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Ivone Gebara

  • Out Of The Depths


    Whether understood as sin, as embracing all manner of suffering and injustice, or as the inexplicable human choice of evil over good, evil has historically been described and pondered chiefly through male categories understood as a universal viewpoint. Likewise salvation. Gebara here presents an alternative, feminist approach to evil and salvation. She allows women to voice their personal suffering from their own contexts, thereby manifesting their many differences. She then introduces a perspective on evil and salvation based in gender analysis to address specifically “the evil women do,” the evil they suffer, and women’s redemptive experiences of God and salvation.

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  • Longing For Running Water


    This short reflection documents Gebara’s dawning awarness, as a lifelong city dweller, of how interwined are the tarnished enviroment around her and the poverty taht afflicts her nrighbors. From these experiances she creates a gritty urban ecofeminism and in this book articulates a whole worldview. Here she proposes “a new relationship with the earth and with the entire cosmos.”

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