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    John Roth

    • Where The People Go


      A barn raising. A quilting bee. A credit union. A socially responsible investment.

      Where the People Go tells the story of Anabaptist-Mennonite efforts to enable communal forms of sharing. Mutual aid, stewardship, and generosity are deeply embedded in the Christian faith and have been actively nurtured among Anabaptist-Mennonite groups. Spontaneous forms of assistance–a barn raising, a quilting bee, shared meals–are the best-known expressions of such compassion and generosity, but the commitment to “sharing one another’s burdens” has also found expression in more formal structures.

      Seventy-five years ago, Mennonite Mutual Aid emerged to organize the principle of sharing within a growing Mennonite denomination. A dynamic organization from the beginning, MMA moved quickly from a burial and survivor’s aid plan to include health, property, and automobile insurance. In coming decades, the organization shifted its focus from mutual aid to stewardship and generosity, symbolized by a growing emphasis on socially responsible investment programs, wholistic health, financial planning, and services associated with its member-owned credit union. Always an agency of the Mennonite church, MMA, now known as Everence, has balanced its spiritual commitments with an increasingly complex regulatory environment, the national strains associated with the health-care debate, the shifting sensibilities of its customers, and the organizational complexities of a major corporation.

      This story of Everence captures the stresses and idealism of a church-related institution committed to mutual aid, stewardship, and generosity during its seventy-five-year history.

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    • Love In A Time Of Hate


      Love in a Time of Hate tells the gripping tale of Magda and Andre Trocme, the couple that transformed a small town in the mountains of southern France into a place of safety during the Holocaust. At great risk to their own lives, the Trocmes led efforts in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon to hide more than three thousand Jewish children and adults who were fleeing the Nazis. In this astonishing story of courage, romance, and resistance, learn what prompted Andre and Magda to risk everything for the sake of strangers who showed up at their door. Building on the story told in Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed, German journalist Hanna Schott portrays a vivid story of resisting evil and sheltering refugees with striking resonance for today.

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    • Teaching That Transforms


      Con los miles de millones de dolares que se destinan por ao a la educacion de nios y juveniles, la educacion esta en la primera plana de las noticias de actualidad. John D. Roth defiende una alternativa de la iglesia al sistema de la escuela publica: la alternativa moldeada por el enfasis distintivo de la tradicion anabautista menonita.

      Enseanza que transforma describe una pedagogia que toma en cuenta la presencia de Dios en el mundo, cultiva habitos de adoracion, nutre las tradiciones vivas y promueve relaciones humanas de compasion y cuidado mutuo.

      Roth ofrece un dialogo abierto, animado, vigoroso y honesto acerca de la naturaleza de nuestro testimonio cristiano al mundo y del futuro de la iglesia.

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    • Stories : How Mennonites Came To Be


      John D. Roth’s straightforward, accessible narrative invigorates this contemporary introduction to the Mennonite story. Whether readers are new to the Mennonite community or just yearning for a fresh telling of Anabaptist origins, ‘Stories: How Mennonites Came To Be’ will serve as a compact digest of the church’s history for generations to come.

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    • Beliefs : Mennonite Faith And Practice


      Ask any person randomly on the sidewalk what they know about the Mennonites and chances are their answer will include Mormons, black clothes and buggies, or general confusion. This short, engaging book gives a brief account of what Mennonites believe. From the beginnings of the Anabaptist (or Mennonite) movement in the 16th-century, to biblical interpretation, baptism, understandings of the church, ethics, and the complex question of denominationalism, John D. Roth provides a solid framework for on-going conversations about faithful discipleship in the Mennonite church today.

      John Roth has written a wonderful introduction to Mennonite life and theology. With admirable candor he exposes the controverted and undecided aspects of Mennonite ecclesial practices and theology. This book will serve not only to introduce Mennonite life to Mennonites but to anyone wanting to know what makes Mennonites Mennonites.

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    • Approaches To Auschwitz (Revised)


      Distinctively coauthored by a Christian scholar and a Jewish scholar, this monumental, interdisciplinary study explores the various ways in which the Holocaust has been studied and assesses its continuing significance. The authors develop an analysis of the Holocaust’s historical roots, its shattering impact on human civilization, and its decisive importance in determining the fate of the world. This revised edition takes into account developments in Holocaust studies since the first edition was published.

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    • Engaging Anabaptism : Conversations With A Radical Tradition


      13 Chapters In 182 Pages

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      Once called the “deformation of the Reformation,” the Anabaptist tradition has come to enjoy new levels of attention and respect from leading theologians and ethicists. This book gives voice to these new perspectives. Here thirteen Protestant and Catholic scholars reflect on how their understanding of Christian faith has been shaped by their encounter with the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition.

      Written in an engaging, autobiographical style, the essays balance commendations with incisive critique. This collection, a model of ecumenical conversation, includes essays by Richard Mouw, Nancey Murphy, Samuel Escobar, Stanley Hauerwas, James Wm. McClendon Jr., and others.

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