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    James Monteria

    • How To Obtain Financial Freedom Workbook Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      How to Obtain Financial Freedom Work Book?

      1. Did you know that God has a “Master Plan” that enables His children to experience financial freedom?
      2. Did you know that Your Heavenly Father has made available His “Glory Team” to help you obtain and walk in financial freedom?

      God wants to open up the whole realm of His nature and put it on display. He says in Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV) “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Also, 3 John 2(KJV) states “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Through this book, Author James L. Monteria will teach you practical steps on:
      – How to Obtain Financial Freedom; and share with you God’s master plan and introduce you to His glory team that is waiting to assist us in Obtaining Financial Freedom.
      – What it means to be a good steward of what God has already entrusted in your care.
      – Understanding God’s economic system of tithing, and how imperative it is that we tithe today.
      – The principle of sowing and reaping

      This book also includes 12 additional chapters with questions at the end to help you get a greater understanding on How to Obtain Financial Freedom and more.

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    • Understanding The Government Of God


      Understanding the Government of God! There must be a paradigm shift in the way Christians think. In order for the Church to be able to go where God has planned for it to go, and for the Church to do what God has planned for it to do. In these final days, we must understand who we are, what we have been blessed with, and what is going on where we are?Jesus came to the earth, as a human being to redeem Mankind back to God. When Adam committed high treason, he lost the earth and Mankind. Jesus came to bring Mankind back to God and to give us that which was lost, and the ability to have a relationship with God and to reestablish the government of God on earth. Why is it so important that we understand the Kingdom of God, and the message of the Kingdom?Jesus has returned to Heaven after completing his responsibility of restoring the kingdom of God back on earth. In restoring the Kingdom back on earth, He raised up disciples and Apostle to continue the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Godthe Government of God. He sits on the throne of heaven directing that work through His representatives’ (legislative body). Regrettably, most of us do not really understand what Jesus meant when He spoke of the Kingdom of Godthe Government of God.What are you doing to expand the Kingdom of God?

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    • Covenant Claiming Your Covenent Citizenship Benefits And Inheritance


      Covenant Claiming Your Covenant Citizenship Benefits and InheritanceIf you had just become a citizen of the United States, wouldn’t you want to know what benefits and Inheritance that are yours new citizenship? Likewise, in the body of Christ, we are born-again, translated into the Kingdom of God and we become kingdom citizens with Kingdom Benefits, and an Inheritance. This book is design to enlighten you in regarding your Covenant Citizenship Benefits and Inheritance and to encourage you to stake your claim on your Covenant Citizenship Benefits and Inheritance.What kind of Covenant Citizenship Benefits and Inheritance do we have as “kingdom citizens”?

      Salvation, Peace, Forgiveness of sins, Authority over the devil and all demonic spirits, full access to the presence of Almighty God, the Great JEHOVAH! Claim your benefits,
      Inheritance and prosper in your relationship with God and in every area of your life.

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    • Blessings Beyond The Blue


      Heaven is REAL. We have heard about Heaven for many years and it is the place where many hope to go when their life here on earth is over. Heaven is talked about in the Bible. We listen to pastors preach about heaven; but, what do we really know about heaven? Visits to Heaven are Biblical: Prophet Moses, Isaiah, Apostle Paul and Apostle John have visited Heaven. Many others have visited Heaven in near death experiences. Over the past ten years Pastor Monteria has had the pleasure of researching, studying, and reading about individuals that have been fortunate to have had the privilege of visiting heaven and hell, and those individual were allowed to return to earth to tell of what they saw. Pastor Monteria has compared what they had to say with the Holy Scriptures. Many of your questions will be answered through this detail research that is shared in this book on Heaven and Hell.

      Blessing beyond the blue
      -The Glorious Atmosphere of Heaven
      -The Glorious Throne of God
      -Angels and their responsibilities
      -Flowers, Mansions and Castles in Heaven
      -Special buildings for Babies in Heaven
      -Fun activities of Heaven
      -Animals in Heaven
      -Horror beneath the Grave
      -Cells Pits and Rooms of Hell
      -Creatures of Hell
      -Bottomless Pit and Lake of Fire
      -What is it like to be in Hell?

      How to get to Heaven or Hell from where you live And much more…Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people to go there? Will YOU be there?

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    • How To Obtain Financial Freedom


      How to obtain Financial Freedom – The Master Plan of God, and the Glory Team of God to help us. God wants to open up the whole realm of His nature and put it on display.” He says in Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV) “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. ” He says again 3 John 2(KJV) “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” God give us power to get wealth, it must be because He has a plan. Yes! God has a plan for your money. If you are not handling your finances in line with God’s plan, then you whole life is out of order. No matter how spiritual you may be in other areas, you will never know the real blessing and overruling of God in your life until you bring your money into line with the will of God as revealed in His Word. As you can see from the cover the, caterpillar has to go through the process of metamorphosis in order to become a butterfly. As citizen of the Kingdom of God we have to follow the process of how we see and use money. The Bible is clearly that God does have a plan for our money and the challenge to us if we are willing to go through the process of how we see money and its usage.

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    • Spiritual Warfare


      Spiritual warfare is the conflict between good and evil. It is the ongoing battle between two diametrically opposed kingdoms: God’s kingdom (good) and satan’s kingdom (evil). Though it is inherently a spiritual conflict, spiritual warfare also is manifests in the natural realm of flesh and blood. Humans who really are spiritual being are caught in the midst of this conflict and may participate in the struggle on either side. The origin of the conflict between good and evil goes back before the creation of Man. One of God’s powerful angels, lucifer, satan, the devil, who rebelled against God. We have primarily three scriptures Ezekiel 28:12-13; Isaiah 14:12-15; and Revelation 12:7-9.Jesus came and restored rulership of God’s kingdom on earth back into the hands of mankind (True believers). As we understand the mission of Jesus we need to know that there are some things that have been conferred upon us. In reading Matthew 28:18-20; Genesis 1:28; and Luke 10:19. It is awesome to think that we are co-heirs with Jesus, with all the authority and power that he has. Through the authority of Christ, we are to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Lord and teaching them to do all that Christ commanded. Through these actions we are to expanding God’s kingdom, ultimately bringing all things under its rule. We must know the enemy and how he works: (2 Corinthians 2:11)

      -What are the snares of the enemy?
      -How the enemy does attacks us?
      -Description of Demons/Evil SpiritsWe are here to demonstrate the devil defeat: (1 John 3:8)
      -Spiritually Dressed For Success -Warfare Disciplines-Starting your day in prayer -Weapons of our Warfare

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    • Come And Learn Of Me


      Come and Learn of Me

      Pastor Monteria of CLM Ministries, Int’l, in sharing the message of Jesus according to Matthew 11:28-30, states that Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

      There are many basic benefits that belong to us as Christians. Many Christians have an understanding of Salvation, and that is limited to eternal life. For many Christians, eternal life is what they look forward to when they depart from this world into eternity. In studying the Word of God, one can see that eternal life begins the moment you are saved, and there are many benefits of salvation that are to be enjoyed now, as part of our daily life.

      Jesus said: “Come unto Me; I will give you rest for your soul, My Yoke is easy, and my
      burden is light”

      Pastor Monteria shows the necessary steps that one must take to grow from being a baby in Christ to becoming a mature Christian. Some of your basic questions will be answered about the love of God, the peace of God, and a greater understanding of the Kingdom of God. Also, if you desire to mature spiritually, this is covered in Section Two. This book offers insight and encouragement that will ignite you with a passion to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ better and to study His Word daily.

      Special chapters on Man in the Vision
      Special chapters on Spiritual Maturity
      Special chapter on Even as your SOUL Prosperous

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    • Yoking Up With Jesus And Kingdom Of God Government


      Winning in any area of life requires understanding spiritual laws pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We must gain the knowledge of God laws and principles; then we are to obtaining wisdom on how to implement them into our lives. My life was changed by applying the Kingdom of God laws and principles to my life situations. Many people have come to understand God’s natural laws and work with them. Whether or not they are saved, they have been able to develop and invent wonderful things just by discovering God’s laws. For example, mankind has taken the laws of aerodynamics to cause an airplane to fly. They developed the television, the Internet, and other forms of communication and entertainment in the field of electronics. Just the discovery of electricity and the laws governing it have revolutionized our lives. Jesus said… I give unto the Keys to the Kingdom of God… referred to the laws, and principle by which the Kingdom of God operates. There are progressive steps associated with operating the Laws of the kingdom of God just like there are steps to overriding the natural law of Gravity and, and if we are to be successful in accessing the blessings of God we must know these necessary steps, and execute them in order to receive the blessings of the Kingdom of God.As born-again Christians we are ambassadors and citizens of another government, meaning that heaven is our country, but now we need to learn how to operate in the kingdom. There are laws and a constitution for operating in the kingdom of God, just as there are laws for operating in the world’s governments. When we understand the laws of God’s system, we can access our inheritance and live the abundant life that Jesus provides for His own. (John 10:10.)

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    • Understanding The Working Of Faith


      Why is it so imperative that we understand the workings of Faith?To be a success co-labor in the things of God it is necessary to know what the ground rules are so that we can be co-labors with the Spirit of God. It is through faith that we have access to the wonderful blessing that our Loving Heavenly Father has for us to enjoy while here on earth. It is very essential that we “Understand the Workings of Faith”. This book offers insight, examples, and practical illustrations that will help you to have a greater “Understanding of the Workings of Faith” and how to make FAITH work! This book will help you walk in the victory that our Loving Heavenly Father has so wonderful provide for us. How do we activate and access the things that God, our Heavenly Father has provided for us? It is through faith that we activate and access to the things that our loving Heavenly Father has provided for us to enjoy in the here and now!

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    • How To Obtain Financial Freedom Workbook (Workbook)


      How to Obtain Financial Freedom Work Book?Did you know that God has a “Master Plan” that enables His children to experience financial freedom?Did you know that Your Heavenly Father has made available His “Glory Team” to help you obtain and walk in financial freedom?God wants to open up the whole realm of His nature and put it on display.He says in Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV) “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Also, 3 John 2(KJV) states “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”Through this book, Author James L. Monteria will teach you practical steps on: -How to Obtain Financial Freedom; and share with you God’s master plan and introduce you to His glory team that is waiting to assist us in obtaining financial freedom.

      -What it means to be a good steward of what God has already entrusted in your care.
      -Understanding God’s economic system of tithing, and how imperative it is that we tithe today.
      -The principle of sowing and reaping

      This book also includes 12 additional chapters on How to Obtain Financial Freedom and more.

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    • Whats Gods Love Got To Do With It


      What’s God’s LOVE Got to Do With It? “A daily devotional on the subject of AGAPE love”Remember what you don’t understand you will misuse and abuse!

      “The Commandments of Love” You will give you a better understanding of God’s love. You will discover why His love is so vastly different from the world’s love. This book will also teach you why it is so important to walk in the love of God and how to operate daily in that love which is based on a decision of obedience rather than solely on emotion or performance. As you walk in God’s love you will see His blessings abound in your life!

      “The Characteristics of Love ” As children of God we are expected to live godly lives, conducting ourselves in a manner that glorifies God. This book includes scripture references that teach us the characteristics that should be evident in our lives. When under pressure, what is in you will come out of you and God allows us to be tested to produce and develop our character.

      “The Actions of Love” There are specific actions associated with godly love in the lives of Christians. Jesus made it very clear that unbelievers will know we are Christians because of the love we have for one another. Your Actions reveal what is in your heart and as Christians; our actions should confirm our words.

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