
      5. Does Reason Support Christian Belief?
      6. What Is Scientism?
      7. Is There Really Spiritual Knowledge?
      8. Creation And Cosmology
      9. Do Miracles Happen?
      10. The Bible And Science
      11. Of All The World’s Religions, Why Christianity?
      12. Why Does God Seem Hidden?
      13. Is There Good And Evil?
      14. Personal Consequences: So What?
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Plasma physicist Ian Hutchinson has been asked hundreds of questions about faith and science:What is faith and what is science? Are they compatible? Are there realities science cannot explain? Are miracles ruled out by science? Is God’s existence a scientific question? Is the Bible consistent with the modern scientific understanding of the universe? How did the universe begin? How could a good God permit so much suffering in the world? Are there scientific reasons to believe in God? In this comprehensive volume, Hutchinson answers a full range of inquiries with sound scientific insights and measured Christian perspective. Without minimizing challenging questions, he explores how science and Christianity are mutually supportive and intellectually consistent.Both God and science truthfully address our curiosity and destiny. Find answers to your deepest questions.

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    • Greatest Lie On Earth (Expanded)


      Great Mountain Publishing Title

      This book reveals the mother of all conspiracies. It sets forth biblical proof and irrefutable evidence that will cause the scales to fall from your eyes and reveal that the world you thought existed is a myth. The most universally accepted scientific belief today is that the earth is a globe, spinning on its axis at a speed of approximately 1,000 miles per hour at the equator, while at the same time it is orbiting the sun at approximately 66,600 miles per hour. All of this is happening as the sun, in turn, is supposed to be hurtling through the Milky Way galaxy at approximately 500,000 miles per hour. The Milky Way galaxy, itself, is alleged to be racing through space at a speed ranging from 300,000 to 1,340,000 miles per hour. What most people are not told is that the purported spinning, orbiting, and speeding through space has never been proven. In fact, every scientific experiment that has ever been performed to determine the motion of the earth has proven that the earth is stationary. Yet, textbooks ignore the scientific proof that contradicts the myth of a spinning and orbiting globe. Christian schools have been hoodwinked into teaching heliocentrism, despite the clear teaching in the bible that the earth is not a sphere and does not move. This book reveals the evil forces behind the heliocentric deception, and why scientists and the Christian churches have gone along with it.

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    • Faith And Science In The 21st Century


      * Eight noted theologians, each speaking on a topic of science * Builds on popular videos from the Day 1 radio program Science or faith? The battle rages, from millennials and GenXers questioning the relevance of religion to older adults who doubt the validity of science (and vice versa), but these two are not mutually exclusive. They can, in fact, be mutually enriching and complimentary, once their proper domains are understood and respected. The Episcopal Church, with its tradition of the “via media,” offers an ideal setting for conversations seeking to bridge the often antagonistic perspectives on both sides. Faith and Science in the 21st Century presents a way to start that conversation. Built on existing videos produced by the popular Day 1 program with assistance from a John Templeton Foundation grant, this series features notable faith leaders across the denominational spectrum in 3 to 5 minute video presentations on scientific topics in which they are experts. Intended for use in a variety of settings, including congregations, schools, and campus ministries, it can be presented as an eight-session series of studies, but each session can also stand on its own for a one-time formation offering. A single video download will offer all video presentations. This Leader Guide enables facilitators to foster fruitful discussions of each session topic. It includes an introduction about the program and how it can be used, and eight detailed session plans to utilize with a downloadable video sold separately on the Day 1 website.

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    • Finding Ourselves After Darwin


      A multinational team of scholars explores the theological consequences of evolutionary scientific thought for the Christian doctrines of original sin, the image of God, and the problem of evil.

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    • Early Christian Readings Of Genesis One



      Part I: Understanding The Context
      1. Who Are The Church Fathers, And Why Should I Care?
      2. How Not To Read The Church Fathers
      3. What Does “Literal” Mean? Patristic Exegesis In Context

      Part II: Reading The Fathers
      4. Basil The Literalist?
      5. Creation Out Of Nothing
      6. The Days Of Genesis
      7. Augustine On “In The Beginning”
      8. On Being Like Moses

      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Do the writings of the church fathers support a literalist interpretation of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have maintained that they do. And it is sensible to look to the Fathers as a check against our modern biases.But before enlisting the Fathers as ammunition in our contemporary Christian debates over creation and evolution, some cautions are in order. Are we correctly representing the Fathers and their concerns? Was Basil, for instance, advocating a literal interpretation in the modern sense? How can we avoid flattening the Fathers’ thinking into an indexed source book in our quest for establishing their significance for contemporary Christianity?Craig Allert notes the abuses of patristic texts and introduces the Fathers within their ancient context, since the patristic writings require careful interpretation in their own setting. What can we learn from a Basil or Theophilus, an Ephrem or Augustine, as they meditate and expound on themes in Genesis 1? How were they speaking to their own culture and the questions of their day? Might they actually have something to teach us about listening carefully to Scripture as we wrestle with the great axial questions of our own day?Allert’s study prods us to consider whether contemporary evangelicals, laudably seeking to be faithful to Scripture, may in fact be more bound to modernity in our reading of Genesis 1 than we realize. Here is a book that resets our understanding of early Christian interpretation and the contemporary conversation about Genesis 1.

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    • Cosmology In Theological Perspective


      A leading expert in science and theology introduces the topic of cosmology from a “state of the question” perspective, showing what the stakes are for religion and theology in the rise of modern science.

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    • Confidence In Christ


      Recent developments in a wide range of sciences such as physics, astronomy, archaeology, and human genome DNA studies continue to reveal that what the Bible has been saying all along–and all alone–is exactly correct. As scientific discoveries have been exploding over the last several decades, the evidence supporting the Bible and the Christian faith is growing right in step with these new findings. The closer science draws to the ultimate truth, the closer it draws to the Bible and to revealing just how correct the Bible is concerning the origin of the universe, life, and the historicity of Jesus Christ.

      Confidence in Christ starts at the beginning of time and proceeds chronologically, pointing out exciting scientific evidence to support the Christian faith. The easy-to-understand format addresses a number of questions, including: How did the universe begin; does the big bang theory eliminate God; is humankind millions or thousands of years old; and is there credible evidence outside the Bible for Jesus?

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    • Faith And Fossils


      Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.

      Journeying from the Bible Belt to the premier centers of higher education, Grabbe grapples with who we are and where we came from. Both the Bible and the fossil record raise significant questions about what it means to be human. Written in uncomplicated language and featuring spectacular full-color photographs, Faith and Fossils brings science and faith into creative conversation.

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    • Christ And The Created Order


      According to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation not only of the nature of God the Creator but also of how God the Creator relates to the created order. The New Testament explicitly relates the act of creation to the person of Jesus Christ – who is also a participant within creation, and who is said, by his acts of participation, to have secured creation’s ultimate redemption from the problems which presently afflict it. Christian theology proposes that Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word and Wisdom of God, the agent in whom the Spirit of God is supremely present among us, is the rationale and the telos of all things – time-space as we experience and explore it; nature and all its enigmas; matter itself. Christology is thus utterly fundamental to a theology of creation, as this is unfolded both in Scripture and in early Christian theology.For all this, the contemporary conversation about science and faith tends, to a remarkable degree, to neglect the significance of Jesus Christ, focusing instead on a generic “God of wonder” or “God of natural theology.” Such general theism is problematic from the perspective of Christian theology on many levels and has at times led to a more or less deistic theology: the impression that God has created the world, then largely left it to itself. Such a theology is far removed from classical Christian renderings of creation, providence, redemption, and eschatology. According to these, the theology of creation is not just about remote “beginnings,” or the distant acts of a divine originator. Rather, the incarnate Jesus Christ is himself – remarkably – the means and the end for which creation itself exists. If we would think aright about our world, study it and live within it wisely, we must reckon centrally with his significance.What might such a bold claim possibly mean, and why is Jesus Christ said by Christian theology to be so important for understanding God’s overall relationship to the created order? What does this importance mean for science?Christ and the Created Order addresses these questions by gathering insights from biblical scholars, theologians, historians, philosophers, and scientists. This interdisciplinary collection of essays reflects on the significance of Jesus Christ for understanding the created world, particularly as that world is observed by the natural sciences.Contributors to Christ and the Created Order include Marilyn McCord Adams, Richard Bauckham, Deborah Haarsma, Paul Mo

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    • Citizen Of Heaven


      Cornel Rizea

      Citizenship into heaven begins with the foundation of your personal position on the critical topic of Creation vs. Evolution. It is all in plain sight. Seeking the truth with a humble heart about the beginning of all that exists in this vast universe will unmask each precious brick which paves the way to heaven. There will be no waiting period.

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    • Operation Time Box


      Verbal Oxygen Creative Services

      An investigative study of the biblical Creation week and the plan of salvation. Written to combine faith and science for a collaborative look at our origins and future. Considers the social, scientific, political, and cultural movements that seek to rearrange the hierarchy of life for the purpose of power and control at the expense of faith.

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    • Mere Science And Christian Faith


      1. Creation, Beauty, And Science
      2. Emerging Adult Faith: Not An LP, But A Digital Download
      Case Study: Addressing “New Atheism”
      3. Emerging Adults: Are They None And Done?
      Case Study: Cognitive Science And Reasons Not To Believe
      4. On A Crash Course With Hermeneutics
      Two Case Studies: Making Too Much Of A Good Thing: Big Bang And Fine-Tuning
      5. Adam, Eve, And History
      Case Study: What About Intelligent Design? Where’s Your ID?
      6. Calling Out The Good In Technology
      7. Give Technology A Brake
      Two Case Studies: On Global Climate Change And Sexuality (Where We’re Tempted To Ask Science For Things It Can’t Deliver)
      8. Moving Forward
      Further Reading

      Additional Info
      Many Christians have been brought up under the assumption that mainstream science is incompatible with genuine Christian faith-so when they see compelling evidence for biological evolution, for example, they feel forced to choose between science and their faith. The devastating effects of this dilemma are plain to see, as emerging adults either leave the faith or shut themselves off to the findings of the scientific community.

      But it’s a false dilemma. In this book, Greg Cootsona argues against the idea that science and faith are inherently antagonistic. We don’t have to keep them scrupulously separated-instead, we can bring them into dialogue with one another. Cootsona brings this integration to a number of current topics in science and faith conversations, including hermeneutics, the historical Adam and Eve, cognitive science, and the future of technology. His insights are enhanced by his work with Fuller Seminary’s STEAM research project.

      Emerging adults want to believe that science and faith can coexist peacefully. Mere Science and Christian Faith holds out a vision for how that integration is possible and how it can lead us more deeply into the conversations around science and faith that confront the church today.

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    • Creation Care : A Biblical Theology Of The Natural World


      The obvious damage that human beings are inflicting on the created world as well as the growing scientific consensus that humankind is contributing measurably to the potentially devastating effects of global warming have thrust the “environment” to the forefront of political and social issues. Yet most evangelicals, including leaders and pastors, lack the theological basis needed to respond biblically to these issues. Most of the theological assessments currently on offer suffer from particular theological and/or hermeneutical biases that render them unpalatable or inaccessible to many evangelicals. To be sure, some fine contributions by evangelical scholars have been written, but many of these are quite general or lack careful biblical-exegetical grounding. Moreover, few of the theological treatments available interact capably with the scientific data. What is needed is a book that grounds theological reflection on the created world in careful scriptural exegesis and which applies genuinely biblical principles to the current situation as described by the consensus of scientific investigators. Bringing together their expertise in biblical studies and science, Doug and Jonathan Moo trace several key biblical themes through Scripture in an effort to situate the created world within biblical theology in general. Specific themes that receive attention in this book are:

      the value and status assigned to non-human creation,
      the relationship of creation to redemption,
      the place of human beings within creation,
      the understanding of and significance assigned to the land in OT law and prophecy, and
      the future of the created world envisaged in the NT.

      In a series focused on the significance of biblical theology “for life,” it is important to assess the practical implications of this biblical theology. This book offers reflections on the biblical mandate that God’s people embody and live out God’s own perspective on the created world, as well as consideration of how the command to love others might affect the way we treat the earth upon which we and all other life depends. Moreover, effective Christian response to the biblical-theological teaching about the created world also requires that we attend carefully to the nature and needs of that created world. This means both trying to recapture the joy expressed by the Psalmists in God’s good creation and also giving serious attention to the threats facing creation; a summary of the current scientific consensus

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    • Pillars Of Creation


      Faithful Life Publishers

      Giving brief explanations to cosmic mysteries and referring to them as the fundamental base for getting at the real mysteries in cosmology, the author researches the best minds from philosophy, science, and theology to the reader to the next step.

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    • Beauty And The Horror


      Life is at once wonderful and appalling, beautiful and horrific. Although we can all give meaning to our lives by trying to live well, is there some given meaning to be discovered? Science cannot answer this question, and philosophical arguments leave the issue open. The monotheistic religions claim that the meaning has been revealed to us, and Christians see this is above all in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

      Described by Rowan Williams as “that rarity, a Christian public intellectual,” Richard Harries considers the Christian claim in the context of an in-depth discussion of the nature of evil and how this is to be reconciled with a just and loving God. Drawing on a wide range of modern literature, he argues that belief in the resurrection and hope in the face of death is fundamental to faith, and suggests that while there is no final intellectual answer to the problem of evil, we must all, believer and nonbeliever alike, protest against the world and seek to change it rather than accept it as it is.

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    • Nullifying God : Evolutions End Game A Scientists Challenge


      Evolution and Creation are in a spiritual battle. Evolution scientists ignore, dismiss, and unequivocally reject Creation out of hand-“It is not science or fact as evolution is,” they say. However, Nullifying God shows that random Darwinian evolution does not have the direct evidence required to support the claim. Not only that, but it provides contrary evidence that evolution is biologically impossible. Because that is the case, evolution can only persist in the unchallengeable authority it needs to maintain its position by actively attempting to nullify its alternative-Creation, and therefore, the Bible and God. Nullifying God was especially written to empower and benefit believers who are not familiar with science to show them that evolution cannot be fact and is not science.
      It does so by:
      1) providing them with a core foundation of applied science principles to rationally question evolution’s claims, then
      2) guiding them into solid, clear knowledge of why evolution is biologically impossible, and finally
      3) presenting them with examples that document evolution’s attempts to nullify God. The bottom line is-Biblical Creation is the only answer that explains life.

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    • Exploding Stars Dead Dinosaurs And Zombies


      Many things threaten the faith of youth today, but none more than science. The commitments of science and Christianity seem to be at odds-science makes truth claims based on experiments and proofs, while religion asks for belief and trust. But Andrew Root demonstrates that, in fact, the two are not incompatible.Root, a renowned expert on adolescent spirituality, shows how science overstates its claims on truth, while faith often understates its own claims. Both faith and science frame the experience and reality of teenagers, and both have something valuable to offer as adolescents develop.Drawing on a fictional account of a youth pastor and the various students he encounters, Root paints a compelling picture of how faith can flourish, even in our scientific age.

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    • All Things Hold Together In Christ


      Top Christian thinkers show how attending to the formation of virtue through the practices of Christian worship creates the hospitable space we need to deal with difference and disagreement in the body of Christ.

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    • Improbable Planet : How Earth Became Humanitys Home


      The Latest Scientific Discoveries Point to an Intentional Creator

      Most of us remember the basics from science classes about how Earth came to be the only known planet that sustains complex life. But what most people don’t know is that the more thoroughly researchers investigate the history of our planet, the more astonishing the story of our existence becomes. The number and complexity of the astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological features recognized as essential to human existence have expanded explosively within the past decade. An understanding of what is required to make possible a large human population and advanced civilizations has raised profound questions about life, our purpose, and our destiny. Are we really just the result of innumerable coincidences? Or is there a more reasonable explanation?

      This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the countless miracles that undergird the exquisitely fine-tuned planet we call home–as if Someone had us in mind all along.

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    • 4 Views On Creation Evolution And Intelligent Design


      Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design presents the current “state of the conversation” about origins among evangelicals representing four key positions: Young Earth Creationism – Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) Old Earth (Progressive) Creationism – Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) Evolutionary Creation – Deborah B. Haarsma (BioLogos) Intelligent Design – Stephen C. Meyer (The Discovery Institute) The contributors offer their best defense of their position addressing questions such as: What is your position on origins – understood broadly to include the physical universe, life, and human beings in particular? What do you take to be the most persuasive arguments in defense of your position? How do you demarcate and correlate evidence about origins from current science and from divine revelation? What hinges on answering these questions correctly?

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    • If God Then What


      A profound, quirky and amusing take on life’s biggest questions.People encounter truth by sharing stories and asking questions. Andrew Wilson asks nine big questions about truth, origins and redemption, and wonders aloud about the possible answers, representing a new fresh way of communicating the gospel.

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    • Jesus Beginnings And Science


      Pier Press LLC

      This group study guide offers 12 lessons that examine what the Bible says about creation, human origins, and science. The easy-to-follow format encourages conversation that respects diverse points of view.

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    • Creer En Tiempos Dificiles – (Spanish)


      Es posible creer en Dios en un mundo postmoderno donde las ciencias son la verdad actual? Contradice la fe a la razon? Este libro responde a estas preguntas desde el punto de vista academico haciendo una defensa de la fe, pero desde un riguroso analisis que permite ver que la fe no es contraria a la razon. El avance de la ciencia en el siglo XX ha llevado al hombre del siglo XXI a una espiral de interrogantes que lo ha precipitado a resumir sus dudas de forma simplista: Dios no existe porque ya no es necesario para justificar las maravillas de la naturaleza. Hoy la confrontacion entre ciencia y fe estan claramente definidas, al igual que la sociedad: dividida entre creencia y descreimiento. daremos la espalda a la ciencia porque se la percibe como una amenaza para Dios? daremos la espalda a la fe admitiendo que la ciencia esta acorralando a la religion? Son tiempos dificiles para el creyente. Pero, tal vez por ello, tiempos apasionantes para la busqueda de una fe autentica y dinamica. Una fe personal, interiorizada y experimentada, lo bastante fuerte como para entablar debate con una sociedad que ha dejado de creer en la trascendencia. El libro aporta respuestas coherentes a los problemas de la fe en todas sus dimensiones. Tanto cuando nos confrontamos con preguntas dificiles, como cuando tenemos, inevitablemente, crisis de fe. Un libro bien escrito y bien documentado que aporta una vision global, fresca y coherente al problema de la confrontacion entre ciencia y fe.

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    • A Dios Por El ADN – (Spanish)


      Existe una tension entre el mundo cientifico y el religioso; si el creacionismo biblico literalista, no es sostenible porque los descubrimientos cientificos lo hacen no viable; y el evolucionismo materialista se muestra cada vez mas impotente a la hora de explicar la complejidad del universo y el origen de la vida cual es la salida? Este libro plantea una tercera via: la del diseno inteligente. Defiende la idea de que el adn, asi como las demas estructuras y procesos fundamentales de la vida, se deben a la accion de un disenador inteligente, y que la investigacion de este diseno inteligente se impondra, tarde o temprano, como disciplina cientifica, pese a los esfuerzos de los cientificos ateos para evitarlo. La ciencia no puede ni debe ir mas alla, ya que su metodo la hace incapaz de escudrinar la identidad del disenador. Para seguir este sendero de la identidad del disenador, hay que darle la mano a la teologia; uniendo el esfuerzo de ambas, que hasta ahora se han visto como enemigas, se hace posible llegar A Dios por el ADN. Un libro cientifico que une los avances de la biologia, en relacion al descubrimiento de la cadena del ADN, con la evidencia cientifica que intuye que las leyes del universo, asi como las de la vida en la Tierra, son el producto de una actividad inteligente y no de la casualidad.

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    • Old Earth Or Evolutionary Creation


      11 Chapters

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      Old-earth and evolutionary creationists differ on important subjects, but they also share more than one might expect. In this exciting and groundbreaking volume, representatives from Reasons to Believe and BioLogos engage in a charitable, informed debate over key issues on the relation of Christianity and modern science.

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    • Divine Imprint : Finding God In The Human Mind


      The so-called New Atheists receive much publicity, but their demand to be provided with incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God, and that such evidence must come from a scientific examination of the physical world, is the wrong approach. As many theologians and philosophers have claimed, the search for God begins by looking inwards into oneself. But what does that mean? Surely looking inwards we find nothing but the contents of one’s own mind. Where does God come in? It is by the examination of the contents of the mind and trying to understand how they got there that one seeks clues about God’s influence on the mind. Our consciousness bears a resemblance to that Consciousness from which it is directly derived. It bears his imprint. It is from the characteristics of that imprint we get to know what kind of God we are dealing with. Only then can we be open to realizing how that other creation of his, the physical world, also bears his imprint.

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    • Let There Be Science


      Science is part of a long history of human response to God’s call to engage with the natural world, starting with the Wisdom Tradition and the great commission in Genesis. This book shows that science is a gift from God, and has a purpose at the heart of the Kingdom, to do with healing and reconciliation of human relationship with the natural world. Written to be accessible to adults and older teenagers, this book is perfect for Christian students, pastors, teachers and other members of congregations who are troubled idea that science and faith are conflicts.

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    • God Shaped Brain


      Diagram Of Brain
      Section I: God, The Brain, And What Went Wrong
      1. God Is Love
      2. The Human Brain & Broken Love
      3. The Infection Of Fear
      4. Freedom To Love

      Section II: The Battle Between The Conflicting Views About God
      5. Love Strikes Back
      6. Engaging The Battle
      7. Love Stands Firm
      8. Changing Our View Of God
      9. The Power Of Truth
      10. The Truth About Sin
      11. Enlarging Our View Of God
      12. The Judgment Of God
      13. In The Brain Of Christ

      Section III: Embracing The Goodness Of God
      14. Forgiveness
      15. When Good Prevails
      16 When Love Burns Free.
      17. Buddha, Jesus And Preparing Your Brain For Eternity
      Addendum: Putting It All Together: Simple Steps To A Healthier Brain
      The God-Shaped Brain Study Guide

      Additional Info
      What you believe about God actually changes your brain. Brain research in neuroscience has found that our thoughts and beliefs affect our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Mind and body are interrelated, and we are designed for healthy relationships of love and trust. When we understand God as good and loving, we flourish. Unfortunately, many of us have distorted images of God and mostly think of him in fearful, punitive ways. This leads us into unhealthy patterns of self-defeating behaviors and toxic relationships. But our lives can change when God renews our minds with a truer picture of him. Psychiatrist Tim Jennings unveils how our brains and bodies thrive when we have a healthy understanding of who God is. He dispels common misconceptions about God and shows how different God concepts affect the brain differently. Our brains can adapt, change, and rewire with redeemed thinking that frees us from unnecessary pain and suffering. Discover how neuroscience and Scripture come together to bring healing and transformation to our lives. This expanded edition now includes a study guide for individual reflection or group discussion, with questions for learning from Scripture, science and nature, and experience.

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    • Understanding Creation : A Concise Biblical Doctrine Of Creation


      What is creation? Is creation automatic or progressive? When and where did God begin creation? In vs. 1 or vs. 3 of Genesis 1? What is vs. 2 all about? How long did it take God to create, and how old is creation? How many accounts of creation are there, one or two? If two, are they contradicting? These and many other relevant questions on creation are theologically answered in this booklet.

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    • Evolution And The Fall


      Tackles thorny questions and tensions at the intersection of Scripture and science

      What does it mean for the Christian doctrine of the Fall if there was no historical Adam? If humanity emerged from nonhuman primates-as genetic, biological, and archaeological evidence seems to suggest-then what are the implications for a Christian understanding of human origins, including the origin of sin?

      This book gathers a multidisciplinary, ecumenical team of scholars to address these difficult questions from the perspectives of biology, theology, history, Scripture, philosophy, and politics. After mapping the territory of challenging questions surrounding human origins and the Fall, the contributors delve into biblical sources and traditional theological accounts as resources for understanding, consider broader cultural implications of the Fall, and propose ways of reimagining the conversation so as to move forward faithfully.

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    • Adam And The Genome (Reprinted)


      Genomic science indicates that humans descend not from an individual pair but from a large population. What does this mean for the basic claim of many Christians: that humans descend from Adam and Eve?
      Leading evangelical geneticist Dennis Venema and popular New Testament scholar Scot McKnight combine their expertise to offer informed guidance and answers to questions pertaining to evolution, genomic science, and the historical Adam. Some of the questions they explore include:
      – Is there credible evidence for evolution?
      – Do we descend from a population or are we the offspring of Adam and Eve?
      – Does taking the Bible seriously mean rejecting recent genomic science?
      – How do Genesis’s creation stories reflect their ancient Near Eastern context, and how did Judaism understand the Adam and Eve of Genesis?
      – Doesn’t Paul’s use of Adam in the New Testament prove that Adam was a historical individual?

      The authors address up-to-date genomics data with expert commentary from both genetic and theological perspectives, showing that genome research and Scripture are not irreconcilable. Foreword by Tremper Longman III and afterword by Daniel Harrell.

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    • Signposts To God


      The theories and discoveries in modern physics and astronomy can be daunting to the nonspecialist, and reports of their destructive implications for Christianity can be persuasive. Experimental physicist Peter Bussey introduces readers to these surprising fields of science and shows that they make religious belief very reasonable.

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    • Believing Scientist : Essays On Science And Religion


      Elegant writings by a cutting-edge research scientist defending traditional theological and philosophical positions

      Both an accomplished theoretical physicist and a faithful Catholic, Stephen Barr in this book addresses a wide range of questions about the relationship between science and religion, providing a beautiful picture of how they can coexist in harmony.

      In his first essay, “Retelling the Story of Science,” Barr challenges the widely held idea that there is an inherent conflict between science and religion. He goes on to analyze such topics as the quantum creation of universes from nothing, the multiverse, the Intelligent Design movement, and the implications of neuroscience for the reality of the soul.

      Including reviews of highly influential books by such figures as Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Jay Gould, Francis S. Collins, Michael Behe, and Thomas Nagel, The Believing Scientist helpfully engages pressing questions that often vex religious believers who wish to engage with the world of science.

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    • Little Book For New Scientists


      In the newest entry in the “Little Books” series, Josh Reeves and Steve Donaldson encourage Christian students to enter and flourish in the sciences and to see connections between their scientific careers and faith.

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    • Other Side Of The Coyne


      These bite-size guides — digestible in a sitting or two — are great introductions to specific topics. In this book Doug reviews Jerry A. Coyne’s recent, patronizing evolutionary screed, chapter by chapter. Contains a pile of Doug’s hilariously apt metaphors as it deconstructs Coyne’s presuppositions about creationism and science.

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    • Caring For Creation


      Faith-Based Solutions to Caring for the Earth Climate change is a confusing and polarizing issue. It may also prove to be the most daunting challenge of this century because children, the elderly, and the poor will be the first to feel its effects. The issue is all over the news, but what is seldom heard is a conservative, evangelical perspective. Connecting the dots between science and faith, this book explores the climate debate and how Christians can take the lead in caring for God’s creation. The authors answer top questions such as “What’s really happening?” and “Who can we trust?” and discuss stewarding the earth in light of evangelical values. “Acting on climate change is not about political agendas,” they say. “It’s about our kids. It’s about being a disciple of Jesus Christ.” Capping off this empowering book are practical, simple ideas for improving our environment and helping our families and those around us.

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    • 1 Scientists Awareness Of God And Our Universe


      One Scientist’s Awareness of God and Our Universe is an overview of fundamental scientific concepts and how these concepts ultimately affect our human race. Though David M. Henderson begins by presenting the basic concepts of space, matter, and energy, he also delves into the complexities of the galaxies within our universe, stellar evolution, the concept of time, and even the origin of life itself.

      By giving readers a better awareness of the vastness of our universe, Henderson provides evidence for a universe created by God, a creation that leaves much mystery yet to discover.

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    • How I Changed My Mind About Evolution


      25 Chapters

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      Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith? Here are stories from a community of people who love Jesus and honor the authority of the Bible, but who also agree with what science says about the cosmos, our planet and the life that so abundantly fills it. Among the contributors are Scientists such as Francis CollinsDeborah HaarsmaDenis Lamoureux Pastors such as John OrtbergKen FongLaura Truax Biblical scholars such as N. T. WrightScot McKnightTremper Longman III Theologians and philosophers such as James K. A. SmithAmos YongOliver Crisp

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    • Bible And Science In Harmony


      Faithful Life Publishers

      If you are searching for Biblical truth as I was, I invite you to come with me on this Scriptural journey that I have been on for over 40 years; finding the Way, learning the Truth, and discovering the purpose of real Life and real happiness.

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    • Stars Beneath Us


      SKU (ISBN): 9781506401416ISBN10: 1506401414Paul WallaceBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2016Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Philosophical Theology Presented With A Scientific Twist


      Lonnie Phillips’ “”Philosophical Ideology”” has been designed to bridge the divide within the Christian Church. What follows in the pages of this book and is, quite honestly, the very essence of this book is an attempt to present the facts about God as Phillips understands Him and what the author went through to get those facts and to also show that journey in order to substantiate God’s character and personality uniquely fashioned. It is as easy as substantiating the words that are written within the pages of this book. Just follow the story line.

      “”Philosophical Ideology”” collects praise poetry, sermons, theological essays, and autobiography to provide a window into Phillips’ unique understanding of God Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Angelic Realms, the entire Spiritual World, and all of creation. Lonnie Phillips writes, “I imagine God expressing Himself to me, talking to me, and I take every occasion to listen.” And he invites you to listen, too. Will you?

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    • Amazing Truths : How Science And The Bible Agree


      Does science discredit the Bible, God, religious faith? Absolutely not, says Dr. Michael Guillen, former Harvard physics instructor and Emmy-winning ABC News Science Editor. In Amazing Truths, he uses his entertaining, down-to-earth storytelling skills to reveal ten astonishing truths affirmed by both ancient Scripture and modern science that answer some of our biggest questions: Can faith really move mountains? Does absolute truth exist? Are humans truly unique? Is it possible to communicate with God? How much about the universe do we actually know? How could Jesus have been fully man and fully God? In Amazing Truths, Dr. Guillen explains that faith is not some outdated way of thinking. Faith is a necessary part of science, Christianity, and any intelligent, comprehensive, coherent worldview – vastly more powerful than even logic. Amazing Truths will expand your mind and bolster your faith. You will see for yourself what Dr. Guillen, a theoretical physicist and devout Christian, has discovered in a lifetime of serious exploration-that science and faith are not at odds. In fact, they’re the ultimate power couple.

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    • Creation Evolution And The Handicapped


      The author shows that evolution is not a logical theory. It is self-contradicting, self-fulfilling, dogmatic, and simply “scientism” cloaked in the guise of a first-century religion. The evolutionary hypothesis is detrimental to operational science, and only the biblical worldview sustains the preconditions for intelligibility sufficient to sustain empirical science. If evolutionary dogma is followed to its logical conclusion, it promotes a climate of death, a devaluing of life, and is directly detrimental to the disabled and the handicapped.

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    • Creation Evolution And The Handicapped


      The author shows that evolution is not a logical theory. It is self-contradicting, self-fulfilling, dogmatic, and simply “scientism” cloaked in the guise of a first-century religion. The evolutionary hypothesis is detrimental to operational science, and only the biblical worldview sustains the preconditions for intelligibility sufficient to sustain empirical science. If evolutionary dogma is followed to its logical conclusion, it promotes a climate of death, a devaluing of life, and is directly detrimental to the disabled and the handicapped.

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    • Thinking About Faith In God


      For many decades, militant atheism and religious dogmatism have fed off of each other. Each intellectual argument and rhetorical flourish acts as encouragement and cause for further passion in the other.

      Into this mix, author Jonathan Clatworthy offers a different alternative: “to reject neither reason nor God, because believing in God makes sense.”Clatworthy starts by outlining the history of our current problem. The antagonism between belief and science, he says, is the product of a unique history. The either/or dichotomy that emerged from this story is not inevitable and places us at odds with countless other cultures who find a way to hold the two in suspension.

      Using the most common reasons for belief, including design, values, morality, and experience, Clatworthy creates a compelling tapestry that commends belief in God in the scientific age.

      An essential read for anyone interested in science, spirituality, and faith in the modern world.

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    • Creation : The Apple Of Gods Eye


      How and why God loves us-God’s good creation This book will talk about the doctrine of creation and invite us to look closely at who God is and who we are in relationship with God. As people of faith, we believe that our gracious God created all there is, but does that also mean that God also created evil? How does creation jive with what scientists are telling us about the origin of the universe? What does the doctrine of creation tell us about what we call “the creation,” that is, the world, its value, purpose, etc? How does understanding the world as God’s creation teach us about our role in creation care? The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and earth, but does that deny the science of the Big Bang? What does believing that God is the Creator say about how God loves, redeems, and sustains us today or does creation say something only about the past? What about the “new creation”? Does this have anything to do with the old creation? Does it mean simply that God is so tired of the rebelliousness of creation that it seems best to erase the present one and start anew? Or is there a connection between the two? What does the doctrine of creation say about us? Aren’t we created in God’s image and aren’t we part of the good creation of a loving God? If so, why is there evil and rebelliousness in us? Where does our ill-will, our desire to do evil, come from? Is there freedom of the will or are all things preordained by God? Just how detailed is God’s plan for us? While no one author can deal with all these questions, this book will help us begin the conversation and gain new understanding of how the doctrine of creation can help us address these very human and timeless questions. Series Description: Belief Matters: How to Love God with Your Mind is a series of books written by widely recognized authors who will help readers think more clearly about their faith and better understand their beliefs, so that they can live more faithfully. These books will also help readers become aware of thoughtful resources and conceptual frames of reference that not only will deepen their faith, but also help them better understand what we say and do in Church. Conversational in tone, these books are reflections on major theological topics and are suitable for a 4-session individual or group study. The intent of the series is to help readers feel as though they are sitting, having coffee as authors share their “take” and show that by thinking more clearly about the

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    • Scripture And Cosmology


      Christians often claim to hold a biblical worldview. But what about a biblical cosmos view? From the beginning of Genesis we encounter a vaulted dome above the earth, a “firmament,” like the ceiling of a planetarium. Elsewhere we read of the earth sitting on pillars. What does the dome of heaven have to do with deep space? Even when the biblical language is clearly poetic, it seems to be funded by a very different understanding of how the cosmos is put together. As Kyle Greenwood shows, the language of the Bible is also that of the ancient Near Eastern palace, temple and hearth. There was no other way of thinking or speaking of earth and sky or the sun, moon and stars. But when the psalmist looked at the heavens, the delicate fingerwork of God, it evoked wonder. Even today it is astronomy and cosmology that invoke our awe and point toward the depths of divine mystery. Greenwood helps us see how the best Christian thinkers have viewed the cosmos in light of Scripture-and grappled with new understandings as science has advanced from Aristotle to Copernicus to Galileo and the galaxies of deep space. It’s a compelling story that both illuminates the text of Scripture and helps us find our own place in the tradition of faithful Christian thinking and interpretation.

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    • Reasonable Belief : Why God And Faith Make Sense


      “Insofar as the essence of this philosophical spirituality is continuous with the essence of Christian spirituality, I am able to specify how . . . we can be utterly confident that it is wholly reasonable and good to affirm, give thanks for, live, and testify to faith in God.”-from the preface

      While it’s clear that a lot of people believe in God, whether they should is a matter of loud debate. Since the Enlightenment, and especially in the last 150 years, a consensus has been building in Western philosophy that belief in a transcendent order-and especially in a supreme being-is unreasonable and should be abandoned. The result of this trend has been to delegitimize religious belief, to claim that those who believe do so against scientific evidence and rational thought.

      In this confident and sensitive book, William Greenway carefully guides the reader through the developments in Western intellectual life that have led us to assume that belief is irrational. He starts by demonstrating that, along with belief in God, modern definitions of human rationality have also rejected free will and moral agency. He then questions the Cartesian assumption that it is our ability to think that makes us most human and most real. Instead, Greenway explains, it is our capacity to be grasped by the lives and needs of others that forms the heart of who we are. From that vantage point we can see that faith is not a choice we make in spite of evidence to the contrary; it is, rather, wholly rational and in keeping with that which makes us most human. Every person who either has faith or is contemplating faith can be assured that belief in God is both reasonable and good. Greenway embraces both contemporary philosophy and science, inviting readers into a more confident experience of their faith.

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    • Designed To Evolve


      Motif Press Title

      Why do we exist? Why is there something rather than nothing? Designed to Evolve examines the question of existence in light of modern science. From the birth of the universe 13.8 billion years ago, to the intricacy of the DNA molecule, nature is explored at the most fundamental level. Two possible explanations emerge. Are we the result of chance or designed for a purpose? There has never been a time when more information on origins has been available. Now we can probe this question and take a critical look at the nature of existence. In the end, the evidence for purpose prevails. Designed to Evolve presents the modern rational for a creator, compiled from the science of our day. Recent discoveries have exposed new lines of evidence for God. Modern versions of traditional arguments still hold true. Big bang cosmology, particle physics, natural history, and biology are analyzed in a vivid chronology of the universe, revealing the beauty of creation and making the sciences of origin comprehensible to the non-scientist. This digs deep into the specific evidence and is backed up by references from many scientific journals, books, and other publications. The opposing view is not neglected. A stroke of chance on infinite scales of time have been the mainstay of atheist ideology, including the many multiverse scenarios, unguided evolution, and the apparent disconnect between science and religion. The lines of reason often used in support of atheism are examined in detail. Yet, in the end, faith may be a required element of non-belief, given the amassing evidence. The implications of some quantum phenomena reveal the nature of God and hint at the existence of the soul. Biblical creation is shown to align closely with geology and the fossil record. Designed to Evolve presents a compelling depiction of creation that embraces modern science. Whether you believe, believe with doubts, consider yourself undecided, or are an atheist, this book will help you to have a fully informed view. Designed to Evolve provides clear, credible, and verifiable evidence that represents the most complete scientific assessment for the existence of God.

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    • God Of The Big Bang


      Ph.D. expert in astronautical and aeronautical engineering provides good news for believers – new scientific research supports the idea that the universe was created by God.

      New scientific evidence strongly suggests there was a beginning to our universe. If the universe did indeed have a beginning, by the simple logic of cause and effect, there had to be an agent that induced it. Through her easy to understand writing, Wickman helps us understand origins of the universe. She takes complex discoveries and interprets them for a non-scienctific audience. In God of the Big Bang she gives readers a better understanding of how Scripture, science and creation fit together.

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    • God In The Lab


      God in the Lab is an exploration of the common ground that exists between science and faith. Science provides the opportunity to use creativity and imagination, to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to experience the wonder and awe of discovering new things. Experiencing scientific research first hand has given Dr Ruth Bancewicz a sense of awe that has enhanced her faith, and for ten years she has been a communicator of the positive expressions of the science-faith dialogue. Through her own insight and those of six other experienced scientists, she shows how science can build faith in God, and gently urges non-Christians to consider the connections they have with their Creator.

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    • God Adam And You


      1. The Bible’s First Word
      2. The Case For Adam
      3. Two Views Of The Human Person
      4. Adam, Lord Of The Garden
      5. The Bible And Evolution
      6. God’s Design For Gender, Marriage And Sex
      7. Differing Views On The Days Of Creation
      8. Christ, The Second Adam
      9. From God’s Garden To God’s City
      10. Original Sin And Modern Theology

      Additional Info
      What difference does Adam make? The answer to some influential Christians today is “not much.” Adam, we are told, is a disposable person from biblical lore, who can be safely abandoned to meet the demands of an unaccepting secular culture. Historic Christianity answers differently, however. Adam makes a world of difference when it comes to our understanding of God, mankind, the Bible, and yes, the gospel. Together with Christians of prior generations, we affirm both the necessity and the importance of the historical, biblical Adam to our Christian faith and witness.

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    • Lost World Of Adam And Eve


      The Lost World of Adam and Eve enters into the debate over the Bible and human origins. Adam and Eve emerge as archetypal but real individuals chosen for roles and functions. The details of the Genesis story take on sharper definition as they are backlit by ancient Near Eastern thinking, and invite our full engagement with the science.

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    • True Scientists True Faith


      Many atheistic campaigners continue to stress that science and faith are incompatible. The distinguished contributors to this enlightening volume refute this. In this revised and updated edition of the best-selling Real Scientists, Real Faith eminent scientists from a variety of disciplines provide their own accounts of how their science and their personal faith intersect. They come from a range of Christian backgrounds, but all are orthodox believers. Contributors include: Joan Centrella, Astronomer; Francis Collins, Human Genome Scientist; Bob White, Professor of Geophysics, University of Cambridge; Alister McGrath, Professor of Science & Religion, Oxford, and molecular biologist Wilson Poon, Professor of Physics, University of Edinburgh. The book also includes five contributions from distinguished younger scientists.

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    • Creation Or Evolution (Revised)


      Few issues engender so much heat between Christians as the topic of creation. According to Dr. Denis Alexander, “pitting faith against science is both a scandal and a tragedy of certain segments of the contemporary church, just as serious in its consequences as the efforts of the new atheists to pit science against faith.”

      In his revised and expanded second edition of Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose?, Dr. Alexander provides readers with a well-informed, clear, and judicious discussion and dialogue regarding the oftentimes divisive question found in the book’s title from someone who is passionate about both science and Scripture.

      Alexander’s book is written mainly for people who believe, as he does, that the Bible is the inspired Word of God from cover to cover. Creation or Evolution demonstrates and encourages the author’s own belief and hope that the “Book of God’s Word” and the “Book of God’s Works” can be held firmly together in harmony. This substantial new edition updates the science, and extends the author’s discussion of the theological implications.

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    • World In The Trinity



      Part I
      1. Language And Reality
      2. The “Inside” And The “Outside” Of Everything
      3. Philosophical/Scientific Models Of The God-World Relationship In The Current Religion And Science Debate
      4. Theological Models Of The God-World Relationship In The Current Religion And Science Debate
      5. Panentheism: Hierarchically Ordered Systems Of Existence And Activity

      Part II
      6. “Incarnation” As Key To The Argument For Panentheism
      7. Divine And Human Personhood In A Systems-Oriented Approach To The Trinity
      8. Tradition And Traditioning: Church As Both System And Institutional Entity?
      9. Miracles And The Problem Of Evil
      10. Resurrection And Eternal Life

      Additional Info
      Joseph A. Bracken argues that the failure of theology and science to generate cohesion is the lack of an integrated system of interpretation of the Christian faith that consciously accords with the insights and discoveries of contemporary science.

      In The World in the Trinity, Bracken utilizes the language and conceptual structures of systems theory as a philosophical and scientific grammar to show traditional Christian beliefs in a new light that is accessible and rationally plausible to a contemporary, scientifically influenced society. This account opens new possibilities for rethinking the God-world relationship, the Trinity, incarnation, creation, and eschatology within the context of a broader ecological and cosmological system. In re-describing these articles constitutive of Christian belief, the author is conscious of the vital importance of retaining the inherent power and meaning of these concepts. This volume freshly retrieves pivotal themes and concepts constitutive of the Christian tradition in a conscious rapprochement with current scientific understandings of nature.

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    • From Nothing : A Theology Of Creation


      Too often the doctrine of creation has been made to serve limited or pointless ends, like the well-worn arguments between science and faith over the question of human and cosmic origins. Given this history, some might be tempted to ignore the theology of creation, thinking it has nothing new or substantive to say. They would be wrong.

      In this stimulating volume, Ian A. McFarland shows that at the heart of the doctrine of creation lies an essential truth about humanity: we are completely dependent on God. Apart from this realization, little else about us makes sense.

      McFarland demonstrates that this radical dependence is a consequence of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo, creation from nothing. Taking up the theological consequences of creation-theodicy and Providence-the author provides a detailed and innovative constructive theology of creation. Drawing on the biblical text, classical sources, and contemporary thought, From Nothing proves that a robust theology of creation is a necessary correlate to the Christian confession of redemption in Jesus Christ.

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    • Not A Chance (Revised)


      Despite claiming unbelief in God or any higher power that may have designed or created the world and all that is in it, modern scientists often write and speak of chance as some kind of being or force that can actually cause things to happen. In one breath they push the evolution agenda and in the next they say that creatures were “designed” with specific traits. In this classic book, R. C. Sproul and Keith Mathison call the scientific world to employ logic and clarity in their discourse, to leave the word chance as an abstract concept to describe mathematical possibilities rather than an ontological being that can actually cause change. This expanded edition includes a new chapter dealing with the most recent attempts to defend irrational scientific statements. Two new appendices answer critics and review other literature on scientific discoveries that support belief in a Creator God.

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    • Case For A Creator Student Edition


      Has Science Discovered God? When Lee Strobel was a high school freshman, science convinced him that God didn’t exist. Since then, however, incredible scientific discoveries have not only helped restore Lee’s faith, but have strengthened it. Lee is not alone. More and more scientists, confronted with startling, cutting-edge evidence from many areas of research, no longer believe the universe just ‘happened’ or that life arose by mere chance. Behind a universe of staggering complexity, they are seeing signs of a Master Designer. Are your science textbooks still telling you the same ‘facts’ that Lee’s did years ago? Prepare to be astonished by what some of today’s most respected experts have to say about:
      The birth of the universe
      Darwinism and the origin of life
      The astounding fine-tuning of the cosmos
      Amazing molecular machines and DNA research

      Weigh the evidence for yourself. Then consider this question: Could it be that the universe looks designed … because it is?

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    • Evidence For Hope


      Do you ever wonder if there really is a God? Do you want to know–once and for all–whether we evolved or were created? Do you ask yourself if the Bible really contains truth or is loaded with errors? And what about Jesus? Did he really walk the earth? Was he a good man and teacher or God on earth who died and rose from the dead? If you have questions on any of these, you’ve come to the right place. Evidence for Hope boldly asks and answers the tough questions, building the case for biblical truth, based on historical, scientific and eyewitness evidence. If you’ve read other books on this subject but came away with questions, you’ll get them answered here in a way that is easy to understand. Whether you are a skeptic, a searcher, or a Christian, this book will bring you face to face with Jesus and the truth about who he is. And it will provide you with concise, memorable facts and references to back up what you learn here. The author, Robert Valiant, has gone through skeptical periods in his own life. A graduate of Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, he has been gathering evidence to strengthen his own faith for over twenty years. The results of his research and discovery are contained in this book.

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    • Eternal Life After Death


      The science of eternal life is related to the electromagnetic energy that our brain produces while we are living on earth. This energy concept is tied to the miracles that that Jesus Christ used to both influence and heal people.

      The energy that we create while living on earth is propagated at the speed of light in an ever increasing band without limit. As it is propagated, it defines the characteristics of all the components of the Universe according to the laws of science that relate the interaction of electromagnetic energy with those components.In addition, we share space with the energy of all the others who have lived on Earth and are aware of their entire life history!

      To predict what our energy will provide for us ,the latest science on how our Universe was created is presented.This science serves as a base for what we will see as our energy propagates through the Universe and beyond,which is called the Infinitum.

      Because eternal life is for such am incomprehensible period of time, cosmic time is introduced, which suggests that trillions of years might seem like a day.

      God is defined to be the master of all scence,and in Gods capacity to control the Infinitum,an appreciation for how great God is extends far beyond what our past experience has suggested.

      This book follows the propagation of our energy through the Universe and beyond in light years.There are about 70 colorful photos to aid the description of what this will be like. The background science of our Universe is used to illustrate what universes beyond ours might be like.

      The Bible is used to confirm the science of the Infinitum and the vision of our electromagnetic energy as it relates to life after death,

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