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Michael Curry

  • Following The Way Of Jesus


    The New Churchs Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and useful sets of books in The Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Churchs Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to write a new set of books, grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders, concise and accessible enough for newcomers, with a host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deep.

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  • Songs My Grandma Sang


    Author of the popular Crazy Christians

    * Well-known bishop, preacher, and teacher

    In a conversation about his teaching and preaching style, Michael Curry notes with a
    laugh that hymns and songs of faith were always a part of the mix. “I learned what I
    believed in the songs I heard my family-especially my grandmother-sing. We sang our
    faith every day.”

    Out of that strong foundation, Bishop Curry shares the music of his childhood-the
    songs that have grown with him to shape an adult and vibrant faith.

    For people of faith across the Episcopal Church, plus Christians who find themselves
    and their faith shaped by what they sing.

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