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Keith Beasley-Topliffe

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  • Writings Of John Wesley


    John Wesley was an eighteenth-century preacher, writer, and one of the founders of the Methodist movement. This book includes selections from Wesley’s journals, sermons, and books, giving a clear picture not only of Wesley but also of the spiritual vitality that ignited a movement and continues to transform lives today. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Evelyn Underhill


    Evelyn Underhill, a twentieth-century British spiritual writer and retreat leader, is widely known for her compelling exploration of the spiritual life. She offers profoundly simple advice on opening oneself to God. This book includes a sampling of her letters and her published retreat and radio talks. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Thomas A Kempis


    The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is one of the most influential books, other than the Bible, on Christian spirituality. From the time of its appearance around 1420, it has been a best seller. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Thomas Kelly


    Thomas Kelly was a twentieth-century Quaker and philosopher whom Richard Foster calls “a giant soul.” Kelly is best known for his Testament of Devotion. This book includes excerpts from Kelly’s other writings that have not been widely available until now. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Toyohiko Kagawa


    Often mentioned as a model of how to blend prayer, compassion, and social action, Toyohiko Kagawa, a Japanese Christian, worked in the time between World Wars I and II to establish settlement houses, labor unions, and peasant unions and carry on evangelistic campaigns. Excerpts in this book include autobiographical reflections and thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Julian Of Norwich


    Revealing insights from a lifetime of prayer, the writings of this late fourteenth-century nun and mystic offer some of the most moving discussions of God’s love in all of Christian literature. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Francis And Clare


    Francis and Clare of Assisi, celebrated saints of thirteenth-century Italy, founded influential religious orders (the Franciscans and the Poor Clares) that carry on vital work to this day. This book includes biographical vignettes of Francis and Clare as well as prayers, letters, and other spiritually rich writings from their remarkable lives. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world.

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  • Writings Of John Cassian


    John Cassian was a monk from North Africa and a contemporary of Augustine. His writings on prayer and spiritual living continue to speak as powerfully and practically to today’s Christians as they did to his fourth-century audience. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Teresa Of Avila


    Teresa of Avila was a sixteenth-century Spanish nun, reformer, and celebrated spiritual writer. This book includes excerpts from her three most influential works. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Augustine


    Augustine was the fourth-century spiritual leader from North Africa who had a vast impact on the Christian church. His Confessions has been called one of Western civilization’s most influential books. This volume contains other important writings of Augustine. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of William Law


    In these selections from his book A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, Law calls for total devotion to God. In response to the religious moderation of eighteenth-century England, he writes that the truly devout must live in utter conformity with the will of God. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of John Woolman


    Woolman’s journal reveals the development of a Christian soul seeking to know and do God’s will in all things. A devout Quaker, Woolman lived simply, in solidarity with the poor and the oppressed. He traveled through the American colonies in the mid-1700s, urging other Quakers to free their slaves and to stand with him against slavery. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of John Of The Cross


    John of the Cross, a sixteenth-century Carmelite monk (and contemporary of Teresa of Avila) used vivid metaphors and biblical stories to describe a process of detachment from earthly loves. He described this as the “dark night of the soul,” an experience that frees us to receive God’s blessings. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of Catherine Of Siena


    In seeking to submit her will completely to God’s, Catherine of Siena practiced extreme self-sacrifice fueled by prayer so intense that she often lost awareness of the world around her. She expressed these experiences in letters and writings that address the turbulent times of the fourteenth-century Italy in which she lived. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Writings Of The Desert Fathers And Mothers


    In the third, fourth, and fifth centuries, thousands of men and women moved into the deserts of Egypt and Syria seeking a simple way of living. Their sayings about prayer, spiritual disciplines, and living in community spread throughout the Christian world and became the foundation of monasticism. More than ever, people want to grow spiritually. Many want to explore the rich spiritual writings of influential leaders in the history of Christianity. But trying to read classics written centuries ago can be daunting. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics are designed to help by offering readable translations in an accessible format. Each book provides at least 14 excerpts that cover the range of the writer’s spiritual concerns. An insightful, expertly written introduction helps readers understand the writer and his or her world. The Upper Room Spiritual Classics will help both individuals and groups grow in their faith by seeing God through the eyes of remarkable spiritual leaders.

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  • Surrendering To God


    Do you ever feel that prayer has become rote repetition, or that the simple prayers of childhood have lost their meaning?

    In this life-changing little book, Rev. Keith Beasley-Topliffe shares his experience of praying the Covenant Prayer-a classic prayer that calls us to surrender completely to God. Line by line, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe uses the wisdom of the prayer of surrender as a guide for those who want to learn to trust God more. With honesty and gentle humor, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe shows us how simple prayers not only express our heart’s desires to God, but also open the doorway to deeper prayer and transformation.

    “Abandonment to God is at the heart of Christian formation. Prayer is the means by which we surrender to God. Keith combines these two elements in a way that enables us to grow in grace through the regular use of this classic prayer.”
    Dr. Steve Harper, Vice President
    Asbury Theological Seminary

    The Covenant Prayer
    I am no longer my own, but thine.
    Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt;
    put me to doing, put me to suffering;
    let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
    exalted for thee or brought low for thee;
    let me be full, let me be empty;
    let me have all things, let me have nothing;
    I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
    And now, O glorious and blessed God,
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    thou art mine, and I am thine.
    So be it.
    And the covenant which I have made on earth,
    let it be ratified in heaven.

    Keith Beasley-Topliffe is the editor of The Upper Room Spiritual Classics and a major contributor to The Spiritual Formation Bible. He is the pastor of Fifth Street United Methodist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Keith and his wife, Carola, who is also a United Methodist pastor, reside in Marysville, Pennsylvania.

    “Surrendering to God is a rich spiritual resource. . . . These strikingly honest meditations offer both fresh challenge and encouragement in helping us examine our daily actions and attitudes toward work and possessions and how we deepen our trust in God’s guidance for all of life.”
    Janice T. Grana
    Former Publisher, The Upper Room

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