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    Michael Scantlebury

    • Fathers And Sons


      As we embark upon this study, there is something I would like for us to first understand, and it is this: God the Father is the ultimate Father. There has never been anyone like Him, nor is there currently anyone like Him, nor will there ever be anyone like Him. He is in a class all by Himself.

      Another thing we need to understand moving forward is this: respect produced by force and domination is not respect but fear.

      Also, when we speak of sons, we are not only referring to the male gender but a new class in God: those who have been washed by the blood of Jesus and entered the New Covenant with Him. Notice that the Scriptures never state “sons and daughters of God.”

      John 1:12 states, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

      As such, I believe that women can also be apostles, and in a broader scope they qualify to “father” should that mantle be upon them.

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    • Eschatology : A Biblical View


      This book you are holding was being prepped for release at the end of 2019, but the Spirit of the Lord interrupted my plans and asked me to hold off for the time being. After discussing this leading with other men of God whose opinions I value, I decided to postpone its publication. Fast-forward with me five months to one morning when the Holy Spirit woke me in the early hours. “Do you remember the day I asked you to pause your work on the book?” He continued, “What is happening now-the Coronavirus pandemic-this is why I had you delay it.” At the time, when I was first writing, the chaos of COVID-19 did not exist, or at least, it was not yet made public. But the resulting global lockdown has had many Believers, and even the unsaved, asking if this is the end of the world! The spirit of fear and dread has gripped the hearts of so many; the Lord said to me: “NOW is the time to release this book!!!”

      Imagine you are a time traveler who has traveled back to the 1800s. You meet Abraham Lincoln and reveal to him that you have arrived from the 21st century. He might ask you how people send messages in the 21st century; you could try to explain how the email system works. How would you describe it? You’re trying to communicate how “fast” an email really is delivered; but you’re trying to do it in a way that wouldn’t totally blow his mind. Would you use imagery with which he’s familiar? Perhaps you would tell him it’s like a postman riding his horse at 500 miles per hour. Or, you might liken it to delivering a message by train from New York to LA in less than one day.

      That’s the conundrum we face when trying to understand difficult verses in the Bible, especially on themes like eschatology. The prophetic writers of Scripture were limited to conveying God’s mysteries in language their readers would understand. Two to three thousand years later as we read these prophetic Scriptures through a 21st century lens, it is possible to come up with strange, speculative interpretations. This especially happens when we don’t understand what those Scriptures would have meant to a first century Believer, or to a Jew living in the time of the Old Testament Prophets.

      The book before you delves deeper into this topic and much more, as it presents you with a biblical view of eschatology.

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    • Restoration Of Zion


      When you hear the word Zion, what comes to mind? As Christians, we’ve sung the choruses and the hymns about Zion or Mount Zion, but do we fully understand just what we’re singing about? Do we know what it is? The Bible promises the full restoration of Zion, and if we don’t fully know what Zion is, what then do we anticipate in terms of its restoration?

      The greatest hindrance to accurate interpretation and application of Scripture is a futuristic view of Scripture. This futuristic view continues to rob the Believer of experiencing God in His fullness in the here and now.

      In this book, we will uncover within the Scriptures exactly what Zion actually represents to the New Testament believer. So lay down any preconceived ideas you may have, delve into the pages of this book, and let it speak truth to you.

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    • As It Was In The Beginning So Shall It Be


      Have you ever wondered about life and all its intricacies? Why are we here on planet earth? What’s out there in deep dark space? Since time began, man has tried to explain the known world. Study and research have revealed many truths about the world, but many questions haven’t yet been answered.

      While many Christians enjoy documentaries that ponder the many ways we may have “gotten here”-from the theory that alien transports dropped us off to the idea of a cosmic slime pit which one day came to life-the only authority we have as Born-Again followers of Jesus Christ is the Book of Genesis. Only God’s inspired word, the Holy Bible, can answer the many questions at hand.

      In this book, we will journey into the heart and mind of our incredible Creator to learn the reason and purpose for our existence. Every created being will be considered, from the angels and lucifer to Adam and Eve and their eventual fall into sin. We will also contemplate God’s masterful plan for the salvation of mankind and explore what we should expect from life after death.

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    • Esther Present Truth Church


      In a season where the Church co-exists harmoniously with truth and error, this book provides us with a precision tool and well-calibrated instrument of change that is able to fine-tune the global Body of Christ. The Book of Esther is rich with revelation that is still valid and applicable for the day in which we live. Hidden within its pages is a powerful “present truth” message. The lives of the people involved and the conditions that are seen have spiritual parallels for the Church. Our destiny as the Body of Christ is revealed. The preparations and conditions we must attain to are all similar.

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    • Fortress Church : Built For The Glory Of God


      What kind of church does God need in the earth today to powerfully impact the nations for Christ and advance His Kingdom in this century? I believe this is on the most important questions that Apostles and Prophets must answer. Apostle Michael Scantlebury is a visionary apostolic leader and gifted communicator whose new book “The Fortress Church” contains a revelatory exposition from Scripture that gives us an accurate and compelling picture of what this Church should look like. As Michael Scantlebury’s writing sketches for us from God’s Word the blueprint of the powerful Church of influence, he also puts an emphasis on the profound truth that only through apostolic revelation can it be clearly seen, and only be apostolic wisdom can it be accurately built. The incredible supernatural design, architecture and dynamics of this glorious Church God has destined for planet earth is clearly found throughout Scripture. But because of centuries of tradition, much of the pattern of how to build it has been hidden from our spiritual eyes. The past 500 years of reformation ignited by Martin Luther and many others, have progressively brought the Church out of the dark ages, restoring to Her so many biblical truths that began to make Her strong and vibrant again. Apostle Michael Scantlebury takes his place as a missional thinker, risk-taking pioneer and apostolic reformer in this 21st century, who’s published works concerning present truth, the restoration of the ministry gift of the Apostle, and the Apostolic Church, is making a tremendous contribution and impact to a fresh and new apostolic reformation movement that is circling the globe in this season and growing exponentially.

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    • Leaven Revealed : Good Or Bad A Little Leaven Leavens The Whole Lump


      The Bible has a lot to say about leaven and its effects upon the Believer. Leaven as an ingredient gives a false sense of growth. In the New Testament there are at least six types of leaven spoken about and we will be exploring them in detail, in order to ensure that our lives are completely free of the first five, and completely influenced by the sixth These types of leaven include the following: The leaven of the Pharisees; The leaven of the Sadducees; The leaven of the Galatians; The leaven of Herod; The leaven of the Corinthians. However, the Leaven of the Kingdom of God, is the only type of leaven that has the power and capacity to bring about true growth and lasting change to our lives.

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    • 5 Pillars Of The Apostolic


      Michael Scantlebury, seeks to find a biblical, balanced and logical approach to explainging the ministry of today’s apostles. It is a timely expression since so much of what is being said and written today about apostles and apostoloic ministry lacks strong biblical basis and is often extreme and contradictory. This book provides an excellent tool for the Church to measure apostolic claims by the yardstick of the author’s five-pillars of apostolic grace. This book set the standards appropriately gigh for those who have the high-calling of apostle. Best of all the book is Christ-centered in its approach, revealing Jesus Christ as the real answer to each fundamental and eternal question rather than apostles in themselves.

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    • Apostolic Purity : In Pursuit Of His Excellence A Sequel To Five Pillars Of


      In every dispensation, in every move of God’s Holy Spirit to bring restoration and reformation to His Church, righteousness, holiness and purity has always been of utmost importance to the Lord. And it is no different in the current move of God that is bringing apostolic restoration to His Church.

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