John Bevere
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Multiplique El Potencial Que D – (Spanish)
$16.23“No retengamos nada y muramos vacios, derramandonos completamente como un regalo para Dios. . . Aqui es cuando realmente volveremos a vivir y experimentaremos la vida al maximo “. – John Bevere
Alguna vez te has sentido como un espectador en el reino de Dios? Quizas sabes que hay algo que deberias estar haciendo, pero no puedes identificarlo. La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener un gran impacto en nuestras vidas, pero luchamos con preguntas como:
*Como puedo estar seguro de que no me estoy perdiendo la voluntad de Dios para mi?
*Que papel juegan mis dones unicos en la construccion del reino de Dios?
*Como me aseguro de estar a la altura de mi potencial dado por Dios?
*Mi llamamiento es menos significativo si no estoy en el “ministerio”?
*Como equilibro el descanso en la gracia de Dios con acciones significativas para su reino?
*Como rompo el miedo y sigo adelante incluso cuando se siente incierto y arriesgado?
En este libro profundo, el exitoso autor John Bevere se basa en una exploracion cuidadosa de las Escrituras y utiliza historias poderosas para ayudarlo a pensar de manera diferente acerca de su llamado y por que es tan importante para Dios. A medida que pasa estas paginas, tendra el poder de multiplicar sus dones dados por Dios y aumentar su potencial.
Si esta listo para cambiar la inaccion por un proposito mayor, su viaje comienza aqui.Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God… This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest. –John Bevere
Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:*How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
*What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
*How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
*Is my calling less significant if I’m not in ministry?
*How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
*How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and st
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Awe Of God Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)
$21.99What if you were told of a hidden virtue that is the key to all of life? It unlocks the purpose of your existence and attracts the presence, protection, and providence of your Creator. It is the root of all noble character, the foundation of all happiness, and provides the needed adjustments to all inharmonious circumstances you may face. To firmly embrace this virtue will lengthen your life, procure you good health, ensure success and safety, eliminate lack, and guarantee a noble legacy.
If presented with these statements, most would sneer and say no such virtue exists. Yet every promise above was written by one of the wisest men to ever live. Even more astounding, he wrote these words under the inspiration of our Creator. However, prior to his departure from this life, he fell from the bliss he scribed. He became wise in his own eyes and deemed it no longer necessary to heed the wisdom of this virtue. He lost his way and eventually fell to the depths of a bitter cynic. Life became meaningless to him.
The good news is that this man’s story doesn’t end in the depths of despondency. He eventually returned to life’s most important virtue. We don’t know how many months or even years he spent writing his dismal book, but his final chapter gives a glimpse into his recovery. He begins by writing seven times in one form or another, “Remember your Creator,” with his final words being: “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV).
King Solomon, the author of these words, didn’t fully realize the value of godly fear, even though he taught it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Prior to his fall, godly fear wasn’t his treasure, or his delight; it wasn’t an immovable foundation for his motives and actions. It was only after stumbling, experiencing folly, and finally recovering that he more fully grasped the magnitude of its power.
In The Awe of God, bestselling author and pastor John Bevere reveals how embracing godly fear empowers us to remain under submission to God’s truth and, in so doing, keeps us on the path of life. He explores more than forty distinct promises in Scripture that are given to those who embrace this virtue–rewards such as holiness, wisdom, eternal legacy, confidence, fearlessness, happiness, and security. And he shows how learning to approach God in this entirely new way–through holy fear–allows us to discover a deeper relationship wi
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Under Cover : Why Your Response To Leadership Determines Your Future (Revised)
$19.99To walk in true spiritual authority, a believer must be submitted to God’s sovereign authority. In this book, John Bevere shows readers how submission to this divine order grants the Kingdom’s provision and protection.
John uses his personal mistakes to illustrate riveting truths about repentance and forgiveness. As he focuses on the true authority of God, he is careful to explain by example the important difference between “submission” and “obedience.” The same struggle with divine authority is also represented through the lives of John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, and other biblical figures.
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Historia Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)
$16.99Erase una vez que el matrimonio era para siempre. Era un pacto que entretejia juntos a un hombre y a una mujer. Este entretejido hacia a ambos mas fuertes, mas nobles, y mas vibrantes expresiones de quienes fueron creados para ser. Serian mejores juntos que cada cual por su lado. La ceremonia nupcial era solo el principio. Era la puerta para edificar su felicidad para siempre. Cada decision y accion eran diseadas para construir la vida que su union representaba. Marido y mujer caminaban hacia lo desconocido con sus corazones, manos y voces entrelazados para expresar el amor del Creador. Como perdimos el contacto con esta profunda historia de amor? En La Historia del Matrimonio, John y Lisa Bevere te invitan a redescubrir el plan original de Dios.
Once upon a time, marriage was forever. It was a covenant that knit one man and one woman together. This weaving made both stronger, nobler, and more vibrant expressions of who they were created to be. They were better together than either had been on their own. The wedding ceremony was but a beginning. It was the gateway to build their happily ever after. Each choice and action was designed to construct the life their union represented. Husband and wife walked into the great unknown with hearts, hands, and voices intertwined to express the love of their Creator. How did we lose touch with this profound love story?
In The Story of Marriage, John and Lisa Bevere invite you to rediscover God’s original plan. Whether you’re married, single, or engaged, your story is a part of His. Interactive book includes:
*Daily devotionals
*Questions for group discussion
*Tools for mapping your dream marriage
*Steps for writing your story well.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Bueno O Eterno – (Spanish)
$20.00En estos dias, los terminos “bueno” y “Dios” parecen sinonimos. Creemos que lo que generalmente se acepta como bueno debe estar en linea con la voluntad de Dios. La generosidad, la humildad, la justicia son buenas. El egoismo, la arrogancia, la crueldad son malos.
La distincion parece bastante clara.Pero es eso todo lo que hay? Si lo bueno es tan obvio, por que la Biblia dice que necesitamos discernimiento para reconocerlo? Porque lo que parece bueno, no siempre viene de Dios.
En este libro aprenderas:
*Que lo que parece bueno, sabio, estrategico y hasta beneficioso, puede ser daino e improductivo
*A conocer y entender los estandares de Dios, diferentes a nuestros estandares de lo que es “bueno”
*A separar lo que parece “bueno” de lo que es “bueno” segun Dios
*A discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre lo que es realmente “bueno” para tu vida
*A alcanzar un nivel de comprension y plenitud que lograra alinear toda tu vida al proposito presente y eterno de Dios contigo.Bueno o Eterno? no es otro mensaje de auto-ayuda. Este libro hara mucho mas que pedirte que cambies tu comportamiento. Te empoderara para involucrarte con Dios a un nivel que cambiara cada aspecto de tu vida para siempre.
Porque lo que parece “bueno”, si no esta Dios, no es suficiente.
These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice-good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty-evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it?.
Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust, and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the illusion and joy of sharing our lives with each other.
Through this book you will learn:
*Whatever seems to be good or strategic, may be harmful.
*to understand God’s standards, which may not match yours.
*to discern what is good for you from what is good for Him.
*to follow God’s will on what he finds really good for you.
*to achieve a level of engagement with God that aligns your life to His purpose.Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change forever every aspect of your life.
Because good, without God, is not enough.
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Girls With Swords
$17.00When women understand the truth of how God has empowered them, they proactively “wield the sword” of feminine strength and influence against any evil that threatens them and those they love.
In a day of worldwide trafficking, gendercide, discrimination, and other crimes and hostility against women, Lisa Bevere points to a biblical foundation to present a model of feminine strength that will empower women to live confidently. Drawing on the many references to swords throughout Scripture, the author constructs a revealing and compelling female paradigm that will impact every area of a woman’s self identity, spiritual awareness, relationships, and life vision and mission. Long known for her passionate and articulate expression of biblical womanhood, Bevere presents fresh imagery-as enticing and strong as polished steel-to prepare women boldly for the challenges they face in today’s world. It’s not enough to just be wise and strong: Now a woman must know how to wield her sword.
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Breaking Intimidation : Say No Without Feeling Guilty – Be Secure Without T (Rev
$18.99Countless Christians battle intimidation, which is camouflaged and subtle. Many feel the effects-depression, confusion, lack of faith-without knowing its root. Bevere guides readers below the surface to see the roots of intimidation. Readers will understand why it is hard to say no, why the fear confrontation and avoid conflict, and why they focus on pleasing others. Readers will learn to identify intimidation and know how to break its hold. Bevere explains how the fear of God keeps us from a life of ungodliness and produces confidence and boldness. Bevere advises, “Walk in your own God-given confidence and boldness. Bevere advises, “Walk in your own God-given authority, or someone else will take it from you and use it against you.”
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Heart Ablaze : Igniting A Passion For God
$14.991. Unforgettable Evening
2. Purpose Of Salvation
3. Getting Egypt Out
4. Glory Of The Lord
5. Pass To The Mountain
6. Manageable Deity
7. Intentions Or Desires?
8. Counterculture Or Subculture?
9. Saving Grace
10. Difficult DaysAdditional Info
Jesus has never accepted lukewarmness. Rather, He calls for passion! But where de we get the fire to heat up our relationship with him? He never requires anything He doesn’t equip us to do. If youhave felt that a passionate relationship with Him is unattainable, this book will show you otherwise.World-renowned author and Bible teacher John Bevere challenges you to exchange a mediocre rerlationship with God for a vibrant, fiery one. A Heart Ablaze offers riveting insights woven with masterful teaching to help you ignite and maintain a passion for God. Read it and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you as the fire of God’s holiness touches the very depths of your soul.
No matter where you are in your walk with God, if taken to heart the words of this book will transform your life. A must read for those who desire a stronger relationship with God.
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Thus Saith The Lord
$18.99You can discern truth from deception. Jesus sternly warned, “See to it that no one misleads you.” (Matt. 24:4, NAS) To be mislead is to be deceived. Jesus makes it clear – it is our responsibility to discern truth from deception. This includes rightly dividing genuine spiritual authority from counterfeit. This crucial and timely message reveals how to recognize true and false authority, the deceptive tactics of false authority, what brings spiritual maturity, and much more.
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