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    P. B. Wilson

    • Liberated Through Submission


      P. B. Bunny Wilsons bestselling book, Liberated Through Submission (over 140,000 copies sold), now has a new look and offers more readers a biblical perspective of Gods plan for submission.A strong woman married to a strong man, Bunny Wilson struggled to understand godly submission. As she studied Gods Word, the truth liberated her: Submission doesnt tear down relationships, it builds them up and sets people free.This exploration of an often misunderstood topic helps readers discover* what men and women should know* what submission can give to marriage and the single life* the surprising freedom that comes with submissionEveryone will find a powerful truth in the principle of submission as our Creator intended.

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    • Your Knight In Shining Armor


      P.B. Wilson’s Knight in Shining Armor (more than 150,000 copies sold) lets women know that if they desire true love, they need to prepare themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally…and God will bring their knight in shining armor to them. Readers will discover what they need to change and what should stay the same to make themselves attractive to godly men. Principles taught include-
      *emotionally healthy women attract emotionally healthy men
      *dating someone in hopes he’ll change later is asking for trouble
      *a potential knight’s past reveals how he’ll act in the future

      Practical and realistic, this book helps women break free from ineffective behaviors and attitudes to discover God’s design for waiting, dating, and choosing a mate.

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