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Paul Barnett

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  • Paul Missionary Of Jesus


    Was Paul the “second founder” of Christianity, striking off in directions Jesus never envisaged and teaching lessons Christ never endorsed? In this study Paul Barnett sets out to establish that, current theories aside, the apostle was a true missionary of Jesus, authentically extending the Lord’s mission. Barnett argues that Paul’s own writings are supplemented by Luke’s contemporaneously written narrative of the Acts of the Apostles. He follows Paul on a decade of travels, examining the apostle in a historic context as well as revealed by Paul’s own writings. Along the way, Barnett addresses a number of questions, such as Why did Paul persecute Christians when his teacher, Gamaliel, was against it? Was Paul converted or “called”? Are the “new perspectives on Paul” true to the evidence? and Why was Romans so important as a statement of Paul’s “gospel”? Including several maps of Paul’s travels and five helpful appendixes, Paul, Missionary of Jesus is ideal for anyone interested in Pauline studies and for those seeking out the historical truth of Christianity. Paul, Missionary of Jesus is Volume 2 of a trilogy titled After Jesus, following volume 1, The Birth of Christianity: The First Twenty Years. Volume 3 (forthcoming) will be Finding the Historical Christ.

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  • Jesus And The Rise Of Early Christianity


    Gain new insight into first-century Christianity as you explore the world of Caesars and Herods, proconsuls and Pharisees, Sadducees and revolutionaries. Presenting a well-reasoned response to current revisionist views, Barnett argues that we can’t fully comprehend the growth of the Christian faith apart from understanding Jesus’ impact on his followers—and ultimately the world.

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  • Jesus And The Logic Of History


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    1. Jesus And The Practice Of History
    2. Christ In History
    Excursus: Jesus As ‘Christ’ In The Testimonium Flavianum
    3. Jesus In Proclamation And Tradition
    Excursus: Summary Of Information About Jesus In The Letters Of Paul
    4. Jesus In Historical Context
    Excursus: The Quest For The Historical Pontius Pilate
    5. Jesus In The Gospels
    Excursus: Overview Of Jesus’ Ministry
    6. Jesus And The Spread Of Early Christianity
    Excursus: The Resurrection Of Jesus From The Dead
    7. From Jesus To Gospel Text
    8. Jesus’ Death: A Defiance Of Biography
    9. Conclusion
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Bible References

    Additional Info
    At the heart of the Christian faith stands a man, Jesus of Nazaereth. Few people seriously question whether he existed in history. But many, influenced by the more sceptical scholars, doubt that the Christ of orthodox christianity is the same as the Jesus of history. In this important book, historian Paul Barnett lays the doubts to rest. He uncovers the methodological weakness present in some forms of critical scholarship, demonstrating a failure to account for important early evidence about Jesus. Once the evidence is properly marshalled, a picture of Jesus emerges that fits well with orthodox belief in him.

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