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Louise Vernon

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  • Ink On His Fingers


    12 Chapters

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    Johann Gutenberg is working on printing the first Bible with type. Twelve-year old Hans Dunne is planning on being a scribe and copying the Bible by hand. But circumstances change and he finds himself working in Gutenberg’s shop as an apprentice printer.

    Soon, Hans finds himself in the middle of a type-stealing mystery. Herr Fust, the village banker, wants Gutenberg’s type and tries every possible way to get his hands on it. Gutenberg is deep in debt and has borrowed from everyone in town. Gutenberg is sure that he will be able to pay everyone back once the Bible is printed, but he is running out of time. Will Hans, and the other pressmen be able to keep Herr Fust from getting the type? Will they be able to finish the Bible so many people will be able to read and learn from it?

    Join Hans as he does his part to help and experiences God’s faithfulness.

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  • Heart Strangely Warmed


    12 Chapters

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    John Wesley is a fiery little preacher who is stirring up the people on the streets of London. One day, while peddling his father’s wares, young Robert Upton meets Wesley and his life is changed forever.

    At first Robert doesn’t know what to think of Wesley and his fellow Methodists. Robert even helps some other boys break up an evening church meeting by beating loudly on old pots and pans. But soon Robert sees how Wesley’s preaching changes the lives of many people. Robert hears people talk about being “converted,” but isn’t sure what it means.

    Robert and his father start going to Wesley’s meetings whenever they can. Gradually, Robert begins to understand what Wesley’s preaching is all about. As he allows God to work in his life, Robert finds that his own heart, like Wesley’s, is strangely warmed.

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  • Key To The Prison


    12 Chapters

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    George Fox is constantly in trouble with the government. He preaches that the church isn’t a building, but the people who believe the Bible and try to obey what it says. He also left the Official Church of England to found the Society of Friends, also called Quakers.

    Tommy Stafford and his sister, Celia, become involved when their father, a minister, breaks with the traditional church and joins Fox. They witness the violence and persecution that Quakers endure. But Fox is always calm and courageous. He continues to preach and help the sick. His power with God becomes known wherever he goes.

    The persecution gets worse. George Fox and the Quakers are imprisoned, beaten and ridiculed. Yet the number of his followers grows. Join Tommy and his family as they are swept along with Fox and his new church-all the way across the ocean to the New World, where they can live in peace and worship freely.

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  • Doctor In Rags


    12 Chapters

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    The Hutterites are quiet people, hard workers, and known for their natural medicines. They also live in communities, or Bruderhofs, and will not attend the state church. Michael Bruhn, his younger sister Gudryn, and their widowed mother live in a castle in Moravia. After Madame Bruhn’s husband dies, she illegally welcomes Hutterites to her estate, giving them permission to build a Bruderhof because she feels they worship God in the right way.

    When a doctor wearing ragged clothing comes to heal Gudryn, Michael thinks he, too, must be a Hutterite. He learns later that this is the famed doctor, Paracelsus. Michael is impressed and begins to plan when he can also be a doctor.

    Then tragedy strikes the Bruhn household. They are arrested along with the Hutterites. Their land is taken by King Ferdinand. Michael is put into chains with the Hutterites, doomed to become a galley slave. Join Michael as he tries to find his family again, listen for God’s calling on his life, and learn from the mysterious doctor in rags.

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  • Secret Church : The Story Of The Anabaptists


    The author recounts the story of the Anabaptists during the Reformation. The main characters are two teenage girl whose mother is dead and whose father is the most hated man in the community. This story is about their involvement in a church considered heretical.

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  • Thunderstorm In Church


    Martin Luther’s son has a problem. What should young Hans Luther do when he grows up? How can he ever do anything important when he is constantly overshadowed by his famous father? Hans struggles with his Latin lessons. He fights with a peasant boy in the marketplace, listens to the wise advice of his Aunt Lena, observes his father lecturing to university students. Hans plays with his brothers, little Martin and Paul, and has thoughtful conversations with Lenchen, his sister. Gradually he discovers who he is and how God wants him to live. Through Hans’ eyes you will learn to know Martin Luther – not only as the great Reformer/Preacher, but also as a father with a sense of humor and as a friend.

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  • Bible Smuggler : The Story Of William Tyndale


    The author explains William Tyndale’s work of translating, printing, and distributing the Scripture. The main character of the story is Collin, William Tyndale’s helper. Collin begins his work as a carries boy in smuggling a copy of Luther’s New Testament to William Tyndale in England. Later he travels with Tyndale to Europe to meet Martin Luther.

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