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Ken Costa

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  • God At Work


    Discover God’s assignment for you at work. Live each day with purpose. This one statement describes the driving force behind Ken Costa’s foundational book God at Work. Millions of Christians go to work each day and face a seeming divide between the sacred and the secular. They wrestle with the dichotomy of being compassionate in a competitive environment. Does God care about the 40 hours we spend at our office every week? In God at Work, while reflecting on his own experiences in the workplace, Costa says the answer is a resounding “yes”. God does care and He not only wants to be intimately involved He wants to inhabit our workplace. Costa asserts you were made by Him, you are loved by Him, and you are called by Him. God at Work proves faith and work can be reconciled. God at Work highlights the main “Pressure Points” faced by every working person:
    *Does my work matter to God?
    *How am I to handle ambition and failure?
    *Facing tough decisions
    *Stewardship of money and giving

    After decades of rumination on this very thought, Costa shows how God himself is at work and has been since the creation. He invented work. He is active and understands the nature of work. God at Work encourage readers to transform their work station into a “worship station”. Young or old, this timeless message will inspire each of us to truly live each day with purpose.

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  • Know Your Why


    Are you working for cash, a career, a cause-or a calling? “Why do you do what you do?” People work for a variety of reasons. For many, the primary purpose of their work is cash. Their principal motivation is the paycheck that funds their everyday needs. Their work is a means to an end. Others are motivated by ambitions for a career, to move up the professional ladder and expand their experience, becoming more skilled in a particular area. Still others work for a cause, believing in the wider purpose of their work, attempting to make a difference in the world-to leave a mark in some way. All of these are legitimate motivations. However, missing from all three is any sense of the value of work itself. The focus is on the output of the workplace, rather than valuing the input. What we need is calling. Those who see their work as a calling experience a rich integration in their lives. They sense a purpose, a direction to their activities. Work has intrinsic meaning, rather than being simply a means to an end. In many ways this is precisely what the Spirit of God does in our lives. When we are in the flow of the Spirit, we are cooperating fully in our God-given callings. When people embrace their callings, they love their work, can manage inevitable tensions that arise, and are welcomed by their colleagues, who sense that there is something beyond the cash or career objectives. But how do we get there? Know Your Why is written with one objective: to help you find your life’s calling so that you can be more satisfied, fulfilled, and happier at work. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last.” -John 15:16 NIV

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