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Michael Gerson

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  • Unleashing Opportunity : Why Escaping Poverty Requires A Shared Vision Of J


    Falls City Press
    The Center for Public Justice explores five key areas of injustice. For each issue Gerson explores the breadth of the problem, Summers applies a theological framework for considering solutions, & Thompson tells the story of people who have journeyed through these issues. This book helps everyday Christians realize how they can make a difference.

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  • City Of Man


    An era has ended. The political expression that most galvanized evangelicals during the past quarter-century, the Religious Right, is fading. What’s ahead is unclear. Millions of faith-based voters still exist, and they continue to care deeply about hot-button issues like abortion and gay marriage, but the shape of their future political engagement remains to be formed. Into this uncertainty, former White House insiders Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner seek to call evangelicals toward a new kind of political engagement — a kind that is better both for the church and the country, a kind that cannot be co-opted by either political party, a kind that avoids the historic mistakes of both the Religious Left and the Religious Right. Incisive, bold, and marked equally by pragmatism and idealism, Gerson and Wehner’s new book has the potential to chart a new political future not just for values voters, but for the nation as a whole.

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