Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit)
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Familiar Stranger : ReIntroducing The Holy Spirit To Those In Search Of An
$29.99Christians today are hungry for authentic spiritual experiences, yet all too often they don’t have the knowledge of or relationship with the Holy Spirit that is the key to a fully alive spirituality. In The Familiar Stranger, pastor and author Tyler Staton draws on Scripture, tradition, and spiritual practices to help you step into a genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit.
For a generation searching desperately for an experiential spirituality, there’s good news: the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence to empower and transform is freely available. Unfortunately, confusion and unfamiliarity surround the Person of the Holy Spirit, leading too many Christians either to sideline him or misunderstand what he means for their spiritual lives.
In The Familiar Stranger, Staton reintroduces this oft-neglected Person of the Trinity, tracing the story of the Holy Spirit as it unfolds throughout the Bible, and inviting believers to close the gap between what Scripture reveals about the Holy Spirit and their lived experience. Along the way, readers will:
*dig into key biblical images and metaphors that reveal the Holy Spirit’s nature, roles, and personality;
*learn about common misperceptions that keep believers and churches from experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence;
*discover how the Spirit brings discernment and access to miraculous power to partner with God in the work he’s doing in the world;
*reckon with the indispensable role of spiritual experience for walking with God; and
*understand how both Word and Spirit (too often separated in some church traditions) work together to draw people into a vibrant, intimate knowledge of God.
The Familiar Stranger will challenge, inform, and encourage believers from every background to become more deeply acquainted with the Person and work of the Holy Spirit–and experience his transformative, life-giving power in their lives.
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Fresh Oil : Secrets To Intimacy With The Holy Spirit
$19.99Revival is dependent on how much we allow the Holy Spirit to move.
After reading this book, you will have the confidence to share the good news of what the Holy Spirit is doing in our world with everyone who will listen. You will no longer sit on the sidelines, but rather you will partner with the Holy Spirit to do all that He has asked you to do.
Respected theologian and Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, saw firsthand the impact of the long-running Brownsville Revival on the church and the nation. He believes another powerful move of God is on the horizon, and he doesn’t want believers to miss or squander that moment.
In Seize the Moment, Brown lays out twenty-five proven ways readers can cultivate and sustain revival so it becomes more than an emotional experience and changes their lives, communities, and nations. With insight gleaned from years of experience, Brown challenges readers to:
*make Jesus and the cross central
*reach the lost
*never downplay the importance of holiness
*steer clear of doctrinal weirdness
*keep the main thing the main thing
*and moreFor those who want to be a part of the next great move of God, Revival Rising is essential reading. It will show readers how to embrace revival with wisdom and discernment and avoid the pitfalls that can sabotage a move of God, safeguard the purity of revival, and cultivate an environment where God’s presence dwells unhindered.
Christians have been praying, fasting, and longing for revival for years. This practical and inspirational book will help them be ready for it when it comes. If readers apply Brown’s wisdom, with the Spirit’s help, instead of messing up a move of God they will enjoy the fruit of revival for many years to come.
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Holy Spirit : Who He Is And Why We Can’f Live Without Him
$24.99Best-selling author Bill Johnson describes His decades-long intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as “the adventure of a lifetime.” You have the same opportunity for a life-defining “adventure” into God’s presence, love, and power by coming to know His Spirit.
Many people are unfamiliar with who the Holy Spirit is and what role He has in their lives. They may be confused about or even intimated by Him. Even many seasoned Christians have an easier time relating to God or Jesus, while the Spirit and His ways are often a mystery. Like Jesus’s disciples, we wonder why Jesus had to leave earth so that the Spirit could come.
In one sense, the Holy Spirit is surrounded by mystery because He is Spirit. But He is also personal and knowable. In fact, spiritually, we literally can’t live without Him and the life He brings us.
The Holy Spirit is Bill Johnson’s foundational book on the Spirit, including both introductory and deep truths about the third person of the Trinity. He describes what he has learned about seeking God, hosting His presence, and seeing His Spirit change the atmosphere of families and communities–bringing peace where there was anxiety and discord, salvation where hope was gone, and restoration where purpose was lost.
Johnson guides you into a close relationship with the Spirit–an eternal wellspring available for everyone, every day, everywhere, for every need and calling. Let the Spirit fill and overflow your life as He moves, shapes, cleanses, and carries you along in the adventure of God’s purposes for the world.
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Engaging The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit
$61.17Distinguished theologian Matthew Levering offers a historical examination of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, defending an Augustinian model against various contemporary theological views.
This work, a companion piece to Levering’s Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation, critically engages contemporary and classical doctrines of the Holy Spirit in dialogue with Orthodox and Reformed interlocutors, providing an introduction to the pneumatological landscape shared by all Christians. Levering focuses on the Spirit as Love and Gift in the economy of salvation as well as the Spirit’s mission to the church as Christ’s body. Through careful exegesis and interplay with sources from across the spectrum and throughout church history, and with special attention given to Thomas Aquinas and his theological heirs, Levering makes a strong dogmatic case for conceiving of the Holy Spirit as love between Father and Son, given to the people of God as a gift.
Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit will be of much interest to professors and students of systematic theology as well as Catholic and Protestant scholars.
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Holy Spirit In The New Testament
$28.99In the early church, miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit were normal and normative.
Today an ever-increasing number of Christians worldwide self-identify as Pentecostal or charismatic. William A. Simmons argues that this means the church needs a Spirit-centered interpretation of Scripture informed by a Pentecostal lens. In The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, Simmons provides an accessible New Testament introduction that discusses themes and passages of particular interest to Pentecostal readers. Each chapter explores the presence of the Spirit in a biblical book, then offers devotional applications to help readers respond to the text. In Matthew, for example, we discover that there is no Messianic era apart from the Spirit. For Paul in Romans, the Holy Spirit is the authenticating power and emotive heart of God. And Revelation is permeated with the illuminating voice of the Spirit from beginning to end. A Spirit-centered reading breaks down divisions between reason and spirit, mind and emotion. This book opens a dialogue between the academy and the church, demonstrating how sound exegesis speaks to Spirit-filled Christians. In the world and writings of the New Testament authors, we continue to encounter the revelatory presence of God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Welcome Holy Spirit
$22.99As the renowned scholar Thomas Oden noted, “No subject of Christian teaching is more prone to fanaticism and novelty and subjectivism than that of the Holy Spirit.”
The Bible’s own metaphors for the Spirit are as elusive as they are evocative–wind, oil, flame, water, dove–making pneumatology a mysterious study. But shying away from the topic is no solution. Gordon Smith encourages us to seek both fresh understanding and fresh experience of the Spirit through openness to learning more, no matter what our theological tradition. In this way, as we hold biblical convictions firmly but gracefully, the guiding principles of discernment and humility will help us intentionally live Spirit-responsive lives day by day. Welcome, Holy Spirit is a much-needed master class with a trustworthy and encouraging teacher. How can we cultivate an understanding of the Holy Spirit that helps us experience the presence of the Spirit in worship, in witness, in joy and sorrow, in seasons of blessing and times of difficulty alike, all the while honoring the fullness of the Trinity? That is the objective of the reflections in this book: an attentiveness to the Spirit, not to replace Christ as the focus of our lives and worship but to bring us truly into the presence of the living and ascended Lord. It is to this end that we pray, “Welcome, Holy Spirit.”
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Baptism And Fullness
$17.99“The Christian life is life in the Spirit,” writes John Stott. “It would be impossible to be a Christian, let alone to live and grow as a Christian, without the ministry of the gracious Spirit of God. All we have and are as Christians we owe to him.” The Holy Spirit continues to be at work around the world, as numerous renewal movements attest. Yet much confusion and controversy remain regarding the Holy Spirit’s activity. In this classic study, John Stott provides clear biblical exposition on the promise, the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He offers particular guidance on the nature of “the baptism of the Spirit” and whether certain spiritual gifts and experiences should be normative for all Christians. Always irenic and gracious, Stott points the way to both greater biblical understanding and deeper fullness of spiritual life.
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Maravillosa Vida Llena Del Esp – (Spanish)
$16.99Vida abundante–Jesus la prometio y nosotros la anhelamos. Sin embargo, son pocos los cristianos que la tienen. A traves de historias personales, exploracion biblica y explicaciones perspicaces, Stanley le presenta al Espiritu Santo. El no es una corriente electrica enorme a la que usted se conecta cuando necesita ayuda adicional, o un concepto teologico, sino es tan real y activo como Cristo. Tiene una personalidad, asi como una descripcion de trabajo especifica y un deseo definitivo de ser una parte activa de nuestras vidas.
Una invitacion sabia, mesurada y profundamente apasionada a una vida llena del Espiritu.
Esta usted tratando lo mejor que puede de ser un buen cristiano, pero cree que todavia le falta algo? La paz y la alegria que anhela parecen eludirle? Seguir a Cristo a veces puede parecer mucho trabajo o simplemente no funciona muy bien?Mucho ha sido escrito sobre el Espiritu Santo y lo que significa tenerlo como una parte activa de la vida. El doctor Charles Stanley termina con la confusion y ensea la verdad sobre la Tercera Persona de la Trinidad, que es tan real y activa como Dios el Padre y Cristo el Hijo.
A traves de historias personales, exploracion biblica y explicaciones perspicaces, el doctor Stanley le ayuda a descubrir:
– Quien es el Espiritu y como desarrollar una relacion con El.
– Quien no es el Espiritu y como evitar conceptos dainos.
– Como es que estar lleno del Espiritu realmente funciona.
– Lo que la Biblia ensea realmente acerca de las seales espirituales como el don de lenguas.
– Como el Espiritu puede incrementar su capacidad para tener fe, esperanza, amor y transformacion personal.
– Lo que significa escuchar la voz del Espiritu.
– Como aprovechar al maximo sus dones espirituales unicos para edificar el cuerpo de Cristo.
– Lo que sucede cuando se desata el poder del Espiritu en su lugar de trabajo, su familia, amistades y cualquier otra area de su vida.Descubra La maravillosa vida llena del Espiritu y el gran regalo que el Padre le ha dado a traves de Su Espiritu Santo.
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Spirit Within : Getting To Know The Person And Purpose Of The Holy Spirit
$22.50In what ways has your expectation of the Christian life differed from your experience of living the Christian life? Are you hungry for more? Pastors Rob King and Eric Ferris explore how you can be more comfortable, capable, and joyful in your relationship with God by experiencing an ongoing, renewable, increasing relationship with the Holy Spirit within.
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En Honor Al Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$6.99El renombrado autor Cash Luna presenta una version renovada del clasico best seller En honor al Espiritu Santo.
El autor basa el contenido de este libro en su experiencia personal. A partir de ella, imparte una profunda enseanza sobre el poder del Espiritu Santo y como obra en la vida de las personas.
No existe ninguna otra publicacion impresa que relate su experiencia con la uncion y la forma que esta le hizo crecer como persona, pastor y lider de una congregacion de mas de veinte mil miembros en Guatemala. La obra fue escrita con una estructura y lenguaje amigables que le hacen accesible a todo lector que desee conocer al Espiritu Santo y su uncion, sin importar su denominacion religiosa, su nivel teologico o compromiso con la iglesia.
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Purpose And Power Of The Holy Spirit
$16.99Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?
When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).
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Fathers Gift : The Holy Spirit
$15.93The Person of the Holy Spirit is THE GIFT promised in the book of Joel. THE GIFT is also why Jesus commanded the apostles to tarry in Jerusalem, until they received Him, The Holy Spirit. His infilling changed their lives from hiding in fear to boldly proclaiming the gospel and a willingness to give up their lives, and He is still given to ALL.
Seek Him… He is THE GIFT.
He matures the believer and purges the dross from our lives.Without His fire in and on our lives, we are powerless to live for Him. But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8
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Rediscovering The Holy Spirit
$22.99For the Spirit, being somewhat forgotten is an occupational hazard. The Holy Spirit is so actively involved in our lives that we can take his presence for granted. As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Just as we take breathing for granted, we can take the Holy Spirit for granted simply because we constantly depend on him. Like the cane that soon feels like an extension of the blind man’s own body, we too easily begin to think of the Holy Spirit as an extension of ourselves. Yet the Spirit is at the center of the action in the divine drama from Genesis 1:2 all the way to Revelation 22:17. The Spirit’s work is as essential as the Father’s and the Son’s, yet the Spirit’s work is always directed to the person and work of Christ. In fact, the efficacy of the Holy Spirit’s mission is measured by the extent to which we are focused on Christ. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who brings the work of the Father, in the Son, to completion. In everything that the Triune God performs, this perfecting work is characteristic of the Spirit. In Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, author, pastor, and theologian Mike Horton introduces readers to the neglected person of the Holy Spirit, showing that the work of God’s Spirit is far more ordinary and common than we realize. Horton argues that we need to take a step back every now and again to focus on the Spirit himself-his person and work-in order to recognize him as someone other than Jesus or ourselves, much less something in creation. Through this contemplation we can gain a fresh dependence on the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives.
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Holy Spirit Revivals
$19.00Charles Finney’s ministry led to some of the most amazing revivals that have ever occurred in the United States or England. In Holy Spirit Revivals, Finney recalls those events, revealing the secrets that led to the mass conversions of lost souls in his meetings throughout upstate New York, as well as in Boston, Philadelphia, and London.
Unafraid of offending delicate ears by addressing the problem of sin head on, Finney’s dedication to prayer, his understanding of Scripture, and his radical reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit are a great template for believers today.
An outstanding resource for anyone interested in seeing a revival of faith in the church, Holy Spirit Revivals is a treasured account of one of the greatest Christian preachers in history.
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Stones Of Remembrance A Spiritual Autobiography
One Memorial Stones
Two Early Memories
Three Longing For Relationship With God
Four My “Teacher” Moved In
Five Revelation Of Worship
Six Humbled By Fresh Revelation
Seven Power Over The Enemy
Eight A New Phase Of Ministry
Nine Introduction To West Coast Ministry
Ten Revival And Revelation
Eleven A New Name
Twelve A Mandate To Go To The Body Of ChristNote P. 158
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When I was wrestling with the request of others that I write my life story, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me, “Stones of remembrance.” He caught my attention, and I wondered what He was saying. My mind went immediately to Joshua 4:3 where the Lord commanded the Israelites to take up twelve stones from the middle of the river Jordan, one for each of the twelve tribes. It was important to the Lord that the children of Israel make a memorial so that future generations who had not experienced the power of God could understand and fear the Lord.As I pondered that fact, I began to understand that the supernatural experiences I had enjoyed were not just for me to receive revelation of God’s wonderful truths, but to leave them for others who would follow as well. And not surprisingly, I had experienced twelve different revelations!
I invite you to share with me the memorial stones that have become my testimony. Learn how God, in His great mercy and loving-kindness, will shine His light on the truth of His Word to open your understanding to His ways.
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Power Of The Holy Spirit
$14.99Heavenly Realm Publishing Company
In The Power of the Holy Spirit, Stephanie reaches deep through a clear outline of scriptures and text, showing Who the Holy Spirit is and how important it is to have Him. You can know Him personally and experience the power of His Great and Mighty Spirit. Many Christian Believers acknowledge Him as a type of Christian faith, but perhaps not as they face struggles day to day in their spiritual walk. He is a Divine Advocate, Counselor, and Guide Who can empower the Believer to meet life’s challenges and bring guidance to all Christian Believers who desire Him. With this book, you can experience this awesome gift of God as you seek to discover: The Knowledge of the Gifts and Baptism of the Holy Spirit Why Christians and the Church Need The Holy Spirit Why You Should be Filled by Faith and Not by Emotions Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit-How to Listen and Yield Yourself The Gift to Know Your Calling/Purpose Through the Holy Spirit The Ability to Obtain or Maintain Self-Control, Love, Joy, Patience, Peace, and Humility (love) Once the Holy Spirit is Received Helps You Identify deep issues to the root of personal struggles Provides you the Ability to Discern through Prayer What is Best in Daily Situations The Power of the Holy Spirit helps the Believer build their faith and reliance on the Holy Spirit, as they live confidently through challenging relationships and situations; knowing that the Holy Spirit is with them and ready to help.
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Illumination In Basil Of Caesareas Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit
1. Introduction: Basil And Knowledge Of God
2. The Illumination And The Holy Spirit
3. In Divine Light-Baptism As Illumination
4. The Divine Light Over Creation
5. The Divine Light Over Scripture
6. Conclusion: To Speak Of The Spirit Of God
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Although Basil of Caesarea was the first to write a discourse on the Holy Spirit, many scholars have since questioned if he fully believed in the Spirit’s divinity. Timothy P. McConnell argues that Basil did regard the Spirit as fully divine and an equal Person of the Trinity. However, Basil refused to use philosophical terminology to make the point, preferring to use what the Spirit revealed through divine act and Scripture. Thus, “illumination” becomes the primary paradigm for Basil, which later theologians would come to call revelation, setting the stage for this study’s high relevance for contemporary thought.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Holy Spirit And Ethics In Paul (Revised)
$73.75Part 1. Religious-Ethical Empowerment Through Infusion-Transformation
Part 2. Religious-Ethical Empowerment By The Relational Work Of The Spirit
Part 3. ConclusionsAdditional Info
Among the different understandings of the Spirit in the New Testament, Paul’s Spirit language stands out for being at once dynamic and sometimes impersonal-inviting comparison with the Stoic notion of spirit (pneuma) as a substance. Volker Rabens reexamines Paul’s statements about the Spirit in the widest possible contexts and argues that the alleged parallels with Stoic conceptions are at best ambiguous. Paul understands the work of the Spirit relationally, Rabens argues, and it is through intimate relationships that the Spirit transforms and empowers people’s lives.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Operation Of The Gifts And Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
$21.86As the world marches to the rhythm of prophetic eventualities, and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the church’s responsibility to the world is to appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit in their daily walk, so that world is drawn to seek Christ. Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is powerless in this present world. Lost souls will have no light to draw them to the way of truth. The Operation of The Gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit looks at The Promised Gift and the Church’s response.
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Holy Fire : A Balanced Biblical Look At The Holy Spirits Work In Our Lives
$19.99Want to know how the Holy Spirit works in the world? Are you hungry for more of him in your life? Addressing the controversy surrounding the Third Person of the Trinity, Kendall uses Scripture and his personal experiences to explore the person, gifts, and actions of the Spirit in today’s church and society.
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Simple Spirit : Simplifying The Fullness Of The Spirit
Moving Away From An Event-based Relationship
Manifestation, Demonstration And Articulation
The Natural Opposing Force To The Holy Spirit
Simple Questions And Simple Answers
Extinguish And Distinguish
Receiving The Gift Of The Baptism Of The Holy SpiritAdditional Info
One of the fastest growing movements in the world is the Pentecostal / charismatic movement. This movement has traditionally been marked as self-serving due to the dynamics of the personal spiritual experience it offers to those who follow it. Having been raised in a Pentecostal denomination I have seen both the extremes of this movement and the benefits. Simple Spirit takes you by the hand and leads you through my personal experience and testimony of being a Pentecostal by experience for over 40 years.Simple Spirit is about you. It’s about the personal presence of the indwelling Spirit of God leading you daily in forward motion faith. There are manifestations that are rooted in Scripture that we will discuss and encourage you to experience. I will do this in a very simple manner.
Simple Spirit is about the desire of the Holy Spirit to invade your life everyday. The Holy Spirit longs to produce in you in both His fruit and gifts. Every day of our life the Holy Spirit desires to be a visible presence in our lives.
Welcome to Simple Spirit – a supernatural and personal experience rooted in the Word of God awaits you.
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Miracle Work : A Down To Earth Guide To Supernatural Ministries
$22.9918 Chapters
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We are a supernatural people. Made in the image of God and called to follow a risen Lord through the world God made-we’re anything but normal. Given all that, it should not be surprising to us when miraculous things happen in our midst. Still, many of us are intimidated at the thought of it, and we stop short of trying so we won’t disappoint God with our lack of faith, or-if we’re being honest-so we won’t be disappointed when God fails to deliver. In Miracle Work Jordan Seng tells remarkable stories of physical healings and prophetic messages. He reflects on the possibility and limitations of a contemporary ministry that believes in the power of God, and helps us train and prepare ourselves for when God works through us in the lives of others. Read Miracle Work for a better understanding of what it means to be agents of grace, healing and even miracles in a world that desperately needs the good news of Gods loving, healing touch.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Holy Spirit Here And Now
$16.99“The Holy Spirit is deeply at work in you, right at this moment, wherever you are.” As Hudson shares his own struggles and joys in being more responsive to the Holy Spirit, readers will realize that the Spirit is accessible to them and can transform their lives. Each chapters includes a simple exercise to help readers connect with the Holy Spirit in their daily lives.
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Redescubrimiento Del Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99For some of us, being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy Jesus promised. ‘You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying hard,’ Cymbala writes, ‘but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you.’ The Holy Spirit is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. This is sad because without him our spiritual lives will always be dry, mechanical, and a struggle. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and with biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.
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Encounter The Holy Spirit
$12.99An introduction to the person and work of the Holy Spirit
This book is written for new and young Christians to provide simple steps in how to receive, use, and develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Its simple, easy-to-follow format encourages readers to engage with the Holy Spirit through prayers and exercises. An initial introduction to the person and nature of the Spirit is followed by explanations of the gifts of tongues, words of knowledge, prophecy, and miracles and healing, and concludes with an introduction to prayer ministry.
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Holy Spirit : Activating Gods Power In Your Life
$18.99Exactly who is the Holy Spirit, and what does He do? In this classic volume, Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of this much discussed but often misunderstood member of the Trinity.
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Like Spring Rain
$57.26Looking at key concepts such as sealing, regeneration, indwelling, filling, baptism, spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues, this book seeks to set the Pentecostal and Toronto experiences on a biblical, doctrinal basis which is both evangelical and conservative.
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Like Spring Rain
$37.26Looking at key concepts such as sealing, regeneration, indwelling, filling, baptism, spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues, this book seeks to set the Pentecostal and Toronto experiences on a biblical, doctrinal basis which is both evangelical and conservative.
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What You Need To Know About The Holy Spirit
$19.99What does the Holy Spirit do today? Should I ask for Him to give me a particular gift or do a miracle? How can I experience Him on a daily basis? Come to terms with the most misunderstood member of the Trinity. In twelve lessons for individual or small group study, you will watch the Holy Spirit at work from the earliest times to the present, moving through the pages of both the Old and New Testaments. You will get to know Him as your comforter in times of pain, your encourager in moments of defeat, and your teacher in times of confusion. And, finally, you will learn how to receive His power for service to Christ and let His guidance and direction anchor them in the will of God. The Max Anders “What You Need to Know About…” series is made up of ten, 12-lesson study guides covering the fundamentals of Christianity. The ten books in the series together form a “Basic Knowledge” program for seekers, new believers, and veteran believers who want a stronger foundation in the Christian faith.
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Holy Spirit Manufactured Prayer
$38.1116 Chapters
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Holy Spirit manufactures prayer for us because He knows what is in the mind of God. Throughout Scripture when God spoke, it was creative and always revealed something about Himself, His purposes, or His ways. As we are fast approaching His next coming, I believe the LORD wants to reveal His plan, His place, His provision, and His purpose for our lives. But for us to get there, we must partner with Him through vigorous prayer. Paul wrote in the book of Acts, “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:4)This devotional prayer book provides detailed, kingdom-minded prayers which were inspired through the Holy Spirit. Do not just pray, but pray with understanding. How we pray can determine the urgency at which our prayers are answered. I am sure victory is waiting for you.
Prayer Reveals the Mind of God
Prayer Helps to Renew Our Mind-Set
Prayer Shows Humility to Our Creator
Prayer Keeps Us Spiritually Alert for Kingdom Purposes
Prayer Prepares Us for the Second Coming of Our Lord JesuAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Holy Spirit Manufactured Prayer
$24.3616 Chapters
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Holy Spirit manufactures prayer for us because He knows what is in the mind of God. Throughout Scripture when God spoke, it was creative and always revealed something about Himself, His purposes, or His ways. As we are fast approaching His next coming, I believe the LORD wants to reveal His plan, His place, His provision, and His purpose for our lives. But for us to get there, we must partner with Him through vigorous prayer. Paul wrote in the book of Acts, “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:4)This devotional prayer book provides detailed, kingdom-minded prayers which were inspired through the Holy Spirit. Do not just pray, but pray with understanding. How we pray can determine the urgency at which our prayers are answered. I am sure victory is waiting for you.
Prayer Reveals the Mind of God
Prayer Helps to Renew Our Mind-Set
Prayer Shows Humility to Our Creator
Prayer Keeps Us Spiritually Alert for Kingdom Purposes
Prayer Prepares Us for the Second Coming of Our Lord JesuAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Amazing Power Of The Holy Spirit
The answer may be found in the labor of love The Amazing Power of The Holy Spirit by E. James Dickey!
This power-packed writing promises new insights and inspiration to all who are in need of spiritual sustenance today. It is full of examples, stories, scriptural references, and for the deep thinker, strong theological proclamations.
These pages on The Amazing Power of the Holy Spirit promise new insights and inspiration to all who love the written word, especially in relation to the critical need of spirituality today.
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Holy Spirit In The World Today
$14.99In recent decades, churches across the world have been rediscovering the dynamic power and deep wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Alongside the experience of the Spirit, many theologians have begun to explore the theology of the Spirit, and in 2010, a major conference took place at Holy Trinity Brompton on this very topic. This book is a collection of twelve papers delivered there, and includes contributions from Jnrgen Moltmann, Miroslav Volf, David Ford, and Rowan Williams. About the Editor: Dr. Jane Williams is a tutor in Christian doctrine at St. Mellitus College and a visiting lecturer in theology at King”s College London, having previously taught at Trinity College Bristol. She is the wife of the former Archbishop of Canterbury.
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Mission Of The Holy Spirit
$33.68This book, The Mission of the Holy Spirit, grew out of a series of messages given by Pastor Wade Graber in 1995. Now fifteen years after the initial vision, paradigm shift, and some personal spiritual growth, Wade’s hope in penning The Mission of the Holy Spirit is for Christians to more fully understand the presence and ministry of God the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to receive the indwelling Spirit. The message of the book is quite simple. You are the mission field of God the Holy Spirit. He has numerous things He wants to do in your life that affect your present and your eternity. The Holy Spirit wants to transform you into Christ’s image and glorify the Father and the Son. This book and the accompanying songs require uninterrupted worship and meditation in order to experience the richest reality of the Holy Spirit.
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Mission Of The Holy Spirit
$23.68This book, The Mission of the Holy Spirit, grew out of a series of messages given by Pastor Wade Graber in 1995. Now fifteen years after the initial vision, paradigm shift, and some personal spiritual growth, Wade’s hope in penning The Mission of the Holy Spirit is for Christians to more fully understand the presence and ministry of God the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to receive the indwelling Spirit. The message of the book is quite simple. You are the mission field of God the Holy Spirit. He has numerous things He wants to do in your life that affect your present and your eternity. The Holy Spirit wants to transform you into Christ’s image and glorify the Father and the Son. This book and the accompanying songs require uninterrupted worship and meditation in order to experience the richest reality of the Holy Spirit.
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Baptism In The Holy Spirit (Anniversary)
$44.99Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of James Dunn’s most influential books and has become a classic. Forty years after its original publication it still sparks debate and appears on many Reading lists. In an extensive Preface to this fortieth anniversary edition, James Dunn engages with the debates about the book since it was first published. In Baptism in the Holy Spirit James Dunn argues that water baptism is only one element in the New Testament pattern of conversion and initiation. The gift of the Spirit, he believes, is the central element. For the writers of the New Testament only those who had received the Holy Spirit could be called Christians. For them, the reception of the Spirit was a very definite and often very dramatic experience–the decisive and climactic experience in conversion and initiation–to which Christians were usually recalled when reminded of their Christian faith and experience. James Dunn uncovers the place of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the total complex event of becoming a Christian.
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Understanding The Spirit World
$18.73Who lives inside the believer? Is it Jesus, the Father, the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit? Is He a person and if so how does a person live in each Christian all around the world at the same time.
What happens when saints pray? How does God hear our prayers? How does He answer our prayers? What state of being are the departed saints in when they die? What will be the role of the church after this life is over? These and many other questions are discussed in this book and answered for your understanding from Zachariah chapter four.
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Gods Empowering Presence (Reprinted)
$76.47God’s Empowering Presence is a fresh and original analysis of all the passages in the Pauline corpus (including Ephesians, Colossians, and the Pastoral Epistles) that concern the Holy Spirit. Through comprehensive lexical, historical, and grammatical study, Fee provides an exegesis of every Spirit text in Paul’s writings. He then investigates the Holy Spirit’s crucial roles in Pauline theology including eschatological fulfillment, divine Person of the Trinity, and evidence for and guarantee of salvation. New, updated cover.
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Hombre Espiritual – (Spanish)
$29.99The most well-known work of this author. Gives a clear understanding of the spiritual life, its laws and dangers. Book 1 looks at Flesh and Heart. Book 2 covers the Laws of the Spirit and the Dangers of the spiritual life. Book 3 talks about the Heart and Body.
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Engaging With The Holy Spirit
$17.99Despite today’s growing charismatic movement, many Christians remain unclear about the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Cole offers biblical answers to six common questions—what is blasphemy against the Spirit; how do we resist, quench, and grieve him; how does he fill us; and should we pray directly to him? Reader-friendly and reassuring.
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Honesty Morality And Conscience
$16.99NavPress Print On Demand Title
In Honesty, Morality, and Conscience , Jerry White takes a hard look at some of life’s gray areas. Exploring the origin and depth of our conscience, our moral compass, and truthful living, he explains how God has given us everything we need to face the moral and ethical questions of today in all areas of our lives.
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After The Spirit
$33.99“To think about the Spirit it will not do to think ‘spiritually’: to think about the Spirit you have to think materially,” claims Eugene F. Rogers. The Holy Spirit, who in classical Christian discourse “pours out on all flesh,” has tended in modern theology and worship to float free of bodies. The result of such disembodiment, contends Rogers, is that our talk about the Spirit has become flat and uninspiring. In After the Spirit Rogers diagnoses a related gap in the revival of trinitarian theology, a mentality that “there’s nothing the Spirit can do that the Son can’t do better.”
The Eastern Christian tradition, by contrast, has usually linked the Holy Spirit with holy places, holy people, and holy things. Weaving together a rich tapestry of sources from this tradition, Rogers locates the Spirit in the Gospel stories of the annunciation, Jesus’ baptism, the transfiguration, and the resurrection. These stories offer illuminating glimpses into both the Spirit’s connection with the tangible world and the Spirit’s distinctive place in relation to the other persons of the Trinity.
Eight gorgeous color plates complement Rogers’s witty and passionate prose.
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Father And The Son And The Holy Spirit
$19.98“The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” OR “Oneness-Jesus Only”: This book strives to provide biblically based answers to very important questions. Do we serve a Triune God who is ONE GOD and is seen in the three distinct persons of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as Jesus Himself taught in Matthew 28:19? Or do we adhere to the teachings of the “Oneness-Jesus Only” doctrines that contradict the directives of Jesus Himself as given by Him to His disciples? This book also focuses on other doctrines within the “Oneness-Jesus Only” teachings that are in direct contradiction to the Word of God. Is water baptism in the Name of Jesus Only required for salvation? Is speaking in tongues a requirement of salvation as taught by Oneness Believers, or is speaking in tongues one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we read in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12? Are we saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as the Scriptures teach “OR” are we saved through faith and works as set forth by some denominations? Who are we to follow-God or man?
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Voice Of Jesus
$28.99Jesus takes it for granted that you will hear his voice. But how do you hear it? How do you separate it out from the cacophony of other voices you hear everyday, including those of your own desires? Is your experience of Jesus’ voice something purely subjective, or is it something you can talk about with others and have them confirm?
Building on the rich spiritual tradition that spans the diversity of history and theology from Ignatius Loyola to John Wesley to Jonathan Edwards, Gordon T. Smith helps open your ears and heart to the depths of the inner witness of the Spirit. By learning to attend to the Spirit, Smith urges, you will learn to hear and heed the voice of Jesus in everyday life.Written with warmth and wisdom, this book speaks to the mind and heart of every Christian who longs for a closer, more intimate walk with Jesus
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Meeting The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Who is the Holy Spirit?
How does he change our lives?
How does he work in the world?
In ten sessions Douglas Connelly helps you examine these and other critical questions. You will see that the Spirit of God is eager to work in your life to draw you closer to God.
This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.
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1 Holy Fire
$17.99What would happen if you called on God’s Spirit to unleash His power in your life?
What if you really believed Jesus’ promise that His Spirit would empower you to do even greater miracles than He did when He walked the earth?
You hold the answers to those soul-stirring questions in your hands. Since the moment that Nicky Cruz-a street-tough gang member in New York City-met Jesus Christ decades ago, he has seen no distinction between the working of God’s Spirit in the Book of Acts and the way that same Spirit works daily in his own life and ministry.
In One Holy fire, the renowned author of Run, Baby, Run introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He shares never-before-published stories from his life that will quicken your heart and spark your spirit. He challenges you to abandon yourself and live according to the Spirit’s moment-by-moment guidance. And he inspires you to open your heart. . .and let the Spirit ignite your soul.
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Holy Spirit In The Third Millennium
$33.73This work deals with issues surrounding the manifestation of the Spirit in prayer from theological and practical points of view. The treatment is orthodox, yet it is charismatic in tone and practical in presentation. It is a culmination of thirty years of study and experience received from conducting seminars spanning denominational lines. It has broad appeal to charismatic, Pentecostal, and parachurch groups, yet it has reached into evangelical, mainline, Catholic Pentecostal, and ecumenical groups because of its reasoned theological and biblical content. This book deals with theological issues and answers questions that some have been afraid to ask. The author presents a thorough analysis of the Spirit’s manifestation with personal examples. The subject of the Holy Spirit is presented in a fresh manner that the modern churchman can receive. For some it may seem too practical, but it has proved itself to be the correct approach, as thousands have received the Holy Spirit and His presence has been manifested in our meetings. People have come to Christ and been healed by this message. Simply put, it works.
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Holy Spirit In The Third Millennium
$21.23This work deals with issues surrounding the manifestation of the Spirit in prayer from theological and practical points of view. The treatment is orthodox, yet it is charismatic in tone and practical in presentation. It is a culmination of thirty years of study and experience received from conducting seminars spanning denominational lines. It has broad appeal to charismatic, Pentecostal, and parachurch groups, yet it has reached into evangelical, mainline, Catholic Pentecostal, and ecumenical groups because of its reasoned theological and biblical content. This book deals with theological issues and answers questions that some have been afraid to ask. The author presents a thorough analysis of the Spirit’s manifestation with personal examples. The subject of the Holy Spirit is presented in a fresh manner that the modern churchman can receive. For some it may seem too practical, but it has proved itself to be the correct approach, as thousands have received the Holy Spirit and His presence has been manifested in our meetings. People have come to Christ and been healed by this message. Simply put, it works.
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Secret Power
$16.00Have you ever met someone who stands out from the crowd? They’re strong, confident, and full of peace. Even though they face the same stresses and difficulties as others, they have a joy the others don’t have. They’ve found peace in a chaotic, violent, and stressed world. No matter what the opposition, they seem to pull through with power. What’s their secret? D.L. Moody will show you how to find the power of the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit to guide you, you can live a truly effective life that will touch and inspire those around you.
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Filled With The Spirit
$28.55Tap Into God’s Power Source by Welcoming the Holy Spirit into Your Life! Have you ever felt dissatisfied in your Christian walk? Have you felt that your love relationship with Christ hit a plateau and there is no power in your prayers anymore? You can experience a deeper level in the Lord, and see life-changing results by learning how to welcome the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence and power into your daily life! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Joyce Meyer overcame an abusive past. She explains from experience the importance of inviting the Third Person of the Trinity to fill your life. This book is a catalyst for those desiring a more power-filled Christian walk. Let bestselling author Joyce Meyer show you how to be filled with the Spirit and speak in tongues. Enjoy this new walk with the Holy Spirit, the person who wants to be your Counselor, Advocate, Strengthener and Forever-Stand-By Friend.
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Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit
$16.00The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. Andrew Murray explores the powerful, divine life that is meant for every child of God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of your own efforts. A dynamic, joyful life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be yours today!
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Spirit And Beauty (Reprinted)
$35.99Many Christian theologians have associated beauty, both in nature and art, with the Holy Spirit. They include early Fathers like St Irenaeus and St Clement of Alexandria, as well as later writers like Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Sergius Bulgakov and Hans Urs von Balthasar. This text investigates what they said and why. In doing so, it also serves as an introduction to the whole area of theological aesthetics. Besides exploring the connection between the Holy Spirit and beauty, it ranges more widely by considering topics such as divine glory, inspiration and the eschatological character of beauty. Its discussions bring together two areas of lively interest in contemporary Christianity: the theology of the Holy Spirit and theological aesthetics.
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Sensitivity Of The Spirit
$19.99We must learn the difference between being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and being aware of the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit! Drawing on the story of Mary and Joseph moving ahead of Jesus, Dr. Kendall explains how easy it is for us to make assumptions in the natural and run on ahead of the Holy Spirit. When you find yourself ahead of God’s timing and moving forward with your own personal plans, you must stop and go back! You can find the road back from anywhere, and that road is called repentence! It points you in the direction of peace!
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Holy Spirit In The Wesleyan Heritage Leaders Guide (Revised)
$9.99Gain fresh insight into The United Methodist Church’s teachings about the Holy Spirit. This 8-session study explores how the Holy Spirit produces a faith that saves the individual through Jesus Christ. Also discusses the Wesleyan emphasis on Christian experience; historical movements for church renewal; and the contemporary charismatic movement.
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Promise : Experiencing Gods Greatest Gift The Holy Spirit
$21.99Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.Christ promised He’d send a helper. The Holy Spirit is a real person who desires to guide our thoughts and actions toward the holiness of God. Tony Evans unfolds the work of the Holy Spirit in this very practical and helpful study of the third person of the Trinity.
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Fire And Wind
$24.00A collection of essays and sermons by prominent Presbyterian theologians and leaders on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and its application for the faithful today. This is a companion piece to Confessing the Faith Today (both are collections of presentations made at convocations on important topics).
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Living The Presence Of The Spirit
$18.00This popular theology on the Holy Spirit is at once profound and remarkably accessible. Jack Haberer tracks the doctrine of the Spirit through the Bible, contemporary experiences, and church life and examines the way it applies to social issues in the world today. Haberer’s clear presentation brings stories from the Bible to life and makes this book a standout among those on the Spirit and spirituality.
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Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit
$17.001. The Work Of The Holy Spirit
2. The Necessity Of The Work Of The Spirit
3. The Chief Office Of The Holy Spirit
4. The Personality Of The Holy Spirit
5. The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit
6. Adoption – The Spirit And The Cry
7. Grieving The Holy Spirit
8. The Holy Spirit And The One Church
192 PagesAdditional Info
“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” — Acts 1:8 NKJVWho can measure the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives? When we are in the dark, He brings the Light. When our minds are perplexed, He gives the Answer. When we need an encouraging promise, He provides the Word. When we are lost, He shows the Way.
In these pages, Charles Spurgeon clearly communicates profound truths abouth the Holy Spirit. Discover the joy of having the Spirit of Christ within you, and learn how He will. . .
* Remind you of God’s promises
* Guide you in your decisions
* Intercede for your needs
* Strengthen your faith
* Comfort you in your sorrows
You can experience the Spirit of God living within you, guiding and empowering you daily life.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Experiencing The Holy Spirit
$17.98Experiencing the Holy Spirit offers insight to those who are hungry for a deeper, more probing experience of God’s nature as revealed in the person of the Holy Spirit.
While most Christians have an awareness of the third person of the Trinity, they have little experience of this personhood or power. Experiencing the Holy Spirit shows readers how to welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence into their lives and grow in intimate relationship with Him through hearing and obeying His voice; praying and walking in the Spirit; operating in His power, gifts, signs, and wonders; and receiving His anointing. Includes more than 50 interactive exercises.
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Holy Spirit : Activating Gods Power In Your Life
$21.99Exactly who is the Holy Spirit, and what does He do? In this classic volume, Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of this much discussed but often misunderstood member of the Trinity.
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Acts Of The Holy Spirit
$16.99“The astounding, invigorating dynamics of the Holy Spirit have never been more present and available than now,” Lloyd Ogilvie declares. And where better to learn more about the power of the Spirit than from the book of Acts? With keen and practical insight, Dr. Ogilvie follows the story of the early church through the book of Acts. From their example, we see how to live as God intends – with the limitless power of the Holy Spirit released in our lives. Join in the adventure of following the Spirit’s guidance and living confidently in his power.
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Experiencing The Spirit (Reprinted)
$20.00The Christian life is not a set of rituals or teachings, but a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. No matter how much you know about the Bible, no matter how strong your self-discipline, no matter how hard you try to serve and please God, if your relationship with the Holy Spirit is weak, the Christian life will not work for you. In Experiencing the Spirit, Heidler shows how God wants to unleash His power in your life, to bring you into dynamic, life-giving relationship with the Spirit of God. We were given the Holy Spirit to make the Christian life experiential, to make Jesus real in our lives. So stop struggling to survive from week to week and start living every minute in the power He has given you.
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Giving Gift : The Holy Spirit In Person
$22.43This major study breaks new ground, going beyond the issue most discussed in charismatic circles (the working of the Holy Spirit) to tackle questions relating to the person of the Holy Spirit and his relationships to the Father and the Son, as well as his relationship to people.
Smail’s theological horizons are impressively broad, embracing historical orthodoxy and including the Roman and Eastern Orthodox traditions, as well as contemporary theology. He combines full theological literacy with personal insight into renewal, thus illuminating a contemporary experience of the Holy Spirit with the sovereignty of God in salvation.
In The Giving Gift he offers a positive understanding of Christian tradition in its relation to Scripture and a new approach to prayer as a gift that God makes by his Spirit. He also provides an attempt to understand the work of the Spirit in the church throughout the ages and in different traditions, emphasising in particular the role and contribution of the Eastern Orthodox churches.
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Renewing Your Spiritual Passion (Student/Study Guide)
1. It’s Got to Glow in You All the Time
2. Doing More and Enjoying It Less
3. It’s All Over!
4. Running on Empty
5. Further Threats to Spiritual Passion
6. Those Who Bring Joy
7. The Happy and the Hurting
8. Friendly Fire
9. He Knew I Couldn’t Handle It!
10. It’s What’s Inside That Counts
11. Rack ‘Em Up
12. Safe Places
13. The Place of Secrets
14. The Still Times
15. Special Friends
16. More Special Friends
17. Renewing Your Spiritual Passion
STUDY GUIDEAdditional Info
Have- you ever been too far- from home to turn back yet too weary to want to continue toward your destination? Renewing, Your Spiritual Passion looks at the journey we-are on, as. Christians, and poses just that question: All of us want to have the passion to be godly people. But too many times, having that passion is easier to talk about than to actually find or maintain.
Do you have so many things to do, and, do well, that you are unable to do them all? Are, you tired and passionless about your spiritual journey? In Renewing Your Spiritual Passion, Gordon MacDonald asks if there is a growing weariness of spirit -among Christians and discusses what they can do to change that.Learn what is happening to you, why it is happening, and what you can do about it by Renewing Your Spiritual Passion.
For years, Gordon MacDonald has been giving -readers, conference-goers, and church members guidance and encouragement on a variety of important issues. Now, his, best-loved works can be found in The Gordon MacDonald. Bestseller Series, each including a study guide for individual of group use. Look for all four titles in the series: Ordering Your Private World, Renewing Your-Spiritual Passion, The Life God Blesses and When Men Think-private Thoughts.
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Holy Spirit : Contours Of Christian Theology
$35.99The Holy Spirit, once forgotten, has been “rediscovered” in the twentieth century – or has he? Sinclair Ferguson believes we should rephrase this common assertion: “While his work has been recognized, the Spirit himself remains to many Christians an anonymous, faceless aspect of the divine being.” In order to redress this balance, Ferguson seeks to recover the who of the Spirit as much as the what and how. Ferguson’s study is rooted and driven by the scriptural story of the Spirit in creation and redemption.
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Disciplines Of The Holy Spirit
$19.991. The Power Of The Holy Spirit
2. The Disciplines Of The Holy Spirit
3. Solitude And Silence
4. Listening And Guidance
5. Prayer And Intercession
6. Study And Meditation
7. Repentance And Confession
8. Yielding And Submission
9. Fasting
10. Worship
11. Fellowship
12. Simplicity
13. Service
14. Witness
240 PagesAdditional Info
Disciplines of the Holy Spirit shows how a dynamic, close walk with God can be yours each day through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. As the energizer of your faith, the Spirit wants to bring you into a transforming communion with Christ. He wants to empower you to love your enemies, live without fear, and give generously out of an inner abundance. Your part? Simply yielding to him through the following spiritual disciples: Solitude–helping you draw near to God for spiritual growth and vigor. Surrender–helping you surrender to God’s will and purpose for your life, preparing you for effective ministry. Service–helping you move into fellowship with others and partnership with God in reaching a broken world. As you practice the spiritual disciplines, your concept of what it means to be a Christian will acquire new, life-changing dimension. You’ll grow closer to Jesus–and your life will increasingly reflect the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Holy Spirit My Senior Partner
$18.991. Communion With The Holy Spirit-Why?
2. Who Is The Holy Spirit? Spirit
4. Unbelievers And The Holy Spirit
5. Believers And The Holy Spirit
3. Names And Symbols Of The Holy
6. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
7. Receiving The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
8. Discerning Evil Spirits In A Person
9. Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
10. The Gifts Of Revelation
11. The Vocal Gifts
12. The Gifts Of Power
175 PagesAdditional Info
Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my afairs, and He does. I say. “Good morning, Holy Spirit. Let’s work together today and I will be Your vessel. Every evening before retiring I say again, “It’s been a wonderful day working with You, Holy Spirit.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Tongues Of Fire
$19.93Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.
Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.
Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.
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Outdoor Moments With God
$18.9948 Chapters
191 PagesAdditional Info
For more than thirty years W. Phillip Keller has enlightened and encouraged readers with his rare combination of insight into God’s Word coupled with a celebration of God’s presence in everyday life. Once again he has turned his attention to the spiritual lessons learned from the simple experiences of life – working in the yard, hiking in the mountains, or surveying some magnificent expanse of land and sky.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Espiritu Santo Revelado En La (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)
$15.99This book is written from the evangelical and Pentecostal view. This work is the result of a whole life dedicated to studying the word, from one of the most respected Pentecostal scholars of our day.
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Mi Companero El Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$13.99You can enjoy a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Dr. Cho sees himself as the junior partner of the Holy Spirit in his daily work of accomplishing the portion of God’s plan assigned to him. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day, receive inspiration through the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, understand and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
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Holy Spirit : Comprehensive Study Of The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit
$28.55This book on the Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord’s classes at Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover before prompting this new paperback edition. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.
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Questions And Answers On Spiritual Gifts
$13.73The importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the essential functioning of the Church of Jesus Christ cannot be over-estimated. Without them, the Church lacks the spiritual equipment so necessary for an aggressive conflict with the powers of darkness; she is also deprived of that edifying enrichment derived from the manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in her midst. If a person is ‘called’ to be a son of God, that person is also a prospective recipient of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”-Howard Carter
Howard Carter pioneered a quest for revelation of this supernatural subject and was regarded as an authority on the gifts of the Spirit. He founded England’s first Pentecostal Bible School and helped to establish a major denomination in that country.
Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts was taken from a series of discussions at Hampstead Bible College in London, England. Howard Carter answered a broad range of questions like: How do you explain the visions of Daniel? If someone has the gift of healing, does it mean that he can heal anyone? Do the gift of discernment and the word of wisdom sometimes overlap?
The questions and answers in this book provide an eye-opening, easy-to-understand education on spiritual gifts. “If we ignore the gifts of the Holy Spirit we despise the heritage which is granted to us in Christ.” Prepare to receive and to move in the gifts and callings God has placed in your life!
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Understanding The Trinity
$12.99McGrath gives new life and vitality to traditional answers by refusing to be trapped in outdated or facile jargon and models. In doing so, he triggers sometimes unexpected trains of thought in the reader’s mind, making theology relevant to today without surrendering truth.
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He That Is Spiritual
$21.41Few books have been more warmly received by Bible teachers and students. He That is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unfolds the biblical teaching concerning spirituality — what it is, and how it is secured. Nothing could be more important to Christians than the theme of this book. Its sound teaching corrects many false impressions and presents a scriptural pattern for the full life in Christ.
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Baptism And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
$17.481. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Charismatic Christianity
2. The Baptism Of The Spirit Misunderstood
3. The Baptism Of The Spirit In The Gospels
4. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Pentecost And At Samaria
5. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Caesarea And Ephesus
6. The Baptism Of The Spirit In I Corinthians, Romans, And Galatians
7. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Ephesians, Colossians, And I Peter
8. The Baptism Of The Spirit And The Gifts Of The Spirit
9. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Power
189 PagesAdditional Info
The charismatic movement, with its emphasis on Spirit baptism and the manifestation gifts of the Spirit, become one of the most prominent features of twentieth-century Christianity.Dr. Unger traces the doctrine of the baptism of the Spirit through the New Testament. In the final two chapters he puts the doctrine into its proper place with respect to spiritual gifts and the experiences of the Holy Sprit’s power for Christian living.
Since a great danger of the charismatic movement lies in its understanding of the nature of Christian maturity, Dr. Unger points out that true maturity is achieved only in day-by-day obedience, Bible study, and prayer.
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Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism
37 ChaptersAdditional Info
What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
What is speaking in tongue?
Are miracles for today?
How to receive the Holy Spirit
Overcoming hindrances to receiving the Spirit
How to tell a counterfeit experience
Why should I speak in tongues?You will experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you. Discover all of the life-changing benefits God wants to give you today!
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