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Personal Finance

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  • Total Money Makeover Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Do you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people just like you learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America’s favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey.

    By now, you’ve already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term help. The Total Money Makeover is the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely changing your finances. And, best of all, these principles are based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. This is the financial reset you’ve been looking for.

    The Total Money Makeover will give you the tools and the encouragement you need to:

    *Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt–from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball method

    *Break bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with money

    *Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths

    *Set aside enough money to pay for unexpected expenses and emergencies

    *Save enough money for your retirement

    *Live like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else!

    This new edition of The Total Money Makeover includes new content that will help you tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more.

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  • Whole Heart Finances


    Has out-of-control spending, growing debt, or the never-ending need to manage your finances left you wearied and stressed? If so, you’re not alone. Americans consistently list money as their number one source of anxiety. In your worry, you may be tempted to find a “money law” to follow. Unfortunately, this often leads to a fractured heart that removes Jesus from your financial life and leaves you to carry the burden.

    The message of Whole Heart Finances is that by bringing your whole heart to Jesus while making important money decisions, your finances become an opportunity for deep, responsive worship as you consider the abundant generosity of Jesus in your life. But what does “whole heart finances” look like practically? The principles presented in this book will help you answer the following questions and more:

    *How can tracking my expenses help grow my relationship with Jesus?
    *What is the best way to budget for irregular expenses?
    *How can I use the tools of saving and investing to maximize generous giving?

    Other Christian books about money start with the wisdom of the world and justify it with biblical sources, but Whole Heart Finances provides a model for how to put together the elements of spending, saving, investing, and giving with Jesus Christ as the foundation. It will transform your relationship with money from wearied worry into daily joy by growing your money skills alongside a rich view of who you are in Christ.

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  • 5 Money Personalities


    For Richer or For Poorer

    The Five Money Personalities has returned in this revised edition by the new Money Couple: Taylor and Megan Kovar.

    Every couple argues about money. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married for forty years or dating for four months, money touches every decision you make as a couple. And when the two of you don’t see eye to eye on spending and saving, disagreements turn into toxic fights that leave both feeling hurt and angry.

    But what if you could understand and embrace your unique money differences and transform your financial relationship for the better? The Kovars believe you can do just that by discovering your Money Personalities.

    Dive into the world of the five Money Personalities to learn about your Primary and Secondary personality:

    *Security Seeker
    *Risk Taker

    Once you know your Money Personalities, you can get to the root of your money arguments and begin working together as a team. It’s not just about money management, and it’s definitely not just about overcoming debt. It is a whole new way of living that will change everything in your relationship.

    The Five Money Personalities was previously written by Scott and Bethany Palmer.

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  • Tu Hij At Puede Ser Millionari – (Spanish)


    La infancia es una de las etapas en las que los padres forjan el camino de sus hijos y que mejor momento para que ensee el habito del ahorro a los mas pequeos del hogar sin que esto necesariamente se convierta en una tarea complicada.

    De acuerdo con Ordaz Diaz, la transmision de conocimientos en una edad temprana permite evitar problemas a futuro, lo mismo en el caso de temas relacionados con educacion financiera. Existen tres pilares de solidez financiera que le ayudaran a forjar el camino para que sus hijos construyan su futuro financiero basado en el ahorro. El primero tiene que ver con ganar dinero; el segundo con saber administrarlo y el tercero en hacer que crezca el dinero. Se tienen las bases pero, como construir dichos pilares? En el caso del primero, que tiene que ver con ganar dinero, se necesita hablar con los nios todo lo que implica obtener recursos, como hacerlo y ensearle todo sobre dinero.

    La construccion del segundo pilar (saber administrarlo) tiene que ver, en gran medida, con las acciones que se establecen en casa, por ejemplo, cuando los padres realizan compras, destinan recursos para el ahorro o un fondo de emergencias o simplemente no cuentan con el habito del ahorro, son seales con las que los nios crecen y en ocasiones replican cuando son adultos. Respecto al tercer pilar, que se relaciona con hacer crecer su dinero, el director de Educacion Financiera en Citibanamex explica que en Mexico el tema de las inversiones aun es un reto ya que “eso generalmente no se ensea”, sin embargo actualmente con herramientas como las Afores o cuentas de Cetesdirecto para nios le permitiran construir a largo plazo una inversion que servira para afrontar momentos de crisis, por ello la importancia de que los padres pongan el ejemplo y acompaen a sus hijos en la construccion de su camino financier.

    Childhood is one of the stages in which parents forge the path of their children and what better time to teach the habit of saving to the youngest members of the household without necessarily becoming a complicated task.

    According to Ordaz Diaz, the transmission of knowledge at an early age allows avoiding problems in the future, the same in the case of issues related to financial education. There are three pillars of financial strength that will help pave the way for your children to build their financial future based on savings. The first has to do with making money; the second with knowing how to manage it and the third with making money gro

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  • Generosity Ladder : Your Next Step To Financial Peace


    The quintessential guidebook for anyone who desires to handle money with excellence, The Generosity Ladder clarifies what the Bible really says about honoring God with our finances and details a step-by-step plan for attaining financial excellence. This accessible book allows you to fully grasp God’s plan for your finances, acknowledge your current level of stewardship, and chart out the steps you need to take in order to handle money in a way that honors God.

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  • Napoleon Hills Your Millionaire Mindset


    You can build wealth and achieve financial security–but first, you have to learn to think like a millionaire.

    Millionaires are not made by happenstance; amassing riches requires rigorous planning and decisive action. But the money principles used by the financial elite are not beyond the grasp of the average individual–anyone truly can think and grow rich! This book teaches you both the mindset changes and the money habits required to achieve financial security.
    Don Green, executive director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, leverages his extensive experience in personal investment and the banking industry to share the secrets as to why some individuals succeed financially and others remain in debt, live paycheck to paycheck, or fail to build enough wealth to live comfortably in retirement. The stories he relates illustrate the exact methods individuals have used to build their fortunes by spending wisely, saving consistently, investing intelligently, boosting their income, and serving others. Green draws on Napoleon Hill’s timeless success principles to present a simple formula for wealth-building–from transforming your mindset for success to understanding and utilizing the different savings and investment vehicles. Each chapter includes simple action steps to take to create your millionaire master plan.

    This is the financial primer you need to take control of your money and make it serve your definite major purpose in life. When you learn to live by the principles in this book, you can join the ranks of individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and generosity.

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  • Finanzas Biblicas – (Spanish)


    Bosquejo comentado:

    Tu manejo financiero refleja quien eres

    Mostrar la relacion que existe entre mi condicion interna, es decir, moral y espiritual, y mi manejo financiero. El capitulo concluye con la idea de que reparar las finanzas implica cambiar el caracter.

    Dos principios clave en el manejo financiero

    Es una exposicion de dos principios que deben sostener el manejo financiero del cristiano.

    La mayordomia y lo material no deben ser un fin en si mismo. Cuando ambos principios son entendidos y sobre todo vividos, cambia la forma como nos relacionamos con lo material y por ende su manejo.

    Ahorrar es de sabios

    El ahorro es mas que una buena estrategia financiera. Es lo que la sabiduria nos instruye en vista de nuestro limitado conocimiento del futuro. El ahorro es asi un acto de humildad al reconocer que no sabemos lo que ocurrira y por tanto hemos de ahorrar.

    Contentamiento: La cura al deficit

    El deficit financiero recurrente se debe fundamentalmente a una falta de contentamiento con el nivel de vida que Dios nos ha provisto. Aprender a estar contentos con lo que tenemos es una via segura para eliminar nuestro faltante.

    La deuda en la Biblia: Caminar contra la corriente

    A pesar de que en nuestra generacion la deuda es vista como algo bueno y se presenta como facilidad financiera, en realidad muchas de las razones por que las personas se endeudan son ilegitimas. En este capitulo, el lector aprendera a discernir cuando es legitimo endeudarse y cuando no.

    Mis deberes financieros biblicos

    En vista de que somos administradores de recursos que Dios nos provee, tenemos entonces responsabilidades especificas con esos recursos. Nuestros deberes son hacia: Dios, familia, iglesia, gobierno y otras personas.

    Generosidad: Resulta de una perspectiva eterna

    Nuestra generosidad seria mayor si nuestros ojos estuvieran mas enfocados en lo eterno que en lo temporal.

    Preguntas y respuestas

    Se abordaran preguntas comunes del manejo financiero.

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  • Smart Stepfamily Guide To Financial Planning


    This guide to financial planning for blended families offers help and encouragement as you plan your combined financial future while protecting your marriage in the process. You’ll be given tips on handling debt, bills, and child support from previous relationships and advice on planning for college expenses, retirement, and an inheritance.

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  • Marriage Challenge : A Finance Guide For Married Couples


    God has a plan for your marriage and your money. It starts with a challenge. Will you accept?

    For many couples, the collision of marriage and money is the beginning of relational havoc. But does it have to be this way?

    What if the collision of marriage and money no longer tore couples apart but brought them together? What if money was no longer a topic to argue about but a topic around which couples rallied? What if the collision of marriage and money actually helped couples find contentment and purpose?

    In The Marriage Challenge: A Finance Guide for Married Couples, financial expert and author of The Money Challenge Art Rainer takes you on a journey to a financially healthy marriage. Get started on the right foot, or get back on the right track, by accepting the challenge and realizing God’s design for money and marriage.

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  • Treasure Principle : Unlocking The Secret Of Joyful Giving


    In this revised and updated edition of the best-selling book, author Randy Alcorn introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity, combining thoughtful Bible exposition with highly practical applications for everyday life. This edition includes a new section that addresses some common questions and misconceptions about biblical principles for our stewardship of material resources. As you engage with the perspective-shifting truths in this book, you’ll learn that when Jesus told His followers to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” He intended that they discover an astounding secret: how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure.

    In Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle, you’ll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus-a secret wrapped up in giving. Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won’t want it to!

    Story Behind the Book
    After years of writing and teaching on the theme “God owns everything,” in 1990 Randy Alcorn was sued by an abortion clinic (for peaceful, nonviolent intervention for the unborn). Suddenly he had to resign as a pastor and was restricted to making minimum wage. Legally unable to own anything, Randy gave all his book royalties to missions work and need-meeting ministries. He and his family have experienced the reality of The Treasure Principle-that God really does own everything, takes care of us, and graciously puts assets into our hands that we might have the joy and privilege of investing in what will last for eternity.

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  • Money Challenge : 30 Days Of Discovering Gods Design For You And Your Money


    This isn’t where you thought you would be.You were meant for more. Your money was meant for more. You and your money are meant for an exciting, adventurous, and satisfying purpose. God designed you, not to be a hoarder, but a conduit through which His generosity flows.

    In The Money Challenge, Art Rainer takes you on a journey to financial health. But it is not simply for the sake of financial health. The Money Challenge was written to help experience God’s design for you and your finances.Welcome to the adventure. Welcome to The Money Challenge.

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  • Love Your Life Not Theirs


    In Love Your Life, Not Theirs, Rachel Cruze shines a spotlight on the most damaging money habit we have: comparing ourselves to others. Then she unpacks seven essential money habits for living the life we really want-a life in line with our values, where we can afford the things we want to buy without being buried under debt, stress, and worry. The Joneses are broke.

    Life looks good, but hidden beneath that glossy exterior are credit card bills, student loans, car payments, and an out-of-control mortgage. Their money situation is a mess, and they’re trying to live a life they simply can’t afford. So why exactly do we try so hard to keep up with the Joneses? Are we really living the lives we want, or are we chasing someone else’s dream, just trying to keep up appearances on social media, at church, and in our community? Why are we letting other people set the pace for our own family’s finances? In Love Your Life, Not Theirs, Rachel shows you how to buy and do the things that are important to you-the right way. That starts by choosing to quit the comparisons, reframing the way you think about money, and developing new habits like avoiding debt, living on a plan, watching your spending, saving for the future, having healthy conversations about money, and giving. These habits work, and Rachel is living proof. Now, she wants to empower you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of without creating the debt, stress, and worry that are all too often part of the deal.

    Social media isn’t real life, and trying to keep up with the Joneses will never get you anywhere. It’s time to live-and love-your life, not theirs.

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  • You Dont Have To Be Poor


    You Don’t Have to be Poor”” is a book addressing perhaps the most important component of life for the individual or family. Financial security or the lack thereof is the main factor in the breakdown of families, affecting both mental and physical health. It is not a simple manual on how to become wealthy. It is not just a manual of merely preparing a budget designed to lift the reader from poverty. The theoretical basis of building wealth from a Biblical and a commonsense approach to provide financial guidance is found in this book. Those who don’t have a theoretical background of what the government can do and can’t do may foster and maintain a mindset of dependence on social programs. The responsibility and accountability of the individual is outlined from a Biblical and a practical standpoint. When given only tools for preparing a budget without addressing root causes of poverty and the characteristics of those who build wealth, one is prone to fall back on old habits. Some will lapse into the same approach to life that was previously unsuccessful. A practical education in the economy of the country and about the world is included to provide the reader of the complexities of a global economy for which we all must prepare to insure the future of our families and our country. Decisions must be made daily that influence the financial standing of everyone, based on future goals. Biblical scriptures address these problems for everyone and perhps leaders of entire countries. Common sense approaches to personal finance based on Scripture from thousands of years ago is stressed, and simple basics have not changed since. It is imperative that habits of sound financial practices become a part of one’s daily existence. Each decision should be prayerfully considered, and a budget built from at least a year of transactions should be a guide for making prudent plans. Christians must care for others and provide advice and aid as needed, based on Biblical commands to give to the poor and to help those unable to help themselves. Learning based upon the Scriptures and practical expertise should engage the same approaches when preparing a realistic budget. The focus of this book is not to merely provide handouts but to teach the individual or family to begin a journey leading to financial security, rising from the ranks of the poor through individual effort.

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  • Finanzas Inteligentes Para Una – (Spanish)


    Este libro aborda 10 lecciones obligatorias que debemos ensenar a la nueva generacion respecto al manejo del dinero. Cada leccion, contiene una reflexion practica y esta desarrollada para la discusion grupal sirviendo como un excelente material para escuela dominical, grupos pequenos, clases biblicas o cursos de ministerio juvenil. Cuanto antes se aprende a manejar el dinero mayor es la ventaja que tendran nuestros hijos y adolescentes de nuestras iglesias para asegurar un futuro mejor.

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  • Christian Wallet : Spending Giving And Living With A Conscience


    “Conscientious and compassionate use of our money in a world where people spend $310 million on costumes for their pets and $5 billion on entertaining ringtones for their phones is not an easy task. The temptation to spend now and think later (or never!) is ever-present, but with good intentions and prayerful hearts, we can slow down and reflect on what we earn, how we spend it, who is affected by it, and who we can share it with.”
    -from the introduction

    Every Christian knows that we are called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. But what about our wallet? We are asked to open it every Sunday when the offering basket comes by and are told that giving is a way of being a “good steward,” but what about spending money at a restaurant or grocery store? Best-selling author Mike Slaughter offers a comprehensive look at how Christians use their money in The Christian Wallet. Slaughter explores today’s culture of consumerism and the impact of what we buy, asking difficult questions about morality and money while acknowledging that there are no easy answers. Throughout the book, profiles of real people inspire thoughtful reflection about the true value of money and the rewards of conscious spending. Questions for individual or group study are also included with each chapter. The Christian Wallet helps Christians grapple with important questions about using money: how we spend, how we live, how we save, how we give, and what it all means.

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  • Pray And Grow Richer


    Dr. Clark’s book, “Pray and Grow Richer” is for you. After years of growing up in poverty and being enslaved to its offspring, Dr. Clark has silence the voices of her ancestral failures, and has broken through into a new realm of success. Dr. Clark Wants the Same For You! This book will shift and catapult you from being just an “ordinary person” to being an “enterprising person.” Inside of this book are strategies that can be used to provoke the supernatural to show up in your life, so that your wealth streams can be illuminated as well as activated, which will open the door for you to live from your overflow inheritance. Every prayer warrior, intercessor, kingdompreneur and pastor need to read this book. IT IS TIME THE CHURCH INVADE THE BUSINESS GATE!

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  • Say Yes To No Debt


    Drawing on his personal experience and years as a pastor, public policy maker, and community leader, DeForest “Buster” Soaries, Jr. shares the twelve steps to achieving financial freedom in this groundbreaking, life-changing book-Say Yes to No Debt. “The idea that debt is actually slavery is offensive to all of our sensibilities,” says Soaries, “but when we continue to spend what we don’t have, charge what we don’t need, and borrow more than we can repay, then we must call the problem what it is: slavery. Eliminating debt is the first step toward financial freedom. And we can do it.” This is not another financial literacy program assuming that all people need is information. Soaries believes living in debt is an emotional, spiritual, and psychological problem as much as it is an educational and informational one. Here, Soaries shares the twelve steps to financial freedom that have helped families in hundreds of churches. By replacing the “get more money” mentality with a “get out of debt” approach to financial freedom, not only were thousands of people able to become debt free, church’s that have used the dfree strategy have experienced increased giving by their members. Find out how you can leave a financial legacy of your own by saying yes to no debt. Says Soaries: “There may be no greater need than to understand that debt-free living is the first step toward financial freedom. And the result is that we can enjoy life and leave a real legacy for our children.”

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  • Step Into Supernatural Provision



    Are you experiencing financial lack, loss, or overwhelming debt? Does it feel like there is no way out? Well there is. The very same God who cancelled the debt of your sin at the cross is able to cancel all your debts. The same God who provided a way for you out of darkness and into His light, can provide for all your needs. And He will do it for one simple reason – He really, really loves you!

    All through the Bible there are examples of Jehovah Jireh “The Lord Who Provides” meeting the needs of His people even in the most difficult and extreme circumstances.

    Whether it was ravens bringing food to Elijah, a widow seeing what she had multiplied to last indefinitely, or multitudes being fed from one boy’s lunch. God promises to open the storehouses of heaven over the lives of His people so that they never lack. That includes you!

    You were not created for poverty or financial devastation. You were created to know abundance and blessing. And in this book, Patricia King shares insights from Scripture, testimonies, revelation, and Biblical principles that outline how you can cooperate with God’s promise for abundance and blessing in your life. It is time to step out of financial struggle and enter into miraculous provision and supernatural supply!

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  • I Was Busy Now Im Not


    Do you know time is your life?
    When you waste your time, you waste your life.

    Does your time seem to be in short supply?

    Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?

    Are you ready to find time for what matters most? If so, this book will help you discover how to:

    * simplify your complicated life,

    * make time for what matters most, and

    * live your big dreams!

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  • Slaying The Debt Dragon


    Are your finances getting out of control? Have you made mistakes with your money? Are you in more debt than you’d like to admit? Cherie Lowe has been there. She and her family started out with $127,482.30 in debt (did your jaw drop?). They hadn’t bought a yacht, blown it on designer clothes, or purchased a mansion. The small, everyday expenses of living just added up-until suddenly, her family was being threatened by one dragon of a debt.

    But through hard work and with God’s help, Cherie’s family vanquished this foe, one bill at a time. And you can too! In Slaying the Debt Dragon, Cherie shares how her war on debt made her financially free, strengthened her marriage, taught her children valuable money-management skills, and brought her whole family closer to God and one another. As you read her battle tales, you’ll be armed with the weapons you need to fight your own financial foes. With God, all things are possible-and your inspired happily ever after can begin today.

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  • Practical Path To A Prosperous Life


    A Practical Path to a Prosperous Life explains a clear biblical, step-by-step approach to attaining abundant personal finances, building wealth and financing of the Great Commission in our day. Brian draws on age-old biblical truths and includes many practical, present-day applications to help your thinking line up with the God’s Word. Brian’s dream is to help identify and eradicate the poverty mindset from the church so that every believer is empowered to experience God’s abundance and to fulfill his or her destiny. Includes questions for individual or small group study. 282 pages

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  • Debt Proof Living


    Mortgages, credit card balances, student loans, car loans, and home improvement loans have become a way of life for the majority of us. And debt is putting not only our present at risk as we live paycheck to paycheck, but our futures in jeopardy as shockingly few of us have enough put away for retirement. Personal financial expert Mary Hunt wants readers to embrace the radical but simple truth that they don’t need more credit or more stuff–that they can live their lives debt-free.

    In her classic book Debt-Proof Living, Mary reveals the secrets to getting out of debt and staying out of debt for the rest of your life. At no time in history has this liberating approach to a no-debt lifestyle been more desperately needed. Those who have been struggling to pay the bills or feel like they just can’t make their finances work without taking on debt need this book. It can change their lives.

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  • Smart Money Smart Kids


    Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze teach parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world. In Smart Money Smart Kids, financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree.

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  • Coupon Equals Cash


    Ever wanted to walk out of the grocery store with a basket full of FREE groceries? Think it’s impossible for the cashier to give you money before you ever take a dollar out of your pocket? IT IS POSSIBLE!!! IT IS HAPPENING!!! You are holding the passport to the wonderful world of EXTREME Couponing! This crash-course is presented by coupon expert, Katina Robinson. Katina, an extreme couponer for over three years, has been featured on KARK4, KATV7 Daybreak, “Talk of the Town” on KJBN radio, and is featured monthly on Fox 16 News. Her well-acclaimed classes have spanned the state of Arkansas, and now you have the opportunity to participate in one in the privacy of your own home! Be prepared to plan for your extra savings!

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  • 4 I Monster In Your Finances


    SKU (ISBN): 9781629523811ISBN10: 162952381XDavid PhillipsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Sunday Spending Instead Of Sunday Giving


    Kevin Cann’s book is about managing God’s resources through Kingdom Principles. This is done by the leading of the Holy Spirit instead of our flesh. In the natural realm our flesh is in control, but in the supernatural realm, God is in control. Using Kingdom Principles will set us free from our flesh and allow God to bless us.

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  • 21 Day Financial Fast


    In The 21-Day Financial Fast, award-winning writer and Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary has a field-tested financial challenge for you. For twenty-one days, you will put away your credit cards and buy only what you need to survive. With Michelle’s guidance during this three-week financial fast, you’ll discover how to:
    *Break bad spending habits
    *Plot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash Plan
    *Avoid the temptation of overspending for college
    *Learn how to prepare their elderly relatives and themselves for future long-term care expenses
    *Be prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens Fund
    *Stop worrying about money and find the priceless power of financial peace

    As you discover practical ways to achieve financial freedom, you’ll experience something even more amazing—your faith and generosity will increase as well.

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  • How To Obtain Financial Freedom


    How to obtain Financial Freedom – The Master Plan of God, and the Glory Team of God to help us. God wants to open up the whole realm of His nature and put it on display.” He says in Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV) “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. ” He says again 3 John 2(KJV) “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” God give us power to get wealth, it must be because He has a plan. Yes! God has a plan for your money. If you are not handling your finances in line with God’s plan, then you whole life is out of order. No matter how spiritual you may be in other areas, you will never know the real blessing and overruling of God in your life until you bring your money into line with the will of God as revealed in His Word. As you can see from the cover the, caterpillar has to go through the process of metamorphosis in order to become a butterfly. As citizen of the Kingdom of God we have to follow the process of how we see and use money. The Bible is clearly that God does have a plan for our money and the challenge to us if we are willing to go through the process of how we see money and its usage.

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  • Money Matters : Understandng Money And Maximizing Its Potential


    A NO-HOLDS-BARRED ATTEMPT AT CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT MONEY AND MAKING US FINANCIALLY FREE! Matters of Money bursts with nuggets, tips, advice, warnings, and road-maps for anyone interested in attaining financial freedom. Using Biblical wisdom as his foundation, David Oritsejolomi Gbenebichie has written a compelling book that swings from properly putting money in the right perspective to providing step-by-step suggestions on how to relate with money, acquire it, save it, invest it and share it. It is likely you won’t put this book down once you get started. It is also likely your financial life will never remain the same if you study and practice the principles and laws of money the author has passionately shared in simple prose. Whether you are a teenager, a middle-aged person or nearing retirement, you will find enough wisdom and inspiration in this book to change your paradigm about money. David Oritsejolomi Gbenebichie is a well-respected speaker, author, mentor and educator in leadership, success and personal development. He is a pastor of pastors and oversees The Leadership Farm, a non-profit organization whose vision is to raise and inspire the next generation of leaders in Zambia in particular and Africa in general to become catalysts for positive change at every level of society. Oritsejolomi, believes you can grow leaders just like a farmer grows crops, he believes that the future and the fortunes of Africa can be changed by unleashing the wealth locked up in the minds of the next generation of African leaders. Besides this, Gbenebichie is a missionary, pastor and a lawyer by profession. He is married with four children.

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  • Debt Free Spending Plan


    Anyone suffering under the crushing weight of debt knows how impossible it can seem to find a way out. It’s overwhelming-and the more complicated the proposed solution, the harder it is to stick with it. That’s why The Debt-Free Spending Plan is SIMPLE. It doesn’t require sifting through chapters of high-minded financial advice or digging up your past spend ing history. It assumes you need help RIGHT NOW, and gives it to you. You will learn to: * Downsize expenses without feeling deprived * Allocate money as it comes in and put together an easy-to-manage bill-paying plan * Adjust for inevitable overspending * Pay off debt without gouging expenses and (believe it or not) start saving The plan is clear, easy, and takes just five minutes a day-and it doesn’t matter if you make $14,000 or $14 million. With straightforward daily spending strategies and effortless expense tracking tools, you will soon find yourself on the road to financial freedom-all before the next billing cycle.

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  • MoneySmart Family System


    SKU (ISBN): 9781400202843ISBN10: 1400202841Steve Economides | Annette EconomidesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Pillars Of Prosperity


    If you grew up in the country, you may have once or twice seen a turtle perched atop a fence post. The first thought to cross your mind upon seeing this unusual sight would probably be that the turtle did not get on top of that fence post by itself; it had help.
    This analogy is meant to represent just that – something accomplished that would not normally be possible without the assistance of someone or something more capable. That is the message of this book: how to accomplish more with less; how to go higher financially (and in other areas of life) than your talents and abilities would otherwise take you; how to position yourself to be propelled by God Himself to heights you may have never thought possible; and why God wants to prosper the people who attend their ears to His methods.

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  • Pillars Of Prosperity


    If you grew up in the country, you may have once or twice seen a turtle perched atop a fence post. The first thought to cross your mind upon seeing this unusual sight would probably be that the turtle did not get on top of that fence post by itself; it had help.
    This analogy is meant to represent just that – something accomplished that would not normally be possible without the assistance of someone or something more capable. That is the message of this book: how to accomplish more with less; how to go higher financially (and in other areas of life) than your talents and abilities would otherwise take you; how to position yourself to be propelled by God Himself to heights you may have never thought possible; and why God wants to prosper the people who attend their ears to His methods.

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  • Divine Intervention To Financial Freedom


    Overcoming impossible odds in which many people in similar situations have failed and lost everything, Dany Christi instead turned to God and sought after Him for wisdom and knowledge in financial matters. After being buried in more than $54,000 of debt (not including mortgage debt) on a salary of approximately $30,000 a year, she asked God for wisdom and knowledge and learned and applied the biblical approach to finances. That approach has guided her to financial freedom today. Enclosed are useful tools and financial-management techniques that readers can use in managing their personal finances.

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  • Dave Ramseys Complete Guide To Money


    If you’re looking for practical information to answer all you “How?” “What?” and “Why?” questions about money, this book is for you. Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money covers the A to Z of Dave’s money teaching, including how to budget, save, dump debt, and invest. You’ll also learn all about insurance, mortgage options, marketing, bargain hunting and the most important element of all-giving.

    Topics Covered: Super Saving, Relating With Money, Cash Flow Planning, Dumping Debt, Credit Sharks In Suits, Buyer Beware, Clause and Effect, That’s Not Good Enough, The Pinnacle Point, From Fruition To Tuition, Working In Your Strengths, Real Estate and
    Mortgages, Give Like No One Else.

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  • Money And Work (Student/Study Guide)


    Getting The Most Out Of Money And Work
    1. What Is My Time Worth? Ecclesiastes 3:1-14; 12:1-14
    2. Use Or Lose? Matthew 25:14-30
    3. Why Work? 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
    4. Trustworthy? Luke 16:1-15
    5. What’s Tempting About Power? Matthew 20:1-28
    6. How Much Is Enough? Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
    7. Does My Property Own Me? Luke 12:13-34
    8. How Much Is Too Much? 1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17-20
    9. Why Give? 1 Chronicles 29:1-20
    10. What If I Lose It All? Job 1:1-22; 19:17-27
    Leader’s Notes

    Additional Info
    Money and work: just the words themselves can cause anxiety. Mortgages, saving for retirement and bottom lines can easily overwhelm us to the point of despair. But God, who “gives us richly all things to enjoy,” wants his people to live in freedom, trusting him and learning to manage our gifts wisely and generously. By pointing to his trustworthiness and generosity, these studies can help you rest in the peace he offers.

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  • Seeking The Truth About Money


    Seeking the Truth about Money In the wake of the global financial crisis, are there any financial principles we can rely on? Amidst ongoing economic instability and uncertainty, can we find any solid truth about money? Are you interested in what God has to say about money? Do you seek better financial health? Or do you have enough money but feel poor in spirit? Whatever your need, God wants to help you in both the spiritual and the financial dimensions of your life. In this book, discover why those two dimensions sometimes compete and conflict and how they can better connect. Many Christians today deal with money on the basis of partial truths, relying on a handful of favourite Bible verses or a few palatable principles. As a result, they follow an incomplete, imbalanced, distorted version of God’s truth about money. To address this problem, Seeking the Truth about Money provides a comprehensive, well-rounded, and well-grounded biblical view on how we can integrate wise inner attitudes towards money with practical activities such as acquiring, giving, saving, investing, and spending money. This book challenges the reader to develop a carefully balanced approach to the various facets of handling money. Seeking the Truth about Money refers to almost one thousand verses from the Bible. It also relates stories from the lives of the author, her family and friends, and dozens of well-known Christians. It includes nuggets of practical financial wisdom gleaned from lawyers, accountants, and investment advisors, which can enrich your future discussions with your own financial advisors. Above all, this book will encourage you to more highly prioritize and value the development of rich and meaningful relationships with God and others.

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  • 52 Maneras De Estirar Su Diner – (Spanish)


    Easy and practical ideas that will help readers get the most from their money.

    Ideas faciles y practicas que ayudaran al lector a obtener mas por su dinero.

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  • Investment For Kids


    INVESTMENT FOR KIDS Raising the Next Generation Money Masters This book is intended to be for reference and guide to young parents, professionals and youths to cultivate investment mentality and wealth creation principles right from their early years. It contains stories and principles of many both in the workplace and life settings who have leveraged on these principles to propel them from their Zero to Hero Levels. In this book, you will discover how to: -Focus on prayer as a principal factor for success. -Develop the Habits of saving for the long haul. -Go contra-culture by third world brothers to break free from poverty. -Developing Financial Intelligence and Re-education. -Unlock the Gateways to wealth Creation.

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  • Navigating Lifes Lost And Found


    It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Life was supposed to be the nice home, good job, the white picket fence…. The American dream. But somewhere along the line something went wrong-drastically wrong. The career that guaranteed the good life fell short. The idyllic marriage that started out full of love, hope and anticipation gradually fizzled out. Your 401-k is now a 201-k. The dream home is under water. The pension that you counted on got cut. The money that you set aside for your kid’s college was supposed to grow, not shrink. What happened? We followed the path that was so deftly portrayed as full of promise and allure, but it has fallen far short of what we believed it would be.

    In “Navigating Life’s Lost and Found”, you will learn

    * Which path you are heading down
    * The American Dream is possible-as long as you follow the right path
    * How to eliminate worry from your life
    * The difference between a follower and a believer
    * To live a life of fulfillment and abundance

    If the path that you’re on has left you wondering, “Is this what life is meant to be?”, let this book lead you to the path of the life you were born to live!

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  • How To Obtain Financial Freedom Workbook (Workbook)


    How to Obtain Financial Freedom Work Book?Did you know that God has a “Master Plan” that enables His children to experience financial freedom?Did you know that Your Heavenly Father has made available His “Glory Team” to help you obtain and walk in financial freedom?God wants to open up the whole realm of His nature and put it on display.He says in Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV) “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Also, 3 John 2(KJV) states “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”Through this book, Author James L. Monteria will teach you practical steps on: -How to Obtain Financial Freedom; and share with you God’s master plan and introduce you to His glory team that is waiting to assist us in obtaining financial freedom.

    -What it means to be a good steward of what God has already entrusted in your care.
    -Understanding God’s economic system of tithing, and how imperative it is that we tithe today.
    -The principle of sowing and reaping

    This book also includes 12 additional chapters on How to Obtain Financial Freedom and more.

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  • Jesus Was A Capitalist


    In the Ancient Scrolls of His written teachings, Jesus taught very clearly in simple words:

    The obligation of all people to have great wealth for the good of all.
    How to have great wealth no matter how poor, or small you start.
    That it is so easy for the very rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.
    That it is very spiritual to have great wealth for the right purposes.
    That the statement”you can not serve God and money”, actually means to have more money, not less.
    That the very rich should generate much more and how.
    He told the Apostles and the disciples to keep their wealth, but not take it in their purses, for they were worthy of pay where they ministered.
    Also, many wealthy women traveled with Jesus and financed His ministry. One of these wealthy women of great influence was the wife of rich Herod’s business manager. (LK 8:1-3).
    These ancient scrolls are labeled Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They originally, accurately recorded all the wealth – Dominion – teachings of Jesus for the benefit of all persons. Over 2,000 years later these scrolls still teach the same simple truths of easy success for all.
    These scrolls are now in the Book called the Bible. Here they are for you in this book on the scrolls-to-gold-teachings-of-Jesus, the Master Teacher of true capitalism, etc.

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  • Upside Living In A Downside Economy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781426703058ISBN10: 1426703058Michael SlaughterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2009Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gods Principles Of Prosperity


    GOD’S PRINCIPLES OF PROSPERITY GOD WANTS YOU TO PROSPER! “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.” 3 John 2 In today’s tough economic times, many people, including God’s people are searching for sound financial advice to get themselves out of financial hardship. Many of God’s people know the principles of the Bible that concern finances, but many are unaware of how they relate to their own financial life. In his life changing book God’s Principles of Prosperity, Rev. Michael D. Light, discusses the problems plaguing our finances, and he explains the principles supplied by God, to “Break the Bondage of Debt”, because you owe it to God, yourself and to your family to be your maximum for the Kingdom of God.

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  • Created To Prosper


    “God’s plans for man is for them to return to a place of total provision-a place of no lack and a place of more than enough!” Created to Prosper provides a Godly view of prosperity, money, and wealth. It enables the reader to develop the right mindset, character, and action plan to grow financially. The reader will discover: The purpose of prosperity God’s view of prosperity How to activate the prosperity anointing Consequences of poverty Examples of Biblical people who walked in prosperity Character qualities needed to possess the promise land Their covenant right to prosperity How to move into financial overflow

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  • Created To Prosper


    “God’s plans for man is for them to return to a place of total provision-a place of no lack and a place of more than enough!” Created to Prosper provides a Godly view of prosperity, money, and wealth. It enables the reader to develop the right mindset, character, and action plan to grow financially. The reader will discover: The purpose of prosperity God’s view of prosperity How to activate the prosperity anointing Consequences of poverty Examples of Biblical people who walked in prosperity Character qualities needed to possess the promise land Their covenant right to prosperity How to move into financial overflow

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  • Overworked Overwhelmed And Underpaid


    Financial expert Louis Barajas provides 4 simple steps that lead to financial success for people living a life of quiet financial desperation. Overworked, Overwhelmed, and Underpaid is about creating a human experience through the financial planning coaching tools Louis Barajas uses with his clients. Perfect for people who are frustrated and struggling to express their full potential and live their highest purpose, this book takes readers through a four-step process to develop the self-confidence to not only build wealth but also live the life of their dreams.

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  • Understanding Financial Stewardship (Student/Study Guide)


    The Life Principles Study Guides are perfect companions to Dr. Stanley’s Life Principles Bible or for use on their own. They are a unique approach to Bible study, incorporating biblical truth, personal insights, emotional responses, and a call to action. Each study guide contains 10 Bible study lessons consisting of in-depth commentary by Dr. Charles Stanley, pertinent Scripture passages on the topic, and thought-provoking questions to facilitate group study. It will help you get in touch with the Bible, God, and yourself.

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  • Journey To Financial Freedom


    SKU (ISBN): 9781564271068ISBN10: 1564271064Larry BurkettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2008Publisher: Crown Financial Ministries

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  • Financial Exodus : Financial Deliverance Of Gods People


    Author and Pastor Guy Walker makes a convincing argument that God is about to call His people to embark on a modern day Exodus. Unlike the forced march of Biblical times which was from one geographic location to another, today God is calling His people to “come out of” the world’s financial system which has by and large, enslaved them. They have, of course, willingly accepted this bondage through their voracious appetite to consume goods and services that they cannot afford to pay for. The result is financial oppression through consumer debt that is stifling their spiritual life. Financial Exodus is a roadmap to freedom and true financial prosperity.God’s way. He is calling His people to no longer “be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you might prove what the good and acceptable will of God is (for your life).” God has a plan for your Financial Exodus to find out what it is.

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  • Arte De Cerrar La Venta – (Spanish)


    As one of the top salespeople in the world, Brian Tracy knows that the ability to close the sale is the key skill required by all top sales professionals. Fortunately, closing the sale can be learned by practicing the skills of the highest paid salespeople in every business. When salespeople follow a practical, proven, step-by-step process, they can get more orders, faster and easier than ever before. In El arte de cerrar la venta readers will learn to:

    Build value by focusing on benefits and solutions
    Lower perceived risk by emphasizing guarantees and assurances
    Answer any objection
    Bring a sales conversation to a natural and easy conclusion by using some of the best questions ever discovered.

    Brian Tracy, uno de los mejores vendedores del mundo, sabe que la habilidad de cerrar una venta es la destreza clave que necesita todo profesional experto en ventas. Afortunadamente, se puede aprender como cerrar una venta al poner en practica las mismas habilidades que utilizan los mejores vendedores en cada negocio. Cuando los vendedores siguen paso a paso un proceso practico y comprobado, pueden conseguir mas pedidos, mas rapida y facilmente que nunca. En el libro El arte de cerrar la venta los lectores aprenderan a:

    Generar valor enfocandose en los beneficios y las soluciones
    Disminuir el riesgo percibido al enfatizar las garantias y los seguros
    Responder a cualquier objecion
    Hacer que la venta llegue a una conclusion natural y sencilla utilizando algunas de las mejores preguntas que se hayan descubierto.

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  • IOU No More


    You can start eliminating debt…TODAY! Finally, debt-laden, cash-strapped men and women have an entertaining, easy-to-follow tool that will guide them step by step through the process of identifying the common contributors to debt, addressing actual spending patterns, creating a workable plan for reducing debt, and providing motivation to stay on track until the debt is gone. This book even includes a plan for building long-term wealth and suggestions that will help anyone maintain a debt-free lifestyle forever.

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  • Is Financial Prosperity For Us Today Or The 1000 Year Reign Of Jesus Christ


    The Holy Spirit has given us an abundance of scriptures concerning true prosperity, this book consists of twelve Bible truths. We have many Bible verses which tells us of God’s perfect will and plan about true prosperity. God says we have a better covenant (New Testament), which was established upon better promises than what Israel had (Old Testament), Hebrews 8:6. This covenant is established on the blood of Jesus and not on the blood of animals. God’s promise to Abraham for the church (Acts 2:1- Revelation 3:22) is spiritual with the promise of His Spirit to live in us. Israel’s promise had an abundance of material and financial wealth (Genesis 1:1- Acts1:1-26) because that is all they could receive before Jesus came. No one had the Holy Spirit living in them at that time. However, many already had an abundance of material and financial things so this is not why Jesus came. Today we are missing God’s timing concerning financial prosperity which will begin in the 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ. Don’t believe that we cannot miss God; Israel did concerning Jesus. The proof and the degree of the Holy Spirit speaking to and through us is the accuracy of our writings according to the scriptures. We are to judge everything according to the Bible. Please read and study these twelve truths with serious prayer to see what God is saying to us today about true prosperity. We are not to interpret scriptures by what we personally believe or think. 1st Corinthians 2:13 says “…the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. God’s word is spiritual. We should continually search for the truth by going from scripture to scripture so that we can truly understand what God is saying.

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  • Is Financial Prosperity For Us Today Or The 1000 Year Reign Of Jesus Christ


    The Holy Spirit has given us an abundance of scriptures concerning true prosperity, this book consists of twelve Bible truths. We have many Bible verses which tells us of God’s perfect will and plan about true prosperity. God says we have a better covenant (New Testament), which was established upon better promises than what Israel had (Old Testament), Hebrews 8:6. This covenant is established on the blood of Jesus and not on the blood of animals. God’s promise to Abraham for the church (Acts 2:1- Revelation 3:22) is spiritual with the promise of His Spirit to live in us. Israel’s promise had an abundance of material and financial wealth (Genesis 1:1- Acts1:1-26) because that is all they could receive before Jesus came. No one had the Holy Spirit living in them at that time. However, many already had an abundance of material and financial things so this is not why Jesus came. Today we are missing God’s timing concerning financial prosperity which will begin in the 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ. Don’t believe that we cannot miss God; Israel did concerning Jesus. The proof and the degree of the Holy Spirit speaking to and through us is the accuracy of our writings according to the scriptures. We are to judge everything according to the Bible. Please read and study these twelve truths with serious prayer to see what God is saying to us today about true prosperity. We are not to interpret scriptures by what we personally believe or think. 1st Corinthians 2:13 says “…the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. God’s word is spiritual. We should continually search for the truth by going from scripture to scripture so that we can truly understand what God is saying.

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  • Free And Clear


    Overwhelmed with debt? There is hope and freedom for you no matter how big your problem. The way out from under debt is not a declaration of bankruptcy, but surrender to the Word of God. Becoming debt-free may seem an impossible dream for many, but it is actually an attainable goal according to Howard Dayton, president of Crown Financial Ministries. He overcame his own struggle with debt by applying God’s principles to managing his finances, principles he lays out in this practical, encouraging book.

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  • Gods Finances : A Matter Of The Heart


    God’s Finances – A Matter of the Heart was written to provide revelatory insight to those who desire to increase their understanding of God’s perspective on money, prosperity, debt, and tithing. This book is a must-read before building a budget or modifying an existing budget. It prompts the reader to gain and maintain the proper perspective and avoid building detrimental factors into their budget. This is accomplished through addressing such topics as spending habits, tithes and offerings, giving, biblical prosperity, and understanding the true nature of money. God has provided practical application of His financial principles in this book. God’s Finances – A Matter of the Heart will help the children of God to live a life of prosperity and to understand that what God says about our finances is fundamentally a matter of the heart.

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  • Cashing It In


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802409713ISBN10: 0802409717Ethan PopeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2005Financial Alert # 1Publisher: Moody Publishers

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  • Are You Robbing God


    Tithing is a very touchy subject among Christians. Many people are upset when they hear a sermon on the subject because they feel that the church is always asking for money. The simple truth is: Many Christians are robbing God! Robbery is one of the worst sins in the world. Malachi 3 says that a man can be guilty of robbing God! It is true that one can rob God of time, of service, of worship, and of ability used for the glory of God. The Word of God tells us tithing is such a serious matter with the Lord that He calls those who do not tithe “robbers” and pronounces a curse upon them. Christians who have put their faith in Christ and accepted God’s free gift of everlasting life understand that God has given His very best in offering Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. God gave His very best to us, but do we give our very best to Him? Are YOU robbing God?

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  • Millionaire In The Pew


    Brings practical, proven insight in the areas of finances and faith, prosperity and purpose.

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  • Biblical Principles For Becoming Debt Free


    Break free from financial bondage! Biblical Principles for Becoming Debt Free!’s step-by-step approach will show you how, while laying a foundation of biblical understanding regarding the stewardship of your resources. Rescue your life and liberate your future!

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  • Understanding Biblical Prosperity


    God?s greatest desire is that you be blessed in every area of your life. The salvation that God provided through Jesus is all-inclusive. Salvation includes not only the salvation of your spirit man from a devil?s hell, but also the salvation of your mind (being renewed by the Word of God) and your physical body as well. The salvation that Jesus has made available to you covers your spiritual health, mental health, and physical health?which includes your body and finances. Jesus didn?t do a halfway job of redeeming His creation. He redeemed you in every area of your life. In this book, you will discover the basics of financial prosperity from a biblical perspective. Understanding Biblical Prosperity will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and begin to learn how to exercise your faith in God?s Word to see financial increase in your life.

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  • Understanding Biblical Prosperity


    God?s greatest desire is that you be blessed in every area of your life. The salvation that God provided through Jesus is all-inclusive. Salvation includes not only the salvation of your spirit man from a devil?s hell, but also the salvation of your mind (being renewed by the Word of God) and your physical body as well. The salvation that Jesus has made available to you covers your spiritual health, mental health, and physical health?which includes your body and finances. Jesus didn?t do a halfway job of redeeming His creation. He redeemed you in every area of your life. In this book, you will discover the basics of financial prosperity from a biblical perspective. Understanding Biblical Prosperity will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and begin to learn how to exercise your faith in God?s Word to see financial increase in your life.

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  • God Good Debt Bad


    God Good-Debt Bad will inspire as well as motivate you to seek scriptural answers to many of today’s complex financial questions. Written from a financial planner’s viewpoint, Randy C. Cowell shares nearly two decades of financial planning experiences, making God Good-Debt Bad a must read for anyone struggling with debt and the management of their finances. Bridging the gap between scriptural truths and financial applications, Randy’s insightful commentary on the state of the new millennium Christian family is sobering and thought provoking. He challenges you to seek scriptural answers to the financial questions of today. God Good-Debt Bad redefines stewardship and encourages the reader to achieve the ultimate goal of being DEBT FREE. To reach this status is possibly the greatest financial accomplishment one can achieve. To gain control of your finances will change you and your family’s life forever and impact ministries in a powerful way!

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  • God Wants You Happy And Rich


    Robert E. Mawire has transformed the idea of success and happiness into something real and tangible. As he likes to say, “he’s been there, done that.” He understands what it takes to get people to pick up the pieces of broken dreams-to dream, love, and live again. Robert goes beyond the hodgepodge of “be happy” mantras and spiritual mumbo-jumbo to teach us a balanced perspective on how to live our lives. God Wants You Happy and Rich is a book about transformation and practical preparation for abundant living. Get rid of low self-esteem Deal with failure Find your life’s purpose Be successful God Wants You Happy and Rich addresses spiritual and practical concerns. As Robert shows, happiness and financial success are an integral part of God’s vision for your life. It’s all about discovering who you really are and being what God created you to be.

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  • Ease The Squeeze


    Economic uncertainty, layoffs, corporate scandals, stock market losses, excessive credit card debt, inability to save for the future, stress, overload, relationships in turmoil, choices, priorities– Americans are feeling SQUEEZED! We save less, give less, declare bankruptcy more, and are more in debt than ever before. Though we are more prosperous as a nation than ever before, the personal financial trends that are sweeping our country and generation are sobering. Our savings rate has dipped from 12% to 1%. We file 1.4 million bankruptices a year versus 100,000 in the 1950s. Our government debt is more than 6 Trillion dollars. The average American has 16.7 credit cards with $8367 of debt. The annual number of divorces has quadrupled to 1.2 million, and our giving has decreased from 6% to 2.6%. We pay an average of $1000 a year in interest and give only $754 a year.

    Surveys show that for many people these trends are a result of their financial situation, a lack of financial training, or a lack of proper planning and priorties. Ease the Squeeze will help you develop a plan, train you to manage your money instead of it managing you, and chart your course for your life, your finances, and your giving! The early feedback has shown that this book will lead people to financially free lives and help them develop purposeful plans for getting out of debt; establishing savings; setting up a budget; giving; and regaining control of their time, plans, relationships and finances. It will also strengthen family and faith in the process! We are under siege, and it is time to ACT NOW to Ease the Squeeze.

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  • Como Salgo De Mis Deudas – (Spanish)


    How to get out of debt seems to be a question on everyones mind. In his book Como salgo de mis deudas? (How Do I Get Out of Debt) author Andres Panasiuk examines the reason why so many are in debt and then gives practical advise on how to get out of debt and stay that way.

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  • Money Possessions And Eternity (Revised)


    What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author’s painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

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  • Supernatural Wealth : Achieving Gods Plan For Your Prosperity


    Financial prosperity is one area in the Body of Christ that gets a lot more attention than results. This book endeavors to demystify the traditional, religious views about money that keep many Christians in an endless cycle of debt, lack, and financial shortage. Supernatural Wealth isn’t just another prosperity book to collect dust on your bookshelf. It’s a road map that will point you to prosperity in God’s Word. It’s a digging tool that will enable you to mine the treasure God has hidden for you. It’s a practical, step-by-step guidebook that will enable you to cooperate with God in your finances and experience powerful and lasting results. This book covers topics such as Receiving Your Inheritance, The Blessing, how to Aim and Release Your Faith for Supernatural Wealth, how to Use Your Spiritual Weapons, Dispatch Your Heavenly Angels, and much, much more. It’s time to for believers to partner with God to establish His covenant of prosperity in our lives.

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  • How Would Jesus Invest


    How Would
    Jesus Invest?

    We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
    and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

    “My people are destroyed for lack
    of knowledge…”
    Hosea 4:6

    People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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  • Debt Free College


    “We shouldn’t have to prove this plan works-but we have proved it.” Five college students Fifteen years of college between them One plan: no debt IT CAN BE DONE.

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  • How Would Jesus Invest


    How Would
    Jesus Invest?

    We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
    and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

    “My people are destroyed for lack
    of knowledge…”
    Hosea 4:6

    People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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  • Girl And Her Money


    1. The Funny Thing About Money
    2. Your Money Personality-And You Do Have One
    3. Know The Score
    4. Diets Don’t Work And Neither Do Budgets
    5. Chemo For Debt I: Diagnosis And Treatment
    6. Chemo For Debt II: A Plan That Pays
    7. If Men Are From Home Depot, Women Are From Macy’s
    8. The Road To Wealth: Save Early, Invest Regularly
    9. The Trouble With Stuff
    10. Making Peace With Money
    186 Pages

    Additional Info
    Gals, when you get your paycheck, do you head straight for the bank—or the mall? Is your credit history in ICU? Here’s sound financial guidance from a former stock broker, presented in an engaging and interactive manner that makes money-talk enjoyable! You’ll discover your spending personality, chose a money lifestyle, and more.

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  • Fasting For Financial Breakthrough (Reprinted)


    Shed a spiritual light on some of the biggest problems facing people today: the need to put the role of money in a proper perspective and to solve financial problems. Elmer Towns states at the outset that this is not the primary purpose of fasting and prayer. Instead, it is all about knowing God. It is not about withdrawing prayer on an as-needed basis from some spiritual ATM kiosk. It is about meditation, studying the Scriptures, and communing with God. When we fast and pray in faith, asking for God’s help and provision, He begins to teach us how to become good stewards of what He has provided. Chapter topics include “Fasting to Learn Stewardship,” “Why We Have Money Problems,” and “A Faith Approach to Fasting for Money.” Once we understand why we struggle with money problems, we can do something about it with this practical step-by-step guide.

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  • Biblical Economics Manifesto


    This book will help to clear up the many misunderstandings of basic economics. With this book you can learn about the economy and how it actually works. The authors will show you how the best understanding of economics conforms with what the Bible teaches about economics.

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  • Sanidad En Las Finanzas – (Spanish)


    In this book, the author takes us through the inevitable financial problems that come up in our lives. In a practical, concrete and fast way, we can discover some of the essencial principles to having adequeate administration and preparation, allowing us to have the financial freedom which God want us to have.

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  • Price Of Faith


    Although stewardship itself is a word often heard in the church, money is rarely discussed in terms of the ethical decisions and daily lifestyle choices we make. The Price of Faith presents a holistic definition of stewardship and examines what money and wealth mean for us in our participation in the life of the church and in our personal expressions of faith. This book includes ten session plans that will help move adults to a new understanding of stewardship.

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  • Making Ends Meet (Teacher’s Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781564270832ISBN10: 1564270831Larry Burkett | Brenda ArmstrongBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2002Publisher: Crown Financial Ministries

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  • Debt Proof Your Kids


    SKU (ISBN): 9780805415186ISBN10: 0805415181Mary HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1998Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • 31 Reasons People Dont Receive Their Financial Harvest


    Do You Long To See The Rewards of Seeds Planted In Your Past? Are you tired of the same old life… the same old routine… and ready for a change? In this book you will learn to recognize the Enemies of Prosperity, how to Sow a Seed to get amazing results. It is truly an Investment into your future. Designed specifically to help you escape the depression of Egypt and experience the Canaan you were promised. Order Today! The Most Effective Financial Handbook You Will Ever Own!

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  • Gods Plan For Your Finances


    God has already given you the power to make money in order to provide for your family, achieve your goals, and reach out to the world with the hope of the Gospel. As a believer, it is part of your mission and calling to activate the power to produce wealth in order to help build God’s kingdom. Author Dwight Nichols explains the biblical view of money, practical steps to take in financial planning, and how people can get out of debt.

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  • Predicament Of The Prosperous


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664242114ISBN10: 0664242111Bruce Birch | Larry Rasmussen | Howard KeeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1981Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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