Mark Matlock
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Padres Extraordinarios – (Spanish)
$11.99Hoy en dia, las familias cristianas se encuentran atascadas muchas veces entre dos historias: la historia de su propia familia y la historia de Dios. Es como si estuvieran viviendo dos vidas: su vida cristiana y su vida en el “mundo real”. La solucion a este problema consiste en descubrir la manera de hacer que la historia de tu familia entre en alineacion con la historia de Dios en el mundo que nos rodea, de manera que te ayude a criar unos hijos que tengan el caracter, los valores y la mision que les permitan salir al mundo real y vivir una fe genuina. Padres extraordinarios es un libro sobre la formacion de los hijos que te ayudara a ser dinamico, en lugar de actuar a base de reacciones, cuando se trata de educar a los jovencitos cristianos en un mundo que esta lleno de contradicciones que se oponen a una vida de fe. En lugar de tratar de formar unos hijos que sean solo “buenos cristianos”, encontraras aqui las herramientas que te ayudaran a manifestar en tu vida una fe que les permita a tus hijos ver lo que significa vivir como cristianos. Como resultado de esto, aprenderan lo que es la fe genuina, porque la estaran viviendo junto contigo. Mark Matlock, experto en culturas y veterano pastor de jovenes, te ayudara a analizar cuestiones como las siguientes: * Como ayudar a tu hijo a tomar decisiones * La importancia de los fracasos * Como conocer la historia que tiene Dios para tu familia * Como hacer un cambio en la historia actual de tu familia * Como buscar la sabiduria, y mucho mas. Dios nos ha puesto aqui para interactuar con el mundo y representarlo ante el, a base de relacionarte con la cultura, en lugar de apartarte de ella. En vez de tratar de aislar del mundo a tus hijos, o establecer unas barreras que les impidan relacionarse realmente con el mundo que Dios nos ha llamado a ayudar y sanar, aqui podras aprender a guiar a tu familia hacia una vida integrada, en la cual la historia de la familia y la historia de Dios se unan para marcar una diferencia en el mundo que los rodea.
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Why Not Now Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$9.99Like most of the rest of us, Christian students tend to set the bar too low for themselves, especially when it comes to actively following Jesus. This 6-week Bible study curriculum and correlated-but-stand-alone daily devotional will challenge students to accept the mission to live like Jesus now, not later, by telling the stories of adolescents from the Bible and in modern life who did — and are doing — significant and amazing things in the world and for the God who saves. In a society where cultural adolescence is lingering into the 30s, its no wonder Christian students often fail to confront the call to act meaningfully on their faith in Christ. It’s easy to package that commitment with big ideas like picking a college, a spouse, and a career — and then to never quite get around to it.
God, however, posts no minimum age on discipleship, and his book contains several examples of younger people both willing and able — in his power — to do extraordinarily difficult and necessary things with their lives for him. Why Not Now? will mine stories from the young lives of Miriam, Joseph, David, Solomon, Daniel, and Mary to find why and how they said yes to God before they would have been old enough to rent a car in our modern society. All six of these people believed God could use their lives to do something that mattered. What is holding us back?
To bolster the argument and generate interest in the books, Why Not Now? will also seek contributions from living examples of people who are doing or have done things we just don’t expect students to do these days. Abby Sunderland, for instance, generated worldwide controversy for attempting to sail around the world solo simply because she was 16 at the time. How dare she? How cold her parents allow that? Another 16-year-old, cheerleader Kealey Oliver, recently made news for courageously tackling a shoplifter at the local mall rather that letting him escape. She saw it as her responsibility to stand for justice. And 17-year-old Steven Ortiz made headlines by demonstrating the practical wisdom of bartering his way from an old cell phone to a convertible Porsche.
Why Not Now? will use stories like theirs — and those from Scripture — to equip youth leaders to challenge students to use their unique gifts, skills, and opportunities right now to do bigger things with their lives for God’s glory. The curriculum will include teaching outlines, commentary, group activities, discussion questions, a
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Raising Wise Children
$12.99Culture expert and veteran youth pastor Mark Matlock will teach you to line your family’s story up with God’s story in the world around you, helping you raise wise children who have the character, values, and mission that allows them to go out into the real world and live out a real faith.
Raising Wise Children explores such issues as:
* Helping your child make decisions
* The importance of failure
* Knowing God’s story for your family
* Changing the story your family is in
* The pursuit of wisdom, and much moreGod has placed us here to interact with and represent him to the world by engaging with the culture—not retreating from it. Rather than trying to isolate your children from the world or draw lines that keep them from truly engaging with what God has called us to help and heal, you can learn how to lead your family towards an integrated life where your story and God’s story come together to make a difference in the world around you.
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Senor Librame De Mis Padres – (Spanish)
$12.99This book is about giving you insight and understanding into the dynamics of your relationship with your parents, and helping you learn to use wisdom when you interact with them. You’ll walk away from this book with a whole new perspective on the relationship you have with your parents, and how to have an even better one.
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Real World Parents
$22.99“Christian families today often find themselves stuck between two stories-their own family’s story and God’s story. It’s like they’re living two lives: their Christian life and their “real world” life. The trick is figuring out how to get your family’s story to line up with God’s story in the world around us, helping you raise children who have the character, values, and mission that allows them to go out into the real world and live out a real faith. Real World Parents is a parenting book that helps you to be proactive, rather than reactive, when it comes to raising Christian kids in a world that is filled with contradictions to a life of faith. Rather than trying to raise kids who are “good Christians,” you’ll find the tools to help you live out a faith that allows your children to see what it means to live as a Christian. As a result, your kids will learn about real faith by living it out with you. Culture expert and veteran youth pastor, Mark Matlock, will help you explore issues such as: * Helping your child make decisions * The importance of failure * Knowing God’s story for your family * Changing the story your family is in * The pursuit of wisdom, and much more God has placed us here to interact with and represent him to the world by engaging with the culture-not retreating from it. Rather than trying to isolate your children from the world or draw lines that keep them from truly engaging in the world God calls us to help and heal, you can learn how to lead your family towards an integrated life where your story and God’s story come together to make a difference in the world around you.”
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Decisiones Inteligentes – (Spanish)
$12.99In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships-from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They’ll find the stories and lessons in this book will help them become wise in their relationships.
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Wisdom On Growing In Christ
$14.27For many teens, the idea of getting along with their parents may seem like an oxymoron. Whether they get along with their parents most of the time or they seem to always be butting heads, Wisdom on Getting Along with Parents can help teens understand both sides a little better and improve their relationship.
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Wisdom On Getting Along With Parents
$14.27For many teens, the idea of getting along with their parents may seem like an oxymoron. Whether they get along with their parents most of the time or they seem to always be butting heads, Wisdom on Getting Along with Parents can help teens understand both sides a little better and improve their relationship.
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Wisdom On Music Movies And Television
$14.27The Wisdom On – series is a collection of short books making practical application of wisdom literature and other Scripture on a variety of topics facing students. The series is designed to help students apply biblical principals of wisdom to everyday circumstances. Each book is a collection of case studies, key Scriptures, interactive activities, and helpful insights to assist teenagers in their growth of wisdom.
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Wisdom On Friends Dating And Relationships
$9.99The Wisdom On – series is a collection of short books making practical application of wisdom literature and other Scripture on a variety of topics facing students. The series is designed to help students apply biblical principals of wisdom to everyday circumstances. Each book is a collection of case studies, key Scriptures, interactive activities, and helpful insights to assist teenagers in their growth of wisdom.
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Wisdom On Making Good Decisions
$9.99The Wisdom On – series is a collection of short books making practical application of wisdom literature and other Scripture on a variety of topics facing students. The series is designed to help students apply biblical principals of wisdom to everyday circumstances. Each book is a collection of case studies, key Scriptures, interactive activities, and helpful insights to assist teenagers in their growth of wisdom.
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Living A Life That Matters
$9.99If It Makes You Happy … – If It Makes You Happy … It Could Be Very Bad – Who Knew Pleasure Would Be So Disappointing? – If It Feels Good, Do It? – What Does It Mean? Fill in the blank: My life would be meaningful if _________________. If you’re observant, you’ll see all kinds of ways people are trying to fill in that blank. Some want more money, more influence, more pleasure-MORE. So, does it work? Will devouring all that the world has to offer lead to satisfaction? The book of Ecclesiastes is about by someone who tried to answer that question. Whether it was sex, drugs, money, power, food, relationships, or knowledge, King Solomon tried it all and documented what he discovered as he searched for a purpose to his life. Look Around lets you gaze over Solomon’s shoulder as he indulges every pleasure, exercises every power, and emerges with a radical conclusion about how to live. You’ll find ways that his search for meaning connects with yours, and how your story can connect with your friends’ as they seek meaning in the world.
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Freshman : The College Students Guide To Developing Wisdom
$15.99Nav Press Print On Demand Title
There’s a lot more to wisdom than good grades and clever ideas! Popular youth speaker Matlock shows your grads how to be wise in all aspects of life—from making smart choices to thinking critically about motives and values. The end result is a a mature faith in Christ that can affect an entire campus!
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Dont Buy The Lie
$14.27This book helps teenagers understand how to think clearly and biblically about supernatural events. Every day we hear of supernatural phenomenon_from Ouija boards to crop circles to psychics on TV_and it’s difficult for teens to know how to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit occurrences. Author Mark Matlock, who has conducted a research project with Barna Research on Teens and the Supernatural and is a member of the international community of illusionists, presents clear principles and intriguing examples that teach teens how to respond to the supernatural with wisdom, discernment, and without being duped. Using the Acts community at Berea as a model, Matlock identifies “thinking traps” that lead to deception, such as not balancing the mind and emotions, mixing truth with lies, and making false association. With clarity, he shows readers how to find Christ, and provides biblical answers to frequently asked questions about such things as Ouija boards, psychics, angels, and demons. Upside-down. Turned around. Sound like a typical day for you? invert books meet you where you are_in the twisted, flipped around places in your life. You’ve got so many relationships to focus on_God, others, and even yourself_invert books will help you figure out how to give yourself fully to all of them. invert tackles the difficult topics that are important to you_and will help you turn to focus on God more clearly.
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