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    John Townsend

    • Gente Que Sume – (Spanish)


      Las organizaciones saludables precisan lideres saludables y de optimo nivel. En un entorno cada vez mas complejo y competitivo, los lideres necesitan estar a la vanguardia.

      Los lideres exitosos entienden el mundo de las relaciones. El “factor gente” es de vital importancia para su competencia y enfoque. Dos problemas ralentizan su eficacia:

      Los lideres son los “originadores” de la mayoria de sus relaciones; es decir que lideran, guian, dirigen, desarrollan, asesoran, entrenan y alientan a aquellos en sus vidas. Si bien ser originadores beneficia a otros, desafortunadamente estan en desequilibrio respecto de ser los “destinatarios” o receptores. Tienen muy pocas relaciones clave que los favorezcan, lo que respalda su crecimiento y desarrollo, y en las que pueden sentirse plenamente conocidos y comprendidos.Los lideres gastan demasiada energia con las personas equivocadas. Por naturaleza, son solucionadores de problemas, y emplean su tiempo y atencion en las personas que los desgastan. Todo lider puede identificarse con esa “persona del proyecto” que se ha puesto al hombro para intentar corregir, orientar, ayudar, rescatar o reparar, y en la que a veces desperdician su energia durante aos, solo para darse cuenta de que no fue un tiempo bien empleado.

      Los lideres estan patas para arriba en sus relaciones, y este libro los ayudara a pararse derechos, enseandoles sobre estos siete tipos de personas: coaches, camaradas, colegas, relaciones casuales, de cuidado, cronicas y contaminantes.

      Todo lider necesita cobrar perspectiva y tener a mano herramientas que le ayuden a saber invertir su tiempo sabiamente con las personas adecuadas y evitar las incorrectas. Con esa comprension y habilidades, se evitaran muchos problemas en el trabajo y en la vida, como ser un funcionamiento cerebral mas bajo, perdida de energia, conflictos de relacion, malas decisiones, problemas de concentracion, de salud y luchas mentales.

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    • Lidera Con Tu Intuicion – (Spanish)


      Quienes somos interiormente puede determinar el exito de liderazgo mas que lo hacemos o lo que sabemos. En este libro el doctor Townsend explora el papel clave que juega el mundo interno del lider, sus emociones, su intuicion, su creatividad, sus valores, su autoconciencia, su vida espiritual, y como estos se traducen en el exito de una organizacion.

      Revelando vinculos entre el exito o fracaso personal y organizacional, y el contenido del corazon del lider, el autor muestra que los lideres sobresalen no solo a traves de la habilidad e inteligencia, sino tambien al conectar con otros a traves de las competencias, como curiosidad, atencion, evaluacion de la realidad, deteccion de distorsion, construccion de relaciones, responsabilidad, y vivir con ambiguedad. Un libro de liderazgo que solo un psicologo mundialmente reconocido podria haber escrito.

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    • Leading From Your Gut


      As a leader, your decisions are critical. They have a significant effect on you and everyone around you. But the effective leader needs to have more than just logic, facts, and financials to help make the best choices. Leaders also must access their own intuition, that gut feeling inside.

      Dr. John Townsend knows that a leader’s internal world–the world of intuition, creativity, emotion, and spirituality–is just as important as the external world of data and best practices. Who you are on the inside determines your success as a leader even more than the things you do or the things you know. “You were designed with both an external world and an inner world,” Townsend says, “and they work well together. Accessing both of these areas will take a little knowledge and a little work, but it will help you be the leader you want to be.”

      In Leading from Your Gut, you’ll learn how leaders excel not just through external competencies and skills but by drawing on their internal world and personal experience. You’ll explore how to harness the power of your values, thoughts, emotions, and relationships to better meet the complex demands of leadership.

      As you apply Townsend’s principles, you will see great results in your leadership. But more importantly, you’ll experience the kind of personal transformation that will enable you to lead as a whole person.

      Leading from Your Gut will help emerging and veteran leaders alike to hone their intuition and become the leader they were meant to be.

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    • Boundaries Workbook : When To Say Yes How To Say No To Take Control Of Your (Wor


      The New York Times bestselling book Boundaries has helped millions understand that being a loving Christian does not mean never saying no. This newly updated and expanded companion workbook provides practical exercises for setting boundaries in marriage, parenting, business, and friendships in a digital age.

      Following the newly updated and expanded edition of Boundaries chapter-by-chapter, this interactive workbook helps you look at specific relationships in your own life. With those situations in mind, you can ask and answer:
      Why do I feel guilty about setting clear boundaries?
      What if the boundaries I set hurt the other person?
      Is it difficult for me to hear no from others?
      What are examples of legitimate boundaries at work and home?
      How can I have good boundaries online?
      How can I stay connected while still setting boundaries with my phone?
      In what ways do I need to set better boundaries with social media?

      Boundaries Workbook gives a biblical foundation and practical tools for helping others respect your boundaries-whether you are not responding to a text message immediately or saying no when someone asks you to volunteer for one more activity.

      Discover firsthand how good boundaries give you the freedom to live as the loving, generous, fulfilled person God created you to be.

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    • Boundaries Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      This New York Times bestselling and award-winning book helps readers set healthy boundaries in order to be the loving people God created, and now offers a whole new chapter.

      Are you in control of your life?

      Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering: Can I set limits and still be a loving person? How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

      In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book and New York Times bestseller, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. This updated and expanded edition specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

      Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

      Unpacking ten laws of boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

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    • Safe People : How To Find Relationships That Are Good For You And Avoid Tho


      Too many of us have invested ourselves into relationships where things have gone wrong. You may have experienced being judged, manipulated, controlled, or worse. The impact of being with an unsafe person can be damaging to your confidence, your trust in others, and even your health. And what’s more, we either repeat the same mistakes of judgment over and over, or else simply give up on trying to have great, authentic relationships again.

      We get busy instead.

      Why do we choose the wrong people to get involved with? Is it possible to change? And if so, where does one begin?

      Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer solid guidance for making safe choices in relationships, from family to friendship, romance and work. They help identify the healthy and growing people we all need in our lives, as well as ones we need to learn to avoid. Safe People will help you to recognize twenty traits of relationally untrustworthy people and discover what makes some people relationally safe, as well as how to avoid unhealthy entanglements. You’ll learn about things within yourself that jeopardize your relational security, and you’ll find out how to develop a balanced approach to relationships.

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    • Como Manejar Personas Dificile – (Spanish)


      El Dr. John Townsend, autor de bestsellers y reconocido especialista en relaciones personales, lo ayudara a entender por que esas personas que lo sacan de quicio actuan del modo en que lo hacen, y por que les resulta tan facil provocar respuestas y sentimientos negativos de su parte. El autor lo desafia a asumir el compromiso de no reaccionar de una manera que no ayuda en absoluto a solucionar el problema. Seguidamente, le ofrece un repertorio completo y novedoso de respuestas, incluidos una guia sobre actitudes saludables y dominio propio, y textos de dialogos que lo ayudaran a interactuar y negociar con personas que lo vuelven loco en un nivel completamente diferente.

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    • Forma Dificil Es La Correcta – (Spanish)


      Hoy dia vivimos en una cultura que dice: Mi vida deberia ser facil y funcionar bien para mi. Esta actitud, denominada sentirse con derechos, influencia nuestras instituciones mas importantes: familia, negocios, iglesia y gobierno. Sus efectos son devastadores, contribuyendo a problemas relacionales, problemas de etica en el trabajo, y luchas emocionales.

      Se reduce a esto: las personas no estan llegando hasta donde quieren ir, porque no saben como vivir de la forma dificil. Sentirse con derechos evita que aborden retos y encuentren el exito.

      Este libro proporciona principios y herramientas para el cambio. Ensea a las personas las habilidades de aprender a abordar y resolver asuntos que son dificiles, en lugar de evitarlos, abandonar demasiado pronto, o esperar que otra persona lo haga en lugar de ellos. Los habitos obtenidos de este libro conduciran al exito en las relaciones, las finanzas, el cuidado personal y el trabajo del lector. Cuando el lector enfrenta lo que debe ser enfrentado, se mantiene firme para cumplir sus metas y resolver sus luchas mejor y con mas rapidez. En ese sentido, este libro aporta mucha esperanza y positividad a la dificil arena de la vida.

      La forma dificil es sencilla: es enfrentar cada reto requerido para lograr lo que mas importa. Cualquier cosa que valga la pena hacer tendra el costo de ser dificil de hacer. Pero cuando aprendemos a hacer las cosas correctas, y a superar el dolor que conllevan, tenemos una posibilidad de exito mucho mejor.

      A veces nos llegan pruebas, como problemas matrimoniales, un negocio que fracasa, o una enfermedad. Otras veces son oportunidades en las que es necesario correr un riesgo, como comenzar un negocio a tiempo parcial, o simplemente ser vulnerable con alguien. Y otras veces son problemas que deben ser confrontados, como un adolescente problematico, una conversacion que hemos estado evitando, o un equipo en el trabajo que necesita ser reestructurado. Cualquiera que sea el contexto, la forma dificil es la primera y mejor manera de enfocar un buen resultado.

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    • Our Mothers Ourselves


      No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image-your life. Our Mothers, Ourselves can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a mature relationship with Mom today.

      Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend steer you down a path of discovery and growth beyond the effects of six common mom types:
      *The Phantom Mom
      *The China Doll Mom
      *The Controlling Mom
      *The Trophy Mom
      *The Still-the-Boss Mom
      *The American Express Mom

      You’ll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. And you’ll find a realistic and empowering approach to filling your unmet mothering needs in healthy, life-changing ways through other people.

      Our Mothers, Ourselves is a biblical route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse-and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother today.

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    • How To Have That Difficult Conversation


      Successful people confront well. They know that setting healthy boundaries improves relationships and can solve important problems. They have discovered that uncomfortable situations can be avoided or resolved through direct conversation. But most of us don’t know how to have difficult conversations, and we see confrontation as scary or adversarial. Authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend take the principles from their bestselling book, Boundaries, and apply them to a variety of the most common difficult situations and relationships in order to:
      * Show how healthy confrontation can improve relationships
      * Present the essentials of a good boundary-setting conversation
      * Provide tips on preparing for the conversation
      * Show how to tell people what you want, stop bad behavior, and deal with counterattack
      * Give actual examples of conversations to have with your spouse, your date, your kids, your coworker, your parents, and more!

      Full of practical tips and how-tos, this book will help you make your relationships better, deepen your intimacy with people you care for, and cultivate more love, understanding, and respect between you and others.

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    • How To Be A Best Friend Forever


      It’s not wealth that brings joy and meaning to life; it’s the people we cherish. In this trade-paper conversion, best-selling author and psychologist John Townsend delivers hope and help for strengthening your connection to some of the most important people in your life. By utilizing Townsend’s 8 principles for building strong friendships, even your good relationships will become better.

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    • Y Ahora Que Hago – (Spanish)


      When things go wrong in life and relationships, and with stunning frequency they do, you will connect with this simple yet highly effective inspirational approach to solving problems no matter what the issue: marriage, finances, bad choices, fear, anxiety, emotional hurt, obsessions, addictions, weight issues, and more. From the bestselling author of Boundaries, this quick-read book—Now What Do I Do?—will help you tap into the power of seven key principles that will help you solve everything from crises that explode without warning to chronic issues that have lingered for years. Solving problems isn’t instantaneous, but it still can be miraculous!

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    • Que Hacer Cuando No Sabes Que – (Spanish)


      Life is difficult. Life for every person on earth is a challenging journey – with or without God. Those who invite God to join them on this adventure believe that when bad things happen they can trust God to be present and work on their behalf. But just exactly how does He go about the business of helping us when we don’t know what to do?

      Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. If you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. As clinical psychologists, the authors deal daily with real people facing real problems, so this book is not just psychological or biblical theory. It is a life system that captures God’s wisdom for coping with our most difficult problems.

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    • Mas Alla De Los Limites – (Spanish)


      How do you know you’re ready to trust again … and what does it take to be ready? Painful relationships violate our trust, causing us to close our hearts. But to experience the freedom and love God designed us for, we eventually have to take another risk. In this breakthrough book, bestselling author Dr. John Townsend takes you beyond the pain of the past to discover how to re-enter a life of intimate relationships. Whether you’re trying to restore a current relationship or begin a new one, Townsend gives practical tools for establishing trust and finding the intimacy you long for. Beyond Boundaries will help you reinstate closeness with someone who broke your trust; discern when true change has occurred; reestablish appropriate connections in strained relationships; create a safe environment that helps you trust; and restore former relationships to a healthy dynamic. You can move past relational pain to trust again. Beyond Boundaries will show you how.

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    • Beyond Boundaries : Learning To Trust Again In Relationships


      How do you know you’re ready to trust again … and what does it take to be ready? Painful relationships violate our trust, causing us to close our hearts. But to experience the freedom and love God designed us for, we eventually have to take another risk. In this breakthrough book, bestselling author Dr. John Townsend takes you beyond the pain of the past to discover how to re-enter a life of intimate relationships. Whether you’re trying to restore a current relationship or begin a new one, Townsend gives practical tools for establishing trust and finding the intimacy you long for. Beyond Boundaries will help you:
      Reinstate closeness appropriately with someone who broke your trust
      Discern when true change has occurred
      Reestablish appropriate connections in strained relationships
      Create a safe environment that helps you trust
      Restore former relationships to a healthy dynamic
      Learn to engage and be vulnerable in a new relationship as well

      You can move past relational pain to trust again. Beyond Boundaries will show you how.

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    • Where Is God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849964619ISBN10: 084996461XJohn TownsendBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Making Your Small Group Work Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Whether you’re a new or seasoned group leader, or whether your group is well-established or just getting started, the Making Your Small Group Work DVD and participant’s guide (sold seperately) will lead you and your group together to a remarkable new closeness and effectiveness. Designed to foster healthy group interaction and facilitate maximum growth, this innovative approach equips both group leaders and members with essential skills and values for creating and sustaining truly life-changing small groups. Created by three group life experts, the two DVDs in this kit include:
      * Four sixty-minute sessions on the foundations of small groups that include teaching by the authors, creative segments, and activities and discussion time.
      * Thirteen five-minute coaching segments on topics such as active listening, personal sharing, giving and receiving feedback, prayer, calling out the best in others, and more.

      Formerly titled ReGroup.

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    • Beyond Boundaries Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Painful relationships violate trust and close hearts. But God designed us to experience freedom and love, and to live this way we need to take risks. After six books on boundaries, bestselling author Dr. John Townsend realized that, though people who experienced tough relationships may put up an emotional wall to protect themselves, they often have no idea how to reconnect with the person who has violated their trust or forge a fresh connection with someone new.

      In Beyond Boundaries, Townsend offers a simple path to regain the intimacy and fulfilling closeness that every human needs. How do you know you’re ready to trust again … and what does it take to be ready? In this six-session, video-based study, Townsend takes participants beyond the pain of the past to re-enter a life of intimate relationships. Beyond Boundaries walks through the process of healing broken trust in a relationship or beginning a new relationship in a healthy way. Starting over is possible. You can find the intimacy that you long for, and you can do it in a way that honors God.

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    • Its Not My Fault


      What seems like just a common, no-harm-done excuse-“It’s not my fault!”-is often a dangerous trap, say Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, because people don’t recognize what the blaming mindset does to them. It not only keeps them from overcoming the effects of all that they can’t control-like other people, circumstances and genetics-but separates them from a solution. And when they give away the ownership of their life, they end up losing the one opportunity they have to fulfill their dreams and enjoy God’s best. Using eight principles, a variety of true stories and their years of experience as professional psychologists, Cloud and Townsend enlighten readers on how to make empowering choices-and how to build the life they want to live. It may seem impossible but it’s true: taking personal responsibility is not only liberating, it is the best-and perhaps the only-way for a person to get what they really want out of life.

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    • Loving People : How To Love And Be Loved


      Your personal guide to learning how to love.

      When you say or hear the words “I love you” it can change your life forever. Love is one of God’s most important gifts to anyone, yet there are many misunderstandings about how to make love work in our families, friendships, marriages and dating relationships. In Loving People, best-selling author Dr. John Townsend shows you that love can actually be learned, and gives you the steps and tools to become skilled in love.

      Using his trademark stories and illustrations to flesh out the important principles, Dr. Townsend covers:
      *receiving love
      *connecting love
      *healing love
      *confronting love
      *romantic love
      *surrendering love

      Through his teaching, readers will discover – and start enjoying – the words, actions, and experiences of authentic love.

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    • Como Amar A Las Personas – (Spanish)


      Your personal guide to learning how to love. There are a lot of misconceptions, false notions, and just plain unhealthy prescriptions about love. In Loving People, best-selling author Dr. John Townsend explores the nature of real love and how to do it well. Using his trademark stories, illustrations, and examples to flesh out the truth, Dr. Townsend covers: receiving love connecting love healing love confronting love romantic love surrending love Through his teaching, readers will discover-and start enjoying-the words, actions, and experiences of authentic love.

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    • Limites Para El Matrimonio – (Spanish)


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no -to your spouse and to others- in order to make the most of your marriage.

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    • What To Do When You Dont Know What To Do


      Based on the incredible success of the book What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer a line of books that address specific crises and some of the most prevalent problems facing our culture today. These books give readers a starting point to deal with their problems. Beautifully designed in a full-color small format, these books are perfect for giving to a friend in distress.

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    • Rescue Your Love Life


      SKU (ISBN): 9780785289159UPC: 020049076507Henry Cloud | John TownsendBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Ecclesiastes : A Course For Small Group Discipleship (Student/Study Guide)


      Ecclesiastes – a Small Group Course is designed to be a leader’s guide for small group discipleship courses. The authors hope that it will help personal Bible study as well. It contains an expository commentary, chapter questions and answers to be used as discussion points and applications of Ecclesiastes for personal ministries. Author John Townsend is the senior pastor over the Church@Work, a work-place church organization which attracts many people who have never attended traditional churches. Church@Work celebrates all of the elements of a healthy, well-balanced church in 30-40 minute segments every day of the work week. Typical congregations are only 10-20 people. It is with these small groups in mind that this book is published. This course also serves well for Bible studies and Sunday school lessons for youth, adults and seniors.

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    • Handling Difficult People


      Let’s face it, hard as we try, none of us can avoid contact with difficult people. Some people just seem to savor unnecessary and unhealthy conflict; they don’t seem to be happy unless they are driving those around them crazy. Best-selling author and noted relationship expert, Dr. John Townsend, helps us better understand what makes “button pushers” act the way they do-and why they want to elicit a negative emotional and even behavioral response from us. He challenges readers to take personal responsibility and stop responding to difficult people in ways that just don’t work! He then offers a whole new repertoire of responses, including specific guidance on body language and verbal scripts, which will allow us to confront and negotiate with “crazy-makers” on a brand new level.

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    • Boundaries Participants Guide (Revised)


      Designed for use with the nine-session Boundaries small group DVD, this participant’s guide provides insights, exercises, and all the practical resources for maximizing both group participation and personal growth. Learn the secrets and cultivate the habit of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries that provide the framework for rich, productive relationships.

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    • Whos Pushing Your Buttons


      The person who pushes your buttons is likely someone who matters to you–a spouse, a parent, a boss, a fellow church member. Almost always this difficult person is connected to you by blood, love, faith, or money, so you can’t just end the relationship without causing pain and upheaval in your life. Our friends and today’s culture will often advise us to abandon such relationships quickly–to end this unpleasant chapter and get on with our lives. Psychologist and author Dr. John Townsend disagrees. “Your button-pusher is not someone you would easily and casually leave. You are intertwined at many levels. It is worth the trouble to take a look at the ways the relationship you had, and want, can be revived and reborn.”

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    • Limites Con Los Adolecentes – (Spanish)


      Parents with teenage children will recognize the valuable support offered on the pages of this book. The teen years can be a challenging and even scary time for parents and those involved with youth. This book contains topically based chapters devoted to specific problems, from moodiness to school problems to aggression. Finally, the author addresses parents themselves, helping them to resolve their own personal obstacles to being an effective, maturing influence on the teen.

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    • God Will Make A Way


      We all have times when we feel lost and hurt and find ourselves asking: “Where is God in all of this?” When the road gets rough, and we don’t know which way to turn it, it can feel like God is distant. Yet that’s exactly when He can step in and move as we’ve never seen Him do before.

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    • Quien Aprieta Tus Botones – (Spanish)


      Las personas que aprietan nuestros botones vienen en todas formas y colores, pero tienen una cosa en comun: su conducta nos vuelve locos y nos hace pensar en formas en que podamos escapar de ese caos en el que estamos metidos. La persona que aprieta sus botones casi siempre es alguien importante para usted: su conyuge, su padre, su jefe, un miembro de su iglesia. Casi siempre esta persona dificil esta relacionada con usted por cuestiones de sangre, amor, fe o dinero y por eso la relacion no se puede cortar sin que cause dolor o una gran agitacion en su vida. Nuestros amigos y la cultura actual generalmente nos aconsejaran que abandonemos esas relaciones rapidamente para asi terminar con ese triste capitulo y poder continuar con nuestras vidas. El psicologo y autor doctor John Townsend no esta de acuerdo: ” La persona que aprieta sus botones no es alguien que uno pueda dejar facilmente. Uno esta entrelazado con esa persona en muchos niveles. Vale la pena buscar maneras de en que esa relacion pueda ser revivida y renovada”.

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    • Boundaries With Teens


      In this exciting new book, Dr. Townsend gives important keys for establishing healthy boundaries-the bedrock of good relationships, maturity, safety, and growth for teens and the adults in their lives. The book offers help in raising your teens to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions.

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    • Como Crecemos – (Spanish)


      This devotional book offers daily readings for a whole year, focusing on the action, challenges, effort and emotions experienced in the world of sports. Each devotional includes a memory verse, a Bible reading guide to encourage reading the Bible in one year, the story of a world-class athlete or sports team, a devotional thought for the day and a suggested prayer to focus attention on God’s work. These devotionals introduce the study of a character trait, situation or problem to which the Lord is calling our attention so that we can let Him work in our lives and glorify Him by doing His will.

      Este libro de devocional ofrece lecturas diarias para todo el ao. Los mismos se enfocan en la accion, retos, esfuerzo y emociones experimentadas en el mundo de los deportes. Cada devocional incluye un verso para memorizar, una guia de lectura biblica para animarle a leer la Biblia en un ao, la historia de un atleta o equipo deportivo de clase mundial, una lectura devocional para el dia y oraciones sugeridas enfocadas en el trabajo de Dios. Asimismo introducen el estudio de una situacion, problema o razgo caracteristico al cual Dios esta llamando tu atencion, de forma que le dejemos trabajar en nuestras vidas y le glorifiquemos al hacer Su voluntad.

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    • God Will Make A Way Discovery Guide


      God has always made a way for mankind. It’s His nature. But many times we have to make the way ourselves. It’s not until we realize that we really don’t know what to do that we are able to hear God’s voice. That’swhen He says, “Why don’t we try this My Way?” God Will Make A Way is an approach to solving specific problems, but more than that, it’s a new approach to life itself. Drs. Cloud and Townsend introduce “ten life principles” and then demonstrate how eighteen real-world dilemmas are solved by their application. The book concludes with a plan to encourage each reader to develop a personal strategy for using these principles to bring about life changing healing.

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    • Poder Transformador De Los Gru – (Spanish)


      Here’s a one-stop small-group leader’s guide for gatherings of all sorts—from divorce recovery and marriage enrichment to spiritual formation. Facilitators will learn God’s plan for growth and how to promote it; what makes a group work; the roles of members; and how to find solutions for problems, including boredom, noncompliance, aggression, overneediness, and nonstop talking.

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    • Limites Cara A Cara – (Spanish)


      A practical handbook on positive confrontation by the authors of the award-winning and best-selling “Boundaries”.

      Successful people confront well. They know that setting healthy boundaries improves relationships. They have discovered that uncomfortable-even dangerous-situations can often be avoided or resolved through direct conversation. But most of us don’t know how to go about having difficult conversations. We see confrontation as scary or adversarial. We’re afraid to ask a boss for a raise or talk to a relative about a drinking problem, or even address a relational conflict with a spouse or someone we are dating.

      In “Boundaries Face to Face”, authors Cloud and Townsend take the principles from their best-selling book “Boundaries” and apply them to a variety of the most common difficult situations and relationships.

      * Explains why confrontation is essential in all arenas of life
      * Shows how healthy confrontation can improve relationships
      * Presents the essentials of a good boundary-setting conversation
      * Provides tips on how to prepare for the conversation
      * Shows how to tell people what you want, how to stop bad behavior, and how to deal with counterattack
      * Gives actual examples of conversations to have with your spouse, your date, your kids, your coworker, your boss, your parents, and more

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    • Personas Seguras – (Spanish)


      Too many of us have invested ourselves into relationships that left us deeply wounded. We’ve been abandoned or taken advantage of, and left with little to show for what we’ve given. We’ve lost our sense of security and personal value in the process. And what’s worse, we tend to either repeat the same mistakes of judgment over and over . . . Or else lock the doors of our hearts entirely and throw away the key. Why do we choose the wrong people to get involved with? Is it possible to change? And if so, where does one begin? Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer solid guidance for making safe choices in relationships, from friendships to romance. They help identify the nurturing people we all need in our lives, as well as ones we need to learn to avoid. Safe People will help you to recognize 20 traits of relationally untrustworthy people. Discover what makes some people relationally safe, and how to avoid unhealthy entanglements. You’ll learn about things within yourself that jeopardize your relational security. And you’ll find out what to do and what not to do to develop a balanced, healthy approach to relationships.

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    • How People Grow


      All growth is spiritual growth. Authors Drs. Cloud and Townsend unlock age-old keys to growth from Scripture to help people resolve issues of relationships, maturity, emotional problems, and overall spiritual growth. They shatter popular misconceptions about how God operates and show that growth is not about self-actualization, but about God’s sanctification. In this theological foundation to their bestselling book Boundaries, they discuss: *?What the essential processes are that make people grow *?How those processes fit into a biblical understanding of spiritual growth and theology *?How spiritual growth and real-life issues are one and the same *?What the responsibilities are of pastors, counselors, and others who assist people in growing_and what your own responsibilities are in your personal growth

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    • Limites En El Noviazgo – (Spanish)


      Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries — boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. And even if you’re doing well, the insights you’ll gain from his much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life. Written by the authors of the best-selling book Boundaries, Boundaries in Dating is your road map to the kind of enjoyable, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you’ve longed for.

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    • Making Small Groups Work


      Here’s a one-stop small-group leader’s guide for gatherings of all sorts—from divorce recovery and marriage enrichment to spiritual formation. Facilitators will learn God’s plan for growth and how to promote it; what makes a group work; the roles of members; and how to find solutions for problems, including boredom, noncompliance, aggression, overneediness, and nonstop talking.

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    • Boundaries With Kids Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      A video resource kit that helps parents bring control to their family and instill godly character in their children This ZondervanGroupware curriculum is a complete resource kit for helping parents put into practice the principles detailed in the book Boundaries with Kids. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take parents through the ins and outs of establishing family boundaries and cultivating sound character in their children. The video features presentations by the authors as well as dramatic vignettes. The 8 sessions can be used in large or small groups and are presented in a new test-proven small group interactive format. The complete ZondervanGroupware kit includes one leader9s guide, one participant9s guide, one Boundaries with Kids softcover book, one VHS video, and one DVD. Each element except the videos is also sold separately. An 8-Session Focus on Boundaries and Kids

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    • Boundaries With Kids Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      A video resource kit that helps parents bring control to their family and instill godly character in their children This ZondervanGroupware curriculum is a complete resource kit for helping parents put into practice the principles detailed in the book Boundaries with Kids. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take parents through the ins and outs of establishing family boundaries and cultivating sound character in their children. The video features presentations by the authors as well as dramatic vignettes. The 8 sessions can be used in large or small groups and are presented in a new test-proven small group interactive format. The complete ZondervanGroupware kit includes one leader9s guide, one participant9s guide, one Boundaries with Kids softcover book, one VHS video, and one DVD. Each element except the videos is also sold separately. An 8-Session Focus on Boundaries and Kids

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    • How People Grow Workbook (Workbook)


      This companion workbook to How People Grow helps people work through issues of relationships, maturity, emotional problems, and overall spiritual growth.

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    • Boundaries In Marriage


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no_to your spouse and to others_to make the most of your marriage

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    • Boundaries In Marriage (Student/Study Guide)


      You long for a marriage marked by lifelong love, intimacy, and growth. And it can be yours–if you set wise boundaries. Boundaries are the “property lines” that define and protect each of you as individuals. Get them in place and you can make a good marriage better and possibly even save a less-than-satisfying one.
      By the time you’ve completed this Groupware, you will know yourself and your mate better than ever before. You’ll also understand and practice the ten laws of boundaries in ways that can make a real difference in your relationship. Step by step, the Boundaries in Marriage Groupware helps you apply the biblical principles discussed in the book Boundaries in Marriage so you can–
      * Set and maintain your personal boundaries and respect those of your spouse
      * Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for you marriage
      * Protect your marriage from different kinds of “intruders”
      * Work with a spouse who understands and values boundaries–or work with one who doesn’t

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    • Factor Mama – (Spanish)


      No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image — your life. The Mom Factor can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a nature relationship with Mom today. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend steer you down a path of discovery and growth beyond the effects of six common mom types: – The Phantom Mom . . . – The China Doll Mom – The Controlling Mom . . . – The Trophy Mom – The Still-the-Boss Mom . . . The American Express Mom — You’ll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. And you’ll find a realistic and empowering approach to filling your unmet mothering needs in healthy, life-changing ways through other people. The Mom Factor is a biblical route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse — and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother today.

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    • Boundaries With Kids


      Since the 1992 release of their Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have heard these three questions rephrased thousands of times. As parents begin to realize the tremendous impact poor boundaries have had on their own lives, their concern naturally extends to their children. How can they help their sons and daughters form healthy boundaries that lead to well-rounded characters and successful adult lives? Now there are answers. Boundaries with Kids helps parents apply the Ten Laws of Boundaries (first described in Boundaries) to the challenges of raising children. In their popular, readable style, Cloud and Townsend help moms and dads make choices and develop a parenting approach that sees beyond the moment to the adults their children will become. For parents who want their kids to escape the struggles they themselves have experienced, here’s an in-depth look at how to implement the preventive medicine of character development by establishing sound boundaries – starting with the parents. Boundaries with Kids helps moms and dads learn how to

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    • Hiding From Love Workbook (Workbook)


      When you experience emotional injury, fear, shame, or pride, your first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of yourself from God, others, even yourself. Often, you’ve learned these hiding patterns during childhood to protect yourself in a threatening environment. The problem is that when you hide your injuries and frailties, you isolate yourself from the very things you need in order to heal and mature. What served as protection for a child becomes a prison to an adult.

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    • Limites – (Spanish)


      Is your life out of control? Do people take advantage of you? Do you have trouble saying no? Are you disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers? Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries helps us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances. Mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts and opinions. Emotional boundaries help us deal with our own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others. Spiritual boundaries help us distinguish God’s will from our own and give us renewed awe for our Creator. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer biblically based answers to tough questions, showing us how to set healthy boundaries with our parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

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    • Raising Great Kids Workbook For Parents Of School Age Children (Workbook)


      A workbook for parents of school-age children (6-12) to accompany Raising Great Kids, which is a joint project of authors Henry Cloud, John Townsend and Mothers of Preschoolers International (MOPS). In Raising Great Kids, Henry Cloud and John Townsend approach parenting from the perspective of their unique theological and developmental system, and MOPS provides the hands-on application.

      Most Christian approaches to character building focus on obedience to God and on moral functioning, but the authors will show how biblical character includes competent functioning in other areas such as relationship skills, responsibility and follow through, self-control, perseverance, delay of gratification, ability to lose and grieve, and the ability to forgive. Most resources for parents emphasize either structure and moral functioning over love, safety, and security or vice versa. Raising Great Kids provides a balance between these two parenting approaches.

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    • Raising Great Kids Workbook For Parents Of Teenagers (Workbook)


      When kids hit their teens, their character unfolds in increasingly consequential ways. Your job as a parent is far from done! During those stormy teenage years from ages 13 to 19, your child needs your help in developing traits that are vital to his or her future well-being: connection, responsibility, reality, competence, morality, and worship/spiritual life. Based on Raising Great Kids, the Raising Great

      Kids Workbook for Parents of Teenagers is filled with self-tests, discussion material, exercises, and practical applications that can help you turn key concepts into a natural way of parenting. Look at it as your parents’ navigation guide for helping your son or daughter make the transition to adulthood safely and successfully. What Does It Take to Raise Great Kids? Conflicting opinions may leave you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already. There’s got to be a balance – and there is. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you provide the care and acceptance that make grace real to your kids, and the firmness and discipline that give direction. At last, here is an effective middle ground for raising your children to handle life with maturity and wisdom.

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    • Boundaries In Dating Workbooks (Workbook)


      Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in dating will revolutionize the way you handle relationships. Even if you’re happily dating, the insights you’ll gain from this much needed book will help you fine tune important areas of your dating life. Designed to accompany Boundaries in Dating, this workbook is your map for traveling the dating road. It’s filled with pointed assessments, insights, questions for thought and discussion, and principles for you to put into practice in your relationships with the opposite sex. The Boundaries in Dating Workbook helps you deal with four critical concerns you face as a single person: you and your boundaries; whom should I date? solving dating problems when you’re part of the problem; solving dating problems when your date is the problem. Written by authors of the best selling book Boundaries, this workbook can help you enjoy the kind of smart, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you’ve longed for.

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    • Raising Great Kids For Parents Of Preschoolers (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Raising Children Of Character
      2. Ingredients For Growth: Grace, Truth, And Time
      3. Developing Connectedness And Responsibility
      4. Developing Reality And Competence
      5. Developing Morality And Spirituality
      6. When In Doubt, Connect!

      Additional Info
      It takes tender strength to raise children of character and faith. What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! There’s got to be a balance between control and permissiveness. And there is. Drawing on the expert insights of counselors and award winning authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend and on the parenting wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Raising Great Kids shows you how truth and grace go together. They are allies in your most challenging and rewarding task: raising children with character that can withstand life’s rigors and make the most of its potential. Using principles described in Raising Great Kids, the Raising Great Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will guide you through those first, formative years in your child’s life from infancy to age five. It’s filled with sound Biblical information and expert advise. But most important, it supplies tools you can begin using today, from thought – provoking questions and self-assessments to an abundance of practical applications. Each chapter begins by introducing three or four key parenting principles, and ends with hands on exercise and a prayer that crystallize the concepts dealt with in that chapter. The Raising Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will help you start sowing the seeds of character early in your child’s life for good fruit that lasts a lifetime.

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    • Boundaries In Marriage Workbook (Workbook)


      1. What’s A Boundary, Anyway?
      2. Applying The Ten Laws Of Boundaries To Marriage
      3. Setting Boundaries With Yourself
      4. It Takes Two To Make One
      5. What You Value Is What You’ll Have
      6. Value One
      7. Value Two
      8. Value Three
      9. Value Four
      10. Value Five
      11. Value Six
      12. Three’s A Crowd
      13. Six Kinds Of Conflict
      14. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Loving Spouse
      15. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Resistant Spouse
      16. Avoiding The Misuse Of Boundaries In Marriage
      208 Pages

      Additional Info
      1. What’s A Boundary, Anyway?
      2. Applying The Ten Laws Of Boundaries To Marriage
      3. Setting Boundaries With Yourself
      4. It Takes Two To Make One
      5. What You Value Is What You’ll Have
      6. Value One
      7. Value Two
      8. Value Three
      9. Value Four
      10. Value Five
      11. Value Six
      12. Three’s A Crowd
      13. Six Kinds Of Conflict
      14. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Loving Spouse
      15. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Resistant Spouse
      16. Avoiding The Misuse Of Boundaries In Marriage
      208 Pages

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    • Boundaries In Dating


      Boundaries in Dating provides those in the dating world a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way, including increasing their ability to find and commit to a marriage partner.

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    • Raising Great Kids


      13 Chapters

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      What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! – There’s got to be a balance — and there is. Joining their expertise with the wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you provide both the care and acceptance that make grace real to your child, and the firmness and discipline that give direction. Avoiding the twin extremes of permissiveness and over-control, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show how you can help your child cultivate six necessary character traits: attachment, responsibility, reality, competence, morality, and worship/spiritual life. – At last, here is an effective middle ground for raising up children who will handle life with maturity and wisdom. Raising Great Kids will help you equip your son or daughter to accept life’s responsibilities, grow from its challenges, and freely and fully explore all that it has to offer.

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    • Raising Great Kids Workbook For Parents Of Preschoolers (Workbook)


      It takes tender strength to raise children of character and faith . . . What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! – There’s got to be a balance between control and permissiveness. And there is. Drawing on the expert insights of counselors and award-winning authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend and on the parenting wisdom of MOPS International (mother of Preschoolers), Raising Great Kids shows you how truth and grace go together. They are allies in your most challenging and rewarding task: raising children with character that can withstand life’s rigors and make the most of its potential. – Using the principles described in Raising Great Kids, the Raising Great Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will guide you through those first, formative years in your child’s life from infancy to age five. It’s filled with sound biblical information and expert advice. But most important, it supplies tools you can begin using today, from thought-provoking questions and self assessments to an abundance of practical applications. Each chapter begins by introducing three or four key parenting principles, and ends with a hands-on exercise and a prayer that crystallize the concepts dealt with in that chapter. The Raising Great Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will help you start sowing the seeds of character in your child’s life — for good fruit that lasts a lifetime.

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    • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


      Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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    • Boundaries With Kids Workbook (Workbook)


      1. The Future Is Now
      2. What Does Character Look Like?
      3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
      4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
      5. Pulling My Own Wagon
      6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
      7. I’m Not The Only One Who Matters
      8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
      9. Pain Can Be A Gift
      10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
      11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
      12. Jump-Starting My Engine
      13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
      14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

      160 Pages

      Additional Info
      1. The Future Is Now
      2. What Does Character Look Like?
      3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
      4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
      5. Pulling My Own Wagon
      6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
      7. I’m Not the Only One Who Matters
      8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
      9. Pain Can Be A Gift
      10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
      11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
      12. Jump-Starting My Engine
      13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
      14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

      160 Pages

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    • Hiding From Love


      17 Chapters

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      When you experience emotional injury, fear, shame, or pride your first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of yourself from God, others, even yourself. Often you’ve learned these hiding patterns during childhood to protect yourself in a threatening environment. The problem is that when you hide your injuries and frailties, you isolate yourself from the very things you need in order to heal and mature. What served as protection for a child becomes a prison to an adult. In Hiding from Love, Dr. John Townsend helps you to explore thoroughly the hiding patterns you’ve developed and guides you toward the healing grace and truth that God has built into safe, connected relationships with himself and others. You’ll discover: The difference between “good” and “bad” hiding, Why you hide the broken parts of your soul from the God who can heal them, How to be free to make mistakes without fear of exposing your failures and imperfections, How to obtain the joy and wholeness God intends you to have through healthy bonding with others. Complete with a discussion guide designed especially for small groups, Hiding from Love will take you on a journey of discovery toward healing, connected relationships, and a new freedom and joy in living.

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    • 12 Christian Beliefs That Drive You Crazy (Workbook)


      Not everything believed a biblical truth is truly biblical. The authors debunk 12 commonly accepted beliefs that cause bondage rather than liberty. They explain how nuggets of truth become cornerstones for error when wrongly understood, and they help build solid scriptural foundations that produce emotional freedom. Now with discussion guide.

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    • Safe People Workbook (Workbook)


      Countless individuals have invested themselves into people who’ve shipwrecked their lives in return. If you’re one who has chosen the wrong people to get involved with or makes the same mistakes about relationships over and over again, then the Safe People Workbook offers you a hands-on remedy. In this companion to Safe People, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend walk you through frank, soul-searching questions into active change and practical steps for growth. The Safe People Workbook gives you solid guidance that will help you – Correct things within yourself that jeopardize your relationship security – Learn the 20 traits of “unsafe” people – Recognize what makes people trustworthy – Avoid unhealthy relationships – Form positive relationships — In manageable steps that promote progress and inspire confidence, Cloud and Townsend help you restructure your approach to relationships. You can stop being a victim and begin enjoying the kinds of healthy, reciprocal relationships everyone wants and needs. The Safe People Workbook may be the most important safety manual you’ll ever read!

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