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Ron Rhodes

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  • Popular Survey Of Apologetics For Today


    We need Christians trained in apologetics more than ever.

    In a chaotic world where many people claim to have their own truth, Christians have been given the unshakable truth that comes from God alone. But simply knowing it isn’t enough. The task of apologetics belongs to all believers, to “make a defense to anyone who asks” (1 Peter 3:14). Although the call is clear, it can be difficult to know where to start.

    This comprehensive survey delves into key teachings about our faith, providing pearls of wisdom along the way to help us remember the heart of the matter. Ron Rhodes shares a wealth of straightforward, biblical answers to the questions and issues of our day, addressing:

    *the nature of truth-absolute truth versus relative truth
    *hermeneutics-the principles of interpreting the Bible rightly
    *Christian ethics-including controversial topics such as abortion, suicide, and divorce
    *alleged contradictions in the Bible
    *challenging questions unbelievers ask about God and Christianity

    Fortify your own understanding of God’s Word and God’s world-from intelligent design to the prophetic future-and let the truths contained in this book equip you for meaningful, effective, and gracious conversations with others.

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  • Spiritual Warfare In The End Times


    Is spiritual warfare becoming more challenging than ever?

    No Christian is immune from the attacks of Satan and his demons. In fact, if you follow God, you are a prime target. You are certain to face spiritual warfare, but you don’t have to do so alone.

    In Spiritual Warfare in the End Times, Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes explores…

    *how an understanding of spiritual warfare can benefit you spiritually, emotionally, and even physically
    *how you can respond most effectively to the tactics Satan uses to attack God’s people
    *how the Holy Spirit has a pivotal role in overcoming the devil
    *how staying close to Jesus is key to experiencing victory in spiritual warfare
    *how God’s holy angels work behind the scenes to protect you

    As the end times draw closer, demonic activity will increase. You can win your spiritual battles when you are prepared for what’s to come and trust in God and the many resources He sends to protect you.

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  • New Babylon Rising


    What the world will look like in the last days? One significant clue the Bible gives us is that the city of New Babylon will have a crucial role in all that takes place. More than one-tenth of the book of Revelation deals with the New Babylon. But are we to understand these prophecies symbolically or literally?

    In his book New Babylon Rising, trusted prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers insight into what God’s Word tells us about Babylon’s future, which reveals a lot of what God wants you to know about the end times. As you explore what Scripture says, you will…
    *discover the rampant paganism and evil that will mark this infamous city
    *witness the convergence and fulfillment of many ancient prophecies about the tribulation and second coming of Christ
    *learn that God not only sees the future, but has determined how it will unfold

    In New Babylon Rising, you’ll discover that no matter how uncertain the future looks, you can have peace knowing that God is in full control of all things.

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  • Jesus And The End Times


    Are You Ready?

    “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” Matthew 24:44.

    There is no shortage of writings about the last days–often full of speculation and sensationalism. Where can we go for information we can trust?

    Join Bible scholar Ron Rhodes for an in-depth look at what we know to be certain about the last days–based on key teachings directly from Jesus. You’ll learn what the Lord Himself said about the rapture, the tribulation period, the second coming, the judgment, the millennial kingdom, and more.

    So–are you ready for what is to come? Enjoy a fascinating survey of the end times through the words of Jesus Himself, and gain the very best of what you can know about God’s plan for the future.

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  • Israel On High Alert


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736971225ISBN10: 073697122XRon RhodesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2018Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Bible Prophecy Answer Book


    Studying Prophecy Can Change Your Life Strengthen your faith and find real hope for the future in this extensive resource that provides concise answers to your most burning questions about Bible prophecy and the end times. Topics include everything from how to interpret prophecy to clarifying the perplexing specifics of the rapture, the antichrist, and the afterlife. Respected Bible scholar Ron Rhodes addresses questions many are asking, such as… Is it important that we be aware of the signs of the times? Do Christians agree about the role of America in Bible prophecy? Is there biblical evidence that the church will escape the tribulation period? Will only believers enter into Christ’s millennial kingdom? In what way will the heavens and earth be made “new”?

    Whether you’re looking for quick instruction or you’re eager to go deeper, this accessible Q&A-style guide will help you navigate prophetic Scripture passages and better understand matters of eternal significance.

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  • Find It Fast In The Bible


    Want to know more about a specific concept in Scripture without having to dig through multiple reference books? Find It Fast in the Bible is an innovative and comprehensive reference guide that makes it easy to discover what the Bible teaches.

    Look up the concept you want to know more about and discover a list of corresponding verses. With this user-friendly format, readers can find what they’re looking for in seconds, such as…
    *Adoption into God’s Family
    *By faith in Christ-Galatians 3:26
    *The Father allows us into His family-1 John 3:1, 2
    *Gentiles in God’s family too-Ephesians 2:19
    *Jesus firstborn of many brothers-Romans 8:29
    *Jews and Gentiles heirs together-Ephesians 3:6
    *The Lord disciplines us as His children-Hebrews 12:6-9

    With more than 100,000 copies sold, this guide to Scripture is ideal for the busy, on-the-go reader. It’s like having your own reference library right at your fingertips!

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  • Challenge Of The Cults And New Religions


    Cults and New Religions Aren’t Hard to Find They’re in your neighborhood . . . your workplace . . . your school . . . maybe even your family. Cults are flourishing across America. Chances are, you’ve encountered one, perhaps even know someone who is involved in a cult. Can you discuss knowledgably the critical differences between Christianity and the teachings of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, the New Age movement, Hindu-based cults, and other prominent groups and religious movements? In this essential resource, preeminent cult authority Ron Rhodes explains what cults are, why they are cause for concern, and why in the 21st century, as never before, their numbers and memberships are exploding nationally and worldwide. Drawing on his extensive experience as a cult researcher, Rhodes offers to-the-point, cutting-edge information on twelve major cults and new religions: Mormonism Jehovah’s Witnesses Mind Sciences New Age Movement Church of Scientology Hindu-based Cults Unification Church Baha’i Faith Unitarian Universalism Oneness Pentecostalism Masonic Lodge Satanism Learning the distinctives of these groups will equip you to deal with any of the thousands of other less significant cults you may encounter. The Challenge of the Cults and New Religion includes Color photos Scripture Index Subject Index Glossary Bibliography And your resources don’t end at the last page. You can supplement your knowledge whenever you choose by visiting the author’s Web site at for free, thorough, up-to-the-minute information on each cult discussed in the book. If you’re concerned for the temporal and eternal welfare of others, The Challenge of the Cults is a must. It will help you confront the deception of false Christs and lying doctrines with the clear, well-grounded truth of biblical Christianity.

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  • 40 Days Through Revelation


    The book of Revelation begins and ends with guarantees that its inspiring message leads to blessing. Popular Bible teacher and author Ron Rhodes guides readers on an encouraging journey through this prophetic book, interpreting its picturesque language and revealing its reassuring promises. Each short chapter is perfect for a group Bible study or a personal quiet time and includes:

    -Scripture Reading and Insights
    -A short passage of Revelation
    -Easy-to-understand notes on each verse
    -Major Themes
    -Brief summaries of the most important ideas
    -Digging Deeper with Cross-References
    -Several other passages readers can look up on relevant topics
    -Life Lessons-practical and helpful applications to everyday life
    -Questions for Reflection and Discussion-thought-provoking starters for group discussions or personal journaling

    Readers who may have been confused or intimidated by Revelation will appreciate this easy-to-understand and practical presentation of its empowering truths.

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  • 1001 Unforgettable Quotes About God Faith And The Bible


    Bible scholar and avid reader Ron Rhodes gathers his favorite quotes from classic and contemporary Christians about Scripture, belief, God, and life. For added spiritual insight, Rhodes provides Bible truths behind each presented quote. Topical selections can be read in order or as areas of interest arise for a reader.

    “If you can’t change circumstances, change the way you respond to them.”
    Tim Hansel (1941-2009), Seminar leader

    Bible Truth Behind the Quote: “For those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). This recognition helps us to respond positively to our circumstances.

    This rich collection will be a must-have for home and church libraries and will be a great gift for those who love gathering words of wisdom for their Christian walk.

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  • Wonder Of Heaven


    Increasing economic and cultural instability is leading North Americans to wonder more and more about existence beyond death. Many sources-some trustworthy, some not-are offering opinion, conjecture, and comforting words. Noted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes, bestselling author of Angels Among Us, goes to the Scriptures, God’s gift to help us live on earth in a way that prepares us for heaven. He tackles the important questions: What is the moment-of-death transition actually like? In what state will believers exist? Will they know loved ones? What will God’s people do in eternity? What will it be like to live with God forever? The Wonder of Heaven punctures the notion of a harp-strumming, do-nothing eternity. After glimpsing their home with God-and with people as God meant them to be-Christians will be filled with an anticipation that makes their lives brighter, stronger, and more effective today. Includes some material from the book Heaven: The Undiscovered Country.

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  • Most Misunderstood Bible Verses


    The instruction and wonder of the Bible can be clouded when readers are uncertain about the meaning of some verses. Bible scholar and popular author Ron Rhodes (more than 1 million copies in combined sales) draws on his many years of studying and teaching Scripture to empower readers with knowledge, background, and truth. With clear and helpful explanations, Rhodes:
    identifies the most troublesome verses
    reveals important principles to help interpret them
    addresses the stumbling blocks from Genesis to Revelation
    helps readers become familiar with God’s message
    clarifies the different literary genres of the Bible

    Whether read to satisfy curiosity, pursue deeper Bible study, or prepare for discussions with non-believers, this practical resource will open up the promises and meaning of God’s Word and gives readers confidence in all of Scripture.

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  • Christianity According To The Bible


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    How should a Christian respond when someone says, The Bible is just another book, or No one can really be certain God exists, or Jesus was a wonderful person, just like a lot of other great men?Popular Bible scholar Ron Rhodes lays out the clear teaching of Scripture on 12 essential elements of biblical Christianity, includingGod, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spiritangels, demons, and Satansin, salvation, and the afterlifeEach chapter mentions popular misconceptions about a particular topic and then presents a thorough yet easy-to-understand explanation of the related biblical truth. These informative presentations are also highly inspirational.Discussion questions for each chapter make this an ideal guide for group or personal use.

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  • Find It Quick Handbook On Cults And New Religions


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Were most cults and new religions simply passing fads of the late-twentieth century, or are some of them still growing today? What new sects have emerged, and what dangers do they present? How should Christians respond?

    Bible teacher and apologetics expert Ron Rhodes has cataloged 40 groups in this concise and easy-to-use handbook. Readers will appreciate Ron’s thorough research and his reader-friendly style. His brief examination of each group includes
    *a short history of the sect or new religion
    *an explanation of the group’s major doctrines
    *the Christian apologetic response

    This informative guide includes a list of “Apologetic Power Points,” which provides readers with a fast-paced summary of the foundational truths of biblical Christianity.

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  • New Age Movement


    Reincarnation, aruras, and energizing crystals — surely these are the stuff of fairy tales, nothing more. People don’t really speak to ancient Egyptian holy men, or listen seriously to Shirley MacLaine, for that matter — do they? Drawing from a range of occult, pagan, and pseudo-scientific traditions, the New Age Movement is broad, diffuse, hard to nail down — and insidiously dangerous. Its belief in the “divinity of humanity,” its emphasis on “self-actualization,” and its looking forward to a coming utopian “new world” have tremendous appeal. But does it have the truth?

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